The Virtual Leader Newspaper Edition 807

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No 807

Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020

Tel: 637 227 385

Serving the community, in print and online, for over 15 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper

S PA I N C LO S E D BY ROYA L D E C R E E pain has been closed by Royal Decree to prevent the collapse of the health system


The National Council of Ministers approved, for the second time in 40 years, the

declaration of a State of Emergency in Spain. On the previous occasion, in 2010, it was as a result of industrial action by air traffic controllers. On this occasion, the measures are designed to stop the spread of the coronavirus and prevent a collapse of the

National Health system The decree has unprecedented consequences for all Spaniards, and for those of us who live in Sapin, who will see their movements limited and their social and work routines dramatically changed.

The COVID-19 pandemic has already caused 196 deaths and almost 6,400 confirmed cases. One of the most recent is the Prime Minister’s wife, Doña Begoña Gómez who was tested in the Moncloa Palace. Continued on Page 2


Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020


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She tested positive along with two PSOE ministers, Territorial Policy and Public Function Minister, Carolina Darias, and the Equality Minister, Irene Montero. Montero’s husband is Pablo Iglesias, the Podemos leader and Deputy Prime Minister, and who was also in quarantine, although leaving it on Saturday to join Sanchez for the Council of Ministers. The Prime Minister appeared on television on Saturday night to explain the measures that the government had taken. He announced that from Monday at 8:00 am free movement of the public throughout Spain will be withdrawn as another measure aimed at stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Movement will only be allowed in certain specific cases which includes the acquisition of food, pharmaceuticals and basic necessities. They were listed as follows: 1. Visits to supermarkets, chemists and in order to obtain and essential items. 2. Visits to Medical Centres and Hospitals 3. Travel to and from work 4. Return journeys to home 5. Provision of welfare for seniors, minors, dependents, the disabled and any other vulnerable groups. 6. Journeys to banks. 7. For reasons of absolute necessity. 8. Any other journey that they can justify to the authorities. The Prime Minister and his wife, Doña Begoña Gómez, who has tested positive for the virus.


Sanchez also said that in order to stop people from traveling, the department of Transport will have the authority to close motorways for reasons of public health, safety or movement of traffic. The latest information (Sunday) supplied by the Ministry of Health put the number of people in Spain infected by the coronavirus at 7,753, with almost 300 deaths. A total of 272 are critical while 517 people have been cured and released from hospital. The move virtually mirrors the steps taken by the Prime Minister of Italy last week. The law also guarantees the continuity of all basic supplies, including “the supply of foodstuffs” and the “operation of services at centres of production,” allowing for the distribution of produce to stores and supermarkets. The Prime Minister explained that all these initiatives have a single objective: to ensure that the number of people infected by this virus does not continue to grow sharply, but "in a slower way" so that the hospital system does not collapse. Sánchez warned that there will be "very difficult weeks" involving "enormous efforts and sacrifices" "But this is a battle that we are going to win, about which there is no discussion. The important thing is what price we will pay for that victory. How many more lives we save, how much more sickness and more days of illness do we avoid," he stressed. The royal decree states that the ministers of Health, Defence, the Interior and Transport will have the authority to act and issue orders throughout the country under the direction of Sánchez for as long as the state

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of emergency continues, in principle for the next 15 days. Meanwhile the Spanish Press have been particularly critical of residents of Madrid, which has over 2000 with the virus and was put on virtual lockdown early last week. Many have second homes on the Costas and, despite advice from the Prime Minister and the Spanish Health authorities, deserted their residences in the Capital and headed for the Costa Blanca, Mar Menor and Costa del Sol. According to ABC news, one of them is the ex-prime minister Jose Aznar, who was seen arriving to his home in the exclusive San Pedro neighbourhood of Marbella with his wife and the former Madrid mayor Ana Botello. On Friday afternoon the motorways leaving Madrid saw four kilometres of traffic jams on the A-4, heading towards Andalucia while the M-40 towards Valencia and the Costa Blanca saw tailbacks of at least two kilometres, according to the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT).



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Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020


EasyJet is the latest airline to cancel all its flights in and out of Spain as the country adopts emergency measures to fight the coronavirus contagion. In an announcement on the company website the carrier said: Spanish authorities have implemented strict travel restrictions for flights to, from and within Spain from Monday 16 March. As a result, we will be operating our normal schedule on Sunday 15 and Monday 16 March to try and allow as many people as possible to return home. However, flights from 17 March until 29 March will be cancelled and only a number of rescue flights will operate. For more information please see the airline web page at Earlier on Saturday Jet2 announced that all flights to Spain would also be cancelled as the country went into lockdown. A number of flights that were in transit at the time were turned around by the airline and told to return to their points of departure. On its website a short statement said: “In line with Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) travel advice and decisions made by local authorities overseas, we’ve reduced our flights programme.” “We’re cancelling all flights to Mainland Spain (Alicante, Barcelona, Murcia and Malaga) for at least the next seven days. Our flights from Mainland Spain to the UK are running as scheduled until 21

March 2020 (inclusive).” Meanwhile, Ryanair Group Airlines (including Buzz and Lauda), has been forced to severely reduce flights to/from Spain, the Balearic Islands and Canary Islands from 24:00 Sun 15 Mar until 24:00 Thurs 19 Mar. The company says that it is contacting all affected customers by email to advise them of their options and they urge customers not to call. British Airways has also cancelled flights from Gatwick to Italy, France and Albania. From London City, there are cancelled flights to and from Germany and Italy. The FCO updated its Travel Advice on Sunday morning to advise against all but essential travel to Spain, following the restrictions put in place by the Spanish government in response to the outbreak of coronavirus (Covid-19). For more information visit The British Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott, recorded a video message for UK nationals explaining the implications of the state of emergency for both residents and tourists. He also thanked the Spanish authorities saying: “A big thank you to the Spanish authorities, in particular the healthcare professionals, for all the great work they are doing to help keep everyone in Spain – of all nationalities – safe, in circumstances that are very challenging indeed.” You can view the video at For more information on coronavirus, please follow the advice of the Spanish government ( and UK government



Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020


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Government employs far more women than men

Skipping to his 90th Birthday Big Day out for ‘Skippy’ Teasdale with the RBL Chelsea In Pensioner ‘Skippy Teasdale’ chose to celebrate his 90th birthday on 12th March with his colleagues and friends of the Orihuela Costa and District Branch of TRBL in the Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant in La Zenia on the Costa Blanca last week. His two sons Paul and Andrew, provided the big surprise of the night, flying in especially to be with their father from Thailand and Australia. Skippy has been a member of the branch, along with fellow Chelsea Pensioner Wayne Campbell, for many years and the pair travel out to Spain at their own expense 5 or 6 times every year to attend branch and district events. Just a few days before, all Chinese restaurants in the area had closed in order to slow down the spread of the coronavirus but on being told of Skippy’s special day the staff opened Bienvenido’s especially to allow Skippy to celebrate his big day.

Quesada roadworks in full swing By Andrew Atkinson

Skippy celebrating with sons Paul and Andrew.

Freddie Parrot-face Davies LEADER EXCLUSIVE One of our best loved comedians Freddie 'Parrotface' Davies talks to Andrew Atkinson in a Leader Exclusive interview. Freddie, 82, a British comedian and actor who rose to fame in 1964 on Opportunity Knocks, has since appeared in a plethora of TV series and films. Freddie, who appeared at the world famous Magic Circle in London on March 9, is the grandson of Music Hall comedian Jack Herbert. At the start of WW2, London born Freddie was evacuated to Wiltshire, Torquay and Salford.

Improvement works that began at the turn of the year are in full swing in Ciudad Quesada after finances were put in place, following years of neglect. The main Quesada Arches entrance has seen diversions put in place as heavy plant machinery digs up the thoroughfare costing hundreds of thousands of euros. Following Finance Councillor, Fernando Lorenzo releasing purse strings instructure improvements have seen new roads' surfacing, widening and much needed improved footpaths being undertaken, along with installation of LED street lighting. Works are apace, with pipeworks being laid in the irrigation channel along busy Avenida de los Regantes, in addition to roadworks on Quesada's main thoroughfare, Avenida de Las Naciones. The works are scheduled, during January through to April, with a roundabout in situ at the junction of Quesada's Municipal Centre. The works in Ciudad Quesada follow Rojales town centre undergoing major roadworks improvements. Ciudad Quesada is part of Rojales, including the urbanisations of Pueblo Lucero, Doña Pepa, Pueblo Bravo and Lo Pepín.

After National service in the Royal Army Pay Corps, Freddie became a stand-up comedian beginning his career in 1958 at Butlin's. He joined the cabaret circuit in 1964, and appeared on TV in the 1960s, '70s and '80s on Freddie appeared at the world famous Magic Circle in London on March 9.

