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Public Auction

Antiques • Collectibles • Tools & More!
Saturday • May 20, 2023 • 9 A.M.
Location: 275 W. Academy Street, Hughesville, Pa. 17737(near Hughesville Fire Hall). Watch for signs on main street on auction day.
Listing: - Craftsman Roll Around Tool Chest- Tool Craft Bench Top Drill Press- Craftsman 6” Jointer Planer Combo w/Legs (New in Box)- Dewalt Radio Arm Saw- Winchester Advertising Sign- Craftsman Belt & Disc Sander- Belt Sander- Stanley Wood Planes- Big Boy Shoe
Lathes-Early Molding Plane- Large Scroll Saw- Craftsman Table Saw- Wooden Bucket- Copper Wash Boiler-
Packard Bulb Kit- Bench Grinder- Ice Tongs- C.I. Book
Press- 12” Craftsman Band Saw- One Drawer Cherry
Stand- Several Barn Lanterns- Hanging Medicine Cabinet- 2 Drawer Dovetail Stand- Tilt Top Round Table- Gun
Stocks- Ful-O-Pep Turkey Grower Feed Bag- Savage Gun
Box- Milk Can Floor Lamp- Hubley Ford Tractor- Tin Giant Train- Structo Cement Mixer- C.I. Magic Cap Gun-

Toleware Candle Mold- Foust Bros. Garage Thermometer(Hughesville)- Wicker Baby Buggy- Vintage Wooden
Wheel- Butter Churn Table- Tea Cart- Blue Ceramic Bird
Bath- 27 Drawers Metal Parts Cabinet- German Swastika Pennant & Military Books- Egg Basket- Numerous
Griswold & Wagner Fry Pans- Pair Vintage Carriage
Lights- Remington Big Game Prints- Keys- PA RR First
Aid Kits- Stoneware Blue Banded Jar- Wooden Poker
Set- Mandalin Hawaiian Harp- Composition Dolls- Victorian Photo Album- Early Keystone Dump Truck- Small
C.I. Gypsy Kettle w/3 Foot Stand- Bradford County 1878
History Book- (2sets) Complete 2 Volume Lycoming
County History Books by LLoyd- Brass & Wood Spoke
Shave- Keystone Grease Oil Can- Murray Bottling
Works Muncy Pa Bottle- Rat Tail Steel Utensils- 2Gal.
H.P. Hawthorne Crock- Stoneware Crocks & Jugs- Primitive Oil on Wood Chicken Painting- Oil Paintings- C.I.
School House Desk- Winchester & Remington Wooden
Crates- Williamsport Bottling Crate- Metal Runner Sled-
C.I. Victorian Plant Stand- Union Tackle Box- Tonka Fire
Trucks- Early Chest of Drawers- Uncle Sam Harness Oil
Lamp- Lions Coffee Jar- Lairdsville Odd Fellow RibbonDupont Powder Tin- Hughesville Highschool Graduation
School Papers(1936)- Hanging Wooden Comb Case- J
Schein Sprinkling Can- Puritan #9 Dutch Oven- Bamboo
Wind Chime- Push Up Big 5 Pinball Game- Electrified
Brass Ship Light- Numerous Indian Heads & other Indian Artifacts(Axes & Tools)- Coca Cola Bottle Opener- AK Walch’s Cigar Tin Sign- Pa Fishing License Buttons- Peters Shell
Crate- Illinois 21 Jewels Pocket Watch- Numerous 1930’s Ford Training Films w/Projector- Vintage Wooden Game Board- Stoneware Pitcher- Climax 1890 Oil Lamp- Kerosene
Lamp- Hand Painted Oil Lamp- 4 Hand Painted Plank Bottom Chairs- Twisted Leg Metal
Stool- Vintage Wooden Mini Sleigh- Muncy Indians Book by Fogelman- Hanging Bracket
Lamp- Victorian C.I. Plant Holders- Tall Apothecary Store Jars- Cigar Box Labels- Early
Flour Bin- Tobacco Adv. Tins-Early Mercury Lamp Reflectors- Vintage Mercury Christmas
Balls- Quilt Tops & Patches- Framed Little Shriner Print- Oak Towel Rack- Local Souvenir
School Booklets- Military Patches- Wooden Mantle Clock- Hand Painted Coffee Pot- Blue
Granite Coffee Pots- Cranberry Opalescent Lamp Shade- Remington Thermometer- 192728 Hughesville High School Picture- Hughesville H.S. Orange & Blue Book- 3 Gallon Stoneware Jug Lamp- Odd Fellow Dress Sashes- Wooden Bowls- Early Photo Album- Pair of Carriage Style Hanging Porch Lamps- Pocket Knives- Artwork of Lycoming County Books(9 Volumes)- Carpet Beater- Copper Pot- Eagles Mere & Sullivan Highlands BookVintage Frames and Prints- Early Copper Bed Warmer- Wicker Baskets- Duck Cracker JarEtched Cobalt Vase- Record Albums- Hand Blown Vases- Tin Tank Bank- Wooden Stage Coach- Wooden Drying Rack- Numerous Powder Horns and Powder Flask- Leather FlaskRR Light Shade- Smurf TV Tray- Vintage Small Dovetail Coffee Grinder- Cranberry Opalescent Mini Lamp Shade- Victorian Candle Sconce- Bulova Wrist Watch- Waltham Pocket Watch- Orvis Wrist Watch- Muncy Post Card- Inidan Artifacts- Inidan Arrow Heads & Tools- Composition Statue-Glass Fire Extinguisher- Brass Student Lamp- Art Glass Vases & Glassware- Green Opalescent Dish- 1906 Shoemaker Print- Bird Salt Dips- Jacob Sutliff Hughesville Pa Adv. Tin Cup- Local Post Cards- Amberina Pitcher- Porcelain FigurinesYellow Vaseline Dish- Noritake Dishes- Satin Mini Oil Lamp- Mary Gregory Hand Painted
Pitcher- End Of Day Vase- Press Glass Water Set- Historical Pictures of Picture Rocks Pa.Souvenir Grangers Picnic Glass- Majolica Jardiniere- Sterling Match Holder- US Pocket
Knives- Structo Dump Truck w/Box- 1930’s Boak Steigle Washington Camp Hughesville Pa Envelopes- Hughesville Fair 1923 Vase- Coin Dot Green Opalescent Pitcher- Oil LampsAmethyst Carnival Glass Water Pitcher Set- Bavarian Peacock China- Enameled Painted Water Pitchers- Cast Iron Kettle- Delco Battery Jar- Popeye Lamp- Bennington Stoneware Pitcher- Milk Glass- Purple Slag Glass Cake Pedestal- Transferware Plates- 2002 Christain Guzman Grade 10 Baseball Card- Crown Pocket Watch Wooden Box- Lycoming County Fair Story- Taber Muncy Valley Lifeline Book- Barclay Vintage Soldiers- Tin Comb CasesWooden Stompers- French Richards & Co. Cobalt Blue Pitcher- Brass Front Scales- Satin Lion Dishes- Carnival Glass Peacock Water Set w/6 Glasses- Falls of Niagara Meat PlatterJ. Schein Melody Player- Wooden Pail- Early Brass Buckets- New York Jeweler Catalog 1903- Blue Salt Glaze Fish Oyster Dishes- Plus Many More Items! Mark Your Calendar, Plan your trip because this is a great auction you don’t want to miss out on. Check out Auctionzip.com Seller #4038 for More info and Pictures.
Terms: “No Buyers Premium”, Payment of Cash or Good Check, Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express with a 4% Transaction Fee). All oral announcements on auction day supersede all printed material. Owner & Auctioneers not responsible in case of any accidents.
Bring Chairs • Food Available
• Tents if needed
Associate Auctioneer: Wayne Arthur Lic. #AU001752-L

