Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
637 227 385
Almoradi Monday Club - Let’s try again! Its been a while but OK! Let’s try AGAIN!!! Telephone
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Do you live in or near the town of ALMORADI lf you do and you are BRITISH or a person living here in Spain from another country who also speaks ENGLISH then perhaps you would like to become a member of a new ENGLISH SPEAKING CLUB that we are trying to start up in ALMORADI. There are quite a lot of ENGLISH speaking people in the area, either Resident’s or visiting and perhaps they would like to meet up with other English speaking peo-
ple a couple of times a month at a local venue to have a chat over a drink and to look into the possibility of actually starting a local social club with its roots in ALMORADI. The people at this initial meeting or any subsequent meetings could then decide among themselves what sort of club this could be and how, when and where it could meet and operate? The (next) initial meeting will take place at the "Victoria Tea Rooms" on the main road just past the
Advertising Sales 637 227 385 office@theleader.info Journalists 600 228 616 office@theleader.info The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
La Familia’s Secret Garden Next Saturday 30th April the long awaited opening of La Familia’s Secret Garden will be taking place in La Florida. Everything gets underway at 5pm so for a real party atmosphere which includes live music, free tapas or paella and a beer for just 3.50 euro there is only one place to go. For entartainment and good company late into the night there is only one place to go. More information from the venue on 966 841 835
town square in ALMORADI at 4pm on Monday the 16th of May. (this gives 3 clear weeks to advertise ) So, if you are interested in meeting new friends in the local area then please come along and join us in this new venture. Without people it will not be a success, so please come if you can! Almoradi is our town and perhaps together we can start its first "English speaking social club" !! For more information please send an Email to davedanie@gmail.com
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Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
Pollution causes River Segura to turn red in Orihuela
The Hydrographic Confederation of Segura (CHS) mobilised its resources on Thursday as their environmental and water control laboratory agents rushed to take samples of the Rio Segura where it passed through Orihuela City. The reason was that the river had turned a strange reddish colour which many people suggested was probably the result of illegal dumping. The situation caused alarm among oriolanos who thought that the water could well be toxic. However as we go to press the origin of the illegal source is still unknown as is the toxicity of the water. The warning was initially raised through social networks where a number of local residents aired their concerns as they uploaded photographs of the occurrence. The CHS immediately launched an operation of their own as their laboratory staff took water samples which they took back to their offices for further investigation. According to the Confederation, initial observations of the nature of the spill indicated that the pollutant did not come from upstream of the city
of Orihuela, but probably it was because of dumping somewhere in the town itself They explained that the next step will be to analyse the samples taken to determine the origin and exact composition of the spill. They said that if they manage to identify the source the individuals or the company responsible could be dealt with through the courts. Once said to be one of the most polluted rivers in Europe the environmental recovery of the river was been recognised just last month when it received an environmental award, the European Riverprize 2016, in a ceremony in Vienna. For a period spanning over a decade, the project managed to convert a flow of water that was both hazardous and odorous at the end of the last century, into a clean flowing river which has not only improved the water itself, but also the ecosystems which live off the system, and the subsequent flora and fauna which has been nurtured through the restoration of the meandering pathway. It seems ironic that the Orihuela pollution came so soon after the European award.
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
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For the Queen and St George The Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion celebrated the 90th birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday with a dinner, followed by entertainment from TAABS and The Crazy Ladies, at the Olympia Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Coincidentally the birthday fell on the night of a monthly meeting, the timing for which had to be brought forward by organiser Pauline Breen to fit in the additional activities. The dinner was attended by 50 branch members and guests including two members of the Royal Hospital Chelsea, Wayne Campbell and Skippy Teasdale, who both came over from London especially for the event. Both TAABS and The Crazy Ladies were once again outstanding as they entertained the gathering with a selection of their finest for almost 2 hours. But what the members hadn’t provided for came after the two groups had finished their sets, the surprise arrival of Charles and Camilla, aka Malcolm Rusbridge and Peter Breen, who joined in the branch celebrations which culminated in the
cutting and devouring of the very resplendent birthday cake, provided by Margaret Marsh, at the end of a most enjoyable evening. There then followed the draw of the raffle which raised €103.00 towards this year’s Poppy Appeal. Just 48 hours later the branch were out on the road as they celebrated St Georges Day on Saturday afternoon at the Emerald isle, La Florida, where a recruiting stand and book stall was manned by RBL members. The venue was absolutely packed as once again live music was provided throughout the afternoon by entertainers aplenty, Dan Davy, Nick Gold and many more, who all gave their valuable time absolutely free. But it was young singing sensation Rebecca Holt who stole the show, where, for the best part of an hour, she wowed the sizeable audience with her performance of many popular wartime classics. The annual St Georges Day event, which raised over 1130 euro, was organised by Eddie Coleman, in support of both the RBL Poppy Appeal and the Paul Cunningham Nurses.
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Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
www.theleader.info Continued from Page One
That examination has now been carried out and the results show that there have been unauthorised cash withdrawals of approximately 8,300€ in addition to which the sum of 2,300€, collected by pupils from the 5th and 6th years, who sold raffle tickets in order to fund their end of year trip, has never been paid in. The total amount said to be missing is 10.600€. The audit shows that the account treasurer made just 3 cash withdrawals from the bank but that money was properly used, as she was
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
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able to demonstrate to the AMPA parents, however, in order to clear her name, she has insisted that the matter be reported to the local courts asking them to investigate just where the missing funds have gone.
Torrevieja Anglican Chaplaincy Spring Fayre
One parent said that the situation has caused a lot of very bad feeling in the centre. AMPA has reiterated, however, that the school management team have played no part in the matter. They assure everyone that they have given them nothing but their full support which they all hope will result in a satisfactory outcome..
This year the Torrevieja Anglican Chaplaincy – Spring Fayre 2016 will place in the grounds and gardens of the Campoverde Church on Saturday 30 April 2016 between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm For those who are not familiar with the location of the Campoverde Church Centre please see the Chaplaincy web-site directions on here http://c-of-e-torrevieja.com/where.php#campoverde and a location map link here - http://c-of-e-torrevieja.com/locmaps/campoverde.php For more information on the workings of the Chaplaincy – with the location of the various Church Centres - and other planned activities and events - can be found on their web-site: http://c-of-e-torrevieja.com/ and also follow them on their Facebook pages too: https://www.facebook.com/ChaplaincyOfStPeterAndStPaul?ref=hl The Anglican Chaplaincy extends a very warm and friendly welcome to all denominations who live in or are visiting our area and our Church Centres
The disappearance of the money means that the AMPA is now unable to pay the 15.000€ bill that they owe to an editorial company which provided text books for pupils at the beginning of the academic year. AMPA sources said yesterday that they intend to negotiate with the company to pay half the debt whilst requesting a little more time to pay the balance. But in the meantime they hope that a judge will demand that the person responsible returns the money. One annual activity provided to fifth and sixth year primary pupils at the school, which is obviously now also under some threat, is an overnight activity excursion which they traditionally enjoy prior to moving up to Secondary school. Unfortunately the loss of the 2,300€ that the children had saved has poured cold water on their plans, but what they now hope to do is to organise a small dedicated market or a sports' competition in order to try to recoup some of the money for their trip. Other events that could suffer include the Christmas play, the annual Carnival and the end of school party. But regardless of the setback, fundraising will continue and even increase in the coming weeks as AMPA attempt to recover their loss. The first of these will take place on Saturday 7 May at the Abbey Tavern in La Florida where, from 11am to 6pm, there will be live music from Niki G, Gina White and Jay Ellis as well as face painters and other activities for the kids. Mum and dad can meanwhile help boost the depleted school fund by supporting the bric a brac market that will also grace the venue. Table spaces are currently available at the market for 30€, all proceeds of which will go to the school. Please apply to Dawn Smyth by mail at dawn@realtaxbureau.com
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Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
Charity begins at HELP AT HOME
elp at Home Costa Blanca has recorded its most successful year financially to date thanks to the fantastic success of its charity shop. The good news was given to volunteers at their recent annual meeting. Takings at the shop have soared over the past year. In the first quarter of the year takings were 4,839 euros, rising to 9,834 euros in the second, 10,809 euros in the third and 12,910 euros in the last quarter of 2015. Much of the success is due to the appointment of shop manager, Esther Tucker, who with her equally enthusiastic team have transformed the shop into an inviting place, rivalling many retail shops in the area.
