Costa blanca and costa calida leader edition 614

Page 1

No 616

Tel: 96 673 0057

Monday 2nd May 2016

Tel: 676 820 588

Issue 325

DON’T MISS THE DEADLINE TO VOTE! Ambassador Simon Manley urges Brits to have their say in EU referendum. Deadline to register for a postal vote is 16 May.

The deadline to register for an overseas postal vote is 16 May, in order for ballot papers to be sent out from 23 May in time for them to arrive and for you to send them back.

More than 1000 expats per day in Spain are going online to the UK government webpage where Brits can register to vote in the EU referendum.

Simply visit with your passport, National Insurance number and last UK postcode. The process takes just 5 minutes. If you do miss the deadline, you can still apply for a proxy vote.

The British Ambassador Simon Manley described the strong interest among British expats in voting in the referendum as ‘very encouraging’. Speaking in Spain to partners of the British Consulate and local authority foreigners’ departments, who are helping to spread the voter registration message, Mr Manley said: “The Foreign Office is supporting the Electoral Commission’s campaign to encourage Brits overseas to register to vote, and I’m pleased that so many are already preparing to exercise their democratic right. “Whether your view is that the UK should remain in or leave the EU, I urge all eligible expats to register to vote in this historic referendum. You may have spent many years working or living in the UK and perhaps still have strong ties: family, property, or a pension. Whatever your circumstances, the chances are the referendum outcome will affect you or your family. “So make sure you can have your say. It is for the British people to decide whether we’re stronger, safer and better off as part of the European Union, or stronger and better off on our own.”

Even if you registered as an overseas voter for the General Election last year, you do need to do it again. That’s because - just as in the UK - you must register every year in order to vote in UK elections and referendums. Expats who want to know more about the EU referendum can visit Clicks on the from computer users with Spanish IP addresses have averaged more than 1000 daily since the overseas voter registration campaign began on 4 February. Since the beginning of the year, a total of over 80,000 people in Spain have visited More than a quarter of a million Brits live in Spain and the large majority are thought to be eligible to vote. You must have been on the UK electoral roll within the last 15 years, or if you were under 18 when you left then at least one of your parents must have been on the electoral list.

You can find out more about voting at w w w. a b o u t m y v o t e c o . u k / f r e q u e n t l y - a s k e d questions/overseas-voters. Expats who are active on social media can use the hashtag #yourvotematters Expats who left the UK more than 15 years ago are unfortunately ineligible to vote, because legislation intended to remove the time limit cannot be passed before the referendum date. 10 things you need to know poster on page 4


Monday 2nd May, 2016



QUEENS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED BY LOCAL CHARITIES Main Office and Classified Adverts call Fay 676 820 588 (Mon-Fri 10am - 1.30pm)

Four local charities HELP Murcia Mar Menor, MABS, HAH, and AMMA held a joint street party for the Queen´s 90th Birthday Celebrations at the Oasis Boulevard on Sunday 24th April.

Los Alcázares to Pilar de la Horadada call David 658 058 883

Red Strokes provided the music and many of those attending danced the afternoon away after eating.

Mazarrón to Los Urrutias inc. Cartagena call Fay 676 820 588 (10am-5pm) Empresas Españolas Fay 676 820 588 (10am-5pm)

A bucket collection was taken and shared between the four charities giving each of them €50 to put in their funds.


Under sunny skies the four charities each manned an information table to inform the public of what they offer in the way of help and information, each table being manned by members of that particular charity. For Costa Blanca or Costa Almeria editions contact Telephone 966 730 057 E-mail Website Head Office Edificio Centro Zenia 2 1a Planta Avda. de Villa Martin s/n Urb La Zenia 03189 Orihuela Costa, Alicante The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

Leader Media

Charity members and friends were invited to come along with tables and chairs for a picnic or to use the restaurants in the Oasis and enjoy an al fresco lunch.

It is the first time that the different charities in the area have worked together and it was great to see everyone was able to enjoy the afternoon together and celebrate the Queen´s 90th.

COME ON LOS ALCAZARES! Yet another bar told to stop Live Music! This is a holiday town, and part of it's appeal is the variety of bars and restaurants, excellent beaches etc. But…the odd person is not happy about live music, and a complaint is made, and in go the Police to turn the music off and spoil the fun for so many, even if it is a party being celebrated. Surely, if people don't like the sound of music, or people having fun, do these complainers choose to live in a holiday town or near a bar? Why not a compromise…say live music (subject of course to having the appropriate license) be allowed between the hours of say 8pm to 11.30 pm, 3 nights a week. Not unreasonable! Bars are having to close, entertainers etc, are also finding it hard to make a living, all because a complaint is made. Live near an airport, you get planes, live near a bar you get noise, so may I suggest that the killjoys go to live in the campo, or in quieter areas….why should a few be allowed to spoil things for so many. Live and let live…only saying!!! Lesley Eburne.

The Next Issue of the

Costa Calida Informer will be published on Monday 16th May 2016



Monday 2nd May, 2016



Monday 2nd May, 2016





Monday 2nd May, 2016

FERRETERIA GAMCENTRE Ferreteria Gamcenter is a Hardware shop located in Santiago de La Ribera offering everything for home and garden. It is a veritable Aladdin’s cave that is in direct competition with the “Big Boys” and meets and beats most of their prices but wins every time for customer service. Ferreteria Gamcenter is stocked with tools, paint, rope, covers, gardening materials, furniture, plumbing supplies and electrical supplies and if they don’t have what you are looking for they will get it for you. The staff are knowledgeable in household repairs so can easily help you with your D.I Y. needs from plumbing & electricity to repairing your garden fence! If you would prefer to let the experts do the job for you then at Ferreteria Gamcenter they can put you in touch with reliable, expert, reputable, local tradesmen. In addition to all the hardware supplies, Ferreteria Gamcenter also supply replacement fobs for cars and other alarmed systems as well as offering a key cutting service. Ferreteria Gamcenter is easy to find in Santiago de La Ribera, just opposite CajaMar on Calle O’Shea..



