No 896 Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December 2021
637 227 385
Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
he emergency department at Torrevieja hospital collapsed last week, with some patients having to wait more than 15 hours to be seen, whilst others were advised to find an alternative hospital for treatment.
The management have claimed that the collapse was "temporary" and due to "the lack of professionals, after the resignation of some of the doctors who provided their
services at the centre". They do not quantify how many have resigned since 15 October, when Ribera Salud lost the contract to run the hospital, returning it to public management, but point out that the substitution of doctors without specialty, which they say is the background to this situation, "has not been possible, since it would constitute an irregularity against current regulations". The management had to face a barrage of
criticism and public complaints from the works council, doctors from the hospital itself and patients, about the saturation of the emergency room on Wednesday and Thursday, with 36 patients pending admission, delays in the waiting room, after prioritisation, of more than 15 hours, and delayed tests, also due to lack of personnel, with a single doctor left looking after the entire A & E department at times.
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Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
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637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
The management says that with current regulations a doctor without a recognised specialty can occupy positions of primary care doctor, primary care paediatrician and emergency doctor, "as long as there is no physician with a specialty available." The same source "regrets that many doctors have decided to terminate their contractual relationship, despite the fact that their employment continuity is guaranteed." Twenty of the 27 doctors in the emergency service are nonspecialised physicians, an employment situation that Ribera Salud did not report in its fifteen years of concession, and which was not audited by health department. At least five of them have left the service since October. "Due to this circumstance," said the department's management, the Hospital's Medical Director "took over the emergency department in person, with the direct support of specialists from the orthopaedic surgery and traumatology services, general surgery, cardiology and ophthalmology, strengthened with internal medicine practitioners, with the aim of alleviating the pressure on care" and solving the "difficult situation that the A & E Department is experiencing." Thus, in the opinion of the centre’s management, "the adequate provision of the service has been guaranteed at all times." Although the emergency service was said to be operating satisfactorily on Friday, the claims that they make are still far from the truth as I was contacted by the father of one 10 year old girl who arrived in A&E at 5pm on Friday evening and waited until 2am on Saturday morning to see a doctor. Santiago Diéguez has taken over as the new head of emergencies at the hospital. Diéguez has more than 16 years of experience in emergency services and has promied that "we are going to work in a coordinated manner to regain confidence and motivate the team in the face of the changes that are taking place. We are working on attracting new physicians who wish to join this project", he said.
Torrevieja’s mayor learnt of the problems first hand from the Hospital’s Employment Committee Zaplana stated that "health workers themselves have asked the public to find another alternative centre as far as possible, due to the situation in the hospital. Of four doctors who should be in the emergency room right now there are only two". “There are no doctors to attend emergencies, patients under observation stay because they have not received radiological tests, cancer treatments have been suspended. It is time to seriously think about changing the management of the centre”, he said. According to the Regional Government, the casualty department has incorporated four new medical specialists since 15 October and increased the number of consultations within the healthcare circuits, reinforcing consultations with specialists from the orthopaedic surgery services and traumatology, general surgery, cardiology, paediatrics, and ophthalmology. In addition, despite the problems this week, they say the portfolio of services in general has been improved, with a greater endowment of both the paediatric service, as well as the laboratory service, with the provision of a new device for performing rapid PCR tests.
The Partido Popular regional deputy for Alicante and health spokesman, José Juan Zaplana, denounced the "abandonment" of the service.
Regarding the staffing of nursing professionals, the management of the centre found a deficient service in the structure of nursing professionals, with only 21 nurses and many
Crescendo International Choir
wear masks. Despite these restrictions, we still have a lovely time singing together.
The manager of the hospital, Pilar Sanchez, wanted to send a message of calm to the population. Last week she met with all department heads to convey the situation of the service, guaranteeing that "the safety of patients and professionals has in no case been compromised as a consequence of this temporary situation that will be resolved in the shortest possible time.” Meanwhile, the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, met with the representatives of the Business Committee of the Torrevieja health department, led by its president, Ana Linares, in which they explained the healthcare problems that the hospital is suffering, especially the emergency department, which they say is "totally saturated due to lack of medical personnel." The mayor showed his outrage at the "extreme seriousness" of the situation and the position in which the emergency department finds itself. For Dolón, this situation is "unsustainable" because "we have gone from having a national reference hospital with a high quality of care to becoming a centre in which the lack of assistance to its users has become its hallmark".
If you are interested in joining, please see the website at for details. We are especially seeking men to join us.
By Nancy Klein, choir member and choir publicist
Our choir is made up of sopranos, altos, tenors and bass. We sing a wide variety of songs in English, Spanish, Dutch, and Latin. The money we raise from our concerts goes to local charities.
Crescendo will perform in two concerts in December. The first will be Christmas carols with the British Royal Legion Band on Friday, December 10 at 6 pm in Torrevieja’s Constitution Plaza. The second will be held in Benijofar at Canada Marsa Park on Sunday December 12 at 5 pm.
Crescendo lives up to its name of International because of the many nationalities in its membership, including English, Dutch, German, Scandinavian and American, with a Spanish Musical Director and Pianist.
Crescendo choir rehearses at Rincon de Miquel, a restaurant and bar in Los Montesinos, on Monday evenings from 17:45 to 20:15. We sit in a social-distanced manner and
uncovered posts. At this time, the structure of professionals dependent on the nursing department has increased notably, from 36 to 49 nurses and from 22 to 30 auxiliary technicians in nursing care.
“Dear Santa” by David Whitney c2021 The little boy sat down to write Tears welling in his eyes "Dear Santa I don't want nice toys No presents to surprise
He broke my arm Last Christmas Eve And made me tell a lie I had to say I'd fallen And he told me not to cry
I just want dad to like me Just to love me just a bit I want to stop him beating me Why does he have to hit
My mummy knows he hits me But she doesn't say a word So I have to take the punches And my cries are all unheard
If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:
Why doesn't daddy love me? What have I ever done He doesn't hit my sister I'm the only beaten one My mummy tells me to be strong She says some day he'll mellow She said one day she'd tell me All about another fellow I've no idea what she could mean Though I know she looked so sad So Santa please I don't want toys I just want love from dad".
Allthough we are many nationalities, English is the main language spoken.
637 227 385
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
B U I L D I N G F R O N TA G E COLLAPSES IN ALMORADÍ A woman, who was in the basement at the time of the collapse, was unharmed The front of a building on Calle de la Reina, on the corner of Manuel Birlanga, in Almoradí, has collapsed onto the road below. A woman, who was in the ground floor apartment of the building, at the time was unharmed. According to Alfonso García, Almoradí Local Police Councillor, the cause was quite probably the "age of the building." He said, "the beams that supported the outside edge of the balcony" broke
FINES TO SUPPORT COVID PASSPORT COMPLIANCE The Plenary of the Consell has approved the modification of Decree Law 11/2020 of 24 July, which established the specific sanctioning regime against non-compliance with the measures for the prevention of Covid-19. The change is due to the entry into force of the obligation to have a Covid Certificate to access public restaurants and leisure venues and
away, leading to the collapse of the façade. The councillor for emergencies visited the scene along with the municipal architect, the Police and the Civil GuardFirefighters from the town and from Orihuela removed the cornice that was at risk of falling and have cleaned up and removed the fallen debris, finishing the task at about 2.30 pm on Sunday afternoon. The Civil Protection and Works and Services have put security barriers up along the building perimeter. which came into force this weekend. The Ministry of Health established the obligation to present vaccination certificates, diagnostic test, or Covid-19 recovery certificate for access to restaurants and leisure venues with capacities greater than 50 people and also for large events, amongst others. The resolution requires placing, at the entrance and in a visible area, a poster informing people that access requires the presentation of such documents. Serious offences for the premises for non-compliance will have fines of between 601 and 30,000 euro and the minor ones, for users, the fine can range between 60 and 600 euro.
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
637 227 385
TV cameras were rolling as Nilam Wright demonstrated how to cook poppadoms
It seems that everyone was in agreement following the move of the veterans Club to the Captain’s Table Restaurant in Punta Prima, if for nothing else than the quality breakfast they were able to enjoy following their gentle exercise routine, now a regular precursor to the monthly sessions with Nicola Jennie Wren. With 35 veterans in attendance it proved to be yet another worthwhile gathering, made even more so by the interesting presentation delivered by RBL Spain Committee Member Sue Shaw, who had travelled down from Elche for the event. Sue spoke on the introduction of medical aid within the military following serious failures during the Crimean War, and it’s development leading to the formation of the RAMC in 1898. She then expanded her address to take in the formation of the RBL in 1921 and the legacy subsequently left by it’s founder, Sue Shaw gave a historical outline of health and welfare in the military
The Branch President is welcomed to the Captain’s Table by owner David Earl Haig, in ensuring that all members of the Armed Forces can now live dignified and fulfilled lives through it’s ongoing welfare and campaigning work. The group even had Captain’s Table owner David popping in to ensure that group satisfaction was achieved. He need have had no doubts, as the excellent staff catered for every whim and wish.
SAN FULGENCIO PROMOTES CHRISTMAS SHOPPING CAMPAIGN The San Fulgencio Town Hall will promote local commerce this Christmas through a campaign announced by the Councillor for Local Development and Promotion, Ana Mª Villena, and the Councillor for Commerce, Darren Parmenter. The campaign, entitled 'Christmas in San Fulgencio, bringing business closer to you', will run from 1 to 19 December and aims to "boost the town’s commercial sector in the upcoming festive season by providing incentives for consumers to shop locally," explained Villena. The Town Hall "will distribute 20,000 tickets among the participating establishments, which will be given to consumers every time they make a purchase San Fulgencio," said the councillor. They will then will be entered into a draw to win vouchers worth 1,000, 600, 400 and 100 euros, which, as the councillor explained, "can be exchanged for purchases in those establishments taking part in the campaign". The draw will take place during the Christmas Fair on 19 December, an event in which local businesses will also participate with stalls displaying their products. Those establishments wishing to participate in this event still have time to do so, by making contact with the Local Development Agency (ADL)
Los Alcázares Camera Club ‘Curry on Cooking’ For their November field trip, Los Alcázares Camera Club were invited to the home of member Nilam Wright who lives just outside the village of El Mirador.
The Club will now take a break over Christmas but it will be back at The Captain’s Table on Tuesday 25 January with another interesting morning in it’s efforts to keep local veterans connected, educated, healed and inspired.
With her sister, Nilam runs a business selling curry spice mixes, ‘Curry on Cooking’ so, apart from treating Club members to an excellent Indian meal, they had a demonstration of how to cook poppadoms over an open fire and of course a chance to take photos of Nilam’s charming finca.
or the Department of Commerce before 3 December on 966 794 201. Councillor for Commece, Darren Parmenter, has invited all residents of San Fulgencio to participate in the campaign, as an initiative to promote consumption in shops and establishments in the town "is always beneficial for everyone, both for consumers and establishments". The councillor also stated that "it is the duty of this council to support local shops as much as possible, as it gives an image of quality and proximity to the consumer, which is more difficult to achieve in large shopping centres".
