No 861 Monday 5th - Monday 12th April 2021
637 227 385
Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
BY RAYMOND KEARNEY or a cowboy, crossing a desert was daunting task. Buzzards or vultures circling overhead warn of someone dying of thirst and these great ugly birds are eagerly waiting to pick the meat off them.
In Spain vultures can be seen in zoos but also where a dead human body lies, silently still. This may sound a little like a fictional horror story but this is a very real scenario played out every day in Spain. Here are three real stories, two of them will chill you to the very core. On the 2nd February 2015, my wife and I
were travelling to Madrid to celebrate our wedding anniversary the next day. Our two friends Alan and Alan, a married gay couple were starting their month-long holiday to Thailand. They flew from Alicante to Madrid but they were under time pressure to catch their connecting flight out of Madrid.
Continued on Page 2
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
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Alan (67) dropped dead in the Madrid airport from a heart attack. I got the terrible news when we were half way to Madrid. Within 3 hours I was with the younger Alan who was understandably totally distraught and lost in grief and confusion. As Alan died in a public place an autopsy was mandatory and would take place the next morning in a university hospital mortuary. That next morning, we duly arrived about 10:30 but had to wait a few hours before Alan’s body could be released. A mutual friend called Denise worked in Avalon and she had previously arranged a very nice funeral plan for Alan including repatriation of his body from anywhere in Spain back to where he lived and to the funeral home of his choice. Everything was arranged, everything was in order until the vultures began to circle.
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When it came to paying the bill, which was about 3,000€, Francisca said “pay us when you can”, wow, what a difference.
I had to pay the 1,648€ ransom before they released the body.
I would describe Francisca as a compassionate person who sincerely wants to help those bereaved at their lowest moments.
They will try to do a ‘body-snatch’ even if you have a good funeral plan in place with a reputable company like Avalon, or if you want Francisca from PF Samper in Pilar de la Horadada to make the arrangements.
The moral of these personal stories is for you to be aware that greedy vultures are waiting for you or your loved ones to die.
On Christmas Eve 2020 while preparing for Santa Clause’s imminent arrival, my young friends’ only child (3) fell into a freezing swimming pool and drowned. The young parents were devastated and shocked, not to mention all the other emotions that were flooding through them. The police and ambulance arrived first and while waiting for the coroner, ASV funeral home in Torrevieja miraculously arrived without the family calling them. The 3-year-old was taken by the coroner to Alicante for Autopsy. The people from ASV asked for either of the distressed parents to come into their office the next morning (Christmas Day) to sign some papers and to make arrangements.
Immaculately dressed men and women came to us expressing their condolences, one after the other they asked disThe police traught Alan to sign a form. I explained several times that we had an Avalon funeral plan, their reaction was “yes, we work with Avalon”. This was a “standard” form for the release of the body. Luckily hours earlier Denise warned me not to sign anything and told me the name of the people that Avalon had organised.
The young shocked and emotional father was asked to sign a document which was and ambulance actually a commitment to pay 3,900€ for a cremation with no first and while service, no cars, no church and no flowers. for the coroner,
arrived waiting ASV funeral home from Torrevieja miraculously arrived without the family calling them.
The father in this highly emotional state, blindly signed the document on Christmas Day.
The next day I got involved and was shocked at the price that was on the document. I got another quote for about half that amount.
Alan was a quivering wreck and almost signed the forms several times. One lady even appeared in a white doctor’s coat with a form to sign.
I went into ASV in Torrevieja and asked them to release the little body to the other undertaker. Initially they refused saying they had a signed authorisation.
I was sickened to my stomach by this total lack of compassion and the obvious greed that I witnessed on that day.
I insisted that they give me an invoice for any expenses they incurred and release the 3-year-old child’s body to the other undertaker.
My grandson Pauly (22) died suddenly on the 1st January 2020. My daughter Tanya was recommended to contact Francisca from Pompas Fúnebres Samper from Pilar de la Horadada, which she did.
Eventually, after threatening them with legal action they gave me an invoice for 1,648€.
Francisca was supportive, helpful and compassionate. She organised everything and made all the arrangements seem easy and everything ran smoothly.
The only legitimate cost I believe that they could have had was transport from Alicante to Torrevieja. There was no death registration, no coffin, no embalming or dressing, no service and no cremation for that price.
THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO DO, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Tell one or two close friends what you want when you or a loved one dies. When tragedy strikes call them so as to put your wishes into action. SIGN NOTHING when you are in an emotionally distraught state.
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Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021 The mayor at the rostrum with Ciudadanos leader, Jose Aix, on his shoulder
Anticorruption urged Bascuñana to provide evidence of his activities prior to raising charges
he charges made against the mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, are a fact, contrary to what his colleague Rafael Almagro maintains, and the investigation process for a crime of embezzlement is well advanced, and not just starting out, contrary to a statement made by Juan Francisco Pérez Llorca, general coordinator of the Partido Popular in the province, who also states that he is confident that the mayor is completely innocent. In fact some witnesses have already appeared. Among them, the territorial director of Health from November 2008 to 2015, José Ángel Sánchez Navajas, who said that as soon as he took office, he told Bascuñana that he did not need him, telling him to return to his position as a family doctor. The investigation centres around a charge of embezzlement, and whether the current mayor of Orihuela collected a public salary without doing any work, for a period of around four years, and for which he pocketed, in total, more than 202,000 euros . It began at the end of 2019, with the delegated prosecutors unable to find evidence that Bascuñana was carrying out any tasks, despite the fact that he was receiving payment. Moreover, the Spanish Newspaper, Diario Informacion, reports that before the charge against the mayor was formalised in the senior court of Orihuela, he was urged to present evidence of the work he had carried out, which could have led to the case being closed, but he has yet failed to contribute anything. Bascuñana was assigned to the territorial directorate of Health in Alicante in October 2007, in a role that he filled until 2013, even though it was not extended beyond 2008. During the period from 2009, however, he was not allocated to any office and neither is there evidence of any work being carried out. In a statement made on Wednesday, the Orihuela mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, completely refuted the allegations made against him, and in so doing put paid to any talk there may have been regarding his resignation. He said that "they are nothing new," and that he is "a good man, who has worked as a doctor for more than 30 years." "The investigation is based on fallacies and they are an absolute
lie. I have no doubts that it will all end by clearing my name." He said that his tasks were those of "advice, collaboration, coordination and support", that he did not have an office because he was either out on the road, “covering the entire province" or he teleworked, and neither are there any reports that corroborate his activities, "because they were not necessary." However, there was no announcement nor appearance before the media, with the statement surfacing solely on his private Facebook and Twitter profiles. One person who has been very quiet during the whole process is the Leader of Ciudadanos, the party that is propping up the Partido Popular in Orihuela’s coalition Government. Deputy Mayor Jose Aix said “We need to be very calm, but if the allegations are true it would be very bad for the municipality, and we would ask that the mayor takes responsibility.” Back in November 2019, however, according to his own party website, Aix said that Ciudadanos “will do whatever is necessary when a judge confirms that Bascuñana is charged, not before. The Municipal Group will adopt the necessary measures and demand the appropriate action be taken in accordance with the provisions of it’s ethical code”. Well Mr Aix, the mayor has now been charged, of which you are fully aware, but we still wait to see the C’s response, and exactly what the provisions of your ethical code might be! The general secretary of the PSPV-PSOE of the province of Alicante, José Chulvi, has meanwhile demanded that the president of the Diputación and president of the PP in the province, Carlos Mazón, takes ‘immediate’ measures. He says that "Mazón is rewarding corruption," maintaining that his inaction is embarrassing and insulting towards all the people of Alicante, whose money has paid Bascuñana's salary without him lifting a finger. He said that this is just one more example of how the PP turns a blind eye to corruption.
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
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U3A hold their first virtual meeting Walking through On Friday 26th March the and also thought-provoking. Spanish Poetry Torrevieja branch of the U3A held its first monthly weeting since the current problems first started The meeting was a virtual experience carried out by the means of Zoom that allowed members anywhere in the world to partake from the comfort of their armchairs!. Everyone was able to see all the other people attending as well as the different officers whilst they made their announcements for the, hopeful, future. The main speaker was a U3A member, Martin Pitman, who gave a very good presentation entitled "Strawberries from Nepal". It was an extremely detailed look into the lives of certain groups in Nepal and was highly interesting
The whole meeting was recorded and the video is available for members to watch on the Torrevieja U3A website and also on its Facebook page. The next meeting to be held by this means will be on April 30th when we will have Brad De Abreu, a representative of “Age in Spain”, speaking to us about all the help and support available to those people living in Spain that their association.provides. Anyone U3A member wishing to join in can do so by contacting our Media manager Les to register your interest in taking part and to receive the necessary link. Further details will be advised by separate means over the next couple of weeks. Get in early as there is a limit to attendees of 100 members.