Esther has brought her experience in working in retail shops in the UK to the organisation of the charity shop, specialising in good quality items at reasonable prices. More success has come from a growing number of outside fund raising events which have brought in a total of 9,468 euros last year. The additional cash enables the charity to offer a range of help to people, such as helping out in bereavement and illness, perhaps with housework or shopping, and offering basic care and advice. The charity are currently discussing with Orihuela Council the opening of a drop-in meeting place every Monday at the council's premises in Campoamor. More information on this will follow once details are finalised. The charity will be holding a visitors' celebration at the charity shop in Playa Flamenca Commercial Centre on May 4th from noon to 4pm, with entertainment and refreshments. Other entertainment events in the pipeline include St George's Day at the Emerald Isle on April 23, entertainment at Zenia Boulevard Commercial Centre on May 5 from 1pm to 3pm with the Reef Band, entertainment at Breakaways Bar from 7.30pm on May 31 and a variey show at Zenia Boulevard on June 11 from 3pm to 8pm.
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
Orihuela Science Museum under threat The Vega Baja interactive science museum, El Museo Didáctico e Interactivo de Ciencias, or MUDIC for short, is about to be forced to close its doors unless the new PP government in the Orihuela town hall pay their outstanding fees which would pay the salaries of the workers.
itors more before ending this school year. Visits that they will be forced to cancel, explaining the reasons, having been booked months in advance.
Despite almost entering into the second quarter of the year, the MUDIC has not received any of its allocated funding from Orihuela since December of 2015. The museum has this week issued a statement explaining their position, and the fact that they now have doubts that Orihuela will pay the outstanding amount, and so the staff will have worked for the last three months without getting paid.
The only possible solution given by the president of the MUDIC foundation is that the Mayor of Orihuela takes action, since the council is directly responsible for the funding for the operation and maintenance.
The statement explains that the museum is waiting for the municipality of Orihuela to resolve the corresponding financial allocation for 2016, from December 2015, by which it is possible for MUDIC to maintain the facility and payment of our salaries throughout the year. Therefore, as the workers have not received their salary, nor do they have expectations that this will change in the medium term, they cannot continue.
In early December, Emilio Bascuñana attended the opening of the new museum rooms in a wave of publicity and photo opportunities, whilst pledging not only to grant the subsidy again this year, but to increase it in relation to others. However, despite those promises, it is clearly not the case as they have not received any funding so far and Bascuñana is now avoiding meetings to tackle the problem.
If the situation does not change in a short time the museum will be forced to close and therefore more than 10 people will be left without work. So far, MUDIC has welcomed around 8,000 visitors and were expecting to receive another 40 schools, around 2,000 vis-
The statement makes it quite clear, “Given the uncertainty that transmit from the council in relation to the continuity of the museum and the payment of our work during the months of January to April, we are in a desperate situation which we hope to take
responsibility and give us solutions in the shortest time possible.” A meeting has been called for Wednesday, 27 April by the board of the MUDIC foundation, where the decision to close will be made, if a resolution has not been found. The staff are also calling for support for their battle against the Orihuela government, asking that all teachers, friends, parents, families and anybody who loves science joins them in asking the town hall to fulfil their basic commitment, as the staff want to continue to enjoy helping make science part of our society, a factor clearly dismissed by the current government.
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The Provincial Court, based in Elche, has confirmed a judgment by the criminal court in Orihuela of nine months in prison and a 161,018.46 euro fine for Orihuela business man Ángel Fenoll. The Orihuela court found Fenoll guilty of tax offences in 2015, resulting in both the custodial sentence and fine, and compensation of almost a quarter of a million euro to the tax office. The appeal court had already overturned a 35-year prison sentence for similar corruption based offences, but saw fit to confirm this case. The judgment confirms that in 2004 Fenoll, owner of companies like Colsur and Proambiente, filed inaccurate income claims “with the intention of defrauding the Treasury”.
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Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
Dancing through the decades On Weds 13th and Thursday 14th April Sue Gibson and her Suzi4fitz fitness and dance ladies enjoyed an almost sell out success in their very entertaining show “Dancing Through The Decades” at Los Montesinos School of music Auditorium. Along with some of their friends the evening was packed with a variety of entertainment including numerous dances from the different decades by Sue’s ladies in beautiful costumes all made by themselves. There was singing from popular local vocalist Paul Allen and other friends of the group. The show was brilliantly compered by the very popular table magician Graeme Mykal, who showed off some of his magical talents to a very receptive audience. This is the second show produced by Sue at this theatre and the last one in 2014 raised 1000 euros which was donated to the Social Services department of the town who were able to hand out food vouchers to the disadvantaged families at Christmas. Sue is very happy to announce that this amount has been doubled this year and it will be handed over to the mayor in November to help out the families this Christmas 2016. She would like to thank everyone who made it possible. To all her ladies for their hard work and commitment to months of rehearsals,to costume makers, to stage manager Michelle and backstage helpers, to Dave and Sonya Holtom on sound and lights. All gave up their time to help make the two nights such a success.
1950’s Swing Medley
THEATRE TO RE OPEN Torrevieja´s municipal theatre is set to reopen in June, if all goes to plan, once the work to legalise the building has been completed. The theatre was closed in September as if didn´t have the necessary license to operate, nor did it meet the minimum safety requirements, despite being allowed to risk the safety of thousands of people allowed to use the facility when the previous government ignored the rules on safety and licensing. Now, according to the current councillor for culture Alejandro Blanco, once the architect has signed off the necessary work, the theatre will be able to open legally and safely, but not without costing the tax payer another 200,000 euro. The theatre originally cost 9 million euro to build, 3.4 million more than was budgeted.
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
San Luis preferred site for train station towns of Algorfa, Benijofar, Rojales and Guardamar del Segura, in an area known as “Campico de Guardamar”, passing through La Mata and terminating at a station near to the Antonio Soria park, close to the sports city. The mayor believes that this route would be particularly difficult to realise as it touches the Doña Inés urbanisation and the back of the International Auditorium and the hospital, affecting a “significant” number of residential properties on-route to the destination in “La Hoya”. The third route has been described by Dolón as “impossible”, as it uses the so-called greenway which was created on the original railway line to the town, and would cross the urbanisations of The old railway line runs through San Luis San Luis, El Limonar, el Parque Natural or las Torretas, again impacting significantly on a number of residential properties. Dolón explained that the study should have been delivered to the City Council on 7th April, but it is not finished after the failure to com-
The mayor of Torrevieja, José Manuel Dolón, presented details this week of the three alternative proposed routes that a new rail link to the town might take, although all would result in significant impact on the urban and environmental surroundings. The first route would come to Torrevieja, in parallel with the AP7, passing through the Coronelita finca, the Los Balcones urbanisation, the hospital and the natural park of the Salinas, passing by the desalination plant and ending at a station built not far from the original site, near to the Park of Nations, next to the Da Vinci residential site. The second proposed route would approach the town by the confluence between the
plete the requirements by the previous government. However, pressure from the new President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, has meant that the project has remained live, although with these three alternatives only at this stage. Dolón himself has tried to take over the failings of the earlier project submission, asking for an additional 12 months in order to complete the plans correctly, and to ensure that the project has as little impact as possible on the residential and environmental areas. Throughout his speech, the mayor insisted that the important thing is that Torrevieja count on this service but said that “it is not essential” that there is a station in the town of Torrevieja. In fact, he has pointed out that the municipality of Los Montesinos is a very good option for the location of the station, but in any case, has advocated for an intermodal station on the outskirts of the town as close as it would be impossible for “the macrourbanización” of the municipality and protected natural areas. When asked what he considered to be the most appropriate route to the station, the mayor expressed a preference for retrieving the path through the original greenway path, but only to the extent in which “there is no environmental impact”, to a point which is located at the beginning of the San Luis urbanisation, which is where the station terminal would therefore be located.
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ORIHUELA COSTA LIBRARY CALLS REIGNITED On the anniversary of World Book Day, celebrated on 23rd of April, the CLARO political group have reinvigorated their claim to have a library built on the Orihuela Costa.
