No 610
Tel: 96 673 0057
Monday 21st March 2016
FOREIGNERS According to the Land Registry, property sales in the Murcia Region are up by 26.8% for December, January and February when compared to the previous years figures. This news comes as welcome relief to homeowners who were unlucky enough to buy at the height of the real estate boom and paid top dollar for their properties. Whilst the prices have a long way to reach the dizzy heights of 2009 at least the market in general is moving and prices are steadily increasing. According to the National Institute of Statistics foreign investment is responsible for keeping the market buoyant with 1 in every 5 properties sold being to a non-Spanish national buyer. During 2015 foreigners bought 69.196 homes in Spain, some 15% more than in 2014.
Tel: 676 820 588
Issue 322
Foreigners who do not reside in Spain bought 4.846 properties and non-Spanish nationals who have residency permits in Spain purchased 64,350 homes. The statistics show that non-nationals are far more likely to buy pre owned homes than new builds or off
plan, a trend that has changed substantially over the past few years. During 2004 to 2010, 79% of foreigners who bought property in Spain bought either off plan or new build properties. Following the onset of the crisis and various real estate scandals involving new developments that either have never been built or the builder went bankrupt, the trend changed to buying pre owned homes that many saw as a safer investment. Valencia still leads the way for foreign investment but Murcia is slowly gaining ground with an increase in sales of 17%.
Monday 21st March, 2016
HUMANISTS Main Office and Classified Adverts call Fay 676 820 588 (Mon-Fri 10am - 1.30pm) Los Alcázares to Pilar de la Horadada call David 658 058 883 Mazarrón to Los Urrutias inc. Cartagena call Fay 676 820 588 (10am-5pm) Empresas Españolas Fay 676 820 588 (10am-5pm) E-mail Contact ACCOUNTS: CLASSIFIEDS: LETTERS TO ED: ARTWORK:
The Philosophy Group met in Puerto de Mazarrón last month. The topic was based on Bertrand Russell's book The Problems of Philosophy and in particular the final chapter The Value of Philosophy. The British Humanist Association video of a debate between Peter Atkins, Professor of Chemistry and Philosopher Stephen Law, was shown to the members. The is available on You Tube web site, BHA Lectures and Debates. There was general consensus that Russell's book was a difficult introduction to the subject and that his advice that the subject was best learned through the study of individual philosophers rather than general reading, should be followed. Keith will lead the next meeting based on Jean Paul Sartre’s Existentialism. This will be on 18 April in Mazarrón. More information ls available at the Humanists of Murcia web site via
For Costa Blanca or Costa Almeria editions contact Telephone 966 730 057 E-mail Website Head Office Edificio Centro Zenia 2 1a Planta Avda. de Villa Martin s/n Urb La Zenia 03189 Orihuela Costa, Alicante The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
Leader Media
The Next Issue of the
Costa Calida Informer will be published on Monday 4th April 2016
Monday 21st March, 2016
Monday 21st March, 2016
Once you have sampled the food and entertainment at San Juan you like many others will become regular customers, who return often to enjoy the many benefits on offer. Sylvia and Nico originate from Holland but speak English perfectly.
Easter arrives early this year at Los Alcazares favourite Beach bar, on the promenade overlooking the Mar Menor, with its many boats and sea activities. You can spend a relaxing time either with a full English breakfast or lunch or even a Menu of the day. A great value for money meal with a choice of Main course. Nico and Sylvia are great hosts offering all your favourite meals at value for money prices. Also on the menu is entertainment on Sundays afternoons with different acts for you to enjoy while eating your dinner or having a quiet drink and enjoying the view.
They offer local dishes including English, Spanish and even Dutch. Open from 10am till around 7pm daily you will always find a great welcome all year round. Mostly shaded from the winds, San Juan is perfect for your morning or afternoon meals, or even a drink after you take a walk along the promenade to get that all important exercise. For those of you wishing to venture further afield sit in San Juan and watch for the Ferry to La Manga. Sn Juan is just a short walk from the Tuesday Market, on the Promenade.
Monday 21st March, 2016
The Minister of Development also stated that the Port in San Pedro will also host the Nautical show in 2017, after winning the tender for 2 years.
selling all things nautical have stands at this years show and there are also 60 boats, which are for sale. Last years event attracted over 6,000 visitors and the shows organisors are hoping that people who are interested in anything from diving, wind surfing, canoeing, electronic equipment, boat accessories to buying a boat will turn up to this years 3 day event.
The organisors of the event are hoping to attract upwards of 7,000 people over the 3 show days. 40 businesses promoting and
Information regarding renting or buying boats and moorings will also be available for visitors to this years show.
Minister Francisco BernabĂŠ, will be opening the boat and nautical show in San Pedro del Pinatar, which takes place 24th to 27th March in the Port.
Monday 21st March, 2016
637 227 385
A National Police patrol car, responding to an emergency, collided with a passenger car in Alicante on Friday afternoon, shunting that vehicle into a pedestrian. The incident occurred at a junction on avenida de Alcoy at around 13:00. The collision resulted in the patrol car becoming entangled with a lamppost. Four people were taken from the scene suffering various injuries, the two officers in the patrol car, one occupant of the passenger car, and the pedestrian. The severity of the injuries is unknown.
Thousands of Police Places Approved The Spanish Government has approved the provision of 2,615 National Police and 1,734 Guardia Civil officers. For the police, there will also be 125 new senior positions created, and there will be 250 internal promotions to manage the new intake. The Police training college in Avila, the Escuela Nacional de Policía de Ávila, will return to operational capacity as before
the financial crisis. Recruitment for the police and domestic security services was blocked under the previous Mariano Rajoy led PP administration. Whilst the country is currently being run by a “caretaker” government following the elections in December, irrespective of potential political motivation this is good news for the country as a whole.
Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March, 2016
Guardamar Police detain five people Local Police agents arrested Guardamar last Sunday night five people as alleged perpetrators of a robbery at a residence in the village. The incident occurred about three o'clock in the morning when a patrol of Local Agents observed the presence of a vehicle that matched another, who days earlier had committed at least a robbery. As officers tried to stop and identify the occupants, the vehi-
cle, a blue Seat Ibiza, sped off and was immediately pursued. However, agents were able to intercept the vehicle with assistance from the Guardia Civil. During the chase they were seen by the police to throw money from the car windows. When the car was eventually stopped the police arrested the five occupants as well as confiscated tools and equipment appropriate to that necessary for carrying out forced entry into properties. Police are now searching through a database of similar incidents to see if those arrested, who remain in Guardia custody, can by linked to any further robberies that have taken place in the area.
