The Vine Leighton Buzzard Aug/Sept 12

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Vine leighton buzzard

Issue 3 Aug/Sept 2012

Delivered FREE to 12,000 homes in Leighton Buzzard, Linslade, Heath & Reach, Billington, Slapton, Wing, Northall, Cheddington and Stewkley


An Interview with


Summer Recipe


A Traveller’s Tale


H20 28

About Laser




Modern Classic Cars




In the Garden


Book Review


Fighting Frizz


Puzzles 36

Back to School


What’s On 38

Age Concern


10 things to do


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Dear All Welcome to the latest edition and to a long awaited summer. Of course we all have the excitement of the Olympics to look forward to but hopefully you will have chance to attend many of the local events listed in our What’s On Guide as well. Enjoy! Andrena. Editors: Andrena Carden-White Scott Nightingale Shelly Nesbitt Advertising & Editorial Leighton Buzzard and Villages Andrena 0797 155 4604 Advertising & Editorial Dunstable and Villages or Toddington & Villages edition Shelly 07852 453043/01525 222379 Getting to know you: twitter @thevineLB Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the content of advertising and articles is published in this magazine are accurate, neither the publisher or its editorial contributors can accept and hereby disclaim any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors. Neither do they reflect the opinion of this publication. The Vine does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.

An Interview with local author Julian Wolfendale

Knowing what you know now, would you say that you are a result of your upbringing or a kick back to your genes - in other words “nature or nuture” I think that I am a result of both, and also a product of the time and place that I grew up in, in equal amounts.

Your reunion with your biological mother wasn’t as successful as with your father, what advice would you say to other people seeking out their biological Julian Wolfendale’s parents? latest book “Damaged That’s a tricky one. Though I wasn’t consciously aware Goods” is described as I might be doing so, I waited until I was 30. Finding your a true story of adoption, music, people and natural parents is not a magic spell that somehow erases choices your previous life up to that point. Once you do it, you cannot go back and live as though you never did. You Julian, I have to confess I read this book because I knew you from school but this was quickly forgotten must be prepared to accept whatever you find, good or bad. Also, the people you meet are likely to not be the in the rapidly paced, frequently violent, emotional same as they were when they gave you away, we all rollercoaster of your life. There are many reasons to pick up Damaged Goods; the local references, the change as we get older to one degree or another. They music and of course the adoption, who do you think may have constructed mechanisms to cope with their desertion of you, that they have convinced themselves your reader is? I think that there are probably a few different readers who are now truths and will not want them dissembled. We all make mistakes, particularly when we are young, I think enjoy different aspects of the book. As you say, some accepting that before you start is important to how you for the drugs and music and that side of it, some who are for their own reasons interested in seeing the effects handle the outcome. that adoption can have and some who, like me, are conJulian you were a very naughty boy and frequently stantly interested and surprised at what makes people on the wrong side of the law; do you now find your tick and the story of their life – we all have one. self turning into a grumpy old man telling lads to pull You were in a lot of scrapes and trouble as a kid and their trousers up or do you still remember what it was like to walk in bondage trousers? school wasn’t a postive experience. If you could pop back and have a chat with 12 year old you, what He he. Both! I have not forgotten what it is like to be young and disaffected, but with age comes a glimmer of would you say? I would say not to worry about fitting in, about feeling dif- wisdom and I do find myself wondering why youngsters ferent. To be good, to look for good people and to go and have no real understanding of the consequences of their actions upon their lives. make a life for myself where I could be happy, without trying to fit in to what I saw as other people’s normality. Music is a hugely descriptive backdrop throughout the book and your time as an LU7 punk clearly gave I imagine that most adopted children daydream of discovering their biological parents are famous. Did you a sense of belonging, what does music mean to you now? the daydream match up to the reality? To coin a phrase, I was ‘lost in music’ from the age of I never dreamed that my natural parents might be famous. All I knew was that they hadn’t wanted me and I about 6. I escaped into it, soaking up the words and guess I sometimes dreamed that they had. To be honest feelings that I discovered in songs. It allowed me to hear it was too painful and big to think about when I was little, how other people lived and coped and was comforting. Later It somehow helped me to find myself. These days so I tended not to and found plenty of ways to distract I do still get excited when I discover a new type of music myself from doing so. or even just a song that I haven’t heard before, but it’s to add to myself, rather than to create it. As long as it’s played with heart, I love all sorts of music - without it, life is just shades of grey. by A Carden-White

continued on page 6





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Continued from page 4

Save £££’s Today Rebalance your Finances

Damaged Goods seems like a natural progression from your first book “Yeah Baby”, has your writing been purely carthartic or do you have another book in you? Well, I never started to write as catharsis, but of course it did allow me to look back on my life to that point, which I hadn’t done before. It wasn’t all good by any means, but it served to show me the paths I had taken, the choices I had made, and where they had lead, so it was cathartic in the end to look at it in chronological order. It was a good way to close that chapter. I do have another book or two in me, though they won’t be the same as the existing two, written under a pseudonym and on very different subjects.

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Describe yourself in 3 words: work in progress Your theme song for today? Terry Reid, ‘It’s gonna be morning.’ Your Favourite takeaway meal? Chicken Jalfrezi

Your Best holiday destination? Spain and France equally. Top 3 movies Once upon a time in America, Cinema Paradiso Up in Smoke No 1 on your bucket list? Live in Spain

Thank you for talking to The Vine LB

All books featured in The Vine LB can be bought online on our website 6


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A Traveller’s Tale By Paul Heley

South Africa

Past And Present Part I

My last two articles dealt with visits which Val and I made to Iceland; firstly just over 50 years ago when newly married and, in contrast, more recently. We found noticeable changes on the tourism front have been made. My next two articles will be similar in that they will compare my visits to South Africa: first as an unmarried young man in the Merchant Navy 60 years ago and then, in total contrast, 8 years ago when Val and I visited the country as tourists. Comparisons this time were very much on the political front.


n the early 1950s, South Africa was in the iron grip of the Apartheid regime and, although I’m certainly no bleeding heart liberal - far from it - I hated what I saw and felt embarrassed to be white. Everything - but everything - was based upon the colour of one’s skin: which door you entered (if non-whites were even allowed into the building); which park bench you sat on; whether you travelled on the top or the bottom deck of a ‘bus; which hospital you went to; which ambulance would be sent if you were injured (there is the horrific story of when the “wrong” ambulance was sent to a road accident and had to return for the “correct” one - by which time the casualty had died). And so on, etc, etc, ad nauseam. Being white, I was allowed to go into smart hotels, sit in comfortable surroundings, listen to the band and have a drink. But on my way back to the ship, I would see inside a ramshackle drinking den allocated to the blacks. And then there were different watering holes reserved for the “Cape Coloureds”, ie those who were neither white nor black being the descendents of earlier mixed race mulattos. These people were positioned socially between the blacks and the “Indians” (and this group was defined as anyone whose ancestry was from


the sub-continent, irrespective of ethnic group, country or religion). So the “pecking order” was:Whites at the top and then - a long way behind - Indians, Coloureds and Blacks. Each group had strict codes regarding how they could, or could not behave and what they could, or could not do. There were very clear lines of demarcation where any personal association outside of one’s own group was purely work related. There was

no social fraternisation at all; in fact it was a punishable offence (especially between whites and any of the other groups, since the maintenance of racial purity was paramount. Now where have I heard that before?). The net outcome was that everybody despised anyone belonging to a different group. And to make matters worse, there were tribal and racial enmities within the various groups eg British versus

Afrikaaner hostility between the whites. Memories of the Boer War ran deep - and, I suspect, still do. It was a horrible place and I hated it. Even as a red blooded male teenager - where thoughts normally centre on female anatomy rather than matters political - I could see that the country appeared to have everything going for it: a wonderful climate, beautiful scenery, self sufficiency in food and minerals (apart from oil) but that its problem was - and still is - politics. I was convinced that the whole place would erupt in a bloodbath and why it never happened is one of life’s mysteries in my estimation. So, after this unhappy baptism resulting from a few visits, I was now intrigued to discover what my reactions might be 60 years later and following the coming of “democracy” a decade or so earlier. The first realisation that swingeing changes had been made in the intervening half century dawned on me on the ‘plane before we even arrived. We flew South African Airlines and the Chief Steward was black and gave orders to white stewardesses and laughed and joked with them. Absolutely incredible! And when we landed at Jo’burg, there were black officials stamping our passports and allowing us to visit their country.


