No 908 Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
637 227 385
Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
housands of peo- They were joined by the ple took to the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo streets in cities Dolon, who took to the across Europe, and all stage to offer his, and the around the world on support of the municipal Saturday, to protest council, in the face of Putin’s a g a i n s t aggression Ukrainians and Russia's invaSolemn music Russians were sion of played while united on Sunday Ukraine. speakers called
as they protested On Sunday for Ukraine's morning it was airspace to be in Torrevieja to the turn of condemn Vladimir closed, so that it To r r e v i e j a , would be Putin’s attack where around impossible to two thousand people, all carry out attacks from the residing in the city, demon- air, offering more protection strated in the Plaza de la to the civilian population. Constitucion, calling for the Organised by the European Union (EU) and Association of Ukrainians of NATO to act to defend their Torrevieja, it was attended country from the Russian by of people of all ages, most invasion. of them with Ukrainian flags Most of the demonstrators and other blue and yellow were Ukrainian citizens elements, as well as many although there were also plenty of Russians among carrying different posters the large crowd, along with calling for an end to the war many others from neigh- and in opposition to the bouring European countries. Russian president, Putin.
Continued on Page 2
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
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637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
There were also flags and placards calling for the EU and NATO to intervene in the events. Thousands of kilometres away, from the safety offered by Spain, Ukrainians and Russians helplessly witness the escalation of the war in Ukraine. The Ukrainian community in the province fears the worst for their country, after they woke up on Thursday morning to images of the bombings across many parts of their proud nation. The tension due to the conflict and the fear crossed the intervening borders at the speed of WhatsApp, as direct information from relatives brought the conflict much closer to their homes in Spain. Two important communities coexist in the city of Torrevieja where there are 4,484 Russians and 3,203 registered Ukrainians. They came to the city in two waves in search of work and opportunities to prosper. Many did so in the early 1990s, after the Soviet Union had just dissolved, with many more arriving during the economic boom in the first few years of the 2000s. Both communities have expressed their distress and concern. Rage, anger and, above all, a great powerlessness were the feelings among the Ukrainians. The Russians kept quiet, more restrained but many still agreed that they felt ashamed for what is happening with a country that they feel is a brother. In a foreign country, however, there is no tension as Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Moldovans, Kazakhs all share daily life in the city where they settled several years ago: services, businesses, restaurants, classrooms in schools and colleges. The Torrevieja IES, where students from both countries study, is a true reflection of what is happening outside. Alina, from a Ukrainian family, shared her concern with her classmate during breaktime, showing the videos sent from her country by her friends, while in class the history teacher tempered spirits by calmly trying to explain the reasons for the conflict. Peter Andrushevich is a Russian who has lived in the municipality for 25 years. He is also the spokesman for a Russian Association in the city where he says that Russian residents in Spain are not pro-Putin. "The Russian-speaking community likes to integrate and respects Spanish
Images from Sunday’s demonstration in Torrevieja
culture," says Andrushevich. "Russians and Ukrainians have no problems with each other, nor do they cause problems for society," he insists after recalling that there are entire families between the two nationalities, husbands from one country and wives from the other and vice versa. Natalia Zhezhnyavska is the secretary of the Association of Ukrainians of Torrevieja, which is the most important registered community in the province. "We feel powerless because we can't help from here and we don't know what's going to happen. It's awful.” She said that European politicians should support Ukraine so that it is not left alone, “because today it is Ukraine and tomorrow it will be Europe and Spain is not so far away. These types of people do not stop, they will want more. We have to unite, if we don't want a world war, we have to stop this now.” Together with her compatriots, Natalia's expresses great concern for families, for people who are close to her. “We suffer because our families and friends are there. Many Russians have called me saying that they feel tremendous shame for being Russian. We have always been brothers and we have a shared history. This conflict kills those ties." Irina, who works in a 24-hour supermarket in the centre of Torrevieja, is also clear: "I have not seen problems here in Torrevieja between the Ukrainian and Russian communities." “We are Ukrainians and 80% of our customers are Russians”, she says, “my colleague is Russian”. "Both Russians and Ukrainians are very
sad. This is the problem of a man with a lot of power who believes himself to be immortal”, says Irina, who also warns: “I think this is not going to be a matter of days. We feel total pain and helplessness. At six o clock on Thursday morning we received the first news that they were bombing. There is no fuel, no food in the stores, people cannot move around. Banks and ATMs have closed.” Anatoli and Alexander have a removal company, next door to the Association of Ukrainians of Torrevieja. They are Russians, but they do not cut off their Ukrainian neighbours. “This is a problem between two Presidents, but more from Putin, who is authoritarian and does not seem to be right in the head,” said Anatoli. Now, many residents who live in peace in Alicante are trying to bring their families here. Is not easy. Added to the reduction of air travel due to the armed conflict are bureaucratic obstacles. Angela has already tried, and she has now offered herself as a volunteer translator at an NGO which will help those who needs to apply for asylum in Spain. "Not all Russians are the same," she says adding that everyone trusts that the conflict will not break
the harmony of the two communities in our host land.” PIOC CALL FOR SHOW SUPPORT IN ORIHUELA
Meanwhile PIOC is hoping to hold a rally next Sunday in support of the people of Ukraine. Spokesman Peter Houghton told The Leader, “We will ask the town hall to help refugees with legal matters like a visa, basic funding, help with school for children and spanish classes. “We are going to ask for a permit to hold the rally and we want other political parties and associations to join us. This is about politics, but we need to help the people of Ukraine at this awful time. We need flags and banners from countries across the world, to show support for Ukraine, a sound system, Ukraine flags. We will contact the mayor of Orihuela and other political parties. The future of Europe is at stake.”
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Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
rihuela town hall´s Department of the Environment is finalising plans for two overnight transit areas for motorhomes located in Soto I6, next to the Urban Gardens, and in the BIC of the Palmeral de San Antón.
The Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, together with the Councillor for the Environment, Dámaso Aparicio, stated that the Palmeral Overnight Transit Project for motorhomes represents "a very important step in improving the tourist option, always with respect for the environment and the balance between historic Orihuela and a modern municipality”. Bascuñana has recalled the great work carried out in the palm grove and its surroundings with the recovery of 16,580 square metres of paths; 480 square metres for traditional irrigation; the replacement of the wall to delimit the Palmeral with respect to the neighbourhood of San Antón; the renovation of traditional cane fencing delimiting plots; the adequacy of the Escorrata aqueduct; the construction of an Interpretation Centre in what was the old Casa de los Verdú; the removal of part of the perimeter wall on Avenida Doctor García Rogel and the construction of a visitor reception centre. It is about the rehabilitation, enhancement and conservation of the BIC del Palmeral de San Antón in Orihuela. “Today we put one more icing on the cake with this motorhome parking project. It will be an action that is absolutely respectful of the environment, consolidating a practice that is increasingly in demand”, explained Bascuñana. For his part, the Councillor for the Environment considers that this project meets the requests of many sectors of Orihuela society such as groups of hikers, Grupo Oriolano de Montaña (GOM). "It is a fabulous space since it has sports
facilities, we have the interpretation centre, the mountain, the Monte San Miguel hiking route and the monumental city is practically a five-minute walk away." It is also projected that the old caretaker's house, now abandoned, will be the reception centre for all these visitors, who come with their motorhome, so that they have toilets, showers and living spaces. "Also, as a novelty, we are going to recover something historical in this Palmeral such as the old hemp rafts that disappeared", explained Aparicio. The national census of motorhomes has not stopped growing in recent years. The Spanish Association of Caravanning Industry and Commerce (ASEICAR) has lamented the lack of areas prepared for lovers of this type of tourism in transit. It is estimated that some 250,000 pass through Spanish roads each year, which means some 750,000 people who spend more than 385 million euro in national establishments. The intended activity consists of an overnight transit area for motorhomes with a parking and stay capacity for 20 vehicles, occupying an area of 3,373 m2. The buildings already built in the same place will be used for the services of the activity, with an area of 95 m2. The activity will therefore have a total of 3,468 m2 of occupied surface. The plot that is intended to be used is next to CEE Antonio Sequeros and CO Oriol, where the old caretaker's house was located, which will be used as a customer reception centre, in addition to providing it with toilets and vending machines.
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
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British Ambassador visits NATO’s Tactical Leadership Programme in Albacete On Friday, the British Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott, visited the Tactical Leadership Programme – a multinational headquarters based at Los Llanos Air Base, Albacete, made up of military and civilian personnel from 10 participating NATO nations, including the UK and Spain. HMA Hugh Elliott said: “On days like today, after the barbaric and unjustified attack by Russia on Ukraine, we are especially conscious of the importance of NATO and of being alongside our allies. I want to reiterate my Government’s condemnation of this invasion and our support for the people of Ukraine.”
Whilst at Los Llanos, the Ambassador learned about how the programme improves both pilots’ skills and cooperation between the different NATO air forces, as well as witnessing a demonstration of two flight simulators. “It is an honour to be here today to see first-hand the important work carried out by the armed forces from Spain, the UK and our allies to maximise collaboration in aerial missions.” “What happens here in Albacete is an excellent example of how our armed forces prepare, train and operate together to strengthen the Atlantic Alliance’s capabilities in both current and potential missions.”
Opposition Demands Meeting to Discuss Torrevieja Cleaning Contract
Crescendo Plans May Concert with British Military Ladies Choir Representatives of the political groups Sueña Torrevieja, PSOE-PSPV and Los Verdes de Torrevieja have appeared together at a press conference to make a joint request for a plenary session to audit the urban cleaning contract, recently approved in a governing meeting by the Partido Popular. In their appearance the three spokesmen made a chronology of the events that have led to the approval of the contract stating that "we are facing a file that puts the future of Torrevieja in serious doubt." According to the spokesman of Sueña , Pablo Samper, "they have tried to agree different formulas to approve this service but the reality is that it is a process with many changes." The PSOE’s Andrés Navarro said that in addition "after thoroughly reviewing the file we understand that there are points that must be discussed," Israel Muñoz, Spokesman for Los Verdes, "thanked the other opposition parties for accepting the request for public inspection of this file, since the people deserve to know the details".
During their appearance, the lack of transparency in the contract since the beginning of the legislature was revealed by the opposition. This file has not been without controversy and it is the service that represents the largest economic outlay from the municipal budget. In addition, the "false masterpiece" as described by the Supreme Court referred to how the contract was awarded more than a decade ago, which ended with former mayor Pedro Hernández Mateo sentenced to prison and disqualification from public office. It is the first time in this legislature that the councillors of Los Verdes, PSOE and Sueña Torrevieja, have initiated such a request. Finally, the opposition has agreed that the situation of "harassment and accusation" that the spokesman for Los Verdes, Israel Muñoz, is suffering from, for publicly inspecting the contract, just as the spokesman for Sueña Torrevieja has suffered, "is the consequence of the anti-democratic drift of Eduardo Dolón following his return to power in Torrevieja."
By Nancy Klein, choir member and publicist
with a Spanish Musical Director and Pianist. Allthough
Crescendo International Choir plans to perform a concert at Salt Church in Los Montesinos Saturday May 7 at 6 pm with the Chivenor Military Ladies Choir. Concert tickets previously sold for the 2021 cancelled concert are valid for this concert.
we are many nationalities, English is the main language
Tickets can be purchased from Mags by calling her at 688-707-050, by contacting a choir member, or by coming to Rincon de Miguel Restaurant in Los Montesinos on a Monday night between 17:30 and 20:00. This restaurant is where Crescendo choir rehearses from 17:45 to 20:15 on Mondays. We sit in a social-distanced manner and wear masks. Despite these restrictions, we have a lovely time singing together. If you are interested in joining us or attending the May concert, please see the Crescendo website at for details. We are especially seeking men to join us. Please come if you like to sing with others. Our choir is made up of sopranos, altos, tenors and basses. We sing a wide variety of songs ranging from musicals to spirituals, from pop to classical, in English, Spanish, Dutch, and Latin. When we give concerts, the money we raise goes to local charities. Crescendo lives up to its name of International because of the many nationalities in its membership, including English, Dutch, German, Scandinavian and American,
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Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
Fourth Dose of Coronavirus vaccine Approved
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Councillor Noguera with Lola Henarejos, President of FAOC, and Sergio Sánchez, Manager of Hidraqua at the mouth of the Rio Nacimiento in Campoamor.
