Bowls Espana Edition 3 - Autumn/Winter 2016

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From the Editor

Dear Reader


The year has been a time of change for Spanish lawn bowlers, with some clubs closing down and some new ones opening. Players seem to be changing clubs more than ever before. We welcome the new Levante Lawn Bowls set-up for Valencia and a change to the universal payment of federation fees that has been long overdue. We have an improved relationship with our Spanish masters, thanks to the untiring work of Bob Donnelly and Ruth Compton, but the thorny question of how to finance our Spanish Team and pay for our champions to compete internationally still remains.


After our last edition, my pal Kevin and I decided that, after male champions on the front cover of our first two magazines, it was time to feature a lady; little did we know that the


next lady winner of our National Championship would be my wife Ann. Taking a picture was easy, but Ann was faced with the decision of all national singles champions; should we spend thousands travelling to the World Singles Championship in Australia next year? Should we both go? Would Martin Foulcer, the Menís Champion and his wife be going?

Both Martin and Ann decided not to go. Ann represented Spain in a similar capacity in 2007 and we did go to the World Championship the next year, but it was held in Aberdeen and was affordable. Our champions should not be faced with making such decisions. Ann became friendly with the Australian LadiesíChampion in Aberdeen and found that she had all of her travel and accommodation expenses paid by Australian Bowls plus a hundred pounds a day from her own club.

BowlsEspana magazine is hoping to change the situation where, because we are all expats, the Spanish Sports authority will not pay the expenses of our national team and our champions when competing in international events.


We are to sponsor a Spanish Youth Squad, made up predominantly of young Spaniards, leading to the introduction of Spanish players into the national team, who will then be given the financial support they deserve. Our Director has given the plan his blessing and details will be available soon as to how clubs may help the scheme progress.


In response to an appeal by Bob Donnelly for ideas and opinions as to how to progress with our next National Championships, I put forward a plan to have regional qualifiers who went on to compete in a three-day finals event held in different regions each year, all proportional to the number of players in each area. Sadly, despite Bob being in favour of the idea, others were not and the event will be poorly supported again. With the present exchange rate, how many players are going to be happy paying for two weeks accommodation whilst competing ? Not a lot !



Editor: Carl Eagle

Contributors: Frederik Vanderveen, Vic Parsons, Barry Woods, Celeste Campbell, Ken Davey, Ruth Compton, Patricia Perrin, Lynda SHaymes, Susan Ward, Roger Gleadhall, Arthur Brown, Jarmo Peltonen, June Jones, Alan Patterson.

Advertising: +34 600 228 616

Design by: The Leader Media Group

Office: +34 600 228 616


Editor Email:


What a Mark-Up

Bars at Bowls Clubs continue to charge high prices for the essential water that bowlers need to drink whilst playing during the Summer.

Bought at wholesale rates in large quantities, small bottles of still water cost very little but bars continue to sell them at a euro each; a mark-up of about a thousand percent!

Yes, I know that they store and keep it cool for us but --ëCome On !íwho ever heard of such a mark-up on any product anywhere ?

Bowlers cannot bring their own food or drink onto the premises in most cases and that is perfectly acceptable, as the bar/restaurant is providing the facilities for eating and drinking there.

No bowler is obliged to eat or drink there and bars can charge what they like; we can take it or leave it, but we cannot do without water -and the proprietors know it!

I would appeal to every club to support their own bars and restaurants in every way they can and I would like to see them all prospering, but, on behalf of all bowlers, may I appeal to those who are making so much profit on an item essential for our good health, to reconsider their pricing.

I have been researching drinking tapwater in Spain and it would appear that the water authorities guarantee the same potable water quality as in the UK and the rest of Europe.

The myth that drinking tapwater in Spain is unsafe grew from the experience of past generations of Spanish tourists who came here at a time when Spain did not have the sophisticated controls that are now in place here and throughout Europe.

The water coming out of the tap at any bowls club in Spain is perfectly safe for drinking. It may not be chilled but there is evidence that drinking chilled water is not good for you and does not actually cool you down any more than cool tapwater.

The water may not taste quite the same as it did when you lived in the UK and you may choose to spend as much on bottled water as on your club subscription ñ fair enough. I understand that it is considered ëthe right thing to doíamong the upper crust, to buy the most expensive bottled water on the menu when dining out. Good luck to them !

P.S Water filters for the home. What a con ! Yes, they may change the taste of the water slightly, but they do not make it any healthier to drink.



everywhere, nor any drop to


“The water coming out of the tap at any bowls club in Spain is perfectly safe to drink.”

“It may not be chilled but there is evidence that drinking chilled water is not good for you and does not actually cool you down any more than cool tapwater.”


You have played for some time and can play all of the shots. You are selected to play skip for the first time. Here are a few hints that will help you to do the job well. Before the game, make sure that you learn of any preferences or dislikes that any of your players may have respecting jack-length or hand. Be honest and never compliment a bad wood, but accept it without showing disappointment. Never make negative comments about anyone on the rink who is under-performing but always compliment a good wood.

Signal your requirements clearly and keep verbal instructions to a minimum.

Never say ëYou are tightíor ëYou are heavyí. The player will know that.

If your team is losing, donít be hurried by the opposition.

Avoid idle chatter during the game.

If you are ahead, donít relax.

If you are in doubt, go down to the head and have a good look.

Show an example by being positive and cheerful throughout the game; no matter what the outcome.


We at San Miguel Bowls Club have always left the score boards, showing the final scores, until all the rinks in a league game have finished playing. Very few other clubs do this; they cover the board or set the score to zero as each rink finishes their game. It is tidy but not thoughtful. Not only do many of the players want to

see how each rink has faired, but, if the shot totals are very close, the captains may give advice to the skips, based on the scores at the later stages of the games, as to how best to play; i.e. go all-out to win or cherish every shot. They need to see the scores.

May I appeal to all club committees to follow our lead and advise captains to leave the boards showing the finals scores until all games are finished.


The Línea Directa Valencian Championships 2016

By the time the competition had reached the semi-final stage at San Luis, there were no current holders in the frame, nor any of the San Luis club entrants.

