Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
VELVETONES DONATED €1450 TO AFA & ALPE LAST YEAR! This friendly chorus have helped Alzheimer's and Elche school for the disadvantaged last year, by donating €1450 from concerts, raffles and fundraising. Telephone
637 227 385 Property
637 227 385 E-mail office@theleader.info Website www.theleader.info
They are always looking for new recruits to sing or become social members so if you would like to know more, come along for a coffee and a chat. We practice each Weds, from 10 to 12.30 at Restaurante El Paraiso, Torrevieja, behind Carrefour. Visit www.velvetonesharmonytorrevieja.com, or follow us on Facebook
velvetonesharmonychorus, call Ena 965 707 598 Musical Director, or Mary-Anne 966 714 973 Chairman PHOTO BY KRISTOFF
637 227 385
Cantabile Spring Concerts Rehearsals are well under way for CANTABILE female choir’s late Spring concerts to be held at the Casino in Torrevieja at 8pm on Sunday May 8th and at La Siesta Church on Saturday May 14th at 7pm.
Advertising Sales 637 227 385 office@theleader.info Journalists 600 228 616 office@theleader.info The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
As usual, Cantabile’s programme will consist mostly of songs that are new to choir and audience alike – music that is uplifting, exciting, contemplative or peaceful – including Tchaikowsky’s The Nightingale and Little Bells from Mozart’s opera, The Magic Flute. More modern works will include Caress from the film “Les Choristes”, Take These Wings by American composer Steven Kupferman and I Remember by young Canadian composer Sarah Quartel. These will be sung side by side with more well-known and traditional pieces. There will also be a smattering of Spanish songs, including Flor Habanera written by MD Jennifer Morton for the choir’s participation in Torrevieja’s celebration of Habaneras on the Beach.. Entry to the church concert will be free with a retiring collection supporting the La Siesta Church Management Fund. For further information about the choir and their concerts, please tel: 966 79 6866 or email: jen-morton@hotmail.co.uk
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Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
Licence fine report leads to doubts
Following last week´s announcement of a successful challenge to the threat of foreign resident driving licence holders being issued with fines for not exchanging their licence for a Spanish version, The Leader contacted the N332 road safety group for a comment on the case that was apparently overturned. Unfortunately, the members of N332 were unable to offer any information, saying, “we are unable to comment on individual cases as we are not in possession of the full facts. Similarly, we represent the position and information provided by the official bodies, such as the DGT, and therefore it would not be appropriate for us to respond other than with the official information”. The group also pointed out that there are many situations where foreign licence holders will not be fined, and other situations where they can be. The information relating to this has been collated in an article published on the n332.es website, under the title, “Questions About Driving Licence Fines Answered”. Meanwhile, The Leader also contacted the press office for the Citizens Advice Bureau in UK to see
if they could shed any light on the case in question, so as to see if it falls into any of the categories listed. Unfortunately, they were unable to offer any information, but their Senior Press Officer was keen to point out that the CAB in Spain is in no way associated with the official and registered UK charity which has been established for many years, saying, “The Citizens Advice Bureau you refer to in Spain has no affiliation with us, formal or otherwise- we represent local Citizens Advice in England and Wales, which are independent charities affiliated to us and adhering to a wide range of membership requirements”. As such the only conclusion which can be drawn from this is that advice should only be taken from officially recognised and registered sources and any assistance should be obtained from lawyers or other official bodies. The repercussions of accepting and acting on advice from other sources is of significant risk to those who may well believe they are being advised correctly.
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
Regional commitment to Social Housing
The Minister for Housing, Public Works and Territorial Structuring, María José Salvador of the PSOE, has announced that the Regional Government is repairing a total of 34 social housing projects across the Alicante province this year, and the renovation of another 48. The announcement was made during a visit to Alcoy where council and financial delegates visited a social housing scheme which would see the renovation of ten properties. Whilst the development of social housing schemes slowed to a halt during the last governmental administration, at a time when job losses and bank repossessions grew at an alarming
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rate, Salvador has pointed out the current socialist government´s commitment to reinvigorate the concept of helping those in need, with a 6.5 million euro budget allocation so far. “We had to make a commitment to reform 250 homes in the first half of this year and as many in the second half”, she said. The Department has also launched a repair program for 34 other projects in the province, located in Alicante, Alcoy, Almoradí, Aspe, Mutxamel, Novelda, Torrevieja, Villena and Castalla, amongst others.
Terrorist sympathiser arrested in Orihuela The Guardia Civil Guard has arrested a man in Orihuela on suspicion of continuous crimes of glorifying terrorism and humiliating the victims of terrorism through social networks. This individual has been arrested with twelve other people across more than six
different regions of Spain, within the framework of an open operation carried out by the Guardia Civil under the direction and coordination of the Central Courts. Three people were arrested in Barcelona, two in Murcia, and one each in Madrid, A Coruña, Pontevedra, Tarragona, Navarra, Valencia and Granada, along with the one in the Alicante town of Orihuela. The individual in Orihuela has been arrested by continuously taunting victims of the terrorist group ETA in his profile on the social network site Twitter. The operation, called “Araña-IV”, has been developed by experts in the collection and analysis of information from open sources. The research has used innovative monitoring tools for searching and analysis of existing information on social networks, mainly Facebook and Twitter. The investigations carried out so far have allowed officers to locate supporters and sympathisers of domestic terrorists ETA, as well as others. Crucially, the information examined is publicly available on the internet and therefor lacks any right to privacy. Much of the content is spread by anonymous users, but investigations have allowed officers to determine the identification of those responsible for these publications. This operation is a continuation of previous investigations of the same name, which have resulted in 60 arrests since the first operation in May, 2014. Of those arrested, around 20 have found themselves incarcerated for their actions, sentenced to between 1 and 2 years in prison.
NEW SUPERMARKET FOR TORREVIEJA Torrevieja will soon welcome a new addition to its range of grocery outlets, as the Hiperber supermarket is set to open its doors in a matter of weeks. The location of the store is in the failed Torrevieja Indoor Market, just off the CV-905. Workers have already set about transforming the site into the trademark yellow structure, whilst the local employment agency has already started the process of recruiting staff. Hoping to tap in to the English speaking market, the store is insisting on a medium standard of English language in its recruitment process. The store is already known locally within the Spanish community as a shop focussing on no frills and low prices, and therefore it is hoped that my moving into Torrevieja they will be able to replicate their success in places such as Elche.
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Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
637 227 385
A SMILE MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE always maintained the highest standards of dental care available, with the overall aim of looking after your oral wellbeing, whether it be cosmetic or restorative.
welcome to come for check ups and pain free treatment. The clinic prides itself on prompt service. No more long waits for something you need now.
Their expertise in building smiles changes lives; quite literally, as they use their artistic approach to fully assess every individual mouth, from every conceivable angle, to ensure that any work carried out fits your own facial features.
Even if you have an absolute phobia about visiting the dentist, and just cannot bring yourself to settle down in the chair, your treatment can be carried out with the assistance of a qualified anaesthetist, who will knock you out completely, to enable the dentist to do the necessary work. The anaesthetist will remain present throughout the whole procedure and when you come to, you will be ready to go home.