With vaccination seen as the definitive weapon to end the coronavirus pandemic, the Ministry of Health has announced the launch of a fourth dose of the covid vaccine among those who have already received the third dose or the booster. The plan is for vaccination of the fourth dose to begin straight away, without waiting for the completion of the third dose of the vaccine to the entire population, which at the moment is working through the over 40 years of age group. The first group of people for whom the fourth dose has been authorised are those most likely to have serious complications in case of infection. They are the most sensitive group, the most unprotected in case of infection by Omicron or any new variant that may arise. The Ministry has approved that immunosuppressed people receive a fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine five months after receiving the third dose. Most of these patients have received doses of the Moderna vaccine. "People who received an additional dose of mRNA vaccine because they are included in Group 7, or are receiving treatment with immunosuppressive drugs, will receive a booster dose 5 months after the last dose," explained the Ministry of Health.
Project to Improve Rio Nacimiento at La Glea Orihela´s Councillor for Infrastructure, Ángel Noguera, accompanied by Sergio Sánchez, manager of Hidraqua and Lola Henarejos, president of the FAOC, announced details of a project for the regeneration of the Rio Nacimiento and its surroundings along its course through Orihuela to the mouth at La Glea beach, Campoamor. "It is proposed to carry out an environmental change at the mouth of the Nacimiento river in order to revive the great environmental potential of the area" said the councillor, highlighting that "the main objectives are the environmental regeneration of the currently deteriorated riverbed and the recovery or recreation of the riverside
ecosystem, through the zoning of the plant communities and the promotion of the recreational use of the Nacimiento River and the improvement and consolidation of pedestrian paths. The project proposes the environmental revision of 109,450 m2 of the Nacimiento riverbed at its mouth on the Orihuela Costa, based on the elimination of invasive exotic plantlife, the generation of a low-water channel that ensures its outlet to the sea, the development of existing native vegetation, reduction of the risk of forest fires, environmental regeneration of degraded land, cleaning and general removal of existing waste.
King chairs meeting of the National Security Council On Thursday morning the king of Spain, Felipe VI, chaired the meeting of the National Security Council at the Palacio de la Zarzuela, following the Russian attacks on Ukraine. Those attending included the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, the first and second vice-presidents of the Government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Transport and the Minister of the Presidency, the meeting of the highest advisory body of the Government on security matters.
There will also be the generation of an environmental pedestrian route along the course of the Nacimiento River and its interconnection with the protected area of the Sierra de Escalona and Dehesa de Campoamor natural habitats, as well as the provision of furniture to value the natural and cultural resources of the river and its surroundings. Ángel Noguera explained that "upstream, another phase will be launched within the same project that consists of the environmental improvement of the Nacimiento River to recover its ecological status by improving the hydrological and ecological processes, along 15 km of the river from the foothills of the Sierra Escalona.”
These actions will be carried out to improve the safety of people and goods in the neighbouring towns and in line with the blue trails that the Orihuela Council is promoting on the Orihuela Costa. Meetings have already been held with the CHS (Segura Hydrographic Confederation) and the Coastal Demarcation, who are the owners of a large part of the area where the actions will be carried out. The initial valuation of these two projects is 3,199,491.23 which is it hoped can be boosted with a grant from the FSP Biodiversity Foundation, to promote actions aimed at restoring river ecosystems and reducing the risk of flooding in surrounding areas.
This followed a most resounding "condemnation of Russia's aggression against Ukraine " by the President who expressed his "solidarity with the Ukrainian government and people" .
more than 1,670,000 euro.
Damage to National Railways Officers from the National Police have dealt with 422 crimes of damage to railways throughout Spain.
Security Forces have recorded a total of 1,960,113 criminal offences in 2021, a crime rate of 41.4 criminal acts per thousand inhabitants, the lowest in recent history, apart from 2020 due to the special circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
A total of 25 people have been arrested in Catalonia, Madrid, Fuenlabrada, Burgos, León, Valencia, La Coruña and Orihuela. The events took place between 2020 and 2021 and it is estimated that the damage caused to trains, railway and metro wagons amounts to
The figures include crime recorded in Spain by the National Police, Guardia Civil, Ertzaintza, Mossos d'Esquadra and Navarre Foral Police, as well as those bodies of Local Police that provide data to the Criminality Statistical System of the Secretary of State for Security.
Spain records lowest crime rate in 2021
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Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
Road Safety warnings for absent minded mobile phone users Torrevieja has implemented a pioneering project, the first town to do so in Europe, for pedestrians who are absent-minded while walking along using their mobile phones. The device will be presented next month at the Amsterdam Mobility and Road Safety Fair, INTERTRAFFIC, the largest event in it’s sector in Europe The Councillor for Security and Emergencies, Federico Alarcón, said that a pilot system has
been fitted by an Alicante company at traffic lights located on Avenida de La Libertad, in front of the Torrevieja Casino.
As phone users are looking down at their mobiles they will see a red or green warning light
He said that it was intended to stop pedestrians, who are distracted by their mobile phones, from crossing the road while the traffic lights are on red. An image takes the form of a pedestrian on the road that turns red when the traffic light is red and green when it is green.
In this way, pedestrians about to cross the zebra crossing, and who are looking at the ground using their mobile phone, will immediately be warned of the colour of the traffic light.
shown by pedestrians is increasing, as they are
The councillor said that the lack of attention
the street looking at their Smartphone.
more aware of their mobile than traffic. In a study carried out in 2019 by Ponle Freno and Axa, 37% of those surveyed admitted crossing
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
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TORREVIEJA DROPS TO 6th MOST POPULATED TOWN IN VALENCIAN COMMUNITY ‘Torrevieja's growth came to a sudden halt in 2008’
ith 82,842 inhabitants, Torrevieja is no longer among the five most populated cities in the Valencian Community. It has been relegated to sixth place by Torrent, a city located in the metropolitan area of Valencia, with 84,025 officially registered in the January census by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). The same data drops Orihuela to seventh. In the last three decades Torrevieja has been positioned in fifth place in the ranking by number of inhabitants in the Community, only behind Valencia, Alicante, Elche and Castellón. However, it is still the third largest city by population in the province, although by a narrow margin from Orihuela (78,940 registered), which is followed by Benidorm (with 69,118), Alcoy (59,128 inhabitants), San Vicente del Raspeig (58,912) and Elda (with 52,551). The official figures, however, still do not reflect the population reality of some municipalities. Torrent has not registered an urban and demographic growth as spectacular as that of
Torrevieja in the last forty years, but it has been constant and regular. Now it is one of the cities in the country with the highest demand for first homes. The gap between the INE data and the registers of each of the municipalities, especially in the tourist areas, is beginning to occur again year after year. Torrevieja's growth in the last half century has been meteoric but it was brought to a sudden halt by the 2008 economic crisis and has stabilised since then. In the mid-1970s the municipality was a town with barely more than 8,000 inhabitants. It was then that the first urban developments began to be approved which began the lift-off of its demographic development, but, between 2014 and 2016 the official census was reduced by more than 20,000 residents. Despite this, while the number of inhabitants reflected in the INE data has not really changed since 2016, the municipality continues to update and incorporate new residents year on year. As such, the Torrevieja City Council now shows 5,500 residents
Boost for Callosa Police
more than those listed in the INE, to once again reach 88,000. After the health crisis, the city is experiencing a new boost in housing demand and in the next two years, thousands of new homes will be built on almost two million square meters in La Hoya, the last developable land that remains in the municipal area. The municipality continues to be the largest in the country in terms of the
total volume of second homes - second residences-: more than 62,000, well above any other tourist destination.
The main nationalities, by numerical importance, are British, Russian and Ukrainian, followed by Moroccans and Germans.
Other INE data that reflects the mobility and characteristics of a municipality specialized in residential tourism is the number of foreign residents in Torrevieja: of the 82,842 residents, 33,587 are foreigners - it has lost almost 1,500 foreign residents in the two years of the pandemic-.
More than 20% of the total population is 65 or older: the number of annual deaths in 2019, before the pandemic, was around 850 but there were only 570 births and the average age in Torrevieja is close to 46 years. 35% of households are individual: they are made up of a single member.
ORIHUELA’S NETWORKS THEATRE IS BACK After two years of inactivity due to the pandemic our ambitious company comes back to the stage in our very own purpose built theatre!
desperate director takes drastic action to save the company with his own custom written panto script and chaos ensues.
To mark our return, we have a hilarious comedy called The Show Must Go On which is brought to the stage by four of our most experience actors. It promises to be a hilarious evening in the theatre.
A misprinted text, a rebellious cast, this high comedy is the perfect example of how the show must go on!
The comedy is about a less than successful amateur dramatic group as they endeavour to put on a show. A
The Mayor of Callosa de Segura, Manuel Martínez, has presented the municipal budget, which includes two benefits for the Local Police.
euro, of which 274 thousand will come from the Diputación de Alicante, through the PLANIFICA plan and 148 thousand, the town hall.
With this new headquarters our staff will have more space and more modern facilities to carry out their work more easily and offer better care.
Martínez has announced the project for a new headquarters for the Local Police, work that will go out to tender shortly, with an approximate budget of 422,000
The Mayor said that “since we came into government 2 and a half years ago, we have been committed to reinforcing and improving security in Callosa de Segura.
With the new budget that we approved on Friday, we are also going to expand the police workforce with 4 new agents, to bring us to a total of 39 officers”.
Priced at just 4€, the tickets are now on sale for the shows which are Thursday March 10th to Saturday March 12th at various times. See poster below or visit our website
637 227 385
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
SAN PEDRO FISHERMEN ANXIOUS FOR RETURN OF FISH STOCKS Alarming downturn in catches for the 65 boats and 220 families that live from the fish of the Mar Menor' Concerns are afoot after Chief patron of the Brotherhood of San Pedro del Pinatar José Blaya revealed the decrease in fish hauls by San Pedro fishermen.
and the Environment has decreed a temporary ban for bottom trawling in inland waters of the Region of Murcia from February 14, to March 27, and from November 1-30, according to the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM).
"Catches have only reached two boxes of crab, a box of magre and a unit of sea bass," said Blaya, at a quiet Lo Pagán fish market. Blaya believes the anoxia suffered by the salty lagoon in 2021 has lead to the alarming downturn from the 65 boats and 220 families that live from the fish of the Mar Menor. 12 employees work at the fish market.
It is hoped the measure will contribute to the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy and ensure the exploitation of living marine biological resources restores and maintains the populations of species caught above the levels that can reproduce the maximum yield.
"The fish have gone to the Mediterranean in search of the oxygen that the Mar Menor does not have.
The proposal was sent to the Fishermen's Guilds of the Region of Murcia and the Federation, who gave their consent.
"It is like as if they were 'afraid'," said one fisherman.
The Order recalls that the days of inactivity not included in the temporary closure and for which there are no fishing opportunities derived from limitations in fish production, due to the application of Regulation (EU) 1022/2019, which establishes a multi-annual plan for demersal fishing in the western Mediterranean, may be the subject of an employment regulation file (ERE).
The president of the Association of Naturalists of the Southeast (ANSE), Pedro García, said: "It is not fear, but anoxia - eutrophication and the poor environmental conditions of the lagoon. "The fish that suffered the most from anoxia were the smaller ones - that served as food for the larger species. "Therefore, because of the little food available in the lagoon and the lack of oxygen, the larger fish have left the Mar Menor in search of food." Chief patron Blaya added: "Last month we had an income of €10,500, while the Brotherhood
The fish have gone to the Mediterranean in search of the oxygen that the Mar Menor does not have. costs between €30,000 to €35,000 per month. "This makes the operation of the centre impossible." The fishermen of the Mar Menor held meetings with Minister of Ecological Transition Teresa Ribera, who visited them in February, at the
Spanish Oceanographic Institute, just 50 metres from Lo Pagán fish market. Ribera referred them to the Ministry of Agriculture, which has powers in inland waters. The major employer has held meetings with the Directorate General for Fisheries but there are no solutions: "We just have to wait and the fish will come back," said a spokesperson. So the fishermen are waiting for the Sea Bream and Sea Bass, characteristic species of the Mar Menor, to return in early spring: "The fish from the Mar Menor has not suffered any loss in its quality", said Blaya. "What comes out of the Mar Menor is easy to sell, with very good output and very good acceptance by the consumers. "The boats only rely on the fish to return to their home in the salty lagoon," he added. ANSE have aired their disappointment, saying: "It is due to the lack of a more precise evaluation of the effects of the anoxias of 2019 and 2021 and how they have been able to affect our fisheries." The Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries
Chief patron of the Brotherhood of San Pedro del Pinatar José Blaya
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
sance to hot-blooded bucks heading off for a night on the town. Nice dark suit, white shirt, Vneck pullover, shoes dazzling and the split in the hair as straight as a hay-knife blade on a head saturated with Brylcreem.