Opportunity Knocks, Sunday Night at the London Palladium, The Des O'Connor Show, The Tom Jones Show, The Bachelors Show and Blackpool Night Out. Freddie's debut appearance on Opportunity Knocks, in 1964, brought him overnight fame - having told a joke about an exasperated character, remonstrating with a tiresome pet-shop owner - with the words 'Look here, Parrot-face!'. Freddie, known worldwide as Freddie 'Parrot-face' Davies, made further allusions to birds - in jokes about budgies - playing character Samuel Tweet. "Andrew asked for an interview about my life and career and I was happy to talk to him," said Freddie. EXCLUSIVE - coming soon Only in The Leader.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function, Public administrations in Spain employ 2,595,575 people, of which 1,459,918 are women (56.25%) and 1,135,657 are men (43.75 %). The presence of women in the three public administration bodies continues to grow in global terms because many government bodies continue to select and employ more women than men. The number of 1,459,918 women in the three administrations is currently 324,261 (12.5%) higher than that of men. The employment of women in Autonomous Communities more than doubles that of men: 1,011,661 are women (67.47%) and 487,643 men (32 , 52%). Local Corporations are fairly evenly balanced with 582,317 employees: 289,205 (49.66%) women and 293,112 men (50,33). The same is true in the state public sector (excluding the Armed Forces and the State Security Forces), where there are 231,760 employees, of which 112,897 (48.71%) are women and 118.863 men (51.28%).



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Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020

ROYAL NAVAL ENCOUNTER THE SHIPMATES of the Torrevieja Royal Naval Association (RNA) converged at San Miguel del Salinas in the restaurant Meson El Prado where they ‘piped aboard' (a Royal Navy term for ‘officially welcoming someone on board’ and ‘formally saluting them if they are a military personnel’ by means of blowing a specific tune with a ‘boatswain’s [bos’n] whistle’) their family and friends to join them for a stupendous Menu del Dia on the 20th February 2020. Mustered within the members and guest visitors were ex-military personnel from other UK service, Dave & Liz visiting from the UK RNA Purley branch and of course there was the essential contingent from the Torrevieja branch of the Royal Marines Association (what would we do without them – a very integral and historical part of the Royal Navy). It goes without saying; that when you put 40 like minded people together, there is going to be a great deal of chatter with the requisite ‘swinging of the lamp’ (Royal Naval slang or “jack speak” – for telling stories of time on-board ship or adventures during your time in the service) and there is always a ‘black cat’ story (jack speak for – a more exhilarating escapade than yours). The staff of the restaurant Meson El Prado were exceptional with their friendly service and amazingly patient whilst trying to serve a ‘mess’ of people who were preoccupied in talking and the lull in ‘chatter’ once served was a signal of the superb quality of ‘scran’ (jack speak for -food/meal). Following the essential tombola/raffle it was time for them all to drift apart and merrily sail home with the two important R.N. greetings of farewell in mind “To calm seas and fair winds” & “The best ships are friendships – that’s to you and me”. You can partake in these uplifting events even if you have no military background, so why not contact us and find out more, we look

forward to hearing from you. Or see more about the Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch at our website The Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch welcome military and non-military personnel into our socially friendly and engaging organization, contact: Chairman, Tony Jenkins on 693866709, Membership Secretary, Danny Kay on Tel 966716274 or email or the Secretary, Margaret Forshaw on Tel 966 921 996.



‘Carbon Paper Scam’

Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020

million pounds, at that time it was an enormous amount.

Now that we can talk to our banking facility every day, even if it is only through a computer, at least it is possible to check your statement daily, which one should because, if there is an error, then you can normally put it right there and then.

I’ll go back to bank statements and cannot help but feel that maybe some organizations are doing something similar to its customers. Let me explain. Three years ago we took out an agreement with a software company to pay them twenty three pounds per year on the due date of February.

Which leads on to a little story about fraud which at one time was quite rife way back in the days when secretaries and clerks used that clattering machine, the typewriter. It would be mostly woman in a typing pool who would spend all of the working day punching out letters, but first they had to feed a sheet of paper into the carriage and normally two sheets of carbon paper to produce copies of the work.

Each year since then the payments have gone through as agreed. However this year they decided to take a second payment in May. If we did not check our bank statement every day, we would not have known about it and they would be that much richer and us that much poorer.

Let’s take the Ford Motor Company, but then it could be any large organization. It does not take too much of an imagination to think of the masses of letters and the copies this company would produce every day, it must have run into the hundreds of thousands, letters to dealers and suppliers and of course customers. Now some bright spark thought it was a good idea to send them an low priced invoice for carbon paper and it became known as the. It went on for a long time until auditors picked it up, for you see nobody ever checked small invoices, they just paid them, not realizing there was no order given for the stock and in fact there was no stock. It was reported the organizers of the scam got away with close on a

This is not the first time this has happened, on another occasion it was over one hundred pounds that had been wrongly debited. The point really is was it deliberate or just a computer hitch – either way it pays to check. Why daily you may ask, well if there is a debit that should not be there then you can stop it there and then, if you leave it to the next day it is too late the bank will have paid it. On one occasion we found a thousand pounds was missing but I think we would have noticed that anyway. I wonder how many people are paying a regular payment, which they know nothing about and should not be paying it. Take care! -


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Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020



Turning back the past – Pictorial memories Everyone has probably dreamed at least once of being able to go to the past and see what life was like back then. But, unfortunately, there is no such thing just yet as a time machine, so all we can do is enjoy the photographs from the past.

Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020

It is hard to believe that these young English boys would grow up to become the greatest gods of rock. The Rolling Stones have more than 50 years entertaining us with their music. In this photograph from 1963 we see 5 nervous young boys, just prior to appearing on TV for the first time for their great debut.


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Dagen H, or Day H, was the day on which Sweden changed from driving on the left hand side of the road to the right hand side. The exact date and time was September 3, 1967 at 5 a.m. When the city woke up, nobody knew exactly what was happening and there was absolute chaos as can be seen in the photo.

In my case many of them, like the 1966 World Cup Winners photo of Bobby Moore lifting the trophy, are simply me reminiscing but some of the others tell us a lot of really remarkable events. So in no particular order I thought I would feature some of my favourite photographs from history. This photo was captured when NASA's manned spacecraft for the Gemini 9A space mission landed in 1966 after orbiting the earth. Here we see the astronauts, Thomas P. Stafford and Eugene Cernan, leaving the capsule safe and sound, happy to have completed their mission that lasted 3 days. We've all seen a postcard of the famous Elizabeth Tower, AKA Big Ben. The legendary clock has decorated the city of London for many years, only ceasing to function on occasions of utmost importance. Something you may not have seen is Big Ben from the inside; this is what it looked like in a 1920 photo.

It is hard to believe that in 1956 a PanAm aircraft was needed to transport a 5MB hard drive. Since those days 64 years ago technology has advanced and allowed us to take our portable devices wherever we want in our jacket pockets.

Every time we see a mega construction, we have to take some time to think about the hard work undertaken by the builders. New York, for example, was not built overnight. It took a lot of effort and the dedication and bravery of men like those portrayed in this 1925 photo.

This photo, besides being unique, has marked a milestone in history. In it we see the famous archaeologist Howard Carter examining the sarcophagus of probably the most powerful Pharaoh of ancient Egypt, even though he was only 18 or 19 years of age when he died. The photo dates from 1922.

If you think about it for a moment, everything Coca Cola has achieved in its more than 100 years of their existence has been impressive. They currently distribute their products in large trucks, but in 1909, not everything was done on such a large scale.

Surrounded by his team mates, Bobby Moore with the World Cup in 1966. It was a glorious, sunny afternoon I seem to remember when, in the days before wall to wall coverage by Sky and others we watched football on the BBC, with our families, in the comfort of our living rooms. Fortunately I had just finished my Army basic training at Arborfield so I was enjoying a spot of leave prior to my first overseas posting.

If you thought that ‘selfies’ have only recently arrived on the scene, think again. It is probably because you had not encountered this photograph of a young and funny Frank Sinatra before. This image of him taking a ‘selfie’ dates from 1938, and shows us a less serious attitude of one of the best singers of all time.



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Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020


Benijofar s Martin, Tyson Fury-lookalike KO - when it comes to fashion! By Andrew Atkinson, at Ringside TYSON FURY LOOKALIKE, Benijofar resident Martin Dean, says he'd KO the world heavyweight boxing champ - when it comes to fashion! ROUND 1: "I love Tyson Fury's shirts - I wish he'd wear odd shoes, or odd boxing gloves," quipped Martin, whose fashionista trade-mark is odd shoes. Fury defeated Deontay Wilder in the WBC heavyweight championship in Las Vegas in February, after Wilder's corner threw the towel in. Religious devoted Catholic Fury, who thanked

Jesus for his title win, sang the song 'American Pie' in rejoicing. ROUND 2: "They say everyone has a double - I could be his brother," joked Catholic Martin, a former Croupier and singer, who has visited Las Vegas, and hosts weekly Spiritual meetings at Hamilton's Bake House, Benijofar. "Customers come into Benijofar and continuously tell me how much I look like Tyson Fury," said Martin. Fury returned to the ring two years ago, and has since openly spoken about positive mental health,

after enduring a three-year drink and drug-fuelled battle with depression, following his win over Wladimir Klitschko in 2015. Tyson ballooned to over 28-and-a-half stone (400lbs) and struggled with depression and addictions to cocaine and alcohol, after defeating Wladimir Klitschko in November 2015. Fury sought help from psychiatric experts and embarked on a weightloss programme, losing nine stone in less than two years, before making an unexpected return to boxing. ROUND 3: "I was an alcoholic and have suffered from depression - just like Tyson Fury and thousands more. When I was in Las Vegas I put 14 kilos on, mirroring Tyson's weight gain," said Martin. Self-proclaimed 'Gypsy King' Hesketh Bank, nr Morecambe, Lancashire based Fury's dapper dress sense is a knockout - as is Martin's. ROUND 4: Martin, named 'Killer' by Casino bosses, whose shirts and shoes are a match for Fury, said: "I was at a hotel in Benidorm and a group of guys went to reception. "They saw me and shouted 'It's Tyson Fury! and started chanting 'Tyson!, Tyson'. "I told them to calm down - I wasn't Tyson. But they'd have none of it - and insisted I was!" ROUND 5: "Tyson Fury has openly spoken about his suffering from mental depression and his struggles in admitting to suicidal feelings. "I've been there, in that dark place of depression and alcohol. I know how he felt, having suffered

Reporter Andrew Atkinson and Martin Dean. Photo: Helen Atkinson. from both. I'm okay now, it's part of life's journey," said Martin.


Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020

Putting panic into Prowlers…


isten up folks for another bit of sound advice, courtesy of this column. We are all better at giving advice than taking it – despite having two ears and only one mouth. Perceived wisdom is dished out like snuff at a wake (actually, we should stop using that one – as snuff at a wake is as rare as hen’s teeth nowadays) Anyway, the odd morsel of good advice does occasionally fall on fertile ground. This is where YCBS comes into its own with free advice. Talking of free advice, and my grand-uncle Dinny springs to mind. Dinny had enough black sheep in him to make a flock of piebalds. He once received advice from a solicitor, which wasn’t meant to be free, but the bould Dinny refused to pay on the grounds that he didn’t take the proffered advice! This week we are offering you a free plan, so ingenious – or as Blackadder would say; ‘so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel!’ Let’s hear it, I hear you all holler… Whether you live in Leitrim or La Zenia, the risk of a house break-in is ever present. No matter where you live, the fear of an intruder is never far away … unless you are a fool – and fools don’t read The Leader! It is a surprising statistic that most break-ins occur while the house is occupied – and not always in the middle of the night. Any plan which will send the intruders scurrying away before the harm is done, has to be welcomed. We have tried many tricks and devices over the years but nothing comes near our secret plan specially devised for 2020. Times change and we have to change with it. ‘Keep ahead of the game’, as they say. I was always a great believer in the referee’s whistle. In my house there are whistles everywhere and when I was in the bar business, whistles hung on nails all over the place. There is nothing fit to unnerve a prospective robber than for him to hear three or four shrill blasts on a whistle. There was nothing more effective … that is until now! When we owned a shop and post-office, I had a massive (adorable) Alsatian called ‘Silver’ who had the run of the place at night. I

thought Silver would handle any eventuality until a shop in the neighbouring town, with two guard dogs was cleaned out one night. What the thieves did was to bring a little terrier bitch with them, which was in heat! The dogs neglected their post to woo the lady. I know … I know, Ladies – that’s the male species for you all over!

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Put on your facemask and head for the stairs!

A blast from a shot-gun has always been a decent deterrent. Unfortunately, when fired indoors – as it has to be if you have an intruder coming up the stairs; this exercise will result in the wife’s favourite interior decorator being around the place for a week or two. No, guns aren’t everybody’s cup of tea. There is a multitude of house alarms on the market these days. You have bells, buttons, cameras, electronic, trip-wires, phone connected alarms – and the devil knows what else. It is good and necessary to have your house alarmed, but the fault here lies in the fact that your highly-skilled burglar can be in and out before the consequences of the alarm kicks in. He knows how much time he has got. Read on please … We hear the term ‘modern age’ being bandied about to cover everything that is new. You cannot have a more ‘modern age’ than March 2020 and this is where we announce the plan guaranteed to put the fear of God into any invader of your home. There is no greater satisfaction than to hear a panicking prowler fleeing for his life in total terror. This is so simple you will wonder why you didn’t think of it yourself. You hear the floor boards creak and you know you have an intruder in the house. All you have to do next, my friend, is COUGH! Not just any old cough … you need to put a finger on the back of your tongue and let rip. Elbow your partner in the ribs and now there are two of you coughing. Sprinkle a littler pepper on the children’s pillows and let the sneezing begin. A colophony of kids wheezing and sneezing is as good as lobbing a pin-less grenade. Time now to put on your face-mask and head for the stairs. If by any chance the bur-

British Family unable to bury father because of Benidorm police failings The grieving family of a Bridgwater man, 68 year old Phil Pearce, who went missing in Benidorm last September, and who’s body was found in early February, have accused the Benidorm police of gross incompetence after they admit to having lost a bone from his leg. They say that they are absolu-


tely furious. Son Lee said that the family had planned to repatriate the body to his home in the Somerset town but now they feel that they don’t not want to do so until the missing femur is found.

glar is still there, frozen to the spot on the landing, offer to forgive and shake hands with him – as you wipe your nose with your hand. Tomorrow, this 2020 loser will hand himself in to police and request solitary confinement … Don’t Forget Blowing out the other person’s candle won’t make your shine any brighter. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

Torrevieja Local Police get 12 new vehicles

They say that they want him laid to rest but “as he travelled to Spain in one piece, he should come back in one piece. He should be laid to rest in one piece with all his bones in there." Lee’s brother Wayne described the whole business a ‘shambles’ saying that the police had his father’s body for over 3 months before the family was told he was dead. "It seems they don't have a clue what they are doing over there," he added. Phil, who suffered from dementia, was taken to a Benidorm police station in a confused state but he was allowed leave before the police were able to take any action His body was eventually found but the police say that delays in advising the family were as a result of them not being able to find a DNA match and properly identify him. Bridgwater's Conservative MP Ian Liddell-Grainger, who has described the whole episode as “shabby” has raised the case with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab. According to the BBC website he said: "Everything has been, dare I say it, either slow or it's been pretty shabbily handled by the Spanish authorities at every level. An FCO spokesperson said: “Our thoughts remain with the family of a British man who has died in Spain. Our staff will do everything they can to support.

The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, along with his Councilor for Security and Emergencies, and the Chief Inspector of the Local Police, Vicente Gutiérrez, visited the Policia Local compound on Tuesday where they took delivery of a dozen new police cars at a cost of 55,000 euros. The new vehicle will be a major boost to the force which has seen it’s current fleet beset with major problems for some time. The vehicles have been provided as part of a leasing agreement, the second phase of which will see the arrival of a further 17 mew vehicles in July. The 12 vehicles are made up of six Nissan Qashqai, four Opel Mokka, a Renault van for the Operational Reinforcement Group (GRO) and a Citroën van for general services. The mayor said that these vehicles are fully equipped with all necessary equipment and lighting for emergency vehicles established by the regulations of the Generalitat Valenciana.



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Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020



Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020


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ANSWERS Week 806

ACROSS 1. Outlook (8) 5. Retain (4) 9. Release (4) 10. Cut (8) 11. Hard (5) 12. Rowdy (7) 13. Superiority (13) 18. Hearing (8) 19. Rotate (4) 20. Underwater missile (7) 21. Content (5) 22. Discourteous (4) 23. Pipe (8) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23


Bitterness (7)


Temporary (7)


Conflicting (13)


Issue (7)


Punishment (7)


Steal (6)


Plate (7)


Lasted (7)


Heeded (6)


Refrain (7)


Maim (7)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Squall; 4 Paused; 9 Accidentprone; 10 Congeal; 11 Rotor; 12 Scope; 14 Plump; 18 Thorn; 19 Absence; 21 Distinguished; 22 Oxygen; 23 People. DOWN: 1 Snatch; 2 Unconsciously; 3 Lodge; 5 Apparel; 6 Sportsmanship; 7 Dreary; 8 Angle; 13 Pensive; 15 Studio; 16 Cargo; 17 Meddle; 20 Spire. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Studio; 4 Canons; 9 Accelerometer; 10 Rundown; 11 Niece; 12 Minor; 14 Broth; 18 Alias; 19 Riviera; 21 Hundredweight; 22 Delves; 23 Esther. DOWN: 1 Stairs; 2 Unconditional; 3 Igloo; 5 Almoner; 6 On the strength; 7 Server; 8 Front; 13 Observe; 15 Cashed; 16 Trade; 17 Waiter; 20 Views.

