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O Local Libations Guide 2021 P
We have a fantastic and ever-expanding selection of local beers, ciders, and spirits in our region! Check out our libations map for all the Valley has to offer. Cheers!
1 Meander River Farm and Brewery (Brewery) 906 Woodville Road, Ashdale meanderriverfarm.ca
2 Hill Top Hops Brewhouse (Brewery) 7232 Highway 14, Brooklyn hilltophops.ca
3 Sid’s Cider (Cidery) 836 Windsor Back Road, Windsor facebook.com/sidscider
4 Schoolhouse Brewery (Brewery) 40 Water Street, Windsor schoolhousebrewery.ca 5 Bent Nail Crafted Beers (Brewery) 4499 NS-14, Windsor bentridgewinery.ca 6 Horton Ridge Malt & Grain (Malt House) 2504 Ridge Road, Hortonville hortonridgemalt.com 7 Tangled Garden (Liqueurs) 1827 Highway 1, Grand Pre tangledgarden.ca 8 Domaine de Grand Pré Pomme D’Or
Apple Cream Liquor & Ice Cider (Winery) 11611 Highway 1, Grand Pré grandprewines.com 9 L’Acadie Vineyards Sparkling Cider (Winery) 310 Slayter Rd., Gaspereau lacadievineyards.ca 10 The Church Brewing Co. (Brewery) 329 Main St, Wolfville churchbrewing.ca 11 Annapolis Cider Company (Cidery) 388 Main Street, Wolfville drinkannapolis.ca
12 Paddy’s Brew Pub (Brewery)
Wolfville and Kentville paddyspub.ca/brewery 13 Elderkin’s Cider Company (Cidery) 10362 Highway 1, Wolfville elderkinsfarmmarket.com
14 Noggins Cider (Cidery) 10009 Hwy #1, Greenwich nogginsfarm.ca/cider 15 Barrelling Tide Distillery (Distillery) 1164 Parkway Drive, Port Williams barrellingtidedistillery.com 16 Sea Level Brewing (Brewery) 980 Terrys Creek Road, Port Williams sealevelbrewing.com


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DARTMOUTH OFFICE Colin McLaren, CPA, CMA colin@padgettdartmouth.ca padgettdartmouth.ca 17 Wayfarers’ Ale Society (Brewery) 1116 Kars Street, Port Williams wayfarersale.ca 18 Planters Ridge Meads & Rummed Cider (Winery) 1441 Church St Port Williams plantersridge.ca 19 Millstone Harvest Brewhouse (Brewery) 9146 Highway 221, Sheffield Mills sealevelbrewing.com 20 Maritime Express Cider Co. (Cidery) 325 Main Street, Kentville maritimeexpress.ca
21 Bulwark Cider (Cidery) 7153 Highway 12, New Ross bulwarkcider.com
22 Bad Apple Brewhouse & Mosaic
Brewing Co. (Brewery) 515 Parker Condon Road, Somerset badapplebrewhouse.ca
23 Smokehouse Nano Brewery 134 Union Street, Berwick smokehousebrewery.ca 24 Boars Back Cider (Cidery) 2 Crocker Road, Kingston boarsbackcider.com 25 Lunn’s Mill Beer Co. (Brewery) 515 Carleton Road, Lawrencetown & The Station by Lunn’s Mill Beer Co. (Restaurant and Taproom) 73 Queen Street, Bridgetown lunnsmill.beer thestation.beer
26 Still Fired Distilleries (Distillery) 9543 Highway 8, Annapolis Royal stillfireddistilleries.com
27 Annapolis Brewing Company (Brewery) 302 St. George St, Annapolis Royal annapolisbrewing.com
28 Lazy Bear Brewing (Brewery) 120 West Old Post Road, Smiths Cove lazybearbrewing.ca 29 Roof Hound Brewing Co. (Brewery) 2580 Ridge Rd, Digby roofhound.ca
30 Moonrise Ridge Wild Blueberry Cider (Winery & Cidery) moonriseridge.ca


45’s Cards — Royal Canadian Legion, Canning 6pm • Bar is open and there will be a 50/50 draw. Covid-19 rules apply. TIX: $2 INFO: 902-582-7246
Jon Duggan — Crystany’s Brasserie, Canning 6–8pm • One of Atlantic Canada’s most beloved solo performers. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-582-3663 / crystanysbrasserie@gmail.com YTGIF Capture the Flag — Community Centre, Greenwood 5:30–7:30pm • Come out for some capture the flag, hamburgers, and fries! Dress for the weather and bring your own water. For ages 6–12. Covid protocols will be followed. Pre-registration required. TIX: $10 + HST Non-Recreation Card Holder, $7 + HST Recreation Card Holder INFO: 902-765-1494 ext. 5341 / lindsay.mccormack@forces.gc.ca Porch Project! — Community Hall, West Brooklyn 7–8pm. FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS until April 30 • Porch Project! The West Brooklyn Community Hall invites you to buy your $10 50/50 ticket Friday and Sat. nights. Don’t miss your chance to win $2000 and help us build our new covered porch and ramp. TIX: $10 INFO: 902-542-5424