‘Crossing the Railroad on a bicycle …’
I can’t tell you much about the dance itself, other than that it finished at 2am. I’m sure it was a great night – as there never was a bad dance in St Patrick’s Hall. Neither can I recall the first half of the ride home, other than the howling wind had risen to gale-force and we had it straight in our face.
uman memory is a bewildering marvel. Isn’t it strange how certain experiences can lodge in one’s memory and surface regularly when something triggers that memory? The emotional effects of some memories are stored in the brain forever. We are not talking here of life-changing or momentous events, but of something so inconsequential that it should have been deleted to ‘thrash’ a week after the happening. Mrs Youcantbeserious is in Spain as we speak. She is over there herding the Spanish half of the grandchildren stock for a week. With three storms chasing each other across Ireland, Pamela picked a good week to escape. And before you ask, Girls, I am faring out OK on my onio – albeit if all the time struggling to maintain a brave face on my loneliness! I do receive a morning and evening call from my dutiful wife enquiring after my wellbeing. This concern probably dates back some years to when I phoned her three times, country to country, just to guide me to an item I needed from the hot-press.
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Like I say, I don’t remember anything extraordinary until we arrived at the far end of The Railroad and faced into the eye of a storm. The heavens opened.
railroad on a bicycle’, was all I needed to say – before I scurried off the line to deal with the smoke emulating from the grill.
whether walking, cycling or even driving. Everybody in the locality made good use of ‘The Railroad.’
‘A bad night for crossing the Railroad on a bicycle’, is how I describe atrocious wind and rain going back nearly sixty years. I’ll tell you how this saying came about in the first instance.
There was a dance in Delvin. Neighbours Mick Forde, Paddy Reilly (God rest them both) and myself, headed off on three bicycles, full of the joys of – well actually, it was Winter. Going to a dance in those days, we never gave much thought to coming home.
‘How is the weather’, she asked by way of small talk on Saturday night, around the time I feared the roof would take off at any second as the rain belted against the kitchen window. Courageously carrying on despite my burdens, I was in the process of grilling myself a toasted cheese and onion sandwich. (Now, Girls, what do you think of that!?)
First of all, I need to tell you about ‘The Railroad’. I’d love to know how it got its name – and I never thought of asking down through the years.
Where was I …? Oh yes, ‘what is the weather like?’ If any of you overheard my reply, you wouldn’t make head nor tail of my answer - but Mrs Youcantbeserious needed no further elaboration. ‘It would be a bad night for crossing the
In my young days the railroad was so busy that not a blade of grass ever grew on it. We all used it as a short cut when going to Delvin. It was an especially busy stretch during the turf season, but it was well used by the locals all year round –
‘The Railroad’, now practically overgrown and disused, was a half mile gravel boreen stretching across Glaxtown Bog and linking the Mooretown road with the Drumcree/Glaxtown road.
GARDEN FELIX - Balloon flowers, all summer long Balloon flowers all summer long with intense blue-violet-white-pink bloom BALLOON flowers are clump forming perennials and members of the Bellflower family, although the blooms do not resemble bells.
The weather was fair enough when we left home around nine o’clock. I don’t know about the other two, but the one certainty is that I didn’t have an overcoat. An overcoat was little more than a *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
I have never experienced anything as bad as that pelting rain as we ‘stood on the pedals’ in our struggle to navigate the Railroad – a yard at a time. There is a forest there now, but at that time was no protection from the elements. There wasn’t as much as a solitary bush anywhere along that boreen. I peeled off the suit in the kitchen. It dried by the ‘Stanley 9’ over the following few days – but it was never the same again and it was some time before I had the price of a replacement. So now you all know: If I ever tell you that it would be ‘a bad night for crossing The Railroad on a bicycle’ … just duck and head straight for bed! DON’T FORGET It is memory that enables us to smell the roses in January Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
sun, with at least six hours of sunlight daily. However, they will be fine in part shade and might actually prefer some shade from where the afternoon sun is hot, especially here on the Costa Blanca South. Balloon flowers prefer rich, loamy soil, that has good drainage. They don’t grow well in dense soil, such as clay.
Instead, they have puffy, balloon like buds that swell to produce a star shaped flower.
Keep the soil consistently moist, but not soggy. Once established, they like a moderate amount of moisture in the soil and can tolerate short periods of drought.
This easy grower, which self sows their seed, blooms all summer long with intense blue/violet flowers, but, there are also cultivars which have white and pink blooms.
Balloon flowers don't need supplemental feeding, if you have rich soil. A layer of compost in the autumn can help replenish energy during the growing season.
Balloon flowers make excellent plants for border gardens or rock gardens and the blooms attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, thanks to their wide-open petals.
If you have poor soil, use an all-purpose, slow release fertiliser in early spring. Pruning isn't necessary, although you can do so for appearance purposes.
Also, dead-heading plants will keep them looking good and in continuous bloom. Don't remove the whole stem, just the dead flowers, as the remaining buds on the stem will continue to open.
These perennials are low maintenance plants and are quite pest and disease resistant.
To achieve a stockier plant, you can cut back tall stems, by about half in the late spring, helping prevent plants from flopping over.
Balloon flowers are fairly pest and disease free, however, they are very attractive to slugs and snails and suseptical to crown and root root.
You will get additional flowers, if you plant in full
637 227 385
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
SWEDES PLAY IMPORTANT PART IN MAKING TORREVIEJA GREAT Swedish film producer Emil Filmby is set to shoot the final scenes in Torrevieja for the documentary: Torrevieja – Svenskarnas Paradis (Torrevieja – The Swedes Paradise). Speaking exclusively to The Leader, Emil said: "I’ve spent the last two summers in Torrevieja filming. "This Easter I’m going film the last piece I need and the film will hopefully be released in the summer." Speaking from Òrebro, Sweden, Emil, 34, said: "Torrevieja is a very international city, chosen by a lot of people from many different nationalities. "In the film I focus on the Swedish people and how they have made Torrevieja their paradise. However, I am convinced that other international groups in the city or in other parts of Spain will also be able to relate to the film." Subtitles are available in English, Spanish or Swedish, and Emil added: "In the film we meet members from the first Swedish family, who settled in Torrevieja in the 1960s. "We also meet the entrepreneur whose real estate agency sold around 2,000 holiday homes a year during the 1980s. "Featured are also the Mayor of Torrevieja, the Swedish Consul and many other Swedes, that have found their paradise in and around the city of Torrevieja."
Emil Filmby: Swedes have found their paradise in and around Torrevieja. BELOW: The mayor Eduardo Dolon (By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE) Emil said that many Swedes deciding to live in Spain get a bad reputation in the Swedish media: "One of the intentions I have making this film is to show the positive reality, that most Swedes experience in Spain, in Torrevieja and in its surrounding areas. "I hope that those who already have a connection to Torrevieja or Spain, in general, feel like this is interesting and hope the film will inspire everyone who dreams of a life in the sun." On his meeting with Torrevieja mayor Eduardo Dolón, Emil said: "The mayor was excited to talk about the Swedish community in Torrevieja. "He talked about the monument/statue of Nils Gäbel, the first Swede/international citi-
SAT ANIMAL RESCUE zen in Torrevieja and that the Swedes have played an important part in making Torrevieja the great tourist city it is." *Torrevieja – Svenskarnas Paradis (Torrevieja -The Swedes Paradise) will Premiere this summer. Trailer at: ch?v=yKbZ--I6-S4
Alana is a 4 month old, Shepherd/Doberman cross. She is fun, loving but can be nervous. For more information please call 966 71 0047 (leave a message) or email
Supporters want Orihuela street to be named after Josefina Manresa An initiative led by Joan Pàmies, which has more than a hundred supporters, has asked the Orihuela Council to approve the naming of a street, square or avenue that will bear the name of Josefina Manresa Marhuenda, advocate and widow of poet Miguel Hernández. The request coincides with the 35th anniversary of her death in Elche and seeks to comply with a plenary agreement that was first adopted almost six years ago on September 28, 2016. As well as being his wife, Josefina is the person mainly responsible for the conservation of the poets legacy following his death, which this year celebrates it’s 80th anniversary.
The municipal initiative also stated that the chosen site would be located somewhere relevant to the lives of both. "This measure will serve to publicly acknowledge the wife of Miguel Hernández, who was born in Quesada (Jaén), but who spent a good part of her life in Orihuela, a town to which she moved as a child with her parents, and in which she would meet her husband.
1960 - After completing his national service and flying back to America, Elvis Presley stepped on British soil for the first and only time in his life when the plane carrying him stopped for refueling at Prestwick Airport, Scotland. 1961 – George Formby, OBE died aged 57. The British singing comedian and ukulele player made over 20 films, and his best known song is 'Leaning On A Lamp Post.'
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
637 227 385
to protest at the clubs closure. The club had run up debts of over £10,000. 1967 - Engelbert Humperdinck was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Release Me.' The singer’s first of two number 1's, the song spent six weeks at the top of the chart and a record fifty six weeks on the chart. 1972 - Elton John released 'Rocket Man' as a single. The song was inspired by the short story "The Rocket Man" in The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury, and echoes the theme of David Bowie's 1969 song 'Space Oddity'. 1974 - Chris Difford placed an advert in a shop window saying: 'lyricist seeks musician for co-writing'. Glen Tillbrook answered the ad and the pair went on to form Squeeze and had hits with 'Cool for Cats', 'Up the Junction', 'Tempted', 'Labelled With Love', and 'Pulling Mussels (From the Shell)'.
1963 - Country singers Patsy Cline, Cowboy Copas and Hawkshaw Hawkins were killed in a plane crash near Camden, Tennessee. They were travelling to Nashville after appearing at a benefit concert for the widow of Kansas City disc jockey 'Cactus' Jack Call, who had died in a car crash. 1966 - Police were called, after over 100 music fans barricaded themselves inside Liverpool's Cavern Club
1993 - Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown became parents when Whitney gave birth to a baby girl, Bobbi Kristina Houston Brown. Bobbi went on to become a reality television and media personality, singer, and actress. She died in hospice care on July 26, 2015, at the age of 22 after being found face down in a bathtub in her Georgia home. She was later placed into a medically induced coma.
1999 - Dusty Springfield died after a long battle against cancer, aged 59. The British singer had her first UK hit single in 1963 with ‘I Only Want To Be With You’.
2013 - A pencil doodle by Paul McCartney when he was a teenager sold for over £3,000. The sketches were drawn by McCartney during the late 1950s while a student at the Liverpool Institute High School For Boys. The drawings showed multiple faces with different expressions on a single sheet of paper in pencil. 2016 - Bob Dylan sold his personal archive of notes, draft lyrics, poems, artwork and photographs to the University of Tulsa, where they would be made available to scholars and curated for public exhibitions. The 6,000 item collection also included master recording tapes of Dylan's entire music catalog, along with hundreds of hours of film video.
1995 - Bruce Springsteen's 'Streets of Philadelphia' won three Grammys for Song of the Year, Best Male Vocal Performance and Best Rock Song. The track was featured in the film Philadelphia (1993), an early mainstream film dealing with HIV/AIDS which stars Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington.
BA PARTY PLANE BOUGHT FOR £1 British Airways Boeing 747 - purchased for £1 converted into flightless party plane its 747s to Cotswold Airport for storage and was retired in October.
