No 912 Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
think that many of us won’t be too surprised to learn that March 2022 in Cabo Roig has been the wettest on record, and while the rain came as a major boost to our reservoirs and our farmers there were many for whom it was not quite as welcome.
St. Patrick’s day parade, as we do not want to put the safety of the participants, or the spectators, at risk.” The decision proved to be the right one, and although the Irish community still celebrated their National holiday in style, the partying was perhaps a little more mute than it might otherwise have been.
Although they acknowledged it as somewhat necessary, the Irish Community But now, in a show of in Cabo Roig were hoping major generosity, the Cabo that they Roig Business might be As the number of Community is spared from floats and participants using the the wet stuff will be limited, Parade funding it had on St Patrick’s Organisers are asking raised to meet Day itself, but the St Patrick’s potential entrants to we all know Day costs to make contact with them now that was organise a as soon as possible not to be, as parade that there was no they hope will let up at all in the strong be even bigger and better. winds or the rain over that In a statement issued on period. Thursday they wrote, “The But organisers had recognised that it would be the case even before the parade took place, as 48 hours prior to the event the management committee cancelled, issuing a statement saying that they were bitterly disappointed but, “because of the weather predicted for 17 March, we have taken the decision to cancel the
businesses of Cabo Roig will never be defeated so they will hold a SPECTACULAR INTERNATIONAL PARADE ON Saturday 7th May at 4pm.” “All the spectacle of the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade will be there, along with contributions from up to 100 different nationalities. This will be the largest ever parade staged on the coast.”
Continued on Page 2
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
With the emphasis shifting from St Patrick to ‘International’ it is
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now hoped, therefore, that clubs, groups and associations from PROPERTY
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across the whole multinational community will join in the event, either with troupes of dancers, performers, or by entering their own float, or even by representing their countries, in native dress. Such an event is something that the Orihuela Ayuntamiento has often spoken about arranging themselves so it come as no surprise that Maria Rocamora, the councillor of Festivities and
Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
It is understood that many of the troupes previously booked to appear on 17 March will also perform in the International Parade, so with the anticipated influx of additional attractions like no other. On Saturday the organising committee issued their latest press release, stating, “We would like to invite all international groups (Germans, Ukrainian, Polish, Scottish, Scandinavian etc etc) to join us on Saturday 7th May but they must first register by email to before Good Friday 15th
round 130 Ukrainian men and women have enrolled to attend Spanish Language classes in Torrevieja that will get underway on Wednesday 30 March at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre. The councillor for Foreign Residents, Gitte Lund Thomsen, said that the courses will be taught by teachers from the Association of Volunteers (ATIS). The courses have been launched in order to
SAT ANIMAL RESCUE LEV is a 12 week old medium/large crossbreed, who is full of character. For more info 966 71 0047 (lLeave a message) or email:
“Final Reckoning” by David Whitney - c 2022 Do those airmen have a conscience As they bomb civilian lives Would they bomb their own small children Bomb their parents, bomb their wives Don't they wonder why they're killing Are they frightened to say no Do they wonder if they'll live or die When the order is to Go!
Don't they realise their generals Won't be murdering in mass Are they told the real war mission Are lives less crucial than hard cash One thing is sure the bombs won't stop God's wrath come judgment day When the innocent who've lost their lives
Does destroying homes and families Give them purity of mind Do they have a heart inside them Is it possible to find If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:
from across the local community, the parade, surely, will be
Spanish courses for Ukrainians
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Will have the final say.
International Residents, has offered her full support.
“This parade promises to be the biggest and most spectacular ever staged in Cabo Roig. We are fairly confident that the weather will be kind to us.” “After more than two years of seclusion and restrictions we all deserve a fun-filled few hours to lighten our minds and brighten our
enable the large number of Ukranian arrivals to integrate as soon as possible into Spanish society. Of the 130 people attending, the vast majority are women. It is expected that in the coming weeks the number of students will increase considerably, perhaps by more than 200, according to the secretary of the Association of Ukrainians of Torrevieja, Natalia Xhezhnyasvska. These are literacy and basic Spanish courses that will be taught every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. It will be divided into four groups of about 30 students each, who will be supported by Ukrainian residents who speak Spanish.
PETS IN SPAIN Murphy is 8 weeks old and has started his vaccinations. His mother is a Catalan sheepdog cross and will be medium/large when fully grown. Call: 645 469 253
hearts.” With enquiries already coming in they have also said that, even now, space in the parade is very much at a premium, and as such, they advise anyone wishing to be involved to make contact with them as soon as possible, outlining their intentions.
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Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
The campaign launch by Deputy mayor Rosario Martínez, together with Concha Sala and María José Sánchez Torrevieja joins the "Light It Up Blue" initiative with the illumination of the emblematic Torre del Moro and the Torrevieja Town Hall, from the night of April 1 to April 3. The Councillor for Commerce and Hospitality, Rosario Martínez, together with the Councillor for NGOs and Volunteering, Concha Sala, and the president of the Association of Parents of Students with Special Educational Needs (APANEE), María José Sánchez, announced the campaign for World Autism Awareness Day 2022, whose motto is "A happy journey through life", and which will take place throughout this coming week, from Monday 28 March to Sunday 3 April. "Torrevieja joins this campaign for autism awareness once again, in its commitment to promote actions that make the city an inclusive place" were the words of the Councillor for NGOs and Volunteering, Concha Sala. The campaign "A happy journey through life" has 8 measures to raise awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in which the departments of Security and Emergencies, Education, Commerce and Hospitality participate, and the department of NGOs and Volunteering will all participate. -MARCH 28: "AUTISM IN THE CITY", adaptation of zebra crossings. Awareness campaign with the implementation of pictograms at pedestrian crossings for people with ASD. Locations that are part of the Torrevieja City Council project will be added to make our city more inclusive and accessible. -MARCH 29: "HOMAGE TO AUTISM", in which a blue ribbon and a heart with a puzzle will be placed, elements that symbolize and honour people with autism and their families. These elements will be located this year on the front of the Town Hall building. -MARCH 30: “THE DIARY OF AN ASPERGER'S”, speech by Elsa Cortés Aznar at the Palacio de la Música, at 10:30 am. Cortés is the author of the blog “El Diario de un Asperger” and author of “borrador, la historia de mi vida”. It is a journey through her eyes, seeing the world from her perspective and personal experience. She will talk about inflexibility and sensory processing, breaking down the myths surrounding Autism
Spectrum Disorder. -MARCH 31: EXHIBITION AND AUCTION of adapted abstract paintings at the Torrevieja Casino Cultural Society, starting at 6:00 p.m. The works that have been created by the children and young people of Apanee who, over the previous weeks, have held an adapted painting workshop. After the viewing, the auction of the exhibited works will take place. -APRIL 1: INCLUSIVE TRADE CAMPAIGN. This project was born to be able to guarantee cognitive accessibility in the shops, and collaborating institutions of the city, facilitating access to them and promoting the autonomy of people with functional diversity in Torrevieja. Each business will receive an exhibitor vinyl notice to place at the entrance of each establishment, in addition to receiving an acknowledgment of participation. The vinyl will be made up of an infographic with communication system methods in pictogram and braille text, where the function and services offered to the public (greengrocer, supermarket, pharmacy...) will be specified. The acknowledgments will be delivered by the families and children of APANEE. -APRIL 2: LIGHT IT UP BLUE. Torrevieja will join the international awareness campaign, promoted by Autism Speaks. Torrevieja has signed the agreement to this campaign as a sign of solidarity with people with ASD and their families. This year the objective set by Autismo España is to illuminate 450 emblematic buildings and monuments. Torrevieja will illuminate the Torre del Moro and the Torrevieja Town Hall. -APRIL 3: DAY OF HIPPOTHERAPY COEXISTENCE. The events will end with a day of coexistence at the "La Palmera" hippotherapy centre, where they can enjoy an atmosphere of peace, nature and animals, with the aim of experiencing an alternative therapy in a different environment than usual, loaded with stimuli through horses.
