No 860 Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April 2021
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
VER 4,000 AGENTS will secure 209 border crossings in the Comunidad Valencia over Easter
The Ministry of the Interior has mobilized over 4,000 national police and civil guards to ensure compliance with the restrictions on mobility between commu-
nities during Easter Week, according to the Valencian Government. Across the holiday period, about 209 controls are planned, many of which will be coordinated with neighbouring communities such as Murcia and Castilla-La Mancha. In total, 1,531 Civil Guards and 2,440
National Police officers will operate, in addition to the many more hundreds of Local Police officers that are to be mobilised by each municipal council. The purpose of the controls is to stop the arrival into the Community and the Province of people from other communities.
Continued on Page 2
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
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637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
Prior to the introduction of the controls, a complaint was filed on Thursday afternoon by the Alicante Local Police against a 78-year-old woman who crossed the border, travelling from Madrid to her second residence on the beach of San Juan. It was a local resident who called the Emergency number 112 to alert the police of a person not complying with the anticovid legislation, having moved from Madrid to an apartment on Santander avenue on San Juan beach. The police identified the woman, verifying that she did not reside in the Valencian Community having moved from Madrid. The woman faces now a penalty of up to 600 euros. The Government has said that the Security Forces will carry out traffic controls at the entrances to all tourist areas, both inland and on the coast, as well as
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at train, bus and airport stations. Sources from the Provincial Police Station explained that selective identity checks would be carried out. On Friday checks were carried out on buses and trains arriving from Madrid. The 7:00 p.m. AVE arrived crowded but its passengers were people living in the province, mostly students, who all had to go through a long queue while the agents identified them one by one. The Alicante City Council has said that 718 Local Police officers will also patrol the beaches this Easter. The Department of Security has said that the capacity on the beaches will be controlled and the beaches will be closed when they reach capacity. The police also intend to use drones both to monitor the beaches and to look for illegal gatherings and parties.
Storytime, the Blind Cupid Shakespeare Company The Blind Cupid Shakespeare Company has announced a new partnership with Quarantine Kids Storytime to produce short form audio dramas of Shakespeare's plays. This collaboration aims to deliver classical content made accessible to young audiences and those new to the Bard. Each play will be performed by a talented array of international actors. The stories presented are adaptations by Charles and Mary Lamb, as Quarantine Kids’s founder Sascha Cooper stated: “This is the perfect opportunity to showcase how Charles and Mary Lamb not only made these plays accessible, but also strip down the most complicated plots to make them easier to follow and understand.” Beginning April 10th, two plays will be released each weekend, on Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm GMT respectively, running for 10 weeks until June 13th. The audio dramas will be available to stream via Quarantine Kids Storytime’s YouTube Channel. In the hope of reaching as many audiences as possible, and
making Shakespeare’s work accessible, the content will be available to listeners for free. For those who can afford to, an eventbrite will be available where donations will be encouraged and gratefully received. The funds will go directly to the companies and the actors, all of whom have been struck by the effects of the pandemic and theatres shutdown. In a moment of solitude and isolation, the project aims to enable the listeners to travel beyond borders with the help of their imaginations through the words of the most famous of storytellers. The poster emulates the idea of a subway station: each train stop corresponds to a play based in a different country, for the Blind Cupid Team believe,“If we can’t travel physically, then art will have to carry us.” You can subscribe to the YouTube channel to see all their stories and to listen to the audio dramas at:
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Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
EU Travel & Tourism Industry Bodies Welcome Digital Green Certificate Proposal THE EUROPEAN TOURISM MANIFESTO ALLIANCE, more than 60 public and private tourism organisations and the representatives of the sector in Europe fully support the European Commission’s proposal to establish a compatible and mutually accepted Digital Green Certificate that will facilitate free movement and promote the restart of travel. The digital certificate would allow a quicker and safer movement of citizens and restart tourism in the EU by showing proof if a person has been vaccinated against the Coronavirus, has recovered from the virus, or has provided a negative test, reports. The EU has reported that these certificates will only be used for travel within the European Union countries for the time being. “The Digital Green Certificate proposal released today is a major step in the right direction. But time is of essence now. We need a clear plan outlining conditions and timing to prepare for the safe restart of travel and tourism in Europe to be ready for the critical summer season 2021! Europe should work on this together, leaving no place for fragmentation and unilateral actions,” the Chairman of the European Tourism Manifesto alliance and the European Travel Commission’s CEO, Eduardo Santander, said. Airports Council International (ACI EUROPE) announced that together with Industry associations Airlines for Europe, Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe, European Regions Airline Association, and International Air Transport Association, they see these certificates as an essential instrument to assist a safe and sufficient recovery of travel and tourism in Europe. They all request the EU Council and the European Parliament to approve the proposal of the Commission as soon as possible and for all EU States to start planning and implementation.
“The onus is now on member states and the European Parliament to adopt this new initiative, and we urge them to take the necessary steps to implement it as a matter of urgency,” President and CEO of World Travel and Tourism Council Gloria Guevara said regarding the Commission’s work. The associations ask the EU governments to make sure that the certificates are functional by the summer months, especially the vaccination certificates, recognising that in order to travel, vaccination is not mandatory. According to ACI Europe, a recent poll has shown that 54 per cent of participants intend to travel by the end of July 2021, disclosing the necessity for unrestricted movement. Another 41 per cent aspire to travel to another country in Europe, and 89 per cent of people approve that governments’ need to standardise these certificates. Furthermore, ACI Europe asserts that a roadmap plan is essential to start air travel since the aviation industry is operating at a limited capacity. Therefore, a prosperous restart would bring aircraft and terminals back on duty. The most recent figures released by ACI Europe show that the situation is critical in the EU, EEA, Switzerland and the UK, which suffered a decrease of 89.3 per cent of passengers in February 2021 compared to last year. It was previously reported that the certificates will include information such as name, date of birth, date of issuance, information related to vaccine, test, and recovery.
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
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once again it is the large, often wealthiest, landowners who can make the beneficial deals with investors and that the small and mediumsized local landowner has no chance to enjoy it.
group of residents from Castalla Internacional, an urbanization in the municipality of Castalla, Alicante province, has taken up the gauntlet in the fight against ACS, a Madrid superpower that carries out many large infrastructure projects in Spain.
In short, it is only the large investors and owners who will reap the profits and the local population who are suffering with the destruction of an often green and natural living environment.
Through a feasibility study carried out by Grupo Cobra, a research agency affiliated with ACS, various projects have been created and presented for approval throughout the country, in particular the province of Alicante.
That is why these communities have decided to take action, not only to save their own living environment, but also to mobilize the rest of the population against such patriarchal practices that are nothing more than money machines for the rich.
Submissions have been made to various authorities in order to plan the construction of several mega-large photovoltaic installations (Photo Voltaic Plates)
But, if allowed to go ahead it will be an absolute nightmare for the residents who are now appealing for your help In order to build this mega plant.
Residents in the area have been informed about the "FV Castalla" project purely by chance and have learned that their residential area with hundreds of families will be almost completely surrounded by a sea of solar panels. The project covers an area 7 times larger than the urbanization itself, 322 hectares or 3,220,000 m2! Residents have never officially been informed of such plans by any of the organisations concerned and it now appears that there are only a few weeks left to reach a full formal objection to the plans. The impact of such a large facility on the enjoyment of life on, the environment, nature, the history of the region, the local microclimate, and tourism will be enormous and irreversible. The inhabitants, like the majority in this country, are convinced that the solar energy generated by solar panels either through "self-consumption" or through community projects and also through large fields with solar panels is necessary to save
It will also completely destroy the natural habitat of countless animals, reptiles, insects , birds and plants, not to mention hundreds and hundreds of trees.
our future. But now under the pretext of "Spain must comply with the requirements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and less dependent on its unilateral energy supply to achieve a viable future for its inhabitants" the inhabitants are getting stuck with a project whose denominator "green" and "sustainability" are completely misplaced when looking at the negative effects on nature and the living environment. So it is clear that such projects are completely out of the so-called 'green' solution. A green lung is
sacrificed to come up with an environmentally friendly solution to a problem that is playing out on a national and global scale. It is clear that there are other interests here than the so-called "better future for the country." There is a lot of money involved in these types of projects and investors can achieve considerable returns. The argument that farmer owners can also benefit because solar panels offer more than crops often affected by drought or heavy downpours can be convincing but unfortunately, it turns out that
They are asking everyone to protest by signing the petition they have recently opened at against this type of megaproject and in this case to save the natural beauty of the VALLE DE CASTALLA Join them saying YES to SOLAR ENERGY, But NO to the MACRO PLANTS LOCATED IN AREAS THAT WILL DEVASTATE THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF LOCAL RESIDENTS You can find the petition by going to and searching for valle de castalla ( ) Article by Rudy Puister.