The Menís Pairs final saw Chris Collier and Stuart Denholm (San Miguel) beat Martin Foulcer and Bill Pain (Vistabella) 19:14 while in the Mixed Pairs, Carol Broomfield and Jason Prokopowycz (Quesada) were victorious over Maggie Furness and Ian Kenyon (Vistabella)

In the Mixed Triples final, the winners were Kathy and Jim Manning and Dave Hadaway (La Marina) who just beat Eileen McLaren, Tom Dalgleish and Mary Dyer (San Miguel) 15-14.

Peta Rhodes and Carol Broomfield (Quesada) dismissed Lin


Watkins and Carole Thorpe (Vistabella)21-4 in the Ladies' Pairs. The Vistabella rinks team of Mo and Martin Foulcer with Arthur Brown and Bill Pain did much better against San Miguel opponents Val and Chris Collier, Cliff Plaisted and Stuart Denholm, with Bill Pain playing one of his magnificent 'chap and lie' shots to secure the game.

Unfortunately Mazarronís sole entrant, Brian Robertson, fared badly against 2014 Menís Singles winner Frank Close, who powered to a 21-4 win.

The LadiesíFinal saw Anita Brown (San Miguel) and Jacqui Johnston keep step with each other until the eighteenth end, when Anita dropped a four, from which she never recovered.

Menís Singles: Frank Close (Emerald Isle) beat Brian Robertson (Mazarron)

LadiesíSingles: Jacqui Johnston (Quesada) beat Anita Brown (San Miguel)

Menís Pairs: Chris Collier, Stuart Denholm (San Miguel) beat Martin Foulcer, Bill Pain (Vistabella)

LadiesíPairs: Peta Rhodes and Carol Broomfield (Quesada) beat Lin Watkins and Carole Thorpe (Vistabella)

Mixed Pairs: Carol Broomfield and Jason Prokopowycz (Quesada) beat Maggie Furness and Ian Kenyon (Vistabella)

Mixed Triples: Kathy and Jim Manning, Dave Hadaway (La Marina) beat Eileen McLaren, Tom Dalgleish, Mary Dyer (San Miguel)

Mixed Rinks: Mo Foulcer, Arthur Brown, Martin Foulcer, Bill Pain (Vistabella) beat Cliff Plaisted, Val Collier, Chris Collier, Stuart Denholm (San Miguel).

Singles champions Jacqui Johnston and Frank Close
Brian Robertson left his game in Mazarron
Linea Directa’ s Patricia gets a feel for the game
Carol Broomfield putting on the style
Chris Collier on his way to victory in the Men’s Pairs


Annie met Lorraine, Seagate’s Marketing Manager, at The Emerald Isle Bowls Club on the first day of the Spanish National Championships in May and they chatted about bowls sponsorship and about the service that Seagate have provided.

She was delighted to be given a special Seagate pen, along with the company literature; it seems that Annie had mislaid the pen that she regularly used to mark her scorecard.

As the competition progressed, Annie won her games, reaching the final of the Mixed Triples and Ladies Singles disciplines.

On the day of the Triples Final, her old pen turned up in a corner of her bowls bag and she put it in its usual

place in her card-holder. Her team lost the game by one shot.

Before playing the Singles Final, whilst changing her stickers, Lorraine wished Annie well and said, “I hope the Seagate Pen brings you luck!” so, being somewhat superstitious, and recalling the setback that she suffered in the Triples Final when she recovered and put her old pen to use, Annie immediately hunted through her bag and found her lucky Seagate pen.

She placed it firmly in her pocket before she went on to play - the rest is history! Annie went on to become the Ladies’ National Singles Champion by beating Mel Highland in a very exciting final.


Buy your gear from a local bowler

With the closure of The Bowls Shop at Los Montisinos, the Quesada shop of CS Bowls has become the only stockist of a full range of bowling equipment in the region.

Proprietor Steve Simmons, a prominent member of San Luis Bowls Club, has recently been invited to join the Spanish National Team’s development squad; he knows, first-hand, about bowls and bowling.

Steve works from shop premises at Quesada, which he shares with his wife, Cheryl, who runs Diamond Flores flowershop.

He is often to be seen at lawn bowls events throughout the region, where his wares are temporarily displayed for the convenience of competitors.

Whilst he can supply all the popular, branded bowls goods, he also carries a range of cheaper products, including some

keenly-priced clothing from local manufacturers.

For more details, go to his website which you can see on the ad above and from where goods can be ordered on line. Alternatively you can phone him on 966 71 6553 or 620 339 218.

The CS Bowls Travelling Display
Steve the bowler
Steve the family man

We seem to have had a lot of very windy days this year and most of us find playing in these conditions very trying. Many a fine player has ended up with his bowls yards away from the head, as he tries to gauge the strength and direction of each gust.

Playing an away-game on a strange green in the wind can often be a nightmare and produce a head with few bowls anywhere near the jack. If there are flags about, we are often fooled into thinking that they can give us guidance as to how best to adjust. What is happening at the top of the flagpole is seldom what is happening on the surface of the green. If we only knew the direction of the wind at

various points on the green, we may be able to cope. Some coaches advise playing into the wind wherever possible, and it may be a good ployÖÖÖ..if we only knew just where the next gust was coming from !

At one time, in Australia, every green had pennants on each of the four corners of the green and it was easy to see just where the wind was blowing in each quarter. What a fine idea that was; we could do that here. It would be cheap and easy and make playing in the wind much more bearable. Try it at your club and you may find that it gives your home team an advantage, as they will get used to using the information the pennants provide.

Blow Blow the W the W ind ind Southerly Southerly

At one time, in Australia, every green had pennants on each of the four corners of the green

Attracting young talent at Mojacar

Roy Zuijdam, my great-nephew, aged 11, came to stay with us here, in Mojacar. with his family, for six weeks for his summer holidays. I had just started to bowl and Roy was interested in seeing how the game was played. He came along to the club and loved the look of the game. The following week he had his first lesson from our team captain, Janet Lawrence, and he loved the game and played it for the remainder of his holiday.

When he returned to Holland, he looked for a club close to home to continue playing, but sadly there was none.

This year, when he returned to Mojacar, the first thing he wanted to do was to get back on the bowling green. All of the bowlers give him great encouragement and make him very welcome and help him to improve his game.

