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THE CLOCK IS NO LONGER TICKING he European Union and the United Kingdom reached an agreement on Thursday in Brussels on the conditions of their future relationship so as to avoid a Hard Brexit on December 31, when the United Kingdom will cease to
be part of the community. The pact will ultimately be less ambitious than the European Union wanted, but it will allow a commercial relationship without quotas or tariffs on condition that London assumes equal rules on competi-
tion and other safeguards. The pact, however, is not automatically applicable to Gibraltar, where Madrid and London continue to negotiate an agreement specific to the territory.
Continued on Page 2
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
These are the agreement’s key points: COMMERCE
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The agreement "goes beyond the recent free trade agreements of the EU with third countries, such as Canada or Japan," since it does not establish tariffs and quotas between the two parties for goods. This is especially important for "sensitive" goods, such as agricultural and fish products. The goods will have to comply with the "rules of origin", which aim to prevent products from third countries that do not have a free trade agreement with the EU from entering the bloc through the United Kingdom to avoid tariffs and quotas. The agreement also makes it possible to simplify customs procedures although, as the United Kingdom has left the Customs Union, the controls will apply to all traded goods. Financial services are not covered in the agreement, so the City of London loses it’s European passport that allows it to operate throughout the EU with privileged access, hence the recent closure of many expat bank accounts. TRAVEL Some 210 million passengers and 230 million tonnes of cargo are transported between the EU and the UK annually. The agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom will ensure the continuity of air, road and maritime connectivity. In terms of air travel, British airlines will no longer be able to operate intra-European commercial flights, although they will be able to maintain routes that link the United Kingdom with destinations in the EU. In addition, as the European Commission has underlined, the pact includes provisions to ensure that competition between operators on both sides ensures "high levels" of transport safety, the rights of workers and passengers, and protection for the environment. As for members of the public, it will be up to the UK to determine whether EU citizens visiting the country for short stays will have to get a visa. Short-term travellers from the UK can visit the block for 90 days in any 180 period. Tourists will continue to be covered by a mutual health care plan in case of emergency. Unfortunately, following the Brexit announcement, there were teething troubles with both Iberia and Ryanair, neither of which would accept the green residency card as proof of residency to return to Spain. The British Embassy has since confirmed that the problem has ben resolved with Iberia although there was still a problem with Ryanair on Saturday. FISHING Fishing, a crucial issue during the negotiations, became one of the biggest stumbling blocks to reaching an agreement. During a transition period of five and a half years, until June 2026, the EU "will transfer 25 percent of the value of the catch" and then the parties will go on to fix the fishing opportunities on an annual basis. ENVIRONMENTAL AND LABOUR RULES In the final agreement, neither party is bound by the other's environmental or social standards, but both have committed to respecting the general principles of each other’s rules. If one party believes that the other has an advantage by undermining the rules, it can appeal to an independent arbitration panel. In
the specific case of workers, the British Government has said that the two parties have agreed not to lower labour standards to protect them "in a way that has an effect on trade." SUBSIDIES Both trading partners will have their separate rules on subsidies, but if one of the parties believes that subsidies are distorting or harmful to its own industries, it can challenge those measures before an independent arbitration mechanism, with the possibility that compensation may be imposed. This has been a crucial point for the EU, which was concerned that granting the UK free access to the bloc's market could undermine competition, if strict rules were not imposed on subsidies. NORTHERN IRELAND In order to avoid a hard border with EU member Ireland, Northern Ireland will stay aligned with many EU rules when it exits the Single Market and Customs Union with the rest of the UK. This compromise eliminates the need for many checks on the Irish border and was developed long before the trade agreement. According to the DPA news agency, most Northern Irish politicians welcomed the agreement, but said they would need time to study it and evaluate all its implications. The new relationship framework also lays the foundations for cooperation on issues of common interest such as security, the fight against climate change or energy. While the agreement is lengthy - the legal text spans more than 1,240 pages - some parts have been left out. The United Kingdom will not participate in the Erasmus student exchange although students at NI universities can continue to participate in the Erasmus scheme under an arrangement with the Irish government. Neither is there a framework for cooperation on foreign policy or defence. THE FUTURE The agreement still has to be examined by the Member States and will need the approval of the plenary session of the European Parliament before it can enter into force. However, the European negotiator, Michel Barnier, met last Friday with the ambassadors of the 27 EU nations to inform them of the details of the agreement.
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Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
“Touching Moment of Unity” doesn’t quite work out for the European Union
hey called in ‘A touching moment of unity’, the precise second when all 27 nations of the EU were to carry out the first injection against coronavirus simultaneously in their own countries. However, it didn’t quite go to plan as three countries started administering the jabs on Saturday, saying they were not prepared to wait another day. Health workers in north-east Germany decided not to wait for Sunday and started immunising elderly residents in the Krueger nursing home in Halberstadt on Saturday where 101-year-old Edith Kwoizalla became one of the first Europeans to receive the dose. In Hungary, the first recipient of the vaccine was a doctor at Del-Pest Central Hospital, also on Saturday, the state news agency said. The authorities in Slovakia also acknowledged they had begun vaccinating.
Sunday morning, at 9:00 a.m., it is now expected to continue until March, during which time 2,295,638 people will be immunized. The first vaccines arrived in the Valencian Community at 9.53 am, when they were immediately distributed the seven residences escorted by the Civil Guard and the National Police. A total of 775 doses arrived and were administered throughout the day to residents and health personnel in care homes in Alicante, Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Torrent, Rafelbunyol, Benissanó, Almassora and Burriana.
Remaining doses will be rolled out across Spain in the coming days in order to to continue the vaccination process based on the vaccination plan approved by the 775 doses of the Council of Ministers.
vaccine arrived in the Community at 9.53 am on Sunday and were to be administered throughout the day
In Spain, though, the Ministry of Health did wait until the due hour with Araceli Rosario Hidalgo becoming the first person to receive the Pfizer vaccine when she was inoculated on Sunday morning. She was vaccinated in the Los Olmos residence for the elderly in Guadalajara. She was quickly followed by Mónica Tapias, a native of Guadalajara and a nursing assistant at the same home. It was absolutely fine," said Araceli after receiving the injection while Mónica Tapias told onlookers "It is with great pride that I am the first nurse to be vaccinated," added that she felt that everyone should be vaccinated.
The start of the first phase of the program got underway early on
Appointment for those wishing to receive the vaccine will be issued "as soon as possible" with no penalties for those who refuse to receive them. The vaccine will be provided across the usual health network, free of charge at the more than 13,000 vaccination points in Spain.
Everyone who is vaccinated against covid will also receive a vaccination certificate which will include the type of vaccine, the batch number and the date of administration of the first and second doses. The "card or certificate" will also include tan individual’s identification data, as well as information about the drug administered. It will also hold information showing the method of contact for consultations for patients in case of an adverse drug reaction. Ireland and the Netherlands will not begin their vaccinations until next week with Ireland getting their program underway on Wednesday, and the Netherlands on January 8.