Try our Asturian food at La Manzana
Welcome to La Manzana Cidreria if you want to try real Asturian cider and dishes! During the month of March there will be Cachopo Days in Costa Blanca so you will have unique opportunity to enjoy one of the most famous Asturian dishes called 'Cachopo' If you look up “cachopo” in the dictionary, you’ll find a curious definition: Tronco seco y hueco de árbol (dry, hollow tree trunk). But we can assure you that this sumptuous Asturian recipe has nothing to do with tree trunks. The dish is basically ham and cheese placed between two thin beef fillets. It’s a simple recipe with mysterious origins. Some say it was invented sometime around 1953 in a bar in Oviedo, Spain. Others say it’s older. Our chef will cook the best Cachopo for you! There will be the special offer @ 20 EUR for 2 persons - Cachopo and a bottle of cider
Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March, 2016
637 227 385
‘Twitters from the Atlantic’ By Bar rie Mahoney Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper. He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.
Brexit - ‘The Facts’ The current debate about whether or not the UK should leave the European Union has already led to some ill tempered, and often poorly informed debates. The comment that continues to both amuse and irritate me is the now common cry heard on TV and radio programmes “We don't know how to vote; we need more facts.” Well the sad truth is, and it will be cold comfort for some, but there aren’t any real ‘facts’ to share. Since the debate about ‘Brexit’ began, I have received many questions from expats who are genuinely troubled about their future lives in Europe. Many questions relate to their right of residency and employment, health care, passports, pensions, driving licences, as well as property ownership. Sadly, I do not know the answers and, frankly, no one does. I may have an opinion that I will share with readers from time to time, and when any concrete information comes my way, I will pass it on. In the end, I suspect that all we can do is listen to people, such as politicians that we trust and respect (if there are any), listen to both sides of the debate, and try to be as well informed as we can about what the European Union is truly about, and vote as our hearts and minds tell us. Either way, the genie is out of the bottle, and whatever the result, I doubt that things will ever be quite the same again for expats living in Europe. Certainly, it has little do with ‘facts’ that are as illusive as snowdrops in summer. Everything evolves over time, and the EU is no exception. Whatever
the decision, we may or may not be heading towards a brighter future. What we can be certain of is that our relationship with the European Union will change, and be different from what we currently know. The truth is that we know what we have, or think we have, with the European Union as it is currently formed. What we don't know, and no one does, is what the UK’s departure from this club of European nations will actually look like in the case of a potential Brexit. What we are hearing during the debates and endless column inches written in newspapers are, of course, merely opinions; opinions, which some may call scaremongering, whilst others will present them as ‘facts’, which is plainly a nonsense. We do not know, for instance, how the remaining 27 members of the European Union will treat expats living in their countries. I suspect that, in the case of Brexit, the UK will eventually negotiate individual health, pensions and social care deals with other member states, and surely Spain, France, Portugal and Italy will be the main priority, since this is where most expats reside? However, this is merely my opinion, and not a ‘fact’, and should be treated as such. Deals affecting the residential and employment status of thousands of expats will take time, and will no doubt not be a high priority, given the many other urgent pressures facing the UK Government that would inevitably follow Brexit, but some kind of deal will happen - eventually. Once again, this is merely an opinion, and not a fact. Will we need work permits to work in Spain? Will UK pensions continue to be index linked? They may, or may not - no one knows for sure. Meanwhile, I suspect that expats will be in for an uncertain, if not rough ride for a few years. I am already hearing stories
from businesses, ranging from estate agents, furniture outlets, removals and travel companies in Spain reporting that business from would be and current expats has reduced sharply. If nothing else, the current debate has shaken confidence that will put off the decision for many would be expats to move to a new life in the sun until the referendum is over. So if anyone tells you that their information is ‘a fact’, or you hear such claims on TV or read it in the newspaper, please read it with extreme caution, and don’t believe a word of it. This current demand for ‘facts’ reminds me of a comment that my father would often mutter when he was told that something was a fact. “A fact is a lie and a half” was always his response. Now I know what he meant; I suspect that he was right. If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: and or read his book, ‘Island in the Sun’ (ISBN: 9780992767181). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle. © Barrie Mahoney
637 227 385
Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March, 2016
MONEY CAN GROW ON TREES Too good to be true...Take a look!!
Earn 9.5% pa growth cient number of plantation programs have been WHY OWN TEAK? established to replenish the supply of teak. Teak in particular offers one of the best values Formed in 1988, the team at I.T.A.S. Limited and highest yields in the timber sector. It is a small niche segment of the timber industry and (“ITAS”) have gathered a wealth of experience with over thirty years within the timber is managed by smaller, privately owned comIndustry. panies rather than by big institutional operaITAS Limited specialises in direct tree sales tors. While there is growing demand and decreasing and the supply of processed timber products on a international platform. ITAS holds the supply for timber in general, the imbalance leasehold title interests of a number of plantamay be even more dramatic for teak. Rapidly tions in the Northern Brazil. ITAS through it’s developing nations including Brazil, India and local Brazilian operations provides opportuniChina are some of the largest consumers of ties emerging from the plantations on which teak, ensuring that demand will continue to assets are grown ensuring local labour is used increase. Meanwhile, international legislation which provides some economic sustainability has banned or severely restricted harvesting of for the local economy. native teak in most countries, while an insuffi* Fixed 3 year term * Only £5000 entry level * Mature teak trees as security * Returns paid annually * Capital returned after 3 years Taking care of your product and delivering Peace of Mind A well structured diversified timber portfolio has historically been shown to be a low risk opportunity with minimal physical losses.
FOR FULL DETAILS EMAIL: or call 961 129 215
Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March, 2016
637 227 385
LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS QUICK ACROSS: 7 Confrontation; 8 Belittle; 9 Pots; 10 Recess; 12 Garish; 14 Clever; 16 Hector; 18 Spar;
Faithlessness. DOWN: 1 Foretell; 2 Office; 3 Loot; 4 Strength; 5 Stupor; 6 Post; 11 Struggle; 13 Spotless; 15 Verity; 17 Coming; 19 Peak; 21 Oust. ACROSS
CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Caricaturists; 8
Manacle (7)
Trainees; 9 Hand; 10 Wangle; 12
Rustic (5)
Desire; 14 Held up; 16 Remiss; 18
Spar (3)
Useless (9)
Quibble (11)
DOWN: 1 Carriage; 2 Hiding; 3
Attachment (11)
Late; 4 Outsider; 5 Sights; 6 Stun;
Depravity (9)
11 Exposure; 13 Restrain; 15
Weep (3)
Desert; 17 Modest; 19 Emit; 21
Oar (5)
Decorate (7)
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 11. 13. 14. 16. 18. 20.