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Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
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On March 29th, under cover of darkness, we slipped out to join a convoy heading home, but as soon as the dawn broke we found ourselves under bombardment once again all through the day until night fall. On the following day, 30th March 1943, at first light, the air attacks were back again. Toward the end of the day I finally managed to get some food from the galley. The stewards served the officers in the saloon, I sat in the corner of the pantry and ate. They all finished and left. I cleaned up all the dishes, cleaned the floor, picked up some corned beef, went to my cabin, gave ‘Skipper’ my cat, a hug and fed her. I then went aft to see my friend Tasker, but he was in the focs’l, so I stopped to talk to Paddy when a torpedo struck the ship and knocked us to the deck. We jumped up and momnts later, when another torpedo struck us, I dived out the door and made my way amidships. The two lifeboats were smashed so I went to the starboard where one boat was clear of the ship but the other one was hanging from the derrick, useless. An ordinary seaman stood next to me and said we have to jump as far out as we can. He grabbed hold of my hand and we jumped.
ne of the Costa Blanca’s true heroes is Joe Billet, many of you will know as ‘Joe the Cat Man’ from his days in caring for cats across Torrevieja and the Orihuela Costa.
But did you know that Joe has rather more strings to his bow than his love of animals. He hasn’t always led a leisurely life of retirement in the sun, indeed quite the opposite. As a 15 year old in 1942, the teenager joined the Merchant Navy as he sought out his very first taste of ‘grown up’ adventure. Unfortunately though, it didn’t end too well as Joe was sunk while aboard the ammunition ship SS Fort-a-la-Corne close to Gibraltar. Joe went on to serve with distinction. A veteran of the D Day landings and a recipient of France’s highest award, the Legion D´Honneur, when the war was over Joe took the unusual step of seeking out the UBoat commander that so very nearly took his life back in those dark days off the North African coast. And to his amazement Korvettenkapitän Gunter Jahn, the Commander of the U-boat, U-596 that sank his ship, and who went on to become one of the most successful U-boat commanders in the Mediterranean Sea, was truly delighted that Joe got in touch In edition 770 The Leader carried a story about Joe Billet and his trip on “The Voyage of Remembrance” aboard the SS Boudicca for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.
us until darkness and again the next day. Ships were sunk, some were hit by bombs but we arrived in Algiers. We tied up on the quay north to south, the SS Empire Standard tied east to west on the quay. She already had a hole in her from a U-boat during one of the attacks but an Italian plane dropped a torpedo on her and she sank where she was. Six of the crew were killed along with about a dozen dock workers.
Korvettenkapitän Gunter Jahn, the Commander of the U-boat, U-596, that sank the ammunition ship SS Fort-a-la-Corne close to Gibraltar, with Joe on board I came to the surface and swam to the life boat and they hauled me in. It was now about 7pm. The convoy had gone, but the lads saw a raft with a couple on it so some of them swam over toward it and tied us to it so we did not drift apart. At 3.30 am the crew of the escort ship HMS Albacore came along side us and the captain shouted to get aboard as quickly as we could. There was a scramble net hanging over the side so up we went.
Nearly two years on we are able to feature his exploits once again, this time as Joe relates the story of his sinking and his subsequent contact with the UBoat commander who so very nearly took his life.
Miraculously, the master, 43 crew members and ten gunners from the Fort a la Corne, Master Reginald A. Grove, were all picked up.
The story is told by Joe himself: I joined the SS Fort-a-la-Corne in Newport; she was loaded with ammunition, weapons, food, Army trucks etc.
We landed in Gibraltar and a couple of days later the Troopship Empire Halladale took us to Liverpool.
Once aboard we had a cup of cocoa or tea, the P.O grabbed me by the arm took me below and said “that is my bunk and I am on watch so you get your head down”.
We crossed the Bay of Biscay and were past Gibraltar when all hell was let loose with U-boats, Italian and German air craft.
Many years later I began corresponding with Korvettenkapitän Gunter Jahn, the Commander of the U-boat, U-596 that sank my ship. Gunter went on to become one of the most successful Uboat commanders in the Mediterranean Sea, eventually becoming the commander of the 29th U-boat Flotilla.
All the guns in the convoy opened up, they kept at
The letter is Gunter Jahn’s reply to my first correspondence to him.
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Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
Valuable information website for older and vulnerable British people living in Spain expands into the Costa Blanca and Murcia The Support in Spain website (, run in collaboration with the British Embassy, aims to help with the welfare challenges of the foreign-resident population and is currently being launched at a series of virtual events for voluntary groups and social workers in and around the Costa Blanca and Murcia.
WEEKEND ‘WINTER BEACH’, ACTIVITIES The fifth edition of ‘The Winter Beach’ has now been formally launched in Cala Cerrada and in La Caleta in Cabo Roig, by the councillor for beaches, Luisa Boné. On Saturdays and Sundays, from March 27 to June 13, at La Caleta, you can take part in Paddel Surfing and Canoeing from 11 am. The water activities are aimed at users over 8 years old and a neoprene suit is necessary to participate. One new addition will be added to the Saturday calendar, from April 3 to May 29, starting at 9 am, when you can learn to surf in Cala Cerrada. This activity is aimed at beginner and intermediate levels from 6 years old. Participants need to take with them a wetsuit.
All activities are free and information will be provided every week through the Orihuela Council Beaches and Youth Facebook pages which will list dates and the corresponding activities. Luisa Boné, said that “we are back again this spring with 'The Winter Beach' taking advantage of the magnificent climate in our area, to be able to continue enjoying activities in the best environment we have, our beaches and with the aim of de-seasonalising the activities”. A total of 33 water and sports activities have been scheduled for the spring-summer season, although the Yoga and Pilates activities scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays in La Caleta are postponed for the time being, due to restrictions.
The site contains useful information on how to get extra support and help on a wide range of topics, such as healthcare, disability services and benefits, as well as providing a directory of local support organisations. The service was designed in collaboration with the University of Birmingham and the British Embassy Madrid, and has had over 90,000 visitors since it first launched. British Consul Sarah-Jane Morris said: “There is some incredible work carried out by so many volunteers across the Costa Blanca and Murcia to support foreign residents who are in need.
good way to check up on the help that's available.” The virtual launch events are taking place on Monday 29 March in Costa Blanca South and Tuesday 30 March in Murcia. The events will be hosted by the British Consulate in Alicante and Neil Hesketh of the Support in Spain project. Neil Hesketh said: “The site is in Spanish, as well as English, so that social workers, medical staff and Spanish-speaking friends can, for the first time, access information on English-speaking support available.” Website address: More information: Support in Spain project background The Support in Spain website is the result of a close cooperation between the British Embassy and the School of Social Policy at the University of Birmingham.
This website will be a valuable tool to support voluntary groups in their work and for residents as well.
One of the conclusions was the need to develop a website that included all the contact information of the different voluntary groups and Spanish statutory authorities available locally, as well as helpful advice on common questions, such as how to secure extra social care, help for a disability or assistance with paperwork in Spanish.
“It is always useful to plan ahead for the future. Many of us see our or our friends’ personal circumstances change and this website is a really
The project was funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council and the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
50 immigrants land close to Torrevieja on Friday At least 50 illegal immigrants have been landed in Torrevieja in the last 24 hours on four boats, in Cabo de las Huertas, Cala Ferris, Los Locos and the other in Tabarca. All are said to be of Algerian nationality The first of the boats arrived at Cabo de las Huertas around five this morning with six people on board, five men and a woman who was pregnant. The woman was transferred to the General Hospital of Alicante for a more in-depth examination, although the sources from the Red Cross said that her health was good. The second patera landed in Torrevieja shortly after 5am with another 16 people on board. This time at Los Locos beach. There, instead of running away they waited for the arrival of the Torrevieja Local Police, who guarded them until they were taken away by the Civil Guard. The state of health of all the arrivals was checked by members of the Red Cross. Of the party of 16 two claimed to be minors. A third boat, this time a motor boat with 12 immigrants on board, arrived at Cala Ferris, also in Torrevieja. Here the immigrants ran into the town. They were disembarked from the boat by two people who remained on board and then put back out to sea. Those immigrants that were taken into custody were all moved to the Port of Alicante where they will undergo medical examinations by the Red Cross to determine their state of health and where PCR tests will be carried out to check if anyone is infected with covid . The fourth boat was intercepted in the vicinity of Tabarca with fifteen people on board, where it appears to have been stranded.
The fourth boat was intercepted in the vicinity of Tabarca
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A loving home required for Elmo
lmo is a 4 month old medium crossbreed who is happy, playful boy that would love a new home.
The immigrants were assisted by a vessel from Maritime Rescue. According to sources from the Red Cross, all of the immigrants were in good health. The pregnant woman was taken to the hospital due to her condition, while one of the men who was aboard the boat on Los Locos beach was also taken to a health centre due to a nasal problem.
BUZZ OFF! Bees invade Los Montesinos
By Andrew Atkinson A swarm of bees in Los Montesinos lead to an area of the town being cordoned off by the local Policia on Saturday (March 27). A police spokesperson said: "A swarm of bees of considerable size was observed in the Church Plaza, near to the Town Hall. "Given the abundant influx of people who visit the area, both on foot and by bicycle, the services of a beekeeper were immediately required so that he could take charge of it.
