No 624
Monday 26th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Tel: 637 227 385
NO WAY BACK! Euro by 6.4%.
As news of a Brexit victory hit the world press on Friday morning Spain’s major banks suffered serious setbacks, with Santander losing 25% of its value and Bankia crashing a point more at 26%. At the same time Spain’s stock market index was down at opening time by more than 12%. In the UK the stock market fell by a similar margin, it’s worst setback since ‘Black Monday’ in 1987, while the Pound plummeted to a 1985 low against the Dollar by almost 10% and against the
As David Cameron fell on his sword, currencies were making big moves and Global markets were also moving wildly, but the actual political process, still some way away, was being forecast to be much, much slower. But despite a narrow majority of British voters deciding that Britain should leave the European Union, 51.9% against 48.1%, the referendum is not actually a binding vote. When the dust settles, Cameron could still decide to ignore the will of the people, not for the first time of course, and not make any move to exit the EU, but as we all know that would seem to be highly unlikely. Continued on Page 6
637 227 385 Property
637 227 385 E-mail Website Advertising Sales 637 227 385 Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
AGE CONCERN SUMMER CLOSING DATES Please be advised that the Age Concern Centre in La Siesta will close for the summer on Wednesday 27th July and reopen on Thursday 1st September. Our Shops in Los Montesinos and Torrevieja will close on Friday 29th July and re-open on Monday 29th August.
637 227 385
Almoradi Monday Club The "Almoradi Monday Club" meet every FIRST and THIRD MONDAY of the month at 4PM in "The Victoria Tea Rooms" that is situated on the main road just off the big church square in Almoradi. The idea of this modern and progressive club is so that people who speak ENGLISH and live in Almoradi or the surrounding area can meet one another on a regular but informal basis to talk together and enjoy life in this Spanish community. The club activities will include social events, club lunches and evening meals in and around the local area, with guest speakers at some meetings and other forms of entertainment when possible. We will also try to associate ourselves with other local clubs that hold other events including coach trips and anything that may be of interest to members. If you are interested and would like to have a wider circle of friends then come along to one of our meetings. For more information contact or look us up on FaceBook. Search for - Almoradi Monday Club. The Almoradi Monday Club is an ENGLISH speaking club and is open to people of every nationality living in or just visiting Spain. Please note the club does not operate during July and August.
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Lack of Torrevieja Lifeguards blamed on documentation
Torrevieja council were under attack last week from PP Councillor Sandra Sánchez for what she calls “the state of neglect and abandonment that is being suffered in much of the town.” She was also critical of the fact that yet another week has gone by without the provision of lifeguard service on the city’s beaches. She cites the examples of deteriorating or damaged street furniture along many of the beach frontages, rotting palm trees and overgrown plantings along the beach promenade del Cura and Juan Aparicio where she also says many of the waste bins rusty are unusable and she says there are approaches to the beach from the rocks, regularly used by the public, in San Roque and Paseo de Juan Aparicio that are now inaccessible. Sánchez says that while the mayor and members of the town council are happy to show the magnificent aspect of many Torrevieja beaches that are full of bathers, they are ignoring much of the equipment and infrastructure necessary, so creating a very poor image of the city to many residents and visitors that the area does not deserve. She has asked the mayor to comment on the lack of lifeguard surveillance on the beaches, the new contract for which she says was scheduled to start on 15 June. “The local government have alleged problems with some of the documentation from the winning bidder, but this is little more than bad management by the government,” she remarks. The councillor displayed images of shortcomings
from the memorial ‘the Man of the Sea’ to the Barrio de San Roque and the Playa de Los Locos where she says that many of the wooden walkways have disappeared, as also have the access ramps to the swimming area at ‘the Man of the Sea’, "something incomprehensible to all swimmers who have been coming to this popular area y for many years.” The councillor also spoke about the state of street furniture at the Paseo de Juan Aparicio. There is "no maintenance of the wooden bench seats along the Paseo de Juan Aparicio or the Playa del Cura. The metal supports are badly rusting. The wood has not received any treatment for hydration that would help it to withstand the high temperatures or exposure to an aggressive saline environment for over a year, and as such the oxidation of the metal elements has been accelerated. " Also in this area many of the bins need to be replaced since they too are rusting at the base. Many of them do not close properly and others have been removed without being replaced. There are more than a dozen such instances between Paseo de Juan Aparicio and Punta Margalla. Although Sánchez says she is extremely concerned at the deterioration in much of the infrastructure her main unease is at the lack of lifeguards on the beaches which she describes as 'high risk' now that the summer is underway. “At the very least Torrevieja should be prepared to properly care for its bathers,” she says.
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Vega Baja mayors meet to revise Public Transport System
s part of her visit to the area the Regional Minister for Housing and Public Works, María José Salvador, along with the Director General of Public Works, Transport and Mobility, Carlos Domingo, met with 24 regional mayors last week to address the problem of public transport that exists in the region. At the same time, she said that she wanted to learn about the needs of passengers, as they attempted to get themselves around the municipalities, so
that she has a better idea of how she can configure a transport map according to public needs. The meeting itself took place in Dolores. She said that being a popular tourist destination the area requires better connections within the municipalities of the coast and also with the cities and the airports of Alicante and Elche She explained the need to develop a new concession map is because the vast majority of service concessions, the regular transport of passengers by bus, are expired or are about to expire.
“Of the 88 concessions throughout the Region, 75 are expired,” she said. The meeting included the mayors and other municipal councillors from the towns of Albatera, Algorfa, Almoradi, Benferri, Benijófar, Bigastro, Callosa de Segura, Catral, Cox, Daya Nueva, Daya Vieja, Dolores, Formentera del Segura, Guardamar del Segura, Jacarilla, Los Montesinos, Orihuela, Rafal, Redován, Rojales, San Fulgencio, San Isidro, San Miguel de Salinas and Torrevieja.
637 227 385
Orihuela mayor faces court action Three former PSOE councillors of Orihuela have lodged a compensation claim through the courts against the current PP mayor of the municipality, Emilio Bascuñana. Antonia Moreno, Rosa Martínez and Ana Mas are claiming 45,000 euro from Bascuñana, accusing him of alleged irregularities in the management of municipal Orihuela Cultural society. In the complaint, the trio allege that financial irregularities have taken place which have shown such accounting processes that indicate money was moved to none existent locations and
other money was simply not counted or recorded. Besides seeking compensation of 15,000 euro each, they have also claimed 600 euro per day for the period for which the mistakes were not noticed or recorded.
Mother and Baby rescued Officers from the local police in Lorca enacted a rescue of a mother and baby in a home in the town, after the woman had become trapped by a folding storage bed. The police were alerted by several locals who had heard shouting coming from inside the property. The officers located the home and reassured the woman of their attendance, to which she shouted that her baby was in danger and she was trapped by the bed. The officers forced entry to the property and found the woman lay on the floor with her arm clearly broken and trapped by the folding storage bed. The officer then noticed the woman´s son, a six-year old child, next to an open window. The officers secured the baby and freed the woman, both of whom were attended to by an emergency ambulance although the child had suffered no injuries.
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016 FROM PAGE ONE - BREXIT
However, there are some political pundits who still say that Britain could actually avoid invoking Article 50 altogether, the Democratic process that puts into place the formal and legal process for Britain’s withdrawal, and instead use the referendum result to negotiate a different relationship with the EU.
In terms of the breakdown of the British vote both Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain while England and Wales decided for Brexit. It should be noted, however that of the 33 million votes cast over 28 million were cast in England, 2.6 million in Scotland, 1.6 million Wales and 800,000 in NI. A further 20,000 people voted in Gibraltar with 19,322 of those voting to remain. And within only a couple of hours of the results being known, Spain's acting Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, who was in Torrevieja and Orihuela only last week, called for joint sovereignty over Gibraltar saying "The Spanish flag on the Rock is much closer than before.” Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy was also quick off the mark making a statement of his own on Friday morning. “Although I am very sad at the British deci-
637 227 385
The Camerons follwing David’s resignation announcement
n THE Way home from home from a Bowls Tournament at Bonalba earlier this month former National Champion Keith Jones and his wife June, parked up outside the Merca Benijofar, just outside Quesada, while they quickly went in to make a purchase. They were in the shop for no more than 5 minutes.
