And That’s The
Tea Ever wondered which tea is best for you? Check out this simple and organized breakdown of the tastes and health benefits of different types of tea, and get ready to brew a cup yourself!
nough people have asked whether you’re a coffee or tea person, but have you ever asked yourself what kind of tea best suits your needs? After water, tea is the most popular beverage on the planet, and it’s a
much healthier alternative to the sugary coffees so many of us are used to grabbing before work. WhethWRITTEN BY
Miranda Tulcewicz
er you’re a novice or maestro in your experience with tea, you can always learn more about the ancient and versatile world-favorite drink. All true tea is made from the same plant — Camellia sinensis. The five varieties of tea that come from this plant are what we call “true tea,” which differs from teas that are brewed using other spices or plants (e.g. herbal teas). True teas vary from one another based on the part of the tea plant used to produce the tea, as well as the environment of the plant and the process used.