Monday 2nd May, 2016





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Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May, 2016


Benijofar raising funds for the Samaritans Rojales Panto Group donates to charity Two local businesses in Benijofar joined forces to raise awareness and funds for the Samaritans in Spain on Thursday 21st April. Steve and Alex from the Oasis Restaurant and Martyn and Paul from Catorce Restaurant linked together via Skype to hold a quiz evening at both venues simultaneously. Over 100 people took part and over 550 euros was raised. Beverly Duffin the Operations Director for the Samaritans accepted the donation and praised all the hard work the two independent businesses had put in to promote the Samaritans. She said we are tremendously touched and donations like this help to keep the service operating across the whole of Spain. The Samaritans in Spain operate a 24 hour freephone support on 900 525 100. There is also a drop in centre at Punto Marina near Punto Prima. If you would like to join us as a volunteer please contact Beverly for further Information at

Rojales Pantomime group Presented to Rosa Belen Maran Paredes (Councilor for Culture) and The Mayor of Los Montesinos 500 euros for Social Services to help the underprivileged and 400 euros for La Banda Infantil to buy new instruments for the music school. This was part of the proceeds from their last Pantomime Humpty, Dumpty. The group are in need of new members for their next production of Sleeping Beauty so are holding an open evening at Lizarran Restaurant on CV905 near Lidl on the 21st May from 6.30 to 9pm. if you are interested in joining in any capacity you are invited to go along and meet the group, have a chat and see what they have done so far to raise

money for worthwhile charities. Check out their Web Site


Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May, 2016

Toxic Emissions made safe in Las Ramblas

View of waste tip covered by tons of earth and sand to seal of escape of toxic gases with Las Ramblas houses in background


Spokesperson for the Orihuela PSOE, Carolina Gracia, said last week that the Valencia Regional Government is once again about to release tender documents to potential constructors for completion of the outstanding works on the La Zenia Emergency Centre, situated adjacent to Consum supermarket.

o the great relief of residents of Las Ramblas, action has been take to seal of the emission of burning waste fumes which have constituted a serious health and environmental danger for many years. Action to cover the gas escape with tons of earth has been carried out by the new environment friendly government in Valencia. They were spurred to deal with the health hazard following complaints by local residents, spearheaded by the Las Ramblas Altamira Community and the Guardia Civil’s environmental protection arm (SEPRONA) after the Environment Protection Prosecutor put the matter before the Orihuela courts. In recent years the local residents were assisted by C.L.A.R.O. who enlisted the support of the influential action group VERTIVEGA who specialise in denouncing illegal waste tips. C.L.A.R.O initiated a number of Media campaigns, including coverage on a national Spanish television current affairs programme, which ensured that the authorities were obliged to take up the issue. Sealing the escape of toxic gases is the first step in a lengthy and costly process which will include removing the leakage of contaminated liquids penetrating the ground and endangering the water table and finally addressing the removal of the contents of the tip and restoring the area to its natural state.


She said that she had been given the information at her recent meeting with Jose Maria Angel, the chief of the Valencia Emergency Planning department.

A Forum, initiated by C.L.A.R.O and the Las Ramblas Altamira Community, is now planned for the 17 June in the Las Ramblas golf club from 12 – 2 p.m. at which representatives from the regional government and VERTIVEGA will be in attendance; an invitation is also being sent to the owners of the land who are responsible for restoring the waste tip to legality and we hope they will also be able to attend.

It is anticipated that the tender documentation, to the value of almost 3 million euro, will be released prior to the coming summer with a centre completion date scheduled for the end of next year. When completed the centre will house the Guardia Civil, Policia Local, Civil Protection as well as Fire and Ambulance Services.


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Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May, 2016

Bullfighting back in Benejúzar after 30 years After an interlude of over 30 years the municipal authorities in Benejúzar are to reintroduce bullfighting, and the running of bulls through the streets of the town, between 14 and 22 May. The announcement was made last week by the company Art and Emotion, who are responsible for organising the event which has been commissioned by the City Council The highlight of the program, which will involve bullfighters of national repute, will take place on Saturday May 14 with tickets at reasonable prices. The show will start at 18.00 with the release of young bulls to the public. "We have worked very hard with the town to get bullfighting back into Benejúzar. It is of great pride to us as a company and as fans, to be able to organize this fair", said Javi González, a representative of the company Art and Emotion.

The event could also see the running of young bulls through the streets



Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May, 2016


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HOW TO NEGOTIATE ROUNDABOUTS If you are unsure about the correct way to negotiate roundabouts, here are some simple rules to help you enter and exit roundabouts safely and in the right lane.

APPROACHING ROUNDABOUTS It’s important to remember to give way to traffic already on the roundabout. If the roundabout is outside urban areas of towns or cities, keep right. If the roundabout is in a built-up area inside a town or city and the lanes are clearly marked, you should use the lane that best corresponds to the exit you need to take.

LEAVING ROUNDABOUTS This causes the most confusion amongst drivers. Which lane to choose? Why do I get beeped at if I’m in the right lane? Drivers must exit roundabouts from the right hand lane, because the only way to leave the roundabout is by turning right. This does-

n’t mean we always have to enter the roundabout from the right hand lane. It depends on the exit we need to take. However this simple rule, in practice, can be more complex. Let us see some examples. 1st EXIT RIGHT Enter roundabout keeping to right hand side lane. Stay in lane until exit is reached. Indicate and exit roundabout. CONTINUING STRAIGHT ON (e.g. 2nd EXIT STRAIGHT AHEAD) Enter roundabout keeping to right hand side lane. Stay in lane until exit is reached. Indicate prior to exit and leave roundabout. TURNING LEFT OR CHANGING DIRECTION (e.g. 3rd OR FINAL EXIT) Enter roundabout keeping to left hand side lane. Stay in lane until you have passed the exit before your turn off, then change lane by indicating right and giving other road users sufficient time to anticipate your manoeuvre. Don’t forget that drivers circulating in the outside lanes have priority, so use your mirrors to ensure you are not blocking them as you change lanes.