Photo courtesy Los Montesinos police.
"The bees swarm were taken under control within minutes. As always, the local Police work for and on behalf of the welfare of the citizens."
For more info contact 966 71 0047 or email
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Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
Mar Ezcurra, Councilor for Culture and Youth, has announced the new program for the Teatro Circo Atanasio Die that includes concerts, plays, musicals, humour and children's shows. "A varied program of events for the whole family to enjoy safely," she said.
The well-known musical group SIDONIE will perform at the Teatro Circo on Saturday, June 5 and the young singer from Orihuela, OTTO will perform on Saturday, June 12 with free admission. On May 1, we will be able to enjoy a “Sabinera Night” with Pancho Varona, Antonio García de Diego, Jaime Asúsa and Mara Barros. The successful musical “La Llamada” comes to Orihuela for two nights in May, a fun show with original songs and a live band that has won 14 Broadway Awards. And for the youngest members of the family, we will present the musical "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", on Saturday April 10th. The full program is listed below: THEATRE: SÁBADO 10 de abril a las 18:00 horas. “Willy Wonka y la fábrica de chocolate. El musical”.
Lifeguard services in Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa
Program announced for Teatro Circo in Orihuela
The play "Take me to heaven" will be staged with Lolita Flores and Luis Mottola on Saturday May 15 and the comedy "Las leandras del amor" on Sunday May 23.
Lifeguard services over Easter
Mar Ezcurra, Councilor for Culture and Youth SÁBADO 15 de mayo a las 20:00 horas. “Llévame hasta el cielo”, de Nacho A. Llorente y con Lolita Flores y Luis Mottola.
DOMINGO 23 de mayo a las 20:00 horas. ”Las leandras del amor”. Entrada libre.
VIERNES 7 de mayo a las 21:30 horas. “Imbécil. Midiendo las palabras”, con Alex O´Dogherty. Monólogo.
VIERNES 28 y SÁBADO 29 de mayo. “La llamada. El Musical”. MUSIC SÁBADO 17 de abril a las 21:30 horas. India Martínez. DOMINGO 27 de abril a las 19:00 horas. Ara Malikian. VIERNES 1 de mayo a las 19:30 horas. La noche sabinera, con Pancho Varona y Mara Barrrios. VIERNES 30 de mayo a las 12:00 y a las 17:00 horas. “Canta Juego, Te extiendo mi mano”. Infantil. SÁBADO 5 de junio a las 20:00 horas. Sidonie. SÁBADO 12 de junio. OTTO. Entrada libre
VIERNES 23 de abril a las 20:30 horas. “Pablo Chiapella. Mal acompañao”. Monólogo.
JUEVES 20 de mayo a las 21:30 horas. “Leo Harlem. Deja que cuente”. Monólogo. VIERNES 11 de Junio a las 21:30 horas. “Joaquín Reyes. Festejen la broma”. Monólogo. Because of the current situation all these shows will be carried out with all the necessary security measures and with reduced capacity. "Some shows may suffer alterations, please check the social network of the Department of Culture and the Teatro Circo Atanasio Die for up to date information. Tickets are already on sale both at the box office of the Teatro Circo Atanasio Die and on
With council departments in the final stages of their preparatory work as they prepare the Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa beaches for the Easter holiday period details of lifeguard services are finally being released. The Orihuela costa will provide the service on 11 baches starting on Saturday 27 March until Monday 5 April with personnel in attendance from 11am to 7pm every day. A total of 30 personnel will be on duty including an SVB ambulance, a zodiac-type boat and a rapid intervention vehicle.
In Torrevieja there will be a total 25 lifeguards working the beaches of La Mata, Los Locos, El Cura and Los Náufragos. Both the days of operation and the hours will be exactly the same as above. After Easter, the lifeguard service will resume in Torrevieja on June 15, and will remain operational until September 15. The councillors responsible in both municipalities are asking beachgoers to show responsibility and prudence to maintain safety distances and, to avoid at all times a possible risk of contagion.
‘The cat came back …’
las, dear readers, this week’s column is even more cat than usual. In fact, it is all cat. This is the story of a cat and two couples who were long-time friends and next door neighbours. If it weren’t true, it could make its way into a children’s story book. Some names may, or may not, have been changed, in order to protect the cat and the four individuals involved – none of whom are innocent! The setting is a large town in England. Westmeath man, Sean, is married to Englishwoman Kathy (this may not be her real name, but she spells it with a “K”). Kathy, like many English people is an avid animal lover. Sean and Kathy’s next door neighbours were (note “were”!) another English couple called Ron and Anne. (These are their real names, as this column has nothing to fear from Ron or Anne) Ron and Anne owned a huge tom-cat, whose name has not been released to this column – so we shall just call him Tom. Kathy and Tom struck up a beautiful friendship, on account of her Englishstyle hospitality – feeding cats. One evening the door-bell rang and Sean answered the door. It was Ron and Sean was surprised when he declined the invitation to come in. Ron had a complaint to make: Both he and Anne – especially Anne, he was at pains to point out, were upset because they felt that, as Tom’s owners, their role was being undermined by Kathy feeding Tom. Anne suspected that Kathy was attempting to entice Tom away from his lawful family, Ron concluded, apologetically, as English people do. Sean did not wish to get heavily involved and he also needed time to think, but he knew this was a big one. He did say, however, that it was the custom in Ireland, that when a visitor called at meal-times, they always shared a bit of what was going. Ron was too much of a gentleman to point out that this wasn’t Ireland, but he did ask that the custom be discontinued where Tom was concerned - and Sean said he would talk to Kathy. Good neighbourly relations were restored – for the time being! Tom couldn’t take the new arrangement at all, at all. He continued to visit, meowing and pleading with his eyes, which never left Kathy. After ignoring him for several days, Kathy’s soft heart got the better of her hard head and Tom began to receive the odd tasty morsel, on the sly! Now Tom was totally confused. The fact that rations were restricted, caused him to spend even more time in the wrong yard, begging pitifully from Kathy. Then Anne caught Kathy feeding Tom and as they say, ‘all hell broke loose’! The previous six years of warm neighbourly relations just counted for nothing. A week later, Sean could not believe his eyes, when a large ‘FOR
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
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SALE” sign went up on the house next door. It ruffled him a bit that the guy who previously couldn’t drive a nail without asking his opinion, now moved house without even waiting for the sale to be completed or mentioning the fact. Ah well, at least the problem of the cat was solved and he had managed to remain fairly neutral in this tragic love triangle.
The moral of the story is; don’t feed the neighbour’s cat!
But the problem was not solved. Kathy missed Tom! ‘Happy wife – happy life’ thought Sean, and like all good husbands, he searched his brain, till he arrived at a solution. He would buy Kathy a cat of her own! Perusing through the local newspaper, Sean settled into ‘pets’ on the classified page. Sure enough, he found what he was looking for. Not only did it list a cat for sale, but there was a photo of the cat – this is how it is in England. Sean called the number and wasted no time in calling to the address given, where he inspected this big friendly feline called “Flake”. Why anyone would call a cat “Flake” has not been disclosed to this column. The asking price of £200 was handed over by the grateful Irishman and a caring husband arrived home to a now happy wife. Soon Flake settled in as if she had always been a part of the family, but Sean noticed that she was getting fat. “You are feeding that cat too well”, he scolded Kathy good-humouredly, but in reality, this was now a happy house, in a household which shall be nameless. Now, the story takes yet another twist! Flake was under the woodpile and wouldn’t come out. By the time Sean came home from work and dismantled the logs, he discovered that it wasn’t over-eating which had bloated the cat – Flake was now the proud mother of sextuplets!! Kathy was over the moon! Sean wondered what sort of a return he would get on his £200 investment, when the kittens were old enough to go their separate ways. A few weeks later he broached the subject with Kathy, who looked at him the same way that Queen Herod must have looked at her husband when he announced he was going to kill all the innocents! No, Kathy could not bear to part with a single member of her large cat family. ‘This cannot get any worse’, thought Sean to himself. It could and it did!
GARDEN FELIX ..........Unique Umbrella plant
Through the window, on a Saturday morning, as he enjoyed his bacon and egg, Sean observed the kittens circling playfully around their mother in the back garden. But there was something strange going on here. There was robust commotion. Then the bacon stuck in his throat and the egg ran down his chin. There was this hunk of a cat, in the middle of the garden, who was just entering a relationship with Flake. It was Tom!! Tom was back! He had left home, several miles away, to make his own way in the world and was moving in with Flake! This is where the story rests and the moral of the story is; don’t feed the neighbour’s cat! Don’t Forget. Laughter is to life what salt is to an egg. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
he umbrella plant is a small treelike plant that can grow to heights of up to 2 metres with the foliage growing in a unique eight-spoke style that looks like an umbrella. Umbrella plants do not flower, but provide interest with their many varieties that have unique leaf markings. The plants are easy to care for and grow extremely fast, best in moist soil, so you can have a very tall plant within a growing season. Overwatering can cause the leaves to turn yellow. Under watering, will cause the leaves to droop. It's recommended to feed the plant every two to three weeks with regular liquid fertiliser but once the plant reaches the height that you want it to be, you can
then stop fertilising as often. Fertilising the plant once or twice a year is then adequate. Umbrella plants require lots of light, but should never be positioned in direct sunlight, as this will cause the leaves to burn. As the plants grow so quickly, you will need to prune in order to keep the plant the shape and size you desire. A harsh prune will promote a plant that is sluggish to become more lush. Propagation is easy by taking cuttings from a mature plant of at least two inches long to help the new growth take root. If you have pets, note that this plant is slightly toxic to dogs and cats.