A Traveller’s Tale

Black Government officials! This was amazing! This would never have happened 60 years ago - virtually the only jobs that black men had then was sweeping the floors or cleaning the toilets. At Jo’burg, we were met by Val’s cousin, Betty, who had left Wales as a young girl when her father emigrated to Australia. There, she met a British South African, Jim, married, and moved to SA to live. Jim and Betty tell many tales about how the pendulum has swung heavily to the left and how young, white, qualified South Africans are leaving in droves and going to Australia, USA, Canada, NZ, Europe and the UK because they can’t get jobs at home due to the positive discrimination in favour of blacks. A cynic might say “serve you right: the boot is on the other foot now and you don’t like it”. Undoubtedly that’s true. But my impression of a swinging pendulum is that, although it has clearly swung to the other side of centre, it is by no means so far to the left as it had once been to the right under Apartheid. Jo’burg was purely an arrival point and we were not scheduled to stay there. I don’t think anyone was disappointed because Jo’burg (at the time) had the unenviable reputation of being the murder capital of the world. We were transported rapidly out of the place and as we travelled through the suburbs, it was disturbing to see nice houses surrounded by security fences topped by barbed wire. And the fact that many people carried guns for self defence reinforced my impression that Jo’burg was just about the last place I would want to live. But, in fairness, I must admit that Jo’burg was unique: other places we passed through and stopped at were not like that - at least on the surface they weren’t. We travelled to nearby Pretoria and went on an escorted, and largely unsuccessful, city tour. It was unsuccessful (in my opinion) because our guide was an unintelligible Afrikaaner who concentrated on the massacres of the Boers first by the indigenous blacks and then by the British! It convinced me that Afrikaaners have a monumental chip on their shoulders and feel that their problems are always someone else’s fault. They resent the fact that English is the universal language and they live in continual fear that they will eventually cease to be a recognised people with their own language and culture, ie that they will be swamped by English and Englishness. They might well have a point since, as with 60 years ago, British South Africans tend to have white collar jobs whilst Afrikaaner collars tend to be a distinct shade of blue.



After Pretoria, our next target was the Kruger National Park where we hoped to see the “Big Five”, namely elephant, buffalo, rhinoceras, lion and leopard. We were divided up into 4WD vehicles specially designed to carry a dozen gawping tourists with eagle eyed guides pointing out various animals lurking in the undergrowth. How the hell they spot these animals beats me; there were many occasions when I couldn’t see anything even after it had been pointed out most carefully! It might have been a barely visible tail or a backside and I marvelled how on earth the guide had seen it whilst we were moving. However, even I saw a rhino, some giraffe, lots of impala, some baboons, one or two kudu, a few wart hogs, lots of very colourful birds but not much else. People in another vehicle claimed to have seen an elephant and a lion’s tail - but I don’t think you can claim a tail as one of the Big Five! Later in the tour, we went to another game reserve at Hluhluwe (pronounced Shoshooey!!) and this was much better. Lots of buffalo, loads of elephants (one even charged the other vehicle much to our delight - I’ve never seen a Land Rover move so fast in reverse!), rhinos by the ton (literally), crocodile, hippo, circling vultures (rather worrying!), a malibou stork, more wart hogs and the usual glut of impala and other antelope. Although Hluhluwe was much better than Kruger on this occasion, without doubt the tables could easily be turned on another visit - it’s very much the luck of the draw. Something which gave me another stamp in my passport was to travel through the independent kingdom of Swaziland for a couple of days. However, I can’t say I noticed much difference: after all, Swaziland is strongly tied to SA economically even though it also shares a border with Mozambique and exports timber and beef through Maputo. Mozambique (formerly Portugese) is now very different from when I was first there 60 years ago and I remember visiting Lourenco Marques and being disappointed that attractive young ladies were everywhere chaperoned by older women (in the true Portugese custom)! Next on the schedule were the Drakensbergs (Dragon Mountains) and Lesotho. The scenery in this area is quite stunning and we stayed at a posh hotel close to the Sani Pass before crossing into Lesotho. By pure coincidence, and only days before going to SA, I’d read an account by two South African motorcyclists in which they described how, in a fit of madness, they decided to ride into Lesotho via the Sani Pass. This had whetted my appetite - memories of Himalayan roads - and I was determined to join the 4WD trip up the pass come hell or high water. By no means everybody went because a few were feeling a bit quesy and there had been warnings that this trip was not for the faint hearted or those with a dicky ticker or weak bladder. Since this covers just about everybody on a Saga tour, I’m amazed anyone went at all!

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How often have you wished you could improve your appearance? Removing hairs constantly from your body is time consuming and costly. The average leg wax costs £40+ and it has to be repeated every 4-6 weeks! Even shaving isn’t cheap, blades can cost from £1 to £7 and again shaving needs to be carried out constantly. Brown marks and red veins look unsightly. Our faces are exposed to all of the elements every day and the skin can look dull, grey and lacking elasticity. Thank goodness, there are longer lasting treatments available. IPL and Laser treatments are currently used to provide permanent hair reduction, pigmentation correction and removal of red unsightly veins. Resurfacing of the skin reveals fresher, more toned skin. So what are IPL and Laser? IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. A Laser beam is a light beam of a single wavelength. It has one colour and is delivered to the skin in milliseconds. For treatment purposes light can be divided into different wavelengths and therefore multiple benefits can occur. Although not totally painless the treatment is relatively quick and cost effective. The aim of laser or IPL hair removal is to apply a wavelength to the hair follicle, which will generate sufficient heat to destroy the stem cells, that produce the hair. The pigment that absorbs the energy from the laser/IPL, is the melanin in the hair shaft. Melanin provides the colour of the hair. Therefore the darker the hair the more energy is absorbed and the result is greater.


Once the hair becomes grey/white, there is no pigment in the hair shaft and treatment will be ineffective! “Age spots”, sun damage and melasma problems all occur as a result of too much Melanin in the skin. By using an IPL/Laser hand piece providing light in wavelengths below 800nm, one can preferentially heat epidermal melanin and cause its destruction. Thread veins and cherry anginomas (little blood collections) are due to haemoglobin “clumping” under the skin. Haemoglobin is heated using the appropriate wavelength and is ultimately destroyed with excellent protection of the surrounding skin. Also the resultant heating of the skin directly heats the collagen in the skin and tightens it. In order to provide resurfacing benefits to the skin the water content is heated. This treatment will remove dead skin cells without the use of chemicals and again because we are providing heat to the skin collagen tightening also occurs giving a fresh tightened appearance. Of course all of the treatments take time. You cannot hope to reverse years of damage in one session! Some treatments require four weeks between each session so you need to plan well in advance to achieve your desired result. Any reputable clinic should request that you have a medical consultation and patch test BEFORE treatment begins. Costings and time constraints should be discussed with you and time to absorb all of the information is equally important. by Michelle Harvey Leighton Laser Skin Clinic






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Modern British Classics to be proud of Part 1 - 1995 Jaguar XJS by Val George of Knaves Hill, Linslade

My First Venture into modern British Classic Cars came on 21st March 2009 with the XJS, coincidentally my most recent acquisition; the 1982 Range Rover became mine on 21st March 2011. The 4 litre XJS, in stunning Flamenco red, was obtained through e-bay for £4000. It had 3 previous owners and 91,000 mls recorded with full service documentation. 91,000 sounds quite a lot, but they have been known to do over 300,000 before major surgery, ask Jeremy Clarkson (he likes Range Rovers too)! The drive back from the seller in Worcester to Linslade was great; smooth, effortless power with the German ZF gearbox in sport mode of course. My intention was more in line with preservation, as there was very little restoration needed. The body on this model was of galvanised steel, so not prone to rust like its predecessors. However, being a bit of a perfectionist (a heavy and sometimes expensive cross to bear) I put the EJS under closer scrutiny. Mechanically there were no problems but I did replace the radiator; the original Jaguar labelled stainless steel exhaust system is still fine. There are two areas known to rust eventually, namely the seat belt anchoring points in the floor and the rear sub-frame which supports the axle, differential and suspension. Sure enough the anchor points needed replacing but the sub-frame only had light surface rust, so I had it sand blasted and powder coated; better than new now. When this was done we rebuilt with all new bushes, mounts, inner and outer bearings, radius arms, shock absorbers, nuts and bolts. I would have left the paintwork as it was, had it not been for a badly fitted windscreen. This had allowed water to seep under the near side scuttle causing rust, which in the past had been repaired with filler; not good enough! So I replaced it with steel, but what to do now? Well the paint was a little tired. I spoke to a very enthusiastic crew at Harris Coachworks


