The little vintage business co the vintage magazine issue 11 the vintage issue 8

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The Vintage ISSUE 8/ FEB 2015

Business Magazine

Business Tips from Your Toddler

How your CHILD can TEACH you how to run your venture

SMART THINKING WHEN to plan your marketing strategy

and HOW not to do it



new c onfidence!

Find your

Selling is all in the mind

Getting green fingered in the gardening world

Turning timeless passions into endless profits

ISSUE 8 FEB 2015

EDITOR'S LETTER As Spring starts to knock on the door, I feel the phone ring more violently than usual and the vintage season starts to hot up. The diary is getting to the point where I am now having to start writing events and dates in the margins! This issue sees the return to the nitty gritty stuff. We tackle the art of stage acts to starting your own gardening business. If you are keen to get out in the slightly warmer air and dig those weeds, we gently show you how to make a winning success of your green obsession. As you can see to your left, Helen Jones and I have got the flyers out, the venue is booked and we are all ready for the off! If you are a vintage trader or stall holder either craft, homemade, retro, repro or vintage, we would love to have you there pitching alongside us. Click on the image here and it will take you straight to the festival website where you can book your pitch. It's hugely exciting putting on a festival on this scale, and it is set to be the biggest in the calendar! Meanwhile, time to get back to the issue, Best wishes, Michelle Hatcher





Editor: Michelle Hatcher Assistant Feature writer: Bexi Owen Dawn Gunter Troy White James Walmsley Marty Ron Abass Toriola



Bill Gates, so I am told, started out in his garage. Now, doesn’t that make you feel better? Let’s just forget for a moment that young Bill didn’t have the brain of a genius with the ability of making billions of dollars and actually all he wanted to do was build wooden engines for a living. Perhaps the outcome would have been a lot different and someone else might have been cleaning their windows one day when the light bulb moment appeared.

will need to buy new and this is where your ‘already prepared’ budget homework will come into play. Everything has to start small. You build a business and it never falls into your lap. I won’t doubt that Bill Gates has had his share of dark moments when things weren’t going quite the right way (and no, he didn’t start off with a billion pound loan from the bank!) It takes effort, BUT the key is, if you start on the right foot and do all the preliminary tasks (and don’t skip any) then it can work. No, re-record – it WILL work. Dreams are good. No, in fact, dreams are very relevant. You need them and if you can find pictures of it, then plaster them all over a room in the house that other members of the family don’t mind you plastering. You need visuals and you need to stay on key. Not only will these pictures give you something to aim for, but they will keep you in track and consistent in achieving your goal. There are too many writers and publications out there who dish out the ‘reality.’ Which usually spells out as ‘look love, you might not be the next Kirstie Allsopp (if there is any chance of her stepping down from the throne) but if selling a few upcycled bits of this and that at the local fete every other Sunday then fine.’ I believe you should be able to aim above Kirstie’s head. I have ever fancied the idea of coming second place to anyone. Of course, the first thing that I will agree with is that you shouldn’t give up your day job. Very easy for me to say? No. I remember how that feels being told that there is no way you can afford to give up the desk job. I had to say that to myself for many years before I actually was able to do it, and you know? That’s the best thing I ever did. Sit tight until I could afford it. Right, now that’s got the miserable stuff out of the way, let’s crack on with the cheaper, fun stuff! With an upcycling, recycling or craft business (something were your end product will be something you made with your hands.) I will assume that you are starting a business in something you already enjoy? If you think about starting up a business with making wooden trains and you actually don’t like wooden trains then stop there. Do something you enjoy and most importantly, you will enjoy doing if you have to do it seven days a week, chances are, in the first few months, you will be doing it that much. It will be your life, your passion and your offspring. So it has to be something you truly love. Gather together all the things you need. Now this should cost much – second hand tools and machines will do. Thanks to the web, these are no all over the place and not just in the free ads in the local chip shop. Make sure you are buying tools which are good, well cared for. Of course, there are some things you


