Getting ready takes time Spelling and writing page 3
LOGO CONTEST WINNERS TURNITIN.COM Who drew the new school logo?
Helping the campus go green
Spirit page 4
Technology page 2
The View
16440 S. 32nd St. Phoenix, AZ 85048 480-706-7900
It’s an
November 2010 Volume 15, Issue 2
Desert Vista High School
Standing at attention for military membership
By Angie Bumstead
looking forward to it for a number of reasons. Not only does a career in the Air Force pay me to do something I love, but it also supplies retirement, education, health services, and a sense of pride in serving my country.” And Walden is right: the military does offer a lot of benefits. Programs are offered which can supply college bound students with a free education, including expenses like tuition, fees, books, and living expenses. “It seems that more students are joining the military now for the benefits,” said Corporal Jackson who is in charge of recruiting for the marines at DV. “In fact, I’m only allowed to recruit a certain number of students each month. The economy isn’t the way it was 20 years ago. The military definitely offers some really great benefits.”
Each potential recruit, after taking the ASVAB, must also take a medical exam. This helps recruiters understand the individual’s strong points so they can choose a military career for them out of a list of over 350 different options. After this choice is made, recruits are now able to swear in service. Each military contract consists of four active years of serving and four inactive. The purpose of the four inactive years is for in the case of an extreme national emergency. This way, there will already be trained troops ready to serve their country. “Being in JROTC has taught me to be way more disciplined,” said junior Nathan Cole, “The regimented lifestyle has helped me learn leader and life skills I could not have learned anywhere else.”
ing to put the effort into. As Larry a VERY discounted price compared Strom, Math Department Chair, says, to the three universities in Arizona. “Students should Along with the not take one over significantly the other, they lower price, only should take classes the credits transaccording to their fer to a univerpriorities.” sity, meaning the AP also benefits grade earned is those who want not averaged into college level their university classes, but don’t GPA.” want to pay for It is off-campus tuition true that some or run the risk of colleges and uniJessica Tueller/View Staff versities do not messing up their future GPA. Goroaccept AP credit. Varsha Parasarthy listens to a lecture in her AP “It all depends vitz explains, “My Human Geography Class AP Chemistry class on the higher equals Chemistry institution that 152 at the comyou are going to munity colleges. That’s one year of attend,” explains Strom. chemistry college credit completed at “AP classes are a great option for
many students at DV!” Gorovitz said, “But, in general, they are hard and a student should be prepared to do the work. If you don’t have a great work ethic you many want to reconsider this as an option for you!”
The View
The time for tests is upon us; students are getting ready for the AIMS, PSATS, and SATS. But, for some students on campus, there is one more test to study for. All individuals joining the military require the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test (ASVAB.) This test gives an overview of abilities in four critical areas, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, and mathematics knowledge and also determines qualification for the military. For those looking into a career in the military, this is one of the most important tests required to take. “I’m joining the Air Force,” said junior Chris Walden, “and I’m really
By Angie Bumstead The View
As more students enter high school with higher math skills, students taking advanced classes are younger than average. Here are a few students who have exceeded the expectations for freshman.
Sue Han Freshman “Taking honors is challenging, but I like learning new things and meeting really awesome and cool new people.”
Tala Mujahed Freshman “I think that being in Honors has benefited me a lot. Yes, they are really time consuming, but it’s putting me ahead. When college comes, I’ll be more than ready.”
Anisha Gupta Freshman
“I’m in Honors Algebra 3-4, Honors Freshman English, Honors Bio, and Honors Spanish 3-4. These classes have taught me a lot on how to balance my time and it challenges me a lot as a person. ”
Seth Barrios Freshman “I’m only in three honors, and I don’t really think they’re that difficult. It’s all about applying yourself. Taking these classes is a great way for me to get ahead. Also, my sister was in Honors and I’ve always wanted to follow my sister’s footsteps.”
Marcos DeRose Freshman “Being in Honors classes has challenged me a lot. I definitely can’t sit back and do no work. When I decided to take these classes, I just really wanted to try something new. I’m glad I did because even though I have less time now, I’ll have more time later when I have all my credits.”
Corporal Jackson smiles as he talks about his years of service in the Marines. Angie Bumstead/ View Staff
Advanced Placement: Is it for you?
By Jessica Tueller The View
“The ability to receive college credit, looks great on their transcripts, required by some colleges, and get weighted credit here at DV,” said Kris Gorovitz, science teacher. DV provides all this and more to the diligent students that take AP classes. AP, or Advanced Placement, equals the credit of college classes. Experts in their fields teach students in preparation for the AP exam at the end of the year. DV offers over 20 of these classes in English, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, Math, Science, and Social Studies. AP does differ from honors. They are more intense classes and usually receive higher credits. But the student should make the decision on which subjects he or she is will-
National Merit Finalist Says Anyone Can Achieve It By Jessica Arvayo
Recipe for the Perfect Student Day - Jessica Tueller Needed: -1 ½ hours of healthy meals -6 hours of intense learning -2 hours of extra-curricular activities -3 hours of time with friends -1 hour of grudging homework
Mix it all together with plenty of sleep and a dash of jaded cynicism and you have a delectable student day!
