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ìI ran away from home aged 16 - father was too handy with his fistsî.

In Part 2 of an tearful, heartwarming interview with Andrew Atkinson, Graham Stephen continues his childhood farm-life, running away from home, and turning to The Samaritans for solace.

FARMERS son Graham Stephen looks back on yesteryear and said: "If I could turn the clock back, I'd do it all again".

This, despite the beatings he took from his father, to sleeping rough, and turning to The Samaritans for solace.

"Today, the farm lifestyle of children is one not envied. But I was privileged of life on the farm," said Aberdeen born Graham. "We benefitted from farm produce - gifted from potatoes, eggs, and chicken," said Graham, proprietor of The Oasis Bar and Restaurant in La Herrada, Los Montesinos.

"I fondly remember and will never forget the farmer and his wife Mr and Mrs Gordon, who took great care and insuring we kept warm," said Graham, who lived in tied cottages with his parents. "The temperature in the heavy winters lead to looking out of the window. Beautiful, frosty patterns on the grass, in a room where a coal fire kept us warm," said Graham.

"We were six miles away from shops and the village. And 12 miles from school - but you thought nothing of it," said Graham. washing was done by hand - and a scrubbing board - rung out through a mangle.

"To think, now we live in nice homes, and drive nice cars," said Graham, 65, who lives in Los Montesinos.

"My grandfather, fondly remembered - anti-capitalist of Alf Garnet, of what Donald Trumpës open-minded view is today. I think he's been resurrected!", quipped Graham.

Graham, who first left home at the age of 15, said: "I scooted off from home, owing to personal issues.

"My first job was a glorious wage of £8.50 - eight quid and ten bob! Then I became a mink worker, on a mink farm.

"Here, I had another fantastic boss, who taught me many of my principles and values, regarding staff and working. So true were his words today."

Graham, married at 18, said: "Life plodded on. And made all the mistakes a young couple make." Turning to his parents, Graham said: "Mother was a shoplifter - and father was in prison, when I was born.

"An uncle of mine is not my uncle, he is my brother. It goes on and on...and on." because father was too handy - with his fists.

"I couldnt do it anymore. Where I went my dog went. With my £8.50, it cost £8.10 shillings to keep me in Digs.

"With the help of the Samaritans, the cost was £2.50. I had slept in my car for three months, or more.

"Nobody knew - not even my workplace. I washed and changed every morning, in the public toilets nearby," said Graham

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'It’s bad enough here. It’s horrendous in Spain' - Craig Brown, former Scotland boss Quote: 'Covid-19 is not a black swan event. It was waiting to happen' - David McCoy, Professor of Global Public Health

By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive

CRAIG BROWN - “Keep yourselves safe.”

Former Scotland international manager Craig Brown CBE spoke to me about the coronavirus epidemic situation, in both Britain and Spain, as it sweeps across the world. "I believe although itís bad enough here, itís horrendous in Spain," said Craig, 79. "Please keep yourself safe," said Craig, Scotland National manager during 1993-2001. I told Craig of the situation in Spain, on lockdown, with borders shut and airport closures across the country (commercial flights). In the main only Emergency Services are allowed to go about their duties. All bars, businesses Restaurants, beaches, et al., are closed. Almost 2m thrown out of work; only allowed to go to the supermarket for food (strictly only 1 person) and to the pharmacy, if need be. Road blocks in place, throughout provinces. And lockdown extended until April 26, at present. In ending Craig, a non-executive director at SPL club Aberdeen, said: "I thank you for asking how I am in the situation we all find ourselves in. All the best and keep in touch." The Scottish Government issued a travel warning, criticising the irresponsible behaviour of people with second homes and campervans travelling to the Highlands, in a bid to isolate. A similar scenario mirrors people travelling from Madrid and other areas to the Costa Blanca resorts - despite the lockdown laws. Health Protection Scotland, a division of the NHS, warned in 2010 about the nation's ability to contain a long-lasting pandemic in a review of the nation's response to the swine flu pandemic. The pandemic lead to the lives of 457 people dying in the UK in 2009. HPS, who co-ordinates health protection in Scotland, warned Ministers improvements needed to be addressed - citing planning of mass testing and treatment facilities - including swabbing. The UK and Scottish governments have been criticised in some quarters, after the coronavirus pandemic hit, costing thousands of lives. In Scotland the figure stood at 218 (April 1). Mr David McCoy, Professor of Global Public Health at the Centre for Primary Care and Public Health at Queen Mary University London, said: "Covid-19 is not a black swan event. It was waiting to happen. "The failure to prepare the NHS for Covid-19 signals how it has not been led, financed or organised as a public service to work in the public interest to fulfil its national health protection function adequately."

(In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs) Here on the Costaís golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.


After nearly 4 weeks of lockdown due to the Corona Virus you will all by now have an idea of the power of the mind as in isolation we talk to ourselves, the fridge, the telly or anything else we think is listening and most of us only use a fraction of the potential of our minds and even then tend to concentrate on something negative rather than positive. We are now bombarded with news from many sources such as news reports, social media or well meaning but ill-informed friends and we are all pre-programmed to reflect of experiences in our lives, most of which are negative.

For example we can all easily forget a good experience from last week but remember a bad experience from 20 years ago.