The team at Gerhard Nagel speak a host of languages, including English, Spanish and German, which has enabled them to build up a big international clientele. The friendly receptionist will help you arrange an appointment. If anyone has an emergency, the staff will do their utmost to fit you in that day. The clinic has its own laboratory, so work such as repairs to dentures or moulding of teeth, are done very quickly. They also have a panoramic X-ray machine, which enables them to get a very accurate picture of your whole mouth. The clinic is used to dealing with holiday makers too, and will do fillings and bridges etc. at the drop of a hat. Specialist services, such as teeth whitening or cosmetic surgery, are also available. Children are
A visit to the dentist always touches a nerve, often in a metaphoric sense, rather than literal, and often because of a fear that most of us seem to harbour, but usually without justification. However, the good news is that times have changed. Dentists are not to be feared, nor are dental surgeries, as the modern dentist thrives from within a warm and welcoming environment and with the most modern precision equipment, that as soon as you walk into a modern dentist´s office, you feel comfortable, welcome and your fears are eased. The Gerhard Nagel clinic, above the BMN bank at La Zenia is one such place. Having been established on the Costa Blanca since 1997, and one of the first practices in the country to offer high quality cosmetic dentistry, the experience and knowledge of the team behind the surgery has grown since their initial opening, keeping up to date with the most modern practices and equipment, to ensure that they have
Booking is recommended and the clinic is normally open between 9am to 3pm. For info or to make a booking, phone 966 73 0058 or 607
637 227 385
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
Diamante Beach is officially the best place to work
hotel complex AR Diamante Beach Spa & Convention Centre in Denia has been officially recognised as the best place to work in Spain. It achieved first place in the category of 50 to 100 employees where it was in competition with 325 other surveyed companies. The award is based upon the perception of its employees as well as it’s human
resources policy and is a significant improvement on last year’s position when the group finished 3rd. The award was made last week at an event held at the Casa de Monico Madrid, attended by more than 500 people. AR Diamante Beach Spa & Convention Centre thus joins with other companies including Brico Depot, Mars Spain, Cisco and W.L. Gore and Associates as having
achieved the very best in workplaces and will now be used as a reference for the entire business community. A spokesman for the group said that he was especially proud of the achievement because, in spite of the economic situation the centre has maintained extremely high levels of productivity and profitability thanks to the culture of trust placed in it by both its clients and its staff.
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
‘Twitters from the Atlantic’ Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper. He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.
Consumer Rights in Spain One of the advantages of buying products in Spain and the Canary Islands is that all goods that are sold come with a two-year manufacturers’ guarantee, regardless of where the product is purchased. In addition, shops are obliged to accept the return of an unused item if you change your mind, within a fifteen-day cooling off period. This is one of the reasons why I, as an expat, much prefer to buy expensive items in Spain rather than from the UK, which offers a measly oneyear guarantee. However, there are some annoying exceptions, for instance, some high value and high tech products, although sold with the obligatory two year guarantee, are exempted from product returns within the 15 day period if the seal on the box has been opened, unless the item is faulty. In addition, manufacturers selling goods in Spain have to ensure that spare parts are available for at least six years following the date of sale. Although little known by the general public, this law is designed to discourage manufacturers from suddenly discontinuing the supply of replacement parts for major products at short notice, leaving purchasers with no option, but to purchase a more modern item. This form of planned obsolescence is, in theory, not allowed in Spain. I have friends who were recently faced with this issue when an expensive coffee maker failed and required a replacement part. The replacement part was no longer available and, when challenged, the suppliers were forced to supply an equivalent replacement product free of charge, even though the coffee maker was over four years old. Many consumers are unaware of their rights in this matter. This becomes more complicated with extended warranties, which provide cover for major appliances, such as washing machines and freez-
ers, when the manufacturer’s guarantee expires. There are insurance policies available for all major appliances from the better department stores, whilst some chains of electrical stores, as well as supermarkets selling electrical goods, offer purchasers the option to pay an additional fee to extend breakdown cover for a further 2 to 3 years. These add on deals often appear to be good value, or offered free, but as in most things in life, you get what you pay for, and some are hardly worth the paper that they are printed on. In my own recent case, our three-year-old washing machine suffered a major breakdown. It was an expensive machine, bought from a well known electrical chain that I have used many times before on the basis that it would last longer than some of the cheaper models, and that I would have a reliable company behind the product. The manufacturer’s two-year guarantee had expired and I therefore had to rely upon the additional warranty that I had purchased with the machine. I assumed that a telephone call to the store would bring a service engineer for the specific brand of washing machine to my home within a day or two. In reality, I had to wait for about a week before an engi-
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By Bar rie Mahoney neer eventually appeared. The engineer was appointed by the store to repair and install a whole range of products, and was not a specialist engineer. The engineer took a quick look, shook his head, and told me that the machine was a “right off” and if repaired the part would be very expensive. Permission would have to be obtained from the insurance company before the repair could take place and he would have to write a report, sending a full quotation of costs to the store. Four weeks later, there was no sign of either the machine being repaired or a replacement machine being delivered. Many phone calls to an expensive phone number and emails led to unhelpful customer service staff telling me to wait yet “another ten days” and eventually resulted in the same engineer returning to take away the machine for repair. It has now been four months since the washing machine broke down, and as yet there is no sign of a resolution or return of the washing machine, and in despair I have now bought a new one from another company. In addition, both the completion of the ‘libro de reclamaciones’ (complaints form), as well as reporting the issue to OMIC (the department responsible for consumer affairs at the Town Hall) has brought no resolution to the problem, so be very wary of the protection that these two so-called resolutions provide; I suspect that both approaches are little more than worthless bureaucracy. Looking back, it would have been wiser to cover certain key appliances, such as washing machines, dishwashers and freezers, with a separate insurance policy through a named insurance company rather than through the add on deal offered at the till. This would have given me the option to request service and repair from the authorised dealer rather than a local generic agent who dabbles in the repair and installation of a whole range of products. The experience has failed to give me confidence in purchasing large items from this particular store again. Generally, consumer protection in Spain is very good, but as in most things, we have to be careful, do our homework and accept that we usually get what we pay for. If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: www.barriemahoney.com and www.thecanaryislander.com or read his book, ‘Island in the Sun’ (ISBN: 9780992767181). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle. © Barrie Mahoney
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Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
The secret business of helping others The Inditex group of companies has this week opened a new branch of their Massimo Dutti For & From outlet stores in Barcelona, creating 15 jobs for local workers. The group already has ten stores under the For & From brand in seven cities across Spain, including one located at the Elche Parque Industrial, C/ Severo Ochoa, Elche. One of the significant, though little known elements of this branch of the multi-billion euro company, is that the stores are specifically aimed at working with local groups to provide jobs for those with physical and mental disabilities. The group of course see the commercial benefits in the project, but also recognise the need to integrate those who may otherwise struggle into the workplace. They say that the idea was developed, “with the aim of providing innovative and sustainable solutions related to our business model to generate economic and social impact on the community�. For & From is a project for the integration of people with disabilities, from the creation of a network of shops, in collaboration with social organizations, under the Inditex franchise model. The model of the supply of clothing from previous campaigns that is offered for sale at reduced prices by these organizations. Thus, from an initial donation by Inditex for the construction of the store, the model becomes self-sustaining and provides stable profits to social organizations
through product sales. The shop, run by people with various types of severe disability, turns a commercial space in a reference centre for inclusion, accessibility and elimination of barriers. The program currently has nine retail outlets in Spain, in collaboration with four institutions of social economy that provide stable employment for more than 60 people with disabilities and has annual sales of more than 5.3 million euro.
