Costa Blanca Leader Edition 686

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No 686

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October , 2017

Tel: 637 227 385

Royal British Legion ‘in the Brass’ The RBL were ‘in the brass’ last Friday evening, Just Brass in fact, with the assistance of JB Brass Band, under the direction of Jane Illingworth. Over 300 people attended the outdoor concert, billed as the ‘Best of Brass’ which was held in the beautiful outdoor setting of the Olympia Restaurant in Mil Palmeras for what was an evening of music, flamenco and fun, the primary aim of which was to raise funds for The Royal British

Legion. The event was hosted by the President of the Orihuela Costa and District Branch, Pastor Keith Brown although for the two JB Brass Band segments he handed over to band compere Ian Gibson who, with his own brand of humour, guided the audience through the sessions of military marches, traditional British and Spanish standards, as well as music from the classics, theatre and films. Continued on Page 2


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017 From Page 1

‘In the Brass’


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While the band took a welldeserved break the Francisca Samper Flamenco Troupe took to the stage with their own very emotional style of dance. As the ladies expressed their emotions in a wonderful test of stamina, most of the troupe being of advancing years, they provided us all with a masterful taste of Spain. As we watched the ladies perform their routine there was absolutely no need to speak the language to get drawn into their captivating performances — or set your toes tapping. Such a pity that Francisca was unable to dance herself but nevertheless a wonderful performance by her troupe. "Flamenco, Flamenco." The event itself raised almost 1800 euros for the Royal British Legion thanks to the hard work of many Branch members and it is certainly an evening that must

be repeated in the future. The combination of the two, JB Just Brass and the Flamenco troupe was pure entertainment. A magnificent evening of brass and flamenco with music to stir every soul. And a remark made to me by one audience member summarised the feelings, as she said: ‘An enjoyable evening packed full of entertainment; I hope to see Just Brass performing here again in the future!’ JB Just Brass include in their

ranks players from many of the top UK brass bands, including Black Dyke and Fodens, with two players from Brighouse and Rastrick and Faireys Brass bands travelling out from England just for the night. Next up for JB Brass Band are two Charity Proms concerts on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th October. For information and details of how you can obtain tickets pop into TPS Homes in San Miguel or email: Francisca Samper Flamenco Troupe

Over 500 students to attend the General Air Academy this year The head of the General Staff of the Air Force, General Javier Salto Martínez-Avial, presided over the formal opening of the new academic year 2017-2018 at the General Air Academy (AGA) in San Javier on Monday where a total of 530 students will study, of which 107 are new entrants. The students will follow simultaneous military and university studies in the University Centre for Defence, attached to the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, UPCT. The General was joined at the ceremony by the chief of the Air Force Staff Command, Lieutenant General Pedro Abad Guerrero, the director of the AGA, Miguel Iborra Ruiz as well as the Director of the University Centre for Defense, Nicolás Madrid; the rector of the UPCT, Alejando Diaz; the Government delegate in Murcia, Antonio Sánchez-Solís; and the mayor of San Javier, José Miguel Luengo. In his speech, General Javier Salto Martínez-Avial spoke of the “honour and satisfaction " that he felt when appointed to his current post as the head of the General Staff of the Air Force. He also highlighted the important

role that the Air Force currently has in the Armed Forces and pointed to young officers as being the basic pillar of the Spanish air force, which he said is as "modern, committed as any that are at the highest level in NATO and the Allied Air Forces." The University Defence Centre of the General Air Academy has 108 civilian and military lecturers who teach military training as well as a course in Engineering in Industrial Organization, which allows students to complete their five-year studies by obtaining a University degree as well as commissioned rank of the Air Force of Lieutenant.


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017

Two government councillors fail to support mayor during confidence vote The two empty seats at Thursday’s ‘No Confidence’ vote


wo Orihuela government councillors failed to attend Thursdays ‘no confidence’ vote introduced by the PSOE on mayor Emilio Bascuñana. Neither Dámaso Aparicio nor Begoña Cuartero attended the plenary that was held on Thursday morning. The vote was moved by the PSOE councillor Víctor Ruiz in which he criticised the mayor for alleged espionage after he is said to have spied on private WhatsApp messages made to Damasco Aparicio. “The problem with the Orihuela government,” said Ruiz, “is the mayor just cannot be trusted.” Although the events are alleged to have occurred during the early part of the year Aparicio only made the matter public in July when he alleged that the mayor was privy to information that he could only have obtained by hacking into his private telephone conversations and messages. He suggested that it could have happened on as many as five separate occasions. Despite being asked to do so by the local Spanish media on many occasions the mayor has continually failed to respond to the allegations or to make any kind of statement.

Speaking in support of the mayor, Paco Sáez (PP) said that it is a private matter. However, at no time did he deny that Aparicio's complaint was false. He added that he does not understand how the PSOE councilor Víctor Ruiz "has had the audacity to present a motion based only on news clippings and opinions without anything proven." Juan Ignacio López-Bas, was also against the motion. He argued that the mayor was being reproached for facts that have not been proved and have only been published in the press. However Ruiz said that many citizens consider that the mayor is a "a narcissist, as well as being a coward for not having answered the allegations". "His silence says a lot because he has failed to defend himself," he said. For that reason "the only course of action is that he makes an honourable exit and he resigns". "Orihuela cannot afford to have a government that does not trust its mayor". Following the debate the motion was rejected when the vote was tied with the PP and Citizens voting against while the PSOE and Cambiemos Orihuela voted in favour. Meanwhile the Democratic Forum abstained.

Guardamar arsonist sets third fire in four days A

uthorities in Guardamar del Segura are convinced that a third outbreak of fire in just the last four days is the work of a local arsonist. The most recent attack was on Thursday when, according to the mayor Jose Luis Sáez, forest brigades detected to three outbreaks in a small area of pinewood close to the location of the earlier fires. Fortunately, on this occasion, following the intervention of firefighters from several stations in La Vega Baja, together with the support of aerial facilities,

the fires were quickly extinguished The area of the outbreak is very close to the forest nurseries, according to the Security Councillor, Ana Martinez. The fire was detected at 5pm and was attended by firefighters from Orihuela and Almoradí, as well as the forest brigades stationed in Guardamar del Segura and Tibi. There was also the deployment of two aircraft which carried out discharges of water across the whole area. The flames were brought under

control by 7 pm, although it surveillance work once again continued throughout the night to prevent the embers reigniting and to ensure that the arsonist didn’t go back to work.

The first fire was discovered on Sunday and was quickly extinguished. It too was initiated at a number of different points. One day later, on Monday, 10,660 meters of woodland and scrubland of the area were destroyed in a protected area which was regularly used by members of the public. Firefighters were also called on Thursday to a pallet fire outside a factory in Los Montesinos in the Los Perez neighbourhood. Three fire tenders attended the from Orihuela together with a support vehicle from Torrevieja.

Firefighters removing branches to stop the fire from spreading

Together with the continued presence of firefighters at the woodyard blaze in Arneva, Orihuela, the last few days have stretched the local brigades to their limit. A spokesman said

that the brigade we desperately needs the authorities to speed up the recruitment of additional staff that they have been promising before they reach a situation where they can’t cope.



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017

Change of underwear for Cashpoint Robber Torrevieja’s Guardia Civil has arrested a 41 year old Spaniard who carried out a robbery while covering his head with a pair of underpants. The events took place in Torrevieja in July during the middle of the night when a man who was withdrawing cash was approached by another individual who had covered his face and head with a pair of underpants. He demanded that the money be handed over as he brandished a large knife in front of his face. He then also demanded that the man withdraw more cash but the victim quickly tuned on his heel and ran away from his assailant. The robbery was recorded by the ATM security cameras which was subsequently used during the Civil Guard investigation and his appearance in court. They clearly show how the victim was intimidated by the perpetrator who was wearing a pair of underpants on his head, as a mask, in an attempt to cover his face. The assailant grabbed the victim by the neck with his left hand while, with his right hand he held the knife to his throat. The victim decided to hand over the money. The assailant then demanded more money but the assailant ran off in the opposite direction. After returning to the scene to remove his card the victim then reported the incident to the police who arrested the 41 year old man. The detainee is currently being held in prison on remand.


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The Ray Scott Art Exhibition


he Ray Scott Art Competition and Exhibition 2017 is at La Herradura Restaurant in Los Montesinos on Tuesday 10th October - doors open to the public at 11.30a.m. and winners will be presented with certificates and prizes from about 3.30pm. All are welcome, entrance is free - the charity is Elche Children´s Care Home which would be delighted with a small voluntary door donation. We have three judges this year and here is a very brief insight to all three judges. Gloria Howes - Born in Cardiff South Wales and grew up in Stoke on Trent. I worked at Spode as a free hand paintress which started my journey. I lived in South Africa from 1970 to 1992 where my love for animals and the wild grew but I only really started painting in 1999 in Florida where I experienced my first exhibitions displaying with a painting group. I am totally self taught, I have a terrible technique but it works! Lol Since moving to Spain 7 yrs ago I have done many commissioned animal paintings - faces only and I have won a place three times in this annual art competition and now am very honoured to be a judge this year. Suzanne Stokes - Suzanne Stokes has been teaching recreational art classes in the area for more than 12 years, with classes at PALS Social Club, La Siesta, at The Final Whistle Bar in La Marina and at Restaurante La Herradura in Los Montesinos. There is more information on her website where you can also see a selection of her work. Suzanne is a professional artist and sells her work at La Herradura, both as original paintings and as fine art prints, and also undertakes commissions for portraits. Painting and drawing are the most

relaxing hobbies you can have,’ she said. ‘It’s good for body and soul – as well as a great way to make friends. Many of my students have health issues, but are still able to come along and produce the most amazing work´ and I am honoured to be asked to be a judge for the Ray Scott Art Exhibition. Roger McCrae - All my life I have had a passion for art, all periods and styles. I've Competition judge Suzanne runs art classes at a number of venues in the local area

never painted, but this has not stopped my appreciation of other peoples talents. I have a good eye for all forms of paintings. It is amazing that many of the local artists started their painting late in life. Living in Spain I greatly miss the many Galleries both large and small that are in abundance in the UK. I always try to support the local artists in Spain by visiting all the local exhibitions.



