2-20-20 Villager E edition

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Village at Castle Pines home wins 3rd place nationally In The Wall Street Journal’s 2019 House of the Year Contest

As the 3rd place recipient of the Wall Street Journal’s coveted and prestigious House of the Year award, 2 Borealis Way was recently featured prominently in the Mansion section of the newspaper. The 50 homes nominated for the award were editorially chosen and results were voter driven.


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into the open, sunlit space, feeling as if the vibrant nature outside was literally in our laps, we were speechless. Continued on pages 16-17


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PAGE 2 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

Political party caucuses are next on the agenda on March 7 BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

and district assemblies. The county assemblies will elect county candidates for the June 30 primary election and delegates to the state assembly and the congressional district assembly. District assemblies will do the heavy lifting, identifying primary candidates for the legislature, the Congress, the CU board of regents, state board of education and district attorney. Delegates to the national party conventions are also designated there and formally elected at the state assembly, which is reserved for statewide offices and national questions. The only statewide office on the 2020 ballot in Colorado is U.S. Senator and only one party, the Democrats, has a competitive race for that seat. After county and district assemblies have done their work, the parties will hold their state assemblies on April


After the March 3 presidential primary is in the books, Coloradans who actively participate in grassroots party politics will get down to the important business of lining up candidates for all the other elective offices on the ballot this Nov. 3. On March 7, any Coloradan who is a registered Democrat or a Republican will have the opportunity to gather with fellow party members at 3,133 individual neighborhood precinct caucuses to begin the process that will lead to the choosing of candidates for United States Senator (only the Democrats; Republicans are sticking with incumbent Sen. Cory Gardner), United States House of

Representatives, state legislature, district attorney, state board of education, and University of Colorado Board of Regents, along with national party representatives. Participants will also consider questions about party platforms for the national conventions to be held this summer. 17-year-olds who will be 18 before Nov. 3 may participate in caucuses as long as they’ve already registered to vote. Voters can get information on what precinct they live in and where their Democratic or Republican caucus meetings are being held on their party’s website. Republicans should go to caucuses.cologop.org. Democrats can find out what they need to know at coloradodems.org. Unaffiliated voters cannot participate. At the March 7 caucuses, those voters who show up will choose precinct leaders and delegates to the county

18. Republicans will gather at the FirstBank Center in Broomfield. Democrats will hold their state convention at the Colorado Convention Center in downtown Denver. A spot on the June 30 primary ballot can be won by obtaining at least 30 percent of the support of state assembly delegates or gathering the required number of voter signatures on petitions circulated. The number required and where they come from depends upon the office being sought. Next on the agenda will be the national conventions. Democrats, who seem like they will have the more interesting gathering at this point, will meet from July 13-16 at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, WI. Republicans will assemble to nominate President Trump and Vice-President Pence for a second term on August 24-27 at the Spectrum

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Center in Charlotte, NC. The long list of Democrats who are seeking a spot on the Democratic primary ballot for United States Senate are former House Speaker Andrew Romanoff, former Governor John Hickenlooper, non-profit leader Lorena Garcia, scientist Trish Zornio, CU Colorado Springs professor of women’s and ethnic studies Stephanie Rose Spaulding, environmental activist and psychologist Diana Bray, Open Door Ministries founder Michelle Ferrigno Warren, and DU professor and homeland security consultant David Goldfischer. Two others, Critter Melton and Erik Underwood, have also announced their intentions to run. Only Romanoff and Hickenlooper have held previous elective offices. Fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

CO National Guard conducts winter training in Vail

Colorado Army National ski and winter training was held in Vail, Colorado, Feb. 14-17. This training enhanced the Soldiers’ mountain skills while honoring Colorado as the original home of the U.S. Army’s 10th Mountain Division. “Testing our warriors’ skills in a winter environment is critical to their readiness,” The Adjutant General of Colorado U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Michael Loh said. “We’re also following a proud legacy of service handed down by our 10th Mountain veterans who first trained in Colorado.” Many 10th Mountain veterans returned to Colorado following World War II and laid the foundations of Colorado’s ski industry. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Riva Ridge in Italy, where 10th Mountain Soldiers defeated Nazi forces on the slopes of the northern Apennine Mountains. Additionally the CONG’s 157th Infantry is commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Dachau labor camp led by CONG U.S. Army Lt. Col. Felix Sparks. A COARNG UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter used for mountain search and rescue and other domestic operations landed on Vail Mountain and was open to the public for viewing. The public had the opportunity to view other equipment including a Small Unit Support Vehicle and a High Mobility Multi-Wheeled Vehicle. The Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-yield Explosives Enhanced Response Force Package, a Special Forces all-terrain utility vehicle, and other team and individual military equipment used in high-altitude military and rescue operations also, built snow caves, and demonstrated the CONG’s mountain infantry capabilities. Soldiers also participated in a tribute parade and hosted a military ski race, both in Vail.

February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 3

Hate and violent extremism on the rise in the U.S. BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

On Feb. 13, the Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab (CELL), the Denver Post, and the University of Denver presented a provocative program of four distinguished panelists on the subject of “Confronting Hate and Violent Extremism in the U.S.” Two panel members were appointees of the current administration in Washington, D.C., Jason R. Dunn, United States Attorney for the District of Colorado and Elizabeth Neumann, United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy. Joining them on the panel were George Selim, Senior Vice-President of Programs at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in Washington, D.C. and Christian Picciolini, “an award-winning television

Panelists for the discussion were Jason R. Dunn, United States Attorney for the District of Colorado, Christian Picciolini, television producer, public speaker, author, peace advocate, and former violent extremist, Elizabeth Neumann, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention and Security Policy, and George Selim, Senior Vice President of Programs, Anti-Defamation League. Photo by Freda Miklin

producer, public speaker, author, peace advocate, and former violent extremist.” Larry A. Mizel, president and founder of the CELL introduced the program by saying, “Today we are witnessing the prevalence of racism and anti-Semitism.” He showed a moving video that included personal statements from local Holocaust survivors Osi

Sladek, Jack Adler, and the late Paula Burger that included their views about the vital importance of teaching tolerance and remaining vigilant so that the events that led to the Holocaust are not repeated. The focus of the discussion, moderated by David P. Cohen, public policy and legal strategist at Brownstein Hyatt Farber

Schreck, who has 20 years of experience in Washington, D.C. with the government, non-profit, and private sectors, was on the increasing pervasiveness of white supremacy and white nationalism in the U.S. Cohen asked Picciolini, who once participated in such activity, what brings people to it. “A life in which they are alienated that

leaves them vulnerable to fringe influences,” he responded. “It is about scorching the earth. The ideology comes later, almost as a justification of the behavior, as a “permission slip” to express self-hatred and unhappiness.” He continued, “The internet changed everything. Young people who Continued on page 5

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PAGE 4 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

The Villager

Tales of the Old West, Part 3: I relate these early day ranch tales for histories sake to share how life was back in time in far rural N.W. Colorado living on a cattle ranch where time had stood still before World War ll. As written in prior columns, we lived in a five-room wooden frame house heated by two coal stoves, a large cooking stove in the kitchen and a second brown stove in the living room. My brother and I slept in the bedroom with my mom and dad. We used kerosene lamps at night for light and drinking water in a bucket from the nearby Yampa River. The wooden outhouse was located across the barnyard and there would be frost on the wooden openings in the mornings. We had a pot “thunder jug” in the corner of the bedroom for nighttime use. The ranch barnyard was my world where I would spend my early childhood playing with our dogs and cats and exploring the ranch buildings that all had a purpose for survival. Near the residence was a coal house full of lump coal hauled from the Axial coal mine about ten miles away by horse and wagon. The coal was in large chucks, shiny and black, surrounded by “slack,”

the smaller pieces in the load of coal. There was also “slag” that was a rock that wouldn’t burn. Next to the coal house was the woodpile with dry logs and piles of chips from the cutting of the firewood for the stoves. One of my chores was to fetch wood and coal in buckets for the house although instructed to leave the double-bladed axe alone. Nestled in the corner of the coal house was a doghouse where our stock dogs were insulated by burlap grain sacks. There were two small cabins for hired hands to sleep and an adjacent outhouse nearby. The largest building was the barn about 100 yards from the house that was a wooden structure with two sides and a manger in the middle. It was the home for the bevy of cats and kittens that lived in the manger hay. Saddles and bridles adorned the wall and we saddled the horses inside the barn but were instructed to never mount the horse in the barn. On the walls of the barn were the harnesses for the work horses, leather reins, and straps to hitch the teams to the wagons and farm equipment. We had one old Plymouth car on the other side of the barn and my dad kept the car battery in the house during the winter. About once a month we would drive into

Craig on a Saturday afternoon to buy provisions. We would park on the main street and my folks would visit with other ranchers. Our contact with Craig was the local newspaper, The Craig Empire Courier that I would one day own. There were other outbuildings, a round metal granary that was mouse proof where we kept oats for the horses and sacks of feed. There was a workshed with an iron forge to heat and bend steel, a huge anvil and a host of tools, shovels, pitchforks, and farm tools. Farm equipment had to be repaired and my father was an awesome blacksmith with this equipment. Next to the shop was the icehouse where large blocks of ice were sawed out of the Yampa River during the winter. The ice blocks were about 12” x 12” inch, heavy and were lifted by ice tongs and would fit inside the wooden icebox in the kitchen pantry. Cutting of the ice from the river was a full day operation of sawing and putting it on a horse driven sled and then stacking the ice in the icehouse, covering each layer of ice with black coal slack that insulated the ice and kept it from melting. This ice would last for an entire year. This process intrigued me, and I got in everyone’s way especially on the ice where they didn’t want me to fall in the

river where the ice was being removed. Next to the coal house was the “root cellar” dug into the ground about ten feet deep and 20 ft long with shelves and bins where we stored our large potato crop and root vegetables. Above on the shelves were Mason jars from the large garden full of canned vegetables, chokecherry syrup, and fruit, enough food to last for a year. At the back wall was a large plank with hooks holding canvas meat sacks from our own butchered beef. The meat was placed outside on the icehouse at night where the temperatures in the winter was freezing. The meat never spoiled, and we had fresh meat at every meal. Bacon was purchased in large cured slabs and sliced. My Uncle Pat and Aunt Edna, who lived four miles away on the home ranch, supplied fresh eggs unless the skunks and coyotes killed her chickens, a common occurrence. Beyond the barn were the. horse pastures, a round corral for breaking wild horses, and a shed that housed the milk cow that was the most marvelous creature on earth. She would have her calves every year and we would milk one side of her udder and the calf got the other side. The fresh milk and cream were cooled in the wooden icebox with fresh milk morning and night. TO BE CONTINUED:

Office: 8933 East Union Ave. • Suite 230 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-1357 Phone: (303) 773-8313 Fax: (303) 773-8456 A legal newspaper of general circulation in Arapahoe County, Colorado. (USPS 431-010) Published weekly by the Villager Publishing Co., Inc. Available for home or office delivery by U.S. Mail for $45 per year. Single copies available for 75¢ per issue. PERODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ENGLEWOOD, CO. A Colorado Statutory Publication CRS (197324-70 et al). Postmaster: Send address changes to The Villager, 8933 East Union Ave., Suite #230, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-1357 Deadlines: Display Advertising, Legal Notices, press releases, letters to the editor, 4:00 p.m. Friday. Classified Advertising, noon Monday.

PUBLISHER & EDITOR Gerri Sweeney — x307 gerri@villagerpublishing.com PUBLISHER Robert Sweeney — x350 bsween1@aol.com VICE PRESIDENT/MARKETING Sharon Sweeney — x305 sharon@villagerpublishing.com CREATIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR Susan Sweeney Lanam 720-270-2018 susan@villagerpublishing.com LEGALS Becky Osterwald legal@villagerpublishing.com REPORTER Robert Sweeney bsween1@aol.com NEWS EDITOR gerri@villagerpublishing.com GOVERNMENTAL REPORTERS Freda Miklin fmiklin.villager@gmail.com 303-489-4900 • 303-773-8313 x365 Doris B. Truhlar dorisbtruhlar@gmail.com 720-934-4645 FASHION & LIFESTYLE Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com DESIGN/PRODUCTION MANAGER Tom McTighe — x303 production@villagerpublishing.com ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Sharon Sweeney — x305 303-503-1388 sharon@villagerpublishing.com Linda Kehr — 303-881-9469 linda@villagerpublishing.com Valerie LeVier — 303-358-1555 valerie@villagerpublishing.com Susan Lanam — 720-270-2018 Gerri Sweeney — x307 gerri@villagerpublishing.com Scottie Iverson swan@denverswan.com SUBSCRIPTIONS B.T. Galloway — x301 subscribe@villagerpublishing.com

I read the following quote, “When in a storm you have to learn to dance in the rain.” That’s something for all of us to follow and maintain a good attitude no matter what. I’ve always believed that it doesn’t cost anything to smile. We can all be happy that February is fleeting by and all of this cold weather will soon be gone. “April showers will be bringing May flowers.” *** I guess CU has lost their football coach; maybe Dave Logan does have a chance to coach big league

football. What a great move for him to return to his alma mater and coach the Buffalo’s. Cherry Creek’s loss would be Colorado’s gain. *** We’re coming in to “March Madness” and I watched the Buffs drop a heartbreaking game to the Oregon Ducks last week, losing with a three-point Duck shot in the last second. They are tied for the lead in the PAC 12 and doing quite well. March is a great time for basketball and most of the great teams always seem to return. *** We have some more

Democrat debates this week and South Carolina looms as the next prize and perhaps Joe Biden’s last chance to climb back on top. Many of the contenders will be passing through Colorado over the next few weeks. Bernie has already been here and continues to be a popular choice, especially among young voters who like all of the free stuff that he promises. It will be good news for President Trump if Bernie is the nominee. Climbing rapidly is Mike Bloomberg who is buying his way to the top of the ticket. The Trumps attended the Daytona 500 that was rained out but not before

the president and first lady were able to take a lap on the track to the ovation of the NASCAR fans who apparently like the president.

*** Some day we may have a NASCAR track out East of Aurora. They want to come to Colorado and it may happen sooner or later.

*** Aurora city council may impose a new one-percent sales tax on marijuana sales to replace lost revenue from eliminating the redlight cameras. The revenue would go towards assistance for the homeless. ***

PHOTOGRAPHER Stefan Krusze — 303-717-8282 octaviangogoI@aol.com EDITORIAL COLUMNISTS Robert Sweeney — x350 bsween1@aol.com The Villager is an award-winning, locally owned, independent newspaper. All letters to the editor must be signed. The contributor’s name, hometown and phone number must also accompany all letters to the editor for verification, and we reserve the right to edit contributions for space. We attempt to verify all matters of fact but hold contributors liable for the content, accuracy and fairness of their contributions. All submissions become the property of The Villager and may be reused in any medium.

Reverend Martin Niemoller “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me!”

2018 Member

QUOTE of the WEEK If theof freedom of QUOTE the WEEK speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. Submit your letters online at: www.villagerpublishing.com or email to: editorial@villagerpublishing.com • 303-773-8313

- George Washington

February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 5

Domestic terrorism has international ties

Larry Mizel is the chairman and CEO of MDC Holdings and the Mizel Institute. Continued from page 3

feel alienated are easy to recruit. They do it over headsets of teens playing video games. They give them a black and white view of the world. Now they belong to something. They have an identity and purpose.” Turning to his own experience, Picciolini shared, “I was recruited at the age of 14 in 1987 to America’s first neo-Nazi group in Chicago. When group leaders got arrested, I filled the role of leadership. At 14, I was invincible. At 16 ½, I was given the reins of this skinhead organization.” George Selim, who served in the administrations of Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump, most recently as the Department of Homeland Security’s first director of the Office for Community Partnerships, before moving to the Anti-Defamation League as a senior vice-president, talked about the history of extremism in the United States, which the ADL, he reported, “has been tracking for 40 years.” Between 2007 and 2018, Selim shared, “70 percent of people who were killed in the name of ideology were killed by white nationalists. Between 2015 and 2018, anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. have increased 99 percent.” In response to a question about whether the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI have the tools to address the threats we face, Dunn said, “We work with the FBI and coordinate with local law enforcement every day to figure out who might be crossing the line from hateful speech to hateful acts. The U.S. Attorney, DHS, and the FBI watch the internet and monitor chat rooms for signs.” Neumann added, “We look for behavioral indicators that crime is being planned.” Cohen asked Selim to address how the effort to combat hate and violent extremism has looked through the three presidential administrations he has served. Selim was direct, explaining “I’m not in government anymore. There are insufficient resources going into this effort. Less than 1,200 people are working on this in the federal government…The environment has changed. We need to think about the issue differently. Federal, state, and local government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and citizens need to work together to understand the ecosystem of domestic terror.” Dunn and Picciolini both noted the lack of federal laws that apply directly to domestic terrorism compared to those on the books about foreign terrorism.

Kevin Klein, director of the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in the state Department of Public Safety, speaker Elizabeth Neumann, and 18th Judicial District Attorney George Brauchler visited before the program.

Aurora Police Department Deputy Chief Harry Glidden and Ret. Brig. General Robert Enzenauer , Chief of Ophthalmology at Children’s Hospital, were happy to see George Brauchler, 18th judicial district DA. Photos by Freda Miklin

The discussion moved to the international aspects of hate and violent extremism. Said Selim, “White supremacy is definitely a trans-national threat that the (U.S.) State Department and other agencies of the federal government should take much more seriously.” Regarding methodology, Picciolini said, “Neo-Nazis have made

Neumann pointed out that, “Everyone needs to be careful about what information they’re taking in from the internet. We’ve lost the ability to think critically.” The moderator, David Cohen, went back to Picciolini to explore his statement. “Why did you say Russia?” asked Cohen to Picciolini, who responded, “I’ve been

money on…ads on their hate propaganda videos. The internet wasn’t smart enough to understand what the videos were actually advertising.” Neumann added, “Some are working to sow discord in our country,” to which Picciolini responded, “It’s Russia. I can say it. I don’t work for the government.”

tracking Russia for years. They are using Americans in a proxy war pitting Americans against each other, sowing chaos in this country. In October 2016, I notified the U.S. government and Hillary Clinton’s campaign that I was noticing Russians posing as neo-Nazis, as Continued on page 6

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Nominations for the Arapahoe County Mayors and Commissioners Youth Awards, a scholarship program for exceptional high school seniors, are now open. Deadline Feb. 28 arapahoegov.com/youthawards 2020 Colorado Garden & Home Show Running from Feb. 22 – March 1 at the Colorado Convention Center, this year’s theme is “Heroes and Villains in the Garden.” Home improvement tips and tricks and gardening advice are also on tap. coloradogardenfoundation.org/colorado-garden-home-show

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PAGE 6 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

Mizel Museum promotes social justice Michael Touff, General Counsel MDC Holdings, Michael Klein, KAVOD Senior Life president and CEO, and Scott Levin, ADL Mountain States regional director, were anxious to hear the speakers’ presentation.

Former Aurora City Council Member Bob Roth visited with Colorado State Patrol Chief Matt Packard.

U S Army Col. Kevin Kick, State Sen. Kevin Priola, and South Metro Fire Rescue Assistant Chief Jerry Rhodes never miss this program. State Sen. Dennis Hisey discussed current events with Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman.

Joshua Widoff, managing director and chief legal officer of Black Creek Group and real estate executive Zvi Rudawsky agreed that the program was important. Continued from page 5

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ISIS, and as members of Black Lives Matter just to disrupt American society. Russia has been doing this for 100 years.” After noting the alarming rise in white supremacism and neo-Nazis in Europe, Selim harkened back to the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA in August 2017 that resulted in the death of 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injury of 28 others. He pointed out that people from over 30 different states went to the trouble to plan a trip to that location for the sole purpose of expressing hate. Cohen opened yet another difficult topic when he posed the question to Neumann and Dunn, “Neo-Nazism is being seen in the U.S. State Department and the military. Is the government doing enough to look within?” Neumann responded by asking if someone would address the problem in the military. Dunn said, “We don’t want to see it in the military.” In her closing statement Neumann said, “We are so blessed. We’ve become isolated. People don’t know their neighbors. Help your kids engage in the world. We have to change as a country. It starts in the community. Government needs to be a player but it cannot solve this problem.” The CELL is one of the two centers of the Mizel Institute, founded 35 years ago by real estate magnate and philanthropist Larry A. Mizel, chairman and CEO of MDC Holdings. The CELL is “dedicated to preventing terrorism through education, empowerment, and engagement (via) its one-of-a-kind exhibit, renowned speaker series, and training initiatives (that) provide a comprehensive look at the threat of terrorism and how individuals can play a role in preventing it, ultimately enhancing public safety.” The other center of the Mizel Institute, the Mizel Museum “promotes social justice with its unique educational programming, cultural exhibits, and events.” Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

Covering business

February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 7

in the DTC & Denver south SM


Covering business

in the DTC & Denver south SM


Denver Metro Chamber names 2020 business awards finalists


ecognizing the best in the Denver metro area, 18 organizations have been named as finalists for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce’s 2020 Business Awards, presented by BOK Financial. Awards are given in the categories of minority or woman-owned business, small business, start-up business and small and large nonprofit – and new this year: disruptor, honoring organizations that are changing the way we do business through innovation and creative problem solving, from sustainable practices to social responsibility to breakthrough technology. Winners will be

named live at the Business Awards on April 24 at Infinity Park. “Each year, we’re thrilled to honor the best in business, and this year’s Business Awards finalists are no exception,” said Chamber President and CEO Kelly Brough. “These organizations not only create great jobs but they and their teams shape our community.”

The Finalists

Disruptor of the Year AT&T, RK and Teatulia Organic Teas Award sponsored by Danone North America Minority or Woman-owned Business of the Year

Large Nonprofit of the Year Denver Scholarship Foundation, Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver and Metro Caring Award sponsored by Fireside Production

Aim High Chiropractic, Novitas Communications and Workplace Resource Award sponsored by Xcel Energy Small Business of the Year Bespoke Event Group, Core Contractors, Roofing Systems and YellowDog Denver Award sponsored by Transworld Business Advisors

Start-Up Business of the Year Cliexa, Emerge Professional Services and Urban Solution Group Award sponsored by Emergenetics International Small Nonprofit of the Year: Heart & Hand Center, Project Helping and WeeCycle

For more than 150 years, the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce has been a leading voice for Colorado’s business community. With a membership that spans the state and includes thousands of businesses and their 400,000 employees, the Chamber is an effective advocate for small and large businesses. For more information, go to denverchamber .org.

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PAGE 8 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

Covering business

in the DTC & Denver south SM


$80 Million expansion of Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center nights on the books for all future years. Since that time, the 85-acre resort has experienced strong demand and closed the third quarter of 2019 with nearly 1.2 million net group room nights on the books for all future years, a 7.4 percent increase compared to the third quarter of 2018. Colin Reed, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, said, “The initial performance at Gaylord Rockies has exceeded our expectations for a property in its first year of operations, and feedback from both


Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc., a lodging real estate investment trust specializing in group-oriented, destination hotel assets in urban and resort markets, and RIDA Development Corp., announced plans for an $80 million, 317-room expansion of Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center in Aurora, Colorado. Opened in December 2018, Gaylord Rockies was the first Marriott property to begin operations with more than 1 million net room


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group and leisure customers has been tremendous. These early results, combined with the demand we are experiencing as large group supply remains constrained nationwide, reinforce our belief that this is the right time to increase the capacity of this hotel.” Construction is expected to begin in the second quarter of 2020, and the expansion is expected to open in early 2022. Once complete, the expansion will bring the total room count at Colorado’s largest combined resort and convention center to 1,818. Ira Mitzner, President and Chief Executive Officer of RIDA Development Corp., said, “We take great pride in Gaylord Rockies creating a best-in-class large meeting destination for the state of Colorado. To date, nearly 80 percent of the groups at Gaylord Rockies had never met in Colorado before. We are truly growing the pie for this state.” Reed added, “We value the strong partnership with RIDA Development Corp. and the city of Aurora, and we are pleased to see our shared vision for Gaylord Rockies continue to take shape. Similar to recent projects at Gaylord Texan and Gaylord N







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Palms, this expansion will allow us to accommodate the additional demand for this property in a way that seamlessly integrates into the existing hotel infrastructure.” “Since the very beginning of this project we have said that the Gaylord Rockies would be an incredible economic development catalyst for the City of Aurora, Adams County and the State of Colorado,” said Wendy Mitchell, President and CEO of the Aurora Economic Development Council. “The quick timing of an expansion further proves that this has come to fruition and means even more positive impact for the region as we see significant development being catalyzed in the surrounding area. We appreciate the continued leadership and forward-thinking approach of all the stakeholders involved and look forward to the Gaylord Rockies delivering even more value to our community.” Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman added, “The Gaylord Rockies is one of Aurora’s most significant accomplishments to date and a major driver in our growing economy. The project has put Aurora on the map and I’m proud to see so many new visitors coming here to experience all that our community has to offer. When we look at the economic development success story here, it’s clear that it is a win-win for everyone involved especially for our residents who now have the opportunity of more than 1,500 quality jobs and counting that were created through this deal. RIDA Development Corp., the Company, the City of Aurora, Adams County, and the Aurora Economic Development Council, and all others involved came together to make the Gaylord Rockies a reality and this partnership exemplifies how we like to do business here in Aurora.” The planned expansion will be financed by the joint venture that owns Gaylord Rockies with additional borrowings from its term loan, which is set to mature in July 2023. The Company owns 62.1 percent of the joint venture.