at Kensworth near Dunstable well they had experience of Aston Martin’s paint shop procedures in Newport Pagnell, so I felt confident leaving it with them. I wasn’t disappointed, they did a fantastic job and photographed each stage for me. They only found one small rust penetration through the glavanizing of about 10mm diameter. Seven coats from a full re-prime through to lacquer were applied, not only the outer body but they resprayed the beams behind the bumpers and the engine rocker cover. Those who worked on it were truly enthusiastic and uncompromising and as they should be, very proud of the finished results. Whilst Harris Coachworks were working on the body Pristine Alloy Wheel Refurbishers of Woburn Sands restored the alloy wheels to, again, better than new condition, in as much as they powder coated them to a brilliant silver metallic lacquered finish accompanied by new Pirelli P6000 Jaguar compound tyres. The purchase price for this car in Jaguar clothing 1994-5 was £38,250, alternatively you could have spent £78,500 on an Aston Martin DB7 which was, in many respects, an XJS with Aston Martin clothing. You only have to look inside at the instruments, seat controls etc for clues to this. Apart from that, under the skin lurked many a major component from the XJS, not surprising as both were now controlled by Ford, with obvious degrees of rationalisation. For those budding petrolheads or just the curious, this XJS has the very refined and impressive AJ16 straight six 3980cc engine giving 241bhp @ 4,700rpm, achieving 0-60 in 6.9 sec, with a top speed of 147mph. Officially capable of 37.2 mpg at a constant 50mph but realistically 25mpg on average is achieveable. The ZF gearbox can be switched from economy to sport mode (changing up later to give higher revs) or 1st gear inhibit for slippery road conditions. It also has a low-inertia torque converter (engine torque reduced during change) giving excellent off-the-line performance and smooth change. Next issue; Part 2 - 1982 Range Rover

two , lay its eggs and, be s of caterpillars will by leaves. Pick them off day every lly carefu plants to water salty with ng them a ing crush try bat greenfly, 6 m water, leave for about over hand spray and spray s effective. If you find aphid ive a disgusting but effect s. hem out with your finger moth ed with old-fashioned

l, crushed such as sharp grave say hair clippings broken seashells. Someesser) and caffeine is work (see your local hairdrmolluscs so try coffee to lethal be to sed suppo with beer (I don’t think grounds. Half fill a dish about the brand!) and they are particularly fussy attract the slugs which sink it in the ground to course, nothing really Of fall in and drown. and a thorough search beats a size 10 boot in hand on a damp of the garden with a torch nds. Happy hunting! night might pay divide

In The Garden Pest Control

For instance, the cabbage-white butterfly, as its name suggests will home in on your cabbages and other brassicas, lay its eggs and, two weeks later, a mass of caterpillars will be eating holes in the leaves. Pick them off by hand, inspecting the plants carefully every day or two and try spraying them with salty water to deter them. To combat greenfly, try crushing a clove of garlic in warm water, leave for about 6 hours, strain into a hand spray and spray over the plants. It’s very effective. If you find aphids on your rose buds, a disgusting but effective treatment is to rub them out with your fingers. Cats can be deterred with oldfashioned moth balls although the effects don’t last very long. After a wet night a local cat had buried all of ours! Of all the pests that will drive you up the wall, slugs and snails are at the

A beginners guide to...

Even the best kept garden will be teeming with critters all conspiring to sabotage your growing efforts and you could spend a lot on named chemicals to combat various problems but it may be worth having a go with some more environmentally friendly remedies first. It’s worth a go! top of the list, particularly when you have young seedlings or are growing hostas or sunflowers. For plants in pots,Vaseline or grease smeared round the pot can help, as can copper strips which cause electro-chemical shocks. Otherwise, try sharp mulches around the plants that need protection, such as sharp gravel, crushed eggshells or broken seashells. Some say hair clippings work (see your local hairdresser) and caffeine is supposed to be lethal to molluscs so try coffee grounds. Half fill a dish with beer (I don’t think they are particularly fussy about the brand!) and sink it in the ground to attract the slugs which fall in and drown. Of course, nothing really beats a size 10 boot and a thorough search of the garden with a torch in hand on a damp night might pay dividends. Happy hunting!

Other jobs to be getting on with at this time


Container shrubs Late summer to autumn is the main period for planting shrubs in containers, although container grown shrubs can be put into ornamental pots at almost any time. Choose a container that is the right size for the shrub. If the container has been previously used, scrub its inside surfaces thoroughly. Put heavy containers into position before planting up, or risk a slipped disc! Stand the container on blocks or bricks to allow free drainage.

Put broken crocks over the drainage holes and if you have something like house & garden coarse gravel put a 1 inch layer to help with drainage. Place some coma beginner’s post next and then arrange the plant centrally. PackGUIDE more compost round Container shrubs the edges making sure there are no airsummer pockets allow at stay least 10 cms Late to and autumn is to in their containers for the main period for planting few years and any grown in pea below the rimalthough to allowbased for compost watering shrubs in containers, will need frequen container grown shrubs can feeding and will dry out mor and mulching. be put into ornamental quickly than loam based one pots





A loam based compost, whichyou is should us However, Choose a container thatis is the right than ericaceous compost for lime hater nutrient rich better a peat based size for the shrub. If the container such as rhododendrons, pieri hascompost been previously used, scrub conifers as shrubs arecamellia, likely to stayand in heather its inside surfaces thoroughly. their containers for a few years and any in peat Put grown heavy containers intobased position combefore planting or risk afrequent slipped post willup,need disc! Stand the container on blocks andfreewill dry or feeding bricks to allow drainage. out more quickly than Put loam broken crocks over ones. the drainage based holes and if you have something like coarse gravel put a 1 inch layer to help with drainage. Place some compost next and then arrange the plant centrally. Pack more compost round the edges making sure there are no air pockets and allow at least 10 cms below the rim to allow for watering and mulching.

However, you should use ericaceous compost for lime haters such as rhododendrons, piA loam compost, conifers which is eris,based camellia, nutrient rich is better than a peat and heathers. based compost as shrubs are likely



•Cut down flowering meadows and allow seed to fall •Harvest potatoes and dry before storing in the dark •Harvest onions at the end of the month and dry before hanging •Trim evergreen hedges such as Yew and conifers •Collect seed from annuals for next year

•Pick autumn raspberries •Cover leafy vegetable crops with bird-proof netting •Dig up remaining potatoes before slug da age spoils them •Net ponds before leaf fall gets underway •Clean out cold frames and greenhouses so that they are ready for use in the autumn

Until next time, enjoy your garden!


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HaIR Couture ---------Fight ing

hair isn’t greasy). Section well and use the right brush (such as my Richard Ward Medium Radial Brush from £8) and a professional dryer and you should find that you’ll also need less daily electrical intervention. Keep the frizz at bay with regular hair cuts to remove split end, which if untreated can travel up the hair shaft resulting in a ruffled cuticle and therefore encouraging a frizzy appearance. Another trick to achieving frizz free curls is to blowdry your hair straight before your start curling. By doing this you will eliminate the frizz before you begin styling your hair, which will leave your curls looking Perfectwith Finish healthy and luscious not a frizzy hair in sight! Think Nicole Kidman, who always does this to result in larger, sleeker curls

richard ward


Celebrity hairdresser, Richard Ward looks at how to get hair frizz free and lustrous!

What is frizz?

Frizz is caused by moisture. Damp, drizzly climates or humid environments mean hair absorbs moisture and reverts to its natural, un-blow dried state. When hair is damaged it loses its ability to maintain moisture and becomes more porous in the damaged areas - hence, ends frizzing more than newly grown roots (which have undergone less chemical processes). Hair can also be naturally coarser and drier and therefore more frizz-prone, too.