But what is not known is if, and when, Britain will invoke Article 50. It could be prior to Cameron’s departure from office in October or, alternatively, he could leave the decision to be made by his successor. Once invoked, however, there is no turning back. It would put into place a whole host of discussions and negotiations with the EU which would unravel Britain’s membership of the economic and political web of which it has been very much a part for the last 41 years. Indeed the discussions could take much longer than the 2-year estimate if the parties have difficulty in reaching agreements.
sion the first consideration that I want to convey is one of calm, serenity and tranquillity, especially to those who by their residence in the UK, or in their activities with this country, can feel particularly affected by the British decision, “he said. “Although this is the first time that a Member State has decided to leave the Union, the Treaties provide for a negotiated procedure and an orderly departure.” He promised that in the meantime the rights of British citizens residing and working in Spain will not be affected. Neither will their rights to freedom of movement to work, to contribute and to receive pensions, to invest, to vote or to be elected in local elections during the next two years. Beyond that it is impossible to make any predictions although more might come to light following Cameron’s meeting with EU Government Heads later this week. But for those of us that live and work and have retired to Spain the consequences of the vote are even more far reaching. Retirees will be concerned as to whether their state pensions will continue to be up-rated annually with them currently pegged to wage or
price inflation, a situation that could change with pensions being frozen as they are in Canada and elsewhere. A Government paper on Brexit has warned there are no guarantees but under International Law the Vienna Convention of 1969 states that people keep the rights that they once exercised under a treaty, even if that treaty is later terminated. Therefore expats in Europe would retain their “acquired right” to stay there, but it would not apply to people who move abroad in the future. However many legal experts say that the rights are unlikely to cover aspects such as healthcare and benefits. “But you can rest assured,” said Mr Rajoy “that the Spanish Government will be working very hard to ensure the best possible deal for the 80,000 Spanish citizens who are living and working in Britain.” So at the very least, any terms and conditions that he is able to negotiate with the UK will also have to be offered to British citizens wishing to live or to work here in Spain. So don’t pack your bags just yet. There are a lot more developments to be played out in this scenario before any firm decisions have to be made.
The couple returned to their car to find the back side window smashed and both bowls bags, containing hundreds of euros worth of sporting equipment, stolen from the boot. Keith tells me that his car is insure with Linea Directa who arranged for the Grua to collect and take it to a safe compound until Monday when the window would be replaced. He said that he could not have wished for better service. However, the motor policy did NOT cover for theft of personal effects left in and stolen from the car. Keith and June then contacted their home contents insurance company, Ibex, and yes sports equipment would seem to be covered BUT only whilst on the premises. So lessons learned. If you want goods or equipment covered whilst you are away from home then you need and ALL RISKS clause included in your policy. Keith estimates that the replacement of the contents of their bowls bags, containing bowls, footwear and umpiring equipment, will cost around €1400. So learn from the Jones’s and beware - check both your home and your car insurance policies to make sure exactly WHAT you are, or are not, covered for. AND be careful as to what you leave in your car at any time. There was a reasonably happy ending to the tale as a man who works as a vigilante on the motorway stumbled across Keith’s bag, although some of the contents had been removed. He then kindly drove 80km to return the equipment to it’s rightful owner. Nice to know that there are still some good people in this world
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Orihuela animal shelter vandalised
espite not being able to find anything of value, vandals completely ransacked the San Bartolome office of the charity, the Association for the defense and protection of animals, Asoka El Grande, last weekend, breaking up furniture and removing drugs and vaccines from refrigerators and cool boxes, rendering them completely ineffective. Staff discovered the devastation when they arrived at the centre on Monday morning and were appalled at the damage that they found. One member of staff said that she was sick-
ened that the vandals seemed to have completely wrecked the office for no reason whatsoever. “There was nothing of value, no money or other significant items, other that a computer which they didn’t touch. They just turned the office upside down and ruined all the drugs and vaccines that need to be kept cold by taking them out of the fridge and freezer.” Fortunately, however, none of the 230 animals (about 150 dogs and 80 cats) in the Centre’s care, were injured or harmed during the raid. The matter is now in the hands of the Guardia Civil
Although the charity does receive some funding from the Orihuela Council the vast majority of its running costs are met by donations from local residents and associations. If you would like to donate anything toward the replace cost of the vaccines and medicines, thought to be valued at about 600 euros, you can do so by either contacting the centre direct or by going to your local bank and making a payment in to the account: ES54 3058 2501 0027 2090 3876
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Hitting the weed on the Costa S
ofia Alvarez, the Orihuela Councillor for tourism, in conjunction with Luisa Boné, announced last week that the department of infrastructure have put in place a programme of weeding, spraying and fumigation on the Orihuela Costa. She said that pavements and gutters along many of the area’s public roads are over run with weeds so she is pleased to announce the allocation of almost 14,000 euros that will be put to good use in carrying out much of the work that is required. Two teams will be employed during the next month or so in Punta
Prima, Villamartin, Campoamor, Villapiedra, Florida, La Zenia, Cabo Roig and Playa Flamenca where they will be carrying out the work that has previously been neglected.
637 227 385
Million Euro Investment for Vega Baja Thanks to subsidies of a million euros form the Alicante Provincial Government work will get underway shortly on 4 local projects in Orihuela, Callosa, Catral and Los Montesinos A sum of 300,439 euros has been allocated to redevelopment works in del barrio de Las Angustias in Orihuela while improvements to the sports complex in Los Montesinos will receive 324,000 euros. Callosa de Segura have been awarded 149,400 euros which will be invested in the upgrading project of several streets and 219,390 will be spent on improvements to rainwater drainage in San Juan de Catral. The Deputy Head of Works in Alicante, Bernabé Cano, said that "the provincial government continues to support municipalities in the development of their infrastructure essential to the welfare of residents.
They will also work their way along the side of many busy local roads including la Calle Paraná, Calle Talco, Carretera de San Miguel de Salinas and a number of the of the streets that lead off. Luisa Boné said that once this work has been completed the local municipal staff will be expected to keep the weeds under control with regular maintenance and treatment.
Policia Local on the mat!
Orihuela’s Policia Local were on the mat last week, but not in a disciplinary sense. They were actually taking part in self defense training, the third course in which resulted in the presentation of diplomas to a dozen officers. The course began almost 9 month ago in October since which time the officers have been learning
various self defense techniques including psychological aspects such as self-confidence and the management of physical confrontations and attacks. The police were joined on the course by 8 local officials who are also involved in public safety.
If you are currently selling advertising space to clients who are looking to put their product or service before UK expats, you may like to have, on offer, additional space in a top-quality, independent sports magazine as well.
Good rates of commission
Call 600 228 616 for information
Over 200k will be spent on rainwater drainage in San Juan de Catral
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
637 227 385
LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS QUICK ACROSS: 1 Asparagus; 8 Rio; 9 Cataclysmic; 11 Precede; 12 Laird; 13 Priest; 15 Breeze; 17 Drawl; 18 Discard; 20 Incongruous; 22 Ado; 23 Testament. DOWN: 2 Sea; 3 Ruche; 4 Geyser; 5 Similar; 6 Archipelago; 7 Roundhead; 10 Trepidation; 11 Pipe dream; 14 Solicit; 16 Adonis; 19 Syria; 21 Urn. CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Overspend; 8 Ill; 9 Definitions; 11 Contact; 12 Adult; 13 Ratify; 15 Dampen; 17 Leeds; 18 Octopod; 20 Ace of Hearts; 22 Nod; 23 Spectator. DOWN: 2 Vie; 3 Sonia; 4 Estate; 5 Diorama; 6 Tissue paper; 7 Glistened; 10 Find the lady; 11 Carolling; 14 Fastens; 16 Toffee; 19 Theft; 21 Two.
ACROSS 1. Flying insect (4) 8. Unselfish (10) 9. Dais (8) 10. Too (4) 12. Annul (6) 14. Start again (6) 15. Informal (6) 17. Footwear item (6) 18. Lascivious (4) 19. Furtive (8) 21. Note (10) 22. Ale (4)
DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11. 13. 16. 17. 18. 20.
