Kristina Markulin
to teach them. The more informed the public is, the more likely meaningful change will occur. However,
do not expect everyone in your family to be receptive.
Asha McClendon
I know what it is like to have family members who
Thanksgiving is famous for political discussions, but we have to remember to be mindful of ourselves and others this year.
directly harm my friends and me. Becoming confron-
hanksgiving dinner has always been a
you directly challenge their beliefs. I’m not saying
hotbed for political debate. Its proxim-
to laugh along or agree without critical thought, but
ity to elections means the government
to instead avoid massive arguments for the sake of
is on everyone’s mind. Worsening the
changing their minds and thus maintaining your
matter is that Thanksgiving is a holiday
mental health.
believe in harmful ideas and ideologies, some that tational and starting fights over rights is tempting but will only deter those you argue with from ever having an eureka moment. People tend to get defensive when
centered around the settlement of our country and
Keep in mind, Thanksgiving is one day out of the
involves sitting at a table for long periods of time.
year. It’s unlikely you will change anyone’s political
Conversations are inevitable, and the chance of them
party over turkey and stuffing. People with differing
turning political is high. This fact is so well known
political views need more than heartfelt appeals and
that it’s been parodied many times on TV shows like
one-day lectures to change their entire worldview.
“Saturday Night Live.” Every year, the stress of pol-
It’s continued education, meaningful self-reflection
itics and the stress of family can collide in ugly ways.
and, most importantly, the want to be better that
These past four years have been some of the most
makes real change.
politically polarizing in recent history — Republi-
However, prepare yourself for the possibility that
cans moving further right, with President Trump
these discussions may arise. If you have a highly po-
displaying and endorsing white supremacy and alt-
litically vocal family (or someone who likes to argue
right hate groups, leftists becoming disenchanted
a lot in your midst), these topics are sure to arise.
with the current state of the Democratic party,
Unless you are a master debater and can shut down
and liberal Democrats trying to balance their own
any bad-faith arguments quickly and efficiently, steel
interests with the more moderate members of their
yourself for that moment.
party.. The events of the past four years have been
Often when dealing with these types of people,
wild, and this year alone has bred some of the most
they want to see you angry. They want you to get
intense political turmoil this country has seen in
upset. Bad-faith debaters with no intent of academic
generations. The political stakes have never been
integrity or sportsmanship purposely bring up these
topics to start conflict. The best defense is to try to
This all comes to a climax in November. At the time
keep your cool as best as you can while standing
of writing, the results of the election are unknown.
firm. However, for a lot of these instigators, having
If 2016 has taught us anything, polls are not enough
an angry opponent is validation of their beliefs.
to go by. Depending on how states collect and count
Do not succumb to passivity, let hate speech fester
votes, we might not even have a definite winner by
or be normalized, or allow harmful ideologies to
Thanksgiving. We also don’t know how the gov-
become the norm. Assert your stance and beliefs and
ernment (or the American people) will react to the
shut down harmful language. If you cannot overpower
results, whatever they may be. With all of this, we
the instigator without losing composure, change the
must employ a level of tact when dealing with those
subject and keep changing until something sticks.
who hold differing political views.
It’s not ideal, but if you’re not a skilled debater with
Even if we know the winner by Thanksgiving, the
experience in how to cut through the noise, it’s the
very nature of this election is so dire that unrest
best you can do.
is likely. Debate amongst the American people will
Remember, at the end of the day, people who do not
ensue at the very least, and it might not necessarily
want to change will not change; and sometimes that
be constructive. If your family cannot engage in a
hurts, especially if those people are family members.
healthy discussion of these circumstances, then these
Families are supposed to understand and support each
discussions are not worth having.
other, and when that doesn’t happen, it can cut like
I’m not saying to refrain from educating your
a knife. But people who don’t want to listen will not
family. We as political citizens have a duty to ed-
listen. Someone might make them listen, but don’t
ucate those around us about the problems that we
beat yourself up if it’s not you. At the end of the day,
face both in the country and abroad. If your family
you can’t control what the people around you do.
is receptive to these lessons, then I encourage you
And remember, Zoom has a mute button.
—this year has bred some of the most intense political turmoil this country has seen in generations.