1 minute read

Richard Rodriguez

How/ when did you know you liked creating art?

In 4th grade, I painted one of my first pieces, “Ducks on a Pond.” The painting won a regional elementary school competition. It is hanging at my parent’s today. In high school, art became my passion. I’m always thinking about how I can fit something I see into a painting.

What inspires your creativity?

When I was young and later in university, I was intrigued by RUNNING FENCES, the environmental installation created by Christo and

Jeanne-Claude. I use similar vertical lines in many of my paintings. The lines draw attention and I like the feeling of not having boundaries.

What is your favorite piece of art by you or someone else?

My favorite piece of art of my own is a painting called “Blaze.” It is part of a very nice couple’s collection in Prescott, AZ. The piece is a modern take on the horse, it’s motion and size.

What do you enjoy most about being an artist?

What I enjoy most about being an artist is my time in front of the canvas. Creating beauty from the ordinary and creating movement in my pieces comes from my heart.

Recently, I like Kevin Weckbach’s “Trail Run” and “Like a Fairy Tale.” His use of color is amazing.

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