ACROSS 1. Flee about the present time from hazardous adventure (8) 5. Diana comes in at an entrance of mine (4) 9, 19Ac and 20Ac. Reach the point of not being handicapped and fulfil obligations (4,2,2,7) 10. Reckon teatime's been altered (8) 11. Certificate too short for the text of the play (5) 12. What entrants use protected from the elements (7) 13 and 8Dn. Not taking the lead in bowing (7,6,6) 18. Supplementary writing that may have to be cut out in the theatre (8) 19. See 9 Across. 20. See 9 Across. 21. A place to display fashions of course (5) 22. Through which the river flows in tidal effusion (4) 23. Conceptual catalogue for one who aims at perfection (8)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Just before making his Premier League debut for Manchester United in 1995, David Beckham played on loan for which club? 2. The Household Cavalry consists of two regiments: The Blues and Royals is one, which is the other? 3. Which boxer was nicknamed The Black Hercules and was one of only 5 people to have defeated Muhammad Ali in the latter's professional career? 4. Which poet wrote Sonnets from the Portuguese, the Portuguese being an affectionate nickname used by her husband (also a famous poet) for her? 5. In which 1979 film, based on a rock opera by The Who does a scooter fly off a cliff in the final scene? 6. The name of which African country derives from the Arabic for 'land of the blacks'? 7. In which famous novel by George Orwell did Winston Smith find himself tortured in Room 101 in the Ministry of Love?

DOWN 2. Being austerely impassive is missing from Socialist shake-up (7) 3. A pleasing feature could change anytime (7) 4. Made out as being illustrious (13) 6. A devil of a game? (7) 7. Locked the pudding up (7) 8. See 13 Across. 13. The padre is unusually commended (7) 14. It's assumed to be a paper rewritten by a learner (7) 15. Carry out a light task (6) 16. Advocate advice (7) 17. They convey ideas of negative charged particles (7)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 8. Stoke City F.C. is the second oldest club in the Football League; which is the oldest? 9. With which part of the United Kingdom is the dance 'Gay Gordons' associated? 10. The Elder Futhark, The Younger Futhark and The AngloSaxon Futhark are the 3 best-known categories of which alphabet? 11. What was the pre-1998 name of the Indian city Mumbai? 12. Brennivin, an alcoholic beverage made from fermented potato pulp and flavoured with caraway seeds, is made and drunk in which country? 13. Pinkpop is an international festival of pop music conducted annually in which country? 14. Named after a British manufacturer of darts equipment, what is the oldest major darts tournament still running? 15. The International Day of Peace was instituted by the United Nations in 1981, and is observed annually on which day?



637 227 385

Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020

The fragrance of Jasmine Jasmine is already filling the air with a wonderful aroma - with its unique sweet fragrance that can fill a room or a garden with its heady scent. The flower buds are more fragrant than the flowers, with jasmine flowers releasing their fragrance at night, after sunset. A native to tropical and warm or temperate regions of the old world, jasmine is believed to have originated in the Himalayas in western China. Amongst a variety, the Star jasmine plants are ideal for a climbing or ground-covering plant. Jasmine flowers are in the main white in most species, with some species yellow, with flower oil used in high grade perfumes and cosmetics, including creams, oils, soaps, and shampoos. Jasmine oil also has anti-inflammatory properties and can be useful in general skin care and treatment of psoriasis.


Torrevieja plans major investment in Palacio de los Deportes Torrevieja’s draft 2020 budget shows an investment of 5.3 million euros for the overhaul of the Sports Palace and the construction of a new 25-metre indoor pool adjacent to the facility. Mayor Eduardo Dolón has said that 3.3 million euros will be allocated for the refurbishment of the main building, even though it is less than two decades old, but it has a number of major maintenance problems, constant leaks, inadequate changing rooms, that need urgent attention.

Jasmine flower has been used in medicine, including for liver disease (hepatitis), liver pain due to cirrhosis, and abdominal pain, due to severe diarrhoea (dysentery). Jasmine is also used as a relaxant - as a sedative - to heighten sexual desire - as an aphrodisiac - and in cancer treatment. Whether it be in the ground or pots, jasmines grow well in moist, well drained, sandy to clay soil, ideally positioned in full sun-to-partial shade. Water regularly, during the summer months.

He says that he wants the work to get underway this year because the centre is due to host a phase of the handball world championship in 2021, prior to which the replacement of all electrical, heating and air conditioning, plumbing, sanitation and natural gas installations, need to be completed. Improvements will also be carried out to the current Olympic heated pool -a facility that has caused problems practically since it was first opened, although it is also one of the most popular facilities which is also in great demand from users in other areas of the region. The sides of the pool and walkways need attention as does the safety railing of the stands. Much of the necessary work has already been highlighted with some projects commissioned by the previous government that first identified many of the deficiencies of the building including the constant problem of leaks in the indoor Olympic pool. The other great investment will be the construction of a new 25-metre indoor pool that would be located between

The draft budget for the city amounts to 115 million euros the Sports Palace and the blue pavilion, on an area of approximately one thousand square metres, but connected to the main Sports Palace and the existing olympic pool. This will cost two million euros that the municipal accounts made up of an initial disbursement of one hundred thousand euros for this year and 1.9 million in 2021. The purpose for this installation is quite different from the current pool as it will not necessarily be put to sports use but used for rehabilitation, exercise, recovery, swimming for the elderly as well as courses for children. With this concept, one of the starting design conditions for this new pool will be the water temperature, which will range between 30 and 34 degrees; something that will allow its use by people with disabilities or for learning which the Olympic pool does not allow. The draft budget amounts to 115 million euros, with a large increase over the previous year of more than twenty million euros. To the 5.3 million euros allocated to the Sports centre is a further 2.7 provided for the redevelopment of the Paseo de la Libertad in Torrevieja.


Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.

Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99 Royal British Legion, Torrevieja

Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- RNA - The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanization, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1996. Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is

Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020

here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the

third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see


637 227 385 The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big


breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Linda. Blonde mature lady. Torrevieja. Soft hands. Massage with happy ending. 634 300 074. Sexy elegant, mature, pretty, naughty lady will visit you at home or at a hotel. Located in Costa blanca south. Email:



637 227 385

Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020


Turning back the clock Samaritans in Spain Phone 900 525 100 Email

The gratification of a Samaritans Volunteer Steve, aged 58, has been a Samaritans volunteer for three years, following the death of his stepson who took his own life in 2010 aged 19, leaving the family in devastation. “We didn’t see it coming and we were in complete shock. We had no indication anything was wrong at all. In 2010, we were left completely devastated and it was so far reaching, it’s not a feeling you can explain." Suicide is like a shockwave that spreads through the whole family. “My relationship with his mum broke down for four or five years as a result, as we couldn’t cope

with what had happened. We kept in touch because of the kids and managed to rebuild what we had and we’re really strong now.

By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE Turning the clock back nearly three decades events organiser Tony Slater recalls the day Dame Vera Lynn didn't meet again - with thousands of her adoring fans in Benidorm left heartbroken. "A provisional booking was made at Benidorm Palace for a Charity Aid concert in aid of exService, with an offer of £10,000 arranged, along with accommodation for Dame Vera to perform," Tony told The Leader. "At the time the Mayor of Benidorm sanctioned an open air parade and a Civic Reception," said Tony, former owner of Calpe Rock Shop, Alicante. Dame Vera Lynn's disappoinment was confirmed, after a letter from her husband Harry Lewis was received, saying she was unable to attend the Charity event, due to commitments. In the letter, dated 28th July, 1992, Dame Vera thanked Tony so much for the kind invitation - but

unfortunately her commitments are such that it was not possible for her to help. Dame Vera, known as 'The Forces Sweetheart' for performing concerts for troops during WW2, with favourite songs including 'We'll Meet Again', 'The White Cliffs of Dover' and 'There'll Always be an England'. Dame Vera has devoted much of her life to charity work connected to ex-Service and is held in affection by veterans. Made a Dame in 1975, amongst honours received are a WW2 medal (1939-45); Burma Star and OBE. Dame Vera's husband Harry Lewis, who she married in 1941, died in 1998. Daughter Virginia, their only child, was born in March, 1946. Speaking about husband, Harry Lewis, Dame Vera, who celebrates her 103rd birthday in March, said: “I still miss him - even after all these years.”

“What we’ve been through is what led us both to become volunteers with Samaritans. We went to a suicide prevention conference together and found it really engaging. As soon as I got home, I emailed Samaritans. Within six weeks I was already part way through the training. “That was three years ago and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. You have a different level of empathy for people calling that have lost loved ones to suicide when you’ve experienced it yourself. It’s helped me become a really good listener, which is the most important thing.” If you want to join the Samaritans or want to speak to us then ring Phone 900 525 100 Email Or Send a Message to 634 325 906 to organise a WhatsApp call

The Mad Hatters Tea Party The Mad Hatters Tea Party at the Marina Bar on Friday 6th March was a resounding success yet again. Fund raisers David and Lorraine Whitney were thrilled with the support for their new charity the AFA Alzheimers Torrevieja. With a Quiz, Raffle, Comic Verse and songs sung by A.J.Swing the afternoon sped by with a lot of fun and laughter. Rita and Dave of the Marina Bar together with their loyal staff worked hard as usual to provide a delightful afternoon tea and David and Lorraine and helper Pauline Lane ensured the smooth running of this event. Next on the cards will be a very unique 'glitzy' charity event due early June, again at the Marina Bar for the charity AFA Alzheimers Torrevieja. On a sad note, John Harwood who, together with his wife Madeline ran our Tombola stall at many of our events died on Friday of a heart attack. Our thoughts go out to Madeline at this sad time..

Our photo shows Dave Monaghan, Lorraine Whitney, Pauline Lane, Rita Monaghan and David Whitney.


Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020


637 227 385


Lawn Bowls Leagues Cancelled LAWN BOWLS & CORONAVIRUS. Bob Donnelly

Following the Spanish and Local Government advice, a meeting of the management committee of the Levante Lawn Bowls and League co-ordinators made the reluctant decision to cancel the remaining games of the Southern and Winter Leagues and that the existing League positions would stand. Also the VCL and Summer Leagues which were both due to

San Luis Bowls by Sheila Cammack I thought last week was strange but this week was truly weird! Everything was going well; another good win on Monday for the Klingons, already confirmed as league champions. A good result on Wednesday for our Winter League team, with the prospect of 4 more matches & 3 more Berleen matches to finish the league, still fighting for top spot with Javea Green. With just Friday 13th match, Lions v LM Sharks, to hopefully confirm Lions as league winners; we suddenly had the very real issue of the “Corona virus” spreading in Spain. A decision was made by the LLB committee to immediately cancel all of Friday’s final matches, the remaining Winter League matches and all the summer league matches starting from 16th March. As the leagues are now finished SL Lions have been confirmed as Southern league winners. South Alicante League; Monday 9th SL Klingons away v LS Apollos, a good morning 12pts-2, 145 shots-83. Winners: Kevin McKenna, Drew Russell, Peter McEneany 29-7, Kath Reid, Keith Phillips, Scott Malden 31-18. Dave Blackie, Ray Clarke, Ian Kenyon 24-13, Margaret Morrison, Giuseppe Galelli, Ray Pollock 29-14, William Holtham, Sab & Russ Marks 24-14. SL Trekkers home v EI Titans had mixed fortunes 3pts- 11, 75 shots-

LA SIESTA BOWLS CLUB by Alan Carr Division B the Golds had a home game playing host to Greenland's Cedars, and got a good result of 9-5 but still on bottom slot. Skip Alan Ralph´s team got 1 point for a draw, a further 2 points for the overall shots 98-86 together with three rink wins from; Alan Carr, Wendy Ralph & Ros Stockell (258). Jo Elkin, Derek Smith & Jim Eastwood (18-13). Ken Stringfellow, Pat Moore & Sue Jordan (15-12). Same Division, a windy Country Bowls was an afternoon venue for the Blues who needed a win from the Geckos to keep their promotion prospects on track. The team obliged by getting a well-deserved result of 10-4 from the division leaders with (Shots 115- 87).

start shortly have been cancelled. Decisions regarding future events such as the Champion of Champions, Nationals and South Alicante Knock-outs will be made nearer the time of the events once the situation becomes clearer. We understand that these decisions will affect many players, but, in general, bowls is played by the older generation who are at greater risk from the virus, so we would prefer to act earlier rather than later when our player’s health would be put at risk. Bob Donnelly. President. Levante Lawn Bowls.

Southern League Statement When we had been meeting to play bowls recently a lot of concerns were expressed re the virus and as a start and a precautionary meas-

ure it was optional re shaking hands. However, things seem to be developing quickly and consideration given to our continuing to bowl for the time being. This has been put to the League Co-ordinators and some Officers of the LLB and SUMMER LEAGUES - are cancelled. WINTER LEAGUE/BERLEEN - the outstanding matches are cancelled and the final league tables for the season will be as those tables published on 11th March 2020. SOUTHERN LEAGUE - Due to the safety concerns of all players, along with other co-ordinators, we decided to to cancel matches scheduled for 13th March. The final league tables will be as those tables published on the 7th March.

122. Winners: Ros Holmes, Derek Barker, Irene Mangan 22-13, Robert Hicks, Bob Bromley, Barry Edwards 16-16. SL Galaxies, home v LS Pioneers, hard fought match 4pts-10, 89 shots-120. Winners: Dennis Jackson, Chris Phillips, Tom Fromson 19-14, Steve Harfield, Mary Fromson, Steve Rossiter 22-10. WINTER LEAGUE: Wednesday 11th, at home v El Cid, a real nip & tuck match with the lead changing several times; ending with 3 wins and shots93-68, points 84. Winners: Drew Russell, Peter McEneany, June & Keith Jones 22-10, Ros Holmes, Irene Mangan, Sab & Russ Marks 25-11, Shirley Verity, Ray Clarke, Jo & Jules Pering 23-11. On Wednesday afternoon we had the pleasure of hosting the touring team from Minehead. Each team won 2 & drew 1 but San Luis won the shots. Winners: Steve Harfield, Ian Ross, Tom Fromson, Bob Bromley 24-5, Ray Watmough, Geoff Francis, Joe Kocsis, Barry Edwards 13-11. To complete this week’s saga, on Friday evening all bars, restaurants

rinks got well and truly battered with the only win coming from; Ann & Robert Heath with Harold Charleton (17-8). Result 2-12 (Shots 83-145). In the Voyager Division a short travel for the Pioneers afternoon game, San Luis being the venue to play the Galaxies, with this being the last game of the season we needed a good result to secure 2nd place the team put there heads down and got on with the job well by winning 10-4 (Shots 120-89). Winning rinks; Wendy & Alan Ralph with Dave Laverick (30-8). Alan Carr, Irene Laverick & Ros Stockell (25-11). Ken Stringfellow, Pat Moore & Sue Jordan (2212). Derek Smith, Tony Campbell & Alan Mawer (19-17). At home La Siesta had an excellent game against Greenland´s in the Winter League winning on four rinks 10-2 (Shots 98-69). This game produced some fantastic bowling from both sides, well played by all.

Rink winners; Dave Davies, Florence & Mike Edwards (28-4). Ann & Robert Heath with Harold Charleton (19-12). Barbara Cooper, Tricia & Pat Reilly (20-14). Ramsay Sinclair, Brian Harman & Brian Fraser (1915).

Rinks won by; Ken Stringfellow, Jim Eastwood, Bill & Sue Jordan (24-11). Kathleen & Noel Morrisroe, Sheila Millward & Alan Mawer (21-12). Pat Harman, Jim Hudson, Mike Edwards & Brian Fraser (1711). Wendy Ralph, Tricia Reilly, Barbara & Jean Cooper (22-17).

The Apollos welcomed the Enterprise Division winners, San Luis Klingons to La Siesta knowing any points taken from them would be an added bonus, as expected most

Interested in joining this friendly club call Jim or Lyn on 690 190 523 or pop in and talk to the President (George) or Club Captain (Sue).

& sporting facilities were instructed to close their premises from midnight. This was backed up in Torrevieja and elsewhere by Police patrols & the possibility of fines up to 60k. What a week!! & an end to bowling for a while.

Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club Sponsored by The Pub, Bowling Abroad, Avalon, Lounge D, Rogers, La Piazza and The Belfry.

contested match we won on two rinks and drew on one rink. Very well done to the winners Wendy Sheridan, Dave Thomas skip Keith Young, Sue Bounds, Paul Dodd skip Neil Crawford and the drawing team Jean Chamberlain, Iain Sheridan skip Joan Harding. Shots 91 – 105 San Miguel, Points 5 – 9 San Miguel.


Monday 9th March v Emerald Isle Saturns

Friday 6th March v La Manga Crusaders.

Shots 139 – 71 Crusaders.Points 12 – 2 Crusaders.

The following Monday saw us at home against Emerald Isle Saturns, which was played on a very warm and sunny morning. The Toreadors were well ahead after nine ends, but the Saturns fought back to finish three rinks all. Well done to the winners Jan Soars, Diane Horsington skip Ian Hamilton, Sue Bounds, Paul Dodd skip Neil Crawford and jean Chamberlain, Iain Sheridan skip Joan Harding. This was the last of the season so congratulations to all those Toreador players who played through out the season on a well deserved third place.

Monte Mar Matadors v Emerald Isle Moonrakers.

Shots 109 – 91 Saturns, Points 8 – 6 Saturns.

Another good result for the Matadors played away at Emerald Isle. We again won on five rinks and the overall shots well done to Lynne Armitage, Don Cleeter skip Ronnie Cairns, Gina Hindle, Bill Judd skip Len Daniels, Paula Cleeter, Steve Hindle skip Barry Watson, Pauline Merry, Danny King skip Chris Merry and Sheila Roberts, Margaret Finlayson skip Phil Goble.


At home to La Manga Crusaders and it was a good result for the Matadors. We won on five rinks and won the overall shots. Well done to Sheila Roberts, Bill Judd skip Phil Goble, Gina Hindle, Steve Hindle skip Graham Smyth, Tanya Oliver, George Houghton skip Jack Burrell, Harry Dobson, Margaret Finlayson skip Barry Watson and P.auline Merry Danny King skip Chris Merry.

Shots 114 – 77 Moonrakers.Points 12 – 2 Moonrakers. MONTE MAR TOREADORS Friday 6th March v San Miguel Boxers. On Friday the Toreadors travelled to San Miguel to play the third in the division the Boxers, after a hard

Wednesday 11th March Monte Mar v Javea. Monte Mar played host to a very competitive Javea team. Monte Mar rose to the challenge winning on three rinks and the overall shots. Winning rinks Pauline Merry, Tanya Oliver, Jack Burrell skip Chris Merry, Sheila Roberts, Diane Horsington, Don Cleeter skip Phil Goble and Lynne Armitage, Howie Williams, Ronnie Cairns skip Len Daniels. Well done to all players. Shots 86 – 83 Javea. Points 8 – 4 Javea. For Further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at We are also on face book.



