al Trunk, $75; Antique Marble Top Side Table, $150. Call or text 570-452-7888. 6/5 Apartment for Rent - 04 Man looking for a 1 bedroom apartment. Has a friendly medium size dog. Age 67 on disability so can pay up to $700 a month. Williamsport only. 570-974-1120. ufn
Autos/Trucks - 07
1992 Chrysler Lebaron V6, auto, air, 89,000 original miles, 2nd owner, front wheel drive, white with red interior, new power top, very well maintained, excellent condition, good on gas. Asking $3,900 or best offer. 570-742-4685 or 570-428-2882. 5/29
cycler, Personal Pace, Rear Wheel Drive, 22” cut, Mulch Bag, side discharge, like new condition, $250.00. 570-742-9259. 6/5
Gas-powered AWD 22”
Husgvarna with bag and attachments in Selinsgrove. Leave message 484-629-5932 #100. 6/5
Yard Sales - 25
Guns, Etc. - 26
Excavation Services
Sales & Service of Tecumseh and Power King
Jonsered • Snapper • Shindaiwa • Husqvarna
Briggs & Stratton • Kohler • Stanley Bostitch and Many More
EMAIL: dheltman@verizon.net 1840 LIBERTY DRIVE • WILLIAMSPORT, PA 17701
53 Old Vehicles plus parts, $1,000 - $5,000 or less. Too sick for hobby. 570-538-3464. 6/26
Auto/Truck Accessories - 10
For sale parts: 1997 Buick la Sabre, complete and ready to part out. Call 570-204-9626. ufn
Campers, Motor Homes, & Rec. Vehicles - 11 1995 Chariot Park Model Camper, furnished, 34’x12’, w/loft, computer or office room, sunken BR, tinted living room window, furnished 8’x34’ porch sunscreen, 10’x20’ carport, 10’x20’ new shed. Make offer. 570-966-6220. ufn
Lawn & Garden - 23 Lawn Mower, Toro Re-
Help Wanted - 28
Experienced Sales Person to handle our Montour & Columbia Co. area. Very good commission structure. Send resume to The Valley Trader, Sales Position, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837
Sales Rep Wanted: Expanding sales force in Lycoming & Clinton Cos. Sales experience necessary. Must have car & valid Driver’s License. Territory & account list provided. Send resume to: The Valley Trader, Sales Dept., PO Box 392, Lewisburg, PA 17837 or email to: thevalleytrader@yahoo.com
Help Wanted: Part time
Mike Levan, Proprietor 570-546-9189
Graphic Designer position. 24-35 hrs. over 2 wks, but mostly on week 2. Must be able to work in a high speed environment. Be literally your own boss, but work easily with others. This may lead to a full-time position in the future. Send resume & portfolio to: The Valley Trader, PO Box 392, Lewisburg, Pa 17837 or email: the valleytrader@yahoo.com
Household Furniture30
Oak Dining Table & 4 chairs, light blonde color, good condition, any reasonable offer accepted. 570-495-3549. 5/22
Miscellaneous - 35
768 Feet 2x6 Tongue & Groove Decking or Flooring. 570-360-0077. 6/26
Huffy Ladies Bike, pink, white, wire basket, bell, cup holder, rear rack, needs to be rode. Bob 570-925-2136. 5/29
FYE Fly Box, Hollidaysburg Penna, Three Compartments includes over 100 Vintage Flies, serious inquirys only. $500.00. 570-898-7600. 6/5 Cargo Carrier, 48” x 20” tray, 300 lb. capacity, 1 1/4” hitch, $75.00. 570-560-0716. 5/29
15 Foot Air Jet Metal Chimney thru Roof Kit. 570-360-0077. 6/5 18 Ft. Bass Boat & Trailer. All done over. Make reasonable offer. Call for details 570-995-5990 or 570-337-2727. 5/29
Motorcycles - 39
Pets - 40
AKC Poodle Pups, ass. colors, 1st shot, wormed, Standards & MOYEN sizes. 2 are Merle. $950 - $1,200. 570-205-6442. 6/26
Looking for small Upright Piano.
570-713-8109. 8/14
Tall, attractive home owner Seeks single lady, 60-70, for companion with drivers license. 570-538-3464. 6/26
The 33rd Annual Billtown Blues Festival will be held in Hughesville at the Lycoming County Fairgrounds, Friday, June 9 and Saturday, June 10. The award planners are pleased to announce awarded talent will arrive from across the country ex
Haddon, owner of Sunbury Media Partners; Dr. Chris Gray, President of Erie County Community College; and Brent Davis, Erie County Executive. John Shipman, wealth building business leader for 50 years, and Meghan Beck, entrepreneur business leader and candidate for Northumberland county commissioner, will also speak at this event.