We hope the information provided in this article is of interest to you.

If you would like to contact Linea Directa please call 902 123 139 More information on Linea Directa online at

Another exciting race day for SAAM

With the closure of the jetty at CTD by the Spanish Costas, a change in the race management was forced upon SAMM. Their new Whaly support boat had to be used as a Committee Boat with a rib loaned by the Shoestring Group in the support role. Despite this, on Sunday April 24th, there were two exciting races in near perfect conditions. In the first 6 lap race the three Balaton Group boats ‘Conny’, a Balaton 18, ‘Mistral’ and ‘Sirocco’, both Sailfish 18’s were neck and neck over the line and fighting it out all the way. The Hartley ran a steady course, as did ‘Shoestring Cuatro’, a Gamba. Just before the finish ‘Conny’ was baulked by ‘Sirocco’ who got into irons right in front of her whilst trying to round the mark. The necessary

avoiding action cost both boats time, pushing them back in the final placings. Brian in ‘Shoestring Dos’, a Laser 2000, decided to be an early star by doing an extra lap, much to the amusement of everybody. It was decided to run a second race of four laps. With the wind springing up it was over in twenty eight minutes with ‘Conny’ showing what she can do with the right crew. A good day, with very tight racing between the seven boats, evidenced by some of the time differences between each place of being just 2, 9, 13 and 15 seconds. The next race day is 8th May. For more info on SAMM have a look at their web site at

New cycle lane in C/Nispero in Los Dolses. Maybe they should just have done with it and ban cars altogether



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Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May, 2016


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LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS QUICK ACROSS: 7 Temperamental; 8 Sizeable; 9 Erne; 10 Middle; 12 Inside; 14 Insist; 16 Effort; 18 Slip; 20 Reliance; 22 Everlastingly. DOWN: 1 Meridian; 2 Spread; 3 Drab; 4 Imbecile; 5 Unless; 6 Dawn; 11 External; 13 Directly; 15 Import; 17 Flaunt; 19 Love; 21 Late. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Treasury notes; 8 Accounts; 9 Ages; 10 Alkali; 12 Recipe; 14 Sterne; 16 Sanity; 18 Ramp; 20 Lavender; 22 Death sentence. DOWN: 1 Bracelet; 2 Pagoda; 3 Turn; 4 Eyesores; 5 Mosaic; 6 Cede; 11 Idealist; 13 Patience; 15 Repute; 17 Nantes; 19 Ales; 21 Vine.

ACROSS 1. Light shoe (4) 3. Praiseworthy (8) 8. Stave (4) 9. Baffle (8) 11. Waywardness (12) 13. Rejoinder (6) 14. Steady (6) 17. Naughtiness (12) 20. Escort (8) 21. Member (4) 22. Ruin (8) 23. Footwear (4)

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 12. 15. 16. 18. 19.

Sweat (8) Tower (7) Awaken (6) Final (10) Depression (5) Whirlpool (4) Sorrow (10) Horrible (8) Ill-mannered (7) Crowd (6) Silly (5) Boat (4)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z DOWN 1. A number expelled could be downcast (8) 2. Make an effort to study with care (7) 4. Men known for insurance in the main? (6) 5. Chat like Jack Sprat's wife? (4,3,3) 6. Time to finish is what poets may need (5) 7. Depend on entirely, not half! (4) 10. It seems family man is involved in new play ... (10) 12. ... but new director still has to be paid (8) 15. Imagined myself in fear (7) 16. Air filter? (6) 18. Possibly three in that place (5) 19. Give up like a selected competitor, say? (4)

SUDOKU CHALLENGE Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 23

















Tuesday Euromillions jackpot 52 million euro Wednesday UK Lottery jackpot 14 million euro

the Sand (1988), d. Let's Hear it for the Boy (1984) e. Tell it to my Heart (1988) 8. Who apparently said "If one enemy bomb falls on Berlin you can call me Meier"? 9. Which controversial Stanley Kubrick film was the first film with Dolby Sound? 10. 'Salto Angel' in South America is better known as what to most English speakers? 11. Fort Knox. Where the gold is. The following is the official name. What is the missing word? The United States ................. Depository 12. Which man made the first successful smallpox vaccination in 1796? 13. Which Robbie Williams album title is a parody of Neil Armstrong's famous first words on the moon? 14. Plus or minus 1 year, when did the Boeing 747 'Jumbo' first enter commercial service?

15. In film, who wrote the tale 'There and back again'? 16. What did Charles de Gaulle say was invented by the British just to annoy the French? 17. What is the 'Pitman System'? 18. One Manchester United league match in the seventies had an attendance of 14,000. 42,000 lower than any other. Why? 19. What common produce is estimated to take a million years to decompose? 20. Which Soviet spy organisation found in some Bond films actually existed?

QUIZ ANSWERS 1 Lord Of The Rings, The Return Of The King, 2. K2, 3. A horse drawn coach. The word coach derives from Kocs. 4. James, John, Robert, Michael and William. 5. Ode to Joy. From Beethoven's 9th symphony. 6. France. 7. Five answers. a. Laura Branigan, b. Joan Armatrading, c. Belinda Carlisle, d Deniece Williams, e Taylor Dayne. 8. Herman Goering. 9. A Clockwork Orange. 10. Angel Falls. 11. Bullion. 12. Edward Jenner. 13. The Ego Has Landed. 14. 1970. 15. Bilbo Baggins. 16. Belgium. 17. A form of shorthand writing. 18. The Man United game v Everton game was changed at short notice from tuesday evening to tuesday afternoon due to a ban on floodlights because of the Miners strike. 19. Glass bottles (some online sources quote chewing gum as another product that virtually does not decompose, this is now believed to be an urban myth - in 5 years chewing gum is no more. 20. SMERSH (Death to Spies)