San Fulgencio company fined for dumping furniture. The Local Police have issued a fine to the owner of a furniture company, for depositing a bed and a mattress by the bins on a public road. The councillor for Urban Waste, David Vives said, "this is a company that we
The Orihuela Council has organised an urban poetic exhibition, using vinyl patches installed on the ground as a format. This is a way of holding exhibitions in the open air and bringing culture closer to the public in a safe way. The exhibition is a journey through Spanish poetry, from the Pre-Renaissance to the present day, from Jorge Manrique to Carmen Conde, from Florencia Pinar to Miguel Hernández. Councillor for Culture, Mar Ezcurra, has explained that “this is a brief selection of poets and poems that crosses time, reminding us of the great authors that we have, allowing us to enjoy works that will make us appreciate their literature in a more global, egalitarian and equitable way ”. The exhibition is located on the Primer Andén de la Avenida Teodomiro de Orihuela and on the Esplanade in Playa Flamenca.
know has dumped their old furniture on a number of occasions, sometimes traveling to other municipalities where they do the same.”
the photographs provided by a member of the public and issued a fine of 760 euros to the company owner for leaving belongings on the public highway.
The police were alerted to a vehicle, belonging to a furniture delivery and collection company, that had deposited a mattress and a sofa next to a container in C/Rosales in La Marina urbanisation. After confirming with the municipal authorities that no one had requested a collection service in that location, the police inspected
Vives praised the officers, saying that the residents of San Fulgencio "have a perfectly good service that removes this type of material when requested to do so, by calling 693 927 778. Perhaps people will note the action taken by the police and make the call which will result in a much cleaner environment for us all.”
Spraying outside the Leisure (CMO) Centre where mass vaccinations are currently taking place. Photo courtesy
Torrevieja declares war on Mosquitoes! Abundant rain, around one hundred litres per square metre in March, an increase in temperatures, more insolation, and the arrival of spring. All are synonymous with the clouds of mosquitoes currently being experienced in Torrevieja. Swarms can be regularly seen across dozens of points in the urban area and residential areas. Indeed half of the municipal area is a wetland, which, with brackish waters is the ideal habitat for the reproduction of mosquitoes. The council has therefore made its social network pages available to residents so that they can advise of the places where mosquito swarms are seen and for the last week or so the Department of Health, has been using it’s pest team, fumigation without respite, over al the days of the Easter holiday.
The pest control team has already fumigated the areas: Parque Estación, Margen de la zona de Acequión, Parque Asturias, Urbanización Parque de las Naciones, Hondo area; area Urb. DaVinci, C / Diamante, Colegio Acequión, Descampado hasta AFA, Refuerzo en Lavanderas, C / Rubén Darío, C / Hermanos Quinteros, C / Rosalía De Castro, C / Valle Inclán, Torretas, Vía Verde, Municipal Leisure Center,All sewage and drainage. It is understood that spraying will continue until they have gone. You can notify the Torrevieja City Council of the areas where there are mosquitoes, by sending an email to Alternatively you can message through the facebook page of the Torrevieja Health Dept
Talks to prevent abuse of new technologies oradada Social Services organised four talks during the last month aimed at students in the fifth and sixth grades of Primary Education, the objective of which is to prevent addiction to mobile phones and video games among the municipality’s youth.
The talks were presented by the Community Prevention Unit of Addictive Behaviours - UPCCA of Pilar de la Horadada in order to advise users of the many different mental and physical problems that may be cause by such addictions including sleep disturbances, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, relationship problems and anxiety. The UPCCA of Pilar de la Horadada emphasised the importance of informing youngsters about the risks of excessive use of New Technologies and the increasing number of people who are being referred to doctors and mental health professional for support and treatment.
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Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
Torrevieja and La Mata Fairs reopen till 18 April T he children’s amusements and fairs have reopened to the public in Torrevieja and La Mata and will operate on weekdays and weekends until 9.30 pm. The Councillor, Federico Alarcón, said that all necessary safety and hygiene measure will be applied with hydroalcoholic gel dispensers available at all entrances to both fairgrounds.
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Payful Chula loves cuddles
The use of masks is mandatory whether or not the safety distances are kept, with users required to carry out disinfection after each activity. The Torrevieja amusement fair is located in the port area, in front of the Paseo de La Freedom while the La Mata fair, is situated in the Plaza de Encarnación Puchol. The councillor said that the two fairs will provide a welcome source of entertainment and he hopes that people can enjoy all the activities whilst respecting the safety protocols that are currently in place.
Foxy Ladies are back
It is great to know that we can meet up again for our Foxy ladies lunch since our Christmas one. I hope you have all kept well and now ready to meet. Our lunch is on Friday 30th April at Stan and Ollies in El Raso. We are having our Spring Fashion Show first and that will be for 12.00 The restaurant will be very good as social distancing and we will be well apart as we were on our last visit there. Creana is bringing along the new season range so lots to see. Are there any ladies who would like to volunteer and be a model for us, please? Arrival time is from anytime after 11.00 for the stock preview and show and then lunch is booked for 1.30 Please contact me by Monday 26th April with your menu choices as that is the day I contact the restaurant. Should you need to cancel please contact me by Thursday 29th April by email… or by phone on 966 795 103/ 659 014 445
HOT CHOCOLATE EXCLUSIVE Andrew Atkinson talks to former Hot Chocolate lead singer, Murcia based Gregg Bannis, in a Exclusive interview. "I first became interested in singing as a baby - I screamed a lot before I fell asleep' - Gregg Bannis. Part 1 of a two-part interview ONLY in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader newspaper NEXT WEEK.
hula is an 8 year old, Mastin cross. She is a big, playful girl who loves cuddles.
For more info contact 966 71 0047 or email
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Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
Molotov Cocktail thrown into Cartagena’s Podemos HQ
The Podemos offices in Cartagena were attacked on Thursday night after someone broke a window and threw a Molotov cocktail into the building setting fire to the left wing party headquarters and causing major damage. The outside of the building was also daubed with graffiti.
"Tonight, the extreme right has gone a step further and attacked the headquarters of Podemos Cartagena with explosive material. A few months ago PP and VOX refused to support a statement condemning an earlier attack, "Sánchez Serna declared on his Twitter profile.
Although the incident was caught on camera it was only the outbreak of the fire that could be clearly seen. The perpetrator was able to keep himself out of shot.
This news was echoed by the national leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias , who condemned the attack: "The street terrorism of the ultras is not going to intimidate us, he said. “We will continue to stand up for democracy, freedom of expression and social justice".
The incident was denounced by the regional coordinator of the party, Javier Sánchez Serna. In security cameras it can be seen how, after breaking the window glass, someone throws an incendiary device that immediately causes a fire to start inside the facilities.
The PSOE leader, Diego Conesa, also expressed his support for the purple party sending a message to the Executive of Fernando López Miras : " The regional institutions cannot continue overlook the hate speech of the extreme right," he said.
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
Can vegetarians be trusted?
earth’s surface is not suitable for growing grain, fruit or vegetables that humans can eat, but nearly everywhere the local habitat sustains animal life.
A lot of middling land is only good for the rough grazing of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.
n this age of enlightenment, even the most minority view has to be taken on board and ‘rights’ are very easily arrived at. It is therefore about time that the biased, prejudiced, narrow-minded group have somebody to represent them. This column is a platform for the much maligned bigots: just call us the up-trodden – as against the down-trodden. We are entitled (the most used and abused word in Ireland) to have an ignorant, biased say about whatever we like … or don’t like. Let’s reveal the type I am here: When I was a drinker I had no time for those who didn’t drink. That some of these non-drinkers changed into nice guys when I sobered up is totally irrelevant. Right now, as a non-gay man, I firmly believe that gays are overrepresented on RTE and in the media, No doubt, if I ever go gay, I will change my mind … same as with the drink. Do you see where this is going? No? …. Well actually, I’m not too sure myself – but I get paid to fill this space – so suck it up! I don’t trust vegetarians, although I was once a good friend with one – which was carrying friendship a bit too far. The man who never felt the pleasure of a steak-knife in his hand at a BBQ is not a fit man to make crucial decisions on anything.
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Eating meat is not cruelty to animals. The big fish eats the little fish and I eat the big fish. The chicken drags the worm slowly out of the soil and eats it. I eat the chicken – if the fox doesn’t get it first and subject it to a horrible death. Every organism on earth dies or is killed at some point so that other organisms can live. This applies to plants as well – and what have vegetarians to say to those researchers who claim that plants feel fear? Without wishing to put the boot any further into vegetarians … ah OK, I will so!
