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O Local Libations Guide 2022 P

We have a fantastic and ever-expanding selection of local beers, ciders, and spirits in our region! Check out our libations map for all the Valley has to offer. Cheers!

1 Meander River Farm and Brewery (Brewery) 906 Woodville Road, Ashdale meanderriverfarm.ca

2 Hill Top Hops Brewhouse (Brewery) 7232 Highway 14, Brooklyn hilltophops.ca 3 Sid’s Cider (Cidery) 836 Windsor Back Road, Windsor facebook.com/sidscider

4 Schoolhouse Brewery (Brewery) 40 Water Street, Windsor schoolhousebrewery.ca 5 Bent Nail Crafted Beers (Brewery) 4499 NS-14, Windsor bentridgewinery.ca 6 Horton Ridge Malt & Grain (Malt

House) 2504 Ridge Road, Hortonville hortonridgemalt.com 7 Tangled Garden (Liqueurs) 1827 Highway 1, Grand Pre tangledgarden.ca 8 Domaine de Grand Pré Pomme D’Or

Apple Cream Liquor & Ice Cider (Winery) 11611 Highway 1, Grand Pré grandprewines.com 9 L’Acadie Vineyards Organic Cider (Winery) 310 Slayter Rd., Gaspereau lacadievineyards.ca 10 The Church Brewing Co. (Brewery) 329 Main St, Wolfville churchbrewing.ca 11 Annapolis Cider Company (Cidery) 388 Main Street, Wolfville drinkannapolis.ca 12 Paddy’s Brew Pub (Brewery)

Wolfville and Kentville paddyspub.ca/brewery 13 Elderkin’s Cider Company (Cidery) 10362 Highway 1, Wolfville elderkinsfarmmarket.com

14 Noggins Cider (Cidery) 10009 Hwy #1, Greenwich nogginsfarm.ca/cider 15 Barrelling Tide Distillery (Distillery) 1164 Parkway Drive, Port Williams barrellingtidedistillery.com 16 Sea Level Brewing (Brewery) 980 Terrys Creek Road, Port Williams sealevelbrewing.com 17 Wayfarers’ Ale Society (Brewery) 1116 Kars Street, Port Williams wayfarersale.ca 18 Planters Ridge Meads & Rummed Cider (Winery) 1441 Church St Port Williams plantersridge.ca 19 1365 Church Street Vineyard and

Winery 1365 Church Street, Port Williams 1365churchstreet.com

20 Beausoleil Farmstead Cidery and

Vineyard 1469 B Church St, Port Williams beausoleilvineyards.ca 21 Millstone Harvest Brewhouse (Brewery) 9146 Highway 221, Sheffield Mills sealevelbrewing.com 22 Maritime Express Cider Co. (Cidery) 325 Main Street, Kentville maritimeexpress.ca 23 Bulwark Cider (Cidery) 7153 Highway 12, New Ross bulwarkcider.com 24 Smokehouse Nano Brewery 134 Union Street, Berwick smokehousebrewery.ca 25 Boars Back Cider (Cidery) 2 Crocker Road, Kingston boarsbackcider.com

26 Lunn’s Mill Beer Co. (Brewery) 515 Carleton Road, Lawrencetown & The Station by Lunn’s Mill Beer Co. (Restaurant and Taproom) 73 Queen Street, Bridgetown lunnsmill.beer thestation.beer

27 Still Fired Distilleries (Distillery) 9543 Highway 8, Annapolis Royal stillfireddistilleries.com 28 Annapolis Brewing Company (Brewery) 302 St. George St, Annapolis Royal annapolisbrewing.com 29 Lazy Bear Brewing (Brewery) 120 West Old Post Road, Smiths Cove lazybearbrewing.ca 30 Roof Hound Brewing Co. (Brewery) 2580 Ridge Rd, Digby roofhound.ca

31 Moonrise Ridge Wild Blueberry Cider (Winery & Cidery) moonriseridge.ca


Kings District RCMP are warning the public of a recent scam that has been circulating through Kings County. An example of the current scam is when a scammer calls the victim representing themselves as a bank or often bank security official. The scammer advises the victim that their credit card has been compromised and that a sum of money has been debited. The scammer then requests the victim to attend local stores to purchase gift cards to attempt to confirm the location where of the fictitious fraud occurred.