It is amazing how accurate he is; during the four times he has played so far, he bowled three touchers on one end ñ soon we will have to ban him because he is getting far too good ! Without doubt, a star in the making ! Frederik Vanderveen

Roy Zuijdam with his great uncle at Mojacar


Finalists in the Mixed Rinks Competition
Gilkes on her way to the Ladies Singles title
Kain celebrates his win in the Men’s Singles

Andalucian Championship

There were a good number of entries for the The Andalucian Championships, which were held in Almeria Province this year. David Sewell, the Competition Secretary and Ruth Compton, FAB delegada, were well-supported by the committee and regional clubs.

The opening ceremony was held at Indalo club where David Horton, the president, welcomed the players with cava and paella. Ruth thanked him for his generosity, the clubs for the use of their greens and the umpires for their services.

She also thanked the sponsors, particularly Blacktower Financial Services, The Leader Newspaper, who published the programme, and Jill Cooper, who sold the advertising. She welcomed the Director of Bowls, Bob Donnelly,

the mayors of Turre and Los Gallardos, and the FAB president, Jose Miguel Nieto Ojeda, who then bowled the first wood to open the Competition.

Four ‘Hot Shots’ were scored during the ensuing tournament with Linda and Keith Lester of Indalo club scoring one to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Despite heavy overnight rain, the semi-finals and finals were completed at Indalo,with little disruption to the schedule. Players were well-supported by the many spectators and the Malaga contingent made a clean sweep, winning all five disciplines.

The event ended with a gala dinner and prize-giving at the Hotel Puntaza. Although organised at short notice by Jill Cooper, it was attended by more than a hundred

Simone Morgan getting the Ladies’ Pairs underway

Winner of the Ladies’ Singles Gilian Gilkes

happy bowlers. Quentin Seller, of sponsors Blacktower Financial Services, presented some of the prizes.

The outstanding players of the tournament were awarded prizes. They were Ladies’ Player of the Championship, Pat Fisher of Santa Maria BC, Men’s Player of the Championship, Gordon Kain of Miraflores BC, and Bowler of the Championship, Arthur Lee of Cabrera BC.

A report with full details and photographs can be seen on the website:

It must be said that the 2016 Andalucian Competition was a complete success and, as our Delegada said, it was all down to TEAM WORK !!


MENíS SINGLES: G Kain beat D Sewell

LADIESíSINGLES: G Gilkes beat E More

MENíS PAIRS: G Kain & G Aldridge beat ADeBoer & J Dedman

LADIESíPAIRS: PFisher & S Morgan beat D Colquhoun & M Holmes

MIXED FOURS: AGateshill, B Land, N Cummins, Mary Detheridge beat K Richardson , TLear, M & TMullen

Quentin Sellar of main sponsor Blacktower Finance with winners of the Singles Competitions


Barry Woods, President of Cabrera, continues the story of Cabrera which appeared in the first issue of BowlsEspana, which told of the failure of the 'Bowlers' Paradise' in the Cabrera Hills.

After a lot of searching, a proposition was put to me that perhaps we would entertain the idea of the club being the centrepiece of a new development about to be started near the local village of Turre at the foothills of the Sierra Cabrera.

We became involved in debating, sometimes haggling, over the pros and cons of this idea. Having finally agreed on a Lease of 100 years, we made the move down the hill and started on the construction of Green 1 in 2001 followed by Green 2 the following year. All this came about after a good number of our members, at the time, agreed that we would continue with grass greens.

There were a good number, however, who did not agree and, in fact, left us and formed a new club nearby, on an an artificial surface.

Since then our club has attracted more members. In fact ; 10 more havejoined this week and they tell us how pleased they have been with the warm reception, followed by 3 free coaching sessions provided by our own qualified coaches. .We have had the pleasure of hosting the Spanish National Squad, the national team from Portugal as well as international bowlers from England, Wales and many clubs across the UK who enjoy a tour of this area.

My personal involvement in the club started some 26 years ago; never having played the game before. I played football ; tennis and hockey back in the UK and it was not too difficult to adjust to lawn bowls.

Not long after joining, I was invited to take on the Vice Captain's role and then on to being the Club Captain and then to the president's role.

After some 10 years in post, I stood down in2010.

It was then that the Committee presented me with Honorary member-

The story continues..............

ship together with the privilege of having my name on our main entrance gates. No! It was not my idea ! Hence the photograph here. I was re-elected as President in 2014 and, for the time being anyway, I am still in post.

How much longer? Time will tell. It has been interesting and rewarding to witness the club's progress: long may it continue ! Awarm welcome awaits those who join us or visit us. May all of you enjoy your bowling.

Spain squad bound for for W W orld orld Bowls Bowls Championship

Held over two weeks from 29th November - 11th December, 2016, the World Bowls Championship will see the very best International bowlers battling it out across New Zealandís Burnside, Fendalton, Canterbury Centre and Bowls Papanui greens in pursuit of victory. The Championship sees the top 34 qualified countries compete across four disciplines - singles, pairs, triples and fours, and promises to be an awesome entertainment opportunity for sports enthusiasts young and old. Sitting left to right......

Christine Mawson - Benitachell Bowls Club, Carol Broomfield ñ Quesada, Lynne Eldon - El CID

Standing Left to right......

Derek Eldon - El CID, John Pooley (Substitute)Emerald Isle, Nick Cole ñ Javea, Graham CathcartTeide B.C. Tom Rogers - Lauro Golf Bowling Club

Not pictured .......

Peter Bonsor - Towradgi Park Bowling Club, Lisa Bonsor - Towradgi Park Bowling Club, Debbie Colquhoun- Indalo B.C. Julie Lincoln (substitute)Teide B.C.


An EMSMORN EXPLORERhard case trolley bag




ENTRIES by email to by 5thDECEMBER 2016. In the event of a tie a public draw will take place at San Miguel Bowls Club on SATURDAY10th DECEMBER.

Correct answers and the name of the winner will be published in THE LEADER on MONDAY12th DECEMBER. The decision of the Editor is final.

1 Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Walter Raleigh, Victor Hugo, Lord Macauley. What did they have in common?

2 When is the only time you can nominate a bowl as a toucher?

3 Where does Indalo Bowls Club get its name?

4 Who were Gold Medal winners of the Ladies' Pairs in the 2013 European Bowls Championships ?

5 Who won the SABA ladies singles in both 2010 and 2014?

6 What club does the Spanish National team manager play for?

7 Which Spanish bowls champion is a golf pro?

8 What Costa Blanca club's green was formerly a tennis court?

9 Which San Miguel BC

player won Singles, Pairs and Triples in one National Championship?