Hurl (5) Deed (3) Vale (4) Distrust (9) Aptitude (7) Clandestine (6) Irascible (9) Masked (6) Crime (7) Reliance (5) Cajole (4) Writing fluid (3)
SUDOKU CHALLENGE Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 23
Tuesday Euromillions jackpot 14 million euro Wednesday UK Lottery jackpot 32 million euro
7. Homosapiens. What does 'sapiens' mean? 8. "Bridegroom", "butterfly", "twins", "little ears" and "strangle the priest" are all translations for which types of food? 9. Which two politicians led the British coalition government during the First World War? 10. Which French painter, along with Monet, is said to have fathered impressionism? 11. What was the title of T.H. White's 1958 novel about Arthurian legend? 12. What is bottled in JEROBOAMS? 13. Complete the title of each of the following Paul McCartney albums with one word. a. Wild, b. Red Rose, c. Venus and, d. London, e. Flaming, f. Paul Is 14. What are the six ranges of the human voice, applicable especially to singers. 15. In modern physics Up, Down, Strange, Charmed, Bottom (or Beauty) and Top(or Truth) are collectively called what?
16. A popular currency and the east wind in ancient Greece. One word 17. In which 7 countries is Portuguese the official language? (not one of the official languages) 18. Which Agatha Christie thriller took its title from a line in a poem by Tennyson? 19. In which Strait did the pride of the Royal Navy HMS Hood sink? 20. Which old French word meaning 'Orient' once referred to the Mediterranean lands east of Italy which now include modern day Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Syria and parts of Saudi Arabia and Iraq? Six letters
QUIZ ANSWERS 1. 1001 Nights, 2. a: Isaac Hayes, b: Sheryl Crow, c: Paul Anka. 3. a: The cock, b: Athena, the goddess of wisdom, c: KLM - the Dutch national airline, d: Blue, e: The Scarlet Pimpernel. 4. Venus. 5. Dance. 6. Fear of the darkness (he invented the lightbulb later in life). 7. Intelligent, wise or rational. 8. Italian pasta. Zito means bridegroom, Farfalle is derived from butterfly, Gemelli means twins, Orecchiette means little ears and Strozzapreti means strangle the priest. 9. Herbert Asquith and David Lloyd George. 10. PierreAuguste Renoir. 11. The Once and Future King. 12. Champagne. 13. a. Wild Life, b. Red Rose Speedway, c. Venus and Mars, d. London Town, e. Flaming Pie, f. Paul Is Live. 14. Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto or alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass. 15. Flavors / Varieties of Quarks. 16. Euros. 17. Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe. 18. The Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side - from The Lady of Shalott. The novel is called The Mirror Crack'd. 19. Denmark Strait. 20. Levant.
ACROSS 6. Well, it's how the man should be prepared for the wedding! (7) 7 and 3Dn. Sort of bread for a complete repast (5-4) 9. Sounds as though it's cooked brown (3) 10. A grant apportioned for the vegetable patch (9) 12. Practically describing the parachutist's attitude? (4-2-5) 15. Undertaking to make a bid when holding hands (11) 17. Present day vocalists (9) 19. What is obtainable from a continental estaminet (3) 21. Kind of bulb to work like lightning (5) 22. A mate to practise sensible economy (7)
1. According to legend which famous stories were told each night by a Queen to her King in order to avoid execution the next morning? 2. Who sang the theme song for each of the followDOWN ing films? a: SHAFT (1971), b: Tomorrow Never 1. Some of the regular guests have a different opinion (5) Dies. c: The Longest Day 2. Shoot up the peak (3) 3. World symbols: a: Which bird is the national 3. See 7 Across. symbol of France, b: Which Greek goddess had an 4. Open level country, we hear, for producing sparkling owl as her emblem? c: Which of the world's nationwine (9) al airlines is known by three consecutive letters of 5. Devise set arrangement for Holst's work (7) the alphabet? d: What is the most common colour 8. Escaped to leave everything in France (3,3) on the fields of American state flags? e: By what 11. Use a booth for accommodating craft (9) symbol was Sir Percy Blakeney known throughout 13. Almost makes a point with time to spare (6) revolutionary France? 14. To balance completely (7) 4. Which planet did the Mariner spacecraft explore? 16. Cast for a lively dance (5) 18. Being unconscious after a short right leads to complete 5. What is the terpsichorean art? 6. Thomas Edison suffered from scotophobia. defeat (4) What is scotophobia (and why is this ironic)? 20. Go into current recession (3)
637 227 385
Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March, 2016
Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March, 2016
Open Doors at Finca San Miguel de Salinas Animal Shelter Finca San Miguel de Salinas is having an Open Doors Day next Saturday afternoon, the 26th of March, from 1 – 5 pm. There will be paella and a fundraising raffle. If you would like to go along and join the staff and volunteers for a drink and a bite to eat you will also be able to wander around the finca and meet all of the animals. Currently being cared for there 8 horses, 3 ponies, 6 goats, 4 pigs, chickens and 2 dogs. All the money raised will be put to very good use in support of the animals, expenses need to cover food, hay, vetbills, blacksmith, repairs and rent, It would be a great help on the day if you could bring carrots, apples, (old) bread, dogfood, dogbiscuits or a donation to help this extremely valuable cause. As I am sure you are aware, every single euro counts. You can also become a member of the shelter for only 10 euros a year or, alternatively, you could become a sponsor of one of the animals from just 5 euro a month. This can be done quite easily by going to Paypal You can find Finca San Miguel de Salinas on the right hand side of the canal road travelling from Villamartin towards San Miguel. For more info or FB group fincasanmigueldesalinas or send an email to
We will also be holding a charity afternoon together with AFECANCER on saturday 2nd of April at Bar La Sahara in La Fuente from 1pm, also with entertainment and a raffle!!