As if this wasn’t excitement enough, Nilam is also being filmed for the Channel 5 TV programme ‘Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun’, and the cameras were still rolling for the visit of Los Alcázares Camera Club, so look out for their appearance in the new series, due to be back on your screens in the Spring. Los Alcázares Camera Club is always looking for new members who can be permanent residents in Spain or ‘swallows’, as the Club meets on the first Tuesday of the month on ‘Zoom’ at 10.30am (Spain) or 9.30am (UK). At this meeting members discuss their monthly photo competition and usually watch a photography workshop video. On the third Tuesday of the month, the Club has a field trip to take photographs followed by a meal to which family and friends are also invited. Anyone interested in joining Los Alcázares Camera Club should have a look at the website or contact the Chairman, John Dorsett on 0034 966762715 or mobile 0034 606452445 or the Secretary, Pip Shail on
Councillors Darren Parmenter and Ana Mª Villena
Carmi is a sweet 10 year old, looking for her forever home. She loves everyone but not cats. For more info contact 966710047 (leave a message) or email
637 227 385
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
637 227 385
High Vehicle collides with N-332 bridge in Torrevieja raffic on the N-332 between Torrevieja and the Orihuela Costa was thrown into chaos on Saturday when a truck carrying a cherry picker crane, travelling toward San Miguel de las Salinas, collided with the road bridge over the CV-95 near Torrevieja hospital, where it runs over the top of the CV-95 at La Veleta in Torrevieja, as a result of which the stretch of road that runs between the Lidl Supermarket and Torrevieja Hospital is completely impassable and has now been closed.
For much of the day traffic on the northbound carriageway was queuing beyond Cala Mosca,
and on the southbound carriageway beyond the water park in Torrevieja, whilst a diversion was put in place. While the truck driver was not injured by the masonry that fell on his vehicle a spokesperson said that he had suffered an anxiety attack and was taken to the hospital just 500 meters from the accident. A vehicle travelling in the opposite direction was also hit by the rubble, suffering damage to the windscreen. The accident occurred just before 10am on Saturday morning and although the Local Police were
The road closure is also causing delays to ambulances travelling from the south, that are destined for the Torrevieja Hospital
quickly on the scene, despite the substantial damage to the underside structure of the bridge, they continued to allow vehicles to drive through. Traffic on the N-332, a road with a high volume of vehicles, remains open in both directions, although the affected section of the CV-95 continues to be closed, with vehicles being diverted onto the national highway, from the Finca La Ceñuela roundabout in the direction of
Cartagena and La Veleta going towards Alicante. Police are telling people that in order to get to the hospital they should now exit the N-332 either from the salt flats or through Los Balcones. At the time of writing the structural damage to the bridge has still to be formally assessed.
637 227 385
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
iruses and their variants are starting to act like stowaways. For those too young to know, stowaways concealed themselves in passenger vehicles in order to be transported secretly without paying their fares. Our present stowaways don't remain undetected for long, fortunately. The coronavirus people-hops faster than a hobo jumping on a freight train. ?
You can't jump a jet plane like you can a freight train, claims Gordon Lightfoot, although modern viruses seem to have managed that easily enough. Infection utilises us as its passenger vehicles, adroitly blindsiding the airport check-in system. We have become its boarding cards! There have always been stowaways of one sort or another, in cargo holds, engine rooms, empty containers, and -heaven help them -inside the landing gear of planes. Probably even in wagon trains, but we don't speak about that side of my family. As long ago as 700 BC, people were trying to hitch free rides on ships in the eastern Med. The penalties for those who were caught were unpleasant, bordering on death -- men thick as two short planks were made to walk one of them.
Once air travel arrived, so did more stowaways, mainly on non-international flights requiring no passport. They weren't usually prosecuted, since the resulting publicity might encourage other people who were a few blades short of a propeller.
One stowaway who made it as far as New York on Air India was spotted by a police officer looking 'lost and disheveled on a sidewalk.' A person like that stood out in New York? Really? And people have survived 10hour flights in the wheel wells of Boeing 747s, their survival likely the result of hypoxia and hypothermia (not a Greek dancing duo) which put them in a state of suspended animation, like Dave Lister in Red Dwarf.
In 2000, a Cuban man made it from Havana to Paris inside a cargo container with only a nosebleed, the Cuban not the container. It must have been a bumpy night, and he couldn't even fasten his seatbelt. And in 2012, an 11-year-old didn't want to go to school in Manchester, so he went to Rome instead, the unruly lad. I don't imagine he found the schools in Rome any better, except for the afternoon siesta. And the pasta. And later, the immigration officials.
And then, of course, there was the stowaway who fell from the sky in 2015 in West London, at the point where planes open their undercarriages prior to landing at Heathrow. "Oh, Hamlet, what a falling-off was there!"
as Old Hamlet's ghost laments. Was he on the plane as well?
To return to our muttons before the cows come home: how can we rid ourselves of our own widespread silent stealthy mutating venomous stowaways? Unlike traditional fellow travellers, with their sometimes adventurous methods of stowing away, the virus is essentially colourless, suspended somewhere between the dead and the living. A freeloader without a single redeeming quality. You are an almighty bore, coronavirus, it makes us want to say, why don't you shrivel up and die? Get out of town! And while you're waiting for your vaccine to arrive, I can recommend several active volcanoes that might welcome you as a stowaway.
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
637 227 385
637 227 385
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
637 227 385
The universal language of body-language
am sure you have often noticed how some people talk so much with their hands. It is as if they are communicating in sign language – and the truth is that they are. Some nationalities like the Italians and Spanish definitely use their hands more in conversation, but in actual fact we all do it. There is no language barrier when it comes to body-language and some researchers put the level of non-verbal conversation as high as 70 per cent of all communications.
you folds the arms and maybe even crosses the legs at the same time.
It is not only the hands which tell a tale. Facial communication is the most important part of what you are telling someone, and is in fact four times more believable to the listener.
In a previous article, ‘The eyes have it’, I wrote that the eyes tell us everything if we know how to read them.
Body language – technically known as kinesics is a significant aspect of communications and relationships. Police interrogators are trained to read the signs of lying from the movements of hands, arms and face during criminal investigations. Business seminars lecture on what to look at when interviewing a potential employee and in how to read a client or business customer - basically to pay more attention to what they see rather than what they hear. Nonverbal language includes things like stance, gestures, facial expression and even smaller stuff that is barely perceptible like a brief shrug of the shoulder or nod of the head. In this instance, nonverbal is more than body language because it involves a study of aspects like a change of tone in the voice. The body language most of us are conscious of is where the person opposite
This posture is generally a clear signal of disinterest in you and you are being shut out.
Looking someone in the eye generally indicates that you are direct and forthright; although some psychopaths have trained themselves to hold eye contact with their victim, because they do not possess a conscience. Evading eye contact may also indicate no more than you are shy and not necessarily deceptive; but is also used to show that a person is annoyed or disgusted at what they just heard. Everyone is now aware of the significance of the firm handshake, to the extent that there should be a government health warning attached to wearing a ring when you shake hands with some fellows, with their determination and enthusiasm to demonstrate sincerity! Those who can read these things are now looking at how you turn your head, shrug your shoulders, or touch your face with your hand in order to read what you are really thinking. My late brother had a great saying when he was mayor of Thompson, Manitoba; ‘don’t tell me – show me’.
Never look at your watch or the clock on the wall during a meeting – unless of course the outcome means less to you than it does to the other guy! Body language will send messages as to the state of mind of a person such as aggression, (no, it doesn’t have to be as clear cut as a belt in the mouth!) attentiveness, boredom, pleasure, amusement and so on – and as your mammy always told you, ‘don’t fidget’! What we see here is that researchers are probably correct when they tell us that body language is 70 percent of our communications: And it is here that we come to the greatest dangers of the Internet and social networking. The essential ingredient of body language is missing. When you are posting a comment to or about someone, you are not looking into their eye. When the cowardly misfit is posting an anonymous ‘comment’ full of bile and venom, he is not backing it with body language. He can post the cowardly lies he wouldn’t have the guts to say to your face and then skulk back off into his miserable existence. Even what otherwise might be harmless slagging on Facebook can become more hurtful for young people because of being bereft of body language and because the words then remain after the moment has passed.
GARDEN FELIX ...... Passiflora’s exotic appeal There is an exotic appeal to the Passiflora - commonly referred to as Passion Flowers or Passion Vines. The fast-growing tendril bearing vines are evergreen and quickly cover fences and trellises - perfect for adding a little extra drama and excitement into your garden. In cooler climates they may shed some or all of their leaves and go dormant or semidormant in the winter. They produce lobed, hand-shaped dark green foliage and fascinating flowers, in either white or purple, and are just impossible to ignore. Plant Passiflora directly into the ground, or in a container in the springtime, when
I have a theory that social networking is more dangerous for Irish people because traditionally our bonds of friendship are cemented through good natured insults. Every opening, every weakness, every loss, every mistake is not ignored; but instead pounced upon, brought out in the open and dealt with through ‘ a bit of a slag’. Young people are brought up on this way of dealing with life and become proficient while sharpening their wits in secondary school. But when these exchanges are transported onto Facebook, often with an eye to what others will think, and without the body language – it is a recipe for hurt. Communicating without body language is not only dangerous for teenagers, but for all of us. I have had arguments via emails, where I went in far more forcefully and hurtful, because I was not privy to the body
language of the other person. Another danger is that you can keep on and you are not being answered back or seeing the affects your words are having on the other person. The white of an eye is never seen on either side. Words take on different meanings without body language or hearing a tone of voice. There are no colder words than a derogatory remark left on Facebook – or worse still; an insult posted by an anonymous loser on some blog or other. So be aware of your own body language and that of those around you: And if you feel like giving someone a big genuine hug – well then do it because that is one of the nicest sentences in the language of the body. DON’T FORGET Language is the dress of thought; every time you talk your mind is on parade. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
the soil is warmer.
Choose the location wisely, as they require shelter from strong or drying winds, planted in well draining soil, as they will not survive in soggy soil, located in full-sun or very light shade. Bear in mind the more sunlight they get the more flowers they will produce. Shelter your Passion Flower plant from strong or drying winds and water during active growth periods. Planted in a container you'll need to water more frequently, as they tend to dry out quickly. Apply a light amount of fertiliser in spring, before any new growth emerges, then every four to six weeks until early autumn. Water lightly throughout Autumn in cold areas and sparingly during the first winter in warm regions, if your climate is dry.