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
Late Snooker Star Willie Thorne's cue to be auctioned in aid of 20-20 Voice Cancer BY ANDREW ATKINSON CHIEF SPORTS EDITOR Willie Thorne's former wife Jill Saxby is auctioning a cue used by the late snooker star in aid of 20-20 Voice Cancer. "Willie played all his life with his one and only cue, from the age of 14," Jill, Patron of 20-20 Voice Cancer told The Leader. "His cue and case is for auction to raise funds for his charity of choice - 20-20 Voice Cancer," said Jill. "Money raised will help early diagnosis of this little known cancer, that affects so many," said Jill. An opening bid of £2,000 has already been made for the cue. Former Miss Great Britain Jill Saxby became the Patron of 20-20 Voice Cancer, following the passing of Patron Willie Thorne on June 17. Willie, who lived in Villamartin, died, aged 66, from septic shock in Torrevieja Hospital, after receiving chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia. He moved to Villamartin on the Costa Blanca south last year with Jill, where he tutored snooker and also put on exhibitions. Following his death a Memorial service was held in Orihuela Costa on June 24, attended by his children, daughter Tahli and twin sons Tristan and Kieran, at the Cristo Resucitado Church. His ashes were later flown to the UK. "We are delighted that Jill has decided to favour our charity for she knows only too well the depths of despair that cancer can bring, having been a full time SLT (Speech & Language Therapist). "Sadly, Willie passed away this year and Jill kindly took over as Patron," said a spokesperson from 20-20 Voice Cancer. Jill Saxby organised a tournament at the Dunstable Snooker Club, the Willie Thorne Memorial Trophy, with proceeds going to the 20-20 Voice Charity, Willie’s favoured charity. Speaking exclusively to The Leader Jill said: "The cue was Willie's fourteenth birthday pres-
ent and the case was specially made later. "He played every time with the same cue, winning the first Seniors Masters tournament final gainst Cliff Thorburn at the private member's RAC Club in London. "Willie also won the Mercantile Credit back in 1985 with the cue. And played with it at the World Championship at The Crucible in Sheffield over the years. "Willie took it everywhere - the cue has travelled all over the world." Jill added: "The founder of 20-20 Voice Cancer, Phil Johnson, knew Willie for 45 years. "Phil would go to all the live matches that Willie played in during his career. "Phil eventually became ill and had a laryngectomy and he now runs 20-20 Voice Cancer." Speaking to The Mirror, Jill said: "His children said they wanted the cue back which I understand, but he had bequeathed it to me." Willie's first wife Fiona said: "My family would not be supportive of Jill selling the cue and will not be stating anything to that effect." *Bids for Willie Thorne's cue and case can be sent to either: jillthorne26@gmail.com or admin@2020voicecancer.org
Mexican fleabane flowers from Spring to Autumn The Mexican fleabane is a species of daisy-like flowering plant that grows well in fertile, welldrained soil, that does not dry out in summer. Plant in full sun, aided by some mid-day shade. Growing to 0.5m high with a 1m spread with a mass of flowers, ranging from white, pink to purple.
Flowering at the beginning of spring, right through to autumn, it is ideal for wall or paving crevices, self-seeding, bringing beautiful colour. Dead-head to encourage endless flowers, cutting back to ground level in the autumn.
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National Disgrace as removal of asbestos in 28 schools delayed to next summer
The Department of Education attributes the delay to large sections of toxic substances that first need to be decontaminated. The removal of asbestos from schools and institutes in the province, one of the promises made by the Ministry of Education when the current administators first came to power in mid-2015, has once again been delayed until next summer. Of the 73 schools and educational centres in the province found to have levels of asbestos, "45 have had the substance removed," according to Education. Five years on, therefore, the removal of asbestos in 28 schools is still pending, 38% of the total, the reason for which is said to be that they all have large areas of toxic substances that first need to be decontaminated. Work on some of the buildings will take more than a month to complete and they cannot be worked upon while the students are in school. As such there is not enough time during either the Christmas or the Summer holidays to complete the work outstanding so it has been scheduled to take place during the summer school holidays, at which time there will be no students in the centres.
Neighborhood representatives say that they regret this new delay and argue that "since the beginning of 2016 we have been denouncing the presence of asbestos in a significant number of schools that all have this serious construction problem, as well as demanding its urgent removal", according to spokesman José María Hernández. He said that “every past summer they have made the same excuse to justify themselves and they do absolutely nothing. There are quite a few companies in Spain, specialists in the dismantling and treatment of asbestos, which means that it could have all been removed at the same time over just one summer, by using a number of different companies at the same time”. “There are no longer any "excuses" because "we are referring to the health of the people who work in the schools, the teachers and the students, who breathe the air in those buildings and therefore they are slowly and silently being poisoned by asbestos dust that is being released by environmental aging from the roofing plates and fibre cement pipes installed outdoors. It is a National Disgrace.”
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Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
Hark as Campoverde Village celebrates Christmas Over 60 people gathered on the Terrace of the Rusty Nail
n Sunday December 20, Campoverde village came together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Every year, for the last nine years, Campoverde Church in the Community has joined together with Jimmy from the Rusty Nail to help bring the true meaning of Christmas to the people in our village. Despite, or maybe because of, the difficulties of the past year, we were determined that this year our celebration of Jesus' birth would continue. Over 60 people gathered on the Terrace of the Rusty Nail and across the road outside the health centre and the other bars for this tremendous event.
We sung all our favourite Christmas Carols, heard readings from the Bible that told about the birth of Jesus, and rounded off the evening with mulled wine and mince pies, provided courtesy of Jimmy and Clare. It all got quite emotional as we remembered our loved ones unable to be with us and when we considered that this may very well be Jimmy and Clare's last year in Campoverde. Thanks to everyone who turned up and your amazingly positive attitude of celebration, to Jimmy and Clare and all the staff of the Rusty Nail, to Brian Bennett for letting us use his sound system, and especially to Jesus without whom we would not have this very special time.
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
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SUPPORT INCREASES FOR THE MONARCHY IN SPAIN The support for the monarchy in Spain has risen 20 points in three months Amid growing demands by some politicians from Podemos and PSOE to hold a national referendum on moving the country to a Republic, according to an Opinion Poll commissioned by the daily newspaper La Sexta, support for the constitutional monarchy has risen twenty points in the last three months.
PSOE support for the Republic (44.7%) clearly exceeds that of the constitutional monarchy (36.1%). By age, in the youngest group (18 to 35 years old) 48.1% would support the monarchy. Those aged 36 to 54 would back the current system with 55.4% of their votes and the elderly (55 to 75 years) would approve it with 58.1%.
Conversely, backing for those who would currently vote for a Republic has fallen by 13.5 percentage points since the last poll held in September.
By gender, both sexes would be on par: 55.3% of men and 53.3% of women would support the monarchy.
The figures show that in the event of a referendum, 54.3% of Spaniards would support the constitutional monarchy, compared to just 34.3% in September, while support for a republic has fallen to 30.3% from 43.8% at that time.