637 227 385
637 227 385
Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March, 2016
Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March, 2016
Boats and Nautical
Business Opportunity Busy Profitable Bar /Restaurant in La Manga. Free Hold Premises, Front Line Med. Turn Key
637 227 385
Operation, 100 covers. All licences in place. 240,000â‚Ź O.N.O. Selling due to retirement. Call : 868 08 34 55. Or Email: a n n a - g a rg a n @ h o t m a i l . c o m
Car and Vehicle Sales
Boat servicing, engine oil/ filter change. General maintenance, fault finding, anti fouling, hull cleaning, accessory installation. Torrevieja to Mazarron. Licensed and registered in Spain, 20 years experience. All makes of outboard engines catered for. Competitive prices, all work guaranteed English/Spanish speaking. Call Tony on 628 166 738 (65470) FOR RENT - up to 10 metre berth - Marina Salinas - CALL 648 627 272 (69101)
Cars wanted for cash. No more unwanted SUMA bills, speeding tickets etc. We will legally transfer vehicles out of your name. Established on the Costa Blanca for 12 years with hundreds of satisfied customers. Call Tim or Yvonne on 662 211 993 or 610 050 099. (69147) The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2015 Ford C-Max priced at just 17,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. (69148)
Social and Clubs ARTES COVA are holding a 3 hour intensive course on Chalk Painting, Decoupage and Foto Transfer on Friday 1 April at their shop/studio by Mercadona in Playa Flamenca. The course will cost 30 euro per person and will include tuition on the 3 different techniques including all materiels. Call 966 760 142 to book your place NOW.
ENGLISH SPEAKING CLUB, newly formed in Almoradi, will take place at the Victoria Tea Rooms just past the town square in Almoradi. Inaugural meeting at 4pm on 28 March. More info from NEW THEATRE GROUP seeking members. Our aim is to perform for local charities. Call 966 77 4127 or email colinvida@ for info. COSTA COBRAS RFC based at Daya Vieja sports ground. Training juniors Monday 18.30 and Tuesday 18.00, seniors Monday 20.30 and Wednesday 21.00 For more details contact Gary 692 767 242 or Robert on 697 286 416 (69186) Volunteers are urgently needed in all areas by the Age Concern LIFELINE Team visiting people in their own homes to assess their needs, reporting back to the Lifeline Team Leader. There are many people who live alone, are lonely and need some form of social contact. Please call Age Concern on 96 678 6887. (69185)
Pets Delmonte Catotel Cartagena. The cattery that cares! Tel 968 168 711 or 616 276 379 (69083)
Property for Rent WANTED URGENTLY We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, detached houses. If you think your property may be suitable please CALL NOW on 966 772 553 SAN MIGUEL DE SALINAS. Large 1 bed apartment. Built in 2010, everything as new. Good sized separate kitchen, balcony off lounge, English TV, air-con, communal pool. 395 euros per calendar month, including allowance for bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 MAR MENOR/PLAYA HONDA 2 Bed 1 bath, spacious 1st floor apartment. Separate kitchen, spacious lounge with patio doors leading to a large balcony with storage cupboard, UKTV, communal pool, walking distance to beach 400 pcm plus bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 PLAYA FLAMENCA 2 Bed, 1 bath 1st floor apartment with
English TV. Walking distance to Carrefour supermarket, the commercial centres of Playa Flamenca, La Mosca and the Citrus centre. 375 euros pcm. Call us on 966 772 553 URGENT! - Properties required for waiting clients. We are receiving requests for La Zenia, Playa Flamenca, San Miguel schools catchment area, 2 or 3 bed houses, and detached villas. Let your property earn you money - CALL NOW on 966 772 553 PILAR DE LA HORADADA 2 bed 1 bath house on one level. Currently furnished but could be unfurnished. Driveway to fore, courtyard at rear and private solarium 500 euros per month, inclusive of allowance for bills. Legal let with contracts 966 772 553 JACARILLA. 3 Bed, 2 bath apartment. Good sized separate kitchen with external patio off, balcony with lovely views over orange groves. UK TV, air-con, communal pool 400 euros. Contracts provided 966 772 553
Property for Sale 2 bed, 2 bath townhouse, furnished with air con. In the much sought after Zenia Golf II, which is within walking distance to all of La Zenia amenities and a short walk to the beach.149,950 euros For further information on this
property please call 968 971 860. (91768) For Sale Town House In SAX/Alicante. 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, with separate granny flat. Single Garage space & 50 metre Patio. Quiet area with no community fees. Close to all local amenities. 160,000â‚Ź O.N.O. Call: 868 08 34 55 Or email: 3 bed, 2 bath semi-detached townhouse in the heart of La Zenia. Only 1000 metres to the beach. Fully furnished with air-conditioning. Within immediate walking distance to the many amenities offered in La Zenia. These properties are much sought after and offer excellent rental potential 179,950 Euro. Call +34 968 971 860. (91773) Two Bedroom, one bathroom duplex apartment with patio and off road parking. Fully furnished, SAT TV and air con throughout. The property is within walking distance to all amenities and the beach. 114,950 euros Call 968 971 860 for information (91820) Brand new 3 bed, 2 bath penthouse apartment in the bustling town of Los Montesinos. With magnificent panoramic views over the salt lakes. Private roof top solarium and optional underground parking. 89,950 Euro. Call 96
897 1860. (91779) LA MANGA - Immaculate 2 bed, 2 bath apartment. Fully-furnished. Close to beaches and Veneziola Golf. 2nd floor. Reduced for quick sale. 125.500 Euro. Tel 626 253 569. (90187) Beautiful Semi detached villa located in Torreta Florida, 3 bed, 2 bath,garage, large plot, lovely garden area, fully furnished and walking distance to Torrevieja city. Must view tel. 966-73-0057. Euro 217000 (109105) A modern and spacious townhouse in the beautiful and historic village of Jacarilla. The townhouse has 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and a modern lounge. The villa has a bright yet spacious kitchen with plenty of storage space. To be sold unfurnished. 109,950 Euros CALL 968 971 860 (101552) A large Emerald Isle semi detached property which also has the benefit of 2 beautiful conservatories. The property boasts 2 beds and 2 baths, lounge, kitchen and an integral garage which also acts as a great storage area. There is also a large solarium area which has sea views and benefits from the morning sun. Well worth viewing. 109500 Euros. CALL 968 971 860. (101554) These front line 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments start from 106.000 Euro, finished to a very high standard with all modern
637 227 385