How to achieve smooth frizz- free hair:

If your hair frizzes then don’t be tempted to dampen it down as this will re-hydrate your hair more and cause it to frizz further. The aim is to blow dry it to remove the moisture and re-shape the hair to look sleeker, so instead spritz your hair with a leave-in conditioner such as L’Oreal Techni-art Fix Anti Frizz, which will protect your hair from air moisture content and humidity and restore its natural balance. Frizz caused by porosity or sensitivy (damage to the cuticle and cortex, or main bulk of the hair), is crying out for moisture. So, use a twice-weekly deep conditioning mask like my new Couture Hair Intensive Masque (£23) as its ingredients evens out porosity in the damaged cuticles to leave hair smooth and glossy. A serum like my Couture Hair Memoriser Hold Serum (£17) will prevent frizz but just use a small amount and scrunch into the ends avoiding the root area. Be careful not to over-use silicone based products such as serums, which can result in a product build up on the hair shaft” “Keep the use of electrical equipment to a minimum if you want glossy, movie star hair! If your hair is frizzy, blow dry it from wet (not towel dried) as the blow dry will stay in longer (it should last 2/3 days if your


Top 3 expert tips on how to make hair smooth: Spritz the palm of your hands with hairspray and hair. smooth down the hair shaft to remove fly-away frizzy into thed smoo ne Vaseli A little hand cream or slick of the ends is a great frizz hair fix if needs must! g sheet Wrap your brush with a tumble dryer conditionin h finish. and ‘brush’ your hair to remove static for a smoot

My top must-have products needed to defrizz hair & smooth stressed out locks or frazzled hair

My Couture Hair™ range has been created to counteract frizz. Every product has a unique advance moisture compound called AQUARICH® to combat frizz & promote shine. Richard Ward Medium Radial Brush for blow-drying. It’s modeled on my ultimate all time bristle brush and formulated to give a salon professional finish. Kerastase Oleo-Relax Shampoo – an anti-frizz shampoo that controls and manages frizzy hair . Velcro rollers – last minute hair essentials perfect after blowdrying to set the style and minimise potential frizz. Parlux hairdryer (from £75 at – the professionals choice and ultimate tool in eliminating frizz.


For appointments at the Richard Ward Hair & Metrospa, call 020 7730 1222 or visit


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U Turns,

Good Or Bad For Government?

By Mike Newman


hy does the parliamentary opposition, no matter which political parties they represent, always scoff at the u-turn? It is looked on as a sign of failure of the government which has decided on a specific course to follow on a particular programme or procedure. If the cabinet become aware that such a proposal is not doing what they were sure it would do, then they have two choices. One to go boldly on, ignoring all the evidence that the programme is not working and go deeply into the mire or about turn and take another direction with the programme which promises a better future and a workable one for that programme. The citizen, the voter, would much rather a u-turn be taken to better their lot than to blindly stumble on getting nowhere until the programme or the procedure slowly disappears from the political scene after vast sums of money have been wasted. Mrs Thatchers phrase “This lady is not for turning� is a point in question. We know the result was the recession that followed the remark. The present coalition has made several uturns, it will make more before the recession is over and every time it changes direction it is mocked by the opposition and the left facing media. My question would be, why mock a government u-turn when it is evident to all that it is a wise decision and will steer the country into the right direction? It is no sign of weakness to right an obvious wrong. I would say that it takes a great deal of cour-

age to do an about turn on the programme of the government supported, when it becomes apparent that things are not working out as was foreseen. Governments do not like to be seen making mistakes with the public finances, they are costly on most occasions, but some have been afraid to make a mistake, they see it as a sign of weakness. Absolute nonsense, it is a sign of strength if one admits a mistake has been made and wishes to rectify it. This applies to individuals as well as governments. It is something I wish our councils in Bedfordshire might take from time to time. There is one or two very useful u-turns that could be taken such as charging pensioners for Telecare and making our pensioners pay for Dial-a-Ride when pensioners in Luton travel free. You know its wrong, so put it in a u-turn now please on these particular points. So what of the u-turn? As applied to governments and county councils, parish councils etc. Are they good or bad things? Do you face mockery if you do a u-turn? As far as I am concerned I would certainly not accuse the coalition of weakness when they carry out a u-turn which can be shown will benefit the citizen, the rich or poor, old person or child. It is a brave Prime minister who can admit his cabinet has made mistakes and takes steps to rectify the problem. The coalition has several more to make if it wishes to put us on track for a better future than what we expect presently. But that’s another article in future.

Mike Newman is a member of The Dunstable And District Senior Citizens Club. If you have a view on any of the issues raised why not attend one of their monthly meetings, held on every fourth Monday at St Marys Catholic Social Club, West St., Dunstable.


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A new school can be tough. Read our guide and help your child make the change with confidence

Some children find it easy to start at a new school. They are good at making friends and can adapt to new routines and surroundings. For others, it can be a traumatic experience as they struggle to settle in. It can also be a difficult time for parents, who may not know how to help. Most children will start a new school at some time – whether it’s because the family moves house, the child has been bullied, or simply as they move up through the education system. Fortunately, there are lots of ways that parents can support children through these changes. Here are some suggestions:

Make sure you attend the open days offered by the new school. This is a good way to familiarise yourselves with the teachers, other children in the class and the layout of the buildings. Carefully read the information provided by the school. Make a note of key dates and get to know procedures before term starts. Children are likely to be experiencing a mixture of feelings – they’re excited about the changes ahead, but also anxious about how they’ll cope. Encourage them to talk about their fears and suggest solutions. If you can’t solve their problem instantly, talk about ways that you can find an answer. If your child isn’t moving schools with a close friend, try to identify at least one child they will recognise. Arrange to meet up in the holidays so the children get to know each other. Encourage your child to join a lunchtime or after-school club to meet children in other classes who share their interests. Keep praising your child for

how well they are coping with this big change. If they are feeling confident, they will find it easier to deal with new situations. If your child is starting a new school in the middle of term, perhaps after a bad experience, reassure them that this is a fresh start. Keep calm and positive and your child will pick up on this. After the long summer holiday, it can be difficult to get back into the school routine. In the week before they return, start getting up early again and reestablish a regular bedtime. Be prepared: have a trial run of the route to school and get together uniform, bags and stationery supplies well in advance. A few wobbles are always to be expected when a child starts a new school, but if problems persist for more than a few weeks or seem more serious, arrange to speak to your child’s teacher. They would always prefer you to come to them early if you are worried.

First day back at school can be an anxious time for both parents and children, so here are some tips to make it a more relaxed experience all round. Re-establish meal and bedtime routines at least one week before school begins. This will help your children avoid being over tired or overwhelmed by school work and activities.

folders and notebooks. This will help motivate your kids to be more organised.

Encourage your children to spend less time in front of the TV or computer and more time participating Review early any material the in learning games such as reading school has sent, so you can be inor puzzles, to help ease them back formed about teachers, classrooms, into the learning process. supply requirements, important Buy or update school uniform early dates, bus travel etc. - well before the end of the school Buy any necessary school supplies break. early, such as new pencils, pens,


Check out bus timetables and journey times, and if appropriate, drive the route to school if you haven’t done it before. Prepare your kids lunch boxes the night before, with a variety of healthy foods and snacks to help sustain higher energy and concentration levels throughout the day. And finally, give lots of encouragement and support as your children enter a new environment, make new friends and learn new things.

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Meat - Chicken wings, half pork rib, speciality sausage, deep fried mushrooms, onion rings, wedges & dips £12.50 Fish - Prawns, calamari, rollmops, fish goujons, whitebait, tartare sauce and crusty bread £13.50

Jacket Potatoes

freshly roasted jacket potato £ 4.50 Topping Choices; Chilli, cheese, tuna mayo, beans, chicken mayo, prawn mayo £ 1.50


Carpenters Classic Burger - a 60z tasty meat burger with bacon and cheese on a floured bap served with triple cooked chips and salad garnish £ 7.95 Chicken Fillet Burger - Grilled chicken fillet on a floured bap served with triple cooked chips & salad garnish £ 8.50

Main Meals

Carpenters Catch of the Day Served with triple cooked chips, peas, lemon wedge & tartare sauce £9.50 Beef Lasagne served with chips and garlic slice £7.95 Chilli Con Carne served with boiled rice and garlic slice £7.50 Specialty Sausages served on a bed of creamy mash potato with lashings of onion gravy £8.50

Chicken Ham & Leek Pie chunks of chicken with ham and leeks topped with a golden crust and served with potatoes and vegetables £8.25 Steak & Ale Pie diced chunks of beef marinated in speciality beer of the week, cooked to perfection with a golden crust and served with potatoes and vegetables £8.50 Ham & Chips slices of cured ham with double free range eggs, triple cooked chips and peas £7.95