Suzannah Harvey with the Boeing 747 ‘Party Plane’
Cotswold Airport CEO Suzannah Harvey enquired if she could keep one of the 747s of which the airline agreed - selling it to the airport for £1 ($1.35). BA has entrusted the airport to maintain the aircraft, as long as it is financially practical for the public use.
By Andrew Atkinson A retired British Airways
jet is a casualty of COVID-19,
Boeing 747 - purchased for a
with airlines putting it into
paltry £1 has been converted
retirement during the past two
into a flightless party plane -
years after the industry was
costing £12,000 to hire for 24
caught up in the world pan-
The iconic Boeing 747 jumbo
In 2020, British Airways sent
The 747 first joined the BA fleet in 1994 and operated 13,398 flights across almost 60 million miles, making its final flight from Miami to London Heathrow in April 2020. The jumbo jet is one of four aircraft that feature BA's unique Negus paint job that was adorned in the 1970s and
1980s. The heritage livery was painted in 2019 to celebrate the company's 100th anniversary, with the airport investing £500,000 to convert the jet into a party plane. £200,000 was used to house it.
was on the ground, costing £80,000. Some of the cockpit systems remain operable and no one will be able to enter to touch the controls.
The plane's event space is for hire for weddings and birthday parties, with a wedding costing £12,000 for 24-hours with regular hourly rate £1,000.
Onboard, the economy section has been transformed into a dance floor, with lights, seating, and a DJ stand, and the galleys turned in a bar. "When you use the controls in the cockpit, that end actually has a physical effect by a wire on the 747s ailerons, flaps, etc., but nowadays it's all just computer," it's very special, said Suzannah Harvey. Lights have been rewired to replicate the original lighting system the aircraft had when it
The plane is situated at Cotswold Airport near Swindon
637 227 385
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 907 QUICK ACROSS: 6 Scamper; 7 Happy; 9 Snout; 10 Gladden; 12 Remorseless; 14 Adolescence; 18 Lawless; 19 Trait; 21 Screw; 22 Fraught. DOWN: 1 Scent; 2 Immune; 3 Wet; 4 Vandal; 5 Appease; 8 Glisten; 11 Possess; 13 Advance; 15 Lolled; 16 Circus; 17 Lithe; 20 Pry. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 6 Contest; 7 Lethe; 9 Get on; 10 Armlets; 12 Reservation;
ACROSS 1. Created (4) 3. Agent (8) 9. Charm and allure (7) 10. Cuban dance (5) 11. Oscar (7,5) 13. Nakedness (6) 15. Dog (6) 17. Analyst (12) 20. Condiment container (5) 21. Obstruction (7) 22. Excessive amount (8) 23. A long time (4) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12. 14. 16. 18. 19.
14 Weightiness; 18 Headache (8) Play (5) One dying for a cause (6) Hats (5,7) Respected (7) 365 days (4) House-trained (12) False teeth (8) Argument (7) Type of cloud (6) Cake decoration (5) Resonation (4)
Billing; 19 Sales; 21 Puree; 22 Bandits. DOWN: 1 Lower; 2 Stroke; 3 Psi; 4 Zealot; 5 Whatnot; 8 Driving; 11 Beating; 13 Tedious; 15 Galley; 16 Shandy; 17 Tests; 20 Oar.
ACROSS 1. Stand for no bull in the stock market? (4) 3. Begin to get one letter wrong for business (8) 9. Train to speak? (7) 10. We are all entitled to have them (5) 11. Don?t give up working as a judge (4,2,6) 13. Selected to play, but not on the wing (6) 15. Finish the act? (6) 17. Second anniversary of press merger? (5,7) 20. Birds mistaken for castles? (5) 21. Raids or no raids (7) 22. Banter becomes wicked in time (8) 23. Observes from both sides (4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. In Kim Carnes hit song 'Bette Davis Eyes', Bette's gold hair is compared to which 1930s s e x symbol? One extra point for her first name 2. Tamla Motown founder Berry Gordy co-wrote the lyrics for the company's first hit record in 1959. What was the name of this successful monetary hit single? 3. Which 'naughty digit' was the first band signed by the Beatles for their new Apple Record label in 1968? 4. Which song title appears on Dean Martin's grave stone? a. Everybody Loves Somebody, b. That's Amore, c. Memories Are Made Of This 5. Who was the first person to earn a million dollars through record sales? a. Enrico Caruso, b. Frank Sinatra, c. Bing Crosby 6. The quiescent Princess Aurora is better known to both children and adults under which other name? 7. In which year did millions of people around the world first see the dark side of the moon live on television? 8. Off the coast of which cherubic mega city is the island paradise Catalina located? 9. Natives of which deceivingly named land call their home Kalaallit Nunaat? 10. Measured in square kilometres, which three continents are covered with the most ice?
DOWN 1. Gains unlawful entry to destroy wrongdoing (6,2) 2. Possibly Adam?s fruit (5) 4. Attacks with stones, perhaps (6) 5. They take interest in their work (12) 6. Novel affair (7) 7. Some conversed in Gaelic (4) 8. You and Eve (6,6) 12. Gets lies about poets (8) 14. Fare for the main course (7) 16. Canopy covering one side around the north (6) 18. Angry with some of the United Arab Emirates (5) 19. Rather dull adaptation of the Bard (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 11. Which healthy and chewy food that originated in Germany means 'devils fart'? 12. Which 'avant garde' celebrity coined the expression "15 minutes of fame"? 13. The name of which fabled food means 'immortal' when translated? 14. What is the name of a 17th century Italian clown in a popular song from the band Queen? 15. Each of the following are the initials of film titles starring Steve McQueen. Name the film. a. T M S - b. T T C A - c. T G E - d. T B - e. T C K - f. T T I - g. T S P 16. Slim Whitman music is used to destroy the invading aliens in which film? 17. Which extraterrestrial species experience an overpowering mating drive every 7 years? 18. The world record in 2008 for temporary APNEA was 17 minutes, 4.4 seconds. What is temporary apnea? 19. According to legend, Bran castle was the home of which shady character? 20. The name of which type of cloud translated means 'lock of hair'? a. Stratus, b. Cumulus, c. Cirrus
637 227 385
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
NEVER JUDGE A VACCINE BY IT’S LABEL Legend has it that the Greek hero Hercules was given a poisoned shirt by his wife -- these Greek women, what are they like? 'Furies' hardly begins to describe them. Harpies, maybe. When Hercules put the shirt on, the venom began to cook him alive, and to escape the unbearable pain, he uprooted several trees to build a funeral pyre (as one does) and threw himself on it. Thank goodness we have better methods of dealing with modern poisons when they attack us nowadays. And more efficient washing machines, not to mention fireproof garments. I can just see you checking your labels right now. Recent studies have found that a good laugh can shore up our immune systems. One dispirited comedian -- there are such people -- told millions of TV viewers in India, "I have a vaccination joke, but most of you won't get it." Most of the audience didn't get it. You can see why he was dispirited. During lockdown, jokes were few and far between. Touching somebody with a bargepole was okay, but for months nobody walked into a bar. Or said "Knock-knock" at anyone's door. Plodding is practical, if you're heading in the right direction, but inspired guesses help as
well, when it comes to discovering scientific truths. Look at Michael Ventris, who cracked the code of an ancient Cretan tablet after 50 years, by guessing that some of the symbols were locations on Crete. Perhaps if he'd just bought a decent map in the first place... And it was lucky that Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree when a pippin fell on his head, rather than, say, under an evergreen laurel (a hardy tree) in which case we might still be waiting for gravity to come along, and then where would air travel be? Still up in the air, probably. Likewise, Archimedes. What if he had taken showers and never baths? The Eureka exclamation might have been a vexed question: "Where's that soap?" Eureka might have still been appropriate once he stood on it; or perhaps some other word. I'm not a great fan of astrology, but I can't help noticing that on occasion its predictions come true: "Nothing will happen to you this week." Uncanny. I only wish my EuroMillions numbers were more amenable to the laws of guessing (sometimes called statistics.) I must have tried almost every combination by now, so I shouldn't have much longer to wait, and then -- bingo!
To return to where we began, a thought has just occurred to me regarding Hercules. The woollen vest I wore to school in winter in Scotland was so unbearably itchy that it wore out my brain's ability to think, or that was my excuse. Perhaps something similar caused Hercules to
throw himself on the fire, or pyre, when he put on that burning shirt. He ought to have checked the label first. Although when it comes to vaccines, I wouldn't be so fastidious. I never judge a book by its cover, a horse by its teeth, Greeks bearing gifts, or a vaccine by its label. Just give me whatever you have in that phial, nurse!
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
Torremendo trip for Los Alcázares Camera Club The camera club commenced their series of field trips for 2022 with a visit to the Torremendo area to photograph the almond blossom and the amazing turquoise blue of the reservoir there. After, members repaired to ‘Restaurante Casa Andreu’ in Torremendo for an excellent lunch.
637 227 385
Huge success for SPANGLES ‘Barrington Fundraiser’. Spangles held a special concert in Sucina’s Restaurante La Mario for Barrington
Recruiting drive for Torrevieja Nosmo-king club The Nosmo-king club is a friendly club that holds its weekly meetings at the Che Loco Bar and Restaurant in El Chapparal, Torrevieja on a Thursday morning at 11 a.m. During the month, events consist of a quiz, speakers, the odd Bingo or Beetle Drive, raffles for a cake and sales of greeting cards both contributed by members and a Sunday Lunch at various locations.
The Club’s next field trip will be to the Marina at San Pedro del Pinatar where there will be plenty of opportunities to photograph different subjects such as the salt flats, waterfowl, beaches and boats. Los Alcázares Camera Club is always looking for new members, who can be permanent residents in Spain or ‘swallows’, as the Club meets on the first Tuesday of the month on ‘Zoom’ at 10.30am (Spain) or 9.30am (UK). At this meeting members discuss their monthly photo competition and usually watch a photography workshop video. On the third Tuesday of the month, the Club has a field trip to take photographs, followed by a meal to which family and friends are also invited. Anyone interested in joining Los Alcázares Camera Club should have a look at the website or contact the Chairman, John Dorsett on 0034 966762715 or mobile 0034 606452445 or contact the Secretary, Pip Shail on:
Spangles has an association going back over ten years, performing alongside Motown singer, Barrington. Having heard the sad news he had been in an induced coma for 2.5 months, and of course unable to earn a living, Spangles agreed they must do something. ”Barrington is a caring and generous soul who helps local charities whenever he can. He loves our style of singing: a cappella four part harmony, and it was now our turn to give him something back” said Chorus Manager, Lyn Baines. Spangles held a special concert in Sucina’s Restaurante La Mario for Barrington, with a raffle and a silent auction. They have already exceeded their initial target of 1000 Euros and are very happy with the 1,290 Euros which has been raised so far for their friend; and donations are still coming in! Of course Spangles couldn’t have done it without the support of local businesses: Stu Diamond and Jo Dimberline at Diamond Health and Fitness, Áglae by Raquel Paños, The Salon, The Paul
Carpenter Golf Academy, Café JoJo at Avellano, Margaret Reilly (Spangles cakemaker extraordinaire), Paul Hunt at Golf Buggy Solutions, Restaurante La Mario and Murcia Golf Homes. Musical Director, Valerie Lynch says. “We are so grateful to our audience and to all the people who donated prizes and money. There is an old African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” and that’s so true in this case. Everyone pulled together to help Barrington in his hour of need”. Their dear friend has finally woken up from his coma but, after three months in hospital, he has lost weight and muscle tone. He is having to learn to walk again. The road to recovery will be a long and arduous one but we will be there to help. Everyone agrees, Spangles is look-
Dancing along with the Royal British Legion After their meeting on Thursday 17 February 22, the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion were entertained by the Costa Blanca Morris Dancers. The group, who believe they are the only English Morris team in Spain, were formed approximately 13 years ago. After a short introduction by their ‘Squire’, Jean Tonge, the dancers performed the north-west dance, ‘Blackrod’, followed by ‘Upton upon Severn’ which is from the Welsh border tradition, and a new dance, ‘Pinar de Campoverde’, named after the village where they hold their practices. Finally, when the audience were invited to get up and join in a simple Morris dance, four RBL members volunteered and performed very creditably! Costa Blanca Morris Dancers are always looking for new members who can contact the Squire on 688 704091 or e-mail:
ing forward to the day when they can sing together again. If you would like to donate to the fund, you can do so via PayPal to Spangles is a ladies’ a cappella chorus, singing in four part harmony. They rehearse every Thursday, from 10.15 am to 1.15 pm at Centro Municipal Las Claras, Calle Helena, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares and visitors are always welcome. If you’d like to book the chorus for an event or you are thinking about joining them, you can find out more on their website: or email:
The last Thursday is usually reserved for a trip to various places of interest. When first founded in 2001 by local resident, Violet King to cater for people to get away from smoky establishments, without themselves necessarily being non-smokers, the club gradually built up a membership of over 200. As a result of various factors, such as returns to U.K., and Covid, the membership has dwindled to roughly 60, with up to 40 attending regularly. In order to have control over trip destinations, rather than being controlled by the Bus Company's scheduled agenda, a drive to recruit members has been launched to have a core of 50 people. If you want to spend a pleasant hour or so on a Thursday morning, why not come along.