The same poll shows that 67.1% of those surveyed feel that a referendum is unnecessary but of voters from Podemos, a majority, 88.7%, would like to see one held.
By parties, the most passionate monarchists are those from Vox, with a support of 95.6% of their voters. They are followed by the PP with 94.2% of voters and the CS, with 74.1%. The voters of Podemos would choose to support a Republic: 88.7%, while among the
Over 1,200 People were asked whether they were in favour of a Constitutional Monarchy or a Republic. Their votes are shown below based on their Party Political Allegiance.
The Spanish see no need for a referendum
So despite all the recent royal scandals, most of which involved Juan Carlos, the king’s father, the monarchy is still largely approved by the Spanish public. The poll was prepared by the Invymark Institute for laSexta, and involved 1,200 surveys.
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637 227 385
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
637 227 385
LA FINCA FILLIES WOMEN'S GROUP La Finca Fillies is a group for women, that began in January 2019, for women that lived/ had holidays on La Finca Golf. This grew to include the surrounding areas of Lo Crispin, Algorfa and close areas. Initially it was a girly get together, but realised we could put it to better use, and raise money for charities in the process. To do this for €1 per go we play Bingo, do a Quiz specific to the special day that we have the meeting and a raffle. We have a lot of fun, prizes are donated from the members which there over 100 now. This helps keep the money in the pot and not needed for purchases. We meet once a month for lunch and sometimes an evening event. We also have days out to other towns. We have several very talented girls that make an array of crafts which we sell at local events i.e. xmas fayre, McMillan day and any Fiestas held on the La Finca commercial area. 2019 we contributed considerable ammounts to the families of the surrounding areas that were victims of the floods. And the left over money in the pot was voted to be sent to Cancer research here in Spain.
2020 however has been a little different re Covid 19 restrictions. This did not stop us raising money. Even though we couldn't meet, we played on line Bingo, which also helped boost moral. We also raised money for the McMillan day in September and Elf day for Alzheimer's in December. It will be decided at by all the attendees at January's anniversary meeting where the remainder of our charity pot will go this year. Every October we have an Annual Auction night meeting, there are no games played, instead everyone brings along any unwanted gift or item to Auction off. In 2019 the money went to the families effected by the floods where the money helped to purchase Fridges, washing macines and doors. This year we explored the Orphanage in Orihuela, and after discussions with the director there and the fundraiser coordinator. We raised over €1200 which was spent on an individual gift for each if the 54 children there and the €780 left after this was given in Vouchers to spend at Primark, for clothes, shoes, warm coats etc. These were presented to the director of the Orphanage at our December xmas jumper day meeting.
Up, up and away as Three Kings set to arrive in hot-air balloon! BY ANDREW ATKINSON Three Kings' parades on the night of January 5 that have been hit, due to the coronavirus situation, will take to the air in Sevilla. Sevilla will bring in the Magi by hot-air balloon, with crowds prohibited to gather on the street, with the city council streaming the Three Kings arrival live, via its Ateneo website. Also, an option of children writing letters to the Three Kings, youngsters in Sevilla will be able to send their messages via the Ateneo. Children too young to use email, or who write their wishes down, will be able to deposit them in a collection point in the Ateneo patio on the C/ Orfila between Boxing Day and December 29. Balthazar, Melchior and Casper will be air borne in a balloon in Sevilla from 9am on January 4 and 5, passing throughout neighbourhoods. Other towns and cities in Spain have put in place alternative Three Kings visits, following annual festive parades being cancelled in 2021, due to COVID-19.
Selection boxes for San Jose Obrero Orphanage The Irish Rover bar started collecting for the Orihuela orphanage in mid November during which time 60 selection boxes and 54 shoe boxes with presents were donated, ten of which came from the Bar Spud Murphy. Many people made up 1 box but tere were quite a number who donated two. Others put 15 euros into a charity box which will go to the Orphanage at Easter A big thank you to Viv and Alan of The Irish Rover and their customers who have all succeeded, yet again, to put a smile on the childrens' faces at the Orihuela orphanage.
About the book This is a murder mystery based in the province of Almeria, Spain. Meeting two families who move from the UK, we follow how their lives intertwine, ending in tragedy. The reader is taken along a path which inexorably leads to one conclusion, but with a twist in the tale - is it the right conclusion? The first in a series of murder mysteries, we meet the two crime fighters: Morgan, an ex-CID detective retired in Spain, and his friend Morales, an inspector in the Spanish police force. About the Author The author, Christine Smith, retired and moved to Spain in 2009. Having written the story of her move from the UK to Spain and then resurrecting a children’s book her father had written, Christine turned towards fiction. A Woman Scorned is the first book in which we meet Morgan and Morales, the two characters who will appear in future books of the series. A Woman Scorned by Christine Smith is published by Austin Macauley Publishers and is available on Austinmacauley.com and Amazon and all good bookshops Paperback ISBN 9781528907583 RRP: £8.99 Ebook ISBN 9781528958653 RRP: £3.50
637 227 385
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
King Felipe VI delivers his Christmas Eve speech in Madrid A
lthough he didn’t specifically mention his father’s situation Spain's King Felipe VI made a veiled dig at self-exiled father saying, "Ethical principles are binding on everyone and are above family considerations"
“The year 2020 has been very hard,” he said, accepting that many will have fallen into states of “discouragement or mistrust.” But he also stated that people have "the duty to respect" the Constitution stressing that the progress made in democracy is the result of "the pact between Spaniards"
It was just a short sentence in a speech that centred on the coronavirus pandemic in which the king spoke of his admiration for the sacrifices "The moral and ethical made by thousands of health workers. The left wing government, especially Podemos, expected the downright condemnation of King Jan Carlos, however Don Felipe’s only reference to the King Emeritus was contained in one short. "The moral and ethical principles demanded by citizens, "oblige everyone without exceptions" and "are above any consideration, of whatever nature, even personal and family considerations."
principles demanded by citizens, "oblige everyone without exceptions."
"A Constitution that we all have a duty to respect and that in our days is the foundation of our social and political coexistence," adding that the Magna Carta is "a success of and for living together in freedom."
“They are above any consideration, of whatever nature, even personal and family considerations." King Felipe VI
Along similar line to previous Christmas messages, he asked Spaniards not to forget that the progress achieved in democracy is "the result of the meeting and the pact between the Spaniards after a long period of confrontations and divisions ".
He recognised that many families were dealing with grief and spending the holidays apart. And he spoke of a "great national effort" was needed to overcome the difficulties Covid-19 had caused. King Felipe spoke of the devastation caused to many individuals and their families by unemployment and the desolation felt by those who have lost their businesses and perhaps feel that they have not had the support of the state. He referred to the many of thousands of families who have lost a loved one and the vacuum they have left behind.
It is a result, he continued, of "wanting to look together towards the future", united "in democratic values" and in an "inclusive spirit" that respects "plurality and differences" with "the ability to dialogue and reach agreements". In his view, these principles "never lose validity over the years." Aware that "it will not be easy" to overcome the current situation, he wanted to send the message that "with effort, union and solidarity, Spain will move forward". "With everyone and for everyone. And, as King, I will be with everyone and for everyone, not only because it is my duty and my conviction but also because it is my commitment to all of you, to Spain."