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
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COVID-19 Mask Rules relaxed for Air Travel THE AIR TRAVEL PROCESS may be easier from now on, after countries across the European Union have decided to abolish the majority of travel restrictions imposed due to the Coronavirus, while several airlines have also announced that they would lift some requirements introduced to halt the virus’ further spread, such as wearing a face mask during flights. According to the recent figures published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the epidemiological situation in European countries has started to ameliorate, reports. In addition, the figures provided by the ECDC revealed that European countries such as Spain, Hungary, Romania, Poland, and Malta have been recording fewer cases of COVID-19 infection. Such an announcement also helped the countries to start abolishing the majority of the restrictions and gradually get back to everyday life, considering the virus more like an endemic disease. In this regard, the following European airlines have updated COVID-19 mask rules for travel:
THE FESTIVITIES DEPARTMENT of Torrevieja town hall has allocated 190,592 euro for the contracting of the organisation, assembly and logistics of the May Fair 2022, which will be held in the town over five days, from 11 to 15 May. The event, declared of Provincial Tourist Interest and "of the first order", returns to the city after two years of suspension due to the pandemic.
The department has now put out to tender the contract in two areas: the installation and logistics for the fairground at the port with the erection of 22 recreational booths, stage, cleaning, toilets, sound and surveillance, plus some other technical items; and the judging and programming of the artistic shows. Most of the budget is allocated to the fairground logistics with more than 174,000 euro, while the funding of the program of events amounts to 16,000 euro.
Fisherman Strike Gathering Momentum The Fishermen's Guilds of Santa Pola and Tabarca have given their support to the strike called by the National Federation of Fishermen's Guilds, given the very serious situation that the sector is going through due to the rise in fuel. The strike includes the mooring of the boats that have not gone out to fish and the closure of the Lonja market, although negotiations are ongoing. The shipowners denounce that since December 2020 the price of fuel has tripled and the production costs for the artisanal fleet have increased by around 30% and for the rest, both inshore and
FIVE YEAR OLD BOY DIES IN ALMORADÍ FIRE A five-year-old boy died on Thursday in a house fire in Almoradí. A man and a woman, both between 60 and 65 years old, were also injured. The Samu medical team tried to carry out advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other recovery techniques on the minor, but could do nothing to save his life. The other two victims were transferred to the Vega Baja hospital in Orihuela after being treated for smoke inhalation. The Emergency Information and Coordination Centre reported that they were notified of the event at 8:50 p.m. this Thursday and sent two Samu paramedic units and a Basic Life Support unit to the scene, along with fire fighters.
offshore, it can reach up to 70%, for what they denounce that today going out to work costs them money. Santa Pola has 36 trawlers, 60 small gear boats and 5 deep-sea fishing boats, while Tabarca has some artisanal fishing boats. The fishermen also join the strikes as a support measure for other groups in the primary sector such as agriculture and livestock, as well as the carriers who are directly related to these activities. They assure that the current situation is unsustainable due to the very high costs of fuel and energy prices.
The Irish carrier still obliges travellers to wear a face mask or covering on their flights, according to its official website. In addition, some countries require to have a surgical face mask; however, according to the announcement, passengers travelling to or from Italy, Austria, or Germany are required to have an FFP2 face mask. However, Chief executive Michael O’Leary has stressed that he expects this requirement to be abolished by late April or late May.
TUI The British-German leisure, travel, and tourism company has lifted the face mask requirement for passengers planning to travel to and from England and Northern Ireland. However, the airline continues to urge passengers to wear them.
EASYJET Switzerland’s airline EasyJet requires all passengers aged six and over to keep wearing a face mask during the flight. In addition, the airline has stressed that passengers who do not wear a mask would not be permitted to board easyJet aircraft. “Face masks must be worn at the airport, at the gate when boarding the aircraft, and throughout the flight. Passengers not wearing a mask will not be able to board the aircraft,” the statement published by the website of easyJet reads.
JET2 The British airline Jet2 also obliges all travellers aged six and over to wear masks on flights. However, there are some exemptions applied. According to a Jet2 spokesman, it is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face mask in Northern Ireland and England, including at the airports or onboard “our aircraft.” Credit:
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Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
GUARDAMAR CLASSIC CAR SHOW Show looking to raise €10,000 to replace School Book Bank n the 9th of April the Rotary Club Guardamar del Segura and the Guardamar Town Hall are holding their 10th Classic Car Show.
Taking place at the Plaza del Ayuntamiento Guardamar from 10am, visitors are invited to look over 100 classic cars
and motorbikes brought by members of American Cars Levante and Performance VIP Murcia. There will also be live music from the group Saint & Sinner, performances from Dreams Dance Academy and Chari Candela Dance School and an enormous paella to enjoy.
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SAN FULGENCIO OFFERS FREE ONLINE TRAINING Cllr Hull explaining the portal to the mayor
The event will be raising money to buy text books for IES Les Dunes high school and support help Guardamar’s youth to improve their performance at school. Local businesses including Specsavers Ópticas, Cárnicas Ríos, Repuestos Almoradí, Caja Rural, Inmobiliaria Montealone and Farmacia El Jardín (Urb. La Marina) are sponsoring the event, to ensure that it will raise as much money for this cause as possible. Attendees at are also encourage to support the youth of Guardamar by purchasing food and drink and enjoying the paella. If you aren’t able to attend, but would still like to donate, This year's objective for the book bank is to meet the challenge of replacing almost all the textbooks, due to the new Education Law. We estimate that the investment to cover the purchase of all the books will exceed €10,000. Find out more about the event and Rotary Guardamar by visiting:
San Fulgencio’s Department of Youth has launched a new training platform that is available to all residents un the municipality. This initiative “offers residents more than 150 online courses in the areas of Tourism, Technology and Design, Management and Administration, Attention to Diversity and Participation; Hospitality and Commerce, trades such as masonry and carpentry; Culture, sport and leisure; and prevention of Covid-19”, said Samantha Hull, the councillor responsible for youth. She encouraged the population to use the facility, an initiative in which "the San Fulgencio City Council is convinced will contribute toward the development of the municipality, improving the education and training of all residents." Hull stated that "training is key to the development of our society, and this complete training package will contribute to it’s continued advancement, towards a better future for all". Those interested in enrolling on any of the available courses can do so by accessing the portal, where they can choose the course to take, select the option "Enrol" and fill in the data required by the form. Anyone with questions or general queries about the courses or the enrolment process, shouldcontact the Department of Youth by phone 637 309 894, via email , or in person during office, Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
WHAT’S IN A NUMBER World War One began on 28/07/1914 (28+7+19+14 = 68) World War Two began on 01/09/1939 (1+9+19+39 = 68) Invasion of Ukraine began on 24/02/2022 (24+2+20+22 = 68) On 22 April I think I might just stay in bed!
Cepsa lowers cost of fuel by 10 cents per litre Good news at last on the energy front for consumers as Cepsa responds to the commercial battle with Repsol by announcing that it will reduce the price of it’s fuel by 10 cents per litre at it’s 1,500 service stations across Spain. Repsol lowered it’s price a couple of weeks ago by 10 cents per litre, but only to customers who paid through the Waylet app, although on Friday it extended the discount to all professional drivers. Cepsa's response will come into force on April 1 and will last until June 30, in line with the agreement reached by the Government and the representatives of hauliers. Maarten Wetselaar, CEO of Cepsa, said that "everybody must join forces to face the exceptional times we are experiencing as a result of the complex international situation. For this reason, at Cepsa we want to contribute positively to the measures that the Government of Spain and the EU are working on.”