ACROSS 1 Get down from this? (4) 3. No danger signal? (3,5) 8. Vessel for rubbish (4) 9. Possibly violated a joint (8) 11. It's bound to appeal to the less affluent! (5,7) 13. Cause to be esteemed when earned, perhaps? (6) 14. Small boat that's easily damaged (6) 17. Far better than other paperboys? (7,5) 20. Net value in its final form (8) 21. Leave out some indomitable characters? (4) 22. All the singles? (8) 23. Rode around a river (4)

1. Which Oscar winning film ends with the closing of a round door? 2. Goodwin Austen is better known under which shorter name? 3. Which comfortable form of transportation was first designed in the Hungarian town of Kocs around 1500 AD? 4. According to the US census bureau, what are the 5 most common male first names in the USA? 5. Instead of their national anthems, which joyful song was played at the 1968 winter Olympics for winners from both East and West Germany? 6. In which EU country do ducks say coin coin instead of quack quack? 7. How quickly we forget. Which female singer had a 1980s hit with the following songs? a. Self Control (1984), b. Drop the Pilot (1983), c. Circle in



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Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May, 2016

‘Twitters from the Atlantic’ Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper. He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.

‘All Inclusive’ Poverty In a world where politicians continually remind us of the need for austerity in a bid to finally overcome the worldwide recession, we are becoming a society that is content to witness a growing demand for food banks, child poverty and the homeless on our streets. These issues are not confined to inner city London, San Francisco or Madrid, but are also an issue in the relatively wealthy Canary Islands, a holidaymaker’s paradise - for some anyway. Last week, my local supermarket once again generously participated in a drive to restock local food banks with much needed provisions. Shoppers were encouraged to give what dried and tinned food they could, which the supermarket matched in terms of additional stock. This is a welcome initiative and mostly very well supported by local people. It is ironic that these collections and food banks operate just a short distance away from the hotels that are serving enormous buffet breakfasts, lunches and dinners to their pampered guests. The food banks give a whole new meaning to the term ‘all inclusive’. ‘All inclusive' poverty is all around us and most of us see it every day. Each week, after I have filled my trolley in the local supermarket, I meet several men and women begging for cash. Usually, they want to take the empty trolley from me so that they can collect the one-euro deposit when it is returned. In recent months, I have noticed more people begging for money outside the doors of supermarkets on the island. Some are certainly chancers, whilst others appear to be gen-

uinely in trouble. Many clearly have a serious problem with alcohol or drugs, whilst others appear to have made a career out of begging, with regular faces appearing each week. Most are friendly enough and accept refusals from shoppers, whilst I have seen others hurl verbal abuse at those who refuse to donate, and in one case I have seen anger spill into physical assault. We are often told that we should not give cash to beggars on the streets, but to give regularly to specified charities instead. People tend to make one of three decisions when asked for their spare change. Some will look away; others will smile apologetically and say that they have no spare change, whilst others may give a coin or two. We are warned not to give to give to fraudulent people, as it encourages even more drunken behaviour and drug abuse, and some are not needy at all. This is a problem that I have wrestled with for years. I am happy to give to someone in need, but how do I know that I am not making the matter worse? I remember once being stopped by an elderly woman who asked for some cash. I felt sorry for her, but refused to give her cash, since I suspected that she was an alcoholic. Instead, I told her that I would buy her a coffee and sandwich instead. She followed me a short way to the cafe bar, and then suddenly kicked me on the shins, picked up her skirts and fled as fast as her legs would carry her. She had clearly got the wrong message, and probably thought that I was trying to pick her up. I have often thought that local charities for the homeless should set up a kind of ‘Luncheon Voucher’ scheme, whereby givers could buy books of vouchers from newsagents and local shops, and the vouchers could then be given to the


By Bar rie Mahoney needy on the streets, instead of cash. The vouchers could then be used in exchange only for hot drinks or food from participating shops and cafes. To my mind it would certainly make the difficult question of giving, and to whom we should give, much easier. All-inclusive poverty must not become a norm that we are conditioned to accept. Not everyone who begs is a drug addict, alcoholic or a fraudster, and even if they are we must be careful not to lose sight of our common humanity. If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: and or read his book, ‘Island in the Sun’ (ISBN: 9780992767181). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle. © Barrie Mahoney


Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May, 2016

Boats and Nautical

Social and Clubs

Business Opportunity Pringle vending machine route.All cash income.Net 18k euros p.a Sell Eeuro 14,900 697 834934 Busy Profitable Bar /Restaurant in La Manga. Free Hold Premises, Front Line Med. Turn Key Operation, 100 covers. All licences in place. 240,000â‚Ź O.N.O. Selling due to retirement. Call: 868 08 34 55. Or Email: a n n a - g a rg a n @ h o t m a i l . c o m

637 227 385


Car and Vehicle Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2015 Ford C-Max priced at just 17,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. (69148)

Boat servicing, engine oil/ filter change. General maintenance, fault finding, anti fouling, hull cleaning, accessory installation. Torrevieja to Mazarron. Licensed and registered in Spain, 20 years experience. All makes of outboard engines catered for. Competitive prices, all work guaranteed English/Spanish speaking. Call Tony on 628 166 738 (65470) FOR RENT - up to 10 metre berth - Marina Salinas - CALL 648 627 272 (69101)


Volunteer driver Wanted. Age Concern require an experienced volunteer driver for Tuesday mornings, 10.00am until 1.30pm. You must have a Spanish Driving Licence. If you think that you can help Age Concern in this respect, please call in to the Day Centre in La Siesta, or call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. Volunteers are urgently needed in all areas by the Age Concern LIFELINE Team visiting people in their own homes to assess their needs, reporting back to the Lifeline Team Leader. There are many people who live alone, are lonely and need some form of social contact. Please call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. (69185) HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes in areas surrounding Quesada, San Luis, La Siesta Torrevieja, La Mata, Orihuela Costa, Villamartin to Campoverde, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. We are busy looking after 60 plus clients short and long term who need a friend to pop in regularly. We need volunteers who can

offer Home Help, Carers, Respite, Translation and Fund raising. If you seek help or advice relating to Spanish Social & Welfare issues, contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email

