No 611
Tuesday 29th March- Sunday 3rd April, 2016
Tel: 637 227 385
Aeromur hand over keys to Corvera Airport The Murcia Regional Government has finally taken possession of Corvera Airport after the keys were handed over by Aeromur, the former concessionaire late on Tuesday evening. The authority were initially denied access when they first presented themselves at the airport main entrance last weekend. A spokesman said that the purpose of that visit was to assess the condition of the main terminal and other facilities but Aeromur whose management contract was rescinded by the government almost three years ago, refused them entry. A High Court decision earlier this month ruled that control of the airport should be handed over to the Murcia Government by last Wednesday 23 March. Failure
to do so warned that the former management company would face charges for disobeying the court. However, following almost an hour of talks, when the delegation from the Autonomous Community turned up on Tuesday evening, escorted by agents from the Guardia Civil, the transfer of the keys was made and all of the Aeromur security personnel retired from the airport. The facilities are now being guarded by security personnel from the Autonomous Community. The inspections that were scheduled to take place earlier in the week finally got underway on Wednesday morning at 10am. Once this assessment has been carried out the government will finally be in a position to put the new management contract out to tender. The fact that the government are now in ownership of the airport is seen as another small step toward the facility becoming operational.
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
637 227 385
637 227 385 Property
637 227 385 E-mail Website Advertising Sales 637 227 385 Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
When The Leader was first published back in April 2004 one of the first businesses to grace our front page was The Lansdowne Irish Bar in Playa Flamenca. They had already been open 3 years at that stage, being the very first bar to open in the Flamenca Beach Commercial Centre. Yvonne and Glenn had built the bar from nothing into one of the most popular Irish bars on the Costa, with a loyal crowd of locals and holidaymakers who all appreciated the warm welcome they were always sure to receive. Now, some 15 years later and after much change within the management, The Lansdowne Irish bar is back with the proprietors. With a relaunch party scheduled for Friday, April 1st, The Lansdowne is sure to rock the Costa once again. The customers of The Lansdowne have always seen the bar as their local and like to point out what they have generously given to the bar when they bring people here, from pictures to Irish memorabilia and souvenirs. Ken and May are proud to keep the bar as traditionally Irish as possible and appreciate the support of the ‘regulars’ every week. Quality live entertainment in the evenings still brings the crowds and they have something different every night. So, next time you are in the area why not pop in to May and Ken and experience for yourself what it is that keeps their regulars coming back year after year. We wish them a every success for the coming party and for the future.
5 bed deluxe villa Det with pool, Preferably unfurnished. Quesada / San Miguel
Call 634 024 386
637 227 385
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
Councillor demands 24 hour ambulance cover for Costa
There are just 45 SAMU ambulances deployed in the region of Valencia which has a population of over 5 million people. The Councillor for Health, Noelia Grao, together with Councillor Luisa Boné, met with the Director of the Emergency Health service, Pere Herrera, in Orihuela Costa, during which he was transferred claims from neighbours and residents, as well as " the need to extend the hours of SAMU 12 to 24 hours, so as to have another vehicle for 12 hours to ensure the necessary coverage, "said Grao Tuesday. They said that the service must be extended from 12 to 24 hours if it was to adequately meet the needs of the coastal population. Grao explained that she has had numerous meetings with both residents of the Costa and members of the Servicio de Emergencias Sanitaria and the current service, which also covers San Miguel de Salinas and Pilar de la Horadada so "is insufficient to serve the entire population." She said that the waiting times in Orihuela Costa regularly exceed 30 minutes, while in the neighbouring town of Torrevieja the service would usually reach the site of an emergency in less than ten minutes."
Grao reminded Pere Herrera that the population within the area grows enormously during the holiday periods when it can often exceed 100,000 people and one 12 hour ambulance facility is totally inadequate for the area’s needs. She said that she expects a response in early April, and even though the Regional Government has made a cut of 200,000 euros in the ambulance service within province of Alicante Grau was quite clear that she expects the response from Herrera to be positive. The SAMU (Servicio de Atención Médica de Urgencia) ambulances, of the type that operate on the Orihuela Costa, are the only emergency vehicles that have full teams of paramedics, and are therefore capable of dealing with more serious situations. The monthly cost varies from between 16,672 euro for a vehicle on a 12-hour shift, the average equivalent of 46 euro per hour, up to 24,963 euro per month, or 34 euro per hour, when the vehicle operates around the clock. Of the 465 vehicles operating in the region, only 45 are currently SAMU ambulances.
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
637 227 385
Linea Directa sponsor National Bowls Championship The Championship committee are delighted to announce that competition sponsorship has been obtained from Linea Directa for this years’ National Lawn Bowls Championship. Due to the substantial sum involved the Championships have been renamed as the Linea Directa Lawn Bowls
Championships. We would like to give huge thanks for the generous sponsorship and hope that this will be just the start of our association with this major International company. If you contact Linea Directa to obtain an insurance quote please tell them that you are
doing so because of the bowls sponsorship. All matches will take place at Emerald Isle Bowls Club during the period 14-28 May, so come along, watch some great bowls and pick up details of how to make massive savings with Linea Directa.
Photo Carl Eagle
BRUSSELS REMEMBERED The Municipal Governments of both Torrevieja and Orihuela held a minute’s silence on the steps of their respective town hall’s on Tuesday afternoon in memory of the victims of the terrorist bomb attacks in Brussels. Torrevieja Mayor Jose Manuel Dolon, said that "once again terrorism has struck at a major European city and that the pain will be felt equally by the people in Paris, Madrid, London and across the whole continent. It is clear these fanatics are not attacking anyone specifically but their barbarity is against humanity, freedom and democracy, the way of life that allows us Westerners to live in peace and equality. " He added that "this is already an open war, but citizens are
strong. They will resist and overcome. It is a battle that we will win, terrorism has no future. I invite you to mobilise all against this barbarity and these terror attacks.”
Similar acts of condolence were carried out across the region by CLARO and members of the FAOC, above, and in Pilar de la Horadada, Rafal, Guardamar del Segura, Rojales and Almoradi.
637 227 385
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
HOPKINS FAMILY DAY OUT AT LA ZENIA Two excellent choirs will combine in concert at the Ecumenico Centro – Cristo Resucitado church in C/Diamante at La Zenia. The concert will take place on Friday 8th APRIL at 20.00hrs and will feature the well-known Orihuela Costa Male Voice Choir, conducted by local singer, conductor and voice teacher NIGEL HOPKINS.
They are conducted by MATTHEW HOPKINS, son of Nigel, who is Director of Music at NTU in the UK, and himself a top class professional tenor, orchestral and choral conductor, and voice coach. Last autumn NTU Chamber Choir were runners up in the International Eistedfodd at Llangollen - one of the world's most prestigious choral competitions, and are in constant demand throughout the UK. In May they are backing the singer Russell
637 227 385
CHARITY DAY AT STRAY SOD Due a technical problem we can't do our charity afternoon on the 2nd of April in Bar La Sahara. But we can do it on the 1st of April at The Stray Sod. So, on that day AFE cancer and Happyanimalesspanien are having a charity afternoon together at THE STRAY SOD from 1pm with entertainment and a raffle. Come and join us to raise money for these 2 good causes! For more information: AFEcancer Happyanimalesspanien
The Male Voice Choir will sing a brand new programme of popular songs designed to please local audiences, which will even include a song sung in Zulu! The visiting guest choir is the famous NTU (Nottingham Trent University) Chamber Choir who are in La Zenia as part of their Spanish Tour. Their tour takes in Barcelona Cathedral, the Sagrada Familia, and the feted Montserrat Monastery, La Zenia, and the Military Church (Santo DOMINGO) in Cartagena.