February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 9

Colorado’s health care system is in good condition BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

On Feb. 14, the economic development and health and wellness groups of the South Metro Denver Chamber presented an important program on the economics of health care in Colorado. In addition to representatives of two of the state’s large hospital systems, the program included Simon Lomax, policy adviser to the Partnership for Affordability and Transparency in Healthcare (PATH) and a fellow of the Common Sense Policy Roundtable. Lomax is also a former congressional fellow of the American Political Science Association and Bloomberg News reporter. Lomax reported that 93 percent of Coloradans have health care coverage, slightly higher than the country overall, according to the United States Census Bureau. Most believe that the large percentage of Americans with coverage is attributable to the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. It has not come without a cost. Nationally, over the past ten years, health insurance premiums have increased 54 percent while deductibles have gone up 162 percent. In Colorado, within the 93 percent who are insured, twothirds have private insurance, 90 percent of which is employer provided. The other one-third of Colorado residents who have health care are covered by Medicare or Medicaid. That also comes with a cost because the combined number of people on Medicare and Medicaid has grown in the past ten years from 20 percent of all those covered to 33 percent, and Medicare and Medicaid only pay hospitals 69 percent of what it actually costs them to provide health care services. If this trend continues, hospitals will lose more money caring for those patients. Those losses can only be recouped by increasing the rates charged to private insurers. Still, the overall condition of Colorado’s health care industry can only be described as strong. Colorado has the 9th lowest-cost for premiums for employer-provided health insurance for single people and the 13th lowest for family coverage. In 2018, the employee’s share of the cost of health insurance as a percentage of median income went down five percent in Colorado while it went up five percent nationally. Better still, as costs have been contained, the quality of health care services remains high. Colorado ranks in the top ten states in almost all levels of health care, especially the hospital sector. Three Colorado hospitals were just announced as having been included in Healthgrades’ list of America’s Top 50 Best Hospitals for 2020. According to Healthgrades, Lutheran Medical Center in Wheat Ridge, Good Samaritan Medical Center in Lafayette, and Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins “are in the top 1 %

Leane Naso is chief operatign officer, Parker Adventist Hospital, part of Centura Health.

Erica Rossito is chief nursing officer for HealthONE in Colorado.

Simon Lomax is an experienced expert on the economics of health care.

of hospitals in the nation for consistently providing overall clinical excellence across a broad spectrum of conditions and procedures year over year.” Lutheran also won the award in 2018 and 2019. Good Samaritan also won it in 2019. Erica Rossitto, chief nursing officer, HealthONE, explained to South Metro Chamber members that HealthONE sees 1500 to 1600 patients in its six acute care

hospitals, Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children, and Spalding Rehabilitation Hospital each day. In the interest of being “responsible stewards in terms of not duplicating services,” HealthONE has developed specialty areas in its facilities. Swedish Medical Center in Englewood contains a specially-equipped comprehensive stroke center, Medical Center of Aurora has well-developed service lines in cardiac

surgery and a 120-bed inpatient behavioral health unit, and Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children receives young patients from areas in and outside of Colorado because of its level 4 newborn intensive care unit. Leanne Naso, chief operating officer, Parker Adventist Hospital, said that Centura Health, which includes 17 hospitals across Colorado and western Kansas, is the largest health care

Photos by Freda Miklin

provider in Colorado. It is a faithbased not-for-profit organization. Both hospital systems report that they face challenges in workforce development. In response to the nursing shortage, HealthONE is collaborating with Regis University in a new program to train health care workers in a stairstep approach to allow students to spend more time in a hospital setting during their training. Centura providers speakers at local schools to encourage students to choose a profession in health care. Looking toward the future, Lomax pointed to the wellknown demographic trend in Colorado: we are an aging population who will need more health care in the next decade. According to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, our state’s population that is over age 65 was 555,000 in 2010. It will balloon to 1,243,000 in 2030, a 125 percent increase. Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com

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PAGE 10 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

These fifth graders came to a Cherry Creek Schools board meeting in December to ask that a school policy be changed. They got their wish. Photo by Freda Miklin


Cherry Creek Schools 5th graders change school policy BY FREDA MIKLIN GOVERNMENTAL REPORTER

Dr. Diana Roybal, executive director of elementary education at the Cherry Creek School District (CCSD), told The Villager that CCSD administration has decided to allow fourth and fifth graders to watch PG-rated movies in school “as long as they support an academic purpose.” That generally means that the movie is a version of or directly related to a book the students have read. Parental permission will also be required. As we reported in The Villager on Dec. 26, the change in policy is exactly what fifth graders from High Plains Elementary at 6100 S. Fulton Street in unincorporated Arapahoe County asked CCSD to adopt when they made a presentation at the school board meeting on Dec. 9. The policy in question was under the purview of Dr. Jennifer Perry, assistant superintendent of educational operations for CCSD. Following the students’ presentation on Dec. 9, the three executive directors of elementary education, Dr. Roybal, Dr. Nickie Bell, and Derek Mullner talked with the principals of the 45 elementary schools in the district. Based on the feedback they received, Roybal, Bell, and Muller recommended the policy change to Dr. Perry. After confirming that all the schools had the proper site licenses to show the movies, Perry implemented the new policy. Roybal told us that she went to High Plains Elementary School on Feb. 3 to personally announce the change in policy to the students whose civic engagement led to it. “They were very excited,” said Roybal. Fmiklin.villager@gmail.com


February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 11


All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again BY ROBERT WALLACE MEYER AURORA, CO

A tip of our hat to Mother Goose, as she is spot on with this one. Think of our Department of Justice, including the FBI, Federal Courts, and subordinate venues to include “sanctuary cities,” as poor Humpty Dumpty. He once sat high on a wall, had a big fall, and seemingly nothing can be

done to repair him. And a lofty perch it was, indeed. Our system is rooted in the Magna Carta of 1215, and filtered through centuries of common law to become a place where fairness is valued and a just hearing may be had. Disputes are settled, crimes prosecuted, judgements made, and an appeals process can focus a new set of eyes upon the facts as needed. However, excessive use of governmental force at

Waco and Ruby Ridge caused serious cracks in our dear Humpty. And, sentencing guidelines were revised as we sought to strike a balance between protecting society and fairness to the accused. Capital punishment is all but abolished out of a delicate respect for the sanctity of life, even with the most callous of murderers. But, for some reason this respect does not extend to some of the most innocent among us. I think

dear Humpty is quietly weeping over this fact. Recent rulings reveal horrible misuse of legal powers. (Yes, Humpty, your elected and appointed officials may spy upon you for little reason….or no reason at all.) They may come in the wee hours with assault rifles and vehicles to roust you from your bed, terrorize your family and even shoot your dog if they like. You may even receive sentences that

are many times greater than others who have committed far worse crimes. Are we returning to the Dark Ages so far as our laws are concerned? Perhaps. And we were once the envy of the world. Is there somewhere a White Knight, or several of them, available to patch up our dear Humpty Dumpty and restore him to his lofty perch above the fray? We sincerely hope so, and soon, for once it is lost, our prized system may be gone forever.


A newspaper publisher outside Iowa sent me a fiveword email last week that read “Nero fiddles as Rome burns!” “What does that mean?,” I asked. “You missed an opportunity,” he replied. “You should have written about the caucus fiasco in your column.” He was right, of course, since the Democrats’ slow reporting of results was unquestionably the biggest news in Iowa and one of the most often reported stories across America. The problem is I am not that intelligent when it comes to the political process, especially as it applies to the Democratic party. But I am smart enough to understand the potential negative impact the recent caucus problem can have on Iowa’s political impact and financial future. The recent Iowa Democratic 2020 caucus meltdown has raised discussion, once again, if Iowa should be the first in the nation to choose who should be the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees. That change would be a tremendous embarrassment as well as financial loss to our state. Everyone seems to be laughing at Iowa. A full week later, for example, the ABC television comedy The Conners, broadcast live as the New Hampshire primary votes were being counted, featured a joke that the DNC didn’t want the results to come in too fast since “it might influence the final results in Iowa.” Any financial loss would be enormous. It’s been estimated that Des Moines alone received over $11 million in exceptional revenue from the many campaign teams, candidates and their surrogates and the international press

the week before caucus night. The spending on television advertising across the state and dollars spent renting halls across Iowa would add up to millions more. While most experts say it is too soon to say if the debacle will result in the end of the “first in the nation” caucus in Iowa, most expect it to lead to changes in the 2020 election cycle. Everyone over the age of 10 knows that Iowa has to defend its right to be first in the nation to choose the potential candidate, but the caucus issue makes it worst. “It has always been an uphill road for Iowa,” says Dennis Goldford, a political science professor at Drake University, “but now that road is a little steeper.” The current caucus nightmare, an almost two-day delay in the reporting of the 2020 results, came about partly because of new reporting requirements mandated by the Democratic National Commit-

Continued on page 15

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PAGE 12 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

LETTERS OPINION A loss for voters Steve Jobs and Solomon

Continued from page 11

tee. The change took place after allies of Senator Bernie Sanders pushed the national party to demand more transparency following his narrow loss to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Iowa caucuses. That delay, mostly caused by a glitchy voting app designed by a 2016 former Clinton campaigner, adds new fuel to the argument that Iowa’s early status is more trouble than it’s worth. “It really does not look great for Iowa,” one commentator said. “The whole world was watching and now the reporting problem has eroded the confidence of voters,” she added. The smartphone app that caused the significant delay suffered from technical and design flaws as well as appearing to have been rushed into use. Tech developers, able to look at a version of the app, said it had two flaws: First, reported data wasn’t properly communicated to state headquarters. Second,

the app was difficult to use because it required users to first download a separate app often used to test new apps. That proved to be an issue for many caucus chairs. One thing is certain, says Des Moines Register political reporter David Yepsen: “This fiasco means the end of the (Iowa) caucuses as a significant American political event. The rest of the country was already losing patience with Iowa anyway and this cooks Iowa’s goose. Frankly, it should!” There are those who question if the reporting issue was an accident or intended. Many political leaders think Iowa is too “white” and “rural” to lead the way. They feel the honor would be more appropriate elsewhere. And then there is the worry the creator of the app, well known to Hillary Clinton, included a bug to upset the field so she can be the party favorite at a brokered convention. Rumors aside, the nationally televised debacle was bad for Iowa and a setback for America’s voters.

Dear Bob, Thanks for sharing your opinion piece in the Villager on February 13th quoting Steve Jobs’ essay about how he did not find satisfaction at the end of his life from his success and wealth. This is a life lesson of which we should always be mindful. As human beings, we look for fulfillment in our jobs, our belongings, cleverness, or perhaps from power or pleasure. But one thing for sure, we all seek it. But Steve’s missive is not new. Someone even more wealthy and more successful reached the same conclusion over 3,000 years ago. Solomon was the son of King David and ruled Israel for 40 years through its “Golden Age.” In Ecclesiastes, Solomon reflects on his life and reached a conclusion similar to that of Steve Jobs. As the sovereign ruler of the people of Israel, Solomon enjoyed great power and political influence. He negotiated treaties with neighboring countries and maintained mostly peaceful relations with his neighbors during the decades of his reign. Yet in Ecclesiastes 1:2 he says this about power and influence. “Mean-

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About Us - The Tale of a “Goose” and a “Goat” Goose & the Goat has always been an idea floating around in the back of Danielle’s mind. Having loved shoes since she was a little kid, even remembering her first pair – little red clogs. From that very first pair Danielle became a collector, and has just wanted to share her passion with others! Our Passion - Knowing what an impact shoes can have on someone at such a young age is part of why we knew we wanted to include kids styles in our store. When Jeff and Danielle met they were both longing to be self employed and Jeff encouraged Danielle to buy her first business, but both continued to want to do more, they wanted to do something that reflected who they were as a team. Jeff and Danielle both appreciate how much a great pair of shoes can make your entire outfit, and your outlook! The name came about from Jeff always trying to “get Danielle’s goat”, and Jeff’s tendency to be a bit grumpy with a “goose-like” disposition.

Co-owners Jeff, Danielle with their son Oliver

ingless! Utterly meaningless!” Never in the history of the world has anyone had greater wealth and possessions than Solomon. His annual income was in the range of a half billion dollars per year, tax-free. In 1000 BC that was a significant income. Solomon’s net worth was in the range of $20 billion not counting his real estate holdings which included palaces, stables, gardens, parks, and storehouses filled with stuff. He owned flocks, herds, orchards, vineyards, and chariots. But here is his assessment of his wealth: “Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth, is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.” Ecclesiastes 5:10. Nowadays we think we are a pretty smart people, but the wisdom of Solomon is legendary. Solomon had an encounter with God, in which God offered him an envious opportunity: God said “ask for whatever you want me to give you”. Solomon simply asked: “give me wisdom and knowledge that I may lead this people”. (I wish our leaders would ask for that.) Solomon’s intellectual capabilities became world famous. People traveled for all over the known world to

Jerusalem to seek the “Wisdom of Solomon.” Yet when we look at his assessment of his great wisdom we read, “What then do I gain by being wise? This too is meaningless.” ECC 2:15 Solomon became a Hedonist – a seeker of pleasure. But Solomon had the ability to pursue pleasure to a degree that few of us could ever dream of. In Ecclesiastes 2:10, Solomon says, “I denied myself nothing my eyes desired.” He had the best wine, clothes, homes, and harem of 300 concubines, and 700 wives. Yet he said in Ecclesiastes 2:11, “everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind”. At the end of his reflection, Solomon drew this conclusion: “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments” So, as we look for fulfillment, remember the wisdom of Steve and Solomon and perhaps Saint Mark who told us to love the Lord with all your heart and soul and your neighbor as yourself. Blessings. Bob Brooks, Elder Highline Community Church Greenwood Village


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February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 13

Founders of the Nathan Yip Foundation (NYF), Linda and Jimmy Yip, in honor of their late son Nathan were again gracious hosts of the multi-layered gala that offers fantastic food, fun and unique experiences. Event Chair Adrienne Ruston Fitzgibbons thanked the audience at the Grand Hyatt Denver for its support of everything the Yip Foundation does. “And, that’s a lot!” she said. The Yips are continuing Nathan’s dream to foster education in rural Colorado to make an impact after contributing to seven schools and a dormitory and more in rural China. Schools in these rural areas are the heartbeat of the community and need so much handson and innovative help.”The more you support, the harder we will work,” said Jimmy Yip.”Most supporters become our friends and keep us going!”







1) NYF’s Linda and Jimmy Yip and Gala Chair Adrienne Ruston Fitzgibbons 2) Friendly lions led the traditional dance procession to the ballroom 3) The rats romped in costumes from Colorado Ballet 4) Banquet Sponsors –representing Law Brothers Company: Mike Law and David Lederhos toss the Good Luck Salad 5) Testimonials from Joe Ortega, principal of Monte Vista High School and


Luis Murillo, principal of Skolund Middle School in Center, CO 6) Honorary Chairs were Trong Lam and his wife Tran, Pacific Ocean Marketplace owners 7) NYF Board Chair David Thomson, Executive Director Tarika Cefkin 8) Board member Jane Netzorg and hubby Skip were sponsors 9) Emcee Anne Trujillo, 7News and auctioneer Reggie Rivers 10) Mieko Nakamura in authentic Chinese attire



8 Photos by Scottie Taylor Iverson

PAGE 14 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

Attorney, talk show host Dan Caplis returns to Cherry Creek Republican Women as keynote speaker

It had been quite a long stretch since popular speaker Dan Caplis had addressed members and guests of Cherry Creek Republican Women (CCRW) and he received a warm welcome back. The proud graduate of the University of Colorado, who was a Democrat in his early years, was president of the student body at CU. CCRW has initiated a new format featuring a FLEURISH candidate of the month. This month highlighted John Kellner who is a candidate for District Attorney, 18th Judicial District. Coincidentally, Kellner was also president of the student body when he was at CU. Caplis has been practicing law since 1983, is a respected trial attorney and is the founding partner of the Law Offices of Daniel J. Caplis. In addition, he has enjoyed decades of success as a legal analyst and commentator via the airwaves. Currently, he is the host of The Dan Caplis Show on 630 KHOW, drive time from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. He prides himself on treating callers to the station during his show with respect. “Republican ideas actually work,” said Caplis about his topic “Path to Victory.” “We lose to the stereotype of the John Kellner, candidate for District Attorney - 18th Judicial District and keynote speaker Dan Caplis. Both were student body presidents at CU. Photo by Scottie Taylor Iverson party rather than the issues.”

Who will be Ms. Colorado Senior 2020?

Celebrate the Age of Elegance! If you will be age 60 by July, 2020, you are eligible become a contestant for Ms. Colorado Senior America. The local pageant will be held July 25, 2020 at the Pace Arts Center in Park-

er, Colorado. This annual pageant celebrates women’s beauty, talent and charisma that does not diminish with physical age, but rather celebrates that women have merely reached the “Age of Elegance.” It is an event to

Lori Adams was crowned Ms. Colorado Senior in 2019. Second Runnerup was Marla Downer and First Runnerup was PJ Anderson Photo by Scottie Taylor Iverson

showcase women who are vibrant, poised, talented and personable well into their mature years. A distinguished panel of judges will score contestants on private interview, evening gown, talent and a statement that conveys

the contestant’s “philosophy of life.” If you feel you exemplify the inner beauty and dignity of Ms. Colorado Senior America or know someone who does, contact Colorado State Pageant Administrator

René Green: 720-384-6249 or renemcsap@gmail.com. Space is limited. Apply right away. Whichever comes first – May 15, 2020 or reaching the maximum number of contestants is the deadline.

Denver Area Panhellenic Scholarship applications due by Mar. 16 Two $2,500 scholarships to be awarded to sorority active or alum Applications are now open for collegians or alumnae in a National Panhellenic sorority who are enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program. Requirements are academic excellence and meaningful participation in sorority life, demonstrating leadership and volunteer activities. Scholarship recipients will be notified by April 1, 2020 and will be celebrated at the

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Denver Area Panhellenic Awards Luncheon held on April 18, 2020 in Denver, Colorado. For further information: Contact the Collegiate Awards Committee at DAPCollegiate Awards@gmail.com.

February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 15

PAGE 16 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 17

Village at Castle Pines home wins 3rd place nationally In The Wall Street Journal 2019 House of the Year Contest Continued from Page 1

We felt like we’d discovered an amazing opportunity to take a brilliant concept and make it our own.” The two-story, concrete and steel structure uses elements of Frank Lloyd Wright’s “Fallingwater” design to create a comfortable, contemporary home. Floor-to-ceiling windows bring natural light indoors, and all of the rooms on the south side of the open floor plan have stunning Pikes Peak views. Neel: “Structurally this home amazed us. As an engineer I could appreciate how each vertical structural element is supported by a very deep column. The original builder also brilliantly used ladder trusses and cantilever design to suspend the roof, as well as dramatic exterior elements such as concrete patios that jet out into the natural surroundings.” The home is a fascinating balance of dramatic and airy. As you ascend the staircase to the main level, you get an immediate view of the soaring, protected, outdoor hillside that fills the floor-to-ceiling windows. Katya: “Our home is a retreat. We like to entertain, and find that when we invite people over, they never want to leave.” LIV Sotheby’s broker Stacie Chadwick saw an incredible opportunity to showcase this unique property to the world when she won the listing. “It’s an honor to represent

such a stunning home,” says Chadwick. “There’s not another like it on the Front Range and it truly sets its own course in the market.” A national award-winning writer, she created the press release outlining the unique features and backstory of this remarkable home and engaged the talented LIV Sotheby’s marketing and PR team to help. LIV Sotheby’s connected the owners to the Wall Street Journal, and after winning House of the Day and then House of the Week, 2 Borealis Way was nominated, by readership voting, as House of the Year. Fifty homes across the country were nomiWhen Neel and Katerina Duncan purchased this Castle Pines, Colo. home, it nated for this coveted award, and after onwas unfinished with concrete flooring and no plumbing. The original builder line voting was complete, 2 Borealis Way designed a concrete and steel structure with cantilevers inspired by Frank finished 3rd in the country. Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater. The Duncans invested $400,000 to complete “This is a singular accomplishment, but construction and add native landscaping to the 1.28-acre property. it’s not surprising,” says Chadwick. “When you combine such a distinctive home with Surrounded by over an acre of private and protected space,Travis 2 creative marketing and the most powerful Woolford Photography/LIV Sotheby’s International Realty Borealis Way appears to “float” real estate brand in Colorado, great things in the trees. Designed by prolific happen.” and notable architect C. Steven Offered at $2,650,000, you can see more Goerges, this stunning home of this amazing home at www.2borealis is engineered and built to a way.com or you may contact Stacie level that’s difficult to replicate Theor home features a walk-in first flfor oor with a second-floor entertaining area Chadwick co-broker Laurie Brennan today, with structural concrete under ceilings. In the living room, the Duncans builtbuilt a bar15 between a showing. If 18-foot you’d like to strategize about columns feet into the room looks onto a gravel roofand atopstriking the entryground cantilevered how to two beststructural maximizecolumns. exposureThe when selland patio and a diningcontact patio. “On a clear day you have floors unobstructed viewsspaces. to ing yourway home, please Stacie Pikes Mr. Duncan says of the nearby mountain summit. Chadwick at Peak,” 303.829.4713.

The house looks like it’s floating in the trees.

Travis Woolford Photography/LIV Sotheby’s International Realty

The original builder designed the recessed ceiling over the kitchen and the Duncans added a triangular island with Colorado granite to complement the existing design. They spent $44,000 on the Italian cabinetry, which lines the entire wall between the breakfast nook and dining room.

Travis Woolford Photography/LIV Sotheby’s International Realty

In the fall of 2019, it was listed for $2.75 million with LIV Sotheby’s International Realty agent Stacie Chadwick. It remains on the market at the The family room has two walls of floor-to-ceiling samewindows price withand the same agent and brokerage firm. The Duncans are in spectacular views of Pikes Peak. Additional rows of transom discussions with Ms. Chadwick about a possible small price reduction. windows and four atrium sky lights throughout the house help “It’s different than anything on the Front Range,” Ms Chadwick says of bring the outdoors inside this light-filled home. the modernist architecture and expansive views of the Pikes Peak mountain range. Because of that distinction, she adds, there isn’t a typical price comparison. “It’s so unique, it sets its own path.”

columns with wooden snow fence—a type of fencing often set up in Colorado fields—to bring a layered, textured stone look to the interior.

The great room features floor-to-ceiling windows and skylights. The Duncans built out the open kitchen with a triangular granite island and Italian cabinetry. Beyond the glass-lined dining room and breakfast nook, a walkway leads to an outdoor dining patio. Throughout the 6,272-square-foot home are concrete

“We’re still living life here,” Mr. Duncan says, though he and his wife will downsize and focus on volunteer work after the sale. “It’s a warm, cozy place and the views come out on these clear winter mornings.”

The Duncans were both closely tied to finishing the home. Mr. Duncan, 55, is an energy consultant and engineer who oversaw construction. Ms. Duncan, 49, is a mediator who led the interior-design effort.

There are a total of four bedrooms, five bathrooms and two half baths. The home’s structure is a cantilevered design, with the master suite hanging over one of many patios on the ground floor. Each bedroom has a door to the outdoors, with a total of 2,000 square feet of patio space. All southern-facing rooms offer views of Pikes Peak.

Personalized touches include a permanent retractable ladder to the rooftop, where the family stargazes, and a naturally temperature-controlled room built deep into a hillside for Mr. Duncan to make beer and wine. The property spans 1.28 acres with woods and native grass.

Stacie Chadwick

303.829.4713 schadwick@livsothebysrealty.com Mr. Duncan added much of the landscaping himself, investing roughly $10,00 two years ago in upgrades. A pond abuts a garden planted on the roof of the garage. The garage leads to a naturally temperature-controlled room built into the hillside, where Mr. Duncan makes beer and wine. That room is topped by a skylight, alongside a number of glass skylights atop the main house. PHOTO: TRAVIS WOOLFORD PHOTOGRAPHY/LIV SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY

ABOVE: The custom open-concept kitchen was built with a triangular granite island and imported Italian cabinetry. The open plan kitchen/family room/dining room includes views of the private back yard, dedicated open space, outdoor waterfall and pond, Pikes Peak, mountains and evergreen trees.

The large back yard with built-in irrigation includes ample room for entertaining. Dedicated open space behind the property promises privacy and gorgeous views. Dining terrace with snowmelt system provides year-round outdoor eating and entertaining options. The twolevel waterfall and retaining pond add to the relaxing ambiance. Visually stunning, the vertical concrete pillars, cantilevered decks, window line and roof combine to offer a perfectly balanced work of architectural art.