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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017


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Orihuela Workshop destroyed by fire in just two hours


the storage yard. Only five minutes later, the firefighters from the Parque de Orihuela had arrived on the scene, with all the employees safely evacuated with one family also evicted from a nearby home as a precaution.

educed to ashes in just two hours, an industrial warehouse of 2,100 metres located in the hamlet of Arneva (Orihuela), completely devastated by fire. Although firemen from the Provincial Consortium of Firefighters, together with helicopter support, were unable to save the carpentry workshop from total destruction, they were able to stop the fire spreading beyond its immediate vicinity, which included a large fuel store situated just 200 metres from the blaze. The fire took hold at 1245 hours in

According to consortium sources, the company Hijos de Antonio Huertas SL was dedicated to the production of wooden products, mainly containers and packing cases, as a result of which the fire spread quickly throughout the One family were evicted industrial warehouse, where hunfrom a nearby home as a dreds of pallets were stored. precaution. Firefighters from Torrevieja, Almoradí and Pilar de la Horadada

were also deployed to the scene. Although initial hopes were that the fire could be put out it soon became evident that this would not be possible because of the intensity of the flames and the rapid combustion of the wooden products. Once firefighters realised this to be the case they then set about ensuring that the fire could not spread beyond the immediate perimeter of the woodyard. Efforts were focused on preventing the fire from reaching a fuel storage facility that was located just beyond the perimeter of the yard that was also at risk of an explosion. The column of smoke as a result of the fire was visible from several miles around In the meantime, Local Police agents were busy diverting traffic to Arneva-Hurchillo, in the area of "El Tanque". Firefighters eventually gained control of the fire by about 3 pm with the danger significantly reduced by about 5pm, at which time the aerial support was withdrawn. Firefighters then continued to work at the site for several more hours to prevent the flames regaining hold.

Entrenaranjos Orihuela receives 200,000 has it’s say euros for flood damage


rihuela has received more than 200,000 euros in civil aid and subsidies from the Ministry of Interior to cover the emergency costs of damage incurred during last December’s the floods in the city. The Segura River overflowed for the first time since it was rerouted causing flood damage, especially to many local agricultural sites and properties in the outlying areas of the city.


he Councilor for Health and Statistics, Noelia Grao, and the Councilor for International Residents, Sofía Álvarez, met with over 200 residents of Entrenaranjos last week, to discuss the many different issues related to the urbanisation. More than 200 people attended the meeting, the vast majority of them who live on the urbanisation permanently. Topics discussed included registration on the padron, the health system and the possible siting of a medical centre. The councillors stressed the commitment of the City of Orihuela to work with the group and to ensure that their demands are fully considered and implemented where possible.

The mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, said that to date the government has paid a total of 89,042 euros to 39 households that suffered damage. He made the announcement during the visit of the Deputy Government Delegate, Juan Carlos Moragues, to Orihuela last Monday, when he attended a meeting of the Security Council following the summer attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils. Moragues indicated that "Orihuela was one of the municipalities most affected by the torrential rains. He said that of the aid that was being provided 70% was to family units and 30% to commercial establishments in the city. Bascuñana said that a further 30,000 euros must be added from the General Directorate of Coasts to rectify the damages suffered by the beaches of Punta Prima and Playa La Glea, Campoamor for the use of heavy machinery, extra-excavators, removal of earth, cleaning of canes, as well at the purchase of additional zahorra (gravel).

Tragamillas Sports Club celebrates 25th Anniversary

Orihuela’s Tragamillas Athletics Club celebrated its 25th anniversary last Saturday evening with a commemorative dinner attended by numerous political, business and sports personalities. The mayor Emilio Bascuñana was accompanied by Councilor for Sports Víctor Valverde, as well as the Provincial Deputy Carolina Gracia along with councillors of the different municipal groups. Following the dinner a tribute was paid to the founding member by the councillor for sport. Club President Francisco Belmonte, thanked everyone for their assistance over the years as he reiterated the commitment of the club to the promotion of sports in Orihuela.

Calle Alfonso XIII in Orihuela City After the floods, the Consistory requested aid from the Ministry of 75,000 euros to cover those direct costs that had to be made to ensure the safety of people. However the bulk of the aid was requested from the Generalitat for damage suffered during the storm to infrastructure and public facilities. In total Orihuela has asked for 3.4 million euros to repair roads that were left without asphalt after being flooded by water.



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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017

Orihuela safer than ever according to Minister "Today Orihuela is safer than ever," according to the Government Delegate, Juan Carlos Morgues. The politician made his assessment during a visit to the city last week when he attended the Security Council brought about as a result of the recent terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils. He said that according to data from the Ministry of the Interior, there are currently 42.4 crimes committed per 1,000 inhabitants, a figure that is almost half of that recorded back in 2007, when the figure was to 81.4 per 1000. Moragues said that this is Morgues was attending the Orihuela Security Council

due in large part to the "professionalism and efficiency” of the security forces. Moragues highlighted the work being done to adapt the new security plan to the city of Orihuela and explained that "greater coordination between the National Police, Civil Guard and the Local Police is essential to ensure the very best preventive measures, especially at those events such as celebrations and fiestas that draw together a much larger number of people. But despite the enhanced security state, which is now at Level 4, he emphasised that the city should continue as normal as Orihuela is not a "special target" for terrorists. He explained that the security plan works to protect the places with the highest number of tourists as well as those emblematic areas, places of celebrations, and those strategic streets where passive safety measures, such as the placement of concrete planters, were recommended to prevent access of vehicles.


he Guardia Civil have said that a patera with five occupants, one of them a child, has arrived at dawn this Tuesday on the Pinomar beach in Guardamar del Segura. The small boat was subsequently found empty on the beach at 7.20 am, containing six life jackets and a bag containing personal effects that could

One of the occupants of the patera, a small boy, turned up during the morning in a petrol station in soaking wet clothes. Agents of the Civil Guard transferred him to receive medical attention.


Councilor for Tourism, Sofía Álvarez

Tourist campaign extended to rail The Councilor for Tourism, Sofía Álvarez, has unveiled a new advertising campaign at Orihuela train station which it is hoped will strengthen the city's tourist brand. The nearly four million annual users of the Alicante-Murcia Cercanías (Metro) will be able to enjoy the gallery of tourist images of the city that promote the seven available tourist areas; monumental heritage, natural heritage, Miguel Hernández, beaches, golf, gastronomy and festivities. The councillor highlighted the luminosity and visibility of the images chosen for the promotion, as well as the use of the "O" symbol of Orihuela which is central to all of the images, in the form of the sun, giving light to the tourist offers in Orihuela. "The objective has been to use the ‘O’ as

Five refugees land at dawn belong to a woman.

Shortly afterwards four other occupants of the boat were found, two men and two women, who seem to be from Algeria. All are now receiving medical attention from the Red Cross in Torrevieja.

a window showing everything that is available, and also everything that can be discovered when one comes to the municipality," as Alvarez said. In addition to the advertisements located in the main access of the station which welcome everyone arriving in the municipality both by train and by bus, there are several thematic panels that have been placed on the which travellers can enjoy during their time in the Orihuela-Miguel Hernández station. The campaign is expected to be extended to the two airports in Alicante and San Javier so as to attract tourists from both domestic and international flights, showing the city to have " a very wide and varied range of tourist products for all tastes and ages. "


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017


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Los Montesinos Mayor delighted 60s-70s saxophone star Eddie White chose Spanish town to retire “It is an honour that Eddie chose this quiet town to spend his retirement” Eddie White with The Breakaways

Los Montesinos mayor Jose Butron


os Montesinos, Alicante, Mayor Jose Manuel Butron is delighted that 60s-70s saxophone star Eddie White chose the Vega Baja Spanish town to retire. “It is an honour that Eddie chose this quiet town to spend his retirement,” said Mayor Butron. Eddie, 69, who retired to Spain a decade ago with his wife Mary, is having his Biography published in: ‘Eddie White’s Memoirs of the Showband Era’. Eddie, born in Magherafelt, Northern Ireland, a former member of The Breakaways, The Signs, Mighty Avons and Hugo Duncan and The Tallmen, reminisces about life as a pop star in the sixties and seventies in his memoirs. Eddie, who followed a music career in the footsteps of his grandfather Dennis O’Neill, said: “My grandfather was a great musician. “Part of the Magherafelt Hibernian Brass Band, circa 1830s, he did

all the writing for a 30-piece brass band,” said Eddie. “He played cornet and clarinet,” added Eddie, who joined The Breakaways, aged 16. During an illustrious career Eddie played on the same stage as Sir Tom Jones, Charlie Pride, The Bellamy Brothers, Boxcar Willie, The Tremeloes, The American Drifters, Sandy Shaw and Lulu, amongst other stars. “It was absolutely fantastic – a great life – and I have so many memories to talk about,” said Eddie. “I am sure Eddie will continue to enjoy his retirement in Los Montesinos,” said Mayor Butron. *To pre-order a copy of the biography by Los Montesinos author Andrew Atkinson of “Eddie White’s Memoirs of The Showband Era” email:

By Andrew Atkinson



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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017

International Insurance Card T

he Green Card or International Insurance Card is an internationally recognised document that proves the holder has the minimum compulsory insurance required by law of the country visited. It helps facilitate the movement of their vehicle across international borders. It also guarantees that victims of road traffic accidents involving foreign registered vehicles are compensated in the country of the accident.

The Green Card Bureau Each Green Card Bureau is responsible for handling and guaranteeing the settling of claims arising from traffic accidents caused by visiting motorists.

Travelling outside the EU

country requiring a Green Card, make sure the police are called to the scene of the accident. You will need a copy of the police report. If you don’t understand what you’re being told, request an interpreter. We also advise that you contact your insurance company as soon as possible, whether you want to make a claim or not. Make notes of what happened. Take photographs of the accident, including plates of vehicles involved. Exchange insurance details as you would in Spain. Take down the names and addresses of any witnesses. Never admit liability or apologise.