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
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LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS QUICK ACROSS: 1 Manufacture; 9 Robbery; 10 Train; 11 Evens; 12 Utilise; 13 Occult; 15 Reveal; 18 Amnesty; 20 Prang; 22 Lasso; 23 Iranian; 24 Table tennis. DOWN: 2 Amble; 3 Utensil; 4 Asylum; 5 Tutti; 6 Realise; 7 Irrevocable; 8 Intelligent; 14 Canasta; 16 Explain; 17 Typist; 19 Stool; 21 Alibi. CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Promptitude; 9 Counter; 10 Khaki; 11 Order; 12 Sunburn; 13 Nobody; 15 Thwart; 18 Austere; 20 Satin; 22 Thing; 23 Growler; 24 Undertaking. DOWN: 2 Round; 3 Motored; 4 Thrust; 5 Token; 6 Dracula; 7 Accountants; 8 Piano tuners; 14 Bastion; 16 Hassock; 17 Weight; 19 Eagle; 21 Talon.
ACROSS 1. Impartial (9) 8. Flee (3) 9. Derange (5,6) 11. Unscrambler (7) 12. Earlier (5) 13. Buccaneering (6) 15. Nullify (6) 17. Rule (5) 18. Designate (7) 20. Impassive (11) 22. Baton (3) 23. Insipid (9)
DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 14. 16. 19. 21.
Taboo (3) Dogma (5) Disregard (6) Specimen (7) Fear (11) Experienced (9) Doubt (11) Leaving (9) Satisfied (7) Renowned (6) Cost (5) Donkey (3)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z DOWN 2. Has destroyed a tree (3) 3. Artist leaving the party gives a reason to sue (5) 4. Stop for a b-breather (6) 5. Awfully pleased to have passed (7) 6. Sure no coins can fool the expert (11) 7. Wine turns up with ease (9) 10. Monarch is an awful person from another time (11) 11. Heavenly tiles Alec makes (9) 14. Two men get extremely touchy with the Queen's family (7) 16. Dreads discovering snakes (6) 19. Scope to changed the thicket (5) 21. Are going back in time (3)
SUDOKU CHALLENGE Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 23
Tuesday Euromillions jackpot 22 million euro Wednesday UK Lottery jackpot 3 million euro
ed. What time did his world come to an end on that fateful morning? (plus or minus 1 min) 8. Name the four countries in the world starting with the letter T that are Red Crescent Societies. 1 pt for each correct answer 9. The RMS Titanic picked up passengers in which three ports before its ill fated collision with an iceberg? 1 pt for each correct answer 10. The Italian pasta named farfalle is derived from the Italian word farfalla. A farfalla is what kind of animal in Italy? a. Bumblebee, b. Ladybird, c. Butterfly 11. As of 2007, which country has the fastest growing population in Europe? a. Ireland, b. Sweden, c. Portugal, d. Holland 12. Which two symbols are found on the Red Cross flag in Russia? 13. Depending on how it is pronounced, which low or edible strait separates Tasmania from mainland
Australia? 14. Russia and European Overseas Territories excluded, in which six European countries would you find active volcanoes? 1 pt for each correct answer 15. With 75,600 km, which continent has the longest coastline? 16. If one includes Russia, what are the three longest rivers in Europe? 17. The Drake Passage separates which two continents? 18. Plus or Minus 5 %, what procentage of the planet Earth is covered by land? 19. The highest tides in the world are found in which Canadian Bay? 20. Which remote and hostile place starting with the letter A is considered to be the largest desert in the world?
QUIZ ANSWERS 1. The snake. Swallowing its own tail. 2. Abba, 3. Three Answers: a. M:A.S.H, b. Jurassic Park, c. Planet of the Apes, 4. Two answers. a. Papa was a rolling stone and b. Ode to Billie Joe, 5. In the Ghetto, 6. Animism, 7. 8:15 (am) 8.15. 57 sec exactly, 8. Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey and Turkmenistan, 9. Southampton, Cherbourg and Queenstown (Cobh), 10. c. Butterfly, 11. a. Ireland, 12. The Red Cross and the Red Crescent, 13. Bass Strait, 14. Iceland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Norway. 15. North America, 16. Volga, Danube and Ural, 17. Antarctic and South America. 18. 29 %. 19. Bay of Fundy. 20. Antarctic
ACROSS 1. Arm a domineering woman (6-3) 8. Love to go to the museum for eggs (3) 9. Former prime minister had lain next to the room (11) 11 and 18Ac. Author writing about children's cakes (7,7) 12. Took a scarf (5) 13. Henry returns with a mineral from a Pakistan city (6) 15. Broken nose I'd given to the inventor (6) 17. Tale of a holy man or youth leader (5) 18. See 11 Ac. 20. I'm Peter Dell and I'm awfully irritable (3-8) 22. Animal found on a ship (3) 23. Time for a Beatles record (9)
1. Which animal is usually used to depict the eternal Ouroboros symbol? 2. A very very successful band and the name given to a Coptic bishop. One word. 3. In which films would you find the following doctors? a. Dr. John MacEntyre, b. Dr. John Hammond, c. Dr. Zira 4. The following are the first words to which songs? a. It was the 3rd of September, that day I'll always remember, b. It was the 3rd of June, another sleepy dusty delta day 5. "As the snow flies" are the first words to which sad mega hit from 1969? 6. Which spiritual, religious or philosophical 'ism' claims everything, including your pint of Guinness, has a soul? First letter "A" 7. There is a famous photograph of Hiroshima resident Kengo Nikawa's broken pocket watch. The watch stopped the moment the atom bomb explod-
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Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
Bank Robber caught in Orihuela Free Lunch Quesada Fish &Chips Villamartin Officers from the Guardia Civil arrested a man in Orihuela who had knocked down two women as he tried to escape after allegedly robbing a bank in the Murcia town of Santomera.
The man made off with the bank with 12,000 euro in cash and then attempted a return to the Orihuela area. The officers noted the vehicle and were suspicious of the driver as they attempted to ask the vehicle driver to stop. The driver resisted and tried to escape at speed, knocking down the two women who were on separate streets in the city of Orihuela. Minutes later, the officers caught up with the vehicle and detained the driver. A subsequent inspection of the vehicle revealed a large amount of cash and a firearm, although this was later discovered to be a fake pistol. The two women were treated at the scene with one of them being taken to hospital as a result of injuries sustained in the incident.