Make the most of your lunch hour - call ahead and pre-book your meal Scampi & Chips golden bites of scampi served with triple cooked chips, peas, tartare sauce and a lemon wedge £7.95

Side Dishes

Triple cooked chips Cheesy chips small Cheesy chips large Beer battered onion rings Focaccia bread topped with cheese Focaccia bread toppedwith cheese & plum tomatoes Side salad with dressing

£2.75 £3.50 £2.50

Doorstep Sandwiches A selection of delicious sandwich fillings on fresh bread £3.75

All meat supplied by Eastwood of Berkhamstead 1 Horton Road, Slapton, LU7 9DB reservations 01525 220563


£2.75 £3.25 £3.75 £2.50




Saute’ of Mushrooms in a white wine and herb cream served on a toasted focaccia slice £4.45 Homemade soup freshly made served with fresh bread £3.74 Salt& Pepper dusted Calamari served with dill & lemon mayonnaise £5.45 Mackeral Rillete served with chargrilled spring onion and fresh bread £5.25 Grilled Aubergine plum tomato and buffalo mozarella gratin served with basil pesto £4.95 Wasabi Prawns king prawns with wasabi paste mixed in mayonnaise and served in a poppadum basket £5.95 5 Spiced Pork Belly served with piccallili £4.95

Course Selections


Ballotine of Chicken Breast with Brie sundried tomato & basil leaf served with a white wine wild mushroom sauce £9.95

Roast Arms Vegetable Risotto with Red Pepper Coulis, parmesan gallette and rocket leaves £8.95

Pork Loin Medallions with roast apples and cider £10.25 Pan Fried Fillet of Sea Bass with sizzled ginger chilli and spring onions £10.50 Oven Roasted Rack of Lamb served with quenelles of sweet potato and lamb jus £10.75 Pasta with red onion, mixed sweet peppers and confit of cherry tomatoes £7.95 All served with Potatoes & Vegetables

Sunday Roasts by advanced booking Wednesday Evening is steak night 28 day matured for extra flavour 80z Rump £ 9.95 10oz Rib Eye £16.95 16oz T Bone £17.95 The Brave Heart (for 2) £34.00 The Brave Heart (for 1) £16.95 Add a sauce for £ 1.95 chilli, peppercorn, bernaise FRIDAY NIGHT is Fish & Chip Night eat in or take-away Desserts - treat yourself from a selection of sumptuous puddings in association with G&R catering


Pork and Apple Burgers

Fed up with beef burgers? Try our tasty alternative.

Prep time: 10 mins plus 30 mins chill time Cooking time: 15 mins Serves: 4 - 6



Put the minced pork into a large bowl with the finely chopped onion, dried sage, grated apple and seasoning. Mix thoroughly with your hands. Add the beaten egg and mix again. Take handfuls of the mixture and mould them into burger shapes (4 large or six small). Place them on a plate in the fridge for 30 minutes to chill. BBQ or Fry gently until golden brown and cooked through thoroughly. Serve in a bun with a salsa salad.

450g Minced Pork 1 heaped tsp dried sage 1 small onion, chopped finely 1 eating apple, grated 1 medium egg, beaten salt and pepper to season

Cooking Confidence

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The Nutrition Coach

H o 2

Why Water Works Experts tell us that we need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, but have you ever stopped to wonder why? The human body is made up primarily of water. Around 85% of the brain, 80% of blood and 70% of muscle is water. Given these facts, it is easy to understand why maintaining our body’s water levels is so important. During a single day an average person loses around 2 - 4 litres of water in the following ways: urine 50%; sweating 34%; breathing 14%; and faeces 2%. In order to keep our body working at its optimum levels, this lost water needs replacing. Most of the lost water (47%) is replaced through drinks, a further 39% through food and the remaining 14% comes as a by product of metabolic activity.

What Does Water Do? Water helps remove the dangerous toxins that our body takes in from the air we breathe, the food we eat and the chemicals used in the various products we use on our skin and hair. It cushions and lubricates our joints and carries oxygen and nutrients into our cells. Water also helps regulate our body temperature and assists in digestion.

What Happens If We Don’t Drink Enough Water? If we don’t maintain the correct water levels, our bodies will start to dehydrate. Like a car’s need for oil, if the oil level gets too low, the engine will start to run rough. If the oil runs out all together, the engine will stop running. It is the same with our body. Therefore it is easy to see why it is very important to drink eight glasses of water a day.

Symptoms of mild dehydration include the following: • Reduced alertness • Reduced concentration • Slower reaction times • Tiredness • Headaches • Feelings of nausea • Low blood pressure • Constipation • Dry skin

Drinking water can help us lose weight Believe it or not, it’s true! If we are dehydrated the performance of the blood, liver and kidneys is affected, with the end result that the body can’t metabolise the fat stored in cells as effectively, so the fat remains in the body. In addition, water is a natural appetite suppressant so drinking plenty of natural water (not in tea, coffee or fizzy drinks!) will help us to feel full and not so likely to eat. So, let’s do what the experts tell us and look after our wonderful bodies by drinking plenty of water!


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At Home In The Garden Don’t Be Pestered By Pests! How to get rid of unwanted guests


e all work hard to keep our homes clean and tidy. Sometimes it seems like a never ending battle! But what should you do if you find pests in your home? Mice, ants, fleas or wasps nests are all common pests that anyone can find themselves victim to. Depending on the severity of your particular pest problem, you can either treat it yourself, or call in the professionals. Often, DIY treatment is a lot cheaper, but if your problem is severe, it may not be effective. Turning the central heating down, washing bedding at 60 degrees and regular vacuuming will help prevent moths and fleas. For insects and bugs like ants and cockroaches, you can buy powders and sprays that you administer according to the instructions and these can be very effective for mild infestations. Look in your local supermarket in the household aisle. If you find nibbled packages, droppings or material nests, you may have mice or rats. If you see any holes or gaps in the skirting, try blocking them and check 24 hours later so see if the blockages have been moved. Many products are available for eradicating mice and rats, including humane traps that do not kill, allowing you to release the animal away from your house. It is very difficult to eradicate certain types of pests like wasps or bedbugs without professional help, and you may feel happier if a specialist is called in. If you decide to get the professionals in, don’t overlook your local council. Some councils’ environmental health departments will help


control pests, and they are often cheaper than private companies. Some councils also offer their services free to council tenants. If you hire a private company, make sure they are registered with the British Pest Control Association or are a reputable nationwide company. Ensure you describe your problem accurately, so when you receive your quote, you won’t be left with any nasty financial surprises. Protected species like bats cannot be exterminated. The best thing to do if you find animals that may be on the protected list living in your house is seek advice from your council, or national nature/ countryside organisation (telephone numbers opposite).

Of course, prevention is better than cure, but in many cases infestation can happen no matter how clean you are. If you vacuum carpets and rugs regularly, wash bedding (including pet bedding) and towels at 60 degrees, and are careful about disposing of food waste, any risk will be at a minimum. Useful Telephone Numbers British Pest Control Association: 01332 294288 Natural England: 0845 600 3078 Scottish Natural Heritage: 01463 725000 Countryside Council for Wales: 08451 306229 By Rita Williams-Hall

all Bigger! Tight Squeeze?... MakeThinkSmLight

We all wish our living space was bigger. But you don’t have to move house. A bit of creative thinking may be all you need. Declutter – Clear everything out the space you want to enlarge. Go through paperwork and only keep essential stuff. Give away or sell unused items and duplicates. Only move things back into the space if that have a place and a purpose.

Light colours on walls and floors make a space seem airy. But don’t be dull. Use one strong accent colour on a wall or in an alcove to create a feeling of space within a space. Mirror Magic An oversize mirror will instantly make a small space appear twice the size. Create Storage Use neat fitted handle-less cupboards with flush doors to create a minimalist feel. Supersize! Placing one larger feature piece of furniture in a small space sounds counterintuitive, but it provides a focus and a talking point. The rest of the furniture should be slightly scaled down and lighter in colour, to create a feeling of space around the focal point. BE TIDY Nothing destroys that airy feeling like mess!