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
The Webb By Percy Chattey Christmas, that wonderful time of the year when the world collapses in on itself, but for the few who keep the whole thing running. The remainder go on holiday, party and over imbibe, although very few recognise the real meaning of the event. We, like every other family, had never let the season pass without celebrating in grand style, renting trestle tables so we could increase the size of the dinner table to be able to fit in more guests around the festive meal, in a room decorated with fairy lights and the Christmas tree aglow standing in all its glory in the corner. It is a delightful time of year with forward planning the great day comes around and families are biting their fingernails, so to speak, hoping everything is going to go to plan. Then one year things changed, and the World was in turmoil, businesses, industries and enterprises came a tumbling down. After years of care and love lavished on our two girls it was now belt tightening time and having had to move from our lovely home into rental accommodation, it was very sad. The thought of the festive season took on a new light whereas before, money, while important, was adequate to make the happy season perfect. Now we looked on it with dread because how do you ‘unspoil’ your children.
We had been helping out in a pub ‘The Paultney Arms’ it was Christmas Eve, by the time we left It was the twenty fifth in the early hours. There was no tree this year and few decorations. We were puzzling how to enhance and make more fun of the meagre and small presents we had bought for our two girls. In one of the drawers in the furnished house we had rented there were two balls of different coloured thick knitting wools, one green and one red. Our minds circulated around them, how could they change things? I am smiling vividly as I write this, as in the following few hours of arriving home we put our thoughts into action. To the bottom of our eldest bed we tied the red ball of wall and then slowly unravelled it and pinned it to a point on the wall with a note saying ‘good morning’. We did the same with the green wall tied to the end of our youngest bed, who slept in another bedroom, taking the wool in a different direction with a similar note. We continued to unravel the two balls in different directions, forming a coloured web in the hallway and down the stairs. Each stopping at certain points with a note, or one of the presents we had bought them. Both balls had finished in the fridge with another note asking them to make a cup of tea for Mum and Dad. When we had arrived in the
Spain mentalist star Toni Bright mesmerises audience in Los Montesinos
By Andrew Atkinson One of Spain's biggest stars Toni Bright mesmerised an audience with magic as the Elche based mentalist brought festive cheers to Los Montesinos. Toni is one of the most prestigious magicians of the mind - mentalists - in Spain after touring the best theatres throughout the country, from Barcelona to Torrevieja. Toni entertained adults and children at the Auditorium of the School of Music and Culture with a most magical, surprising and fascinating night, with an impressive show that left the audience with their mouths open to rapturous applause. Toni's mentalist show included bending forks with your mind,
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THE STORY OF A TANGLED YARN kitchen with the end of the two balls of wool, looking behind us it was like a colourful giant spider’s web, and the only way we were going to get to our bedroom was to crawl beneath it. It turned out to be a lovely Christmas, starting on a high note the two girls, and all of us laughing. In fact forty plus years later we still remember it well, and probably better than other festive seasons, certainly more distinctly.
Montesinos Correos under fire After recently arriving I Los Montesinos I was left with a collection note from the Correos office It stated the office hours were 12.30 until 2pm. I arrived early to be second in the line, the person who arrived after me was quick to point out, that if I was in a hurry come back again, as the post mistress never arrives on time, she is always late by 10 to 20 minutes . He also advised me that if at ten minutes to two she would come out of the office and cut the line, telling people she would only serve these people up to two pm and the rest of you must come back tomorrow.
was very short and dismissive to the point of being rude. I think it’s time her bad manners were put to rights by the senior management of the correos office. You need to replace her with someone who cares about people and their job. My thought to this lady is this, I thing you need a complete training package from your head office on work hours and how to approach customers and I would say you should not be left unsupervised at this type of collection point, where you think you make the rules.
She of course arrived twenty minutes late, no apology was offered to the long line of people waiting.
We can only hope they listen and have very strong words with her on time keeping and saying a smile costs nothing, never forget this is where we make the profits.
On passing my collection note over to her she
Malcolm Morgan By email
through reading people's minds, with extraordinary tricks, that rely on mental powers. The limited masked attendees, due to the coronavirus situation, had temperatures taken and hands sanitized, before being escorted to their seats, with empty seats distancing protocol in place. Chosen parents and children were invited onto the stage to partake in the mesmerising performance. Toni Bright said: "The most beautiful thing is to see the faces of children and adults to see how they are surprised. "The people who you invite onto the stage, and guess something, then their astonished face."
Toni Bright mentalist at the Auditorium of the School of Music and Culture Los Montesinos. Photo Helen Atkinson
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Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
THE USE OF CCTV ON ORIHUELA COSTA. MANY PEOPLE ARE LIVING UNDER FEAR OF THREATS OF VIOLENCE AND VANDALISM A situation that P.I.O.C has reported many times is the number of children meeting in parks, not just those close to the Boulevard, but everywhere in Orihuela Costa. They don’t just sit quietly enjoying each other’s company, no, they disturb local residents with the noise level of the music they play, the setting off of fireworks, lighting of fires, broken shopping trolleys left lying around and creating vandalism of the parks they destroy. When Residents speak to the children they are verbally assaulted or items like bricks, parts of trolleys anything that is at hand, is thrown over the wall either into their garden or worse, into their pools, often causing damage.
Several weeks ago, P.I.O.C had a meeting with the Councillor for Security which included representatives of the Police Local and Guardia Civil, BUT they were not interested in what we had to say, nor of the 30 letters that we wanted to present from Residents detailing their experiences. What was more important to them was the creation of a Business Association for La Florida. P.I.O.C asked about the use of CCTV cameras in troubled areas, specifically to deter the illegal dumping of rubbish as well as security for parks BUT we were told the use of CCTV is illegal. So, if CCTV cameras are illegal, then, why are they being used to great success in Los Montesinos where the dumping of rubbish has dropped by nearly 50%, and in Torrevieja where there are dozens in operation. They can also be found in La Nucia which has a population of around 18,000 and which has 220 CCTV in use to great effect. They might have cost €1,800,000 to set up but the savings on repairs of damage to public property and the constant process of clearing of rubble, white goods etc will go a long way to making their installation cost effective. All that is stopping this happening is the lack of resolve from our inept Council for which Mayor Bascunana has to accept responsibility. The Council divided the coast into 2 districts. Was it with the intention to divide us? They now have developed FB pages for areas of Orihuela Costa, but for what purpose, to support the Residents campaign to be treated equally, with respect, we doubt it!
Only last week bins were set alight on Avda de la Luz close to La Zenia
The Residents of Orihuela Costa are communicating online more than ever, they are exercising their right in a Democratic EU country, to demand they be treated fairly and equally, in the same way as the Residents in Orihuela city and across the whole of Spain. P.I.O.C will continue to support the Residents campaign for Independence and we will be heard!