Merge (10) Treaty (4) Amble (6) Season (6) Killer (8) Resonation (4) Commiserate (10) Boiling pot (8) East Indian sailor (6) Stable (6) Citrus fruit (4) Arm or leg (4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z DOWN 2. Vegetables eaten widely? (5,5) 3. Hit a ball up just below the roof (4) 4. Capital instrument of punishment? (6) 5. Strangely remote shooting star (6) 6. A blow that has to be faced (4,4) 7. Escape and feel different (4) 11. Having one's attention held for a short time by spring? (10) 13. Strives to study minds (8) 16. Contract concerning Mussolini? (6) 17. Excuse to knock over a man (6) 18. Slowly move a short distance (4) 20. Money for a tennis player? (4)
SUDOKU CHALLENGE Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 23
Tuesday Euromillions jackpot 14 million euro Wednesday UK Lottery jackpot 14 million euro
c. France 10. The following words are from which Christmas songs? a. Here we are as in olden days; happy golden days of yore. b. Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will find it hard to sleep tonight. c. The mood is right, the spirit's up. d. With a note saying 'I love you' I meant it. e. But instead it just kept raining, a veil of tears for the virgin's birth 11. The Pacific Islands are usually divided into three enthnogeographic groupings. Can you name them? 12. Name the artist who painted each of the following works of art. a. The Starry Night (1889), b. Primavera (1477-78), c. Garden of Delights (15051510), d. Snow Storm-Steam Boat off a Harbour's Mouth (1842) 13. The first found remains of an Australopithecus afarensis are better known as what? Four letters
14. David Helfgott is the central character in which critically acclaimed film? 15. What do each of the following acronyms stand for? a. Scuba, b. JPEG, c. POTUS, d. Taser 16. Starkey, Ed Teynte, Bill Jukes, Cecco, Noodler and William Slank all lend which man a hand? 17. Of the chemical elements of the Periodic Chart, what is the minimum number of symbols that it takes to correctly spell the Capital of Iran? 18. Which so called profession made Matthew Hopkins (ca. 16201647) famous and infamous in 17th century England?
QUIZ ANSWERS 1. Michael Jackson, 2. Unicorn, 3. (lots of) Hair, everywhere, 4. Kris Kringle in 'Miracle on 34th Street'. 5. Chocolate and cream. 6. Apocalypse Now. 7. Ivan Lendl. 8. An engraving in a tree trunk. 9. a. Switzerland. 10. a. Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas. b. The Christmas Song (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire). c. Wonderful Christmas Time. d. Last Christmas. e. I believe in Father Christmas. 11. Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. 12. a. Van Gogh. b. Sandro Botticelli. c. Hieronymus Bosch. d. JMW Turner. 13. Lucy. 14. Shine. 15. a. self contained underwater breathing apparatus. b. joint photographic experts group. c. president of the United States. d. Thomas A. Swift's electric rifle. 16. Captain Hook. Pirates in Peter Pan. 17. Four (Te-Tellurium, HHydrogen, Ra-Radium, N-Nitrogen). 18. Witch Hunter. He gave himself the unofficial title 'Witch Finder General'.
ACROSS 1. He was the first person to be late! (4) 8. Not inclined to be honest? (2,3,5) 9. Perhaps it's cheap because it's an imitative work of art (8) 10. A measure intended to do good (4) 12. You can count on it (6) 14. Right to have helped when invaded (6) 15. Carried by one against the bomb? (6) 17. They may be depressed in the car! (6) 18. Some land lies differently (4) 19. Creditor upsetting one on board? (8) 21. They should know the score before playing! (10) 22. Skin you shouldn't show (4)
1. What was Google's top search term for the year 2009? 2. A 'blessing' is the collective noun given to which fabled creature? 3. What is the defining characteristic of someone who suffers from Hypertrichosis? 4. Which enchanting role have both Edmund Gwenn and Richard Attenborough played in film? 5. For those of you with a sweet tooth, what are the two typical ingredients in 'Ganache'? 6. The following line is from which famous film? "Charging a man with murder in this place was like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500" 7. Which male tennis player reached the finals of every US Open between 1982 and 1989? 8. What is a 'dendroglyph'? 9. James Bond's mother Monique Delacroix was born in which country? a. Switzerland, b. Canada,
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
637 227 385
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
‘Twitters from the Atlantic’ Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper. He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.
Ever Been Bumped? No, I don't mean a minor car accident or one of those over enthusiastic birthday playground ‘celebrations’ when you were at primary school, but being denied access to a flight when you have already purchased your ticket and all set to fly off on holiday. This has happened to me on a couple of occasions, which left a lot of unanswered questions. After all, how can a flight be ‘over booked’ when I have bought a ticket? The first time that this happened to me was a flight from the UK to Barcelona. We had arrived at the airport later than usual; when I say ‘later than usual’ I mean less than the usual two hours before flying. After all, I do like to check out the condition of the plane before I step aboard... No, we were still in good time and in a very long queue waiting for the usual fun and games at the check-in desk. This is the part that I usually hate, because I invariably have to pay a fee for excess baggage before I set off. Suddenly, an agitated young woman, wearing a very smart uniform appeared and waved a handful of twenty pound notes in front of me. She explained that if I would care to delay my flight for a couple of hours I would be generously compensated for my trouble. That compensation turned out to be two hundred pounds, a complementary sandwich and a couple of drinks in the bar. Initially, I was hesitant, but the young woman explained that the flight was overbooked and that one of the passengers had to return to Barcelona urgently due to a family bereavement. I would also be given a business upgrade on the next flight, two hours later. The details of the arrangement seemed a little vague, but I felt sorry for my fellow passenger. In the light of the seri-
ous issue, a delay of a couple of hours, complete with more than adequate compensation seemed a fair deal, to which I agreed. However, I didn’t understand why the flight was overbooked. A few months later, the same thing happened again, but this time to another destination and from another airport. Strangely enough, I received a similar explanation about the flight being overbooked, a family bereavement and the need for a fellow passenger to take my seat for which I would be amply compensated. On this occasion, I would receive a cash 'thank you', as well as overnight hotel accommodation and breakfast at the airline's expense, since there were no flights until the following day. On this occasion, I refused the offer; for several reasons. As a teacher, I had been through a difficult school term; I was exhausted and couldn’t wait to fly out of the UK as quickly as possible. I was not about to lose one day of my precious holiday. I also felt irritated by the fact that the flight was overbooked, yet again. How was this possible? Surely, tickets were bought and paid for based upon the number of seats? I could not understand how a basic supply and demand situation could fall apart in this way. Although I felt sympathy for the circumstances of my fellow passenger, this time I didn’t really believe the story that I was told. Anyway, I had a sun bed and a large gin and tonic waiting for me... It was many months later that I was chatting to a pilot who was resting before his return flight, that I raised the question of being ‘bumped'. This, I gather, is the term for circumstances when passengers agree, or are coerced, into changing their flight. In some cases, there is no negotiation and passengers are merely told that they cannot fly. The pilot’s comments were quite illuminating.
By Bar rie Mahoney Apparently, most airlines deliberately overbook their flights, which is usually by around ten per cent, sometimes more. The main reason is that some passengers simply do not turn up. To my mind, why should that matter? After all, the airline has already sold the ticket so whether the passenger turns up or not is immaterial. My pilot friend pointed out that, in most cases, the airlines will have to offer a free flight or a refund to their would-be passenger if, for instance, they were stuck in traffic or arrived shortly after the gates had closed. In these circumstances, the airlines would lose money and so they put a lot of effort into trying to guess exactly how many people will turn up for their flight. Airlines also like to put aside tickets for last minute business travellers in order to charge higher prices for the privilege. It is at this point where the problems begin, if the airline has misjudged the popularity of a particular flight. In these circumstances, airlines attempt to persuade passengers to take another flight in return for a voucher, cash, free meals or hotel accommodation, which happened in my case. If everyone has checked in and you have a seat that is confirmed, then there is nothing to be concerned about. However, if the flight is overbooked and there are no volunteers, passengers may be forcibly ‘bumped’ from a flight, whether they like it or not. I understand that, in these circumstances, compensation is even more generous. My pilot friend also advised me that the longer the delay, the greater the benefits for volunteers. Compensation usually starts low and continues to rise until someone offers to get ‘bumped’. So, the message is that if you really do feel the urge to give up your seat to someone in need, you could earn quite a lot of cash, vouchers, a free meal or hotel accommodation. Indeed, it might even pay for your next flight to the sun. If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: and or read his book, ‘Island in the Sun’ (ISBN: 9780992767181). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle. © Barrie Mahoney
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Boats and Nautical
euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. (69148)
Item For Sale Mobility Scooter. Only 2 years old, 4 wheels with new batteries. Rarely used. Sold as seen at 600 euro. Call 651 726 733 or 665 300 502.