The View
Walking into the room where Ashley Swazey sat, eating a friend’s leftover Tofu lunch and cracking jokes with an acquaintance, you would never guess that any of them were semi-finalists for the National Merit Scholarship Program. There was no arrogance or exaggerated self-opinions, just a crowd of students who share the same interests and happen to be in the same place in life. It just goes to show that truly anything is possible for anyone. With a lot of hard work and persistence, you can achieve the level of success you allow yourself to achieve. Q: What is the National Merit Scholarship Program? A: It’s the junior year PSAT score. They send it to the society and if you meet that score, then you become a semi-finalist. You write them an essay and things like that to become a semi-finalist. Q: Approximately 34,000 high scores receive a letter of recognition of their outstanding academic promise, how does it feel to be one of them? A: Well, I feel lucky because I don’t take any AP classes and I’m the only person who doesn’t take any AP classes. I feel really lucky. Q: Why is it important for you to win this? A: Because scholarships are enabling me to go wherever I want. It’s nice to be able to know I can go wherever I want. Usually 90% of semi-finalists become finalists from Desert Vista. Q: What advice would you give to any students who would like to get involved in the contest next year? A: I would say, study for the PSAT, because getting a good score is important. Even with being a semi-finalist, you get more opportunities. Also, take it [the PSAT] freshman through senior year so you have more practice Ashley Swazey works on homework while cracking jokes under your belt. Jessica Arvayo/View Staff
2010-3.85 2009-3.78 2008-2.82 2007-3.72 2006-3.69 2005-3.51 2004-3.58 2003-3.4 2002-2.96
The View
November, 2010
Teachers choose electronics submissions for assignments By Shannon Masel The View In classes around campus, English teachers are choosing to go paperless. Instead of having students print out their essays for them to grade, they are solely relying on “The features of are really helpful, and a great use of technology,” said Kelly Price, English teacher. “They are a great prep for college and online classes.” Price is also saving time by using the grading system online. She said she loves being able to sit outside when grading instead of being cooped up inside. “It makes grading easier, plus I don’t have to drag around my canvas bags with 200 or more essays.”
While teachers enjoy not having to carry piles of paper essays, some students are not so sure about the technology switches. “We don’t talk about our papers enough now that we have to look at them at home,” said Maddie Sigler, a freshmen in Price’s class. “Even though there are comments online, I don’t know what I did to deserve that grade.” To view grades on an assignment students have to log into on their own time. It may take time to get used to the system for students unfamiliar with it, but hopefully the change will be for the better. The math and science departments additionally use online submissions for assignments. New tools on the DV website will also offer ways to increase the use of technology through discussions and homework submissions. has helped teachers go paperless by allowing students to turn in their assignments via internet, while helping them check for plagiarism
Tech fast facts Biotechnology class like watching CSI Exploring EVIT gives information A Walkman was the first portable music player.
The Walkman was invented in 1978 by audio-vision engineer Nobutoshi Kihara. The IPod was invented in 2001 and introduced to the world on October 23, 2001. As of January 2008 140 million IPods have been sold. Kane Kramer of England invented the earliest form of the IPod in 1979 called the “IXI.” The cell phone was invented by Martin Cooper in 1973. It took 63 years for the first cell phone to be released to the public in Japan. The first digital computer was invented in 1942 and it was patented and released to the pubic on October 19, 1973. Adam Osborne invented the first laptop/portable computer, but IBM PCD released the first actual portable computer in 1984. The first portable computer weighed 30 pounds.
By Shandra Beckett
By Alec Boucher
The View
ost people do not fully understand what Biotechnology is or what goes on in a biotechnology class. Biotech is a very advanced, concentrated, and motivated class. And their curriculum proves that. In the first year of biotech the students learn how to use lab equipment, extract DNA, and do DNA fingerprints. They also learn how to use equipment to examine DNA and for genetic engineering. They take genes from one species and put them into another. They also work with proteins. At the end of the year they look for soil and bacteria in Ahwatukee on roads and discover what kind of bacteria lives on motor oil. No science or technology class would be complete without equipment. And this equipment is not cheap. A major object used in this class is the Electro Free Sys, which costs
The View
Shandra Beckett/View Staff
Students take notes in Biotedchology class that involves learning to use ideas ofetn talked about on forensic science television shows. a whopping $40,000 each. Another much used object is auto clay which is another $8,000 each. They also have “Hoods” for sterile conditions, PCR machines to copy DNA, water baths,
a deep freezer and micropipettes that surprisingly cost $250 each. Most of the equipment is real equipment used in professional labs. If you like CSI you will love this class.
In 1991, the East Valley Institute for Technology (EVIT for short) became open to any juniors and seniors in the East Valley wanting to be trained in a specific career before graduating. Options include: 3D animation, massage therapy, interior design, law enforcement, and many more. On Nov. 17th, from 8:15, from 8:15- 11:30AM, there is a tour of the campus for those wanting to enroll. A permission slip is required to go on this tour however. To receive a permission slip, go to the guidance office and sign up in the special events binder. Permission slips are due before Nov. 12th. For more information, see Mrs. Jones in the guidance office. Students will begin going to EVIT at the same time school begins, Monday through Friday. For half the day, they will be at their home school and for the other half they will be at EVIT. There are two sessions to choose. The morning session is from 8:05- 10:35 and the afternoon session is from 12:05- 2:35. Buses will transport students to and from EVIT.