637 227 385

Quesada Bowls by Suzi Cooper Firstly, apologies to George Carnell for omitting him from last weeks Competition results. George won the Handicap Singles, beating Peter Farrell in the final. On Saturday the Mixed Fours was won by Chris Brazier, Mel Highland, Peter Morgan & Jason Prokopowycz, losing finalists were Terry Morgan, Di Riley, Peter Farrell & Alan Barton. The 2 bowl singles winner was Terry Morgan, beating Peter Bradbury. while Fay Beattie & Jacqui Johnston won the Ladies Pairs in a close game that went down to the wire. Losing finalists were Sandra Heath & Pearl Houghton. Sunday started with the 2 main singles events.

Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020

Unfortunately, Graham Phillips retired after 6 ends giving Jason Prokopowycz the Mens Singles title. The Ladies Singles was always going to be a close battle between Jacqui Johnston & Mel Highland. It was a nip & tuck game which was eventually won by Jacqui. The last of the finals was the Mixed Pairs. Allen Bowen & Suzi Cooper took the title beating Fay Beattie & Jason Prokopowycz in the Final. All our eligible champions will be taking part in the 2020 Champion of Champions event in April.


Trinder, Steve Hibberd & Trevor Voisey 16-10, Peter Bottle, Abby Benson & Colin Highland 2118, Chris Brazier, Mark France & Jason Prokopowycz 17-15. Meanwhile the Diamonds were away at Emerald Isle against the Neptunes & apart from 1 trip they ended up in Neptunes graveyard. Saving grace were John Cleal, Ken Gordon & Joe Brinton. Di Riley played the first 7 ends then retired ill.

Back to the grind on Monday with the last of the South Alicante league games. The Pearls at home to La Marina Explorers took 12 points.

The Winter League were also at Emerald Isle on Wednesday, taking just 4 points thanks to Brian Trinder, Tony Lale, Graham Phillips & Jason Prokopowycz 20-15, Terry Morgan, Pearl Houghton, George Skinner & Peter Morgan 19-12.

The winning trips were Cathy Skinner, Terry Morgan & Graham Phillips 30-9, Mel Highland, Bryan Elliott & George Skinner 23-10, Brian

Due to Corona Virus all remaining league games have been cancelled so no report on the last day of the Southern league matches.

SOUTHERN LEAGUE 2019/20 FINAL LEAGUE TABLES DIVISION A San Luis Lions Vistabella Lanzadores Emerald Isle Cavaliers Quesada Swallows El Rancho Mustangs Greenlands Oaks Mazarron Miners La Marina Sharks San Miguel Bulldogs San Luis Tigers

P 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

W 61 60 62 52 43 44 45 42 40 36

D 9 5 1 7 9 3 2 4 7 3

L 32 37 39 43 50 55 55 56 55 63

W in 16 13 9.5 8 9 9 5.5 7 5 3

Diff Diff 324 326 222 128 -99 28 -134 -229 -208 -358

Pts 163 149 144 127 113 109 103 100 96 81

W in 15 11 11 10 10 8 5 5 6 4

Diff Diff 449 224 77 54 51 103 -89 -278 -266 -325

Pts 171 135 135 133 132 113 94 92 88 65

W in 14 15 11 10 8 6 6 5 7 3

Diff Diff 523 437 191 150 -23 -210 -228 -248 -317 -275


Vistabella Bowls. by MonteStan Monday’s matches are as follows in Enterprise Div. The Albatrosses at home to San Miguel Alsations had a good win of 10 – 4 with shots 99 – 86 due to the Alsations fielding only 5 rinks. In the Discovery Div. the Drivers had a by but finished 3rd. in the Division. Well done all super result. The Eagles in the Voyager Div. took a massive hammering away to Country Bowls Flamingoes 0 – 14 with shots for 56 and against 151. Never mind guys there’s always a next time. The Winter league team also had a by this week so no results. Thursday. Levante Lawn Bowls Assc. cancelled all league and competition matches until further notice. The Vistabella Competition Secretary has emailed that the club internal championships will still be played unless otherwise informed. The club will

Emerald Isle

with Elwyn Morris

The finals of the internals comps were completed at the weekend and the following were the winners: Men’s 4 Woods - David Jones, Ladies 4 Woods - Peta Rhodes Men’s Pairs - Peter Willicott, Tony Roche Ladies Pairs - Cas Thomas, Jan Westall Mixed Trips - Dave Close, Glenda Odell, Mel Odell Mixed Rinks - John Pooley, Ann Marie Robertson, Drew Gerrard, Colin Lindgren Luke Burke Trophy - Peta Rhodes The Titans began the week playing at San Luis Trekkers and had a fine 11-3 aggregate of 122-75 win: P Heaney C Smyth M Odell 31-6, D Jones A Miles J Smyth 23-3, S Kavanagh K Jolliffe J Pooley 23--14, S Johnson D Leeming P Coffey 16-14 Neptunes were at home to Quesada Diamonds and they had a fine 12-2 aggregate 116-76 win

be open for individuals to play, again until further notice. Please be sensible and all take care.

Country Bowls Geckos La Siesta Blues San Miguel Boxers Montemar Matadors Emerald Isle Claymores La Manga Crusaders Vistabella Picadors Montemar Toreadors Greenlands Cedars La Siesta Golds

Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. The Winter league is sponsored by Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends. Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain - David Jenkins or Charlie Watkins E Morris M Whitelock S Watson 30-3, A Brown S Westall E Bennett 21-15, B Doran B Eldred J Mulloy 19-15, L Freeman C Parsons S Elvin 16-13, M Riley J Westall G Ponsford 17-16 Moonrakers were at home to Monte Mar Matadors and they slipped to a 2-12 aggregate of 77-114 defeat. Winners were A Holliman R Fooks T Culpin 18-17 Saturns were at Monte Mat Toreadors and came away as 6-8 aggregate 91-109 defeat: K John J Mcgregor E Sheppard 23-8, R Adams P Creswell R Ede 22-11, S Adams J Bright G Smith 20-16 Wednesday saw Quesada playing at Isle in Winter League and the Isle won 8-4, aggregate of 91-72, winners were J Pooley T Dix M Veale C Lindgren 25-6, P Rhodes P Coffey S Elvin M Odell 20-13, S Bosworth A Miles C Smyth J Smyth 19-14. The Berleen game was won by Emerald Isle E Morris B Eldred M Breen S Watson 31-9 Minehead Bowls Club visited us last week and they had a good game with home advantage paying off making the score 3-2 to the Isle, hopefully they will return along with other clubs to the Isle soon As the season has come to a premature finish let’s hope bowling is back as soon as possible. Look after yourselves

P 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

W 69 55 54 55 55 47 42 39 37 37

D 4 3 5 5 2 3 5 5 5 3

L 29 44 43 42 45 52 55 58 60 62

DIVISION C La Marina Seagulls Quesada Swans Emerald Isle Outlaws Greenlands Elms Country Bowls Cubs El Rancho Broncos Greenlands Ash Emerald Isle Roundheads San Luis Jaguars Vistabella Conquistadors

P 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

W 69 65 58 56 49 47 41 39 33 34

D 3 2 4 5 4 1 5 6 6 2

L 30 35 40 41 49 54 56 57 63 66

Pts 167 162 141 137 118 107 99 85 83 71

Carp-R-Us Fishing

A glorious winters day (not that it feels like we are still in winter) saw Carp-R-Us fishing Round Three of their Spring Series on the Segura near Jacarilla/Bigastro. In almost perfect conditions its disappointing to report that, peg 1 excepted, the upstream half of the venue fished poorly. The match was won by Roy Dainty with 5.10kg from peg 7 with Richard Crawshaw second with 4.65kg from peg 9. Steve Fell was third with 3.65kg from peg 10, just beating Jackie Breslin who had 3.50kg from peg 1. Further information about the club can be found on its website or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.


Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020 Maiden supplying 140,100. Their next victims Les Adams and Roger Phipps, had earlier disposed of Karl Mallinson and Andre Wing, but the Toppers were a different proposition. Another 20 victory was the outcome, "outs" this time shared, d10 and a ton from Gildea, Maiden supplying a nice 82 out, plus 100,100,135, for finals qualification.