Their next performance will be for the St George’s Day celebrations at the ‘Emerald Isle’ on Saturday 23 April 22.
637 227 385
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred
in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covidaware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus ST_Line Auto which is on Special Offer priced at just 19,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
MUSICIANS WANTED Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The March Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 17 Mar at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil
Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The RBL Torrevieja Branch Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or e:charitycentrehelpathomecb
Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits
PERSONAL Misuky... Professional Asian massage. Intense and antistress massage. Strong and much more. Private. In Campoamor (in front of CEPSA). Tel. 663 088 170 Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332
Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appt. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
CARLA... SO SWEET ARGENTINIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.
Tel. 643 73 01 29
LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 604 111 457
Tel. 603 375 215
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
Manchester Police appeal in Benidorm unsolved murder
637 227 385
A fear and sense of helplessness - destruction all around like a London blitz Concluding part of Rojales based Mary Ivy Nell's Exclusive interview with Andrew Atkinson, about being caught up in the Iran revolution in 1978. MARY Ivy Nell recalls her final days of being caught up in the Iranian revolution in 1978 watching police and armed troops arrive on the streets amid mobs on the rampage. "My first reaction was to go up to the roof of our house, where I found our landlord with the other Iranian occupants of the apartment block, looking very distressed," said Mary.
Manchester Police are appealing for anyone with information about the unsolved murder in Benidorm in the summer of 2018 to come forward. Mike Rydings was assaulted in the early hours of 23 June, while he was on holiday to celebrate a 50th birthday and watch the football World Cup. He died over a year later at Salford Royal Hospital. Were you in Benidorm that summer? Do you recall an incident outside the Hipodromo bar? Details can be passed anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Brit arrest for theft of 150 bottles of butane The Guardia Civil have detained an Englishman for 12 robberies using force in locations in Jávea, Benitachell, Teulada-Moraira and Pedreguer, having stolen 150 butane bottles, and five propane bottles valued at e6,200. The arrested has also been charged with the theft of a car. He has appeared in front of a judge in Denia, and released on bail.
Orihuela Man Arrested for Filming Child in Bathroom The National Police arrested a 52-year-old man in Orihuela for allegedly recording intimate images of his partner's underage daughter when she was in the bathroom. The man used a mobile phone hidden in a shoe under the sink connected to a tablet. Following the victim's complaint, officers arrested the man and found two micro cameras, two mobile phones, a tablet and various storage devices on which other images of paedophile content were located.
"He was most concerned that I should not be seen - and begged me to return downstairs. "It is difficult to explain the fear and the sense of helplessness I felt when I saw the distruction all around.
Gang that manipulated roulette tables arrested hey caused short circuits and manipulated computer systems
The Civil Guard has dismantled a gang made up of at least six people who stole more than 70,000 euros in gambling halls in Torre Pacheco, La Unión and Torrevieja, causing short circuits and manipulating the computer systems of roulette wheels. At least a dozen such occurrences have taken place with sources from the Guardia stating that the operation remains open as they are still looking for more gang members and similar cases After identifying a group of young people regularly accessing gambling halls, initially in Torre Pacheco (Murcia), officers looked on as they lost
money, only to then cause short circuits on the equipment to have their money returned. This, of course, ensured that they has a hundred percent chance of obtaining a prize.
roulette machines installed a computer program (software) to prevent the ongoing thefts continuing, but the gang found another way to continue with it’s criminal activities.
When they had won a sizeable amount of money, between 5,000 and 9,000 euros , they would collect their prizes from the cashier, in amounts of 1,000 euros, so as not to raise suspicions.
Once the alleged perpetrators were identified, more than fifty agents participated in four house searches in Roldán and Lo Ferro (Torre Pacheco), where six members of the band lived.
The gang, with an extensive criminal history, was based in Torre Pacheco but it’s members maintained a considerable geographical mobility when carrying out the criminal activity, extending their operation to La Unión, Torrevieja, and quite possibly beyond.
They found and seized more than 100 grams of marijuana buds, ready for imminent distribution, cash, mobile phones, high-end watches, technological devices and documentation related to criminal activity.
Alerted by the Guardia Civil, companies that managed the
100,000 years of Iberian history The National Police have recovered some 12,000 archaeological objects in the province of Cáceres. The pieces, which belong to a chronological period that covers more than 100,000 years of history on the Iberian Peninsula, with very high scientific interest and great economic value. Among the objects are Visigoth slates, fibulae, ceramic remains, pieces of medical instruments from Roman culture, thousands of coins from different eras and cultures, pieces of stone industry, Roman weapon blades and a historic revolver. One man has been detained, who is thought to be a local archaeologist.
The six young people arrested have now been made available to the Court of Instruction in San Javier (Murcia).
"It was like a London blitz, with smoke and flames as far as the eye could see - people running in groups along side streets - some of them actually looking pleased that the Shah's control of the country was disappearing.
Mary Ivy Nell and late husband Ron at beginning of Revolution. "My husband's bus driver had refused to drive beyond the crossroads, half a mile from our road, and he had had to make a quick dash ahead of the mob - on the rampage, burning cars and ransacking shops. "It had been quite a day and November 5th Bonfire Night seemed very appropriate. "Within the week we all returned to work and further bulletins were circulated, urging all expatriates to stay out of public places and remain indoors during the second week in December when Moslems were due to celebrate several sad holidays. "On the evening of the 11th November as we sat chatting, we both realised that the time had come to leave Iran. "The situation was not going to improve and so resignations were submitted, packers duly arrived for our personal effects and we had our last get together with friends on the 23rd November. "We finally flew from Mehrabad Airport to Heathrow on the morning of the 1st December, with a feeling of regret that we had been compelled to leave the country, which had come to mean so much to us both. "Subsequent events proved that we were right in choosing to leave at that time, as we had seen the end of an era," recalled Mary. The Iranian revolution was a series of events culminating in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. That lead to the replacement of his government with an Islamic republic under the rule of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a leader of one of the factions in the revolt. Demonstrations, strikes and civil resistance took place, which lead to the overthrow of the Shah and monarchy and the 1979 oil crisis. On 16 January 1979, the Shah had fled Iran in exile as the last Persian monarch, leaving his duties to a regency council and Shapour Bakhtiar, who was an opposition-based prime minister. On 1 February 1979 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, returned to Iran after 14 years in political exile. Iran is a founding member of the United Nations, the ECO, the OIC, and the OPEC. It has large reserves of fossil fuels, including the world's second-largest natural gas supply and the fourth-largest proven oil reserves.
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Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
made it 5 for the visitors, Ann Taylor on D8 adding a singles victory to her sides earlier 4 legs, for a 5-5 score. Dolling D7 made it 6 for Raisers, Carol Peace winning the spoils on D9.
ALE HOUSE LADS V C.C.'S FLYERS Matt Smith helped himself to D2, D20, 2x95, 100, in the opening 3 legs, Jesus Madrid D9, helped by a Sam Farrow 131. Dario Sierra the main Lads opposition. Farrow made it 4 on D18, before the Lads finally made the scoreboard, Sierra 125, D10. John McKay D8 giving the Flyers a 1-5 lead. The Madrids', Jesus and Suso added a further 2 matches for both points prior to a real belter between Sierra and Smith, the " Legal Eagle " edging out the Lads " Enforcer ". Sierra's 3x140,121,120,100, but no double and match for Smith's 140, 180, D14, in the 1st, the 2nd 100,100,100,83, 118 out in 15 darts. Exceptional game. Graham White and Andre Wing made it 3 for the Lads. McKay, 100,134,137 overcoming Karl Mallinson 2x100, in 3 legs. MOTM Sierra - Smith.
Jay Wilkinson made it 5 for the visitors, Ellis a similar scoreline for at least a Hub draw. Lesley Lumb took Bob Taylor to a 3rd leg decider, the latter finding D8 and 2x100,125, for the match. Smith just couldn't find his range in the next, apart from a 2nd leg 64 out, John Eyre taking advantage, nailing D2, plus 2x100,140. Walker added a 3rd for Dannys with D9 and 3 tons, opponent Dylan Fitzsimmons 100,104,121,140 forcing a 3rd leg decider. Giggs closed the match with the 4th three legger, finding 6x100 and a 70 out. MOTM - Giggs Taylor.
Nominating 3 players for their Raisers MOTM, the league requiring only 1, the hosts omitted Peace for winning the match, the chairman determining Spiers for 3 game shots. Langan - Despos - MOTM.
3-9 2-10 4-8 10-2
CC's El Capitan Hub Hyenas Tipsy Toad Toppers
DANNYS BAR V HUB HYENAS With both sides taking " a month of Sundays " to find a double, Hub somehow found themselves 0-3 up from the triples discipline. Alex Nikolov 2x100, D2,D1, Mark Ellis, 100, D4, taking the honours, Danny's Rob Norbury replying with 117,100. John Giggs 99 and Bob Smith 100, D10, followed by an Alan Walker 125 and a Jane Willis 58 out, reduced the deficit to one. Nikolov concluded the first half on D10 for 2-4.
DIVISION 2 Hub Hellraisers Freakie Taverners Tipsy Toad Tiaras Wee Rock Horrors
7-5 11-1 8-4 7-5
Domino's Desperados Pint Depot Queens Angel Delights Boris' Bears
SeasonHighest Highest-Season Olly Walker (T20-T20-D20)ElElCapitan Capitan160 160 Olly Walker (T20-T20-D20) JamesBrown Brown(19-T19-Bull) (19-T19-Bull)Mind Mindthe theGap Gap126 126 James Matt Smith (20-T20-D19) CC's 118 Matt Smith (20-T20-D19) CC's 118 180's - James Brown (3) Mind The Gap 180's - James (3) Mind The Gap Olly Walker andBrown Matt Smith Olly Walker and Matt Smith
MILOS V EL CAPITAN Milos managed just one leg from the triples and pairs, not surprisingly as the Caps found the T20 with ease. Arold Klimonis 3x100, Olly Walker 2x100,138, 2x85, Andre Lliamazares, 100,135, 97, Vycka Bobinas, 100,120. Milos taking the 2nd triple. The 2nd half went much the same way, Javier de Gea the lone Milos singles victor, Caps outscoring the hosts, best effort from Chris Logan in his 2 zip victory over a free scoring Fabian Alcocer, Logan finishing on T20,D18.