Crash courses in knowledge of the future By Brooke Rojas The View It is a coined and well-known term that Desert Vista strives for “excellence through performance”, and we certainly have the tools and programs to assist that performance. Technology has been the backbone and reason for many of the various course offerings. Desert Vista’s Business Department, Media Arts Department, and our very own Technology and Engineering Academy are all courses aimed at digging deep into the history, reasoning, and every day life usage and examples of how technology has and is still becoming a vital role and absolute need of the future that we cannot escape. Desert Vista’s Business Department offers courses in computer applications, marketing, entrepreneurship, and financial planning and investment. Advanced courses and dual enrollment, or taking a class here at Desert Vista for a community college credit as well, are also both offered in the department. These courses offer hands-on opportunities to test the waters, or hard-hitting waves, of technology in the business world today. “My favorite part about entrepreneurship is Market Day. I’ve really liked going around and seeing everyone make their own products and actually make money off of it, and I can’t wait to get to do that with my group,” said Kimmie Bennett, a Senior here at Desert Vista. Media Arts is expanding the horizon of school-based media programs. Desert Vista produces a newspaper,
TV segments, and the biggest project: the school yearbook. The media classes, brought together and taught by Michelle Coro are equipped with newer Mac Computers with the latest writing and design programs, Nikon D-40’s with the necessary camera equipment, Handy Cams, and a recording studio with a fullfledged set to create the daily DVTV production. Desert Vista’s Media Arts fuses together “the development of high-level technical skills, careerrelated skills, and skills for life-long learning,” as posted by Michelle Coro on her department’s website. Although various departments throughout Desert Vista incorporate technology into the curriculum, none focus on it as potently and directly as our Technology and Engineering Academy. The academy offers various courses including Introduction to Technology, Automotive Technology, CISCO Networking, Computer Manufacturing, Basic Electricity and
Electronics, and Industrial Cooperative Education. The wide variety of courses in Technical Education provides basic education in the fields preparing students for the “careers of the future”. Not only does it broaden the horizon for greater knowledge, but it can help narrow the path of those interested in a career focused on technology rather than taking classes just because. Desert Vista is quickly pushing students in the right direction, gearing the curriculum towards success after graduation. With the broad range of classes weaving technology into their agendas, teens become more technologically savvy and friendly. This provides a foundation for just about any of today’s growing career paths. As if Desert Vista’s students do not already have the skills and tools to achieve excellence, knowledge in technology is taking us a step ahead.
MObile JOurnalists Wanted!
Build your portfolio as a freelancer! Write, Report, Photos, Video email us for details at
Did you know? A digital native is a person who
was born after the general implementation of digital technology, and as a result, has had a familiarity with digital technologies such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones, and digital audio players over their entire lives.
The View November, 2010
We are a technology generation
photos by Shannon Masel and Atikah Khan
LET’S LOG ON Teacher Gerry Foster is a big user of technology in his
classroom. Students use the web-email, computers, and the internet to explore all aspects of Science.
device with unlimited texting featuring e have been surrounded by technolis also something that is “the norm.” ogy since birth. We are Growing up “I have a touch screen phone and had with color television, music players, about 5,000 text message last month,” and cell phones, it’s a wonder how students confi de sophomore, Laura Cox. She also ever got their homework done. Technology racked up 82 hours on the phone in just is probably the number one distraction one month! teenagers have these days. Music is also another technological ar“I’m on Facebook when I’m doing my ticle that everyone has access to, whether homework,” said sophomore, Kristy Bon- by Mariah Schulte it is from an IPod or simply searching the ham, “or I’ll take a break from my work new top hit on YouTube. The radio is another thing and check to see what’s going on.” That is what most teens do when home is suppos- that is very accessible. 104.7 and 101.5 seem to be edly taking five hours; Facebook is open in another the hit stations for teens. From television to IPods, touch screens to actually window. The social network is just a click away and instead of writing that essay due tomorrow, surfing pressing buttons, this generation is the one who has the “gossip headquarters” for three hours is a much grown up with technology at its fingertips. Everybetter use of time. Facebook is not the only trend thing is just a click away, and pretty soon everything students (even teachers) have, the famous mobile will be a “touch” away.
Show Public Displays of Affection Don’t wait - order now!
The View
November, 2010
Pump up the
Participating in sprit days is just one say students and staff show their school spirit. Game photos by Jasmine Coro/ MOJO.
The Arizona Cardinals selected Dan Hinds as High School Coach of the Week for his outstanding coaching performance. The team presented a certificate to Coach Hinds along with t-shirts for the team and a $2,000 check for the football program. Thunder football ended the regular season with a 28-17 victory over visiting Mesa Red Mountain to advance to the State playoffs. Desert Vista’s 8-2 Class 5A secured a high-playoff seed . photo by Ellie Bell
By Ellie Bell
Too Legit Toto you? Quit! What makes so DV great • Diverse as we may be, DV students’ displays of team camaraderie where it really counts is amicable. –Michael Mazella
• We have a lot of pride and school spirit – Joey Steigerwald
• DV students are able to cooperate in a friendly environment. – Mitchell Hammer
• There is no other students like us, we’re unique. – Julia Thatcher.
• I think it’s our spirit that makes us great. - Mandy Ellis
Log on to dvthundermedia. com and tell us what you love about DV for an A+ project!