You will hear your fellow local business leaders advocating for a dedicated locally governed, independent community college offering a wide scope of programming like the one recently established in Erie County.
Our own Susquehanna Valley Community College will assist business leaders in achieving their goals by conducting workforce training programs which will prepare students for employment through 2-year associate degrees, applied associate degrees, and certificate programs in areas of need specific to our employers. These programs will align learners with local employ
We are seeking your insights on your employment needs and are eager to partner with you and your business to create our own regional public anchor community college. This input on the proposed 16th Pennsylvania Community College is critical to keeping our families local and building our tax base. With your help we can make this both a reality and a success.
Family Features) With many people focused on achieving a cleaner and healthier lifestyle, taking actionable steps such as recycling, using less hot water and eating nutritious foods can help lower your carbon footprint. Another step for a clean lifestyle: cooking with an environmentally friendly, clean energy source like propane.
Propane is already powering more than 12 million homes with reliable energy people can count on. Plus, gas-powered cooktops
are preferred by 96% of professional chefs, including nutritionist and chef Dean Sheremet of “My Kitchen Rules,” who partnered with the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) to educate homeowners on the benefits of cooking with gas.
“There is a lot of misinformation about cooking with gas in the news,” Sheremet said. “It’s important to remember, the act of cooking itself impacts indoor air quality, regardless of the energy that powers the stove. Having a
qualified technician install and perform regular service for the stove, maintaining proper ventilation using a hood or opening doors or windows and following common sense safety measures can ensure the safe use of any stove.”
Because ventilation when cooking is key, it’s important to note that cooking with propane results in lower carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions than electric cooking, on average. That’s because more than 60% of electricity production comes from natural gas or coal generation plants, which release more CO2 emissions as part of the generation process.
Beyond the environmental benefits, propane-powered cooking appliances provide convenience, modern design and performance in kitchens, allowing home chefs to prepare healthy meals for their families in a short amount of time. Sheremet values the efficiency of a propane cooktop when creating nutritious meals like Skirt Steak with Salsa Verde and Spaghetti and Clams, which can be whipped up in minutes using a clean energy source.
“Chefs, and parents like me, prefer gas for a variety of reasons,” Sheremet said. “My son, Atlas, is often in the kitchen when I’m cooking, and we know sometimes kids don’t listen when we tell them to not touch a pan or the stove. Propane cooktops allow for greater control of heat levels and their instant flame turnoff capabilities help them cool faster than traditional electric stoves, which can remain dangerously hot for a period after they have been turned off.”
Learn more about cooking with propane and find recipes from Sheremet at Propane.com/ ChefDean.
Do’s and Don’ts of Cooking with Gas
Cooking with a reliable and environmentally clean energy source like propane can take your home chef skills to the next level. However, there are steps to take to ensure safety while maximizing the benefits of cooking with your gas range.
* Follow the manufacturer’s installation and operating instructions.
* Keep pot handles turned inward to protect against accidents like knocking the pot off the stove or little ones reaching for the handles.
* Keep the range surface clean.
* Keep flammable materials away from burner flames.
* Do not cover the oven bottom with foil as it can restrict air circulation.
* Never use gas ranges for space heating.
* Do not allow children to turn burner control knobs.
* Do not leave food unattended on the cooktop.
Spaghetti and Clams
Recipe courtesy of chef Dean Sheremet on behalf of PERC
8-12 littleneck or other small clams in shell, scrubbed
1/4 pound spaghetti noodles
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/2-1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 dried red chile pepper
1/3 cup vermouth or white wine
1-2 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian parsley
Bring large pot of lightly salted water to boil. Soak clams in cold water.
Add spaghetti to boiling water and cook until slightly underdone. In large saucepan over medium-low heat, add olive oil, garlic and chile pepper. Saute gently, reducing heat, if necessary, so garlic does not brown.
Add vermouth and clams; cover. Clams should open in about 2 minutes. Add hot drained pasta, cover and shake pot gently. Simmer 1-2 minutes until spaghetti is cooked to taste.
Discard unopened clams. Add half the parsley and shake pan to distribute evenly. Transfer to plate or bowl and sprinkle with remaining parsley.