The group are demanding that the 30,000 plus residents of the coastal zone are worthy of such an installation, as they are similar in numbers to the city centre, but only have an inferior “Reading Point” as a reference for book lending. The reason the Reading Point is no longer working, they say, is due to the lack of support from the current government, which has forced many of the volunteers to resign, as they were not even able to obtain pencils, paper or cleaning materials. Since the entry of the new government team, the service has been suppressed by reducing the opening days from three to one. “It has a computer (which has no appropriate programs), to such an insufficient extent, that registration of new users has to be done by hand. There is no WiFi service and there is no telephone in the centre, so that the volunteers are left vulnerable and isolated. CLARO also point out that there is a legal requirement to provide such facilities for populations of more than 5,000 inhabitants, and although Orihuela as a whole does have these facilities, because of the geographical expanse of Orihuela they are inadequate for the majority of resident who actually live outside the city centre.
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Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
637 227 385
LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS QUICK ACROSS: 1 Objective; 8 Run; 9 Drive insane; 11 Decoder; 12 Prior; 13 Piracy; 15 Negate; 17 Reign; 18 Appoint; 20 Unemotional; 22 Rod; 23 Tasteless. DOWN: 2 Bar; 3 Creed; 4 Ignore; 5 Example; 6 Trepidation; 7 Underwent; 10 Incertitude; 11 Departure; 14 Content; 16 Famous; 19 Price; 21 Ass. CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Battle-axe; 8 Ova; 9 Chamberlain; 11 Charles; 12 Stole; 13 Lahore; 15 Edison; 17 Story; 18 Dickens; 20 Ill-tempered; 22 Ass; 23 Yesterday. DOWN: 2 Ash; 3 Libel; 4 Arrest; 5 Elapsed; 6 Connoisseur; 7 Sauternes; 10 Anachronism; 11 Celestial; 14 Royalty; 16 Adders; 19 Copse; 21 Era.
Moody (13)
Largish (8)
Sea-eagle (4)
Intermediate (6)
Interior (6)
Persist in (6)
Exertion (6)
Mistake (4)
Dependence (8)
Eternally (13)
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21.
Zenith (8) Disseminate (6) Dingy (4) Idiot (8) Except (6) Daybreak (4) Outside (8) Immediately (8) Meaning (6) Parade (6) Adore (4) Tardy (4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z DOWN 1. One piece of jewellery or two permitted (8) 2. The temple of one worshipped in Pennsylvania (6) 3. Go round as a music hall act (4) 4. Styes are unpleasant to look at (8) 5. Describing the Jewish law that fits together into a pattern (6) 6. Yield from what is planted, we hear (4) 11. He seeks perfection, but it’s different after I do business (8) 13. Game for which Gilbert and Sullivan were responsible (8) 15. In here put explicit public opinion (6) 17. French town will make Ann strangely upset (6) 19. They are available in continental estaminets (4) 21. Producer of much bottled fruit! (4)
Supreme Court of the United States declare racial segregation in
schools illegal? 16. Other than Hornby Model Railways, what were Frank Hornby's
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 23
two most popular additions to the world of toys?
02 44
35 24
17. What was the title of the first Beatles album in which all the songs on the record were composed by the Beatles? 18. The Hejaz appears on the list of original members of the League of Nations. Today, Hejaz is a part of which country? 19. 'Q' in James Bond films. What does 'Q' stand for?
Tuesday Euromillions jackpot 35 million euro Wednesday UK Lottery jackpot 8 million euro
20. What is the main ingredient of houmous?
QUIZ ANSWERS 1. Minoan and Mycenaean, 2. The Hudson Bay Company, 3. Italy and Spain; Germany, 4. The James Bond Attache Case, 5. Sri Lanka, 6. Cairo, Lagos and Kinshasa. 7. From Me to You, She Loves You, I Want to Hold Your Hand, Can't Buy Me Love, A Hard Day's Night, I Feel Fine, Ticket to Ride, Help! 8. Ray Davies of the Kinks, 9. Alaska. 10. Mae West. 11. Fred Karno's circus. 12. Snakes. 13. Victoria Wood. 14. China, United States, Russia, India and North Korea. 15. 1950s (1954). 16. Dinky Toys and Meccano. 17. A Hard Days Night. 18. Saudi Arabia. 19. Quartermaster. 20. Chick Peas
ACROSS 7. Valuable memoranda from the Chancellor of the Exchequer? (8,5) 8. Financial statements of a hundred noblemen (8) 9. See 18 Across 10. In the flower-stalk a little chemical substance is present (6) 12. Right piece mixed up in what the chef uses (6) 14. Resent being miscast as the author of “Tristram Shandy” (6) 16. Reason to speak about money being returned (6) 18 & 9Ac. Shows anger about a current measure and rushes about wildly (8) 20. Fragrant product to sell in real assortment (8) 22. A fatal combination of words (5,8)
8. The Pretenders hit 'Stop Your Sobbing' and The Herman's Hermits hit 'Dandy' were both written by which man? 9. What did the US buy for $7.2m in 1867? 10. Which women, famed for having something named after her, said "When women go wrong, men go right after them"? 11. Charlie Chaplin and Arthur Jefferson (Stan Laurel) both worked in which famous 'circus'? 12. What kind of creature are taipan, fer-de-lance and krait? 13. Which British writer-comedienne and dinner lady famously said "I thought coq-au-vin was love in a lorry"? 14. Which five countries in the world have armed forces with more than 1,000,000 active troops? 15. In which decade of the 20th century did the
1. What were the two great civilisations in Greece between 2000 and 1000 BC? 2. Since 1670, what is the oldest commercial corporation in North America? 3. Which two European countries were eliminated by South Korea in the knock-out rounds of the 2002 World Cup, and who stopped South Korea in the semi-final? 4. Which 1965 007 children's toy with all the accessories can now fetch up to 1,500 dollars when sold at auctions or through E-Bay? 5. Which tiny country has the highest number of snake bite fatalities each year? 6. What are the three most populated cities in Africa? 7. Name the first eight UK number one hits from The Beatles (One point for each).
637 227 385
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
‘Twitters from the Atlantic’ Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper. He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.