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Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
Heartbreaking reality of Coronavirus Quote: 'Mother of family watering down cow's milk to feed baby. Not eating so 6year-old son can. Another family haven't sent children to school - they can't put food in kids' lunchboxes' Quote: 'Easter Egg Appeal. Donate an easter egg for these wonderful children. Any left will go to Torrevieja hospital for the childrens ward' By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE Nurse Ines Perkins had an idea to help people in need during the coronavirus lockdown and has seen a plethora of volunteers and fundraisers step forward in a time of need. "It started when I went to drop-off a food parcel to a wonderful Spanish family - only to find her feeding her little baby with watered down cow's milk. She couldn't breastfeed and cannot afford milk, since she hasn't been working," Ines told the Leader. "The Government gave her 53.94 euros! I went and got her a whole lot of baby milk. I also discovered she wasn't eating - she was letting her six-year-old son have everything, in case she didn't get anymore food," said Ines. "Another family hasn't sent their children to school - because they couldn't put any food in their kids' lunchboxes," added Ines.
shop and held a fundraiser to raise funds to buy more food to be able to feed all these families struggling.
"Do you know how heartbreaking this is? I keep coming across more and more families each day from La Marina, Quesada, Torrevieja, and Orihuela Costa," said Ines, a Nurse in El Quiron.
"We have had additional cash donations and sectioned items out - heaps and heaps of nappies and milk to dish out, along with meat.
"I am just trying my hardest, alongside some lovely amazing people who are helping me achieve this. We need food, baby Items; nappies, wipes, milk, etc.
"I can't thank them all enough. The weeks have been tough - but we made it. We all work really hard for this and we don't get paid for doing it.
"We do take clothes and other items. You can do a shop or just donate an item and someone will collect it from you.
"It is rewarding to know families are going to bed with their tummies full - especially so the children.
"This is ongoing and sadly I can't see an end yet, due to the coronavirus pandemic, with so many people left jobless, with no income, or with an ERTE that covers nothing. "The Government here are not helping these people. A bag of food, items we can sell to make money for food, or an item that can be used for these wonderful people will be gratefully received," said Ines, who has been helping families needs since August 2020. Lucy Franchi, Treasurer for Help at Home CB, has offered help: "We have some items and clothes at our Playa Flamenca shop that we would donate to this family," said Lucy. There is a food bank at Reach Out and Caritas, who both give out food to families in need. Alison Evans and her husband, and her Urbanisation Entre Naranjos, undertake help for the charity, along with Angela Stacey and daughter Marie Stacey at The Little Pod.
"Please keep helping until things go back to 'normal' as people are still going to be in the same situation," said Ines. "We are holding an 'Easter Egg Appeal' and if you can donate an easter egg to our collection that would be amazing. Our goal is to give all these wonderful children an egg and some sweets. Donations for the St Patrick's day gig by singer/guitarist Paul Cullen with a 969 euro cheque presented to Michelle Clark.
"If there are any left I will be taking them to Torrevieja hospital for the children on the ward for Easter," said Ines.
Captain Morgans Bar and The Eagles Nest have also raised funds for the charity. Amongst volunteers are Michelle Clark; Andrew Borges, who now has a drop-off point in La Marina, and Nigel Baker at Feathers Bar.
"The total raised is 1,000 euros, which is totally amazing. I couldn't do this without all the volunteers, too many to mention. I'm so amazed by their kindness.
"@tracey in Quesada has offered to be a collection point in Quesada and between her and friends they did a lovely collection of food.
I have every name written down in a book, with all receipts. We are working on a Charity number and everything is being undertaken properly and officially," said Quirònsalud nurse Ines.
"Anne Barry and Paul Cullen did a wonderful
"Something so small has turned into something so big.
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
LAST WEEK I was busy begging for donations for yet another fundraiser. This one however being close to my heart, as myself and my 2 younger sisters Sharon and Kelly took part in the Virtual Purple Run for Down Syndrome Ireland to show appreciation for our sister Maria who was born with Down Syndrome. We decided to make the day a little different by choosing 4 local tourist attractions which to our blessing are all within 5km of our lockdown radius, Fethard Castle, Tintern Abbey, Duncannon Beach & the new walking trail in Arthurstown. We also had a few tricks up our sleeves. We called in the help of some well known musicians and singers to perform along the way and we went live on Facebook through the fundraising page, just to give a bit of entertainment to our supporters. We roped in the local priest, the school principal and being from a musical family, we had to add a few members to the equation. Highlight of the day had to be the finale from my sister Maria, who sang ‘Tomorrow’ from the musical Annie and sure she was only loving the spotlight. The weather was stunning, the sun was shining down and the feeling of warmth was not only in the air but also in our hearts as people gave so generously. Especially at a time when people don’t have it to give. We finished with a total of 2,170 euro which is just overwhelming. If you’d like to follow the day, you can see it all at ‘3 sister’s fundraiser for Down Syndrome Ireland’ on Facebook. Since last week, a lot of memories are popping up of entertainers both local and around the world taking to social media with their live gigs and it’s crazy to think that some of us have being doing this for over a year now. My first ever ‘live’ was a year ago last week.
image above and right, Julie with her sisters I sat in my computer chair, swiveling away with a pair of joggers and a hoodie, looking like I was ready for a run, never mind a gig. Now sure, I may aswell be going on a first date with my ‘lives’. The lashes come out, the heels are high, the hair is even higher backcombed to the nines, you can’t see me with the copius amount of glitter that I throw on. I order a new dress every now and again (ahem) so the local delivery man is sick of seeing me. Venues are still closed here so there is no work for me. My ‘live gigs’ on Facebook are my absolute saving grace. I look forward to them so much and mentally they are great not just for my mind, but they really are a total lifeline to a lot of people struggling at the moment. I feel so gracious by the amount of support that I get, and I have made so many new friends that I have yet to meet in real life but I do believe that those days will come. Find it all at the ‘Live Lounge Costa Blanca’ on Facebook.
School Principal Domini Hearne Codd performing with her family at the historic Tintern Abbey.
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637 227 385
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
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ANSWERS Week 859
ACROSS 1. Annual (8) 5. Telephoned (4) 9. Bulk (4) 10. Retaliation (8) 11. Journal (5) 12. Seize (7) 13. Solo (13) 18. Excellent (8) 19. Entrance (4) 20. Umpire (7) 21. Devastation (5) 22. Gentle (4) 23. Status (8) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
Avoidance (7)
Aloofness (7)
Bumptious (4-9)
Attack (7)
Balcony (7)
Threefold (6)
Provisional (7)
Horrible (7)
Pincers (6)
Skinflint (7)
Anticlimax (3-4)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Squeal; 4 Bazaar; 9 Independently; 10 Correct; 11 Teeth; 12 Magic; 14 Ideal; 18 Purge; 19 Harvest; 21 Qualification; 22 Eleven; 23 Cheeky. DOWN: 1 Stitch; 2 Undercarriage; 3 Ample; 5 Alerted; 6 At the same time; 7 Rhythm; 8 Unity; 13 Itemise; 15 Opaque; 16 Chain; 17 Stingy; 20 Reach. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Stoned; 4 Cliche; 9 Unfashionable; 10 Van Dyke; 11 Ernie; 12 Aster; 14 Unite; 18 Wrong; 19 Acetate; 21 Take liberties; 22 Enrapt; 23 Brogue. DOWN: 1 Scurvy; 2 Off one’s rocker; 3 Essay; 5 Lantern; 6 Cabinet-making; 7 Eleven; 8 Aides; 13 Egg flip; 15 Swathe; 16 Maybe; 17 Lessee; 20 Error.
ACROSS 1. Bird sets ring on fire? (8) 5. He lives by his wits taking top people back (4) 9. Grounds south of the sheltered side (4) 10. 100 too old for area taken in by radio station (8) 11. Concerning the rights and wrongs of idealism or alchemy (5) 12. It takes a brave girl to administer drug to egghead! (7) 13. Local taxes that hold the investors’ attention? (8,5) 18. Equal conditions for all in moderate drama (4,4) 19. Use abusive language when fibber gets back (4) 20. Went to bed, being weary again (7) 21. Five have shivering fit that defies definition (5) 22. Chances of strife? (4) 23. Imperfectly in two equal stages (2,6)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. The name for which kind of very elderly person stems from the Persian word for 'wax'? 2. Which popular 70s band was named after an American high school gym teacher? 3. The two films 'Village of the Damned' were based on which book? 4. Which trophy, which has been played for since 1900, has often been called "The ugliest salad bowl in the world"? 5. Which unpopular little word is Latin for poison or slimy liquid? 6. St. Paul's cathedral in London is an example of which architectural style? 7. The majority of immigrants to the USA between 1820 and 1900 came from which two countries? 8. In which film is corn bread, meat loaf, mashed potatoes with gravy, okra and peach cobbler the last meal request of condemned prisoner John Coffey? 9. Which maritime explorer gave the Pacific ocean its name? 10. The following are the first words to songs with the word 'Mother' in the song title. Can you name the song? a. No I would not give you false hope on this strange and mournful day. b. Born a poor young country
DOWN 2. Become prostrate: told untruths on own! (3,4) 3.