10 If a skip sees that the jack is not centred correctly and the first wood is approaching, what should he do?

11 What marked the boundaries between rinks in the 1995 English Bowls Championships?

12 In a game of pairs, what should two leads do if they cannot agree after measuring?

13 If the jack is moved by the wind, what happens next?

14 Which Quesada player won a bronze medal at the World Champion-ofChampions 2015?

15 Who is the president of World Bowls and England Team Manager?

16 What Spanish bowls club adjoins an equestrian centre ?

17 Which Spanish Bowls Club has the longest green?

18 What is the name of the new club being formed by ex-members of Belplaya ?

19 Which is the only bowls club in Spain that is owned by the members?

20 Which British Champion bowler has won many awards at Crufts?

21 Who played bowls for his country eight times in The Commonwealth Games?

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9 Solution on page 46

I must apologise to readers for making our first quiz, in our last edition, too hard. We had no entries at all, although the prize was quite a nice one. So, The Bowls Shop are offering the same prize of a lovely bowlsbag again and hope that you can answer most of the questions we pose this time, without having to spend an evening doing research on your PC.

Our thanks to EMSMORN, in conjunction with Pat, formerly of The Bowls Shop, for their kind donation of an EXPLORERhard case trolley bag worth over 100 euro.

Ultra strong and lightweight ABS/Polycarbonate with a polyester inner lining. Style - a high tech versatile 2 compartment mid-sized trolley bag. Kangaroo style exterior pocket for easy access.

Stan’s Art Classes

The art club was originally formed in 2005 afterStan North mentioned at San Miguel Bowls Club that he could teach anyone to draw.

Stan had worked as an illustratorformedical book companies and various magazines so he was well-qualified. The challenge was set. He must have been amazed when twenty members signed up and descended on his home forthe very first class. They arrived with pencils, paperand loads of enthusiasm. However, numbers slowly dwindled overthe next few weeks. Many were probably frightened off by the mention of ellipses and two-point perspectives!

The group has gradually evolved as people have joined and departed but the fact that it is now in its twelfth yearis testament to Stanís commitment and inspiration.

Today we have a core group of about ten people. Paintings and drawings are both encouraged and Stan has the ability to observe any work in progress and to suggest improvements.

Gradually pictures, styles and skills develop and we all now look forward to Tuesday mornings as a highlight of the week.

It must be said that Aliceís wonderful baking also adds to the occasion. ALAN PATTERSON

Paintings by Shirley Field
BBCMasters - Winners Rod & Lynda Warnes, Mick Adams with Linda &Jeff Richards
San Miguel Club Champions
Maureen Milson and Tony Mullen, winners of the Finca Guila Aussie Mixed Pairs
Winners of the Gran Alacant Mixed Fours - San Luis The Federation Cup Winners from Quesada

Benitachell Bowls Club with their VCL Playoff trophies

San Luis

La Siesta - winners of the SABALadies’ League

Quesada -

Ken Hope, Capt of the San Miguel Pulsars, with the Hurricane League trophy
winners of the SABA Men’s Pairs League
The late Noel Verity with Sabrina and Russell Marks, winners of the 2016 Bonalba Open Triples
4-2-2 Open Champions

The 2016 Iberian Open

The Javea club members and staff worked hard to repair the fire-damaged green in time for this year's competition. Total prize-money was 3,500 euros, thanks to sponsors Teletec, Almar and Lux-Al. Bill Barrie was the organiser. Anita Randall, Shirley Payne, Halina Leeder and Jean McLoughlin beat Carol Davey, Carol Meare, Olive Lutz and Velia Wood in the Ladies' Rinks final.

Despite some tough competition, the Men's Rinks was won comfortably by Alan Phillips, Rod Warnes, Greg Sperring and Jeff Richards. They beat Bob Cockell,

Dudley Davies, Steve Griffin and Tim Woodcock.

Gail Chick reached the Ladies' Singles final again this year but was narrowly beaten by Velia Wood.

The Men's Singles final was an all-Alan affair, between Javea players Alan Stephens and Alan Phillips. Alan Phillips won his second final of the day.

The last match to be played was the final of the Aussie Pairs. Derek Randall and Jean McLaughlin from El Cid took on Javea's Matt Taylor and Velia Wood. This was Velia's third game on the same day but it did

not affect her standard of bowling. Nevertheless, it was not meant to be and, despite a valiant effort by Matt and Velia, the worthy winners were Derek and Jean. Well done and a second successful final winner for Jean McLaughlin who was part of the Ladiesírinks who won earlier in the day.

The Player of the Tournament was awarded to a deserving Velia Wood, who reached three finals that day. No doubt, this would have put a physical and mental strain on her that day, but she soldiered on and took it all in her stride. No doubt she would have slept soundly that night!

The competition couldn’t have taken place without the tremendous efforts of members from the

Where are they now?

Iain Donaldson

Former National Coach

Since I returned to UK in 2010, I have kept on bowling and coaching. My bowling has gone well reaching the Liberty Trophy team forthe last 3 seasons.

I have won many club comps and done well in national comps without reaching the final stages.My coaching has continued although I had to requalify in both Coachng and Umpiring. I am now the performance coach to the Sussex County women elite squads forIndoorand Outdoorcomps.

This is the first time that a coach has been appointed so it is a personal high forme, similarto my appointment as the first Spanish National coach.

Javea Green Bowls Club
Report by Celeste Campbell. Photo by Ken Davey

2016 LÌnea Directa Spanish Nationals



Men’s Singles champion - Martin Foulcer (Vistabella)

Ladies’ Singles champion - Ann Eagle (San Miguel)

Men’s Pairs champions - Paul Parkes & Julian Pering (San Luis)

Ladies’ Pairs champions - Lin Miller & Chris Parsons (San Miguel)

Mixed Triples National Champions 2016 - Graham Cathcart, Robert Cathcart & Grace Cathcart (Teide).

Mixed Pairs National Champions 2016 - Keith Phillips & Ann Holland (San Luis).