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Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
Racing ahead with the RBL A BUSY FEW DAYS at the Orihuela Costa Royal British Legion when, first, Brewmaster Laurence Campbell of Another Planet Brewing visited the branch last Thursday, to talk about the manufacture of Craft Beer, and then on Wednesday The Laughing Leprechaun Sports Bar held a Race Night raising 200 for the local Poppy Appeal.
occupation, in which he brewed everything from English Bests to American Ambers. Having featured on UK TV's ‘A New Life in the Sun’, Laurence talked about the brewing process, from start to the finished product. He went on to explain how Craft beer is generally made with traditional ingredients like malted barley; as well as interesting and sometimes
Studying form
And they’re off
lunchtime meal and tour package for larger groups of private visitors of up to 30 people, for less than 20 euros a head, or without the meal for just 10 euros. On the following Wednesday The Laughing Leprechaun Sports Bar in Cabo Roig was the venue for a Race Night which was attended by almost 30 people. Unfortunately, torrential rain across the area, earlier in the day, saw a few cancellations but the evening was nevertheless a great deal of fun. Malcolm welcomes Kat and Laurence to the branch Laurence began by explaining the value of craft beer, which is made in small batches from recipes that focus on flavour rather than on the lowest cost of production. He spoke about his arrival in Spain and how his hobby gradually developed from brewing the occasional pint to it becoming a full-time
non-traditional ingredients which are often added for distinctiveness, and how as an independent brewer he is able to develop new styles that have no precedent by adding spices, honey and other natural ingredients. Laurence also hosts regular tours at his brewery in Torre Pacheco which can include a
Preceded by a very enjoyable meal, there were eight races in total, including the Chairman’s Handicap, The Poppy Cup and the Cavendish Treasurer’s Steaks, (he was a butcher in a former life), and whilst the wagers were rather light they were extremely brisk, and with some members coming out on top, much to the disappointment of the treasurer, who was hoping to expand the poppy fund by rather more.
Nevertheless, with the efforts of proprietor John and his enthusiastic staff the sum of 200 was added to Poppy Appeal for the current year. Everyone is welcome at RBL functions and events. You do not need to have a military background. More information about the Orihuela Costa Branch can be found on their website at: orihuela-costa
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
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New Mar Menor Monitoring Committee chaired by López Miras The new body will provide regular reports to the general public of the state of the Mar Menor and measures being taken to effect it’s improvement. By Andrew Atkinson The new Mar Menor Monitoring Committee, in charge of supervising the progress with the state of the lagoon - periodically informing the public - has finally been formed. The committee will be chaired by López Miras, with spokesperson Emilio María Dolores, doctor in Veterinary Medicine and head of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water. The inaugural meeting of the new body, which involves politicians, technicians and experts from the universities of Murcia and the Polytechnic of Cartagena, took place at the San Esteban Palace, under the chairmanship of the head of the Community. The constitution of the committee, similar to the one created to monitor the Covid-19 pandemic, was a commitment made by the president of the Community on February 11, during the last visit to the Region by the Minister for Ecological Transition, Theresa Rivera. The main task will be regularly reporting to the public on the state of the Mar Menor, and the measures and actions being taken, according to the Ministry of Water and Agriculture. Emilio María Dolores became the spokesperson for the
Scientific Advisory Committee of the Mar Menor in February, replacing the Professor of Ecology at the University of Murcia, Ángel Pérez Ruzafa, who relinquished the post to focus on his academic and research work. María Dolores, associate professor at the Polytechnic of Cartagena, who has monitored the Mar Menor coastal lagoon for over six years, said: "The Ministry maintains that the Community has always worked to offer as much information as possible on the protection and recovery of the Mar Menor, monthly, with the Inter-administrative Coordination Forum or with the Canal Mar Menor website. "Now it intends to reinforce the informative work with this new body." The meetings, to analyse the situation of the Mar Menor and report on its status, will take place every 15 days according to sources from the autonomous Executive. The committee will have 13 members, six belonging to the regional government, including the president, the Minister of Agriculture and four general directors, four scientists - two from each of the public universities in the Region - and three technicians.
Procedure for Ukraine refugees arriving in Orihuela "Are you wondering how to help the Ukrainian community support their families seeking refuge here in Orihuela Costa? There is now a system in place to help those in need of help and support. All Ukranian refugees need to follow the official protocols, which is to Register with Servicios Sociales, the Social Welfare Services. First they have to apply for an appointment with social services (Alameda Del Mar has tripled the workers there only for the Ukrainian refugees) the telephone number for the appointment is 965306645 They will study each situation. * If they need residential help they will be sent to Centro de Atencion Temprana de Alicante (CATE) * In case they have families here in Orihuela Costa they will help them with: 1. Asilo político - Political Asylum.
2. Padron
3. Schooling.
4. SIP card (Healthcare)
Remember to take your passport as proof of identification. Once registered, you can apply for more help from the Church Charity "Caritas" who offer advice and food. Other help available - Cruz Roja, CEAR, Vega Baja Acog Alicante (Social Services will direct them how to proceed) will provide them with a place to stay. 910 47 4444 This is the phone number Generalitat gave to register if they are looking for location. Five families have already arrived, including young children and a disabled young woman. Three families have been offered accommodation, two more homes are needed urgently. Should anyone want to offer a home, part of a house, room, sofa in their lounge, they need to be aware that the minimum time to hold Ukrainian refuges is one year legally. This information is for everyone, whatever your age or nationality.
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Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
Refreshments are usual before fighting a duel PEOPLE SAY THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD, but I wouldn't fancy fighting a duel with a biro or a keyboard. If you are ever challenged to a duel, there are a few things you ought to know before you accept. 'Don't accept' is probably one of them. Despite some of what I am about to say, most duels are not social occasions. This is true especially of duels to the death. Duels were often fought because of what one gentleman called another, or because one man threw a glove at another. Doesn't it make your blood boil when that happens? What use is a single glove? But handwear apart, they were quite formal affairs, with a dress code and a stipulation as to which refreshments would be served before the shooting or swordplay began. A doctor was usually in attendance, presumably in case someone swallowed a bad oyster. Never eat uncooked shellfish, is my advice, especially if you're feeling nervous. Swordsmen duelling at dawn frequently carried lanterns in order to see each other clearly, an important consideration when you could refuse to duel with a social inferior. What if your opponent appeared through the morning mist in his butler outfit, or carrying his chimneysweep brush, confident of going to work after he killed you? Fencing manuals integrated lanterns into their lessons, showing how to parry blows or blind an opponent with them, which all sounds much less pleasant than duelling banjos. You weren't even safe if you were one of the seconds assisting one of the combatants. In some duels, the second had to take the place of the primary duellist, if the primary was unable to finish the duel -- those oysters again? There were examples of duels with pistols taking place at just two or three paces apart -- had they forgotten their lanterns? -- so it was a good idea to shoot first and apologise later for the
misunderstanding. ("Last-minute substitute from the sidelines... not quite sure of the rules," etc.) Little wonder that duelling was legal in Paraguay only if both participants were blood donors. Not all duels were fought with guns or swords. Throughout history, weapons of choice have included billiard balls, spears, tridents, sniper rifles, and hand-slapping, whereby Imperial officers in Russia stood face to face trading blows to the cheeks until one collapsed, the officer not the cheek. I suspect the usual pre-match refreshments in such circumstances had included vodka. Although the overwhelming majority of duels were fought over women, some of the other reasons why men sought satisfaction for alleged slights seem silly nowadays. What is so terrible about being called a varlet or a bounder? What do those even mean? As for branding a person a 'cad', Oxford students applied the word dismissively to a man who loitered, something students would know a lot about. They certainly wouldn't get up at dawn to slap each other about the face for such a trivial offence. Researching this article (yes, I do!) I learnt that a carpetbagger was a term of calumny for someone seeking influence where they had no local connections. Which reminded me that nobody in Iceland voted in favour of a proposed Hot Cheese Sandwich Bar in Reykjavik called Melted. Perhaps the name was too suggestive of global warming. I hope you now know enough about duels to avoid them like the plague. Which is one modern challenge we can safely leave in the hands of our razor-sharp scientific duellists. Fortunately the challenged parties in any duel get to choose their own weapons and our side has chosen needles. At no paces. With the usual refreshments to follow.