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naturaAntli AgiHngeTipas lth natural H

I recently attended a day’s lecture to receive some up-to-date anti-aging information from one of our most prolific nutritionists, Patrick Holford. This study was a promising start to the talk:

‘When over 20,000 men and women aged between 45 and 79 were followed for an average of 11 years those who did just four healthy things lived 14 years longer than those who did none of them.The healthy ones didn’t do anything more than follow the most basic and familiar advice: They didn’t smoke, drank moderately, kept physically active and ate five servings a day of fruit and veg.’ Khaw K-T 2008


t is now considered a myth that we need less nutrients as we age because we are no longer growing. Digestion and absorption can deteriorate with age. The following should reduce the risk of age-related illnesses: • B vitamins to lower homocysteine levels which may reduce the risks of heart disease and dementia. • Antioxidents, including Vit C, to mop up the aging free-radical chemicals. • Vitamin D (from eggs, fish and 15/20 minutes sun exposure). • Omega-3 fats from fish oils and linseeds to reduce inflammation. • The minerals zinc, selenium and magnesium for repair and stress. • A stable supply of blood glucose to ensure a reduced amount of blood insulin.

Naturopathic Practitioner

Green veg, berries, cherries, red grapes, apples, pears, beetroot, lentils, avocados, aubergines, olives, nuts, seeds, cinnamon, turmeric , mustard and herbs are full of antioxidents and also salvestrols, such as resveratrol, which may help to reduce cancer risk. Check out Professor Gerry Potter of Leicester University for more details. Apparently in Germany homocysteine levels are checked alongside cholesterol but here you may only be offered the homocysteine test if you already have heart disease. Patrick believes that a low glycaemic load diet (GL), reducing sugar & refined carbohydrates, is more effective than low-fat diets, achieving weight-loss and reducing the risk of many agerelated illnesses. Going further, calorie restriction is currently being investigated as it may switch on a gene that protects us against illness and could trigger the growth of neurones in the brain, maybe eating only two small nutritious meals on a low calorie day, twice a week, not likely to suit everyone! (Check out Professor Mark Mattson at the US National Institute on Aging and research at Manchester University). Dealing with stress is considered a priority as it can be as aging as smoking or a poor diet. Plenty of sleep, exercise, preferably outdoors in nature, a positive attitude, good social connections, being conscientious and purposeful, and doing something you love will also help you to stay younger longer. Visit www.patrickholford. com for a list of his books and more details on all of the above.

By Sue Blain


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A Good Read

Kath Bennett

For You Call The Midwife By Jennifer Worth Recently adapted into a successful BBC series, Call the Midwife is the first of Jennifer Worth’s bestselling memoirs of life, birth and death in London’s East End during the 1950’s. It opens as Jennifer – then fresh faced young Jenny Lee – arrives at Nonnatus House, a community of nuns who provide midwifery and district nursing for the close knit families of the dockers of Poplar, and follows her as she lives and learns amongst them. What has made the books – and indeed the adaptations – such a success? Well, the first ingredient is the characters. Jenny is an honest and sympathetic narrator, quick to point out her own failings. The nuns, from calm, steady Sister Julienne to mischievous Sister Monica Joan are nothing if not surprising, and Jenny’s fellow midwives are a memorable bunch. But it is the people of the East End who really shine through on these pages – from terrified runaways to hardy mothers of four (and even twenty four!), from seedy pimps to rough and ready dockers, all are described so vividly that they practically step out to meet you. The setting is also a crucial factor. As the book progresses, the reader begins to understand something of the history of the area – bombed heavily during the war, it has not recovered by the time Jenny arrives, and many families are caught in limbo, unable to do anything about their atrocious living conditions. This element is explored in further detail in the subsequent volumes of the trilogy, particularly in ‘Shadows of the Workhouse’. And, of course, there are the stories themselves. Every birth is different, and the book contains comic, tragic and poignant experiences. Worth balances human interest and medical detail deftly, never talking down to the reader and never baffling them with complex terminology, so that we understand the emotional impact as well as the technical difficulties. For anyone with an interest in birth, midwifery, social history or just a good story, this is a must read. all books featured are available at


For The Kids

The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins Another trilogy, but a very different one, The Hunger Games is nothing short of a phenomenon. Although widely compared to other recently successful series, the stories actually have little in common with the worlds of Harry Potter or Twilight, other than being fantasy novels squarely aimed at the teenage market. Collins’ dystopian vision of Panem is far more sinister than anything JK Rowling or Stephenie Meyer have created. This land, which was once America, is now divided into twelve districts, controlled by the Capitol and subjugated both by hunger and by the yearly tradition of ‘reaping’ one boy and one girl from each area to fight to the death in a televised theatre of cruelty. In order to save her sister from this fate, Katniss Everdeen steps forward to take her place. Instantly her life changes as she is taken first to the Capitol for a series of rituals, and then thrust into the Games themselves. To complicate matters further, she must decide whether her fellow ‘tribute’ from District 12, Peeta, can be trusted or whether he must be sacrificed in order for Katniss to save herself. At its most basic level this is a page turner – the kind of book that teenagers (and adults!) will stay up late to read, just to find out what happens. However, like all the best fantasy writing, it leads us to reflect on our own world, and how we treat others. Absolutely compelling.

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Sing Along with Jo Jingles! Fun Music, Singing & Movement Classes for children aged 3 months to 5 years Develop your child’s

• Co-ordination • Confidence • Listening Skills • Imagination • Social Skills • Language Children’s Parties & Nursery Sessions also available!


For details on classes in Cheddington, Leighton Buzzard and Tring Call Emma on 07703 605682

Puzzles Puzzles Puzzles Puzzles Puzzles Puzzles Puzzles Puzzles Puzzles Puzzles Puzzles Puzzles

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SPOT THE ADVERT What advert Is This? >>>> Across 8. Hindu princess (4) 9. Pocket (5) 10. East Indian tree (4) 11. Rhododendron (6) 12. Difficulty (8) 13. The start of a beard (8) 15. Cantankerous (6) 17. Investigator (7) 19. Inert medication (7) 22. Feverish (6) 24. A type of fine leather (8) 26. It produces convulsions (8) 28. Cited (6) 30. Mountain pool (4) 31. Heath (5) 32. Goddess of discord (4)

21. Molting (7) 23. Ability (6)

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Down 1. A genre of popular music (4) 2. Purification of the blood (8) 3. Narcotic (6) 4. Noblewoman (7) 5. A very dark grey color (8) 6. Invented the lightbulb (6) 7. French Sudan (4) 14. Home (5) 16. Jewish teacher (5) 18. Busied (8) 20. Client (8) 21. Molting (7) 23. Ability (6) 25. Japanese plum (6) 27. Beseech (4) 29. Wickedness (4)

WHAT’S ON August 3 5

ILLUMIN8 The Top Bell, Market Square, LB Illumin8 is Bedfordshire’s biggest and brightest UV Paint party. We will be taking the quiet sleepy town of Leighton buzzard by force for one night only and turning it into the most lavish, vibrant and energetic area in the three counties! We strive to go all out for these very unique events and provide the reveller with everything they could possibly want. Doors open at 8pm FREE ENTRY.


Classic Car & Bike Show, The Rufus Centre, Steppingley Rd, Flitwick 12-4pm 01525 631900 Rufus Centre's Annual Classic Car & Bike Show is now in its fourth year and is set to be bigger and better than ever! Join us on the field as there's lots to get excited about, including; classic vehicles, auto jumble, beer tent selling real ales, children's fairground rides, live band "Just Us", a village show, craft stalls, catering stalls and more.


Introduction to Beekeeping, Cranfield 9:30am to 4:30pm A one day course aimed at introducing you to the craft of Beekeeping, what Honey is, and Basic Bee husbandry. The course is aimed at those who have no experience of bees or beekeeping and are interested in learning more. It will also cover Honey and other Hive products and their uses. The aim is to have a short session during the day with a hive of bees sited locally, however this is weather dependent and cannot be guaranteed. Bee suits will be available to borrow, but you will need to wear your own strong boots or wellies. Lunch will be provided. The course will be held near Cranfield, Bedfordshire. Lunch will be provided. The cost is £65 per person.