Portraiture w/Sara Hartland-Rowe — Ross Creek Centre for the Arts, Canning 9am–5pm, March 6–7 • Weekend Workshop: Portraiture with the incredible Sara Hartland-Rowe. TIX: $225 (w/o overnight accommodation), $295 (with overnight accommodation) INFO: mail@artscentre.ca / artscentre.ca Line Dancing — Royal Canadian Legion, Kentville 11am–12pm • Saturdays through April 3! Learn line dancing w/Justine. TIX: $8 drop in INFO: 902-681-0033 / triplewineventsandconnections@outlook.com Torchlight Snowshoe — Ross Creek Centre for the Arts, Canning 6:30–8:30pm • The forest and fields transform into a different world at night. Let our torches guide you through the snowy landscape on this magical tour of Ross Creek’s Primrose Path (approx. 2km). All ages! TIX: Admission by donation. Please register at artscentre.ca/ snowshoe INFO: 902-582-3842 / pr@artscentre.ca
Matinee Jam Session — Royal Canadian Legion, Kentville 1–4pm • 19 + Bar and Canteen Services, 50/50, Hosted by FREEDOM SOUND. Come on out for a fun afternoon! Members & Guests. TIX: $2 INFO: 902-678-8935
Women Through an Indigenous Lens: Catherine Martin — AVRL Virtual Program Space, Berwick 1–2pm • Webinar: Catherine Martin will speak on the MMIW and on the cultural significance of the Mi’kmaq peaked hat. She is a member of the Millbrook Mi’kmaw Community, Truro, NS. She is an independent international award winning film producer and director, a writer, facilitator, communications consultant, community activist, teacher, drummer, and the first Mi’kmaw woman filmmaker from the Atlantic region. She is now the first Director of Indigenous Community Relations at Dalhousie University. TIX: no charge, but please register in advance. INFO: valleylibrary.ca Mission Impossible — Community Centre, Greenwood 6–7:30pm • A twist on the classic hockey, Spongee was created in Winnipeg and features a squishy ball and foam sticks. Dress for the weather and bring water. For ages 6–12. Pre-registration is required. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-765-1494 ext. 5341 / lindsay.mccormack@forces.gc.ca
Celebrate Recovery — New Hope Wesleyan Church, Kentville 7–9:30pm. TUESDAYS! • Celebrate Recovery is a faith based 12-Step program for all who need help with hurts, habits & hangups. Are you struggling with broken relationships, stress, anger, fears, addictions? All welcome. Please wear a mask & maintain social distancing. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-678-2222
Coffee & Tea Social — Community Hall, White Rock 9:30–11:30am. WEDNESDAYS! • Hosted by the Wolfville Legion. Drop by for a treat and enjoy fellowship while we respect social distancing (masks are mandatory). TIX: $2 INFO: 902-542-5869 / wolfvillelegion@gmail.com Jam Session — Lions Club, Kentville 6:30–9pm • Weekly Jam Session TIX: freewill offering at the door INFO: 902-680-2740 / vintagemusic1@hotmail.com
Storytime Zoom! — AVRL Virtual Program Space, Berwick 9:30–10am. ALSO March 18 • Virtual Storytime is for kids and families. Each week, we will sing songs, share books, and more! Registration is required. TIX: no charge INFO: valleylibrary.ca The Great Big Crunch — Virtual Annapolis Valley, 3:30–3:45pm • Join the Kingston/Greenwood Community Health Board and others across Canada in crunching for healthy school food and making noise for a School Food Program for Canada! TIX: no charge INFO: louise.hanavan@nshealth.ca Committee of the Whole — Municipality of the County of Kings, Coldbrook 6pm. ALSO March 16, 9am • The meeting will be held in person in the Council Chambers. You must PRE-REGISTER to attend in person, as socially distanced seating is limited. Face masks are required. Members of the public can also listen live by visiting www.countyofkings.ca and following the “Listen Live” link. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-690-2566 / municipalclerk@countyofkings.ca 100+ Who Care — Virtual Annapolis Valley, Anywhere in The Annapolis Valley 6–7pm • We are a membershipbased giving circle. Our members meet four times a year. $100 at a time, one member at a time, one meeting at a time and one deserving charity at a time. Join our meeting for #biggergiving! TIX: donation INFO: members@100valleygiving.ca