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
MY PARENTS REARED SIX SONS (yes, of a manner, you might say, Lads!), four of whom emigrated at one time or another. The few dollars sent home never compensated for the exiling of their children and the longing was ever present for our return.
The big stores are the problem here, and like we said, they tell the farmer what they will pay and not the other way round. There is talk this week of the government appointing an ombudsman or food regulator to oversee food pricing. If this does happen it will come too late for many producers – who never sought anything more than a fair price. The hours that a farmer works is there for all to see.
My mother’s fall-back line in her persuasive dispatches was always the same; ‘you’ll never go hungry in Ireland!’ My counter to this read, ‘ah maybe … but just having enough to eat isn’t enough for me!’ At that time I gave no thought to the fact that half the population of the world would happily settle for having enough to eat. These are the people who have never known how it feels to fill their belly.
Ireland has moved on from being an ‘agricultural country’, but farming is still the core of the country and a major part of what we are. The family farm is still the fabric that holds rural Ireland together. We here derogatory terms about our farmers such as ‘factory farmers’, ‘ranchers’ and beef and grain barons. Yes, there are some very extensive farm enterprises across the country, but it may come as a surprise to many to learn that the average sized farm in Ireland is just over 80 acres. For comparison, the average farm in America is 443 acres and in Australia it is 2,000 acres!
My mother was right: nobody should ever be hungry in this country – where we produce enough food to feed ten times our population. In 2017 Ireland topped the global ranking of how well a country can feed itself. That’s right, dear readers, we are the most food-secure country on earth.
But in the realms of energy, is there any greater or more important energy than food? Food exporting countries should be rated above OPEC, don’t you think? Yes, I know that we cannot produce this level of food without first getting our hands on the oil, but there is some difference in the attitude towards food producers as against oil producers. Farming is the only business in the world where the producer of his product has no say over what he gets for it. Farmers cannot withhold their ‘energy’ – nor would they want to. To damage or waste food is not in the farmer’s psyche. However, with costs rising astronautically,
get out than it is to get back in again – and that gap in production means either a shortage or the produce has to be sourced from elsewhere. Egg producers (no … not the hens, Lads!) say that if they got an increase of 5 cent an egg that would be the difference between survival and bankruptcy.
Food for thought – and thought for food.
Energy and energy costs are very much in the news these days. When commentators speak of energy, they are mostly referring to oil, gas, coal and even turf. Oil-producing countries have a lot of ‘clout’, and they know how to use it. Supplies are often held back, forcing up the price of a barrel of crude oil.
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Most of our beef and milk is produced naturally off grass and farmers have become very much environmentally aware. The birds and the bees are finding new habitats. food production, especially in the area of horticulture is unsustainable. Diesel has doubled in price and fertiliser has almost trebled. Food prices have dropped by 8 per cent over the past decade. When you factor in the increased costs of producing that food, you don’t have to be a mathematician to realise that the sums don’t add up. In the early 1900s, it took 90 per cent of the average wage to feed a family. That figure is now somewhere around 16 per cent. Those who are very quick to complain about farm subsidies need to accept that the subsidies are there so that everybody can buy cheap food.
GARDEN FELIX - Bouvardia - firecracker- hummingbird flower The genus Bouvardia has 30 different flowering plant members, all of which are known as the firecracker plant or the hummingbird flower plant. Bouvardia is a popular choice for ornamental flowers, with their mildly scented flowers adding a tropical feel to every garden. The flowers are narrow and trumpet shaped, filled with nectar, that attract many pollinators like hummingbirds, bees and butterflies, hence called the hummingbird flower plant. Easy to grow and care for, simply plant in a bright location where it will receive 4-6 hours of sunlight daily, in good draining soil that retains enough moisture to keep the roots hydrated. Water the plant, only when it looks slightly droopy or the soil looks and feels dry, by watering deeply once or twice every week. Keep in mind a little wilt will not kill the plant, however, overwatering will.
If there were no farm payments and the free market determined how much money you needed to buy a pound of mince in the butchers, there would be a lot more vegetarians!
Yes, food is the most important energy of all. Ireland produces the very best of it. The screwups start on the other side of the farm gate.
Pig and poultry producers are already in crisis. About a third are set to cease production before the end of this year. It is an awful lot easier to
DON’T FORGET *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. It is important to feed the plant regularly with a balanced fertiliser, every two weeks, to enrich the soil and encourage more blooms. Pruning and dead-heading are two essential parts of their care. Deadheading helps the plant to stay clean and free from pests and diseases. Whereas, pruning will save resources, once the flowering is over. It will encourage the plant to use nutrients, only to grow new branches. Prune, once the blooming season is over or if it has stopped flowering. Cut it back to half of its length. Hard pruning at this stage can lead to healthier branches next season. Pests like aphids, mealybugs, mites, and beetles can create problems for your Bouvardia plant and you must deal with these bugs, as soon as you can.
There is no better demonstration of faith than a man planting seed in a field. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
637 227 385
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
British courts remove immunity from former King Juan Carlos he former lover of King Juan Carlos, Corinna Sayn-Wittgenstein, has got the British High Court to withdraw the immunity from prosecution of the King Emeritus so that, like any other member of the public, following his abdication eight years ago, he can now be tried in a British court for extreme harassment and illegal surveillance, which the German Princess alleges he had carried out by officials of the Spanish secret services, following their romantic breakup.
Justice Sir Matthew Nicklin concluded that “none of the grounds for defending the existence of state immunity have been substantiated, and therefore, the lawsuit must continue.” He added, “The accused is neither a sovereign nor the Head of State of Spain”. He concluded that since his abdication, he had no right to personal immunity.
Los Montesinos no debt and no loans By Andrew Atkinson Los Montesinos Town Hall have announced that they have a liquidity of €2.206,835 in the banks, as of January 1, 2021. "We have closed the City Council accounts for the year 2021," said Mayor Jose Manuel Butron.
The decision of the High Court of London comes at a delicate time for Juan Carlos I who intended to return to Spain in the next month or two, at least temporarily. This may now delay his departure from Abu Dhabi where he has lived since 2020. Following her victory, the case for extreme harassment and illegal surveillance will continue in London with Juan Carlos I as a defendant without his former dynastic privileges. The lawsuit accuses Juan Carlos I, among other things, for "subjecting Corinna Sayn-Wittgenstein and her advisers to close surveillance in London and elsewhere, trespassing on the property of the German princess in Shropshire and illegally intercepting/monitoring her mobile and internet accounts and the mobile and internet accounts of her advisers.” A date has not yet been set for the hearing.
"As of January 1, 2021, we had a liquidity of €2,206,835 in the banks. We currently have €1,959,631 pending collection and €480,450 pending payment," said Mayor Butron. "As of December 31, 2021, we have a positive cash balance of €3,147,700. The result of the 2021 budget year has had income of €6,082,619 and outgoings of €5,808,476, with the result for this year a positive surplus of €274,143. The Town Hall has no debt and no loans."