Remember your family and those around you. It is easy to get carried away with a new business venture and forget everyone around you, including the ones you live with! Do you use power tools? Do you need to be outdoors? In a shed or a garage (like Bill Gates?) Remember the environment and to avoid any nasty visits from the Council, make sure you have cleared it with people around you first. Also, while we are on the subject of Councils, have a chat with them about any insurances or rates you might need to pay if you are running your business from home. You might need to pay business rates (but chances are you won’t) but it is best to check first. Avoid debt. Don’t take out a loan unless you really have to – don’t get any loan secured to your home and if you are in any doubt, talk to your bank. They are a lot friendlier than they used to be and most banks and building societies with give you free advice so make an appointment and go for a chat. Do you need Public Liability? If you are going to trade to the public face to face at a fair for example, then you will need to make sure you’re covered. There are plenty of websites around which will compare others for you in terms of price. Get what will cover you and nothing else. It is not hugely costly, but will cost you in other ways if a customer decides to take something out against you. Don’t wash over insurance, please – just in case you need it. Take advice, proper advice. CAB, Council, Banks – they are all here to help, and us of course! It can be done, but properly. Don’t cut corners. Many people has started out small and grown a business with time. And that’s the key. It takes TIME. Time is the most important element of any successful business. Give yourself time and you will get back everything you have ever dreamed about in a business, tenfold. As someone once said, Millions of businesses have started modestly, with used equipment, borrowed spaces, and family labour. There is no better and more satisfying thing than to start this way, because then your successes have been earned by the sweat of your brow.

1.No matter how small you are you can change lots of lives - your goal for starting your business should be to change lives in one way or another. Remember this in everything you do - how can I change my customers lives ? 2.Climb that wall - no matter how big the wall is - persistence pays off in the end. Never give up on your dreams and keep on trying. 3.Times when you appear small and frail are when you can surprise everyone with your hidden strengths. Everyone in business pays attention to what the big boys are doing and how they became successful. What they miss though is the small businesses that quietly make substantial profits every year. These companies go about their business quietly and draw attention from the customers not the competition. 4.Act like a silly goof whenever and wherever you want – people will never forget you - and that is what every business owner should dream of - sticking in everyone’s mind. 5.Remember to share – People can get very protective of what they learn and how they achieve success. When you have something of value that would benefit others – share ! IT will come back to you one hundred fold . You do have you rights also - protect what is not to be shared and make sure others know it is yours and yours only. 6.Run naked every once in a while. Well ok, you don’t have to be naked but run – have fun, be free and try to be a kid again. Having kids gives you that chance again and it is incredible to relive the fun that you used to have – when you weren’t so serious about life and business. 7.Lay back on the grass and watch the clouds go by whenever you have a chance. Reflection and relaxation can be one of

the most powerful combinations that you can ask for in your personal and business success – use it ! 8.Put on a fancy hat - dress up for the day. Nothing can make you feel like a new person more than a complete change in clothing. Wear something you usually would not wear – or something you have always wanted to wear but were afraid to. In business this one little point can make you stand out from all of the rest. Wear a tacky tie, or a purple shirt, or a new hat every day – your customers will never forget you. 9.Silence is not always a good thing. Usually it means something big is brewing and trouble is near. If you find too many of your competitors are quiet or your clients are quieter than usual – figure out why ! Something serious could be happening out there and you better find out what it is. 10.Find some sand and let your toes dig in. Sand has an amazing soothing quality to it. If you do not have sand near your house or business – go buy a bag of sand at your local garden center and put it in a small box you can dip your feet in. Try this when you are working on a tough problem – new ideas will pop into your head in no time.

Small business success is very similar to learning to walk, talk and spell. The basics have to be understood before moving on to the next step. I am blessed to have twin 3 year old girls in my life and am amazed constantly how much I learn from them on a daily basis. As I watch them run around and explore, I find myself realizing just how much my observations apply to being successful and happy in life and in business. So take heart in the following tips – they may come from little people but they have the power of giants. To your happiness and your success !