Breakfast — Lions Club, Kentville 8–10am • Lions monthly breakfast! TIX: $8 Adults, $4 Children under 10 INFO: 902-680-2740 / vintagemusic1@hotmail.com Spring Thaw Celebration — Canning 10am–12:30pm • Flying Squirrel Adventures & Canning and District Recreation Commission bring you this family friendly event celebrating the season of renewal. All ages! Nature activities, bonfire & music. Please register. INFO: director@canningrecreation.com Hillsburn — Evergreen Theatre, Margaretsville 7:30–10pm • Evergreen’s favourite indie band with astonishing energy and mind-blowing shows. TIX: Adults $35, Military $30, Students $20 INFO: 902-825-6834 / evergreentheatre@gmail.com SpeakEasy — Community Hall, West Brooklyn 8–11pm • An evening of live music with Soleshyne! Blues, original music and genre-defying tunes. Enjoy our infamous SpeakEasy atmosphere! COVID-19 rules apply. Wear your mask! TIX: $10 INFO: 902-680-2772
Affirming PIE (Public, Intentional and Explicit) Day Service — Orchard Valley United Church, New Minas 10am • Live streamed Affirming PIE Day Service, welcoming LGBTQ2S+ folks to our church community. View the service by going to orchardvalleyunited.ca and clicking on the live-stream link. A link to a recording of the service will be posted on the OVUC homepage later. INFO: adminovu@bellaliant.com
March Break Day Camp — Community Centre, Greenwood 7:30am–4:30pm, March 15–19 • Bowling, skating, swimming, sledding and more are on the agenda for this jam packed week! Covid safety protocols are in place. TIX: $140 non recreation card, $110 recreation card INFO: 902-765-1494 ext. 5341 / lindsay.mccormack@forces.gc.ca March Break Program for Youth: Wild Explorations — Kentville parks & trails (meet at Kentville Gorge) 9:30am–3:30pm, March 15–18 • 4-day nature session for 12–15 year olds. Learn outdoor skills, tap into nature, meet new people, have fun in the outdoors. TIX: Pay what you can. Food included. INFO: valleyflyingsquirrels@gmail.com / 902-993-1717 (leave msg) March Break Arts Camp — Ross Creek Centre for the Arts, Canning 10–4pm, March 15–19 • There is something great for everyone aged 4–16 thanks to the great volunteers, artist faculty, staff, chef and of course kids and their families TIX: Single day camps: $70 each, $325 for all five days! Payment plans and bursaries for families in need available. INFO: 902-582-3842 / pr@artscentre.ca / artscentre.ca/marchbreak March Break Art Camp — 7 Arts, Greenwood 12–4pm, March 15–19 • W/ local artists! Different projects each day for ages 7–13. Sign up for a day or all week, check 7Arts FB events for more info. TIX: $25 daily, all supplies included. INFO: 902-321-9572 / 7Arts@7arts.ca March Break Play Days — Various Kings Co. Parks & Schools, 1–3pm, March 15–19 • The Municipality of Kings has teamed up with community partners to offer Play Days all week long throughout Kings County. We will be offering snow shoeing, snow art, games, lots of outdoor equipment, and in Kingston a nature adventure. TIX: no charge INFO: Shawn, 902-690-6101 / sfevens@countyofkings.ca / Facebook: @Kingscountyrecreationns Volunteer Training Session — Rohan Wood Stables, Aylesford. TWO SESSIONS: 2–4pm & 6–8pm • Are you looking for a way to give back to your community? Do you love helping others and horses? We are looking for volunteers for our Spring Session! No horse experience is required. COVID-19 protocols will be followed at all times, so please RSVP. TIX: no charge INFO: Nicole, info@fstra.org / 902-670-8402