The outcome is that our minds become receptive to all things negative and we can all be drawn to the ëdark sideí mentally. By way of an example of the power of the mind if you can read the following test is your mind strange or normal? I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulacity uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaomneal pweor of the human mind,aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,it dsenoít mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the only iproamtnt thing is that the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the human mind deos not raed ervery lteter by istlef but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If the human mind can work in such a powerful way with words then just think what it can do with a head full of negative thoughts BUT the good news is that YOU and only YOU are in control of your mind and you can choose to think positively and with imagination or negatively with a closed mind. By the way just give a thought for me because the spell checker on my computer has just blown a gasket proof reading this article!

Until the next time stay safe and healthy.

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The Open cancelled in 2020, and will next played in 2021

2019 winner, Shane Lowry

The R&A has decided to cancel The Open in 2020 due to the current Covid-19 pandemic and the Championship will next be played at Royal St Georgeís in 2021. It was due to be played in Kent from 12-19 July but it has been necessary to cancel the Championship based on guidance from the UK Government, the health authorities, public services and The R&Aís advisers.

This is the first time since the Second World War that golfís original Championship, first played in 1860, has been cancelled.

Tickets and hospitality packages purchased for the Championship in 2020 will be transferred across to The Open in 2021 although purchasers who no longer wish to (or are no longer able to) attend in 2021 will receive a full refund. Martin Slumbers, Chief Executive of The R&A, said, ìOur absolute priority is to protect the health and safety of the fans, players, officials, volunteers and staff involved in The Open.î We have made this decision with a heavy heart.î

ìWe appreciate that this will be disappointing for a great many people around the world but this pandemic is severely affecting the UK and we have to act responsibly. It is the right thing to do.î

La Manga Ambassador Sir Kenny Dalglish tests positive for coronavirus. CHAMP IONSHIP FOOTB IONSHIP FOOTBALL BEHIND CL BEHIND CL OSED DOORS OSED DOORS

In a statement, Liverpool, for whom Dalglish was both a player and manager, said: ìIn keeping with current procedures, he was subsequently tested for COVID-19 despite having previously displayed no symptoms of the illness. Unexpectedly, the test result was positive but he remains asymptomatic. ìPrior to his admission to hospital, Sir Kenny had chosen to voluntarily self-isolate for longer than the advised period together with his family. ìHe would urge everyone to follow the relevant government and expert guidance in the days and weeks ahead.î Scotland international Dalglish, 69, who played for Celtic and Liverpool, was admitted to hospital on April 8 for a treatment of an infection which required intravenous antibiotics. The statement added: ìHe would like to take this opportunity to thank the brilliant NHS staff, whose dedication, bravery and sacrifice should be the focus of the nationís attention at this extraordinary time. "He would also ask that they are given the space to do their jobs during what is an extremely challenging time for them and that his own familyís privacy is respected. He looks forward to being home soon.î "We will provide further updates as and when it is appropriate.î Dalglish has been visiting places including Cartagena, Spain, for over three decades and said the family 'really enjoy it'. "Itís good for golf but a variety of other activities are also available. My children loved it, especially when they were young and growing up," said Dalglish in an interview. I met and chatted to Sir Kenny in Cabo de Palos, near Cartegena, Murcia, where he obliged to having a few photographs taken. "I've been fortunate enough to have been coming to La Manga for many years. "My wife and I and oldest children came and bought a house. Now the grandchildren come," said Sir Kenny in a video courtesy of La Manga club. Sir Kenny Dalglish is an Ambassador for the fivestar La Manga Club resort in Spain. DALGLISH: The former Liverpool idol owns a property on La Manga Resort

Quote: 'The EFL Board is currently working on the basis that end-of-season play-offs will take place across all three divisions as normal, with two-legged Semi-Finals and a Final'.

By Andrew Atkinson Chief sports editor LEADER EXCLUSIVE

EFL Championship football plans to return to action - behind closed doors - with all clubs notified of the schedule, in the wake of the coronavirus lockdown. ìWe currently estimate that the League will require approximately 56 days to complete the outstanding matches in the season - including PlayOffs," said EFL chairman Rick Parry. In a letter to EFL clubs, Parry said: "We are committed to ensuring that clubs are provided an appropriate notice period, to ensure you are able to prepare operationally, given the scale and impact of the postponement in place. ìThe EFL Board is currently working on the basis that end-of-season play-offs will take place across all three divisions as normal, with two-legged Semi-Finals and a Final, although no decision has been taken on the likely venue as it will depend on the circumstances at play at the time. ìIt is our working assumption at this stage that matches will be played behind closed doors, when we eventually return, and as part of our contingency planning we are absolutely mindful of the need to try and mitigate the cost of this to Clubs as best we can. ìClubs should be advised not to recommence any training activity with players until 16 May at the earliest. "How and when we return -including training - is clearly subject to change and any decisions will be taken in conjunction with the Government and relevant health authorities.î EFL players have been given training programmes by their respective clubs to undertake - via video links - after the coronavirus lockdown was put in place. Video links training programmes have been given to Premier League clubs players. Racing San Miguel, who play in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8, have been using the video link training programmes, following Spain's lockdown on COVID-19.

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