PAGE 18 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

Needing a stiff drink I was told to find a job that honors my passion and what I love to do, and I would never work a day in my life. Very true. I have been blessed with a job that feeds my passion. I was made for this. Working to teach people how to do life and love well is in my DNA. I can’t imagine waking up each morning and dreading going to work. That is precisely what many do. No wonder we have a society filled with so many who need wine, a stiff cocktail or marijuana to cope with each day. Depression is at an all-time high, many feeling

isolated, lonely and rudderless. As an employer, discontent in the workplace poses a huge challenge. Underperforming employees and turnover rates has an enormous price tag . There is robust empirical data outlining the corporate costs of losing an employee estimating between $25,000 to $30,000 each. Add to this the lost productivity of an unhappy, unfulfilled worker. Having consistently high turnover rates impacts business and bottom lines. When an employee quits, companies spend a huge amount of money, sometimes twice as

much as that employee’s salary, in recruiting, hiring, onboarding and training. Losing an employee also effects those who remain. Workplace morale is reduced and trust and confidence in the company’s leadership wanes. Word of high turnover rates gets around, and the company finds it difficult to recruit the talent they need since those with a high skill level might be reluctant to work with a company that has unhappy employees and high turnover rates. There are many reasons people leave their job. They can be over-worked, overlooked, burned out, they can be frustrated with their colleagues or feel uneasy regarding leadership. They can feel undervalued, invisible, stressed, isolated and limited. There can be unre-

solved conflict, tension, a lack of unity and cohesiveness in the workplace that would foster cooperation and collaboration. Healthy relationships in the workplace is essential. Recently, I overheard a conversation about a gal who left a good paying job at a wealth management firm because of what she perceived as dubious business practices and unethical colleagues. She now works at a firm for a substantially lower salary that has a high level of transparency, trust and enjoys healthy relationships with her team members. She is satisfied with a lower salary because she has peace and a feeling of comradery in her new job. Because the goal of building a healthy workplace culture is imperative to the success

of a business, the Center for Relationship Education has developed fun, interactive, experiential corporate workshops to assist with this goal. These workshops improve morale, increase communication and cooperation among employees, create a team approach, increase conflict resolution skills, increase each participant’s self and other awareness and impart skills for stress management and well-being. Many would call what we do soft skills development, we call it essential skills for employee satisfaction and corporate success. For more information about corporate workshops contact: joneen@ myrelationshipcenter.org or go to www.myrelationshipcenter. org

Golf champion Jack Nicklaus headlines 16th Annual JFS Executive Luncheon Apr. 29 Jewish Family Service of Colorado (JFS) welcomes Jack Nicklaus, golf champion, golf course designer, philanthropist, and good-will ambassador, for its 16th annual JFS Executive Luncheon fundraiser on Wednesday, April 29. The luncheon will be held at the Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center, 650 15th Street, from noon to 1:30 p.m. A VIP reception for the top three sponsorship levels will be held at 11:00 a.m. and doors will open at 11:30 a.m. Sponsorship packages start at $2,000 and are available now at jewish familyservice.org/luncheon or by contacting Kate Shephard at 720.248.4633 or kshephard@ jewishfamilyservice.org. Tickets will go on sale March 18.

Nicklaus will reflect on some of his amazing life experiences, highlight his lifelong commitment to family and the future of our children, and through the conversation, perhaps share golden lessons for success and how to live up to your full potential in work, life, and sport. Event co-chairs are Julie and Brent Morse and Jordan and David Feiner. All proceeds from the event will help support all programs of JFS to help those in need navigate life’s challenges through integrated support. Founded in 1872, JFS is a nonsectarian, nonprofit human services agency serving people of all faiths, races, ages, incomes, and abilities.

About Jack Nicklaus

No name is more synonymous with greatness in the sport of golf

than the name Jack Nicklaus, and no single person has changed the face of the sport more than Jack Nicklaus—the player, the designer, the philanthropist, and the goodwill ambassador. In June 2018, the Golden Bear received the Lincoln Medal from the Ford’s Theatre Society, making Nicklaus just the fourth person in history—and the first athlete or sportsperson—to be honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom (2005), the Congressional Gold Medal (2015), and now the Lincoln Medal. Nicklaus’s competitive career spanned five decades, and his legend has been built with 120 professional tournament victories worldwide and a record 18 professional major-championship titles (six Masters, five PGA Championships, four U.S.

Opens, three British Opens). He is one of only five golfers—Gene Sarazen, Ben Hogan, Gary Player, and Tiger Woods the others— who have won all four of golf’s modern majors, an achievement often referred to as the career “Grand Slam.” Nicklaus remains the only player to have completed the career Grand Slam on both the regular and senior tours. His eight majors on the senior circuit, now called the PGA TOUR Champions, stood as a record from 1996 until 2017. The legacy Nicklaus has left as a player can be rivaled only by the legacy he is leaving as a golfcourse designer, businessman, and philanthropist. He was voted the 2017 Golf Course Designer of the Year, 2014 Architect of the Year, and many more. He was also recognized with the Golf Course

Superintendents Association of America’s highest honor, The Old Tom Morris Award. Nicklaus has been involved in the design of more than 300 courses open for play worldwide, and his thriving business, Nicklaus Design, has more than 425 courses open for play worldwide, which are represented in 45 countries and 40 states. Nicklaus and his wife Barbara have a long history of involvement in numerous charitable activities, from junior golf to children’s hospitals to several scholarship foundations. They are the guiding light for the Nicklaus Children’s Health Care Foundation, which supports numerous pediatric health-care services in South Florida, as well as nationally, and has raised over $100 million since its inception in 2004.

New senior living communities expand Atria’s presence in Denver

Atria Senior Living is expanding in the Denver area with the opening of Atria Englewood and Atria Westminster. Both newly constructed modern communities offer 130 units and provide independent living, assisted living and memory care services. Located at 3555 South Clarkson Street, Atria Englewood features amenities including a fitness center, movie theater, library, restaurant, private dining room, café, bistro, salon, two outdoor terraces and garage parking. The six-story community is across from the Swedish Medical Center and close to Cherry Hills Village. Atria Westminster features amenities including a rooftop terrace, sky lounge, restaurant, private dining room, bistro, movie theater, salon, fitness center, garden and library. The five-story community is located at 9560 Sheridan Boulevard, off the Denver-Boulder Turnpike and minutes from Westminster Center Park. Both communities are built

by CA Ventures and designed by OZ Architecture, a Colorado-based architectural design firm. “The number of people turning ages 75 and older will grow especially fast from now to 2030, and we are excited to expand Atria’s presence in Denver to meet the growing demand,” said Abby Figueroa, a Senior Vice President at Atria. “We know what’s important for the well-being of

older adults is to remain connected to others and their community in meaningful ways.” Both communities are designed to help residents continue living active, social lifestyles. Atria’s Engage Life® program offers daily opportunities for continual learning, fitness, connection, personal growth and fulfillment. In the memory care neighborhood of each community, residents benefit from Atria’s approach to dementia

care, with support and care services provided by specially trained staff. Committed to supporting local organizations, Atria Englewood has formed a partnership with Englewood Arts and plans to host live performances by musicians associated with the chamber. “We’re very excited to complete these beautiful, modern senior living communities in the Denver area,” said Ben Burke,

President of Senior Living at CA Ventures. “Residents and visitors will be impressed by and enjoy the many amenities and attention to detail, as well as the outstanding care and events provided by Atria.” For more information on either community, contact Shane Brown, Atria Englewood’s Executive Director, at 720-8925600, or Michele Sepples, Atria Westminster’s Executive Director, at 720-805-9995.

February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 19



BY DONALD PETERSON Dear Readers, Can you disinherit a common law spouse based on a “common law divorce”? In a recent case, while preparing a Will for a 70-year old woman, she confided that she entered into a common law marriage with a gentleman while she was in her mid-30’s, but that she had not seen him or had any contact

with him for over 15 years. Upon further questioning, she confirmed that the couple had cohabitated for approximately 15 years and established a reputation in the community as husband and wife; however, for the past 15 years or more, they had not celebrated their anniversary, had not continued to cohabitat, did not share a surname, had no joint finances, and did not file joint tax returns. Accordingly, the woman felt that her common law marriage must certainly have been dissolved by now, due to the passage of time, with no mutual contact for such an extended period. Although Colorado law recognizes common law marriages, in which the two essential factors are cohabitation and a reputation in the community as husband and wife,

When should dementia patients stop driving?

Dear Inquiring,

Most doctors agree that people with moderate to severe dementia should never get behind the wheel, but in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, driving performance should be the determining factor of when to stop driving, not the disease itself. With that said, it’s also important to realize that as your mom’s driving skills deteriorate over time from the disease, she might not recognize she has a problem. So, it’s very important that you work closely with her doctor to monitor her driving and help her stop when it is no longer safe for her to drive. Here are some additional tips that can help you.

Watch for Warning Signs

The best way to keep tabs on your mom’s driving is to take frequent rides with her watching out for key warning signs. For example: Does she have trouble remembering routes to familiar places? Does she drive at inappropriate speeds, tailgate, drift between lanes or fail to observe traffic signs? Does she react slowly or make poor driving decisions? Also, has your mom had any fender benders or tickets lately, or have you

noticed any dents or scrapes on her vehicle? All of these are red flags. If you need some assessment help, hire a driver rehabilitation specialist who’s trained to evaluate older drivers. See AOTA.org/olderdriver or ADED.net to locate one in your area.

Transition Tips


Dear Savvy Senior, Is there a good rule of thumb on when dementia patients should stop driving? My 82-year-old mom has early stage Alzheimer’s disease but still drives herself around town just fine. Inquiring Daughter

there is no “common-law divorce” under the law. Instead, if a couple is legally married by any means, either through a ceremony or by common law, they not only have all the rights and privileges of a marriage, they are also burdened with the requirement of a formal divorce. A common law marriage cannot be ended by simply walking away as if the parties were never married. Under Colorado law and the cases from the Colorado Courts, once a couple has been married by meeting the requirements for a common law marriage, such a marriage is valid for all purposes, and must be legally dissolved, including regarding the issue of disinheritance of a spouse. While Colorado law generally gives you broad freedom to give away your estate as conversations in the early stages of the disease, before she needs to quit driving, so she can prepare herself. You also need to have a plan for alternative transportation (including a list of family, friends and local transportation options) that will help your mom get around after she stops driving. For tips on how to talk to your mom, the Hartford Center for Mature Market Excellence offers a helpful guide called “At the Crossroads: Family Conversations About Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia and Driving” that you can get at TheHartford.com/ Publications-onAging.

Through your assessments, if you believe it’s still safe for your mom to BY JIM MILLER drive, you should Refuses to Quit start recommending If your mom resome simple adjustments to fuses to quit, you have sevensure her safety, like driveral options. First, suggest a ing only in daylight and on visit to her doctor who can familiar routes, and avoiding give her a medical evaluabusy roads and bad weather. tion, and prescribe that she Also, see if she will sign an stops driving. Older people Alzheimer’s “driving conwill often listen to their doctract” (see ALZ.org/driving tor before they will listen to to print one) that designates their own family. someone to tell her when it’s If she still refuses, contact no longer safe to drive. your local Department of You may also want to Motor Vehicles (DMV) to consider getting a GPS car see if they can help. Some tracking device (like Mostates require doctors to retoSafety.com or AutoBrain. port new dementia cases to com) to help you keep an eye the DMV, who can revoke on her. These devices will let the person’s license. you track where she’s drivIf these fail, consider hiding and allow you to set up ing her keys or just take them zones and speed limits that away. You could also disable will send you alerts to your her vehicle by disconnecting smartphone when she exits the battery, park it in another an area, or if she’s driving location so she can’t see it or too fast or braking harshly. have access to it or sell it. Send your senior questions Time to Quit to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box When your mom’s driving 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or gets to the point that she can visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Millno longer drive safely, you’ll er is a contributor to the NBC need to talk to her. It’s actuToday show and author of “The ally best to start having these Savvy Senior” book.

you desire, it is important to keep in mind that a surviving spouse has a right to a percentage of the deceased spouse’s estate, if the surviving spouse is disinherited by his or her husband or wife. This right is referred to as an elective share. Regardless of how the marriage was created, either through a ceremonial marriage, or a common law marriage, depending on the number of years a husband and wife were married, the surviving spouse is entitled to a specific percentage of the deceased spouse’s estate. If this is something you may be concerned about, it is best to consult an estate planning attorney, to discuss your options and the requirements under the law. Selected information in this column has been taken with

permission by Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, Inc., from the Colorado Senior Law Handbook, 2019 Edition (Chapter 15: Estate Planning: Wills, Trusts, and Your Property, Clara Brown Schaffer, Esq.), which is a copyrighted publication and may be accessed and downloaded for free at: www. cobar.org/For-the-Public/Senior-Law-Handbook.

Donald Glenn Peterson Esq. Don Peterson Law Firm 1720 S. Bellaire St., Suite 530 Denver, CO 80222 Phone: (303) 758-0999 Fax: (303) 758-1091 E-Mail: dgp.lawoffice@att.net www.donpetersonlawfirm.com


Office: 303-773-3399

Cell: 303-905-0744


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PAGE 20 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

Ode to an extra day BY DOROTHY ROSBY

You know that old poem? Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November; All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting February alone, And that has twenty-eight days clear And twenty-nine in each leap year In honor of leap year, I’d like to expand on it: An extra day, but I’d like to know Why put it in a month with snow? And another thing, what’s the reason It’s always during campaign season? Leap day wasn’t created to give candidates one more day to campaign, but that is one of its drawbacks. We really

have it because the solar year, the time required for the sun to make one complete cycle of the seasons, is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. In other words, we start every year almost six hours too early just so we won’t have to stay up until 6 a.m. to see the New Year in. Without leap day to make up for it, we’d be 24 days ahead of the seasons a hundred years from now. We wouldn’t even have our leaves raked and the calendar would be calling for snow shovels—just like now. This concerned the Roman dictator Julius Caesar so much that he added the extra day to keep the calendar synchronized with the seasons. Smart guy. No wonder they named a salad after him. Kidding. That was a different Caesar. And Julius didn’t have it quite right anyway.

Five hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds times 4 equals… well, I don’t know what it equals, but it doesn’t equal a full day so further adjustments were necessary. This is too complicated for me to get into, mainly because I don’t understand it. Suffice it to say 2100, 2200 and 2300 will not be leap years, even though they’re divisible by four. Lucky! No extra day of campaigning. An astronomer named Aloysius Lilius came up with our modern calendar. He was so accurate that whoever’s responsible for such things these days only has to add a leap second to the clock occasionally. Incidentally, the last leap second was added December 31, 2016. I remember it well because I appreciated the extra sleep. Unfortunately Mr. Lilius died in 1576, six years before Pope Gregory XIII officially introduced his calendar,

which may be why it’s called the Gregorian calendar and not the Liliusian calendar. You snooze, you lose. Still, it doesn’t seem fair to Lilius. Maybe we could name a salad after him. Personally I love leap day. It’s a perfect day for putting my old photos into albums, organizing the filing cabinet and cleaning that layer of greasy dust off the top of my kitchen cupboards. Those are the kinds of things I never get done in 365 days. And if I don’t get them done on leap day, they’re the kinds of things I can put off for another four years. I envy those people who have their birthdays on February 29. How lucky! You have a one in 1,461 chance of being born a leapling as they’re called. Also leapster or leaper, not to be confused with leper which is something else and isn’t lucky at all. Less than 0.07% of the

world’s population was born on leap day which makes them rare and exotic, like white buffalo, blue moons and affordable health insurance that covers anything. The extra day is bad luck for some people though. I feel so bad for them that I’m inspired to write one more verse: It’s not helpful at all to have an added day For salaried workers with no extra pay, Prisoners spending leap year in jail, And all the candidates who’ll fail. (Dorothy Rosby is the author of three humor books including Alexa’s a Spy and Other Things to Worry About, Humorous Essays on the Hazards of Our Time coming soon. Contact drosby@ rushmore.com.)


Hi! I am thrilled to be a new member of The Villager family. When I met Susan Sweeney Lanam, Villager Marketing Director and she asked me what I do, my response was “I make people dance!” That sounds like a strange answer for someone who originates mortgage loans. Let me explain.

A while back I closed a Reverse Mortgage for a lady 80 years old. She had been struggling to keep up with her bills on her fixed income. This included almost $800/mo. in a mortgage payment. She had very little margin and hardly anything in the bank. When we finished Bob Muni closing, she got up and started Senior Loan Officer Reverse mortgage specialist dancing. She said, ” I am so happy. NMLS#719030 I can have a life again”. Not only did she now have $800/mo back in her budget, she had an additional $40,000+ available for whatever need may come up. Another couple didn’t do a “happy dance”. They were fairly well off and didn’t have a similar “need”. They did understand the impact that eliminating their $2300/mo payment would have on the longevity of their retirement accounts. It gave them the comfort that their financial resources would last longer in their retirement. There is also the couple in their early 60’s who had no mortgage to pay off. They understood they were sitting on a several hundred-thousand-dollar asset that was not providing any tangible benefit. They were excited to see if they accessed the wealth dormant in their home, they could have an additional almost $300,000 available to them in a line of credit. They were amazed it was guaranteed by the federal government to both grow and to be there even if the value of their home fell to “0”. “It was like equity insurance.” If left in the line of credit to grow, by the time 20 years passed, in their early 80’s they would have approaching $800,000 - $1,000,000 (tax free). That security changed how they approached retirement. Running out of retirement funds and possibly the worst case of facing long term care no longer were limiting fears. They had the guaranteed resources no matter what they faced. They said they felt more secure to enjoy their retirement. That’s what I do. I help people have the retirement they always hoped for. And sometimes… they dance!


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February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 21

A Night to Ignite Education Cherry Creeks School Foundation to host the 6th Annual Invest in Success Gala, March 5 More than 600 community partners, civic leaders, committed educators and passionate parents are coming together to celebrate the achievements of our students and teachers. The Cherry Creek Schools Foundation (CCSF) will host the 6th Annual Invest in Success Gala – A Night to Ignite Education, Mar. 5, 2020 from 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. at the Denver Marriott Tech Center located at 4900 S. Syracuse St., in Denver. This is the largest fundraising event to benefit Cherry Creek School District’s teachers and students. The evening will be filled with delectable drinks, scrumptious bites, a jaw dropping live and silent auction, and stellar performances from Cherry Creek students. This year’s theme looks to the future and will highlight some of the groundbreaking approaches to education underway across the District. At the event, take a walk down ‘Innovation Avenue’ to see projects from some of the first students from the newly opened

Cherry Creek Innovation Campus (CCIC) – a stand-alone college and career preparedness facility with curriculum rooted in real-world skills and trade certifications ranging from the computer sciences to aviation to health care services. “We are so excited to celebrate and share the work that our teachers and students are doing”, says Jill Henden, Executive Director of CCSF. “We are constantly amazed by the dedication and creativity of our teachers and how they help propel our students forward. Seeing our community come out to rally behind that is very special.” Over the past 26 years, the Foundation has raised and distributed more than $9 million dollars to support programs that impact student achievement, benefiting teachers and students from preschool to high school, across the Cherry Creek School District. Tickets are $150, with proceeds benefiting the Cherry Creek School Foundation. Discover sponsorship opportunities and purchase tickets at: https://ccsdfoundation.org/gala. html


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New this year, you can choose to donate to Junior Achievement, benefitting our community’s kids, directly from your state tax return!

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Donating your refund provides K-12 students the tools they need to succeed in the business of life! Tools that prepare them to manage their future personal finances, help them develop practical job skills, and fuel an entrepreneurial spirit. All at no cost to schools! Learn more at JAColorado.org

PAGE 22 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

Achieve the essence of inner and outer beauty

Musings with Melinda

An unhealthy gut microbiome may increase the spread of breast cancer We can’t say enough about the importance of a healthy gut, as poor gut health is associated with health problems like irritable bowel syndrome, autoimmune conditions, thyroid disorders, and anxiety (to name a few). Besides contributing to various conditions, an unhealthy gut microbiome may increase the spread of breast cancer, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Virginia Cancer Center found that when they altered the balance of the gut microbiome by giving mice antibiotics, hormone receptor-positive breast cancer cells (about 70 percent of breast cancers are fueled by hormones) were prompted to spread to other parts of the body. Taking a closer look, they saw that the antibiotic treatment triggered an inflammatory response that prompted the cells to spread to the blood and lungs. The spread of cancer to other parts of the body (known as metastasis) is a central focus of cancer treatment, making it essential to understand potential contributors to this process. “These findings suggest that having an unhealthy microbiome, and the changes that occur within the tissue that are related to an unhealthy microbiome, may be early predictors of invasive or metastatic breast cancer,” said Melanie Rutkowski, Ph.D., of UVA’s Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology in a statement. The researchers point out that the intensive antibiotic treatment done on mice was used to mimic the effect of an unhealthy microbiome

in humans over time but should not inform how humans use antibiotics. Instead, the study highlights the importance of supporting a healthy microbiome whether or not you’re battling cancer. There are many ways we can heal our gut, and one of the easiest ways to do so is by shifting our diet. Recommendation including more fiber-rich vegetables in our diet like broccoli and artichokes, which can help populate the gut with good bacteria. You’ll also want to add in more healthy fats, fermented foods, greens, and spices to get your gut back on track. When working to boost good bacteria, stay away from sugar, which only feeds the harmful bacteria. So, we’ve talked about dietary changes, but some other tweaks could make all the difference. Reducing stress may be helpful, as staying in the flight-or-fight response for too long means excess cortisol and less time for your body to properly digest and heal. Staying active is also known to contribute to better gut health by increasing good bacteria in the gut. While this study suggests the benefits of better gut health for cancer outcomes, it’s never a bad time to think about improving your gut health as it’s associated with other positive health outcomes like a stronger immune system, more energy, and less brain fog. For us, this really is a no-brainer.

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Melinda Luke Certified Health Coach 720-507-7534 or mail@melindaluke.com Want a product or service review, call me!

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Brenna McLain, DDS

Professional apnea specialist who can put you to sleep


outside of St. Louis, MO. Following her residency, she was assigned to work at the Pentagon dental clinic in Washington D.C. She spent over four years caring for the nation’s highest-ranking military personnel including working in the White House and teaching sleep dentistry to countless dental residents and peers at Walter Reed Hospital. In addition to her dental practice, she has become a leading specialist in sleep apnea treatment. According to the American Academy of Sleep medicine it is estimated that 26 percent of adults between 30 and 70 years of age have obstructive sleep apnea with more than 85 percent undiagnosed. Dr. McLain relates that the average life span of an untreated sleep apnea patient can be 20 years shorter than healthy individuals. Suffers have a dramatic increased risk of pre term heart attack or stroke. Because the oral appliance is custom fit to the patient and does not require a mask or power, there is often greater ease of use and better patient comfort and tolerance compared to the CPAP machine. In her practice she works directly with the patient’s physician for proper screening, referrals, and diagnosis with home sleep testing or polysomnography. If you currently snore and think you may have a problem, or you are struggling with your CPAP machine, help is out there and Dr. McLain would be happy to talk to you today.

Ditch the mask, cut the cord, let Dr. McLain make you a custom appliance and start sleeping better today!

There is a new sleep apnea specialist in town and her name is Dr. Brenna McLain, a professional dentist associated with Village Dental and Steven Zervas DDS. In addition to being a talented cosmetic and surgical dentist she is passionate about treating patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. In her practice she uses oral appliances as an alternative to the CPAP machine to help sleep sufferers live longer and lead healthier lives. By taking extensive continuing education courses and treating several hundred patients, Dr. McLain recently earned Diplomate credentialing from the Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorders Disciplines which is a title held by fewer than 300 dentists internationally. She is also a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry and a member of several professional societies including the American Dental Association, the Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorders Disciplines and the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. This talented new area resident was born in Prescott, AZ and developed a passion for dentistry at a very young age while helping at her parents’ dental practice. She graduated from the University of Arizona Summa Cum Laude in 2008, earning a bachelor’s degree in physiology and chemistry and accepted the prestigious Health Professions Scholarship through the Air Force to attend dental school at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine graduating in 2013. After graduation she continued her dental education and military career with a one year advanced eduction in general dentistry residency at Scott Air Force Base

Dr. Brenna offers a no cost consultation at Village Dental. Her phone number is 303-220-7662.

5670 Greenwood Plaza Blvd #404, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 303.220.7662 • www.villagedentaldtc.com • brennagmclain@gmail.com

February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 23

CDOT explains potholes

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Generously Donated by DOUG MORELAND and the MORELAND FAMILY of DEALERSHIPS This is a sample of the potholes along I-25. It was located on northbound I-25 near MP 161 and has been repaired. SUBMITTED BY CDOT

Potholes are caused by the expansion and contraction of ground water under the pavement. When the water freezes, it fills more space under the pavement, which then

expands, bends and cracks, weakening the road surface. When the ice melts, the pavement contracts, leaving gaps or voids underneath the surface. This continuous “freeze – thaw” cycle weakens the

pavement and allows it to continue cracking. As the weight of vehicles pass over the weakened pavement, it causes it to break and creates a pothole.