Skirt Steak with Salsa
Recipe courtesy of chef Dean Sheremet on behalf of PERC
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup red wine
2 thinly sliced scallions
3 tablespoons capers, drained and roughly chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, plus additional, to taste, divided
1/2 teaspoon black pepper, plus additional, to taste, divided
(Family Features) Your little one’s on-the-go adventures mark a huge milestone for his or her development and your family. Before you allow your baby to trek freely from room to room, get your home ready for a child on the move with these safety steps and precautions:
Prepare before the birth
First-time parents are likely to embark upon a new life filled with late nights, sleep deprivation and a world of stresses they’ve never experienced or considered. Prepare your home before the baby is born to avoid the panic of waiting until the last minute.
Tour like your tot
The first step toward ensuring your home is ready for a mobile child is to see the world from the same level. Take a crawling tour around your home to see things that may be in the way or discover hazardous items that are within easy reach. Use all of your senses to assess any potential dangers.
Latch it up
Protect your little one from sharp objects and heavy items by installing child protection latches on all cabinets and drawers. For an added layer of protection, keep any sharp objects and harmful chemicals in high places only adults can reach.
Evaluate leaning objects
Bookshelves, bedside tables and the items placed on them, such as television sets and other large appliances, can be a threat to the safety of a small child trying to pull him or herself up and balance on two feet. Ensure these items are properly secured or keep them put away unless in use to avoid them being pulled on top of your child.
To properly prepare your home for a mobile child, don’t forget to take steps such as:
* Covering electrical outlets with safety plugs
* Placing safety gates at the top and bottom of staircases
* Installing fireplace screens
* Adding foam padding to sharp furniture corners and edges
* Placing a soft cover over the bathtub waterspout
* Removing blinds with looped cords or installing safety tassels and cord stops
* Stocking your first aid kit
* Putting non-slip pads under rugs
Find more tips to child-proof your home at eLivingtoday.com.
Photo courtesy of Unsplash
Source: Family Features
Continue from Page 9
1 1/2 pounds skirt steak
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint, divided
1/4 cup pistachios
1 romaine heart
1 radicchio
1/2 cup crumbled goat cheese
Whisk olive oil, vinegar, scallions, capers, garlic, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Pour about 1/3 of dressing (about 1/3cup) over steak and turn to coat.
Add parsley and 1 tablespoon mint to reserved dressing; stir and set aside until ready to use. Cover and refrigerate steak 30 minutes, or up to 24 hours.
In small saute pan over medium heat, toast pistachios, tossing often, until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Set aside.
Set grill to mediumhigh heat or heat grill pan on stovetop over medium-high heat. Grill steak about 5 minutes per side. Transfer to plate and rest 10 minutes.
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Cut romaine hearts lengthwise into quarters. Arrange romaine and radicchio in layers on large platter, leaving room on one side for steak. Sprinkle with goat cheese, pistachios and remaining mint.
Opening for a Fulltime and Parttime, CDL CLass A Truck Driver with Hazmat and Tanker Endorsement.
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Slice steak into 3-inch pieces then slice against grain to cut steak into wide strips. Add sliced steak to platter. Drizzle reserved dressing on romaine and steak.
Source: Propane Education & Research Council
CHAPTER 13 VERSE 16: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead
Verse 17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast or the number of his name
Verse 18: Here is wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man : and his number is Six Hundred Three Score and Six.
Chapter 14, Verse 9 : If any man worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand
Verse 10 : The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb
Verse 11: And the smoke of their torment ascendent up forever and ever and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image and who so ever receive the mark of his name
Will the government IRS force the American population to be vaccinated with chips to control the people use of the coming new digital currency?
Search the internet for Bill Gates, Vaccination,Microchips Patent 060606 was registered to Microsft on March 26,2020 The title of the patent is CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA
Dean L. Graham 570-360-0077
(StatePoint) With warm weather here, it’s time to make the most of your home’s outdoor living spaces.
“Whether you want to beautify your landscaping or add elements to your patio that will help you entertain, using manufactured stone veneer is a smart, on-trend choice,” says James Alpeter, stone marketing manager at ProVia. “A versatile and charming alternative to brick, high-quality manufactured stone looks natural, but can be installed much more quickly and affordably than the real thing.”
As you mull over your plans, consider these three manufactured stone project ideas, all of which will boost the beauty and functionality of your outdoor living spaces:
1. Outdoor kitchens. Manufactured stone allows you to think well beyond a simple grill by building a complete outdoor kitchen. Depending on your
budget and goals you may include a prep space, a sink, refrigeration and storage, and go for more niche features like a pizza oven. No matter how you choose to build this space out one thing is certain, you will be creating an instant room-like area to gather for conversation and laughter, or to relax after a long day of work.