Ann Eagle and Martin Foulcer
Stuart Denholm’s magic mat
Words of wisdom from Julian


The grand-old-man of British bowls, David Bryant, said that one of the deadly sins in bowling was to bowl a jack-level bowl. He would much rather a bowl was behind the jack by a yard, or even in front of it, rather than a foot away and level.

There is a tendency to applaud any wood that is bowled near the jack and, in some cases, the jack-level wood may stay there and be in the count at the end. In a good game, your opposition may well take advantage of such a wood and wrest it easily to take the lead; it presents an easy target to wrest or a shoulder to use on the way to the jack.

David was The-Thinking-Manís bowler.

At a time when lawn bowling was at its height, four players formed a team, to enable the maximum number of players to take part in a match. In 'Rinks' each players must wait until seven other players take their turn, then they may bowl...but they can only use two of their set of four bowls. Why this form of play still continues to attract such a following is something of a mystery to me.

Whilst playing a crucial game during The Nationals, I was handed a sheet of paper with the following little poem; I did not have time to thank the kind gentleman.

The Leads are there to place the jack But have no sense of direction

The Twos must add and keep the score Hopefully, without correction

The Threes are there to help the skip And measure at the close of ends

But Skips just tend to please themselves --No wonder that they have no friends!

Martin on the way to his first National singles title
Ann Eagle getting close
Dad knows best!

Lord, Thou knowest better than I know myself that I am growing older and will someday be old. Keep me from this fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from craving to straighten out everybody's affairs. Make me thoughtful but not moody; helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity not to use it all, but Thou knowest Lord that I want a few friends at the end.

Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips on my aches and pains. They are increasing, and love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by. I dare not ask for grace enough to enjoy the tales of others' pains, but help me to endure them with patience

I dare not ask for improved memory, but for a growing humility and a lessing cocksureness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken.

Many clubs here offer the public an opportunity to try lawn bowls and invite them to turn up at a specified time and provide them with bowls and shoes and, possibly, some instruction.

One of the hardest parts of running such a session is fitting everyone who turns up with suitable bowls shoes. These shoes have to be bought, and stored, and kept tidy, and can be something of a problem.

Keep me reasonably sweet; I do not want to be

a Saint - some of them are so hard to live with - but a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil. Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places and talents in unexpected people. And give me, O Lord, the grace to tell them so.

Some clubs in Australia have solved this problem by inviting people to come and try a session of ëBarefoot Bowlsí. The very idea sounds fun and has been found especially attractive to young, potential players.

It may be too cold during the Winter months here, to be walking about outside without shoes, but it could be run during our long Summer.

And now for something completely different on the ëCoaching Pageí



Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.

Feeling Depressed:

Not happy with your bowling performance? According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND, people suffering from depression, for whatever reason felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin.

Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.

Nerves: Big game coming up? Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.

Stress: Why a banana on the 10th -12th end of a game helps you focus for the big push to the finish. Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.



1.Somehow proves at the finish it's blue! (9)

8.I will shortly be unwell (3)

9.Perhaps I find it's one of many in a dictionary? (11)

11.Study diplomacy with an acquaintance (7)

12.Mature commercial shown last month (5)

13.Give formal consent if a try works out (6)

15.Wet two enclosures (6)

17.The French journalists in Yorkshire? (5)

18.Mollusc out to do cop (7)

20.Are cheats of use in getting a good card (3,2,6)

22.The man returns to show assent (3)

23.He can see new aspect to the rocky hill (9) DOWN DOWN

2.I've gone out to compete (3)

3.Thus Ian upset a girl (5)

4.Car for a certain area of buildings (6)

5.Three-dimensional scene showing ten in the play (7)

6.It is a girl to decorate with delicate stuff (6,5)

7.After midnight heard it shone (9)

10.Atrick in Who's Who, perhaps (4,3,4)

11.Singing girl accompanying Heather (9)

14.Ties with loud assent, anyhow (7)

16.Sweet way to tee off? (6)

19.The measure of crime (5)

21.Acouple of Clint Eastwood films? (3)

To keep them from ripening and fresh, wrap the end that holds the bananas together in a small piece of cling film.

When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin Aand iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around.

So maybe itís time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, 'A banana a day keeps the doctor away!'

Bananas must be the reason monkeys are so happy all the time!

Here is another simple recipe for a nice supper when you get in after an evening’s bowling. Quick, cheap and easy !

You will need to prepare the dish before you leave, so that you can come in and pop it straight in the oven when you get in. It will take about 35 minutes to bake - just the time it takes to have a glass and decide who played well, who played rubbish and who was to blame, if you lost.


Choose an oven-proof dish and grease it with a little butter. Fry a big chopped onion in oil and add a few bacon pieces and herbs for flavour, and then some

chopped mushrooms (and as much garlic as you dare!). You can add a bit of anything else you fancy, like peppers or anchovy. Butter three or four slices of bread, cut into smaller pieces, (could be white but, for we oldies, it should be ‘integral’) and spread half on the bottom of your dish. Then put half of the fried stuff on top of it, along with some slices of tomato, or some drained plum tomatoes from a tin.

Put some grated, mature cheddar on top of it, then another layer of the remaining slices of buttered bread. Pour over 2-3 eggs that have been whisked with 400 mls of milk and seasoned. Add a final layer of the fried stuff and top it with more grated cheese.

Leave it to soak whilst you go out to bowl. When you get back, put it in the oven at about 170oC and bake for 35 minutes. A touch of black pepper

and……… enjoy !

P.S. I made up this recipe to bake and then photograph but I could not find any cheddar. (Ann feeds the cat, the dog, the birds, the dormice, the lizard, etc. every day and sometimes there is little left for us) I had to use some inferior cheese, which did not melt, as you can see by the picture.

P.P.S. Here is Ann’s picture of her friend, Lenny the Lizard. I don’t mind the lizard eating the dog’s food, but who ate all the cheddar?

Cheap, easy and lovely!

