The Vindicator - November 2020

Page 34






Hannah Mosley


Body dysmorphia becomes increasingly difficult to combat, especially during a worldwide pandemic.


enough to distinguish that photoshopped bodies are not the norm — especially when the majority of the world is under isolation. The dieting and cosmetics industry stands to make

irrors, photographs and self-per-

extreme revenue from the insecurities resulting from

ceptions become active minefields

BDD. When women suffer from mere insecurities, let

to someone suffering from body

alone a dysmorphic disorder, they often fall prey to

dysmorphia. In the throes of body

predatory companies that offer “miracle” products to

dysmorphia, a person reshapes the

cure their maladies — whether dieting pills, bronzers

image of their body at every glance, and they develop

that promise to slim one’s face or the latest diet fads

feelings of discomfort from the slightest irritation or

that guarantee a thinner body in days. The dieting and

intrusive thought.

cosmetics industry uses numerous communications

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) affects about five

and marketing methods to deepen the body- and

to seven million people across the world, primarily

beauty-related anxieties of everyday people. This

women and adolescents. BDD is becoming increasingly

rhetoric is harmful to not only girls but society as a

apparent in the lives of those affected, especially in

whole. When extremely thin bodies are the norm, a

light of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic

healthy weight and body shape are abnormal. Fur-

has changed eating habits and routines for many,

thermore, the major figures in film, photography and

and snacking is more frequent than in years past

social media have a certain type of body and typically

for some. When frequent snacking, stress eating

have eurocentric features. This ostracizes not only

and a plethora of free time collide, those with BDD

those with healthy bodies that may not align with

are prone to notice a new curvature in their jawlines

the über-thin ideal, but also alienates minorities and

and obsess over whether their stomach looks slightly

individuals of different ethnicities. Though many

more round than the day before.

forms of media and corporations have incorporated a

Furthermore, the pressure to conform can be suf-

wide range of diversity, thin and eurocentric models

focating when society places an extreme emphasis

remain the majority.

on achieving a thin figure. Social media delivers yet

To combat the effects of BDD, women often enlist

another level of staggering body image expectations.

the aid of cosmetic surgery in attempts to meet the

When social media users find themselves barraged with

current beauty standards. When the average cost of

images of photoshopped models, retouched pictures

cosmetic surgery totals around $5,000, capitalistic

of friends, and bikini pictures, feeling insecure is not

economies stand to profit from those with insecurities

uncommon. This rings especially true for younger

and disorders such as BDD. Cosmetic surgery is not

people, as their brains often have not developed

the answer to solving BDD, as a new facet of one’s

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