637 227 385
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
Some Enchanted Evening
very song in the Musical South Pacific is an absolute classic, a cornerstone of one of the most spectacular, beloved and hummable scores ever written ……Some Enchanted Evening, There Is Nothing Like A Dame, I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out Of My Hair, Bali H’ai, I’m in Love With A Wonderful Guy… and marking a memorable return, in front of four full houses at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio last week, there were some classic performances also in the Studio32 production of this Roger’s and Hammerstein World War Two musical. Set on a South Pacific Island where the US Navy has a recently established base, a young, sweet natured nurse, Nellie Forbush, falls in love with a much older French plantation owner, Emile de Becque. While their romance faces many secrets and a dangerous military mission, there’s plenty of comedy, as the Seabees, led by Andy Kirkwood playing Luther Billis, who gave a very convincing and humorous performance, seek female company, on the mysterious, adjacent island of Bali H’ai… Bill Nicholson made an excellent Emile and provided the romance with Nellie played by Bev McEwan. Their voices combined splendidly in all their musical numbers. They were all supported by a very strong male and female chorus of marines and nurs-
Mingle Bells shaking off those ‘Covid Blues’.
es who gave a good backing throughout the show. Other cameo performances were provided by Phillip Wilson (Cable), Don Wilkinson (Brackett) and Rae Daniel (Harbison). Bloody Mary, a sassy native trader, who’s life revolved around squeezing every last dollar out of the marines, was portrayed by Judith O’Neill, while De Beque’s young son, Jerome, was delightfully played by 7-year old Benjamin Cooper. The production was put together quite expertly by the Director and Choreographer, Susan Zillah Wilson and her assistants, with the whole evening moving along quite briskly, despite one or two minor glitches with the sound system. Studio32’s next show will be the Frank Loesser hit Musical, Guys & Dolls and will run at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre on 18th, 19th, 20th & 21st of May 2022. Visit the website for further information. They will be holding a Guys and Dolls Open day at Lakeview Bar and Restaurant on Sunday 5th of December and Sunday 9th of January 2022. Anybody who is interested in joining the group who has a yearning to take part in our show or to work backstage, come along and join us for a free glass of wine and find out what we are all about. The Whitney’s
Next event in fundraisers David and Lorrine Whitney’s calendar is the popular "Mingle Bells" at the Marina Bar, Calle de las Rosas on Friday Dec 10th at 1.30pm. Originally a 'one off' event this is now becoming an annual occasion. It's a chance to meet new friends, have a 2 course Christmas lunch, a raffle, quiz, win spot prizes and enjoy a fun afternoon in the safe hands of the Marina Bar staff headed by Rita and Dave Monaghan. Hosts David and Lorraine will be there of course to make sure everybody enjoys this popular afternoon. Places are limited so booking is essential. the price is 15 euros a head, same as last year
and further information is available on Tel. 965 70 5907. This year "Mingle Bells" is supporting the Stroke Association, the only Stroke charity in Spain founded by Paul Owen at Benijofar. So get those glad rags on and book a place for a fun afternoon and chase away those Covid Blues!!
1964 - The film 'Ferry Cross The Mersey' premiered in London. Featuring Gerry And The Pacemakers, Cilla Black and other Liverpool acts.
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
written in the 1950s as a country song with the title 'You're My First, You're My Last, My InBetween.' 1978 - Boney M had their second UK No.1 single with their version of the Harry Belafonte 1957 hit 'Mary's Boy Child'. On the list of the all-time best selling singles in the UK, Boney M. appear in fifth place (with 'Rivers of Babylon') and tenth place (with 'Mary's Boy Child/Oh My Lord'). The single sold almost 1.8 million copies.
It was written by Tony Warren, creator of the UK's longest running TV soap 'Coronation Street' & in the same year soul singer Sam Cooke was shot dead at the Hacienda Motel in Los Angeles, California. Bertha Franklin, manager of the motel, told police that she shot and killed him in self-defence because he had attacked her. 1971 - UK comedian Benny Hill was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with the innuendo-laden novelty song, 'Ernie (The Fastest Milkman In The West)', giving him his only No.1 and the Christmas No.1 hit of 1971. 1974 - Barry White was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'You're The First, The Last, My Everything', the singers first UK No.1. Originally
Andrew Atkinson speaks to author Irene De Vilder, 24, following in the footsteps of Rojales based grandparents, Danièle Gourdon and Mark Durman, a former British Army Officer, who served in the Cold War. DUTCH born Irene De Vilder, who was in attendance at the Autumn Book Fayre and Writers Exhibition in Campoverde, unexpectedly became the co-author of BIBO, a publication for students. "It was never really the idea to become an author, however, my grandparents have been publishing books for some years," said Irene, co-author of BIBO, published in four languages. BIBO, written by Irene and grandparent Danièle, said: "When my grandmother asked my help for her latest book I happily accepted the invitation." BIBO, amongst other things, covers the organic and inexpensive household guide for students and how students solve domestic and medical problems, when living alone for the first time. "Living in a student’s accommodation in Rotterdam, I am often facing some problems which I cannot easily solve," said Irene.
1998 – Bruce Springsteen won a £2 million court battle to ban an album of his early songs. The case revolved around a dispute over copyright ownership between Bruce and a former manager. 1999 - A war of words broke out between Cliff Richard and George Michael after George branded Cliff Richards hit 'Millennium Prayer' as 'vile'. Cliff hit back by saying that his single was a Christian celebration. 2003 - Elvis Costello married jazz artist Diana Krall in a ceremony at Elton John 's UK mansion. About 150 guests, including Paul McCartney attended the wedding. It was Costello's third marriage & in the same year Ozzy Osbourne was admitted to Wexham Park Hospital in Slough, Berkshire after being injured in a quad bike accident at his UK home. The 55 year old singer broke his collarbone,
After completing her Masters, Irene says she will go wherever life takes her. Photo: Andrew Atkinson.
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eight ribs and a vertebra in his neck. News of his accident reached the House of Commons, where the government sent a goodwill message. Also in this year Mick Jagger became a Sir after being knighted by Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace. His 92 year old father was at the Palace to see his son receive the award. 2005 - The MBE medal that John Lennon returned to the Queen was found in a royal vault at St James' Palace. He returned his medal in November, 1969 with a letter accompanying saying, "Your Majesty, I am returning my MBE as a protest against Britain's involvement in the NigeriaBiafra thing, against our support of America in Vietnam and against Cold Turkey slipping down the charts. With Love, John Lennon."
Roxette singer Marie Fredriksson
Historians were calling for the medal to be put on public display. 2019 - Roxette singer Marie Fredriksson died aged 61 following a 17 year long battle with cancer. The Swedish duo achieved their biggest success when their 1987 single was featured on the Pretty
guide for students like me I was excited," said Irene. Irene, who speaks Dutch, English and a bit of Spanish, said: "My grandmother speaks French and English, so together we managed to get everything written in all four languages. "Coming from the Netherlands, English was easy to learn. I learned Spanish when I was living in Mexico for some time with my ex-boyfriend." Irene, who said the biggest benefit of being bilingual is while travelling, added: "It is a great passion of mine." On her grandmother, Irene said: "We come from completely different generations, so that is interesting. "I would tell her all the things I struggle with and she would investigate, or know from experience what the solution would be. "I liked doing a project with her, because normally our lives are so different. We didn’t agree on everything and had long discussions about some things, as we are both stubborn!
"Also, I am very much for ecological solutions, so when my grandmother came to me with the idea of an ecological household
"But in the end, we always found a solution and it has brought us closer to each other." Speaking about author grandfather Mark
Durman, Irene said: "He is a former British Army Officer, who had a very high rank at some point during the Cold War. "He has written all his life, but in his retirement, he now writes Novels, publishing four Novels to date, all based on his own experiences, with a bit of fiction from his imagination. "His books are published by Pegasus, with his latest book 'Adsum: Mission and Passion’, very popular!". On the publication BIBO, Irene said: "An example is when I have dinners with friends in my apartment, I am always left with candle wax on my table cloth, that I can’t get rid of, or red wine stains. "So I told Danièle and she would know what to do. For example, she would spill red wine on her carpet to see if her solution actually worked. "If it didn’t work, she would try other ways, until the stain was gone. That is the great thing about the book, every solution works, because it’s all been tested in many different ways!" On Spain, Irene said: "I went to Barcelona with a friend for a week, we pretty much hopped from one restaurant to another, with some sightseeing in between.
"She took the flight home, but I decided to stay longer in Spain as we are on the brink of having another lockdown in the Netherlands. "I took the train to Alicante and stayed with my grandparents in Rojales. I usually visit them in the summer, along with my sister or the whole family. "Rojales is different this time of year, but I enjoyed our dinners by the fire and watching TV from the couch." Having studied at University, Irene a Bachelor in Design from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, said: "My next plan is to do a Master in fine arts in Rome or Lisbon, I am still deciding over which school to go to." Irene's biggest influence in her career is Niki de Saint Phalle, an artist who, by making sculptures and designing houses, created her own perfect world. "My ambitions, after completing my Masters, are just to go wherever life takes me - and to do what interests me at that moment. "Right now I am looking for work in the yachting industry, until I start my Master," added Irene.
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Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
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ANSWERS Week 894
ACROSS 4. First (7) 8. Innate (6) 9. Rapture (7) 10. Revelled (6) 11. Loiter (6) 12. Introduction (8) 18. Summary (8) 20. Trip (6) 21. Beastly (6) 22. Everlasting (7) 23. Fondle (6) 24. Pardon (7) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19.
Upset (7) Belly (7) Buy back (6) Rash (8) Revolt (6) Rota (6) Boaster (8) Associate (7) Fashionable (7) Habit (6) Savage (6) Menace (6)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Heartthrobs; 9 Old; 10 Vacillate; 11 Sedan; 13 Elastic; 14 Design; 16 Stifle; 18 Replica; 19 Bills; 20 Thesaurus; 21 Tie; 22 Pros and cons. DOWN: 2 End; 3 Raven; 4 Ticker; 5 Reliant; 6 Beautiful; 7 Considerate; 8 Teacher's pet; 12 Disappear; 15 Guitars; 17 Warren; 19 Basic; 21 Ton. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Scared stiff; 9 Hay; 10 Permanent; 11 Rummy; 13 Apparel; 14 Narrow; 16 Seance; 18 Trestle; 19 Piece; 20 Crab-apple; 21 Set; 22 Typewriters DOWN: 2 Coy; 3 Repay; 4 Dorian; 5 Traipse; 6 Free-range; 7 Short notice; 8 At all events; 12 Mercenary; 15 Outpace; 17 Pepper; 19 Pleat; 21 Sir.