Mother’s wise to have physiotherapy (7)
An aid to the wife in successful home management (4,9)
Key man? (7)
Presumably they have opinions on what they see (7)
Does he put things on that tire people out? (6)
13. Deduce there isn’t a terrible fire (7) 14. Ted’s wit is not straight! (7) 15. Common talk of explosion? (6) 16. Post in flying? (7) 17. Pie cooked to restore health to gourmet? (7)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) boy. c. What a drag it is getting old. d. You're so hot teasing me. e. Let's all get up and dance to a song 11. For many years after WW II the part of Major Strasser was removed from which cult film in German cinemas? 12. Who was the most infamous of all the seraphim? 13. Christine Jorgensen was the first person to undergo what in 1953? 14. Shiguli and Zil are both examples of what in Russia? 15. The name for which vessel, often a habitat, stems from the Chinese for 'three' and 'plank'? 16. Which two British aviators were the first to be able to say 'yesterday I was in the Americas, today I'm in Europe'? 17. Who released each of the following chart topping albums in 1977? a. Songs In The Key Of Life. b. Arrival. c. A Night On The Town. d. Low. e. Love At The Greek. f. Works 18. What is kept in a Formicarium? 19. Which popular UK band takes its name from a fictional doctor in Barbarella? 20. Which country was the only country to have hosted a Summer Olympic games and not win a single gold medal?
637 227 385
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
Sue Eldin is one of the team at a London medical practice, and about half the cases referred to her by her doctor colleagues are gut disorders. At the first consultation, Sue gives patients a diet diary to be filled in carefully for a fortnight. On one page, the patient notes every single thing eaten or drunk over the course of a day and the time it was taken; on the opposite page, every change in symptoms - and the time the change occurred. At the next consultation, Sue goes through the diary. 'You can often spot the problem straight away; she says. 'Saccharin is a massive trigger -those dreadful diet foods. So are artificial flavourings and colourings. Monosodium glutamate is one of the worst, omnipresent in our Western diet - packet soups, burgers, crisps. Pork - bacon, salami, pate, sausages and pies. In my experience, though, wheat and dairy products are seldom the problem.'
AVOID TRIGGER FOODS Once trigger foods are avoided, Sue finds problems often clear up fast. Only then does she prescribe herbs to deal with the distressing symptoms IBS brings in its wake. Slippery elm is the herb she's most likely to prescribe - one of the most useful herbs English colonists learned about from North American Indians. The inner bark of the elm tree is loaded with mucilage, a smooth slippery substance that coats the walls of the intestines to soothe, protect and heal them. It's nourishing too, and will help clear up diarrhoea.
Here's an idea…….. Horrible griping pains? Try fennel tea. It's so mild that Italian mammas give it to their colicky babies, but it's highly effective for griping pains and wind, especially drunk just after a meal. You can get it as tea bags, or you can try this wonderfully warming brew suggested by the nineteenth-century German herbalist. Abbe Kneipp: 'A spoonful of fennel seed cooked in a cup of milk for five to ten minutes... and drunk as hot as possible.'
for two hours, then very gently warm to just above body temperature. Add a little honey to this wonderfully soothing goo. Meadowsweet, says US herbalist David Hoffmann, 'is one of the best digestive remedies available... it protects and soothes the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, reducing acidity and easing nausea.' Make a tea from this pretty wild flower with its clouds of fragrant creamy blossoms: pour a cupful of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of the dried herb, let it steep for ten to fifteen minutes then drink hot three times a day. You can take it in pill or tincture
form, too. IBS used to be known as spastic colon, from the horrid griping pains it produced as the colon went into spasm. It's peppermint to the rescue here: it works by relaxing those hyperactive muscles in the colon walls, and it helps if you're nauseated too. Buy it in pill form or as a powder, and prepare it according to the maker's directions.
IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME Millions of people in the Western world suffer from irritable bowel syndrome: according to some estimates, as many as one in five of us.
Peppermint oil is especially popular with IBS sufferers, and in tea form peppermint is so popular that many restaurants will offer it to you instead of an after-dinner coffee.
The leaves, the flowers and especially the root of marshmallows, closely related to hollyhocks, are also rich in mucilage. Try a tea made from the dried herb: 30g to a litre of boiling water, infused covered for ten minutes, and drunk over the course of the day. Or add 30g of the powdered root to a litre of tepid water, leave
Why? It’s down to the dreadful diet that many of us eat. IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS) is uncomfortable at best; at worst, it makes life impossible for its victims. The wretched list of symptoms includes cramping pains, gas, bloating, bunged-up constipation, or diarrhoea so bad you can't plan an outing without an anxious toilet check. Your doctor may prescribe drugs to relieve these symptoms. But they won't sort out your problems long term. What you need is good old kitchen medicine. And some tried and trusted herbs. Sensitivity to certain foods is a common cause of IBS. Herbalist
NEXT WEEK: Dodge the Delhi Belly
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see SALT CHURCH (formally
Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. There are no further meetings planned at this time. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members
are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed
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and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to ongoing covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment. In normal times we provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony: For Welfare contact Andy on 0034 711 00 86 84. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In
Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We will reopen as soon as we are able when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
637 227 385
To Compare.
I Am Not One To Complain or The Blood Test by Tony Wagstaff
am sure it was nothing to do with the booze … you know how it is friends you haven’t seen for a very long time and they come knocking on the door and the very bottle you were saving for Christmas disappears in an evening of laughter and swapping old stories.
People who know me know I am not one to complain, I am perfectly happy with my life here in Spain. My wife keeps me fed, healthy and sane, And things are not bad….well….not in the main But some days are hot, by god are they hot. And I pray for those days when it is cloudy with rain.
As I said I am sure it was nothing to do with the drink but during the night there was an almighty crash and I found myself lying on the cold floor with a sore head where it had hit the sharp edge of the side table when I fell out of bed. My lovely wife who would have been next to me sat up suddenly and when she saw the predicament I was in started giggling. I didn’t get very much sleep after that and I had a feeling the following day was going to be different.
As I say I am not one to complain... but Is it just me or do you agree, that as we get older The winter nights get much colder I relax on my sofa with a rug over my knees I sit there and watch as my wine starts to freeze.
The beauty of living in Spain in the mountains is the clean air, silence and little pressure. On the whole we want for nothing but when a new stage show which was advertised to start in London, there was the feeling of a wanting for the days when with little effort, we would have been able to go and see it. Now it was a thousand miles away. We took the plunge and drove up through Northern Spain and then on through France to use the tunnel under the Channel into Kent. It was a nice easy journey on side roads and staying in a chateau and a farm on the way. The chateau was a great find where time had stood still for about two hundred or more years. The furnishings were of the period when ladies wore long skirts and the motor car was more than a hundred years away. As soon as we arrived, the elderly lady host invited us into the ancient living area and asked what we wanted to drink and in response to my answer she put a bottle of Bells whisky in front of me. We chatted for a while and learned they bred racehorses and travelled widely racing them at national events. The following day we moved on feeling a little sad at leaving this magnificent time warp. Of course, getting to London was totally different, continual movement with people rushing around and the constant noise and fumes stinging your eyes which also can be tasted in the mouth. Never mind all that we were enjoying ourselves. We arrived at the Prince of Wales Theatre where we had pre booked seats on the balcony overlooking the stage. The show was a joy. A range of ABBA´s favourite songs formed into a stage play, Mamma Mia, with Julie Walters, Meril Streep and a host of others in the company and the pre runner to the film version of the same name. It was a wonderful evening of entertainment, singing and dancing by the cast as they told the story of love generated by the words of the
Honest James praised after finding100 euro left in Banco Sabadell ATM By Andrew Atkinson Honesty is a virtue for Los Montesinos resident James Taylor who has returned €100 left in a ATM at Banco Sabadell in the Vega Baja town. "I went to the cash machine at the Banco Sabadell in Montesinos. As I was about to insert my card I noticed money in the dispenser," James told the Leader. "I tried to hand it in to the Bank, but as it was after 2pm they wouldn't open the door," said James, who has been praised by the
I go to my bed as there’s nowt else to do No sooner I’m in… I’m out to the loo I lay there awake til well after three I gaze at the ceiling… but there’s nothing to see Then nature calls, and I am up for a pee Again. Swedish four. Not once did we have to see them in rehearsal, nobody fell over, it was entertainment all the way over two hours of bliss. Comparing television shows with such an event is not easy as the atmosphere of the two do not compare. But what about entertainment? The box, although now they are flat screens in every household and maybe more than one pouring out its message twenty four hours a day. What is possible to compare is the entertainment and I refer to the final of ‘Dancing on Ice.’ Two hours of ingenious couples on skates sliding around the rink to music performing breath taking lifts. Ah! But that is not quite right. The dancing only consumed about twenty minutes of the two hours. The rest was reruns of the competitors in training and endless pictures of different couples falling over whilst they were learning their skills on the ice. Two hours of screen time, twenty minutes of entertainment, the rest boredom. chattey all my books are available on Amazon and Kindle
local community for his honest deed. James, who returned to the bank to hand in the money, said: "I returned to Banco Sabadell the following morning and handed the money to the teller (cashier). "He told me he knew the Spanish lady who had left the money - and that she would be very pleased for its return." Following James's honest good deed, a plethora of messages from people have been forthcoming. Sue Smith said: "That’s great to hear. Well done James for your honesty, there's not many like you around." Norma Cleeve applauded James, saying: "Great honesty - well done to you James." And Barbara Blake said: "So pleased. Nobody wants to lose money. I bet she is glad you were honest."