The NTU Chamber Choir Watson on his UK tour, and next month appear with the Philharmonia Orchestra in the Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham. It is very rare for father and son to sing together in public these days, due mainly to busy schedules and distant geography, but who knows? - this may be one of those happy occasions.Tickets (in aid of church funds) are 8â‚Ź and are available from La Ponderosa Gift Shop at La Zenia C.C. This happy concert is an event not to be missed.
637 227 385
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
SWAN AUTOS - LA MARINA Built on an excellent reputation
Swan Autos of La Marina has been established in Spain now for eight years but also have 40 years experience with their well-known garage in Acton, London also named Swan Autos. Owners Will and Maria Hipgrave have built up a solid reputation, mostly by word of mouth, for an honest, quality and reliable service. Swan Autos covers all types of mechanical and bodywork including insurance claims, engine rebuilds and automatic gearboxes. ITV checks and tests can be carried out relieving customers of having to visit the test station themselves. Swan Autos also offer a free pickup and drop-off service for their customers and have courtesy cars available if needed. Particularly with the summer coming up and hot humid days ahead, it is well worth making sure your car’s air conditioning is up to the task of keeping you and your family efficiently cool. Swan Autos has a special high-tech piece of equipment designed to take care of your needs. Not only will it refill your system it will first of all clean and extract any dirt and residues. Then with the use of special fluorescent dye your system can be checked to ensure there are no leaks before re-gassing. Swan Autos also provides a total professional vehicle reregistration service. All the technical, mechanical aspects and ITV testing is organised by the garage and carried out in the workshop and at the appropriate registered official stations. Then in conjunction with a well-known local company the administration and paperwork is dealt with offering customers a one-stop, reliable, trustworthy and quality service. In these difficult financial times it is even more crucial that money spent on vehicle maintenance is well spent and with Swan Autos their customers can rely on just that. Alongside their technical expertise Swan Autos will also go ‘that little bit extra’ as far as customer service is concerned and that explains their solid base of regular clients who keep returning because they know they will get a good deal. Whilst many customers
live locally other come from as far away as Orihuela and positioned as they are has also made Swan Autos popular with visitors to local campsites requiring aid and assistance with their cars, vans or motorhomes. They also offer an airport service, garaging cars and pickups and drop offs which has proved very helpful when work needs to be carried out on vehicles. Swan Autos is open from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday with no breaks. They are situated at Calle Isla de Mallorca 1,Poligono Industrial Las Moras de San Fulgencio, Alicante which is off the CV859. The workshop can be easily reached from the N332 by turning towards San Fulgencio off the roundabout near to Nancy’s nightclub between Guardamar and la Marina. For appointments, help and information you can ring Swan Autos on 966 184 806 or 634269184. They can also be reached on email at SWANAUTOS - A GARAGE BUILT ON AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION .
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
‘Twitters from the Atlantic’ Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper. He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.
THE INSURANCE FRAUD I was talking to a tour representative working in a large hotel recently. Over lunch, we touched upon the thorny subject of the behaviour of some British holidaymakers holidaying on the islands. I expected the discussion to refer to the over indulgence of alcohol and subsequent aggression, both in the resorts as well as on airlines bringing tourists from the UK. Instead, the subject turned towards fraudulent claims made by customers against tour operators.
such as contacting a doctor for medical advice, or the whereabouts of the nearest chemist. Tour representatives are usually easily contactable and helpful in cases of medical emergencies. In this case, no contact was made to the hotel or the tour company, and no medical attention was sought in the resort. Upon their return to the UK, the couple immediately went to a solicitor and are currently attempting to sue the tour company for damages. In tandem with this action, the couple also went to the local press who, perhaps foolishly, took the couple at their word and wrote a full-page article condemning the tour company and the hotel. Hopefully, the court will be able to see through such obvious fraud, and the couple will eventually be prosecuted. Sadly, behaviour such as this often has unintended consequences, creating a huge amount of damage to other people, including the wronged hotel and its staff, as well as the reputation of the tour company. In addition, this is one of the reasons why the insurance premiums of honest folk continue to rise.
It seems that an increasing number of holidaymakers are attempting to claim damages from tour companies and hotels on the basis of fraudulent claims of ‘food poisoning’ and such like. Indeed, a recent case of a couple from Northern England who appeared to have had a fault-free holiday on one of the islands, subsequently claimed for ‘food poisoning’ when they arrived home. Sadly, the UK tabloids are only too keen to take the side of the claimant, whether the story is genuine or not. It is rare for the press to actually investigate the story for themselves, since it involves the expense of an overseas investigation, which leads to negative publicity with potentially devastating consequences for the hotel concerned. Devious and fraudulent claimants know this only too well.
Another current fraud is for holidaymakers to claim that they have been robbed of valuable possessions in their hotel or resort. Sadly, one of our friends was unwittingly drawn into a similar case of attempted fraud recently when trying to assist a holidaymaker who was in a state of distress outside a nightclub. He claimed that he had been mugged and relieved of his Rolex watch, valuable camera, top of the range mobile phone and a huge amount of cash; not exactly the kind of things that you would take with you when going to a nightclub that you have never been into before.
On the rare occasions, when such cases are genuine, most sick holidaymakers will immediately contact the hotel management for help,
Our friend felt sorry for ‘the victim’ and helped him by taking him to the
637 227 385
By Bar rie Mahoney police station to report the crime in Spanish, as well as helping to complete police reports. Several hours later, the police discovered inconsistencies in ‘the victim’s’ story, and ‘the victim’ was warned that wasting police time and making fraudulent claims are serious offences that could result in imprisonment. Sadly, our friend was also warned of serious consequences for aiding the individual, even though he had never met the man before and was only trying to assist a holidaymaker in trouble. In this case, ‘the victim’ was attempting to obtain a police report in order to claim for ‘stolen items’ from his insurance company; no doubt to pay for his next holiday. If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: and or read his book, ‘Island in the Sun’ (ISBN: 9780992767181). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle. © Barrie Mahoney
637 227 385
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
FOUR IDENTIFIED IN AIRCRAFT LOST PROPERTY INVESTIGATION Following an investigation which began in January, the Guardia Civil have identified four aircraft cleaners based at Alicante-Elche airport, who are believed to have been responsible for the loss and theft of lost and forgotten items left on board aircraft for years, although no criminal charges have as of yet been filed. The Guardia Civil investigation began following an increase in the number of reports to airlines over dozens of passengers who had reported having left items such as handbags, computer devices, phones, tablets and other valuables, which failed to appear in the lost property section at the airport. In many of the cases, the loss was reported soon after landing which led the investigators to find a group of four people, three women and one man, who were all involved in cleaning most of the aircraft where the items had gone missing. According to the investigators, one of the group was the ring leader, advising the gang of how to exchange the money that had been found, and how to sell on the items through second-hand shops, rather than delivering the items to the airlines for return to the rightful owners. There is evidence that the practice has been going on for the last five years, although the investigators believe that the group could have been acting for a lot longer.
SAMARITANS OPEN DAY Curious about work of Samaritans in Spain? Interested in becoming a listener? Have a few hours a week to spare? To find out more and join us for refreshments and a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre by the Punta Prima roundabout on the N332. Wednesday 13th April 11am until 2pm
LENDING LIBRARY Age Concern has a Charity Lending Library with 100's of books to choose from. The Library, which is situated in the large garage behind the Age Concern Centre in La Siesta, is open every Tuesday from 10.30am to 12.30pm.
The case has been referred to the courts in Elche for the possible continual offence of misappropriation, although further criminal charges are expected to prove difficult on account of a lack of individual complainants who have not reported their loss to the official authorities, many of whom were content to have their documents returned, but the majority only having filed the complaint with the airline and not with the Guardia Civil.
