Costa Blanca Leader edition 617

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No 617

Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016

Tel: 637 227 385

Reducing the cost of Social Housing abandoned apartment blocks that are located across from Villamartin and Los Dolses in Calle Canela. During a meeting last week between Blanca MarĂ­n, the Director of the Regional Infrastructure Authority (EIGE), and Emilio BascuĂąana, the mayor of Orihuela, agreement was reached on a number of joint actions which are aimed at opening the way for families hoping to gain access to social housing that it manages in the locality. One such decision was a reduction in the price of a hundred of their more saleable local properties. It is understood that many of the properties to be put on offer will include the three

In addition to a reduction in the price of the real estate the Department will also expand the system by offering properties, initially for rental, but leading to eventual ownership, as another measure to help dispose of the apartments. Marin explained that the Department is currently conducting analysis of a number of different options which it will make available throughout the Community, leading to the disposal of a total of 372 homes which are able to be offered as social housing. EIGE say that they currently have two promotions in Orihuela. Continued on Page 6


Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016


637 227 385


You can help fund Kath’s Magic Bullet Telephone

637 227 385 Property

637 227 385 E-mail Website Advertising Sales 637 227 385 Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

It doesn´t seem like a day goes past without us all hearing or reading about another person who is undergoing some hardship or enduring unnecessary suffering through no fault of their own. One such case is Kathryn Osmond who has spent most of her working life helping others, frequently saving lives working as a paramedic for the NHS in the UK. Now, aged just 40, and with 3 young children , she has been diagnosed with advanced malignant melanoma with a prognosis that is not very good – a few months at the most. All normal treatments have failed but there is one option left, Tumour Invading Lymphocytes, The one problem is that it

will cost in the region of seventy thousand pounds. Fundraising has already begun with a page on the Just Giving website – Fund Kaths Magic Bullet – so if you can, please go to this site and donate direct, but the good people of centro commercial Rioja in Orihuela Costa will host their own charity fundraiser on Sunday 29th May. There will be entertainment from a host of singers as well as comedy and other acts – there will be arts, crafts and charity stalls, the usual raffle and tombola with numerous prizes plus a lot more besides. If you want to do your little bit to help this wonderful lady recover from her illness please come along and support her.

Meeche’s birthday bash for charity

Meeche Lewis who is a member of the Pueblo Bravo petanca club held her 60th birthday at The Club Quesada last week. There were 102 guests including relations, friends and club members helping her celebrate her sixty years. Everyone enjoyed their meal and the entertainment and dancing afterwards. Meeche decided she would prefer not to receive cards, but she asked her friends to give her a donation so that she could give it to charity. At the end of the evening she was able to thank all her friends for their generosity as it meant that she had €375 to share between the two charities Help at Home, and The Paul Cunningham Nurses.

Due to holidays the next edition of The Leader Newspaper will be published on Tuesday 17th M a y



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Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016

Up to 35% more health jobs this summer

Torrevieja’s Department of Health announced on Wednesday that it is preparing for the summer months, and with it the arrival of thousands of holidaymakers and tourists, by recruiting up to 35% more staff to meet the significant increase expected in the local population. The additional health professionals will be engaged to work in Torrevieja Hospital and in the area’s many primary care centres. In recent years the department has regularly attracted criticism from the CC.OO, UGT, Usae and Cemsatse unions who are regularly warning of a pending state of collapse of the local health service, but little or no action is ever taken, they say, to increase front-line or administrative staff, resulting in many patients not receiving an acceptable level of service. They claim there is a worrying lack of personnel, that there are not enough places for patients, many of whom were being treated in beds set up in hallways. Neither are replacements being found for the workers who go on holidays or are forced to take time off on sick leave. Now the Department of Health say that they have come up with a summer plan which will provide a higher number of replacements and additions to

the organisation which will ensure a high level of quality and safety in patient care. Dr. José Antonio Velasco, the Health Department manager, explained that "our commitment is to maintain high levels of patient satisfaction and to ensure that assistance is both flexible and effective, ensuring that the patient does not perceive the increase in population." Forecasts show an increase in activity of 15% in the ER and about 7% in primary care, while in the wards the number of admissions would remain similar. The new plan will be implemented in line with this data with additional coverage in all areas of healthcare. The plan has been developed and approved by the committee and the commissioner of the Department of Health over a number of different sessions. But he did say that health professionals insist on the "responsible" use of hospital and primary care emergency departments which should only be used in ‘severe cases.’ Despite Union criticism data collected last year, showed that health centres resolved over 90% of total emergencies with which they were presented.



Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016

Alicante maintains ‘Blue Flag’ lead


mence immediately, with a Catalan company being awarded the 280 thousand euro contract, with all of the work set to be completed and the walkways reopened before 15 July. Selected local beaches awarded blue flags are: Alicante: Sant Joan, L’Albufereta, El Postiguet, Saladar Benidorm: Llevant, Mal Pas, Ponent El Campello: Carrer de la Mar, Mutxavista Elche; El Altet, Arenales del Sol (Sur), La Marina, Carabassí easy to find. Les Pesqueres-El The gardens are various sizes Rebollo from very large to small but we Guardamar: La are sure you will find something Roqueta, Centre, El Moncaio of interest in each of them to Orihuela; Punta Prima, Cala Flamenca, Cala Bosque (La give you ideas for your own gar- Zenia) den. So it doesn't matter if you La Caleta (Cabo Roig), Cala Capitán (Cabo Roig), are a keen gardener or just like Aguamarina pottering around, get out there Campoamor, Barranco Rubio, Cala Estaca and have a look. All of the garPilar de la Horadada; Mil Palmeras, Jesuitas, Conde den owners will be happy to Santa Pola; Calas del Este, Varador, Llevant, El Tamarit, Calas Santiago Bernabéu answer questions and give tips Torrevieja, El Cura, Los Náufragos, Cala Piteras, Los and advice on how they develLocos, La Mata (Sur) oped their garden.

he Alicante province is once again the leader in terms of quality beaches, having been awarded more Blue Flags than any other area in Spain with awards for 62 beaches, 13 marinas, 4 routes and 7 schools. Across the 19 municipalities that make up the Costa Blanca there were 71 candidates for the awards, with 62 Blue Flags being granted, whereas there are 125 Blue Flag beaches across the region and 586 in the whole of Spain. Once again, Orihuela has the largest number of individual beaches to have been awarded Blue Flags with 8 beaches recognised, whereas Torrevieja retained their 5. The inspections were carried out last summer and so it is worth remembering that although many of the current governments will be praising themselves for having achieved the quality standards in beach and water cleanliness, these accreditations were achieved prior to the last elections, and so it is next year when the true picture of any new management will be revealed. Meanwhile, Orihuela´s costal councillor has this week revealed that the work to repair the walkways at Cala Capitán will com-

Campoverde Open Garden Day The first Campoverde Open Garden Day will take place on Saturday 28th May, when you will have the opportunity to visit some of the interesting gardens in the village. All the gardens will be open from 11am until 5pm to give you the opportunity to visit them all in one day. Refreshments will be available in some gardens and it is all free; all we ask is that you make a small donation to Campoverde Church. Each of the gardens will be displaying a “Garden Open” Poster outside so they will be


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It seems that Spain’s politicians are extremely angry at the ban announced last week by the Eurovision authorities at the flying of the Basque flag during the hugely popular contest, which will take place in Stockholm 10-14 May. The ban would seem to put the regional flag in the same category as those of the Islamic State (IS).

Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria demanded that the "boycott" be lifted saying "It is a constitutional, legal and legitimate flag and the Spanish government will defend it whenever needed" On realising the furore they had caused the organisers of the song contest apologised for what they said was a mix-up. In a statement to the press they said a draft version of the flag policy was published by mistake on the website of the venue and the ticket agency selling seats for the extravaganza and they apologise to everyone who feels offended by the list. A Eurovision spokesman said that "the flag policy is not aimed against specific territories or organisations,

and certainly does not compare them to each other".The Welsh flag has also been banned from the contest, even though one of the British duo is from Ruthin in the north of the country, along with the flags of Palestine, the Crimea and Northern Cyprus. However, the rainbow LGBT flag is allowed, but fans have been warned not to wave it in a "political" manner, for example, during Russia's entry. Current favourite to win the contest is Sergey Lazarav of Russia with ‘You are the only One’. Bet365 currently quote odds of 2/1. The bookmaker is also offering 50/1 on Spain, 100/1 UK and 200/1 Ireland with ‘Sunlight’ which will be performed by one of the country’s biggest stars, Nicky Byrne.