Leather Mi’kmaq Art — AVRL Facebook Page, Berwick 1–1:30pm • Register to receive a kit and watch on Facebook Live for instructions. Kit will include materials needed to create a deerhide Mi’kmaq circle. Marlene Joudry will lead you in painting and decorating a Mi’kmaq design. Ages 10–17. Please register. TIX: no charge INFO: valleylibrary.ca
Take-Out Hamburger Soup/Corn Chowder Luncheon — United Baptist Church, Port Williams 11:30–1pm • Luncheon includes a bowl of your chosen soup, bread/ butter and your choice of dessert. TIX: $10. Please reserve by March 15. You will receive a call on March 16 to give you a pick-up time. INFO: Carol Ann Burden, 902-542-3681 / Myrtle Merrett, 902-542-2623 St. Paddy’s with Andy Webster — Crystany’s Brasserie, Canning 6–8pm • Come join us for our first Saint Paddy’s Day. Live music! TIX: no charge INFO: 902-582-3663 / crystanysbrasserie@gmail.com Teen Trivia Night: Believe It or Not! — AVRL Virtual Program Space, Berwick 7–8pm • Challenge your friends to a game of Trivia, played online with Kahoot! This month’s trivia will explore weird and wacky facts. Ages 12–17. Registration is required. Please provide an email address when you register. View the questions on Zoom, and submit your answers on the Kahoot! app or website. Prizes for the top three Trivia Masters! TIX: no charge INFO: valleylibrary.ca
Mandala Painting — AVRL Facebook Page, Berwick 2–2:30pm • Sign up for a kit and watch on Facebook Live for tips on how to create your own mandala. Kit includes all materials you will need! For ages 12–17. Please register. Kits will be ready to pick up starting March 13. TIX: no charge INFO: valleylibrary.ca Jason Dodwell — Crystany’s Brasserie, Canning 6–8pm • Stories of roads less travelled and growing up in the Valley turn into original songs and unique covers. Jason keeps it simple creating a warm ambiance TIX: no charge INFO: 902-582-3663 / crystanysbrasserie@gmail.com
Lions Big Breakfast — Lions Club, 36 Elm Ave., Wolfville 8–10:30am • Wolfville and District Lions Club delicious Big Breakfast in a COVID safe environment (bring your mask, please). Featuring bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, toast, homemade baked beans, hash browns, coffee, tea and juice. TIX: $8 adults, $4 children under 10, at the door INFO: 902-542-4508
Bring Your Own Nerf Battle — Community Centre, Greenwood 6–7:30pm • Join us for an epic game of Nerf battle! Dress for outside, and bring your own nerf gun and water. Ages 6–12. Covid protocols are currently in place. Pre-registration is required. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-765-1494 ext. 5341 / lindsay.mccormack@forces.gc.ca
Networking and Job Search — Community INC, Kentville 10–11am • In this workshop we will discuss how using and expanding your network can be key to finding jobs that have not been advertised yet. This is an introduction to the Hidden Job Market. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-679-7469 / irs@communityinc.ca A Young Writers’ Workshop with Andre Fenton — AVRL Virtual Program Space, Berwick 11–11:45am • Webinar and Q&A. Andre Fenton is an award-winning author, spoken-word artist, and arts educator. He is an author of two Young Adult novels. Andre has facilitated workshops at over 30 schools across Nova Scotia helping young writers and performers develop their craft. Register in advance. TIX: no charge INFO: valleylibrary.ca
Minute to Win it Games — Community Centre, Greenwood 6–7:30pm • Dress for the weather and bring your own water. Ages 6–12. Covid protocols are currently in place. Pre-registration is mandatory. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-765-1494 ext. 5341 / lindsay.mccormack@forces.gc.ca Trivia Night: Sports! — AVRL Virtual Program Space, Berwick 7–8pm • This month’s theme is all things athletic! Ages 18 and up. View the questions and clues via Zoom, and submit your answers via the Kahoot! app or website. Registration is required. Prizes for the top three Trivia Masters! TIX: no charge INFO: valleylibrary.ca
