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Art specialty and how I began?

I was an art major and art teacher. I can’t remember any time in my life that I wasn’t doodling, drawing, painting, printmaking, “creating collages”, or looking at art..sharing art…. enjoying art. I paint (acrylics) and also enjoy using vintage postcard images in craft work.

What inspires your designs?

The beauty of bare tree branches against a bright sky. Flaming Fall colors. Texture and contrast in nature. The work of old masters, the impressionists, works by contemporary artists. My studio bulletin board is covered with photos and things I see in books, ads, magazines. Also quotes and lists of ideas to pursue.

The importance of creativity

Creativity stimulates THINKING and IMAGINATION… keeps us active, young, and engaged in our world and truly ENHANCES daily life. It is FUN, and, for me, makes me anxious

Art specialty and how I began?

While studying Art at the University of Colorado in 1970 (there you go, I gave away my age) while loving all of the classes I took, I fell in love with playing with clay, specifically making pots on the potters wheel. It provided a challenge and a way for me to express myself through art. I took a couple of decades off to raise my three children and went back to pottery about 13 years ago. I have been hooked ever since.

What inspires your designs?

Since one of my favorite things to do in life is eat, using hand made pots to cook, serve in and eat out of gives me great pleasure. I derive even more pleasure from knowing other people hold, use and enjoy pots that I have made. For me there is a connection and intimacy gained from this connection.

The importance of creativity and thrilled to get to my studio each day…WE ALL NEED PURPOSE. Einstein said “the true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination”

I feel fulfilled having a creative outlet and am lucky that I have pottery as mine.

Favorite piece of art/why?

Impossible to answer. Every piece I paint or create sparks an idea for something else I want to try. When others appreciate and admire our work, it makes the process seem worthwhile and keeps us going! I think FAVORITE pieces make us proud still LONG after we made them…even though we improve and grow as we go along.

Favorite piece of art/why?

As much as I like making functional pottery, some of my favorite pieces are alternatively fired vessels. When you come into the gallery I love talking about how pots are fired with horse hair or fired in a pit and others.

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