Two new table tennis tables have been vandalised in Aguamarina Park
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
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ANSWERS Week 845
Manacle (7)
Rustic (5)
Spar (3)
Useless (9)
Quibble (11)
Attachment (11)
Depravity (9)
Weep (3)
Oar (5)
Decorate (7)
CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 11. 13. 14. 16. 18. 20.
Hurl (5) Deed (3) Vale (4) Distrust (9) Aptitude (7) Clandestine (6) Irascible (9) Masked (6) Crime (7) Reliance (5) Cajole (4) Writing fluid (3)
QUICK ACROSS: 7 Confrontation; 8 Belittle; 9 Pots; 10 Recess; 12 Garish; 14 Clever; 16 Hector; 18 Spar; 20 Gloomily; 22 Faithlessness. DOWN: 1 Foretell; 2 Office; 3 Loot; 4 Strength; 5 Stupor; 6 Post; 11 Struggle; 13 Spotless; 15 Verity; 17 Coming; 19 Peak; 21 Oust. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Caricaturists; 8 Trainees; 9 Hand; 10 Wangle; 12 Desire; 14 Held up; 16 Remiss; 18 News; 20 Standard; 22 Librarianship. DOWN: 1 Carriage; 2 Hiding; 3 Late; 4 Outsider; 5 Sights; 6 Stun; 11 Exposure; 13 Restrain; 15 Desert; 17 Modest; 19 Emit; 21 Ayah.
ACROSS 6. Well, it's how the man should be prepared for the wedding! (7) 7 and 3Dn. Sort of bread for a complete repast (5-4) 9.
Sounds as though it's cooked brown (3)
10. A grant apportioned for the vegetable patch (9) 12. Practically describing the parachutist's attitude? (4-2-5) 15. Undertaking to make a bid when holding hands (11) 17. Present day vocalists (9) 19. What is obtainable from a continental estaminet (3) 21. Kind of bulb to work like lightning (5) 22. A mate to practise sensible economy (7)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. In the Dr Who Christmas special in 2017, which actress made her first official appearance as the 13th Doctor? 2. Alphabetically, which of Santa's reindeer comes first? 3. Who is generally recognised as writing the poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (also known as "'Twas the Night Before Christmas".? 4. Snowflakes are often portrayed as being 6 sided but studies suggest that less than what percentage of snowflakes exhibit the ideal six-fold symmetric shape? a. 0.1% b. 1% c. 10% 5. A Bellini is flavoured with which fruit? 6. From the Morecambe and Wise Christmas Special of 1971 can you complete this quote - 'I'm playing all the right notes but ...'? 7. In 'The Gingerbread Man' fairytale, who or what devours the gingerbread man in the end? 8. What stick would you put into a mulled wine? 9. In the 1947 version of Miracle on 34th Street, who plays the little girl Susan Walker? 10. Who wrote the Band Aid song 'Do They Know It's Christmas'? 11. The Australian territory of Christmas Island is in which ocean?
DOWN 1. Some of the regular guests have a different opinion (5) 2. Shoot up the peak (3) 3. See 7 Across. 4. Open level country, we hear, for producing sparkling wine (9) 5. Devise set arrangement for Holst's work (7) 8. Escaped to leave everything in France (3,3) 11. Use a booth for accommodating craft (9) 13. Almost makes a point with time to spare (6) 14. To balance completely (7) 16. Cast for a lively dance (5) 18. Being unconscious after a short right leads to complete defeat (4) 20. Go into current recession (3)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 12. Modern Christmas trees originated in the 16th century in an area now known as which country? 13. In the novel A Christmas Carol, which is the first ghost to visit Scrooge? 14. Driving Home for Christmas, was written during a car journey back to which town? 15. In the Christmas song 'Let it Snow' what happened to the lights? 16. In the film Scrooged starring Bill Murray, which actress plays the Ghost of Christmas Present? 17. Which Christmas hit for Harry Belafonte in 1956 is now widely performed as a Christmas Carol? 18. Port, the Portuguese fortified wine, often drunk at Christmas, is produced exclusively in which valley in northern Portugal? 19. Which famous scientist who developed the three laws of motion, was born on Christmas day 1642? 20. Which wordless children's picture book by Raymond Briggs was first published in 1978?
637 227 385
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org SALT CHURCH (formally
Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. They will return in January on the 3rd Thursday evening. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis start-
ing at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please contact:gill.burden20@gmail.com Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la
637 227 385
Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment however, we were able to comply with regulations and hold a Battle of Britain Service and a Dinner Dance (without dancing)! We also provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at tony.elaine.cuenta@gmail.com . For Welfare contact David on 615 048 892. For general information on RAFA visit www.rafa.org.uk. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb @gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the
Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits @outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We hope to reopen in January when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare @gmail.com
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
New Year s Eve, still in the balance F
ew things can be taken for granted in the current global pandemic situation. Spain’s Government, together with the Autonomous Communities (CCAA) agreed in early December on measures for the Christmas holidays that, days later, had to be reviewed due to the deterioration of the coronavirus crisis. And this situation, far from ending, could worsen even more in the coming days. Currently the main movement of the pandemic is going in the wrong direction, data that has not gone unnoticed in the Generalitat. For several days the Valencian Community has been flirting between levels 3 and 4, the maximum alert and the data recorded on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday firmly puts us in this last section, the so-called "very high" risk, according to the classification issued by the Ministry of Health on October 22.
In full knowledge of this scenario, the Valencian Government is once again reflecting on it’s handling of the final few days of the year. Although Christmas Eve will be celebrated under the agreed conditions, no one rules out that the situation may be rethought for New Year's Eve, an event that tends to be rather more festive in Spain than Christmas. Reviewing the current data, everything must be considered. This Wednesday 2,531 new infections were registered, with 20 deaths, a small increase in hospital admissions to 1,414 but much busier in ICUs, with 242 critical patients, 60 new outbreaks and 101 cases in care homes, very close to the very worst period that we saw of 103 back in April. The level of incidence accumulated in the last 14 days in regard to infections has risen to 346 (309 on Tuesday), the third highest in Spain. NEW YEAR 2020 The ceiling of the ministry in IN BARCELONA considering the risk "very high" is set at 250. Furthermore, the Region is also well above the cumulative incidence in people over 65 years of age. On Wednesday the occupation of ICU beds was also at a level considered to be ‘very high’ currently standing at 25.6%, six tenths above the upper limit although on the plus side the occupation of conventional hospital beds by covid patients stands at 13%, still at alert level 3 (narrowly below the limit of 15%). All these developments are currently causing some concern
amongst members of the Valencian Government who say that, even at this stage, additional measures are not ruled out. It is true that the balance between health and the economy has been one of the workhorses for the Presidency and there is great reluctance to increase restrictions, especially in the field of commerce and hospitality, even more so when the green light was recently given to the nightlife venues may open with bar conditions. However, the current figures now mean that additional options are being considered such as specific restrictions for New Year's Eve, a measure that could perhaps see the curfew brought forward even more. Nothing is yet ruled out at the Palau de la Generalitat.