AVRL Teen Book Club — AVRL Virtual Program Space, Berwick 7–7:45pm • ZOOM in for our virtual Teen Book Club. This month we’ll be discussing stories about basketball. Registration is required. Ages 10 and up. TIX: no charge INFO: valleylibrary.ca The Jungernauts — The Anvil Lounge, Wolfville 8:30–11pm • The Jungernauts live! TIX: $10 INFO: 902-698-9479 / kory.bayer@gmail.com
Sonic Experiments with Brian Borcherdt — Ross Creek Centre for the Arts, Canning 12pm • Weekend Workshop Intensives: Join the incredible Brian Borcherdt, who will be teaching exploring Sonic Experiments on March 26–28. TIX: (Day Only) - $225 + 15% tax / (Heated Glamping Cabin Overnight) - $295 + 15% tax. INFO: mail@artscentre.ca Jason Spinney — Crystany’s Brasserie, Canning 6–8pm • Jason Spinney is a member of the East Coast Band Witchitaw. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-582-3663 / crystanysbrasserie@gmail.com YTGIF Trivia — Community Centre, Greenwood 5:30–7:30pm • Come out for some youth trivia, chicken strips and fries! Bring your own water. Ages 6–12. Covid protocols are currently in place. Pre-registration is required. TIX: $10 + HST Non-Recreation Card Holder, $7 + HST Recreation Card Holder INFO: 902-765-1494 ext. 5341 / lindsay.mccormack@forces.gc.ca
Rose Cousin — Evergreen Theatre, Margaretsville 7:30–10pm • Songs about the mysteries of being human: identity, frailty, relationships, the nature of love and spiritual connection TIX: Adults $35 Military $30 Students $20 INFO: 902-825-6834 / evergreentheatre@gmail.com
Interview Skills — Community INC, Kentville 10–11am • Let us help you pass that final step and get the job. This workshop will review do’s and don’ts, and will help you with those hard to answer questions. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-679-7469 / irs@communityinc.ca Hide and Seek in the Dark — Community Centre, Greenwood 6–7:30pm • This activity will be outside, so please dress appropriately, and bring your own water. Ages 6–12. Covid protocols are currently in place. Pre-registration is required. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-765-1494 ext. 5341 / lindsay.mccormack@forces.gc.ca
Design Your Own T Shirt — Community Centre, Greenwood 6–7:30pm • We will be using fabric markers to create designs on shirts for ourselves! Ages 6–12. Covid protocols are currently in place. Pre-registration is mandatory. TIX: 5$ + HST INFO: 902-765-1494 ext. 5341 / lindsay.mccormack@forces.gc.ca Event Planning During and After a Pandemic — Online, 7–8:30pm • Join us for an interactive discussion on how to host an event during or after a pandemic. Opportunities to be discussed are online events, hybrid events, community events, sponsorship, ticket sales, safety and partnerships. Nicole Robinson will facilitate. Please register to receive the Zoom link. TIX: $5 INFO: eventbrite.ca Homeless No More; Let’s Talk, Let’s Learn, Let’s Respond — Online, 7–9pm • Documentary: An inside look at the lived experience of Annapolis Valley youth who have faced poverty and youth homelessness. Panel Discussion: Learn about the realities of youth homelessness in the Valley, followed by Q&A. Call to Action: Find out what you can do as members of the community. Sign up on Eventbrite for the livestream. Presented by The Portal Youth Outreach Association. INFO: http://homelessnomore.eventbrite.com
Always check this source for accurate tides: Canadian Fisheries & Oceans. www.waterlevels.gc.ca
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by Tania and Jack Chipman
Peg Monster
One eye or two, these monsters are too cute to stop at just one!