Referendum? What Referendum? This is an anxious time for many expats. The question of whether or not the UK will remain as a member of the European Union is an issue that many thought would never arise. The number of expats living overseas seems to be shrouded in mystery and depends much upon which side of the argument is reporting these so called ‘facts’. It is widely thought that there are about 750,000 expats living in Spain, which vastly outweighs those living in any other European country. The issues about what will happen whether or not the UK remains in Europe matters to a significant number of people who have made their lives in a country of their choice, and not merely where they happen to have been born. Amidst all the scare stories from both sides of the argument, there are very few real facts to hand. Indeed, I would be hard pressed to name even one fact with absolute certainty. Meanwhile, we are assured by what used to be a reliable media heavyweight, the Times, that British expats are packing their bags and heading back to the White Cliffs of Dover in droves. Figures of around 100 expats a day are being quoted. However, what these ‘statistics’ fail to report is that there are many more would be
expats leaving the UK each day and heading to a new life in the sun. Of course, it is not in anyone’s interest to report this, is it? How do we know this? Important data relating to Spain’s economy, which is usually conveniently ignored by the UK, reveals that the country’s economy is recovering well, with a gross domestic product forecast outperforming both the UK and Germany. The International Monetary Fund has hailed Spain for its remarkable economic rebound, and overseas property buyers, particularly from the UK, are returning in large numbers. House prices and availability of rental properties are usually reliable indicators, and estate agents in the Costas are currently reporting that property sales and rentals are once again doing very well. Although this activity is not at the pre-2008 crazy levels, house prices are increasing at a sensible rate, and particularly in the favoured areas of Valencia, Catalonia, the Balearics and the Canary Islands. The Brits are once again in the lead in both purchasing and renting properties in these most popular areas. Enquiries and hits on expat websites, as well as enquiries to removals companies, are also demonstrating a rapid increase in activity from would-be expats intent upon heading across the Channel. What about established expats? The idea that established expats are being frightened back to the UK, ‘just in case’, is nonsense. There has always been a flow of those heading to Europe and those returning to the UK, because of ill health, relationship breakdowns, business failure or homesickness, which will always continue. I know of many established expats who are considering a number of options, should the worst happen, including opting for Spanish
By Bar rie Mahoney citizenship, or relying upon a passport from another European country. One example of this is the large number of UK expats who already have, or are applying for an Irish passport. Currently, even the vague threat of British exit from the European Union has not put off would be expats to head to a new life in the sun. Referendum? What referendum? It’ll take much more than a bureaucratic and divisive exercise, masquerading as democracy, to stop a Brit from living his or her dream in the sun. If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: www.barriemahoney.com and www.thecanaryislander.com or read his book, ‘Island in the Sun’ (ISBN: 9780992767181). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle. © Barrie Mahoney
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
Boats and Nautical Boat servicing, engine oil/ filter change. General maintenance, fault finding, anti fouling, hull cleaning, accessory installation. Torrevieja to Mazarron. Licensed and registered in Spain, 20 years experience. All makes of outboard engines catered for. Competitive prices, all work guaranteed English/Spanish speaking. Call Tony on 628 166 738 (65470) FOR RENT - up to 10 metre berth - Marina Salinas - CALL 648 627 272 (69101)
Business Opportunity Busy Profitable Bar /Restaurant in La Manga. Free Hold Premises, Front Line Med. Turn Key Operation, 100 covers. All licences in place. 240,000â‚Ź O.N.O. Selling due to retirement. Call : 868 08 34 55. Or Email: a n n a - g a rg a n @ h o t m a i l . c o m
Car and Vehicle Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2015 Ford C-Max priced at just 17,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. (69148)
Social and Clubs Volunteer driver Wanted. Age Concern require an experienced volunteer driver for Tuesday mornings, 10.00am until 1.30pm. You must have a Spanish Driving Licence. If you think that you
can help Age Concern in this respect, please call in to the Day Centre in La Siesta, or call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. Volunteers are urgently needed in all areas by the Age Concern LIFELINE Team visiting people in their own homes to assess their needs, reporting back to the Lifeline Team Leader. There are many people who live alone, are lonely and need some form of social contact. Please call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. (69185) HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes in areas surrounding Quesada, San Luis, La Siesta Torrevieja, La Mata, Orihuela Costa, Villamartin to Campoverde, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. We are busy looking after 60 plus clients short and long term who need a friend to pop in regularly. We need volunteers who can offer Home Help, Carers, Respite, Translation and Fund raising. If you seek help or advice relating to Spanish Social & Welfare issues, contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email charitycentre.helpathomecb@gmail.com.
Pets Delmonte Catotel Cartagena. The cattery that cares! Tel 968 168 711 or 616 276 379 (69083)
Property for Rent LOS ALTOS spacious 2 bed 2 bath corner apartment with garden. Separate kitchen, walking dis-
tance to amenities 450 euros per calendar month, including allowance for bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 MAR MENOR/PLAYA HONDA 2 Bed 1 bath, spacious 1st floor apartment. Separate kitchen, spacious lounge with patio doors leading to a large balcony with storage cupboard, UKTV, communal pool, walking distance to beach 400 pcm including an allowance for bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 CABO ROIG/AQUAMARINA 2 bed 1 bath ground floor apartment on gated complex. Spacious lounge/diner with American style kitchen. Patio doors leading to a walled garden area. Double and twin rooms with fitted wardrobes. UKTV Communal pool. 475 euros pcm including an allowance for bills. Call us on 966 772 553 PILAR DE LA HORADADA. Beautiful sunny 2 bedroom detached villa. Consists of Lounge/diner, american style kitchen. Master bedroom with en-suite shower room, twin bedroom, family bathroom. Rooftop solarium. South facing. Off road parking. Communal swimming pool. Just a short walk into the lovely Spanish town of Pilar de la Horadada. 5 minutes drive to the nearest beaches. Ideal for full time living. 600 euros per calendar month including an allowance for bills. Contracts provided 966 772 553 URGENT! - Properties required for waiting clients. We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, 2 or 3 bed houses, and detached villas. Let your property earn you money - CALL NOW on 966 772 553
PILAR DE LA HORADADA 2 bed 1 bath house on one level. Currently furnished but could be unfurnished. Driveway to fore, courtyard at rear and private solarium 500 euros per month, inclusive of allowance for bills. Legal let with contracts 966 772 553 WANTED URGENTLY We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, detached houses. If you think your property may be suitable please CALL NOW on 966 772 553
Property for Sale For Sale Town House In SAX/Alicante. 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, with separate granny flat. Single Garage space & 50 metre Patio. Quiet area with no community fees. Close to all local amenities. 160,000â‚Ź O.N.O. Call: 868 08 34 55 Or email: anna-gargan@hotmail.com LA MANGA - Immaculate 2 bed, 2 bath apartment. Fully-furnished. Close to beaches and Veneziola Golf. 2nd floor. Reduced for quick sale. 125.500 Euro. Tel 626 253 569. (90187) Dolores. Large Finca in plot of 10,000 m2. All services connected. Build Size 215m2. Must be viewed. 195,000 euros. Tel 649 189 930 (65297) Beautifully presented 2 bed ground floor bungalow. Property consists of Lounge/Diner, good sized kitchen with storage area, Master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, twin bedroom with fitted wardrobes and family bathroom. Good sized garden and communal pool. This property is located just a short stroll to Villamartin and is ideal for full time living and holidays 80,000 euros Tel 966 772 553 (92320)
637 227 385
A stunning quad villa in playa golf property with 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom and large garden just a short walk from bars and the bus and only a 5 mins drive to the beach 115,000 euros contact Ian on 644 115 988 (96290) 2 Bedroom quad villa in Lomas de Cabo Roig just 5 mins walk to the shop and about 5 mins drive to the beach this has been a lovely home but need to sell now it only 89,999 euros call Carl on 672 875 251 (96292) Ground floor bungalow over looking community garden and just a short walk from the supermarket carrefour in Torrevieja this is a lovely property with a nice size garden Ideal for you if you are looking to be close to all amenties was 99,000 euros now 75,000 euros call me James on 644 138 502 (96293) Refurbished top floor bungalow with private garden and private solarium in the Verdemars with sea view and golf views also we
have refurbished to a high standard there is a lovely stream just a few mins walk away and the communtiy is a nice and clean with 2 communal pool now 124,999 euros call today Paul on 634 043 697 (96294)
637 227 385
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
637 227 385
In the Bunker with ‘Mick the Grip’ LYDIA KO celebrated winning consecutive LPGA major titles by going for a dip. A week after her triumph in the Kia Classic the eighteen year old world No. 1 birdied the par 5 18th to clinch the ANA Inspiration by one stroke in Rancho Mirage, California, closing with a 3 under 69 to finish at 12 under 276. Second place Charly Hull obviously told her to go jump in the lake. RORY MCILROY has changed to a left hand low putting style. "My left hand sort of controls my putting stroke,” he told Golf News, “It’s my lead hand, and I thought that over the past few weeks my right hand was becoming a little bit too dominant. So I practiced with left below right and it felt really good.” Keep practicing Rory. IN 2008, MASTERS WINNER Trevor Immelman was so slow round Augusta that the official walking alongside reputedly said “Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped.” A commentator at this year’s Masters observed: “If Jordan and Langer are teamed up we’ll be here till Monday!” Jordan Spieth began his final round at 2.45. p.m. and had barely finished the front nine by 5.00. He was put on the clock for his first two rounds.