Social and Clubs
Boat servicing, engine oil/ filter change. General maintenance, fault finding, anti fouling, hull cleaning, accessory installation. Torrevieja to Mazarron. Licensed and registered in Spain, 20 years experience. All makes of outboard engines catered for. Competitive prices, all work guaranteed English/Spanish speaking. Call Tony on 628 166 738 (65470) FOR RENT - up to 10 metre berth - Marina Salinas - CALL 648 627 272 (69101)
Car and Vehicle Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2012 Ford Kuga priced at just 22,700
Painting Lessons. Join us every month at Artes Cova Gallery and Studio, Orihuela Costa or Torrevieja, for Art lessons, Call 966 760 142 or 965 715 335 for information Volunteers are urgently needed in all areas by the Age Concern LIFELINE Team visiting people in their own homes to assess their needs, reporting back to the Lifeline Team Leader. There are many people who live alone, are lonely and need some form of social contact. Please call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. (69185) HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes in areas surrounding Quesada, San Luis, La Siesta Torrevieja, La Mata, Orihuela Costa, Villamartin to Campoverde, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email charitycentre.
Pets Delmonte Catotel Cartagena. The
cattery that cares! Tel 968 168 711 or 616 276 379 (69083)
Situations Vacant If you are currently selling advertising space to clients who are wishing to put their product or service before UK expats, you may like to have, on offer, space in a top-quality, independent magazine as well. Good rates of commission. Call 600 228 616 for information. Hair Stylist Required. Qualified hairstylist required at the Beauty Palace in La Zenia. Call 966 760 133 or 688 388 272 for information.
The Leader Newspaper is recruiting Sales Staff in La Marina, Quesada and on the Orihuela Costa. If you are able to spare a few hours a week and would like to earn extra cash call us now on 640 534 964 for an informal chat. We will even treat you to a coffee.
We want to Buy Aid2Mobility. We can sell your second hand in and see us in our new premises at the Discount Depot, C/Los Arcos No 9, Ciudad Quesada. Opening: Weekdays 10.30am – 4pm, Saturday 10am – 2pm. Call 965 073 199
Property for Rent URGENT! - Properties required for waiting clients. We are receiving requests for La Zenia,
637 227 385
Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, 2 or 3 bed houses, and detached villas. Let your property earn you money - CALL NOW on 966 772 553 JACARILLA Within walking distance of all amenities, including bars, the village pool and small weekly market. This ground floor apartment is just a short drive from many larger towns, including the historic city of Orihuela, and up to 25 minute drive from the beaches of Torrevieja, Orihuela Costa and Guardamar del Segura. 425 pcm including an allowance for bills. Call us on 966 772 553 FORMENTERA DEL SEGURA Good sized 2 bed 1 bath apartment ideal for long term living. Door to hallway has 2nd bedroom leading off. Good sized separate kitchen which is fully equipped and has galleria leading off. Lounge diner has patio doors with a good sized balcony. Archway from lounge leads to full bathroom with external window and spacious master bedroom with large window providing plenty of natural light. English TV, communal pool. 375 euros per calendar month includ-
ing an allowance for bills. Contracts provided 966 772 553 JACARILLA. 3 Bed, 2 bath apartment. Good sized separate kitchen with external patio off, balcony with lovely views over orange groves. UK TV, air-con, communal pool 400 euros per calendar month, including allowance for bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 WANTED URGENTLY We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, detached houses. If you think your property may be suitable please CALL NOW on 966 772 553
Property for Sale For Sale Town House In SAX/Alicante. 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, with separate granny flat. Single Garage space & 50 metre Patio. Quiet area with no community fees. Close to all local amenities. 160,000€ O.N.O. Call: 868 08 34 55 Or email: LA MANGA - Immaculate 2 bed, 2 bath apartment. Fully-furnished. Close to beaches and Veneziola Golf. 2nd floor. Reduced for quick sale. 125.500 Euro. Tel 626 253 569. (90187)
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016 Dolores. Large Finca in plot of 10,000 m2. All services connected. Build Size 215m2. Must be viewed. 195,000 euros. Tel 649 189 930 (65297) Beautifully presented 2 bed ground floor bungalow. Property consists of Lounge/Diner, good sized kitchen with storage area, Master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, twin bedroom with fitted wardrobes and family bathroom. Good sized garden and communal pool. This property is located
Price hike at Orihuela Summer Schools O rihuela´s summer school will cost more than ever before this year as the PSOE reported when they denounced the hidden price increase implemented by the ruling PP. Socialist spokesperson Carolina Gracia presented a press conference this week in which she reported the price increase to parents. In previous years, including recently when the PSOE formed part of the ruling government, the school had been subsidised by the town hall to the tune of 633 euro for both July and August. This year, the town hall are offering 600 euro subsidy spread over the two months. Parents now face an overall increase of 10 euro per child to attend. In addition to the reduction in subsidy, there will also be a reduction in the services offered, meaning that some school places will only be available throughout August and not the entire summer. In addition, the popular language immersion courses will no longer be offered and other courses eliminated altogether. Moreover, according to Gracia, the current contract which has been put to tender offers no provisions for children with special needs.
During the press conference the socialists also criticised the reduction in the timetable for the municipal swimming pool in Orihuela. The previous government had extended the opening times during summer to be between 10:00 in the morning until 8:00 at night, but the current PP government have cut the hours back so that the centre is now only open from 1:30 in the afternoon until 6:30 in the evening, halving the 10 hours per day availability to just 5.
637 227 385
just a short stroll to Villamartin and is ideal for full time living and holidays 80,000 euros Tel 966 772 553 (92320) A stunning quad villa in playa golf property with 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom and large garden just a short walk from bars and the bus and only a 5 mins drive to the beach 115,000 euros contact Ian on 644 115 988 (96290) 2 Bedroom quad villa in Lomas de Cabo Roig just 5 mins walk to the shop and about 5 mins drive
to the beach this has been a lovely home but need to sell now it only 89,999 euros call Carl on 672 875 251 (96292) Ground floor bungalow over looking community garden and just a short walk from the supermarket carrefour in Torrevieja this is a lovely property with a nice size garden Ideal for you if you are looking to be close to all amenties was 99,000 euros now 75,000 euros call me James on 644 138 502 (96293)
Members of The Royal Naval Association (RNA) enjoyed a menu del dia at the Royal Oak Campoamor last Wednesday. As usual there was plenty of chat and banter going on as well as enjoying our lunch together. Whether your experience is of battleships, steamships, mer-
chant ships, sailing ships, cruise ships, model ships or even only hardships do not despair as everyone is welcome to join RNA Torrevieja branch. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 5pm at Bar/Restaurant El Paraiso near Carrefour, Torrevieja.
To find out more about our meetings and social side please phone Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1996. The RNA look forward to seeing you soon!
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
On Thursday Eurogolf played a better ball pairs at La Marquesa. The conditions and the course were in superb condition. Some good scores were expected and we were not disappointed. 1st David Gregson and Bob Shorley 46 pts closely followed by Ken Brett and Morag Turner with 46 pts but lost on countback. 3rd Hedy Paehlig and Franco Gentili. NTP´s 5th and 11th Fred Reeve 15th David Gregson. 17th Arthur Crammon Football draw Sue Gillette Alan Venables Steve Sayers David Gregson bonus ball Marilyn Eckersall. TUESDAY TOFFS On Tuesday 21st June Toffs played their usual stableford and some amazing scores were recorded. Cat 1 (0-15) 1st Ian Pegg 33 2nd Arthur Crammon 33 3rd George McCallum 32 Cat.2 (16-24) 1st Damien Levy 38 2nd Ken Enever 35 3rd Bruce Gordon 34 Cat 3 (25-31) 1st Steve Sayers 44 2nd Jan Shorley 41 3rd Joe Ogden 37 Cat 4 (32+) 1st Franco Gentili 38 2nd Chris Stanley 34 3rd Sharon Horne 30 best front 9 Peter Sanderson 19 Best back 9 David Valentine 21 NTPs 5th David Gregson 11th Damien Levy 15th Cary Grierson 17th Clive Horne Football draw Ken Brett Alan Venables Bev Farhurst Gary Grierson. If you would like to play with Eurogolf on Tuesdays and Thursdays please visit the website We do break up for July and August but resume in September.