Materials: clothespin googly eyes pipe cleaner yarn craft paint plastic beads black sharpie white gel pen or white paper white tacky glue (or have a grown-up use a glue gun) scissors
Directions: 1. Paint clothespin using craft paint. Let dry. 2. Wrap yarn 3 or 4 times around your fingers. Slide off fingers. Tie around the center of the loops with another piece of yarn. 3. Trim the looped ends of the yarn creating a thin pompom. 4. Put some white glue on the inside top of your peg. Press the pompom onto the glue. Once the glue dries you should be able to open and close your peg. 5. Cut the pipe cleaner in half. Thread one piece through the peg spring. Save the other piece for another monster or another project. 6. Attach a bead on each end of the pipe cleaner. Twist ends to secure the beads. 7. Glue googly eye(s) to the front of the peg. Draw a mouth with the marker and add teeth using the white gel pen. Or cut teeth from paper and glue to mouth.


Mitten Monster
Raid the mitten drawer for an old mitten or glove that is missing a mate to create these soft monsters.
Materials needed: old mitten or glove stuffing material (cotton balls or old nylons could be used) buttons felt thread sewing needle scissors
Directions: 1. Ask a grown-up for help with the sewing needle. Thread needle and knot ends. 2. Turn mitten or glove inside out. Sew up any fingers you don’t need. 3. Turn right side out and stuff full with stuffing material. 4. Sew up opening. 5. Create a face using the felt and buttons. Sew onto your monster..


Pocket Pompom Monsters
Glue some googly eyes onto a pompom. Done! Take it further: add pipe cleaner antenna or eye stocks. Or coil a pipe cleaner around your finger and glue a pompom monster to the top to make a pompom monster puppet.
Monster Mouth Snack Lego Monsters
Make yourself a monster mouth snack. Cut an apple into wedges. Take 2 wedges and spread each with your favorite spread (peanut butter, almond butter, etc.). Add mini marshmallows as teeth and eyes. You could even add a slice of strawberry as a monster tongue. Enjoy! Raid your Lego stash and create a Lego monster or a whole bunch! Don’t forget to add eyes, teeth and maybe claws. Use your imagination!.



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Your safety is ensured with the necessary COVID-19 precautions from the N.S. Health Authority
No ticket giveaways at this time. To see what’s happening around the Valley, check out ValleyEvents.ca.
Clothing for GUYS & GALS
(and awesome sunglasses!)


Left: Willow, Lichen, and Ribs; Right: Orange and Blue (both by by Carolyn Mallory) VISUALLY SPEAKING PAINTER CAROLYN MALLORY
Anna Horsnell
Sometimes we just know. Like the first time artist Carolyn Mallory stepped off a plane in Iqaluit back in 1999. The land, the light, and the culture spoke to her. What followed were twelve adventurous years living in Nunavut, raising three children, and immersing herself in the North. That experience still shapes her work and her art, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Although Nova Scotia is now home, Mallory still spends her summers travelling in the Arctic on a ship as a resource person with Adventure Canada. She’s written three books (Common Plants of Nunavut, Common Insects of Nunavut, and Painted Skies), and shares her combined experience and knowledge teaching people on board. “I also teach watercolour painting in our downtime. It’s the culmination of everything I love while visiting the land that nourishes my soul. You can’t beat that,” she smiles.
Translating her love of the land into art means getting up close. “I was really into macrophotography while in the North. And in a large way that still influences my art,” she explains, “I have this huge file of photos that I would like to paint. I mostly only paint from my own photos. It’s so much easier because they speak to me. I know the places. There is a story. I’ve been painting in watercolour for years and it’s really only when I started painting my own photos that I noticed growth in my work. Well, that and painting every day. I love how watercolours can blend on the page and produce surprising effects.”
“I want to convey my love of the natural world. I want to encourage people to look beyond the surface of things. Get down on their knees and see what’s under the ferns. Lie in the snow and look at the sky. I want to encourage joy and wonder. I want people to delight in the minutiae and the vastness. Nature is intrinsic to our well-being and survival. If we can appreciate all of the beauty, perhaps we will be better at protecting it. And it’s all beautiful from the tiniest flower, to the largest iceberg, from the beautiful seaweed colours to the bleakness of the graves on Beechey Island, from the majestic polar bear to the bones decaying on the tundra. We are a part of nature and I revel in it.”