Honesty is a virtue for Los Montesinos resident James Taylor
Now don’t get me wrong I am not one to complain, but I was a little depressed and not feeling too good So I went to the doc’s at the Centro Salud He told me he’s sure that I need an injection Huh, he said it may help me to get…. rid of the infection. I’ve said it before that I am not one to complain, but I have just made an appointment to go back again I told the doc, ‘ it didn’t do any good” But then I didn’t expect or think that it would. Now listen, “I am the doc and I know what is best, I think it’s time you had a blood test”. Oh no! “Oh yes, and don’t argue with me”, I also will want a sample of pee! My heart’s in a flutter, my head’s in a swirl I go to the desk and there sits the girl She gives me a pot, and home I must drive and I think to myself, Why am I alive. I really am not one to complain, but.. on the due date I wait and I wait then comes the girl and just after eight She finally gets round to open the gate And then… this is the bit I truly abhor The people,… they shove and push through the door I don’t understand why they’re in such a hurry The thought of that needle and I’m starting to worry. I wait for the nurse in my own little space Somewhere close by so she can see my sick face, She calls out the names from a very long list The first are all Spanish that come out of the hat Well that’s just not fair, I’m gonna complain about that. No, not really,… I am not one to complain,...but She calls out more names from her very long list but mine is not one and I’m getting so ...miffed The list is now down to a dwindling few I simply don’t believe, it its now only two. Dear God, please tell me what I’ve done so wrong in my past Oh please god ,.. please tell me Why I must always be last. If you would like to see your poem featured in this column send to:
637 227 385
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
Important Health Checks missed during pandemic A GROWING number of people are suffering eye-related conditions as a result of continued lockdown restrictions – with new research revealing 42% of people have noticed sight deterioration since March 2020.
It also showed that people are feeling ever more concerned about leaving their home. These results have been released for World Health Day on the 7th of April, because an eye test is an important health check, and missing these tests can not only put eyesight at risk, but potentially other aspects of their health too. Jorge Martínez de Lizarduy Araico, from Specsavers Ópticas, says it is incredibly important for people to seek professional support if they
Solar panel plant for Torremendo By Andrew Atkinson Plans for solar plants to be erected in Torremendo, Orihuela, contravene the protection of Escalona. Projects to build two photovoltaic plants affect the Protected Landscape of Sierra Escalona and its surrounding area - occupying 310 hectares. 127 hectares are within a protection perimeter, where regional legislation prohibits this type of facility, announced in August 2020.
An important health check.
The two plants will be installed by the Atitlan Group, the investment fund of Roberto Centeno, son-in-law of Juan Roig, president of Mercadona of which they ensure the two projects add an investment of €75.5m to provide energy equivalent of 110,000 homes.
This represents a significant increase in the number of people noticing a deterioration in their vision during the first lockdown (34%) as reported by Specsavers Ópticas last year. Yet, the new study by the high street opticians shows that half (50%) of those suffering any deterioration are yet to address the issue and see an optician.
Amigos de Sierra Escalona (ASE) says that article 10 of Decree-Law 14/2020 of the Consell, excludes this type of facility within 500 metres around the landscape protected from Escalona.
have any concerns with their sight. He is also reassuring people that they have introduced a series of measures in store to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for all customers. There are several changes we may notice in our vision which could be a sign of a wider health condition. For example, red spots on the front of your eyes, persistent floaters, changes with your eyes such as blurred vision, or yellowing of the eyes can denote health issues from high blood pressure and cholesterol, to liver issues or diabetic retinopathy. ‘We estimate that approximately
7,500 Specsavers Ópticas customers failed to attend their scheduled sight test last year due to lockdown restrictions, and are concerned that some people may have a symptom-free condition that has gone undetected. Our stores remain open for appointments, with a series of hygiene and personal protection measures in place to ensure a safe and reassuring experience.
They also say that part of the Itel plant in the headwaters of the Rambla de la Alcorisa, where preserved crops are would also be destroyed. "It is an unnecessarily sacrifice of valuable territory for biodiversity and the landscape of the Escalona, el Cristo and Pujálvarez area."
‘We would urge those who have not seen an optician in more than two years to book an appointment as a matter of urgency.’
Dave Winder said he had no concerns about the injection at all
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Donation to AFA from Stagestruck The Stagestruck Theatre group have downsized to a small group who continue to raise money for their charity, the Torrevieja Alzheimer’s Association. While the group no longer perform twice yearly shows at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre, they perform Murder Mysteries in local bars to raise funds under the name of the Stagestruck Players. Despite having to cancel a number of performances this year due to Covid, Stagestruck have been able to donate 2000 euros recently. An additional 270 euros was also raised in personal donations in memory of Stagestruck Director, Leigh’s father Ronald Wain who passed last year bringing the total to 2,270 euros.
With so many concerned people across the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida regions, asking if anyone had been vaccinated for COVID-19, Leader reporter Andrew Atkinson talked exclusively to David Winder, aged 84, who took us through his day at Benijofar Salud.
on entry, checked on a list.
OCTOGENARIAN David Winder was one of the first members of the public people to have his COVID-19 vaccine jab in the Costa Blanca, undertaken on March 23.
"Within two seconds it was all over, into the top of my right arm, and I departed the Salud by 13.30."
Speaking exclusively to the Leader, David said: "I undertook the vaccination for COVID-19 with the Moderna Vaccine at Benijofar Salud, following a telephone call to attend 24 hours earlier. "My booking was for 13.30. I arrived at 13.15 and was told to wait outside the nurses room, where a lady was waiting in front of me. "I wore a mask and sanitised on entry. There was social distancing on seats. I was called for my jab at 13.23 and was asked my name
"I had my SIP card, which was not required and my name was ticked off. I was made to feel comfortable by a Nurse, who spoke very good English and was very pleasant, to the extent I was allowed to take a photograph of it all happening! "I was asked what arm did I want the vaccine injection, of which I didn’t mind, so she took my right arm.
David, 84, was advised, not by a Doctor, to take a Paracetamol, prior to the vaccine injection and to take another later after the injection, which he did. "After nine hours I had no side effects. My right arm felt a little different, but that's because I knew I'd had an injection. There was no pain. "24 hours later I was not feeling any different, just fine, with no side effects," added David. People need have no concerns at all
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
Petina climbs up the rankings Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 22/3/21 Akehurst, Petina Murray and ‘Albert’ claimed the silver with 147 points. Wednesday and it was round two (of six) to decide this year’s champion golfer. With a remarkable 45 points Paul Brown won the day and shot way up the leader board. Petina Murray became a serious contender in the ladies competition with 41 points whilst Andy Martin had another good day scoring 38. Just the one ‘2’ today which meant that Pete Dunn went home with a nice pocketful of euros.
CD Murada Benjamin Youngest examples of union, friendship, trust and passion By Andrew Atkinson
Petina Murray
Two teams finished with a total of 86 points in Friday’s ‘3-2-1 Dusty Bin’. Just edging it on countback were Joyce McClusky, John Dobson, Terry Field and ‘Albert’. Missing out were Bryan Neal, John Shervell, Mike Mahony and Andrea Martin. And remember, ‘I’ve spent most of my life golfing-the rest I’ve just wasted’. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell
CD Murada Benjamin returned back to training this month after the coronavirus lockdown caused both fixtures and training sessions to be postponed in January. "Our boys and girls of the youngest are examples of union, friendship, trust and passion and they are very excited about their return to training. "They compete to the fullest and enjoy every day what they like the most, the ball. Thanks to the main sponsors who have given wings to this project," said a spokesperson from the club. CD Murada seniors (pictured) set to return to action in the FFCV 10a Jornada Regional Preferente VI.