Your Toddler From running naked, to buying a bag of sand simply to run your toes through it to help you think up great business ideas, Troy White give s us the guide to business planning and restructuring in the play pen...

By Troy White of “Turning Words Into Wealth” Helping entrepreneurs jump start their business success and profit growth through uncommon, yet highly profitable, marketing techniques.… sign up for our *Free* newsletter on-line …Call 1-877-259-4566… or email

By Troy White

GROW YOUR BUSINESS Gardening might not be everyone's grow bag but there are more and more businesses developing for the outdoors and future is looking rosy for these green fingered plant crazed business owners. So what is the appeal and is it really for anyone? Michelle Hatcher invesitgates the English obsession with the green stuff

Most of us would love to be out in the open air with the cool breeze in our faces and the warm sun on our backs, so it's no wonder that people across the country are attemtping to get out and start a business doing gardening. There are plenty of pitfalls of course, the sun and the cool breeze aren't always there and most of the time you are cold and standing out in the rain. So it can make sense to do landscaping for your customers as well as doing the digging and pulling out the weeds. Many people live lives far too hectic for outdoor work so to employ a freelance gardener is sometimes a hugely attractive idea. There are plenty of colleges around the country who run short courses on how to do basic gardening to plant care and beyond. Night schools tend to deal with the theory rather than the practical. Those around us who do gardening at night are more likely to attract the police rather than potential customers.

Once you have got youe tools together, marketing your business will be like running any other kind of venture, however, as a gardener, your business is more likely to be on your door step so direct marketing (flyers through the doors) will work. It is one of the very few businesses where direct marketing actually does the job. Have a look to see who is around you first so you can mark out any competition. Look through your local Thomson book or on the net, making sure that you remember to add your area in the Google search. Don't worry if there is competition, it is good to have someone out there already, and besides, it will show you that there is a market and a demand for your service. All you have to do is watch and look how they are running their business. What do they charge and so forth.

When marketing your business locally, the ball game does change. Although I would still not rule out a good, simple but effect website. Wordpress is the choice for the small business as it favoured by Google and therefore going to make more of an impact on it's ranking. Direct marketing materials such as promotional postcards are great to hand out to people, pop through doors (large houses and places where people might not be able to get out to tend to your gardens will be your first group of customer research) and leave at local garden centres and community areas and local shop windows. These are all places where you might come across your local competition too. One of the key things to do if you find you have got competition is see if there is anything you can do differently. Promoting your blog or

your site might encourage you to give something away such as tips on how to cut and trim house plants. Remember, it is healthy for a business to give away such helpful tips and advice, it is not giving your service away for nothing, it is showing everyone around you that you are an expert amd that you are caring enough to give away free advice. Don't worry if you think that this just might lead to people doing the work themselves rather than hire you, it won't. It will only do your business good as people are more likely to trust you. Start a portfolio of your work and make sure your images are good to transfer to marketing flyers and your website. Don't forget Twitter and Facebook too as this will attract customers to you where they can see images of you attending to plants and so on. Be your own

brand and watch your business grow!

Feel like you're walking alone? Come and talk to us, we can help Fiona from Birch and Hare says “How you managed to so articulartly write down what we are about is sheer genius. You have put into words what I could never have done and I am so grateful for your wonderful gift.. Many many thanks once again, you have a wonderful talent.� Every day, people from all over the world are taking hold of their lives and turning them into profitable ventures. All it takes is a determination, a keen interest and a desire to succeed. So why isn't everyone doing it if its that simple? Well, time is a big factor, so it money, but most of all, it's confidence. And its the latter that can be the hardest hurdle of all.

talk at you, we talk with you and we listen. Then we guide, coach and help you overcome the stumbling blocks to help you on your way. We're experts in the business and have businesses ourselves that puts us in the best position to tell you everything you need to know to make money from your interests and give you back your life!