If you have a quick and easy recipe for a light meal, suitable for supper after an evening game of bowls, send it to me and I shall make up the dish and photograph it for our readers, before sharing it with Ann.......Carl

QUICKIE crossword


1.Vegetable (9)

8.--- de Janeiro (3)

9.Disastrous (11)

11.Go before (7)

12.Scottish landowner (5)

13.Churchman (6)

15.Light wind (6)

17.Speak slowly (5)

18.Get rid of (7)

20.Incompatible (11)

22.Fuss (3)

23.Proof (9)


2.Expanse of water (3)

3.Frilled lace (5)

4.Hot spring (6)

5.Alike (7)

6.Group of islands (11)

7.Supporter of Cromwell (9)

10.Fear (11)

11.Fanciful plan (4,5)

14.Canvass (7)

16.Handsome man (6)

19.Middle-Eastern country (5)

21.Vase (3) (Solution on page 46)

An interview with the Orihuela Costa Councillor for Tourism Sofia Álvarez

Iwas invited to an interview with the councillor one evening, at home in her office in the Travel Agency she runs near the Orihuela Costa Ayuntamento.

Carl : What are the main attractions that bring visitors to this area of the Costa Blanca?

Sofia: The weather here is perfect for holiday-makers. It seldom rains to spoil a day out . There are eleven beautiful, sandy beaches, all certified clean and safe for bathing. We have five national monuments here and Easter processions and other events throughout the year. Our Boulevard Commercial Centre is the largest in Europe and attracted thirteen million visitors last year.

Carl: What improvements are being planned?

Sofia: We are expanding both the Cleaning and Parks and Garden services to further improve the area and will open an EcoPark to enable residents to dispose of unwanted items in an environmentally-friendly manner. The building of the new Emergency Centre at La Zenia is to be recommenced to provide efficient medical and police assistance in any emergency.

Carl: Why can we not afford free, local public transport, a Cultural Centre, a Library and other services for residents and visitors?

Sofia: Many of our residents are not signed onto our ‘padron’. As finance from central government is dependent on the number of residents listed on our padron, we are failing to attract the money needed for these extra facilities. With the advent of Brexit, things may well change and all residents may have to register with us, as they should.

Carl: Have you any special events planned for the future?

Sofia: We have planned a big Exhibition and Parade next March to celebrate the cosmopolitan nature of our community and our visitors, with our 94 different nationalities being represented. We will be advertising it shortly.

The councillor with Major David Vicente Vives of the Special Operations Command in Cabo Roig
Ms Álvarez has lived and worked on the Costa all of her adult life

Royal British Legion “Poppy Appeal”

On Wednesday 12th October, over 70 people arrived ready to play Petanca ñ some had never played before.

Teams were of mixed abilities, regular players from the El PresidentÈ teams, players from El Rancho Bowls Club and members of the Royal British Legion, for a fun Mixed Triples Competition.

The referee for the day was Geoff Taylor, who not only supervised fair play, also went

from team to team advising and encouraging the non players.

With a break for lunch after two games and a raffle and a fun game to help raise more funds for the RBLPoppy Appeal, players returned with renewed enthusiasm and desire for the game.

The winning team was Tony Thurlow, Ian Morris and Cathy Forbes, with second place going to the team of Phyllis Seddon, John

Petanca on the Costa Blanca is played by expats of many nations.

There are some clubs that are dedicated to players of the same nationality.

Current champions, Amigos Belgas, are mostly Belgian, but some clubs have a mix of many nationalities.

This logo of the Pumas club, designed by Norwegian member Tore Lehrmann, is typical, and shows the flags of their members' home countries.

Submitted by Patricia Perrin

Dwyer and Jimmy Somers and, in a close third place, the team of Leila Lˆnnqvist, Alan Milkin and Pauline Grindley.

The day raised 463Ä for the ìPoppy Appealî and it is hoped this will now become an annual event at El Rancho, in Montesinos. The winning team was Pedro, Ron and Rudy.

The day raised 463 euro for the “Poppy Appeal”

Las Salinas Petanca Summer League Presentation Lunch

The Presentation of trophies to the winners of the Las Salinas Petanca SummerLeague was made at Domino Sports Bar, where Colin and Sarahanne served a splendid Hog Roast to a capacity crowd of happy players.


Our Summer League has finished with some surprising results in the last few matches, which has altered the league tables. In Division One, Amigos Belgas 1 finally won the league, on the last match of the season. Los Bandidos ended up second, with Guardamar coming a creditable third. In Division Two, three teams had a chance to win the league. As the results went, Los Altos

Amigos pipped Dominos Phoenix by just one point, with the Falcons a close third. In Division Three, Lakeside, as expected, came first, followed by Los Altos Jets second and Laguna Rosa third. Our thanks go to our sponsors; Casas Manuel, Dominos Bar and Coys Rent-a-car.

S Haymes

A brief history of Sunshine

I refer to the Sunshine Petanca League, of course. Prior to 2014, the only major petanca league locally was The Las Salinas Petanca League, which, although very popular, was played in avery serious and competitive way.

One morning Bob Hornsey was having coffee with James Walker, when a casual remark was made about why petanca needed to be so serious. Wouldn't it be great if, as petanca was becoming so popular, a smaller league could be created just for fun. Bob picked up the mantle and, with his immense knowledge of the game- having been instrumental in setting up other clubs ñ put it on.

Bob had contacts with a local radio station who answered his pleas for sponsorship. Hence the league was named 'Sunshine Radio International Petanca League' The word 'international' in the title is certainly apt as there are various nationalities in many of the teams

Participation in the league is by invitation only and, soon, all the teams invited were attending the inaugural meeting in September at El Mirador Restaurant. The meeting determined which teams were in which of the two divisions. The names were pulled out of a hat, the same method still being used today. The result was:-

Division 1a Division 1b

Florantilles Brisas

San Miguel Tigers Costa Knights

Mixtas McCoys

El Mirador 2 Lions XPS Los Balcones

Laguna RosaGuardamar

Pumas El Mirador

Falcons AN Other

Avery small committee was also elected. Many of these teams still

play in the Sunshine League.

The first winter season and subsequent summer and winter 2015 and summer 2016 have been wonderful times. OK, there has been some friction - that always happens when you get a group of people together.

Winter 2016 has been kept to 2 divisions, Red and Blue, and started playing in October.

Bill Gaynor, captain of Domino Dynamite, practising at Bar Domino

Sadly, Bob died in March 2015. He had seen through the birth of a new and very good petanca league. He would be very proud of the way it has progressed. AMemorial Day in his memory was held in March and will become a regular fixture.