A recent case in Kings County saw a victim purchase $16,000 worth of gift cards and then provide the gift card codes to the scammer.

Police are reminding the public to protect themselves against frauds in the following ways: • Do not send money, gift cards, Bitcoin or anything else of value to someone you’ve never met in person. • If you have a feeling that something is not right, it is best to trust your gut and stop communicating with that person. • A financial institution should never have to ask for banking information within the company.

Scammers can be very persistent and convincing. If you have been defrauded, you are not alone. If you or a family member has fallen victim to a scam, report it to your local RCMP office, as well as the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) by phone at 1-888-495-8501 or online at antifraudcentre.ca. ❧

P Art Sodas

Made with fresh fruit

Offering frozen meals and soups to go

Crystany’s Brasserie

* Shaded events take place weekly or more than once, as noted


Teens Open Studio — 7 Arts, Greenwood 7–9pm. WEEKLY! • Work on your own artwork or collaborate on a group project. TIX: $25 per class or $80 for 4 classes INFO/Reg: 902-765-7278 / 7Arts@7arts.ca


Guy Paul — Crystany’s Brasserie, Canning 6–8pm • Guy Paul Thibault’s show is the essence of the east coast music scene: A song, a story, and a laugh. All while his guitar never stops. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-582-3663 / crystanysbrasserie@gmail.com Licorice Pizza — Kings Theatre, Annapolis Royal 7–9:15pm • Licorice Pizza – Paul Thomas Anderson’s joyously nostalgic coming-of-age tale. TIX: $9.95 Adult $6.95 Youth (+HST) INFO: 902-532-7704 / boxoffice@kingstheatre.ca Man In Plaid — The Spitfire Arms Alehouse, Windsor 7–10pm • The Main In Plaid plays your favourite classic rock and Maritime tunes at Windsor’s classic British pub. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-483-9261 / maninplaidmusic@gmail.com Dawn, Her Dad and the Tractor — Al Whittle Theatre, Wolfville 7pm • Gala Wolfville premiere includes Q & A after with the director and actors. Limited seating. Proof of vaccination & masks required. TIX: $15 Cash or debit/credit at the door / eventbrite.ca INFO: manager@alwhittletheatre.ca


Farmers Market — Farmers Market, Wolfville 9am–1pm. WEEKLY! • Socially distanced indoor market featuring over 50 vendors. Get fresh and local food. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-697-3344 / wfmassistant@wolfvillefarmersmarket.ca Spring Ahead Craft Show — Fire Hall, Greenwich 10am–5pm. ALSO Sat., March 12, 10am–5pm • A little something for everyone, perfect for spring decor or a special gift for a special someone. Free will donation with proceeds going to the Advocates of Angels programs. 50/50 draw and gift basket door prize. TIX: donation INFO: facebook.com/ advocatesforangelsinmotionfundraisingsociety Forest Bathing Wellness Walk — Watershed Nature Preserve, Wolfville 10am–12pm • Dress warmly for a two hour guided forest bathing in this beautiful park. Created in Japan, forest bathing uses different sensory activities to experience nature to benefit mental and physical health. TIX: $40 in person or e-transfer INFO/ Reg: softpinewellness@gmail.com / softpinewellness.ca

Always check this source for accurate tides: Canadian Fisheries & Oceans. www.waterlevels.gc.ca


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•1:09pm 1:54pm 2:38pm 3:21pm 4:04pm 4:48pm 5:34pm ••6:24pm 7:18pm 7:41am 9:37am 10:31am 11:22am 12:09pm 12:54pm 1:37pm 2:20pm 3:03pm 3:47pm 4:34pm 5:26pm 6:23pm 7:26pm 7:55am 9:05am 10:12am 11:13am 12:08pm 12:59pm