If you are travelling outside the European Community to one of the countries listed as requiring a Green Card, you will need to ask your insurance company to issue you a Green Card beforehand.

Road accident If you’re involved in a road traffic accident in a

We hope the information provided in this article is of interest. If you would like to contact Linea Directa please call 902 123 139 More information about Linea Directa online at

637 227 385


GEM helps keep older drivers safe on the road International Day of Older Persons took place on Sunday 1 October More than 100,000 people over 90 still have driving licences ROAD SAFETY and breakdown recovery provider GEM Motoring Assist is keen to stand up for the increasing number of older people who choose to continue driving. The support is backed up by findings from a recent study which shows that more mature road users are no more dangerous than other drivers.

The Green Card System The Green Card System comprises of over 40 countries. National vehicle organisations within the Green Card System including the EU, the EEA, Switzerland, Russia and several countries around the Middle East and North Africa. However, a Green Card is not required to travel through the EEA, Andorra, Norway, Croatia and Switzerland.


Neil Worth, GEM Motoring Assist road safety officer, comments: “Age discrimination shapes how older persons are treated and perceived, nowhere more than on the road. There is a perception too widely held that older people are slow, dithery and downright dangerous, which is just not true. “The study, prepared by researchers at Swansea University, showed that although reaction times may increase as people grow older, this is compensated by older drivers taking more care on road journeys.” As we mark Older Persons’ Day, GEM is proud to stand up for older drivers and to give them encouragement to stay as safe as possible on their journeys – for as long as possible. “As we grow older, it’s perfectly normal for our driving habits and skills to change. The important thing is to recognise these changes, especially the ones that may compromise safety, so that we can ensure we also take steps to reduce any risks. In that way, we will hopefully continue driving long into later life.” GEM’s free ‘Still Safe to Drive’ video-based web resource (, presented by Valerie Singleton OBE, offers practical advice for everyone on staying safe at the wheel, and also

Valerie Singleton

assists family members and friends to find kind but effective ways of helping those senior drivers who may not realise – or will not admit - that they pose a greater risk to others. Neil Worth is enthusiastic about the excellent information that can be found on the Still Safe to Drive website, which he says can be put to good use straight away. “By combining regular check-ups with regular physical activity, you really can make a difference when it comes to staying as safe as possible for as long as possible. Also, by seeking the advice of experts and the opinions of family members, you can identify possible issues at an early stage and take the appropriate action to put them right. “At GEM, we are keen to promote the value of a driver ‘MOT’. The GEM Driver Assessment is a good value, stimulating and highly effective hourlong opportunity to let an experienced instructor make sure you’re as safe behind the wheel as you can be. There’s no test, and nothing to fail – just an enjoyable and worthwhile opportunity to reduce your risk on the road.”

GARAGE SERVICES feedback directly from customers. During the period that Chris worked with Checkatrade they collected almost 300,000 customer reports which highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of their listed companies.

All Mechanical Repairs Tel - Chris +34 634 04 83 39 Email: All car and van servicing, All Diagnostics, Laser wheel alignment, exhausts, cambelts and welding Garage Services - Car and Vehicle repairs, based in Benijofar, just across the road from Greenlands Sports Complex, is owned by Chris McCarthy, an experienced and time served motor mechanic. Now with over 36 years’ experience Chris was apprenticed to a Ford Main Dealer in South Croydon which he joined straight from school. He now has a fully equipped vehicle repair shop in Benijofar where, with state of the art equipment, he can carry out any car or vehicle repair, no matter how complicated it might be. Chris can undertake full diagnostic tests on all vehicles, and, campervans and even trucks, regardless of make or model. He can carry out engine rebuilds, bodywork and crash repairs, servicing and ITV’s. Chris is fully time served so you can be assured that for all your car repairs and motoring repairs needs your car could not be in better hands. So don't take chances with your valued possession - trust the experts! Garage Services car and auto repairs is a top quality English speaking garage company which covers Torrevieja, Quesada and the Costa Blanca area. You will find our car repair and mechanical service second to none and our prices extremely competitive. Our customer service and attention to detail is also all that you would expect from a reputable English speaking business. So if you are in the Torrevieja, Quesada and Costa Blanca area and you need the services of a top notch English speaking mechanic then

Chris McCarthy has a fully equipped garage just across the road from Greenlands Bowls Club

just contact Chris McCarthy at Garage Services car and auto repairs, car mechanic Costa Blanca and leave us to solve your problems. Until recently Chris was allied to Checkatrade, a directory of trades and services which vetted it’s clients to the highest standards in all areas of their business activity, and where insurance, technical qualifications and professional memberships were all fully scrutinised. He left purely because of the logistical difficulties associated in working with the UK company whilst operating from Spain. Checkatrade monitored his work on an ongoing basis by collecting

Garage Services had 315 reports submitted about their standard of work and gained a fantastic overall rating of 9.8 out of a maximum of 10. Areas covered and average scores achieved included: Estimating 9.6 Tidiness 9.8 - Timekeeping 9.8 - Courtesy 9.9 - Workmanship 9.8 Value for Money 9.7 - Reliability 9.8 - Overall Service 9.8 Some of the Testimonials received by Chris during that period: 1-"Very good service, with help and understanding - would recommend to grey and old, the elderly would not be overcharged. He's become a friend"....... 2-"Fully satisfied with work carried out on my vehicle and will be using his service again. I would recommend"... 3-"I cannot fault his work in any way a pleasure to do business with in any capacity. He knows his trade"... 4-"Excellent quality of workmanship, courtesy and punctuality. I would recommend them"... 5-"I am very pleased with the service and the courtesy from Mr McCarthy. I can recommend him" 6-"Polite and very good at his job. I would recommend him" ... 7-"Very good - on time and less than budget" ... These are just a few of the hundreds of positive recommendations that Chris has received over the years – So Why take chances! Garage Services. Ctra de Beniofar-San Miguel de Salinas, Finca Garroferos-Nave13, Algorfa 03169 (Just across the road from Greenlands Sports Complex). Contact Chris on (0034) 634 048 339 and have your car repaired by a reliable, expert and time served mechanic. See main Garage Services ad on page 3.



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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017


Hondon Summer Party


he Hondón Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion held a Summer Party at Bistro Rikki in Aspe.

To find out more about the Hondón Valley Branch, contact: or ring 865 666 158 Alternatively visit:

It was a newly opened venue and the owners were very supportive. ADMIRAL SPARKS HITS THE HIGH NOTES - Thanks goes to 120 members and Lucy and Neil for organising such a great evening friends attended and enjoyed a delicious meal followed by entertainment from member Dave Sparks ie. Sparky DJ Disco Roadshow and presenting the Dee Show local female vocal artist. Dave as Captain Horatio amused us with ancient mariners songs and the like. A real treat. Thanks goes to Lucy and Neil for organising such a great evening and for their Bazaar where you could charm a snake or two, throw a spear and win a mystery prize. Arrangements are well advanced for the Branch Poppy Ball to be held at Ya Restaurant in Aspe on Friday 3rd November. Superb menu available together with great entertainment. For more information please email Neil on

The owl is now recovering in the El Valle Recovery Centre

Owl recovers after flying into high-voltage cables


wo ramblers found an injured owl in Los Almagros close to Fuente Alamo on Monday where it appeared to be in distress and unable to fly. “When we approached to see if there was anything we could do it seemed quite fierce” said one of the walkers, “It had enormous claws which I’m sure could have inflicted quite a lot of damage so we decided that discretion should be applied and called the emergency services on 112.” A local police patrol quickly arrived at the scene from the El Valle Recovery Centre. Together they once again located the bird which had hidden under some bushes in a rambla. The party then set

about capturing the bird. Once it had been secured the owl was taken to the centre. Having examined the bird experts say that the bird’s wings were both badly damaged. They added that the bird was fatigued and confused as a result of not being able to get itself airborne. In theorising on how the bird might have been injured the centre spokesman said that just a few meters from where they found the owl there was a high voltage electric line which the bird quite probably flew into. The owl will now remain at the centre where it will continue to receive treatment.


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017


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LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS QUICK ACROSS: 1 Wasp; 8 Altruistic; 9 Platform; 10 Also; 12 Cancel; 14 Resume; 15 Casual; 17 Sandal; 18 Lewd; 19 Stealthy; 21 Memorandum; 22 Beer. DOWN: 2 Amalgamate; 3 Pact; 4 Stroll; 5 Summer; 6 Assassin; 7 Echo; 11 Sympathise; 13 Cauldron; 16 Lascar; 17 Steady; 18 Lime; 20 Limb. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Abel; 8 On the level; 9 Pastiche; 10 Dose; 12 Abacus; 14 Raided; 15 Banner; 17 Pedals; 18 Isle; 19 Director; 21 Conductors; 22 Hide. DOWN: 2 Broad beans; 3 Loft; 4 Stocks; 5 Meteor; 6 Head wind; 7 Flee; 11 Spellbound; 13 Contends; 16 Reduce; 17 Pardon; 18 Inch; 20 Cash.


Blackleg (13)


Irregular (8)


Rage (4)


Cap (6)


Front (6)


Odd (6)


Sticky (6)


Egg-shaped (4)


Stirring (8)


Locking up (13)

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21.

Obdurate (8) Renounce (6) Appear (4) Fruitful (8) Material (6) Average (4) Leaning (8) Realm (8) Coarse (6) Shrewd (6) Sell (4) Tend (4)


The rigour of a difficult craft (8)


One burrowing beneath the breakwater (4)

10. One that shoots a follower of Falstaff (6) 12. Glum when getting a circular letter in code (6) 14. Buccaneer goes back about the present time (3-3) 16. Etiquette required, we hear, for fine houses (6) 18, and 3Dn. Keep quiet after the barman mixed up the hen food (4-4) 20. Somehow got there without being separated (8) 22. One who fights with somebody else (2-11)


Solution on Page 22 CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.