Club de Golf El Paraíso LV 39 @Lo Romero 17/6/16 Almost 20 members and guests turned up at Lo Romero on a perfect day for golf. Our guests were mainly from Sweden which included a few youngsters. A young man (17 years old) who goes by the name of Viggo told me that his idol is Henrik Stenson; well he likes to play like Stenson, 3 wood of every tee and 200+ meters long although he was not always in the fairway, a little more practise Viggo! The scores were excellent with almost every player making 30 points or more but it needed 37 points from Benedicte Kruse to take 3rd place on higher handicap from Cecilia Kinnerfelt playing also with 37 points but playing with handicap 10. 1st place went to one
Las Salinas Summer Petanca
of the nicest guys that you could wish to meet, 86 years young, Tom Jones with 39 points. The N.T.P. Competition was really a single player affair, Benedicte Kruse took the bottles of rioja on holes, 5, 12 and 15 which left Joe Dean nearest on hole 7. The young man whom I mentioned early did manage a Stenson like put on hole 12 (20m +) to take the €18 that was in the “2’s” pot. Photo; competition winners. We are a registered club with the Spanish golf federation. For more information about our club please visit tweet us @ ELPARAISO14 or follow us on Facebook/ELPARAISOGOLF. Or just call the Secretary on 661 524 101
Las Ramblas GS By Mike Chapman There was another incredible score in our first game of the week following up the 49 pts scored by two teams in last weeks 2 ball better ball. The team of Reg Akehurst, Donna Campbell, Marleen Billen and Brian Dent scored 95 pts to win the Dusty Bin (3-2-1) competition which was only one point short of the Club record for this format. In second place with a very respectable 90 pts were Ulrike Barth, Jenny Staines, Friedel Knebel and Hendrick Oldenziel. On Wednesday we played our usual weekly stableford competition in perfect weather conditions but the greens were still a little bumpy following recent maintenance which made putting rather difficult. With the excellent scores being returned recently in team competitions the handicap secretary had his pencil sharpened ready to make some severe cuts. However in the event it was some surprise that it was only the handicap secretary himself who beat par winning Category One with an excellent 38 pts. The top three in each category were as follows: Cat 1. 1st Bryan Neal 38 pts 2nd Doug Wright 36 pts 3rd Peter Dunn 35 pts Cat 2. 1st Heinz Lei 35 pts 2nd Yvonne Phipps 34 pts (c/b) 3rd Terry Cullen 34 pts 2's Club: Jan Svendsen, Lindsay Forbes, Brian Dent and Peter Dunn On Thursday we had an excellent lunch at El Prado in San Miguel for which many thanks go to Dee Biggerstaff for organising the event. Following the lunch there was a good turn out for our game on Friday which was the popular Counter Game where the number of scores needed on each hole is not known until reaching the next tee. The game was won with a very good score of 105 pts by the team of Joyce and Allen McClusky, John Shervell and Brian Staines. In second place with 99 pts were Rod Doel, Peter Dunn, Alan Douglas and Dave Pulling.
We are now playing in the heat hiding in the shade with hats on and umbrellas but there is water beer and wine available. In division 1 Amigos Belgas 1 are top at present but Los Bandidos are not find behind them. Guardamar are 3rd. In the second division Dominos phoenix and Los Altos Amigos are joint top with Falcons are close 3rd. In division 3 Lakeside are top but Los Altos Jets are running them a close 2nd. San Miguel Tigers are in 3rd place Thank you to all our sponsors Casas Manuel Dominos Bar and Coys Renta Car. Linda s Haymes
EL RANCHO Bowls Club Last Saturday found us invited to San Luis by The Legionnaires to an afternoon of good fun, bowls, great company and a barbecue. We enjoyed all aspects and came away from a 7 rink match with 4 of the rinks and the overall shots, a good day all round. On Wednesday Our VCL team played host to Country Bowls Herons, we won the pairs and rinks, with the overall shots being a close deficit. A good show with none of the losers being overwhelmed. Jane Hamill 16-21. Richard Lee 16-21. Jim Gracie and David Whitworth 20-12. Marion Haynes, Jan Bright and Stew Hamill 15-23. Pam Harris, Malc Elmore, Shirley Edwards and Carolyn Harris 19-17. Friday found us entertaining Quesada Lancasters, who came as league win hopefuls for this final fixture and play well, they did. They took away 3 rinks, with the overall shots going to El Rancho by just 107 to 87, a result that will probably give them the league. But we had a splendid morning’s fun, with some good bowls and a few, just a little awry, as you would expect from an improving team. Sheila Cooper, Jim Gracie and Carolyn Harris 22-8. Pam Harris, Dave Haynes and Malc Sykes 8-19. Bob Easthope, Jan Bright and Richard Lee 26-3. Tricia Elsam, replaced on injury by Brian Taylor, Graham Day and Brian Harris 14-21. Marion Haynes, Jane Hamill and Stew Hamill 17-18. Diane Yates, John Skipper and David Whitworth 20-18. Membership contact Brian Taylor on 965077093 or at or Carolyn Harris on 966774316 or
Sunday June 19th marked the last race day of what has been a memorable SAMM Spring Season. With six members of the Balaton Group and the regular crew of the Catamaran away, only four Shoestring Group boats competed. Dos (Stormin' Norman and Mike Bates); Tres (Tug Wilson, Pat Fleck); Cuatro (Jack Moss, Di Hardwick and ?) and the RS Quba (John Down). Today was John's first race outing in his new single hander and he did exceptionally well getting to grips with his new toy. Some tweaking is needed to get the best out of the dinghy and no doubt John has a list of adjustments to work on. CTD was extremely busy with hundreds of revellers enjoying a day out on the Mar Menor and, although it is great for the kids, our crews wished the jet-skiers would take a more care and show some courtesy for others.
The first race started in calm conditions and, apart from being drenched by spray from the jet-skiers, was fairly uneventful. The four laps were completed in 30 minutes and it was decided to increase the distance between the buoys for the second as the wind was beginning to pick up. Everybody had a good start and Cuatro and RS Quba were neck and neck for much of the race. All was going well until the 2nd lap when Dos capsized on the downward leg and retired. The RS Quba and Cuatro continued to battle it out as Tres gained on them inch by inch. The increased wind speed made for an exciting race which was over in 1 hour. Results:- Race 1: Tres, Cuatro, Dos, RS Quba. Race 2: Tres, Cuatro, RS Quba. SAMM racing starts again in September. For info on SAMM go to
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
Emerald Isle Bowls Club Monday saw the men’s 4 wood pairs playing Greenlands. J Mulloy and D Close winning at home 27-9 and J Pooley and B Foulds winning away 26-12 giving EI all 5 points with aggregate of 53 -21 The ladies where not so lucky, Y Mallerburn and M Whitelock losing at home and C Thomas and M Foulds lost away thus giving Quesada all 5 points with aggregate of 27-34 Wed the EI travelled to Quesada for the VCL game and came away with a very notable 7-5 win with P Heaney winning the singles game by 21-9 and J
by Elwyn Morris Mulloy and D Rhodes took the trips where S Adams P Cresswel doubles 15-13 and the trips of M L Fisher 23-5 R Adams R Foulds J Mullarkey and M Odell Fooks F King 27-11 B Collins A Brown Bryan Smith 25-13, M Drew 18-18. The aggregate was Riley B Doran J Redfern 23-11 taken by the EI 83-78 J Jarvis E Shepherd D Close 21Friday saw the Victors away at 13 thus taking the pts 12-2 with San Luis Wellingtons where aggregate of 129-74 Well done they came away with a 8-6 vicgreat season, come back fit and tory taking 3 trips each but well for winter leagues, aggregate going EI by 108-104. If you fancy bowling why not Winners were C Thomas M come up to the Emerald Isle on Thomas and J Mulloy 24-8 and a Sat morning at present about M Foulds B Foulds and K 9-30 for 10-00am, where for 5 Jolliffe 19-17 and E Morris B Euros you can have 2 hours Kavanagh and M ODell 17-16 tuition if needed , including The Vulcans played San Luis shoes and bowls or if you can Hercules in their last league and bowl just come and join in. All had a fine win 12-2 winning comers welcome
La Siesta Bowls Club The penultimate match of the Ladies 4 wood pairs took place against Quesada and our girls remain top of the pile with a narrow victory over Vistabella 3-1. Sue Mahomet and Sue Jordan winning their home tie 27-6 whilst Ann-Marie Stevenson and Jean Cooper lost away 22-7. In the VCL League home against Montemar our team had a win 8-4 with the shots being 110-68 in our favour. Alan Barton kept up the good work beating Ronnie Cairns 21-7 in the singles whilst our Rinks team of Irene Laverick, Jim Hudson, Dave Laverick and the
By Rod Edgerton
new Septuagenarian John Ball won 36-8.Bill & Sue Jordan kept up the good work with a convincing pairs win by 19-13. In the SABA League the Wasps had a disappointing result away against top of the table San Miguel Christians and only managed to win on one rink. Heroes of the day Vic Moore,Alan Barton and Pat Harman winning 26 - 15. Shots for 78 - against136. Therefore 2 points La Siesta 12 points San Miguel. Other results will determine if La Siesta hold on to second spot.