637 227 385
637 227 385
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
637 227 385
LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS QUICK ACROSS: 6 Shackle; 7 Rural; 9 Box; 10 Unhelpful; 12 Prevaricate; 15 Affiliation; 17 Decadence; 19 Cry; 21 Scull; 22 Garnish. DOWN: 1 Throw; 2 Act; 3 Glen; 4 Suspicion; 5 Faculty; 8 Secret; 11 Irritable; 13 Veiled; 14 Offence; 16 Trust; 18 Coax; 20 Ink.
Select group (5)
ACROSS: 6 Groomed; 7 Whole; 9
Raise (7)
Dun; 10 Allotment; 12 Down-to-
Commerce (7)
earth; 15 Contracting; 17 Carollers;
Wrong (5)
19 Ale; 21 Flash; 22 Husband.
Significance (10)
Carelessness (10)
Meander (5)
Cyclone (7)
Unfriendly (7)
Foreign (5)
DOWN: 1 Argue; 2 Top; 3 Meal; 4 Champagne; 5 Planets; 8 Got out; 11 Boathouse; 13 Nearly; 14 Totally; 16 Fling; 18 Rout; 20 Ebb.
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 13. 14. 16. 17. 20.
Curbed (10) Essential (5) Riches (4) Resound (2-4) Schoolmasterly (8) Uncomplaining (7) Fascinated (10) Continue (8) Versus (7) Respect (6) Swift (5) Genuine (4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z DOWN 1. Lady chasers (10) 2. Plumped for a brief composition by Edward (5) 3. Almost record what is served by law (4) 4. Show a picture of a wind-shield (6) 5. Splendid lad two generations removed (8) 6. In unrestrained revels I will be submissive (7) 11. Licentious types getting wild tribe into rows (10) 13. Makes more of the general’s new order (8) 14. Stocks filters (7) 16. Fine pottery holds us in contemplation (6) 17. Sounds like the highest point of vexation (5) 20. An account by the man will produce discomfort (4)
SUDOKU CHALLENGE Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 23
Tuesday Euromillions jackpot 31 million euro Wednesday UK Lottery jackpot 38 million euro
8. During the height of the assembly line production of Model T Ford's, how many cars were built each day in December 1924? a. 72, b. 723, c. 7,235, d. 17,235 9. Which actor has played all of the following roles in film? Heinrich Himmler, Lt. Colin 'forger' Blythe and the US President 10. We present you with a line from a famous song from the year 1982. Your job is to identify the song title as well as the name of the artist that scored a hit with that song in 1982. a: You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar. b: Superman will be with us While he can. c: You gotta have a dream, If you don't have a dream, How you gonna have a dream come true? d: Pool old Johnny Ray. e: Good morning miss. Can I help you son? 11. The book entitled "David Balfour: Second Part" is the sequel to another famous book. Can you name the (Scottish) author.
12. Which man, who earned a million dollars as a teenage singer song writer, composed Tom Jones hit song 'She's a Lady'? 13. Which two cities were the targets for the majority of V-2 rockets launched in 1945? 14. Which makers built the following exotic sounding cars? a. Testerossa, b. Countach, c. Lagonda 15. What was unusual about Alphonse Allais' 1883 work of art with the title 'First Communion of Anemic Young Girls in the Snow'?
QUIZ ANSWERS 1. a. Rome, b. Amazons, c. Neptune, d. Shoemaker, e. Mount Olympus. 2. Coffee. 3. a. Mr Bojangles, b. Mr Blue Sky, c. Mr Sandman, d. Mr Cab Driver, e. Mr Wonderful. 4. Juri. 5. Oklahoma! 6. A Bicycle Built for Two. Also known as 'Daisy Daisy' or 'Daisy Bell'. 7. "Half a league half a league," 8. C. 7,235 A total of 224,289 cars were built in December 1924. 9. Donald Pleasence. Himmler in 'The Eagle has Landed', Lt. Colin 'forger' Blythe in 'The Great Escape' and the US President in 'Escape From New York'. 10. a: Don't You Want Me - The Human League, b: Land of Make Believe - Bucks Fizz, c: Happy Talk - Captain Sensible, d: Come on Eileen Dexys Midnight Runners, e: House of Fun – Madness. 11. Kidnapped - Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson. 12. Paul Anka. 13. London and Antwerp. 14. a. Ferrari, b. Lamborghini, c. Aston Martin. 15. It was a blank sheet of white paper.
ACROSS 7 & 22Ac. Where the bedrooms are situated for the Lords (5,5) 8. See 18 Across 9. This goes under the table when letters are sorted (7) 10. Could it be entitled “The Start of New Love Ruined”? (5) 12. Its members regularly go to court (6,4) 15. Payment for subsidence (10) 18 & 8Ac. They cushion sounds when people use flights (5-7) 19. His law I translated into African tongue (7) 21. Business establishment to cause anxiety (7) 22. See 7 Across
1. Easy Mythical Questions. a. Which city was founded by Romulus & Remus? b. Which warrior women were famed for their exploits in the Trojan War? c. Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea, what did the Romans call him? d. What is the normal occupation of a leprechaun? e. Where did the Greek gods live? 2. In early 17th century Europe what was known as 'Arabian wine'? 3. The following are famous for which 'Mr.' songs? a. Jerry Jeff Walker, b. ELO, c. Chordettes, d. Lenny Kravitz, e. Peggy Lee or Ruby Murray 4. What was Dr Zhivago's first name? 5. In which American state would you expect to find corn as high as an elephant's eye"? 6. Which song did HAL the computer sing shortly before his deactivation in the film 2001? 7. What are the first six words to Lord Tennyson's 'The Charge Of The Light Brigade'?