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
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Sánchez accused of surrendering Gibraltar P
edro Sánchez has been accused of taking another step toward handing over Gibraltar, not so much to the UK as to the British colony itself, with both the Brexit agreement and the resignation of Spain to fight for the Rock. Gibraltar’s Chief Minister, Fabián Picardo, has publicly thanked the PM for a new climate of understanding with the Government of Spain saying that he is happy with the treatment of Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias. It is said that Spain has completely wasted any negotiating tool that they had during the Brexit negotiation to claim the co-sovereignty of the Rock. The previous Government of Mariano Rajoy, in the time of José Manuel García Margallo at the
Foreign Office, said there was a possibility of vetoing the Brexit agreement for Spain in the event that any agreement surrounding Gibraltar did not respect national requirements. Now it is felt that the Sánchez Government has definitely renounced that power and it will not be easy for it to once again have such a good opportunity to claim co-sovereignty from the United Kingdom with such clear and obvious strength. The damage done by Pedro Sánchez remains to be seen, but every dispute with the Rock from now on will be a bilateral issue between Spain and the United Kingdom, or perhaps between Spain and Gibraltar, if the United Kingdom decides to marginalize Spain, forcing it to deal directly with Picardo.
Ryanair blames C.A.A. for closure of 12 routes
Briton arrested in Rojales for child pornography The 61 year old man had been on the run from the UK after allegedly abusing minors in his care for years National Police Officers have arrested a 61-yearold British man, following the issue of a European Detention and Surrender Order, for being on the run from the UK for crimes of sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. At the beginning of December, the International Division of the National Police received a report of a man who was on the run from the UK authorities for crimes of sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, events that occurred between 1999 and 2002 when his victims were 9 and 11 years of age, and in his care.
Cancellations include some at City of Derry and Belfast International airports By Andrew Atkinson Ryanair is cancelling 12 UK and international routes, including some at City of Derry and Belfast International airports, due to a policy change by the Civil Aviation Authority, a claim the CAA has rejected. Ryanair are scheduled to fly to Alicante-Elche airport from Liverpool on Boxing Day.
management colleagues to respect this long-standing agreement and the CAA's own established policy in order to facilitate the return of these routes as soon as possible."
The Police opened investigations to confirm his whereabouts on learning that one of the reported locations placed him in the town of Rojales. Central agencies contacted the Alicante Provincial Police Station to coordinate the search with agents
of the Organized Crime Group that would allow the identification and confirmed whereabouts. The man had several previous convictions for acts of sexual violence, having been convicted in 1990 of three crimes of sexual assault against a child under 14 years of age and in 1995 of two crimes of sexual assault against a male under the age of 14. The Crown Court in Swansea handed down a prison sentence of 16 years. Agents they were able to locate the man in the town of Rojales. After confirming his identity the fugitive was arrested in the vicinity of his home. He is now being held at the disposal of the Central Court Number Four of Instruction of the National Court.
In a statement, Paul Smith said: "It is incorrect for the airline to state that the UK Civil Aviation Authority has changed its wet-leasing policy at short notice."
Wet-leasing involves an aircraft Ryanair said the CAA introduced Ryanair cancelling 12 being leased along with crew, mainnew regulatory barriers ahead of the UK and international tenance and insurance. end of the Brexit transition, causing routes, due to policy "It has been our long-standing posiunnecessary loss of connectivity to tion that a UK airline with a significhange by Civil the UK economy. cant presence in the UK, such as Ryanair secured an operating licence Aviation Authority, a Ryanair UK does, should not rely for its UK subsidiary almost two claim CAA reject heavily on using wet-leased, foryears ago allowing it to keep UK eign-registered aircraft to undertake traffic rights, including flying their operations. between domestic destinations, and protect its operations from January 1. "Doing so undermines the competitiveness of the A spokesperson from City of Derry Airport said it UK aviation industry and the effectiveness of the is waiting for a further update from Ryanair post regulatory regime. This is a view shared by regulatheir ongoing discussions with the UK CAA. tors around the world and has nothing to do with "Ryanair UK had agreed Brexit contingency our preparations for the end of the transition periarrangements with the CAA two years ago and od. cannot comply with its new and impractical "The decision to cancel these flights was taken by requirements at 10 days' notice," the spokesperson Ryanair alone. We will continue to engage with the said. airline on these matters as we seek to act in the "We call on the CAA's David Kendrick and his best interest of consumers."
Orihuela joins the Senderos Azules network Orihuela is joining the the Senderos Azules network which is a series of paths and trails that start or end at blue flag beaches, marinas, ports or information centres that have been awarded the blue flag of which the Orihuela Costa can currently boast four. The purpose is to promote the connection of the network of places with the Blue Flag through trails and leisurely walks that value natural areas
of cultural and heritage interest close to such beaches and marinas. "With the Blue Trail" Paseo de Cabo Roig "we want to publicise it’s biodiversity, making known the varieties of the flora and fauna, geology, heritage and landscape of the natural environment," said Ángel Noguera, the local Councillor for Infrastructures. The" Paseo Cabo Roig "r runs for two kilometres along the Oriolano coast, between La Caleta and Cala Capitán and we are currently preparing it to be part of the network,” he said.
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Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
Orihuela City Half Marathon postponed
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Traffic Accidents cause delays on N332 Rafal to refurbish the Plaza de España
The Councilor for Sports, Víctor Bernabéu, has said that the XXIII City of Orihuela Half Marathon and the sixth 8K Caja Rural Central fun run, scheduled for the February 14 ”, have been postponed till next year. "This is the first time that this sporting event has been deferred, but above all the safety of the participants and the public must prevail," said Bernabéu. He said "it is preferable cancel this year and guarantee an race in 2022, as this event deserves a celebration with maximum runners ”. Tragamillas Club President, Paco Belmonte, said that "after several months evaluating the situation we have chosen to postpone this edition until 2022, because Orihuela deserves a marathon to be held in the best conditions because it is a great sporting event".
The Rafal Council has approved the municipal contribution of 44,646.90 euros towards the reform and urbanisation of the Plaza de España, the bulk of which will be paid for with a grant from the Provincial Council of 892,738 euros The works were included in the Provincial Plan for the year 2019. The Plenary has now approved the modification of this works plan and Rafal has included it in the Special Plan as one of the seven works that will now be carried out.
Firefighters working to release the woman Two potentially serious traffic accidents occurred on roundabouts a km apart on the N332 last week, the first at the Cabo Roig island involving a driver who was said to test over the alcohol limit and the second on the afternoon of Christmas even when a woman overturned her car in La Zenia. Firefighters were called to the scene on both
occasions and on Thursday cutting and lifting equipment was needed to extract the woman from her car. Fortunately there were no serious injuries although on Christmas eve it was necessary to transfer the woman to Torrevieja Hospital for attention and observation.
The mayor of Rafal, Manuel Pineda, explained that what the City Council is proposing the renovation of the area “which has become a centre of activities and a meeting place for Rafaleños and Rafaleñas throughout its history. I recent years, however, it has deteriorated badly”. The current square is more than twenty years old "and requires modernisation."