Some non-meat eaters are not too hard to be around, because they just keep their defects to themselves and eat their greens and beans without commentary. Other veggies wait for the slightest opportunity to adopt a moral superior arrogance as they pontificate about the rights of the fowl and the fishes. Once again I quote, ‘Confucius say people who like animals too much like people too little.’
The first bit of bad news for the veggies is that they don’t live any longer than the rest of us; but why would they want to, I hear the butchers ask.
All vegetarians are not the same. There are total vegetarians who exclude all kinds of meat, as well as animal-based products, such as milk, butter and eggs. Lacto-vegetarians will exclude the meat, but partake of milk and milk products: Then we have the Lacto-ovavegetarians who will chance the egg as well as the milk products.
Unless our committed vegetarian stuffs his mouth with vitamin pills, he might not even live as long as the rest of us; could be miserable – and will never experience the pleasure of picking the last bit of meat off a T-bone.
We usually see things, not as they are, but as we are.
They are all wrong – although even in the throes of our bias, we give the others the right to eat what they like. Remember though, that half the population of the world has little or nothing of any sort of food to eat.
So, we in the narrow-minded, biased, uninformed, prejudiced and nasty wing of the human race agree that it is OK for our vegetarian to munch away on his lettuce leaf, as long as it’s OK for me to tease my palate with the crispy bits of the leg of the well fed and well cared for Easter lamb which gives me its leg.
*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
Archaeological evidence shows that eating meat has been an essential part of human evolution for two million years. Most of the
Oh dear … Ok so! I’m told that I have to declare my interest in this topic! This article is not an unbiased report. I breed pedigree Dexter
While still alive, their body is generally lacking iron, calcium, zinc, vitamins D and B12, riboflavin and very often protein as well.
dd a little surprise to the garden with beautiful yellow fuzzy flowers
Every garden needs a foliage plant to act as a contrast for its colourful blooms, and Silver Dust is
Cattle for their beef! Now, the editor wants to hear the vegetarian side of the debate …? Don’t Forget
Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
the for any colour scheme and looks fantastic in all kinds of containers, including hanging baskets and window boxes. Their silvery leaves look stunning when paired with cool coloured flowers, such as purple and blue, but, also pair well with the hot colours of red and orange. It's an old-fashioned tender perennial that's drought tolerance and pest-free that adds lots of dazzle. More mature Silver Dust plants may add a little surprise to your garden as they sometimes produce beautiful yellow fuzzy flowers. Thriving in hot, sunny climates and full sun, it will help them stay compact and keep their fabulous silver foliage colour. Plants growing in shade will be leggy and produce fewer hairs, that give them their silvery colour. Silver Dust isn't fussy with soil type, as they will adapt, however, good drainage is key for healthy plants.
The fuzzy hairs that gives Silver Dust its shine also helps the plant in periods of drought and can get by with one inch of water per week, to keep it growing strong. Note, excessive watering can cause root rot. Silver Dust plants only need supplemental fertilisers when planted in areas of very poor soil. It's best to feed and improve the soil at the same time, by adding organic matter like well-rotted manure or leaf mould. You can propagate Silver Dust by taking cuttings in the spring, when plants are putting out the most rapid new growth. Simply cut off a 6-inch stem, strip the leaves from the base and insert into moist potting soil. Keep moist and warm until new leaves begin to grow, then transplant as desired. Ingestion of Silver Dust can cause minor illness like diarrhoea or vomiting. The sap of the plant may also cause a rash.
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Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
Yurt camping just 10 km from Benidorm it’s a wonder they are still standing. I think some are struggling to stay up there because of erosion and are having to have work on them to keep them from tumbling down the hillside. It is worth stopping and having a little wander around this old typically Spanish beautiful village. I think this village is one of my very favourites.
The Yurt is very spacious and cosy and done out in a Morrocon style, with quirky articles around. Rugs on the floor and a gas heater for when the sun goes down. A patio outside with chairs and sun loungers, so you can take in the sun either reading, or doing puzzles, playing games. It is so back to nature as there is no television, WHAT!! you say no TV, really you don’t need it, just enjoy each other’s company.
We stopped for lunch in a tapas bar in one of the quaint narrow typically Moorish feel streets, lovely. People were so friendly, and every single person had masks on.
By Linday Bentley Isn’t it great that the Covid numbers have come down a lot and now allow us to more confidently get away, even if it is just for one night. We decided on a yurt in a peaceful location in the hills of Finestrat. Only 10 km from Benidorm but not a high rise in sight, only mountains, hills and greenery and the sounds of chirping birds and the occasional dog barking. The scenery and sounds I like best. To get to the yurt you drive through the little old village of Finestrat with its Moorish origin, narrow, cobbled streets, and pretty coloured houses. So many have been beautifully renovated so the whole village has a back in time old Spanish feel and what you notice is that it is loved as its so clean and well-kept. As you are driving in many houses on the outskirts of the town are set high on the hillside and
Here they have a culture trail, that takes you all over the village, showing you all the best bits. Also, a simple quiz for adults or children. Which makes walking around more interesting for children. The Tourist Information Office is along the main road and I am sure they could help you out with a leaflet with the trail on. Finestrat is the only Spanish village that has two parts to it. One on the coast and one in the hills. The Government gave the beach area to Finestrat
The bathroom and kitchen are set above the yurt on the hillside. The steps were a bit precarious to take to get there, I wish they were a little bit wider with a handrail but that’s just me as I am getting older.
to say thank you to the villagers for helping save the area from pirates. The beach area is called Cala Finestrat The ten-minute drive from Finestrat to where we were staying in the yurt was on a narrow road around the mountains, with massive drops on one side. It was a little scary, well for me anyway, but worth it. We arrived down a dirt track in a beautiful valley, where the yurt was situated. Full of different trees, almonds, olives and more, birds singing and the majestic backdrop of the mountain Puig Campana, so beautiful. It is a huge area with only two Yurts on it, one where the owner lives and the one, he rents out. They are so distanced apart maybe by 1000m, so you have complete privacy.
The bathroom is semi outside and it’s great to wash or have a shower while still seeing your outside surroundings Such a great experience. The kitchen is outside with only a roof over. There is a fridge and a gas hob, So cooking your meals outside, a back to nature feeling. Then to eat it facing the mountain and valley, relaxing with a glass of wine, awesome. I was hoping to see a sky full of stars as darkness descended on us. I was disappointed as the moon was very bright and the sky towards the coast was still a little bright from the Benidorm lights. I think we needed to be more inland to enjoy a fully laden star sky. We have so many great places to visit on our doorstep if you want to explore. The yurt was booked on under “unique stays”.
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
the season for giving, being thoughtful and doing all that you can to support those in need and this week I’ve been asked to give a massive shout out to Ann and Jon Barlett.
Ann has been involved with helping charities for the last 9 years, raising 10’s of thousands of euros. She is also the first to offer spot prizes from Zest and make up hampers to help bring in more money when needed.
Ann and Jon moved to the Costa Blanca 14 years ago from Llanrumney in Wales and opened up Johnson’s Supermarket in Playa Flamenca. After 2 years, they fancied a change and set up Zest Hair and Beauty Salon in the Citrus Centre, Playa Flamenca.
Ann’s heart is with the Elche Children’s Care Home Charity, which was founded to provide funding for the Baix Vinalopo Children’s Centre in Elche. Every cent donated is spent directly on the everyday needs of the children there.
On Friday 26th March, a fancy dress fundraiser was organized by Ann and held at Kacey’s Bar in the Citrus Centre, where over €700 was raised for the La Florida Food Bank. With a lot of help from her work collegues Linda, Susan, Lucy and Lauren, along with Ann’s friends and family, the day was filled with fun and laughter. I must also give a special mention to Nicola Tate who always gives up her time to provide face painting, balloon modeling and helps to organize events with Ann. Ann on her way to support yet another fundraiser
Ann and Jon are pillars of the community so on behalf of a lot of very grateful people we would all like to thank you for everything that you do. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the strength and support that shines throughout the Costa Blanca and beyond when times are hard and people are in need is just overwhelming. So keep doing what you’re all doing as it is much appreciated. Not a lot happened in my house this week to report. The kids are off school so trying to work and play the role of Mary Poppins would make your brain turn to mush. People tell me that I will miss it all when the kids get older but at this present moment in time, I don’t believe them! I dream of a nice night away on my own, child and hubby free, in a hotel with a Jacuzzi and free vino on tap. Surely that’s not too much for a woman to ask? Thank God for YouTube & Tik Tok as my patience to sit down and make another jigsaw or art piece is scarce. We are blessed to live right beside the beach and it is well within our 5km travel allowance. With the clocks changing last week, it makes our evenings more enjoyable, as we get to have a nice evening walk before bed with a hint of fun. The kids love the wind down time and they even love getting to spend that little bit of time with Mammy, where she’s not going around the house like a whirlwind cleaning and tidying up. I suppose you could say it’s win win all around. Have a lovely week x
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With the lighter evenings, the kids can get out and enjoy the beach rather more
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Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
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ANSWERS Week 860
ACROSS 1. Face (11) 9. Land feature (7) 10. Proprietor (5) 11. Law (5) 12. Component (7) 13. Charted (6) 15. Wax cylinder (6) 18. Allegory (7) 20. Correspond (5) 22. Kayak (5) 23. Twister (7) 24. Reliable (11)
CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 14. 16. 17. 19. 21.