Pets Delmonte Catotel Cartagena. The cattery that cares! Tel 968 168 711 or 616 276 379 (69083)

Tuition Spanish lessons. Certified teacher. 697 834 934

Property for Rent LOS ALTOS spacious 2 bed 2 bath corner apartment with garden. Separate kitchen, walking distance to amenities 450 euros per calendar month, including allowance for bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 MAR MENOR/PLAYA HONDA 2 Bed 1 bath, spacious 1st floor apartment. Separate kitchen, spacious lounge with patio doors

leading to a large balcony with storage cupboard, UKTV, communal pool, walking distance to beach 400 pcm including an allowance for bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 CABO ROIG/AQUAMARINA 2 bed 1 bath ground floor apartment on gated complex. Spacious lounge/diner with American style kitchen. Patio doors leading to a walled garden area. Double and twin rooms with fitted wardrobes. UKTV Communal pool. 475 euros pcm including an allowance for bills. Call us on 966 772 553 PILAR DE LA HORADADA. Beautiful sunny 2 bedroom detached villa. Consists of Lounge/diner, american style kitchen. Master bedroom with en-suite shower room, twin bedroom, family bathroom. Rooftop solarium. South facing. Off road parking. Communal swimming pool. Just a short walk into the lovely Spanish town of Pilar de la Horadada. 5 minutes drive to the nearest beaches. Ideal for full time living. 600 euros per calendar month including an allowance for bills. Contracts provided 966 772 553 URGENT! - Properties required for waiting clients. We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel

schools catchment area, 2 or 3 bed houses, and detached villas. Let your property earn you money CALL NOW on 966 772 553 PILAR DE LA HORADADA. 2 Bed 2 bath townhouse in quiet cul-de-sac location. South facing, comfortable furnishings, English TV, communal pool, short walk to town 450 euros per month, inclusive of allowance for bills. Legal let with contracts 966 772 553 WANTED URGENTLY We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, detached houses. If you think your property may be suitable please CALL NOW on 966 772 553

Property for Sale For Sale Town House In SAX/Alicante. 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, with separate granny flat. Single Garage space & 50 metre Patio. Quiet area with no community fees. Close to all local amenities. 160,000â‚Ź O.N.O. Call: 868 08 34 55 Or email: LA MANGA - Immaculate 2 bed, 2 bath apartment. Fully-furnished. Close to beaches and Veneziola Golf. 2nd floor. Reduced for quick sale. 125.500 Euro. Tel 626 253 569. (90187) Dolores. Large Finca in plot of 10,000 m2. All services connected. Build Size 215m2. Must be viewed. 195,000 euros. Tel 649 189 930 (65297) Beautifully presented 2 bed ground floor bungalow. Property consists of Lounge/Diner, good

sized kitchen with storage area, Master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, twin bedroom with fitted wardrobes and family bathroom. Good sized garden and communal pool. This property is located just a short stroll to Villamartin and is ideal for full time living and holidays 80,000 euros Tel 966 772 553 (92320) A stunning quad villa in playa golf property with 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom and large garden just a short walk from bars and the bus and only a 5 mins drive to the beach 115,000 euros contact Ian on 644 115 988 (96290) 2 Bedroom quad villa in Lomas de Cabo Roig just 5 mins walk to the shop and about 5 mins drive to the beach this has been a lovely home but need to sell now it only 89,999 euros call Carl on 672 875 251 (96292) Ground floor bungalow over looking community garden and just a short walk from the supermarket carrefour in Torrevieja this is a lovely property with a nice size garden Ideal for you if you are looking to be close to all amenties was 99,000 euros now 75,000 euros call me James on 644 138 502 (96293) Refurbished top floor bungalow with private garden and private solarium in the Verdemars with sea view and golf views also we have refurbished to a high standard there is a lovely stream just a few mins walk away and the communtiy is a nice and clean with 2 communal pool now 124,999 euros call today Paul on 634 043 697 (96294)



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Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May, 2016



Monday 2nd May - Sunday 8th May, 2016

MAY TENNIS TOURNAMENT at CAMPOAMOR [golf] The May tournament was organized for some of the better players on the Costa and four visiting women players from the Newcastle area. The fourteen players played 5 matches of 8 games with different partners and opponents, combining a mixture of men’s, women’s and mixed doubles matches. The weather was perfect in the beautiful setting and after 3 hours of play the results wereMEN


1ST= Chris Madew 24pts

1st Jane Pledger 34pts

1st= Gordon Willock 24pts

2nd Irma Viitanen 22pts

3rd= Hanjo Moser 21pts

3rd Amanda Forrest 21pts

3rd= Rafa deLeo 21pts Congratulations to the winners, especially Jane, who ended up with one of the highest ever total games and was the stand out female competitor. Tournaments are run monthly at Campoamor combining a mixture of visiting and regular players. Weekly club play sessions and adult group coaching sessions are also held throughout the year and tennis and padel lessons are also available. If you are interested in learning to play tennis or wish to join in with the group activities, you can contact head coach, Steve Durie. Tel 635 061 439, Email: Web:


637 227 385


Guardamar Badminton Club Our most improved players for this year are Dee & Roger. They were presented with their trophies by Bill Simms who is a coach at the club but is sadly leaving to go back to the UK with his wife Bobby. Dee and Roger completed a badminton coaching course run by the club. The badminton club is open every weekday morning and everyone is welcome, from beginners to more experienced players. For more information please phone 689 159 487.