Just think what you could do if you had the confidence to make a dream come true. We are all born with right qualities to start a business or a profitable venture, we sometimes just need a little bit of guidance by the right people, in the right way! The Little Vintage Business Company doesn't

Get in touch with us, even if it's just to have a question answered or something explained, we are here to help.



Make a loud statement in the way you dress With so many place that you girls can shop for your fashion clothes, why would you think to spend in a vintage store? Well, there are lots of reasons indeed. With the term “vintage” you might imagine your sweet grandma on her rocking chair but vintage doesn’t purely mean “old”. Though vintage clothing does refer to the clothes dated back to the previous era, still it exists to the present times and has been ruling the fashion realm for quite a long time now. Going back to the question, why would you spend your hard earned cash for vintage clothing? The answer is this: Simply because, vintage clothes are incomparably unique and it has never been out of the fashion cycle. Newer clothes will come out in the store and will be paraded on the runway but unless they are good enough to survive the fad circle and the test of time alike, the vintage clothes that came before them will just soon outlive their existences in the fashion ambit.

SHOW M Vintage clothing never fails to give you that classy and sophisticated looks. By wearing vintage, you are putting on something that speaks of strong statement for your unique eccentricity.


Vintage clothing bears on it the natural classiness – vintage will always be elegant, that has been proven by the fashion world’s top designers who always seek out their inspiration from the vintage designs. When you wear a vintage garment, you definitely put on something that is one of a kind. Vintage wardrobes are rare pieces and you will not see such sorts of designs anywhere. People create impression by the way they carry themselves on public and their fashion style loudly expresses their personality. Vintage fashion voices out a loud statement thus being in such clothing style makes you stand out from the masses. It let you outshine them with your accentuated eccentricity.

Vintage on a budget Vintage clothing is also about getting into fashion without draining your wallet. Since these are hands me down garments, vintage clothes come in surprising cheaper prices. You wouldn’t think that these are just substandard garments being bargained because again, vintage clothes would not make it to the modern era if they are not extremely good enough to survive physically the test of time. Vintage garments are made of first-rate materials and the clothes production during the old days was undoubtedly commendable for its good quality.


OUR Get 'past' it and move with it

By James Walmsley from Phix Vintage Clothing

Unlike in today’s time where garments production is based on quantity over quality, the clothes manufactured from the past were made with top-quality expertise with excellent notion on the details of patterns, stitches, accessories etc. Wearing vintage clothing enables you to be connected with the past. Vintage garments have traveled places and time, carrying the history with it so wearing a vintage piece gives you a sense of the earlier period.

YOUR BRAND The way you portray your business online is everything. In fact, it is probably more important in a digital world than ever before. There are key things to remember when deciding on how your are going to portray your product or service. This is where your customer research comes into play. Who are you selling to? Who is your ideal customer? (Click on the image to take you to our blog on this subject.) What sort of person is going to be attracted to your product? These are vital questions you need to ask yourself. If you are selling anything you see in the image here that our model is wearing, think about how this is going to be reflected in the images you use too.

YOUR SUCCESS Strategy: Plan it once and plan it well. As we already pointed out that Facebook or Twitter are not for leisure purpose any longer, you must have a sound strategy for both of these. As the complexity increases, the strategy must be fine-tuned as well. You must have a measurable goal, target audience and a definite budget. However, this is not all, this is just the beginning. You must have a plan till the end. You should continuously evaluate the success of the plan and adjust it if need be. Brand or traditional publishers: Social media has made each one of us a publisher. It has provided us with the power, platform and tools to publish our own materials. Brands, individuals and groups, all are realising that content publishing and social media optimization go hand in hand. They can be very effective together in reaching the ultimate goals, sales, conversions, brand awareness or whatever the goal might be. Unlike the traditional media, the instant global coverage which the content receives is unparalleled. Crowd source marketing is the term which you must comprehend. As there is no fixed obligation to any publisherPsychology Articles, the crowd now decides what it wants to read rather than the publisher feeding them of their choice. Marty Ron is a freelance writer, technical writer, and editor of a leading magazine. He writes for many online E-commerce websites, as well as for other websites like social media services. He also has been writing blogs for on various forums and his insights is extremely resourceful for the readers.