Frequently (5) Candidate (7) Followed (6) Clay brick (5) Vie (7) Wary (11) Fraternity (11) Associate (7) Fan (7) Confer (6) Consecrate (5) Educate (5)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Yearbook; 5 Rang; 9 Mass; 10 Reprisal; 11 Diary; 12 Capture; 13 Independently; 18 Terrific; 19 Gate; 20 Referee; 21 Havoc; 22 Mild; 23 Standing. DOWN: 2 Evasion; 3 Reserve; 4 Over-confident; 6 Assault; 7 Gallery; 8 Triple; 13 Interim; 14 Direful; 15 Pliers; 16 Niggard; 17 Let-down. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Flamingo; 5 Spiv; 9 Lees; 10 Coverage; 11 Moral; 12 Heroine; 13 Interest rates; 18 Fair play; 19 Rail; 20 Retired; 21 Vague; 22 Odds; 23 By halves. DOWN: 2 Lie down; 3 Massage; 4 Good husbandry; 6 Pianist; 7 Viewers; 8 Wearer; 13 Inferno; 14 Twisted; 15 Report; 16 Airmail; 17 Epicure.
ACROSS 1. Almost the winner as 100 waste very little time (5,6) 9. Rail not bent being tested (7) 10. Go red when learner is found in shrub (5) 11. The extent of her anger (5) 12. Erratic arching in mortification (7) 13. So tube can be dull (6) 15. About fifty underneath roar like bulls (6) 18. Related to benevolent Communist (7) 20. He will get a ring and answer thus (5) 22. From a town, and almost polite! (5) 23. The contents of a bag of dismissal notices? (7) 24. Somehow lends lasses ever decreasing amounts (4,3,4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. The name for which kind of very elderly person stems from the Persian word for 'wax'? 2. Which popular 70s band was named after an American high school gym teacher? 3. The two films 'Village of the Damned' were based on which book? 4. Which trophy, which has been played for since 1900, has often been called "The ugliest salad bowl in the world"? 5. Which unpopular little word is Latin for poison or slimy liquid? 6. St. Paul's cathedral in London is an example of which architectural style? 7. The majority of immigrants to the USA between 1820 and 1900 came from which two countries? 8. In which film is corn bread, meat loaf, mashed potatoes with gravy, okra and peach cobbler the last meal request of condemned prisoner John Coffey? 9. Which maritime explorer gave the Pacific ocean its name? 10. The following are the first words to songs with the word 'Mother' in the song title. Can you name the song? a. No I would not give you false hope on this strange and mournful day. b. Born a poor young country
DOWN 2. Admit the French metal (3,2) 3. Trembles and splinters (7) 4. Comfort thus with fancy material (6) 5. Snake found in disco, braggart said! (5) 6. Run late, but not into siding (7) 7. Incompetent watchman has low prospects (4,4-3) 8. At that time drew low output in America (3,3,5) 14. Half a score clever? It's feasible! (7) 16. Moral part of the twentieth I call it (7) 17. Strange boy has better then even chances (6) 19. Breaking them puts one out of line (5) 21. Through which hitch-hiking is on the up and up? (5)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) boy. c. What a drag it is getting old. d. You're so hot teasing me. e. Let's all get up and dance to a song 11. For many years after WW II the part of Major Strasser was removed from which cult film in German cinemas? 12. Who was the most infamous of all the seraphim? 13. Christine Jorgensen was the first person to undergo what in 1953? 14. Shiguli and Zil are both examples of what in Russia? 15. The name for which vessel, often a habitat, stems from the Chinese for 'three' and 'plank'? 16. Which two British aviators were the first to be able to say 'yesterday I was in the Americas, today I'm in Europe'? 17. Who released each of the following chart topping albums in 1977? a. Songs In The Key Of Life. b. Arrival. c. A Night On The Town. d. Low. e. Love At The Greek. f. Works 18. What is kept in a Formicarium? 19. Which popular UK band takes its name from a fictional doctor in Barbarella? 20. Which country was the only country to have hosted a Summer Olympic games and not win a single gold medal?
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Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
Sue Eldin is one of the team at a London medical practice, and about half the cases referred to her by her doctor colleagues are gut disorders. At the first consultation, Sue gives patients a diet diary to be filled in carefully for a fortnight. On one page, the patient notes every single thing eaten or drunk over the course of a day and the time it was taken; on the opposite page, every change in symptoms - and the time the change occurred. At the next consultation, Sue goes through the diary. 'You can often spot the problem straight away; she says. 'Saccharin is a massive trigger -those dreadful diet foods. So are artificial flavourings and colourings. Monosodium glutamate is one of the worst, omnipresent in our Western diet - packet soups, burgers, crisps. Pork - bacon, salami, pate, sausages and pies. In my experience, though, wheat and dairy products are seldom the problem.'
AVOID TRIGGER FOODS Once trigger foods are avoided, Sue finds problems often clear up fast. Only then does she prescribe herbs to deal with the distressing symptoms IBS brings in its wake. Slippery elm is the herb she's most likely to prescribe - one of the most useful herbs English colonists learned about from North American Indians. The inner bark of the elm tree is loaded with mucilage, a smooth slippery substance that coats the walls of the intestines to soothe, protect and heal them. It's nourishing too, and will help clear up diarrhoea.
Here's an idea…….. Horrible griping pains? Try fennel tea. It's so mild that Italian mammas give it to their colicky babies, but it's highly effective for griping pains and wind, especially drunk just after a meal. You can get it as tea bags, or you can try this wonderfully warming brew suggested by the nineteenth-century German herbalist. Abbe Kneipp: 'A spoonful of fennel seed cooked in a cup of milk for five to ten minutes... and drunk as hot as possible.'
for two hours, then very gently warm to just above body temperature. Add a little honey to this wonderfully soothing goo. Meadowsweet, says US herbalist David Hoffmann, 'is one of the best digestive remedies available... it protects and soothes the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, reducing acidity and easing nausea.' Make a tea from this pretty wild flower with its clouds of fragrant creamy blossoms: pour a cupful of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of the dried herb, let it steep for ten to fifteen minutes then drink hot three times a day. You can take it in pill or tincture
form, too. IBS used to be known as spastic colon, from the horrid griping pains it produced as the colon went into spasm. It's peppermint to the rescue here: it works by relaxing those hyperactive muscles in the colon walls, and it helps if you're nauseated too. Buy it in pill form or as a powder, and prepare it according to the maker's directions.
IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME Millions of people in the Western world suffer from irritable bowel syndrome: according to some estimates, as many as one in five of us.
Peppermint oil is especially popular with IBS sufferers, and in tea form peppermint is so popular that many restaurants will offer it to you instead of an after-dinner coffee.
The leaves, the flowers and especially the root of marshmallows, closely related to hollyhocks, are also rich in mucilage. Try a tea made from the dried herb: 30g to a litre of boiling water, infused covered for ten minutes, and drunk over the course of the day. Or add 30g of the powdered root to a litre of tepid water, leave
Why? It’s down to the dreadful diet that many of us eat. IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS) is uncomfortable at best; at worst, it makes life impossible for its victims. The wretched list of symptoms includes cramping pains, gas, bloating, bunged-up constipation, or diarrhoea so bad you can't plan an outing without an anxious toilet check. Your doctor may prescribe drugs to relieve these symptoms. But they won't sort out your problems long term. What you need is good old kitchen medicine. And some tried and trusted herbs. Sensitivity to certain foods is a common cause of IBS. Herbalist
NEXT WEEK: Dodge the Delhi Belly
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see SALT CHURCH (formally
Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. There are no further meetings planned at this time. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members
are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed
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and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to ongoing covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment. In normal times we provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony: For Welfare contact Andy on 0034 711 00 86 84. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In
Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We will reopen as soon as we are able when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
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Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
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I Am Not One To Complain or The Blood Test by Tony Wagstaff
e all love those adverts with a sing along tune which you regularly find yourself humming to even after it has stop playing. Advertising, the staple diet for the promotion of a product for all businesses, including the big companies, is a must to keep their name in the public’s mind. And so be it, over the years some wonderful ditties have been fashioned using rhyme and music to achieve this.
