The Vindicator - December 2020

Page 14




Lynn Nichols



How a changing U.S. Supreme Court could impact reproductive rights for Ohioans fter the death of long-sitting justice and

constitutional text ought to be given the original public

cultural icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg, President

meaning that it would have had at the time that it

Donald Trump and the Republican-led Senate

became law.” Like Scalia, Barrett will interpret the

worked together to confirm Justice Amy

Constitution as she believes the framers intended it.

Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United

Access to abortion and other reproductive freedoms

States. Barrett’s confirmation marks the sitting

are not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution,

president’s third SCOTUS pick in one four-year

nor any of its amendments. Many abortion rights

term, and cements a 6-3 conservative majority in

activists fear that, if Roe v. Wade were challenged

the nation’s highest court.

in court, Barrett would join a conservative vote to

Barrett has spoken publicly on her experience

overturn it. Some have also cited concerns about

clerking for late Justice Antonin Scalia. She emphasized

Barrett’s record as a judge for the federal appeals

in her Senate confirmation hearing that she will

court in Chicago. During her three years on the court,

not be a direct continuation of her mentor’s judicial

Barrett presided over three cases involving abortion

record: “If I’m confirmed, you would not be getting

rights. The New York Times reported in November

Justice Scalia, you would be getting Justice Barrett.”

that, in two of these cases, Barrett joined dissents

But Barrett does align with Scalia as a constitutional

which argued that restrictive laws should be allowed

originalist. In an essay for the National Constitution

to take effect. In the other case, according to NPR,

Center, Steven G. Calabresi defines originalism as a

Barrett did support “buffer zones designed to protect

legal philosophy, whose adherents believe that “the

patients from protesters outside clinics.”

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