Former King of Spain, Juan Carlos, abdicated in 2014 following a string of damaging scandals
Illegal whiskey valued at €20,167 discovered in Elche 59 bottles of illegal whiskey, valued at €20,167, were discovered in Elche by the Fiscal Border Patrol (PAFIF) of the Alicante Civil Guard. The Civil Guard discovered the whiskey in a routine search in a supermarket warehouse being run by a 49-year-old woman of Chinese nationality, where they found that tax had not
been paid. The whiskey is now the custody of the Alicante Customs and Excise Administration.
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
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Fellow band members The Edge and Adam Clayton joined the frontman's wife and four children at the British ambassador David Reddaway's official residence.
1960 - Lonnie Donegan was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'My Old Man's A Dustman', his third No.1. He became the first British artist to enter the UK chart at No.1; the only other artist to achieve this feat at this time was Elvis Presley. The song which was recorded live at the Bristol Hippodrome was a music hall novelty song. 1964 - Madame Tussauds, London unveiled the wax works images of The Beatles, the first pop stars to be honoured. 1966 - Rolling Stone Mick Jagger was injured during a gig in Marseilles, Southern France after a fan threw a chair at the stage. He required eight stitches in the cut. 1967 - Jimi Hendrix set fire to his guitar live on stage for the first time when he was appearing at The Astoria in London, England. It was the first night of a 24 date tour with The Walker Brothers, Cat Stevens and Engelbert Humperdink. The Fender Stratocaster burned on stage by Hendrix sold for £280,000 at a 2008 London auction of rock memorabilia.
1975 - The Bay City Rollers TV series Shang-A-Lang premiered on ITV. It featured the band in comedy sketches and performing their songs to a live studio audience made up of their teenage fans. 1976 - A then unknown Sex Pistols opened for The 101'ers at The Nashville Rooms in London. The 101ers were a pub rock band, notable as being the band that Joe Strummer left to join The Clash. 1984 - Marvin Gaye was shot dead by his father at his parent's home in Los Angeles, California. The argument started after his parents squabbled over misplaced business documents, Marvin Gaye attempted to intervene, and was killed by his father using a gun he had given him four months before. Marvin Sr. was sentenced to six years of probation after pleading guilty to
manslaughter. 2002 - Bee Gee Barry Gibb bought his childhood home in Keppel Road, Chorlton, Manchester. He said that he was going to clean the house up, rent it out and put a plaque on the wall. 2004 - Coldplay singer Chris Martin was accused of attacking a photographer after leaving a London restaurant with his wife Gwyneth Paltrow. A Coldplay spokesman said photographer Alessandro Copetti had been running after Gwyneth's taxi and tripped. Mr Copetti said he had been taking pictures of the singer and his wife outside a restaurant when Chris Martin kicked him from behind. 2007 – U2 singer Bono accepted an honorary knighthood at a ceremony in Dublin.
DONATION FROM BUFFS TO PEOPLE OF UKRAINE Three lodges of the Royal Anti-Deluvian Order of Buffalos have joined together in recent weeks, two from Sacko's Bar in El Limonar and one from Dilley's Bar in La Siesta, to raise much needed supplies to send to Ukraine. In total around 3,000.00 was raised and equipment, including First Aid kits, sanitary supplies, walking aids, wheelchair, crutches,
and various other items, were all purchased with a generous 35% discount, at the local Benijofar Pharmacy. RAOB meet weekly Wednesday (Washington Lodge 2pm at Dilly's, Friday Phillip Scot Lodge at 7pm Sacko's, Sunday Patience Lodge at 1030am).
2017 – George Michael's funeral took place, three months after his sudden death at the age of 53. His family said a 'small, private ceremony' was attended by family and close friends. The coroner's verdict on his death only came three weeks before his funeral. Tests were ordered because an initial post-mortem examination was inconclusive.
Spanish Course for International Residents in Orihuela Tuesdays and Thursdays
Fraternity and benevolence.
Councillor for Social Services in Benijofar, Pilar Yagües, wearing mask, along with members of the three RAOB lodges and their donation
The Department of International Residents of Orihuela, directed by councillor Mariola Rocamora, has organised "Spanish classes for international residents" which will be taught every Tuesday and Thursday from April 19 to May 19 at the Alameda del Mar Civic Centre in afternoon sessions. This course is included in the Call for Aid addressed by the Alicante Provincial Council for projects, programs and activities related to foreign citizenship. Mariola Rocamora has pointed out that with this initiative "we seek the integration of international residents in our culture and traditions and one way of doing this is by teaching them our language".
637 227 385
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 911
ACROSS 3. Miser (9) 8. Manage (4) 9. Fickle (9) 10. Bumpy (6) 11. Avarice (5) 14. Put up (5) 15. Bring up (4) 16. Periods of 365 days (5) 18. Converse (4) 20. Iron (5) 21. Lax (5) 24. Fleeting look (6) 25. Incessant (9) 26. Pool of money (4) 27. Humiliating (9) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. 13. 17. 19. 22. 23. 24.
Comply (9) Transitory (9) Enthusiastic (4) More pleasant (5) Pantry (6) Approach (4) Fleshy (5) Elegance (5) Bearing (9) Increase in loudness (9) Taper (5) Walk unsteadily (6) Church council (5) Adore (4) Profit (4)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Side; 3 Tangible; 8 Boil; 9 Carriage; 11 Indisputable; 13 Thesis; 14 Strewn; 17 Capitulation; 20 Readable; 21 Taxi; 22 Hostelry; 23 Thug. Down: 1 Sobriety; 2 Dwindle; 4 Abacus; 5 Gargantuan; 6 Brawl; 7 Ewer; 10 Assimilate; 12 Unending; 15 Epitaph; 16 Butler; 18 Amass; 19 Arch. CRYPTIC Across: 1 Elba; 3 Passages; 8 Tear; 9 Wheelman; 11 Underwriting; 13 Erring; 14 Unpack; 17 Artilleryman; 20 Commando; 21 Pike; 22 Sinister; 23 Hemp. Down: 1 Enthused; 2 Boarder; 4 Ashore; 5 Sweeteners; 6 Gamin; 7 Song; 10 Principals; 12 Skin-deep; 15 Armoire; 16 Pledge; 18 Roman; 19 Aces.