2. Outdoor hearths. Enjoy the warmth and ambiance of flames on cool summer nights with an outdoor hearth, which can provide a stunning, one-of-akind focal point, whether it’s connected to the home or part of your backyard patio. Imagine having friends over for hot mulled cider and s’mores or
snuggling up in front of the fire under a star-lit sky. For maximum comfort, treat this space as you would your family room, adding outdoor-grade couches, cushions and rugs.
3. Landscaping. Have you ever dreamed of having a water feature in your backyard that would provide a habitat for koi fish or local wildlife? Is it time to take your garden to the next level?
Manufactured stone is ideal for a range of elegant landscaping applications, from surrounds for a small backyard fish pond to raised planting beds to retaining walls.
Manufactured stone is as versatile and authentic-looking as natural stone, offering endless options to tailor your project to your unique aesthetic. Stone profiles range from the classic shape and texture of limestone to the irregular and imperfect look of ledgestone to the layered and precise fit of dry stack stone. They also come in various hues, so you can go for a warm, cozy feel or a sleek and striking look.
For the true depth and character of natural stone, just be sure to select materials inspired by nature itself. The process at ProVia, for example, starts with trained stone masons who select stones from nature to create the casts used to build their molds, and who pay careful attention to the contours and varying hues of natural stone. With ProVia, you’ll also have the opportunity to select the grout color, which is a factor that should not be overlooked.
“Contrasting grout colors can be
used to intensify the overall look while complementary grout colors can soften it. Selecting a grout color that mimics the dominant color of your stone can help blend materials into a nearseamless palette,” says Alpeter.
This season, consider outdoor projects that will not only extend your home’s outdoor living spaces, but add elegance and charm while you’re at it.
Look before you leap with the brand’s Stone and Grout Visualizer tool, found at www.provia. com/stone/groutvisualizer/. For additional design inspiration, visit
SATURDAY 03 JUNE 2023 8:00 A.M.
Craftsman Shop Tools; Shop Smith; Delta Shop Tools; Grizzly 13” Planer/Molder; Leish Dovetail Jig Model D3-24”; Parks 12” Planer; Hitachi Compound Miter Saw; Metal Lathe; DuraCraft Heavy Duty Bandsaw; Magna Sawsmith; Sanchin 16-speed Drill Press; 30” Belt Sander; Craftsman Power Tools; Stanley Builders Kit H-298; Stanley Power Tools; Porter Cable Air Brad Nailers & Air Sanders; Remington Ram Set; Bench Grinders; Motors; Grizzly Dust Collector; Clark Floor Sander; Generator; Air Compressors; Huskee Torpedo Heater; Asst. Clamps; Acetylene Tanks; Scoop w/3pth; Back Blade; Etc.
Assorted Anvils; Forges; Tongs; Swedge Blocks; Cutters; Wooden Work Benches; Wooden Tool Chests; Wooden Dovetailed Boxes; Wooden Tool Carriers; Wooden Pulleys; Wooden Ladders; Draw Knives; Scribes; Stanley 78 Plane; Stanley Defiance Plane; Stanley No. 45 Plane; Simonds No. 340 Crecent Saw Tool; Block Planes; Molding Planes; Jack Planes; Slicks; Froes; Broad Axes; Barn Augers; Galvanized Tubs; Cast Iron Floor Grates; Asst. Stains & Paints; Etc. NOTE: Mr. Lenker spent a lifetime making his career in carpentry. His talent for detail and excellence was known afar. This auction will be selling the tools of his trade.
TERMS: CASH. Personal checks accepted w/established account or prior approval. Credit cards & Debit cards not accepted. No Buyer’s Premium! No absentee or phone bids accepted! See Website for complete listing & photos.
Estate/Collection of Richard Lenker ~ Dawn Lenker, Owner Food provided by Troutman’s Food Service
Yvonne Dockey-Romberger #AU1683L
R.R. Romberger #AU4051
Lee D. Dockey #AU229L www.dockeyauctionservices.com
StatePoint) Are you dreaming about beautifying the backyard? Is your garden in need of some color and dimension?
If you have the tools, a free weekend and the initiative, you can add charm and beauty to your outdoor space by building a garden trellis.
Here’s everything you need, and everything you need to know, to complete this “Done-In-A-Weekend Project” from Exmark, a leading manufacturer of lawn care equipment.