appliances. Incredible views across the beautiful Mar Menor and only 30 metres from the beach. These properties are only a short walk into the heart of Los Alcazares an old style Spanish seaside town.Within minutes of several top quality golf courses. Call +34 96 897 1860 for more information of this fantastic opportunity to purchase front line! (100861) Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath semidetached villa in Blue Lagoon. Lovely furniture and well maintained. Large plot, satellite TV, internet, security grills, central heating. This property has a communal pool and is just a short walk to local schools, bars, and restaurants. EURO 149950. To view, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102363) This detached villa is situated in Blue Lagoon. It has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and comes fully furnished. It has a glazed in conservatory, private solarium, and off-road parking, as well as ample storage areas. It is on a 250m2 plot. EUR 149.500. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102360) Amazing 4 bed, 3 bath top floor apartment, sea views of the beautiful La Zenia Beach, 280 mt2 property, 30 mt2 Terrace, private solarium upstairs (as big as the property), lovely commu. pool with artificial grass, great opportunity for investment or permanent living. A few meters from the beach and all amenities. Price: 298.700 Euros. Call 96673-00-57. (139984) Beautiful ground floor apartment in Playa Flamenca, 2 bed 2 bath in a gated community. Tropical gardens and lovely swimming pool area, tennis court, basket court & children play area. Air cond. in all rooms, 127 m2 terrace, interrior m2: 87m2. Fully furnished. Price: 125.000 Euros. To view please call: 96-673-0057. (139970) This 2 bed 2 bath ground floor
Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March, 2016 duplex in lovely condition. Furnished . A/Con. Sat TV. Very large corner plot with beautiful established gardens. Includes a hot tub. One of the nicest apartments in the area. Call 96 897 1860. Euro 120000 (101132) BARGAIN reduced to 57950 EURO. Two bed, one bath South-facing duplex in Playa Flamenca. The property comes fully furnished and has off-road parking. It is located within easy reach of all local amenities. Tel 966 73 0057 (101156) This traditional bungalow is on a quiet lane in the Montezenia area of La Zenia and has 4 double bedrooms, a bathroom, a small, rustic kitchen, living room, a south facing terrace (with storage) and a solarium with sea views. There would be room for a pool in the large area at the front of the property. Low community fees.Reduced price!. Call 968 971 860. Euro 177000 (101510) Top floor duplex apartment in the heart of Playa Flamenca. Close to all amenities and the new Commercial Centre. 2 bed, 1 bath, A/C, sat TV and open kitchen. Sold furnished. Large solarium with sea views, shaded terrace and front garden. Access to a communal pool. 79950 Euro. Call 96 897 1860. (101524) Now reduced by 10.000 euro for a quick sale. Stunning 2 bed, 1 bath apartment in the heart of Cabo Roig beachside. Furnished. A/C and sat TV. Underground parking. Incredible pool and sea views from the balcony. Short walk to the beach and all amenities. Euro 135,950. Call 968 971 860. (100887) 2 bed, 1 bath ground floor apartment. Furnished and includes A/C and satellite TV. Walking distance to all amenities and 15 mins to the beach. Off road parking and use of a communal pool. 95,000.00 EUR. Call 637 227 385 for further information. (100884) 2 bed, 1 bath South-facing apartment. Overlooks the pool and has sea views from the balcony. Fully furnished with A/Con and sat TV. Underground parking. In the heart of Cabo Roig. Walking distance to the beach. 99,750 Euro. Call 968 971 860. (101123) Beautiful ground floor apartment. Front Line beach in La Zenia. In a gated and secure complex with incredible views across La Zenia bay you literally walk off your terrace and on to the beach.Fully furnished to a high standard this is a unique property because of its proximity to the beach.This is a property that has to be seen.EUR219,950 call 968 971 860. (100855) Dolores. Large Finca in plot of 10,000 m2. All services connected. Build Size 215m2. Must be viewed. 195,000 euros. Tel 649 189 930 (65297) Beautifully presented 2 bed ground floor bungalow. Property consists of Lounge/Diner, good
sized kitchen with storage area, Master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, twin bedroom with fitted wardrobes and family bathroom. Good sized garden and communal pool. This property is located just a short stroll to Villamartin Plaza and is ideal for full time living and holidays 80,000 euros Tel 966 772 553 (92320) A stunning quad villa in playa golf property with 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom and large garden just a short walk from bars and the bus and only a 5 mins drive to the beach 115,000 euros contact Ian on 644 115 988 (96290) 2 Bedroom quad villa in Lomas de Cabo Roig just 5 mins walk to the shop and about 5 mins drive to the beach this has been a lovely home but need to sell now it only 89,999 euros call Carl on 672 875 251 (96292) Ground floor bungalow over looking community garden and just a short walk from the supermarket carrefour in Torrevieja this is a lovely property with a nice size garden Ideal for you if you are looking to be close to all amenties was 99,000 euros now 75,000 euros call me James on 644 138 502 (96293) Refurbished top floor bungalow with private garden and private solarium in the Verdemars with sea view and golf views also we have refurbished to a high standard there is a lovely stream just a few mins walk away and the communtiy is a nice and clean with 2 communal pool now 124,999 euros call today paul on 634 043 697 (96294) Brand new, 2 Bed, 2 bath walking distance to the new La Zenia Boulevard. Beautiful green areas within the urbanization, children play area, infinity comm.pool, jacuzzy (heated water in the winter months). Ideal investment home. Contact: 96-673-00-57. Euro 128000 (109130) Large apartment in Punta Prima, sea views, 3 bed, 2 bath, large terrace, air cond. quiet area, low comm. fees, well mantained, fully furnished, good investment, please contact: 96673-00-57. Euro 148000 (109514) Lovely 2 bed, 1 bath apartment in Rocio del Mar at Punta Prima, sea views, south facing, fantastic comm. pool in a green area, walking distance to restaurants and all amenities. Contact: 96-
673-00-57. (109515)
Beautiful property; 2 bed plus conservatory, 2 bath, in a gated urbanization with lovely green areas and 2 comm. pools, air cond. Large solarium, 80 mt2 corner plot. Very well mantained, 3 min. from Habaneras shopping centre. For viewing please contact: 96-673-00-57. Euro 115950 (109523) Semi-Detacthed property in La Torreta Florida, 2 Bed, 1 Bath, 400 m2 plot , large terrace, lake views from the large solarium, sunny all year round, garage (possible 3rd bedroom), central heating, fully furnished. For viewing please contact: 96-67300-57. Euro 147000 (109518) Detached property close to Torrevieja and Habaneras shopping centre, 3 bed, 2 bath, beautiful garden, 1.000 mt2 plot, quite area, garage, lovely swimming-pool. Contact for viewing: 96-673-00-57. Euro 270000 (109519) For sale Resale Apartment in Costa Blanca, Alicante, Torrevieja, with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms. This 2 bedroom, one bath, first floor apartment in Torrevieja is well situated close
to the town centre and only a short walk from the promenade and many award winning beaches. It has the use of a lift and is fully furnished throughout with all white goods and fitted wardrobes, with a glassed in veranda. Close to all amenities including medical, school, restaurant and leisure facilities it would be suitable for a retired couple, a small family or as a holiday home with excellent letting potential. For further information, please call 0034 637 227 385. Euro 64,950 (142131) Detached villa in Costa Blanca, Los Balcones, Torrevieja, with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms. Detached villa in quiet residential area. 2 bed, 1 bath with 3 patio/terraces, lots of outside area. South facing, all day sun. Large solarium with views over salt lakes to mountains. Sold fully furnished with all white goods. Superior furniture. Short drive to all amenities including medical, commercial and social. Five minutes to Torrevieja town centre and to wonderful local beaches. Euro 124,950. Please call 0034 637 227 385. (142132)
Car a van F or S ale In La M anga.