Euronics Pairs Competition 12th March Qualifiers Venue C.C.'s

Venue Hi Life

Lee Maiden & Andy Gildea

Sue Collins & Winnie McKay

(Tipsy Toad Toppers)

(Chemies Chicks)

Vycka Bobinas & Ginge Lewis (El Capitan )

Pat Schofield & Wendy Hayward Tipsy Toad Tiaras)

Phil de Lacy & Sid Cross

Gail Murray & Bliss Wright (C.C.'s)

(Tipsy Toad Toppers) John Crabbe & Steve Dalton Campbell (Hi Life Legends)

Yvonne Rouffignac & Chelsea (Pirates & Milos)

Highest Finish Steve Dalton 96, Highest Score Sandra Crabbe 140 Both Mens and Ladies pairs comps were played this week, each down to the last four, to be completed on April 9th at Hi Life. And an excellent line up it will be, Tipsy Toad being represented in both comps. Prizes of wine were donated to all winners courtesy of Gino Rouzee (Hi Life) and Cameron Nesbitt (C.C.'s) Lee Maiden was in fine form as was partner Andy Gildea as they made short work of early opponents Kevin Prockter and Cameron Nesbitt. Maidens' 140 and 121 just overshadowed Gildeas' 2x100, the former finishing d5 and d8 for a two zip first round victory. A similar score followed in their next visit to board 1, opponents Michael Leblond and Colm Stunden, not quite finding any form. Gildea however, found both doubles d1 and d10 on this occasion,

Vycka Bobinas and Ginge Lewis, look potential overall winners, Bobinas outstanding, three tons and two finishes s16, d20 and d16, disposing of Alex Nikolov and Bob Deamer in an earlier round, to find themselves pitched against formidable opposition in their team mates Nigel Justice and Shane Denness. The latter had made short work of Ralph Christie and Terry David, Justice 2x140,100 and d16, leaving Denness to complete the job on s16, d16. lt was scores galore as the two Caps teams collided for advancement to the finals, Bobinas, on reflection, probably outscoring the illustrious opponents with 5x100, Lewis offering 140, both sharing the winning doubles.


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and Kerry Shopland of Chemies Chics. Wendy took the Tiaras ahead with a 133 and D1 out but Andrea equalised on D2 to go again in a tit for tat deciding leg. Patty Poo and Wendy were scoring well with loads of 80+ scores and then Pat secured the game on D2. Next up were Leah Chesworth and Yvonne Richardson of the Ale House Chics against last year's winner Lesley Dolling and Jan Hassall (Hub Hellraisers). Leah hit the ground running with 87, 100 and Jan replied with 98 but Leah took the first leg on D16. Jan and Lesley raised all hell then with great scoring from both and a double whammy from Lesley for the game, D2 and D17. Final play-off on Board 1 was Super Sue Collins and Wee Winnie McKay (Chemies Chics) who were both in fine form, but it was Winnie that took the game 2-0 from Sue Spiers and Cheryl McGlynn with D3 and D2 - right on her eye-line!

Maiden and Gildea

A further El Cap duo of the Klimonis clan, Ed and Arold, didn't figure as well, 2x140 and d5 from Ed and a d20 from Arold eliminated Jeff Ward and Paul Chick, but they fell at the next hurdle, facing Phil de Lacy and Sid Cross, de Lacys' contribution included a ton and both winning doubles d20 and d3. Cross was no slouch in the match, finding 121,121,140 on their way for finals qualification. The fourth pair to qualify, John Crabbe and Steve Dalton, defeated last seasons champs Graham Solomons and Hugh Galloway 2-0, on their way to face John Eyre and Paul Durrant for the last finals spot. Crabbes' effort of 2x140, just eclipsed Durrants' 100, 123, partner Dalton giving the Legends the necessary edge, in an earlier game finishing on 96, this time outing on 85 and d8 for victory. In the Preliminary Rounds of the Ladies Pairs at Hi Life it was a good job we had a microphone as all 26 ladies that registered turned up on time and with plenty of team support. 13 pairs were whittled down to the final 8 pairs after 5 preliminary play-offs. On Board 1, championes from 2018, Pat Schofield and Wendy Hayward (Tipsy Toad Tiaras) had a nail-biter against Andrea Kelly

Meanwhile on Board 2, CC's Gail Murray and Bliss Wright showed the form that has got new-comers CC's to the top of Division 2. Bliss lead out with a tone and Gail nailed leg 1 with a first shot at D20. Gail threw a pair of 97's and Bliss finished D1 in the 2nd leg for a 2-0 victory over Tiaras Elizabeth Cowan and Sharon Marshall. Paige and Gill McCarthy (Hellraisers) were delighted to be paired in their first Euronics darts ladies competition, so much so that Paige threw 86 and left her darts in the board in all the excitement! Gill got the first leg on D16 but then the formidable pairing of Sandra Crabbe and Sue Christie from Division 1 Hi Life Legends showed that experience counts in competitions and hammered home with a 140 D4 from Sandra and 100, D20 from Sue. After the nosh, play re-commenced with Tiaras Lisa Ivill and Simone de Lacy on a bye on Board 1 against the diminutive duo from Chemies Chics, Sue and Winnie. Lisa Ivill did her best with a tasty 130 and a back-up 95 from de Lacy but the pairing could do little to stop the Chics get their 2nd 2-0 win and a place in the semi-finals. Pat and Wendy had another nail-biter, this time against Jan and Lesley in a clash of the champions. Both pairs were aiming for the doubles and so very nearly nailing them but it was Wendy who got the job done eventually for the Tiaras with D2 and D4.

The Jubilant Semi Finalists

Yvonne Rouffignac (Trinity Pirates) and Chelsea Campbell from Milo's joined forces and gelled perfectly for a 2-0 win against Christine Hutchinson and Roisin Nash from the Ale House Chics, both pairs having drawn a bye into the Quarter finals. The last ladies to make the semi finals were Bliss and Gail who piled the pressure on legendary Sandra and Sue for a 2-0 win, courtesy of another ton from Bliss and a double out from Gail D20, D4.



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El Plantio 2 Nine Hole Golf Competition On a beautiful Spanish morning, due to illnesses and visits to the U.K., only five members turned out for a Stableford competition. A close run game ended with Club Captain, David Swann pipping previous Captain, Mike Davies by one point. Nearest the pins – Hole 2, Mike Davies. Hole 6, Ray Housley Second place, Handicap 12 – Mike Davies – 34 points (C/B).

Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020

First place, Handicap 11, David Swann – 35 points. If anyone would like to join our Society, we play at El Plantio Golf Club on Tuesday, which is the 9 Hole Society club day, Friday and Sunday. We use both courses - the Par 3 - 9 hole course and the main 18 hole course, so we cater for all abilities. The membership rates are very competitive, so call for more details. Anyone who wishes to play in the Society as a guest or join as a new member, contact David Swann on 865 779 983 or 648 476 752. Photograph from L to R, Mike Davies, David Swann, Ray Housley.


Rubys Golf Society at Vistabella Our first Trophy game of 2020 took us to our local course Vistabella, the weather was not conducive for good golf as there was very high winds that day, however the course was in excellent condition and all the players were looking forward to our first competitive game, and despite the weather there was some very good scores submitted. The results were as follows;

(17), the silver division winner was Theresa Wright with 35 points and the gold division and overall winner with 36 points was Alex Bolton. Back at O'Briens where we had the presentation the football card was won by Mary Campbell again !! Our next trophy game is on the 20th of March at Bonalba. If anyone requires any further information regarding the society or our outings please email us at

Nearest the pins on the par 3's were Mark Foden, Sue Foden, David Gray and Theresa Wright, nearest the pin in two was David Gray. Best front nine Dave Johnston (18) and best back Michelle Evans

Torrevieja Darts Ladies Org League Format - Week 9 Friendly´s Chicas Macks Dolly Mixt Primadonnas Gap Ladies

6-3 6-3 5-4 6-3

Wildcats at Macks Black Dog Ladies Friendly´s Temps Racing Toast

Bliss Wright 140, Diane Burns 140, 125, Mitch Halliday 140, 100, Shirley Stephenson 135, 133, Simone de Lacy 133, Julie Hallett 132, 100, Sandra Crabbe 126, Lin Cousins 121, 100, Ann Wharton 116, 100, Sally Wright, Kath Morgan 105, Margaret Boden 104, Sue Christie 101, Gail Murray 100 x 4, Elaine Willis 100

Highest Checkouts: Beaty Powell 126, Kath Morgan 102, Pam Horton 98, Lorraine Veale 98, Lorraine Veale 76, Julie Hallett 90 Least Darts: Beaty Powell 17, Reg no. CV-01-057624-A CIF No. G42533349

180’s Gail Murray, 171’s Eileen Rood x2 Bull Finish: Chris Greenwood, Sally Wright, Simone de Lacy Hot Darts:



Gap Ladies Macklin’s Dolly Mixts Friendly's Temps Primadonnas Racing Toast Friendly’s Chicas Black Dog Ladies Wildcats at Macklin’s

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Prs Sgle Pts 63 41 45 41 42 37 29 27

18 40 36 40 39 44 52 54

72 51 48 46 45 41 29 28


Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020


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Eurobowling Torrevieja fights for 4th national championship THE QUALIFYING PHASE of the National League of the Spanish Association of Bowling Clubs (AECB) ended last weekend, the "A" team of the Eurobowling Club Torrevieja being proclaimed champion of the Southern Group at Ozone Bowling Granada. Simultaneously at Paterna, in the second round of the FEB Premiership, Team EBT achieved the most points and maintain their third position before the decisive round in Madrid in May. Between the Southern and Northern groups of the AECB League, the following teams qualified for the final phase: EurobowlingTorrevieja “A”, Costa del Sol (Málaga), Capitol (Palma de Mallorca), Hispalis (Sevilla), Bowling Boom (Madrid), Vaguada (Madrid), CB Cantabria, and Banco de España (Madrid). EBT´s "B" team did not pass the cut. The best player in the Torrevieja club was Juanjo Carral, achieving an average of 194.45 in 31 games. The final phase will be bowled in Madrid on May 16/17. During the second round of the FEB Premiership, Eurobowling Torrevieja won six of its seven matches and remains alive in the fight for their fourth national championship. The level of this league is pretty high as up to 15 players are averaging higher than 200. Torrevieja´s top scorers at the moment is Mika Määttä (211.67), whilst the list is topped by Celta´s "young gun" Axel Guimó with 216.32.

last weekend, the "A" team of the Eurobowling Club Torrevieja being proclaimed champion of the Southern Group at Ozone Bowling Granada.