Eric Alston’s Harry's Ridge lands Betway Handicap
Congratulations to Lionel Ford 81 years of age from El Davino. Los Alcazares, who had a hole in one at the par 3 third at new Sierra golf club on Tuesday 23rd of March playing with Colin and Dave. A fantastic achievement
By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive Eric Alston trained Harry's Ridge, tipped in last week’s Leader, landed the 5 furlongs Betway Handicap (Division 1) at Newcastle on Friday night - to give jockey Jason Hart his 500th UK career win. "I knew he was fit, but thought he would be a bit rusty, but he held on to win," Eric told me on Saturday morning, via video link from Edges Farm stables in Longton, Preston. "Harry's Ridge has been behind, having not run as a two-year-old, and it was frustrating at first - but he's going in the right way now," said Eric. "I still haven't met Harry's Ridge new owner Laurence Carlisle who lives in Lytham, due to the coronavirus situation. It will cheer him up winning," said Eric. "Hopefully I will get to meet Laurence soon. We have no immediate plans for the next race, but he will go on grass," added Eric. Jockey Jason Hart said: "Eric has supported me throughout my career and it's nice to have a landmark 500th UK career win on Harry's Ridge." Hart, who began his career aged 16 with trainer Mark Johnson, lead 3 furlongs out, headed entering final furlong, ran on, to lead again towards the finish, to snatch a neck verdict over Sambucca Spirit, with Klopp, third. Six-year-old Harry's Ridge sire: Acclamation; Dam: Dani Ridge, owned by Mr Laurence Carlisle, was winning back-to-back after success at Nottingham in November 2020.
SPORTING DOLORES CELEBRATE THEIR 50TH ANNIVERSARY Sporting Dolores celebrated their 50th anniversary this month. The FFCV Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 club celebrated promotion in the 2019-20 season. The juvenile squad trained via Zoom video in January in the wake of the coronavirus lockdown that lead to fixtures being postponed. "While the health, state, regional and local authorities keep the sports facilities closed there was no choice but to continue working, responsibly and from home, in the face of a possible return to both training and fixtures," said club spokesperson.
Escudería Drago and Pepe Monzón celebrate the club’s 50th anniversary
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637 227 385
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
Lo Marabu Golf Society at Vistabella on 25th March 2021. In association with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Services For this month’s meeting the Lo Marabu Golf Society and a group of 32 players visited the established course at Vistabella taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The weather was beautiful and the day was enjoyed by all.
H. M. Queen Letizia has accepted the Presidency of Honor of the 2023 Solheim Cup, the prestigious international team event in which Team USA faces Team Europe every two years and will be held for the first time in Spain at the Finca Cortesín club (Costa del Sol, Andalucía) in 2023.
The 2021 Competition will next be held at The Inverness Club in Toledo, Ohio, prior to it’s arrival in Spain in 2023
Gold Division
The support of the Royal Family endorses their commitment to women’s sport and golf as ideal vehicles to convey the best values, in addition to reinforcing the position of the 2023 Solheim Cup, a memorable golf tournament that recently received another decisive boost after being declared an event of Exceptional Public Interest by the Government of Spain.
1st - Barry Davis - 38 points 2nd – Neil Ashton - 37 points Silver Division 1st – Ian Woodley – 36 points 2nd – Colin MacDonald – 34 points
It should be also noted that this is the first women’s golf event designated as an event of Exceptional Public Interest, a distinction that highlights the importance of this competition on the international scene.
Bronze Division 1st- Dave Freeman – 32 points 2nd – Jim Speakman - 29 points
The presidency of the Honorary Committee of the 2023 Solheim Cup by Her Majesty Queen Letizia is a further reflection of how the main state institutions are in tune with all the entities involved in the organization of this important event, which will undoubtedly become an ideal ambassador for our country and, in particular, for Andalusia and the Costa del Sol.
Nearest the Pins – Walker, Prockter, Doyle and Bradley Football Card – Colin MacDonald After the game we returned to Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada and we give our thanks for their support and that of our sponsor Sapphire Properties. Our next fixture is the Bounce Day day at Vistabella on the 31st March 2021 followed by the interim day also at Vistabella on the 15th April 2021 followed by the Society Day at New Sierra Golf on the 29th April 2021.
The 2023 Solheim Cup will have Finca Cortesín as official venue and is sponsored by PING, Costa del Sol and Rolex as Global Partners; and by Andalucía, Acosol, the Marbella Town Hall and the Benahavís Town Hall as Official Partners.
Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at:
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps. THE PURSUIT OF DISTANCE If you ask golfers of every age and standard what improvement they would like from golf and invariably they will say “to hit the ball further” BUT there are many misconceptions about golf and how far the best players hit the golf ball. Just to help clarify this below are some statistics for various ages and standard of golfers: We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Price €98 €98 €120 €100 €158
Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy 1pm Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
PGA tour best 128 mph
Driving Distance (male) 40-50 years of age 220 yards
50-60 years of age 211 yards
60+ years of age 196 yards
Average of all golfers 219 yards
PGA tour Average 287 yards
Golf Ball Speed
Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor
Bryson DeChambeau is targeting 145 mph
From the above, the amateur golfers reading this article should see that they are probably hitting the ball the distance that they should be for their age and ability, and should stop comparing themselves to tournament professionals.
Male 5 handicap 147 mph
Male average 133 mph
Female 5 handicap 125 mph
Female average 111mph
PGA tour average 167mph
Bryson DeChambeau is targeting 215 mph
Secondly there is a caveat for even the best golfers in the world chasing those extra yards with a driver, because history is littered with very talented and successful golfers whose careers have stalled or gone backwards due to making changes to their swing to gain extra distance (Ian Baker-Finch, Padraig Harrington, Luke Donald, Jordan Speith and now even Rory Mcilroy fall into this category).
Male average 93.4 mph
PGA tour average 113 mph
Sometimes you have just got to be satisfied with what you have got rather than chase the holy grail.
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Manga La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas
Two Green Fees & buggy 2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee 2 Green Fees & buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy
Lorca €78 2 Green Fees, buggy, drink, tapa Lo Romero €59 Sgl Green Fee Mar Menor €116 Two Green Fees & buggy New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €124 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €125 Two Green Fees & buggy Saurines €100 2 Green Fees & buggy (temp closed) Villaitana Levante €104 Two Green Fees & buggy Villaitana Poniente €60 Two Green Fees & buggy Villamartin €156 2 Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €148 Two Green Fees and buggy (3.30pm) For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Club Head Speed
€90 €98 €59 €123 €100 €180 €53 €120 €60 €48 €114 €59 €149 €140
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
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IHF WOMEN’S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MEETING THE INTERNATIONAL HANDBALL FEDERATION (IHF) insists preparations for this year’s Women’s World Championship remain on track despite acknowledging the "challenges" of organising the event against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. At a meeting held in Torrevieja last week IHF President Hassan Moustafa met with Francisco V. Blasquez, head of the Royal Spanish Handball Federation (RFEBM), and Alejandro Blanco, President of the Spanish Olympic Committee, as well as Mayors of the host cities and members of the Local Organising Committee in Valencia to discuss plans for the tournament. Involving 32 teams, the 25th edition of the Women’s World Championship is scheduled to be held from December 2 to 19 across five venues in Granollers, Llíria, Torrevieja, Castellón and Barcelona.
CARP-R-US FISHING CLUB After the poor weather the week before it was good that the second round of the CarpR-Us Spring Series was fished in pleasant conditions on the El Bosquet complex. However, the fishing turned out to be quite hard with many members struggling for bites. First was Alan Smith with 12.50kg from peg 26. Alan fished most of the match one eyed as the other eye kept watering, which did not help him spot the bites. Second was the ever-consistent Dave Hutchinson with 9.74kg from peg 37. Third was Steve Fell with 5.18kg from peg 36 and fourth was Dave Sutton with 4.42kg from peg 39. Anyone wishing to join the club can contact us through the club website: or email The club fishes matches most Thursdays and these are competitive but friendly affairs. Most weeks some members also go pleasure fishing where new methods are practiced and ideas exchanged. This is something we are looking to do more of this year.
Five Torrevieja gymnasts selected for Federation Squad Emerald Isle Bowls Club Miley Martínez, Alisa Zatsepilina, Aniya Tuganbekova, Tatyana Shevchyk and Lucía Leshan Cañas Mendo, gymnasts belonging to the Jennifer Colino Club of Torrevieja, are all to be congratulated, having been selected by the Valencian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics
to be part of the autonomic and elite squad for 2021. Club coach, Jennifer Colino has also ben been chosen to join the squad as a coach, following the great results obtained by all her gymnasts during the last season.
inches from the jack, a real game winner with Mo & Barb needing at least 3.