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onna Gunter talks us through the five vital eps to kick the chair and jump start your nline business

w would your life or business be different if you forced yourself out of your fort zone? What is it that will make you move forward to get where you want to Here are 5 strategies that I use re-energize my online business when I get a bit cozy in my comfort zone rut:

Read magazines/books/trade publications in her industries. I love to use this activity as a way to nerate ideas for my business -- it stirs my eativity. Reading what others are successfully ing in their industries inspires to me determine if I n replicate their success in my own business or dustry.

Contact someone who intimidates you. We all ve these gurus in our industries that may scare us intimidate us a bit because of their popularity. Or, rhaps their success scares you in some way. etermine what you'd like to learn from them, and quest to speak with them by phone, email, or inrson for a short amount of time to ask them a few estions. If you don't personally know them, find meone who does and request an introduction. ore than likely they'll agree, and you'll discover at they're just as human as you are.

Ask for honest feedback from a trusted colleague. any times when we stay wrapped up in our sinesses, it's hard to see where we need provement or additions because we've become customed to how things are. Ask a trusted lleague for honest feedback about some aspect of ur business. You can create your own mastermind oup and ask for this on a regular basis, as I do.

Participate in an activity that flies in the face of ur beliefs. Nothing stirs the pot like participating some function where you're the minority -- where ere are few others who believe what you believe hold the values that you hold. Be patient, and rmit those you meet to fully express their point of ew. You never know -- you might actually learn mething, or better yet, get an idea or inspiration to

propel yourself forward. 5. Attend an event that scares you. I recently enrolled in a coaching program where the coach is speaking about several subjects that scare me, as these subjects are areas in which I need a great deal of improvement. However, I know that in order for me to succeed, I need to follow her model, as she's already manifested great success by using it. I'm still completely resisting several of the strategies (screaming loudly, in fact), but that's ok, as I know that when I'm truly ready, I'll quickly move forward to implementation. Acknowledge your need for ongoing creativity and innovation as an online business owner. Sometimes the change you desire may be painless, while in other cases you might find yourself kicking and screaming all the way, yet willing to take the chance to move yourself forward.


Abass Toriola, professional writer and blogger focuses on why getting your life down on print is the key to winning over customers

I’ve read more than enough stories by people who have made and are still making lots of cash online without having personal blogs. And that's true. So, you don't necessarily have to blog before making money online. But having a blog will boost your chances of success because it's like a platform for any online business. I’ve never heard anyone claim that setting up a blog reduced his or her online income. Rather, a blog will fetch you even more money (especially in the long term). And that explains why you should start out with a blog by the side. Aside the fact that sharing your knowledge and expertise with others — through a blog — would make you feel fulfilled in a way, there are other reasons why you should have a blog. These reasons further drive home the point that blogging can boost your earnings from online business. Here are three reasons why you need a blog for your online business:

to him spontaneously. But by running a blog, you can attract tons of potential customers by osmosis. And they’ll take whatever action you expect from them, even without you telling them. (And remember, the more traffic you attract, the more money you’ll make.) 1. A blog attracts repeat customers/traffic. A blog is the online version of a showroom, which helps you display the value you have to offer to people who might be interested in it. If you render your services as a freelancer, your blog can serve as your portfolio. If you sell other people's products or services (affiliate marketing), you can use a blog as your catalog. Even if you’re just sharing your knowledge, expertise, or some gist, your blog is your megaphone. So, a blog can serve to promote any online (or offline) business.