The Hornets finished their season with a home match against Horadada Hawks and did so in style with a 10-4 win. John & Penny Porter with John Lincoln had the most impressive win by 35 shots to 7 whilst their were wins for Dave Davies, Rab Logan and Dave Laverick by 17-9, Hilary Clarke,Sheila and Roy Millward 27-8 and Dawn and John Taylor with Harold Charleton winning narrowly 22-20. The overall result a 10-4 win with the overall shots being in favour of La Siesta by 118 to 92.
Greenlands Bowls Club By Dave Webb On Saturday the roll-up was attended by 10 members, result was as follows - 1st was Mike Keating, 2nd was Ronnie Stansfield and third place went to Joan Hunter. The wooden spoon was awarded to our newest member - Rudy Whatlet, well done to all that turned out. In the Ladies 4 wood pairs their opponents were San Miguel, final result was Total shots for - 23. total shots against - 49. Points for - 2. Points against - 3. Winning rink was Mary Lockley, Sue Brown 18 shots to 13. In the Spitfire Division The Gladiators were at home to Vistabella Fairways. final result was - Total shots for 79. Total shots against - 124. Points for 2. Points against - 12. Winning rink was Mary Lockley, Dennis Brown, Mel Brown. - 24 shots to 8. For all enquires please contact Haley on - 966 844 399.
Monte Mar Bowls Club Sponsored by Avalon 22nd June VCL - Division Red Monte Mar Lords at home to La Siesta We won ladies singles Pauline Woodvine. Triples Alan Ashbury, Dave Melville and skip Bill Young. Congratulations to both teams. Points 4 - 8 Shots for 68 Shots against 110 24th June Spitfire Division Monte Mar Torrors had a bye For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at We are also on Facebook.
Vistabella Bowls Club
by Sheila Cammack. A strange week for results, or maybe a week of strange results; with the UK referendum looming large over it all. Now we know we're all “leaving” whether we want to or not so we wait and see what will happen and when. In the meantime we try and stay cool, drink more water and look forward to completing the season with no mishaps and plenty of points! VC League, Monday 20th SL Kestrels were away v San Miguel Deputies and had a result best forgotten!: 0-12, 63shots-102. We fought hard, with Neil and Les just losing the pairs by 2 shots and in the ladies singles the battle lasted for 29 ends before losing 16-21; so close and yet so far. Wednesday 22nd SL Falcons, had a good result at home v San Miguel Sheriffs 10pts-2, shots 99-69. Winners: singles Russell Marks 21-20, pairs Pam Lockett & Sabrina Marks 17-9, triples Kath Reid, June Jones, Noel Verity 28-7, rinks Shirley Verity, Mike Lockett, Ray Pollock, Keith Jones 16-12. SABA: Friday 24th, SL Wellingtons at home v Emerald Isle Victors, had some close games, winning on 3, pts 6-8, shots 104-108, and just losing 2 others by 1 shot and 2 shots respectively. Winners: Steve Simmons, Lynne Morris, Tom Hill, 18-14, Bob White, Ray Pollock, Dave Blackie 21-15, Pam Lockett, June & Keith Jones 24-19. SL Hercules away v Emerald Isle Vulcans, had a tough time for 2pts12, shots 74-129. Winners: Doug & Fay Beattie, Charlie Marigold 21-10. We understand the green at San Luis will be closed from 18th July for 3-4 weeks for a new base and carpet to be put down. Please note: club contact details for all enquiries, please direct to Mary Moss, club secretary, Club website:
by Lynne Bishop VCL Blue league VIKINGS were at home playing the Quesada Lions, two wins only, Ladies Singles Maggie Furness 21-16 and the Mixed Pairs Barbara & Arthur Brown 26-10. Final game at La Marina, let's make the journey worth it. Shots, VB 84 (4) - 95 (8) Q. Red league SAXONS maintained their top of the league position after this week's result against the Mavericks at San Miguel. Lin Watkins continued her good run of wins in the Ladies Singles with another of 21-16 and Ian Kenyon won the Men's Singles 21-11. Shots, VB 71 (4) - 92 (8) SM. Next weeks home result is crucial, I wish you luck. SABA Spitfire league FAIRWAYS were away to Greenlands Gladiators where they won on all but one rink. Dave Chaplin, Mike Regan & Ian Kenyon 27-6. Beryl Regan, Stuart Allmam & Brian Dunn 25-11. Lin Watkins, Dane Howard & Eric Bishop 23-11. Lynne Bishop, Charlie Watkins & Ken Cuthbert 23-13. Mo Foulcer, Andy Leggatt & Maggie Furness 18-12. Shots, VB 124 (12) - 79 (2) G. Home to MonteMar for the final game next Friday. Hurricane league GREENERS for their last game had a good home win playing the Country Bowls Badgers, ten points gained from Kevin Hardy, Tony French & Les Barber 34-6. Rosemarie and Ken Savage & Peter Whitehall 27-11. Pauline Rafferty, Sue Norris & Pat Rafferty 25-17. Peter Cadwell, Sue & Dave Jenkins 24-23. Shots, VB 140 (10) - 89 (4) CB. MENS 4 WOOD PAIRS team AB won 59 shots 5 points v La Marina TS 17 shots 0 points. Team MR 35 shots 2 points v Quesada DS 41 shots 3 points. LADIES 4 WOOD PAIRS team SB 28 shots 2 points v La Siesta SJ 34 shots 3 points Sponsored by Autos Direct, TV Choice & Rivington's Restaurant.
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LEADER San Miguel Bowls Club
By Pat McEwan Fantastic finish to the season by San Miguel Christians who easily won the SABA Hurricane Division. After last weeks game they were on top of the league, and it was very doubtful that the position would change after playing second in the league La Siesta. Brilliant results by Sue Milner, Ros Stockell, Bob Donnelly 26-8: Pat McEwan, Alan Campbell, Dave McEwan 31-14: Sheila Errington, Jim Jarvie, Brian Errington 25-9: Bob Nesbitt, Jack Jackson, Mike Douglas 21-8: Anita Brown, Nancy Campbell, Paul Thomas 18-13. Total shots 136 to San Miguel, 78 to La Siesta. 12 points to San Miguel 2 against. WELL DONE TEAM you deserved that glass of champers after the game!!! The Moors picked up 8 points against Quesada Blenheims, winning the overall shots. Gail Willshire, Ian Rogers, Fred Willshire 28-18: Jan Allen, Stuart Hemmings, Dave Greenland 24-17: Margaret Rogers, Don Whitney, Lynn Greenland 21-9. Total shots 116 for, 109 against In the VCL, San Miguel Mavericks had a good win over Vistabella Saxons winning 8 points to 4. Pairs, Ken Hope and Len Rudge25-8: Triples, Jan Allen, Tom Dalgleish, Dave McEwan 23-14: Rinks, Carol Rudge, Paul Thomas, Brian Allen, Alan Campbell 24-7. Unfortunately both singles games lost!! The Sheriffs had a bad day against San Luis Falcons only picking up 2 points. Well done to Singles player Anita Brown winning 20-17. Total shots 69 for, 99 against. Two more weeks only for the WASPS, the last game before the summer break is on the 5th July. Come along, have an afternoons bowling for €5, shoes, woods, and tuition included. Lists are on the board ready for the 2 wood triples starting in a couple of weeks on a Wednesday morning, more names wanted. It has been decided that due to lack of interest the Saturday evening Australian Pairs has been cancelled. For more information on San Miguel Bowls Club, please contact President, Eileen Potts, Telephone 966730376 or Secretary Pat McEwan Telephone 966714257.