People who know me know I am not one to complain, I am perfectly happy with my life here in Spain. My wife keeps me fed, healthy and sane, And things are not bad….well….not in the main But some days are hot, by god are they hot. And I pray for those days when it is cloudy with rain.
This was a time when a certain company manufacturing tinned food developed such a commercial and showed it on television over and over again, where it became something you could sing to and remained on everyone’s lips.
As I say I am not one to complain... but Is it just me or do you agree, that as we get older The winter nights get much colder I relax on my sofa with a rug over my knees I sit there and watch as my wine starts to freeze.
Rag weeks at colleges and universities occur when the learning is on hold for the break and the students need to relax, and in doing so, attempt to raise money for a charity. The origination of this activity started in the eighteen hundreds, and there are bodies that control and promote it.
I go to my bed as there’s nowt else to do No sooner I’m in… I’m out to the loo I lay there awake til well after three I gaze at the ceiling… but there’s nothing to see Then nature calls, and I am up for a pee Again.
It was on such an occasion when I was invited by the scholars of the local academy to help them in the production they were putting together as, in their words, ‘they needed someone who looked more mature.´ That was a bit of a knock as I thought myself to be young and debonair. In Barking East London, although in those days it was in Essex, there are a group of about five high rise flats of ten floors each, white and beige in colour. Between the building was a wide concrete road running down the middle of them. At that time on television, a little ditty was sung with crowds of housewives marching in a street holding up banners, singing a catchy little tune which won awards for its originality, and is still to this day recognised for its selling ability. So, the plan by the students was for me to be the film maker for the Rag, standing on one of the roofs of the flats with a movie camera, looking down from the end of this wide avenue. The scholars had made banners which could be held up above the head. They then went and knocked on all the doors to these flats, acting as if they were from the company involved, and encouraged those who were at home to join them in the street. I was in my place, looking down on it all, when the occupants of the tower blocks came out. All were women, most of them in pinny’s as in the television advert. I guess the men were not invited. The students then formed them into a large group in the centre of the road, five abreast and about ten deep, issuing them with the banners
they had made. They were then encouraged to start marching and singing the ditty, as they danced along the street clinging to the posters ‘A million housewives every day, pick up a can of beans and say ‘Beanz Meanz Heinz.´ Perfect copy, well almost, of the real thing. As I was not really involved in the event, only as a puppet on the roof, I have no knowledge of what happened thereafter, my thoughts were ‘it was their show, not mine’ and I left. However, I understand the housewives all loved what had happened and laughed at themselves for being drawn into the ruse. It did not end there as the local newspapers covered the story and then it went national, and of course Heinz loved it, and were very happy to give away samples of their product to those who had taken part. I didn´t get anything, other than a great day and a lovely memory. chattey all books available from Amazon and Kindle
Diamonds are Forever By Andrew Atkinson Lovehearts George and Brenda Stanhope from Los Montesinos who tied the knot 60 years ago, celebrate their Diamond Wedding anniversary on April 1. Manchester born couple George, 82, and Brenda, 79, came to Spain in 2005 to retire to sunnier climes. Married at St Anthony's Church in Wythenshawe, George and Brenda, have four children, Bev, Nigel,
Sharon and Warren, who are unable to celebrate their parents 60th anniversary, due to the coronavirus lockdown. In a special anniversary message to George and Brenda Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Manuel Butron said: "My congratulations to this couple, they are an example to follow. "They are good neighbours, friends, and great parents. My congratulations on these 60 years and may there be many more. "
Now don’t get me wrong I am not one to complain, but I was a little depressed and not feeling too good So I went to the doc’s at the Centro Salud He told me he’s sure that I need an injection Huh, he said it may help me to get…. rid of the infection. I’ve said it before that I am not one to complain, but I have just made an appointment to go back again I told the doc, ‘ it didn’t do any good” But then I didn’t expect or think that it would. Now listen, “I am the doc and I know what is best, I think it’s time you had a blood test”. Oh no! “Oh yes, and don’t argue with me”, I also will want a sample of pee! My heart’s in a flutter, my head’s in a swirl I go to the desk and there sits the girl She gives me a pot, and home I must drive and I think to myself, Why am I alive. I really am not one to complain, but.. on the due date I wait and I wait then comes the girl and just after eight She finally gets round to open the gate And then… this is the bit I truly abhor The people,… they shove and push through the door I don’t understand why they’re in such a hurry The thought of that needle and I’m starting to worry. I wait for the nurse in my own little space Somewhere close by so she can see my sick face, She calls out the names from a very long list The first are all Spanish that come out of the hat Well that’s just not fair, I’m gonna complain about that. No, not really,… I am not one to complain,...but She calls out more names from her very long list but mine is not one and I’m getting so ...miffed The list is now down to a dwindling few I simply don’t believe, it its now only two. Dear God, please tell me what I’ve done so wrong in my past Oh please god ,.. please tell me Why I must always be last. If you would like to see your poem featured in this column send to:
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Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
On March 29th, under cover of darkness, we slipped out to join a convoy heading home, but as soon as the dawn broke we found ourselves under bombardment once again all through the day until night fall. On the following day, 30th March 1943, at first light, the air attacks were back again. Toward the end of the day I finally managed to get some food from the galley. The stewards served the officers in the saloon, I sat in the corner of the pantry and ate. They all finished and left. I cleaned up all the dishes, cleaned the floor, picked up some corned beef, went to my cabin, gave ‘Skipper’ my cat, a hug and fed her. I then went aft to see my friend Tasker, but he was in the focs’l, so I stopped to talk to Paddy when a torpedo struck the ship and knocked us to the deck. We jumped up and momnts later, when another torpedo struck us, I dived out the door and made my way amidships. The two lifeboats were smashed so I went to the starboard where one boat was clear of the ship but the other one was hanging from the derrick, useless. An ordinary seaman stood next to me and said we have to jump as far out as we can. He grabbed hold of my hand and we jumped.
ne of the Costa Blanca’s true heroes is Joe Billet, many of you will know as ‘Joe the Cat Man’ from his days in caring for cats across Torrevieja and the Orihuela Costa.
But did you know that Joe has rather more strings to his bow than his love of animals. He hasn’t always led a leisurely life of retirement in the sun, indeed quite the opposite. As a 15 year old in 1942, the teenager joined the Merchant Navy as he sought out his very first taste of ‘grown up’ adventure. Unfortunately though, it didn’t end too well as Joe was sunk while aboard the ammunition ship SS Fort-a-la-Corne close to Gibraltar. Joe went on to serve with distinction. A veteran of the D Day landings and a recipient of France’s highest award, the Legion D´Honneur, when the war was over Joe took the unusual step of seeking out the UBoat commander that so very nearly took his life back in those dark days off the North African coast. And to his amazement Korvettenkapitän Gunter Jahn, the Commander of the U-boat, U-596 that sank his ship, and who went on to become one of the most successful U-boat commanders in the Mediterranean Sea, was truly delighted that Joe got in touch In edition 770 The Leader carried a story about Joe Billet and his trip on “The Voyage of Remembrance” aboard the SS Boudicca for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.
us until darkness and again the next day. Ships were sunk, some were hit by bombs but we arrived in Algiers. We tied up on the quay north to south, the SS Empire Standard tied east to west on the quay. She already had a hole in her from a U-boat during one of the attacks but an Italian plane dropped a torpedo on her and she sank where she was. Six of the crew were killed along with about a dozen dock workers.
Korvettenkapitän Gunter Jahn, the Commander of the U-boat, U-596, that sank the ammunition ship SS Fort-a-la-Corne close to Gibraltar, with Joe on board I came to the surface and swam to the life boat and they hauled me in. It was now about 7pm. The convoy had gone, but the lads saw a raft with a couple on it so some of them swam over toward it and tied us to it so we did not drift apart. At 3.30 am the crew of the escort ship HMS Albacore came along side us and the captain shouted to get aboard as quickly as we could. There was a scramble net hanging over the side so up we went.
Nearly two years on we are able to feature his exploits once again, this time as Joe relates the story of his sinking and his subsequent contact with the UBoat commander who so very nearly took his life.
Miraculously, the master, 43 crew members and ten gunners from the Fort a la Corne, Master Reginald A. Grove, were all picked up.
The story is told by Joe himself: I joined the SS Fort-a-la-Corne in Newport; she was loaded with ammunition, weapons, food, Army trucks etc.