The team at Free Lunch Spain have now supplied essential information about life in Spain to over 2,000 people. They have a 96% satisfaction score from those who have attended for correctly answering all their questions. The experts from the four local companies are overwhelmed by the massive popularity of these events. As a result they are now expanding the number of seminars. This will be a fantastic opportunity to get all the facts about life in Costa Blanca. Everybody who attends is able to ask the experts in various fields about how things work in Spain which is a refreshing change to the continued confusion that reigns here. Once again the highly respected UK & Spanish companies based in Costa Blanca are inviting all British, Irish & European nationals, spending time or living in Spain, to a meeting for their questions regarding life here to be answered. Some of the topics that will be covered will be as follows:Savings Wills – New law came into effect on August 17th 2015
Pensions Inheritance law and taxes in Spain Currency exchange Complex Spanish funeral system Experts from the four companies will also be providing professional advice on all these topics and answering all the questions. Everybody who wishes to attend the event can send their questions in advance and the answer will be provided at the meeting. How fantastic is that!! We could have all done with this type of event ages ago. Once all the questions have been answered then everybody will get a free lunch at Quesada Fish & Chips in Villamartin Plaza. The event begins at 12 noon on Thursday 28th April. To register your question and to attend this unique event you can e-mail freelunchspain@gmail.com with your name address and telephone number or call 966 799 070. Spaces are limited so I am off to register right now. The thing is I have about ten questions that need answers. Apparently the experts will have an answer for each one! Great news.
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
Automoviles Crespo is a 2015 Ford C-Max priced at just 17,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. (69148)
Boats and Nautical Boat servicing, engine oil/ filter change. General maintenance, fault finding, anti fouling, hull cleaning, accessory installation. Torrevieja to Mazarron. Licensed and registered in Spain, 20 years experience. All makes of outboard engines catered for. Competitive prices, all work guaranteed English/Spanish speaking. Call Tony on 628 166 738 (65470) FOR RENT - up to 10 metre berth - Marina Salinas - CALL 648 627 272 (69101)
Business Opportunity
Busy Profitable Bar /Restaurant in La Manga. Free Hold Premises, Front Line Med. Turn Key Operation, 100 covers. All licences in place. 240,000â‚Ź O.N.O. Selling due to retirement. Call : 868 08 34 55. Or Email: a n n a - g a rg a n @ h o t m a i l . c o m
Delmonte Catotel Cartagena. The cattery that cares! Tel 968 168 711 or 616 276 379 (69083)
Car and Vehicle Sales The
Property for Rent WANTED URGENTLY We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, detached houses. If you think your property may be suitable please CALL NOW on 966 772 553
637 227 385
orange groves. UK TV, air-con, communal pool 400 euros. Contracts provided 966 772 553
Property for Sale
Social and Clubs Volunteer driver Wanted. Age Concern require an experienced volunteer driver for Tuesday mornings, 10.00am until 1.30pm. You must have a Spanish Driving Licence. If you think that you can help Age Concern in this respect, please call in to the Day Centre in La Siesta, or call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. Volunteers are urgently needed in all areas by the Age Concern LIFELINE Team visiting people in their own homes to assess their needs, reporting back to the Lifeline Team Leader. There are many people who live alone, are lonely and need some form of social contact. Please call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. (69185)
LOS ALTOS spacious 2 bed 2 bath corner apartment with garden. Separate kitchen, walking distance to amenities 450 euros per calendar month, including allowance for bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 MAR MENOR/PLAYA HONDA 2 Bed 1 bath, spacious 1st floor apartment. Separate kitchen, spacious lounge with patio doors leading to a large balcony with storage cupboard, UKTV, communal pool, walking distance to beach 400 pcm including an allowance for bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 PLAYA FLAMENCA 2 Bed, 1 bath 1st floor apartment with English TV. Walking distance to Carrefour supermarket, the commercial centres of Playa Flamenca, La Mosca and the Citrus centre. 425 euros pcm including an allowance for bills. Call us on 966 772 553 PILAR DE LA HORADADA.
Beautiful sunny 2 bedroom detached villa. Consists of Lounge/diner, american style kitchen. Master bedroom with en-suite shower room, twin bedroom, family bathroom. Rooftop solarium. South facing. Off road parking. Communal swimming pool. Just a short walk into the lovely Spanish town of Pilar de la Horadada. 5 minutes drive to the nearest beaches. Ideal for full time living. 600 euros per calendar month including an allowance for bills. Contracts provided 966 772 553 URGENT! - Properties required for waiting clients.We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, 2 or 3 bed houses, and detached villas. Let your property earn you money CALL NOW on 966 772 553 PILAR DE LA HORADADA 2 bed 1 bath house on one level. Currently furnished but could be unfurnished. Driveway to fore, courtyard at rear and private solarium 500 euros per month, inclusive of allowance for bills. Legal let with contracts 966 772 553 JACARILLA. 3 Bed, 2 bath apartment. Good sized separate kitchen with external patio off, balcony with lovely views over
For Sale Town House In SAX/Alicante. 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, with separate granny flat. Single Garage space & 50 metre Patio. Quiet area with no community fees. Close to all local amenities. 160,000â‚Ź O.N.O. Call: 868 08 34 55 Or email: anna-gargan@hotmail.com LA MANGA - Immaculate 2 bed, 2 bath apartment. Fully-furnished. Close to beaches and Veneziola Golf. 2nd floor. Reduced for quick sale. 125.500 Euro. Tel 626 253 569. (90187) Dolores. Large Finca in plot of 10,000 m2. All services connected. Build Size 215m2. Must be viewed. 195,000 euros. Tel 649 189 930 (65297) Beautifully presented 2 bed ground floor bungalow. Property consists of Lounge/Diner, good sized kitchen with storage area, Master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, twin bedroom with fitted wardrobes and family bathroom. Good sized garden and communal pool. This property is located just a short stroll to Villamartin and is ideal for full time living and holidays 80,000 euros Tel 966 772 553 (92320) A stunning quad villa in playa golf property with 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom and large garden just a short walk from bars and the bus and only a 5 mins drive to the beach 115,000 euros contact Ian on 644 115 988 (96290) 2 Bedroom quad villa in Lomas de Cabo Roig just 5 mins walk to
the shop and about 5 mins drive to the beach this has been a lovely home but need to sell now it only 89,999 euros call Carl on 672 875 251 (96292) Ground floor bungalow over looking community garden and just a short walk from the supermarket carrefour in Torrevieja this is a lovely property with a nice size garden Ideal for you if you are looking to be close to all amenties was 99,000 euros now 75,000 euros call me James on 644 138 502 (96293) Refurbished top floor bungalow with private garden and private solarium in the Verdemars with sea view and golf views also we have refurbished to a high standard there is a lovely stream just a few mins walk away and the communtiy is a nice and clean with 2 communal pool now 124,999 euros call today Paul on 634 043 697 (96294)