Stray Cat Blues (Rolling Stones), d. Year of the Cat (Al Stewart), e. Honky Cat (Elton John), f. What's new pussycat (Tom Jones), g. Cool for Cats (Squeeze), h. Siamese Cat Song (Peggy Lee). 11. Lebanon. 12. Alien Resurrection (Alien 4). 13. Juniper. 14. Laurence Olivier. 15. Tirpitz. 16. c. 7 Good Reasons and d. Dead


DOWN 1. A priest is disturbed about a sponger (8) 2. Tick this kind of card (6) 3. See 18 Ac. 4. Looks after mother and is discreetly silent (5,3) 5. More solidly rooted tree beside the sea in France (6) 6. Please allow a performing animal inside (4) 11. Presumably, it's not for a heavy drinker (5,3) 13. Lads about to press for the operators (8) 15. Safe jobs don't attract this sort of money (6) 17. A small number attempt to get round a lawyer (6) 19. A sharper man on the board (4) 21. They stop people telling jokes (4))

from a bottle of wine, f. I've got flowers and lots of hours to spend with you, g. They get a gang of villians in a shed up at Heathrow, h. We are from a residence of Siam, there are no finer cats than I am 11. The name of which Mediterranean country stems from the Semetic word for 'white'? 12. Which film takes place on board the space ship Auriga 200 years after the central characters suicide? 13. 'Mothers ruin' or gin is called Genever in Holland. What does it mean when translated? 14. Which English actor was seriously considered for the role of Vito Corleone in the Godfather but was too ill to play the part? 15. The Royal Navy's midget X class submarines were first used in an attempt to sink the Bismark's sister ship. What was her name? 16. From the following list, choose the two which are actually Australian table wines. a. Chateau Chunder, b. Hobart Muddy, c. 7 Good Reasons, d. Dead Arm Shiraz, e. Cote du Rod Laver, f. Cuvee Reserve Chateau Bottled San Wogga Wogga, g. Melbourne Old and Yellow 17. What are the oldest scriptural texts of Hinduism called? 18. Maleficent is the main antagonist in which Walt Disney classic? 19. What are the first seven words to the song 'Runaround Sue'? 20. The 2010 Winter Olympics concluded in Vancouver after victory in the men's ice hockey gave host nation Canada a Winter Olympic record of how many gold medals? Plus or minus 2 1. Oklahoma, 2. The Bell Rocket Belt (the one man jet propulsion device), 3. a: Coppola, 4. d: The Berlin Air Bridge, 5. Socrates, 6. Artichoke, 7. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 8. New Zealand, Auckland. (The Sky Tower). 9. The de Havilland 'Comet'. 10. a. Stray Cat Strut (Stray Cats), b. Cats in the cradle (Harry Chapin), c.

ACROSS 7. Certificate authorising connubial rows! (8,5)

1. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) certified its first gold album in 1958. The album title was a US state. Can you name the album title? 2. Which unusual device was used in the James Bond film 'Thunderball', Superbowl I, and the opening ceremonies at the summer Olympics in 1984 and 1996? 3. Which one of the following is the name of a traditional Sicilian hat? a. Coppola b. Scorsese c. Tarantino d. Capra 4. Which famous bridge was 'built' between 24 June 1948 and 12 May 1949? 5. Which towering savant with a great back heel captained the Brazilian national football team in 1982? 6. The basis for the Italian bitter aperitif known as Cynar is what? a. asparagus, b. dandy lion, c. pomegranate, d. artichoke 7. The name of which fantastic automobile is also a ribald song once sung by Allied soldiers in WW I? 8. The tallest free-standing structure in the Southern Hemisphere (standing at 328 metres / 1,080 ft can be found in which country? A bonus point for the name of the city. 9. What was the name of the world's first commercial jet airliner? 10. The following lyrics are all from songs with the word 'cat' in the song title. Can you name the song? a. I'm a ladies cat, a feline Casanova, b. Little Boy Blue and the man in the moon, c. I hear the click clack of your feet on the stairs, I know you're no scare eyed honey, d. On a morning from a Bogart movie, e. It's like trying to drink whisky

my story it's sad but true. 20. 14 17. Vedas. 18. Sleeping Beauty. 19. Here's country poo poo Australian table wines". Monty Python sketch "Some people in this The rest of course appear in the famous Arm Shiraz are actual Australian wines.



637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017

‘Letters from the Atlantic’ Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper. He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.

Typewriter Terr or The phone rang; it was a colleague in Las Palmas telling me that the police were in the middle of a response to a potential terrorist incident in the city. A suspect package had been placed in front of the door to the garage of the central offices of the National Police on the island. The building was sealed off, traffic was prevented from entering the road, and anti-terrorist officers arrived to assess the potential danger of the package. These officers quickly discovered that this was a false alarm, and since the suspicious package turned out to contain nothing more lethal than an antique typewriter, the panic was over. Two days later I found myself browsing in a charity shop that I occasionally visit. I always find it fascinating to browse through old books, records and maybe find a technological treasure from the past, such as an old radio or ancient camera. This time, I spotted a typewriter, an old Olympia, sitting proudly on an antique desk. It looked in remarkably good condition, and one that I guessed was made in the mid 1960s. This machine brought back a flood of memories of my father bringing his portable typewriter home from work each day and patiently teaching me to type when I was still at primary school. In more recent times, I have been thankful for computers, tablets and all the other gadgetry that make life so much simpler. Did I really want to use a typewriter again? Later that morning, I returned to the shop and asked for a sheet of paper to test the typewriter. Amazingly, all the keys worked, and the type was clear and aligned. It felt smooth and accurate to the touch, which was surprising for a 50-year-old machine; it had clearly been well looked after. It also came with a very smart protective case. As I handed over the ten euros asking price, I asked the man looking after


By Bar rie Mahoney

the shop to tell more about where it had come from. He told me that it had come to the shop as part of a house clearance following the death of “an important man” several years ago. The typewriter had been forgotten and only recently put on display. He wouldn't tell me any more about the original owner of the typewriter, and seemed pleased when I stopped asking questions and left. I returned to my car, pleased with my purchase, although it was much heavier than I remembered. I was also intrigued by the response to my questions, and felt that there was much more to discover. It was when cleaning the machine that I found an old sticker in the case with the name of the shop that had originally supplied it. The sticker included a phone number, which was in a different pattern of numbers currently used. It was not too hard to track down the modern version of the number and I decided to call it. Although it was doubtful that the shop would still be in business, I remembered that many businesses in the Canary Islands are passed through many generations, even though the original trade may have changed. To my surprise, the telephone number worked, and a man answered. The man listened patiently to my story about the typewriter and told me that his father had owned the shop, but had died some years ago. As well as selling typewriters, his father had also serviced them. Although the current business no longer sold typewriters, the son had kept some records; did I know the serial number of the machine? Fortunately, I had already predicted that I would be asked this question and had written it down. The son took a note of the number and promised that he would call me back “manaña”. My heart sank when he said this, since “manaña’ is often a polite way of saying ‘never’. Two days later, I received a telephone call. True to his word, the son had checked his father’s records, and found the serial number of my typewriter, the date of sale and the servicing that it had received. This time, the son was quite animated and told me that the machine had belonged to someone important, who had died. As I was British, he doubted that I would appreciate the significance, and asked if I would like to sell the typewriter back to him. He wouldn't tell me who it had belonged to, and I began to imagine that he would be quoting the words “data protection”, which is the current way of denying reasonable information requests. I thanked him for his trouble, but declined the offer, as I wanted to keep the typewriter. Even more intriguing was when I tried to buy a new ribbon for the typewriter. When the ribbon arrived from the UK, it would not fit. I

contacted the supplier, who assured me that it was the correct ribbon for an Olympia. He was puzzled as to why it would not fit and asked me to send him photos of the typewriter and the old ribbon spools. His reply was even more puzzling, since it seems that my Olympia typewriter is in fact an Olivetti. He is a typewriter expert and had not come across this issue before and suggested that the labels had been switched at some stage in its life, but could not explain the serial number that related to an Olympia. My imagination began to work overtime; was it all part of a complicated plot, with a switched identity of both its owner and the typewriter? It certainty left me wondering even more about its history and that of its previous owner. I always appreciate a good mystery, and I also now have a rather splendid typewriter that I will use from time to time. I will always be fascinated by the story behind it, even though I have yet to discover who the “important person” was and why the identity of my typewriter was changed. As far as the original news story that started my week is concerned, I am still wondering why an antique typewriter was left outside the central police office. After all, does anyone use a typewriter nowadays? If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: and or read his latest book, ‘Footsteps in the Sand’ (ISBN: 9780995602717). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle editions. © Barrie Mahoney