An online marketer without a blog is a 1. A blog attracts repeat like a sales rep without a catalog; customers/traffic. A blog is the online potential customers won't flow to him version of a showroom, which helps you spontaneously. But by running a blog, display the value you have to offer to you can attract tons of potential people who might be interested in it. If customers by osmosis. And they’ll take you render your services as a freelancer, whatever action you expect from them, your blog can serve as your portfolio. If even without you telling them. (And you sell other people's products or remember, the more traffic you attract, services (affiliate marketing), you can the more money you’ll make.) use a blog as your catalog. 2. A blog proves that you're credible Even if you’re just sharing your For example, I'm a freelance blogger. knowledge, expertise, or some gist, your And the truth is, I started making more blog is your megaphone. So, a blog can money after I created a blog for my serve to promote any online (or offline) freelance business than I was doing business. An online marketer without a before that. blog is a like a sales rep without a catalog; potential customers won't flow The reason isn’t cryptography; I made

Cont.d from prev page I made more money simply because the blog boosted my credibility, made clients trust me and my skills the more, and portrayed me as an expert writer.

— without your own website or blog, that’s cool. However, if you want to start making big money online sooner than you ever imaginedFind Article, I strongly recommend that you start a blog.

If you're an affiliate marketer, for example, blogging can be a very good avenue for recommending and promoting products or services to potential buyers. As an information marketer, you’ll make more money by creating a blog that features loads of information on how visitors can benefit from your product — rather than create a static page website and slap up a sales copy that may not convert. So, having a blog will make you even more money than you will make (or may already be making) from freelancing, information marketing, affiliate marketing, or whatever online business you’re into. 3. Blogging rakes in profits from different channels Regardless of your main purpose of starting a blog, it can fetch you income from additional channels, such as sales of ad space to advertisers, contextual ads (Adsense, etc.), sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, consulting, and so on. This will provide you with other sources of income should your main income channel crumble unexpectedly. (But bear in mind that it takes time to build a blog that earns good money consistently from multiple income channels.)

Bottom line If you’re of the mindset that you can make money online — or you’re making the money already

if you want to know more about the author's website, How To Create A Blog, please click on the page image to take you straight there.

Wish you could join in?

What might be stopping you starting your vintage dream? Money? Time? Know how? Chances are it's a lot easier than you think. Starting a business doesn't have to be the kind of thing everyone else does, but not you.

We can show you the moves...

Turning timeless passions into endless profits


So your first craft show is here. You’ve spent the night sweating a little perhaps, made and remade sandwiches, flasks of tea and an aching back already but you have butterflies and that’s the feeling you’ve been waiting for. Now it’s time to go out and sell! Now time to get dressed, wake the spouse or offspring (who ever has picked the short straw) and off you go! You’ve arrived, the place is heaving of worried looking stall holders all arranging and rearranging their wares now the penny drops – you’ve got competition! So how do you get customers to your stall? How do persuade them to buy from you? You’ve done everything you could possibly think of – the table looks good, the products are neatly arranged, you’ve even gone to the trouble of bringing your own picnic chairs! You sit back and watch the clock as opening times comes round. Practice your smile, make sure you look smart and neat! So customers come in, they browse then walk away? What did you do wrong??? Why aren’t they buying?? Well, there is more to just setting up shop and hoping for the best. There is a deep, unseen and hardly recognisable mind game at play and you’re about to see it in action… So, first test you need to put yourself through is, think of yourself as a customer. Imagine you walking towards your stall. What do you see? What are your first impressions? Think carefully about how you would feel walking towards your stall for the first time? Sales are tough. But there is one

thing that a customer hates feeling and will have them running for the hills – pressure. Nothing has ever been brought at gunpoint, so don’t glare at your customers if they appear not be reaching for their purses. So the key is, don’t flog your wares like a second hand car salesman at the end of his tether. Smile, but say nothing unless you are asked about your item. DON’T dive head first into how your item is this and that and how much better the customer’s life will be if you buy it now. They will hate it and hate you in the process… Another thing I have noticed, is customers don’t like a moaner. Don’t stand there and tell the trader openly next to you how awful the fair is and that you haven’t sold anything. You will be only be adding to your own prophecy.

and build relationships with them. You can check out who is selling and who isn’t What customers are actually buying from who. Do some face to face marketing and chatting to the customers – if they talk to you first! Remember, it only takes ten seconds to figure out if you like someone or not, and they will do the same with you. If they like you and they don’t buy from you there and then, chances are they will buy from you online so make sure you have your cards for them with your website details on them!