Bug Lab, Linslade Wood, Stoke Road, Linslade 01525 378101 Drop-in to the Bug Lab Tour for some family fun, and join the Greensand Trust in discovering the marvellous minibeasts that live there. Help us record our findings and create a crafty creature to take home. Bug Lab events are aimed at families. Children must be accompanied by an adult, drop in anytime between 1pm and 3pm. Meet us in the picnic clearning, signposted from Knaves Hill and Stoke Road. £2/child. Drop-in anytime between 1pm and 3pm


Farmers' Market High Street, LB

The Ramblers group walk, distance 7 miles. Enjoy British wildlife on a Ramblers group walk. Three Locks 10am. Contact: Pat 07722166678. Most walks are intended primarily for Ramblers’ Association members. Non- members are welcome to join us as guests on two or three walks, though if you walk with a group regularly you will be expected to join the Ramblers. Starting point Grid Ref: SP892283 Buckinghamshire LU7 0DS

18 -19 Woburn Abbey Gardening Show 10am-5pm 19


Greensand Trust Summer Fayre Rushmere Park, Heath and Reach 01525 234260 Join the Greensand Trust for a great family day out. Events include doggie fun day, side show challenges and craft stalls. 11am to 4pm FREE ENTRY, £2 parking.


Milton Keynes Car Show, Hounslow Hall Estate, Drayton Road, Newton Longville MK’s number one show for car and bike enthusiasts is at a bigger and better venue, incorporating The Suzuki Day 2012. Live action arena and family fun, plus all new mega trade village. Show is open to public to view free of charge, car parking on site £1


Nature Discovery Day Rushmere Park, Heath and Reach 01525 378101 Join a Greensand Trust Nature Discovery Day at Rushmere Park and see what you discover. Learn the secrets of camouflage, find out how to track wild creatures, and make a super survival shelter as we go Wild in the Woods! Come dressed to make a mess, wear wellies or sturdy shoes and bring waterproofs as we’ll be outdoors whatever the weather. Nature Discovery Days are aimed at children aged 6+, to encourage them explore, discover and play in the natural environment. £5/child. 1.30pm – 3.30pm. Booking is essential. Under 10s must be accompanied by an adult.


Organ Recital All Saints LB 8pm

25-27 27

Frosts Annual Chilli Festival, Woburn Sands 10am to 4pm Over the weekend there will be exhibitors from all over the country, live Mexican music and live cooking demonstrations. There will also be children’s entertainment and games taking place throughout the day. You will also have the chance to take the heat home with hundreds of chilli plants on display to admire and buy- and (if you’re brave enough) taste! During the weekend the Garden Room Restaurant will be serving- up a chilli inspired menu with the Chef’s chilli specials, you will be able to sample our homemade chilli chutney, and for all those daredevils – the world’s hottest chilli!


Bucks County show

Ascott, Open Garden for NGS 2pm to 6pm 01296 688242 Combining Victorian formality with early C20 natural style and recent plantings to lead it into the C21.Terraced lawns with specimen and ornamental trees, panoramic views to the Chilterns. Naturalised bulbs, mirror-image herbaceous borders, impressive topiary incl box and yew sundial. Admission £4.60, Children £2.30.

September 1

Slapton Village Fete, Recreation Grounds, Slapton 12pm to 5pm FREE ENTRY 01525 220393Music, hay bale rolling, welly tossing, crockery smash, tombolas, bric a brac, books, burgers, beer tent, bouncy castles and more.


Discover Ashridge Estate 10am to 1pm and Bridgewater Monument 12-4.30pm 01442 851227Join us on a walk of about 6 miles long each taking in a different area of the Estate. All walks start from the Ashridge Estate Visitor Centre and are led by Kath. Just turn up ready to go at 10am. The Bridgewater Monument will be open FREE so climb the 170 steps for beautiful panoramic views from the top.

WHAT’S ON September continued 9

The Bandstand Marathon, Parsons Close Recreation Ground LB The Bandstand Marathon brings communities together through live music performances at the same time on the same day. This year, the aim is for 500 events 1:00- 5:00pm. The event, now in its fifth year, celebrates local music talent. Hosted in the many historic bandstands that adorn our local parks and town centres this festival has something for everyone: from Blues to Reggae, Bangra to Rock, Brass Bands to Steel Bands. For more information on your nearest Bandstand Marathon event visit


Open Mic UK auditions, Corn Exchange, Bedford Singers are wanted in Bedford to audition for Open Mic UK, the national music talent competition for singers and solo artists in the UK. Open Mic UK is the competition that discovered Birdy and Hatty Keane, and is once again searching for the UK’s best singers, singer/songwriters, rappers and vocalists. Places are limited so book your audition now at


Leighton Buzzard Business Fair 2012. Guest Speakers: Andrew Selous MP, Charles Smith from the Federation of Small Businesses and Steven Cotter experienced CEO. Over 50 local businesses and great networking opportunities. or call Julia 07743 739900


Historic Motorcycles, Pages Park, LB 10am to 4pm

Coming up in October 5

Cheddington Annual Food Fayre - Cheddington Village Hall LU7 0RU 7pm-10pm - £1 on the door


Fungus Foray, Heath Wood, LB 10:30am to 12:30pm 01525 234260 Learn about the variety of fungi in this local woodland. £4 per adult, £2 per child, FREE to Greensand Trust passport holders. Please call to book a place.


TAD - Rail 2012 Model Railway Exhibition orgainised by Tring & District MRC at The Cottesloes School, Aylesbury Road, Wing LU7 ONY. 10:30am - 17.00 pm. Featuring 20+ layouts, British and Continental in a variety of guages, trade stands including new and 2nd hand, model railway accessories, scenes, tools, dvds, books etc Free parking, accessible, refershments available. Adult £5, Child £3, Family (2+3) £12. Robert Longman 01525 850703

Make sure you event is promoted in 12000 copies and on our website. For a free entry send details of your event to The next issue will be October and November. Entry is depedent on space and is not guaranteed, priority will be given to not-for-profit organisations


Kids Eat Free!!


Monday – Thursday Throughout August

Buy a main course meal and up to two kids eat free from our kids choice menu.

21st Century Dinner Dance

Friday 24th August & Friday 14th September

Come and discover the difference... u Fantastic modern refurbishment u Local, fresh and seasonal food u Sunday Roasts and Daily Specials u Private parties, business and social u Outside patio and garden u Great coffees and FREE WiFi

...what could be better?

Watling Street, Dunstable LU6 1RS

T: 01582 663366

on.30794.Newspaper Ad.indd 1

only £25 per person

Feel free to join us just for the music on these nights.... the more the merrier!!

Chefs Table

New World Wines and Cuisine


Find out more at


One Friday every month join us for dinner and Live Music!! Three course dinner and fantastic entertainment for


£5 off a meal for 2 or £10 off a meal for 4

when each person enjoys a main course meal (on presentation of this voucher) Offer valid valid Monday Monday to to Thursday Thursdayuntil 29/4/2010 Offer (Ex. Bank Holidays) Terms & conditions apply

Thursday 20th September

Delicious five course meal with wines to match the region accompanying each course £29.50 per person Please book your table for these events

Coffee Mornings

Thursday 13th September, 10.00am – 12.00 noon

Join us for coffee/tea and cake and a different speaker each month. £4.00 per person A great chance to meet new people or even meet up with friends. Look out for our new offers in September! Pop in to collect your vouchers, to include, buy one get one half price, Sunday lunch offers and more. See our website for more details and offers

22/03/2010 13:49

USEFUL NUMBERS Chemists Boots: High Street Cox & Robinson: Lake Street Lloyds Pharmacy: Market Street Rose Hill Pharmacy: Hight Street Tesco Pharmacy: Vimy Rd, Linslade NHS Bedfordshire NHS NHS Direct NHS emergency dental Doctors Leighton Road Surgery Lake House, Lake Street Salisbury, Lake Street Dr Sivakumar & Ptnrs, West Street Dr Chapman & Ptnrs, Bassett Road Ashcroft Surgery, Wing Wing Surgery, Wing

01525 371342 01525 383686 01525 372175 01525 373391 01525 250449 01234 897200 0845 4647 0845 603 0857 01525 372571 01525 851995 01525 243890 01525 851888 01525 373111 01296 688201 01296 688949

Hospitals Luton and Dunstable 0845 1270127 Stoke Mandeville 01296 315000 Milton Keynes 01908 660033 The nearest NHS walk-in centre is Chapel Street, Luton 01582 709290 Open 8am - 8pm


Council Leighton-Linslade Town Council

01525 631920

Library Library Leighton Buzzard Library Theatre

0300 300 8059 0300 300 8125 (box office)

