2 minute read

Science vs. politics


The failure by the federal government to develop a national health strategic plan to effectively fight the growing threat of the COVID-19 pandemic while leaving that task to individual states is currently causing several states to see horrendous spikes in new coronavirus cases.

The states that are suffering from these historic increases in new COVID-19 cases are those states that failed to adhere to the Center for Disease Control and National Institute of Health guidelines to control the spread of the virus and allowed early openings of bars, restaurants and large social events. Nationally, COVID-19 cases are increasing by nearly 50,000 per day. Florida, for the last several days, has reported over 10,000 new coronavirus cases per day. Texas, Arizona, and California are experiencing similar spikes in new COVID-19 infections. These states are experiencing significant increases in new coronavirus patients and are rapidly approaching a lack of ICU hospital beds, shortages of PPE, and other medical equipment and supplies.

Colorado, through the leadership and in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, counties and some local departments of health, have extended the Stay-at-Home orders for several additional weeks before beginning a phased reopening plan.

In Arapahoe County, the county commissioners participated in daily briefings with the Governor, state and local departments of health on the progress achieved in reducing the impact of the coronavirus on Colorado citizens. Through the professional efforts of the county’s Emergency Management Office, several policies and programs were initiated to ensure that adequate medical supplies were delivered to medical facilities, nursing homes, and first responders. The county’s communications department provided public service information on protective measures, contact information, and public town hall meetings with the Arapahoe/Douglas Health Department staff to answer questions about the coronavirus, testing locations, and treatment facilities.

Because of these efforts, more people are wearing masks, respecting social distancing measures, and in most cases, avoiding large public gatherings.

Arapahoe County has seen a continued decrease in COVID-19 related hospitalizations and a slowing in the death rates among coronavirus cases.

But we must not be lulled into complacency by these positive results. This pandemic is not contained. The threat of this highly contagious virus will be around for some time. The most effective way of protecting us from this insidi ous virus is to wear a mask when outside your home and ensure that you respect the guidelines for social distancing.

The citizens of Arapahoe County and the State of Colorado must begin to respect the findings and recommendations of the scientists, medical professionals and political leaders on how best to fight this pandemic and protect our fellow citizens from this virus.

We must work together by respecting the science and do everything possible to stop the spread of coronavirus until a vaccine is found.

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