• Because we’re the best school ever, everyone wants to be a DV student. - Dee Harvey
•DV has the greatest school spirit, education, and we’re always fired up to learn something new. -Kaylee Glenn
• All the kids are eager to lesrn and teachers enjoy teaching students. -Nathaniel Baumann
• I like DV because there are a lot of new choices available to you. -Kelsie McGraw
The View eeping the spirit on campus alive and well is a daily task that is generated fro a group of students elected to come up with fun ideas for DV. These Spirit Directors take their jobs seriously, especially when it comes to making sure school is fun! Spirit Directors include Julia Thatcher, Student Body Spirit Director and Class
officers Gabriel Haynie (Senior), Alexa Saunders (Junior), Vivian Ngo (Sophomore) and Jasmine Coro (Freshman). “I’ve been around DV for a
really long time since my mom teaches here, and I feel like I have a certain sense of expectation from knowing so much about DV already,” said Coro. “I seriously have no free time!” added Coro with a laugh. “I am in so many different activities and clubs and sports for example here are a few; student council, basketball, badminton, orchestra, piano, dance, baby sitting, volunteering and this is not even all of them!” The sophomore class Spirit Director is Vivian Ngo couldn’t wait to run for office. “I was motivated to run for spirit director because I would like to help the spirit grow at DV,” said sophomore Spirit Director Vivian. “In my free time I like to go to the gym and hang with friends,” she said. Junior class Spirit Director is Alexa Saunders sees how important it is for school spirit. “I wanted to run because I wanted to show how important school spirit is and to get people excited to go to DV,” said Saunders. “When I’m not busy with school I’m at Makutu’s Island, where I work and my job is to help with the parties. But I am also a part of Desert Vista’s Speech and Debate, and I participate in theater,” said Saunders. She is a busy teen and she loves having things to do and being a part of as much as she can. As the senior class Spirit Director is Gabriel Haynie wants to encourage Seniors to make the best of their last year at DV. “I was motivated by wanting to promote and encourage the DV spirit throughout our school,” said senior Spirit Director Gabriel. “In my free time I dance because I love it and I am a dancer. But I also like to hang out with my friends,” said Gabriel. Leading the entire student body is Student Council Spirit Director Julia Thatcher. She has the most experience and knows this school like the back of her hand. She is a very good choice for student body spirit director. She knows how to have fun and how to make high school a great experience for everyone. Gabrielle Haynie, Alexa Saunders, Julia Thatcher, Vivian Ngo and Jasmine Coro jump with excite during the Nerd Out, a popular spirit day to encourage students to get hyped for the last regular season football game. Photo by Courtney Hilbrands/The Storm
5 SPIRIT Sarah Gaston-Contestant
Visit DVTHUNDERMEDIA.COM for slideshows of events
Gym floor to get new look, logo
The View November, 2010
Justice Tripp-Contestant
By Melissa Dean The View
ep assemblies, volleyball, basketball, badminton, dances, and even P.E. All of these events happen on one thing: the gym floor, but do fans really pay attention to it and how it is designed? That is about to change. On October 1st, students, classes, and/or groups took the class competition challenge to design a new gym logo for the new school gym floor. The athletic department was asked to have the opportunity to redo the gym floor and put a new logo on it. But, the administration wanted to incorporate student input for the new logo. So, Student Council came up with the idea of having a class competition during the stu-
Rachel Anderer-Contestant
dents’ third hour classes. “Competing in the contest was done in small groups, individually, or even as a class," said Program Coordinator of Thunder Success Academy, Mr. Miguel Marrero. "The entries went to the administration and the winner would win a pizza party and have their design on the
new gym floor.” Many small groups, individuals, and classes ended up competing in the competition creating a lot of choices for the administration, and a lot of new ideas for the floor. But, in the end, it came down to not one, but three winning designs chosen by the administration.
"Because many classes submitted so many great designs, the judges decided to combine some of the drawings into one masterpiece that will be representing our school on the center court of our gym floor," Marrero said. The winners are from Mrs. Montoya and Mr. Silva's Ameri-
can Studies, Ms. Crystal Roller's Science and Mr. Matt Garvy’s 3rd hour Social Studies classes. Each class will be given a pizza party will take place. “It came down to three winners for the contest, and we will incorporate all three designs into one design for the new logo,” said Activities Director, Ms. Tomika Bethea.
The View
November 2010
Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never fail you Tips to apply in every aspect of writing By Michelle Abunaja The View Is ready spelled R-E-D-Y or R-E-A-D-Y? How do I know whether to use a comma or semicolon? Isn’t the semicolon used for wink faces? That is the extent of how it is used by many students since now-a-day’s extended messages in text talk are the new essays. Good writing can be a drag until the student gets the hang of it. One of DV’s Performance Area Goals is writing. With this school’s caliber of students, this should not be an issue. Especially bearing these tips in mind: Punctuation: Back to the semi-colon and comma debate. How do I know what to use and when? Keep in mind to go over your work and put the commas
2006 ed 90% Pass 21% Exceeded
when there is a pause. Organization: When writing, try to stay on the main topic as best you can. Everyone strays, but go back and review your paper in order to keep to the point. Another thing to remember is keep the writing neat and crisp. Follow Will Strunks’ rule: “Omit needless words!” This comes from a guy who wrote the bestselling grammar book Elements of Style. I strongly suggest taking this into consideration. Adding pointless words to make your essay longer will not make it better. Spelling: Who needs to know how to spell when Microsoft Word shows us our mistakes in red underline? We still do, believe it or not. Everyone knows the “I-before-’e’-exceptafter-‘c’” rhyme, but try to remember the exceptional cases. For example the word “science” does not follow this rule. Vocabulary: We all try to spice up our writing with gargantuan words. All that sounds like is that the writer searched the word “big” used an online thesaurus to make it sound better. It never does.
