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South Metro Denver Chamber holds Summer Soiree at Club Greenwood
from 7-27-23 Villager
by The Villager

On July 20, after another rainy summer day in Colorado, the sun came out in time for South Metro Denver Chamber’s Summer Soiree that drew close to 200 people to Club Greenwood. Guests were treated to delicious offerings from Landmark’s Pizza Republica and a hosted bar, compliments of the Chamber.

Leaders in business, local government, and education mixed and mingled, catching up with old friends and making new ones.
fmiklin.villager@gmail. com

Highway 6 overnight closures will begin weekend of Aug. 6
Weeks of overnight closures will begin on Sunday night, Aug. 6, along Highway 6 (Clear Creek Canyon), according to the Colorado Department of Transportation.

The closures will be from 9 p.m. until 6 a.m. Sunday nights through Thursday mornings every week for four consecutive weeks. No construction will occur over the Labor Day holiday weekend, which begins on Friday, Sept. 1
Work on Highway 6 in the Huntsman Gulch area will close Highway 119 (south of Black Hawk) to the City of Golden. The closings also will allow crews to conduct work on the Peaks to Plains Trails.
The closings are the first of an anticipated 100 nights of Highway 6 shut-downs that will continue through 2025, including 60 overnight closures through November 2023, weather permitting.
Highway 6 closures at a glance:
Sunday, Aug. 6 through Thursday, Aug. 10: U.S. 6 will be closed from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Sunday, Aug. 13 through Thursday, Aug. 17: U.S. 6 will be closed from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Sunday, Aug. 20 through Thursday, Aug. 24: U.S. 6 will be closed from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Sunday, Aug. 27 through Thursday, Aug. 31: U.S. 6 will be closed from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m.
CDOT said all dates and times are weather dependent. There will be no simultaneous closures with surrounding CDOT projects. If needed, all full closures will be made passable for first responders.
For Gilpin County residents, casino employees and visitors will be directed to detour using I-70 to the bottom of Floyd Hill, a distance of 10.7 miles.
During the I-70 Floyd Hill construction project, CDOT reports at least one lane will open in each direction of I-70 when U.S. 6 is closed.
Complicated construction of the three-mile-long Peaks to Plains Trail segment requires overnight closures of U.S. 6 from CO 119 to CO 58/CO 93 in Clear Creek Canyon. Full closures are planned for overnight hours
Sunday through Thursday (excluding holidays) when traffic volumes are the lowest. The detour route will be I-70. The project team collaborates closely with CDOT on other project impacts and closures.
I-70 construction at a glance:
This week, there are continuing single- and double-lane restrictions eastbound I-70 along Floyd Hill. The lanes are restricted to installing a concrete barrier, shifting traffic, and conducting roadway striping.
U.S. 40 Roundabout work (Clear Creek County):
This week, the installation of new sewer lines is causing the continued closings at Highway 40 roundabouts near the top of Floyd Hill, just west of Homestead Road to the Floyd Hill Open Space.
The road closed on Monday, July 24 and is expected to reopen tomorrow (Friday, July 28). I-70 is the suggested detour route.
Reduced speed limits as low as 45 mph, narrower lanes and shoulders, and increased truck traffic entering and exiting the work zones. CDOT requests that motorists heed the speed limit, not follow trucks into the work zone, slow for the cone zone, and not drive distracted.
Ongoing Floyd Hill work
CDOT’s $700 million I-70
Floyd Hill Project began on the project’s first section on July 6. Construction includes the East Section of the project, which spans I-70 from County Road 65 to the bottom of Floyd Hill (approximately exits 248 to 244). Motorists can expect corridor-wide impacts for crews to mobilize in the area, establish a safe work zone and install traffic control signage. This will require minor lane restriping, shoulder closures and the installation of temporary barriers to separate the work area from I-70 travel lanes.
Work on the West project section, near the Veterans Memorial Tunnels, will be the second phase of the work. The Central City affected section, which includes the Central City Parkway (Exit 243) and the U.S. on-ramps to I-70, will begin next spring.
CDOT notes that all construction activities are weather dependent and subject to change. For real-time travel information, visit www. COTrip.org.