ACROSS 4. Note two men being thrown out (7) 8. Rope used for a trial? (6) 9. Money is given to Frank (7) 10. Possibly please when slumbering (6) 11. Sharp turn from female outside right (6) 12. Friendly taxi in the distance (8) 18. Love to get about large town at speed (8) 20. Is the girl capable of finding a country? (6) 21. Bird with small back found in the mine (6) 22. Italian making first-class return to a country (7) 23. Book right at the back of the shelf (6) 24. Waiting like one in a waiting room? (7)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. On the flag of which country are all of the following represented? Peace, Winter and Summer, Spring and Autumn, East and West, North and South, Moon and Sun, Heaven and Earth, Man and Woman, Night and Day and Fire and Water. 2. Which band did not have hits with songs like 'Blue Suede Schubert', 'Cheese and Onions' and 'Back in 64'? 3. What was the name of the famous dancer who wore a banana skirt while performing the 'Danse sauvage'? 4. In the film 'Godzilla vs Biollante', our hero battles a 120 metre high, 220,000 tonne mutant what? a. tuna fish, b. silk worm, c. rose 5. The Portuguese football star Ronaldo was named after which man? 6. What name was given to the student army in China during the 'Cultural Revolution'? 7. With one word complete the title of the following Robert Ludlum novels. a. The Scarlatti, b. The Osterman, c. The Holcroft 8. Fred Perry was the first man to win all four Grand Slam events in tennis. In which other sport was he World Champion? 9. In 1838 the Sirius became the first ship to hold the Blue Riband for the fastest Atlantic crossing. How long did the westward crossing take? 10. What kind of music is literally good news?
DOWN 1. Calendar girl can come back (7) 2. Tell sir about the espalier (7) 3. I leave America to change photographic device (6) 5. Extremely healthy all right! (4,4) 6. A hundred girls in the South of France? (6) 7. Show a note to a man (6) 13. German boy without a girl (8) 14. Important people's large hairpieces? (7) 15. Roy's set to make seafood (7) 16. Father brings a dog back to Eastern temple (6) 17. I'm unfortunately returning a sausage (6) 19. Honour given by youth leader to journalist followed (6)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 11. JRR Tolkien, Pope John Paul II, Anthony Burgess, Friedrich Engels and Paul Robeson are a few examples of men who were fluent in many languages. Which word beginning with the letter 'P' describes such a person? 12. In which book do two countries go to war over the best way to open a soft boiled egg? 13. Which vegetable is usually found in an 'A la Florentine' dish? 14. The Stereoscope, introduced in 1844 by David Brewster, is believed to have been the world's first example of what? 15. The following words are from songs with the word 'Blue' in the song title. Can you name the song? a. Tell me no secrets, tell me some lies, b. Drink my liquor from an old fruit jar, c. Warmer than May her tender sighs, d. There's a fog upon L.A. e. She got a camouflaged face and no money 16. The name of which popular Chinese snack translated means 'a little bit of heart'? 17. What is the longest Pink Floyd song title? 18. In which films did Paul Newman play the following roles? a. Henry Gondorff, b. Reggie 'Reg' Dunlop, c. Eddie Felson, d. John Russell, e. Brick Pollitt 19. The name of which heavenly device is the Latin word for bodyguard or attendant? 20. Other than nutmeg, what is the name of the other spice derived from the Myristica fragrans or Nutmeg tree?
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Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
Making a Difference ‘Overseas’. F
or three weeks in October and November members from the Orihuela Costa and District Branch of The Royal British Legion were busy collecting for the annual Poppy Appeal, proceeds from which continue to play a vital part in the support of British and Commonwealth Military Veterans and their families here in Spain. One supporter that helps to boost those RBL collections, which it has done for many years, is Overseas Supermercados, known colloquially to it’s many thousands of expat clients up and down the Costa’s as Iceland.
Ed and Ann O’Donnell at Cabo Roig with manager Dale Andrew
Bob Smith at Campoverde with Michael Mabey
The Orihuela Costa and District Branch is fortunate to have three ‘Overseas’ stores in it’s area, Lomas de Cabo Roig, Campoverde and San Javier, so it was delighted, once again, when the
Graham Rhodes with San Javier manager John Fowler and staff
management gave permission for collectors to establish themselves outside the three stores. Thanks to the generosity of customers, the total amount raised as a result of efforts at the three outlets amounted to €7,783.00, all of which will make a very real difference to the lives of so many people. Following the appeal, in view of the wonderful amount collected, the Committee and members were able to thank the managers of the three stores, Dale Andrew, Michael Mabey and John Fowler, for their assistance in raising such a magnificent sum, with the award of Branch Certificate’s of Appreciation. Presentations of the certificates were made to each of the managers by Branch members.
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
BABY HERBAL Babies respond very rapidly to both herbal and orthodox medicines. This means that even the gentlest of herbal remedies can have a remarkable effect There's no need for complex and costly herb remedies either. You can treat most of your baby's problems from a very small range of herbs — many of them available as tea bags. Stock your herbal medicine chest with chamomile, elderflower, limeflower and catnip tea bags; a small bottle of almond oil; bottles of the essential oils of lavender, neroli and chamomile; small bottles of comfrey and St John's wort oil; and marigold, comfrey and chickweed creams or ointments.
SMALLER DOSES Babies and toddlers need much smaller doses of herbal tea than grown-ups. Give a baby just a dessertspoonful in a little tepid boiled water, and a tablespoonful or so for a toddler.
Your doctor will assure you that cradle cap is quite harmless. But if it really bothers you, add 2 drops of lavender oil to 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and rub it gently into your baby's scalp at bedtime. In the morning, gently shampoo off the loosened crusts.
Some babies love to be stroked: give them a bedtime massage on their back or feet with a teaspoon of almond oil to which you add a drop of lavender oil. If the baby keeps waking up, make up a cupful of chamomile tea, and put a dessertspoonful in a bottle with some tepid boiled water. A drop of lavender oil on the pillow also encourages sleep.
Colic in babies can be caused by wind, sensitivity to milk and dairy products or, if you are breastfeeding, that chicken vindaloo you enjoyed last night. If a baby is already on solids, it could be something he or she ate. If the baby is breastfed, suggests herbalist Dee Atkinson, the trick is to get mum to drink a nursing tea. She makes one up for her patients that contains fenugreek, peppermint, raspberry leaf, fennel, chamomile and dill — all soothing, calming, antispasmodic herbs. They are passed on to the baby through breast milk; the tea, incidentally, tastes delicious!
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Then strain it, let the liquid cool and give teaspoon doses. Chamomile tea works well, too. Babies can get really bad nappy rash, sometimes caused by irritant chemicals in the nappy wash. Fresh air and, if possible, sunshine are the best cure. Between nappies, leave your baby's bottom bare for as long as possible. Before you put baby back into a clean nappy, wash his or her bottom with very diluted marigold lotion, dry very thoroughly, and apply one of the following: comfrey cream or oil, marigold cream or chickweed cream. For a change, you can also try zinc and castor oil ointment, with a little of one of these mixed with it.
Teething? Try a liquorice stick Teething? Give your baby a liquorice stick or a long piece of marshmallow root to chew on, or rub the gums with diluted marigold lotion. At bedtime, give chamomile or catnip tea to help a teething baby sleep.
If the baby is bottle fed, fennel or dill seeds are soothing for tiny colicky stomachs: put half a teaspoon of either in a cup, fill with boiling water and infuse, covered, for ten minutes.
A baby who can't sleep becomes a problem for the whole family, exhausted by broken nights. To help babies sleep peacefully, put three or four tea bags of chamomile or limeflower in a jug of boiling water and infuse, covered, for ten minutes, then add to baby's bedtime bath. Or add 2 drops of lavender, chamomile or neroli essential oil to a cup of whole milk, stir well and add that to the bath instead. Stroking baby
NEXT WEEK: Kids Herbal
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Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021 quart bottles, which is two pints, a recognised British measurement from decades previously.
Holiday Time:
The Bottle ith the festive season and Christmas just around the corner, so to speak, we are talking wine here, which will no doubt be needed to help with the celebrations.
When spring arrives after a long hard winter, one looks forward to a glorious summer, and there is some disillusionment if it does not happen. It was one of those years; it had been a disappointing spring and by mid-June it did not appear to be getting any better.
However, with a few exceptions the bottles are 75 cl, in size, and not really sufficient for two to consume at the dinner table or for a couple of people to relax during the evening.
As usual I was working from home with a drawing board in one of the bedrooms, which we had turned into an office.
It is an odd amount 75cl, as one can buy soft drinks in litre bottles, even detergent comes in that size, so why is wine in the smaller amount - is it because they want you to buy more? Wine has been produced around the world for a long time; evidently it was Napoleon, well at least it was about his time when the French were keen to sell the British their vino. The people who were in receipt of it, loved it, as at that time they had no equivalent.
The evening before, with a glass or two, we had been sitting with a view through the patio doors looking at the miserable weather. We had been discussing our annual holiday, which was due at the start of July, where we could go to find some sun. It became a popular beverage in the United Kingdom, so much so, the British became the largest drinkers of their near neighbour’s blend of the fermented grape, than anywhere else in the world.
The French leader had insisted that France used the litre as a standard measurement which is poles apart from the English benchmark of a gallon. And as one gallon equalled 4.546 litres there was a difficulty in
selling the wine, as the difference in the two standard sizes made it complicated. Then in the end some wag discovered that the British standard size barrel of 250 gallons contained 225 litres of wine, with a little further calculation that meant if the wine was in 75 cl bottles then a barrel would hold 300 of them. So, as we find today, six bottles of that size goes neatly into a cardboard box, which is strong enough and light enough to carry, an amount that means there is enough wine at the table. But it strikes me if the French were so keen to sell their wine why didn’t they bottle it into
IT was the following day, and my normal lunch time arrived. Putting the pencils down I went into the living room and flicked through the channels on the television. I also looked at Teletext, and there it was, staring me in the face, a twoweek holiday in Miami for ninety five pounds each. Yes, ninety-five pounds. So, the two of us could go to America for one hundred and eighty pounds. Looking into the itinerary it got better, so much better, flight, car hire and hotel accommodation was all included. It was unbelievable, which was also the view of my better half when I telephoned her. Despite the nagging thoughts
of it being some form of a con, I took Del Boy’s words from ‘Only Fools & Horses’ fame with a ‘who dares wins’ attitude, and booked it. The airline tickets by Virgin Atlantic arrived via the fax machine but no hotel or car hire booking, which were advertised and included as part of the holiday. In itself a little worrying, but I was assured in a phone call not to worry, it would be sorted when we got there. On the given day we set off dragging our luggage, I do not remember it having wheels, but we excitedly arrived at Heathrow Airport by car. There were plenty of parking facilities in those days adjacent to the area occupied by the four-year-old Virgin Atlantic company that was to fly us to Miami. The first step of the itinerary was true enough, but would there be a car and a hotel, for which we had no documents. Would they be as real when we arrived at our destination. I think it must have been the early days of Virgin Holidays as the airline staff knew of us and directed us to a coach which we travelled in and arrived at an admin centre. There we were united with the car and hotel, both becoming a reality. Incidentally, the others who were on the same holiday had paid four times what we had parted with, someone, somewhere had made a big mistake - or perhaps they hadn’t! Anyway, you have to be lucky sometimes!!! The car was new with only a few miles on the speedo as we set off for the hotel, which was in Ocean Drive on the seafront, where we were made very welcome despite, them still clearing up after the July fourth celebration. The bedroom with a balcony overlooked the beach. Perfect. At that time there were very few British people holidaying in the USA and we were frequently mistaken for Canadians. When they understood where we had come from, most people were surprised, and we were made very welcome, so much so in one bar we visited, there were three cheers for us, and the drinks to our liking were freely lined up. There was plenty of time to go to Canaveral Space Centre, also Disney World and Miami and its facilities, in a holiday not to be forgotten. chattey Percy’s novels and short stories can be found on Amazon and Kindle.