Campoverde to get IT’S OWN ambulance Pilar de la Horadada already has two municipal ambulances to provide emergency cover throughout the municipality, for all 365 days a year. The Council has now announced the investment of 574,000 euros in a new contract, that will last for for four years, which also allows the addition of a second municipal ambulance, which will provide service for 12 hours in Pinar de Campoverde, where the average age is the highest in the entire municipality. The service, provided by Ambumar SYA, will use two recently acquired vehicles, one for Pinar de Campoverde and the other that will cover the entire municipality 24 hours a day. The councillor of Health, Nieves Moreno, explained that they will be used "for the movement of patients by ambulance to the corresponding health centre in case of emergency, as a monitoring service for home help situations and preventive services at sporting, holiday and cultural events'.
Banco Obrero distributes food in the Plaza de la Constitución On Boxing Day the Charity Banco Obrero association organised the distribution of food to 250 families in Torrevieja’s Plaza de la Constitución, asite that was chosen to "make poverty visible in Torrevieja and take it directly to the front door of the Town Hall." Both the association and those taking part in the distribution process denounced the "lack of commitment" from the City Council with "the numerous evictions in the town, and the more than 3,000 families who still require aid to make ends meet", adding, "It makes absolutely no sense in a town where industry revolves around hospitality and is the beach of Europe.
Madrid detects four cases of the British strain of coronavirus Another three positives are under study - All those infected are travelers from the United Kingdom Doctors in Madrid have confirmed four confirmed cases of the British strain of the virus and another three are under study, the results of which will be
known on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the Deputy Minister of Public Health, Antonio Zapatero.
three members of his family went to a hospital with symptoms, where coronavirus was confirmed by PCR.
"They arrived earlier in the week through the Madrid-Barajas airport", said the Minister of Health, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, between Thursday and Friday when a positive antigen test was detected in an arrival who had flown in from the United Kingdom. The next day
There is also a fourth case, which is not related to the previous ones, and which corresponds to another passenger from the United Kingdom. He landed in Madrid on December 20. None of the four cases is serious. Zapatero said that it is a strain "more transmissible but no more serious."
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Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
Atletico Madrid appeal to FIFA over Trippier ban
72,000 fans pay 5 euro to miss game
he 10-week ban imposed by the English FA on Kieran Trippier was effective from the moment it was announced, last Wednesday, and as such there would seem to be few options for Atletico Madrid, especially when it comes to overturning the punishment, even though the gambling offence for which the right-back was found guilty occurred prior to his transfer the Spanish capital in the summer of 2019.
Atletico Madrid are making it clear that they had nothing to do with the issue, despite which they're the main victims of the ban.
Although the ban is issued by the English FA, it is applied to Trippier across the world. With this in mind, Atletico Madrid are now communicating with FIFA to obtain as much information as possible. They're making it clear that they had nothing to do with the issue, despite which they're the main victim of the ban. They say that it is not a doping case or a betting case involving thrown matches, which would affect others clubs. However, it's very unlikely that FIFA will overturn this as it rarely happens in these types of cases. The next step, then, for Los Rojiblancos would be to lodge an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport, asking for the ban to be suspended while a case is heard. But yet again, FIFA are unlikely to intervene. The Spanish federation (RFEF) can't do much either, other than criticise the ban. They're only an intermediary in all of this and they have no power to overturn it. There is particular anger over the timing of the ban, which comes a season and a half after the player's move to the Estadio Wanda Metropolitano. Curiously, the 10 weeks of the ban do not coincide with any England matches, so the Three Lions won't lose their right-back for any games, whereas Atletico Madrid will be missing him for several.
Cyclist Raul Patino guest of honour in San Miguel By Andrew Atkinson Sanmigueleros cyclist Raul Patino was the guest of honour at Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 football team Racing San Miguel for the fixture against CF Monnegre de Muxtamel. "It was a pleasure to pay a tribute before the game to local cyclist Raul Patino, European Masters champion," said a spokesperson from the club. Patino featured in the new champions of the 2020 Valencian Community in the master categories.
The Festes d’Alfarrasí Trophy, organised by the Peña Ciclista Alfarrasí, welcomed 147 cyclists over 72 kilometers on a semi-urban circuit covering nine laps. The winner was José Francisco Arce (RinyaFlower Farm), who was proclaimed champion in master 30. On the podium he was accompanied by master 30 Pedro José López (ULB Sports Uniformes Murcia) and master 40 Raúl Patiño (Construcciones Encacon). Veteran Patino, who belongs to the Enacon SLU, was proclaimed champion in his category. The third master 30 was Sergio Núñez (GSport Alma Wagen); in master 40 they accompanied Patiño, Salvador Fortea (Mortesbikes - Monsala) –silver- and Fernando Gimeno (Juan Giner Oftalvist) – bronce - on the podium.
La Marina Bowls Club Friday The 18th and the club’s Christmas dinner was held at Paulo’s restaurant at the sports centre where everybody had a great time and a lovely meal. Loreta has asked me to put in writing our thanks to the following THE FINAL WHISTLE, THE GRILL HOUSE, J’s BAR & RESTAURANT, THE PALM TREE, RAMONS RESTAURANT, SAM’S BAR and PAULO & ELANEOR at THE SPORTS COMPLEX for their generous raffle donations and a special thank you to Peter BAILEY for organising the raffle. The last game of the year is always a Christmas dress fun game followed by a buffet supplied by SANTI and LOUISA as a Christmas gift to the members. The game was appropriately won by a president Dave TAYLOR who was who was ably supported by lead Jean TREGOING and skip Mike STONE. Both occasions were closed with a speech by the president thanking members for their support over a very difficult period and wishing one and all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and looking forward to seeing them all on the green next year.” Dave Hadaway
German third-tier football club Dynamo Dresden has said it sold more than 72,000 tickets for a game played in an empty stadium with no fans. Former East German champion Dynamo offered fans the “ghost tickets” — named after the German habit of dubbing empty-stadium matches “ghost games” — for €5 as a way to raise funds for the club during the coronavirus pandemic. Fans could receive a commemorative ticket to keep. The 72,112 tickets sold for Tuesday's German Cup game against Darmstadt was more than double the capacity of Dresden's stadium. Only two games in the club's history, both away games, had more people in attendance, Dresden said. Dresden lost the game 3-0 to Darmstadt, which plays a division above Dynamo in the league. German clubs have pioneered innovative fundraising ideas after the pandemic hurt teams' incomes. When German football shut down in the spring, third-tier club Uerdingen sold “virtual tickets” for a fictional game. Top-division side Borussia Mönchengladbach offered fans the chance to have their photos printed onto cardboard cutouts for home games, an idea quickly copied by sports teams around the world.
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
P.D.C. William Hill World Championship The 2020/21 PDC World Darts Championship continued after the Christmas break with the remaining 32 players continuing their battle for the Sid Waddell Trophy The tournament will run up until January 3 instead of the usual New Years Day. There will be plenty of darting action going into 2021, with the culmination of the showpiece event where a World Champion will be crowned. It got underway again on Sunday December 27 with the third round seeing double sessions.