MIND THE GAP V TIPSY TOAD TOPPERS Toppers performance, despite a heavy defeat, would have resulted in victory against any other side. But this match was against table toppers Gap. Toad took an early lead via Andy Gildea 100, D10, despite a Gordon Cowan ton and a James Brown 180. The next 4 went to the hosts, Bliss Wright D20, Brown, D5,D10, 2X100,140, Darren Sanderson 2x100 and a 65 out. The 6th leg going the way of the visitors, Lee Maiden, 100,120, Gildea 100, D10. All six singles were claimed by the Gap, best of which, Brown versus Maiden in a 3 legger. ABOVE: MOTM Giggs & Taylor. BELOW: Danny’s Squad Gap proprietor Brown really finding form of late, taking the decider with 126 on the Bull, to include 100, 2x140. Topper Maiden managing 2x100, 124,140 and a D4. Sam Salt enjoyed
DIVISION 1 Mind The Gap Hub Hyenas El Capitan Cc's Flyers Alehouse Lads Milo's Danny's Bar Tipsy Toad Toppers
DIVISION 2 Wee Rock Horrors Freakie Taverners Hub Hellraisers Domino's Desperados Tipsy Toad Tiaras Boris' Bears Angel Delights Pint Depot Queens
P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Pts 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0
Legs 31 25 21 19 14 14 10 10
P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Pts 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 0
Legs 27 25 18 18 17 19 12 9
WEE ROCK HORRORS V BORIS BEARS League leaders Rock, made it 3 straight wins against a difficult Bears side. Rock won 2 of the triples via Graham Solomans D10 and Adrian Coates D16, returning prodigal son, Sid Cross D6 for Bears. The pairs went similarly, Mike Tierney outing on 51, Andy Forrest 100, D7, Kain Hickman D2, the 3rd pair. 4-2 at the break. Solomans increased Rock's lead to 5 with D20, Amanda Skinner pulling one back on D10. Coates ensured 1 point on S2, D2 ( avoiding D3 ), with 3 to play. Barry Shingler 140,100, 48 out and Cross 100,100,D2, made it 6-5. Forrest faced Ron Chadwick in the 12th leg, just edging out the veteran on D8. MOTM - Forrest - Shingler.
TIPSY TOAD TIARAS V ANGEL DELIGHTS The Tiaras were delighted to host the delightful Angels again this week, always a pleasure and great night. Tiaras got off to a flying start courtesy of Simone de Lacy's 133 and Elizabeth Cowan's D4.
a 67 out and 2x100, 140, Wright a 54 out plus 2x100,140. Paul Moody overcome a Steph Simpson 180 in the final 12th leg.
Pat Schofield bagged the next, again on D4, with Angel Sharon Williams (D3) pulling one back for the visitors.
Paddy Winterbourne, somehow didn't feature in a winning leg, despite a MOTM accolade, his evening scores, 3x100, 125, 3x140, 3x80+. MOTM - Gap - Brown.
On to the pairs, Dee Green (89) and de Lacy (D4) managed to overcome the formidable duo of Williams and Nikki Dean and Schofield and Lisa Ivill (D2) made it 4 legs despite a heavenly performance from Angel Maria Ross (122, 103). The delightful Winnie McKay eventually got the D1 for the last pairs point. In the first of the singles, Sharon Williams (81, 81, D18) just kept that bit ahead of Tracey Simpson (100) and earned herself MOTM for the Angels.
DIVISION 2 FREAKIES V PINT DEPOT QUEENS Freakies had taken both points before Queens MOTM Marie Cummins won the 8th leg against the useful Mitch Halliday. Debbie Wright had narrowly failed to save the match in the previous game with 100,129, losing to Freakies MOTM Bryan Livesy, who had earlier pinned 2 other winning doubles. Other Freakie contributions, Ernie Willis 100, D8,D20, Sharon Frain D13, D2, Annette Dobson D7, D9
HELLRAISERS V DESPERADOS Raisers made it 2 wins on the trot, this week taking the scalp of previously unbeaten Despos. Cheryl McGlynn, Lesley Dolling and Sue Spiers with 2 were the Raisers leg winners in the 1st half. Steve Harding and Ray Hayes responding for Despos. Mike Langan, Harding and Paul Chick
The scores looking perilously close at 4-3, the Tiaras pulled the next 4 singles out of the bag - Elizabeth Cowan (D8), Sharon Marshall (D16), MOTM de Lacy (97, 95, 6-D20) and Wendy Hayward (D3). 'Sick as a chip' Pat Schofield (100) couldn't make it 5 in a row as Christine Hutchinson found the D2 first. Thanks again for your company ladies.
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
San Luis Bowls Club by Sheila Cammack Not the results we hoped for this week but with 2 Southern & South Alicante matches left & 1 Winter league match, we still have a chance to grab a few more points, so all to play for!! Monday 21st South Alicante League: Enterprise Div. A the Klingons home to San Miguel Beagles had a very close match with points shared 5-5, shots 7167. Winners: Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 24-10, Margaret Morrison, Pam Lockett, Neil Morrison 17-17. The Trekkers, away v Vistabella Drivers unfortunately had a bad day at the office, points 0-10, shots 34-98. Wednesday 23rd Winter League home v Greenlands was, as expected, a really tough match; who would blink first?? In the end Greenlands managed to pull
ahead leaving us with just one winning team: well done Ralph Jones, Dee Hoey, June & Keith Jones 21-13. Points 2-8 & just missing out on the shots 64-65. But putting the result aside, again it was good to sit down together & enjoy chatting over an excellent meal at Oasis SL. Friday 25th Southern League Div A. Lions were away v our close neighbours, La Siesta Blues. We had mixed results: 67 shots-80, 4 points–6. Winners: Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 28-14, Pam Lockett, Bill Webb, Neil Morrison 16-13. Div B. Tigers home v San Miguel Boxers had a tough match against some strong players, points 2-8, 60 shots-96. Our winning team: Sue Ross, Ralph Jones, Derrick Cooper. On Thursday 24th we held our SLBC
SOUTHERN LEAGUE Results/tables Friday 25 February DIVISION A 52-2 71-5 80-6 47-2 61-6
El Rancho Mustangs La Marina Sharks La Siesta Blues Quesada Swallows San Miguel Bulldogs
Emerald Isle Cavaliers Vistabella Lanzadores San Luis Lions Country Bowls Geckos Quesada Swallows San Miguel Bulldogs Greenlands Oaks La Marina Sharks El Rancho Mustangs La Siesta Blues
P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
D 3 4 0 4 2 2 2 1 0 2
L O/W 20 14 21 8 26 8 27 9.5 28 9.5 33 8 35 6 38 7.5 40 3.5 42 6
8-89 5-67 4-7 8-81 2-47 Dif 307 228 65 39 70 108 -121 -38 -426 -232
Pts 113 98 92 89 87 76 66 65 55 54
DIVISION B 54-3 55-2 60-2 60-2 61-2
Emerald Isle Claymores Emerald Isle Outlaws La Manga Crusaders San Luis Tigers Vistabella Picadors
P Greenlands Cedars 16 San Miguel Boxers 16 Quesada Swans 16 Vistabella Picadors 16 Emerald Isle Claymores 16 La Siesta Golds 16 La Marina Seagulls 16 San Luis Tigers 16 La Manga Crusaders 16 Emerald Isle Outlaws 16
Quesada Swans La Siesta Golds La Marina Seagulls San Miguel Boxers Greenlands Cedars W 53 47 40 38 30 29 25 23 11 9
D 1 3 3 3 7 2 5 3 0 3
L O/W 10 16 14 14 21 11 23 8.5 27 9 33 7 34 7 38 5.5 53 1 52 1
7-59 8-80 8-91 8-96 8-74 Dif 557 407 254 200 65 -55 -54 -170 -702 -502
Pts 139 125 105 91 85 74 67 60 24 23
DIVISION C 72-4 Greenlands Elms Quesada Swifts 6-75 85-10 Vistabella Conquistadores El Rancho Broncos 0-52 Byes for Country Bowls Panthers, Country Bowls Cubs, La Siesta Silvers
Country Bowls Panthers Quesada Swifts Greenlands Elms Vistabella Conquistadors La Siesta Silvers Country Bowls Cubs El Rancho Broncos
P 11 10 11 11 10 10 11
W 30 26 22 20 18 17 9
D 1 0 3 2 2 1 3
We welcome additional experienced & new members wishing to commit to joining before the end of August; before team registration for the start of the winter season. For more information, come along & watch on a match day, or contact Club Captain June Jones directly (details below). IMPORTANT Reminder: 2-day OPEN MIXED TRIPLES TOURNAMENT on the weekend of the 8th & 9th April. Entries to Keith Jones: tel: 691 903 773, by 11th March.
Vistabella Lanzadores Country Bowls Geckos San Luis Lions Emerald Isle Cavaliers Greenlands Oaks W 41 39 38 33 34 29 27 25 24 20
Open Forum. It was extremely well attended; giving all members a chance to raise any items of concern, query or suggestions to share. It was so good to see old & new members interacting with each other in a very positive way & planning for the future.
Greenlands Bowls Club
L O/W 13 9 14 8 19 5 22 6.5 20 4 22 3 32 1.5
Dif 224 130 18 -2 -138 -53 -179
Pts 79 68 54 53 46 41 22
Mondays results in the Enterprise Division were as follows - The Maples were away to El Rancho Pintos, Final scores were Total shots for - 63, total shots against 59. Points for - 6, points against - 4. The home team were the Sycamores who were playng Emerald Isle Titans, Final
La Siesta Bowls ... By Alan Carr Division (A) The Blues played host to La Marina Sharks which saw Ann & Robert Heath with Jean Cooper win (17-10) to collect 2 points, with another one of our rinks just losing out by one shot. The game finished 2-8 (Shots 51-66). Division (B) The Golds afternoon away game was also against a La Marina side being the Seagulls, who were flying high to win convincingly on all of the rinks. Lost 0-10 (Shots 40-83). Division (C) The Silvers had a very good day at El Rancho against the Broncos by winning on all rinks to return home with their heads held high getting the full 10 points (Shots 81-45). Rink winners; Graham Doel, June & David Whitworth (26-8). Jim Gwynn, Tracey Paffett & Ken Barber (23-10). Anthony Pridmore, Tom Heaslewood & Rosamond Stockell (13-10). Trevor Witcher, Maggie Gray & Dave Giddings (19-17). Enterprise The Apollos were welcomed by Quesada Pearls for their afternoon game, which we secured a win on one rink but were unable to accumulate any further points losing 2-8 (Shots 53-71). Winners were; Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (22-14). Discovery Also an afternoon game
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EMERALD ISLE BOWLS CLUB Titans started the week away at Greenlands Sycamores and had a fine 8-2 Aggregate 78-50 win, L Ponsford G Ponsford J Pooley 30-13, P Coffey S Marks J Smyth 18-8, S Verity, Jo Pering R Marks 16-10 Neptunes were at home against San Miguel Dalmations and slipped to a 4-6 Aggregate 73-64 defeat, G Dyer S Johnson P Heaney 26-9 Moonrakers played at home against Quesada Diamonds and lost 1-9 Aggregate 50-86 Cavaliers played at Quesada Swallows in top of table clash and the ISLE came out on top by 8-2 Aggregate of 81-47, S Verity Jo Pering J Pering 30-8, J Pooley D Jones C Lindgren 21-13, D Gerrard C Smyth J Smyth 19-11 Claymores were at home against Quesada Swans and they slipped to a 3-7 Aggregate of 54-59, S Ellis M Ellis K Jolliffe 15-11, B Taylor B Smith T Upham drew 14-14 Outlaws played at home against La Siesta Golds and got beaten 28 and an Aggregate of 55-80, A Forrest J Ball M Willicott 16-15 SAPS on Saturday afternoon at 1pm by ELWYN MORRIS
scores were - Total shots for - 50, total shots against - 78. Points for - 2, points against - 8. In the Winter League, Greenlands were away to San Luis Bowls club, In a thrilling finale they reversed a certain defeat by digging deep and taking the points. Final scores were - Total shots for - 65, total shots against - 64. Points for - 8, points against - 2. In the Southern league, Greenlands Elms
Members Run Club
for the Pioneers who played host to La Marina Explorers, knowing we needed to secure as many points as possible to stay in this league, the game ended very close winning two rinks apiece with La Siesta picking up the overall (Shots 73-68). Team winners; Irene Laverick, Val Dalton & Alan Mawer (22-9). Tony Dalton, Derek Barker & John Skipper (21-20). Result 6-4. Voyager The Sputniks home game were Vistabella Buggies which also saw both teams win equal rinks but the visitors were rewarded two points for the overall (Shots 64-69) with an end result of 4-6. Rinks won by; Graham Doel, June & David Whitworth (22-10). Jim Gwynn, Janet Doel & Ken Barber (19-9). Winter League La Siesta welcomed the El CID team who showed no signs of tiredness after their long journey by winning quite comfortable on three rinks but found that Skip Alan Ralphs team were not going to give in that easy so settled for a point each. Lost 1-9 (Shots 52-93).
Interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club. If so call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633068399 who will give you further information.
Were at home to Quesada Swifts. Final scores were - Total shots for 0 72, total shots against - 75. Points for - 4, points against - 6. Greenlands Oaks were away to San Miguel Boxers. Due to missing players because of a mix up in start times, only 3 x rinks could be played which incured a 10 shot penalty. Final scores were - total shots for47, total shots against 61. Points for - 4, points against - 6.
VISTABELLA BOWLS - Brian Zelin Hi all, Firstly, we have some sad news, we have lost a valued Member Bill Taylor who has sadly passed away, our thoughts are with Yvonne and their family. Monday was a very good day for all our teams. Vistabella Albatrosses Division A, were Away to San Miguel Alsatians, winning on 3 Rinks, Sue Kemp, Tony French, Brian Zelin 25-6, Neil Burrows, Sandra Burrows, Eric Bishop 19-18, Lynne Bishop, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 22-14, Shots 80-56. Points 8-2. Vistabella Drivers Division B, were at Home to San Luis Trekkers, winning on all 4 Rinks, Olwyn Radcliffe, John Goddard, Brian Dunn 19-11, Ron Smith, Brian Pointon, Derek Stevenson 31-5, Frank Barclay, Mark Matthewman, Stuart Allman 24-13, Alan Whitley, Stan Dibble, Paul Durham 24-5, Shots 98-34. Points 10-0. Vistabella Eagles Division C, Were at Home to El Rancho Raiders, winning on 3 Rinks, Sharon Louise, Roy Widgery, Derek Howe 20-11, Hillary James, Keith Black, Alan Bannister 22-10, Rosemarie Savage, Ken Savage, Alice Howe 24-14, Shots 80-65. Points 8-2. Vistabella Buggies Division C, were Away to La Siesta Sputniks, winning on 2 Rinks plus the Shots, Shots 69-64. Points 6-4. Friday 25th February, Vistabella Lanzadores Division A, were Away to El Rancho Mustangs, winning on 3 Rinks, Sue Kemp, Arthur Brown, Brian Zelin 15-13, Kath Reid, Martin Foulcer, Ian Kenyon 37-7, Lynne Bishop, Eric Bishop, Maggie Furness 22-14, Shots 89-42. Shots 8-2. Vistabella Picadors Division B, were at Home to Greenlands Cedars, winning on just 1 Rink, Olwyn Radcliffe, John Goddard, Brian Dunn 21-18, Shots 61-74. Points 2-8. Vistabella Conquistadors Division C, were at Home to El Rancho Broncos, winning on all 4 Rinks, Pete Caldwell, Denise Howell, Steve Baxter 25-11, Hillary James, Keith Black, Alan Bannister 21-17, John Ridley, Roy Widgery, Derek Howe 18-13, Rosemarie Savage, Ken Savage, Alice Howe 21-11, Shots 85-52. Points 10-0.
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Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
receives regular updates from those still in the country. "I don't sleep at all," Kravets added. "My mother calls me, she hears gunshots. I'm training but I'm thinking about my country, my family. "My wife cries 10 times a day. They're fine but scared to death. "I call and I try to tell them to cheer up. They thank me, but I can't do anything. Then I call again after 30 minutes.
Kravets: I want to go to war, to be on the front line It has been a tough time for Ukrainians of late, with Russia starting war by invading the country last week, and plenty of footballers in Europe's top leagues have been personally affected by seeing what's happening in their homeland. One of those is Sporting Gijon left-back Vasyl Kravets, who is ready to go to war to help his country. "We're screwed," Kravets said in an interview with Radio MARCA's A Diario. "They're killing people, civilians, in hospitals, and it's all [Russian president Vladimir] Putin's fault.
"We're a country who want to live in peace. We don't want to attack anyone. We want to live well and calmly.
Former heavyweight champion Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Ukraine's capital of Kyiv, also plans to take up arms to defend against Russia's invasion along with his brother, Wladimir.
"To tell you the truth, I want to go to war and help my people. But I can't help because I don't know how to shoot, how to move, how to reload a gun. But the truth is that I want to help.
Vitali Klitschko, who has been the mayor of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, since 2014, said he was ready to fight.
"If I could go, I would go and defend my territory." Kravets is ready to fight for Ukraine Kravets' family remain in Ukraine, and the player
EL RANCHO BOWLS CLUB On monday morning the Pintos played host to Greenlands Maples with a gusting strong breeze, causing for a little hope that the strength wouldn’t change as your bowl travelled the rink. Both sides played well and if you were on the losing rinks, you may well have played well. Both teams took two rinks and the Maples took the overall shots by just 4. A fair result all round. Sheila Cox, Brian Harris and Malc Sykes17-7. Ria Dukker, Pam Harris and Henry Ryder 11-21. Lesley Day, Ann Taylor and
"Almost all of the airports are blocked. If my country needs everyone to defend the country, then I'm leaving. I'll speak to Sporting and I'll leave."
"I don't want to say it's Russia's fault. It's Putin's.
Bob Taylor 18-17. Chris Ziepe, Bob Day and John Ziepe 1318. In the afternoon, the Raiders were at Vistabella playing the Eagles, which is always a difficult venue. They came away with one rink against a goodish team. Barbara Jones, Judy Foley and Geoff Jones 10-22. Dave Baker, Debbie Ham and Adrian Ham 11-20. Sheila Millward, Peter Blackburn and Jim Eastwood 14-24. Dolly Ford, Dave Haynes and Marion Haynes 30-14.
Friday morning found the Mustangs entertaining a strong
Lanzadores from Vistabella, again with a tricky wind, but the promised rain held off. We did however enjoy the match for a range of reasons, the company and challenge being two. The Mustangs won one rink and lost another by just two shots. In the afternoon the Broncos were playing the Conquistadores at Vistabella and although they came away without a point, they did play some good bowls in difficult conditions. Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at
Sporting Gijon left-back Vasyl Kravets
SAN MIGUEL BOWLS CLUB BY BARRY JONES On Monday all three San Miguel teams were in action, San Miguel Alsations were home to Vistabella Albatros, where they lost 2 - 8, 56 shots to 80. The winning triple were Val Hignett, Derek Farmer and Eddie Cowan 18 - 14
Cowan 29 - 8.
San Miguel Beagles were away to San Luis Klingons where they drew 5 - 5, 67 shots to 71. The best winning triple were Alan Patterson, Mary Whitelock and Ron Nairey 22 - 16.
A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - €5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm.
San Miguel Dalmations were also away on Monday to Emerald Isle Neptunes, winning 6 4, 64 shots to 73. There were two winning triples Kent Hedelund, Frank Scotthern and Bob Donnelly 16 - 13 and Sandy Knight, Anne Young and Dave Young 20 -17. On Friday San Miguel Boxers were away to San Luis Tigers, despite the wind they managed a win 8 - 2, 96 shots to 60. The best winning triple were Anne Young, Derek Farmer and Eddie
LA MARINA ROUNDUP WITH DAVE HADAWAY Monday 21st and the Flamingoes came to roost at La Marina, they travelled up from Country Bowls to play our Pathfinders and left with a fine 8-2 victory. We ended up with 1 winning trip namely Martha Reynolds, Len Daniels and John Rae, but lost to a shot difference of 52-69. The Explorers had a afternoon game against La Siesta, winning on 2 trips but losing the overall shots by just 5 – 68-73. Our top winning trip 20-12 consisted of Jean Theatregoing, and Carol & Mike Smith. We then won one trip by 1 shot and lost another trip by 1 shot, just proving once again those odd shots make such a huge difference. Friday 25th – three games to go and if the Sharks are going to
Carp-R-Us Round nine of the Carp-R-Us Winter/Spring series was fished on the Rio Segura near Guardamar. The club puts a lot of time and effort in keeping the stretch fishable but sadly the banks and the river itself are in a very poor state due to the amount of rubbish that collects there. The bank was still frost covered when we arrived, and the river was very low with little flow. A hard day’s fishing was expected.
stay in Division A, they are going to need all the points they can get. On Friday they were are at home to Country Bowls who are proving to be a difficult team to beat. That's how it proved to be but we got a draw 5 points each down mainly to our women only trip of Kath, Margaret and Shirley who were our only winning trip with a score of 26-17 but a big enough margin to give us the overall shots of 71-64 securing another 2 points. Steve, Tom and Don scored a honourable draw ensuring each team a extra point to draw the game. The Seagulls unfortunately have a afternoon game away and their result will not be in time to meet our deadline, so we can simply hope for the best as they are in a similar position of the Sharks needing all the points they obtain.
The match was won by one of our new members, Paul Burton. Paul fished pole and feeder with either casters or maggots to finish with 4.54kg. Second, after a long run of poor results, was Roy Dainty who finished with 3.73kg fishing pole and maggot. Third was Terry Screen with 2.40kg, again caught using pole and maggot and fourth was Jeremy Fardoe with 2.59kg. The top three weights were all taken from the deeper downstream end of the stretch, the top end fished very poorly. For more information, visit our website
“I don’t have another choice, I have to do that. I’ll be fighting,” the 50-year-old, known as Dr Ironfist during his boxing days, told ITV’s Good Morning Britain.
Also on Friday San Miguel Bulldogs were home to Greenlands Oaks winning 6 - 4, 61 shots to 47. The winning triple were Noel Davis, Gail Willshire and Fred Willshire 20 - 7.
We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique club we only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES. For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118
Quesada Bowls with Steve Hibberd Lying 2nd in the table, Pearls did their challenge for the championship no harm, as they stormed to a 8-2 home victory over La Siesta Apollos. These 3 sets of trips did the damage - G Carnell, V Campbell, F Roberts 18-12. C Brazier, T Morgan, P Morgan 17-10. G Phillips, M France, Jason P 22-9. Also in 2nd position in their division, Diamonds romped to a 9-1 victory at Emerald Isles. Against the Moonrakers, all of these 4 rinks scored valuable points - S Hibberd, P Farrell, S Heath 26-8. A Bowen, B Elliott, T Voisey 26-10. K Gordon, P & B Rees 22-20. D Benson, S Jakeman, A Benson 12-12. Rubies were without a match (1 of 6 byes across a stop start season). Don't mention EI Cavaliers to members of our Swallows team, for having finished with -2 points following a massive unjust misunderstanding at Playa Flamenca, the latest home match wasn't much better. Only the rink of B Trinder, S Heath/C Brazier, S Hibberd (15-11) won, as they added a further 2 points to their tally. In the Southern league div B, Swans pulled off a fine 7-3 triumph over at Emerald Isles. Well done to S & D Barnes, T Voisey (1414), G Kershaw, A Linley, B Armstrong (16-13), T Cunningham, P & B Rees (18-12), for continuing their decent run. Looking good in 2nd place in div C, Swifts had a hard match at local rivals Greenlands. So, a 6-4 victory over the Elms was a good result, especially as overall shots were decided by only 3 in Swifts favour. Oldies but goldies - T & J Brinton, P Bradbury 1715. S Johnston, B & L Miller 27-10.
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
637 227 385
by Derek Fleet
The weather was good with only a slight breeze when 27 Members from the Society played our second round of the Masters Qualifier event. The course was in good condition but difficult as usual.
After all the problems with Covid, Villamartin Golf Club has proudly resurrected The Orihuela Costa Trophy to be played at Villamartin Golf Club on Saturday 19th March 2022 with a shotgun start at 0900.
The Blind Pairs was won by Paul Skillett and Sigridur Jonsdottir, both returning their 5 cash prize to the charity fund, so thank you both for that.
This is an open individual stableford competition open to all ladies and men on the Costa who have a World or Golf society handicap‘s at a cost of €49 .
N P Hole 6 went to Joe Murphy
Gold Division
The Longest Drive was won by Tony Hall
1st - Colin Toole - 33 points
The Best Net score on Hole 17 was won by Wayne Stevenson, with a net 2.
2nd – Mike Probert - 32 points Silver Division 1st – Morten Kristensen – 36 points 2nd – Jim Bryce - 34 points
The Silver Division winner was Wayne Stevenson also with 34 points, won on countback.