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
637 227 385
or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits
e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising
new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396
PERSONAL Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covidaware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints
(Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus ST_Line Auto which is on Special Offer priced at just 19,500 euro.
Self Employed Experienced Car Salesman - No employment contract required. An experienced new and used car salesman looking for full or part time work in the costa blanca area. Fully autonomous I can run your showroom or car front or just help out during busy periods or cover holidays with 5 star customer service. Also available for driven vehicle collection and delivery across Europe and the UK. Please call or email for more info: 0034 680 299 927 (3/8)
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Annual General Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 18 Nov at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more info please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur
is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the Royal Air Force Association and the RMG can be made via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or
Misuky... Professional Asian massage. Intense and antistress massage. Strong and much more. Private. In Campoamor (in front of CEPSA). Tel. 663 088 170 Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332 Transvestite Diana, blonde,
Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
CARLA... SO SWEET ARGENTINIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.
Tel. 643 73 01 29
LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 604 111 457
Tel. 603 375 215
637 227 385
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
HELLRAISERS V QUEENS A second win of the season for the ' Raisers, although it didn't look too good early on as they quickly went 2 down from the arrows of Lorraine Cox D2 and Vi Turner. Hub skipper, Cheryl McGlynn redressed the balance, with a 55 out, Cox yet again on D2 making it 1-3. Lesley Dolling and McGlynn D1 followed by a Carol Rowland D2, made it all square in time for McGlynn's kitchen fancies.
MATCH RESULTS FOR 2 DECEMBER - WEEK 9 Tipsy Toad Tiaras Danny's Bar Mind the Gap Boris' Bears Ale House Totties Hub Hellraisers CC's Flyers Freakie Taverners
5-7 4-8 10-2 P-P 2-10 7-5 6-6 3-9
LEAGUE TABLE 02/12/21 WEEK 9 Mind the Gap Hub Hyenas El Capitan Tipsy Toad Toppers Ale House Lads CC's Flyers Wee Rock Horrors Milos Freakie Taverners Danny's Bar Boris' Bears Tipsy Toad Tiaras Hub Hellraisers Domino's Desperados Ale House Totties Pint Depot Queens
P 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 8 9 9
ish, to earn Toppers MOTM, Alan Walker deserving Dannys MOTM. MIND THE GAP V ALE HOUSE LADS
Milo's Tipsy Toad Toppers Ale House Lads Domino's Desperados Hub Hyenas Pint Depot Queens Wee Rock Horrors El Capitan
League leaders The Gap started off like a train in the opener, the Lads very useful trio of Graham White, Dario Sierra and Dale McGuiness blown away by Carlos Escansiano 140,100, Bliss Wright and Gap proprietor James Brown 100,140, concluding the leg on T20, T18, D20, for the league’s highest finish to date of 154.
Pts 17 16 15 14 14 12 10 10 10 9 5 4 4 2 0 0
The barrage continued, Sam Salt adding D16 and 100,138, Che Liam 99, D15, not forgetting another 3figure effort from Brown, for a 3-0 lead. Gordon Cowan and " Esco "100, D8 added a 4th, before McGuiness 100, 140, D8 and Andre Wing posted the Lads 1st of the evening. Salt and Liam 100, D8 just edged out Karl Mallinson 121 and Graham White 98 for 5-1 at the break.
Legs 93 80 84 75 64 69 56 55 55 67 48 32 32 20 20 18
Cowan D9 overcame Sierra for 6-1, both recording 3 figure scores, Esco D8 gaining the points for Gap in the 8th. An excellent tussle between Salt 123 and McGuiness 140, ended with Salt finding D20. Mallinson had the opportunity of taking the scalp of Brown, missed it, allowing Brown to escape on D1 and a couple of tons.
HIGHEST CHECK-OUTS: John McKay 134 (T20-T14-D16) Richie McSweeney 121 (20-T17-Bull) James Brown 154 (T20-T18-D20) Mind the Gap Phil de Lacy 96 (20-T20-D16) TTT Lee Maiden 87 (T17-18-D9) TTT Marcos Lopez 85 El Capitan
2/12 2/12 2/12 2/12
There were no 180's DANNYS BAR V TOAD TOPPERS An early lead from Dannys' Steve Collins on D4 was to be their only leg until the 6th and final pairs. Steph Simpson D2, Hugh Galloway D8, Phil de Lacy a useful 96 out and not to be outdone a D8, D8, out from Paddy Winterbourne, taking the Toppers to a comfortable 1-4 advantage. Collins and Bob Smith 100,140, D14, reversed the trend for a 2-4 half time score, despite some heavy scoring from Lee Maiden. Winterbourne D14, Simpson D1, and Galloway a 36 out, provided the necessary 3 legs for victory and 3 points in the second half singles. Lesley Lumb 134,85 D6, gained Dannys their 3rd leg, Smith D5, a fourth, Maiden concluding the game with a very nice 87 fin-
Andre Wing gained the Lads 2nd leg with yet another fine display from the ever improving German, 100, 140, D2. MOTM - Salt, McGuiness. TITILLATING TOTTIES V HYENAS lt's certainly entertaining for any side having the pleasure of playing the Totties. Any attempt to concentrate is difficult to say the least, when confronted by the effervescent, gyrating body of Winnie McKay performing in your throwing eyeline or even closer, much closer. Coupled with the fact it was Alex Nikolov's birthday, the evening was certainly entertaining. Totties two winning legs came via Sharon Williams D2, in the triples and Henni, Totties MOTM again by the same player on D14, paired with Henni Oortwijn. Two game shots, 3x100 and a host of 80+'s earned Alan Havelock, Hyenas MOTM, whilst the steady Oortwijn merited the Totties.
'Raisers went ahead for the 1st time through Jane Chadwick D3, the trend reversed as Marie Cummins and Cox on what else but D2, swung the balance the Queens way. lt was however to be their last as yet again McGlynn D7, Dolling D3 and Sue Spiers D5 reeled off the remaining 3 legs for two valuable points. MOTM - Cox, Val Temple. TIPSY TOAD TIARAS V MILOS A much tighter contest this week as the ladies faced the team that dispatched them 2 - 10 out of the Knock-Out cup earlier on in the season. Tiaras took the lead with jubilance, courtesy of Tracey Simpson's first dart at D8. Chelsea Campbell (92, D10) equalised for Milo's but an incredible performance from Tiara's MOTM Elizabeth Cowan (90, 100, 120, 60, D9) gave the ladies hope that the result might be a lot more favourable this time. The doubles eventually all went to Milo's but Elizabeth (95, D9) and Wendy Hayward (93, D4) brought the tally to 4 all after the first 2 singles, and Pat Schofield's D16 made it 5-5 by beating Raul Rocamora in hers. MOTM was cheeky Steve Formby who clocked up 4 x 100, 2 x 98 and a nifty 20-D20 in his singles assuring Milo's of at least a draw with Sharon Crane and Chelsea Campbell battling it out in the final leg to make it a narrow win for the visitors. FLYING C.C.'S V ROCKY HORRORS At 4-6 down the match looked beyond the hosts, Wee Rock requiring just one leg from the remaining 2. Fortunately for C.C.'s stalwarts Charles Pritchett and Kevin Prockter were last on to take the match to six apiece, Pritchett managing a ton and D2, Prockter saving the day on a two dart 49 out.
CHRISTMAS MIXED PAIRS 23 DECEMBER NEW TA VERN SAN MIGUEL Please forward entries to: CLOSING DATE 10 DECEMBER Surprisingly the Horrors let slip a 2-4 half time lead, Graham Solomans leading the way via 2x140, 100 and a D10, Joe Cuyt, D10 and a couple of finishes from Mike Tierney. Suso Madrid 140 and Andy Flavell providing C.C.'s at the break. A super singles from Madrid 140,100,100, 40 out, plus a D8 and 140 from Flavell squared the match at 4-4. Tierney made it 5 for the Rock on 59, Solomans guaranteeing a point on D2 against an unlucky Cameron Nesbitt 129. Leaving Pritchett and Prockter to round off the match. MOTM - Solomans - Pritchett. FREAKIES V EL CAPS Caps slip into 3rd place after this high scoring visit to San Miguel's, Freakies venue. Caps went 5 up, despite a 140,100 from Bryan Livesy in his pairs with Ernie Wills, their victors Marcos Lopez 100 and Andres Liamazares 100, D10. Earlier victories coming from Arold Klimonis, Olly Walker, Vycka Bobinas and Lopez, in a triple with an 85 out. Mitch Halliday got the Tavern underway with 100, D10 at half time, Walker unable to convert 125, 101. Aroldas 100, D8 made it 6 and a point for the Caps, prior to a couple of victories from Livesy 100,103, 54 out and Wills 140, D12. Chris Logan, D2, " Liama " 125, 100, D4, and Walker 121, D5 completed the match and win for Caps. Wills and Walker MOTM. VACCINATION CERTIFICATES Please make sure you have your vaccination certificates (QR code) to hand now until 3rd January. Bars and restaurants with an internal capacity of 50+ will require them for entry. Ainslie Harriot.
YVONNE ROUFFIGNAC The unusual surname derives from husband Con's French family connection, originating in the town of Rouffignac. Obviously with that background, Con knows how to treat a lady, whisking his fiancée off to Las Vegas, where they were serenaded and married on a Venetian Gondola in 2008. Yvonne has three children, Elaine, Graham and Laura, also 5 grandchildren, all currently living in the UK. Having visited Con's daughter Michelle in Perth, Western Australia, their stopover in Singapore, opened her eyes to the delights of Asian cuisine and culture, which may be an indication of why her three dinner guests would be top chefs Mary Berry, Jamie Oliver and to liven things up,
Admitting to enjoying a glass or three of Vino Blanco, the Bears and Gap hotshot, dreams of a month-long Mediterranean cruise, with never ending wine and food to match, Con of course invited but yet to know. The former Halifax accounts manager spends her leisure time keeping fit playing Badminton and raising much needed funds for the unwanted canines in the region, by making never ending jars of marmalade. Thoroughly recommended. Asked about music and the response is immediate, George Michael, Ronan Keating and the enduring Cliff Richard, would be the preferred music, assuming her crooning other half had lost his voice. Her sporting must and icon Moto GP and its top rider Fabio Quataro, destination, Sepang, Malaysia.