Pueblo Bravo Club Championships

The Pueblo Bravo Petanca Club had perfect weather for this year's championships. Competition between the teams was keen and, at the end of two excellent daysíplay, there were four teams within a couple of points of each other; so the last day's play was going to be intense and exciting. On the final day it grew closer, as, at one point, three teams drew level. In the end, one team got ahead by one point leaving the other two teams to play-off, in what was a very close and exciting match, for second and third place. Rojales Ayuntamiento had kindly sponsored the competition by providing trophies and the councillor for sport, Pedro Llopis, came and presented the trophies. Goyos in Quesada provided T-shirts and, by the end of the championships, everyone had enjoyed a week of competitive and friendly petanca.The winning team was Pedro, Ron and Rudy. By Roger Gleadhall

Facts and Trusims of Success

Nice and simple this month, a few statements that just might make a difference to your game if taken on board, just pick out a couple of relevant points to hold on to in your preparation and mind-set.

Motivation will get you started. But only Good Habits will keep you there. You only have to be in front when the last bowl is played to win.

Top bowlers make their own luck.

As top golfers are often heard to say the more I practise the luckier I get, but you will also notice that after a round they will head to the practice fairway and the coach, because they know that Perfect Practice makes Perfect Results.

Horror of-horrors ... that we should expect our top bowlers to follow this winning formula.

As I am sure you all know, bowls is a game where two elements are neededÖÖluck and talentÖ..and luck usually favours those who have the talent.

It is said that luck begins when your bowl reaches the head; in fact more than reaching the head is required, if you are to receive your share of luck in a game of bowls.

The reason top-level bowlers are able to play the seeminglyimpossible conversion shots, is that they set up heads and practise these shots repeatedly.

So that when a particular shot is called for, they know exactly what they have to do to get the result.

whilst practising, you bowl short, you incur a penalty and have to walk up to the head and retrieve your bowl and re-bowl it.

You will find, after a few trips to the head, your thought-process and your accuracy improves. So does your fitness level ! And the other truism is that luck is all in the mind, good and bad.

So do you practice the ìluckyî shots? The first thing to believe is that short bowls are never going to beî lucky bowlsî. Try this ! If

this thought in your head


ITake my hat off to this man

Iívealways liked the way that Stuart Denham tips his hat in thanks when one of his team plays a cracking bowl.

I feel that I ought to tip my hat and thank anotherStuart, this time Stuart Hamill.

He came to ourclub to Captain his El Rancho team in a league game. It was red-hot by the time we were due to start and Stuart, in his Captainís role, advised us all on how best to deal with the heat.

He said ìDrink plenty of water. Wearyourhat when you bowl and sit down in the shade when you can AND TAKE YOUR HATOFF.î

I had neverheard that suggested before but I did as he advised and was quite amazed at how well it worked.

Taking yourhat off allows any perspiration that may have gathered underyourhat to evaporate and cool you down in a natural way.

Magic !

SABASummer Knockout Finals

This year's competition, played at San Luis BC, began with the Mixed Pairs semi-finals, where Steve Cantley and Lynn Greenland beat Arthurand Barbara Brown and Deirdre Leeming and Derek Sale came back from the dead, having lost a 'hotshot' to Terry Morgan and Carol Broomfield, but winning afteran extra end.

In the Ladies' Singles, Maureen Kidd beat Maggie Furness 21-17 and Jacqui Johnston beat Ann Marie Stephenson 21-12.

In the Men's Singles semi-final, National Champion Martin Foulcer beat Derek Cooper and John Pooley beat club-mate Pat Heaney. The Mixed Trips semi was also between members of the same club; Mel and Colin

Highland with Jacqui Johnston beat Avril Toozer, Mark France and Phil Bevan. The other semi was between Drew Gerrard, Ann Marie Stephenson and Dave Davies against Tony French, Maggie Furness and Ian Kenyon.

Acrucial six late in the game brought Drew's team a win.

In the Ladies' Pairs Semis, Sandra Heath and Jacqui Johnston beat Mo Foulcer and Beryl Regan and Peta Rhodes and Carol Broomfield beat Ann Eagle and Gail Willshire.

In the Men's pairs semi, Bob Nesbitt and Peter Ross beat Dave Field and Jim Oliver by a three, scored on the last end.

Tony French and Ian Kenyon beat Dave Johnson and Derek Toozer 16-13 to go into the final.

In the finals Steve Cantley and Lynn Greenland beat Deirdre Leeming and Derek Sale in the Mixed Pairs and Mel and Colin Highland with Jacqui Johnston beat Drew Gerrardís team in the Triples.

Sandra Heath and Jacqui Johnston beat Peta Rhodes and Carol Broomfield by one shot as did Tony French and Ian Kenyon in the Men's Pairs, playing against Bob Nesbitt and Peter Ross. In the Men's final Martin Foulcer continued his winning ways, beating John Pooley 21-13 and Jacqui Johnston powered to victory over Maureen Kidd 12-7.

Arthur and Barbara Brown, who organised the event, would like to thank San Luis Bowls Club for the use of their Green, particularly David Blackie who worked like a Trojan, our Sponsors deVere Spain, and C.S. Bowls for assistance with winners' vouchers.

Thanks also to all the participants in this yearís competition who helped to make it such a success and, last but not least, our Umpires and Markers.

Jacqui Johnston
Martin Foulcer

42 The men of Club EBT at Paterna, ready to take on their adversaries from Madrid (2 teams), Barcelona, Valencia, Oviedo, Terrassa, and Vigo.

greetings from Torrevieja greetings from Torrevieja a hotspot of

tenpin bowling a hotspot of tenpin bowling

Let me salute your classy magazine, serving and highlighting the sport of bowls; an important uniter of expats in Spain!

As you know, the Tenpin Bowling club I have the honour of chairing, Euro Bowling Torrevieja, has recently turned a full decade and is going from strength to strength.

Now one of Spain´s largest tenpin clubs, numbering 80+ members and of a dozen different nationalities, we won the Male Top Division of the Spanish National League 2015/2016 and have just taken the lead again in the first leg of the 2016-2017 competition, bowled mid-October in Paterna, Valencia. The two remaining legs are in Barcelona in December and in Madrid in February. We also have a ladies’ team competing at the top national level.

Over the period November to December, Ozone Bowling Torrevieja, our social base and main bowling

scene, will host Spain’s secondbiggest tenpin tournament; The 5th City of Torrevieja Open. This tournament is endorsed by the Spanish Association of Bowling Clubs (AECB)

and will see plenty of top bowlers from all over Spain making their way to the City of Salt.

