1 minute read
Lift the sanctions
VENEZUELAis the only country that gives small countries in the region, such as St. Vincent and the Grenadines, reduced prices for oil. This saves us millions and eases the strain on our small economy.
The thing is, too, as I understand it, Venezuela has donated millions of gallons of heating oil to poor Americans who otherwise could not heat their homes during the winter. Can you get more humane than that?
That is why I am calling on the USA to lift the sanctions against Venezuela.
I mean, Mr. Editor, what has Venezuela ever done to the mighty USA? During the time Trump was president, President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro made attempts to reach out to him, to no avail. And it has not been any better with Biden.
So, the USA wants free and fair elections in Venezuela. Instead of supporting one side, America should see to it that a ‘free’ election is held and whatever the result, accept it.
In the meantime, lift the sanctions against Venezuela.
Elliot, S. Kingstown.
been discussions between three Member States, on the production of agricultural commodities, with the aim of a reduction of imports from extra-regions. Unfortunately, no mention was made of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Is it that St. Vincent and the Grenadines had stated some time ago that “agriculture is a thing of the past?” Hopefully, better judgement will prevail and facilities will be put in place for St. Vincent and the
Grenadines to regain its place as an agricultural country. Free fertilizer is insufficient to get farmers on the go.
Roads, roads and more roads is what is required.
Of course, a single CARICOM currency will also help. The special arrangement with exporters and banks is child-like. The matter of a single currency must be broached openly. Those Member States that wish to use their money as political tools must be exposed. Of course, a single currency means many professionals will have to gravitate to some area of production, preferably.
Because agriculture is the main area in which CARICOM members can closer associate, the technocrats in the various ministries of agriculture will have to become more professional. Trade within CARICOM should become as hassle-free as trade within St. Vincent and the Grenadines, or between Tobago and Trinidad.
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