2007 94% Passed 36% Exceeded
DV earns recognition for top AIMS writing scores
2008 95% Passed 30% Exceeded
2010 94% Passed 37% Exceeded
The Vocab Bible Like Will Strunks’ “little book” this pocket- sized dictionary should be another best-selling anomaly. 100 words every high school freshman should know is an easy and short dictionary that enriches writing with words freshman already know but don’t use. Even in the library, the word of the day sent to the library staff by gives a view on words that are most likely to end up on the SAT’s. Though the word “shenanigans” isn’t often used in writing, it was a huge hit. “That one got a lot of attention the day we put it up,” said Sharon Cheviron, the poster of the daily vocabulary words.
2009 94% Passed 22% Exceeded
Poetry in bloom Young poets at DV are already beginning to flourish and publish their work
By Alex Axenbeck The View Hundreds of people walk down the English hallway in the C-building. Many let their gaze drift towards english-related student achievements posted along the hall. For those who have the time, there’s some fine reading available on those walls, such as the work of DV’s published poets. The names of Timothy Lee, Samantha Davis and Priyanka Mohanty have been displayed on one of the many bulAlex Axenbeck/The View letin boards, Priyanka Mohanty is one of the three noted poets at along with school who have had their writing featured in print. the students’ poems: “Nice contest information and told me Guys”, “Guilt”, and “The Magito submit a poem so I did and it cal Red”. got accepted!” Mohanty said. A Mohanty, who started writing teacher, rather than a friend gave poetry about two years ago, at Davis the push she needed. age 14, is inspired by random “Last year in Junior year Mrs. tidbits. Benedict gave extra credit to try “Just emotions, dots, just like to publish poetry but I never did any daily occurrences,” said Moit because I thought she’d make hanty. Davis’ inspiration comes me read it allowed in class but from deeper emotions. then over the summer I put it ”Events that happen, when online,” said Davis. Although you go though something really Mohanty has only published strong and you don’t want anyone poem she has a plan for her one to know it’s easier to write future in poetry writing. down” Davis said. “I have another few pieces of Both Mohanty and Davis writing that I submitted to conseemed surprised to have been tests,” said Mohanty. “So we’ll published. Their poetic prowess see how that goes.” However was reached in very different it goes, be on the lookout for ways. the work of these noted poets at “A friend actually sent me the
LEARN Writing scores since 2006
Spelling is a key point in the Performance Area Goal of writing. Of all the aspects of the literary arts, students are struggling with spelling and all teachers are looking to change this.
By Roseana Cruz The View
Staff Reports The View The Arizona Department of Education is recognizing Desert Vista High School at this year’s Spotlight on Success Awards Luncheon for consistently having the largest number of students who meet the qualifications for the AIMS Scholarship. Since the
scholarship’s inception in 2006 schools, parents, students, and school staff have struggled to interpret and achieve the criteria. Desert Vista High School has been able to successfully advertise, advise, and inform parents, students and staff which has lead to your school certifying the most students year after year. The awards luncheon will be
held during the Title 1 Mega Conference on Tuesday, November 16th, 2010 from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. at the Wigwam Golf Resort & Spa located at 300 Wigwam Blvd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340. There will be approximately 450-500 individuals in attendance at the luncheon to recognize the achievement.
Teachers use preparation to achieve writing goals By Nicole Salsburg The View Being prepared for the writing section of AIMS does not happen overnight in a crash study session. Teachers spend all year preparing their students to learn writing techniques.
Jen Summers - Sophomore English “We do an AIMS prep unit in February right before the test. We also do a lot of writing assignments to help improve AIMS scores. My students do three practice essays throughout the year as well. I really focus on teaching them how to organize their paper, and the correct format of an essay.” Kelly Price - Freshman & Senior English “I know what I teach every day will prepare my students to
Nicole Salsburg/The View
read well, answer questions, and write. We read and write a lot— different models, different topics, different voices, and different formats. We do some timed writing but mostly I believe practice is key. If they build on the feedback I give, I know they’ll do well on AIMS. What we do in the English department has many applications-SAT preparations AIMS practice tests, college readiness, and workplace readiness. If students meet us halfway and do their job, then I know they will be ready for AIMS and much more.”
Writing: All students will improve writing and spelling skills across disciplines. Two years ago, faculty decided upon this as one of the four Performance Area Goals. “DV Students are phenomenal writers. Spelling is one little element. It’s just where we’re weak.” said Deb Benedict, English Department Chair and leader of the AdvancED team. Spelling was clearly an issue, evidenced by data from what used to be the Stanford 9 exam. Also, many teachers observed that students struggle with it. How is it that students can learn to produce exceptional writing but still have poor spelling skills? “There’s a lot of theory out right now,” said Benedict. “It’s almost like it’s been left behind.” Most of these theories have to do with technology. It is believed that quick and easy “spell check” on Microsoft Word builds bad habits. The click of a button removes all errors and students do not need to pay attention to what the corrections are. Consequently, they find it difficult to detect and correct their own mistakes
when writing by hand. Texting and social networking sites are other bad influences. Texts, blogs, and status updates can be the most common compositions for teenagers. With all of the abbreviation, symbol use, and general informality of these forms of communication, correct spelling is infrequent and unnecessary. When it comes time for avid texters or tweeters to write essays, their spelling will most likely be rusty. Teachers are on the case to reverse the technological curse. From spelling tests to “wows and whoops” exercises, English teachers are seeing to it that improvement is made throughout the year. However, excellence in writing and spelling is being sought in more than just English class. “Each department set up their own interventions for their goals so that each department could be different,” said Benedict. These efforts do generate success as Deb Benedict notes of her own Junior English classes. “From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, spelling errors improve by about half,” said Benedict. “We are always improving.”