We landed in Gibraltar and a couple of days later the Troopship Empire Halladale took us to Liverpool.
Once aboard we had a cup of cocoa or tea, the P.O grabbed me by the arm took me below and said “that is my bunk and I am on watch so you get your head down”.
We crossed the Bay of Biscay and were past Gibraltar when all hell was let loose with U-boats, Italian and German air craft.
Many years later I began corresponding with Korvettenkapitän Gunter Jahn, the Commander of the U-boat, U-596 that sank my ship. Gunter went on to become one of the most successful Uboat commanders in the Mediterranean Sea, eventually becoming the commander of the 29th U-boat Flotilla.
All the guns in the convoy opened up, they kept at
The letter is Gunter Jahn’s reply to my first correspondence to him.
Westwood denied Aintree Grand National dream Quote: 'To win the National would be unbelievable. It’s what dreams are made of - the biggest horse race in the world' - Lee Westwood. By Andrew Atkinson Racehorse Bellshill, co-owned by Lee Westwood, entered in the 2021 Randox Health Aintree Grand National that suffered a fatal injury on the gallops has denied the star golfer his dream. "To win the National would be unbelievable. It’s what dreams are made of - it’s the biggest horse race in the world," said Westwood. "Bellshill sustained a fatal injury on the gallops at Lambden Racing, a kind giant of a horse who Lee Westwood and I had big expecta-
Girl Power continues to rule the majors! Las Ramblas Golf Society Joyce McClusky and Nora Betts were crowned this year’s champions.
Lo Crispin Spring Cup The Society's first 'major' of the year was contested by 21 members on 31st. March. Except for the Covid associated travel restrictions, we would normally have had a fair number of our U K based members 'teeing it up' also. The course, as usual, was in good condition and the greens fast and quite tricky to read, for me at least.The weather was almost perfect for golf, although a stiff breeze at times, developed in the afternoon.
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
tions of, he will be missed by all. RIP lad," said co-owner Dave Armstrong. Trained by Sandy Thompson, 11-year-old Bellshill last raced at Haydock Park in November 2020 in the Grade 1 Betfair Chase, finishing fifth behind winner Bristol de Mai, with Clan des Obeaux second and Lostintranslation, third. Bellshill won eleven of 27 career Chase and Hurdle races, notching up over £500,000 in prizemoney. Formerly trained by Willie Mullins, Bellshill last won at Leopardstown in 2019, when landing the Grade 1 Irish Gold Cup, under Ruby Walsh. Bellshill finished third behind Might Bite at Cheltenham in 2017 in the Grade 1 RSA Novices Chase. Bellshill's first win came at Thurles in 2014. Westwood, 47, denied a first win on the PGA Tour since 2010 and what would have ranked among the most impressive of his career, after Bryson DeChambeau prevailed at the Arnold Palmer Invitational, during March 4-7, said: "Just to have a runner in the With a net score of 57.7 Lindsay Forbes, Nick Campbell, Reg Akehurst and Pat Cassidy took the honours in Monday’s ‘Texas Scramble’. Wednesday saw us compete in our second major of the season ‘The Club Pairs Championship’. Played as a 2 ball better ball, two teams were back in the clubhouse with 46 points each. After countback, Joyce McClusky and Nora Betts were crowned this year’s champions. Just missing out were John Shervell and John Dobson and in third spot, with 45 points, it was Dave Pulling and Andrea Martin. Four ‘2’s today. Andy and Andrea Martin kept it in the family and they were joined by Ron Phipps and Paul Brown. With an incredible 51 points John Drakesmith together with Mike Chapman took Friday’s ‘Easter 2 ball better ball’. Graham Murray and Joyce McClusky took second place with 48 points on countback from Pete Dunn and Andrea Martin. Nearest the pins went to Bryan Neal, Andy Martin and AnneMarie Weisheit. A good week for Joyce on the countbacks! Thanks go this week to Mike Mahony for his invaluable tips on how to correctly line up your 4th putt. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell winning the Free Game Draw, also !! As Pete and his partner are returning to the U K until next January, he will have to wait awhile to claim his free game. In the meantime it will give the rest of us a chance to win something ! Our next game will be on the 14th. April at El Valle, when we will be playing for the Anniversary Trophy (lifting of travel restrictions permitting) as the course is in Murcia. By Stephen Harrington.
Following the game we returned, as customary to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where we were supplied with Tapas by David and his friendly staff, following the distribution of the day's prizes. Winner of the Spring Cup - Pete Childes 34 pts. off 13 2nd Place - Janet Candlin 27 pts. off 35 (on count back) 3rd. Place - John Dunnion 27 pts. off 20 4th. Place - Steve Price 24pts. off 17 N.T. P. on Par 3s. Hole 3 - Mike Johnson, Hole 8 - Pete Childes Hole 11 - Steve Price, Hole 17 - Steve King The 2s pot was shared by Bob Berry, Julie King and Pete Childes. Pete one of our mercurial Chelsea Supporters was topped off by
Winner of the Spring Cup - Pete Childes
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Grand National is incredible, but to have a winner would be staggering. It’s difficult to put into words." Bellshill was allocated 10st 10lbs for the 2021 Randox Aintree Grand National on April 10. And Westwood, former golf world No.1 whose passion is horseracing, said: “The Grand National is very high up in my affections. It’s a bit like the Ryder Cup in a way. "The majors draw-in all the fanatical golf followers, but the Ryder Cup pulls in sport followers - and I’d say the Grand National is the same." Westwood has Flat racing success with Ballyalton, a birthday present for his father John, who triumphed at the Cheltenham Festival. Westwood OBE, added: "I get more emotional watching horseracing, than playing golf. When they are running I get quite emotional."
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Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
with Cheltenham and the Grand National with the Masters. What can you do? I've got to work sometimes."
cut in the tournament proper, including 2019 winner Matt Wallace. Jimmy Walker shot 19 in the 2016 Par-3, and declared: “It's time to buck the jinx, I reckon I have a good chance to win this year.” He went on to finish 29th.
AT LEAST THE RBC HERITAGE wasn't cancelled, unlike The Sunningdale Foursomes, which was inaugurated in 1934 and was often considered the curtain raiser of the British golfing season.
Eventually, after much hesitation (he doesn't splash his money around) he bought a $50,000 house. It's now worth well over a million. Players have spent fortunes renting accommodation, and Sir Nick Faldo, who thought about buying when he won his first Masters but continued renting every year, has been kicking himself ever since.
TIGER WOODS was unimpressed by Magnolia Lane, saying he had imagined it would be longer. He quite liked the course though. Although Augusta National is stunning it's little brother tends to be overlooked. The nine-hole course, scene of the Wednesday Par-3 contest, lies on what was a boggy piece of land behind the clubhouse and cabins and was designed around DeSoto Springs pond and Ike's pond, where President Eisenhower used to fish for bream and bass. Sir Nick Faldo, who likes to tickle the odd trout, would enjoy the pond. Tiger Woods, who prefers spear fishing, diving down to 100ft, would get stuck in the mud.
The course measures 1,060 yards with the longest hole just 140 yards. The first winner was Sam Snead in 1960. The Par-3 is not a doddle. Closely mowed banks slope down to the water, and the tiny greens are super slick. The competitors' families cheer them on and the children in mini white boiler suits often caddy for Dad. The 'jinx' says no player will win the par 3 and the Masters in the same year. Raymond Floyd came closest in 1990 but lost the Masters in a sudden death playoff. Jack Nicklaus says: “I never played it in the years I had a chance to win” (probably every year.) Many Par-3 champions have gone on to miss the
AFTER LEE WESTWOOD picked up a cheque for $1.013m for his second place at Bay Hill he set off with Shane Lowry to Augusta National, commenting: “I’ve got a fun couple of days coming up playing with Shane and my son Sam who's going to be caddying for me at the Masters. It'll be a good lads-and-dads first trip.”
Relaxation is the key and it is available to everyone who is prepared to practice it correctly, the golfer can then ask for the pleasant control, which the “peace” of relaxation provides.
We must understand how to place all of the muscles of our body in a “state of peace”, because only then can we dictate peace of mind.
Fear will always be a part of golf, and anger is sometimes a problem, just as excitement can be, but golfers can find comfort in the knowledge that there is a very easy way to reduce the effect of these feelings and this knowledge will then enable them to play well instead of failing under the pressure of competition. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor
Price €98 €98 €120 €100 €158
Comments Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy from 1pm Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy
“If you think golf is relaxing, you're not playing it right.” Bob Hope. Until next time: Happy Golfing. Consult Mick for regripping and repairs advice. 638 859 475.