Apparently glaciers move faster than him. But although the 14 yr. old Chinese amateur Guan Tianling was docked a shot in 2013 for slow play, Spieth was not penalized. Perhaps Masters winners get different treatment. Some golfers are so slow that we often wonder if the round will be finished before the dawn of the next ice age. But several sports, cricket for instance, have already been speeded up for the attentiondeficit generation. Maybe golf should be left as it is. As Ben Hogan said “There are no short cuts in the quest for perfection.” You could try telling the wife that when you get home to a burnt offering. THE PING PUTTER, so called because of the noise it made striking the ball, was designed in his garage by Norwegian Karsten Solheim, who moved to the U.S. with his parents when he was ten, and took up golf at the age of 42. After struggling with his putting he came up with the revolutionary ‘Anser’ putter, which he touted around tournaments without a buyer, until Julius Boros won the Phoenix Open with one in 1967. Boros remarked afterwards: "The putter looks like a bunch of nuts and bolts welded together but the ball goes in the hole." This year is the Anser’s 50th anniversary, and Ping’s new TR 1966 putters look strikingly similar to their famous ancestors, but with Ping’s 21st century technology. The TR (True Roll) grooves varying in width and depth offer forgiveness by normalizing ball speeds across the face. The TR 1966 is described as ‘like a classic car with a modern engine under the bonnet.’ Ping putters became the most used in all majors. Every time Ping won a tournament two gold plated putters were made, one for the winner and one placed in the Winners’ Vault. By the 1990’s the number of tournament successes reached 2000, including 55 majors. THE USGA SAYS the WGC Cadillac may not be held at Trump Doral in future after ‘The Donald’s’ controversial comments. Trump also lost his final
battle to prevent wind farms being erected offshore from the Trump Resort in Aberdeenshire after a third appeal to the Scottish courts. He called Alex Salmond a “totally irrelevant has-been” and Salmond called Trump a “third time Loser.” (What diplomatic circles call a ‘free and frank exchange of views.’) Wonder what he’ll call Vladimir Putin if he gets to be President. Get ready to duck. Quote from Christy O’Connor: “If it wasn’t my living I wouldn’t play golf if you paid me.” Until next time, Happy Golfing. Contact Mick for regripping and repairs. Tel 638 859 475.
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Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
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EURONICS THURSDAY DART LEAGUE “THE ELECTRICAL SHOP” - BLUE LAGOON EURONICS DARTS RESULTS FOR 21ST APRIL 2016 LEAGUE A El Capitan Hub Hyenas Junction Jackals Masseys Breakaways Porterhouse Ale House Pint Depot Kings
P 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
GPF 52 43 43 34 32 39 26 18
GPA 20 29 29 38 40 33 46 54
Pts 39 36 30 30 28 25 21 15
LEAGUE B P Trade Winds’ Pirates 20
GPF 35
GPA 25
Pts 19
Junction Jaguars
Lesley v Marie and a 100 from Marie to take the game on D1 for the Queens. S5 saw Cele v Lyn and our secret weapon, Cele take the game on a crafty D8 (you like those D8’s Cele). Final game and the pressure was on Hub Hellraiser Claire to bring another point for the Hellraisers and she did it in style beating Debbie on D2. Again the roof came off, the result 6 -6 draw again...Yay the Hellraisers have another point and have the other teams on the Thursday night darts league running scared. Great games, great night as always. Thanks to hosts Si and Cam of the Hub and their Staff. Cheers to El Cheryl for the amazing food. Report by Sarah Oldham
Hen's Teeth
Pint Depot Queens 21
Hub Hellraisers
Results of Pairs Knock Out Semi’s and Finals
Her majesty took the time, on her birthday of all days, to come and watch our boys fight it out for the coveted title of Euronics Pairs Champions 2016! She wasn’t disappointed. With only three pairs to contest the title as Pair no. 4 Joe Miller was missing Del McCauley who is in Australia, it had to be a round-robin for the semi-finals. Pair No. 1 was Master Spicer and Lil’ Johnny Eyre from the Hub up against fellow Hyenas: Si Williams and Sean Smith. Best of 5 legs of 601 and all four lads were determined to get ahead. Leg 1 saw Smith make a strong start with 2 x 100, 60 backed up by Captain Willum’s: 70, 100, 96 but Lil’ John got 83, 125 and the Spicer sealed the deal with 81, 100, S1-D16 for the first point. The dynamic duo also took the 2nd point with Eyre scoring 83, 132 and Spicer scoring 80, 60, 60 and checking out on S19, Bull! This wasn’t an easy defeat though as Smith scored an 83 and his first 140 of the night ably supported by Williams’ 60, 60, 68. Simon and Sean then upped their game as the former scored 60, 70, 80 and the latter 60, 85, D13 before Eyre’s 85, 135 and Spicers 60, 95, 60 could give them first shot at the double. They smashed it again in the 4th leg with Sean getting his 2nd 140 and putting it to bed with D10. They bulled-up again for the 5th leg decider and once again it was the Captain and his first mate that did the business with a smattering of 60’s and Smith’s ton and then D16 check-out, despite a ton apiece for the opposition.
T1 saw “Our Queeny” Liz, Amanda “The Power” and our secret weapon Cele take on Christine, Vi and Lyn for the Queens. An evenly fought match and good start for the night with a nice high score of 82 from Lyn, with Christine of the Queens taking the game on D8. T2 had Hellraisers, Super Sue, El Capitan Cheryl and Sarah take on Marie, Debbie and Rachel for the Queens. Again, another evenly matched and long game, oh those doubles! And a nice 97 from super Sue but Marie eventually took the game on a D1. T3 Had Ali Pali, Lovely Lesley and Claire for the Hellraisers play Queens Vi, Christine and Rachel, the Queens taking the 3rd Triples game on D2. D1 Had some nice high scores of 80 from Hellraiser Lesley and 98 from Marie. The game was eventually taken by the Queens Lyn with a D1. D2 is where us Hellraisers came back from the brink with super stars Ali Pali and our secret weapon Cele matching and taking the game from The Queens’ Vi and Christine. With Cele throwing a nice D8. After the shock of a win the roof came off. Here we go D3 was the turn of El Cheryl and Claire for The Hub v Debbie and Rachel of the Queens. Congrats to Our Capitan Cheryl for getting the highest score of the night and the Hellraisers first season 133!!! This led the Hellraisers to win the game with Claire on D2. Half time Grub with Cheryl’s Lasagne and cupcakes winning again. S1 had Cheryl v Rachel with Cheryl for the Hellraisers taking the game on a nice D1. S2 Had some cool high scores from Alison of the Hub with 70 & 76 with Vi taking the game on D9. S3 saw Sarah for the Hellraisers take on Christine for the Queens with Sarah taking the game on D11. Come on the Hub Girls, the game is on...S4 saw
La Zenia Golf Society A great turn out on Thursday for our game at El Valle. The course was in excellent condition and the very warm sunny weather was made for a good golfing day, there was a slight wind at the start but after the front nine thus did drop. This week as our season draws to a end we played two ball better ball, the Presidents team being Northern, V the captains team being southern. The Presidents team came out winners with 226pts against the southern team with 221pts. Ray Pryce and Chris Blown came in with the top score of 43pts, Chris blown also won the individual score 33pts on count
By Simone de Lacy
Choice chucking at the Chicken’s Choppers
Sporting Life Misfits 20
This Thursday, the only (postponed) league game saw The Hub Hellraisers and The Pint Depot Queens lock horns once again to try and resolve the dead lock that went to the last game the last time we met. This match was no different!
mate Scotty’s support of 60, 85, 100. Smith found form with his own 60x3 plus 100 and 93 but couldn’t nail the thin red strip for the point. In leg 4 which was to be the final leg of this game, Williams and Smith knew they had to put something together to bring them to level points and quickly pulled off 3 scores in the 80’s and a 132 between them but once again Waller came up trumps with D20 but it was Scotty’s 100, 78, 65 and 87 that put him in position. Pair 3 stayed on then and faced Eyre and Spicer who with only 2 leg points from the first game were in the less favourable position. Waller’s 85, 121 and Scotty’s 4 x 60+’s certainly looked convincing but Eyre’s 100, 60 and Spicer’s 76, 60, 100, D20 got them the first leg. They rallied again for the second leg with Eyre’s seeing it off with some fine scoring and D2 finish. In the 3rd leg, both pairs put up a winner’s performance but Mr Spicer said thank you lads and goodnight with a characteristic bull finish. Result of the Semi’s: Eyre and Spicer 5 legs, Smith and Williams 4 legs, Waller and Scott 3 legs. Result of the Finals: So it was a Hub-Hub final, with best of 7 legs. Mr Spicer pulled out his Eyre for a 4:0 win to become this year’s winners. I will the score sheet speak for itself:
Pair No.2 victors stayed on and faced The Boys from Breakaways, Jim Scott and Phill Waller for the second game. The first point went to them courtesy of Williams’ 60, 85, 83, 102 and Smith’s 100 x 2, D3 despite a great effort from Scotty with a 100 and Waller’s 60, 100, 60, 72. The Bears then roared back with Scotty’s 60, 81 and Waller’s 60, 100, 60, S16-S8-D4. Williams’ 100, 140, 60 and Smith’s 85, 60 got them to the double but not the finish. It was the wily Waller that did it again for leg 3 with a trio of 60’s and a damaging D14, with team
Thanks to the Hen’s Teeth for providing the great venue and food for players and spectators, and also to Phil de Lacy for chalking the finals.