637 227 385
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
Boats and Nautical Boat servicing, engine oil/ filter change. General maintenance, fault finding, anti fouling, hull cleaning, accessory installation. Torrevieja to Mazarron. Licensed and registered in Spain, 20 years experience. All makes of outboard engines catered for. Competitive prices, all work guaranteed English/Spanish speaking. Call Tony on 628 166 738 (65470) FOR RENT - up to 10 metre berth - Marina Salinas - CALL 648 627 272 (69101)
Business Opportunity Busy Profitable Bar /Restaurant in La Manga. Free Hold Premises, Front Line Med. Turn Key Operation, 100 covers. All licences in place. 240,000€ O.N.O. Selling due to retirement. Call : 868 08 34 55. Or Email: a n n a - g a rg a n @ h o t m a i l . c o m
Car and Vehicle Sales Cars wanted for cash. No more unwanted SUMA bills, speeding tickets etc. We will legally transfer vehicles out of your name. Established on the Costa Blanca for 12 years with hundreds of satisfied customers. Call Tim or Yvonne on 662 211 993 or 610 050 099. (69147) The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2015 Ford C-Max priced at just 17,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice
637 227 385
and quality. (69148)
Social and Clubs ARTES COVA are holding a 3 hour intensive course on Chalk Painting, Decoupage and Foto Transfer on Friday 1 April at their shop/studio by Mercadona in Playa Flamenca. The course will cost 30 euro per person and will include tuition on the 3 different techniques including all materiels. Call 966 760 142 to book your place NOW. NEW THEATRE GROUP seeking members. Our aim is to perform for local charities. Call 966 77 4127 or email colinvida@ for info. COSTA COBRAS RFC based at Daya Vieja sports ground. Training juniors Monday 18.30 and Tuesday 18.00, seniors Monday 20.30 and Wednesday 21.00 For more details contact Gary 692 767 242 or Robert on 697 286 416 (69186) Volunteers are urgently needed in all areas by the Age Concern LIFELINE Team visiting people in their own homes to assess their needs, reporting back to the Lifeline Team Leader. There are many people who live alone, are lonely and need some form of social contact. Please call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. (69185)
Pets Delmonte Catotel Cartagena. The cattery that cares! Tel 968 168
JUST GIVE ME A CALL I like to think I´m a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, always up for a chat. I moved to Spain after travelling the world onboard cruise ships, working in casinos. Previous to this, I lived and worked in Northampton, I spent a little under 20 years working in the local casino. After moving to Spain, I spent three years working at an Argentinean company that manufactured security windows and doors in Torrevieja. This is where I discovered my interest in locks – that and the fact that when I was a kid, I would always take things apart to see how they worked before putting them back together again! For the past seven years, I have enjoyed working part-time at San
711 or 616 276 379 (69083)
Property for Rent WANTED URGENTLY We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, detached houses. If you think your property may be suitable please CALL NOW on 966 772 553 SAN MIGUEL DE SALINAS. Large 1 bed apartment. Built in 2010, everything as new. Good sized separate kitchen, balcony off lounge, English TV, air-con, communal pool. 395 euros per calendar month, including allowance for bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 MAR MENOR/PLAYA HONDA 2 Bed 1 bath, spacious 1st floor apartment. Separate kitchen, spacious lounge with patio doors leading to a large balcony with storage cupboard, UKTV, communal pool, walking distance to beach 400 pcm plus bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 PLAYA FLAMENCA 2 Bed, 1 bath 1st floor apartment with English TV. Walking distance to Carrefour supermarket, the commercial centres of Playa
Flamenca, La Mosca and the Citrus centre. 375 euros pcm. Call us on 966 772 553 URGENT! - Properties required for waiting clients. We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, 2 or 3 bed houses, and detached villas. Let your property earn you money - CALL NOW on 966 772 553 PILAR DE LA HORADADA 2 bed 1 bath house on one level. Currently furnished but could be unfurnished. Driveway to fore, courtyard at rear and private solarium 500 euros per month, inclusive of allowance for bills. Legal let with contracts 966 772 553 JACARILLA. 3 Bed, 2 bath apartment. Good sized separate kitchen with external patio off, balcony with lovely views over orange groves. UK TV, air-con, communal pool 400 euros. Contracts provided 966 772 553
Property for Sale For Sale Town House In SAX/Alicante. 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, with separate granny flat. Single Garage space & 50 metre
Javier airport assisting disabled passengers on and off the planes. This was fantastic for meeting people, enjoying the banter and chats about holidays with people from all walks of life, so if I look familiar, that´s probably where you know me from! At the same time as working at San Javier, I was also locksmithing. I am very honest and trustworthy. I´ve had CRB checks in the UK which were needed to work in casinos, and I have recently become a registered member of the UK Locksmith Association which means I have been vetted both here in Spain and the UK. I love life here in Spain with my wife and pet cockatiels! And am very much looking forward to running my own locksmithing business here on the Costa Blanca. If you need a locksmith – don´t panic! Just give me a call. 600 092 225
Patio. Quiet area with no community fees. Close to all local amenities. 160,000€ O.N.O. Call: 868 08 34 55 Or email: LA MANGA - Immaculate 2 bed, 2 bath apartment. Fully-furnished. Close to beaches and Veneziola Golf. 2nd floor. Reduced for quick sale. 125.500 Euro. Tel 626 253 569. (90187) Dolores. Large Finca in plot of 10,000 m2. All services connected. Build Size 215m2. Must be viewed. 195,000 euros. Tel 649 189 930 (65297) Beautifully presented 2 bed ground floor bungalow. Property consists of Lounge/Diner, good sized kitchen with storage area, Master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, twin bedroom with fitted wardrobes and family bathroom. Good sized garden and communal pool. This property is located just a short stroll to Villamartin and is ideal for full time living and holidays 80,000 euros Tel 966 772 553 (92320) A stunning quad villa in playa golf property with 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom and large garden just a short walk from bars and the bus and only a 5 mins drive to the beach 115,000 euros contact Ian on 644 115 988 (96290) 2 Bedroom quad villa in Lomas de Cabo Roig just 5 mins walk to the shop and about 5 mins drive
S&S Locksmith
600 092 225
to the beach this has been a lovely home but need to sell now it only 89,999 euros call Carl on 672 875 251 (96292) Ground floor bungalow over looking community garden and just a short walk from the supermarket carrefour in Torrevieja this is a lovely property with a nice size garden Ideal for you if you are looking to be close to all amenties was 99,000 euros now 75,000 euros call me James on 644 138 502 (96293) Refurbished top floor bungalow with private garden and private solarium in the Verdemars with sea view and golf views also we have refurbished to a high standard there is a lovely stream just a few mins walk away and the communtiy is a nice and clean with 2 communal pool now 124,999 euros call today paul on 634 043 697 (96294)
637 227 385
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
Hat trick for San Luis Bowls Club SAN LUIS 3 TIMES WINNERS: A good week for San Luis teams, culminating in winning the Final of the Premier 20 knock-out Competition against Quesada. This was a re-run of last year's Final very close fought with the games going one way and then the other. Fortunately for us when Jules ran the jack & his wood into the ditch, wedged together, on the last end of the rinks that secured the 3rd away win and after a very nerve-wracking count, the same outcome; a win for San Luis. Our home team: Singles; Ann Holland 21-8, Pairs; Shirley & Noel Verity 15-20, Trips; Kath Reid, Keith Phillips, Peter McEneany 2022, Rinks; Ray Pollock, Scott Malden, Brian Pocock, Tom Hill 1726 = 2points-6 & 73shots-76. SL away team: Singles; Colin Lindgren 21-13, Pairs; June & Keith Jones 22-9, Trips; Neil Morrison, Ray Clarke, Sabrina Marks 15-22, Rinks; Sheila Cammack, Jo & Jules Pering, Russell Marks 13-11 = 6points-2 & 71shots- 55. So an overall win to San Luis by 13 shots. Well done to all our players who have contributed throughout the competition, winning against Javea Green, El Cid & Benitachell. Thank you also to our stalwart supporters. Winter League Wednesday 23rd March, SL Orcas away at Monte Mar, had some very close fought matches, finally
By Sheila Cammack
winning through; shots 92-69, 11pts-1. Winners: June Jones, Neil Morrison, Colin Lindgren, Keith Jones 12-11, Sheila Cammack, Angie Goodfellow, Julian Pering, Russell Marks 19-17, Ann Holland, Keith Phillips, Darren Johnson, Sabrina Marks 21-19, Kath Reid, Peter McEneany, Noel Verity, Brian Pocock 16-16, Shirley Verity, Lynne Morris, Giuseppe Galelli, Tom Hill, 24-6. Our Berleen team: Margaret Morrison, Pam Lockett, Jan Pocock, Scott Malden, had another good win 15-11, still retaining top spot in the Berleen league. SL Belugas were home v San Miguel and this week beat 3 good teams for a well deserved 6pts-6, 87shots-105. Winners: Blossom Cox, Cas Blay, Margaret Clarke, Charlie Marigold 21-16, Jean Parkes, John Moss, Ray Clarke, Paul Parkes 25-15, Ros Holmes, Bill Webb, Les Bedford, Dave Blackie 27-15. The campaign is nearly over with just 3 matches left to play & places to secure. Our presentation evening is next Saturday 2nd April at Casa Ventura; contact Frank Reid. Thanks to Sabrina. Club information is on our website:
Car a van F or S ale In La M anga. Static home for sale. Large plot with deeds. Shed with plumbing for washing machine. Two double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes and air-conditioning. Toilet with hot and cold water. Separate shower room with hot and cold water. Kitchen 12’4” by 6’6”. Fridget. Electric cooker with grill and 4 ring gas hob and extractor fan. Cupboards and work tops. Water purifier and stainless steel sink. Open, large lounge 12’4” by 14’6”. Two sets of double sliding glass doors. Air-conditioning and ceiling fans. Mosquito nets and blinds or curtains on all windows and doors. Pull out blind on patio. Freehold. Communal swimming pool, restaurants, bars, and shop.