Horse rescue centre welcomes donation of handmade quilts to help raise money for new internal fencing Ten exquisite quilts have been donated by Barbora Dick of Skalabara Quilts


en exquisite quilts have been donated by Barbora Dick of Skalabara Quilts to raise desperately needed funds for new internal fencing at Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre near Alicante, Spain. Czech-born Barbora, who now lives in Alicante, doesn’t know Easy Horse Care founders Sue and Rod Weeding personally, but learnt of their work and funding struggles through long-time supporter of the charity, Kate Cammish, and local English newspapers. "I have decided to donate the quilts to Easy Horse Care because I think both Sue and Rod are doing an incredible job with the charity,” Barbora said. “I honour their enthusiastic work of the charity. So why not help a local charity that is entirely depending on donations?” Barbora’s donation has come at a fortuitous time, as the rescue centre looks to raise funds for new, permanent internal fencing. The existing fencing is made largely of electric tape and plastic posts, which degrade rapidly in the Spanish sun and require constant upkeep. The new fencing will be strong and permanent, made from 1500m of Tornado Wire. But at €40 per metre, it doesn’t come cheap. Sue and Rod aim to replace the fencing in stages as they raise the needed money and to minimise disruption to the rescued horses. All proceeds from the quilts will go towards the fencing fundraiser and will help purchase nearly 50m of fencing for the first 128m stage. The quilts are available for purchase at Monetary donations can also be made at The sanctuary is entirely reliant on donations not only for maintenance projects, but also for the ongoing care of the rescued equines, estimated to cost nearly €150,000 per year. Sue expressed her gratitude to Barbora saying, “Without the sup-

port from the public and their kind donations of furniture, clothes and now quilts, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do.” The need for these donations has only grown with increasing numbers of horses, ponies and donkeys being abandoned to the streets. “It’s hard to imagine what it would be like if the police weren’t taking quick action to rescue these animals and we weren’t here to provide them a home,” Sue said. “The government don’t have any facilities to house these animals, so we’re not just saving them, we’re providing a public service to get them off the street.” Recent rescue Pee-wee, a miniature pony, is just one example of this disturbing trend. He was left tied to railings in Lorca for a week, before a neighbour reported him and the police acted to save him from starvation. Arriving at the centre in a skeletal state, with serious health issues including a mouth infection, many rotten teeth, blood coming from his penis and a tumour pushing one eye out of its socket, Pee-wee has now gained 20 kilograms and is going from strength to strength. But he has a long way to go. Of most concern is the tumour, which needs to be removed before it causes further damage. The operation will happen as soon as Pee-wee is strong enough to handle it. “I’m overjoyed at the progress he’s made. He’s absolutely beautiful and a pleasure to look after, but I still worry about him constantly,” Sue said. Anyone interested in making a donation to Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, becoming a long-term sponsor, or volunteering at the sanctuary or in the charity shops can call Sue on 652 021 980. The Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, located just outside Rojales at Partido Lo Garriga, 59, opens to the public on the first Sunday of every month between 1pm and 4pm. For more details and directions, please visit


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017


637 227 385


Stevie Spit’s fifth Benidorm Charity Show on Sunday Honey G comes to Benidorm for the Fifth Palace Variety Show. Which takes place at The Benidorm Palace on Sunday 8th October. Sponsored By Spain Property Shop. This is the show Stevie and I talked about doing for a few years. We were already doing theatre shows in Spain and around the UK as part of our profession. We were also doing fundraisers on a smaller scale. So it seemed only natural to bring the two together. Do a theatrical fundraiser on a larger scale. Having had huge success with the first one in 2012 Which we called The Jubilee Variety Show and was held at The Municipal Theatre in Torrevieja. We decided to bring the next one to The Benidorm Palace so in 2013 Stevie phoned a few showbiz Pals and roped in Ray Quinn, Crissy Rock, Angie Brown, Mick Miller and Chico.. We added some local entertainers into the mix and our in house dance Freddie ‘Parrot troup Compania De Flamenco JM and pulled Face’ Davies off an extraordinary and unforgetable evening. The two lead roles are played by Luke Ringrose as Captain Bob Wallace, and Nick Morgan (pictured right) as Private Phil Davies. It’s 1954, and Bob and Phil have become famous entertainers since leaving the army at the end of the Second World War. Appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show they perform their Christmas hit number “Happy Holidays”. A chance encounter with a female duo sets the scene for intrigue, comedy, and a great storyline. But will romance be in the air for Bob and Phil? Festive entertainment for all the family is



ollowing on from their sell-out summer musical “Mack & Mabel” STUDIO32 are now rehearsing their winter show, “White Christmas”. Based on that perennial Christmas favourite Irving Berlin’s film is brought to the Costa Blanca in a wonderful stage adaptation. The show contains some all-time classic songs including “Blue Skies”, “Sisters”, and of course the Bing Crosby title number “White Christmas”.

we have Little DEVON. Comedy LEGEND FREDDIE (Parrot Face) DAVIES will be as funny as ever.

During the few years since we have had some amazing stars perform with us. Katrina & The Waves, Chesney Hawkes, Stacey Solomon, Jimmy Cricket, Rozalla, Mick Miller, Gareth Gates, The Grumbleweeds, Gwen Dickey, Tight Fit, Duncan Norvelle, So many wonderful stars.. The 2017 show promises to blow previous shows out of the water.. It took two years but we managed to get one of the best comedians around JIMMY JONES. Also on the bill issss wait for it H to the O to the N HONEY G.. We are all so excited as we have never had such a current artiste on who is filling every club she plays in.. SONIA “You’ll Never Stop Me From Loving You” Is gonna set the place on fire. From The Voice Ireland

Lots of local entertainment too Including the most beautiful dancers SAL DE TORREVIEJA Who has joined forces with JAY MARKWICK and FUSION. So tonights show is going to be very special indeed.. The profits from this years show will go to AECC Cancer charity and The Royal British Legion. Doors open on the night at 7pm and The Show starts at 8pm. See page opposite for info. Tickets are available from the box office on 965 85 1660 A massive thank you to our sponsors Spain Property Shop

guaranteed, so why not start Christmas off with a visit to this great show. Show dates are Weds Nov 29th to Sat Dec 2nd at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio, all performances start at 7.30pm with doors open 7pm. Reserved seating tickets are now on sale, priced at 10 euros, and can be obtained by calling 602 454 033, by emailing, or from the following outlets: Cards & More, La Marina

966 790 954

The Card Place, Benijofar

966 713 266

Tickets are sure to sell fast so be sure to get in early and book your seat!

Cafe Almoradi raise 307 euro for HDA


here was a full house for the Fun Quiz held at Cafe Almoradi in aid of Huntington's Disease sufferers on 16th September 2017. It was a close fought contest , eventually won by a team of 4 “AJ Concern” from El Raso. The same team also won the “Spot Prize” of 25 euros, kindly donated by Paul Bell from Golden Leaves (Funeral Plan Company), who also attended the event. Organisers of the quiz, Martin and Christine Watkins were very pleased with the magnificent 307 euros raised during the evening, which will go a long way towards helping HD sufferers in the Costa Blanca area. Photo shows Sam Bastiman and the winning team with their well deserved prizes. The next fundraising event for Huntington's, will

be on Saturday 14th October at Bar Catorce in Benijofar. It will be an evening of entertainment and food for just 7:50 euros per person. To book places, please contact the bar direct on 966 84 9030. Huntington's Disease, which is often called HD, is a hereditary disorder of the central nervous system. It is a terminal illness, affecting both men and women, causing a very wide range of symptoms, including uncontrollable movements; loss of speech and ability to swallow; incontinence and loss of memory functions, as well as depression and changes in personality. There is currently no cure. If you would like more information about HD, or are interested in helping this worthwhile local charity, then please contact Marion Smith on 634 905 249, or visit the website



637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017

Orihuela Costa Brownies and Rainbows

Car and Vehicle Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2015 Ford CMax Diesel which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.

Social and Clubs The next meeting of the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion will be on 19 Oct at the Olympia Restaurant in Mil Palmeras starting at 7.30pm when Paul Cullen will be entertaining members post meeting. The Torrevieja Branch meets at the Casa Ventura in San Luis at 7.30 pm on the 2nd Friday while the La Marina/Gran Alacant Branch meets on the 1st Monday at The London Bar, behind Dial Prix in Gran Alacant at 6pm. Everyone Welcome. Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you. Our aim is to assist with problem solving for the over 50’s and promote their well-being. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our

Residential Home Visiting Team. You will visit people who live in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee either in a wheelchair or walking. If you think you can help Age Concern in this respect call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes in areas surrounding Quesada, San Luis, La Siesta Torrevieja, La Mata, Orihuela Costa, Villamartin to Campoverde, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Girlguiding group for Orihuela Costa. The Orihuela Costa Rainbows and Brownies. This is a brand new Girlguiding group for girls aged 5-11 years. Rainbows 5-7 years, Brownies 711 years. We will meet every Wednesday at the Madhouse in El Galan. Parents can find our more on our Facebook page -

Curious about work of Samaritans in Spain? Interested in becoming a listener? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? To find out more, come and join us for refreshments and a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre, by the Punta Prima roundabout, on the N332. (Volunteer positions are unpaid but expenses can be claimed). Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is now fully open in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday including music, language classes, drawing and painting, sewing, general information, bereavement advice and much more. Further info is available at:

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday and everyone is welcome. Our 11am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. We welcome res-

idents, visitors and children. For information see our website or phone Pastor Keith on 666 180 108.

Vacancy Part-time bar maid / kitchen staff required for bar / restaurant in the Marina International Torrevieja. Must live close to Marina International. Please call Terry on 617 599 470.

Pets Delmonte Catotel Cartagena. The cattery that cares! Tel 968 168 711 or 616 276 379 (69083)

Personal Torrevieja Brazilian mature lady. The best massage, relax, tantra, anti-stress. I also do body and intimate waxing, manicures, pedicures, and facial cleansing and rejuvenation. Me and my silky hands are the perfect combination. Call Victoria on 687 131 005. (1/4)

Items For Sale Why not use the power of the Leader to sell your unwanted goods or to advertise your business. Classified advertising is available on these pages from just 5 euro per entry. Email

Property for Sale Country Finca in Redovan Comprising of 2 buildings on a good size plot, each with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Plot size 500 sq mtrs. The property is in excellent decorative order and is