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Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016



Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016

Continued From Page One The first one is located in the coastal area of Villamartin where all of the properties are only available for sale. This is a promotion of 63 protected dwellings with garages and storage rooms, distributed in three blocks. The properties that are offered include apartments, from 55 square meters to 90 square meters, as well as duplex homes for larger families, of 111 square meters. It also has adapted housing for people with disabilities. These apartments have remained empty and abandoned for over six years, despite being offered on three separate occasions, and whilst many Orihuela families were still being evicted from their homes because of mortgage payment problems. It is shameful that no convincing action has previously been taken by the local government to enable these apartment blocks to be occupied on a rental basis. Even now they will only be made available for sale, with the prices being reduced by 38% or more, with some dropping from €111,534 to €69,000. It will be interesting to see just what the uptake on these apartments is and whether or not their sale will actually limited to young families or those in need who, in the current situation, are unlikely to be able to obtain mortgages. I have no doubt there will be a large number of promoters who are

watching closely on the sidelines. The second promotion in Orihuela has a total of 36 protected dwellings with garage and storage rooms, ranging from 79 square meters to 116 square meters. These dwellings can be offered both for sale and for rent to own, expanding the possibilities of access. Orihuela Councillor for housing Sabina Galindo said the Valencian Government had previously refused to allow the Town Hall to rent out the properties to people who were seeking social housing, but only to sell. Meanwhile the mayor said that all of the properties would be extensively advertised on the council website as well as on the Valencian Government Infrastructure site at Following the meeting in Orihuela Blanca Marín travelled to Pilar de la Horadada where she held a similar meeting with the mayor, Ignacio Ramos, together with the Councillor for Infrastructure and Housing, Alfonso Armenteros and Visitación Gumbau, manager of the Office of Housing Pilar de la Horadada. Here the discussion revolved around low cost rental properties, a number of which were identified on the outskirts of the town for future occupation. Although it is understood that no specific decisions were made the meeting allowed Marín to view the facilities of the housing development that will be offered for rent.


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Councillor criticises San Miguel Health Delays San Miguel’s Councillor for Health, Maria José Costa, was critical last week of the delay in providing medical appointments. He also said that he was extremely unhappy that the attendant Paediatrician is only able to attend the centre for six hours a week, two visits each of three hours. In a letter sent to Valencia’s Regional Councillor for Health, Carmen Montón, on 19 April, Costa said that it was unacceptable that people who were sick and in need of medical attention were being made to wait for up to eight days before they were able to see a doctor. He asked for a meeting with the councillor at which the situation could be addressed, saying that according to the centre manager, a target that the medical centre should be able to achieve should be no more than forty-eight hours. However almost three weeks after the letter was first despatched Costa says that he is still awaiting a response. The councillor was also critical of the "poor" provision of essential services offered by the outpatient clinic of the town which, in a municipality of just 6,773 inhabitants, should be far better that that currently being provided.

The councillor said the situation was no better with specialist appointments at Torrevieja Hospital as he criticised the delay of three to six months before residents were able to see a consultant. Similarly, the councillor asked Carmen Montón to explain what the current situation is regarding the proposed extension of hours for the SAMU ambulance service in a town, the proposal of which was approved unanimously by all political groups represented.

Restored paintings returned to Orihuela Two oil paintings, both dating from the seventeenth century, were returned to Orihuela’s Museo de Arte Sacro last week, after undergoing extensive restoration work carried out in the restoration laboratory of the Provincial Council of Alicante.

The paintings, restoration of which took over 5 months, had been damaged by oxidation. Both attributed to the painter Forchondt, "La Anunciación " and the rather more controversial piece " Atila ante León Magno," they were handed over at a ceremony attended by the mayor of Orihuela. He said that he was absolutely delighted to welcome them back to their historical home Joserre Perezgil, technical director of the Museum of Fine Arts, explained that the restoration work has been extremely costly due to the deterioration in the works caused mainly by poor maintenance and exposure to high temperatures and humidity. “Contrary to what people might normally think,” he said, “restoration work is not aimed at recovering the original condition and colour of the works, but it is about respecting the natural aging of the oils.”



637 227 385

Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016

The pitfalls of donating your body to science was the ‘free’ removal service that was offered by the receiving agency, usually a local medical school or university. It seemed quite an appealing proposition, particularly in view of the previous lack of costs but that could well be changing, especially in view of the fact that the ‘free’ service seems to be no more.

In recent years a growing number of senior citizens have created a growing demand for alternatives to traditional funerals, the most popular of which would seem to be the donation of the body to medical science. For those on a tight budget, one of the benefits

Now, certainly in the case of the Universidad Miguel Hernandez, which is the local faculty used by residents of the Vega Baja, they have recently issued new instructions to the region’s funeral companies requiring a payment of 1000 euro, made in advance, prior to the removal of any body. They say that the contribution is required in order to meet the cost of collection and transportation to the university or medical school, The university is currently making contact with everyone on their register to advise them about the future costs. Local expert Robert Kirkhope of ‘Free Lunch Spain’ says the whole system of donating to medical science is littered with confusion with the body’s of many donors who think they have been accepted later rejected So if you are considering donating your body to science purely on the basis of the money you might save you might like to think again. Although perhaps a better proposition would be to speak to someone who actually knows the pitfalls that donors face by emailing or by calling Robert on 685 733 278


Hoping for clear skies Once again, the Vega Baja Astronomy Group is offering the public the opportunity to have a look through their telescopes and learn a little bit more about what lies out there in the night sky. This time they will be observing Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System. It is the fifth planet from the Sun and is twice as massive as all the other planets combined. Jupiter is a “gas giant”. Gas Giants do not have solid surfaces, their gaseous material just gets denser with depth. It has 63 known moons. The largest four are Io, Callisto, Ganymede and Europa and were discovered in

1610 by Galileo and can be seen as points of light through the telescopes. Jupiter is famous for its great Red Spot which is in fact a persistent storm that has lasted for over 300 years. Along with Jupiter the group will also be observing the Moon which will be in its last quarter so the craters will be seen at their best. The public observing evening will be on Thursday 26th May beginning around 9pm. Venue will be the Punta Prima promenade … just along from the Nautilus Bar Restaurant. Keep looking up and hoping for clear skies!


Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016

Mayor announces location of Torrevieja ‘Dog Beach’


orrevieja’s mayor announced last week that the proposed ‘Dog Beach’ recently reported in the Leader, will be located between Torrevieja and Punta Prima. He made the statement while he was inspecting work being carried out along the Paseo del Acequión on Tuesday. He said that the necessary Ordnance change required to amend the bylaw, enabling an area in which dogs will be able to play and bathe alongside their owners, had been made by Torrevieja’s Governing Board on the previous Friday and as such Dolon said that he is now extremely confident that the measure can be introduced prior to the coming summer. The mayor said that the coastal stretch authorized for bathing dogs will be located along the south coast of the city, between the Dique de Poniente (el

The promise of a beach for dogs was made in Los Verdes pre election manifesto

barrio de San Roque) and Punta Prima. It is a stretch of 4 kilometres of coastline taking in la Playa de Los Náufragos, la Cala de Ferrís and la Cala Piteras, a popular swimming area. It also incorporates many hundreds of metres of rocky cliffs. The promise of a beach for dogs was made in Los Verdes pre election manifesto. It was also supported by many thousands of signatures from city residents. Dolon said that a number of other local beaches had been considered, between La Mata and Los Locos but this idea was strongly criticised by local residents. There was also Cala Piteras, in the area of Avenida de las Olas in Rocio del Mar, but it was said that if the council chose to allocate any of these beaches there would be long stretches of coastline that would undoubtedly lose their blue flag next year.

YELLOW POWDER RISK REPORT The Guardia Civil has joined a number of other authorities in warning against the use of sulphur in public places as a means of defence against animals and their waste. The appearance of a yellowcoloured, powder-like dust around the corners of buildings was once a common appearance, however use of the substance is banned for public health reasons. The idea of using the sulphur is that it prevents dogs and other animals from urinating in areas such as the corners of a building, but the substance is not only dangerous to the animals it is to humans too. Contact can cause ulceration of the skin, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the nasal mucosa, shortness of breath, asthma and tracheobronchitis. The Guardia Civil posted an image on their Twitter feed urging anybody who sees such an appearance to report it immediately.


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637 227 385

Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016

Fishing for togetherness


embers of the fishing sector in Guardamar del Segura and Santa Pola are negotiating ways to try to merge their respective local action groups with the intention of collectively applying to Brussels for investment in the fishing industry.

By working together the groups hope to obtain 1.5 million euro in European funding

The groups hope to obtain 1.5 million euro in funding through the European Maritime and Fisheries body, which would be destined to revive the fisheries sector and the economic and tourism activity in both municipalities. Valencia has been urging the two locations to join in a single group, as have other areas across the region, in order to make four larger groups that represent the sector on a regional level. Initially, Santa Pola has shown a reluctance to join with Guardamar as they feel that their local group is strong enough to stand alone and approach the European Union directly. This unilateral stance failed to obtain the backing of the ministry in favour of the strengthening of local representation across the area. The money would go towards projects to help the fishing industry and the local environment, such as dredging the mouth of the Segura River, cleaning the seabed, creating tourist features and building or repairing jetties.