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Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
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Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
637 227 385
EURONICS THURSDAY DART LEAGUE “THE ELECTRICAL SHOP” - BLUE LAGOON EURONICS DARTS RESULTS FOR 14TH APRIL 2016 LEAGUE A El Capitan Hub Hyenas Junction Jackals Masseys Breakaways Porterhouse Ale House Pint Depot Kings
P 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
GPF 52 43 43 34 32 39 26 18
GPA 20 29 29 38 40 33 46 54
Pts 39 36 30 30 28 25 21 15
LEAGUE B Tradewind’s Pirates Tavern Junction Jaguars Sporting Life Misfits Hen's Teeth Pint Depot Queens Hub Hellraisers Evolution
P 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19
GPF 35 35 33 43 29 21 11 26
GPA 25 25 27 17 31 39 37 22
Pts 19 18 18 15 14 4 1 13
The results table for League B has now changed somewhat due to the fact that unfortunately, Evolution has withdrawn from the league as they were having trouble fielding a team. Despite putting in very good performances with the few players they had it was becoming increasingly difficult to fulfil their fixtures. According to the league rule (6.b.) the committee have adjusted the league table by removing all match and leg points won and lost to Evolution in the second half of the season. Unfortunately, this disadvantaged some teams that had played and beaten Evo’s but favoured those who had played them and lost. The league table was adjusted on 12th April when notification was received and this was emailed out to all captains. A postponed game was played on 14th April between Junction Jaguars and Trade Wind’s Pirates. The Table for League B reflects the adjustment and the addition of the results of last night’s game. The final League B games of the season will see Pint Depot Queens face Hub Hellraisers in a postponed match on 21st April. The outcome of this game will not see any changes in the pecking order of the league. On 28th April, current League-B leaders Tradewinds will face their closest rivals The Tavern. If Tradewinds are victorious then they will win League B with an unassailable 21 points. If Tavern beat Tradewinds then they will have 20 points and at least 42 leg points. This may make them the league winners but it depends on the outcome of the match between Junction Jaguars and Hub Hellraisers. If the Jags can beat the Hellraisers by 10 legs or more it could see them the victors by leg point lead only. If Tavern and Tradewinds draw, then the latter will have achieved 20 match points and 41 game points meaning that the Jaguars would need a 9-point advantage over the Hellraisers to top the league. The Sporting Life
Misfits will face The Hen’s Teeth and so the 4th and 5th position in the league could alter as a result, if Hen’s Teeth are victorious. A win would put the Hen’s Teeth in 4th place but a draw or loss would see them in finish in 5th position. So it’s not over until the fat lady sings and you can be sure she will be doing that whatever the outcome as all teams have put in a great performance and it is good to see that the outcome may very well be down to the last dart! Junction Jaguars v Tradewind’s Pirates Result 5-7 The Junction’s ladies team welcomed Tradewinds into their den for a crucial match of the season. Both teams had only 6 players although a poorly Gail Todd was there in reserve for the Jaguars if needed. The first two triple was taken by TW’s Father Lane (100, 76 and D2) with able support from son Harvey (83) and Captain Kirby (72). It was by no means an easy victory as Wonder Woo for JJ’s got 2 x 100. The 2nd triples saw Captain de Lacy (61, 79), Jevons (79) and luscious, little Ivill (63, 87) face Snowy (85, 81) Michelle (67) and Eddie Hurst who checked out first on D1. The third triples saw the whole family Lane face de Lacy (83), Ivill and Wonder-Woo who got the first point for the JJ’s when she checked out on D2. First up for the doubles were Wilkinson and Ivill (65) but their combined efforts couldn’t match the scoring of Eddie (123, 60) and Snowy (76, 60) the latter eventually getting D3 before the ladies could nail theirs. Poo and Wonder Woo (84, T19-D13) made Michelle and Gilly walk the plank getting the JJ’s second point but de Lacy and Jevons (79, 92) couldn’t make it a draw by half time when up against Lane Jnr (98) and Lane Snr (85, 66, D8). Lisa’s sausage, fried onions and chips went down a storm (despite the fact that we were meant to get meatballs but she decided to keep those for tomorrow’s tea!). The nerves had settled down for the singles for both sides and the Snowman’s 75, 128, D16 froze out Cnythia’s 73, 83, 92. Eddie’s D12 put paid to Poo’s: - 66, 100, 60, 76 and 200-point advantage, when she left herself on 13, but kept finding the 20 and not the 5 for a D4 finish. Hildy-Do-Da came from 300 points behind and checked out on D16 first dart as Daddy Lane’s 60,100, 81, 100 got him to the check-out stage way before her but the clincher eluding him.
By Simone de Lacy
Pint Depot Kings v Junction Jackals Result 4-8 This match was postponed and rearrange for 14th as both sides were out of the team cup. The Jackals turned up hoping for a good win to cement their place in the league and Initially things went to plan stretching out to a 4 – 2 lead at half time with some steady if unspectacular darts. The only highlight was Micky Jones’ 93 finish in the last leg of the doubles (T16, 5, D20). Having had a warming plate of chilli the King’s came right back into the contest with wins in the first two singles legs - Matt Cummings eventually hit D1 despite taking a strong lead with two 100’s. The last four legs all went to the away side to seal an 8 to 4 win. Again the only real highlights were two finishes – Andy Rutter hitting 100 (T20 & D20) and steady Nigel Elvery seeing off 67 just in time with T17 & D8. Match Report by Phil de Lacy Semi-Finals of Team Knock-out CompetitionMeanwhile the Semifinals of the Team knock-out competition were played, Breakaways facing The Hub at the Porter House and the Porters facing Massey’s at Breakaways bar…I know, confusing isn’t it? Massey’s v Porterhouse, Result 7-5 Thank you Sue Sanderson for the following results; First triples, Ray Hayes - scored 2 x 100 and 180 the 5th throw of the match. Massey's Mervyn also threw a 180 and 3 x 100 in the first triple of this high scoring game. Graham D14 finish. 2nd, Mervyn 100 and 140. Ray Hayes 100. Mervyn D1 finish. 3rd, Mervyn 100 and 140 with John on a D5 finish. Brian Nash 100, Peter Ayres 94, Dez 96 with Ayres on D20 finish in the 5th Peter 48 finish 16/D16. On to the 6th triple Phil Lees scored 131 with Dez taking a D4 finish. SCORE AT BREAK WAS 3-3 onto the 7th Mervyn 100, 140 finishing on D4. In the 9th Mervyn 100, Peter 98, Craig took a D20 finish. 9th triple Mervyn 135, Sid 140, 100, Craig 100 and Sid D16 finish. 10th: Mervyn 121, Sid 100, Craig 100, John D1 finish. Roof rack 100, Brian 100 and a D13 finish. In the final triple Mervyn 140 and 135. Mervyn finish 40 (20/D10) Mervyn was man of the match. Match Report by Gilly Kirby The Hub v Breakaways, Result 7-0
This put the score line at 3:6 with 3 games to go and still a possible draw outcome.
No results sheet available at time of writing report.
It was very nearly 4:6 as Pocket-Rocket Ivill narrowly missed D14 with 3 darts on the wire before Harvey sealed the deal with D7 making it an assured win for the Pirates. But a drubbing it wasn’t as in the final two singles games, ‘Mad Cat-Woman’ de Lacy (94, 66, 66, 81, 61, D17) spliced Michelle’s 95, 64, 63, 66 main brace and then Wonder Woo took us to 5:7 with 92, D1 against Captain Kirby. The Pirates sailed home in good spirits and calm seas and the Jaguars were pleased with their contraband of 5 more leg points.
