1 minute read
from 7-13-23 Villager
by The Villager
At Castle Rock Contouring I have the most advanced, pad designed Red Light Technology to target arms, abdomen, back, thighs, and face in EACH SESSION!
Contour Light is FDA cleared which means they acknowledge that a reduction of at least 2 inches will take place with each session. It is liquifying the fat which releases into waste. The pads have a reflective surface which traps and redirects light energy into the tissue. There is no other LED based system available on the market that delivers and retains more mid-600 nm and infrared light energy.
At Castle Rock Contouring you will get free health coaching with the sessions, and I offer a 30-day natural supplemental pack to help with losing weight where I am documenting how I’m doing on the weight-loss pack on facebook.com/castlerockcontouring
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