Thousands of temporary staff to join Mercadona The Mercadona supermarket chain has announced that it will be employing 5,000 extra staff to cover the busy summer season this year, a thousand more than in 2015. The selection and recruitment process is already underway for their 1,584 stores across the country, where the new staff will join the existing 75,000 workers who benefit from earning at least 1,109 euro per month. The company wants to promote itself as providing “excellent” service to the “millions” of tourists expected to visit the country this summer, and also benefit their full time staff quota by allowing holidays at one of the busiest times of year. The company also believes that the measure “will help strengthen its expertise in the cities where Mercadona is present, placing value on the role of the tourism industry”.



Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016


637 227 385




LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS QUICK ACROSS: 1 Pump; 3 Laudable; 8 Rung; 9 Confound; 11 Perverseness; 13 Retort; 14 Stable; 17 Misbehaviour; 20 Chaperon; 21 Limb; 22 Wreckage; 23 Shoe. DOWN: 1 Perspire; 2 Minaret; 4 Arouse; 5 Definitive; 6 Blues; 7 Eddy; 10 Heartbreak; 12 Terrible; 15 Boorish; 16 Throng; 18 Inane; 19 Scow. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Duck; 3 All clear; 8 Junk; 9 Dovetail; 11 Cheap edition; 13 Endear; 14 Tender; 17 Streets ahead; 20 Eventual; 21 Omit; 22 Everyone; 23 Oder. DOWN: 1 Dejected; 2 Contend; 4 Lloyds; 5 Chew the fat; 6 Erato; 7 Rely; 10 Apparently; 12 Creditor; 15 Dreamed; 16 Strain; 18 There; 19 Cede.

ACROSS 1. Deceased (4) 3. Wary (8) 9. Warrior (7) 10. Speak (5) 11. Expectancy (12) 13. Nook (6) 15. Jail (6) 17. Exorbitant (12) 20. Smell (5) 21. Disagree (7) 22. Overcame (8) 23. Remain (4)

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12. 14. 16. 18. 19.

Remoteness (8) Distribute (5) Sudden (6) Equilibrium (12) Foolish (7) Entice (4) Dejected (12) Lineage (8) Worried (7) Heavy food (6) Vigilant (5) Serene (4)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z DOWN 1. A rocket for investigating arson? (8) 2. About four in charge of the citizens (5) 4. Drink like an egg-beater? (6) 5. They can be hair-raising! (5,7) 6. Terribly earnest Oriental (7) 7. Location for a spectacle, say? (4) 8. OK ad somebody created for a land survey (8,4) 12. Biscuit showing a vehicle in a far-off place (8) 14. A canape prepared as a cure-all (7) 16. Graduates of London University in the main, perhaps? (6) 18. Taken out, being old-fashioned (5) 19. Insect larva as food (4)

SUDOKU CHALLENGE Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 23

















Tuesday Euromillions jackpot 74 million euro Wednesday UK Lottery jackpot 8 million euro

America. Plus or minus 10, what percentage of its inhabitants were born outside of Canada? 8. In film, what was the Big Lebowski's favorite drink? 9. The following words are found in which sweet love song? "She wrecked the car and she was sad, and so afraid that I'd be mad, but what the heck" 10. In Australia, what is Whoop Whoop Land? 11. An unmanned 1986 European Space Agency mission was named after which famous Renaissance artist? a. Donatello, b. Titian, c. Giotto, d. da Vinci 12. Which river "chills the body but not the soul"? 13. The following are found on the covers of which famous albums? a. A bruised banana, b. Battersea Power Station, c. Moydrum Castle, Athlone Ireland

14. Brickfielder, Halny, Santa Ana, Hamsin and Harmattan are all examples of what? 15. One of the most beautiful women in the world in the 1940s and 50s was Hollywood actress Ava Gardner. She was married three times. Two of her husbands were Academy Award winners. Can you name them? 16. Which unit of measurement is equal to just under 31 million million kilometres (19 million million miles)? 17. What is the better known name for 'Oflag IV-C', a home away from home for "incorrigible" Allied officers in WW II?

QUIZ ANSWERS 1. Betamax and VHS. (VHS was the victor) extra point Video 2000 or V2000, 2. AC Shelby Cobra, 3. Sherlock Holmes, 4. 'Big Bill' Tilden, 5. 2, 6. Andy Williams. The Andy Williams Show, 7. 49%, 8. White Russian, 9. Honey (I miss you). Bobby Goldsboro, 10. The middle of nowhere. 11. answer c. Giotto, 12. The river Jordan. From the song Michael Row The Boat Ashore. "River Jordan is chilly and cold, hallelujah, chills the body but not the soul". 13. a. The Velvet Underground and Nico (The Velvet Underground), b. Animals (Pink Floyd) c. The Unforgettable Fire (U2). 14. Winds. 15. Mickey Rooney and Frank Sinatra. 16. Parsec (parallax of one arcsecond). 17. Colditz Castle. Oflag is an abbreviation for Offiziers lager or officers camp.

ACROSS 1. No fiction in the start of the first act (4) 3. Boasts about small tails? (8) 9. Artist giving six oil works for food (7) 10. Beginning to alter notes (5) 11. He maintains a small opening behind the stumps (12) 13. Part of a river quiet during incursions (6) 15. Girl meeting another girl over in Austrian city (6) 17. Book of EEC policy and translation (12) 20. Oddly-numbered pages in the phone directory? (5) 21. Most are upset by distinguished musician (7) 22. Possibly lack bite as formal dress (5,3) 23. Need a change? This is paradise! (4)

1. From the mid to late 1970s, the so called 'videotape format war' was waged between which two industry standards? For an extra point, which format did both Phillips and Grundig introduce in 1979 as a 3rd combatant in this so called 'war'? 2. What kind of mean 'Cobra' can reach speeds of up to 185 mph (298 km/h)? 3. Which clever fictional character has an older brother named Mycroft? 4. The Roger Federer of the 1920s was William Tilden. What was his nickname? 5. Out of every 10 American couples who married in 2115, how many met each other through the internet? 6. The Osmonds made their first television appearance on which mans show in 1962? 7. Toronto is the 5th most populated city in North



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Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016

‘Twitters from the Atlantic’ Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper. He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.

Still Trying to Watch Brit TV in the Sun? Since I began writing for the expat community, the most frequent question that I am still asked is “How do I get Brit TV?” The same question is asked by expats everywhere, and much of it also comes with the frustrations that some expats feel when they have a UK TV licence, yet cannot legally receive a television service on holiday, or in their new home in the sun. Over the last fifteen years or so, I have regularly reviewed a range of options ranging from strapping those awful baking tin arrangements to the highest point of the property, in order to receive retransmissions on a company’s ‘micro network’, which basically meant capturing illegal retransmissions, to a fully fledged satellite system with a huge dish. If you were fortunate enough to get hold of a Sky card it worked rather well. However, once transmissions switched to another satellite, viewers in the Canary Islands, as well as many parts of Europe, suddenly found that they were once again without a signal, and the system was abandoned. There are now many abandoned satellite dishes on expat homes in the Canary Islands, Spain and much of Europe. It is a sad sight to see, but it did keep many British expat satellite installers employed for a number of years, so it wasn't all bad news. Time has moved on, and with it faster Internet speeds for many, although sadly not all. We are now well into the era of the plug-in TV box, which does most of the hard work for you. It does, however,

require a decent speed to prevent that dreadful ‘buffering’ that most expats are well aware of, an initial expense for the box and installation, as well as a monthly fee, which can be pricey once the ‘introductory offers’ come to an end. Most boxes work well to begin with, but the likely longevity of the company, as well as the reliability of the software, should also be taken into consideration, since many fail to stay in business for more than a few months. So, if readers do decide to go down this route, be prepared to take the risk and to lose some money in the process. My current personal recommendation is to get an Amazon Fire TV stick or Amazon Fire TV box, or the latest Apple TV box. The Amazon sticks and boxes are inexpensive - from about 25 pounds when I last checked. Although I am a steadfast fan of all things Apple, I am ashamed to admit that on this occasion, Amazon’s offering is my preferred choice, as well as being much cheaper. You will also need a UK address, or a helpful relative or friends in the UK in order to purchase one of these gadgets from Amazon, since they will not post these overseas. Once either of these units is plugged into your TV, setting up is straightforward. All you have to do is to download apps for the relevant TV network and you are almost ready to go. The key here is to get a DNS proxy; please note that this approach will not work unless you also have a DNS proxy set up on your modem. You can find out more about setting up a DNS proxy on the Expat Survival section of my website: This approach may work by setting it up with a VPN (Virtual Private Network), but I would not recommend it, as it restricts the speed and picture quality too much. This may seem complicated, but it isn’t. Once it is set up, you can watch as much Brit TV as you wish.