HORSE-RACING MAD Lee Westwood, who would have had a Grand National contender if his horse Belshill hadn't died this month in training, complains: "This golf really gets in the way of horse racing! The Players' Championship clashes
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.
Performing well under pressure is a “coping skill” which champions apply naturally and golfers without these skills are only there, to make up the numbers.
However, this year organisers announced 'After due deliberation and consideration for the safety of all competitors the club has decided to cancel completely for 2021.' Tut tut, that's not the Blitz Spirit, 'we're not running away from any damned Jerries' (sorry, Covid.)
Slight understatement. My first trip with my son was at Queens Park municipal course, Bournemouth, and it rained stair rods. Great fun though.
Attendance at the Resort, popular with golf pros and their families will be limited again this year. Player's birdies will only be cheered by residents on patios and balconies along the course and the presentation of that ghastly plaid jacket will be heralded only by boats in the harbour. Then Hilton Head Island can go back to sleep.
WHEN 3-TIME MASTERS WINNER Gary Player first came to Augusta in 1957 he rented a small house, then larger ones as his family expanded.
Magnolia Lane
SEA PINES RESORT, South Carolina, is advertised as a 'Quiet Family Retreat,’ except when the PGA Tour circus descends on the Pete Dye/Jack Nicklaus-designed Harbour Town Golf Links for the RBC Heritage (April 15-18th.)
The requirement for relaxation can start even before we play, particularly when trying to get to sleep the night before an important event, at these times, possible success or failure can pass through the mind, preventing the sleep needed to provide energy for the following day.
It may appear obvious that the relaxed feelings needed to sleep are not required at the time we play a shot, all shots need muscular effort, but the controlled muscular effort, which a good understanding of relaxation can provide and with TEMPO, which is a freedom of controlled movement needed to combat golf stress.
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
ing’ before we attempt the shot extends the worry and stress to a state of impending failure. If we know how to relax, then this situation is less likely to occur and we will play the shot with the “short time control” which offers success. To deal with the build up of stress on the course we have to find ways to overcome the inevitable waiting time. To reduce the worry which waiting can offer, we have to distract our thoughts away from golf until it is our turn to play, like tidying your bag or yourself. Just do something other than worry about the next shot, and then you will be more successful when it is your time to play, you really could “smell the flowers”.
This inner calm is often needed when we have an awkward chip or putt, these times our mind can race along, and the endless ‘think-
If you behave sensibly on a golf course and keep your smile going you will then be able to keep calm when there is the need. If, on the other hand, you lose your temper and get up tight then you must expect less than satisfactory results.
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Manga La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas
Lorca €78 2 Green Fees & Buggy (+ drink & tapa) Lo Romero €65 Single Green Fee Mar Menor €116 Two Green Fees + Buggy New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & Buggy Puig Campana €124 Two Green Fees & Buggy Roda €125 Two Green Fees & Buggy Saurines €100 Two Green Fees + Buggy (Temp closed) Villaitana Levante €90 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €70 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villamartin €156 Two Green Fees & Buggy Vistabella €123 Two Green Fees & Buggy (from 2pm) For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
€90 €98 €59 €123 €100 €214 €73 €90 €60 €48 €114 €59 €160 €164
Two Green Fees + Buggy Two Green Fees + Buggy from 1pm Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees + Buggy Two Green Fees + Buggy Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees + Buggy
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
637 227 385
Later in the season Peter " Tufty " Ayres of the same team, was awarded a commemorative plate for " team effort " , unfortunately it was a paper one, later that evening to be used for target practise. The annual presentation was held at Breakaways, the prizes awarded by sponsor Debbie Wright. League Wnrs
El Capitan
Div. 2 Wnrs
The Tavern
K.O.Cup Wnrs Hub Hyenas
At the A.G.M. the committee of Paul Durrant, Derek Kingsbury and Linda Cross were re elected unanimously for another term at the
Porterhouse venue. The 6 a side 1001 team game was dropped in favour of a 3rd triple, still enabling the possibility of a drawn match. The league was also split into 2 divisions, and Exite Radio continued their sponsorship of the Merit Table awards for Mens, Ladies and Team.. After a pointless previous season, two immediately appeared for the Pint Depot Queens following their 7-5 victory over the Ale House. The win wasn't however to be repeated over the next 20 matches, but 4 draws and points did. An improvement it certainly was. Pat Abrams posted an early high finish of 116, that was soon improved to 119 courtesy of Joe Miller. A week later that was smashed by the delightful Pat Schofield with an enormous 158. The 14th game of the season featured a top of the table clash between Hub Meerkats and Hub Hyenas. Enough to say it was a magnificent match, won by the "Kats", the game containing 49 tons or more, 29 to the "Kats". Five of the six singles going all 3 legs Breakaway Bears were clear leaders in Division 2, their closest rivals Junction Jaguars, 6 points adrift after 15 of the 21 matches played. The Euronics league was truly international, illustrated in a Que Pasa Eagles / Meerkats clash. Home countries players apart, 4 other nations were represented, Joe Kuyt ( Belgium- Eagles ) Danas Bobinas ( Lithuania ), Alan Ostrowski ( Poland ), not forgetting Alex Nikolov ( Bulgaria ). Hyena, Nick Spicer equalled Pat Schofields 158 out, in his teams encounter with Gogartys and topping that story l was to learn the lovely Russells, lrene and Bill had been married for an astonishing 56 years. l noted in the records that an unknown female, enjoyed a day at a Health Spa, but returned with a broken toe. Anyone recall the recipient?
Hub Hyenas
Junction Jaguars
Singles Wnr
Merv Harley
Andy Rutter
Singles Wnr
Yvonne Roufignac
Wendy Hayward
Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel.
Pairs Wnrs
John Eyre / Nick Spicer
Derek Kingsbury and myself decided that after 7 seasons at the helm of firstly lmperial Pools and then Euronics, it was time to step down and allow fresh faces and ideas to steer the League onwards. lt had been a thoroughly enjoyable journey.
Merit Winners - Team, Hub Hellraisers,
This season commenced with a new committee, chairman and a totally different playing format, apparently not well received, but implemented nevertheless. lt lasted all of 3 weeks, before another committee took over, the match format reverting back. A strange scenario, where a whole new league agenda was " Bulldozed " through with not so much of a whimper.
Men, Andy Rutter, Ladies, Marie Cummins
SEASON 2015 16
New teams had joined, namely, Masseys Bar, Trade Winds Pirates, Brett Badlove moving his Que Pasa side to La Fuente and Hens Teeth. Alan Nash was now in the chair, assisted by Debbie Wright, Simone de Lacy and Gilly Kirby, the league resuming, each team playing each other once, followed by a split into 2 divisions and a completion of fixtures. By the halfway stage, El Capitan sat at the top of the pile, Hub Hellraisers, firmly at the bottom. The Pint Depot Queens earned a fine away point to Junction Jaguars, drawing 6 all, but their customary song of " We won 6, we won 6 " etc. etc. did not materialise, as, so l've heard, the team members had forgotten the words, it had been so long. The Pairs finals was disrupted by the absence of a player, Del McGauley, who for some reason presumed the finals were in Melbourne, Australia, eliminating the pair from the competition. Leaving 3 pairs in the finals a " Round Robin " format was introduced to solve the issue.
2015 - 2016
PRO ** Taking time away from the busy darts circuit Keegan Brown, arranged an impromptu NHS fundraising event. Himself an NHS lab technician, fellow pros' were asked to donate signed playing shirts, the outcome a healthy, but astonishing £ 20,000. ** Super Series 3 will take place on 24th - 27th of April, Neidernhausen, Germany
** UniBet Premier League at the Marshall Arena. 1st session April 5th - 9th, inclusive, 2nd session April 19th - 22nd. Judgement Day on the 22nd, where 2 players will be eliminated, leaving 8 to fight for glory on May 5th - 7th and May 24th - 27th. The top 4 players from the last 7 nights earn the right to play and become Premier League Champion on May 28th. Christine receiving her Tungsten darts from Paul
The same scenario occurred a season or two earlier, when Eddie Bendelow went AWOL, forgetting his daughter was getting married in South Africa. The lovely Sue Sanderson of Porterhouse, hit her 1st 180 of her career, unfortunately for her it was in the warm up, so no award, but well done anyway.