Police Leighton Buzzard Police Station

01582 473413

MP Andrew Selous

01582 662821

POLICE 101 Non-Emergency Number Bedfordshire Police have launched a new number providing people with a new way to get in touch about non-emergency issues. 101 is now the main number to call Bedfordshire Police when it is less urgent than 999 As well as making the police more accessible to communities, it is intended that 101 will reduce the number of inappropriate 999 calls. There will be a single flat charge of 15p per call, regardless of the duration, time of day, mobile or landline. You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. For example: •Stolen cars •If you suspect drug dealing/taking •To give us information about crime in your area •To speak to your Local Policing Team In an emergency, always call 999 when you need an immediate response, For example: •Because a crime is in progress •Someone suspected of a crime is nearby •When there is danger to life •When violence is being used or threatened 101 will not: •Change the way in which we respond to non emergency calls •Connect people to a large national call centre •Result in calls receiving a lower priority than if 999 had been called for a non emergency issue 101 should not be used to report: •Fly tipping •Noise pollution •Stray dogs These should initially be reported to your local council: •Central Bedfordshire Council: 0300 300 8000 •Luton Borough Council: 01582 546000 •Bedford Borough Council: 01234 267422

The Purple Pages Local Business pays to be purple Accountancy & Bookeeping 01525 382523

Fouracre Accountacy Services: Bookkeeping Packages Activities

01525 229374

Silver Arrow Archery Awnings

01582 665096

SAS Services: awnings, gazebos, garden structures. Bathrooms

01525 222379

TuBS: Complete Bathroom Installation Service, Beauty Avon: Learn more about becoming an independent Avon representative

01525 374852

Leighton Laser Skin Clinic: A range of laser/IPL skin treatments.

01525 376405

Requiesecence: Holistic Therapies to rest your mind and body

07789 074758

Blinds 01525 220477

Vansar Blinds: made to measure blinds and awnings, Books Good Heavens Bookshop: spiritual books, 5 Peacock Mews

01525 838970

Builders Chris Dowell: Gets the job done well

01296 681109

John Inwood: helping you make your home a great place to live

07708 380935

Civil Engineers 01525 211690

STD Civil Engineers: Water, Groundworks, Sewers Children’s Services Jo Jingles: Music, singing and movement classes for children

07703 605682

Computer Help 01525 261381

Computamation: Computer support and services. Conservatories

01525 404204

Cladwinds: Conservatories, Windows and Doors Decorators Martin J Keable: Painting & Decorating

01296 660354 / 07855 154717 01525 222764

Max Broughton Decorator Doors Blacklock Doors & Security Ltd, Automatic gates, access and alarms

01525 404220

Drain Services Drain Doctor Leighton Buzzard 01525 779 818


freephone all areas

0800 019 2416

The Purple Pages Local Business pays to be purple Driving Instructors 07912 558503

Alan Beer: approved DSA driving instructor Electrician

01582 661975 / 07837 585805

Amber Rose Electrical Services: Anthony Ambrose

Steve McGi Electrical Services: for all your electrical work 07930 399102/01525 636138 Estate & Letting Agents 01442 500252

Hunters Estate Agents

Exercise Professionals 01296 681191 / 07756 930760

Jaqui Shaw: Specialist 50+ and Seniors Instructor Furniture Restoration

01525 888250

Furniture Clinic: Leather Restoration Service Garages/Garage Doors 3 Counties Ltd, All makes of garage doors supplied and fitted

01525 402291

Premier Garage Doors & gates

01525 220212

Garden Services 0800 0111 222

Green Thumb: Lawn treatment services

07932 480790/ 01525 217026

The Garden Tidy Man: local gardening service

The Pretend Grass company: supply & install artificial grass

01525 211380

Outdoor Clothing Rugged and Tough, Professional Workwear and Countrywear superstore

01525 211488

Pets Complete Canine & Lawes Paws dog supplies and behaviour experts

01525 221953

Plasterers Mark Bunce Plastering Service, 25 years experience

01296 660261 / 07811 206 875

Plumbers Leighton Plumbing and Heating Services

0777 4567 472 / 01525 385 250

Public Houses The Carpenters Arms Slapton pub and restaurant

01525 220563

The White Lion pub and dining, Watling Street, Dunstable

01582 663366

Windows Misty Windows: Double glazing repairs

01525 876808

Wills Wills, Trust and Probate Practice: Will writing services

01525 220644


Answers Sudoku 3 7 2 5 4 6 1 8 9

6 1 4 2 9 8 3 5 7

9 8 5 7 3 1 2 6 4

8 5 9 1 6 3 4 7 2

7 4 6 9 5 2 8 1 3















Honeycomb Crossword 2 3 1 8 7 4 6 9 5

5 6 3 4 8 9 7 2 1

4 2 7 6 1 5 9 3 8

1 9 8 3 2 7 5 4 6









3 6 9 To err is human but to arrgh is pirate. 7 1 8 It is International Talk Like a2 4 5 5 2 7 Pirate Day on 19 September 2012 4 9 3 6 8 1 1 3 2 8 5 6 Qualified Town Guide & Speaker 9 7 4






Sponge (C) Lemon (L) H Chocolate (O) Carrot (T) Birthday (H) Angel (S)



It’s a Joke..........



8 5 9 1 6 3 4 7 2

7 4 6 9 5 2 8 1 3

2 3 1 8 7 4 6 9 5

5 6 3 4 8 9 7 2 1


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Give Bowls a Go!


Have a happier, healthier & visually stunning dog that Dealing With Early & Medieval Dunstable CheddinGton Bowls your friendly localfeels Club,great including stories relating to - CluB, looks good and offers

Walks & Talks

The Rise of Dunstable is for •everybody – all ages: beginners to experts. • Individual Requirements Catered For

• The Priory years Experience • Dun the Robber & other brigands open for you from May to september on: • •17Designer • Henry 8th & Catherine of Aragon Perfumes • Henry’s other wives & children • Royal Visitors & Ordinary Folk • Pilgrims & Tournaments Our Open sessions are an ideal opportunity to get to know bowls and make • Highwaymen (& Highwaywomen)

tuesdAYs at 2pm & FRidAYs at 6pm new friends. Just bring trainers Also or flat soled shoes. We will supply the rest, Ghost stories, including a cuppa or something stronger from the bar. Travel accounts etc.

01525 / The Recreation Ground, High Street, Cheddington Contacts: Nigel on 01442 824 679 or Sue on 01296 668 772 Sponsored by:


If interested, please contact the will trusts & Probate Practice: 01525 220on 644 • PAUL HELEY Situated at Leighton Buzzard Garden Centre 01582 664339 or Hockliffe Road - Leighton Buzzard - Beds







10 THINGS TO DO WHEN IT RAINS that even teenagers might join in on .........and some ideas are even free!! 1. Bowling 2. Cinema 3. Make a home movie; young children and parents star and older children edit and add the soundtrack 4. Wii/xbox multi game challenge 5. Transform a room in a day - it only takes paint and new curtains or cushions and even little children can paint a pot or picture frame to match 6. DVD box set marathon complete with popcorn 7. Sit together and plan a family wish list for the year ahead; each person chooses 5 things they would like to do/achieve and at least 3 have to be free. 8. Give everyone 3 boxes and an hour to fill with Charity, Sell or Bin 9. Carpet picnic 10. Record a favourite dance track on MTV and learn all the moves

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ARE YOU A LOCAL BUSINESS? ......or do you want to be? 5 good reasons to attend the Leighton Buzzard Business Fair 2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

More networking than a month of breakfasts At least 50 local businesses you want to meet Keynote speakers from major organisations Business advice to SMEs and startups All profits donated to Leighton Linslade Homeless Service

5 more good reasons to attend the Leighton Buzzard Business Fair 2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

10% off your first order with PMC properties 50% off flowers with Gingerlily on orders over £40 10% off your first booking with HASCAT safety The chance to Win a BMW Mini with Utility Warehouse The chance to win FREE design, printing and delivery of 5000 advertising leaflets in Leighton Buzzard with Sure2Door + many more great offers and raffle prizes

Promote your business, source local suppliers and learn from experts. Don’t miss out! £10 (includes refreshments)

call Julia on 07743 739900 or visit 26 September 2012

Cedars Upper School Sports Hall Leighton Buzzard 6pm - 8pm 48

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