By Bar rie Mahoney Another advantage of this system is that once your Internet modem is set up with a DNS proxy, you can download the relevant apps on your smartphone or tablet and watch programmes wherever your Internet Wi-Fi signal stretches. You can also ‘beam’ programmes, pictures, music or videos from your smartphone or tablet to the Amazon or Apple TV boxes; you will probably be amazed at all the features that are opened up for you, and life as an expat may never be the same again! Alternatively, you can just forget all about watching TV and head out to your balcony or patio with a good bottle of wine and a good book which is so much more relaxing! After all, why did you really want to start a new life in the sun? If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: and or read his book, ‘Island in the Sun’ (ISBN: 9780992767181). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle. © Barrie Mahoney


Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016


637 227 385


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volunteer driver for Tuesday mornings, 10.00am until 1.30pm. You must have a Spanish Driving Licence. If you think that you can help Age Concern in this respect, please call in to the Day Centre in La Siesta, or call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. Volunteers are urgently needed in all areas by the Age Concern LIFELINE Team visiting people in their own homes to assess their needs, reporting back to the Lifeline Team Leader. There are many people who live alone, are lonely and need some form of social contact. Please call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. (69185) HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes in areas surrounding Quesada, San Luis, La Siesta Torrevieja, La Mata, Orihuela Costa, Villamartin to Campoverde, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. We are busy looking after 60 plus clients short and long term who need a friend to pop in regularly. We need volunteers who can offer Home Help, Carers, Respite, Translation and Fund raising. If you seek help or advice relating to Spanish Social & Welfare issues, contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email

Volunteer driver Wanted. Age Concern require an experienced

Delmonte Catotel Cartagena. The

Boat servicing, engine oil/ filter change. General maintenance, fault finding, anti fouling, hull cleaning, accessory installation. Torrevieja to Mazarron. Licensed and registered in Spain, 20 years experience. All makes of outboard engines catered for. Competitive prices, all work guaranteed English/Spanish speaking. Call Tony on 628 166 738 (65470) FOR RENT - up to 10 metre berth - Marina Salinas - CALL 648 627 272 (69101)

Business Opportunity Pringle vending machine route.All cash income.Net 18k euros p.a Sell Eeuro 14,900 697 834934 Busy Profitable Bar /Restaurant in La Manga. Free Hold Premises, Front Line Med. Turn Key Operation, 100 covers. All licences in place. 240,000â‚Ź O.N.O. Selling due to retirement. Call: 868 08 34 55. Or Email: a n n a - g a rg a n @ h o t m a i l . c o m

Car and Vehicle Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2015 Ford C-Max priced at just 17,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. (69148)


Property for Rent LOS ALTOS spacious 2 bed 2 bath corner apartment with garden. Separate kitchen, walking distance to amenities 450 euros per calendar month, including allowance for bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 CABO ROIG/AQUAMARINA 2 bed 1 bath ground floor apartment on gated complex. Spacious lounge/diner with American style kitchen. Patio doors leading to a walled garden area. Double and twin rooms with fitted wardrobes. UKTV Communal pool. 475 euros pcm including an allowance for bills. Call us on 966 772 553 URGENT! - Properties required for waiting clients. We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, 2 or 3 bed houses, and detached villas. Let your property earn you money - CALL NOW on 966 772 553 PILAR DE LA HORADADA. 2 Bed 2 bath townhouse in quiet cul-de-sac location. South facing, comfortable furnishings, English TV, communal pool, short walk to town 450 euros per month, inclusive of allowance for bills. Legal let with contracts 966 772 553 WANTED URGENTLY We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, detached houses. If you think your proper-

ty may be suitable please CALL NOW on 966 772 553

Property for Sale For Sale Town House In SAX/Alicante. 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, with separate granny flat. Single Garage space & 50 metre Patio. Quiet area with no community fees. Close to all local amenities. 160,000â‚Ź O.N.O. Call: 868 08 34 55 Or email: LA MANGA - Immaculate 2 bed, 2 bath apartment. Fully-furnished. Close to beaches and Veneziola Golf. 2nd floor. Reduced for quick sale. 125.500 Euro. Tel 626 253 569. (90187) Dolores. Large Finca in plot of 10,000 m2. All services connected. Build Size 215m2. Must be viewed. 195,000 euros. Tel 649 189 930 (65297) Beautifully presented 2 bed ground floor bungalow. Property consists of Lounge/Diner, good sized kitchen with storage area, Master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, twin bedroom with fitted wardrobes and family bathroom. Good sized garden and communal pool. This property is located just a short stroll to Villamartin and is ideal for full time living and holidays 80,000 euros Tel 966 772 553 (92320) A stunning quad villa in playa golf property with 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom and large garden just a short walk from bars and the bus and only a 5 mins drive to the beach 115,000 euros contact Ian on 644 115 988 (96290) 2 Bedroom quad villa in Lomas de Cabo Roig just 5 mins walk to the shop and about 5 mins drive to the beach this has been a love-

ly home but need to sell now it only 89,999 euros call Carl on 672 875 251 (96292) Ground floor bungalow over looking community garden and just a short walk from the supermarket carrefour in Torrevieja this is a lovely property with a nice size garden Ideal for you if you are looking to be close to all amenties was 99,000 euros now 75,000 euros call me James on 644 138 502 (96293) Refurbished top floor bungalow with private garden and private solarium in the Verdemars with sea view and golf views also we have refurbished to a high standard there is a lovely stream just a few mins walk away and the communtiy is a nice and clean with 2 communal pool now

124,999 euros call today Paul on 634 043 697 (96294)



637 227 385

Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016



Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016


637 227 385

Warming up for the Linea Directa Nationals


LEADER by Suzi Cooper

year to try for the double, but with a first round match against Ann Holland (San Luis) will be a tough match to start. Last year’s losing finalist Nina McKenzie (Mazarron) takes on Suzi Cooper (Quesada). Other matches to watch are Peta Rhodes (Quesada) v Ann Allen (San Miguel), Ann Eagle (San Miguel) v Carole Donnellan (Country Bowls), Mel Highland v Carol Broomfield (both Quesada).

e are just a few days away from the most exciting lawn bowls tournament of the year, the 2016 Línea Directa National Championships which gets underway at the Emerald Isle on Saturday 14 May and do we have some exciting games in prospect! In the triples, four of the teams to watch. Lynn Greenland, Gail & Fred Willshire (San Miguel), Jacqui Johnston & Mel Highland (last year’s Ladies Pairs champions) team up with Colin Highland (Quesada), Graham, Robert & Grace Cathcart (Teide) & Stuart Denholm, Don Whitney & previous Ladies Singles champion Ann Allen (San Miguel).

There is no doubt that the spectators will be treated to some great bowling. The tournament all gets underway at 11am on the 14th with a most colourful opening ceremony. The bowling itself kicks off with the mixed triples at 1pm. Admission is absolutely free so why not go along and take in the atmosphere. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Mixed Pairs – lots of strong pairings in this discipline, too many to name. Frank Close contesting the 2014 Valencian Final with Colin Lindgren Mens Pairs – my tip for top slots – Stuart Denholm & Chris Collier (San Miguel), Frank Close & Dave Close (Emerald Isle), Fred Willshire & Cliff Plaisted (San Miguel) – all in one side of the draw while in the other side Paul Parkes & Julian Pering (San Luis) Robert & Graham Cathcart (Teide). In the Ladies Pairs there could be some very close matches. Last year’s Champions Mel Highland & Jacqui Johnston (Quesada) line up against Eileen Potts & Sheila Errington (San Miguel). We have a pairing travelling all the way from Santa Maria, Pat Fisher & Simone Morgan. Pat is no stranger to National titles so will be watching this pairing. An all San Miguel tie Lin Miller/Chris Parsons against Lynn Greenland/Gail Willshire. Last year’s finalist Peta Rhodes teams up with a new partner Carol Broomfield & will play home side Yvonne Mallaburn & Mary Whitelock in their first game. Despite neither of last year’s finalists in the Mens Singles being involved this year there are still strong players. Can Frank Close (Emerald Isle) add the National title to his CV? On home turf he will never have a better opportunity. Terry Morgan, Graham Phillips (Quesada), Graham Cathcart (Teide), Stuart Denholm, Chris Collier, Cliff Plaisted (San Miguel), Dennis Birkett (Country Bowls). My players to watch. Last year’s Ladies Singles champion Jan Dando (Indalo) returns this



637 227 385

Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016



Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016


637 227 385


P 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

GPF 59 50 48 40 38 44 35 21

GPA 25 34 36 44 46 40 49 63

Pts 41 38 30 30 30 25 23 15

LEAGUE B Tavern Junction Jaguars Trade Winds’ Pirates Hen's Teeth Sporting Life Misfits Pint Depot Queens Hub Hellraisers Evolution