637 227 385

sold furnished. Beamed ceilings in lounge. Euro 170,500. Ref: 000076. Tel 617 537 866 San Miguel de Salinas - A really nice first floor 3 bed apartment in a very well looked after community, just a short walk to supermarkets, restaurants, and bars. Fitted wardrobes in all bedrooms, main bedroom having walk in wardrobe. Euro 79,995 Ref: 000075. Tel 617 537 866 Detached Villa Torremendo - A fantastic 2 bed countryside home on a 5000sqm plot. Constructed from wood and in perfect condition with countryside and lake views. All modern services, connected to electricity, water, mains sewerage. Also a separate selfcontained cabin. Euro 149,995 Ref: 000074. Tel 617 537 866 This three bedroom, two bathroom mid-terrace townhouse is within walking distance of the lively La Fuente Commercial Centre with its fabulous selection of bars and restaurants. It is also close to supermarkets and just a short drive to beautiful, award-winning Blue Flag sandy beaches. Access to lovely communal gardens and a large communal swimming pool. Euro 79,995 Ref 000057. Tel 617 537 866 Redovan - Surrounded by lemon groves and fields of artichokes and broccoli, this lovely three bedroom, two bathroom detached villa is situated on a plot of 600m2. It has its own 10m x 5m private swimming


pool and a separate garage with access to a rooftop solarium. The property is distributed on one level with a tiled patio area leads into the main living and dining areas. Private Pool, Fully Furnished, Stunning views, Private Garden. Euro 210,000 Ref 000058. Tel 617 537 866 Sierra de Orihuela - This fabulous detached property is on a plot of 1.900m2 and has breath-taking views of the Sierra de Orihuela mountain range. The total built area is 135m2 which is distributed across four double bedrooms, two bathrooms, a lounge / dining area, and a modern openplan kitchen. Covered car port, manicured gardens and a private swimming pool. Fully Furnished. Private Garden. Kennels and a chicken coup. Euro 249,995 Ref 00059. Tel 617 537 866 San Miguel de Salinas - Modern 3 bedroom house in the sought after area of Balcon de la Costa. South facing and in a quiet area. The house has been refurbished to a very high standard and ready to move into. Large paved patio with high walls for your privacy, ideal for barbecuing or just relaxing in the sun. Fully Furnished. Private balconies. Stunning views. Air-Cond. Euro 79,500 Ref 000060. Tel 617 537 866 San Miguel de Salinas - A nice ground floor apartment in the heart of San Miguel de Salinas. It has 2 good size bedrooms with fitted wardrobes. The 2nd bedroom has an enclosed galeria for extra storage. Good size lounge / diner and open plan kitchen. The family bathroom comes with a 4 piece suite and shower enclosure. Popular Spanish village. Fully furnished. Communal Pool. Large Terrace. Euro 52,995 Ref 000061. Tel 617 537 866 Detached Villa Torremendo. 2 bed countryside home on 5000sqm plot. Constructed from wood and in perfect condition with countryside and lake views. All modern services, connected to electricity, water, mains sewerage. There is also a separate self-contained cabin. Private pool, fully airconditioned, part furnished, ideal for conservationist €149,995 ref: 000074. Tel 617 537 866



637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017

2017 Línea Directa Valencian Championships reaches its climax By Suzi Cooper


ere we are after almost 2 weeks we are down to the final stages of the event.

Mary Dyer and Anne Marie Stevenson

The Singles semi-finals were played on Sunday morning with last year’s National Champion Martin Foulcer meeting club mate Ian Kenyon while Colin Lindgren faced Keith Phillips of San Luis. Both Martin and Colin came from behind to progress to Tuesday’s final. In the Ladies competition two players from San Miguel, Mary Dyer and Carol Rudge met Peta Rhodes and Anne Marie Stevenson. While Mary overcame Anne Marie, Carol fell to stalwart Peta Rhodes, the two winners now meeting at the Emerald Isle on Tuesday afternoon. On Monday morning at 10am it will be the Mixed Rinks & Mixed Triples finals. The rinks will be a battle of 2 Vistabella teams. Ian Kenyon, Martin Foulcer, Tony French & Maureen Foulcer will play Eric Bishop, Les Barber, Charlie Watkins & Lynne Bishop. Who will have bragging rights when the match finishes? In the Triples we have Colin Lindgren, Drew Gerrard & the in form Scottish, pocket rocket Ann Marie Stevenson representing Emerald Isle who will play Brian Zelin, Lin Watkins & Sue Kemp representing Vistabella.

Martin Foulcer met club mate Ian Kenyon in the Men’s semi


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San Luis Bowls Club

Gran Alicante mixed rinks 12-15th September at Monte Mar. Congratulations to the winners: Ann Holland, Kath Reid, Pam Lockett and Giuseppe Galleli. Having won their group they then played another San Luis team in the semi final; June Jones, Sabrina & Russell Marks and Keith Jones and won a hard fought game which took them into the final. The team worked well together to beat Dennis Birkett’s Emerald Isle team and take the victory. The runners up in each group played off for the “Plate” with the San Luis team of Margaret & Neil Morrison, Les Bedford and Charlie Marigold, just losing in a close fought final to a home team of Wendy & Ian Sheridan, Howie Williams and Graham Smythe. Valencian Championships: Well done to our teams who managed to get through the early rounds to reach the ? finals of the mixed trips: Margaret & Neil Morrison and Mal Hughes and Jan & Brian Pocock and Suzi Cooper, although unfortunately both teams were knocked out on Friday afternoon at San Miguel, so did not progress to the semi-finals. Roy Cordell & Russell Marks won their semi-final on Saturday at Emerald Isle but one of our new members; Ian Kenyon (although he was playing this last event for Vistabella) lost in the semi final of the men’s singles against his VB team mate Martin Foulcer. San Luis BC mixed OPEN 4-2-2 competition will be played 8-10th October. New members still welcome: San Luis will be playing 4 teams for the South Alicante league on a Monday and 4 for the Southern league on a Friday. We still have room for additional players, so if you’re looking for a change of scene/club why not come and join us? For further information you can check out the San Luis website: or contact the Club Captain; June Jones 966 188 920 or 691 903 773. By Sheila Cammack.

Due to people in multiple events there will be no play on Monday afternoon. On Tuesday morning the 2017 National Ladies Pairs champions Lynn Greenland & Gail Willshire (San Miguel) will play Ann Marie Stevenson & Mary Whitelock (Emerald Isle) while at the same time Russell Marks & Roy Cordell (San Luis) will play Eric Bishop & Peter Whitehall (Vistabella). At 2pm on Tuesday afternoon we have the two Premier events – the Men’s & Ladies singles. Martin Foulcer will be facing the 2009 Valencian Champion Colin Lindgren in the Men’s competition while Peta Rhodes of Quesada will meet Mary Dyer of San Miguel in the Ladies, both players having made it through to their first major singles final.By Tuesday evening it will all be over for another year. The weather has once again been kind to us, allowing matches to run to schedule.

MM winners: Ann Holland, Kath Reid, Pam Lockett & Giuseppe Galleli

EURONICS THURSDAY DART LEAGUE “THE ELECTRICAL SHOP” - BLUE LAGOON Match Results for 28th September 2017 Junction Jaguars Hub Hyenas (2) Hen’s Teeth Porter House Witherspooners Angels (2) Amigo's Misfits El Capitan (2)

5-7 9-3 4-8 CE-CE R-R 11-1 5-7 11-1

Junction Jackals (2) Las Rosas Bullies Ale House (2) Tavern Oldies Pint Depot Queens Porter House Bees Wee Rockers (2) Hub Hellraisers

R = match to be rescheduled and played within 2 weeks or 7:0 awarded to non-cancelling team CE= Committee enquiry I would love to say that all of the first games of the season have now been played but unfortunately two matches were not, one of which is still pending committee enquiry at the time of writing up this week’s report. Junction Jaguars v Junction Jackals (5-7) The ladies got off to a poor start in the first trebles game with darts flying right, left and centre but managing to miss any high scores or even the board much of the time! Andy Rutter put the nail in the coffin but only with a shabby D1. Lesley Eagles (114), Sim (79) and Lisa got the girls down to a few throws at a finish but newbie Paul Miller gained the Jackals the next treble with a S7-D20 out.

In the third treble, Hilda got the first of her 3 finishes of the night with S19-D8 to give the girls a glimmer. She then paired up with Lelly and got the 2nd of her wins with a first dart at D5. This brought the score to 2-2 and the Jackals were looking slightly perplexed. Lee Maiden then took them to 2-3 and then it was 2-4 by the time Lisa served her very spicy chicken fajitas and wedges. In the singles, Alex twiddled about doing his T11’s and T14’s whilst Wendy Hayward hammered away at the 19’s, clocking up 5 x 57’s and a 76. They both got down to the finish but Alex finally got D2 to save face and bring them to 2-5. The Jags then got another point courtesy of captain Sim 77, 95, (D6); and diminutive landlady Lisa (62, 77) was really unlucky not to have nailed one of several throws at a double for a win over the mighty Lee Maiden (D2). Lesley Eagles (73,66,79,98) then checked out on S7-D16 to bring the score to 4-6. Sharon Marshall (92) rattled captain Phil de Lacy but not enough as although both were on the finish, de Lacy got there first. It was our very own, superstar Hilda Wilkinson though that scooped the last leg against Baz-the-Hat with D4 and Man of the Match. Lee Maiden was awarded MOTM for the Jackals. An improvement on last season’s result of 2-10! El Capitan v Hub Hellraisers (11-1) El Capitan’s lofty Lithuanian, Aroldas, was MOTM for the fellas from the far side and poor Jim Waddell was the one to succumb to the prowess of blond bobshell Sarah Austin- who got MOTM for gaining their only leg with her win in the singles- no change in the score line from last year though. Hub Hyenas v Las Rosas (9-3) The outcome was a not as good as the 12-0 drubbing they gave the San Miguelians last year. Hen’s Teeth v Ale house (4-8) Both teams have undergone a restructure in terms of players and captains but a good start for the Ale

By Simone de Lacy

House who have two ‘Listers’ in the official line-up this year. Henni Oortwijn’s check-out against D1 check-out against captain Del gained her MOTM for the Hen’s Teeth and Andre Wing was awarded it for the Ale house. Angels v Porter House Bees (11-1). The Bees are feeling the pinch since losing Parker and Goodacre this season. The Angels (old Evolution/PBs) have a good team with more new sign-ons for next week too, so should see themselves amid the throng in the top half of the league – good news for us potential league B-ers. Last season the results was 5-7. Amigo’s Misfits v Wee Rockers (5-7) new venues and new team members sees a win for the Wee Rockers although only the scoreline was decipherable from the results sheet photo! Important Note: Captains must give at least 24 hrs notice if they intend to have to ask to reschedule a game and it must be for a very good reason. Both the committee and the opposition’s captain must be given this notice and the details of the need to cancel or reschedule. If the match is to be rescheduled please play the game within two weeks or 7 points will be awarded to the non-cancelling team and no points to the offenders. Technical note: The new blade 5 boards have a similar fixing mechanism on the back of the board as the Blade 4’s which some of you managed to break last year. Please don’t overtighten the screws- we won’t be giving you a 2nd board free of charge this year. Admin note: Don’t forget, to register a new player, please email both Debbie and me and we will let you know when you can collect and pay for your player card(s) at Euronics. We need to keep a record of player names and registration numbers.