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
SOUTHERN LEAGUE Results/tables Friday 3 December
637 227 385
DIVISION A Country Bowls Geckos El Rancho Mustangs La Marina Sharks La Siesta Blues San Miguel Bulldogs San Miguel Bulldogs
32-2 59-4 63-2 63-7 52-0 71-6
Emerald Isle Cavaliers Vistabella Lanzadores San Luis Lions Country Bowls Geckos Quesada Swallows Greenlands Oaks San Miguel Bulldogs La Marina Sharks El Rancho Mustangs La Siesta Blues
P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
W 20 21 22 17 17 15 14 10 12 7
San Luis Lions Emerald Isle Cavaliers Vistabella Lanzadores Greenlands Oaks Quesada Swallows San Luis Lions
8-58 6-71 8-83 3-62 10-86 4-59
D 2 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 2
Pts 56 54 52 46 42 39 35 27 27 20
L 10 9 10 13 14 16 18 22 20 23
O/W 7 5 4 5 4.5 4 3.5 3.5 1.5 2
Diff 135 141 116 67 -12 -5 -10 -49 -229 -154
DIVISION B Emerald Isle Claymores Emerald Isle Outlaws La Manga Crusaders Quesada Swans San Luis Tigers
52-3 69-3 47-0 65-5 44-2
Greenlands Cedars San Miguel Boxers Quesada Swans Vistabella Picadors Emerald Isle Claymores La Siesta Golds La Marina Seagulls San Luis Tigers La Manga Crusaders Emerald Isle Outlaws
P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
W 27 22 19 19 15 16 11 10 8 2
San Miguel Boxers La Marina Seagulls Greenlands Cedars Vistabella Picadors La Siesta Golds
7-73 7-74 10-103 5-66 8-85
D 1 3 2 2 4 1 4 2 0 3
Pts 71 61 50 43 42 41 35 27 18 7
L O/W 4 8 7 7 11 5 11 4 13 4 15 4 17 4.5 20 2.5 24 1 27 0
Diff 272 155 137 53 20 45 -24 -118 -246 -294
DIVISION C Greenlands Ash Quesada Swifts Vistabella Conquistadors
63-2 83-8 69-64
El Rancho Broncos 2-61 Country Bowls Cubs 2-53 La Siesta Silvers 4-66
Quesada Swifts Country Bowls Cubs La Siesta Silvers Greenlands Elms Vistabella Conqiistadors Greenlands Ash Country Bowls Panthers El Rancho Broncos
P 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
D 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 2
W 17 13 13 13 10 11 10 5
L 7 10 10 10 13 12 14 16
O/W 5.5 3 3 2 4 3.5 3 0
Diff 90 2 17 -5 -10 -19 19 -94
Pts 45 33 31 28 27 27 26 10
The Winter League team that played at Benitachell on Wednesday. The Isle winning 6-4 Titans started the week off at home against El Rancho Pintos and had a fine 10-0 Aggregate 128-20 victory. Winners P Coffey C Smyth J Smyth 42-3, D Jones S Elvin A M Gerrard 30-3, N Prior G Ponsford D Gerrard 32-8, L Ponsford S Marks R Marks 24-4 Neptunes played at home against top of the league, Country Bowls Flamingos, and lost 2-8 with an aggregate of 63-86.
LA SIESTA BOWLS CLUB MEMBERS RUN CLUB – BY ALAN CARR Division (A) The Blues travelled a short distance down the road to play San Luis Lions but encountered a strong side losing on all rinks 0-10 (Shots 52-92). Division (B) At home the Golds played Emerald Isle Outlaws, good play by the golds to get convincing wins on all of their rinks (Shots 94-39) winning teams; Jo Elkin, Derek Barker & John Skipper (316). Dot Kocsis, Alan Carr & Alan Ralph (26-8). Wendy Ralph, Bill & Sue Jordan (20-12). Joe Kocsis, Joan & Mike Inns (17-13). Division (C) The Silvers afternoon game, which was hosted by Vistabella Paradors, who could only put 3 teams out, and saw us take two rinks with only a narrow defeat on the other resulting in an 8-2 victory (Shots 85-31) a comfortable win by; Tracey Paffett, Graham Doel & Ken Barber (45-6) with the other being; Dave Collins, June & David Whitworth (18-12). Enterprise The Apollos were welcomed by the Beagles at San Miguel, which resulted in both sides ending the game winning equal rinks to get 4 points each but just losing out on the overall (Shots 66-69) lost 4-6. Rink winners; Karen Kirk, Joy & Brian Gardiner (25-18). Jim Jarvie, Jan & Brian Pocock (18-10). Thanks
LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB by Dave Hadaway I would like to split the report into 2 this week so that we can give due respect to Barclays Properties during the last 18 months, which has been difficult for all concerned, and when the green was finally opened to it's own members to bowl we had to find a interest as interclub playing was still banned. Barclays Properties offered us sponsorship which we gladly accepted, and Don Fowkes took on the responsibility of setting up an internal league. We called it the Barclay Properties Winter league and it proved very successful. On behalf of all the members I would like to thank Barclays Properties and Don Fowkes for their support.
Winners J Mulloy G Odell M Odell 33-10 which included a Hot Shot. Well done that trip Moonrakers played at Vistabella Drivers and slipped to a 0-10 Aggregate of 42-99 Wednesday saw the Isle travel to BBC in the winter league, and they came away with a win 6-4 Aggregate 67- 62. Winners L Ponsford M Ellis S Marks R Marks 24-14, P Coffey G Ponsford C
Wednesday was the last game of 18 and the prizes were given out. The Lambs had proved outstanding and have held the lead vigour sly throughout the competition. Well done, Sue Daniels, Anne Stone, Mike Smith and Cliff Rawlinson. Monday 29th second place Pathfinders played away to mid-table La Siesta Pioneers and although we each won 2 trips we lost the overall shots 52-72, 4 points however was enough to keep them in second place. Have you heard the story of the London Buses, you wait a hour then 2 come along together. Well that seems to be the same story of scoring 30, last week I said it is a rare occurrence and this
week against St Louis Trekkers, our Explorers scored 2. Anne Stone, Mike Smith and Peter Parsons won 36-9 and not to be outdone Mo Kidd, Paul Tregoing and Mike Stone won 38-4 giving us 2 points for the 102-49 shot difference plus 6 points for 3 wins, give a final total of 8-2. December 3rd and the Sharks met Vistabell Lanzadores at our home and unfortunately only secured 2 points although in truth most of the games could have gone either way.
Smyth J Smyth 15-10 Cavaliers travelled to El Rancho Mustangs and had a great 6-4 Aggregate 71 -59 win. M Veale D Jones C Lindgren 22-11, N Prior G Ponsford D Gerrard 23-14 Claymores played San Miguel Boxers at home and lost 3-7 Aggregate 52-73. C Thomas B Eldred M Thomas 20-16, B Taylor S Johnson T Upham drew 14-14
to Dave Blackie for replacing an injured player on the 12th end. Discovery The Pioneers played host to La Marina Pathfinders on a very windy morning at La Siesta, game finishing two rinks apiece with the overall (Shots 72-52) going our way, result 6-4 the winning teams were; Jo Elkin, Joan & Mike Inns (29-10). Ken Stringfellow, Pat Moore & Noel Morrisroe (22-9). Voyager The Sputniks had an afternoon home game playing El Rancho Raiders, taking three rinks, two of these games could have gone either way. Won 6-4 (Shots 67-78). Rink winners; Lesley Howlett, Janet & Graham Doel (20-14). Wayne Howlett, Jean & Dave Giddings (18-17). Jim Gwynn, Tracey Paffett & Ken Barber (21-20). Winter League La Siesta welcomed the league leaders Greenland’s, knowing to gain any rink wins from them would be a bonus. The visitors from the start showed no signs of weakness and were determined to walk away with the win and collected all of the points 0-10 (Shots 51-110). Interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club call the President George 865 772 498 or the Captain Wendy 633 068 399 who will give you further information.
EL RANCHO BOWLS CLUB Monday found the Pintos at Emerald Isle playing the Titans; surprisingly the wind started off reasonably benign, but soon turned into a nightmare with a strong blustery wind changing direction and strength even as you released the bowl. But a team weakened with players unavailable was easily outplayed by the very strong Titans, just a glance along the rinks was enough to see their strength and so it was that they took all the points and a large shot difference.
Our thanks go to Janet Parsons, Margaret McLaughlin and Mike Stone for those oh so valuable 2 points.
The Raiders were away to La Siesta Sputniks in the afternoon and put in a fine performance, taking one rink and losing two by just one point, also taking the overall shots.
The Seagulls are away at Emerald Isle in the afternoon, so will have to wait until next week for the report as we do not want to miss the deadline again.
On Friday morning the Mustangs played Emerald Isle Cavaliers at home, pretty much the same team as Monday’s, with a very strong wind it proved a little tricky.
It was a close match all round with both teams taking 2 rinks and the Cavaliers taking the overall shots by a small margin. Sheila Cox, Malc Sykes and Mike Cox 17-14. Ria Dukker, Diane Yates and Richard Lee 17-12. Lesley Day, Ngaio Baldwin and Pete Baldwin 1122. Brian Yates, John Richards and Bob Day 1423. In the afternoon the Broncos were at Greenlands playing the Ash, with both teams only able to field 3 rinks. The Broncos came away with 2 rinks but lost the overall shots by just 3, a good result with both teams taking 4 points. Ron Greenstreet, Dolly Ford and Marion Haynes 7-32. Sheila Millward, Jim Eastwood and Dave Haynes 33-12. Kevin Henry, Janet Wright and David Wright 21-19. Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at
637 227 385
Quesada Bowls Club Quesada bowls club hosted their Xmas party at The Club last week, and what a cracker it turned out to be. There was a superb carvery 3 course meal, complete with complimentary wine, plus first class live music to get plenty of masked dancers on their feet. It was so nice to see many old faces, in what proved to be a magnificent turn out, in an event well organised by Sue Cooper. It was also a good week on the green for the blue shirted Quesada bowlers. South Alicante league saw Pearls achieve a superb 10-0 victory at home against Greenlands Sycamores, courtesy of these 4 rinks - B Trinder, G Kershaw, F Roberts 30-6. C Brazier, T Morgan, P Morgan 18-16. G Phillips, M France, J Prokopowycz 31-14. S Barnes, A Linley, D Barnes 29-9. Not to be outdone, Diamonds recorded an admirable 9-1 scoreline. Also at home, this little lot did the biz against San Miguel Dalmations - P Rees, S Jakeman, B Rees 13-13. S Heath, S Hibberd, T Voisey 30-13. A Bowen, B Elliott, S Cooper 18-14. C Skinner, P Farrell, G Skinner 20-16. Rubies meanwhile, had a tough match over at Greenlands, but came away with a creditable narrow 4-6 defeat against the
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
Vistabella Bowls Club
By Steve Hibberd
Chestnuts. Special mention has to made of the rink of Mike Lamberton and Joe Brinton, for they are both sprightly nonagenarians, and along with Di Riley (dare I mention their combined age?), achieved a fine 17-15 victory. J Cleal, I Everett & P Bradbury also won their game by 15-13.