ACROSS 3. Musicians using carthorse to get around (9) 8. Good penalty (4) 9. Spaceman out to roast a nut? (9) 10. Fur the Queen takes to the pit (6) 11. Ringers for beautiful girls, say? (5) 14. The almost complete unhappiness of a skinflint! (5) 15. Merit a vase, say (4) 16. Cathy’s new boat (5) 18. Drams - little ones! (4) 20. Angry indignation on the Cape (5) 21. Where the enemy comes from? (5) 24. I’m in no position to be a dependant (6) 25. Possibly isn’t a rich Gentile (9) 26. Calendar girl? (4) 27. Boy caught in the fruit machine (9)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Traditionally, what items do the audience throw towards the ring after a sumo wrestling contest in which a yokozuna has been defeated by a lower-ranked wrestler? 2. If you were called a Bajan, of which country would you be a native? 3. There was a campaign many years ago among large numbers of U.K. residents to free 'the Weatherfield One'. In which soap opera was 'The Weatherfield One' a character? 4. Which of these genera of flowering plants does not produce exclusively yellow flowers: Kerria, Hypericum, Forsythia, Euphorbia? 5. Tom Bawcock's Eve is a festival celebrating the efforts of the eponymous Tom Bawcock to lift a famine from the village of Mousehole in which English county? 6. The F.I.E., or Federation International d'Escrime, is the international governing body for which Olympic sport? 7. The 'Wonderful' Parliament and The 'Merciless' Parliament were sessions convened during the reign of which English monarch? 8. Which classical violinist, said to have sold his soul to the devil in exchange for his remarkable talent, composed the 24 Caprices for solo violin? 9. The Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths are important concepts in which religion? 10. Which saint, patron of televisions, telephones and clairvoyance,
DOWN 1. It follows trouble at the farm (9) 2. Hostility when I’m at noisy disturbance (9) 4. A trick sure to go wrong (4) 5. Do her characters constitute a crowd? (5) 6. 45 to 1 (6) 7. Overwhelming defeat disrupting tour (4) 9. Rang about the youthleader being cross (5) 11. Food brought home and saved? (5) 12. Wise series of novels about credit notes (9) 13. Fascinated for a spell (9) 17. I want about two (5) 19. Television programme from Israel? (6) 22. Run like a crowd scene participant? (5) 23. Inform on the store (4) 24. Spoil the first cherry brandy (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) founded the Franciscan order, and The Order of Poor Ladies.? 11. Which American singer and actress had a debut album entitled The Divine Miss M which was also the moniker given to her by thousands of adoring fans? 12. The kumquat is a small Chinese variety of which fruit? 13. The Althing, one of the oldest parliaments in the world, is located in which country? 14. A sufferer of cacoethes loquendi would be doing too much of what activity? 15. All postcodes in the Shetlands begin with which two letters? 16. Just before making his Premier League debut for Manchester United in 1995, David Beckham played on loan for which club? 17. The Household Cavalry consists of two regiments: The Blues and Royals is one, which is the other? 18. Which boxer was nicknamed The Black Hercules and was one of only 5 people to have defeated Muhammad Ali in the latter's professional career? 19. Which poet wrote Sonnets from the Portuguese, the Portuguese being an affectionate nickname used by her husband (also a famous poet) for her? 20. In which 1979 film, based on a rock opera by The Who does a scooter fly off a cliff in the final scene?
637 227 385
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
Reiki for kids is a Reiki level 1 class especially designed for children 612 years of age. Children are our future……..guiding us to a new way of being. Our task is to be willing to see what they are trying to teach us and help them get started on their path to health, healing and balance. Learning Reiki is one of the best ways they can begin this process. The Reiki class for Children will provide your child with all the wonderful gifts Reiki has to offer. Children have clear and open channels of intuitive understanding, which makes them perfect for understanding and learning Reiki. We are at a time on earth where our children are full of knowledge and understanding of pure consciousness *Reiki training provides them a safe and gentle space to learn about Reiki and how to use Reiki for themselves, their family and friends, even pets. Children love to give themselves Reiki when they are hurt or are feeling anxious about something. Children also instinctively know where to put their hands if someone is hurt and in need of Reiki
Children are Reiki Energy Sponges
* Reiki eases children through the stresses of life´s situations, especially in these current times. They learn to trust their abilities and intuition. *Reiki guides children to their highest potential. BENEFITS OF REIKI *Enhances relaxation and sleep *Improves concentration *Promotes creativity
*Encourages self-awareness *Calming and balancing *Gives children a way to deal with the stresses of growing up Reiki for children is both playful and fun but accurate and complete. The training is conducted in an entertaining and interactive manner so that your child has fun while learning, Class sizes are kept to a maximum of 4 children which is the best way for each child to receive plenty of individual attention during the training. The classes run for 3.5 – 4 hours. The young student will learn the History of Reiki, how to use their hands to scan for energy and vitality, how to practice self Reiki, and how to give a complete Reiki treatment to anyone……including other children, adults and pets. He or she will receive a class manual and handsome diploma suitable for framing upon completion of the class. The class has 50% hands-on practice. After the class your child will be able to practice Reiki on himself or herself and also give Reiki sessions to others including pets and effectively treat longstanding conditions as well as injuries requiring immediate aid. Classes are for 3.5 – 4 hours and the cost is 50 with a deposit of 20 on booking. If you would like any further information, please contact Christine Quinlan on 966 795 103 or 659 014 445 or email … I have been a Reiki Master for 22 years and run courses for all levels of Reiki and other therapies and Body Harmony has been in existence since 2000.
TAKING CARE OF YOUR EYES People see primary care doctors, the dentist and even mental health specialists on a regular basis. But are you taking proper care of your eyes, especially if you don’t already use corrective lenses? It’s important to have your eyes checked regularly to prevent eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, low vision and even dry eyes. Set up an appointment now for a routine eye exam. Whether you’re at work, home or outdoors, there are also preventive measures you can take to protect your eyes. Wearing sunglasses, even on a cloudy day, is one of the most important ways to protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays and avoid lasting damage to your cornea. Yes, your eyes can get sunburned too!
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH
Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covidaware. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Focus ST_Line Auto which is on Special Offer priced at just 19,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
GENERAL Builder, remodelling,kitchens, extensions, we beat most quotes. Call Andy 697 834 934. Cremation plan.2575 euros.One time payment. Full paperwork. Call 697 834 934.
637 227 385
MUSICIANS WANTED Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The March Meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 21 April at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Guest speaker on Cooking Curries. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99. The RBL Torrevieja Branch Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can
help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Registered
PERSONAL Misuky... Professional Asian massage. Intense and antistress massage. Strong and much more. Private. In Campoamor (in front of CEPSA). Tel. 663 088 170 Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332
Members Group: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits TORREVIEJA MIRIAM Brazilian lady blond 59 year. Do massage erotic with hapy end. Speak good english. Call 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).
Tel. 604 111 457
637 227 385
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
ROLL THE DICE “Studio 32 are currently well into rehearsals for their summer musical extravaganza Guys and Dolls. A show that is full of wonderful songs by Frank Loesser such as Take back your Mink, Sue me, Luck be a Lady and the iconic show stopper, Sit Down your Rocking the Boat sung by the character, Nicely, Nicely Johnson. Just like his name suggests, he is the nicest and cheeriest of the gambling crooks. High spirited and a bit naive, but sincere and genuine, Nathan Detroits loyal friend and lackey. Nicely is played by Andy Kirkwood (pictured). To book tickets for this brilliant show, visit our online booking service on our website If you have any problems contact or call 679 062 272.”
The Rockin’ Vicar ife has been turned upside down - again. Europe is in turmoil again. Yet humanity shows its love and resilience - again.
By the time you read this the situation may have changed, will probably keep changing. We pray for the better … For me one thing never changes. The love of God, the promise of hope and peace, the salvation of humanity. Manifested on the Cross and glorified on Easter Morn. He is risen! He died and rose again. We either believe it or reject it, that is the gift of choice we have been given. On the Cross, even Jesus cried out in His suffering “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!” I cry out “My God, my God, thank you that you have NOT forsaken us, you are right here in the middle WITH us!” Because he chooses to be, stuck right here in the middle with us. That is divine love. On this bright sunshiny day, I sit and look out at the beautiful tranquil olive groves and think of the pain and sorrow not too far away. With deep sadness, with a sense of guilt that I enjoy peace whilst my brothers and sisters suffer, worldwide. With tears, heartache that
brings back memories of the peace we fought so hard to bring but is again threatened by one man. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The irony is that God has ALL the power but chooses to use it in love for all mankind. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Great leaders emerge during difficult times. Abraham Lincoln famously said “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all the time”. We can be fooled into believing there is no God, some of us. I like to think of the tens of millions of tiny lights shining in the darkness, rising into a great beacon of hope. Together we stand … May you have a happy and blessed Easter, whatever it means for you. If you would like a confidential chat, I’m always available at: or on 634 386 179. ‘Bye for now and God bless you Rev Andrew
Rev Andrew Rea is the Chaplain of the Murcia and Orihuela Costa branches of the RBL
WATERING BY DIRECT DEBIT It seems to me that some television programmes have extensive adverts with a short story in between and roll the two into one so there is no break.
