Information on brewing temperature and steeping times can be overwhelming, but as a general rule, you should steep tea bags between 3 and 5 minutes. Steeping time has a large effect on both the flavor and health benefits of tea. Over-steeping will cause the tea to become significantly more bitter than it needs to be. More importantly, many of the health benefits of tea decrease as a result of over-steeping. If you’re ever uncertain, the box or tin containing your tea should include instructions on how long you should steep the tea bag to achieve maximum health benefits and greatest flavor.
Herbal Tea
paired with
that some pretty vital teas (peppermint, chamomile,
lemon or
other “teas” that do not fall into one of these five
come from the Camellia sinensis tea plant, rendering
into a separate category, the large majority of which
teas are
tea plant. Rather, they result from steeping herbs
Often paired with lemon or honey, herbal teas
for their
enchanting fragrances. More herbal teas exist than
the most important and popular choices as an intro-
teas share a few qualities: aid in the prevention of
and soreness. An added bonus of herbal teas is that
which means the flavor will not quickly turn bitter
Pure herbal teas and tea blends are distinct from one
Now that we’ve covered true teas, you may have noticed etc.) are missing from the list. This is because all categories do not qualify as true teas, as they do not the phrase “herbal tea” a misnomer. These teas fall are made from herbs and spices, as opposed to the and spices such as mint or chamomile in hot water. are popularized for their medicinal properties and categories of true teas, so we will only cover some of duction to the realm of herbal tea. Almost all herbal chronic disease, stress-relief and reduction of pain they’re much harder to over-steep than true teas, if the tea bag is left in for longer than five minutes. another, the latter of which feature true teas blended with various herbs and spices. Herbals teas on their own are either naturally caffeine-free or contain trace amounts of the stimulant. However, tea blends will usually have at least some caffeine because their base is a true tea. For instance, a black chai tea blend combines both black tea and chai spices; because black tea has caffeine, the drink will be caffeinated. If you are sensitive to caffeine or are looking for teas to drink closer to bedtime, make sure you either select a purely herbal tea or otherwise a specifically decaffeinated true tea or tea blend. If purchasing tea packets from a grocery store, the box will include a labeled indication if the tea is decaffeinated.