The Boys Golf team competed in Tucson at the State Championship and finished in 2nd place, 4 strokes behind Red Mountain. The individual performances were highlighted by Cody McManus who shot 70-69 and finished in second place and Matt Liringis who shot 7268 and finished in fourth place. Sean Buchanan shot 71-76 and Colton Estevez shot 73-74. Both Cody and Matt set all-time school records for their 36 hole score and finish at the State Championship! Congratulations Coach Peterson and our golfers!
The View November, 2010
Smells like teen spirit By Ellie Bell
The View
reast Cancer awareness day, break out the pink shorts, Relay for Life, wear the purple tshirts. This is just an example of how DV takes place in the spirit of awareness. Desert Vista’s students are very spirited in almost every way possible. Almost every Friday DV has a different spirit day, in which the students, staff, and faculty where the colors pertaining to what spirit day it is. By supporting our school’s different teams and clubs, we help motivate them and create a student who strives to win and succeed. “ A positive attitude and enthusiasm towards our school’s teams and clubs is what makes the DV spirit.” Varsity football player, striving violinist and senior, Aaron Smith said. With Aaron being on the football team this just shows that the teams do want the student body to support them and come to as many games as possible and cheer them on. Desert Vista’s spirit brings the students together and makes the school like a big family. Being in high school, students need the extra support, motivation and push to succeed. Students are lucky to go to a school like DV, there is no school that cares as much as our wonderful Desert Vista High School.
-Women’s Volleyball finished 4th in State this year. -Men’s Cross Country finished 3rd in State on Saturday.dv -Women’s Cross Country finished 2nd in State. -Women’s Swim / Dive finished 4th in State. -Men’s Swim / Dive finished 16th in State -Women’s Golf - finished 12th in State -Badminton - finished 11th in State -Football is currently # 3 in Nabeela Khan/ The View state. We host first round of Athletes from DV can show off their wins in the DV trophy case in playoffs Friday, 11/12.2010 the E buildng. All Thunder fall sports teams had impressive finishes. at DV against Mtn. View.
Marching Madness
Rim shots start counting off by 6 a.m. as band members gather in place to march to the practice fields. Community members in the neighborhood wake up to them and go to bed to their sounds. What keeps them on the field and coming back for more?
By Isabelle Tuli The View
Ellie Bell / The View DV supports breast cancer awareness by putting up a display on the top floor of the C building
It is 6 o’clock on a Friday morning, and while the average student is just waking up, or still peacefully sleeping in, some students are already hard at work at school. The same goes for Wednesday and Thursday, since the DV marching band has practice starting at these early times. The marching band has a pretty intense schedule. “Marching band is a huge time
commitment,” Freshman Karsen Gentry, oboe player, confides. “There are days where you are wiped out and you begin to question why you do this, but then you get to practice and everyone is so nice, and then you’re like, ‘this is why I do this.” Whether it is marching around the school on a quiet Friday morning after practice, or playing during the varsity football game, being a part of this band requires a lot of time and energy. It is the personal responsibility of each member to try
Students accepted by elite Jazz Choir
Bringing out the best in you By Nabeela Khan
his or her best, and not let down the rest of the group. And apparently, the practice has paid off. In current competitive competitions, like the Basha Invitational, they were first in division one, and came in second overall. Then, on ASU Band Day they came in first overall, and won all the captions. This is an amazing feat, and shows that all the dedicated work the group has been giving is worth it. Not only is the band full of hardworking people who sacrifice a lot of their time for the school,
The View Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, Fred Astaire, and Frank Sinatra. They are the biggest names, and voices, in jazz. Many would consider them a staple of a bygone era; an era when dirty dancing was swing and renegade saxophonists ran wild. Arizona’s all-state jazz choir wants to bring the music back to the people. Senior Priyanka Atreya is one of three Desert Vista students that have been accepted into the 2010 All-state jazz choir. She has been in schoolbased choir for the last six years and follows an intensive training and practice regimen. “I have choir practice everyday and voice lessons once every week” she said with a slight grimace. The weighty training schedule has not, however, affected her studies. She is one of the twentyone national merit semi-finalists here at Desert Vista. “Choir has influenced the way I think. It’s an escape, music conveys emotion in a totally different way than anything else”. The color of music has changed since the time of Louis Armstrong Dizzy Gillespie. This choir is a flashback to the stylings of these musical legends. In an age of economic strife and soaring unemployment rates, perhaps a little big band flavor is all we need.