You have a better chance of selling if: They like you as a person. They have noticed the smile on your face You look as though you are enjoying the day You have taken care over what you are wearing for the day You haven’t given them any pressure at all in buying from you. And don’t forget, people go to craft fairs to browse, take cards and ask if you are selling online. They don’t actually go to specifically buy anything. If you keep that in mind, any sale you do make will be an added bonus. But don’t get me wrong, craft fairs are the best places to be for a lot of other things rather than just to sell. You get to see your competitors

Michelle Hatcher is a social media marketing expert for small business in the vintage and craft world. She regularly gives talks across the UK and is an avid blogger on the subject

ITS A SHOWGIRL'S WORLD The hectic world of a vintager singer


I hope this year is going well for you all, I can't believe we're into February already! I expected a quiet start to 2015 as usually January is fairly quiet compared to the hectic Christmas season but this year was very different! I've found myself busier than ever with some lovely shows and even a spot on BBC radio too which was a nerve wracking but fun experience. I went on the air to talk about my upcoming tour- The Tearoom Tour- which will be accompanying my dementia project, 'Forget Me Never'. I love being busy though so it's been a great start to the year and I'm so excited for what other surprises may happen. It just shows that you never know what's in your future so keep positive even when things may look bleak- there will be something good waiting for you somewhere! You can find more about the Forget Me Never project at, I'd love to know what you think so please do get in touch with any ideas or comments!

Bexi's Beauty Box

Now we're nearing the end of winter, if you're like me then your poor skin is probabl y starting to get fed up of the effects of

heating, wind and too many late nights in all cosy watching too many box sets or is that just me....?! Soon the weather will be warming up (hurray!) and you'll want to shed the wintry layers so here are a few tips to get warm weather ready.... * Exfoliate! After being wrapped up all winter, your skin will probably need a good cleansing. A lovely way to do it is to make your own body scrub with olive oil and sugar. Nice and cheap compared to branded scrubs and no added unnatural ingredients! * Your hair is probably feeling the effects of drying heat too so use some of that olive oil on your hair too, then shampoo and condition as normal. * For your face, you can make a gentler version of the body scrub with salt, which is finer and less harsh for your skin. Or you can make a face mask from fruit (I love mashed strawberries and blueberries) and let the fruit remove the dead cells with their natural acids. Hope these put in a Spring in your step ;)


Then make it become reality... Start your vintage venture with us and strike gold

L ast Word

My London Love


have found a new way to pass the time when I managed to give myself a day off from the office. I have dared do what a few few million have rather given up on, I have fallen in love with London, and not for the first time. Nothing gives me a fuller sense of self awareness that wandering around London. Not in the unsafe sense of course, but the freedom wandering around gives me. When others are cummuting, sweating each morning on a claustrophobic metal underground tube wishing they had Kevin McCloud walking away from their building site reciting descriptive pronouns

into a channel four camera. But for me, I love it. I love the people, the sense of walking onto a film set without actually noticing. Once walking head first into Hugh Dennis outside the Houses of P, really to me, explains my undeserved passion for this manic place. In fact, after a few hundred quid spent on rail fares and some hours lost in the book shop of the V&A, I plunged head first into two blogs describing my adoration for this pulsating metropolis of chaos and panic. It is the only city on the planet where you can turn a corner and be face to face with Johnny English. It breathes life into me and when my mind is needing a break, it is just the ticket.

Michelle Hatcher writes Books of Brilliant Things and The London Lovers Guide

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