Voneida’s Auction Service
Dan Voneida - Auctioneer - Lic. #AU004059
723 Petersburg Road, Allenwood, PA 17810 * 570-447-6480
According to the National Audubon Society, birds provide important ecosystem services, such as pollination, pest control and seed dispersal. In fact, around 87% of flowering plants rely on animal pollinators, including birds, to reproduce and grow, according to a study published in “Science.” Birds also consume fruits and berries then spread the seeds, which helps maintain biodiversity and promotes the growth of new plants.
Considered good indicators of the health of the ecosystem, changes in bird populations and behaviors can signal changes in the environment, such as pollution, habitat loss and climate change. As temperatures, weather patterns and ecosystems change, it can affect the availability of food for birds, which may alter their behavior.
Feeding birds can be a beneficial practice that helps them cope with climate change. Consider these benefits:
Hetrick Estate Auction
#530 (Garage Tools / Equipment)
131 Schrawder Rd, Sunbury PA 17801 SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. (Sale is in conjunction w/ Real Estate Sale at 11:00 a.m.)
10:00 a.m. - E-Z Dumper Landscapers Trailer w/ gorilla lift end gate
- Selection of Hand Tools - Electric Tools - Garden Tools - Patio Furniture - Generac 5500 HD Gasoline Generator - 2 Metal shelving units on Rollers - 2 door metal cabinet - Garden hose reel carts - Delta Chop saw - Engineers felted tool chest - Trinity 6 Drawer Tool Chest - Troy Built 875EX prressure washer - Hitachi hand grinder - Husqvarna YTH24V42LS lawn tractor - Grasshopper 225, Zero Turn lawn mower - 2 1/2 ton floor jack - Bolens push mower - (2) aluminum levels - Grizzly Metal ban saw - Central 21 gal. 2 1/2 hp 125 psi compressor - Grizzly bench grinder - Craftsman 2 pc. tool chest - Pop Up canvas canopiesFull Electric Hospital bed - Metal folding chairs - Shop Vac Hang up vac
- Champion 80cc 1400 watt generator - Small ratchet straps - Sump pump
- Christmas Tree - Small two door Whitaker Cabinet - Coleman coolers
- Echo gas weed wacker - Car ramps - Wheel barrow - Push cultivatorTractor lawn cart - Horse shoes - Pro Form XP110 exerciser - Step ladder
- Alum Ext. ladder - Micrometers & Calipers & Much More!
Auctioneer Notes: This will be a WALK & MOVE sale, bring your own chairs if needed. Selling 1 hour before Real Estate Sale & if necessary finishing after Real Estate Sells. No food at this auction. TERMS: Cash or good PA check accepted. All items are sold “AS IS, WHERE IS”, no guarantee made by the seller. Statements made day of Sale take precedence over previous written materials.