• Table saw
• Circular saw
• Jig saw
• Orbital sander,
• Drill/driver and bits
• Tape measure
• Pencil
• Sawhorses/worktable
• Eye and ear protection
• (3) 2-inch x 4-inch x 8-foot cedar
• (4) 4-inch x 4-inch x 8-foot cedar posts
• (2) 2-inch x 8-inch x 8-foot cedar (for the corbels)
• (1) 2-inch x 6-inch x 6-foot cedar (side bracket/beam support)
• (2) 2-inch x 6-inch x 10-foot cedar beams
• (4) post brackets (optional, to attach to wood deck)
• 2.5-inch deck screws
• 1.25-inch deck screws
• Wood stain
• Wood sealer
1. Mother Earth, to Ancient Greeks
5. Barrel, unit
8. Foot the bill
11. Quiet time
12. Nemo’s forgetful friend
13. Horace’s poem
15. One thing on a list
16. Ophthamologist’s checkup, e.g.
17. Range of hills in England, pl.
18. *Ticket booth (2 words)
20. “Odyssey,” e.g.
21. Biased perspective
22. Azog or Bolg in Tolkien’s Moria
23. *Siskel or Ebert
26. To the degree
30. Brick and mortar carrier
31. Governing authority
34. Key component of a loan
35. Highly skilled
37. E in CE or BCE
38. “____ ____ a high note”
39. End of the line
40. Like certain yellowish hair color
42. Compass bearing
43. Ambled
45. Warhol or Samberg, formally
47. Churchill’s sign
48. Anna Wintour’s magazine
50. “Heat of the Moment” band
52. *Like some seats
56. More slippery
57. Initial bet in poker
58. Popular dunking cookie
59. “Little ____ fact”
60. Simon and Gurfunkel, e.g.
61. *Sentimental movie, or ____-jerker
62. Literary “even”
63. *Shooting location
64. ESPN award
1. Not intellectually deep
2. ____pilot
3. Holly family
4. *Kate Hudson’s “____ Famous” (2000)
5. Put someone in a bind (2 words)
6. Modified leaf
7. Tick-born disease
8. Ralph Lauren’s inspiration
9. Puts two and two together
10. “Owner of a Lonely Heart” band
12. Vandalize
13. Pitchers
14. *Tub contents
19. Behave like a coquette
22. Comes before first Mississippi
23. Bracelet add-on
24. Barrel racing meet
25. Think tank output, pl.
26. *Widescreen cinematography abbreviation
27. Dimmer, e.g.
28. Do penance
29. Re-establish
32. Neuter
33. Investment option acronym
36. *Movie ad
38. Boredom
40. *Upcharge for an online ticket purchase, e.g.
41. Aerie baby
44. Pine
46. Indicate
48. *Movie theater, e.g.
49. Set of eight
50. Teenager’s breakout
51. Land of Israel
52. X-ray units
53. Wraths
54. Type of tide
55. *Like a bloody horror movie
56. Short of Isaac
• Wood glue
1. Cut boards down to size for the sides, top trellis and corbels.
2. Assemble the side sections.
3. Assemble the top trellis section by following the template found at backyard.exmark.com or by sketching your own design onto card stock.
4. Attach the top and sides of the trellis, ensuring the sections are square with one another.
5. Use the template to build the corbels.
6. Line corbels flush with the side posts and attach.
7. Apply wood sealer, and stain or paint (if desired).
To download the complete instructions and template, and to follow along with the video tutorial, visit Exmark’s Backyard Life site at backyard. exmark.com, a multimedia destination providing
homeowners with everything from grilling tips to gardening advice.
While this beautiful trellis is a bit of work, once complete, it can provide structure for vining plants to grow, create a bit of shade from the harsh summer sun or simply serve as a point of architectural interest in your garden.
We will be selling from the home of Dorothy Barto & the Late Charlie Eberhart. Located at 244 Stover Road, Mifflinburg, Pa.17844. From Mifflinburg follow Rt 45 west approx. 4.0 miles turning at the 4 Bell Church and 4 Bell Church Road for approx. 6/10 mile turning onto Stover Road and follow to Auction Site. Signs posted at 4 Bell Church Day of Auction.