back, the best card was shared by Chris and Nick Brooks. The Two's was shared by Nick Brooks, Andy Kane, Chris Blown, N/T/P winners were No 6 Ray Pryce, No 9 Nick Brooks, No 12 Dave Sharp, No 15 Andy Kane. The raffle was won by Mo Flint,Thanks to Gogartys who sponsored the raffle, thanks also to Bliss and Ellie who fed and watered our members. Diary Dates, Tuesday 26th April at Riquelme first tee 10-33, Thursday 28th April at El Valle first tee 10-15. Followed by the AGM at Gogarty's. We do now have in stock the society polo shirts, if you would like one reserved please contact me Eric. Please note important date in the future ,on Saturday 28th May we are raising money to purchase a Ambulance for the local
area. Our game of golf will be at Riquelme, shot gun start at 9-30. Hoping you can play. We would like this to be a great success, so we are looking for your kind sponsorship for this event. Please contact Eric or Maurice if you can help this worthy corse for local people. There is a two day trip arranged for Saturday / Sunday 4th & 5th of June 2016 at Albacete, please check the web site for all the information again Contact Maurice or me ( Eric ) to book yourself for the event. All information is on the notice board outside Gogarty's for our games in the coming weeks, and on the web site which updated every Sunday night, guests are invited to all our games. Clubs can be hired. Contac Eric 667196178, Maurice 690268711
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Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
Spanglish Golf Society
In association with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Services) at Bonalba on 20th April 2016. For this months meeting the Spanglish Golf Society and a group of 24 players visited the established course at Bonalba taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. Today was the first holding of the Sandie Hall memorial shield and while the storm clouds gathered the weather held fine for what was a super day. The winners on the day were as follows: Category 1: 1st – Ray Muttock – 37 points, 2nd – John Evans – 31 points, 3rd – Andy Drinkall - 30 points Category 2: 1st – Diane Bailey – 34 points, 2nd - Roger Clarke – 26 points, 3rd – Ian Mcilwain – 25 points Nearest the Pins – Steve Birkett (2),Andy Drinkall and John Evans Longest drive (18 +) - Jack Fanning. Football Card – Denise Hidden Card Draw – Brian Proctor and Mark Bailey After the game we returned to the Spanglish bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada for a welcome meal prepared by the bar and the prize presentation and we give our thanks for their support. Our next friendly day fixture is at Vistabella on Wednesday 4th May 2016 and the monthly meeting is at Altorreal on 18th May 2016 and both are already almost fully booked. If you are interested in joining the society call Paul Cawte on 966 73 1223 or Graham Hall on 664 692 638 or better still pop into the bar. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or at www.costa-blanca-greenfees.com.
April 17th brought Gosforth Empire to the Emerald Isle, the visitors had 4 rinks in the party, the game was played in the usual enjoyable fashion, with the hosts winning 3-1- We look forward to seeing them again next year on their annual pilgrimage to Spain, well done to all On the 18th EI bowlers played against the Staff from the club, in an interesting game seeing the players winning, but not that easily, as the staff have a few good bowlers, After the game there was evening of dancing and the odd beer, to say farewell to the Emerald Isles most ardent supporters Harold and Yvonne Taylor. They are leaving the area and moving to Calpe. The club will miss their cheery faces on the sidelines, the pair even turn up to watch rollups. The EI will miss them, and we wish all the very best.
SAN MIGUEL BOWLS CLUB Some brilliant bowling in the Champion of Champions this week. Monday saw Ann Eagle play her singles, a hard fought game with a nail biting finish. A tied end, which could have seen either player win, Ann winning on the next end. Ann had a great win in her second game. Ann next played in the semi finals against Jane Hamill, but it was Jane’s day Ann very gracious in defeat, said that Jane played very well. Steve Cantley played ex San Miguel player Brian Robertson in the mens singles, Steve unfortunately losing. The ladies pairs, Ann Eagle and Val Collier, had a superb game, but were just pipped at the post, hard lines girls. In the mens pairs, Noel Davis and Fred Willshire won their prelim round, but got beat in the first round. Mixed pairs, Nancy and Alan Campbel also went out in the first round. The Triples did really well, Linda and Cliff Plaisted, and Ann Eagle had a superb game and got as far as the semi finals. The rinks played at Quesada in almost gale force winds, having a superb game winning easily against a home team. Well done to Sue Milner, Noel Davis, Steve Cantley and Stuart Denholm. They didn't do as well in the next round!! Very well done to all our players, you did our club proud. WASPS on Wednesday afternoon still going strong,5€ for woods, shoes and tuition if required, come along for 1.30 and enjoy a friendly afternoons bowling. For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club, contact our President Eileen Potts, telephone 966730376 or Secretary, Pat McEwan telephone 966714257.
San Luis Bowls Club by Sheila Cammack San Luis 3-2-1 Competition 15th-17th April was, as usual, a very competitive event. There were near misses, killed/ re-spotted ends and surprise results but after the group stages the semi finals were played off between (A) June Jones, Colin Lindgren, Keith Jones v (C) Lynne Morris, Neil Morrison, Tom Hill & (B) Carole Donellan, Dennis Birkett, John Rimmer v (D) Ros Holmes, Dave Blackie, Scott Malden. The final was closely contested between Dennis Birkett's (Country Bowls) team & Tom Hill's (San Luis) team – with Country Bowls taking the prize. CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS TOURNAMENT, Monday18th – Saturday 23rd April. There has been some excellent bowling through the competition, as expected from the many club champions, and some exciting, close matches. The wind made conditions difficult for the players and unpleasant for the spectators alike; thank heavens for hot chocolate! Then the sun came out and we were all removing layers once more. At the time of writing the finals are still to be played. The San Luis Players still in the competition are: Mixed Rinks FINAL - June Jones, Les Bedford, Colin Lindgren, Keith Jones v Beryl Styring, Ramsey Sinclair, Irene Mangan, Alex Morrice. (LaS) Men's singles FINAL - Rusell Marks v Frank Close (EI) Last week we said a final sad farewell to Jenni Blunt (briefly Country Bowls then Horadada) following a short illness. Unfortunately we now hear of the sad loss of Alan Pugh (San Miguel & Horadada) a well known figure on the bowling green, following a hard fought battle; they will both be greatly missed, our thoughts go to both families and friends. Club Captain: David Blackie: dbinspain@yahoo.com SLBC website: www.sanluisbowls.byethost7.com
GREENLANDS BOWLS CLUB By DAVE WEBB The Saturday Roll-up was attended by 16 bowlers and the final result was............1st was Janet Bliss. 2nd was Ian Anderson, 3rd was Heather Meason and 4th was Mike Cassidy, The coveted Wooden spoon was awarded to Mike Keating, a thoroughly good mornings bowling was had by everyone..
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
Enjoy Walking Football in San Miguel Many of you will have seen and read about the hugely growing popularity of Walking Football for the over 50’s, both in the UK and here on the Costa Blanca. Well now it’s coming to San Miguel de Salinas. A new Club (San Miguel Strollers) is being formed to play for one hour each week on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS at 7PM at the San Miguel Municipal Stadium, Calle Montesino Blanco, San Miguel de Salinas. This group will be formed and run as a Membership Club from the outset with fees
expected to be €5 annual membership and €2 per game – pay when you play. But to make this happen, the club needs at least 12 players The first (non-playing) get together to gauge interest is 7pm on Wednesday 11th May 2016 at Larocha Café Bar, c/Maisa LLoret, San Miguel de Salinas (near to the stadium). Anyone interested please email: smstrollers@gmail.com or phone: Ann on 638 840 392 for details.