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NOTE: Daylight Savings Time starts March 13 Paint Pouring With Jane — 7 Arts, Greenwood 2–4pm. ALSO Sunday, March 6, 2–4pm • Acrylic fluid paint pouring is a fun and relaxing way to create abstract art, 11”x14” canvas and 2 tiles. All ages. TIX: $40. Email to register. INFO: 902-765-7278 / 7Arts@7arts.ca Dawn, Her Dad and the Tractor — Al Whittle Theatre, Wolfville 2pm. ALSO Sunday, March 6, 4pm & 7pm • John MacGinnis begins an odyssey towards understanding when his son Donald, now Dawn, comes home to mourn her mother and repair the estrangement with her Dad. Limited seating. Proof of vaccination & masks required. TIX: $12 Cash or debit/ credit at the door OR online @ eventbrite.ca INFO: manager@alwhittletheatre.ca Fundraising Film and Dinner — Al Whittle Theatre, Wolfville 6–11pm • A screening of The Biggest Little Farm followed by a gourmet 5 course dinner prepared by Chefs Michael Howell and Dave Mottershall at the Devour HQ. ALL Proceeds to Taproot Farms Sunday Donation Food Box Program TIX: Film Only $10 / Film & Dinner $200 Online INFO: 902-542-3277 / patricia@taprootfarms.ca Magical Torchlight Snowshoe — Ross Creek Centre for the Arts, Canning 6:30–8:30pm • The forest transforms into a different world at night. Let our torches guide your way through the winter landscape on this magical tour of Primrose Path (approx. 2km). Borrow snowshoes from us or bring your own! TIX: Donation INFO: 902-582-3842 / pr@artscentre.ca SpeakEasy — Community Hall, West Brooklyn 8–11pm • The Well READ Band with Mark Riley, John Ebata, Mark Adams and Nick D’Amato will kick off March with jazz, funk and R & B! Get ready to dance with your mask on and shake off the winter blues. Reservations are required. Covid guidelines and proof of vaxx mandatory. TIX: $20. Tickets must be reserved in advance. INFO: Call Ruth @ 902-542-5424 to reserve or go to our facebook page WBSpeakeasy. Old Man Luedecke — Evergreen Theatre, Margaretsville 8–10:30pm • Old Man Luedecke delights his audience with his heartfelt command of the stage. TIX: Adults $35, Military $30, Students $20 INFO: 902-825-6834 / evergreentheatre@gmail.com


Community Meditation Group — Bishop Hall, Greenwich 10:30am. WEEKLY! • Beginners are welcome. Sitting and walking meditation followed by tea and discussion. TIX: donation INFO: Stephen.Brown@nscc.ca / Joan Norris, 902-542-7993


GriefShare — New Hope Wesleyan Church, Kentville 7–9pm. WEEKLY! • GriefShare offers help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. It is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. We know it hurts, and we want to help. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-670-9288 / gerrits.bernadine@gmail.com


Lions Luncheon — Lions Club, Kingston 12–1pm • Baked ham, beans, scalloped potato, roll and dessert. TIX: Take out $12, Delivered $13. Pre-order only (between 8am–noon March 2 & 3) INFO: 902-765-2128 / klionsclub@eastlink.ca Youth Art Lessons — 7 Arts, Greenwood 7–9pm. WEEKLY! • Tuesdays for ages 8 to 12. TIX: $40 each or 4/ $80 INFO/Reg: 7Arts@7arts.ca


Wolfville Legion Coffee/Tea Social — Community Hall, White Rock 9:30–11:30am. WEEKLY! • Drop in for a fresh baked treat and enjoy fellowship (masks and proof of vaccinations are mandatory). TIX: $2 INFO: 902-542-5869 / wolfvillelegion@gmail.com Wellness Fund Celebration — Zoom Platform, Annapolis Valley 5:30–7:30pm • The Annapolis Valley CHBs invite you to a Virtual Wellness Fund Celebration on Zoom. This event will showcase and celebrate Wellness Fund grant recipients and their projects. Register at: https://buff.ly/34pNfdy TIX: no charge INFO: WesternCHBs@nshealth.ca Make it our Business — Valley Women’s Business Network – Zoom, New Minas 6:30–8:30pm • Networking plus a short workshop by Chrysalis House on domestic violence, how to recognize its signs, and how to provide workplace support. TIX: no charge INFO: programs@vwbn.ca