Bronze Division
The Gold Division Runner up was Kevin McBride with 29 points.
2nd – Paul Fairbairn - 28 points
Well done to all our winners on a difficult course. Many thanks to our Sponsors - The Keg’N’Kitchen and The Cherry Tree.
the last nine holes, so in second
It was a good day for the Committee members taking all three places and two nearest the pins.
points was Iain Lyall.
Well Done.
(who also won the twos pot)
We had two players tie for first
Hole 17 - Dave Slightham.
Our next meeting is at Hacienda Riquelme on 31st March.
place with 39 points was Jeff Wiszniewski, third place with 35
Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our website at
Nearest the pin winners Hole 5 Mark Leigh, Hole 8 - Jeff Wiszniewski, Hole 10 - Alan Craig
Mike Probert talks Golf
HIGH SEASON PRICES For those of you who have read these articles over that last 18 years you will know that the golf courses here in Spain operate a seasonal pricing policy so the prices vary throughout the year depending on the time of year between Low, Medium and High Season. While there are some slight variations between the golf courses in ‘general’ terms Low season months are January, February, June, July, August and December while March, April, May, September, October and November are the high season months when prices are at their highest and courses at their busiest.
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €150 2 Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €100 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.04pm) Altorreal €120 2 Green Fees & Buggy Bonalba €136 2 Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €158 2 Green Fees & Buggy
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca
The presentation was held at Bonalba but we thank Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada for their support. Our next fixture is the Interim game at La Serena on the 10th March 2022 followed by the society day at Vistabella on the 24/03/22 and the bounce day at La Serena on the 30th March 2022.
was Roy Harris on countback on
Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.
Best Guest – Caroline Swan – 36 points Football Card – Fay Price
LA MARINA GOLF SOCIETY The weather was chilly to start but soon warmed up and everyone enjoyed the day.
1st – Dave Freeman - 31 points Nearest the Pins – Toole, Doyle and Robson
The Gold Division winner was Denis McCormack with an excellent 36 points.
place on 39 points but the winner
For this month’s meeting the Lo Marabu Golf Society and a group of 32 players visited the established course at Bonalba taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services.
N P in 3 Hole 18 went to Mike Morris
The Silver Division runner up was Sam Udell with 34 points.
This week’s game was at the picturesque Altorreal Golf Course
In assn with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
N P Hole 14 went to Steve Barlow
All the above won a 10 Voucher from "The Cherry Tree" (formally "The Avenue")
Gold division winner Denis McCormack
Lo Marabu G.S.
The weather was beautiful and the course in good condition but with some difficult pin positions.
N P in 2 Hole 9 went to Denis McCormack
If you are interested in publishing this and require any further information please don’t hesitate it getting in touch with me
€110 €100 €44 €158 €57 €163 €64 €110 €44 €85 €109 €100
This year the situation is more complex than normal because the tourist golfers are still not yet back in prepandemic numbers, a number of courses such as La Finca and Vistabella have changed their approach to memberships and as a result a number of other courses have been flooded with membership applications to the point of closing their membership lists and all courses and golf players are faced with ever increasing costs and have reacted in a number of different ways. The courses near Torrevieja have chosen to significantly increase their green fee prices while those in Murcia and Alicante have generally taken a more pragmatic view.
2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.04pm) Single Green Fee (from 1pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 2.30pm) Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 2.38pm) Single Green Fee (from 1pm) Single Green Fee (from 3pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (from 2.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy
As a result of the post pandemic price changes a number of tourist visitors have not returned to this region of Spain and a number of local residents playing with golf societies are playing less golf. Only time will tell if the pricing strategies applied are successful or if the tourist golfer is pushed in the direction of all inclusive golf in places like Turkey. Please note that as from the 1st of March until the 31st March 2022 ALL local golf courses will be in the HIGH season period when prices are at their highest and agents such as Costa Blanca Green Fee Services are here to help you find the best prices and deals possible.
Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villaitana Levante Villaitana Poniente Villamartin Vistabella
€89 €60 €82 €124 €140 €57 €102 €71 €133 €164
Single Green Fee Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 2.36pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 2.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (after 3.30pm)
For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
637 227 385
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
But it was the home side that were quicker out of the traps as the visitors were caught napping at the back. A defensive mixup in the Thader box saw a Raval forward bundled over with the home side awarded a penalty from their first attack of the game. Agunwa hit his spot kick straight down the middle to give them a lead that must have been a very welcome
With the confidence back the visitors were on top for most of the second period, showing just why there was a ten point gap between the two sides. A minor inconvenience saw Juan become the second Thader player see the referees book before the equilibrium was restored by skipper Lloyd from the spot in the 58th minute, after Pedro had been bundled over in the box.
Ilicitana Raval ......2 ith 17 points from their last 7 fixtures there was just the one change for Thader on Sunday, Fran coming in for the injured Rosquin, as they went into Sundays game against Ilicitana Raval full of confidence. However, Raval have also had a mini resurgence of late, winning their last two, prior to which they last achieved 3-points in mid November, when they beat bottom side Betis Florida.
The visitors could now smell blood as they went in search of the winning goal, and it couldn’t have dropped any better when, ten minutes later, after Rafa ran clear, Javi sent a superb ball over the top for Dani Lucas to hit an absolute screamer from the very edge of the box.
surprise. Thereafter the game settled down with both sides creating opportunities during the opening exchanges. An airshot from goalscorer Agunwa was a let off for Thader before Josan’s cross from a break saw Quino head onto the crossbar from 5 yards. Chema got down low to save from Oscar midway through the half after which Quino should again have done better when his weak shot was easily gathered by Manuel. A quick break by Agunwa again caught Thader short at the back and as they scrambled to get back into position the forwards pinpoint cross
The win is Thader’s 6th in their last 8 games left a relatively easy opportunity for Bavi to double the Raval lead. It was not looking good for the visitors but they were certainly not about to lie down and roll over. Pedro shot over on the half hour mark and after a Thader penalty appeal was rather harshly waved away by referee Juan Roman, Dani Lucas went close from
the edge of the box. Thader continued to press and were rewarded just seconds before the half time interval when, following a period of pin ball in the Raval area, the ball fell nicely to Quino who scored from close range for Thader to trail by just a single goal at the interval.
Second place Guardamar Soccer CD on 45 points suffered a 2-1 home defeat against CD Horadada Thiar A, who move up to 10th on 21 points. Bigastro CF move into seventh after a 4-2 win against Atletico Benejuzar A.
Belgium beat Russia to win the Costa Cálida Pinatar Cup
which a dozen international matches were played at two venues, Pinatar Arena and La Manga Club.
CF Atletico Algorfa shock defeat against CF Popular Orihuela Deportiva
Formentera CF CF are fifth on 33 points following a 3-0 home win against Callosa Deportiva CF, who sit in 13th on 11 points. Athletic Club Torrellano B sit in fourth spot on 33 points after bagging five goals in a thumping 5-0 away win at Elche Dream CF B, who are 14th on 9 points. *Sunday's results will appear online at
CF Atletico Algorfa drop to seventh in the Valencia 1st Regional G9 after losing 3-2 at home against 14th place CF Popular Orihuela Deportiva in a shock result on Saturday. Belgium celebrate their Pinatar Cup win The Belgian women's team are the winners of the Costa Cálida Pinatar Cup 2022 after they beat Russia in a dramatic penalty shootout (7-6). The match had ended in a 0-0 draw, and was decided from the penalty spot, the Red Flames eventually winning 7-6. Ireland finished in third place after beating Wales 1-0 in the first match of the day at Pinatar Arena with Denise O'Sullivan's excellent goal steering the Republic of Ireland to victory while Scotland finished in fifth place in the championship after winning the final of the consolation phase at La Manga Club against Hungary also on penalties (3-1) Goalkeeper Eartha Cumings made a memorable debut in the match where, after a goalless 90 minutes, Hungary missed two of their spot-kicks before Cumings denied Csilla Savanya to seal a 3-1 shootout win Slovakia finished in seventh place after they had beaten Poland 2-0. The Costa Cálida Pinatar Cup 2022 ended successfully after a full week of top-level women's football in
Vegara (penalty), Elias, and Alfonso netted for Orihuela, with new signing goalkeeper Ginés Muñoz Sánchez, 20, included in the squad. Orihuela CF B and CD Montesinos shared the points in a six goals 3-3 draw. Lowly Orihuela CF B sit in 15th on 10 points, with Monte eighth place, on 25 points. Fourth place CD Cox on 30 points suffered a 2-0 home defeat against fifth place Pinoso CF A, on 29 points. CF Rafal moved up to sixth on 28 points, following a 4-0 win against tenth place Racing San Miguel on 21 points. League leaders Atletico de Catral on 40 points, SC Torrevieja on 32 points and CF Sporting San Fulgencio, also on 32 points, are in action on Sunday. In the Valencia 2nd Regional G16 UE Crevilente FB A defeated UD la Coca Aspense B 5-0 to increase their lead at the top on 50 points, with lowly 15th place Aspense on four points. Monovar Atletico A sit third on 39 points following a 2-1 home win against CD Altet, who drop to ninth on 22 points.
CF Popular Orihuela new signing keeper Ginés Muñoz Sánchez.
TRIVEA QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. Harlow, one extra point for 'Jean' "Her hair is Harlow gold...." 2. Money (That's what I want) (Thanks to Hadrian for correcting this question). 3. Bad Finger. 4. a. Everybody Loves Somebody. 5. a. Enrico Caruso. 6. S. 7. 1968. Dec 24th 1968 during the Apollo 8 mission. 8. Los Angeles. 9. Greenland. 10. Antarctic (13,802,000 sq. km) North America (2,049,000 sq. km.) and Europe (115,000 sq. km.).
Thader continued to be the better side but were unable to capitalise on some poor Raval defending by adding any further goals. Final score Raval 2 CD Thader 3, taking the tally to 20 pts from 8 games, and with bottom club Betis Florida visiting the Moi Gomez next Sunday morning for an 11.30 ko it would take a very brave man to bet on that run of wins not being extended further.
Torrevieja Darts Ladies Org Tipsy Tigers Friendly Temps Primadonnas Racing Toast Racing Toast LEAGUE TABLE Gap Girlz Tipsy Tigers Ladybirds Friendly's Chicas Friendly's Temps Macklin's DMixt Primadonnas Racing Toast
League Format Week 7 6-3 Ladybirds 2-7 Gap Girlz 5-4 Friendly Chicas 4-5 Dolly Mixtures 2-7 Ladybirds (Wk 1) P 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Pts 60 41 40 37 32 26 26 18
Hot Darts: Chelsea Campbell (GG) 140, 135, 3 x 100, Sarndra David (LB) 140, Bliss Wright (GG) 140, 3 x 100, Donna Ralph (LB) 133 x 2 (wk 1), Sue Christie (LB) 130 (wk 1), Sue Cam (LB) 126, Sandra Crabbe (LB) 125, Linda Curdy (RT) 120 (wk 1), 100, Julie Hallett (FC) 117, 111, Pat Woods (DM) 117, Karen Christopher (FC) 116, Sharon Frain (PD) 116, Ann Wharton (FT) 116, Tracey Simpson (TT) 115, 104, Sue Wade (FT) 114, 111, 100, Alison, Webster (FC) 113, 100, Amanda Skinner (GG) 110, 100, Gail Murray (GG) 108, Nicola Moseley (FT) 106, Ellie Attwood (FT), Groa Bryndis (PD), Mitch Halliday (PD), Pat Schofield (TT)100 Least Darts: Chelsea Campbell (GG) 18
11. Pumpernickel. 12. Andy Warhol. 13. Ambrosia. 14. Scaramouche ("Scaramouche, Scaramouche will you do the fandango" from Bohemian Rhapsody). 15. Seven answers: a. The Magnificent Seven, b. The Thomas Crown Affair, c. The Great Escape, d. The Blob, e. The Cincinnati Kid, f. The Towering Inferno, g. The Sand Pebbles. 16. Mars Attacks. 17. Vulcans. 18. Holding your breath. 19. Count Dracula. 20. c. Cirrus
Monday 28th February - Sunday 6th March 2022
637 227 385