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
The boy was accompanied by a little girl, and they were dealing with dirty water and the wording told us they would die drinking the water.
Ah, but this one was different, in that in a group of people one of them shouted ‘and no mushrooms’ afterwards he looked embarrassed.
MORE WATER While talking about water and the cost of it, we are having to make similar payments just to keep warm with fires or electrics burning because of the dampness caused by the constant rain in what should be warm spring-like weather. One has to have a giggle at the pundits who forecast sea levels rising because of ‘’global warming’ – which was transformed to ‘climate
MUSHROOMS It was just another advert on television in a string of others, like the one above breaking the storyline of the film. Not very exciting and one tends to let them wash over you with little interest.
It seems to me as they are still advertising there is a need and instead of Africa having water it is awash with Direct Debits.
637 227 385
change’ although no reason was given. My guess is the reason the sea levels will rise is because of all the water pouring out of the skies.
It was on such an occasion while watching a Film on Four, when a small child holding a dirty bucket and living in the wilds of Africa became, for a few seconds, part of the story line we were watching.
However, my memory tells me these two have been portrayed in their difficulty for a few decades now in the same, if not dissimilar, a begging advertisement for two pound a month so they can drink clean liquid, but seeing they are still begging for more money, shouldn’t they be dead.
The commercial was for Domino Pizzas, which set me wondering why the negative remark about the fungal growth, surely that kind of food can have mushrooms on it, so why are they advertising not to have them? After a little research it turns out that some people, on the right so I am told, believe that mushrooms are a sort of alien. The fungus grows freely and can do so without cultivation, also there are many types of the tumours, and they develop on all material, some are poisonous whilst others are edible. However, and the big ‘no no,’ is that they frequently grow in circles. I have not tried - but I guess if you wanted mushroom on your pizza, I am sure they would include them.
THE RACE Have you heard the story of the ‘Grandprex’ for minicars, they are quick little vehicles like, yet unlike the normal family version?
They were all lined up on the grid waiting for the off. However, to one side a group of people were arguing about one of the entries, a long sleek red car like a prancing horse which had been renamed ‘Mini’. The drivers were saying it was not fair to rename a car a ‘Mini’ when it obviously was not, and it should not be allowed in the race. I use it as an example of why a person with a body he is born with is allowed to take part in a female race as there is very little contest and a ‘sham’ of the result. For instance - it is difficult to make the following up in a story of fiction in
Preparing for Queens Jubilee and Falklands Remembrance Coronation Style Street Party and music that will be representative of the era. It will prove to be an ‘event to remember’ Some of the activities will be ‘Ticket Only’ and in limited numbers – so be prepared to snap them up as soon as their available. ere on the Costa Brava and Costa Blanca as in the UK, we are preparing to remember and celebrate both events in a grand way with both Pomp & Ceremony and Fun & Excitement.
The RNA Torrevieja Branch, RM Torrevieja Branch, RBL Torrevieja Branch and Torrevieja Maritime Association have combined resources to form a joint collective under the banner of the Torrevieja Combined Services Group to resource, promote and organise these spectacular events for the attendance of all Civilian and Service persons alike. So, clear some space in your calendar.
THE FALKLANDS REMEMBRANCE 14TH JUNE. This single day ceremonial event is in honour of all those that served and perished in this conflict. The Parading of Standards, a special Church Service with requiem and ‘laying of wreaths’ at the cenotaph will take place in the morning. There will also be a Ticket Only three course Formal Dinner of Honour, Pictorial Eulogy and Musical Rendition for a limited number of people. More details of both events and contact details will be published in early April.
THE QUEENS PLATINUM JUBILEE CELEBRATION 3RD & 4TH JUNE. Numerous events will be held during both days, including, but not limited to a Bazaar, Fashion Show, Formal Evening Dinner,
As both events are open to the general public you should anticipate that they will be extremely popular, therefore, book your tickets early. On behalf of the TORREVIEJA COMBINED SERVICES GROUP.
that two transgender swimmers with male bodies, Iszac Henig and Lia Thomas remained unbeatable at the ‘Ivy League Women’s Championships’, with one smashing a record and both leaving their biological female competitors in their wake during the second day of events at ‘Harvard University’. I was always taught Sport was about fairness – that certainly cannot be. Take care. chattey - ‘The Cormacks’ Set in the early nineteen hundreds a sad but thrilling story available from Amazon and Kindle.
637 227 385
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
level with the Delights for a tie. Anything more means Angels finish bottom, any less or of course a defeat and Queens finish with the addition of a spoon.
MILOS V HUB HYENAS With honours shared in the first half and Milos coming out top in the scoring department, this match was expected to be a lot closer. Not so as the visitors surprisingly reeled off all six singles, with skipper and occasional player Simon Williams taking the 7th match winning leg along with his deserved MOTM award.
A solid performance from Graham Solomans 3x100,135,plus an 80 out,and Billy Dolling with 3 outs. Susan Frew however who merited MOTM with a D12 and a 100 game shot. Lorraine Cox fired the royals only double a D12, Debbie Wright earning MOTM finding the trebles with ease and a colossal score of 154.
Javier de Gea contributed a double and 100,125,140, in the first half, whilst Mark Ellis replied with 2 doubles plus 100,140. John Rodford D16 levelling for 3-3. Numerous good performances from both sides in the remaining 6 ties. Alejandro Alcocer 100,127, D8, taking Ellis 4X100,140 to 3 legs, as did Fabian Alcocer 100,124 in his tussle with Williams 100,121,125. John Rodford needed a maximum to overcome de Gea 100,124,98. Karin Garcia 121,121,95, narrowly lost to Alan Havelock in the concluding match, but gained his side's MOTM.
7-5 7-5 1-11 3 -9
Danny's Bar El Capitan Mind The Gap Hub Hyenas
DIVISION 2 Pint Depot Queens Angel Delights Hub Hellraisers Domino's Desperados
Karin Garcia and Simon Williams ALE HOUSE LADS V MIND THE GAP Gap sealed the league championship with this emphatic victory over the Lads. This weeks last league match against Flyers determining 2nd place. A D4 from Phil Husband was Lads only leg in the match, accompanied by 126,117,117, it was however Dario Sierra earning MOTM with consistent scoring. The new champions accumulated an impressive 22 tons/ton plusses including a 180 from James Brown, who also added 5x100, 123, 140. Not to be outdone Darren Sanderson contributed 4x100 and 2x140. Gap's MOTM - Brown C.C.'S FLYERS V EL CAPITAN C.C.'s couldn't have had a more difficult end of season finale than firstly El Cap and next week The Gap to finish. They got over the 1st hurdle in style, a home victory, fair to say won in the 1st half by taking 4 of the 6 legs available, then sharing the singles. Matt Smith was pivotal before the break, finishing a D19, a 52 out and D8 ina 17 dart 601 thriller with Dougie Adkins both sharing 140's. Suso Madrid a 49 out with the 4th. Ed Klimonis excelling for Caps with 121,123,140 but no doubles, they went to Andres Liamazares on D20 plus a 180 and in the 5th Liama a 127 on the bull. Suso M. extended the hosts lead in the 1st single, Caps responding with victories from Olly Walker and a belter from Liama 2x100,121,135,2x140, defeating Adkins 3x100,121,125, in a 3 legger. Charles Pritchett reversed the trend taking the hosts
1-11 3-9 1-11 5-7
Wee Rock Horrors Freakie Taverners Boris' Bears Tipsy Toad Tiaras
DIVISION 1 Mind The Gap Cc's Flyers El Capitan Hub Hyenas Tipsy Toad Toppers Alehouse Lads Milo's Danny's Bar
Season Highest - Olly Walker (T20-T20-D20) El Capitan 160 Week 6 - Susan Frew 100 (12-T20-D14) Wee Rock Horrors HIGH FINISH - High Finish - Andres Liamazares 127 - T19, S20, Bull. 180's - James Brown - Mind the Gap. Andreas Llamazares - El Capitan, John Rodford - Hub Hyenas, Matt Smith - CC's
Wee Rock Horrors Freakie Taverners Boris' Bears Domino's Desperados Tipsy Toad Tiaras Hub Hellraisers Angel Delights Pint Depot Queens
to 6 legs, leaving Smith to ensure the points finding 2x125,137 and 180 in a 2-0 win over Vycka Bobinas. Ed K 2X140, 100 made it 5 for Caps in the 12th. MOTM - Smith - Liamazares. TIPSY TOAD TOPPERS V DANNY'S BAR A real cliff hanger this one, match points determined only in the final 12th leg. Honours went the way of Toppers Phil de Lacy in a 3 legger with Rob Norbury, the Topper claiming the points on D16. lt was a fairly tame 1st half, outs from Barry Schofield, Andy Gildea, Paddy Winterbourne and Hugh Galloway, countered by Steve Collins and Bob Smith, Jane Wills125, Jean Randall 124.