SPITFIRE DIVISION San Luis Wellingtons 104 ( 6 ) Emerald Isle Victors 108 ( 8 ) Greenlands Gladiators 79 ( 2 ) Vistabella Fairways 124 ( 12 ) Quesada Blenheims 109 ( 6 ) San Miguel Moors 116 ( 8 ) Monte Mar Torro Bye San Luis Wellingtons Vistabella Fairways Quesada Blenheims Emerald Isle Victors San Miguel Moors Greenlands Gladiators Monte Mar Torro
P 11 11 10 10 10 10 10
W 41 42 34 31 29 17 16
D 2 1 3 3 1 0 2
L 23 23 23 26 30 43 42
O/W 8 6 7 5 7 2 1
Diff 269 161 124 -19 30 -302 -263
Pts 100 97 85 75 73 38 36
HURRICANE DIVISION (FINAL TABLE) San Miguel Christians 136 ( 12 )La Siesta Wasps 78 ( 2 ) Vistabella Greeners 140 ( 10 ) Country Bowls Badgers 89 ( 4 ) Mazarron Miners 107 ( 8 ) La Marina Pilots 88 ( 6 ) P W D San Miguel Christians 10 36 1 La Siesta Wasps * 10 29 3 La Marina Pilots 10 28 2 Mazarron Miners 10 29 0 Vistabella Greeners * 10 30 1 Country Bowls Badgers 10 23 3 * 2 ) deducted for failing to field a full team
L O/W 23 9.5 28 5.5 30 5 31 4 29 3 34 3
Diff 270 95 -88 -81 7 -203
Pts 92 70 68 66 65 55
HARRIER DIVISION (FINAL TABLE) El Rancho 107 ( 8 ) La Siesta Hornets 118 ( 10 ) Emerald Isle Vulcans 129 ( 12 )
Quesada Lancasters Emerald Isle Vulcans San Luis Hercules La Siesta Hornets El Rancho Horadada Hawks
P 10 10 10 10 10 10
Quesada Lancasters 87 ( 6 ) Horadada Hawks 92 ( 4 ) San Luis Hercules 74 ( 2 ) W D 36 2 33 4 28 3 27 6 24 3 22 2
L O/W 22 6 23 7 29 6 27 4 33 4 36 3
Diff 140 180 -7 0 -112 -201
Pts 86 84 71 68 59 52
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
(Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services). Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. CHATTERBOX Before we start I had better explain that I am not talking about her in doors (only joking ladies) or the playing partner that just will not shut up. The chatterbox to which I refer is the voice inside your head that you hear when you are thinking or alone. Unfortunately it is the source of negative thoughts and heralds doom, gloom and losing. If you possess an internal golfing chatterbox it usually sounds something like this: “If I go for the green I could get a birdie but if is miss the green I could lose the ball and ruin the rest of the round and waste the long hours of practise but if I don’t go for the green I have lost a good opportunity and my golfing mates will make fun of me and this will affect my confidence”. Do you recognise this circle of thoughts or something similar? I bet you do because we will all have fallen foul of our golfing chatterbox during our golfing lives. Now that you know that it exists you will also realise just how difficult it is to switch off. The only way to overcome the chatterbox is to out talk the negativity by re-affirming the positive aspects of your golf game. Literally speaking start to talk to your self in can’s and not cant’s and stop moaning and groaning and take positive action. As soon as a negative though pops into your head, say STOP to your self and immediately replace the negative thought with a positive one. For example, when faced with a 4ft putt on the 18th hole to win the competition, your chatterbox will say, “I have GOT to hole this putt”, and immediately you will feel stress and muscle tension. Replace that thought with,” I am GOING to hole this putt, and just feel the difference in the impact on your body. Go on give it a try! It will not be easy to change because your chatterbox has staying power and will introduce ‘what if’ thoughts to your conscious mind and feed the fundamental lack of confidence and trust that we have in our abilities. Remember you are not a failure if you do not succeed in anything but you are a success because you try. It is also important to lighten up and not take yourself too seriously because trust me, nothing is that important. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you: Golf Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Don Cayo (Altea) Font Del Llop La Finca La Peraleja La Marquesa La Serena Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lo Romero Roda Villamartin Villaitana Poniente Vistabella
Price €100 €82 €80 €80 €88 €39 €110 €120 €37 €80 €126 €90 €176 €110 €102 €55 €62
Comments Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy (after 12pm) Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee and Buggy Two Green Fees and Buggy Four Players and Two Buggies Single Green Fee Two Players and Buggy Two Green Fees and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Four Players and Two Buggies Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee and Buggy Two Players and Buggy (weekends)
Deal of the Week: Las Pinaillas (Albacete) €85 each for 2 rounds with buggies and B&B accommodation on shared room basis in the 3* Castilla hotel. Last minute offers from all Nike courses from €60 for 2 players walking. For Bookings and more information contact Mike direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or at quoting reference LEADER. Quotation of the Week “I never pray to god to make a putt BUT I pray to god that I behave properly when I miss one” - Chi Chi Rodriques
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
637 227 385
T.M.G.S. @ Alenda Golf
Blarneystone GS - Roda
Every time that we visit this course they seem to be making improvements to it, and for the better I might add. This visits surprise was that work was being carried out on the par3 3rd. so the clever guys at Alenda decided to use one of the holes on their “academy course” that conveniently runs alongside the 3rd. what a fantastic challenge it made! Approximately the same length and very pleasing on the eye, some member’s commenting on it had said that it’s a pity that it isn’t a fixture on the course. The rest of the course was, as always in great condition and as you will see from the results that this is a firm favourite with our members. Results for the N.T.P. Competition; Hole 3 Joe Dean, hole 5 Mick Kennedy, hole 13 nada, hole 16 Colin Marsden. Our best guest was from Iceland, Henrik Bjarnason who scored 27 pts. The “2’s” pot contained just €22 and this was picked up by Mick Kennedy for his 2 on hole 5. Silver category; 3rd on L/H Alex Goslan 31 pts. 2nd Mick Kennedy 32 pts. and winner Colin Marsden with 35 pts. Gold category; 3rd Alan Rixson on L/H 34 pts. 2nd Kjell Aasebo 36 pts. and winner Dutchman Fred Kras with 39 pts.Photo: Gold category winners. To find out more about our Society please visit or Facebook/TMGSGOLF @TMGSGOLF or call the Secretary on 661 524 101
Some of our regular players gave this outing a miss choosing instead to watch the England v Wales game in the euro championships (was it worth it?) Another absentee wasn´t by choice, Alan James who had played in every game since we formed last October had a rather nasty accident involving a palm tree, we wish him a speedy recovery. We don´t usually include golf tips in our write ups but one for this month must be "If you want to play golf all summer don´t climb trees!" Those of us who did play were fearing the worst for the weather with the previous Monday reaching record temperatures, we needn´t have worried the weather conditions were ideal. Roda was as always in excellent condition and many thanks to Jose and his staff. We caught the second half of the football at Roda then returned to the Blarneystone for the presentation and great food from Gill, thanks go to Eamon and Gill for a great evening. NTP hole 2 - Ron Chaffe, NTP hole 7 - Claire Dynes NTP hole 11 - Janet Bryan, NTP hole 13 - Dave Hudson 2s pot - Ron Chaffe, Longest Drive - John Bryan Best Guest - Arnold Kernohan 3rd place - John Dynes - 31 pts, 2nd place - Ron Chaffe - 34 pts 1st place - John Bryan - 38 pts Our next game is at Las Colinas on Thursday 21st July. call in to the Blarneystone at Zeniamar to add your name to the list, guests always welcome.