Winner will take ownership of the truck at Brandon Dodge

All proceeds go to funding cancer research, clinical trials and services here in Colorado G 
 o to: http://cancerleague-org.3dcart stores.com/Ball-2020-Annual-RaffleTicket_p_14.html to get your tickets Tickets are $25 each / 5 for $100 Drawing – May 9, 2020, 9:30pm* Hyatt Regency Aurora Denver Conference Center

Contact Martha Jentz at rsmej@comcast.net or 720-480-1930 *Do not need to be present to win

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PAGE 24 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020


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ARAPAHOE COUNTY SALARIES Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$53,462.83 Case Aide ...................................................$41,231.29 CSE Specialist ............................................$60,985.62 Long Range Plan Program Mgr ..................$28,134.66 Program Specialist I ...................................$41,026.59 Senior Payroll Specialist .............................$62,508.01 Communications Supervisor ......................$93,571.67 Administrative Technician ...........................$33,237.27 Sergeant ...................................................$133,783.61 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$61,300.76 Road & Bridge Supervisor ..........................$73,369.91 Asset Mgmt. Administrator .........................$67,713.60 Facility Maintenance Technician .................$31,347.80 Financial Analyst ........................................$67,618.50 Grounds Maintenance Technician ..............$45,805.40 Business Associate I ..................................$43,296.37 Applications Support Spec. ........................$79,310.65 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$76,299.36 Resource Support Analyst ..........................$70,100.04 Registration Specialist ................................$19,299.20 Weatherization Inspector ............................$61,341.47 Program Specialist II ..................................$47,680.08 Social Caseworker Associate .......................$8,973.76 Inmate Services Technician ........................$46,919.61 Sergeant ...................................................$144,527.71 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$37,438.06 Accountant I ...............................................$65,625.82 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,132.12 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$70,388.01 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$46,418.40 Social Caseworker B ..................................$40,638.60 CSE - Supervisor ........................................$80,748.56 Alt. Svcs/UPS Supervisor ...........................$79,995.80 Program Specialist II ..................................$41,757.68 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$77,410.59 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$13,151.20 Manager of Facility Operations ..................$96,497.75 Child/Family Administrator ..........................$98,155.50 Mechanic Supervisor ..................................$64,042.54 SAP Functional Analyst ............................ $112,781.38 Lieutenant .................................................$127,316.50 Coroner Office Administrator ......................$89,726.85 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $118,897.96 Plans Examiner I ........................................$50,487.05 Program Specialist II .................................. $42,119.28 Case Aide - TGF .........................................$34,265.14 Custodian ...................................................$35,835.21 Div Mgr Admin Services ...........................$109,100.01 Mechanic ....................................................$58,438.93 Forensic Scientist - Latent Prints ................$65,283.74 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$34,901.88 Program Specialist II ..................................$52,089.01 Database Analyst .......................................$59,543.20 Workforce Specialist ...................................$69,550.29 Data Analyst/IT Sys Support .......................$78,524.94 Liquor Code Enforcement Officer ...............$51,989.4 Lieutenant ................................................. $114,238.70 Business Associate III ................................$44,128.91 Paralegal ....................................................$44,209.63 Program Specialist II ..................................$48,335.02 Communications Business Partner ............$87,619.52 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$88,986.01 Technical Service Analyst ...........................$58,537.87 Lead Maintenance Technician ....................$53,426.15 Workforce Specialist ...................................$47,595.22 Road Maintenance Technician III ...............$56,373.11 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$96,642.53 Deputy County Attorney ...........................$136,896.08 Social Caseworker B ..................................$58,564.71 Communications Supervisor ......................$62,768.85 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$68,439.88 Open Spaces Planning Administrator .........$85,441.95 Program Specialist II ..................................$51,393.86 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$106,093.03 Claims Administrator ..................................$34,753.04 Program Specialist I .....................................$6,635.86 Digital Evidence Technician ........................$52,915.72 Appraiser II - Residential ............................$52,643.20 Inmate Services Technician ........................$57,227.10 Medical Investigator ...................................$36,832.72 Records Mgmt Specialist ............................$72,415.84 Public Information Officer ...........................$44,620.84 Custodian ...................................................$41,343.58 Sr. Business Analyst ...................................$57,692.26 Business Associate III ................................$43,027.59 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$28,884.80 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$62,725.01 Fleet Services Manager ...........................$100,706.26 Dir Dept of Strategy and Performance .....$138,974.31 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$80,206.74 Business Associate II - Part Time ...............$23,824.45 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$107,127.80 Appraiser III - Residential ...........................$48,600.66 Building Division Operations Manager .......$88,967.10 Social Caseworker B ..................................$50,783.16 Social Caseworker B ..................................$68,367.15 Business Analyst ........................................$96,809.61 Workforce Specialist ...................................$51,196.80 Data Collector .............................................$53,241.04 Social Caseworker B ..................................$41,485.60 Sr ACSES Liaison/Trainer ..........................$69,177.82 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$66,913.81 Sr HR Business Partner .............................$82,515.92 Social Caseworker B ..................................$51,624.00 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$69,032.42 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,850.28 Social Caseworker B ..................................$23,483.15 Social Caseworker B ..................................$56,151.47 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$56,537.13 Social Caseworker B ..................................$23,040.00 Forensic Scientist - Latent Prints ................$57,208.94 Appraiser III - Residential ...........................$60,385.01 Operations Services Coordinator ...............$42,918.89 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$105,241.19 Child and Family Supervisor ...................... $80,911.53 Social Caseworker B ..................................$50,091.17 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$14,698.40 Social Caseworker C ..................................$69,776.56 CSE - Supervisor ........................................$80,316.85 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$100,372.18 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,920.34 Program Specialist Lead ............................$72,876.21 Risk Management Assistant .......................$64,848.75 Executive Assistant ....................................$49,015.27 Classification Specialist ..............................$57,849.58 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$99,529.68 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $112,234.63 Social Caseworker B ..................................$55,905.48

Sergeant ................................................... $111,583.74 Lead Maintenance Technician ....................$62,368.37 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$101,452.97 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$32,491.20 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$74,088.04 Sergeant ...................................................$123,121.48 Lieutenant ................................................. $116,333.90 Appraiser III - Residential ........................... $60,117.60 Program Specialist I ...................................$19,106.12 Workforce Specialist ...................................$55,912.31 Lieutenant ................................................. $115,001.88 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT .......................... $30,112.96 Inmate Services Technician ........................$59,066.22 Program Specialist Lead ............................$64,985.97 SO Human Resources Manager ..............$124,883.13 Engineering Inspector II .............................$69,498.54 CSE Specialist ............................................$60,177.74 Recording Specialist ...................................$47,195.93 Inmate Services Technician ........................$58,824.52 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$63,008.31 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$89,777.12 Program Specialist II ..................................$48,166.16 Program Specialist I ...................................$41,708.07 Sergeant ................................................... $147,511.14 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$52,299.02 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$38,973.63 Desktop Technician ....................................$58,867.06 Social Caseworker C ..................................$65,924.67 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$30,836.93 Deputy County Attorney HS .....................$149,327.31 HS Project Manager ...................................$82,351.39 Social Caseworker B ..................................$58,984.74 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$18,143.13 Concealed Handgun Permit Processor ......$44,820.99 Commissioner ..........................................$120,499.24 CSE Specialist ............................................$44,988.35 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$69,228.50 Social Caseworker B ..................................$55,988.87 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING .............. $11,347.60 Program Administrator ................................$52,765.16 CSE - Assistant Attorney ............................$83,826.71 Social Caseworker B ..................................$55,692.15 Workforce Specialist ...................................$61,750.53 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$62,239.92 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,193.31 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$35,856.80 Grants & Acquisitions Administrator ...........$59,005.62 Adult Protection Supervisor ........................$75,672.73 Medical Investigator ...................................$19,250.00 Program Specialist Lead ............................$50,794.01 Autopsy Technician .....................................$44,979.30 Investigator - Part Time ..............................$37,427.93 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING .............. $11,347.60 Road Maintenance Technician II ................$45,125.07 Ballot Tabulation Lead ................................$68,543.37 Administrative Technician ...........................$43,121.70 Assistant Co Attorney .................................$94,230.92 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$58,848.87 Workforce Specialist ...................................$46,224.07 Lead Pretrial Officer ...................................$53,489.27 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,177.06 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$67,189.17 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,782.35 Program Specialist II ..................................$50,346.59 Homemaker ................................................$34,538.41 Captain .....................................................$140,600.02 Social Caseworker B ..................................$35,451.67 Forensic Scientist - Biology Tech Leader ...$90,606.46 Plans Examiner II .......................................$84,076.42 ASP Clerk ...................................................$48,022.48 IT Office Coordinator ..................................$61,250.96 Maintenance Tech II - Parks and Turf .........$39,168.32 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$63,916.95 Intelligence Analyst .....................................$71,226.53 Evidence Technician ...................................$49,549.56 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$12,236.91 Technical Service Analyst ...........................$57,093.12 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$66,176.38 Program Specialist II ..................................$43,856.94 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$38,369.90 Facilities Custodial Supv ............................$62,032.04 CSE Specialist ............................................$49,213.73 Social Caseworker B ....................................$1,938.46 Applications Support Spec. ........................$87,653.36 Community Development Adm ...................$90,010.30 SAP Business Operations Div Mgr ...........$137,628.25 Mapping Manager ......................................$89,134.64 Business Associate II .................................$45,479.29 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,639.61 Building Services Assistant Manager .........$81,130.25 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$58,722.95 Business Associate I ..................................$12,169.13 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$78,094.86 Judicial Services Officer .............................$62,421.20 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$144,047.82 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$60,643.27 Deputy Sheriff ............................................. $90,110.09 Chore Services Worker - TGF ....................$34,500.02 Business Associate II .................................$43,261.60 Planning Division Manager ....................... $117,558.07 Paralegal ....................................................$74,465.13 Sr. Administrative Assistant ........................$48,087.51 Election Logistics Coordinator ....................$40,267.50 GIS Administrator .......................................$78,898.40 Detention Maintenance Foreman ...............$76,574.08 Assistant Co Attorney ...............................$100,472.88 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$12,069.31 Road Maintenance Technician III ...............$37,499.13 Registration Lead .......................................$53,773.62 Communications Supervisor ......................$77,949.64 Program Specialist I ...................................$44,351.80 Business Associate I ....................................$6,785.73 Custodian ...................................................$35,528.95 Program Specialist II .................................. $61,114.90 Plans Examiner - Temp ................................$5,568.50 Program Specialist II ..................................$40,044.44 Program Specialist Lead ............................$59,697.44 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$89,032.78 Business Associate I ..................................$34,224.03 Program Specialist II ..................................$37,893.82 Sergeant ...................................................$107,503.63 Appraiser III - Residential ...........................$72,428.06 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$35,520.73 County Attorney ........................................$197,012.85 Sergeant ...................................................$101,236.57 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$53,701.50 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$101,134.98 Mapping/GIS Technician .............................$41,527.25 RIM Technician ...........................................$32,016.25

Program Specialist Lead ............................$55,675.49 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$14,698.40 Lead Maintenance Technician ....................$61,818.27 Recording Manager ....................................$67,364.56 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,305.41 Purchasing Agent .......................................$60,669.13 Custodian ...................................................$35,244.32 CSS Admin .................................................$79,383.01 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$88,636.39 Paralegal ....................................................$72,010.21 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$62,468.88 Senior Inspector .........................................$73,765.61 Fairgrounds Site Manager ..........................$75,890.41 CIP Program Manager ................................$84,694.02 Commissioner .......................................... $113,490.00 CSE Specialist ............................................$56,449.67 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$66,263.46 Detention Operations Technician ..................$8,086.66 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$35,456.53 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$62,036.66 Animal Control Officer ................................$47,649.79 Program Specialist II ..................................$52,670.42 Offset Printer Operator ...............................$48,310.27 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$42,664.45 Recording Lead ..........................................$59,976.33 Client Relations Coordinator ......................$61,074.00 Sr. Planner ..................................................$80,709.69 Workforce Specialist ...................................$37,150.10 CSE Specialist ............................................$53,055.18 Senior Inspector .........................................$80,753.00 Sr. Systems Administrator ........................ $117,710.19 CSE - Supervisor ........................................$80,957.83 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$98,520.64 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,943.26 Administrative Technician ...........................$46,358.76 Accountant III .............................................$74,688.05 Mechanic ....................................................$58,488.36 Detention Administration Coordinator .........$91,489.80 Custodian ...................................................$31,830.10 Workforce Specialist ...................................$36,050.49 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$35,013.59 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$61,853.13 Grants Fiscal Specialist ..............................$56,806.48 CSE Specialist ............................................$50,859.67 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $110,130.27 Sr Software Config Admin ........................$104,961.76 Program Administrator ................................$54,405.40 Social Caseworker B ..................................$52,829.58 Appraiser II - Residential ............................$52,916.86 Detention Service Coordinator .....................$8,288.00 Field Tech II ................................................$53,886.40 Social Caseworker B ..................................$38,669.65 Associate Project Manager ........................$65,218.65 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$58,950.06 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$70,823.78 Workforce Specialist ...................................$49,181.39 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$79,631.45 Recording Specialist ...................................$38,091.52 Business Associate III ................................$60,864.02 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$35,488.90 Program Specialist II ..................................$52,036.67 Hum Svcs Bus Process Analyst .................$76,182.89 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,565.65 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$56,399.84 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$57,634.00 RIM Technician ...........................................$35,449.86 Criminal Justice Plng Coord .......................$84,348.32 Field Tech Specialist ...................................$51,397.41 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$68,858.53 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $112,112.51 Social Caseworker B ..................................$59,125.83 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,841.59 Evidence Supervisor ..................................$82,037.92 Detention Operations Technician ................$45,480.10 Road Maintenance Technician Lead ..........$54,954.60 Business Associate II .................................$40,453.23 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$60,172.68 Data Collector .............................................$46,371.21 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$65,234.84 Business Associate I ..................................$31,178.12 Social Caseworker B ..................................$62,625.91 Finance Manager .....................................$107,541.62 Workforce Specialist ...................................$31,645.97 Program Specialist I ...................................$20,315.54 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,216.78 Project Management Administrator ............$81,404.72 Motor Vehicle Supervisor ...........................$59,516.09 Detention Operations Technician ................$50,469.06 Administrative Technician ...........................$16,256.00 Social Caseworker C ..................................$75,002.39 Administrative Technician ...........................$61,620.95 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$78,760.48 Building Services Manager .........................$87,362.17 Homemaker ................................................$10,635.03 Workforce Specialist ...................................$27,373.28 CSU Extension Prgm Coordinator ..............$57,194.75 Business Associate I ..................................$31,603.20 Social Caseworker C ..................................$77,789.11 Classification Specialist ..............................$53,468.90 Social Caseworker B ..................................$18,240.00 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$78,108.67 ASP Clerk ...................................................$50,597.15 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,743.84 Evidence Technician ...................................$48,884.11 Road Maintenance Technician III ...............$63,400.14 Field Tech III ...............................................$64,431.20 Social Caseworker B ..................................$50,617.31 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$55,276.12 Social Caseworker C .................................. $68,113.67 Social Caseworker B ..................................$27,465.59 Commissioner .......................................... $114,270.00 Engineer II ..................................................$74,646.71 Senior Resources Program Supervisor ......$65,040.72 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,414.70 Human Services Deputy Director - CAPS .$150,576.64 Detention Operations Technician ................$46,801.42 Social Caseworker B ..................................$54,466.25 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,648.66 Detention Operations Technician ................$43,213.60 Social Caseworker B ..................................$50,220.74 Communications Technician I .....................$23,425.36 Workforce Specialist ...................................$58,868.85 Social Caseworker B ..................................$16,320.00 Desktop Technician ....................................$59,795.95 Program Specialist I ...................................$50,077.64 Welfare Fraud Investigations Supervisor ....$77,792.38 Recording Specialist Sr ..............................$54,655.85

Emergency Mgmt. Specialist ......................$66,051.42 Operations Services Coordinator ...............$47,472.03 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$35,585.60 Detention Operations Technician ................$56,394.80 Motor Vehicle Lead .....................................$50,572.22 Detention Operations Technician ................$63,625.48 Administrator to the Board ..........................$77,898.30 Workforce Specialist ...................................$49,880.03 Business Associate III ................................$58,951.02 Communications Technician II ....................$48,466.31 Human Resources Director ......................$163,962.17 Sr. Planner ..................................................$82,288.83 Tax System Analyst ....................................$53,999.31 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$77,269.72 Office Coordinator ......................................$49,860.30 Custodian .....................................................$6,090.00 Engineer III .................................................$84,964.63 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$61,000.87 Program Specialist II ..................................$48,573.04 Operations & Placement Supv ...................$86,216.00 Engineer II ..................................................$69,406.23 Business System Appraisal Analyst ...........$90,794.23 Community Corr Specialist .........................$51,459.04 Road Maintenance Technician III ...............$16,303.76 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$105,446.89 Assistant Co Attorney ...............................$102,130.76 Social Caseworker B ..................................$42,951.68 Social Caseworker B ..................................$60,197.52 HVAC/R Supervisor ....................................$14,029.84 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,540.98 CSE Administrator ......................................$90,274.79 Warehouse Specialist .................................$56,792.00 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$25,020.81 Manager of Business Analysis ................. $119,732.44 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$88,640.83 Sergeant ................................................... $114,219.53 Road Maintenance Technician III ...............$58,685.59 Facility & Fleet Management Di ...............$150,247.73 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,429.12 CO Works Assessment Spec. Lead ...........$84,935.30 Sr. Desktop Technician ...............................$67,305.78 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$47,641.15 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$93,507.14 Executive Administrator ..............................$64,045.19 Systems Coord/Judicial Services Officer ...$47,254.33 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,918.69 Public Works and Dev Director .................$150,561.83 Mechanic ....................................................$62,174.30 Social Caseworker B ..................................$55,764.95 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$82,744.41 Digital Communications Specialist .............$10,630.00 Budget Analyst II ........................................$73,047.60 Sergeant ...................................................$105,038.39 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,483.98 Custodian Team Lead .................................$24,303.02 Senior Inspector .........................................$80,881.37 Sr. Business Analyst ...................................$99,369.44 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$121,296.76 Fiscal Clerk .................................................$21,472.92 Sergeant ...................................................$109,871.50 Social Caseworker C .................................. $65,117.34 Program Specialist II ..................................$48,840.84 Social Caseworker C ..................................$66,576.26 Accountant I ...............................................$49,148.22 Solutions Architect .................................... $119,292.59 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$43,501.00 Workforce Specialist ...................................$25,368.75 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$64,324.92 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$70,619.97 Program Specialist II ..................................$57,730.04 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$44,835.06 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$12,379.20 FAS Division Manager .............................. $116,941.54 Print Services Manager ..............................$98,031.54 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $113,277.83 Lead Maintenance Technician ....................$50,342.98 Communications & Admin Services Director ..............................................................$134,318.58 Systems Administrator ................................$12,032.31 Communications Technician II ....................$73,441.17 Sr. Administrative Assistant ........................$58,177.47 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$88,377.28 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$12,136.00 Business Associate I ..................................$31,033.09 Deputy Assessor - Appraisal ......................$95,429.81 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,622.20 Evidence Technician ...................................$64,353.90 Business Associate II - Temp ...........................$931.84 Sr Assist Co Attorney ................................$127,329.14 Horticulture Assistant - Temp ........................$2,503.86 Social Caseworker C ..................................$81,421.36 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$106,797.04 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$41,527.22 Administrative Technician ...........................$44,157.18 Detention Operations Technician ................$57,381.22 Social Caseworker B ..................................$52,449.10 Residential Appraisal Supv. ........................$85,826.06 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$70,470.62 Program Specialist II ..................................$50,847.69 Community Service Specialist ......................$3,217.08 OS Maintenance Technician Sr ..................$48,422.74 Lieutenant .................................................$123,692.94 Business Associate III - Technical ..............$50,085.79 Pre Trial Officer ............................................$5,983.82 Finance & Administration Manager ..........$108,836.14 Workforce Specialist ...................................$48,103.57 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $110,134.97 Appraiser II - Residential ............................$42,752.89 Business Associate II .................................$54,768.86 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$81,524.93 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$26,539.05 Child/Family Administrator ........................$103,743.23 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$60,609.46 Paralegal ....................................................$73,386.34 Deputy Sheriff ............................................. $95,611.31 Civil and Warrants Supervisor ....................$68,823.39 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,108.40 Technical Service Analyst ...........................$59,849.13 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$63,195.23 Social Caseworker C ..................................$67,740.50 Social Caseworker B ..................................$60,402.72 Sr. Project Manager .................................. $107,116.72 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $114,722.70 R&B Operations Manager ........................$107,430.00 Autopsy Technician .....................................$61,396.00 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,005.57 Appraiser III - Residential ...........................$60,585.85

— Continued to next page —

February 20, 2020, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 25

LEGALS —Continued from previous page— Deputy Sheriff .............................................$57,733.42 Provider Services Manager ........................$56,147.39 Communications Technician II ....................$54,441.09 Inmate Services Technician ........................$10,562.90 Social Caseworker B ..................................$50,928.00 HR Administrative Coordinator ...................$53,060.03 Business Associate II .................................$35,761.50 Social Caseworker C ..................................$70,457.98 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$51,552.56 Inmate Services Technician ........................$46,680.85 Program Specialist I ...................................$39,785.20 Business Associate I ..................................$14,869.47 Road Maintenance Technician III ...............$54,698.07 Social Caseworker C ..................................$63,554.90 Program Specialist Lead ............................$69,400.89 Business Associate III ................................$44,895.86 Manager HR/Talent ..................................$125,000.35 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$103,358.25 Classification Specialist ..............................$47,322.14 Lead Quality Assurance Analyst ...............$104,020.55 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$127,667.58 Administrative Technician .............................$8,128.00 Sergeant ................................................... $111,162.31 Trainer - CSS ..............................................$41,994.51 Detention Operations Technician ................$61,494.57 Building Inspector I .....................................$25,894.80 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$53,389.26 Mapping/GIS Technician .............................$61,946.45 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$66,178.54 Road Maintenance Technician I ...................$8,841.63 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$37,132.80 Sr ERP System Administrator ...................$129,136.98 4-H Program Coordinator ...........................$65,345.09 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$75,198.18 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$99,049.26 Parks and Turf Supervisor ..........................$27,759.00 Program Specialist Supervisor ................... $68,117.64 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$59,735.19 HR Recruiting Coordinator ......................... $11,316.00 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$51,520.02 Chore Services Worker - Temp ....................$1,728.75 Social Caseworker C ..................................$61,909.26 SAP Functional Analyst ............................$100,095.47 Program Specialist I ...................................$41,596.28 Custodian ...................................................$36,128.00 Custodian ...................................................$24,000.00 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$35,873.60 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$51,905.22 Accountant III ............................................. $66,112.15 Assistant Appraisal Supervisor ...................$75,147.64 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$85,499.30 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$51,780.39 Sergeant ................................................... $110,461.14 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$59,453.21 Executive Assistant ....................................$60,101.94 Planner/Project Specialist - Part Time ........$25,215.00 Paralegal - Job Share .................................$30,277.37 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$31,122.52 RIM Technician ...........................................$17,390.69 Pre Trial Officer ..........................................$59,796.13 Administrative Technician ...........................$48,108.94 Accountant I ...............................................$57,412.02 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$60,987.46 Sr Program Analyst - Assessor .................$107,267.28 Telecommunications Specialist ..................$89,956.53 Traffic Operations Manager ......................$101,585.57 Inmate Services Technician ........................$34,984.30 Program Specialist II ..................................$39,016.05 Assistant Co Attorney ............................... $111,320.21 Communications Business Partner ............$78,272.12 Taxing Authority & TIF Specialist ................$71,224.67 Telecommunications Specialist ....................$1,538.80 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$77,659.04 Community Service Specialist ....................$30,380.19 Program Specialist II ..................................$41,906.13 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$70,380.43 Mechanic ....................................................$69,844.42 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$75,489.68 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$68,674.65 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$69,632.87 Business Associate II .................................$54,620.47 Benefits Analyst ..........................................$84,937.08 Appraiser III - Residential ...........................$51,765.77 Custodian ...................................................$35,907.00 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING .............. $11,347.60 Paralegal ....................................................$73,528.00 Building Inspector I .....................................$58,360.61 Social Caseworker B ..................................$23,616.00 Sergeant ...................................................$103,231.94 Digital Evidence Technician ........................$44,949.57 CSS Supervisor ..........................................$68,990.99 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$79,207.07 Business Associate IV ................................ $65,611.96 Print Services Coordinator .........................$63,010.09 Captain .....................................................$139,684.85 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$57,191.24 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$28,188.54 Fiscal Clerk .................................................$57,582.77 Shuttler .......................................................$22,356.24 Social Caseworker B ....................................$5,675.10 Deputy Sheriff ............................................. $92,111.44 Bus Assoc III - Technical .............................$26,040.00 Program Specialist I ...................................$39,877.97 Social Caseworker B ..................................$70,149.83 Social Caseworker B ....................................$8,913.86 Accountant I ...............................................$61,316.00 Program Specialist II ..................................$64,428.26 Motor Vehicle Specialist ...............................$4,916.99 Purchasing Technician ................................$48,888.00 Inmate Services Technician ........................$46,779.49 Detention Operations Technician ................$73,389.29 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$45,139.36 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$87,007.76 Social Caseworker B ....................................$5,760.00 Duty Planner ...............................................$66,026.66 Retirement Plan Administrator .................. $114,376.36 Captain .....................................................$135,257.61 Autopsy Technician - Part-Time ....................$8,547.42 Administrative Assistant .............................$39,777.31 Lead HVAC/R Technician ...........................$72,630.54 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$96,159.93 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$109,512.40 Deputy Emergency Manager ......................$85,653.72 Sr HR Business Partner .............................$97,659.18 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$66,759.16 Program Specialist I ...................................$15,276.80 Energy Program Manager ..........................$96,162.06 Recording Specialist ...................................$37,703.53 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$76,684.22 Custodian ...................................................$32,034.72 Planning Program Manager ..................... $114,145.15 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$82,184.96 Sr Assist Co Attorney ................................$120,331.75 Social Caseworker B ..................................$54,558.15 HR Temp Pool .............................................. $4,711.00 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$100,349.58 Administrative Analyst - Personal Prop ......$68,081.32 Accountant III .............................................$69,682.43 Data Analyst/IT Sys Support .......................$63,018.41 Social Caseworker B ..................................$70,236.95 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$52,134.71 Detention Crew Leader ..............................$45,564.37 Forensic Scientist - Latent Prints ................$80,497.70 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$109,989.75 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$63,512.53 Sergeant ...................................................$100,158.38 Registration Specialist ................................$35,437.23 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$36,389.93 RIM Technician - Temp .................................$5,082.26 Detention Crew Leader ................................$1,594.40 Motor Vehicle Specialist ...............................$4,770.33 Deputy Sheriff ............................................. $95,111.28 Quality Assurance & Compliance Lead ......$60,859.88 H R Temp Pool .............................................$5,271.00 Non-Certified Deputy ....................................$8,898.48 Communications Manager .........................$43,901.94 Inmate Services Technician ........................$44,793.45 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$34,384.04

Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,155.93 Sr. Administrative Assistant ........................$61,745.07 Business Associate I ..................................$49,666.78 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$39,670.91 Paralegal ....................................................$58,644.64 Sr Network Systems Engineer ................. $118,240.43 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$61,758.36 Forensic Scientist - Biology Supervisor ....$102,713.99 Road Maintenance Technician III ...............$54,172.96 Sr Solutions Developer ...............................$65,576.94 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$60,996.53 Sr HR Business Partner .............................$83,033.65 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,769.89 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$54,317.44 Manager of Weatherization ......................$108,079.59 Service Desk Supervisor ............................$72,238.80 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,920.55 Sr. Deputy - Temporary ...............................$76,536.79 Engineering Inspector II .............................$20,000.01 Program Specialist II ..................................$57,106.38 CSE Specialist ............................................$48,274.03 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$87,638.88 Sr Network Systems Engineer .....................$3,538.46 Strategy Analyst .........................................$71,171.38 Detention Operations Technician ................$44,008.94 CSU Extension Program Supervisor ..........$20,798.02 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$37,458.18 Custodian ...................................................$32,325.36 Sergeant ................................................... $119,306.28 Fairgrounds Ops & Events Technician .......$45,866.96 Social Caseworker B ..................................$55,451.65 Business Associate II .................................$51,785.04 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$76,165.93 Welfare Benefits Fraud Investigator ...........$52,084.04 Open Space and Trails Supervisor .............$31,037.81 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$96,238.75 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$97,478.55 Program Specialist II ..................................$50,765.44 Legal Operations & Office Manager ...........$87,314.61 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$77,889.32 Case Aide - TGF .........................................$50,518.27 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$161,188.93 Comm Services Specialist-Internal ..............$6,948.09 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$65,629.13 Business Systems Division Supervisor ....$107,943.36 Building Inspector II ....................................$66,094.47 Core Services Supervisor ...........................$76,796.82 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,622.95 Inmate Services Technician ..........................$2,948.16 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $109,011.63 Motor Vehicle Lead .....................................$44,791.70 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,218.77 Lead Election Judge Coordinator ...............$50,453.60 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $117,019.15 Workforce Specialist ...................................$47,540.84 Program Specialist II ..................................$43,190.40 Courier ........................................................$27,608.00 SAP Functional Analyst ..............................$96,370.39 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$55,801.74 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$13,410.80 Road Maintenance Technician II ................$48,854.17 Paralegal ....................................................$60,228.02 Business Associate IV ................................$69,514.39 Custodian ...................................................$33,656.00 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$38,769.01 Sr. Systems Administrator ........................$123,155.17 Appraiser II - Personal Property .................$47,426.19 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$73,655.35 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $115,142.29 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$75,174.92 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$64,350.36 Sergeant ...................................................$106,955.47 Social Caseworker B ..................................$57,367.31 Workforce Specialist ...................................$51,643.96 CSE Specialist ............................................$59,815.27 Business Associate III ................................$57,772.30 Zoning & Animal Control Manager .............$78,929.13 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$47,195.23 Custodian ...................................................$35,859.25 Custodian ...................................................$40,947.20 Program Specialist II ..................................$64,674.14 Program Specialist I ...................................$37,208.86 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$72,706.31 Workforce Specialist .....................................$2,678.40 Custodian Team Lead .................................$34,944.40 Sergeant ................................................... $117,387.64 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,972.80 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$100,584.55 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$40,932.00 Motor Vehicle Specialist I ...........................$36,401.52 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,206.16 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$55,903.22 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$102,690.20 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$40,797.94 Quality Assurance Analyst ..........................$88,439.73 Homemaker ................................................$33,308.16 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$98,287.66 Business Associate II ................................. $47,112.28 Non-Certified Deputy .................................. $37,911.31 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,643.28 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$73,062.16 Detention Operations Technician ................$43,928.74 Court Services/Fugitive Clerk .....................$47,558.49 Sr. Deputy - Temporary ...............................$73,588.26 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$76,839.13 Talent Development Manager ....................$75,831.26 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$69,627.33 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$55,255.15 Program Specialist II ....................................$7,415.04 Business Associate III ................................$54,078.26 Child/Family Administrator ..........................$92,552.85 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$82,583.20 Signs & Markings Tech II ............................$50,395.87 Administrative Supervisor ...........................$84,905.27 Hotline Caseworker - Job Share ................$25,215.54 Welfare Fraud Claims Recovery Specialist .$38,668.82 Deputy Director of Motor Vehicle ................$40,153.93 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,073.66 Detention Operations Technician ................$71,426.86 Social Caseworker B ..................................$40,321.92 Social Caseworker B ..................................$53,340.76 Paralegal ....................................................$53,820.01 Social Caseworker B ..................................$45,577.62 Program Specialist II ..................................$50,434.58 Data Entry Customer Service - Temp ......... $11,259.38 Road & Bridge Division Manager .............$128,362.73 Staff Development Supervisor ....................$91,650.32 Medical Investigator ...................................$87,597.70 Custodian ...................................................$35,567.03 Document Imaging Technician - Temp .........$1,486.34 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$74,567.90 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$50,864.80 Deputy Sheriff ............................................. $62,011.38 Office Services Supervisor .........................$79,545.54 Housing Comm Dev Sr Resources Div Mgr ..............................................................$101,837.99 Community Service Specialist ....................$44,615.26 Program Specialist II ..................................$46,258.85 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$99,993.66 Social Caseworker B ..................................$29,353.95 Workforce Specialist ...................................$48,015.21 HVAC/R Technician ....................................$69,863.77 Admin/Clerical Administrator ....................$101,647.56 Paralegal ....................................................$56,490.15 Undersheriff ..............................................$147,338.67 Social Caseworker C ..................................$63,316.70 Business Associate I .................................. $11,455.91 Fairgrounds Ops and Events Technician ....$43,378.40 Paralegal ....................................................$57,824.74 Program Specialist II ..................................$61,522.36 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$77,383.75 Recording Specialist ...................................$40,399.94 Building Inspector I .....................................$23,330.45 Road Maintenance Technician III ...............$63,203.91 Facility Warehouse Specialist .....................$44,164.01 Custodian ...................................................$33,024.36 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$81,014.90 Detention Crew Leader ..............................$22,158.14

Lead Administrative Technician ..................$49,991.43 Sergeant ...................................................$109,206.87 Paralegal ....................................................$72,405.49 Social Caseworker B ..................................$22,153.93 CSE Specialist ............................................$48,578.97 Lead Pretrial Officer ...................................$64,639.82 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$56,107.95 Forensic Pathologist .................................$184,752.02 Comm Corr Compliance Auditor .................$65,905.89 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$67,566.51 Road Maintenance Technician I .................$34,240.82 CSE Specialist ............................................$56,667.80 Senior Accounting Clerk .............................$53,595.74 Child Welfare Trainer ..................................$69,285.52 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$86,424.36 Business Associate I ..................................$43,868.75 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,967.64 Inmate Services Technician ........................$43,596.03 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$72,705.96 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$60,581.94 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$23,726.80 Custodian ...................................................$24,178.00 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $116,240.28 Court Services/Fugitive Clerk .....................$47,053.83 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $119,914.90 Inmate Services Technician ........................$59,355.14 CSE - Assistant Attorney ............................$65,692.37 CAD Administrator-SO ...............................$82,133.09 Data Collector .............................................$39,494.66 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$55,614.15 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$80,089.64 Sergeant ................................................... $115,670.99 Organizational Learning/Devel Consultant ...............................................................$90,894.53 Registration Specialist ................................$22,851.95 Facility Maintenance Technician .................$40,309.30 Business Associate IV ................................$65,237.43 Business & Econ Developmnt Engagemnt Mgr ...............................................................$72,388.28 Fairgrounds Ops and Events Foreman ......$56,094.54 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$37,600.32 Sr. Solutions Developer ............................ $113,913.52 Workforce Specialist ...................................$47,146.33 Mechanic ....................................................$58,544.75 Social Caseworker B ..................................$50,354.15 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,181.58 Lieutenant ................................................. $110,042.07 Inmate Services Technician ........................$48,788.75 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,527.61 Social Caseworker B ..................................$49,950.42 Appraiser III - Residential ...........................$75,526.41 Operations Division Manager ................... $118,273.79 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$82,616.24 Sr. Administrative Assistant ........................$47,906.43 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $105,011.36 Sergeant ...................................................$102,390.19 Recording Lead ..........................................$60,227.24 Finance Director .......................................$163,220.24 Business Associate I ..................................$31,720.83 Senior Payroll Specialist .............................$72,470.26 Administrative Technician ...........................$45,404.19 CSE Specialist ............................................$54,225.29 Business Associate III - Part Time ................ $8,118.00 Detention Maintenance Technician .............$47,006.51 Appraiser III - Residential ...........................$64,019.12 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$89,264.85 Road Maintenance Technician II ................$40,129.64 Fac Data/Contract Coordinator ..................$64,399.42 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$62,551.86 Workforce Specialist ...................................$40,664.00 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$66,071.78 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $115,902.66 Purchasing Manager ................................ $118,138.95 RIM Lead ....................................................$21,332.72 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$100,828.01 Sr. Systems Administrator ........................ $117,478.62 Detention Crew Leader ..............................$43,328.99 Detention Service Coordinator ................... $63,113.00 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$65,302.39 Child/Family Administrator ........................$103,785.56 Program Specialist II ..................................$56,588.88 Social Caseworker B ..................................$57,453.31 Program Specialist I ................................... $41,114.96 Business Associate IV ................................ $53,116.03 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$103,977.85 RIM Technician ...........................................$31,670.43 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$68,151.35 Chore Services Worker - TGF ....................$25,898.64 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$79,917.95 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$66,786.56 Sr. Desktop Technician ...............................$72,129.25 Business Associate IV ................................$49,834.60 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$82,699.82 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $113,553.94 Engineering Services Div Mgr. .................$148,883.27 Facility Maintenance Technician .................$46,529.60 Admin Supv Assessor ................................$85,174.16 Social Caseworker B ..................................$51,996.37 HR Temp Pool ..............................................$1,106.00 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$72,655.85 Social Caseworker B ..................................$52,372.83 Motor Vehicle Business Manager ...............$75,727.26 Information Technology Dir .......................$169,232.46 Workforce Specialist ...................................$53,699.29 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,448.80 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$88,812.03 Motor Vehicle Specialist ..................................$676.69 Fingerprint Technician ................................$27,994.69 Practice Coach ...........................................$57,202.46 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$95,886.72 CSE Specialist ............................................$52,964.01 Senior GIS Administrator .......................... $117,272.06 Medical Investigator ...................................$57,412.62 Social Caseworker B ..................................$51,527.99 Digital Evidence Technician ........................$40,617.71 Zoning Inspector .........................................$53,945.80 Medical Investigator - Part-Time .................$45,429.06 Business Associate III ................................$60,856.09 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$41,238.97 Applications Support Spec .........................$69,884.59 Business Associate I ..................................$37,001.34 A/V & Security Systems Technician ............$55,412.80 Inmate Services Technician ........................$47,765.83 Lieutenant ................................................. $118,050.53 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$99,431.75 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$72,152.83 Election Mapping Coordinator ......................$9,608.59 Program Specialist II ..................................$57,396.00 Bureau Chief ............................................$137,953.95 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor ..............$84,063.72 Facility Maintenance Technician .................$41,510.27 Business Associate I ..................................$31,559.99 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$94,415.69 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$108,998.55 Open Spaces Business Analyst .................$64,220.96 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$23,659.75 Business Associate II - Part Time ...............$20,225.61 Facility Maintenance Technician .................$53,130.99 Business Associate II - TGF .......................$36,036.01 Business Associate III ................................$43,810.68 Road Maintenance Technician II ................$49,996.18 Social Caseworker C ..................................$76,426.04 Business Associate III ................................$37,744.05 Detention Maintenance Technician .............$49,626.48 Building Inspector II ....................................$61,508.04 Manager of Total Compensation ...............$122,838.26 Social Caseworker B ..................................$42,570.00 Finance Supervisor ....................................$83,363.26 Shuttler .......................................................$20,860.75 Inmate Services Technician ..........................$2,948.16 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$65,059.10 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$49,843.52 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$64,957.07 Sr. Business Analyst ...................................$10,139.43 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$25,738.42 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$12,379.20 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,526.08 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,151.65 Program Specialist I .....................................$7,568.96

Motor Vehicle Specialist III ......................... $47,311.49 Assistant Co Attorney ...............................$128,205.78 Custodian ...................................................$30,296.53 Program Specialist II ..................................$47,972.22 Senior Plans Examiner .............................$136,623.84 Program Specialist Lead ............................$78,928.56 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$66,370.69 Communications Technician II ....................$57,809.57 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$80,145.42 Program Specialist Lead ............................$62,213.10 Applications Support Spec. ........................$93,258.02 Social Caseworker B ..................................$59,610.11 CSE Specialist ............................................$60,293.08 Tax Certification Specialist .........................$37,109.89 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$75,020.71 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $113,883.82 Engineer III - Temp .....................................$10,325.00 Field Supervisor .........................................$75,809.43 Kinship Navigator .......................................$39,235.12 Communications Technician II - RECRUIT ...$3,201.60 Business Associate II ...................................$3,436.56 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $111,620.85 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$57,841.43 Forensic Scientist - Biology ........................$20,004.41 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$88,422.21 Weatherization Tech Sup Spec ..................$65,048.33 Social Caseworker B ..................................$58,558.47 Communications Supervisor ......................$80,012.50 Clerk - Temp ...............................................$10,457.50 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$60,679.73 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$108,556.96 Lieutenant ................................................. $117,511.79 Offset Printer Operator ...............................$55,670.12 Sr. Solutions Developer ..............................$93,572.54 RIM Technician ...........................................$36,600.12 Signs and Markings Tech I .........................$48,054.35 Forensic Scientist - Biology ........................$81,138.40 Pre Trial Officer ..........................................$16,335.99 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $118,082.82 Program Coordinator ..................................$59,812.87 Mapping/GIS Technician .............................$61,680.86 RIM Technician ...........................................$38,015.32 Sergeant ...................................................$101,525.34 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$70,873.41 Engineering Services Consultant - Temp ...$41,294.15 Detention Operations Technician ................$49,589.79 Pre Trial Officer ..........................................$34,529.77 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,150.27 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$81,412.77 CORE Services Coordinator ......................$80,756.95 Social Caseworker B ..................................$63,619.10 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$71,464.00 HR Temp Pool ..............................................$1,064.00 Bankruptcy Specialist .................................$43,862.06 Facility Maintenance Technician .................$47,549.70 Program Specialist I ...................................$44,234.11 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$86,936.54 Program Specialist II ..................................$58,690.43 Motor Vehicle Business Manager ...............$66,918.53 Program Specialist II ..................................$50,526.43 Inmate Services Technician ........................$51,105.43 Traffic Engineering Technician ...................$18,200.00 Oil & Gas Specialist ....................................$95,884.20 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,817.65 Sr. Budget Analyst ......................................$92,653.17 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$74,340.40 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $117,834.12 Business Associate IV ................................$70,840.24 Business Associate I ..................................$42,857.55 Accounting Technician - Temp ....................$16,759.38 Data Analyst/IT Sys Support .......................$64,445.81 Program Specialist II ..................................$55,168.12 Social Caseworker B ..................................$54,772.46 Project Management Admin Support ..........$12,185.00 Custodian ...................................................$29,793.84 Sergeant ................................................... $114,181.48 Special Projects Team Supv .......................$55,702.32 Sr. Commercial Appr. - Appeals ..................$86,030.60 Program Specialist I ...................................$43,654.01 CSE Specialist ..............................................$5,578.04 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$98,220.37 Workforce Specialist ...................................$46,200.85 Bus. Assoc. II - Front Dsk Ld ......................$39,445.80 Communications Technician II ....................$54,606.34 Child/Family Administrator ..........................$99,772.38 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,806.71 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$50,278.52 Furnace Technician ....................................$52,015.09 Facilities Custodial Supv ............................$52,595.17 Road Maintenance Technician I .................$34,832.28 Deputy Treasurer ...................................... $118,094.76 FFM Deputy Director ................................ $114,023.55 Mgr of EIM/Solutions Develop ..................$123,125.53 Workforce Specialist ...................................$46,487.23 Deputy Director of Administration ...............$90,726.85 Mechanic ....................................................$57,380.95 Foster Care Recruiter .................................$59,430.39 Kinship Support Supervisor ........................$79,854.00 Applications Support Spec. ........................$93,880.50 Deputy Sheriff ............................................. $37,511.20 Intelligence Analyst .....................................$24,985.52 Pre Trial Officer ..........................................$16,956.10 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$70,836.80 County Veterans Affairs Supervisor ............$68,132.95 GIS/CAD Specialist ....................................$70,456.68 Social Caseworker B ..................................$65,294.55 Accountant I ...............................................$51,737.97 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,019.71 Business Associate III ................................$48,156.02 Election Judge Coordinator ........................$16,718.99 Assistant Fleet Supervisor ..........................$81,414.82 Communications Technician II ....................$69,920.38 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$61,379.34 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$62,479.25 Criminal Justice Agency Coord ..................$71,328.63 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $113,705.51 Program Specialist II ..................................$37,048.84 Social Caseworker B ..................................$39,696.73 Workforce Specialist ...................................$50,200.01 Communications Manager .......................$105,590.42 Judicial Services Pretrial Navigator ............$38,725.84 Sr. Facilities Project Manager .....................$92,497.51 Motor Vehicle Supervisor ...........................$56,797.51 CSE Specialist ............................................$57,580.90 Animal Control Officer ................................$50,920.32 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$26,444.09 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$49,313.27 Program Specialist I ...................................$38,832.10 Road Maintenance Technician II ................$49,357.95 Project Manager .........................................$99,374.50 HR Business Partner ..................................$42,261.63 Social Caseworker B ..................................$61,184.17 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$109,680.34 Child/Family Administrator ..........................$93,034.15 GIS/DBS Systems Analyst .........................$67,704.77 Business Associate I ..................................$35,655.74 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$88,102.98 Workforce Specialist ...................................$54,366.40 Workforce Specialist ...................................$51,632.81 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$42,924.27 Program Specialist I ...................................$45,865.39 Lieutenant .................................................$126,268.37 Social Caseworker C ..................................$50,259.73 Business Associate III ................................$42,730.30 Social Caseworker B ..................................$58,016.78 Field Tech II ................................................$44,960.80 Communications Supervisor ......................$78,188.05 CSE Specialist ............................................$14,364.10 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,071.92 Communications Technician II ....................$77,094.44 Inmate Services Technician ........................$45,128.55 HVAC/R Maintenance Worker ....................$29,848.00 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,825.53 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$88,599.69 Administrative Technician ...........................$45,306.84 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,837.14 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$78,877.25 Solutions Developer Lead ........................$123,326.48 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$101,158.94

— Continued to next page —

PAGE 26 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020 —Continued from previous page—

Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,089.35 Sr. Desktop Technician ...............................$66,887.42 Motor Vehicle Training Supervisor ................$8,307.72 Program Specialist II ..................................$48,488.45 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$63,888.78 Sergeant ...................................................$105,391.71 Captain .....................................................$122,769.36 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,367.30 Social Caseworker B ..................................$51,847.90 Training Assistant .......................................$58,197.36 Business Associate II ................................. $11,749.41 Detention Crew Leader ..............................$18,904.50 Social Caseworker B ..................................$51,597.59 Judicial Services Officer .............................$43,506.55 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$59,264.43 Program Specialist I ...................................$15,337.56 Public Information Liaison ..........................$85,292.10 HVAC/R Technician ....................................$68,743.93 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$84,536.34 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$60,764.16 Traffic/Logistics Technician .........................$57,259.10 Commercial Appraisal Supervisor ..............$71,835.29 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$96,781.34 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$20,202.96 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,171.84 Business Associate II .................................$36,857.76 Administrative Technician ...........................$43,961.34 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$29,962.53 Administrative Assistant .............................$26,777.70 Emergency Mgmt. Specialist ......................$71,358.92 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$55,134.61 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,221.26 Business Associate III ................................$53,129.60 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,043.42 Social Caseworker B ..................................$51,489.42 Social Caseworker B ..................................$49,249.96 Trainer - CCSS ...........................................$69,528.59 Appraiser II - Commercial ...........................$28,617.60 Paralegal ....................................................$60,844.95 Social Caseworker B ..................................$31,470.82 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$43,586.40 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,479.16 HR Recruiter (SO) ......................................$55,946.30 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,001.12 Telecommunications Coordinator ...............$50,193.20 Social Caseworker B ..................................$56,019.21 Business Associate III ................................$42,407.26 Human Services Finance Supervisor .........$70,294.37 Business Associate I ..................................$37,468.31 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,492.53 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$64,418.51 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$130,260.10 Data Collector .............................................$36,890.00 Program Specialist II ..................................$53,843.59 Social Caseworker B ..................................$71,534.36 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$77,606.57 Social Caseworker B ..................................$52,096.93 Inmate Services Technician ........................$38,580.06 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$150,188.97 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$124,477.39 Accountant I ...............................................$51,759.22 Homemaker ................................................$39,914.12 Court Services/Fugitive Clerk .....................$44,658.14 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$44,692.28 Administrative Specialist ............................$52,388.25 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,268.32 Social Caseworker C ..................................$66,765.80 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$56,888.15 Program Specialist II ..................................$48,098.01 Program Specialist II ..................................$41,272.83 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$77,965.11 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,691.04 Trainer - CSS .............................................. $61,114.30 Custodian .....................................................$9,323.50 Social Caseworker C ..................................$58,503.03 Sr. Business Analyst .................................$106,481.73 Program Specialist I ...................................$31,763.52 Solutions Developer - TG .............................$8,941.44 Maintenance Tech II - Parks and Turf .........$28,645.00 Program Specialist - Temp .........................$14,712.50 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$60,324.30 Business Associate I ....................................$8,312.19 Homemaker ................................................$40,203.28 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$41,944.00 Personal Prop. Appraisal Supv. ..................$83,526.44 Social Caseworker B ..................................$54,948.23 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$73,847.30 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$27,079.68 Manager of System Services ................... $110,594.49 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$99,694.98 Hotline Caseworker .................................... $41,311.20 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$41,487.24 Communications Technician II ....................$57,987.85 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$41,847.22 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$55,659.84 Program Specialist II ..................................$47,098.31 Operations Systems & Security Supervisor .$65,628.68 Workforce Specialist ...................................$58,080.05 Road Maintenance Technician Lead ..........$72,677.35 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$50,574.10 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$86,145.51 Mgr. of Application Services ..................... $119,499.32 Social Caseworker B ..................................$20,070.00 Social Caseworker B ..................................$62,356.27 Child and Family Supervisor ........................$6,459.60 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$86,070.29 Business Associate I ....................................$4,353.75 Program Specialist II ..................................$22,424.78 Animal Control Officer ................................$46,643.45 IT Division Mgr. .........................................$136,875.05 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$79,298.86 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,231.68 CSE Specialist ............................................$59,273.82 Program Specialist II ..................................$19,696.89 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$47,754.50 Paralegal ....................................................$67,825.58 Detention Operations Technician ................$53,771.50 Inmate Services Technician ........................$54,529.79 Recording Specialist Sr ..............................$45,694.06 Social Caseworker B ..................................$61,488.78 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,950.08 AD Works! Workforce Center Administrator ...............................................................$86,701.97 Sr. Purchasing Agent ..................................$92,424.06 Asst Appraisal Supervisor-Commercial ......$88,814.90 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$97,040.83 Facility Maintenance Technician .................$69,744.79 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $110,691.13 CSE - Supervisor ........................................$80,568.54 SAP Functional Analyst ............................ $110,956.09 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,333.88 Road Maintenance Technician I .................$34,942.89 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,301.52 Business Associate I ..................................$31,554.22 Detention Operations Technician ................$63,500.83 HR Temp Pool ............................................$13,237.00 Workforce Specialist ...................................$23,465.56 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$71,090.40 Program Specialist II ..................................$56,782.75 Contracts & Billing Coordinator ..................$62,015.22 Sergeant ................................................... $111,739.53 Detention Operations Technician ................$50,696.43 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$82,997.37 Assessor ................................................... $117,704.62 Training Coordinator ...................................$62,046.45 Senior Accounting Clerk .............................$50,529.56 Inmate Services Technician ........................$17,885.00 Motor Vehicle Lead .....................................$72,275.00 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$99,693.98 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$53,613.24 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,660.25 CSE Payment Specialist ............................$60,737.53 Business Associate II .................................$39,944.00 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$88,483.83 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$87,139.23 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$104,032.61 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$47,608.22 Social Caseworker B ..................................$61,585.29 Community Resources Director ...............$161,036.79