So the Hub Hyenas will face Massey’s for the Team KO final on Thursday May 5th. Next week sees the semi’s and the finals of the Pairs KO competition which will be played at the Hen’s Teeth, Villamartin Plaza. Three pairs for the Hub: - Eyre-Spicer, Williams-Smith, Miller-McCauley will be joined by Scott and Waller from Breakaways. Will it be a Hub-Hub Final or can our Breakaways boys see off the hackling Hyenas?
Sponsored by Autos Direct & TV Choice By Lynne Bishop Good luck to all our Club Champions taking part in the Champion of Champions competition this coming week. The SABA HURRICANE Greeners played their first game on Monday 11th resulting in a 8-6 win away to the San Miguel Christians. Four excellent wins from the teams of Sharon Kirk, Sue Norris & Tony French 23-12. Frank Barclay, Bert Ewart & Dianne Hudson 23-12. Rosemarie Savage, Ken Savage & new skip Peter Whitehall (welcome) 23-13. Pat Rafferty, Peter Cadwell & Barry Norris 15-12. Shots 96-117. WINTER LEAGUE sponsored by One-Way Services & Telitec. The last match on Wednesday 13th was at home against San Miguel. Finishing on a high with a win of 8-4 against a strong San Miguel side. Well done to Lynne Bishop, Beryl Regan, Arthur Brown & Eric Bishop 28-8. Lin Watkins, Tony French, Maggie Furness & Ian Kenyon 21-14. Jenny Chaplin, Stuart Allman, Barry Norris & Brian Dunn 21-15. Shots, 96-73. Finishing in fifth place in the league is respectable but we can do much better next year! Unfortunately the Berleen lost their game. Thank you to team Captain Jenny Bowman for her hard work. Two SABA matches on Thursday which I will catch up with on my return from the uk. Vistabella are looking for new members with the possibility of playing top league bowls, if interested please contact Captain Tony French tonyfrench@hotmail.co.uk
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
GREENLANDS BOWLS CLUB By DAVE WEBB Saturday's roll-up was attended by 12 Bowlers ( hope this will increase as the weather improves). Good fun was had by all and the final results were as follows - 1st place was Mike Kilby, in second place was Janet Bliss, in third place was Eileen Merrick and fourth place Was Val Duchard, the wooden spoon went to John Oleary. In The SABA Spitfire Division Greenlands Gladiators were away to Quesada Blenhiems. Final scores were - Total shots for 80. Total shots against - 109. Points For - 0. Points against - 14 In the Winter League we were away to to El Cid. Final score was..........Total shots for - 63. Total shots against - 111. Points For - 4, Points against - 8. Winning rinks were --- Dave Thompson, Sheila Stead, Florence Edwards, Mike Edwards. 18 shots to 13. Bernadette McDonnell, Jean Giddings, Mel Brown, Mike Kelly. 12 shots to 10. This game brings to a close our first season as a new team in the Winter League. Well done everyone and good luck for next season. For information regarding joining Greenlands Bowls Club, please ring Haley on 966 84 4399.
EMERALD ISLE BOWLS CLUB By ELWYN MORRIS Friday 8th seen the start of the summer leagues and in the Spitfire Division, ,EI visited Monte Mar to play the Torros,and it was a very good day for EI,coming away with a fine 14=0 win,,taking the shots 115=88 winning all 6 trips: S Johnson, J Mullarkey, M Odell 23-14, Y Mallaburn, M Thomas, F Close 23-16, P Heaney, A Howcroft, M Veale 19-14, M Foulds, J Westall, SWestall 20-18, C Alyling G Odell J Mulloy 17-15, C Thomas B Foulds J Pooley 13-11 Friday 8th Emerald Isle Vulcans,entertained Horadada Hawks at home,,the visitors taking the game 12-2,, shots difference of 101-95. The Emerald Isle winning,trip was J Jarvis E Shepherd and skip D Close taking it by 22-15 The weather could have been better but it was the same for both sides,so well done to all under difficult conditions,soon be summer? Tuesday 5th saw the Emerald Isle host a visiting team from Cornwall ,the team was a mixture of several clubs,and some good bowling took place with the EI taking the game 3=1 on rinks,with a shot difference of 68=61,,the company and game was really good ,well done to all Vistabella visited the Emerald Isle Victors on April 14th in the Summer league,, Spitfire Division game,and the EI,had a very good win 12=2,,and took the shots 113=85, the following trips where winners: Sue Johnson Elwyn Morris Mike Thomas 21-8, Dennis Rhodes B Eldred and J Pooley 23-12, Cas Thomas J Mullarkey M Odell 22-17, Y Mallerburn P Willicott F Close 17-13, C Ayling G Odell J Mulloy 17=14. The Victors have made a good start to the season,recording two wins.
San Luis Bowls Club
21 by Sheila Cammack
As the winter season comes to an end we are celebrating the success of San Luis Bowlers; so much hard work, so many incredible results; long may it continue. SL Orcas won the Winter League trophy and the Berleen League trophy Our new team SL Belugas, many of whom were entirely new to the Winter League format, had some good results against very experienced players, which bodes well for next season. San Luis beat Quesada in the final of the Premier 20 knock-out competition, taking the trophy for the 3rd year running. SL Lions won Southern league Div A and then won the North-South play off against Benitachell Lions. SL Tigers, finished 2nd in the B Div. SL Trekkers won the SABA Discovery League. In the Fed 4's league SL Ospreys and SL Condors were runners up respectively in the A & B Divisions. Congratulations to everyone involved in ALL our teams. Winter League: Wednesday 13th April, SL Orcas home v La Siesta; an excellent result 12pts-0; shots 108-53. Winners: Sheila Cammack, Angie Goodfellow, Julian Pering, Russell Marks 23-8, Shirley Verity, Lynne Morris, Giuseppe Galelli, Tom Hill 20-9, Kath Reid, Keith Roberts, Phil Morrachan, Noel Verity 26-13, Ann Holland, Keith Phillips, Colin Lindgren, Sabrina Marks, 19-15, Pam Lockett, Jo Pering, June Jones, Keith Jones 20-8. SL Belugas a good result away v Bonalba 8pts-4, 88shots-75. Winners: Jean Parkes, John Moss, Roy Cordell, Paul Parkes 22-13, Blossom Cox, Cas Blay, Tony Davies, Charlie Marigold 20-12,Ros Holmes, Bill Webb, Les Bedford, Dave Blackie 19-14. Thursday 14th SABA Summer League: SL Wellingtons home v Monte Mar Torros, a great result winning 14pts-0, shots 141-75. Congratulations: Steve Simmons, Lynne Morris, Tom Hill 21-16, Jan Pocock, Vic Slater, Brian Pocock 15-13, Jean Parkes, Giuseppe Galelli, Paul Parkes 28-10, Ros Holmes, Keith Roberts, Roy Cordell 35-9, Kath Reid, Ray Pollock, Dave Blackie 19-10, Ann Holland, Derrick Cooper, Scott Malden 23-17. SL Hercules away v El Rancho, never an easy task, managed to win 3games-3, 6pts-8, 103shots-121. Winners: Chris Jackson, Tony Campbell, Barry Edwards 21-20, Jim Wright, Bill Webb, Les Bedford 24-23, Pat Tilley, Tom Fromson, Robin Harker 25-13. CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS TOURNAMENT takes place at: Greenlands & Quesada, Monday18th April – Saturday23rd. If you can make time, go along and support your friends & club champions, good luck to all players. Club Captain: David Blackie: dbinspain@yahoo.com SLBC website: www.sanluisbowls.byethost7.com
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
La Marina Golf Society Captain v Vice Captain Trophy We travelled down to Murcia to compete for this annual trophy at Altorreal golf course. Once again we were blessed with fine warm weather and a course in excellent condition. Format for the competition was pair’s better-ball with each pair's score being totalled to decide the victor. Vice Captain Carol Marriner's team scored a creditable total of 213 points but this was eclipsed by captain jimmy Scott’s team total of 240 points. Jimmy humbly accepted the trophy, but did mention that his personal tally of 39 points was a major factor in his team's success!! The prize for the best better-ball team score went
to Louvain smith and Alan Jones with 47 points. Nearest the pin prizes went to Barry Thorogood, Jimmy Scott, Louvain smith and Alan Craig, with jimmy and Alan both scoring 2's and sharing the 198 euros in the pot. Our next meeting is at Alicante on 28th April , first tee 10.06 cost 40e. The society's next social function is a bingo-quiz on 17th may 1930 start at a cost of 8 e ,to include a meal of fish, meat pie or chicken, all with chips. Please let Elspeth know your requirements on 965 07 7204 or elspeth4mcd@yahoo.co.uk.