Sometimes we just know. As an artist, Mallory found her muse and more. “And the light…oh the light. Sun setting at noon in the winter, with beautiful residual light and sundogs. And in the summer, light most of the night. It captured my imagination and nourished me in ways I didn’t think were possible. I love snow and ice and there were so many new types. I didn’t know there was so much I didn’t know. I’ve seen a part of the world that not many people get to see. And I am so grateful.”
What’s next? “I have a constant need to learn. And although watercolour is challenging, I felt like I needed a new challenge. So, I started taking oil painting classes,” Mallory shares. “I would like to become more proficient at both watercolour and oil, but in a more experimental way. Maybe getting away from painting what’s truly realistic to something with a little more abstraction. Perhaps deviating more from the photos I’m looking at to something a little more intuitive. That being said, I love painting what I see. I guess we’ll have to assess again somewhere down the road.”
Carolyn Mallory’s paintings are available at Tides Contemporary Art Gallery in Kentville, online at tidescontemporaryartgallery.com, or email her directly with any questions at mallorycarolyn65@gmail.com. ❧
The Acadia University Studio Art Program in conjunction with Jack’s Gallery, Wolfville, will be presenting an exhibition titled “Out of the Pandemic,” which showcases acrylic paintings on canvas created by students enrolled in the independent study winter term course. This exhibition has been organized and curated by Acadia instructor Judith J. Leidl.
Dates for the exhibition are Saturday, March 6 until Saturday, April 26. Participating students include Lena Gallant, Derek Gaudet, Jinhong Jiang, and Elianna McKinnon.
The art work explores the question—as we come out of the worldwide pandemic—what important knowledge did we glean from this unprecedented situation? Students were asked to reflect upon and visually describe their thoughts and feelings and express them in a powerful and compelling way. The result is a body of work that acknowledges the darkness this event brought to the world, while also focusing on the light that is still able to shine through.
Hopefully, “Out of the Pandemic” will serve to uplift and honor the notion of our universal humanity and interconnectedness, while acknowledging all that we may have lost during the pandemic and celebrating what we might actually have gained. ❧
Through generous gifts from a wide variety of alumni donors and in support of the university’s commitment to anti-racism, Acadia University is pleased to announce the Edwin Borden Awards.
Named in honour of Edwin Borden, an Acadia alumnus who was one of the first Black individuals in Canada to be granted a Bachelor’s (1892) and Master’s (1896), these awards will recognize community engagement and leadership among Black Acadia students. Borden was from Truro, Nova Scotia, and went on to earn a PhD and enjoy a distinguished career as a church leader and college president in the United States.
Acadia University President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Peter Ricketts thanked Acadia’s alumni for establishing the awards, noting that “diversity, equity, and inclusion are the bedrock of Acadia’s core values and form an important part of our educational mission. We understand that systemic racism exists and have made a commitment to face it, define it, understand it and take action to eliminate it. This is how Acadia can make real progress toward being a community that is proactively and inherently anti-racist.
“The cultural significance of Edwin Borden’s achievements is also a powerful and representative example to which all our students can aspire, and I am grateful to the donors who have acknowledged his considerable impact and chosen to support members of our Black student population with these awards.”
Five $1,000 awards will be granted this academic year to any current Black students through an application process (on a one-time only basis), and the applicants will be required to demonstrate a history of community engagement, extracurricular activities at Acadia, and career and life goals.
Starting with entering students for Fall 2021, three Edwin Borden Awards valued at $3,500 annually, for a total of up to $14,000 each, will be offered. They will be open to entering Black Nova Scotian students. An additional renewable award will be made available each year until there are ten given annually.
Recipients will be chosen by a committee consisting of two admission advisors, two Black students, one Black community leader, and up to two ad hoc members to be selected by the other members.
Acadia students will be emailed an application. For more on the awards, please contact financial.aid@acadiau.ca. ❧
I KNOW A PLACE by Ron Lightburn

Lavender at Lightfoot & Wolfville
Ron Lightburn’s art cards are now available at locations throughout the Annapolis Valley: R.D. Chisholm and the Kings County Museum in Kentville; The Port Pub and Sea Level Brewing in Port Williams; Bent Ridge Winery in Windsor, Wheaton’s in Berwick, Saunders Tartans & Gifts in New Minas, and Endless Shores Books in Bridgetown. thelightburns.com