Crime Analyst II ..........................................$77,870.75 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$106,607.49 Deputy Sheriff ............................................. $86,115.49 Database Specialist ....................................$69,766.41 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,658.88 Sr. Budget Analyst ......................................$92,567.31 Solutions Developer ...................................$50,769.34 Business Associate I - Temp .........................$1,897.50 Classification Clerk .....................................$55,256.72 Captain .....................................................$129,373.29 Bureau Chief ............................................$153,597.32 Classification Specialist ..............................$54,575.77 Plans Examiner - Temp ..............................$23,401.42 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$42,487.77 Homemaker ................................................$49,475.04 Social Caseworker B ..................................$52,185.65 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$68,308.23 Quality Assurance & Compl Specialist .......$56,422.60 Sr Business Analyst ....................................$96,454.45 Custodian ...................................................$31,488.44 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $111,404.02 Social Caseworker B ..................................$54,208.66 Quality Assurance Manager .......................$94,763.49 Program Specialist Lead ............................$56,468.89 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$37,752.06 Classification Specialist ..............................$65,220.50 Inmate Services Technician ........................$51,670.76 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$43,951.59 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,415.68 Sr ACSES Liaison/Trainer ..........................$71,715.37 Social Caseworker B - Temp ......................$18,949.42 Social Caseworker B ..................................$12,480.00 Social Caseworker B ..................................$24,653.92 Workforce Specialist ...................................$47,525.76 Motor Vehicle Lead .....................................$49,900.42 Social Caseworker B ..................................$45,768.80 Program Specialist II ..................................$38,436.16 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$54,920.21 Road Maintenance Technician Lead .......... $11,321.64 Business Associate I ..................................$36,253.69 Business Associate II .................................$40,276.25 Building Division Manager ........................$109,649.51 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$103,135.76 Communications Technician II ....................$59,345.65 Coroner ....................................................$266,892.50 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$18,552.39 Sergeant ...................................................$109,756.00 Workforce Specialist - Part-Time ................$33,713.92 Sergeant ...................................................$105,495.71 Sr. Administrative Assistant ........................$47,732.66 Sergeant .....................................................$97,009.80 Zoning Inspector .........................................$53,729.35 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,094.30 Business Associate I ..................................$40,534.31 Sr. Clerk .....................................................$16,590.00 CSE Specialist ............................................$46,655.23 CSE Specialist ............................................$29,310.16 H R Temp Pool .............................................$4,879.00 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,754.53 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$61,182.97 Business Associate II .................................$31,389.21 Medical Investigator ...................................$62,937.98 Inmate Services Technician ........................$55,481.86 Inmate Services Technician ........................$47,766.91 Custodian Team Lead .................................$43,018.02 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$83,202.42 Custodian .....................................................$2,580.00 Motor Vehicle Lead .....................................$39,023.32 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$67,377.87 Applications Support Spec. ........................$82,910.95 IT Division Mgr. .........................................$156,361.99 Deputy Director of Records ........................$63,796.17 Communications Technician II ....................$57,482.11 Organizational Development Coordinator ..$52,424.84 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$61,994.16 Mapping/GIS Technician .............................$45,047.24 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,483.04 Inmate Services Technician ........................$53,079.10 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$60,758.84 Child and Family Supervisor ....................$101,125.63 Social Caseworker B ..................................$64,580.25 Detention Maintenance Foreman ...............$79,170.26 Operations Services Coordinator ...............$46,730.64 Facilities Project Manager ..........................$85,644.02 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$58,800.29 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$73,955.32 Receptionist ................................................$42,086.08 Custodian ...................................................$39,027.04 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$68,370.28 Weatherization Admin. Supv ......................$54,330.43 Chore Services Worker - Temp ....................$6,170.06 Facility Maintenance Technician .................$44,684.59 Mapping/GIS Technician .............................$42,327.23 Program Specialist Lead ............................$79,123.28 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$78,236.77 Field Tech I .................................................$38,267.72 Accreditation Specialist ..............................$85,050.76 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$85,422.34 Planner II ....................................................$64,096.46 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$36,718.19 Quality Assurance & Compl Specialist .......$57,891.89 Engineer I ................................................... $64,811.25 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$103,738.90 Detention Operations Technician ................$22,581.00 Road Maintenance Technician I ................. $11,883.63 Social Caseworker B ..................................$37,736.71 Evidence Technician ...................................$64,817.29 Emergency Mgmt. Specialist ......................$75,127.20 Service Request Coordinator .....................$43,131.90 Applications Support Spec. ........................$79,464.27 Compensation Analyst ..............................$100,967.66 Pavement Mgt Coordinator ........................$80,421.24 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$97,051.54 Detention Maintenance Technician .............$48,302.17 Evidence Technician ...................................$52,540.64 Motor Vehicle Supervisor ...........................$74,156.11 Sr. Administrative Assistant ........................$58,426.98 Program Specialist II ..................................$56,713.61 Motor Vehicle Specialist ...............................$6,308.06 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$69,166.55 Investigative Paralegal ...............................$77,923.79 Distribution Mgt Supervisor ........................$63,299.20 Inmate Services Technician ........................$28,076.60 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$75,790.13 Inmate Services Technician ........................$49,565.79 Social Caseworker B ..................................$64,687.11 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $119,244.99 Manager of Technical Services .................$121,472.00 Social Caseworker B ..................................$63,778.11 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$64,054.92 Program Specialist II ..................................$26,503.60 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$53,133.21 Sergeant ...................................................$102,892.89 Open Spaces Planner II ...............................$4,659.00 Data Analyst/IT Sys Support .......................$59,188.72 Business Associate III - Technical ..............$53,424.80 Program Specialist I .....................................$6,944.00 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,186.23 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$75,138.68 Program Specialist I ...................................$22,817.12 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$85,671.40 Administrative Technician ...........................$56,053.99 Sergeant ................................................... $123,511.64 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$42,086.31 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,648.99 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$75,809.95 Inmate Services Technician ........................$16,541.90 Social Caseworker C ..................................$63,628.40 Program Specialist - Temp ..............................$232.50 Inmate Services Section Supervisor ..........$74,875.29 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$76,228.14 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$85,482.19 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$85,150.72 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$41,527.20 Motor Vehicle Supervisor ...........................$71,296.02 Victim Assistance Coordinator ....................$72,588.32 Chief Deputy Clerk & Recorder ..................$84,895.39 Sergeant ...................................................$128,564.98 DL Specialist ...............................................$35,871.91

LEGALS Sergeant ...................................................$174,971.88 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,923.13 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$71,036.11 Treasurer ..................................................$120,485.04 Communications Technician II ....................$48,865.69 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$68,181.74 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$130,844.05 Permit Technician Supervisor .....................$83,805.73 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $111,831.84 Program Specialist II ..................................$50,100.10 Business Associate III ................................$45,519.90 Business Associate I ..................................$44,925.43 Sergeant ...................................................$107,199.95 Program Specialist II .................................. $50,911.02 Forensic Scientist - Latent Prints ................$73,836.75 Recording Specialist .....................................$7,724.09 CSE Specialist ............................................$56,667.61 Abstract Supervisor ....................................$78,544.67 Senior Project Manager ............................$100,938.47 Project Manager .......................................$101,046.00 Accounts Payable Specialist ......................$55,376.00 Assistant Appraisal Supervisor ...................$77,326.69 Detention Crew Leader ..............................$44,277.55 Social Caseworker B ..................................$59,380.59 Business Associate III ................................$41,647.23 Office Services Supervisor .........................$56,592.18 Victim Advocate ..........................................$50,232.84 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$19,759.74 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,853.53 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$80,876.63 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$58,926.43 Courier ........................................................$35,553.95 Program Specialist Lead ............................$60,003.14 Sergeant ...................................................$101,640.50 Business Associate II .................................$52,993.84 Motor Vehicle Lead .....................................$68,542.58 Program Specialist II ..................................$56,183.60 Program Specialist I ...................................$39,334.72 Workforce Specialist ...................................$54,448.80 Sergeant ...................................................$138,748.16 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$84,710.22 CSU Extension Office Coordinator .............$47,083.32 Social Caseworker B ..................................$52,724.29 Master Gardner/Asst.Horticult. Coord. .......$54,745.80 Business Associate III ................................$50,134.53 Sr. Data Mgmt. Analyst ............................. $111,401.74 Lieutenant ................................................. $114,762.49 Inmate Services Technician ........................$62,321.65 Social Caseworker B ..................................$51,133.25 Custodian ...................................................$16,080.00 Senior Land Surveyor .................................$81,640.80 Detention Crew Leader ..............................$50,064.01 Detention Operations Technician ................$47,322.44 Social Caseworker C ..................................$63,050.46 Shuttler .......................................................$27,065.65 Budget Manager .......................................$146,716.12 Inmate Services Section Supervisor ..........$71,948.95 Lieutenant ................................................. $116,844.68 Sr. Applications Support Spec. ...................$87,755.40 Division Manager of ADWORKS! ............. $117,764.54 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,574.98 MIS Supervisor ...........................................$75,993.56 Sr Network Systems Engineer ................. $119,446.22 Courier ........................................................$39,263.72 Medical Investigator ...................................$82,673.32 Workforce Specialist ...................................$48,201.74 Case Aide ...................................................$54,089.57 Commissioner .......................................... $114,270.00 Sergeant ...................................................$122,380.21 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,047.94 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$83,630.78 Technical Service Analyst ...........................$26,234.19 CSS Admin .................................................$70,671.17 Program Specialist II ..................................$36,086.47 Motor Vehicle Supervisor ...........................$10,474.36 Social Caseworker B ..................................$67,220.02 Appraiser II - Residential ............................$45,679.20 County Veterans Serv. Officer ....................$56,201.60 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$105,865.41 Communications Technician II ....................$59,462.69 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$88,566.68 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,783.95 Adult Protection Supervisor ........................$74,270.60 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,923.78 Social Caseworker B ..................................$47,341.60 Grants Fiscal Specialist ..............................$56,677.22 Permit Technician .......................................$47,016.09 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,780.80 Pre Trial Officer ............................................$5,405.50 Program Specialist Lead ............................$72,868.75 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$81,715.07 Business Associate IV ................................$60,484.91 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$59,549.46 Sr Assist Co Attorney ................................$137,485.37 Administrative Support Supervisor .............$77,444.12 Distribution Management Lead ..................$54,212.09 Program Specialist II ..................................$52,821.07 Social Caseworker C ..................................$61,494.83 County Sheriff ...........................................$149,793.71 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$38,066.06 Community Service Specialist ....................$46,717.76 LINKS Coordinator - TGF ...........................$45,280.06 Range Supervisor .......................................$83,309.12 Human Services Director .........................$174,245.90 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$125,457.55 Property Tax Director ..................................$99,484.41 IT Division Mgr. .........................................$161,578.45 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$19,384.61 Planning Assistant ......................................$53,850.33 CSE Specialist ............................................$58,034.75 Road Maintenance Technician II ................$49,224.28 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,823.58 CSE Specialist ............................................$47,618.40 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$79,354.64 Program Specialist I ...................................$42,184.35 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$80,519.36 Detention Operations Technician ................$48,982.82 Communications Technician II ....................$63,712.25 Applications Support Spec. ........................$88,882.23 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$52,159.94 Leave & ADA Specialist ..............................$63,099.09 Motor Vehicle Lead .....................................$59,488.86 Business Associate II .................................$37,735.26 Business Associate I ..................................$36,996.93 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$59,713.83 Sergeant ...................................................$103,847.47 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$63,864.71 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$97,761.65 Workforce Specialist ...................................$55,629.60 CSU Extension - Temp ....................................$495.00 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$78,289.60 Manager of Network Systems ..................$134,961.74 Accounting Clerk III ....................................$54,828.39 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$25,747.76 Social Caseworker B ..................................$51,572.84 Parts Specialist ...........................................$52,028.21 Fiscal Clerk .................................................$25,487.22 Accountant I ...............................................$54,102.47 Lieutenant .................................................$127,868.47 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$75,731.36 Custodian ................................................... $11,594.00 Sr. Welfare Fraud Investigator ....................$69,878.44 Social Caseworker B ..................................$53,402.91 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$38,885.17 Sr Assist Co Attorney ................................$127,072.94 Business Associate I ..................................$48,716.04 Social Caseworker B ..................................$52,526.23 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ..............$8,325.12 Program Specialist II ..................................$45,338.49 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$65,833.21 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$52,575.27 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,986.96 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$59,084.40 Sr. Parts Specialist .....................................$61,561.85 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$29,800.99 Program Specialist I .....................................$6,944.00 Social Caseworker C ..................................$56,765.02 Senior Quality Assurance Analyst ..............$38,307.72

Emergency Mgmt. Specialist ........................$3,924.00 Sergeant ...................................................$147,521.42 Social Caseworker B ..................................$64,368.31 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$57,672.67 Operations Manager .................................$109,004.30 Human Services Deputy Director - CCS ..$145,694.67 Social Caseworker B ..................................$56,842.65 Workforce Specialist ...................................$46,680.84 Senior Accountant ......................................$74,322.05 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$39,038.13 Communications Technician II ....................$88,667.96 Sr HR Business Partner .............................$92,641.56 Technology Support Specialist ...................$54,197.84 Detention Maintenance Foreman ...............$65,586.54 Mental Health Coordinator .........................$51,555.81 Behavioral Health Response Program Mgr .$66,156.25 Administrative Technician ...........................$45,606.34 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $118,755.58 Social Caseworker B - Part-Time ...............$33,997.76 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$32,728.60 Lead PreTrial Officer ..................................$60,988.67 Business Associate III ................................$37,604.00 Intergov. Rel./Open Spaces Dir ................$164,171.24 Benefits Specialist ......................................$61,327.32 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$85,006.04 Sergeant ...................................................$109,818.84 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,156.06 Social Caseworker B ..................................$28,088.57 Accountant I ...............................................$49,933.34 Motor Vehicle Business Manager .................$9,934.63 Inmate Services Section Supervisor ..........$63,568.00 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$10,403.78 Workforce Specialist ...................................$59,093.63 CBOE Appeals Coordinator - Part Time .....$74,983.30 Courier ........................................................$33,653.63 Business Associate II - Part Time .................$4,197.96 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$38,210.31 Payroll Supervisor ......................................$57,203.74 Hotline Caseworker ....................................$39,787.75 Sergeant ...................................................$138,017.76 Social Caseworker B ..................................$53,185.03 Program Specialist II ..................................$44,430.02 Sr Assist Co Attorney ................................ $116,461.68 Non-Certified Deputy - POST .....................$64,728.38 Sergeant ................................................... $110,703.36 Records Supervisor ....................................$69,968.17 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,204.00 Road & Bridge Supervisor ..........................$75,464.06 CSE Specialist ............................................$57,887.31 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $114,623.64 Inmate Services Technician ........................$42,102.84 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$105,875.10 Sr. Signs & Markings Tech. .........................$59,192.73 Child/Family Administrator ........................$102,633.43 Social Caseworker B ....................................$5,907.70 RIM Technician ...........................................$38,090.03 LINKS Coordinator .....................................$51,296.26 Detention Operations Technician ................$44,847.88 Social Caseworker B ..................................$60,399.63 Workforce Specialist ...................................$53,838.61 Accreditation Specialist ..............................$59,845.84 Motor Vehicle Specialist - Temp .................$20,379.46 Inmate Services Technician ........................$41,931.60 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$58,520.13 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$51,041.68 Lieutenant ................................................. $114,638.08 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$101,535.03 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$58,750.13 Social Caseworker B ....................................$3,692.32 Workforce Specialist ...................................$53,826.46 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$92,610.66 Program Specialist II ..................................$66,262.46 Applications Support Spec. ........................$77,405.84 Road Maintenance Technician Lead ..........$62,714.95 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$67,575.20 Branch Manager/Land Division Supv. ........$80,246.21 R&B Infrastructure Manager .....................$121,216.25 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $113,074.46 Classification Specialist ..............................$71,263.90 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$97,685.73 CCSS Division Manager .............................$85,904.18 Social Caseworker C ..................................$68,741.81 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$57,274.97 Assistant Co Attorney ...............................$106,402.36 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$46,583.51 Social Caseworker B ..................................$18,240.00 Program Specialist II ..................................$53,476.57 Case Aide ...................................................$47,667.21 Program Specialist II ..................................$44,852.10 Non-Certified Deputy - RECRUIT ...............$36,870.10 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$39,383.49 Social Caseworker B ..................................$52,746.52 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$24,706.82 Workforce Specialist ...................................$47,095.22 Clerk - Temp .................................................$4,515.00 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$84,859.04 Technical Writer ..........................................$81,506.13 HRIS Specialist ..........................................$66,228.26 Business Associate III ................................$52,941.43 Program Specialist II ..................................$39,896.91 Facility Systems Manager ........................$106,314.12 Welfare Benefits Fraud Investigator ...........$20,080.00 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$82,663.11 Trainer - CSS ..............................................$65,625.63 Program Specialist - Temp .........................$16,579.52 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$58,752.68 Applications Analyst ...................................$63,461.63 Weed Control Specialist .............................$79,894.53 CSS Supervisor ..........................................$69,480.03 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$19,219.20 Retirement Plan Assistant ..........................$57,238.42 Lieutenant .................................................$156,636.67 Hotline Caseworker ......................................$5,105.76 Assistant Supervisor Abstract .....................$59,320.34 Business Associate III ................................$59,205.86 Community Development Adm ...................$74,291.24 Performance Management Analyst ............$87,355.00 Sergeant ...................................................$106,180.35 Program Specialist II ..................................$50,477.69 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$53,638.95 Field Tech I ...................................................$2,666.42 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,482.72 Election Service Manager ..........................$87,176.48 Workforce Specialist ...................................$61,877.62 CSE Specialist ............................................$60,177.87 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$41,567.22 Appraiser III - Commercial ..........................$72,629.33 CSS Admin .................................................$35,384.58 HR Business Partner I ................................$68,633.13 Sergeant ................................................... $110,816.00 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor ..............$77,293.95 Road Maintenance Technician II ................$37,600.29 Sergeant ...................................................$107,766.87 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$61,235.28 Business Associate II .................................$37,425.14 Planner II ....................................................$57,427.10 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,539.42 Workforce Specialist ...................................$59,036.93 Detention Operations Technician ................$55,004.92 Provider Services Manager ........................$67,138.54 RIM Technician ...........................................$34,028.81 Engineering Inspector II .............................$59,886.00 Med Invest/Foren Histologist ......................$79,472.79 Fairgrounds Ops & Events Technician .......$45,025.35 Graphic Designer .......................................$72,477.52 Road Maintenance Technician II ................$50,354.84 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,565.44 Sr Network Systems Engineer ................. $118,736.60 Custodian ...................................................$36,327.05 Program Specialist II ..................................$43,215.32 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$20,483.57 Environmental Manager .............................$25,000.05 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$63,722.26 Judicial Services Pretrial Navigator ............$23,239.64 OS Maintenance Technician Sr ..................$44,945.82 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$78,727.95 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$71,091.44 Lead Engineering Inspector .......................$78,892.82

— Continued to next page —

February 20, 2020, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 27

LEGALS —Continued from previous page— Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$65,589.67 Social Caseworker B ..................................$72,470.92 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,378.41 Motor Vehicle Lead .....................................$66,023.24 Custodian ...................................................$31,535.20 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$103,783.20 Sr ERP System Administrator ...................$133,000.90 Program Integrity Specialist .......................$77,737.89 Business Associate II .................................$46,636.08 Maintenance Inspector I .............................$58,829.84 Accounting Technician ................................$50,944.00 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$102,393.27 Social Caseworker B ..................................$52,080.00 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$81,863.44 CSE - Assistant Attorney ..........................$103,003.16 Program Specialist II ..................................$46,022.06 Court Services/Fugitive Clerk .....................$42,731.64 Detention Chaplain .....................................$70,444.52 Sergeant ................................................... $116,822.30 Sr Assist Co Attorney ................................$142,601.03 Bureau Chief ............................................$153,597.31 Lieutenant .................................................$128,250.27 Workforce Specialist ...................................$35,162.40 Social Caseworker B ..................................$70,795.64 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$76,518.90 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $117,403.18 HRIS Systems Administrator ......................$84,506.12 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,665.65 Deputy County Attorney - Litigation ..........$137,040.68 Facility Utility Worker ..................................$42,131.74 Program Specialist II ..................................$52,659.81 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$12,379.20 Workforce Specialist ................................... $46,116.33 Inmate Services Section Supervisor ..........$76,800.45 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$52,629.18 Facilities Custodial Supv ............................$63,903.38 Social Caseworker B ..................................$63,463.69 Volunteer Coordinator ................................$69,074.36 DL Specialist III ...........................................$43,091.17 Maintenance Tech II - Parks and Turf .........$37,729.18 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$53,757.76 Mechanic ....................................................$34,032.18 Accounting Manager ..................................$95,470.00 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$65,091.55 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$144,027.61 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$80,972.64 Customer Serv. Repr. Supv. .......................$68,478.09 Program Specialist II ..................................$56,373.03 Assistant Co Attorney .................................$93,198.62 Inmate Services Technician ..........................$8,769.20 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$60,772.00 Paralegal ....................................................$55,529.61 Paralegal ....................................................$37,960.01 CUWA Director ...........................................$90,156.93 Senior Program Specialist ..........................$47,065.47 Contracts & Billing Coordinator ..................$49,162.40 Accountant II ..............................................$62,095.66 Sr. Systems Administrator ........................$102,430.49 Engineer III .................................................$55,740.48 Assistant Branch Manager .........................$69,731.07 Human Services Finance Administrator .....$83,268.43 Business Associate III ................................$37,604.00 Workforce Specialist ...................................$53,367.28 Workforce Specialist ...................................$72,014.46 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$57,035.40 Deputy Sheriff - RECRUIT ..........................$32,265.84 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,690.95 Sr HR Business Partner .............................$69,800.13 Risk & Resiliency Support Analyst .............$31,294.61 Senior Accountant ......................................$91,261.35 Sr Assist Co Attorney ................................ $116,420.89 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$59,731.94 Social Caseworker B ..................................$53,517.59 Program Specialist I ...................................$27,320.30 Lieutenant .................................................$123,232.80 Workforce Specialist ...................................$67,498.93 Program Specialist II ..................................$54,946.13 Program Specialist I .....................................$2,083.20 Facility Utility Worker ..................................$16,890.75 Quality Assurance & Compl Specialist .......$53,575.41 Business Associate III ................................$54,748.48 RIM Technician ...........................................$33,430.43 Sergeant ...................................................$101,363.12 Social Caseworker B ..................................$63,787.71 Homemaker ................................................$42,569.60 Recording Specialist ...................................$35,214.58