Monday 2nd May, 2016

The customer brought Manuel a bottle of wine and thanked him for something he thought was lost forever, first the pictures but also his new wife, she was not impressed with his choice of engineer. Him and his wife had rows because it was his friend who messed up and lost the photos. He said they had been friends since school and will remain friends, but he will not ask him to repair his Tablet again. They have now done as Tasia suggested and duplicated their photos onto a memory stick, which with important items you want to keep, is the best way, then if you lose them from one location you can always duplicate onto another, so you always have a backup. We were asked this week again about cracked or broken screens on Phones or Tablets. Now in some cases it is easy to replace the outer screen but if the Gel Coat is damaged (this is the part that controls our touch screens) should this be damaged you are wasting your time and money, the cost is restrictive because of the labour in taking it all to pieces then replacing the Gel Coat then putting it back. So there is a massive difference between the Glass and the Gel Coat, one says your machine can be repaired the other is cheaper to buy a new one. Remember always protect your Phone or Tablet with a cover, they cost little to buy, from around 5€ but can save you 100’s of € in replacement costs when or if you drop it. You can choose a Cover and Tasia will advise on the correct size for your model. For those of you without a Tablet, you can look upon it as a portable extension of your computer, with many of the new apps like Cloud you can access the items from your PC at home, while abroad, or just down at the local Wi-Fi centre. This is just a way of storing all your items to make them accessible from another computer, or from another location. It used to be for Iphones but it is now available to us holders of lesser makes that work just as well but do not have the name.


I can not understand why there is a problem with TV, a reminder if you have internet but no TV access or aerial, then put your tablet on Wi-Fi type in “FILMON” into your browser after 15 seconds or so of advertising, (you can turn this off if you click on the x, you will get up to 700 different channels including BBC etc. if you see Tasia in the shop you can buy a lead that goes from your Tablet to your TV, that will then give you full screen TV all for free, subject to any costs with your internet! This is not suitable for pay as you go internet, the reason is the video cost is more than Emails etc., but if you do not want to miss Eastenders or Coronation street just go to a Wi-Fi Cafe or bar join their Wi-Fi and watch your favourite program while drinking a coffee or a beer. Or stay all evening and go home when TV finishes.

In last issue I wrote about friends and so called computer “whiz kids” who with very little knowledge can do a great deal of damage to your computer; and although the gadgets are getting cheaper to replace, the damaged caused by these people can be far worse than just the loss of your machine. One customer brought in his Tablet because he had been told that the pictures he had taken on holiday were all lost due to a computer fault. So the person came into Fowof because after reading this page he thought the pictures may be savable, incidentally the photos were of his honeymoon in Africa and he was devastated. Six weeks ago he was told that an error on the Tablet had lost them, Manuel took the machine and after two hours of searching files that the so called repairer/whiz Kid had corrupted, he found the persons pictures, they were not lost, just the person had not known, what or where to look, but also had no idea about what he was doing and managed to loose them. Now it is strange, because even me with my small, very limited knowledge of all things Techno, I at least know that should you choose to delete a file, it always asks, are you sure, even then they can usually be found in the deleted file, or waste basket, but again this was like Manuel said, it was lucky the person could not find the file. The file was safer that way, because he could have deleted them for good had he found them and tried to get them back!

Remember when you were a child and your mates had Nike shoes? Could they run faster? Throw further? Jump higher? NO, so stick to the sensible model you can afford. My wife was given an Iphone for Christmas by one of our daughters, so they could use speech and see facility only on Iphone, but I pointed out you can have, Whatsapp, Skype, plus many more without paying 600€ for a machine, that you and I can replicate for under 150.00€ Plus when we drop it the replacement cost is 450.00€ cheaper. Now I can honestly say the “Iphone” is very good with great extras that can be of use, but when you think most of us want to make a phone call, use the internet, see our family and friends, use our phone to direct us to our destination all for under 150€ yes the “Iphone” does it and more, but would we ever use the extras? I have not missed it and prefer to keep my money in my pocket, but for those of you richer than me, which should be most of the readership, if you want an “Iphone” then buy it you can impress your friends, but I will save my money for something more important, like the Electric bill, Water rates, etc. A quickie on Apps with regard to phones, if you use Easyjet to fly to the UK you can download their app and download your boarding pass up to I believe 4 people on each phone, cheaper than Printing, plus unless of course you lose your phone it is very safe, remember if you leave your boarding pass at home your airline will print it off for you, sometimes charging up to 80€ for the return journey. More profit, so the mobile boarding pass on your phone is very easy and can save you a lot of money, even if you use it as a last resort, Ie. take a paper one but also download it on phone, once done you do not need Internet access.

Angelos is missing from the shop at present as he has now opened the Restaurant in Mil Palmeras, now though I do not usually say that some restaurants are better than others, in this case Angelos being Greek so as well as his normal Mediterranean menu, they do a Greek menu, it is fantastic, for those of you who have got fed up with repetitive food, this is where to go, right across from the Beach in Mil Palmeras at the end of the main walkway for bars and restaurants overlooking the sea and beach, it is perfect. Try my favourite, it’s a Greek Meze, basically a mixture of all the items they do, it comes on a tray and the waiter or waitress advises where to start and you make your way through the different dishes, some you will like more than others but a great selection of seafood and meats make it a dish that everyone will enjoy, any one who has been to Greece before will I am sure have had it but even if you have never had it, try it I am sure you will like it. Tasia asked me to remind customers to bring in items for cleaning or maintenance, as early as possible should you want it back early. Most items are returned within 24 hours, some the same day, so get it there early, they open at 10am, close around 6pm so ask if possible to get it back the same day, however when finished they will phone you when it’s ready to collect. You will notice a difference in speed and its memory that has been clogged up with the many adverts, or worse the many viruses you pick up every day just surfing the net. I was asked about illnesses you can get from using a computer etc. Keratoconjunctivis Sicca Musculoskeletal disorder To name just two, who thinks of these things? Or more to the point who spells them? I cannot pronounce them but I am sure they are really important, but only for people online all day every day. You and me I think we will start worrying when we start to catch things like the common cold or similar of our computer. But if interested look them up! I might even have one of them already but do not know? One last item “HOT SPOT” this is ideal for anyone here on holiday or those residents who do not want to pay for Internet every month. Talk to Tasia or Anne who will explain that for under 15€ a month you can have Wi-Fi at home or when you go out on all your items, phones, Tablets etc. You can use different items at the same time, try it you will be surprised at how good they are. See their main advert on page 1.