Knot: Nikki & JD — Kings Theatre, Annapolis Royal 7:30–9:30pm • Physically exhilarating dance duo TIX: $32 Adult, $5 Youth (+HST) INFO: 902-532-7704 / boxoffice@kingstheatre.ca


Jason Dodwell — Crystany’s Brasserie, Canning 6–8pm • Stories of roads less travelled and growing up in the Valley turn into original songs and unique covers. Jason keeps it simple creating a warm ambiance for dining. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-582-3663 / crystanysbrasserie@gmail.com KNOT by Nikki & JD — Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Centre, Windsor 7:30–9:30pm • An exhilarating acrobatic duet. Advance tickets only. TIX: $25 INFO: 902-798-5841 / puppets@mermaidtheatre.ca


SpeakEasy — Community Hall, West Brooklyn 8–11pm • The Jungernauts present high energy originals with Jamie Junger on guitar & vocals and Kory Bayer on bass. The Jungernauts know how to put on a show, tearing down the barrier between stage and audience. Covid guidelines and proof of vaxx mandatory. TIX: $15. Tickets must be reserved in advance. INFO: Ruth, 902-542-5424


St. Patrick’s Supper — Forties Community Centre, 1787 Forties Rd., New Ross 4–6pm • Corned beef and cabbage, carrots and boiled potatoes. Dessert, tea/coffee. Covid protocols apply. Fully accessible. TIX: $15 adult, $7 under 12, $3 under 5 INFO: fortiescc@gmail.com


March Break Art Camp! — ARTsPLACE Gallery, Annapolis Royal 9:30am–12:30pm • Experiment with a wide range of material and techniques in a fun, creative week-long Art Camp, designed and delivered by qualified art educator and Visual Artist, Becky Thompson. TIX: $30 per child, per day (signup is for the full series)* Ages 7–10 = $90 (no tax) Ages 11–13 = $60 (no tax) INFO: 902-532-7069 / arcacartsplace@gmail.com March Break Art Camp — 7 Arts, Greenwood 12–4pm • March Break Art Camp, March 14–18, 12–4pm, ages 7–12, all art supplies and snack provided. Register at 7arts@7arts.ca TIX: $40 per day, $150 for the full week INFO: 902-765-7278 / 7Arts@7arts.ca


Post-it Note Art Gallery — Memorial Library, Wolfville. March 15–20, 10am–close • Using a Post-it Note as your canvas create a tiny masterpiece to take home or add to our Post-it Note Art Gallery. All ages welcome. Art supplies provided. INFO: 902-542-5760 / wolfville@valleylibrary.ca Committee of the Whole — Municipality of the County of Kings, Coldbrook 9am • The meeting will be held in person unless COVID restrictions change. Any persons who wish to attend are required to PRE-REGISTER. The public can also listen live at countyofkings.ca. TIX: no charge INFO: municipalclerk@countyofkings.ca / 902-690-6133 Red Sky Performance: Trace — Kings Theatre, Annapolis Royal 7:30–9:30pm • Fiercely athletic, tightly executed, and deeply moving, Trace is an otherworldly experience that brings audiences to their feet. TIX: $38 Adult, $10 Youth (+HST) INFO: 902-532-7704 / boxoffice@kingstheatre.ca


Special Committee of the Whole — Municipality of the County of Kings, Coldbrook 9am • Capital Budget Presentation TIX: no charge INFO: 888-337-2999 Take Out Luncheon — United Baptist Church, Port Williams 11:30am–12:30pm • The Loyal Workers’ Corn Chowder/Hamburger Soup luncheon will include a bowl of your chosen soup, bread and butter and either Apple Crisp or Cheesecake. TIX: $10. Call by March 14 to to order and we will call you back with a pickup time on March 15. INFO/Reg: Carol Ann Burden, 902-542-3681 Spider-Man: No Way Home — Kings Theatre, Annapolis Royal 7–9:30pm • Peter asks Doctor Strange for help. When a spell goes wrong, dangerous foes from other worlds start to appear, forcing Peter to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man. TIX: $9.95 Adult, $6.95 Youth (+HST) INFO: 902-532-7704 / boxoffice@kingstheatre.ca