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Starting at 8:00 am
2 Bedroom Brick Rancher Home
We will be offering a well maintained 2 Bedroom Brick Ranch Home on .73 acre lot at 12:00 Noon. This Country Property has approx. 1232 sq ft to include 2 Bedrooms w/ Closets, Large open kitchen/ built in range and oven & wooden Cabinets. Open Dining Room and Living Room w/ Picture window & Great Swirl Ceilings; viewing the countryside. Full bath, Laundry Room w/ cedar closet and built in ironing board & full cemented Basement. The home has oil hot water baseboard heat, Central Air, well, standard septic system, whole house vac system, large breezeway w/ gas fireplace, attached 1 car garage w/ opener. 2022 Taxes $1912.83. To View This Great Property Contact: Auctioneer Michael Weaver at 570-538-2227. Real Estate Terms: $10,000 down balance in 45 days, Potential buyers have right to do any pre auction assessments and testing prior to auction at their expense, Very Motivated Seller so come ready to buy, all other terms made known day of auction or by contacting auctioneer.
LOCAL MILK BOTTLES: Rovenolt Dairy- Turbotville, Pa [Tall Round Pyro. Qts & Pts], Wehr’s Dairy- Mifflinburg.Pa. [ Round Painted Pt w/ Blue Ribbon Holstein Cow]; Bechtals Dairy- Lewisburg [ Pyro Squat Qt w/ Policeman & Kids, Tall Square Qts]; Wilson Milk [ Mifflinburg, Embossed ½ Pt]; Erdly’s Dairy- Lewisburg [ Tall Round Pyro Qt]; Chamberlain Dairy- Montgomery[ Pyro Round Pt & ½ Pt]; Appliances: Whirlpool Refrigerator/ Freezer –Like New, Frigidaire Upright Freezer, Panasonic Microwave- Like New, GE Washer, Kenmore Electric Dryer-Like New; Round Maple Table & Chair Set; Upholstered Sofa; [2] Brown Upholstered Electric Chairs- Like New; Cosco Step Stool; Corelleware Dishes; Small Electrical Appliances; Cookbooks; Metal Lock Boxes w/ Keys; Solid Pine Stepback Hutch; Wooden Kneehole Desk & Chair; Wooden Chest Of Drawers; Square Oak Parlor Stand; Horse & Animal Collector Plates; Luggage; Wooden Folding Chairs; Lots of Picture Puzzles; Seasonal Decorations; Internanal Paint Decorated Milch Can; Various Stands; Thomas Kinkade Farmall Picture; 32in Flat Screen Vizio TV; 8 Horse Hitch Budweiser Figurine; Team of Horses w/ Walking Plow; Mid Modern Era Platform Upholstered Rocker; Granite Roaster; Canning Supplies; Large Varity of Sewing & Craft Supplies; Kenmore Sewing Machine & Cabinet, Happy Overlock Sewing Machine; Werner 16ft Fiberglass Extension Ladder; Box Fans; Country Scene Painted on a Hand Saw; Wooden Clothes Tree; Shark Vac; Collapsible Wagon; Barn Lantern; White Mountain Electric Ice Cream Freezer; Various Hand & Garden Tools; Revere ware Pots [New In Box]; Stainless Steel Cook Ware; Star Colander; Large Selection of Ladies Jewelry; [2] Oak Curio Cupboards; Step Stool; Star Design Quilt; Wooden Quilt Rack; Farmall Sign; Plus Many More Items Yet To Be Discovered!
FARMALL & INTERNATIONAL : 504 w/ Mounted Cultivators, 544 Hydro w/ Loader, 340 NFE, 340 Utility, 544 w/ Canopy, 504 w/ weights, 560 Diesel; F-20, 656, 230, 350. 460 Diesel, Cub w/ Snowplow, Cub w/ Mounted 1 Row Planter, White Cub, H, Super H [FAA], Super C, B, M, Super MD-TA, JOHN DEERE: 720Diesel NFE; G; L w/ Mounted 1 Bottom Plow; 6675 Skid Loader; OTHER BRANDS: Massey Ferguson 65 NFE w/ Manure Loader; Oliver Row Crop 77 Diesel; Minneapolis Moline 445; Allis Chalmers D-15 WFE; Allis Chalmers WD45 NFE; EQUIPMENT: Allis Chalmers Roto Baler; Case/IH Cyclo Air 4 Row Planter; IH Grinder / Mixer; New Holland Tandom Axle Manure Spreader; New Holland Hayliner Kick Baler
AUCTION NOTE: Make plans on attending this great country auction, something for everyone! Terms: Cash, Good PA Check; [Credit Cards w/ 4% fee]
SELLERS: Dorothy Barto
P.O.A.’s: Doug & Millie Barto
AUCTIONEERS: Michael & David Weaver AU-002180-l
17696 Russell Road, Allenwood,Pa.17810
Phone: 570-538-2227