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NOTHING WAS GOING to make these chaps at Beacon Rock golf course near Portland, Oregon call off their round.

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017

was left spinning on the path!

Another famous army course is one of my personal favourites; Tidworth Garrison, overlooking Salisbury Plain. Originally constructed in 1908 by soldiers and locals as a 9-hole course it was redesigned as an 18-hole course by Harry Colt after the first World War, the work being carried out by German P.O.W.’s.

THE 2017 PRESIDENTS CUP (USA vs Rest of the World) is taking place in New Jersey. America has won 9 of the 11 previous biennial matches, so in similar vein to England vs Germany soccer matches there will probably be a close fought battle between the two teams, then America will take home the trophy.

Sadly, both courses have now mostly lost their link with the military. We would have known where to get hold of our much-reduced army in an emergency if it was playing in a foursomes at Aldershot.

THE SITE OF THE ITALIAN OPEN on 12th October has been moved for the second time. The prestigious European Tour event will now be held at the Golf Club Milano in Monza, once the royal hunting park of the king of Italy. In January, the site was switched from the Olgiata club in Rome to the Royal Park I Roveri club outside Turin. However, Turin, like Rome, failed to come up with the necessary funding. If Milano can’t stump up the cash for the tournament it will probably be held on waste ground behind the Naples Industrial Estate.

SOUTH AFRICAN HOME FAVOURITE Brandon Stone claimed his 2nd European Tour title with a 7 shot victory at Leopard Creek Country Club in the Alfred Dunhill Championship. Leopard Creek, on the border of Kruger National Park, is set in spectacular surroundings. Although the course is fenced off so elephants and larger animals can’t come through, Darren Clarke did circumnavigate a leopard in a tree as he drove back to his lodge. Snakes are another hazard, rarely seen on the course during the day, although maintenance director Derek Muggeridge did have one close call. “I was driving along the cart path with my foot hanging out of the golf cart when I felt something on my leg,” he recalled, “I looked down and saw that I had hooked onto a Black Mamba and it was hanging on my foot. I swerved and fortunately it fell off and

PROPERTY FOR SALE - LOS MONTESINOS Offers in the region of 65,000 euros

os Montesinos, Alicante, just 40 minutes drive from both Alicante-Elche and San Javier airports, close to the beaches at Guardamar, Torrevieja, La Mata, Cabo Roig, Salinas; and towns: Quesada, San Miguel, Rojales and Benijofar, is this 2 bedroomed, 1 bathroom, south facing, ground floor apartmentbungalow. Well established private gated path/garden areas; fully tiled/balustrades, separate door entrance to fully-glazed tiled terrace, with 3 sliding tinted windows, electric/water points fitted. Entrance to property: Security grills fitted to door/windows, large lounge, under stairs cupboard, fitted electric heater/cooler system, separate kitchen, leading to covered security grilled fitted UPVC Galleria/window. Two large bedrooms, security grills fitted; separate bathroom/wc/shower/bidet. Habitacion



Bogey, which gave rise to the name.

TEAM CAPTAIN ALBERT MACKENZIE said after Great Britain and Ireland won the PGA Cup: “It was a team effort, there was no individual glory here.” After winning the foursomes, America’s hopes of taking home the LLandudno Trophy vanished in the singles as the tournament became a 7.5-2.5 rout. Great result against our old rivals, but to paraphrase Basil Fawlty: “Don’t mention the Walker Cup!”

THE BRITISH ARMY in the 19th century needed a base, and after a survey the sleepy village of Aldershot Heath in Hampshire was selected. It soon became a large military town. In 1883 the Royal Aldershot Officers golf club was formed, prospective members were instructed to contact Lt. Colonel Sartorious, VC. One of it’s distinguished members was Freddie Tait, a noted amateur who finished 3rd in the Open twice and won the Amateur in 1896 and 1898, before being killed in the Boer war. Being a military base, one of the competitions played against the course was christened a Colonel

THE SERGIO GARCIA FOUNDATION is hosting the third Andalucia Masters at Real Club Valderrama from October 19-21st, the last European Tour stop in Europe before it heads to China, Turkey, South Africa and Dubai. Sergio, 2nd in the Dubai Rankings, will be defending his 2011 title, but Tommy Fleetwood and Jon Rahm currently 1st and 3rd will be snorting and pawing the ground behind him. THE PILOT of Ricky Fowler’s private jet attempting to put down in hurricane-force winds in Hawaii: “We will shortly be landing at Oahu airport, or near it anyway!” Until next time – Happy Golfing. Contact Mick for your regripping and repairs. 638 859 475.

The Plaza Golf Society RBL Donation On Sunday 24th September The Plaza Golf Society Members donated 200 euros to The Royal British Legion. Our game at Roda on 3rd November 2017 has been designated 'Poppy Day', profits for the day

going to The Royal British Legion. You can put your name down for this event on our site Guests welcome, non golfers why not join us after at The Ale House, Villamartin Square.

certificate. Exclusive Community pool area; Los Montesinos Municipal Piscina/tennis courts/skateboard/football areas close by. Situated in the Vega Baja, Los Montesinos town has a picturesque modern square, situated in the centre of a popular area with a plethora of bars and restaurants, overlooked by the Church and Bell Tower. Town Hall/Police station. Facilities include Banks, Pharmacies, petrol station/Commercial businesses. FOR SALE, only because of another purchase in Los Montesinos. Please contact the owners direct for further details on: +34 7702 340 744 or email:

El Plantio 2 Golf Society Ideal playing conditions seem to be the 'norm' as a healthy attendance of 18 members and 3 guests turned out for the monthly medal on the 26th September. The game proved to be a triumph for Dutchman, George Van Hastert, who returned to Holland several years ago, but returns yearly to renew acquaintances. This time he had the temerity to win the competition as well. I suspect plenty of practise. Nearest the Pins, Hole 2 - Gary Needham, Hole 6 - Ronnie Campbell. 3rd Place, John Wilby, Handicap 2 - 56 shots. 2nd Place, John O'Brien, Handicap 5 - 55 shots. 1st Place, George Van

Hastert, Handicap 17 - 51 shots. Picture shows all prizewinners who are too numerous to mention. If anyone would like to join our Society, we play at El Plantio Golf Club on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. We use both courses - the Par 3 nine hole course and the main 18 hole course, so we cater for all abilities. The membership rates are very competitive, so call for more details. Anyone who wishes to play in the Society as a guest or join as a new member, contact Ian Henderson on 966 716 616 or 636 116 230


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017

The Royal British Legion and On Course Foundation Charity Golf Day at Vistabella The competition(s) were to raise funds for the Royal British Legion and the On Course Foundation. There were TWO separate competitions held on the day with shotgun starts starts at 8.15am and 2.15pm for 138 golfers. Todays events were both a 4 person team stableford event with all fours scores to count As you can imagine this was somewhat of a logistical nightmare as the afternoon players arrived at the course at approximately the same time as the morning players completed their rounds and there were cards,raffle tickets,meal tickets and money everywhere but with some good organisation all went as well as could be expected but there was a delay to the afternoon starters waiting for buggies returning from the morning round and we thank the players for their parience in this matter. We must say a big thank you to Joaquin Rocamora for presenting the Vistabella course in such excellent condition for our competition given the long hot summer and look forward to seeing the new 7 holes opening in 2018. Our main sponsors for the day were Sapphire Properties and Currencies Direct and we thank them for their support and they have pledged their support for 2018. These days don't work without the efforts of many people and sponsors and we thanks the other following people for their donantions and support: The Leader Newspaper, Mike Probert (Costa Blanca Green Fee Services),Mick the Grip, Cash & Carry Building Supplies, Cool Glass Window Tinting,Mike's Digital TV, Window Blind Repairs, Prolatio Health Skin Care Products and South Coast Removals, Albatross Golf Tours, Costa Calida Golf Tours, Galaxy Golf, Great Golf Company,Euronics , Jane Knight Cakes, the Photo Lounge PLUS many people who provided donations for the day and although too many to mention individually you know who you are and we thank you all. In addition the following golf courses donated FREE vouchers for sale with 100% of the proceeds going to the charities: Altorreal,Alenda,Bonalba,Campoamor,El Plantio.Font del Llop,La Manga,La Marquesa,Lo Romero,Mar Menor,New Sierra Golf,Villaitana and Vistabella. To purchase any of these greenfees.many with in excess of 50% disCourse Voucher Altorreal 4GF & 2 Buggies Alenda 2GF Only No Buggy Bonalba 2GF & Buggy Campoamor 2GF & Buggy El Plantio 2GF Only No Buggy Font del Llop 2 GF Only No Buggy Mar Menor (GNK) 2 GF & Buggy La Manga (Any Course) 2GF & Buggy New Sierra Golf 2GF & Buggy La Marquesa 1 GF Villaitana Levante 2GF & Buggy Vistabella 2GF & Buggy

Public Course Price €270 - Our price €140 €110 - Our price €80 €120 - Our price €90 €155 - Our price €100 €150 - Our price €80 €120 - Our price €80 €190 - Our Price €90 €425 - Our price €150 €95 - Reserve €70 €62 - Reserve €40 €216 - Reserve €120 €115 - Reserve €70

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you.