ROCKET’S GS - VISTABELLA GOLF....ARTHURS BASH - EL PLANTIO This report gives you “two for one” The first was a welcome return to Vistabella and a good turnout, the second ois the celebrated Arthurs Bash for Arthurs Williams birthday. For the 14th It has to be said, the course is in very good condition and very playable, with greens taking well struck putts, but some got labelled as a dyslectic golfer – they couldn’t read the greens, the competition was Stableford. Arthur Williams seems to be celebrating his birthday in advance with a handicap cutting 40 pts. The second event at El Plantio Golf was a twofold event as it not only celebrated Arthurs birthday but the 5th year of the renaming of the Society to Rockets. RESULTS 14th JUNE - GOLD CATEGORY 1st Arthur Williams pts, 2nd Alan Clifford 36 pts, 3rd Ron Swift 35 pts SILVER CATEGORY - 1st Malcolm Woods 37 pts Silver Category winners
2nd Dave Guerrine 28 pts, 3rd Ron Chambers 26 pts NEAREST PIN - Hole 4: Malcolm Woods Hole 15: Ron Swift LONGEST DRIVE: Alan Clifford BEST GUESTS “Dinky” 37 pts So it was back to St. James’s Gate for the celebrated munchies, thanks to Martin and staff for their hospitality. “ARTHURS BASH” 18th JUNE – NICHOLSON TROPHY Another good turnout for the annual “Arthurs Bash” and a glorious win for the holder of The Nicholson Trophy Ken Hopkins with another handicap cutting 39 pts. It was all back the St. James’s Gate for Arthurs Party in the evening, thanks Arthur for a suepr night. Our next game on 28th June is at Altorreal Golf, please be there by 09:15. For a first tee time of 10:00 For more information or if you wish to play with arguably the friendliest Golf Society contact Ron Nicholson on 678 849 142 or Arthur with Ken Hopkins
Carp - R - Us Club News Thursday the 23rd of June our Anglers fished round 5 of the Summer series on the town section of the river Segura in Murcia City centre. All the reeds and bamboo have been cut back on both sides of the river giving it a very bare and canal like appearance. However this has done nothing to help the fishing. The winner on the day and getting 30 points was Tom Marshall with 1.78kg. Second was Steve Collins with 0.56kg and all the rest of the anglers had dry nets. Everyone was fishing pole and maggot. Thursday the 30th of June the Club will make a return to the Eden canal in Guardamar to fish round 6 of the series. Pegs will be the normal time of 8.00am and fishing will be from 9.00 till 2.00pm. July´s matches are 7th Argos--14th Eden-- 21st Murcia Town--28th
Eden. Our next Quiz night will be on Tuesday the 28th of June, starting at 7.30pm. The cost is 1 Euro per person and teams of up to 6 can take part. The next Sunday meeting will be on the 3rd of July with the Committee at 10.30am- this is followed by the General meeting at 11.00. The Clubs home is at the Bar El Alto La Dolores which is to be found just off the N332 between La Mata and Guardamar,where you can join us for a Meeting or Quiz night. Our web site is at or you can also find us on Facebook Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016
CD Almoradi promoted to Tercera The almoradidense, who finished 3rd in the league, behind La Nucia and Calpe, were promoted on Sunday following their goal less draw against Siterre Segorbe. They were leading 1-0 from the first leg played on home turf a week earlier. Almoradi were perhaps fortunate to hang on as Segorbe created a number of good opportunities but having already beaten Gandia and Torrent in their previous play off matches Almoradi were in no mood to lie down as a valiant rearguard action saw them keep out their hosts for the duration of the game. The draw sees them promoted into Tercera for the first time after 19 consecutive years in Preferente. As a result of their success the players were congratulated by the mayor and many of the town councillors as they celebrated their success with numerous fans in Constitution Square. The Vega Baja will now field 3 teams in the division next season as Almoradi join near neighbours Torrevieja and Orihuela. Promotion is also a reward for their loyal band of expatriate supporters, the Almoradi Amigos. Meanwhile in their worst season since they were first founded in 1972, and after 9 years in the Preferente, UD Horadada were relegated into Regional Division 1 alongside Hondon and Rafal.
Rojales Netball Club took part in the La Manga Netball 7's last weekend attended by 25 teams from the UK, 1 from Copenhagen plus Marbella and La Manga. Their first game was a local derby as they were drawn against La Manga and they came away triumphant with a 5-2 win. They then brushed aside three of the UK teams with emphatic wins leaving them just Copenhagen to play in their qualifying group. This was a much tougher game and despite some good netball they lost which meant
they came second in their group due to goal difference. On to the knockout stage and Rojales were really up against it with tough opposition from the West Midlands. They were 3-0 down at half time but with fighting spirit managed to pull it back to 4-4 at full time and won 5-4 with the golden goal. With not much rest Rojales then had to take on a team from Surrey in the quarter finals. Even though the girls worked tirelessly they couldn't pull this one out of the bag but need not be too disappointed as the opposi-
tion did make it all the way to the final. What a great weekend of netball with some great performances both on and off the court! Vamos Rojales Señoritas! Rojales Netball are now on their summer break but will be back on Tuesdays in Quesada from September. Next season they want to be bigger and better and with some dates already in the diary for competitive games are looking for new players/coaches/umpires age 14+ to join them. For further details contact Claire 680300637 or Tracey 679539995.
“In the Bunker” with MicKthe Grip “THE GREAT GOLF PRIZE OF THE NATIONS,” an idea conceived by German Golf Union president Karl Henkell, was a tournament to be held 10 days after the conclusion of the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Hitler, seeing a good opportunity for Nazi propaganda, donated a magnificent silver and amber salver, and intended to present it to the victorious German team. Invitations were sent to 36 countries but only six accepted: Czechoslovakia, England, France, Hungary, Italy and the Netherlands. The contest was a four-round two-man team stroke event. England’s team was Yorkshire’s Tommy Thirsk and Lancashire’s Arnold Bentley. After three rounds the German pair had a three stroke lead, and Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop, representing Hitler, rashly notified the boss of an imminent home victory. Hitler set out from Berlin to present the prize. However, Tommy Thirsk produced a superb, course-record final round of 65. The English pair won, and the French overtook the German team for second place. Tommy Thirsk and Arnold Bentley
Von Ribbentrop raced off in a panic to intercept Adolf with the bad news. Hitler was furious and ordered his chauffeur to turn the car round and head back to Berlin, leaving Dr. Henkell to present the prizes. Records of the event appear to have been airbrushed out by
the host country but the “Great Golf Prize” (nicknamed The Hitler Trophy) was brought home by Bentley and Thirsk, and became the property of the English Golf Union. In 2012 the trophy was purchased at auction by Hesketh Golf Club, Southport, of which Bentley was a member. It now hangs proudly in the clubhouse, an historic reminder of golf and the 1936 Olympics, and a warning never to count your chickens. WHEN SIR NICK FALDO was asked his opinion of Le Golf International’s Albatros course after the 1991 French Open, he pronounced it “ tough but fair.” Anxious course designer Hubert Chesneau could have kissed him, and being French, probably did. This year Rory McIlroy, Danny Willett and a host of top European players will test it for themselves when they attend the 100th French Open on 30th June, thereby missing the Bridgestone Invitational, of which Rory is the defending Champion. McIlroy says the Albatross will be a better preparation for the Open at Royal Troon, two weeks later. The French will be pinning their hopes on Victor Dubuisson. Let’s hope he doesn’t jump in the lake in celebration, as prize plonkeur Thomas Levet did in 2011 after winning, breaking his leg in the process. THE PING CROSSOVER, introduced earlier this year, is not a driving iron. Just because it looks and quacks like a duck doesn’t mean it’s a duck. Tour players such as Fowler and McIlroy are increasingly using this graphite-shafted combination of iron and hybrid which combines the hollow head of a wood with the playability of an iron, and acts like an iron at impact. It goes into the turf so the ball is hit higher on the face than with a hybrid, and the wide sole gives a decent level of bounce to help keep it going. Very handy in the windy conditions of Oakmont. Or Royal Troon. (The only problem is which of the hybrids and wedges do you leave out?) BUBBA WATSON was expected to compete in the annual National Hickory Championship this week at Oakhurst, West Virginia. The Greenbrier owns nine-hole Oakhurst, which opened in 1884. Bubba’s
house (one of them) is nearby. The players use 19th-century equipment, wear 19th century clothing and play by rules that were in force in 1891. Worth a look, if only to see Bubba in plus fours. A recent Swedish medical study says the death rate for golfers is 40% lower than that for non-golfers, and on a par with athletes and gymnasts. That’s as long as players walk the course, burning off some 900 calories during an average round. (Meaning you can still drop in the 19th afterwards and put 700 back on.) For those of you familiar with the old Stanley Holloway song: “My word I do feel well!” Until next time, Happy Golfing. Contact Mick for your regripping and repairs. Tel: 638 859 475.
637 227 385
Monday 27th June - Sunday 3rd July, 2016