The View
Remember to… Give your All in All that you do. When you need your BEST it will be there for you! It’s the school motto said as encouragement from by Dr. Anna Battle to each student, staff and community member on campus. As one of the top public schools of Arizona the Thunder is also among ‘The best’ in the nation. It is on of the few public schools which received a 10 out of 10 when it comes rating. The campus boasts some of the best teachers and most talented students in a school that puts forth efforts to not only to help students get good grades but to also prepares them for college. Educating its students and providing great opportunities for bright futures is what the DV community strives for everyday. For instance, the school’s math department doesn’t want to be only ranked number 1 in the state, it wants that ranking in the world! ‘The school has high expectation from students, parents, teachers and faculty for the campus from the moment they walk in.” said English teacher Erik Dominguez who heads the seven time National Championship winning Speech and Debate team. Students have also recently won awards from the NCTE in writing and a record number of students made it to the the National Merit Semi-Finalists level. The sports programs have no lack success either. DV’s pole-vaulters rank amongst the nations best and the Boys Golf team just secured a runner-up trophy in State competition. “We have teachers who work hard to make sure we not only pass the class, but that we are working hard to achieve our goals in order to be successful later in life” said Senior Bailey McAden. The school not only aims to graduate students with a higher GPA but also opens new pathways for their future which makes Desert Visa high school the best.
Isabelle Tuli / The View
By Joseph Beck
but also after spending so much time with each other, they have all developed close bonds. “The marching band is like your family. You go through so much with them. I have met so many new people, and it’s just so much fun.” Gentry said. “Everyone pushes each other to get better. We sweat, cry, and bleed together. No matter what you do, you always know you will have people in the marching band who will help you and be there when you need them.”
“There are days when you are wiped out and you begin to question why you do this, but then you get to practice and everyone is so nice and then you’re like, ‘this is why I do this.’” – Karsen Gentry
Photo by Isabelle Tuli / The View
Joe Beck/The View
In addition to practice time on the field, students practice their instruments at home and in hallways to ensure performance time perfection. Additional Photos by Jasmine Coro / MOJO
The View
November, 2010
By Merrie Leininger, McClatchy-Tribune
In many ways, fans can relate to Harry Potter. He had to wait out the summer with the inhospitable Dursleys, until that bright day when he could get on the Hogwarts Express and be with friends again. Likewise, fans have had to wait impatiently between movie releases to be able to step into a dark theater and once again be immersed in that charming wizarding world. But now, with the first part of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” coming to screens on Nov. 19, Harry, Ron and Hermione won’t be returning to Hogwarts. Everything has changed for them, and it will for the series’ fans, too.
Oh, how they’ve grown ... Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) Release dates—Directors
Age 12*
Age 11
Age 13
* A g e s a r e a p p r o x i m at e f o r the time of filming.
Chris Columbus “Home Alone”
Age 13
Age 12
Age 14
Chris Columbus
Age 14
Age 13
Age 15
Alfonso Cuaron “Y Tu Mama Tambien”
Age 16
Age 15
Age 17
Mike Newell “Four Weddings and Funeral”
Age 17
Age 16
Age 18
David Yates Control changes hands for the last time.
Age 19
Age 18
Age 20
David Yates
Part 2: Scheduled to be released July 2011
Age 21
Age 20
Age 19
David Yates
DVHPFANS Are you ready?
Join our conversation on Facebook! - search dvhsthundermedia “I think that since splitting it up into two parts they will be able to get more specific details. I’m hoping it will be more true to the book than the other movies. It’s going to be sad to see it go, but I’m hoping it will be a worthwhile end to a wonderful series.” -Saumya Bollam- Junior
Although part two doesn’t apparate into theaters until July, it’s time to come to terms with the end of Harry Potter. And “The Deathly Hallows” is not a light-hearted romp. Despite a few moments that will put smiles on our faces — the wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour, and the “Seven Harrys” scene, where six others take Polyjuice Potion to appear as Harry Potter — our beloved trio, who grew up before our eyes, will be on the run, so it’s important to be up to speed on the story. Before the darkness descends, let’s take a look back at the movies we’ve loved for nearly the past decade.
So many characters, so many perils
The first chapter begins on Harry Potter’s 11th birthday, when he discovers he’s a wizard, as were his parents. He learns they were killed by an evil wizard named Voldemort when he was an infant — a fact hidden from him by his awful relatives, the Dursleys. Harry enters Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and finds he is something of a legend — known as “The Boy Who Lived” because he survived Voldemort’s attack which left him with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. Harry becomes friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Harry is lonely and miserable over the summer with the Dursleys who banish him to his room. Dobby, a house elf, warns Harry against returning to Hogwarts. Harry ignores Dobby’s warnings and tricks and returns to school with Ron in a flying car. The trio discover a giant snake called a
Granger. Although he is a good student and a star Quidditch player, he’s treated with derision by Potions Professor Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) and an arrogant student Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton). Harry, Ron and Hermione determine the missing Sorcerer’s Stone — a magical object that extends life — must be the item Fluffy, a three-headed dog, is guarding. Harry is suspicious of Snape’s intentions regarding the stone after witnessing him threaten the meek Defense Against the Dark Arts (D.A.D.A.) Professor Quirinus Quirrell. Harry must get the stone before Voldemort or his followers, the Death Eaters.
Gilderoy Lockhart, a narcissistic wizarding celebrity played by Kenneth Branagh.
Dobby Remus Dementors. Despite his kindly ways, Lupin has a dark Lupin (aka secret that almost gets Harry and his friends killed. Mooney) Harry meets Sirius in the Shrieking Shack where played they discover Ron’s pet rat is really Peter Pettigrew by David Thewlis, (aka Wormtail), the real betrayer and Death Eater. this instrucThe discovery can clear Sirius’s name. tor transOf note:Actor Richard Harris, who portrayed Hogwarts forms into a vicious headmaster, Professor Dumbledore in the films, died of wereworlf. Hodgkin’s Disease at the age of 72, and was replaced by Michael Gambon for the remaining films.