(Barry Jones)
The Drivers were home to Emerald Isle Moonrakers, Winning on all 4 Rinks, Stan Dibble, John Goddard, Paul Durham 27-7, Barry Tarling, Brian Pointon, Derek Stevenson 24-10, Pauline Rafferty, Jeff Neve, Pat Rafferty 27-9. Frank Barclay, Stuart Allman, Brian Dunn 21-16, Shots 99-42. points 10-0. Friday the Lanzadores were Away to La Marina Sharks, Winning on 3 Rinks plus the Shots, Sue Kemp, Sandra Burrows, Brian Zelin 31-13, Neil Burrows, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 18-16, Kath Reid, Tony French, Eric Bishop 22-14, Shots 83-63 Points 82. Vistabella Picadors were Away to Quesada Swans, Winning on one Rink, Drawing on one Rink, and getting the Shots, Pauline Rafferty, Jeff Neve, Pat Rafferty 16-11, Olwyn Radcliffe, Paul Durham, Brian Dunn 18-18, Shots 66-65 Points 5-5. Sandra Heath and Steve Hibberd at the Quesada Christmas party
where they had ‘a bad day at the office’ losing 1 -9, 56 shots to 81, Bob Nesbitt, Barry Jones and Dave Champion had the only point drawing 13 - 13.
On Saturday 27th November San Miguel Bulldogs played a re-arranged game against San Luis Lions winning 6 - 4, 71 shots to 59, Best winning triple were Pat McEwan, Alan Campbell and Lynn Greenland 17 - 8.
San Miguel Alsatians were also away to San Luis Klingons losing 2 - 8, 58 shots to 78, the best winning triple were Paul Hayward, Val Hignett and Ed Cowan 21 shots to 13.
On Monday San Miguel Beagles were home to La Siesta Apollos winning 6 - 4, 69 shots to 66. The best winning triple were Alan Patterson, Mary Whitelock and Lee Sinclair 22 - 12.
On Friday San Miguel Boxers were away to Emerald Isle Claymores winning 7 - 3, 73 shots to 52. The winning triple were Ann Young, Dave Young and Mike Douglas 27 shots to 7.
Also on Monday San Miguel Dalmations were away to Quesada Diamonds,
Also on Friday San Miguel Bulldogs were home to Quesada Swallows
with Dave Webb
In the Enterprise Division Greenlands Sycamores were away to Quesada Pearls, Final scores were - Total shots for - 45, total shots against - 109. Points for - 0, points against - 10. Also in the Enterprise Division, The Maples were at home to Vistabella Albatrosses, Final score was - Total shots for - 58, Total shots against - 80. Points for 2, points against 8.
In the Voyager Division, The Chestnuts were at home to Quesada Rubies. Final score was - total shots for - 74, total shots against - 67. Points for - 6, points against - 4. In the Winter League Greenlands were away to La Siesta, Final scores were Total shots for - 110, total shots against - 51. Points for - 10, points against - 0. In the Southern league, the Oaks were away to La Siesta Blues, Final scores were - Total shots For - 62, Total shots against - 63. Points For - 3, Points against - 7.
Busters Golf Society, 3 December Although the sun was shining a cold wind took the edge off the first part of the day, but after we had played a few holes and the wind dropped we were lucky to play El Plantio in an excellent climate, the course and greens were in very good condition but the bunkers left a lot to be desired due to the previous bad weather. We returned to our sponsors bar Little Leias in Quesada which is situated close to Consum supermarket for our presentation where Helen prepared sandwiches which along the wine as part of our prizes had been supplied by Ian the owner of this very friendly and pleasant bar. Onto our results. Our nearest the pins were taken by B. Grinsell on the seventh hole, our President B. Hopkinson won the ninth, the fourteenth was taken by K. Loughery with R. Ashman winning the eighteenth. For those that returned to the bar they were presented with bottles of red wine. In third place with thirty-two points was Chris Soane, Malcolm Evans took second place with thirty four
By Barry Grinsell, Secretary
points but our winner on the day with thirty-five points was Rob Ashman winning a bottle of Reserva brandy that Busters provided. We had one winner in our twos competition being Keith Loughery and the soccer card winner was Ian a guest of Keith Loughery’s. If you wold like to join our small friendly society (it's free) please contact stating your phone number, and handicap.
with Brian Zelin
Buggies were at Country Bowls Seahawks, Winning on 1 Rink, Alan Gordon, Mike Wyatt, Sue Wilson 19-14, Shots 41-81. Points 2-8.
Twas honours even for Swans home match against Vistabella Picadors. Winning on 2 and drawing on one rink brought them 5 points, but unfortunately, they lost out on overall shots by a score of 65-66. Well done to A Bowen, B Elliott, S Cooper 16-13. S Barnes, P Farrell, T Voisey 18-18. G Kershaw, A Linley, B Armstrong 20-19. Last but not least, these Swifts players earned their team a very satisfactory 8 points against Country bowls Cubs - A Johnston, J Brinton, P Bradbury 24-9. M Lamberton, D Riley, T Lale 19-12. I Everett, V Slater, J Pitt 25-7.
Last Monday, the Albatrosses were Away to Greenlands Maples, winning on 3 Rinks + the Shots. Sue Kemp, Sandra Burrows, Eric Bishop 26-16, Kath Reid, Tony French, Ian Kenyon 21-10, Lynne Bishop, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 24-12, shots 80-58, pts 8-2
In the Southern league, Swallows achieved a spectacular victory 10-0 over at San Miguel. Against the Bulldogs, these 4 rinks defied the elements (high winds made bowling so difficult) - V Campbell, G Skinner, F Roberts 2113. G Phillips, M & C Highland 18-16. C Brazier, M France, J Prokopowycz 24-11. T Morgan, C Dye, P Morgan 23-12.
Greenlands Bowls
Vistabella Conquistadors were at Home to La Siesta Silvers, Winning on 2 Rinks plus the Shots, Denise Howell, Steve Baxter, Alice Howe 23-9, Hillary James, Keith Black, Alan Bannister 2212, Shots 69-66 Points 6-4.
where they failed to get going, losing 10 - 0, 86 shots to 52. A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30 for 2pm 5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday PM’s, starting at 1.45pm. We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique club we only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES. For further info on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118.
SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB with Sheila Cammack It’s been a challenging week; South Alicante League: Enterprise Div. Monday 29th Nov. Klingons were home v San Miguel Alsations, and once again the weather played a part; this time a strong, gusty wind that was moving chairs and blowing items off tables. Final result: shots 78-58, 8 points-2. Winners: Tricia Reilly, Vic Mahomet, Pat Reilly 26-9, June Jones, Bill Webb, Scott Malden 21-12, Margaret Morrison/Keith Jones, Pam Lockett, Neil Morrison 18-16. Discovery Div. Trekkers, away v La Marina Explorers, had a tough match: 2 points-8, 49 shots-102. Winners: Ray Watmough, Chris Jackson, Steve Penfold 21-10. Wednesday 1st Dec. our Winter League match was home v El Cid (good to see some familiar faces from the northern clubs still playing!) as expected some close fought matches, finishing 6 points-4, 69 shots-5. Winners: Chris Jackson, Dee Hoey, June & Keith Jones 17-14, Tricia Reilly, Terry Baylis, Lyndon Johnson, Pat Reilly 14-15, Jane Hamill, Sheila Cammack, Neil Morrison, Stewart Hamill 23-10. Again we were grateful to players stepping in at short notice and once more everyone played their part & contributed to the result. Southern League Div A. Saturday 27th Nov. the Lions played a rescheduled storm-affected match away v San Miguel Bulldogs, result: 4 points-6, shots 59-71. Winners: Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 18-17, Jane Hamill, Sheila Cammack, Stewart Hamill 20-16. Friday 3rd Dec.. Lions were away at Country Bowls v Geckos. The sky was blue, the sun was shining but more importantly & unfortunately, the wind was howling; making every end a lottery, affecting the run of the bowls & blowing equipment around. Because of the possible risk of injury from flying objects we had to cut the match short; after completing the minimum 2/3 of ends allowed, finishing 8 points-2, 58 shots-32. Winners: Jane Hamill, Sheila Cammack, Stewart Hamill 23-0, Bill Webb, Pam Lockett, Scott Malden 14-6, Tricia Reilly, Vic Mahomet, Pat Reilly 12-9. Div B. Tigers home v La Siesta Golds 2 points-8, 44 shots-85, unfortunately no team details available. We look forward to welcoming new members (there’s a range of membership fees for 12, 7 or 3 Brexit months). You can come along & watch on match days, join in on a Saturday morning with the “Chicken Drive” or speak with Club Captain, June Jones 691903773, or email: for more information or to arrange coaching.
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
637 227 385
TORREVIEJA 2021-22 WINTER POOL LEAGUE Mickeys Bar 8-1 win against The George
Two big wins for Spain as they cruise into last 16 in Torrevieja
MICKEYS Bar returned a 8-1 win away at The George in Division 3 of the 2021-22 Torrevieja Winter Pool League to remain on course for promotion.
The Silver division was won by Alistair Quin with 34 points, and the Gold Division winner and overall winner of the Stamford Cup was Dave Sligtham with 38 points.
Bar Next Door lead Division one, chalking up a 6-3 away win at Office Aces. Unity Bar beat Britannia A 5-4. Torrevieja 2021-22 Winter Pool League Results week 7:
Nearest the pin winners were, Gill Ludkiewicz on hole 3, Dave Sligtham on holes 8 and 12, Alistair Quin on hole 17.
DIV 1 - F/Station (bw) 3 Quiet Man 6, Office Aces 3 Bar Next Door 6, Terreza 4 Santana A 5, Unity Bar 5 Britannia A 4.
Although the hosts struggled in the first half they were entirely dominant after the break, ultimately taking a commanding 29-13 win. Cheered by home crowd, Spain needed 32 seconds to open the score, as their stalwart Alexandrina Cabral Barbosa recorded the first goal of the tournament.
DIV 2 - Mi Sol 3 Bar 6, 6 Racin Toast II 5 The Courtyard A 4. Santana B 6 Murphs 3, Marie's Rendezvous 4 Office Bulls 5, Britannia B 5 Fire Station (gw) 4.
A shot by Wang Shuhui in the second minute cancelled out Carmen Campos' opener, but it was the only Chinese goal in the first 10 minutes as Spain quickly took the initiative, pulling away to a 7:1 lead.
Argentina, looked tired and ran out of ideas, while Spain did not slow down until the final buzzer. In the end, the hosts cruised to a commanding 29:13 win, making a big step towards the last 16. On Saturday evening the competition hosts then went on to claim their place in the last 16 after another comfortable win, this time
In their final group game Spain meet Austria on Monday evening at Torrevieja’s Palacio de Deportes.
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of
Friday night is our Presentation evening, which I’m sure everyone will enjoy and we are already looking forward to a great evening.
The Courtyard B 3 Thirsty Boot 6. Irish Abbey (bye).
"China is not a usual team, we didn't know much about them and had to get used to their fast style of game. But we were very concentrated, especially in defence. We started the match well, which gave us selfconfidence, and our goalkeepers were good," said Spain's left back Carmen Campos after the game.