Offers around £ 60,000 Please call 634 325 503
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
637 227 385
SAAM Spring Racing underway TORREVIEJA DARTS LADIES ORG. The crews of seven boats arrived at the CTD ‘Infanta Cristina’ Los Narejos at 10am for the first race day of the Spring 2016 handicap series to find that something was missing – the wind. It did not appear until late morning, delaying the start from 11am till 12.30pm, but then blew steadily at between 8 and 12 knots. This meant that only one six lap race could be scheduled. The larger boats were away first, with the two Sailfish (Mistral and Sirocco) crossing the line just feet apart. The dinghies followed 10 minutes later and all four crossed within a few seconds, overall a very good start for all boats. Mistral held the lead for the first four laps until she was caught by the faster dinghies. The catamaran ‘Hamour’ had a bad race and was lapped by all the other boats. At times there was some very close racing between ‘Mistral’ and ‘Hamour’ and then ‘Mistral’ and the Gamba ‘Shoestring Cuatro’, the later boat taking over the lead position with a lap and a half to go which she held onto till the end, finishing the race in 1hr, 16mins, 38secs. The last boat to finish, other than poor ‘Hamour’, completed the course in 1hr. 35mins 16secs. Final positions once handicaps were applied were first ‘Shoestring Cuatro’, second the other Gamba ‘Shoestring Uno’ and third the Sailfish ‘Mistral’. An unwanted bit of excitement occurred at the end of the race when the crew of ‘Sirocco’ went overboard while picking up the mooring buoy, but a prompt reac-
Results to 24th March 2016.
tion by the skipper, Julian Pering, had him back on board before the support boat arrived. The next race day is March 27th. For information about SAMM go to
El Balcon Chicas 6-3 Gogartys Gals 6-3 Wildcats da Vincis8-1 Bye/Descanso 0-0
Daves Babes Friendly Temps Primadonnas Black Dog Ladies
Primadonnas Gogartys Gals Friendly Temps Bye/Descanso
Black Dog Ladies Daves Babes Wildcats at Vincis El Balcon Chicas
1-8 7-2 4-5 0-0
Gogartys Girls Wildcats at da Vincis El Balcon Chicas Dave's Babes Black Dog Ladies Friendly's Temps Primadonnas
P 8 7 6 8 7 8 8
W 8 6 5 3 3 1 0
Hot Darts
L 0 1 1 5 4 7 8
Pts 24 19 16 14 13 10 8
Marion Scott-Denness 140+116+104+100x2, Irene Russell 134+105, Martelle Cheater 133+100, Lin Cousins 128+100, Ann Bartlett 126+114+103, Simone de Lacy 125, Debbie le Grys 121, Veronica Hughes120, Carol Hurlby 119+105, Elaine Willis 117, Sue Casey 115, Bliss Wright 115, Noreen Dobbs114, Anita Morfeg114, Sam Billingham 111+101, Sheelah Cooper 110, Peta Neale 106, Kim Fickle 101, Chris Greenwood 100x2, Pamela Taylor, Pam Horton, Shirley Stephenson 100 180: Cynthia Jevons Bull Finish Karen Barnes High Checkouts: 104 Marion Scott-Denness - with Bull finish. 72 Lin Cousins We are now looking forward to the Ladies Singles on Tuesday 29th March, so keep up with the good scores. Pam Horton, 96 571 0066,
Cafe Uno Golf Society Thursday 24th March, 20 members and guests from Cafe Uno Golf Society played a Stableford competition at Altorreal in Murcia. The course was in good condition, although the greens a little fluffy and hard to judge the speed. The weather was beautiful, warming up to a balmy 25ish, just right for the old shorts and polo shirts to come out of the closet. I think summer has begun here on the Costa Blanca.
Golf scores were not particularly high, but some might say we are not so generous with our handicap system as other societies are. Winners scores are as follows:Just the one category today. 1st R.Rogers - 34pts. 2nd A.Rich - 28pts. c/b. 3rd L.Tyas - 28pts. Best front nine B.Howie - 14pts. Best back nine B.Wright - 15pts. Nearest the pin on 17th hole Lydia. (Guest).
By Steve Lawrence Nearest the pin in 2 on 4th hole - S.Lawrence. Best guest - Alan - 31pts. Winner of the 2's - R.Rogers. Winner on the football card G.Pope. Thanks to everyone for a good day. Also thanks again to Cafe Uno for their hospitality. Next week, Thursday 31st March we are playing at Alenda. 1st tee is at 10am so please be at the course at 9am.
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Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
637 227 385
EURONICS THURSDAY DART LEAGUE “THE ELECTRICAL SHOP” - BLUE LAGOON MATCH RESULTS FOR 24TH MARCH 2016 Junction Jackals (1) Porterhouse (2) Hub Hyenas (2) Ale House (1)
6-6 9-3 8-4 6-6
El Capitan (1) Breakaways Pint Depot Kings Massey's (1)
Pint depot Queens 3-9 Junction Jaguars (2) *Tavern (2) 12-0 Evolution Tradewinds 4-8 Hen’s Teeth (2) Misfits (2) 10-2 Hub Hellraisers * Tavern awarded 2 pts for Evolution ‘no show’.