It’s a Family Affair at Eurogolf On Thursday 21st April Eurogolf played a stableford off the plates at La Marquesa and 2 husband and wife teams were in the prizes. The course is in great condition with improvements being made all the time. It started quite blustery but settled down later, but the wind didn´t deter the overall monthly stableford winner Pino Perito scoring an impressive 39 points. The results were as follows Cat.1 (0-15) 1st Pino Perito 39 2nd David Gregson 35 3rd Brian Fenwick 30 Cat 2 (16-24) 1st John Fairhurst 34 2nd Colin Peck 31 3rd Alan Venables 30 Cat 3 (25-31) 1st Phyllis Venables 32 2nd Bruce Gordon 29 3rd Geoff Evans 29 Cat 4 (32+) 1st Franco Gentili 29 2nd Dave Lewis 28 Best front 9 Gill Gordon 16 Best back 9 Stan Low 18 NTP´s 5th and 11th David Gregson 15th N/A 17th Alan Venables Football draw Colin Peck Chris Stanley Jan Shorley, Bill Martin and Pino Perito. TUESDAY TOFFS On Tuesday 19th April Toffs played their weekly stableford in extremely strong winds which made the conditions very difficult for the ardent golfers. The results were Cat 1 (0-15) 1st George
McCallum 33 2nd Bill Martin 32 3rd Paul Manning 30 Cat 2 (16-24) 1st John Fairhurst 33 2nd Alan Venables 32 3rd Robin Richards 30 Cat 3 (25-31) 1st Jan Shorley 37 2nd Phyllis Venables 35 3rd Eamon Divine 30 Cat 4 (32+) 1st Mike Gillette 35 2nd Lauraine Walker 34 3rd Dave Lewis 31 Best front 9 Angelique Berndt 21 best back 9 Gordon Bourne 16 NTP´s 5th David Gregson 11th Jan Shorley 15th John Barraclough 17th Gordon Bourne. Overall Toffs winner Jan Shorley 37 points. Football draw Bob Shorley Lauraine Walker Bev Fairhurst and David Gregson. Congratulations to all the winners. Also congratulations to the Eurogolf team who won the Northern division of the Vega baja league and play the winners of the South divison El Valle at Lo Romero in May. We wish them good luck. If you would like to play with one of the most established golf societies on the Costa Blanca who are celebrating their 25th year playing at La Marquesa please visit the website www.eurogolfquesada.co.uk.
637 227 385
Paddy’s Point Golf Society Captain’s Day at Las Colinas This year we were blessed with a beautiful Spring day for Captain Paul Cullen's drive out however were missing a stalwart member John Bryan who has recently been under the weather. Get well soon John. On the 1st tee Paul was heckled by his fellow golfers and a mobile ringing just as he was about to tee off didn't help his nerves but much to his relief he hit a cracker. This was the start of a long but very enjoyable day. Las Colinas was, once again, in excellent condition and thanks go to Ana and her staff for looking after us especially the help received when one of our members fell and dislocated his shoulder. Hope you are back on the fairways soon Gerry. After a quick wash and brush up around a hundred members and guests arrived at Las Ramblas for the Captain's Dinner and prize giving. The meal was excellent as was the copious amount of wine. Thanks to Sergio and the staff at Las Ramblas for looking after us so well. Winners on the day are as follows: Nearest Captain's Drive - Terry Fitzgerald 1st NTP in 3 - Shaun P Murphy, 2nd - NTP in 3 Donncha O'Leary, 3rd - Longest Drive - Genaro Sanchez, NTP in 3 - Morgan Lalor, 4th -NTP in 2 - Larry Quinn, 5th - NTP - Ian Comaskey, 6th NTP in 2 - Liam McCreesh, 7th - NTP - Thomas Mallie, 8th - NTP in 2 - Shaun P Murphy, 9th NTP in 2 - Martin Fitzpatrick, 10th - NTP - John Stapleton, 11th - Longest Drive - Eldon Carey, 12th - NTP in 2 - Alan Scott, 13th - Longest Drive - Myra Coull, 14th - NTP - Mike Bates, 15th NTP in 3 - Terry Fitzgerald, 16th - NTP in 3 - Bill Kelleher, 17th - NTP - Ollie Teahan, 18th Longest Drive - Eldon Carey, NTP in 3 - Paul Kelly. 2 people shared the 2s pot: Irene Fitzpatrick and Kevin Fitzpatrick. Best Front 9 - Larry Quinn c/b Best Back 9 - Janet Bryan Best Guest - Brian McGirr 33pts c/b, 2nd Guest - Morgan Lalor 33pts. Best Lady - Irene Fitzpatrick - 34pts 1st - Ollie Teahan 36pts, 2nd - Alan Scott 35pts,
Captain Paul Cullen with Ollie Paul with Irene
3rd - Derek Burgess 33pts c/b. Well done to all the golfers who enjoyed a good days golf. A big thank you to all our sponsors, your generosity is very much appreciated.
Cafe Uno Golf Society
Orange Tree GS at Mar Menor Well it seems the weather forecasts do get the weather correct everynow and then, wind and excessive gusts forecasted, and on arriving at Mar Menor this is what we got. The day kept fine but the wind and gusts made for an interesting day of golf and in fact started to spoil the day towards the end. The captain, Simon Sharples, decided to play an 4 man team event and wd played 2.3.4 stableford. This allowed for bad holes and was needed with the wind. Even through we have been spoilt over the weeks with the weather we could not complain. The course was in excellent condition and we all still had a great day. We then all returned to home base, The Orange Tree bar and restaurant for much needed warmth and wonderful refreshments, thanks to chris and
staff for the warm welcome and food. The captain then presented the prizes, the results being. 1st Andy Shuttle, Tony Wilson, Chris Blown and Paul Allen with 88 points, 2nd were Roger, Nigel Cawthra, Simon Sharples and Fred Noakes with 78 points and 3rd went to Martin Lowe, Peter Cowan, Stuart Robinson and Dodge with 75 points. N.T.Ps went to Tony Wilson on tshe 8th and Simon Sharples on the 17th. The next event is on Tuesday 3rd May at Saurines, all members, guests and holiday makers are welcome to play. Either place your name on the start sheet within the restaurant, or ring 965 32 3235 or email us on orangetree@hotmail.es All fixtures, results and reports can be found on the website, www.orangetree-caboroig.com under the golf section.
Today, Thursday 21st April, Café Uno Golf Society played at Alenda golf. 19 Members turned out to play in the individual Stableford, although several match play games were played as well. The course was in very good condition, and it was nice to play on well tended greens with the cups properly cut. The gusting wind, which recently has been a feature at this course, made some of the play difficult, however this was applicable to all. We decided to play with two categories today, Gold and Silver. Winners and their scores follow:- Gold Category. 1st L.Leitch - 35pts. Best front nine A.Douglas - 17pts. Best back nine R.Rogers - 21pts. Nearest the pin on hole 16 - P.Buckler.
By Steve Lawrence. Nearest the pin in 2 on hole 4 - R.Rogers. Silver Category. 1st A.Baines - 29pts. Best front nine J.Pedersen - 13pts. Best back nine G.Butterworth - 16pts.c/b. Nearest the pin on hole 16 - N/A. Nearest the pin in 2 on hole 4 - A.Baines. There were no 2's this week. Thanks to Café Uno for their hospitality. Next week Thursday 28th April, we are playing at Vistabella, 1st tee is at 08:30am so please be at the club by 07:45am. The following week on 4th, 5th & 6th April, we are away to Mojacar for our annual golf tour. On Friday the 6th we will return to Café Uno for a buffet and the presentations. I will be sending out the itinery to those who are going to Mojacar.
Las Ramblas Golf Society Our first game of the week was a Change Partners which was won with a score of 82 pts by the team of Lindsay Forbes, Brian Dent, Olga Douglas and Brian Staines. There were only enough players for one category on Wednesday for our weekly stableford competition with prizes on offer to the top four positions. Marleen Billen put in a fantastic performance scoring an incredible 41 pts leaving her 6 pts clear of the rest of the field. The prize winners were as follows: 1st Marleen Billen 41 pts 2nd Alan Douglas 35 pts (c/b) 3rd Tom Hardie 35 pts 4th Liz Robertson 34
By Mike Chapman
pts 2's Club: Marleen Billen, Lindsay Forbes and Ron Phipps It was the next round of our Singles Match Play competition on Friday. With two games still to be completed those winning their match and going through to the Quarter Finals are Dave Pulling, Brian Townend, Doug Wright, Lindsay Forbes, Tom Hardie and Nick Campbell. The remaining members played a 2 ball better ball which was won by Yvonne Phipps and Liz Robertson with a score of 43 pts.