But the striking feature this year, is that there are already over 40 entries from other countries — mainly from Finland and Norway — including the reigning Finnish Men’s Champion and last year’s Norwegian Boys’ Champion.

The finals will be bowled on Sunday 4 December, starting at 9 am. and finishing around 4 pm. Entrance is free. For full information, check our website:

Let me also mention — and it should come as no surprise — that I have many friends who practise both Lawn Bowls and Tenpin Bowling.

We tend to bump into each other at one or two of the three-weekly evening leagues staged at Ozone Torrevieja. I take this opportunity to pass on to all of them my very best regards.


We added a Petanca section to our last issue and now we are to have a section devoted to Tenpin Bowling. We welcome news, reports and photographs of this sport, from any source, for inclusion in future issues.


National Director of Lawn BowlsBob Donnelly646 132 362

National SquadGraham Cathcart689 076 690


CoachingRuth Compton693 791 835

The Costa Blanca Umpires and Markers Association (CBUMA)Gail Willshire 965 020 492

LLB Levante Lawn BowlsJune Jones966 188 920

CAACosta Almeria AreaRuth Compton693 791 835


BenitachellErnie Pope744 488 527

BonalbaSue Elvin865 660 265

CalpeStan Walmsley965 838 972

Country BowlsStephen Fletcher 634 329 249

El RanchoCarolyn Harris966 774 316

El CidStewart Beattie966 404 364

Emerald IsleMary Whitelock966 182 590

Finca GuilaMargaret Barnes690 348 466

GreenlandsDave Thompson688 285 567

HoradadaBill Stanaway966 769 026

Javea GreenBrenda Burgess965 741 069

La MangaLiz Mildon968 338 236

La MarinaColin Armitage622 870 799

La SiestaIrene Laverick615 935 726

MazarronSusan Hattrell968 163 769

Monte MarJoan Harding 965 637 500

QuesadaDeirdre Leeming966 719 439

San LuisVacant

San MiguelPat McEwan966 714 257

VistabellaLin Watkins 660 645 996


Torrevieja Hospital965 721

Baja Hospital 965 877

General Hospital965 938 300

Public Hospital966 679 000 Quiron Hospital966 921 313 MUNICIPAL OFFICES

Torrevieja Town Hall965 710 250 San Miguel Town Hall965 720 001 San Fulgencio Town Hall966 794 201

Town Hall966 736 864

Orihuela Costa Town Hall966 760 000

Torrevieja Tourist Info965 703 433

Orihuela Costa Tourist Info966 760 000

Rojales Town Hall966 715 001

Elche Town Hall966 658 050

Pilar de la Horadada965 352 225

Guardamar Town Hall965 729 014

SModified Forms of Games or Skill-Tasks

ome time ago I came across a series of skills-tasks set out as fun games with a purpose. Here is one of them.

What set me thinking was the number of bowlers who said they found club mornings rather dull and purposeless.

So! If you fancy spicing up the social bowling from the normal, rather boring,18 ends, why not give this a try.


Duck-Shoot Green Set-up

4 or more bowls are set up 1bowl-width apart, in a slight semicircle.

Each duck needs to be shot, preferably in a particular order.


David Bryant said "Indiscriminate firing loses matches equally as much as quality firing wins matches. Heavy shots should only be played when the chances of success are favourable and a failure will not leave you vulnerable to a loss of shots."

The player with the biggest bag wins. The shooting could be drawing to or hitting the target, depending on what skill the players need to practice.

You could also use it for practicing a particular skill, be it a drive, a yard-on shot, drawing to or just behind the bowl; the possibilities are numerous.

It can be played with any number of bowlers, or as a stand-alone challenge, keeping a personal score of your

If you have any difficulties with a particular shot, then bring in your coach to watch and help you.


After 13 years trading from our shop in Los Montesinos with rising overheads etc. it was with much regret we decided to sell the premises but continue to trade online. and via club visits.

We continue to supply quality goods from all the major UK suppliers at UK prices and hold a good stock of most items.

With so many models, sizes and colours available it is not possible to stock bowls, but bowls are generally available on a 7 day delivery to Spain. We accept payment in Sterling by cheque, cash or internet bank transfer to our UK account, or Euros at current exchange rates in cash or cheque.

If we can be of assistance please contact us via our website, email or telephone. Tel.96-6492019

An old Spanish bowler called Ted Had a vision whilst lying in bed "I'm God and I'm saying It's too late for praying You've bowled your last wood, Mate,you're dead!

Agentleman bowler, who skipped Was playing a game when he tripped "But the fault was not mine 'Cos you tripped me, you Swine! And now my new trousers have ripped"

ASan Miguel bowler called Jake Threw all of his woods in the lake When his skip asked him why He started to cry And said “Bowls was a major mistake !” Annon

An ex-milkmaid bowler named Mary Would run up the green like a fairy Her friend said “You prat ! You must stop doing that Or we’ll send you straight back to the dairy.” Annon

It's true that lawn bowling is easy For the old and the daft and the wheezy Bowling close to the jack Gets a pat on the back Go to it! Enjoy ! Easy-Peazy!

Email your limericks to the Editor for inclusion in the next edition.



ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Overspend; 8 Ill; 9 Definitions; 11 Contact; 12 Adult; 13 Ratify; 15 Dampen; 17 Leeds; 18 Octopod; 20 Ace of Hearts; 22 Nod; 23 Spectator. DOWN: DOWN: 2 Vie; 3 Sonia; 4 Estate; 5 Diorama; 6 Tissue paper; 7 Glistened; 10 Find the lady; 11 Carolling; 14 Fastens; 16 Toffee; 19 Theft; 21 Two.


ACROSS: 1 Asparagus; 8 Rio; 9 Cataclysmic; 11 Precede; 12 Laird; 13 Priest; 15 Breeze; 17 Drawl; 18 Discard; 20 Incongruous; 22 Ado; 23 Testament. DOWN: DOWN: 2 Sea; 3 Ruche; 4 Geyser; 5 Similar; 6 Archipelago; 7 Roundhead; 10 Trepidation; 11 Pipe dream; 14 Solicit; 16 Adonis; 19 Syria; 21 Urn.

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