Custodian .....................................................$2,400.00 Accreditation Manager ...............................$90,497.07 Lieutenant ................................................. $115,138.15 HVAC/R Technician ....................................$67,589.29 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,253.04 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$62,377.48 Sergeant ...................................................$137,589.81 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$39,454.58 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$102,880.03 Detention Crew Leader ..............................$48,937.67 Program Specialist II ..................................$55,440.05 Business Associate I ..................................$40,367.05 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,784.32 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$59,594.18 Program Specialist I ...................................$23,279.76 Workforce Specialist ...................................$52,495.28 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$98,035.41 Permit Technician .......................................$42,557.20 Resource Coordinator ................................$64,750.11 Grants Fiscal Spec Lead ............................$73,577.19 DL Specialist III ...........................................$53,142.30 Program Specialist II ..................................$39,880.58 Program Specialist I ...................................$34,984.32 Social Caseworker Associate .......................$8,509.60 Custodian ...................................................$38,823.90 Motor Vehicle Supervisor ...........................$57,153.34 Accountant III .............................................$74,959.01 Tax Compliance Rep. .................................$47,919.20 Finance Office Coordinator ........................$51,023.20 Appraiser III - Commercial ............................$2,507.67 Administrative Manager ............................$102,164.67 Talent Placement Manager .........................$78,950.14 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,819.17 Lieutenant .................................................$127,673.34 Sergeant ................................................... $112,952.40 Event Specialist ..........................................$22,054.50 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$91,605.27 Plans Examiner II .......................................$77,862.16 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$24,706.82 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$39,484.41 Inmate Services Technician ........................$63,485.33 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor ..............$74,901.49 Sr Network Systems Engineer ...................$88,318.65 RIM Supervisor ...........................................$66,921.65 Sr Assist Co Attorney ................................$141,890.49 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$103,306.27 Business Associate II - Part Time ...............$17,072.25 Accountant I ...............................................$53,474.40 Workforce Economist .................................$98,983.27 Program Supervisor - ADW! .......................$62,795.44 Business Associate III ................................$42,294.47 Registration Specialist ................................$39,969.80 CSE Payment Specialist ............................$55,997.62 Detention Operations Technician ................$45,520.53 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$74,839.53 Program Specialist II .................................. $41,112.15 Commissioner ..........................................$120,499.24 Custodian ...................................................$41,544.20 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$77,574.03 Business Associate IV ................................$60,809.62 Permit Technician .......................................$52,024.80 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$34,356.13 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,506.48 Social Caseworker B ..................................$58,488.88 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$80,354.11 Social Caseworker C .................................. $58,117.07 Road Maintenance Technician I ...................$8,589.78 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$14,698.40 Detention Operations Technician ................$49,723.26 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,864.80 Lead Animal Control Officer .......................$52,917.76 Inmate Services Technician ........................$46,429.26 Communications Technician II ....................$75,371.88 Sergeant ...................................................$106,683.76 Communications Technician II ....................$73,575.52 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$71,393.27 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$95,552.54 Accreditation Specialist ..............................$81,825.18 Business Associate I ..................................$33,448.66 Motor Vehicle Specialist II ..........................$38,436.62 Classification Specialist ..............................$49,717.95 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,554.72 Program Specialist Supervisor ...................$68,177.77 Paralegal ....................................................$67,099.52 Non-Certified Deputy - RECRUIT ...............$24,758.43 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$76,363.27

Grounds Maintenance Technician ..............$59,097.61 Furnace Technician ....................................$53,559.43 Field Tech II ................................................$36,510.74 Classification Specialist ..............................$67,552.36 Duty Planner - Temp ...................................$10,414.00 Lieutenant .................................................$121,740.68 Appraiser II - Residential ............................$47,327.25 Business Associate II - TGF .......................$38,305.33 Building Automation Systems Specialist ....$34,009.75 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$58,814.47 Homemaker ................................................$32,615.03 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$38,265.91 Business Associate II .................................$10,080.00 Practice Coach ...........................................$67,073.98 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$50,851.72 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$59,144.18 SAP Trainer ................................................ $72,113.27 Victim Advocate ..........................................$52,930.41 A/V & Security Systems Supervisor ...........$82,221.62 Business Associate I ..................................$50,033.76 Voter Service Manager ...............................$62,852.58 Engineer III ...............................................$101,514.89 Inmate Educator .........................................$47,824.80 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$79,189.99 Clerk and Recorder ..................................$125,902.03 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$56,706.15 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$23,726.80 Sr. Business Analyst .................................$101,825.93 Custodian ...................................................$34,931.26 Classification Manager ...............................$87,169.31 Mgr. of Application Services ..................... $142,211.38 Social Caseworker B ..................................$51,921.75 Deputy Director - Crime Lab .....................$108,397.64 Sergeant ...................................................$103,948.93 Program Specialist II ..................................$55,307.54 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$63,725.85 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,438.66 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,641.86 Facilities Maintenance Supervisor ..............$71,917.45 Accountant II ..............................................$58,441.16 Administrative Technician ...........................$44,429.76 Custodian ...................................................$41,202.26 Inmate Services Technician ........................$53,169.24 Program Specialist II ..................................$52,060.47 Scheduling Specialist .................................$38,275.92 Warehouse Specialist .................................$58,014.47 Finance & Admin Services Division Mgr .....$18,980.77 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$60,880.00 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $110,517.13 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$103,056.75 Manager Emergency Management ..........$124,126.56 Building Inspector II ....................................$55,894.14 Business Associate II .................................$54,145.24 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$153,642.66 Cybersecurity Analyst .................................$70,615.47 Social Caseworker B ..................................$52,630.25 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$51,772.24 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$85,738.50 Maintenance Inspector I .............................$61,194.79 Child and Family Supervisor ......................$83,714.58 Business Associate II - TGF .......................$38,009.55 Program Specialist II ..................................$67,421.65 Social Caseworker B ..................................$58,187.42 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$65,974.73 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$102,875.00 Business Associate II .................................$43,043.54 Lieutenant .................................................$139,859.70 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$70,440.04 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$62,132.67 CSE Specialist ............................................$57,683.03 Motor Vehicle Lead .....................................$38,659.12 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$81,130.64 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$23,726.80 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$101,028.46 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$92,330.64 Desktop Technician ....................................$61,283.62 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$56,166.94 Administrative Technician ...........................$45,334.47 Deputy Sheriff ............................................. $93,116.80 Social Caseworker C ..................................$77,142.61 Senior Programmer Analyst .......................$97,626.61 Event & Business Development Coordinator ................................................................$59,141.34 Road Maintenance Technician III ...............$51,406.88 Visitor Services Specialist - Part-Time .......$17,103.99 Communications Supervisor ......................$92,092.76 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,995.91 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING ..............$24,706.82 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$21,138.56

Provider Svcs Manager - Trauma ...............$63,468.06 Support Services Div. Manager ................$108,710.46 Social Caseworker B ..................................$14,864.01 Custodian ...................................................$35,836.03 Colorado Works Assessment Spec ............$50,777.15 Lead Elections Logistics Coordinator .........$40,098.37 Motor Vehicle Specialist III .........................$67,512.68 RIM Lead ....................................................$51,140.40 Workforce Specialist ...................................$46,887.29 RIM Technician ...........................................$35,937.08 Staff Accountant .........................................$68,422.17 Risk Manager .............................................$80,764.22 Executive Assistant ....................................$51,616.56 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$90,864.80 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$36,146.39 Deputy Sheriff ...........................................$103,791.26 Inmate Services Technician ........................$18,728.10 Judicial Services Officer .............................$56,980.83 Planner/Project Specialist - Part Time ........$35,287.50 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,251.15 Emergency Management Training Specialist ................................................................$73,167.68 Census Liaison ...........................................$21,148.56 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$85,982.94 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$51,978.02 Accreditation Specialist ..............................$56,461.04 Mechanic ....................................................$54,396.35 Custodian ...................................................$35,856.80 Administrative Assistant .............................$37,939.99 Communications Training Supervisor .........$91,174.69 Program Specialist II ..................................$50,767.65 Lead Mechanic ...........................................$64,157.00 Detention Operations Technician ................$62,441.56 Election Communication Coordinator .........$29,217.85 CSS Admin .................................................$73,657.78 Social Caseworker B ..................................$54,449.45 Program Specialist II ..................................$50,771.85 Practice Coach ...........................................$67,394.30 HR Business Partner ..................................$66,035.04 Manager of Judicial Services ...................$107,594.49 CSE Specialist ............................................$13,881.61 Road Maintenance Technician III ...............$49,000.20 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$78,626.51 Social Caseworker B ..................................$53,638.02 Custodian ...................................................$31,963.92 Sergeant .....................................................$98,027.91 Engineer III ...............................................$109,173.03 Clerk - Temp .................................................$8,152.50 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$42,034.85 Facility Utility Worker ..................................$32,941.65 Criminal Justice Plng Coord .......................$81,461.21 Deputy Sheriff ........................................... $112,518.90 CCS Call Center Supervisor .......................$40,164.96 Data Collector .............................................$31,998.00 Road Maintenance Technician II ................$49,080.56 Paralegal ....................................................$54,180.81 Pretrial Compliance & Systems Auditor ......$80,218.29 Program Specialist/Front Desk Lead ..........$54,389.49 Sr. Solutions Developer ............................ $114,252.11 Motor Vehicle Specialist .............................$35,802.79 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$93,839.05 Public Affairs Manager ................................$82,747.85 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$49,865.89 Social Caseworker Associate .....................$21,104.75 Social Caseworker B ..................................$55,940.79 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$79,932.26 Workforce Specialist ...................................$48,832.65 Non-Certified Deputy ..................................$70,450.60 Mechanic Supervisor ..................................$89,216.74 Social Caseworker C ..................................$56,358.30 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$94,248.70 Accounting Technician ................................$42,478.34 Business Associate III ................................$61,164.45 Non-Certified Deputy - TRAINING .............. $11,347.60 Operations Administrator ............................$74,979.65 CSE - Supervisor ........................................$56,484.48 Communications Technician II - RECRUIT .$30,267.01 Deputy Sheriff .............................................$89,723.63 Sergeant ...................................................$133,469.04 Event Specialist - Part-Time .......................$27,584.49 Sr. Administrative Assistant ........................$57,217.78 Published in The Villager Published: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9559 ____________________________


Beginning Balance (114,918.67) (35,737.84) (20,431,374.96) 9,987,908.76 (3,347,753.38) (318,900,541.23) (6,067,574.17) (43,207.06) 66,333.06 (5,476,385.13) (77,333,715.12) 18,602,127.26 15,965.03 (21,491.83) (63,184.84) (260,956.29) (28,840.00)



Current Tax 1,501,044.27

12,421,092.57 2,888,905.88 1,042,037,676.93


Delinquent Tax

Delinqent Interest

Specific Ownership

Miscellaneous Receipts

Tax and Apportionments Debits 2,395,010.89 4,601.00 63,274,701.74 35,669,343.92 11,675,322.83 796,055,275.96 168,152,611.05 442,916.45 460,649,826.92 8,717,727.10 231,951,853.47 74,356,523.67 171,730.81 12,141.92 1,770,223.82 1,351,724,085.60 284,750.00

Credits (2,434,836.59) (4,357,666.81) (43,452,398.08) (38,087,046.68) (11,876,615.22) (726,538,093.83) (168,770,917.41) (519,368.13) (458,995,058.86) (8,717,727.10) (161,587,273.37) (79,763,394.48) (171,454.46) (12,261.62) (1,777,624.87) (1,351,685,183.46) (305,640.00)

Ending Balance (154,744.37) (4,388,803.65) (609,071.30) 7,570,206.00 (3,549,045.77) (249,383,359.10) (6,685,880.53) (43,207.06) (10,118.62) (3,821,617.07) (6,969,135.02) 13,195,256.45 16,241.38 (21,611.53) (70,585.89) (222,054.15) (49,730.00)

(987,320.62) 715,985.88 83,574,715.81 42,943.93 3,207,308,647.15 *** BRACKETED FIGURES INDICATE CREDIT BALANCE***




119,699.22 24,061.13 (1,134,496.44)



466,578.32 104,647.42 88,592.80

23,976,138.81 5,657,168.74 50,088,101.14


Published in The Villager Published: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9558

ARAPAHOE COUNTY ARAPAHOE COUNTY NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT HARVEST TRAIL PROJECT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County, Colorado shall make final settlement with SaBell’s Civil & Landscape LLC. for its work completed for Arapahoe County on the project identified as Harvest Trail Project. The work generally consisted of Contractor services to construct a new concrete trail from the east side of Gun Club Road, Just south of Quincy

Ave. and Just north of Toll Gate Crossing Community to Harvest Road, including but not limited to grading, excavation, concrete trail, storm water utilities, irrigation system, sidewalk, landscaping, and related site improvements. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that has furnished labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provisions, provender or other supplies used or consumed by ECI Site Construction Management Inc. or any of its subcontractors, or that has supplied rental machinery, tools or equipment to the extent used by SaBell’s Civil & Landscape LLC. or any of its subcontractors in or about the performance of the work done for the above-described project

whose claim therefore has not been paid by SaBell’s Civil & Landscape LLC. or any of its subcontractors may file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid with the Arapahoe County Attorney’s Office (on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners) at 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, CO 80120, at any time up to and including February 27, 2020. This Notice is published in accordance with Section 38-26-107 of C.R.S., and all claims, if any, shall be filed in accordance with this statutory section. Failure on the part of any claimant to file such verified statement and/or claim prior to the aforementioned date for filing claims shall release Arapahoe County, its officers, agents and

employees from any or all liability, claims, and suits for payment due from SaBell’s Civil & Landscape LLC. Joan Lopez, Clerk to the Board Published in The Villager First Publication: February 13, 2020 Last Publication: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9535 ____________________________ ARAPAHOE COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED BUDGET AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 9:30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the calendar of the Board of County Commissioners permits, in the

East Hearing Room of the County Administration Building, 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, Colorado, the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County will meet to consider the following proposed budget resolutions:

District during 2019 for the School Resource Officers and public safety; and


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to appropriate $30,000 in the General Fund, Sheriff’s Office for School Resource Officers and public safety needs.

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2019 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting to appropriate $30,000 from fund balance in the General Fund due to funds that were received from Cherry Creek School

WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 29-1109, C.R.S., as required by law.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government

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and with the affected spending agencies. II

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2019 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the County Attorney’s Office is requesting to appropriate $20,000 from the unappropriated fund balance in the General Fund due to additional expenses incurred for legal and deposition fees; and WHEREAS, this will prevent the County Attorney’s Office from exceeding their budget appropriation in 2019; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to transfer $20,000 in the General Fund, County Attorney’s Office from the unappropriated fund balance to offset additional legal and deposition fees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. III WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2019 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Facilities & Fleet Management Department is requesting to appropriate $175,000 from the unappropriated fund balance in the Building Maintenance Fund to make emergency repairs and replace the main fire water line at the Administration I building; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to transfer $175,000 from the Building Maintenance Fund, Facilities & Fleet Management Department unappropriated fund balance to offset the costs to repair and replace the main fire water line at the Administration I building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. IV WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2019 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, worker’s compensation claims were greater than anticipated, and WHEREAS, the County Attorney’s Office is requesting to transfer $85,000 from the unappropriated fund balance in the Worker’s Compensation Fund to cover the cost of insurance claims from prior years that were settled, and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to transfer $85,000 from the unappropriated fund balance of the Worker’s Compensation Fund, County Attorney’s Office to offset additional insurance claims costs paid out in 2019. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies.


WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2019 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, additional flex benefit contribution revenue was received for flex benefits claim payments in the Employee Flex Benefit Fund due to increased enrollment and enrollee contributions; and WHEREAS, the Human Resources Department is requesting to recognize and appropriate $122,391 in the Employee Flex Benefit Fund; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to recognize and appropriate $122,391 in the Employee Flex Benefit Fund, Human Resources, for the additional contribution revenue received for flex benefits to offset claim payments. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. VI WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2019 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Public Works & Development Department received project reimbursements from various sources during 2019 to include regional transportation impact fees and other sources; and WHEREAS, the Public Works & Development Department is requesting to recognize and appropriate $3,150,464 in the Infrastructure Fund for these reimbursements; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to recognize and appropriate $3,150,464 in the Infrastructure Fund, Public Works & Development, for funds received as reimbursement for project expenses. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. VII WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2019 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Community Resources Department is requesting to do some building improvements for the AD Works! Fund; and WHEREAS, this requires recognizing and appropriating $100,000 in the General Fund, Community Resources Department for the use of deferred revenue for this purpose for a portion of the project; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to recognize and appropriate $100,000 in the General Fund, Community Resources Department for building improvements for the AD Works! Fund that will use deferred revenue from the program for a portion of the costs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending

LEGALS agencies. VIII WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2019 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, resolution 190618 from the third quarter review incorrectly indicated that $5,000 would be recognized and appropriated in the Central Services Fund when it should have stated the General Fund; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to correct resolution 190618 to recognize and appropriate $5,000 in the General Fund, Sheriff’s Office rather than the Central Services Fund, Sheriff’s Office. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. IX WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Assessor’s Office is requesting to eliminate 1.00 FTE for the vacant Chief Deputy Assessor position and add 2.00 FTEs for a Residential Data Collector and a Commercial Appraiser II; and WHEREAS, this requires an increase to the authorized headcount by 1.00 FTE in the General Fund for the Assessor’s Office; and WHEREAS, this request does not require any change in the appropriation for the General Fund, Assessor’s Office; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to increase the authorized headcount by 1.00 FTE in the General Fund, Assessor’s Office for the net change to eliminate the Chief Deputy Assessor position and add a Residential Data Collector and a Commercial Appraiser II. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. X WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Communications & Administrative Services Department received funding from the State and other jurisdictions for work on the 2020 Census; and WHEREAS, the Communications & Administrative Services Department is requesting to recognize and appropriate $122,667 in the General Fund; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to recognize and appropriate $122,667 in the General Fund, Communications & Administrative Services Department for funds received for the 2020 Census. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. XI

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Community Resources Department is requesting to add 1.00 FTE in the General Fund for an additional Veteran Services Officer; and WHEREAS, Adams County has agreed to partially fund the position; and WHEREAS, the Community Resources Department is requesting to recognize $45,000 and appropriate $80,935 in the General Fund, Community Resources Department; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to recognize $45,000 and appropriate $80,935 in the General Fund, Community Resources and increase the FTE count by 1.00 for a Veteran Services Officer for the Aurora area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. XII WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting to recognize and appropriate $64,000 in the Grant Fund then transfer and recognize and appropriate the same in the General Fund from the CMATT auto theft team grant to fund two assets for license plate readers; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting to transfer $15,000 from the Grant Fund and recognize and appropriate the same in the General Fund from the Emergency Management Planning Grant (EMPG) to fund improvements to the Emergency Operations Center; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to recognize and appropriate $64,000 in the Grant Fund, Sheriff’s Office from the CMATT grant; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to then transfer $79,000 from the Grant Fund, Sheriff’s Office, and recognize and appropriate the same in the General Fund, Sheriff’s Office for two license plate readers and improvements to the Emergency Operations Center. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. XIII WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office has found that additional funding is required to purchase a bomb squad truck included in the 2020 capital improvement program; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting to transfer $3,641 from the General Fund and recognize and appropriate the same amount in the Capital Expenditure Fund for the additional cost; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to transfer $3,641 from the General Fund, Sheriff’s Office and recognize and appropriate the same amount in the Capital Expenditure Fund, Sheriff’s Office for additional funds necessary to purchase a bomb truck. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. XIV WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting to build a fallen officer memorial at the Sheriff’s Administration building; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting to transfer $175,000 from the Forfeiture Fund and recognize and appropriate the same amount in the General Fund to pay for the memorial while also anticipating donations to fund a portion of the construction; and WHEREAS, this matter has been

published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to transfer $175,000 from the Forfeiture Fund, Sheriff’s Office and recognize and appropriate the same amount in the General Fund, Sheriff’s Office to construct a fallen officer memorial. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. XV WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting to appropriate $35,000 from unappropriated fund balance in the General Fund for DNA testing materials for the crime lab; and WHEREAS, the City of Centennial has agreed to pay for the materials through their 2020 IGA with the County for law enforcement services; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to transfer $35,000 from the unappropriated balance of the General Fund, Sheriff’s Office for DNA testing materials for the crime lab funded through revenue from the IGA with the City of Centennial. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. XVI WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Open Spaces & Intergovernmental Relations Department is requesting to purchase a replacement mower and a new standup blower for maintenance activities; and WHEREAS, the Open Spaces & Intergovernmental Relations Department has paid into the Central Services Fund for the replacement of a mower and would like to use this funding for the purchase of the replacement asset; and WHEREAS, the Open Spaces & Intergovernmental Relations Department is also requesting to transfer $9,999 from the Open Space Sales Tax Fund and recognize and appropriate the same amount in the Central Services Fund for the purchase of a standup blower to improve the efficiencies of their maintenance; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to transfer $9,999 from the Open Space Sales Tax Fund and recognize the same amount and appropriate $25,499 in the Central Services Fund, Open Spaces & Intergovernmental Relations Department for the purchase of a replacement mower and new standup blower. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. XVII WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting to purchase a replacement for a totaled vehicle; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office has paid into the Central Services Fund for the replacement of a vehicle and would like to appropriate $40,500 for the purchase of a new asset; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law.

and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting to recognize $476,579 in the General Fund for the difference in the City of Centennial revenue from the adopted budget to the final IGA Exhibit D finalized in December between the City and the County; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to recognize $476,579 in the General Fund, Sheriff’s Office for the adjustment to City of Centennial revenue from the adopted budget to the final IGA Exhibit D in the intergovernmental agreement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. XIX WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office is requesting to recognize and appropriate $143,668 in the Grant Fund from the Jail Based Behavioral Health Services program grant; and WHEREAS, this matter has been published pursuant to Section 291-109, C.R.S., as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to recognize and appropriate $143,668 in the Grant Fund, Sheriff’s Office for the JBBS grant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies. Published in The Villager Published: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9557 ____________________________ ARAPAHOE COUNTY NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County, Colorado shall make final settlement with Straight Line Sawcutting, Inc. for its work completed for Arapahoe County on the project identified as Tri-County Health Department Parking Lot Reconstruction. The work generally consisted of asphalt and concrete services to remove and reconstruct the asphalt parking lot at 4857 S. Broadway in Englewood, CO. Final Settlement will be made on March 10, 2020. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that has furnished labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provisions, provender or other supplies used or consumed by Straight Line Sawcutting, Inc. or any of its subcontractors, or that has supplied rental machinery, tools or equipment to the extent used by Straight Line Sawcutting, Inc. or any of its subcontractors in or about the performance of the work done for the above-described project whose claim therefore has not been paid by Straight Line Sawcutting, Inc. or any of its subcontractors may file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid with the Arapahoe County Attorney’s Office (on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners) at 5334 South Prince Street, Littleton, CO 80120, at any time up to and including March 9th, 2020. This Notice is published in accordance with Section 38-26-107 of C.R.S., and all claims, if any, shall be filed in accordance with this statutory section. Failure on the part of any claimant to file such verified statement and/or claim prior to the aforementioned date for filing claims shall release Arapahoe County, its officers, agents and employees from any or all liability, claims, and suits for payment due from Straight Line Sawcutting, Inc. Joan Lopez, Clerk to the Board Published in The Villager First Publication: February 20, 2020 Last Publication: February 27, 2020 Legal # 9560 ____________________________

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Arapahoe County to transfer $40,500 from the unappropriated balance of the Central Services Fund, Sheriff’s Office for the purchase of the replacement vehicle.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Budget Officer shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Division of Local Government and with the affected spending agencies.