Monday 2nd May, 2016





It’s Time To Have Fun On The Water with La Manga Watersports. Now that the warmer weather is here it is time to kick off the Watersports season at La Manga Watersports with a set off brand new Jet Ski’s. Come and try out the New Seadoo GTI’s for a powerful fun ride, perfect for couples or if you fancy learning how to do some tricks on the Jet Bikes then the new Seadoo Sparks is the Jet Ski for you.

down to La Manga Watersports and have fun with Dave, Kristy and the team, located on the beach, Playa Gola on La Manga Strip, exit 19 from the main Gran Via. Do not worry if you have not partaken of water sports previously you will be taught how to do it and of course if it is your regular hobby then you are free to let loose!

You couldn’t ask for a safer better location than the Mar Menor to have So whether it be Wake Boards, Jet fun out on the water so come on Skis, Banana Boats, Water Skiing or a peaceful Boat Ride, get down to Playa Gola, La Manga Strip and take Salida 19 head for the Mar Menor Beach and have some fun.

La Manga Watersports have lots of ways to get you out on the water at prices that are competitive but why not take advantage of the 5% discount coupon with this advert. What a great way to break up the monotony of a beach holiday, so next time you hear the teenagers whine that they are bored, get them down to La Manga Watersports.

For bookings call 610 366 296 for Safety is paramount to Dave & English or 652 027 174 for Spanish Kristy, so whatever your age, old or young, you are in safe You can also email on: hands with the very best equipment.

SAMM RACE DAY With the closure of the jetty at CTD by the Spanish Costas, a change in the race management was forced upon SAMM. Their new Whaly support boat had to be used as a Committee Boat with a rib loaned by the Shoestring Group in the support role. Despite this, on Sunday April 24th, there were two exciting races in near perfect conditions. In the first 6 lap race the three Balaton Group boats 'Conny', a Balaton 18, 'Mistral' and 'Sirocco', both Sailfish 18's were neck and neck over the line and fighting it out all the way. The Hartley ran a steady course, as did 'Shoestring Cuatro', a Gamba.

Just before the finish 'Conny' was baulked by 'Sirocco' who got into irons right in front of her whilst trying to round the mark. The necessary avoiding action cost both boats time, pushing them back in the final placings. Brian in 'Shoestring Dos', a Laser 2000, decided to be an early star by doing an extra lap, much to the amusement of everybody. It was decided to run a second race of four laps. With the wind springing up it was over in twenty eight minutes with 'Conny' showing what she can do with the right crew. A good day, with very tight racing between the seven boats, evidenced by some of the time

differences between each place of being just 2, 9, 13 and 15 seconds.

Conny rounds a mark The next race day is 8th May. For more info on SAMM have a look at their web site at



Monday 2nd May, 2016




Golden Leaves Expat Services, the ground breaking initiative from Golden Leaves International Limited, is proud to announce that AVA, the beautiful white terrier owned by Sue Nutbrown, is the winner of Homes Garden & Lifestyle Show’s Pet Idol 2016. In addition to being voted the favourite pet of the show, AVA receives a Golden Leaves annual pet insurance policy to the value of €200. Sponsored by Golden Leaves Expat Services, the inaugural Pet Idol competition proved an extremely popular addition to the leading show of its kind on the Costas held earlier in March. Pet Idol saw a wide range of entries featuring many precious pets and drew a large number of votes as well as raising much needed awareness for the work of the animal charity APASA. So much so that, in addition to naming a winner, a decision was taken to name an official runner up, an adorable 13-year-old rescue dog named Mutly, owned by Kathy Thomas. Barry Floyd, Managing Director at Golden Leaves International Limited comments on the award. “For the expat community as a whole, pets are so more than animals, they are in many ways much loved members of the family. They are pampered, cared for, and as shown by our Pet Idol competition; they are a source of great pride to their owners. We have been delighted to sponsor Pet Idol and to award the ultimate winner, AVA, with one of our pet insurance policies.” He continues, “Just as it’s important to get the appropriate medical care for the rest of your family, as and when they need it, pet insurance ensures you can extend this to your beloved pets. After all, in addition to the usual worries we have about pets, there are threats to pet health in Spain, which simply don’t exist in the UK and about which many owners sadly remain ignorant. And, should you need to take your pet to the vet, there is no guarantee you will speak the same language, and treatment costs can be very expensive. Our pet insurance plans are available from as little as 3.37€ per week for your dog and only 2.30€ for your cat, and as with all of our services, we will be right there for you to help, right when you and your pet needs it the most.” For more information about GL Expat Services’ pet insurance, please call 8000 98309, or visit



FOR THIS WEEK Cartagena Local Police have published the locations of the radars which will be checking vehicles speed over the next week, May 2nd to May 8th The radars will be in place on: C/ Belgrado (Polígono Cabezo Beaza) RM-332 (San José Obrero) C/ Sebastián Feringan (Cartagena) Avda. Pintor Portela (Cartagena) C/ Peroniño (Barrio de la Concepción) Subida a Tentegorra Avda/ La Española (La Vaguada) C/ Mayor (Los Belones)


Monday 2nd May, 2016



We are asking all budding Cruise ship spotters and photographers to send in snaps of your sightings of the Cruise ships in Cartagena to, the best shots will be printed in the paper. May


CELEBRITY REFLECTION, Cartagena April 20th photos courtesy of Derek and Margaret Fearon

Ship name

Cruise liner


08:00 16:00


Holland America Line


08:00 17:00

Royal Princess

Princess Cruises


09:00 16:00

Thomson Spirit

Thomson Island Cruises


12:00 19:00

Royal Princess

Princess Cruises


10:00 18:00


Holland America Line


09:00 19:00

Silver Spirit

Silversea Cruises


12:00 17:00

Seadream I

SeaDream Yacht Club


08:00 15:00


P&O Cruises


09:00 16:00

Ocean Majesty

Page & Moy


08:00 17:00

Celebrity Reflection

Celebrity Cruises


13:30 18:00

National Geographic Orion Lindblad Expeditions Inc.