Static home for sale. Large plot with deeds. Shed with plumbing for washing machine. Two double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes and air-conditioning. Toilet with hot and cold water. Separate shower room with hot and cold water. Kitchen 12’4” by 6’6”. Fridget. Electric cooker with grill and 4 ring gas hob and extractor fan. Cupboards and work tops. Water purifier and stainless steel sink. Open, large lounge 12’4” by 14’6”. Two sets of double sliding glass doors. Air-conditioning and ceiling fans. Mosquito nets and blinds or curtains on all windows and doors. Pull out blind on patio. Freehold. Communal swimming pool, restaurants, bars, and shop.
Offers around £ 60,000 Please call 634 325 503
Monday 21st March - Sunday 27th March, 2016
637 227 385
Monday 21st March, 2016
Once purchased it can be taken back to the UK and used there with a local UK sim card, or if you like camping or Caravanning this is also perfect. Take a trip to Fowof in the Mercadona arcade and ask Tasia or one of the staff to show you how it works. After the initial purchase, the cost to use it is only around 15€ a month subject to you being an average user for you and all your equipment, Phone, Tablet, PC etc. all will work with Wi-Fi using your “Hot Spot”. My wife works in the UK, (mainly to get away from me), she purchased the Hotspot and asked Tasia about it working in the UK, Tasia did some adjustments which took a few minutes so it only had to be plugged in on her arrival, this she did last week and it works perfectly, the cost here is more attractive than in the UK, plus you are not tied to one supplier, ask in the shop about the Hot Spot, you will not regret it. Fowof this week have introduced a further new range of phones and Tablets giving you even more choice, plus remember the Phones etc. are not locked so will work anywhere in the world with any sim on any system subject to it having a current sim card installed. Also many of the phones have the facility to fit two sim cards giving you the best of both worlds, no high cost UK phone bills, just buy a sim card here and call the UK without worrying about any high bills. Spend 15€ on a Labarra sim card and get 600 minutes included with the price. Ask in the shop and explain your requirements and they will suggest the best deal for you; those who do not need an internet connection will get more minutes of calls for their money. A quick reminder to those who have internet but no TV, just put “Filmon” into your computer to receive all your favourite TV including BBC, ITV etc. etc. 100’s of channels are available, you get about 15 seconds of advertising but after that it is all for free, subject of course to your internet charges, one point, this is only feasible with a long term internet connection not a pay as you go because the cost would be restrictive, this is also the same with You Tube, and Skype and video downloads, which are best done at a Wi-Fi bar, that way no charges for you, just a cup of coffee.
or??? I had one this week, Gloria wants to contact you with regard to a mutual friend, I deleted it and have regretted it ever since but realistically I am nearly 70 what would she want with me, and would I be any good after she had used and abused me, maybe? But it is sadly only a con, a way to get your details, oh if it were only true that women were looking for me and wanted me just because???
Easter is nearly upon us, many visitors will be mourning the loss of their Internet at home, but you do not need to be without your high-speed connection to the cyber world, you can now have Wi-Fi here in Spain with a “HOT SPOT”. This gives you and your family Wi-Fi 24/7 at a fraction of the cost of a yearly subscription. No aerials no elaborate fitting, just 10 minutes in Fowof (located in the Mecadona Arcade in Los Alcazares) can give you Internet on a monthly basis, subject to you purchasing the “Hot Spot”. You then pay as you go; for under 20€ you get 3Gb which is ample for normal usage, Emails, Facebook, etc. etc.
Repairs and cleaning are still the busiest part of Fowof’s business, because here in Spain similar to the UK, we pick up adware and other viruses that clog up your Tablet Computer or phone, so take it along to Fowof to get it cleared out and you will see a massive difference. Last week a customer came in with a laptop that beat all existing records, she had managed to amass over 4,000 viruses. Now I know it would seem strange but if you open everything that appears on your computer or Tablet you will import on average some 10 viruses for every program you open without thinking about the problems they will incur. So 1st make sure you have a decent anti virus program, that will stop you importing at least 75% of these viruses, these programs cost little with regard to the importance of them being in place. Giving your computer more speed and efficiency. One last point is the way Facebook can be seriously detrimental to the speed of your machine, every time you open a file or page, that information loads up onto your machine and accumulates over time. The only way to get rid of it is to regularly go through and delete all unnecessary items. So just allow items that are important to you everything else DELETE if you do not know them DELETE, the most important button on your machine is DELETE. If you get a message from Sarah, who is desperate to contact you, DELETE, she is only trying to get money
I believe Facebook to be one of the sites where they actively ask people if they know these other people. It all starts with one person replying to an email then they have all their friends then all their friends, friends and family and so it goes on, so it may not be you who started it but you could be one of those friends. I said last week about the printers that includes a Scanner and Photocopier, these are fantastic value and come with 2 ink cartridges, enough to last you and me a few months, ideal for printing documents, or even photos. Print off your Boarding card unless you are flying with Easyjet then use their app and use your mobile phone to download the Boarding pass simple and easy. One last point, the opening of the restaurant in Mil Palmeras (Greek) or Mediterranean owned by Angelos from FOWOF was a great success, lots of people turned up so he is a happy man and he is looking forward to another busy season. Isla Mediterranea is located right on the promenade overlooking the sea, I went and met so many people from Los Alcazares who frequent the Fowof Shop. I introduced myself on arrival hoping to get a free meal for writing about the opening? But got my bill which was only 25€, that was for 2 Greek Meze, my favourite and it will soon be yours once you taste it. It was more than we could eat and the taste was fantastic, but one piece of advice for sweet, have the Greek Yogurt with honey, I never eat Yogurt yet this is different, I went home happy and full, it was a great night out. Angelos in the shop is my worst nightmare, telling me of my lack of knowledge of computers etc., but in the restaurant you could not ask for a better host. We sat at a table overlooking the sea, a great view, great food, we will be back. Mil Palmeras is about 10-15 minutes from Los Alcazares then just walk along the promenade and you will see the Blue restaurant that is Isla Mediterranean. Tell them you read about it in the Informer or in the Shop, you will get a great welcome, plus do not forget the Greek Meze, I promise you will enjoy your meal. See their main advert on page 5.