P 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 19

GPF 43 40 39 36 48 27 22 26

GPA 29 32 33 36 24 45 50 22

Pts 20 20 19 16 15 5 2 13

Last Thursday night staged the final game of the Euronics Dart League for 2015/16 when the Hub Hyena's played Massey's Sports Bar in the final of the team K.O. competition at the Porterhouse, both teams bringing good support to cheer there teams on making it a very enjoyable evening with some good banter all round. The first game started with Nick, Shaun and John representing the hub and Merv. Steph and Pete representing Massey's, this produced some good scores from both teams, Nick hitting 81,85, Shaun hitting 60, 60, 140 for the hub. In reply Merv hitting 101, 140, 85. Steph hit a 60 and Pete hit 64 before Merv clocked out on D16 to put Massey's 1 up. The second leg started with Merv score 97, for Massey's, the hub started with Nick hitting 81, Shaun hitting 100, 85 and John hitting 83, 66 and a D10 finish, all level. Third leg saw Nick score 100, 121, John hit 100 and Shaun score 60, 93. for the Hub and Massey's replying with Steph hitting 78,75 and Pete hit a 70 before Shaun hit a D15 finish for the Hub, 2-1 to the hub. The next set of triples saw Simon, Joe and Cyril of the hub line up against Dez, John W. and Pete for Massey's. Once again we saw some good scoring and Dez hitting a D20 to bring the scores level again. The next leg saw the hub well in front but the double was not coming there way giving the chance for Massey's to get back with a brilliant T18 D20. 94 finish by John Williams putting Massey's 3-2. up. The third leg saw the hub score well with Simon finishing on a D10 to level the scores once more. 3-3. The third triple was the turning point of the game when Nick, Shaun and John of the Hub. faced Merv, John W. and Dez of Massey's, again some great scoring with Massey's going ahead with Merv scoring 100, 99, John W. a 61 and Dez 81, 70 and down to a double, In

Denise Tyrell Memorial Plaque Imanyo Golf Society - 27th April at Font Del Llop Sponsored by Baybrooks Restaurant This was the first time the Denise Tyrrell Memorial Plaque has been played for, Denise was a very popular and well loved lady around the village but sadly passed away last year at the tender age of 47, she was Co-owner of Baybrooks Restaurant in Algorfa and we thank Baybrooks for sponsoring the plaque and the days golf. The day started with the usual full English breakfast where we did the draw, the format was twosomes better ball Stableford scoring, the venue was Font Del Llop where we were greeted by the usual friendly staff, as usual everything was ready and waiting and the course was in very good condition, weather condi-

reply Nick hit a 60, 85. John a 60, and Team K.O. Shaun scoring a a 100, 100 and a fantaswinners, tic finish coming from behind with 100, Hub 100, and a 60, 60, D12. 144 to win the leg. 4-3 to the Hub and the best finish of Hyena's the night. The next leg again was a good scoring game with Shaun hitting 100, 135. John hitting 66, 85. and in reply Merv hit 80, 60, 80, Dez scored 60 before Nick finished the leg off clocking out on D8 for the Hub. 5-3 to the Hub. The third leg of this triple was a good game with John W. Dez and Merv scoring well, John hit a 81, Dez hit 81, 135 and Merv 60 60 80 and in reply the Hub boys Shaun, John and Nick scored heavily with Shaun hitting a 100, 80, 125. Nick a 60, 60, and John with 100 and a finish of 43 hitting S19, D12. to give the Hub a 6-3 lead. Massey's Sports Bar The next triple up was Nick, Shaun and John again for the Hub against Merv, Steph and Dez for Masseys. Once again a close game with both teams having shots at double. Massey's scoring well with Merv 100, 81 93, Steph a 60, 100, and Dez hitting a 100. The hub scored well with Nick a 100, John a 140, 140, and a finish of D2 from Shaun giving the Hub a winning 7-3 overall win of the final. The evening went off very well with both teams giving three cheers to one another at the end of the game. (Photo's of the two finalists: The Hub Hyena's and Massey's Sports Bar). Thanks to the chalkers and scorers for their assistance and to the porterhouse for there hospitality. The league presentation night is next Thursday the 12th, May at Breakaways starting at 7-30pm. where there will be a fun K.O. competition with teams being drawn at random before the presentation, followed by entertainment/music. The committee would like to thank all the teams and their captains for their co-operation in returning result sheets to enable up to date league tables to be published and the Leader for the reporting. I personally would like to thank all the very hard working members of the committee for all their support which has been invaluable. We hope to see you all at the A.G.M in the autumn plus any new teams wishing to join. If you have any changes you would like to propose please get them in before the A.G.M. so that they can be put into the

tions started perfect but in the afternoon the wind picked up especially on the back nine which made it a bit difficult getting over the water features. Winners of the “Denise Tyrrell Memorial Plaque” were Ian Chetwynd and Andy Ramage with 38 points, runners up with his new golf clubs Phil (Minty) Ward and regular placed “I’m still playing very well” John Mcmillan with 35 points, only two of the five nearest the pins were won, hole 3 was won by John Kemp and hole 12 by Ian Chetwynd. Back at Imanyo’s there was great food and a few drinks waiting, the football card was won by Ann Adams with Aston Villa adding another €20 for our charity this year, Caritas Daya Nueva. We would like to thank Antonio, Norma and staff at Imanyo’s Bar for the fantastic food and great hospitality.

LEADER By Alan Nash

agenda. Wishing you all a rest and relaxing summer. Alan Nash. League Chairman. Congratulations to all the winners of the 2015/16 Euronics Dart League. Ladies Individual Winner, Yvonne Ruffinaac, Porterhouse. Men's Individual Winner, Merfyn Harley, Massey's. Doubles Winners, John Eyre & Nick Spicer. Hub Hyena's Team K.O. Winners, Hub Hyena's. League "A" Division Winners, El Capitan. League "B" Division Winners, Tavern.

Linda (Denise’s mum) and Nikki (denise’s business partner) presenting the plaque.

Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016 ADVERTISING HOTLINE 637 227 385 LEADER Monte Mar Bowls SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB San Miguel Bowls Club by Pat McEwan Back to busy League schedules this week. SABA LEAGUE: Monday 2nd May. SL Wellingtons were away to Vistabella Fairways,a hard fought game,with two trips narrowly losing in the final ends. Points : 4-10 Shots : 83-113 Winners: Steve Simmons, Lynn Morris, Tom Hill 21-11, Jean Parkes,Guiseppe Galelli, Paul Parkes 16-13 SL Hercules, were at home to Horadada Hawks, a competitive game, with three trips narrowly losing. Points: 8-6 Shots: 11184 Winners: Chris Jackson, Brenda Brown, Barry Edwards 3313, Audrey Ford, Kath Waywell, Charlie Marigold 18-6, Dennis Jackson, Ken Dullaway, Keith Lowry 17-4 VCL LEAGUE: Wednesday 4th May. SL Falcons were away to San Miguel Sheriffs, and in an extremely competitive match came away worthy winners. Pts:10-2, Shots: 91-87 Winners:Ladies Singles: Ann Holland 21-20, Mens Singles: Keith Jones 21-20, Trips: Pam Lockett, Ray Pollock, Noel Verity 1715, Rinks: Shirley Verity, Mike Lockett, Jo Pering, Julian Pering 16-15 SL Kestrels home to San Miguel Deputies,Pts 10-2 Shots : 91-97 Winners: Ladies Singles: Ros Holmes 21-20, Pairs: Scott Malden , David Blackie 16-13, Trips: Jean Parkes, Keith Roberts, Paul Parkes 28-10, Rinks: Neil Morrison, Margaret Morrison, Les Bedford, Roy Cordell 22-13 SABA LEAGUE : Friday 6th May - SL Wellingtons home to San Miguel (again!) Moors. An excellent win for San Luis. Points : 12-2 Shots : 116-70 Winners: Steve Simmons, Lynne Morris, Tom Hill 19-15, Kath Reid, Ray Pollock, Phil Morrachan 17-8, Pam Lockett, June Jones, Keith Jones 20-12, Margaret Morrison, Neil Morrison, Guiseppe Galelli 21-12, Bob White, Vic Slater, David Blackie 26-8 SL Hercules V La Siesta, re-scheduled for Monday 9th May. BBQ: Friday 6th May: The weather co-operated and about 80 members attended to say a huge thanks and Goodbye to Peter and Blossom Cox, After many years of invaluable service, to San Luis Bowls Club, they are leaving us, for a well deserved retirement in the UK. We wish them both Good Luck. Club Captain: David Blackie: SLBC website: BY Ros Holmes

and Social Club

Sponsored by Avalon Following promotion to the Spitfire League we have had a difficult start to the season. Whilst we lost to Vistabella 10 - 4 on April 15th we also had our first winning rinks, so well done to Geraldine Fisher, Harry Dobson and Skip Gordon Fisher, also Wendy Sheridan, Wendy Oxley and Skip Bill Young. We lost 10 - 2 to Quesada in the VCL league on the 28th April, well done to the winning team of Geraldine and Gordon Fisher together with Keith Simpson. We played Quesada in the Spitfire League on 2nd May losing 10 - 4. Well done to winning rink of Jean Chamberlain, Joan Harding and Skip June Young. Our two drawing rinks were John Hunt, Dave Thomas and Skip Rod Chamberlain. Geraldine Fisher, Chris Harding and Skip Gordon Fisher were the other drawing Rink. On 4th May we were at home to La Siesta in the VCL losing 4 - 8. Well done to Ronnie Cairns winning the Singles and Keith Simpson, June Young and Gordon Fisher winning the Triples. On Saturday 30th April Monte Mar hosted the 4 Nations with Ireland beating England by 2 shots to be crowned 4 Nations Champions. Check out our website or email us at We are also on Facebook.