Price relishing world number one race Gerwyn Price has set his sights on claiming darts' coveted world number one spot from Michael van Gerwen on January 3 and is dreaming of a William Hill World Championship final showdown with the Dutchman.
Tuesday sees the remaining remaining four ties in round three take place, before the fourth round begins with two matches. The fourth round begins at the end of Tuesday December 29th with the evening session seeing the final third round game between Dave Chisnall and Danny Noppert. From there, it is fourth round with a day off in between for New Years Eve before a double session of Quarter-Final action on New Years Day. From there, Saturday January 2 and Sunday January 3 play host to the semi-final and final.
Van Gerwen and Price are locked in a battle with reigning World Champion Peter Wright to top the PDC Order of Merit, adding a tasty side-show to the Alexandra Palace action.
As usual, it will all be shown on the dedicated Sky Sports Darts channel. Barring the 27th as well, Sky Sports Main Event will also be showing the coverage with 12:00pm and 6:00pm starts. Only the final begins at 7:30pm, who will emerge victorious from the Alexandra Palace?
Wright is currently provisionally poised to end Van Gerwen's seven-year reign as world number one, should he progress further than the Dutchman in the World Championship. However, a World Championship win for Price would see the Welshman - currently sat third - move to the top of the two-year rankings. Price takes on Brendan Dolan in his third round tie at Alexandra Palace on Monday evening, but has admitted that he has one
Monday's third round ties will feature Grand Slam of Darts champion Jose de Sousa in the afternoon session, while world number three Gerwyn Price, Premier League champion Glen Durrant and two-time World Champion Gary Anderson compete in the evening session.
Danny’s taking it easy eye on a potential winner-takes-all showdown with Van Gerwen if they can progress to the final in the New Year. "It is realistic," said Price. "I think about, I'm sure Peter thinks about it and I know for a fact that Michael is thinking that if he loses, he loses that top spot and he doesn't want
to do it. "Fair play to him for playing the way he did in his first game. I know it's a lot of pressure on Michael's shoulders to not lose that number one spot. "He's had the pressure of number one for the last couple of years so I don't think it will affect him, but it will be in the back of his head. "I think he'll get to the final and have a good run, and I hope he does because he's the sort of player I like to play - I hope I beat him in the final!"
The PDC has reminded all players competing in Q School to follow the guidance issued at time of entering regarding not making non-changeable or nonrefundable travel or accommodation bookings. Due to the heightened restrictions recently across Europe in the wake of the global coronavirus pandemic, the PDC and PDC Europe are currently monitoring regulations and travel restrictions and as such, it may be necessary to delay Qualifying School from mid-January to
later in 2021. First Stage of the UK Qualifying School will be held across two blocks of three days, with over 300 entries already received, while over 120 players have entered the European Qualifying School. Players are advised to make flexible or cancellable travel or accommodation bookings if making reservations at this time. Should the dates move, players who are not able to attend the new dates for Qualifying School will receive a refund of their entry fee on request to the PDC. The PDC's calendar of events for the first three months of 2021 will be confirmed shortly but will remain subject to change due to current circumstances.
637 227 385
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021
Fidel - Cornerstone of the Elche attack The winger has been involved in more than half of the 12 goals scored by the club in La Liga this season
involved in more than half of Elche's 12 goals in the domestic championship.
Those who suggest that returning to a club for a second term is never a good idea should look at the case of Fidel Chaves at Elche. At 31 years of age the winger has reached the peak of his career in his second stint as franjiverde.
The Andalusian winger has scored a quarter of those goals, against Valencia (2-1), Celta (1-1), this from a penalty, and last week against Osasuna (2-2). He has also provided most assists, for the franjiverde along with Tete Morente.
Since arriving from Las Palmas on a free transfer 18 months ago he has scored 13 goals and provided 10 assists in his 56 games for the club, in addition to which he has been involved in promotion from Segunda A to La Liga.
However, despite the personal success he is currently enjoying, Fidel acknowledged after the clash against Osasuna (2-2) that the team is going through "a very complicated dynamic", but he considers that "it still continues to improve week after week."
Last Tuesday against Osasuna (2-2), he scored his third goal of the current campaign, equalling Lucas Boyé as the top scorer at Elche. He also overtakes his scoring record from the last time in he played with Elche in La Liga, two goals in the 2013/2014 season.
He said “We must overcome the poor run of results that we are currently suffering and recover from the blows in recent weeks. The hallmark of fighting until the last minute and committing 100% to every game will continue until end of season", he said on the Elche website.
Fidel plays a "very important" role for coach, Jorge Almirón. This season he has played twelve of the fourteen league games for Elche, eleven as a starter. He missed two through injury. He is developing into a cornerstone of the Elche team's attack, having been
And what better game do we have coming up in which we can show our commitment to the club, although it will be very difficult to get any sort of result, the next La Liga fixture for Elche CF will be next Wednesday at 9.30 pm when they entertain Real Madrid at home.
Catral Cadetes on a roll
Atletico de Catral CF Cadet category have achieved noteable victories in 2020 after the hard work they have been doing week-afterweek.
Racing Playas 0 - 1 Cadet B and Cadet C 4 - 2
Recent results include a clean sweep, with wins against Torrevieja CF 0 - 4 Cadet A;
each one of them, great work they do every
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
Racing into 2021 under coach Adrian (right).
Sporting Albatera. "Congratulations to the entire coaching staff of day," said a spokesperson from the club.
San Miguel race into the New Year
1.Jodie Whittaker, 2. Blitzen (Blitzer. 3.
By Andrew Atkinson
fantastic performance by the goalkeeper.
Clement C. Moore, 4. a. 0.1%, 5. Peach,
Racing San Miguel youth team have something to cheer about in the coronavirus situation - with 2020 proving to be a good time, results-wise.
"Bigastro fought and competed well, but the defensive discipline prevented them from scoring.
6. 'not *necessarily* in the right order.' 7. A fox, 8. Cinnamon, 9. Natalie Wood, 10. Bob Geldof and Midge Ure, 11. Indian Ocean, 12. Germany, 13. Jacob Marley, 14. Middlesborough, 15. They've been 'turned down low', 16. Carol Kane, 17. Mary's Boy Child, 18. Douro Valley, 19. Sir Isaac Newton, 20. The Snowman
The points continued to stack up with a 3-0 win against Orihuela CF Youth in the last game going into the festive break, under coach Adrian. A notable game was Racing San Miguel's victory against Bigastro in December: "The match became a monologue of occasions for San Miguel throughout the game, only derailed by a
"Another triumph, that brought the youth team closer to their goals, and helps them keep working and learning from victory," said a club spokesperson. Racing San Miguel racked-up a third consecutive win against Crevillente Deportivo, gaining a 5-1 win with goals by Morgan, Ivan, Lopez, Sam and Cristian for the Sanmigueleros, prior to the victory against Orihuela CF.
637 227 385
Monday 28th December - Sunday 3rd January, 2021