08:00 14:00


FTI Cruises


08:00 17:00


P&O Cruises





During the last campaign to check motorist’s speeds from April 18th to April 24th, Guardia Civil Officers fined a total of 2,394 drivers in the region of Murcia for speeding. According to the DGT (General Department of Traffic) the speed of 28,685 vehicles that were travelling on roads in the region of Murcia were checked during the 7-day campaign, out of these 8.35% were found to be speeding.

GASTRO ROUTE From Friday April 29th to May 15th, 19 establishments in Los Belones will be offering a Tapa and drink or a dessert and a coffee for 2.50€ Remember to grab a Gastro Route and get it stamped when you try a tapa or dessert, after sampling 3 you can register to vote for your favourite and be in with a chance of winning various meals for 2, an overnight stay in the Los Delfines Hotel in La Manga, entrance to the Entremares spa and various other wine and food hampers.






Monday 2nd May, 2016


INFORMER GOLF After 3 weeks practicing before the event, exercising twice daily to get fit, further walks to tone up tired muscles (not that I needed it but I was just trying to encourage others into getting fit). I was finally ready, ready to take part in a competition at Golf Deluxe, Spain's foremost American style Putting experience, here in Los Alcazares on the Poligno Industrial, on the road to Torre Pacheco, just 2 kms from the centre of Los Alcazares, with mountains waterfalls and all the other trials that were built to put you through your paces. It is an interesting and great game for all ages. Open from morning till around 7pm this time of year and not only does it have a fully stocked bar it also boasts some of the cheapest yet the best food in the area.

badly. One of the players in front of me, was 9 years old and arrogant, he continuously told everyone how good he was and about how far he was in front; now I am not a bad loser but this was the child who you wish got an outside seat on a plane, or should have been left at Doctor Bernados many years ago, his parents were so pleased that he won and brandished the cup around, letting everyone know that their charming son had won. I tried tripping him over half way round when he was already some 6 strokes in front of me, but as it is with some children, he just managed to stay on his feet; hopefully we will meet again in the supermarket, me with my trolley and his parents looking the other way! Hopefully a lot of you would have seen one of the many interesting interviews that Danny Willet did after his great win in the Masters at Augusta Georgia, he came across as a really nice man, I hope he doesn’t get too big for his boots and change as so many others do once fame come shining down on them There are enough elitist in the game of golf with Lee Westwood who came in joint second; another really good player with no airs or graces, it gave the UK, the best result since Nick Faldo many years ago, with another 2 Brits in the top 10.

I started the game about 10th and I only cheated once with my score card, yet still managed a lowly 16th place out of 22, the ones behind me I must admit were 3 children and the other three were in their 80’s and not taking the game seriously, I really thought I did well, I can only think they were better at cheating than I was. My wife who came 7th said I was a bad loser and should not sulk so much! Me? Most of the ones in front were non golfers making the losing even worse to swallow, plus when your wife reminds you and most of the other players, just how badly I had done, plus she also told everyone about the exercise course I had taken in readiness of taking part in the competition, only to fail so

We are now told that Veejay Sing, Adam Scott (Masters winner) and Louise Oosthuizen have withdrawn from the Olympics later this year in its first year back in 112 years. Now personally I see no reason to add more to the Olympics especially golf; however the reasons given by the 3 plus many more who have said they will not or cannot take part is family commitments and tour commitments? Now Tennis was introduced which was like watching paint dry, as the top 5 players who battle out it seems every competition, through the year also ended up playing each other in the semi and then the finals, now yes I know Murray won but it was still the same 5 players! Now Golf without the leading players will have no credibility to the winner because all the big players will be elsewhere earning the big money they need to continue to play and chase the big wins needed to finance their sport, just a thought why is Rory McIllroy still 3rd in the top players? Surely he does not have the results this year so far to keep him in 3rd?

But back to the withdrawn players, the Olympics will not pay them the sort of money they are used to plus their sport is all about money and sponsorship who will sponsor all those airfares plus the timing of the competition could mean taking 3 weeks out of their busy schedule in their pursuit of glory and money. Plus if you keep adding more sports the village will need to be bigger or hotels built to house these sportsmen who would not want to live in an Olympic village, they are more used to top hotels, Restaurants, not like the many athletes who are being sponsored by the National Lottery. Without the National Lottery one wonders whether athletes would be able to attend, though the “Top Ones” get attendance and appearance money, sadly the majority are left with begging bowls at the door of the National Lottery and while they are away they will not get paid because most hold down normal jobs when not running or throwing things to impress us! Whereas golfers just play golf and live off the sponsors or their winnings, with many prizes going down to 20th most can cover their expenses while waiting for that big win. Danny Willett is a perfect example coming away with his best payday, yet talking afterwards without the “I” am great etc., he

came across as a normal family man with a chance now of being given invitations into many more competitions that he would otherwise be excluded from, plus I am sure his agent will now have sponsors knocking on his door wanting to give him tonnes of money. I have said before the tour and the overruns of the many competitions are making players pick and choose where to play or rather who to play, someone with a good head for arranging can earn a living without ever playing the top competitions however the real money and glory lies with the top 5 matches in a year, where you can come from nowhere to famous and rich with just that one big win. Now I suppose if I was in that position I would stick with my arrangements and leave the representing my country at the Olympics to others who are more patriotic or not as in need of the money as me, with my average playing scores I would need to play every competition I could fit in, hoping to get into the money list so we could eat, but looking at my game we would need to live in a shed and earn money from my part time job!

To advertise in our golfing section please contact your local rep for our latest offers, call David on 658 058 883


Monday 2nd May, 2016



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