Federation Community Cup
This 3 day 5 players per team competition is played on a knock-out basis, comprises of Pairs and Triples in the morning, followed by Single and Fours in the afternoon. This year Bonalba were the hosts, and, as usual, provided excellent facilities and food, for which we all offer our thanks. The Umpires and Markers also deserve our thanks for the efficient manner in which they worked. The first day saw some excellent bowling, only spoiled by the withdrawal of one team, which gave a bye to another team to the semi-finals on the second day. This saw San Miguel A against Javea which was decided after the Singles were completed when San Miguel could not be beaten. In the
other semi La Marina were in a similar situation against San Miguel B. On the final day, whilst all games were closely contested in the morning, La Marina won the Trips by 10 shots and the Pairs by 3 which left a lot for San Miguel to achieve, but they started the afternoon session leading slightly in the Fours, and in the Singles surging back to make a thrilling finish, but with La Marina triumphing in the end this meant that San Miguel couldn't win, so they conceded the Fours making La Marina worthy winners. Congratulations to all the players for providing such a high standard of bowling throughout the Competition, much appreciated by the spectators.
El Rancho Bowls Club
San Miguel Bowls Club
Friday's match against La Siesta Hornets was completed on monday morning, in very much better weather, however the result was a little disappointing. Though with the Hornets putting out a strong team and having the home advantage, we struggled a little on some rinks and came away pointless but not overwhelmed. Always remember, losing does not mean you played badly and hopefully you were in good company. Thursday found us playing at home against San Luis Hercules and again we faced a tough battle, which was played in good spirit by both teams and we put up a good display. Both teams took three rinks, though two of our losing rinks were by just the one shot, a good effort and remember it's not the last missed shot that cost the match it can be any. We did however take the overall shots and hence the match. Brian Taylor, Barry Bright and Jan Bright 20-21. Marion Haynes, Keith Cunningham and David Whitworth 18-13. Gill Bartlett, Peter Blackburn and Rob Clark 13-25. Don Darby, Dave Haynes and Merv Armstrong 19-7. Jane Hamill, Shirley Edwards and Richard Lee 23-24. Ann Taylor, Malc Elmore and John Skipper 28-13. Membership contact Brian Taylor on 965 07 7093 or at briantaylor_es@yahoo.co.uk or Carolyn Harris on 966 77 4316 or at elranchobowls.secretary@gmail.com
By Pat McEwan San Miguel Christians played Vistabella Greeners at home, & although only winning on 2 rinks they got the overall shots with high scores from Bob Nesbitt, Dave Champion, Derek Farmer winning 32-7: Pat McEwan, Sue Milner, Dave McEwan winning 36-5. Shots 117 to San Miguel, 96 to Vistabella. Points San Miguel 6, Vistabella 8. The Winter League were also against Vistabella, & also only winning on 2 rinks. Margaret Rogers, Tony Sanson, Mary Dyer, Cyril Medley 16-14: Malcolm Parsons, Mick Rogers, Dave Greenland, Lyn Greenland 20-12. Points San Miguel 4, Vistabella 8. Shots 73 to San Miguel, 96 to Vistabella. Great result for San Miguel Christians away at Country Bowls winning 10 - 4. Well done to Bob Nesbitt, Dave Champion, Mike Douglas 17-8: Jim Jarvie, Jack Jackson, Eddy Cowan 25-14: Sheila Errington, Janet Thomas, Brian Errington 21-15: Alan Booth, Keith Green, Bob Donnelly 29-6. Total shots, 115 to San Miguel against 82. The WASPS are still going strong on Wednesday afternoons. Come along for 1.30, pay €5 for bowling, shoes, woods and tuition if required. For further details contact our President, Eileen Potts telephone 966730376 or Secretary, Pat McEwan telephone 966714257.
637 227 385
Advance Moves backs Loris F o r d Dunn in Spanish Supermoto. 15 year old Loris Ford-Dunn has had a busy winter testing his new ktm Supermotoland.com SMR 450cc race bike as he hops up from the youth Supermoto championships of Spain and into the highly competitive adult classes for 2016. But Loris is no stranger to Supermoto racing where racers battle on circuits made of asphalt, with off road jump sections thrown in to make some of the most spectacular and close racing seen in Spain. Last year Loris finished in 4th place in the Spanish Youth championships for 85cc machines in his first year of racing. He knows that he is now stepping up to the top class, against many racers that have much more experience than himself but he is relishing the opportunity to learn from the best. This year will essentially be a learning year as he gets used to the more powerful bike and the tougher competition. With Loris competing under the wing of the Supermotoland.com race team with continued Sponsorship from Advance Moves International Removals he is guaranteed the backing and support that he needs to get himself up to speed. His season starts in Alicante on Saturday 30th April at the Albaida circuit near Alcoy, with the first round of the Spanish championships on one of the toughest supermoto tracks in Spain. The very next day on Sunday 1st May the world's best Supermoto racers will be racing at the same circuit for the 2nd round of the world championship Grand Prixs, so some incredible racing will be on show over the weekend. Tickets are available on the gate at around 12 Euros each and the action kicks off from 10.00 hrs on both days. So if you want to see a great weekends racing action then head for www.motoalbaida.com where circuit directions and further details can be found.