El Capitan Hub Hyenas Junction Jackals Breakaways Masseys Porterhouse Ale House Pint Depot Kings
P 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
GPF 43 36 35 27 26 35 23 14
GPA 17 24 25 33 34 25 31 46
Pts 37 34 28 28 28 25 21 15
Tradewind’s Pirates Tavern Junction Jaguars Hen's Teeth Sporting Life Mfits Evolution Pint Depot Queens Hub Hellraisers
P 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
GPF 37 37 32 34 43 26 21 12
GPA 23 23 28 26 17 34 39 48
Pts 19 18 18 16 15 13 4 1
Next week we have the semi’s and the Finals for the ladies and Men’s singles KO competitions. This will take place at the Tavern. The qualifiers are: Sonya Cooper – Sporting Life Misfits Yvonne Roof - Rack – Porterhouse Wendy Hayward - Junction Jaguars Gail Todd - Junction Jaguars
Des Field - Massey’s Merv Harley - Massey’s Sean Smith - Hub Hyena’s Andy Rutter - Junction Jackals
The draw will be done on the night and good luck to all players! Junction Jackals 6 - 6 El Capitan There was never more than one leg separating the two sides in this close run match. On form El Capitan should have had the two points in the bag to extend their lead at the top of the table but the Jackals had other ideas. It is difficult to say whether the home side played well or the visitors were a bit off their game – perhaps it was a combination of the two – but the net result was a fine encounter with some good scoring and sharp finishing. Highlights of the first half were Mark Filer’s 94 finish – 25, 19, bull and Nigel Elvery’s two dart 120 finish - which sadly didn’t include a double. Three all at the break left all to play for. The home side drew first blood when Kenny Wilkinson beat David Rotella with a smart 59 finish – 19, D20. Back came El Capitan and by the last leg of the night they had a 6 – 5 lead. Cue man of the match Andy Rutter – two 100’s ( his 7th and 8th ton plus of the evening ) and a double top finish secured the draw for the Jackals. Report Phil de Lacy
Porterhouse v Breakaways 9 - 3 It was a packed night at the Porterhouse with lots of jokes from the famous Mr Ayres. The match started with a great win in the first game for Breakaways Phil Waller who finished on D6 - his first throw at the double. Keith Hickman and Ivan Jones helped him to the winning post scoring 100 and 95 respectively. The Porterhouse thought this was a taste of things to come but Peter Ayres got D10 with some help with Ray Sanderson scoring 96. In the third triple the Porters were well behind but managed to catch up after Peter was disturbed from his joke telling to finish the game on D2. First of the doubles was Ray Hayes and Yvonne Rouffignac. There were a few great scores from Phil Waller (100 x 2, 81) who was unlucky because he just missed D16 and provided Ray Hayes with his opportunity to sneak the game finishing on 50 (18/D16). The next game went to Breakaways with Steve Glennon scoring 126 and Ivan Jones finishing on D12. Brian Nash and Ray Sanderson were next in line playing Ron Chadwick and Martin Hastings. Brian was on form and scored 100 x 2 and Ron Chadwick scored 95 and 92 but were pipped to the post by Brian who finished on D4. Porters won 5 games out of 6 in the singles with Graham Todd finishing on D16, Ray Hayes throwing some great darts (100 x 2) and finishing on D20. Yvonne and Peter both secured their games and even though Martin scored 135 Ray Sanderson took the game and finished on D6. The last game of the evening went to Ron Chadwick of Breakaways who put in an excellent performance scoring 100 and 98 and finishing on D13. It was another great win for the Porters with another triumph for the magic sausages. Report - Sue Sanderson
Tradewinds Pirates 8-4 The Hens Teeth The Pirates welcomed the Hen's Teeth for what was an important match for both teams, the Pirates looking to consolidate their lead at the top of the league and the Hen's Teeth looking to close the gap on their opponents. The match started well for the Pirates winning the opening two triples. Gilly Kirby, Mike Snow (80) and Michelle Lane (83) took the first, Michelle finishing on D1. Next up, Harvey and John Lane and Eddie Hirst (81) took the game with John finishing on 26 (6, D20). Either over confidence or nerves then took over as what seemed a routine win for the Pirates suddenly became a nightmare, the next 7 games all going to the Hen's Teeth. The final triples had Cuyt (90), White (98) and McKay (D11) cutting the deficit to 2-1 against Gilly, John and Michelle (115). First up in the doubles, Harvey (100) and Eddie (98) were against Bryan Cobbs (100) and Tony Hassal who hit 140 but was unlucky at not being able to go for a 180 as he was on a finish. Graham ensured the win with D18. Next, Michelle and Mike were against Evie Samuels and Ruth Gwilliam and were looking to stop the rot. Sadly, as was to be the problem for the Pirates all night, the curse of the double finishes took hold with Evie finishing on D1. Going into the break, Gilly and John were against Jo (81) and James (85, 83) with Jo hitting 4 (2,D1) for a 4-2 lead. A rallying of the troops by captain Gilly took place before the singles commenced starting with John against Jo Cuyt, Jo finishing on 3, D1. Next up, Gilly faced James who raced ahead, hitting 138 but failing to hit his double. Gilly closed the gap but unfortunately for her James finally got D2. At this stage the Hen's Teeth were guaranteed at least a point for a draw but went for the jugular and were looking for the win. Harvey (85) was next against Graham who won with 100, 112 and D1. With the game lost the Pirates were looking to make the score more respectful and Eddie (85, 85) against Evie (78) did this winning on D15. With 2
By Gilly Kirby
games left, Mike (80) against Bryan (2 x 100) saw Mike triumph on D5, 2 wins on the trot but too little too late. Finally Michelle against Tony ended with Tony hitting D6 for 8-4. Well done to Hen's Teeth for a good performance and ensuring a close finish to come with just two matches left in the league. A big thanks also to Brett at Tradewinds for the lovely tasty Shepherds pie. Report – Terry Kirby Pint Depot Queens 3-9 Junction Jaguars It was a Ladies Night and the feeling must have been right for a somewhat depleted jamboree of Jaguars. The feisty felines mustered against the odds and pulled off some impressive darts, as did their regal rivals. In the first triples game, their highnesses Wright, Broadbean and Madame Marie took an early lead but then de Lacy got a 119 and team mate Ivill a 62 and super Simpson followed on with a couple of 60+’s and a 97. We were first down to the double and should have seen it off but then the magnificent Marie brought them in contention with a 98 and then finished off with a D1. With only five players, Cnythia and Wendy Woo had their work cut out against flu-ridden Cox (72), Fozzy and Christine (76) but these two girls never let us down and did the job very nicely with Woo clocking up 92 and 76 and Cnyth finishing very impressively with T18, D16 for and 86 check-out. In the third triples, big-guns Wright, Cox and Maria (79, 75) gave as good as they got from Woo (74), Simpson (62) but de Lacy sealed the deal with a 95 and checked out on S3, D20. In the first pairs, Cnythia (98) and Woo (100 and D1) outplayed Cox (62) and Christine (74) and then Ivill and de Lacy’s D2 finish secured the win in the 2nd pairs despite a valiant effort from Fozzy and darling Debbie (111). If they’d only heeded the advice of captain Cummins when it came to checking out it could have been a 2nd win for them. A lone Simpson did her very best in the 3rd pairs game but one against two is a tall order especially when Broadbean and Marie were on form with 82, 65 and 90, 87, D2 respectively. After the break, Jevons 62, 66, 90, D20 saw off Cox’s 65 but then Wright wrestled with Ivill’s 64, 122 and smashed it with 98. 81 and D16. The last four singles all went to the Jaguars: Woo’s 85 and D16 overcoming Fozzy’s 79 x 2; Simpson’s 60, 75, D20 seeing off regular rival Broadbean; captain de Lacy’s 116, 81 D7 seeing off captain Cummin’s 79 and finally wild card Simpson’s 67, 80 D2 “‘avin’ it” against Christine’s extremely impressive 84, 86, 68, 116! A night filled with the usual fun and banter and a very good win for the ladies from the Junction. Report - Simone de Lacy Ale House v Massey’s 6-6 1st triples Phill husband 100, Merv 125 double 8 2nd triples Dez field double 16. 3rd triples Phill 96, Craig 100, Andre double 16.Doubles Dez 100, Ian double 1, Craig 100, Alan 140. 1st singles Andre 121 double 6. 2nd Ian double 20. 3rd Alan100 95 90 double10. 4th Phill 140, John 100 double 20.5th Craig double 20. 6th Kar 125 Mervin 140 double 10. Stats only from Karl. Sporting Life Misfits v Hub Hellraisers 10-2 High scores Ali 146, Leah 100 and 133 Sonja 100. Finishes Leah 50 Sonya 40 George 49, Sue won got 83 89 dble 16 our player of night. The Hub 8-4 Pint Depot Kings Derrick, Joe and John took the first triple, kings Matt Eddie & John the 2nd. Hubs Joe, John 121 & Sean D3. Graham D9 & Eddie the 1st double in the 2nd John Ayre 180, 140, 100 and an amazing finish D10. 3rd Sean 120, 100 D1. Singles Simon 100 D1, John 53 D8. Kings graham D4. Hubs Sean 100, 131, 140, D4.Final leg to Del 140, 100, 80 D2.