It's been a long, horrible winter and I did not think I would have anything to report until next season. The club however is open for minimal play and Don has managed to arrange Club Competitions Semi-finals for 5 consecutive Wednesdays. And if they all turn out like this Wednesday, they will be something to watch. We watched Mo Kidd & Barbara Forshaw take on Anne Stone & Carol Smith and what a game. I will only comment on the last 3 ends, the 16th finished Mo & Barb 13, Anne & Carol 12 and on the 17th Anne & Carol picked up 4 to go 16-13 up. That 17th end can so often be so defining and a game changer. Anne lead the 18th and finished 3
Barb followed with her first and finished 3 inches from the Jack a fabulous reply but still only 2nd. Big decisions now for Anne and Carol, ring the head or surround the Jack to stop the 3 score. The game developed so that on Mo's final wood of the game she was 1 up to a crowded jack and with the head evenly spaced. She came into the head with a yard of running, connected perfectly with a result of holding 2, measure for 3, and won the measure. Extra end required, Carol won the toss and gave the mat away to keep the last wood. To be fair the head was pretty mediocre with nothing really close, that was until Carol's penultimate wood when she drew to within 6 inches a real game winning shot and so it proved. WELL DONE ALL and I can't wait for next week. Dave Hadaway
We are very pleased to be up and running again, even with the restrictions we endure to keep us all safe, playing the game we love.
Unfortunately the Nationals and Champion of Champions are both cancelled this year, but lets hope we soon see them returning..
Hopefully even more rules will be relaxed soon enabling everyone to return to normality, or near to it
The Emerald Isle complex is now fully opened again with Food and entertainment on, under new rules of course,,
Guess we will never be fully back to old days
The bowling section will welcome all new members who wish to join us, ready for, hopefully, a.fully reinstated league season that, all being well, will resume in September or October, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
We are bowling on our usual Roll Up days of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays where visitors are more then welcome to come and join us And on Saturdays we have resumed the old favourite of many, “SAPS,” This is when anyone can just turn up and for 5 Euros, they get 2 hours of bowling with tuition if needed, and also shoes and bowls are available, so just turn up and enjoy At present this happens at 1pm on Saturdays, great fun for all The club is running some internal comps to keep us busy and when the borders are re opened we will welcome back all our bowling friends from Murcia........forgotten what they look like, it has been so long?? We will then complete the club internal championships. And for all those members that are locked away in other countries, let’s hope you all return soon and get bowling again
We are hosting a Fund raising ‘Open Pairs’ game on Sunday, May 23rd to raise funds for The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Look out for invites to play in your club notices. It is the Centenary Year of the RBL so we want to do our best. The Leader Newspaper has very kindly sponsored this game so come along and support a great cause, even if you are not playing. All are welcome Of course during this very hard year we have endured we hope that all of those peope who have been ill are now recovered or on the road to recovery, and fit again. And to all those Bowling friends who have left us durin these very trying times we send our condolences to all of their families and friends. ELWYN MORRIS
637 227 385
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
VAMOS MENDES GOMES! CD Montesinos in action against CF Rafal prior to FFCV lockdown in January. By Andrew Atkinson
Benijofar fourth spot on 16 points.
Aspe UD A topped the Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 ahead of CF Rafal, Atletico de Catral CF and CD Benijofar, prior to the coronavirus lockdown that saw fixtures temporarily postponed in January.
CD Montesinos sit fifth with 14 points following their return to the higher echelons of the 1st Regional following promotion last season.
The FFCV announced that fixtures are scheduled to return on March 26-27-28 following the easing of restrictions in the wake of clubs returning to training, ahead of kick-starting the 2020-21 campaign. Aspe UD A lead the table on 21 points going into the weekend ahead of CF Rafal on 18 points, Atletico de Catral CF on 17 points, third, and CD
A point separates CF Popular Orihuela Deportivo (13) Hondon Nieves C (13) Sporting Dolores CF (13) and CD Cox (12) in sixth-ninth places, respectively. Injury-hit Racing San Miguel (10), Callosa Deportivo CF B (9), CF Sporting de San Fulgencio (8), CF Monnegre de Muxtamel (6) and UD Aspense A (4) sit in the bottom half of the table.
Atletico de Catral CF open arms, and with more enthusiasm than ever. "We thank all the children, family members, and others for following the training guidelines at home during the COVID-19 lockdown and helping during this break. "Also the City Council of Catral, and the sports council, for their collaboration, help and conditioning the outdoor track and the soccer field, to leave it in the best conditions, facing the return. By Andrew Atkinson Atletico de Catral CF first team, sitting in second place heading into the return of fixtures at the weekend, in the FFCV 1st Regional Group 10 in a push for promotion.
"On January 21 we had our last training session, ahead of the lockdown, with the players working individually with a work plan drawn up by the coaches."
"The players returned to the training green on March 1 and they welcomed the news to be back. "The pre-teens, youngsters, children, cadets and youth teams began, each one in their own time slot and with different coronavirus measures," said a spokesperson from the club. Atletico de Catral CF have 11 teams and the spokesperson added: "We awaited all teams with
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Mummy, 2. Lynyrd Skynryd (Leonard Skinner), 3. The Midwich Cuckoos (John Wyndham), 4. The Davis Cup, 5. Virus, 6. Baroque, 7. Ireland and Germany, 8. The Green Mile, 9. Ferdinand Magellan (el mar Pacifico), 10. a. The Mother and Child Reunion (Paul Simon), b. Mother Nature's Son (The Beatles), c. Mother's Little Helper (The Rolling Stones), d.
Andrew Atkinson looks at Morecambe FC's push for promotion aided by Atlètico Madrid prodigy Mendes Gomes; former President Jim Bowen and Los Montesinos Shrimps' fan Keith Ashton's desire to 'skinny-dip' in Morecambe Bay if they go up. MORECAMBE FC are pushing for promotion to League One helped by former Atlètico Madrid youth prodigy Mendes Gomes. Born in Yeumbeul, Dakar, Mendes Gomes, 22, moved to Spain at early age and played for Atlético Madrid's youth teams. In 2016 he went to England and represented West Didsbury & Chorlton, scoring seven league goals in 50 games during his two-year spell at the club. In May 2018, Mendes Gomes signed for Morecambe, after being scouted whilst studying at The Manchester College and playing for their football Academy. He made his senior debut in August 2018, in an EFL Cup tie against Preston North End. After impressing at The Shrimps a one-year contract option was exercised by Morecambe at the end of the 2018–19 season and he was offered a new contract at the end of the 2019–20 campaign. Morecambe resident Keith Ashton, who has a property in Los Montesinos, said he has to rub his eyes when looking at the League Two table. "Morecambe sitting in amongst the League Two promotion candidates is something that I've been waiting for," Keith told The Leader. Keith looked back on late comedian and TV Bullseye presenter Jim Bowen, formerly President of Morecambe FC: "Some fans said Jim only used to attend the games when the TV cameras were coming," said Keith. Morecambe paid tribute to Jim Bowen who died in 2018, aged 80. Bowen who went from being a dustman, aged 15, to Deputy Headmaster, held the Honorary post at the club for 10 years, before resigning in 2003. He played a major part in promoting the Shrimps. At the time of his passing, Shrimps' Director, Rod Taylor, said: "It was the club who asked Jim to be President and he was always available when we needed him.
Does Your Mother Know (ABBA), e. Your Mother Should Know (The Beatles). 11. Casablanca. 12. The devil (Satan, Lucifer etc). 13. A sex change. 14. Automobiles. 15. Sampan. 16. Alcock and Brown. 17. a. Stevie Wonder. b. ABBA, c. Rod Stewart, d. David Bowie, e. Neil Diamond, f. Emerson Lake & Palmer, 18. Ants, 19. Duran Duran (From Doctor Durand Durand in the film Barbarella). 20. Canada (Montreal 1976.
"He never courted personal publicity through his role, in fact quite the opposite. "He maximised publicity for the club at times, particularly with his TV and radio work." Bowen said he resigned after fans criticised him for admitting Blackburn Rovers would always be his team. He stepped down after 10 years in the post, saying: "I am 66 going on 90 and I
Former Atlètico Madrid youth prodigy Mendes Gomes has been at Morcambe for 3 years can be doing without this. I think it is all rather juvenile." Brought up in Accrington, he was well known for being a Blackburn Rovers fan. A number of Morecambe fans posted messages on the club's website, criticising him after he spoke openly of his love for Rovers in Granada TV documentary 'Soccer Stories'. He also upset some supporters by jokingly saying the Shrimps, Morecambe's nickname and the town's famous produce, were 'awful' - but said those supporters had misunderstood his role as President. "The club had asked me for help. Morecambe could get TV space because of me. They would ring me up and I would do a bit for the cameras. "I think it was a small group of fanatical supporters who wanted total dedication. They said I was just President of Morecambe for my own publicity, but that is the last thing I would want to do. "There was a tremendous strength of feeling when I said I am President, but I am an out-andout Rovers fan. My heart is in Blackburn. "The board have always been extremely nice. They are hard working lads who give it their all. I have happy memories of Morecambe." Keith added: "The Shrimps are doing very well and getting onto the football map. The club has a good following, but obviously the fans are unable to attend games at present, due to the coronavirus situation." Keith, who has had multiple flights cancelled, due to the COVID-19 lockdown and travelling restrictions between Spain and the UK, said: "I've followed Morecambe for decades and their promotion chances are looking good." He quipped: "If they do get promotion I'm thinking of going 'skinny-dipping' in Morecambe Bay!".
Monday 29th March - Sunday 4th April, 2021
637 227 385