Monday 21st March, 2016
LOS URRUTIAS vast amount of eateries all offering their own distinctive forms of cuisine. During last years tapas route over 35,000 tapas were sold and this year the organisors are hoping that the event will be even more successful. Pick up a tapas route card from any of the participating establishments and remember to get them stamped!
The 6th annual edition of the Tapas Route in Los Urrutias kicked of on Friday March 18th and will continue until Sunday March 27th.
In addition to the great Tapas, there are some fantastic prizes for this years participants.
This year 16 bars, restaurants and cafeterias are taking part in the Tapas route, offering an array of gastronomical delights for just 2.50â‚Ź, which also includes a small beer, glass of wine or soft drink!
If you get a stamp from all 16 establishments in your tapas route card then you are in with a chance of winning a guided tour of the Juan Gil Bodegas and a free pass fro 2 to every event on this years summer social calendar in Los Urrutias.
Los Urrutias Tapas Route is extraordinary due to the diversity of the tapas available because of the mix of nationalities of bar/restaurant owners. This small village on the Mar Menor, nestled between Los Nietos and Los Alcazares has a
If you get 6 stamps or more then you could win a trip for 2 on the Ole Catamaran, a free pass to visit the Puerto de Culturas in Cartagena, a free pass for 2 to the Apolo Theatre in El Algar as well as numerous smaller prizes donated from local businesses.
Monday 21st March, 2016
SAMM PURSUIT RACING Five boats took part in the 4th SAMM Pursuit Race; two Sailfish, Mistral and Sirocco from the Balaton Group; two Gambas, Uno and Quatro from the Shoestring Group plus the RS Vareo. The start sequence was Sailfish first, the Gambas 3mins 15secs later, finally the Vario another 4mins later. In the first race Sirocco started well but was soon pressured by Uno. Sirocco was passed and it looked like clear sailing for Uno once the last buoy was rounded, however the wind veered and she was forced off the best course. The Vario saw the opportunity, powered up and managed to win by about 3 meters. In the second race Mistral and Sirocco got a good start on a 30° tack towards the first buoy. In the 3mins before their start, the wind dropped and both Gambas were delayed by another 2mins until the wind kicked in from a different direction and both started, followed by the Vario. They could all sail straight for the buoy leaving both Sailfish way out on their original tack. Quatro battled with the Vareo, and there was close sailing between Uno and Mistral but Uno had the speed, even though "reefed", to get home ahead of the competition.
Round the last buoy the Vario was headed off the sailing line by a wind shift. Uno pulled tight round the buoy, got a higher and shorter course to the finish, went into the lead but then the wind shifted again forcing her off course. The gust dropped leaving Uno with little forward motion, the Vario found wind but Uno managed to get moving when the Vario came up level. They sailed neck and neck for the last 20 meters with the Vario "pinching it" by half a meter at the finish. For more information
The third race was real excitement and close because the handicaps were adjusted giving the Gambas and Vareo an extra 15secs delay. Sirocco took a different tack to the first buoy to find Mistral bearing down on her. A quick 180deg flick round the buoy and he should be ahead but was there enough room? No, and a very loud "thud" echoed over the Mar Menor . The Vario took the lead with Uno chasing.
Cartagena Local Police have published the locations of the radars which will be checking vehicles speed over the next week, Monday 21st to Sunday 27th March 2016 The radars will be in place on: Los Belones Avenida Víctor Beltrí. Avenida Juan Carlos I (Urb. Mediterráneo) C/ Belgrado (Polígono Cabezo Beaza) Avda. Bruselas (Polígono Cabezo Beaza) Avda. Luxemburgo (Polígono Cabezo Beaza) RM-332 (Bda. San José Obrero) Los Urrutias Ronda Transversal RM-36 Calle Sebastián Feringán. Plaza Alicante N-332 (Carretera de La Unión). C/ Loma Farias (La Loma de Canteras) C/ Viña del Mar y c/ Cuzco (La Vaguada) Dr. Serrano (Barrio Peral) C/ Recoletos (San Antón) Avda. Pintor Portela
Monday 21st March, 2016
We are asking all budding Cruise ship spotters and photographers to send in snaps of your sightings of the Cruise ships in Cartagena to, the best shots will be printed in the paper. March
Ship name
Cruise liner
29 10:00 18:00 MSC Armonia MSC Cruceros 1554 30 12:00 19:00 Silver Cloud Silversea Cruises 296
April 01 08:00 15:00 Oosterdam Holland America Line 1916 09 07:00 13:00 Eurodam Holland America Line 2104 11 07:00 14:00 Costa neoRomantica Costa Crceros 1800 www.costacruceroses 11 09:00 18:00 Silver Wind Silversea Cruises 296 11 08:00 17:00 Pacific Princess Princess Cruises 672 12 08:00 17:00 Ventura P&O Cruises 3600 13 07:00 18:00 Celebrity Constellation Celebrity Cruises 2038 17 08:00 16:00 Star Clipper Star Clipppers 170 19 08:00 17:00 Eurodam Holland America Line 2104 20 08:00 17:00 Celebrity Reflection Celebrity Cruises 3046
EVENTS LIST HAH HELP AT HOME MAR MENOR MURCIA 2016 Tues 5th April Volunteers meeting at Las Claras, Los Alcazares. 10.30 for 11am prompt. Wednesday April 20th Chatters meeting at the Pasty Shack, Rio Nalon, Los Alczares 10.30am for 11 am prompt. Coffee and cake, quiz with prizes and an interesting talk, TBA. All welcome. Why not stay for a fabulous home cooked lunch? April/May date to be arranged, there will be our fabulous auction, watch local press for details or updated events list. Tuesday May 3rd Volunteers meeting at Las Claras, Los Alcazares. 10.30 for 11am prompt Wednesday May 18th Chatters meeting at the Pasty Shack, Rio Nalon, Los Alczares 10.30am for 11 am prompt. Coffee and cake, quiz with prizes and an interesting talk, TBA. All welcome. Why not stay for a fabulous home cooked lunch? SUNDAY JUNE 5th Back for the 5th year ROCKING IN RODA Start at 4pm gates open Bring your own picnic, but no drink as bars open all day. 250 tickets only so book early from May 1st. This year we have Stephen Swain from Telstar Disco to compere and, starting at 4pm with Sandy Fitz, The Geckos, Kevin Tyler, Paula B, Dan Davy and Suzy G. A fabulous line up. Food will also be available from Joy & Tom, Celebration Catering. Tickets will be available FROM MAY 1st. Tel Jackie on 634 358 529 to book. Anyone wishing to bring Umbrellas will have to go at back for viewing purposes, and will be restricted, sorry! Tuesday June 7th Volunteers meeting at Las Claras, Los Alcazares. 10.30 for 11am prompt Wednesday June 15th Chatters meeting at the Pasty Shack, Rio Nalon, Los Alczares 10.30am for 11 am prompt. Coffee and cake, quiz with prizes and an interesting talk TBA. 10.30 for 11am prompt, Why not stay for a fabulous home cooked lunch?
