2 minute read
2. Billionaire who also owns the Washington Post
4. Commons building that shares a name with popular camera company
7. Philly school with hawk mascot that fl aps its wings during every basketball game
8. LSU women’s basketball player who Shaq declared the school’s greatest-ever athlete
9. Artist who cut off his left ear
12. Tim Burton’s Netfl ix original take on the Addams
14. Animal that determines when Spring comes
15. May birthstone
16. Married to Ben Affl eck
Ask The Villanovan

I’m beyond overwhelmed leading up to fi nals. How can I manage this stress?
Social, extracurricular, and academic obligations are all in full force. Try taking 30 minutes to write down your homework and fi nals schedule for the rest of the year. Regarding everything else, it’s really important to accept that you won’t be able to do everything. Take time and think about what you want to prioritize and make sure you are at the top of that list. Make intentional space for selfcare. It’s okay to say no to plans and have a night in!
My girlfriend just accepted a killer summer internship. I’m so happy for her, but I’m also a upset because I haven’t landed anything yet. How do I explain this to her?
It’s normal to compare yourself to others, especially during internship season. It’s important you continue to make her feel good and tell her how proud you are. Lifting other people up will make you feel better, too. That being said, it’s okay to express to her, in a conversation separate from her work plans, that you feel worried about your future. We would recommend keeping your jealousy out of the conversation. You don’t want to make her feel bad for her accomplishments or like she can’t be excited around you.

I graduate in a month, but I just started talking to the most amazing person. I see it going somewhere, but graduation looming is making hesitant to take next steps. Neither of us know where we’re going to be post-grad, but I don’t want to lose them. I’m not sure how to express it. It actually sounds like you know exactly how to express it! Explaining to them that your connection is not what you expected, but you love having them in your life. Say that you know there is a lot of uncertainty ahead, but you want to try to make things work. Make sure to ask how they feel, too. Trust us, you’re not the only one in this position right now.
1. Actor playing Ken in upcoming Barbie fi lm
2. Term for watching a T.V. series at an alarming rate
3. Washington State guard transferring to Villanova
5. American fashion magazine founded in 1892
6. New York hockey team, not the Rangers
7. West campus convenience shop
9. Building next to Sheehan under construction
10. President who lived the longest
11. Four person outdoor game with small net in the center
13. New movie about an infamous Nike partnership
14. AU on the periodic table