Harry, Ron and Hermione are made aware of The Order of the Phoenix, who fought against Voldemort 14 years earlier during the First Wizarding War. The trio learn Snape is a double agent — although it’s unclear which side holds his true loyalty. The Order must work outside the Ministry of Magic, which refuses to believe Voldemort has returned, and has installed the sadistic Delores Umbridge as D.A.D.A teacher, “high inquisitor,” and eventually, headmistress. Severus Snape finally wins the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and although he remains in Dumbledore’s good graces, he has made an unbreakable vow with Draco’s mother. This vow forces Snape to protect Draco who is forced to carry out a task from Voldemort: To kill Dumbledore.
Quirinus, played by Ian Hart, is perpertually nervous and wears a purple tuban to hid his dark secret.
Basilisk is stalking the castle and attacking students. Ron’s younger sister, Ginny (Bonnie Wright) is taken by the Basilisk and the new (D.A.D.A.) professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, is no help. The vain professor is ridiculously inept, so Ron, Hermione and Harry must find the Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ginny themselves.
Harry learns he’s in danger from a notorious criminal who has escaped the Dementor guards at Azkaban prison. But the wrongly convicted Sirius Black (Gary Oldman), who is accused of being loyal to Voldemort, is Harry’s godfather. Students on the Hogwarts Express have a run-in with the Dementors, sinister creatures that drain the happiness of anyone nearby. The encounter leaves Harry unconscious, but he is rescued by the new D.A.D.A teacher, Remus Lupin (David Thewlis). Lupin helps Harry develop a Patronus, an apparition to fend off the Hogwarts is selected as the site of the year-long Triwizard Tournament, and hosts students from foreign wizarding schools. One student from each school is chosen by the Goblet of Fire to compete, but the cup tosses out a fourth name — Harry Potter. Hogwart’s other champion is Cedric Diggory (played by future
Hogwarts’ high turnover for Defense Against the Dark Arts (D.A.D.A.) teacher
(Spoiler alert!) In it, Harry, Ron and Hermione take to the road to hide from the Death Eaters, who have now taken over the reins at the Ministry, and made Snape headmaster of Hogwarts. While continuing Dumbledore’s work searching for the Horcruxes, they discover the tale of the Deathly Hallows: three objects (the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility) supposedly created by Death, which would make Voldemort invincible. The trio slowly make some headway, but they are isolated from their friends and family, and the stress begins to divide them. They are soon captured by the Death Eaters, and Dobby is killed by Bellatrix. The film reportedly ends with Voldemort
“Twilight” vampire Robert Pattinson). Meanwhile, fears are heightened as Voldemort’s (Ralph Fiennes) lackeys, the Death Eaters, are making themselves known; and more trouble is stirred up by a reporter with a poison pen, Rita Skeeter (Miranda Richardson). In addition, the new D.A.D.A. teacher, “Mad-Eye” Moody, is being impersonated by the evil Barty Crouch Jr.
“Mad-Eye” Moody Brendan Gleeson plays the famous auro, someone who pursues and apprehends dark wizards.
Dolores Um-
A group of Hogwarts students rebel against Umbridge bride Imelda by forming Dumbledore’s Army (D.A.), training in secret Staunton plays the cruel and to learn magical defensive techniques. Six D.A. members,abusive teacher including Harry, use their skills against Death Eaters while who does very trying to rescue Sirius at the Ministry’s Department of Mys- little teaching. teries. It’s there the demented Bellatrix Lestrange (Helena Bonham Carter) gleefully kills Sirius.
After Harry finds out that Voldemort has split his soul into seven pieces, Dumbledore and Harry leave Hogwarts to retrieve a Horcrux, a locket that contains one of the pieces, but Dumbledore must drink a poison in order to retrieve it. Back at Hogwarts, a weakened Dumbledore encounters Draco, but he falters, and Snape takes over, killing the headmaster himself in order to save the boy. taking the Elder Wand from Dumbledore’s grave. In the final film, Harry, Hermione and Ron return to Hogwarts when they learn a Horcrux is hidden there. Voldemort and the Death Eaters descend on Hogwarts, and the Battle of Hogwarts begins. Voldemort kills Snape, thinking it will be the only way to become the master of the Elder Wand. Before he dies, Snape reveals his motivation for all his actions has always been to protect Harry, the son of his childhood love, Lily Potter. Harry also learns that he, himself, is the final Horcrux, and must allow himself to be killed in order to defeat Voldemort.
Severus Snape Alan Rickman plays the complex Potions teacher turned D.A.D.A teacher.
Lord Voldemort, played by Ralph Fiennes, and his evil minions are the reason for all those D.A.D.A. classes
This HP fan has been devoted “since the cassettes came out for the first book.” Salehi is one of the lucky ones going to the midnight premiere. “I don’t know what to expect but I’m excited.” -Aria Salehi- Senior Gjika “can’t freakin’ wait” to see Harry Potter in his latest film. “He made me really want to go to Hogwarts and be a wizard.” -Jailynn Gjika- Junior “When I was little I thought I could do magic. [Harry Potter] taught me good morals. It made me who I am.” Jacob Buchlater- Junior