1 minute read
Not my cup of tea
I BROKE a promise I made last year and made my way to Victoria Park for the parade of bands for Vincy Mas 2023. I had decided after viewing last year’s ‘spectacle’ that I had had enough of a most unbecoming display by our womenfolk.
I said it before and I will say it again: It is that, to display the work of our mas designers and costume makers we must have our women almost naked, then to label it a display of our culture, our premiere cultural festival, is nothing short of ridiculous.
Once again all I got at the Park was a bunch of our women seemingly in a contest to see who could wine better. Mind you what I saw was amazing, ... our womenfolk are experts at contorting their bodies, and in the process enticing our menfolk.
What I saw for Carnival Tuesday was nothing short of sexual simulation, women disrespecting themselves and their womanhood, and a lie that what we display represents our culture. Then again, maybe this is what we mean when we proclaim Vincymas to be the ‘Hottest Carnival in the Caribbean’.
I’m sorry if I sound like a Christian fundamentalist, but as one who was once involved in being part of producing some of the finest works of art for our carnival, it hurts me to say it but I must: This modern day Vincymas is not my cup of tea.

* If the PM can bring a special pension bill to Parliament to take care of the remaining retired non-pensionable teachers?
* Why does this government have so many special advisors? What is the salary of each advisor?
* When will the Minister of Agriculture get a break from that Ministry?
* How come a local radio station wants the CDC to go because the members are too old and serving for too long, but says nothing about the government that has been serving longer and has older members?
* How come we are hearing so much about what we need to do to ‘SAVE’ the NIS but nothing about how it got into a mess in the first place?
* Have the former LIAT employees been paid their severance? What has become of the ULP slogan: ‘We are a workers’ party’?
* And why have we not heard anything from the court-appointed Administrator for LIAT who was appointed way back in 2020?