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„We have certain leads,‰ PM Gonsalves

Dr. Ralph Gonsalves has revealed that the security authorities in the country have certain leads in the shooting incident that left 5 men dead under NAPA building, Uptown, Kingstown.
On Wednesday, masked gunmen exited a jeep and opened fire on a number of persons under the NAPA building. Five males were killed including a minor, while a number of persons who sustained gunshot injuries were rushed to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital.
Gonsalves speaking in a live video from Morocco on Thursday, July 20, said that “We have certain leads, I’ve been advised by the police, and over the next few days we will be able to get a better handle as to who and what are responsible for these killings.
“I want you to know that the government is resolved to get to the bottom of this and to continue to put the safety of our people at the top of our agenda,” the Prime Minister said. Dr. Gonsalves appealed for calm and urged the populace not to panic.