Monday 21st March, 2016
INFORMER GOLF After a few days of colder than usual temperatures we have returned to the weather we expect here in Murcia, warm and sunny, the best for golfing worldwide. Yet still we do not get the players we need to keep the courses ticking over. This is mainly due to lack of suitable flights from the UK, for example nothing North of Watford in the winter! If you live North, you must travel to Gatwick, Stanstead or Bristol or fly in to Alicante that adds 100€ to the cost of your holiday due to the extra travelling distance, then also arriving in Alicante you are left with further expenses as to your final destination, which is why Murcia looses players in the winter. My wife travels back and forth to Gatwick from San Javier each month, every flight is full, many of you will notice that Easter has been fully booked for certain days or the fares are so huge 259€ one way, as to make it not viable to fly. I am flying to Gatwick soon and have had to pay premium prices due to the lack of seats, clever marketing by the Airlines, this way the Flights are full and the seats attract premium rates. Airlines get richer, we get poorer. We need a representative from Murcia to speak to the airlines and point out that just a couple more flights a week would attract 300 extra visitors, that way many businesses might stay open in the winter to accommodate the extra visitors. The cost of accommodation locally is very good, you can rent long term from 250€ to 500€ per month or short term from only 250€ a week. There are plenty of empty Hotel rooms at bargain prices but no one gets to know because this area is not promoted enough. I have played three times this week with a local Society, as a guest and enjoyed great value for money with savings of up to 50%! how they do it I do not know. But it is a shame more players cannot benefit from the prices instead of being asked to pay up to 140€ for two people for a round of golf. When we were in the UK we paid top price, where we lived in the South it came to £32 a round. Come on
Murcia invest some money advertise the facilities available.
Golf is very quiet at present with many of the top players on circuit, doing what the Bars and restaurants do here in Murcia, go on Vacation for 6 months! Makes you think they make a lot of money in the Summer, or are they compulsive holidaymakers? One bar we used last year closed on October 10th and has a sign on the window, closed for Holidays reopen March 18th, some Holiday! This is unlike Golf Deluxe, for those days you feel like a morning or afternoon at this American Style 18 hole Putting experience, situated on the Poligono Industrial on the Torre Pacheco road, only 2 km from central Los Alcazares with plenty of parking right outside, or a short Taxi ride from the centre of town. This place is ideal for friends or the whole family. Set in gardens with its many water features, this has been built to frustrate even the best of golfers, yet great for adults and children alike. Also in the gardens is a great restaurant with seating inside, outside, or in the attached covered in area, serving meals with some of the best prices in the area, with offers like, 13€ euros for 18 holes including a meal either before or after your game. We have spent many days at Golf Deluxe, the owners and Helen the manager always give you a warm welcome, plus the food is great value. Or take the kids along and while they are enjoying the golf, you can sit at the fully stocked bar, we took the grandchildren along there in the afternoon and had a nice relaxing time, in theory we were supposed to be looking after them while the parents went shopping. When they finished playing we had a meal and then took them home ready for bed, their parents were so impressed that we had
managed to keep them occupied all afternoon with no problems. So the following week we took the whole family along, it is good for all ages and abilities. Or if you want to practice your putting skills there are facilities there to suit all. Open from 10am till 7pm you will enjoy the day whatever the weather. After watching the Golf this week with the recent demise of UK golfers, I was surprised to see Justin rose only 2 shots off the lead going into the second day, after a fantastic Eagle from 112 yds Rory Mc Illroy was laying at the back some 9 shots in arrears, now I have had complaints about me running down Rory? But for someone to sit on TV being interviewed telling everyone that last year was a blip and he is still the Top player? Reminds me of Tiger woods being interviewed 4 years ago saying that now he has sorted out his life he would soon return to the Top?? Advice from a lowly golf reporter, before being interviewed think before speaking, arrogance always returns to
bite you. After round one Rory could only manage joint 79th which would have seen him miss the cut yet again, but a very good round two, saw him get to safety at joint 42nd with anyone below 63 missing the Cut, but he is still left with two rounds and a deficit of 11 strokes off the leaders. For many of us this would be a fantastic score but for the potential world number 1 he seems to have become inconsistent. The leader going into day three is Jason Day, having had two rounds, one of 65 and one of 66. I watch it on Sky and it has been a very good game up to now. Justin Rose is 2 shots off the lead with a great chance of finishing well. For those who have never played at La Serena golf course, I think this is one of the best courses in the area, with no houses to avoid, it is wide open and the facilities are good, not the cheapest by far, but the course is one of the best kept in the area. A very good clubhouse, again not the cheapest but clean and great views over the Course and the Mar Menor, nice way to end your day.
To advertise in our golfing section please contact your local rep for our latest offers, call David on 658 058 883
Monday 21st March, 2016