San Miguel Christians travelled to Mazarron on Monday, no one got lost, that should have deserved an extra two points!! Some very close games, and we came away with 8 points. Alan Booth, Keith Green, Alan Campbell won 20-14: Dave Champion, Bob Nesbitt, Mike Douglas won 22-13: Anita Brown, Paul Hayward, John Marshall won 24-10. Hard lines to Sheila ,Brian and Jan who lost 13-14. Total shots 111 to San Miguel, 91 to Mazarron. This weeks VCL saw the Deputies playing Horadada, picking up 2 points. Well done to Bob Nesbitt who won the singles 21-4. Ladies singles player Sheila Booth had a very close game losing 20-21, Total shots 77 to San Miguel Deputies, 91 to Horadada. The Sheriffs also only got 2 points against San Luis Falcons. Very close games by all, with only a 4 shot difference!! Ladies singles Anita Brown lost 20-21: Mens singles lost 20-21: Pairs Gail and Fred Willshire won 17-16: Triples Tony Sanson, Linda Plaisted, Lee


Sinclair lost 15-17: Cliff Plaisted, Val Collier, Mick Rogers, Chris Collier lost 15-16. Real hard lines team. The Mavericks were away at Vistabella, losing on all rinks, also with some close games. The Christians were at home to La Marina Wasps gaining 10 points. Well done to Anita Brown, Paul Hayward, John Marshall 20-11: Bob Nesbitt, Dave Champion, Mike Douglas 14-13: Sandy Hannan, Joe Getgood, Paul Thomas 22-14: Jim Jarvie, Nancy Campbell, Bob Donnelly 26-11. Shots 107 to San Miguel, 81 to La Marina. The Opening Ceremony for the Spanish Nationals, will be at Emerald Isle BC on Saturday 14th May 2016. Please see board for details. WASPS still proving very popular on Wednesday afternoons, be there for 1.30. â‚Ź5 for bowling, woods,shoes and tuition if needed. For info on San Miguel Bowls Club, please contact our President, Eileen Potts, telephone 966 73 0376 or Secretary Pat McEwan telephone 966 71 4257.

EL RANCHO Bowls Club Monday found El Rancho at Emerald Isle against The Vulcans and although we came away with just the one point, the play was good and some rinks could have easily gone for us, as we know it only takes one shot to change the head. And always remember that winning or losing is often down to the draw of rinks and competitors. On Wednesday our VCL team travelled to Country Bowls to play the Heron, a rather strong team. We came away with both the singles and were ahead in the pairs and rinks until the latter stages, but Heron took one or two large scoring ends to take them both. But in the end 2 rinks away from home is always a steady result, particularly with just a 2 shot deficit overall. Jane Hamill 21-08. Richard Lee 21-07. Jim Gracie and David Whitworth 15-26. Sheila Cooper, Shirley Edwards and Carolyn Harris 10-25. Pam Harris, Ron Edwards, Brian Harris and Stew Hamill 18-21.

Friday brought Horadada Hawks to El Rancho, we had a really friendly match with weather to match, the previously forecast rain failing to appear. Most rinks were close run and were played in good spirit and with about 3 ends to play both teams had 3 rinks, but El Rancho dug deep to bring the rinks to 5-1 and a close overall shots win. Certainly I had a splendid morning’s fun, with 5 very sociable bowlers and I am sure we all did, good bowling all round. Barry Bright, Graham Day and Mick Ager 24-16. Ngaio Baldwin, Bob Easthope and Malc Sykes 21-19. Marion Haynes, Pete Baldwin and Brian Harris 19-20. Pam Harris, Richard Lee and Dave Haynes 16-10. Diane Yates, Terry Buswell and Richard Needham 19-10. Brian Taylor, Ann Taylor and Jim Taylor 18-17. For membership details contact Brian Taylor on 965077093 or at or Carolyn Harris on 966774316 or at



SPITFIRE DIVISION Greenlands Gladiators v Monte Mar Torro to be played on 26th May San Luis Wellingtons 116 (12) San Miguel Moors 70 (2) Quesada Blenheims 88 (3) Vistabella Fairways 101 (11) Vistabella Fairways San Luis Wellingtons Quesada Blenheims Emerald Isle Victors San Miguel Moors Greenlands Gladiators Monte Mar Torro

P 5 4 4 4 4 3 4

W 18 17 14 15 10 4 3

D 1 0 3 0 0 0 2

L O/W 11 4 7 3 7 3 9 2 14 2 14 0 19 0

Diff 76 102 64 -1 -25 -100 -116

Pts 45 40 37 34 24 8 8

HURRICANE DIVISION San Miguel Christians 107 (10) La Marina Pilots 81 (4) Vistabella Greeners 104 (7) La Siesta Wasps 104 (7) Mazarron Miners 115 (10) Country Bowls Badgers 102 ( 4 ) P W D San Miguel Christians 4 13 0 Mazarron Miners 4 14 0 La Marina Pilots 4 11 0 Country Bowls Badgers 4 11 1 La Siesta Wasps * 4 11 1 Vistabella Greeners 4 11 0 * 2 ) deducted for failing to field a full team

L O/W 11 4 10 3 13 2 12 1 12 1.5 13 0.5

Diff 100 41 -5 -53 -6 -77

Pts 34 34 26 25 24 23

HARRIER DIVISION La Siesta Hornets v San Luis Hercules to be played on 9th May El Rancho 117 (12) Horadada Hawks 92 (2) Emerald Isle Vulcans Quesada Lancasters Horadada Hawks La Siesta Hornets El Rancho San Luis Hercules

P 4 4 4 3 4 3

W 12 13 12 9 8 8

D 3 1 0 2 1 1

L O/W 9 3 10 2 12 2 7 1 15 2 9 1

Diff 72 29 -44 19 -56 -20

Pts 33 31 28 22 21 19

By StJohn Broadhurst Two away games for the Badgers this week and one home game for the Herons. The first of the Badgers games was on Monday, 2 May when they travelled to La Siesta to play the Wasps in a SABA Hurricane league match. The Badgers were certainly stung by the Wasps, winning only two rinks with one drawn. Ben Noke, Stephen Fletcher and Phil Warrington 15-14. Del Gunning, Bryan Kirk and Peter Dix 23-13. Joel Fernandez, Audrey Holliman and StJohn Broadhurst 17-17. Overall shots Badgers 94 (5 pts) Wasps 109 (9 pts) On Wednesday, 4 May the Herons entertained El Rancho at the Valle in a VCL match. In a closely fought match the Herons won three of the five disciplines and just edged ahead in the long game by the narrowest of margins. Pairs: Del Gunning and John Rimmer 26-15. Triples: Carole Donnellan, Trish Dix and Dennis Birkett 25-10. Rinks: Pat Patton, Derek Jiggins, Keith Holliman and Peter Dix 21-18. Overall shots Herons 87 (8 pts) El Rancho 85 (4 pts). Final game of the week on Friday, 6 May and the Badgers made the short trip down the RM2 to take on Mazarron Miners in a SABA Hurricane league match. Not a good day for the Badgers, managing wins on just two rinks. Del Gunning, Bryan Kirk and Peter Dix 26-10, Joel Fernandez, Audrey Holliman and Trish Dix 31-7. Overall shots Badgers 102 (4 pts) Miners 115 (10 pts).


Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016

SMGS Presidents Trophy & 25th Anniversary Team Comp A mere 25 years to the day that San Miguel Golf Society had its first gathering and whilst it has metamorphosed at least once, it remains very healthy and well attended, with some 140 members. With a celebratory dinner coming up this Saturday at the society’s home pueblo, 40 of those members, accompanied by 3 guests, found their way to Villamartin to participate in the 4th of 5 rounds of this season’s President’s Trophy, as well as a team competition where each of the four members rotated doubling their stableford points on predetermined holes. The team made up of John Osborne, Norman Cahill Mike Iddles and Glen Rapley (who has mysteriously been cut off from the web site photo to be replaced on the group’s other side by a far more elegant señora – ‘Glenn, the Captain will have a word with the photographer’) walked the event, some 17 points ahead of the runners-up, who also received a prize, as did those bringing up the rear. In the singles stableford event, good conditions, beautiful weather and excellent greens (but, oh so unfortunately, with many holes once again crowned) led to some very good scoring, the two stand out scores being posted by Mike Iddles (Silver 40 points) and Noel Bannon (Gold 39 points), with all players filling the positions in both categories from 2nd to 5th scoring either 35 or 36 points. It was clearly a good day to be called Mike, with three of the top four prizes in the two senior categories going to the Society’s namesakes (but obviously missing the saint bit!!), appropriate for a 25th anniversary celebratory bash. Saint Noel spoilt the symmetry!! Bronze category players didn’t score quite so well, possibly due to, once again, the course’s long set up. Ken Flaherty, although not having played on the day, retains his lead at the head of the President’s Trophy standings with one round to go, but is now joined, as fate would and should have it, by the President’s wife, Marg Birtwistle. The day’s stableford competition results, by category and in reverse order, were the following:

Emerald Isle Bowls On 2nd May the Victors visited San Miguel Moors for possibly the last time at Cheers Bar before the move to their new facilities, but it was not to be a happy last game with the home team taking the spoils 10=4, and shots total of 105=78. The EI winning trips were Y Mallaburn R White and F Close 20=14, M Foulds J Mullarkey M Odell 17=15. Good luck on your move San Miguel The EI Vulcans where at home to El Rancho with the home side recording a resounding 13=1 victory and shots of 110=73, winning on 5 trips and drawing on 1. L Hawkins T Culpin B Smith 21=6, S Adams A Brown and J Redfern 21=11, R Adams A Clasper R Whitelock 17=9 B Collins Bryan Smith P Cresswell 19=16, M Whitelock L Fisher M Stacey 13=12 the drawing trip was 19=19 On 3 May EI welcomed the Highjackers for their monthly game and it turned out to be a close fought affair with EI taking the game 4=3 and a drawn trip. One game was a pairs duel with EI taking shots 153=104 overall 4th May Emerald Isle played at home against Quesada Tigers in the VCL taking the game by 8=4 with shot difference of 100=64. Winners for EI were P Heaney men’s singles by 21=5, triples winners were F Close M Veale and M Odell by 27=7 and rinks winners were S Kavanagh R White,,D Close and J Pooley winning margin of 32=4 5th May EI had a visit from Posada Bowling club from Southern Spain. The game was played in usual good spirits. Perhaps the weather could have been kinder to us but still close with Posada winning 5=3 and aggregate shared 128 shots each, so Posada won 11=7 It is very pleasing to see that the Emerald Isle is again attracting some very good bowlers to the club making competition for places that much harder when winter league games commence in October time, but that surely will improve the standard at the club as well thus making us a force to be reckoned with again 59 Happy trippers set off on Friday 6th playing 4 games, weather permitting, around Belamadana, returning on 10th. ELWYN MORRIS

637 227 385


Eurogolf Golf Society Medal and Club Championships

Bronze Category: 5th Ken Frew (29 on CB), 4th Keith Wraithmell (29 on CB), 3rd Keith Stevenson (31 on CB), 2nd Bo Leidstrom (31 on CB), and 1st, Brian Mulligan with 34 points. Silver Category: 5th Marg Birtwistle (35), 4th Alan Gilbert (36 on CB), 3rd Glen Rapley (36 on CB), 2nd Mike Jordan (36 on CB) and 1st, Mike Iddles with the day’s best score of 40 points. Gold Category: 5th Eva Pettersson (35 on CB), 4th Bjorn Pettersson (35 on CB), 3rd Steve Higgins (36 on CB), 2nd Mike Frankish (36 on CB), and 1st nomadic Noel Bannon with 39 points. The Abacus was won, once again, by Ernie Johnson. Nearest the pins on the par 3’s (open to all) went to Steve Higgins (6), Roger Webb (9), Marg Birtwistle (13) and Noel Bannon (17) The Best Guest was Darren Temple, returning a very respectable 35 points. Our thanks go to the staff at Villamartin golf course for their contribution to the day. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website or simply give Barry Roehrig a call on 966 731 033 to find out more about the society and its weekly golf get-togethers. Next week we will be at Lo Romero.

GREENLANDS BOWLS CLUB Greenlands held their Open on 26th 28th,29th April, due to the weather the event was abandoned after the group stages on Friday. The prize money was split between the winners and runners-up of each group. The club would like to thank sponsers....WINNING EXPRESS and LIBERTY INSURANCE, and the owner of Greenlands Mike Green for his kind donation and Haley who kept food and drinks supply going. Greenlands B C. welcomes all bowlers and new to the game to come along on Saturday mornings


by Dave Webb 0930 to 1000 for a roll-up, fun being the operative word. New club members wishing to join are invited to ring Haley on 966844399 for further details. On 3rd May Greenlands hosted a touring team from La Posada B C, both clubs enjoyed a friendly days bowling and the weather was kind. Our visitors stopped for soup and a roll after the match. In the VCL we were away to La Marina, final score wa points 8-4. Winning rinks were mens singles - Phil Lockley. Ladies singles - Jean Thompson. trips Jean Giddings, Dave Webb, Sue Brown.

Vistabella Bowls

by Lynne Bishop

Two SABA games this week, on Monday the Spitfire league FAIRWAYS pulled off a good home win against a strong San Luis Wellingtons side, wins on four rinks plus the long game. Earning the points were L Watkins, J Chaplin & E Bishop 27-6. D Chaplin, S Allman & I Kenyon 28-11. Mo Foulcer, S Pearson & M Furness 1815. S and N Burrows & M Foulcer 16-14. Shots, VB 113 (10) - 83 (4) SL. Friday's away game for the FAIRWAYS was v Quesada Blenheims, a great mornings bowling and a great result. Mo Foulcer, S Pearson & Mags Furness 22-14. D Chaplin, A Leggett & I Kenyon 17-12. J Chaplin, G Paylor & M Regan 16-14. L Watkins, D Howard & E Bishop 17-16. L Bishop, S Allman & K Cuthbert 14-14. Shots, VB 101 (11) 88 (3) Q. SABA Hurricane league GREENERS travelled to La Marina where they won on two rinks, bringing the points to the table were P Rafferty, P Cadwell & B Norris 19-13 and R and K Savage & P Whitehall 14-11. Shots, VB 89 (4) - 105 (10) LM. Game two for the GREENERS was at home v La Siesta Wasps. The outcome was a draw, well done to J Bagwell, B Ewart & P Whitehall 33-11. P Bagwell, P Cadwell & L Barber 20-13. F Barclay, B Pointon & Pat Rafferty 19-9. Shots, VB 104 (7) - 104 (7) LS. VCL. The Red league VIKINGS were at Quesada v the Lions, only the Triples of L Bishop, S Pearson & E Bishop managed a one shot, a very close game, also the pairs were neck & neck all the way only to lose by one shot! Shots, VB 71 (2) - 94 (10) Q. Blue league SAXONS did well at home v San Miguel Mavericks, winning all disciplines. Ladies Singles, L Watkins. Men's Singles, I Kenyon. Pairs, A Leggatt & B Norris. Triples, S Kirk, L Barber & K Cuthbert and Rinks, K Hardy, B Regan, C Watkins & M Regan...every one a winner! Shots, VB 104 (12) - 74 (0) SM. A great result. Sponsored by Autos Direct, TV Choice & Rivington's Restaurant.

On Thursday 5th May Eurogolf played their monthly medal plus the lower handicap golfers played the second day of the club championship. The inclement weather conditions of rain and wind suited winner George McCallum as coming from Scotland he was used to playing in it! Championship winners 1st George McCallum 163 2nd David Gregson 174 3rd Ian R. Pegg 183 Handicap winners 1st Ian Stewart 157 2nd John Conolly 160 3rd Steve Sayers 160 In the medal Cat 1. (0-15) 1st George McCallum 74 2nd David Gregson 76 3rd Ian R. Pegg 77 Cat. 2 (16-24) 1st John Conolly 79 2nd Robin Richards 79 3rd Debbie Weedon 79 Cat 3 (25+) 1st Joy Gray 74 2nd Clare Daye-Gretton 77 3rd Chris Stanley79 Overall medal winner George McCallum c/b NTP´s 5th Pino Perito 11th John Conolly 15th George McCallum 17th Marilyn Eckersall Nest front 9 Colin Hobden 38 Best back 9 Ian Stewart 37 Football draw Eamon Divine x 2 Ian R. Pegg Robin Richards Bonus ball Ian Stewart TUESDAY TOFFS Toffs had a reduced field this week as the low handicap golfers played in the annual club championship to declare the best of the best! Toffs results Cat 2 (16-24) 1st Robin Richards 36 2nd David Blanchette 29 3rd Ken Enever 29 Cat. 3 (25-31) 1st Geoff Evans 36 2nd Bruce Gordon 36 3rd Marilyn Eckersall 35 Cat.4 (32+) 1st Joy Gray 38 2nd Franco Gentili 36 3rd Chris Stanley 35 Overall Toffs winner Joy Gray Best front 9 Colin Hobden 16 Best back 9 Bev Fairhurst 16 NTP´s 5th N/A 11th Joy Gray 15th Lee Hill 17 Steve Tombs Football draw Gordon White Chris Stanley Steve Sayers and Joy Gray. Congratulations to all the winners. If you would like to play with Eurogolf on Tuesdays and Thursdays at La Marquesa. Please visit the website



637 227 385

‘MIKE PROBERT TALKS GOLF (Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services).

Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. ‘POSITIVE PRACTICE’ The way you programme your swing must follow a logical and common sense system with the main requirement being that you understand not just that you have to practise, but ’how’ you practise. The tour professional follows a system which time alone has found to be a good one and although you can’t find the same amount of time as he does, you should still copy his method. One hour before play he will go to the practise range and start the warm-up session, starting with the short irons and finish with the driver to enable him to find out just how his swing is working ‘on the day’ and he then knows how his swing will manoeuvre the ball before he starts his game. During this pre-match practise he is mostly reminding himself ‘how’ to hit the ball, to repeat and groove his swing by hitting ball after ball with the same method, to ensure that when he stands on the first tee, he is feeling confident about his game. After the game you may see him carry on this ’grooving’ of his swing, but if he has a problem, you will not see him alone, he will be either with his coach or discussing the fault with a fellow professional. From this, you must realise that to go down to the practise ground with a bag of balls and hit ball after ball is not enough but you must spend most of your time playing the shots that you know how to play, thus grooving your swing, or if you are trying to overcome a fault, to follow strictly the instructions of your professional. There is another feature of practise, which was ‘discovered’ long ago, and this is with regard to the use of time you use for practise. There is only a certain amount of time when following any training routine before you find that things start to go wrong. You will find that you can hit the ball well for perhaps half an hour then bad shots appear and at this time you MUST stop and do something else like pick up the balls. It is not easy to stop for a while when things go wrong because you would like to find out just why you are not hitting the ball as well as when you started but do stop because the findings of research say that during the break from practise, your level of competence will increase and you are in effect learning by doing nothing. Positive practise lies not in how much time you spend on the practise ground, but in using your time wisely. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you: Golf Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Don Cayo (Altea) Font Del Llop La Finca La Peraleja La Marquesa La Serena Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lo Romero Roda Villamartin Villaitana Poniente Vistabella

Price €110 €51 €98 €90 €88 €118 €142 €140 €45 €86 €83 €106 €48 €110 €126 €55 €92

Comments Two Players and Buggy Sgle Green Fee and Buggy (bf 9.30am) Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Green Fees and Buggy Four Players and Two Buggies Single Green Fee (Weekends) Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee and Buggy Two Players and Buggy

Deal of the Week: Las Pinaillas (Albacete) €85 each for 2 rounds of golf with buggies and B&B accommodation on shared room basis in the 3* Castilla hotel. Don Cayo only €80 for 2 players and buggy on Sunday's only. For Bookings and more information contact Mike direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or at quoting reference LEADER. Hollow Tining Watch 9th-13th May – La Manga South Quotation of the Week “A routine is not a routine if you have to think about it” - Davis Love III

Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016


The Celts Club de Golf. OPEN DAY at La Serena We played our most recent Open Day at La Serena last Sunday with 71 competitors in all. Weather conditions were ideal for good golf. The golf course was as is the custom presented to a very high standard and again we must thank the excellent green staff and head green keeper Wayne for their efforts. To the staff in the pro-shop thank you, Jean and Karolina for preparing the cards and the results. Our competition committee are doing sterling work and Camillus has the patience of a saint, as we say accommodating the very last minute requests. It would help him and his team a lot if you could make him aware of any changes you may need to make as soon as possible. As we have such increased numbers playing every weekend we now offer three weekly prizes of fine Galway Crystal, the first prize is a 12 inch fruit bowl, second a beautiful condiment set and the third a pair of champagne flutes. Not bad for the 3euro entry fee. Can I remind prize winners that we hold our monthly presentation of all prizes at each of the Open Days for that month’s competitions, if you are not going to attend can you appoint a member to collect your prize on your behalf. Our captain Bev Ellender present the monthly prizes; Medal results, Category 1, Susan Owens 67. Category 2 Kevin McBride 67. Week 1 Crystal, first Terry Lewis with 39 points, second Stephen Powell 36 points and third Michael Banfield 36 points. Week 2, winner Roy Sutherland a new face among the prize winners, with 42 points, second Eddie Wall 36 points and third Logan Nayager with 36 points. Week 3, was dominated by

our ladies with Julie Russell 42points, second Mary Wigley 39 points and third Susan Owens 38 points. The results of the Open Day were; In the visitors’ section we had one prize winner, Chris Caddy with 40 points. NTP's. Denis McCormack, Terry Lewis, Pat Coyne, Aideen Considine, Bev Ellender and Gordon McCadden. Category III, winner Jane Knight 36, second George Thomas 35 and third Kathleen Fitzpatrick 34. Category II,winner Jane Jenkins 39, second Martin Fitzpatrick 38 and third Dave Cosson 34. Category I, winner Susan Owens 35, second Liam Powell 33 and third Andy Currie 32. Second over-all went to Steven Hopkins with 39 points and the winner on the day with a very fine 40 points Denis McCormack. Congratulations again to all those who participated and well done to all the prize winners. Lunch is available for 10 euro for those who wish to avail of this special offer. The International League begins on the 21st of May at Las as I said in previous reports there is hug demand to compete in the event. Can team captains please register their team with the federation or contact me? There are already 15 teams committed to play this season if you are interested in entering a team (8 players). We also have a team who are looking for a couple of play-

ers to join them, you can contact me and I will give you the details? The federation have provided a subsidy for all players taking part in the tournament with all green fees costing 25 euro per course. Among the courses we will play this year are, Las Ramblas, Alicante, Alenda, El Plantio, Bonalba, Villaitana, El Bosque, Lo Romer, La Marquesa and Los Colinas. We would like to thank the federation in Valencia for this generous sponsorship. We now have a special offer for new members who wish to play affordable golf, at Peraleja for further details contact details are below. Are you aware to maintain your handicap here in Spain you must play in 4 federated games per year? We always welcome new members and guests and if you would like to play in one of our Open Days or join or club why not give me a call? For further details on membership call 615466398 or e-mail

Carp - R - Us Club News Round 10, the final round of the Clubs Spring series was fished on Thursday the 5th of May on the Eden canal. Although the result was already decided, there was keen interest in who came 2nd and 3rd. The result on the day was first Tom Marshall, second Mark Foden, third Derek King and in fourth place Steve Collins. Steve Fell won the series, with 216 points followed by Tom Marshall,with 213 points, and Andy Foden with 208. The match on the following Thursday the 12th may is a one off match on the El Bosquet complex for the biggest single Carp. Pegs at 9.00 am fishing from10-00 to 3.00pm- this will be a walk off

Cadena Sunrise Bowling - 4 May 999’s Gi Gi’s Hookers Sunrise Colegas Pinfall Wizards Cherry B’s Alley Gators

8-0 4-4 4-4 0-8 2-6 6-2

Pin Pushers The Bandits Alley Cats S***T Happens Fair Play Sol Amigo’s

Top Performers



Hi/Game Hi/Game+H/Cap Hi/Series Hi/Series+H/Cap

Sue Walsh 175 Jackie Lowton 228 Sue Walsh 492 Sue Walsh 612

Gary Walsh 198 Barry Tolson 232 Gary Walsh 556 Gary Walsh 628

S***T Happens Sol Amigo’s Gi Gi’s Hookers Sunrise Colegas Pin Pushers Alley Gators Fair Play Alley Cats Pinfall Wizards 999’s The Bandits Cherry B’s

P W 84 82 84 69 84 65 84 65 84 59 84 58 84 53 84 51 84 49 84 44 84 37 84 37

D 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

L 30 42 46 47 53 53 58 60 62 68 75 75

Tot Gms 64512 84 63896 84 63507 84 63726 84 63083 84 63617 84 62644 84 62356 84 63036 84 61970 84 60828 84 60118 84

Av Hi-G Hi-S 768 903 2455 760 893 2484 756 873 2391 758 874 2448 750 836 2409 757 864 2425 745 861 2427 742 852 2368 750 826 2425 737 852 2368 724 822 2294 715 840 2340

Pts 164 139 131 130 118 117 107 103 99 88 74 74

event so you fish where you like. The next Quiz night will be on Tuesday the 10th of May starting at 7,30pm. The cost of entry is 1Euro per person and teams of up to 6 can take part in this fun Quiz. Our next Sunday meeting will take place on the 15th of May and as last time, it will be in the games room. The Committee at 10.30 followed by the General meeting at 11.00am. The Clubs home is at the Bar El Alto La Dolores which is to be found just off the N332 between La Mata and Guardamar. The Clubs web site is .




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Monday 9th May - Sunday 15th May, 2016


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