Lucky at the Library — Wolfville Memorial Library, 10am–8pm • Try your luck with a St. Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt and have a chance to win a prize! All ages welcome. INFO: 902-542-5760 / wolfville@valleylibrary.ca


Dawn, Her Dad & the Tractor — Kings Theatre, Annapolis Royal 7–8:30pm • A new film by Nova Scotia’s Shelley Thompson TIX: $9.95 Adult, $6.95 Youth (+HST) INFO: 902-532-7704 / boxoffice@kingstheatre.ca


BIG Breakfast — Lions Club, Wolfville 8–10am • Wolfville and District Lions BIG BREAKFAST. Proceeds go to the CT for Life campaign. Mask required and social distancing. Come fill your belly! TIX: $10 adults, $4 ages 10 yrs and under INFO: 902-542-3805 / shellywsphill@gmail.com SpeakEasy — Community Hall, West Brooklyn 8–11pm • The SpeakEasy is delighted to host Kim Barlow and harpist, Mairi Chaimbeul! Reservations are required. Covid guidelines and proof of vaxx mandatory. TIX: $15 Tickets must be reserved in advance. INFO: Ruth, 902-542-5424 Morgan Toney and Keith Mullins — Evergreen Theatre, Margaretsville 8–10:30pm • Morgan Toney accompanied by Cape Breton’s Keith Mullins. We also have a special opening act by Dee Dee Austin. TIX: Adults $35, Military $30, Students $20 INFO: 902-825-6834 / evergreentheatre@gmail.com


Sarah Hagen: Bach’s Goldberg Variations — Kings Theatre, Annapolis Royal 2–4pm • Extraordinary Canadian pianist Sarah Hagen returns! Cherished by many, the Goldberg Variations are emblematic of keyboard virtuosity, rich expression, and hardcore classical interpretation. TIX: $28 Adult, $5 Youth (+HST) INFO: 902-532-7704 / boxoffice@kingstheatre.ca Prop Replica Sword Edition — 7 Arts, Greenwood 2–4pm. TWO PARTS: March 20 & 27 • Join Artist Sarah Shortliffe to design, construct and paint a replica sword edition from an animated series. Ages 10+, all supplies included. TIX: $35 for 2 sessions INFO: 902-765-7278 / 7Arts@7arts.ca


Special Committee of the Whole — Municipality of the County of Kings, Coldbrook 9am • Operating Budget Presentation TIX: no charge INFO: 888-337-2999


Book Sale — Lions Club, 36 Elm Ave, Wolfville 9am–9pm. ALSO Sun., March 26 9am–3pm • Books, music, puzzles, games, etc. Proceeds support many Valley organizations. TIX: free admission INFO: Winnie Horton, 902-542-2352 / gvimages@bellaliant.net Roast Beef Takeout Dinner — Lions Club, Wolfville 4:30–6pm • Prepared by Wolfville and District Lions Club. Roast beef, gravy, potatoes, peas, carrots, a roll, homemade apple or lemon pie. TIX: $15 adults $8 under 10 yrs old. Local delivery available. Call/ email to order by March 15. INFO: 902-542-4508 / wolfvillelionsclub@hotmail.com Jon Duggan — Crystany’s Brasserie, Canning 6–8pm • Jon’s voice leads well to a variety of musical styles from Rock to Folk and his song collection is vast. His connection to his audience and sense of humor makes for a memorable evening. TIX: no charge INFO: 902-582-3663 / crystanysbrasserie@gmail.com Film Night: Die Hard — Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Centre, Windsor 7:30–9:30pm • Film Night: Die Hard TIX: $12, includes bag of popcorn and bottle of water. Advance tickets only. INFO: 902-798-5841 / puppets@mermaidtheatre.ca


SpeakEasy — Community Hall, West Brooklyn 8–11pm • John Ebata, keyboard master and Larry Bjornson, the king of the bass will thrill us with new arrangements of favourite songs. Covid guidelines and proof of vaxx mandatory. TIX: $20. Reservations required. INFO: Ruth, 902-542-5424


Special Municipal Council — Municipality of the County of Kings, Coldbrook 9am • Budget Deliberations TIX: no charge INFO: 888-337-2999

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