Mike Probert talks Golf
The twos pot was won by Sven Foerland.
DIV 3 - The George 1 Micky's Bar 8, Laguna 6 Oasis 3, Dejavu 3 Reflections 6,
The home team continued to dominate on the court and there were hardly any doubts about the outcome even before half-time as Spain led by nine goals.
Whilst the front 9 was hard work with the wind howling towards you, the back 9 proved easier as the weather warmed up and the wind died down.
Fire Station Green Watch top division two, despite a 5-4 away loss at Britannia B.
against PR of China by 33-18
La Marina Golf Society A very blustery and cold morning greeted the players of the LA Marina Golf Society at the Font del Llop golf course for the Stamford Cup Competition.
Laguna defeated Oasis 6-3, Reflections gained a 6-3 away win at Dejavu, mirrored by Thirsty Boot away at The Courtyard B.
fter a spectacular opening ceremony in Torrevieja on Wednesday, World Championship hosts Spain comfortably beat Argentina by 16 goals in the tournament’s first competitive match.
Carp-R-Us Fishing
There were lots of mullet caught but for most people, the carp never showed.
This week Carp-R-Us held their annual Fur & Feather match at the El Bosquet complex. For the time of year, it was quite mild, and the predicted high wind did not arrive until midday, although when it did, it made pole fishing difficult.
Fishing his usual feeder and pellet method he managed 6.80kg of carp and mullet.
Willy Moons won the match from peg 37.
Second from peg 35, was Tony Flett with 5.09kg fishing the pole and using maggot and bread. Third from peg 29 was Steve Fell
‘LOW SEASON WINTER PRICES’ If you have lived here on the Costa Blanca for any period of time you will know that the courses operate a seasonal pricing policy and the prices change in accordance with the seasons. In general terms January, February, June, July, August and December are when prices are at their lowest and March, April, May, September, October and November when the prices are at their highest.
who had 4.49kg of mullet from peg 29 and fourth was Jeremy Fardoe with 3.10kg using pole and bread on peg 38. After the match, a number of the members went to Café Uno in Catral for an excellent meal. Thanks to Alan Smith and Steve Higgins for sorting the food. For more information, visit our website
You should fill your boots with golf now because you will never see these prices again. On the 1st January 2022 many prices will be new uplifted low season winter rates and these will last until the 31st January 2022 and some may last until the 28th February 2022 but for sure come the 1st March 2022 prices again will be at their highest and targeted towards the tourist golfer.
LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers.
We will very shortly be in the month of December which is one of the low season periods and is just prior to the inflationary type increases that golfers will see in January 2022.
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637 227 385
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
TEN MAN THADER RUE MISSED CHANCES SC Torrevieja .............1 CD Thader .................1 Torrevieja win 5-3 on penalties
of the mark. Quino appeared to be brought down in the box on 81 mins, but once again the man in the middle was unimpressed.
staban Rosado Stadium was the venue, when Thader visited Torrevieja last Saturday, playing in their first ever La Copa Nostra match. Their opponents Sporting Club Torrevieja, currently play in the 1st regional division, and had got to this stage by beating Los Montesinos in the previous round.
A counter attack found Dani Lucas on his own just inside the visitor's half on 84 mins, but his attempted pass was horribly miscued, and another glorious chance was squandered. By now, Torry should have been dead and buried, but it took a magnificent save by Thader keeper pepe to keeper out a goal bound header.
This new competition is designed to give all preferente, 1st & 2nd division clubs, a chance to feature in next seasons national Copa del Rey. As only the winning team earn the right to have a bash against higher ranked clubs, Thader can now concentrate on doing well in the preferente league (an honour also bestowed to Pompey, who had previously that day, also lost to a lower league team in the FA cup!). As this weekend was originally a spare weekend in the Preferente league calendar, many Thader players were missing, including captain Lloyd and top striker, Calderon. The match referee set out his stall as early as the 4th min when he booked Juan, then not long afterwards gave fellow yellow shirted Thader colleague Fran a card to match his shirt. In between these 2 cautions, Torry thought they'd opened the scoring, only for their effort rightly to be ruled out for offside. On 35 mins, Thader's attacking full back Rosquin, went on a lengthy solo run, only for the home
keeper to easily save his close-range effort. Rafa then became the 3rd Thader player to enter the refs little black book, but in all honesty, it was far from being a dirty game. Just before the half time interval, Fran shot agonisingly wide from a 25yard free kick, as both teams failed to reach top gear. Quino should have opened the scoring soon after the restart, but having done all the hard work, his shot lacked direction and was cleared of the line. Strong Thader appeals for hand ball were not upheld, but from my vantage point, it did look as if they had a case. Disaster struck on 55 mins, when Fran picked up
CD Montesinos manager ‘Pepe’ resigns Valencia 1st Regional Group CD Montesinos manager Pepe Plaza Sanchez has resigned just weeks after his appointment as the new boss. "Pepe has resigned quoting 'not being able to change the dressing room'," said a statement from the club. Plaza, 49, whose last match in charge was the La Nostra Cup 4a round defeat against CD Almoradi on December 3, replaced Purito in October. Monte are in eleventh place on 11 points in Group 9 at the time of Plaza's exit with just two games to play before the December Christmas break. Former players Josema and Alfredo will take temporary charge until the New Year abd will be in the dug out for the home game against thirteenth placed CD Benijofar at the weekend, in a bottom half of the table encounter.
My apologies for omitting the answers to last week’s quiz, spotted by reader Neil Hammond,
Ruben almost doubled his sides advantage on 78 mins, but his long-range free kick was just wide
Reinstated Monte exit La Nostra Cup CD Montesinos went out of the La Nostra Cup 4a eliminators following a 2-0 home defeat against CD Almoradi on December 3 at the Municipal Stadium. Monte, beaten by SC Torrevieja, went back into the competition after the last preliminary round of the Copa Comunitat Mediterranea La Nostra Copa, due to being three teams short for fourth round ties. The losers of the third round were put in the hat, and three teams were drawn out at random to continue in the competition. CF Atletico Algorfa went out of the competition after a 4-1 home defeat against FB Redován CF. CD Cox and Crevilente Deportiva CF drew 1-1.
Starting with the most corrupt, they are in order: Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, North Korea, DR Congo. 8. Fender
14, please also find below the answers to the
Joel), b. Roadhouse Blues (The Doors), c. Sunday morning coming down (Kris Kristofferson), d. Bruce's philosophers song (Monty Python), e. All I wanna do (Sheryl Crow), f. Tub t humping (Chumbawamba). 11. For cutting the heads off parking meters. 12. Satan. 13. a. Buenos Aires and Cordoba, b.
On 71 mins, a Torry player was shown a yellow card for a nasty foul on Quino (unbelievably the first to a home player), then from the resultant free kick, Quino missed a sitter from inside the box. But it took only 4 mins for the big Thader striker to make amends, his close-range thunderbolt giving the keeper no chance.
of the season," added the club statement.
Stratocaster. 9. Pillars of Hercules. 10. a. Piano man (Billy
Manager Raul Mora soon followed, as he was sent from the dugout for comments to the match officials.
Plaza, a former goalkeeper at Kelme, Orihuela, Catral and Alone Guardamar, took managerial positions at Torrellano, Altea, CD Cox, Benidorm and Novelda. He signed a contract at third division club A Roda for the 2021-22 season, prior to the club folding, due to reported debts. "CD Montesinos hope to appoint a new manager for the second half
so in addition to the quiz published on page quiz published on 29 November.
his 2nd booking, as Thader were forced to play out the rest of the match with only 10 men.
Karachi and Lahore, c. Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. 14.
1. The wreck of the Titanic. Argo was Robert Ballard's
Room 101. 15. The Shining. 16. The Zapruder film. 17.
unmanned undersea video sledge. 2. Godzilla. 3. Nelson
Waterloo station. Waterloo Sunset'. 18. At the bus stop (out-
Mandela. His birth name is Rolihlahla (trouble maker). 4. Jack
side the chip shop). 'Jilted John'. 19. Russia and Italy. 20.
Nicholson and Laurence Olivier. 5. Sri Lanka. 6. Coffee. 7.
Gadzooks! (from Gods' hooks)
On the stroke of normal time, a shot hit the post, then Torry sub Lian swept home the equalising goal. Deep in stoppage time, Thader substitute Vadin hit the post, then from the rebound, Ruben somehow contrived to shoot over when it was easier to score. So, it was now down to sudden death penalties to decide the match. Ruben was first up for Thader, but his tame effort was comfortably saved. Although Rafa, Josan and Juan all converted their spot kicks, Torry made light work of all 5 of theirs. Although Thader were the much better side on the night, the old adage, 'it's goals that count', was never truer. Next up for Thader is a visit to runaway league leaders Crevillente. At time of going to press, it is unknown whether the match will be on Sat 11th or Sun 12th, so please check with CD Thader facebook page for confirmation.
SC Torrevieja host Racing San Miguel SC TORREVIEJA CF A (17 points) host Racing San Miguel in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 9 next weekend (Dec 11/12), vying to close the gap on leaders Atletico de Catral CF who top the table with 21 points. Atletico de Catral - with Kevin Miralles Vazquez, the top scorer in Valencia 1st R G9 with 10 goals, entertain Pinoso CF A at home. Lowly Orihuela CF B host seventh place CF Rafal. CD Montesinos, sitting in eleventh, meet ninth place CD Benijofar at the Municipal Stadium. Second place CF Sporting San Fulgencio, on 18 points, host fifth place CF Atletico Algorfa, who have the league's second top scorer Jesus Pastor Diaz on 6 goals in fine form. CF Sporting Albatera host bottom club CF Popular Orihuela Deportiva with Sporting Dolores CF hosting Alguena Leading scorer CF. Kevin Miralles
1. South Korea, 2. The originally fictional band, The Rutles, created by Eric Idle and Neil Innes, 3. Josephine Baker, 4. c. rose, 5. Ronald Reagan (his father's favourite actor). 6. Red Guards. 7. Three answers - a. The Scarlatti Inheritance, b. The Osterman Weekend, c. The Holcroft Covenant. 8. Table tennis. 9. 18 days, 14 hours, 22 minutes. 10. Gospel. 11. Polyglot. 12. Gulliver's Travels. 13. Spinach. 14. 3D Camera, able to take three-dimensional pictures. 15. Five answers - a. Don't it make my brown eyes blue (Crystal Gayle), b. Blue suede shoes (Elvis), c. Blue Velvet (Bobby Vinton), d. Blue Jay Way (Beatles), e. Blue Jean (David Bowie). 16. Dim Sum. 17. Several species of small furry animals gathered together in a cave and grooving with a Pict. 18. Five answers - a. The Sting, b. Slap Shot, c. The Hustler or The Colour of Money, d. Hombre, e. Cat on a hot tin roof. 19. Satellite. 20. Mace
Tuesday 7th - Sunday 12th December, 2021
637 227 385