count from normal high season prices.then see the list published below or contact Mike Probert on 661345931. Once again a big thank you to you all. Competition 1 (shotgun Start 8.15am) – 70 players The winning scores on the day were as follows: 1st – R Parker,C Conn,P Herrington & M Littlewood (Vistabella 1) 2nd – R Muttock,J Goulder,B Martin & A Trefry (Med Bar 1) 3rd – C Smith,A Renny,I Grant & P Morgan (Clarkes Bar 4) 4th – A Gifford,K Smith,P Harris & R Rumble (Mini Golf 1) Best Individual Score – M Littlewood Best Supporting Act – B Gammond Nearest Pins – S Venus & J Mitton 2's Pot – S Venus Longest Drive – N O'Donaghue Competition 2 (shotgun Start 2.15pm – 68 players The winning scores on the day were as follows: 1st – G Lester,B Archer,K Farrow & K Styam (Lime Bar 2) 2nd – Mick TV,Mitch TH,K Albright & Paul (TV) 3rd – J Jones,L Cox,J Levi & M Reilly (Gossips) 4th – P Hampshire,P Marsh,C Ransome & R Taxi ( Lo Crispin) Best Individual Score – Paul TV Best Supporting Act - C Frame Nearest Pins – G Lester & Bill Peters 2's Pot (shared) – Not won so an added contribution to the charities. The day was a huge success overall and while the till rolls are still being checked the organisers informed me that they expect the final amount raise to be in excess of €3500. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services Golf Course Price Comments Alenda €120 Two Players and Buggy Alicante €64 Single Green fee and Buggy Altorreal €106 Two Players and Buggy Bonalba €100 Two Players and Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €94 Two Players and Buggy El Plantio €112 Two Players and Buggy (after 12pm) Font Del Llop €134 Two Players and Buggy La Finca €148 Two Players and Buggy La Marquesa €44 Single Green Fee (after 1pm) La Serena €128 Two Players and Buggy Las Colinas €90 Single Green Fee Las Ramblas €110 Two Players and Buggy Lo Romero €148 Two Players and Buggy New Sierra Golf €95 Two Green Fees and Buggy Roda €100 Two Players & Buggy (after 2.30pm) Villamartin €126 Two Players and Buggy Villaitana Poniente €57 Single Green Fee and Buggy Vistabella €88 Two Players and Buggy (weekends) For Bookings and info Mike at quoting the reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


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San Miguel Golf Society at Las Colinas. Captains’s Day. This year’s Captain’s Day, marking Theo Boelhouwer last match day in the role before handing over at this Friday’s Captain’s Dinner to current Vice-Captain Tony Smale, saw a splendid turnout of 57 members and 14 guests. The weather was perfect and the course in pretty good condition, several tees being brought forward, presumably to help speed up play. With tee 1 and 10 starts, some welcome sustenance was received at the cross over point from Theo and Tony’s wives, Debbie and Wendy respectively. The conditions, and of course the excellent food provided, led to some superb scores being posted, with Phil de Lacy (40), Tony Smale (44) and Steve Grundy (47) being the standouts. And it was Steve’s result that meant him being presented with the Captain’s Day trophy, and the wonderful prize of a golf trip away, by one of our key sponsors, Michaela of Golf Hotspots. The day’s stableford competition results, by category and in reverse order, were the following: Bronze Category: 4th Keith Wraithmell (34), 3rd Chris Hamblett (37 on CB), 2nd Brian Butler (37 on CB), and 1st Phil Birtwistle, also with 37 points. Silver Category: 4th Alan MacDonald (36), 3rd Norman Cahill (37), 2nd Phil de Lacy (40), and 1st Steve Grundy with 47 points. Gold Category: 4th Andy Imrie (34), 3rd Robin Eastman (35), 2nd Bjorn Pettersson (36), and 1st Tony Smale with 44 points. Nearest the pins on the par 3’s (open to all) went to Martin Perry (Hole 5), Colin Rust (7), Jim Belshaw (10), Phil de Lacy (14) and Tony Smale (17). Nearest the pin in 2: Hole 6 Tony Smale, Hole 12 Roger Webb Nearest the pin in 3: Hole 3 Darren Hancock, Hole 18 Martin Perry The Abacus was won by Mick Roscoe. The Best Guest prizes went to winner Gary Purtill (38 points) and runner-up Peter Edwards (37). Our thanks go to the staff at Las Colinas for their contribution to an enjoyable day. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website or simply give Theo Boelhouwer a call on 694 494 824 to find out more about the society and its weekly golf gettogethers. Next week we will be at Roda.




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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017

Toothless Torry surrender point to bottom club toothless hosts in the opening 45, only Santi’s sole half-volley troubled Alex in the visitor’s goal midway through the half, with little else to note during the whole of the period.

CD Torrevieja .................... 0 CF UD Ilicitano’.................. 0


nbeaten Torry faced not only winless, but pointless UD Ilicitana, in their 5th match back in the Preferente division.

Manager Pedreño who had successfully navigated his side to 3 victories and a draw, was quietly confident of maintaining the status quo on Sunday evening at Vicente Garcia Stadium. His squad's ranks had been swelled last week by the arrival of Manu Vidal from Sant Julia, who play in the Andorran first division.

Manu Amores was found wanting positionally from several crosses while Juanpe had none of the energy we have seen him display in `previous games. The 27 year old Argentinian will now battle it out with fellow goal keepers Mauro and Buyo, for a starting spot in this key position. With Ilicitano strangling the life out of their The Torry starting X1 on Sunday evening

So as expected Pedreño laid into Torrevieja’s flaky attack at half time after a very poor Vicente Garcia first half performance, accusing some of his players of disappearing against bottom of the table Ilicitano. I would like to say that Torry returned with a change in mentality, piling on the pressure from the outset, but if anything, exactly the opposite was the case as the visitors took the game to their hosts. Indeed but for a couple of Buyo saves Ilicitano could have taken the points despite being reduced to ten following two yellow cards for Chris. The Torry performance wasn’t just disappointing, it was like waiting for a present from mum and dad when you were just a young child and you still believed in Father Christmas, only to find that there is no present after all… and you're only getting Brussel sprouts for your Christmas dinner. The only consolation being that it was not cold and wet Next weekend Torry travel the 70km north to another team that already looks to be fighting relegation, Montforte CF, who have played both of their previous home games on a Saturday. Keep an eye on the club website for details.

San Miguel Bowls Club

La Marina Bowls Club

By Pat McEwan

By Barry Latham

The Valencian Championships have reached the semi final stage with San Miguel Ladies being well represented with Lynn Greenland and Gail Willshire, also Carol Rudge and Anita Brown reaching the Ladies Pairs semi finals. In the singles, Carol Rudge plays Peta Rhodes and Mary Dyer plays Ann Marie Stevenson. The triples also have two San Miguel teams in, Fred and Gail Willshire with Noel Davis, and Lynn Greenland, Carol and Len Rudge, luckily not playing each other. VERY WELL DONE TO YOU ALL GOOD LUCK IN ALL YOUR GAMES.

Still not a lot of bowls going on but plenty of get togethers with good Club companionship. Not long ago we had the Rat Race Night with a full house at the Sports Bar. Dave Hadaway organised a great evening with winners all around. The Rats turned out to be teddy bears on bikes with Alec Whyte making them to look quite realistic. Quite a few bowlers and friends were the jockeys and in the Grand Finale Jeff Halfhyde became the Champion Jockey.

The teams are on the board for the Ladies V Emerald Isle Ladies on the 6th October, please tick off. Don't forget the practice day on 11th October. The Ladies V Gents is on the 14th October. Sheets are now up for the MUFTI OPEN on 16th, 17th, 18th December, get your names down. Club mornings and WASPS are now back to normal, Club mornings 0945 for 1015. WASPS, Wednesday afternoons 1.30pm, €5 for an afternoons bowling, including loan of woods, shoes and free tuition if required. On Wednesday, there were a large number of spectators watching the games, with the auction also taking place, when a ladies handbag was stolen from along side her seat. The CCTV cameras were checked and the police informed. PLEASE wherever you are, whatever you are doing always be aware of your surroundings and keep your bags either on your laps or attached them to the leg of your chair. For further details on San Miguel Bowls Club please call the President Ros Stockell, telephone 699 232 910 or Secretary Pat McEwan, telephone 966 71 4257.

This was followed by a Saturday morning with teams of three pulled out of a hat, each having two games of nine ends. Another good time together which turned out to be a victory for the ladies after some good bowling and exciting finishes. The winners in the end were Lorita Rae, Desna Lowe and Wendy Latham. And to finish off we had the Table Top Sale of the year. Everyone worked to make it work and we have to say that in our Social Secretary, Jean Tregoing we have found a star. Got everybody working together as a team. People kept rolling up to enjoy all that was on sale plus an auction and target bowls. In the end after all the hard work we raised 980 euros for the Club. Thank to those who worked and those who came. After all the work most of us sat down to a pleasant meal in Paolo’s. As President of the Club I feel very proud of the great way everyone has come together to make us a social success and hope we as a team can look forward to a rewarding bowling season taking with us the same spirit.


Rockets Golf Society Due to a change in venue we played our away day at Vistabella Golf with a very good turn out. Our next game on the Tuesday 10th October is also at Vistabella with a Tee Off time of 08.15am so be there at the latest by 08.00am with the correct Green Fee. Results: The Gold category was won by Geoff Cogswell with 34 points, Second was Arfer Williams with the same score 34 points on count back, With Ron Swift in Third place with 33 points. In the Silver category Mick Hithersay was the winner with 34 points, followed by Andy Billings in Second place with 31 points and Tom Richardson was in Third place with 27 points Nearest the Pins Hole 4 Geoff Cogswell Hole 15 Andy Billings Longest Drive Ron Swift The Best Guest was Peter Hayes After the game we returned to our home base which is Bar Patricia for a lovely Cottage Pie and refreshments thanks to Chris and Sue. Anyone who would like to join our friendly Society or just to have a game whilst on holiday give Ron a ring or emai: . See you all on the Tee in 2 weeks.

Carp-R-us Fishing match. Carp-R-Us fished for the first Peter Kerr Memorial Cup at Beniarres. This venue has in the past been very good and was one of Pete's favourites but this week the fishing was hard. Mark Foden won with 6.82kg using feeder and pellet. Second was Roy Buttress with 5.44kg using feeder and corn and third was Andy Foden with 4.92kg using the same tactics.



637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th October, 2017


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