Congratulations to all of our finalists in this years club championships, it was a very close contest with some brilliant bowling. The 2016 Champions are :-
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
San Miguel Bowls Club The last of the Club Finals, took place at the weekend in much better conditions than bowlers have experienced lately. Results were: Ladies 2 Wood Singles, Winner Eileen McLaren, Runner up Ann Eagle: Gents 2 Wood Singles, Winner Don Wheatley, Runner Up Noel Davis: Ladies Drawn Pairs, Winners Jan Allen & Gail Willshire, Runners up Eileen McLaren & Janet Thomas: Gents Drawn Pairs, Winners Fred Willshire & John Staden, Runners Up Cliff Plaisted & Bill Brownlee: Ladies Irene Ward Singles, Winner Pat McEwan, Runner Up Eileen McLaren: Gents David Bentley
by Pat McEwan
Singles, Winner Bob Nesbitt, Runner Up Allan Patterson: Gents Harry Faulkner Singles, Winner Pete Masters, Runner Up David Champion. Some extremely close games, one to mention was the Gents Drawn Pairs - Cliff and Bill were 5 up going into the last end and then dropped a 6 at the last minute!!! Well done to all for a fantastic finals weekend. The Champion of Champions takes place at Greenlands on the 18th to 22nd April - Your support is very much appreciated. The Winter League played against San Luis Belugas coming away with a 6 all draw.
Although only winning 2 games, they got the overall shots 105 to 87. Well done to Gail Willshire, Noel Davis, Mary Dyer, Fred Willshire 31-7: Cliff Plaisted, Val Collier, Chris Collier, Stuart Denholm 28-7. Don't forget the AGM Thursday 7th April, 0930 for 1000 at Cheers Bar. WASPS still on Wednesday afternoons, â‚Ź5 for bowling, shoes, woods and tuition if required. Further details of San Miguel Bowls Club can be obtained from the President, Eileen Potts, Telephone 966730376 or Secretary, Pat McEwan Telephone 966714257.
FEDERATED FOURS FINAL - NORTH v SOUTH Men's Singles, M Foulcer, Ladies Singles, L Watkins Men's Pairs, M Foulcer & G Thorpe, Ladies Pairs, S Burrow & B Brown, Mixed Pairs, L & E Bishop, Mixed Triples, L Bishop, S Pearson & E Bishop. Mixed Rinks, Tony French, Martin Foulcer, Carol & Gary Thorpe We wish them the best of luck in the Champion of Champions comp. Other winners of the internal championships are :Drawn pairs - S Burrows & I Kenyon. Mens 2 wood pairs- N Burrows & I Kenyon. Ladies 2 wood pairs - Mo Foulcer & C Thorpe. Mens triples - D Stevenson, N Burrows & I Kenyon. Ladies triples - O Ratcliffe, S Burrows & C Thorpe. WINTER LEAGUE. Sponsored by One-Way Services & Telitec. At home playing Quesada, the team had two wins from the teams of S Burrows, B Brown, M Regan & G Thorpe 22-15. O Ratcliffe, B Ewart, C Watkins & C Thorpe 12-11. Shots, VB 65 (4) - 103 (8) Q. The Berleen lost by just one shot, sorry that I didn't mention your great win last week...senior moment! VCL. The Vikings home match against San Miguel Sheriffs was abandoned on Monday due to torrential rain, it was eventually resumed on Friday in glorious sunshine. The Vikings took three wins, the Men's Singles M Foulcer 21-10. Ladies Singles S Burrows 21-17 and the Triples L Bishop, J Bowman & A Brown 24-9. Shots, VB 97 (8) - 76 (4) SM.
The final took place at Bonalba between Javea Green and Quesada, and, because of the weather forecast of rain, it was touch and go, but the match was able to be completed with only a few drops of rain, although it was rather cold. The result was always going to be close as these teams have competed this final for at least the last three years, and it has usually finished in each team winning one, losing one and drawing the other. Guess what. It happened again! As there are no points for overall shots in the final, an extra end is played by two teams who are only known by the Captains, as they are drawn before the match. And by co-incidence it was between Bill Pain's and Nick Cole's teams who had already played each other. Quesada were holding two when the Skips came to bowl, but Nick's first bowl did not achieve it's objective, and with his second just
missing , Quesada were the winners reversing last year's result. An excellent game by both teams, congratulations to Quesada,and many thanks to Bonalba for hosting the event, and June Jones for organising this, and many other Leagues.
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
Rockets Golf Society Our second visit to this delightful course and it was in good condition despite the torrential raid the day before. The greens were a little slower than we are used to and not easy to read but that did not deter our talented members. Our leader took a tumble on the Tee of the 15th Hole, and ended up looking as if he had been to the mud flats The highest score was 38 points by Ron Swift. I am sure our handicap secretary will swiftly reduce your handicap, so welcome to your new handicap Ron!!
by Ivie Davies
637 227 385
Eurogolf Stableford & Easter Cup
LONGEST DRIVE: Malcolm Anderson So it was back to St. James’s Gate for the celebrated munchies and Martin’s hospitality. Next home game is back at Vistabella on Tuesday 11th April. First Tee 09:00. For more information or if you wish to play with arguably the friendliest Golf Society contact Ron Nicholson on 678849142 or email
RESULTS GOLD CATEGORY 1st Ron Swift 38 pts 2nd Rodney Smith 31 pts 3rd Arthur Williams 31 pts C/B SILVER CATEGORY 1st Ken Hopkins 31 pts 2nd Graham Knight 30 pts 3rd Ron Nicholoson 27 pts NEAREST PINS Hole 4: Rod Smith Hole 8: Rod Smith
Hole 6: Alan Williams Hole11: Liam Foley
Silver Winner: Ken Hopkins. Gold Winner: Ron Swift
MonteMar Bowls Club Sponsored by AVALON
As this is my last Report for MonteMar as Press Officer, Lets go out with a BANG CONGRATULATIONS to the team of Sue Kemp, Geraldine Fisher, Gordon Fisher, Brian Zelin for Winning the 2016 Indalo 4-2-2 Invitation Competition, held on the 18,19, 20th March. (see pic) Sunday 20th March, MonteMar held the Annual Bernard Pearce Memorial Trophy. The Winners were Dave Roberts, Sue Bounds, Alan Ashberry. Tuesday 22nd March, MonteMar had the Annual Captain v Chairman's match, the Winner this year was the Captain Chris Merry's team. Wednesday 23rd March in the Winter League MonteMar were at Home to San Luis Orcas, Drawing on 1 Rink. Sue Kemp, Jan Soars, Ronnie
Cairns, Skip Brian Zelin 15-15. Shots, MonteMar 69 - San Luis Orcas 92. Points, MonteMar 1 - San Luis Orcas 11. Friday 25th March, MonteMar in the Winter League were at Home in a re- arranged match, to Emerald Isle, Winning on 3 Rinks plus the Berleen. Sue Kemp, Jan Soars, Ronnie Cairns, Skip Brian Zelin 17-14. Geraldine Fisher, Pauline Woodfine, Barrie Woodfine, Skip Gordon Fisher. Alan Ashberrys Team also won. Tony Finans team won the Berleen. Shots, MonteMar 84 - Emerald Isle 69, Points, MonteMar 8 - Emerald Isle 4. For further information about MonteMar Bowls and Social Club, please go to or at and on Facebook.K
Greenlands Bowls Club Not much to report bowls wise, the winter league game was against La Siesta. Suffice to say they paid us back for their away Game at Greenlands when we won all rinks, there you go. On to other things and Thursday night was our presentation night, this was held at La Prada in San Miguel. the night was a resounding success with entertainment provided by Diverse. The mens singles was won by Jim Oliver with John Wray runner up. Mixed rinks winners were Phil and Mary Lockley, Mike and Florence Edwards. with runners up Dave and Jean Giddings and Jim and Joan Oliver. Mixed trips winners Phil and Mary Lockley and Trevor Vanner, Runners up were Jim and Zoe Wilcock
and Mike Kilby. Ladies singles won by Mary Lockley, runner up was Sheila Stead. Mens Pairs winners were Dave Webb and Dave Thompson. runners up were Jim Oliver and Dave Giddings. Ladies pairs winners were Anne Butterworth and Val Duchart. runners up were Sheila Stead and Marilyn Fryatt. Mixed Pairs winners Mike Kilby and Zoe Wilcock. runners up were Mike and Florence Edwards The under 70s was won by John Obrien, runner up was Eileen Merrick. Over 7os winner was Dave Thompson, runner up Dave Webb. The Mens Plate winner was Dave Webb, runner up Dave Thompson.