637 227 385
‘MIKE PROBERT TALKS GOLF (Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services). Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. THE MASTERS IN REVIEW When I used to live in the UK the Masters was always the start of my golfing year as we emerged form months of cold weather and course closures and what a spectacle the event is and this year was no different. It was nice to see the course get topside of the players for a change and it just goes to show that it is not al about added length but faster,firmer greens and a little wind will do the trick every time. This year was full of drama from the first to last day with Ernies Els imploding on the green on hole 1 on the first day taking nine shots with numerous missed putts inside 12 inches,Tom Watson playing his last ever Masters to Jordan Speith taking seven shots on the famous 12th hole. Will these players ever be the same again? Waiting in the wings were two Englishmen in the form of Danny Willetts and Lee Westwood and just for a moment I had an inkling that fate may just push things the way of Westwood but Willetts was exceptional in the way he completed his round under severe pressure and a worthy winner. This raises the debate in many clubhouses about the importance of a major on a players CV because are Willetts,Lawrie,Curtis and Immelman better players than Westwood or Montgomerie because they have taken the one opportunity to win a major given to them? Willetts and Westwood along with Paul Casey should now have secured places in this years Ryder Cup and don't be surprised to see Willetts and Westwood paired together sometime during that week. For true golfers this is just the start of exciting things to come on the golfing front between now and September and we all hope it will all be as exciting as the Masters. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you: Golf Course Price Comments Alenda €110 Two Players and Buggy Alicante €59 Sgle Green Fee and Buggy (Pre 9.30am) Altorreal €98 Two Players and Buggy Bonalba €90 Two Players and Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €88 Two Players and Buggy Font Del Llop €118 Two Players and Buggy La Finca €142 Two Green Fees and Buggy La Peraleja €140 Four Players and Two Buggies La Marquesa €45 Single Green Fee (Weekends) La Serena €97 Two Players and Buggy Las Colinas €83 Single Green Fee Las Ramblas €106 Two Players and Buggy Lo Romero €48 Single Green Fee Roda €138 Two Players and Buggy Villamartin €126 Two Players and Buggy Villaitana Poniente €55 Single Green Fee and Buggy Vistabella €92 Two Players and Buggy
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016
Superb Suarez strike secures Torry point In
a week that saw crowd favourite Rafa leave the club to join Preferente side La Nucia, Torry went some way to avenging the home defeat to Paterna earlier in the season. Inside the Gerardo Salvador Stadium, Torry gave a good account of themselves, and were unlucky not to come away with all 3 points. This point leaves Torry comfortably in 12th place, whilst Paterna although only 2 places below, are 10 points behind and could still yet be dragged into the relegation dog fight. It was the hosts who started the brightest, and should have scored early on, when from 12 yards they shot wide, then from the next attack went close again. But Torry fought back well, when a great ball from Vicente out wide found Higon, whose through ball to Prieto was slightly over hit. Carrasco broke the deadlock on 12 mins, following great work by Vicente and Sanchez, an assist by Lewis was hammered home from all of 1 yard. Midway through the half, Prieto put the ball in the net but was adjudged offside, then moments later his free kick was easily saved. On 38 mins, a great left foot strike from the edge of the box by Fran, beat Torry keeper Miguel down to his right, levelling the scores at 1-1. This was a result of a long throw, which was causing the visitors all kinds of trouble. Paterna threatened just before the interval,
Paterna CF....................2 CD Torrevieja ...............2 but a great cross was only inches from being connected by Fran. Early in the 2nd half, another long throw resulted in Miguel coming for the ball, only for Sela to get a flick on it and it ended up in the back of the net, giving the hosts a 2-1 advantage. Torry manager Pedreno had seen enough, and decided to bring on Suarez for Sanchez, Burguillos for Carrasco, and Matej for Martin. It was super sub Suarez who made it 2-2, when his excellent free kick from fully 25 yards rifled into the back of the net.
Next it was Prieto from a Higon pass, but his shot from an acute angle flew just wide of the post. In stoppage time, Paterna had a free header from a corner which just missed the upright, then with seconds of the 5 added mins remaining, a brilliant volley by Prieto from outside the box, struck the base of the post. Referee Alvero Estevez booked Javi Selvas, Vicente, Lewis and a very frustrated Torry manager Pedreno. Next weekend, Torry host Recambios Colon at Vicente Garcia Stadium. Recambios are desperate for points to stay in div 3, so this match on Sun 24 Apr, ko 5pm, should be very entertaining, to say the least.
A crowded area
Carp - R - Us Club News This week our anglers fished Round 8 of the Spring Series on the back section of the El Bosquet complex near Catral. Winner on the day with a weight of 3.78kg was Pete Kerr. In second place with 3.10kg was Steve Fell, third with2.24kg was Steve Collins and in fourth place with 1.96 kg was Andy Foden. Round 9, on April21st, will be on the River Segura in Murcia town centre. Pegs at 8.00, fishing from 9.00 till 2.00. On 28th April we will fish for the Spring Cup on the Pantana de Beniarres. Usual times apply. The final round of the Spring Series will be on May 5th on the Eden Canal.
Cadena Sunrise Bowling - Week 25 S***T Happens Cherry B’s The Bandits 999’s Fair Play Pin Pushers
6-2 6-2 2-6 0-8 6-2 0-8
Sunrise Colegas Alley Cats Sol Amigo’s Gi Gi’s Hookers Pinfall Wizards Alley Gators
Deal of the Week: Las Pinaillas (Albacete) €85 each for 2 rounds of golf with buggies and B&B accommodation on shared room basis in the 3* Castilla hotel. Don Cayo only €80 for 2 players and buggy on Sunday's only.
Top Performers
Hi/Game Hi/Game+H/Cap Hi/Series Hi/Series+H/Cap
Julie Thorpe 185 Kath Wycherly 228 Julie Thorpe 465 Kath Wycherly 606
Neil Pipkin 224 Neil Pipkin 247 Neil Pipkin 541 John Skinner 653
Competition Watch St Georges Day Competition at Alenda on Saturday 23/04/16 including golf, picnic, English meal and live 'Queen' music concert for only €69 with bookings through the Leader on the number below. For Bookings and more information contact Mike direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER.
S***T Happens Sol Amigo’s Gi Gi’s Hookers Sunrise Colegas Pin Pushers Alley Gators Fair Play Alley Cats Pinfall Wizards 999’s The Bandits Cherry B’s
P W 75 71 75 62 75 59 75 56 75 56 75 55 75 47 75 47 75 43 75 38 75 32 75 32
Quotation of the Week “The guy that has never choked has never been in the position to do so” - Tom Watson
D 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
L 29 37 40 44 44 45 52 52 57 62 68 68
Tot Gms 57432 75 57058 75 56760 75 56865 75 56487 75 56850 75 55881 75 55658 75 56288 75 55368 75 54292 75 53645 75
Av Hi-G Hi-S 765 903 2412 760 893 2484 756 873 2391 758 874 2425 753 836 2409 758 864 2425 745 861 2427 742 852 2368 750 826 2425 738 852 2368 723 822 2294 715 840 2340
Pts 142 125 119 112 112 110 95 95 86 76 64 64
The next Club Quiz night is on 26th April commencing at 7.30. Cost of entry is 1€ per person and teams of up to 6 can take part. Our next Club meeting will be held on 1st May, with the Committee meeting at 10.30 followed by the General meeting at 11.00.This meeting and the one on May 15th will both be held in the Games Room and not the Restaurant. The Clubs home is the Bar El Alto La Dolores which is just off the N332 between Guardamar and La Mata. For further information on the Club please visit the website www.carp-r-us.weebly.net
637 227 385
Monday 18th April - Sunday 24th April, 2016