The season concluded with the Meerkats attaining an impressive 50 match unbeaten run, lasting more than 2 seasons. Semi's, Finals and presentation night were held at the Celler venue, formerly Decades. Tracey Dodds of Euronics presented the prizes, in the absence of Debbie Wright, who along with hubby Dave were swanning around Barcelona, with their Formula 1, buddies, Lewis League Wnrs Div. 2 Wnrs K.O. Cup Wnrs Singles Winner Singles Winner Pairs Winners
Hub Meerkats R. Up Hub Hyenas Breakaway Bears R. Up Que Pasa Kestrels Hub Meerkats R. Up Hub Hyenas Pat Abrams R. Up Nick Spicer Simone de Lacy R. Up Leah Chesworth Nick Spicer / R. Up Paul Dowinton / John Eyre Peter O'Rourke Triples Winners Pat Abrams / R. Up Simon Williams / Lee Maiden / Joe Miller / 2014 - 2015 Paul Durrant Joe Hawkins Merit Winners- Team, Ale House, Men, Pat Abrams, Ladies, Pat Schofield
Bristle dartboards are now in general use Worldwide, taking over from Elm. What procedure was necessary to maintain Elm Boards longevity? Answers to by 8 April. Sue Sanderson of Porterhouse, hitting her 1st 180 of her career
Last weeks winner Christine Pattison, correctly answering Brass as the material primarily used before Tungsten in the manufacture of darts. COMPETITION SPONSORED BY O.W.S.
637 227 385
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
Easter bunny brings Thader six welcome points hosts, but the ref saw it differently, nonchalantly waving aside protests. Apart from a half-hearted Dani Lucas effort, the remainder of the first half was uneventful.
CD Thader............... 2 Orihuela CF B......... 1
Thader respond well to half time team talk An amazing 2nd half turnaround, resulted in Thader emerging victorious from this Easter Monday local derby, whereas, for large periods of the 1st half, they looked as if they were feeling the effects of scoffing too many easter eggs. Without the injured Quino, Kike started as the lone front runner, whilst fellow striker Nino was named as sub. Fresh from the moral boosting victory over Elda, this derby had all the makings of a cracker, as Thader sought revenge for the season's opening day defeat. On a Moi Gomez Stadium pitch, which is looking better than it has for a long time, a quick Orihuela break resulted in Sergio Galindo shooting over the bar after 3 mins. From a corner on 8 mins, Fran headed just wide, before Borja became the first of 6 Thader players to receive a yellow card. From the resultant free kick by Omar, Adrian produced a wordly save to keep his side in the game. The visitors were now bossing proceedings, then from another free kick, Sergio Moreno leapt high to head his side into the lead on 25 mins. Parity should have been restored on 28 mins, but from an exquisite Javi assist, Rubo contrived to blast the ball over the bar. A blatant push on Javi inside the pen area on the half hour mark, should have resulted in a pen to the
It was just as well that spectators aren't permitted inside the ground, for the majority would still be ordering drinks at the bar when the super sub struck. A half time double substitution, involving the introduction of Calderon and Miguel, paid instant dividends. With only 25 seconds on the impressive new stadium clock, a pin point cross from the right by Javi, presented Calderon with the simple task of side footing home into an empty net. Four minutes later, Calderon was clearly bundled over in the box, and this time the ref deemed it worthy of a penalty. Rubo struck his spot kick with venom and accuracy, putting his side into a lead, that not long before, had looked a long shot. Thader employed spoiling tactics for the remainder of the match, which although not pretty, proved decisive. Calderon did in fact put the ball in the net again on 89 mins, but alas his effort was ruled offside. Next weekend, Thader travel to Elche, where they will play Ilicitana Raval. A recent impressive run, which has seen Thader shoot up the table, means that this match features 2 teams looking at promotion, instead of early relegation blues.
Great win for Thader despite Quino injury CD Thader............... 3 Elda Union CF......... 1 It might have been April 1st on Thursday but Thader Rojales were cer-
Calderon sets off on one of his mazey runs tainly not in the mood to be anyone's fool. Having suffered a disappointing defeat at Novelda a few days earlier, Raul's men were strengthened by the return of previously suspended Rafa and Quino for this preferente league match against Elda Union, the last of the first round of matches, with Elda still firmly in the relegation zone. As early as 2 mins, from a Thader free kick, Cabrera picked up a rebound before striking it into the side netting. Rafa fired a cracking 25 yarder on 12 mins, which although the visiting keeper did well to parry, fell nicely for front man Quino, who made no mistake from 3 yards. Unfortunately, the big man was forced off midway through the 1st half, clutching his hamstring. Thader extended their lead on 27 mins, when from a peach of a corner, Fran rose superbly to powerfully head home. A defensive blunder on the halfway
line between Calderon and Dani Lucas, saw Castillo pull one back in the 32nd min goal reduced the deficit, but it was still Thader who finished the half strongest. When Rafa unleashed one of his longrange belters on 35 mins, it looked a goal all the way, but a deflection diverted it past the post. With time edging towards the interval, Fran picked up a soft yellow card, which annoyed his manager so much, that his choice words to the ref were rewarded with a visit to the stands. On the hour mark, a foray down the right wing resulted in another excellent cross, only this time it was hit on target by the impressive Nano. Although the ball was quickly hoofed up field, an eagle eyed asst ref flagged for a goal. Thader were by now in total control, as illustrated when Lloyd's long-range effort hit the post, then Kike spurned at least 3 chances to score. So, a well-deserved 3 points consolidated Thader's mid table standing.
Carp-R-Us report Round three of the Carp-R-Us was fished on the Eden Stretch of the Rio Segura. Conditions looked good, they day promised to be warm and there was a slight flow on the river, so we were hopeful of some reasonable fishing. This didn’t prove to be the case; the fishing was hard, and this is a worry. There is a real concern that there are not the fish in this stretch that there used to be. Whether this is due to the blue crab invasion or because they have been taken, no one knows. The match was won by Dave Hutchinson on peg 6. Fishing the pole at 13m and using with bread or pellet Dave managed to catch 3.30kg. Second was Jeremy Fardoe who had 1.30kg on peg 10. Third was Ken Wilcock with 1.2kg from peg 13 and fourth Tom Marshall with 1.15kg from peg 11. Anyone wishing to join the club can contact us through the club website: or email
Success for Torrevieja Tennis Club It has been a successful few days for Torrevieja Tennis Club with the Infantil team beating CT Las Vegas de Valencia in the semifinals of the Valencian Championships by 4-1. Having now qualified for the Spanish championship to be held in Barcelona next August they will now play first seeds, CT Valencia in the final. In the quarter finals, the Cadete team beat CT Javea 4-1. They will now face CA Montemar de Alicante next weekend in their semi. In addition, the Junior team got the third final place by beating CT Castellón at home 4-1 and thus qualifies for the Spanish Championship to be played in Zaragoza in July.
Elche and Betis share the spoils CF Elche 1-1 Real Betis Although their recent upturn in form saw Elche seeking all three points at last Sunday’s visit of fifth placed Real Betis, managed by former Real Madrid, Man City and West Ham coach Manual Pellegrini, the single point that they did earn saw them extend the gap to the three teams holding the relegation places to two points, a cushion that could be extended
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
on Friday with a victory at home to Huesca, the team directly below them. With newly determined European aspirations, Betis have improved enormously under their present coach and during the opening period at the Martinez Valero it looked as though they could secure Sunday evenings points by half time.
TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Mummy, 2. Lynyrd Skynryd (Leonard Skinner), 3. The Midwich Cuckoos (John Wyndham), 4. The Davis Cup, 5. Virus, 6. Baroque, 7. Ireland and Germany, 8. The Green Mile, 9. Ferdinand Magellan (el mar Pacifico), 10. a. The Mother and Child Reunion (Paul Simon), b. Mother Nature's Son (The Beatles), c. Mother's Little Helper (The Rolling Stones), d.
Does Your Mother Know (ABBA), e. Your Mother Should Know (The Beatles). 11. Casablanca. 12. The devil (Satan, Lucifer etc). 13. A sex change. 14. Automobiles. 15. Sampan. 16. Alcock and Brown. 17. a. Stevie Wonder. b. ABBA, c. Rod Stewart, d. David Bowie, e. Neil Diamond, f. Emerson Lake & Palmer, 18. Ants, 19. Duran Duran (From Doctor Durand Durand in the film Barbarella). 20. Canada (Montreal 1976.
The equaliser from Pere Milla In just the 11th minute they were ahead through a Borja Iglesias penalty and the floodgates looked about to open. But there is rather more resolve in the Elche outfit following the return of Escribá, however it was not until the 36th minute that Elche managed showed signs of getting a foothold in the game with their first shot on target from Pere Milla, who beat Claudio Brava from close range to level the scores. The action was thick and fast in the second period where there were plenty of chances for both teams. In the end though, despite Juanmi shaving the Elche post in added time, the scoreline remained unchanged with both teams reasonably happy to take away a point.
Monday 5th - Monday 12th April, 2021
637 227 385