To Every Person in Actual Possession or Occupancy of the hereinafter Described Land, Lot or Premises, and to the Person in Whose Name the same was Taxed or Specially Assessed, and to all Persons having an Interest or Title of Record in or to the said Premises and To Whom It May Concern, and more especially to

XVIII WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the 2020 Annual Budget pursuant to Statute;


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February 20, 2020, THE VILLAGER | PAGE 29

LEGALS —Continued from previous page— MIKE PICAZO You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 3th day of November, 2016, A.D., the then County Treasurer of the County of Arapahoe, in the State of Colorado, sold at public tax lien sale to SALUTE REAL ESTATE LLC, the following described real estate situate in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to-wit: LOT 13 BLK 3 APACHE MESA 3RD FLG EX M/R’S aka 976 NUCLA ST, AURORA CO 80011-4343 and said County Treasurer issued a Certificate of Purchase therefore to SALUTE REAL ESTATE LLC; That said tax lien sale was made to satisfy the delinquent general taxes assessed against said real estate for the year 2015; That said real estate was taxed or specially assessed in the name(s) of Mike Picazo for said year 2015; That said SALUTE REAL ESTATE LLC, on the 13th day of November, 2019, the present holder of said Certificate, who has made request upon the Treasurer of said County for a deed to said real estate; That a Treasurer’s Deed will be issued for said real estate to the said SALUTE REAL ESTATE LLC, on or about the 9th day of June, 2020, A.D., unless the same has been redeemed. Said property may be redeemed from said sale at any time prior to the actual execution of said Treasurer’s Deed. Witness my hand this 31th day of January, 2020, A.D. Sue Sandstrom Treasurer Arapahoe County Published in The Villager First Publication: February 6, 2020 Last Publication: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9513 ____________________________ NOTICE OF PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE AT TAX LIEN SALE AND OF APPLICATION FOR ISSUANCE OF TREASURER’S DEED To Every Person in Actual Possession or Occupancy of the hereinafter Described Land, Lot or Premises, and to the Person in Whose Name the same was Taxed or Specially Assessed, and to all Persons having an Interest or Title of Record in or to the said Premises and To Whom It May Concern, and more especially to Charles Vest, Mabel Vest, Estate of Mabel Vest and Spartacus. LLC You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 3th day of November, 2016, A.D., the then County Treasurer of the County of Arapahoe, in the State of Colorado, sold at public tax lien sale to MCCULLISS OIL & GAS INC., the following described real estate situate in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to-wit: M/R ONLY UNDER HI/WAY AS DESC IN B1560 P473 IN SW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 30-5-59 Aka Vacant Property and said County Treasurer issued a Certificate of Purchase therefore to MCCULLISS OIL & GAS INC.; That said tax lien sale was made to satisfy the delinquent general taxes assessed against said real estate for the year 2015; That said real estate was taxed or specially assessed in the name(s) of Estate of Mabel Vest for said year 2015; That said MCCULLISS OIL & GAS INC., on the 16th day of August, 2019, the present holder of said Certificate, who has made request upon the Treasurer of said County for a deed to said real estate; That a Treasurer’s Deed will be issued for said real estate to the said MCCULLISS OIL & GAS INC., on or about the 2th day of June, 2020, A.D., unless the same has been redeemed. Said property may be redeemed from said sale at any time prior to the actual execution of said Treasurer’s Deed. Witness my hand this 3th day of February, 2019, A.D. Sue Sandstrom Treasurer Arapahoe County Published in The Villager First Publication: February 13, 2020 Last Publication: February 27, 2020 Legal # 9534 ____________________________


COLORADO, Petitioner, IN THE INTEREST OF: ROBERT JAMES MARQUIS FORD Child, and concerning ESTHER LAKESHA FORD aka LAKESHA FORD aka ESTHER LAKESHA DESHAZO FORD aka ESTHER DESHAZORPETERS aka ESTHER FORD aka LATIFA HOLLIS aka LAKESHAD JONES aka ESTHER PETERS aka KISHA PETERS aka LAKEKSHA ESTHER PETERS aka ESTHER JONES aka ESTER JONES aka QUEEN LATEEFAH MANNING aka LAKESHIA DESHOYZOR and ROBERT JAMES FORD aka ROBERT JAMES FORD aka RIBERT H. FIRD aka RIBERT OACNAN aka PACMAN PACMAN aka ROBERT COLBERT aka XX PACMAN aka O PACEMAN aka PACMAN COLBERT aka SEAN FORD aka ROBERT PACMAN aka ANTONIO SEAN FORD aka PACMAN FORD aka O PACMAN aka FORD PACMAN Respondents. Office of the Arapahoe County Attorney Attorney for the Petitioner Arapahoe County Department of Human Services 14980 East Alameda Drive, Aurora, CO 80012 Tel: 303-636-1100 Fax: 303-636-1889 NOTICE OF ADJUDICATORY HEARING AND DEFAULT JUDGMENT Case No: 19JV476 Division: 23 To The Respondents: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Adjudicatory Hearing regarding ROBERT JAMES FORD aka ROBERT JAMES FORD aka RIBERT H. FIRD aka RIBERT OACNAN aka PACMAN PACMAN aka ROBERT COLBERT aka XX PACMAN aka O PACEMAN aka PACMAN COLBERT aka SEAN FORD aka ROBERT PACMAN aka ANTONIO SEAN FORD aka PACMAN FORD aka O PACMAN aka FORD PACMAN is set for March 13, 2020 at the hour of 10:00 a.m. in Division 23, of the Arapahoe County District Court, 7305 South Potomac Street, Centennial, Colorado 80112. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during these proceedings; if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. In the event you fail to appear for said hearing at the date and time indicated, the Petitioner will request that the Court enter a default judgment against you and adjudicate the child(ren), dependent and neglected in accordance with the Colorado Children’s Code. Date: February 12, 2020 Assistant County Attorney Attorney for the Petitioner Office of the Arapahoe County Attorney Published in The Villager Published: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9561 ____________________________

GREENWOOD VILLAGE BID INFORMATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado (the “City”) will receive bids by electronic submission through BidNet® on the Rocky Mountain Bid System on the Greenwood Village website at www.greenwoodvillage. com/bids. Bids must be submitted by 4:00 p.m., February 27, 2020 for: The 2020 Pavement Rehabilitation Project The plans and specifications for the 2020 Pavement Rehabilitation Project are available electronically via the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System on the City of Greenwood Village website, www.greenwoodvillage.com/bids. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to make final determination in the event of duplications. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for opening thereof. There will be an optional pre-bid meeting at 2:00 p.m. on February 20, 2020. The meeting will be conducted at the Greenwood Village Public Works Facility, 10001 East Costilla Avenue, Greenwood Village, Colorado. The 2020 Pavement Rehabilitation Project scope includes 45,000 sy with 5,000 tons of non residential asphalt mill and overlay and 56,000 sy with 8,000 tons of residential asphalt mill and overlay. Additional work includes 2,200 sf of grooved mainline pavement markings and 1,400 sf of grooved crosswalk and arrows. Preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, and provisions

produced, manufactured, or grown in Colorado, quality being equal to articles offered by competitors outside of the State. Colorado labor shall be employed to perform the work for which bids are requested herein to the extent of not less than eighty percent (80%) of each type or class of labor in the several classifications of skilled and common labor employed on such work, pursuant to C.R.S. § 8-17-101. The City requires a certified or cashier’s check, or a corporate surety bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid amount before the City can accept or consider any bid for any bids greater than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). The bid and the deposit shall be filed with the Public Works Department, securely sealed and endorsed on the outside with a brief statement as to the nature of the item or work for which the bid is provided. Upon a bid award, such bond shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidder(s). In the case of the successful bidder, the bid bond will be returned upon receipt of the required payment and performance bonds, each in the full amount of the contract price. Such bonds will be retained by the City until the two year (2) warranty period has expired. An electronic bid opening will occur at 4:01 p.m., February 27, 2020. Pricing information will be shared with interested parties and will also be available through the Rocky Mountain Purchasing System. Any questions regarding the project should be directed to John Wannigman at (303) 708-6139 or jwannigman@greenwoodvillage.com. /s/ Jeremy Hanak Director of Public Works Published in The Villager First Publication: February 6, 2020 Last Publication: February 13, 2020 Legal # 9518 ____________________________ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT for Greenwood Village Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado will make final payment at the City Hall, 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-4591 on the 28th day of February 2020, to Calahan Construction Services for all work done by said contractor for the project called Castlewood Park Restrooms and High Line Canal Restrooms, said construction being within the boundaries of the City of Greenwood Village, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, subject to prior satisfactory final inspection and acceptance of said work by the City of Greenwood Village. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company, or corporation that has furnished labor, materials, provisions, or other supplies used or consumed by such contractor or subcontractors in or about the performance of the work contracted to be done and whose claim therefore has not been paid by the contractor or subcontractors, at any time up to and including time of final settlement for the work contracted to be done, is required to file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim to the City Manager, City of Greenwood Village, 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111-4591, at or before the time and date hereinabove shown. Failure on the part of any claimant to file such verified statement or claim at any time up to and including the time of final settlement will release said City of Greenwood Village, Colorado, its Council, officers, agents and employees of and from any and all liability for such claim. Published in The Villager First Publication: February 13, 2020 Last Publication: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9540 ____________________________ NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado (the “City”) will receive proposals at the City Maintenance Facility, 10001 East Costilla Avenue, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80112-3730, until 2:30 pm on February 27, 2020. The request for proposals for the 2020 Dayton Street Bike Lane Concept Study is available electronically via the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System on the City of Greenwood Village website, www.greenwoodvillage.com/bids. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and to make final determination in the event of duplications. No proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for opening thereof. Any proposal received as a result of this request is prepared at the consultant’s expense and becomes City property and therefore, public record. Any questions regarding the project should be directed to Zeke Lynch – Senior Project Manager, Transportation (303) 708-6149 or zlynch@greenwoodvillage.com /s/ Jeremy Hanak Director of Public Works

Published in The Villager First Publication: February 13, 2020 Last Publication: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9541 ____________________________ BID INFORMATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Notice is hereby given that the City of Greenwood Village, Colorado (the “City”) will receive bids by electronic submission through BidNet® on the Rocky Mountain Bid System on the Greenwood Village website at www.greenwoodvillage. com/bids. Bids must be submitted by 4:00 p.m., March 12, 2020 for: The 2020 Gravel Roads Rehabilitation Project The plans and specifications for the 2020 Gravel Roads Rehabilitation Project are available electronically via the Rocky Mountain EPurchasing System on the City of Greenwood Village website, www. greenwoodvillage.com/bids. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to make final determination in the event of duplications. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for opening thereof. There will be an optional pre-bid meeting at 2:00 p.m. on March 5, 2020. The meeting will be conducted at the Greenwood Village Public Works Facility, 10001 East Costilla Avenue, Greenwood Village, Colorado. The 2020 Gravel Roads Rehabilitation Project scope includes the rehabilitation of 3,884 feet of existing gravel roads. Scope of work involves 600 cy of unclassified excavation, 280 cy of embankment, 290 cy of topsoil, 1,800 tons of aggregate base course, 300 lf of cmp and associated erosion control restoration. Preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, and provisions produced, manufactured, or grown in Colorado, quality being equal to articles offered by competitors outside of the State. Colorado labor shall be employed to perform the work for which bids are requested herein to the extent of not less than eighty percent (80%) of each type or class of labor in the several classifications of skilled and common labor employed on such work, pursuant to C.R.S. § 8-17-101. The City requires a certified or cashier’s check, or a corporate surety bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid amount before the City can accept or consider any bid for any bids greater than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). The bid and the deposit shall be filed with the Public Works Department, securely sealed and endorsed on the outside with a brief statement as to the nature of the item or work for which the bid is provided. Upon a bid award, such bond shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidder(s). In the case of the successful bidder, the bid bond will be returned upon receipt of the required payment and performance bonds, each in the full amount of the contract price. Such bonds will be retained by the City until the two year (2) warranty period has expired. An electronic bid opening will occur at 4:01 p.m., March 12, 2020. Pricing information will be shared with interested parties and will also be available through the Rocky Mountain Purchasing System. Any questions regarding the project should be directed to John Wannigman at (303) 708-6139 or jwannigman@greenwoodvillage.com. /s/ Jeremy Hanak Director of Public Works Published in The Villager First Publication: February 20, 2020 Last Publication: February 27, 2020 Legal # 9563 ____________________________

SPECIAL DISTRICTS NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to § 38-26-107, C.R.S., that on March 2, 2020 final settlement with Granite Inliner, LLC, will be made by Havana Water & Sanitation District for the “2019 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation - Area 1” project subject to satisfactory final inspection and acceptance of said facilities by the District. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that has furnished labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provisions, provender, or other supplies used or consumed by such contractor or his or her subcontractor in or about the performance of the work contracted to be done or that supplies, laborers, rental machinery, tools, or equipment to the extent used in the prosecution of the work whose claim therefore has not been paid by the contractor or subcontractor, at any time up to and including the time of final settlement for the work contracted to be done, may file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on such claim with Havana Water & Sanitation District, c/o, Mr. Matt Urkoski, District Manager, 8390 East Crescent Parkway, Suite 300, Greenwood

Village, Colorado 80111. Failure to file such verified statement or claim prior to final settlement will release the District and its employees and agents from any and all liability for such claim and for making final payment to said contractor. s/s Havana Water & Sanitation District Published in The Villager First Publication: February 13, 2020 Last Publication: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9543 ____________________________ CALL FOR NOMINATIONS HARRISON OAKS METROPOLITAN DISTRICT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and, particularly, to the electors of the Harrison Oaks Metropolitan District (the “District”) of City of Greenwood Village, Arapahoe County, Colorado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular election will be held on the 5th day of May, 2020, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time, three (3) directors will be elected to serve 3-year terms and no (0) directors to serve 2-year terms. In order for an eligible elector’s name to appear on the ballot for the election, a self-nomination and acceptance form or letter must be filed with the designated election official of the District on or before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2020. If the designated election official determines that a selfnomination and acceptance form is not sufficient, the eligible elector who submitted the form may amend the form at any time prior to the close of business on the day of the deadline. Affidavit of intent to be a write-in candidate forms must be submitted to the office of the designated election official by the close of business on Monday, March 2, 2020. Self-nomination and acceptance forms and affidavit of intent to be a write-in candidate forms are available upon request from the designated election official, c/o Spencer Fane LLP, 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 2000, Denver, Colorado 80203, telephone number 303-839-3703. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that requests for an application for an absentee voter’s ballot may be made orally or in writing with the designated election official not later than the close of business on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at the address and telephone number listed above between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. HARRISON OAKS METROPOLITAN DISTRICT By:/s/ Wendi McLaughlin Designated Election Official Published in The Villager Published: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9564 ____________________________ CALL FOR NOMINATIONS INVERNESS NORTH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and, particularly, to the electors of the Inverness North Metropolitan District (the “District”) of Arapahoe County, Colorado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular election will be held on the 5th day of May, 2020, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time, three (3) directors will be elected to serve 3-year terms and no (0) directors to serve 2-year terms. In order for an eligible elector’s name to appear on the ballot for the election, a self-nomination and acceptance form or letter must be filed with the designated election official of the District on or before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2020. If the designated election official determines that a selfnomination and acceptance form is not sufficient, the eligible elector who submitted the form may amend the form at any time prior to the close of business on the day of the deadline. Affidavit of intent to be a write-in candidate forms must be submitted to the office of the designated election official by the close of business on Monday, March 2, 2020. Self-nomination and acceptance forms and affidavit of intent to be a write-in candidate forms are available upon request from the designated election official, c/o Spencer Fane LLP, 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 2000, Denver, Colorado 80203, telephone number 303-839-3703. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that requests for an application for an absentee voter’s ballot may be made orally or in writing with the designated election official not later than the close of business on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at the address and telephone number listed above between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. INVERNESS NORTH METROPOLITAN DISTRICT By:/s/ Wendi McLaughlin Designated Election Official Published in The Villager Published: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9565 ____________________________ CALL FOR NOMINATIONS SOUTHGATE SANITATION DISTRICT

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and, particularly, to the electors of the Southgate Sanitation District (the “District”) of Arapahoe and Douglas Counties, Colorado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular election will be held on the 5th day of May, 2020, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time, three (3) directors will be elected to serve 3-year terms and no (0) directors to serve 2-year terms. In order for an eligible elector’s name to appear on the ballot for the election, a self-nomination and acceptance form or letter must be filed with the designated election official of the District on or before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2020. If the designated election official determines that a selfnomination and acceptance form is not sufficient, the eligible elector who submitted the form may amend the form at any time prior to the close of business on the day of the deadline. Affidavit of intent to be a write-in candidate forms must be submitted to the office of the designated election official by the close of business on Monday, March 2, 2020. Self-nomination and acceptance forms and affidavit of intent to be a write-in candidate forms are available upon request from the designated election official, c/o Spencer Fane LLP, 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 2000, Denver, Colorado 80203, telephone number 303-839-3703. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that requests for an application for an absentee voter’s ballot may be made orally or in writing with the designated election official not later than the close of business on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at the address and telephone number listed above between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. SOUTHGATE SANITATION DISTRICT By:/s/ Wendi McLaughlin Designated Election Official Published in The Villager Published: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9566 ____________________________ CALL FOR NOMINATIONS SOUTHGATE WATER DISTRICT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and, particularly, to the electors of the Southgate Water District (the “District”) of Arapahoe and Douglas Counties, Colorado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a regular election will be held on the 5th day of May, 2020, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time, three (3) directors will be elected to serve 3-year terms and one (1) directors to serve 2-year terms. In order for an eligible elector’s name to appear on the ballot for the election, a self-nomination and acceptance form or letter must be filed with the designated election official of the District on or before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 28, 2020. If the designated election official determines that a self-nomination and acceptance form is not sufficient, the eligible elector who submitted the form may amend the form at any time prior to the close of business on the day of the deadline. Affidavit of intent to be a write-in candidate forms must be submitted to the office of the designated election official by the close of business on Monday, March 2, 2020. Selfnomination and acceptance forms and affidavit of intent to be a writein candidate forms are available upon request from the designated election official, c/o Spencer Fane LLP, 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 2000, Denver, Colorado 80203, telephone number 303-839-3703. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that requests for an application for an absentee voter’s ballot may be made orally or in writing with the designated election official not later than the close of business on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at the address and telephone number listed above between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. SOUTHGATE WATER DISTRICT By:/s/ Wendi McLaughlin Designated Election Official Published in The Villager Published: February 20, 2020 Legal # 9567 ____________________________

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Anthony A. Beran, Jr, Deceased Case Number 2020PR30123 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the District Court of Arapahoe County, Colorado on or before May 15, 2020 (date)*, or the claims may be forever barred. Joy Hertach, Personal Representative c/o Stewart B. Grant, Attorney at Law, LLC 12265 W. Bayaud Avenue, Ste. 210 Lakewood, CO 80228 Published in The Villager First Publication: February 20, 2020 Last Publication: March 5, 2020 Legal # 9562 ____________________________

— End oftoLegals — Continued next page— —

PAGE 30 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

Classified Advertising ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT


Dependable Yard Work: Modest rates.Friendly and dependable. Local references. Call Greg at 720-404-8032


Handyman who can do it right the first time. Local repairman. Call Doug at 303-756-5655



Seeking a Part-time Cheerful Companion/Aide for sweet, elderly woman at retirement community. Responsibilities would include walks, preparing light supper,

tidying up and helping her get ready for bed. Hours flexible, but probably 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. three or four times a week. Excellent pay. To learn more call Susan at 303-912-9988


30’ x 40’ x 10’ Built on your level site (Image does not depict the dimensions of the special)


$ (2) 3’ x 3’ Windows (1) 3’ x 6’ Entry Door


(2) 9’ x 8’ OVH Doors 4’ Wainscoting

12” Overhangs 4” Concrete

NE and Western IA Eastern CO 402-426-5022 970-230-2052 www.GingerichStructures.com

Colorado Statewide Classified Advertising Network

To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 91 Colorado newspapers for only $300, contact your local newspaper or call The Villager at 303-773-8313 x301. BUY OR TRADE WANTED Freon Wanted: We pay CA$H for cylinders and cans. R12 R500 R11 R113 R114. Convenient. Certified Professionals. Call 312-625-5322 or visit RefrigerantFinders.com

Cash for Mineral Rights Free, no-risk, cash offer. Contact us with the details: Call: 720-988-5617 Write: Minerals, PO BOX 3668, Littleton, CO 80161 Email: opportunity@ecmresourcesinc.com

Colorado Press Network Buy a 25-word statewide classified Concrete Services line ad in newspapers across the state Foundations - Concrete Site Work of Colorado for just $300 per week. Flatwork - Stamped Concrete Ask about our frequency discounts! Concrete Demo - Excavation Contact The Villager at Call or Text 303-773-8313 x301 Ken 970-768-3005


Kitchen & Bath Design


Revision: Revision Notes: This revision incorporates a lowercase “cabinets & stone” element with the “Greenwood” in a bolder typeface.

ur designers are experts at transforming oudated rooms into extraordinary homes. Visit our showroom today! 5501 S. Broadway, Littleton 303-797-8663


Arapahoe Philharmonic Family Concert

February 22. This special concert is designed for children and is entertaining for all ages. The orchestra will perform selections from Camille Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals, Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf, Leroy Anderson’s The Waltzing Cat, the Finale from Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite, and Rimsky Korsakov’s Flight of the Bumble Bee. Maestro Devin Patrick Hughes and children’s entertainer Dr. Noize will create a morning filled with fun, imagination and music. Arrive at 9:30 am to make animal masks and experience an orchestral instrument petting zoo. Concert begins at 10:00 am. Aspen Academy, 5859 S. University Blvd., Greenwood Village. Tickets available online at arapahoe-phil.org/event/ family-concert/ or at the door. For information call 303-781-1892

Jeff Glode Wise Sculpture Exhibit

Now – March 1. In this exhibit, Opening Outward, Wise has gathered works that best reflect his journey of imagination. With a range of interests, they illustrate a pathway of exploration, experimentation and discovery. Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, Sunday 1:00 – 5:00 pm. Littleton Museum Fine Arts Hall, 6028 S. Gallup Street. For information call 303-7953950


January 11 – February 22. The mountains inspire us all to explore the beauty of our state. The MTNS exhibit is a look at how the mountains inspire twelve Colorado based artists: Leslie Jorgensen, Beau Carey, George Kozmon, Elaine Coombs, Pat Finley, Eden Kiel, Angela Bely, Jeff Aeling, Fawn Atencio, Chuck Parson, David Shingler and Ulrich Gleiter. Reception on Saturday, January 11 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Curtis Center for the Arts, 2349 E. Orchard Road. For information call 303-797-1779


Active Minds - The Civil Rights Act

February 24. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a landmark piece of federal legislation that outlawed major forms of discrimination against minorities and women. Join us as we examine the act over 50 years later and evaluate its impact in the United States today. 2:00 pm. Bemis Library, 6014 S. Datura Street. For information call 303-795-3961

South Suburban Parks & Rec Job Fair

February 25. We have hundreds of positions to fill for the busy spring and summer seasons. Jobs include lifeguarding, park maintenance, cooks, art and fitness instructors, camp aids and customer service representatives. Positions are exclusively at the Family Sports Center and the Sports Dome. Open to everyone ages 15 and older. 3:00 – 6:00 pm. Family Sports Center, 6901 S. Peoria Street. For information call 303-798-5131

Englewood Chamber 2020 Global Trends

February 27. Featured speaker Brad Segal of Progressive Urban Management Associates will present a behind-thescenes look at policy and big ideas affecting the Denver area’s business community.7:30 am – 9:00 am. Non-members $30. Community Room at Civic Center, 1000 Englewood Parkway. For information call 303-789-4473

Billy Graham Gospel Ministry Exhibit

January 27 – June 30. This exhibit, To the Ends of the Earth, features more than one hundred personal and professional items including many that have never before been available to the general public. They tell the story of one man’s mission to spread Christ’s gospel message of love an transformation. George Whitefield Center, Colorado Christian University, 8787 W. Alameda Avenue, Lakewood. Online registration is required at ccu.edu/billygraham. For information call 303-9633000

Englewood Chamber Business Awards Nominations

Now – February 21. This is an opportunity for our members and area citizens to nominate businesses and individuals for our 34th Annual Business Awards Banquet during which their outstanding achievements and contributions will be recognized To make nominations or obtain further information go to info@ myenglewoodchamber.com or call 303-789-4473

February 20, 2020 • THE VILLAGER | PAGE 31


An ultra-luxurious British snow cat BY H. THROTTLE AUTOMOTIVE COLUMNIST

This week it snowed and the “Estoril Blue” 2019 Range Rover Sport SVR was delivered to my driveway. It arrived laden with ice and snow from the raging early season blizzard. The storm cleared quickly, and I enjoyed testing the amazing vehicle for the week. The sticker suggested manufacturer’s suggested retail price was a shocking $114,500. Optional equipment on this test sport model took the price even higher to $131,520. This Range Rover was assembled in Solihull, U.K. with a British engine and surprisingly a United States transmission. The engine is a 5L-

V8 that features a 575-horsepower turbo-charged power plant. When accelerating in this machine it is like the roar of a lion on safari where so many Range Rover vehicles are used for their rugged durability. This vehicle is designed for off road terrain and has two off road modes. The transmission is a five-speed with steering wheel paddles for quick shifting. The seats are deep, heated and comfortable with lumbar and memory controls. The rear seats are heated with heated fold options. A complete navigation system with a ten-inch screen are featured along with a powerful Meridian sound and speakers. Air bags surround the passengers and the vehicle

has the latest safety features of blind spot monitor, traffic sign recognition, lane departure warning, and Perimetric alarm protection. This is a powerful machine that can maneuver almost anywhere yet is nimble and handles easily in Denver traffic. The turbo-engine provides exceptional acceleration but also is heavy on fuel consumption resulting in an overall 16 mpg performance. The Range Rover has a 4-year/50,000 miles limited warranty. Overall this is a classic allaround outdoor vehicle that has a long-standing reputation in the great outdoors. Slide back that panoramic roof and enjoy the Colorado mountain parks and trails.


Extraordinary custom home, designer perfection, top location and better than new condition. AVAILABLE TURNKEY FROM DESIGNER FURNISHINGS TO SILVERWARE. PRICE NOW $2,295,000. CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE

5055 S. HOLLY ST.

On 2.12 acres, panoramic mountain views. Rebuilt by BOA from the inside out. $2,350,000 THE PRESERVE


Fabulous European styling, open flooorplan,outdoor kitchen,exceptional apppointments. $2,750,000



Serving Arapahoe County for 36 Years Keep up on your city, people, politics & social events


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Amazing executive home on the Nature Preserve.10,000 sq ft.,pool, walkout. $3,000,000 OBSERVATORY PARK


T TRAC N O C R UNDE Extraordinary in-town property, Colorado Rustic perfection. $2,000,000


PAGE 32 | THE VILLAGER • February 20, 2020

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