On Thursday 24th March 50 players took part in the monthly stableford for the Easter cup at La Marquesa. Even though it was a beautiful sunny day and the course is in great condition overall the scores were quite low with nobody breaking par. Cat 1.(0-15) 1st Keith Wright 33 2nd Bob Buckeridge 30 3rd George McCallum 29 Cat 2 (16-24) 1st Stan Low 36 2nd Gloria Manning 32 3rd Dave Nichols 30 Cat. 3 (25-31) 1st Marylin Eckersall 36 2nd Ray Porter33 3rd Connie Parker 29 Cat. 4 (32+) 1st Dave Lewis 30 2nd Lauraine Walker 29 Best front 9 Pino Perito 19 Best back 9 Ken Brett 17 NTP´s 5th Bob Buckeridge 11th
Dave Nichols 12th Stan Low 15th Brian Fenwick 17th Robin Richards Stableford/Easter cup winner Stan Low Football draw Robin Richards x 2 John Hill and Garry Grierson. Unfortunately Toffs was cancelled on Tuesday due to the inclement weather. If you would like to play with Eurogolf on Tuesdays and Thursdays please visit the website Both ladies and gents welcome. We also have an active social scene with ladies lunches, dinner dances, day trips and quizzes for the members and their friends.
637 227 385
‘MIKE PROBERT TALKS GOLF (Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services).
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016
From start to finish, this was a complete hiding, except it wasn't! Torry had numerous chances to make the score line respectable, but alas they were squandered, whilst their opponents were ruthless in their execution of similar opportunities.
Talk about a Jekyll and Hyde club, for that's exactly what Torry are turning into. How can a club venture into a lengthy unbeaten run, take 2 away local derby hammerings, show perfect ‘bouncebackability’ by conquering 2 top 3 sides, then provide a nightmare performance as seen last Saturday evening? To rub salt into the wound, their visitors were enduring an awful recent run, and a certain Torry victory was on everyone's lips.
Unfortunately with the crisis from 2009 inwards many of those home on the edge of the course remain empty or unfinished and the course has had widely reported problems with salt contamination to a number of fairways resulting in a poor quality course which didn't look good on the eye. The management team have tried a number of ways to improve this situation,without success and have been pro-active by offering very low green fee rates while the course was in the far from perfect condition. I can however now report that following a recent visit to La Peraleja things have improved significantly and the fairways are probably back to 85% of their best,they have now received a fleet of new buggies and there is new building work taking place on the villas on the edge of the course. However the management team have decided to continue with what are the lowest priced and most competitive green fee rates in the region.
Lacklustre Torry severely punished
Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.
When the Seve designed course at La Peraleja was first opened to the public a number of years ago it was very exclusive with green fee rates of €90 and buggies for €40 and was to be surrounded by high quality homes.
Manager Pedreño made 3 changes from the heroic victory at Castellon, dropping Higon and Carrasco to the bench, replacing them with Lewis and Jorge, whilst keeper Kike made his home debut, replacing suspended Miguel. Disaster struck after only 45 seconds, when a teasing low cross by Juanra found Tomillero totally unmarked on the goal line, giving him the opportunity of a simple side foot into the net. Torry's first chance fell on 7 mins, an assist by Rafa to Lewis, only for the latter to shoot tamely at the keeper.
CD Torrevieja ...............0 CF Torre Levante..........4 Cosme almost doubled his sides score on 11 mins, but from a corner he headed just wide of the near post, then 5 mins later the same player shot over the bar. A glorious assist by Prieto to Rafa on 31 mins left the once lethal striker face to face with the keeper, but he aint what he used to be, and he made the wrong choice by hammering the ball at the man and not the goal. The pair combined again shortly afterwards, this time Rafa was thwarted by the keeper diving bravely at his feet. Up the other end, Kike pushed a shot around the post, then in 1st half stoppage time, Prieto went on a surging run before firing wide from an acute angle. Early in the 2nd half, Higon and Sanchez replaced Rafa and Jorge. Not long into the half, Quintero tripped Juanra inside the box,
for which he not only received a booking, but had to endure watching Juanra convert the resultant penalty, sending Kike the wrong way. More out of desperation than anything, Pedreno replaced Suarez with Carrasco, as Torry were starting to lose their shape. Midway through the half, Carrasco had a great opportunity to reduce the arrears, but having chested down a cross with just the keeper to beat, failed to gain control and the moment was lost. In the 84th min, an unmarked Casero scored at the near post from an acute angle, following a headed pass by Cosme. Two minutes later the humiliation was complete, when a through ball found the highly impressive Cosme, who nonchalantly chipped over a shell shocked Kike. On 87 mins, Torry's man of the match Prieto, was unlucky when his 20 yard free kick struck the post before bouncing to safety. It could have been worse, when a minute later Levante were celebrating their 5th goal, only for an eagle eyed linesman to rule out their effort for offside. Torry now sit halfway in div 3 on 44 points, whilst Torre Levante lie in 6th place on 48 points. Next weekend, a trip to lowly Benigamin await Senor Pedreno and his not so merry men.
During the high season period until 1st June 2016 why not give La Peraleja a visit and see the changes for yourself. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you: Golf Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Don Cayo (Altea) Font Del Llop La Finca La Peraleja La Marquesa La Serena Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lo Romero Roda Villamartin Villaitana Poniente Vistabella
Price €110 €59 €98 €90 €88 €118 €142 €140 €45 €97 €83 €106 €48 €138 €126 €55 €92
Comments Two Players and Buggy Sgle Green Fee and Buggy (bf 9.30am) Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Green Fees and Buggy Four Players and Two Buggies Single Green Fee (Weekends) Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee and Buggy Two Players and Buggy
Deal of the Week: Las Pinaillas (Albacete) €85 each for 2 rounds of golf with buggies and B&B accommodation on shared room basis in the 3* Castilla hotel. Hollow Tining Watch Altorreal - 30th-31st March 2016 Competition Watch St Georges Day Competition at Alenda on Saturday 23/04/16 including golf, picnic, English meal and live 'Queen' music concert for only €69 with bookings through the Leader on the number below. For Bookings and more information contact Mike direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or at quoting reference LEADER. Quotation of the Week “The secret of low scores is to turn three shots into two” - Bobby Jones
Carp R Us Club News On Maundy Thursday the 24th of March, our anglers took the short journey up to the Embalse de Ojo´s at Blanca in Murcia. This reservoir has a reputation for being very hard to fish, but there were no dry nets. The weather there was Spring like with temperatures up to 22ºC and with very light winds. The winner of round 5 of the series was Doug Hornblow with 4.80kg. Second was Dave Hoare with 3.32kg, third Steve Collins with 1.76kg and in fourth place Mark Foden with 1.66kg. Next weeks match on the 31st will be at the Eden canal with pegs at 8.00am and fishing from 9.00 to 2.00pm. The last Quiz night in March will be on Tuesday the 29th . Starting at 7.30pm with the cost being 1 Euro per person to enter, teams of up to 6 can take part, so come along and have a fun evening. The Sunday meeting for the 3rd of April has been CANCELLED as a lot of members are up country fishing. So the next Sunday meeting will not be until the 17th of April. The Clubs home is at the Bar/Restaurant El Alto La Dolores which is to be found just off the N332 between La Mata and Guardamar. Our web site is at here you will find information about the Club.
637 227 385
Tuesday 29th March - Sunday 3rd April, 2016