637 227 385
‘MIKE PROBERT TALKS GOLF (Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services).
Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. THE PROBLEM OF FEAR The emotion called fear plays quite a large role in the game of golf. For some golfers it becomes a problem as soon as they tee up in front of others, and all players are affected by fear when it comes to playing over water, particularly if you are required to play your best shot. But the most severe of all fears is the one which prevents winning and this fear is the one which all golfers, including the pro’s, have to overcome if they are to come out of the pack and become champions. The difference between the fear of winning and the fear of losing can be explained using the example of the difference between leading from the front and trying to win from behind. To attack from behind is a far easier way to win because to win from the front is reserved for a very special group of golfers – the ones who can remain calm when others tremble their way to failure. Fear is the destroyer of confidence, and it can only be overcome by positive thinking. Unfortunately, many golfers are confused as to the meaning of this and so often play negative golf but it should be understood that to think positively is to think only of playing the correct shot and achieving the correct result because if you play the incorrect shot within your mind prior to ‘playing’ then it will almost certainly be the shot which you actually play. Safe golf is playing to a good position on the fairway and then to a safe place on the green while playing within the limits of your own ability and not using the hit and wish method which is so often used at times of golf stress. Strength of mind and good personal discipline can solve even the worst of golf problems, which are introduced by fear and they can be overcome if you try hard enough. The most difficult to overcome is the putting ‘yips’ which have shortened the career of so many golfers but just look at what Bernhard Langer has achieved because the man is so strong mentally that he has shown us all that “where there is a will there is a way” and POSITIVE thinking overcomes fear. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you: Golf Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Don Cayo (Altea) Font Del Llop La Finca La Peraleja La Marquesa La Serena Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lo Romero Roda Villamartin Villaitana Poniente Vistabella
Price €110 €59 €98 €90 €88 €118 €142 €140 €45 €97 €83 €106 €48 €138 €126 €55 €92
Comments Two Players and Buggy Sgle Green Fee and Buggy (Pre 9.30am) Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Green Fees and Buggy Four Players and Two Buggies Single Green Fee (Weekends) Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee and Buggy Two Players and Buggy
Deal of the Week: Las Pinaillas (Albacete) €85 each for 2 rounds of golf with buggies and B&B accommodation on shared room basis in the 3* Castilla hotel. Don Cayo only €80 for 2 players and buggy on Sunday's only. For Bookings and more information contact Mike direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER. Hollow Tining Watch 25th-30th April – Vistabella and La Manga West Quotation of the Week “Golf is like a chain and you always have to work on the weakest link” - George Archer
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016
San Miguel Golf Society at Roda Thirty-eight members made their way to Roda for the next round of the Bogey’s Medal Shield and a format some prefer to sit out. A shame really, as the weather was splendid, although increasingly windy as the round progressed, the course in good condition and the social facilities and ambience great. A tee 10 start always throws a few people, and fluffy fairway, but hard and damp greenside, bunkers, as well as some tricky pin positions and greens that were not nearly as quick and true as the practice area, caused complications. It always seems, as it did during this visit, that the true front 9 plays harder than the back, and many of the scores reflected this. Whilst interest in the round soon faded for several, some good scoring was achieved, particularly by Paul Kelsall (71) in Silver and by those heading the Gold category, where the previously unseen society sight of all 4 prize winners only being separated by the count back system was witnessed. Additional excitement was provided for the day’s third group out by the presence of a snake (of the venomous type) on the 9th (their last) green. Gently eased off the putting surface by use of a wedge, the snake lived to see another day, as, hopefully, will those members traumatised by today’s medal playing experience. Two matches were played in this season’s SMGS match play competitions, Captain Barry Roehrig coming back from 4 down with 7 to play to beat John Drakesmith 2 up in the singles, and formidable doubles duo John Osborne and Darren Hancock being taken to the 19th by Vice-Captain Theo Boelhouwer and ex-Captain Phil de Lacy,
where Darren made an Eagle to put the match to rest. The day’s competition results, by category and in reverse order, were the following: Bronze Category: 4th Alan Gilbert (80 on CB), 3rd Grattan Forber (80 on CB), 2nd Chris Hamblet (78) and 1st Keith Stevenson with a nett 77. Silver Category: 4th Ivor Turkington (77), 3rd Ken Flaherty (76), 2nd Phil de Lacy (75), and 1st, with the best score of the day, Paul Kelsall with 71. Gold Category: 4th Tony Smale (72 on CB), 3rd Stephen Locke (72 on CB), 2nd Robin Eastman (72 on CB) and 1st John Osborne, also with 72 and winning the card collector and adjudicator’s countback nightmare. The Abacus, a bottle of good red plonk, was won by Ron Stenhouse, who at least returned a score and remained for the prize
giving, but who would have been pipped by the true winner for cards handed in had they stayed to the end, and not taking in to account, of course, the many non-returns posted Nearest the pins on the par 3’s went to John Osborne (2), Ivan Hanak (7), Mike Jordan (11) and Barry Roehrig (13). Our thanks go to the staff at Roda golf course for their contribution to an excellent day. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website www.smgs.org or simply give Barry Roehrig a call on 966 731 033 to find out more about the society and its weekly golf get-togethers. Next Wednesday, April 27th, we will be at another Murcian course, La Serena, playing for the Linda Rennie Trophy.
Carp - R - Us Club News This Thursday, 21st April, saw our anglers fishing the River Segura in Murcia town centre. The results from the match, Round 9 of the Spring series was as follows: In first place Tom Marshall with 2.02kg, second Dave Hoare with 2.00kg, third was Andy Foden with 1.80kg and in fourth place Steve Collins with 0.74kg. The next match on 28th April will be a one off match for the Spring Cup at the Pantana de Beniarres, near Alcoy. Meet at the monument for pegs at 8.00, fishing 9.00 till 2.00. The final round of the Spring Series will be fished on 5th May on
Cadena Sunrise Bowling - Week 26 Fair Play 999’s Cherry B’s Sunrise Colegas Pin Pushers Pinfall Wizards
0-8 2-6 2-6 8-0 4-4 6-2
Gi Gi’s Hookers Sol Amigo’s S***T Happens Alley Gators The Bandits Alley Cats
Top Performers
Hi/Game Hi/Game+H/Cap Hi/Series Hi/Series+H/Cap
Sandy Bell 183 Sandy Bell 226 Sandy Bell 506 Sandy Bell 635
Terry Bell 197 Gunter Wilms 245 Terry Capon 546 John Skinner 645
S***T Happens Sol Amigo’s Gi Gi’s Hookers Sunrise Colegas Pin Pushers Alley Gators Alley Cats Fair Play Pinfall Wizards 999’s The Bandits Cherry B’s
P W 78 74 78 65 78 63 78 60 78 58 78 55 78 48 78 47 78 46 78 39 78 34 78 33
D 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
L 30 38 40 44 46 49 55 56 58 65 70 71
Tot Gms 59653 78 59326 78 59085 78 59313 78 58694 78 59108 78 57855 78 58075 78 58586 78 57617 78 56509 78 55748 78
Av Hi-G Hi-S 764 903 2412 760 893 2484 757 873 2391 760 874 2448 752 836 2409 757 864 2425 741 852 2368 744 861 2427 751 826 2425 738 852 2368 724 822 2294 714 840 2340
Pts 148 131 127 120 116 110 97 95 92 78 68 66
the Eden Canal. The next Quiz night is on Tuesday 26th April, commencing at 7.30pm. The cost of entry is 1€ per person and teams of up to 6 people can take part. The next Sunday Meeting is on 1st May, with the Committee meeting at 10.30 and the General Meeting at 11.00. This meeting will be held in the games room and not the restaurant. The Clubs home is the Bar El Alto La Dolores which is just off the N332 between La Mata and Guardamar. For info please visit the website www.carp-r-us.weebly.com
637 227 385
Monday 25th April - Sunday 1st May, 2016