ROLL ON! Tiger Roll on track for triple-winning National tilt Tiger Roll remains on track for a triple-winning tilt in the Randox Health Grand National at Aintree on April 4 - despite suffering defeat behind Easysland in the Cross Country Chase on March 11 at the Cheltenham Festival. "I'm absolutely delighted with his performance," said trainer Gordon Elliott. "I was slightly worried about the ground (soft, heavy in places) going into the Cheltenham Festival," said Elliott. Tiger Roll has drifted to 8-1 in ante post betting for the National, from 5-1, prior to his Cheltenham defeat. Tiger Roll, ten-year-old, was under jockey Keith Donoghue at Cheltenham, who was upbeat. "He's run a cracker again - but he just got stuck in

the heavy ground all the way round. "Normally he jumps and travels, but he ran his heart out. He ran into the better horse on the day," reasoned Donoghue. Jockey Davy Russell will resume Tiger Roll's attempt to make history, by becoming the first horse ever to win three consecutive Grand Nationals. "Tiger Roll had a nice couple of months of summer holidays after winning the Grand National in 2019," said Elliott.

Bears return to UK early from pre-season tour to La Manga Paul Farbrace, Sport Director of Warwickshire CCC, said: “We have been closely monitoring the Coronavirus situation in Spain and have been working closely with our tour partners Sporta Group to get the latest local information. “Whilst the Murcia region of Spain is currently one of the least affected parts of the country, the health and wellbeing of our playing squad and management is our utmost priority and bringing them back to Edgbaston is the best outcome for everyone. Warwickshire County Cricket Club have returned home early from their pre-season tour at La Manga Club in Spain.

“We will continue our pre-season preparations at Edgbaston next week ahead of the first friendly versus Leicestershire, which starts on Thursday 26 March.

The Bears bowlers flew out to La Manga Club on Friday 5 March and were joined by the rest of the squad on Tuesday. However, following careful consideration, the full squad and management team return to Birmingham last Saturday.

“Our thanks go to Sporta Group for its support throughout the tour process and to La Manga Club for being outstanding hosts and for providing such great facilities to support our 2020 season preparations over the last few days.”


By Andrew Atkinson

The 2020 Cheltenham Festival bore fruit for punters - with eight winners - and a plethora of eachway selections at the showcase National Hunt meeting. Day 4 of the festival's seven race card, each-way tips Buildmeupbuttercup (16-1), Thyme Hill* (41), Delta Work* (5-1), Minella Rocco* (5-1), Eclair De Beaufeu (13-2) and Pileon (9-1) - the latter losing in a photo finish against Indefatigable - were all placed.

Paul Townend was the Cheltenham Festival leading jockey: 5 winners, and Willie Mullins was leading trainer, both top jockey and trainer based on places. *Andrew Atkinson's racing news and tips - First past the Winning Post.

Rex Dingle, jockey up on 25-1 shot Indefatigable, said: "It wasn't planned like that. "I was never really travelling all the way round but we got there. It was amazing. "You dream about it - but you never think it will happen. It's the highlight of my career." Day 1 of the Festival gave a 455-1 winning treble, with Ravenhill (12-1) trained by Gordon Elliott, amongst the trio of tips. Day 2: Willie Mullins trained Ferny Hollow (11-1) was part of four winning tips, landing a 565-1 accumulator; Day 3: was highlighted by tip, Sire Du Berlais (10-1) trained by Gordon Elliott, and each-way selection stablemate, The Story Teller (11-2) finishing second. Each-way selections Dolcita (9-1), Yukon Lil* (20-1), Kilfilum Cross (8-1), and Night Edition (16-1) were amongst placed tips. *Skybet paid four/five places.

Paul Townend



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Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020

ALICE HEWSON’S PROFESSIONAL CAREER couldn’t have started any better.


LET Rookie Alice Hewson, from Hemel Hempstead, only joined the tour this year

The 22-year-old from Hemel Hempstead in England won the Investec South African Women’s Open on her first start as a rookie member of the Ladies European Tour at Westlake Golf Club on Saturday, coming from three strokes behind the overnight leader, Olivia Cowan, to win by a shot. “I couldn’t have hoped for a better start. It feels absolutely incredible and it really is a dream come true. Growing up as a kid, all I could ever dream of was playing on the Ladies European Tour and to come and win my first event, the feeling is indescribable,” said Hewson, who turned professional in September and finished fifth at LET QSchool in January. “This has definitely happened a lot quicker than I thought it would. I was hoping to get off to a nice steady start, but this is definitely a good thing!” Hewson birdied the first hole in the final round and although she bogeyed the third, she quickly clawed another shot back on the fourth hole, moving to five-under-par. She entered a four-way share of the lead after nine holes and then took the sole advantage after the three players in the final group bogeyed the 10th hole. With a bogey of her own on the 11th, she dropped back into a share of the lead but then broke away from the pack with a birdie on the long 13th hole and the rest of the field was unable to catch her. It could have been a shaky finish for a lesser player, as she found trouble under the trees on 18 and her second shot hit some branches, causing the ball to drop back down into the rough, but she played a gutsy chip shot up to the green and then holed a seven foot putt for par to complete a round of 71, ending on five-under-par. “The 18th was a bit of a highlight because I was in a bit of trouble off the tee and was still in trouble after my third shot, and I think another highlight would be the par-5 13th, because I made a solid birdie there,” said the 2019 European Ladies’ Amateur Champion, adding: “Most of the week my putting has been very good, and my driving. I

LET Rookie Alice Hewson wins Investec South African Women’s Open just went out there to play my own game. This golf course can play pretty tough and it’s going to give some shots back to you so I tried to keep my game super steady and make some birdies.” When asked if she was concerned about whether the tournament should have been played, given the Coronavirus pandemic, she said: “I think it was definitely the right decision that we continued playing this week and it’s also the right decision that future tournaments have been cancelled. Everyone was already here and there is a very low risk here so it was nice to be able to play some golf, because we don’t know how long it’s going


to be now before we will again.” Hewson finished a stroke ahead of Sweden’s Emma Nilsson and South African Monique Smit, who both recorded career best finishes of second on the LET. Smit’s joint runner-up finish also saw her leapfrog fellow LET member Stacy Bregman to win the Sunshine Ladies Tour’s Investec Order of Merit and she said: “This is unreal. Right now, it’s very surreal. Standing over the final putt, I knew I had to hole it and I just felt extremely confident. That putt earned me my travel money for the year.

charge at the club anything but the dream return that many had anticipated. Los Blancos' last game before football was suspended by coronavirus was to lose their position at the top of LaLiga suffering an unlikely defeat at the hands of Real Betis.

“My mom passed away last year and in every tournament this season, I’ve thought of her because she always used to caddie for me on the Sunshine Ladies Tour. Today, facing that final putt, I really felt her and that putt was for my mom.” Scotland’s Kelsey MacDonald, Manon de Roey from Belgium and Manon Gidali from France tied for fourth, while overnight leader Olivia Cowan from Germany tied for seventh. The leading amateur was former Youth Olympian Kaiyuree Moodley, who finished in a tie for 46th place.


Before that, they left themselves with a lot of work to do in their Champions League tie with Manchester City. If the season resumes in April or later, there is still plenty of time for Zinedine Zidane and his side to turn matters around. There are 11 matches remaining and 33 points are still up for grabs in LaLiga and the players will have that in their minds as they keep fit inside their own homes. Zidane's major worry during Real Madrid's quarantine is that the players become out of shape, so the club have devised personalised fitness programmes for each of them to follow at home. Once normal service resumes, Zidane will also have more options to choose from within his squad.

Injured players such as Thibaut Courtois and Marcelo will now be fit for a second Angel Rivero training at home leg against Manchester City, whereas they INSTAGRAM wouldn't have been on March 17 when the original game was scheduled to be played. Following their enforced quarantine, Real Madrid have time to reflect as Real Madrid also have Eden Hazard and Marcos Asensio to return from they spend the next two training at home. injury and its said that they'll be available for several key matches that they would've originally missed but for the calendar being pushed back. So too does manager Zinedine Zidane who has found his second spell in

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Preston North End, 2. The Life Guards, 3. Ken Norton, 4. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 5. Quadrophenia, 6. Sudan, 7. 1984, 8. Notts County, 9. Scotland, 10. Runic, 11. Bombay, 12. Iceland, 13. The Netherlands, 14. Winmau World Masters. 15. September 21st.



637 227 385

Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd March, 2020


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