P 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
P 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Pts 12 10 8 8 4 4 2 0
Pts 10 9 8 7 7 5 2 0
Legs 63 41 43 41 30 28 21 21
(singles), all possible with 3x100, 125. The other Skinner Ken was nearly as lethal with 2 outs and 3 tons. Top scorers from the Raisers were Gill McCarthy, Carol Peace, Sue Spiers and Ali Scammell 134. Jo Burns the only Raiser to find D5 earning her a MOTM. ANGEL'S DELIGHT V FREAKIE TAVERNERS Sharon Williams deservedly earned her sides MOTM with 2 of the 3 Angels finishes, plus creditable scores. The other finish was via Nikki Dean. Sue Collins top scoring.
Freakie John Bowden enjoyed a decent match winning leg with 95,117,D2, Groa Bryndis 100, D10 and finally Bryan Livsey winning both his singles and pairs, for his sides MOTM.
Her scoring skills matched her finishing, a D8 in the triples was followed by a 64 out ( pairs ) and a 52 out
The ladies got off to a fine start, Lisa Ivill (16-7-D8) for the opener, Rhianna Marshall (140), Elizabeth Cowan (81, 98, D3) in the next. MOTM was Rhianna Marshall
Legs 52 44 48 40 33 29 25 19
The 1st 4 singles were shared, all going 3 legs, Steve Lumb and John Giggs for the visitors, Winterbourne, Galloway for the Toppers. Giggs defeating MOTM Maiden. Smith earned his sides MOTM with a 2-0 over Schofield for 6-5, prior to de Lacy's match winner.
HUB HELLRAISERS V BORIS BEARS The top 4 teams in div.2 play each other this week, all are in with a chance of honours, 1st and 2nd place are up for grabs, the Bears improving their leg advantage after their visit to the Hub and the Raisers. A fine MOTM performance from Amanda Skinner was the highlight of this encounter.
The glimmer of a place in the top 2 spots of Division 2 was dashed when Tipsy Tiaras visited Dominoes Desperadoes and beat the home team 5 -7 again. On home turf, Despo's can play both their young bucks, Ben Kernahan and 'Ashtray' Panchal which theoretically gave them the edge, but team members Dave and Liz Minto had to dash out on a mission of mercy at the beginning of the match which left the hosts a man short in the 2nd triples, which the Tiaras capitalised on.
PINT DEPOT QUEENS V WEE ROCK HORRORS This Queens defeat leaves the royals Rock bottom and placing great importance to their last match of the season versus Angels Delight who sit 2 points ahead with a 6 leg advantage. This means Queens need to win 9-3 at Angels to draw
Desperate to make an impression Ben, Ash and Liz took the rest of the first half points between them. A happy and relaxed Tiaras surprised themselves in the singles taking the 1st 4, Eliz (D20), Sharon Marshall (100, D20)Pat Schofield (92, 97, 1-D1) and Simone de Lacy (D5) to bring the Tiaras into draw territory. Ash (81, 83, 2 x 100, D8) just managed to hold it together to pip Lisa to the post but alas MOTM Ben's nerves got the better of him in the last leg and MOTM Rhianna came from 200 behind to plant D8 for the Match.
14th April - Mens Pairs - New Tavern 21st April - Mens Singles
28th April - Ladies Pairs - C.C.'s 5th May - Ladies Singles - Domino's Entries soon required. All comps. played to winner on night
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
La Siesta Members Run Club by Alan Carr VCL Games The first week of the VCL saw the two La Siesta teams play against each other, which ended with the Hoopoes winning 8-4 with wins on three rinks and securing the overall which could have gone either way (Shots 90-87). Hoopoe’s winners; Kathleen Morrisroe, Bill & Sue Jordan (Trips 22-11). Joan Inns (Ladies Singles 21-14). Mike Inns (Men’s Singles 21-20). The Parakeets winning rinks coming from; Tracey Paffett, Alan Ralph, John Taylor & Ken Barber (Rinks 23-14). Martin Harley & Karen Kirk (Pairs 19-12). All the scheduled games for this reporting week were postponed due to the inclement weather which also included
the final week of the internal 321 competition, all of these games have been rearranged for next week. Interested in joining La Siesta members run Bowls Club, there is always something going on, social events arranged by Molly, and at the club league/casual bowling which includes Chicken and Egg every Wednesday with George 1.30 for 2pm, and an organise roll up every Saturday with Graham & Mike 9.30 for 10am where prizes are awarded. Just pop in or call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633068399 who will be pleased to give you any further information you may require.
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MONTE MAR BOWLS AND SOCIAL CLUB Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix,The Belfry and Sunrise Builders. CHICKEN RUN Sunday 20th March After raining all week everyone was relieved it finally stopped and we could play the monthly chicken run. Thirty two players took part so we played four trips and two pairs, the best attendance since before the lockdown. Jean Chamberlain and Neil Young won the chickens, Lynne Armitage and Iain Sheridan won the eggs. The chickens were donated by Sheila Roberts and Lynne Armitage the eggs by Julia and Ian Hamilton. Chris Harding won the football card with his favorite team Chelsea!!!! Thank you to all who took part and made it another sucsessful chicken run. SUMMER LEAGUE Monday 28th March is our first summer league game. Members who are playing are looking forward to Monday, so fingers crossed it doesn't rain.
La Marina Bowls Club Let's be very British and start by saying “What do you think of the weather”? We may be disappointed but what about those touring teams that come over this time of the year for a spring break between their seasons. We played one such team on Saturday and in the words of John (our Captain of the day): “A Clacton team came all the way From dear old Blighty, bowls to play A friendly game was had by all, Country Bowls Club completed their Club Championships recently before the weather got the better of us over the last couple of weeks causing many cancellations The winners were Ladies Singles, Sheena Mallet, Men’s Singles, Graham Richardson, Ladies Pairs Sue Hudson and Brenda Jiggins, Men’s Pairs, John Jukes and Graham Richardson, Mixed Pairs, Allison and Ray Robson, Mixed Triples, Barry Evans, Allison and Ray Robson, Mixed Fours Alan Miller, George Burrage, Della and Steve Wailes. All will be competing in the Champion of Champions from 10th April, good luck everyone.
QUESADA BOWLS CLUB ROUNDUP Although there was a blank week of league matches, QBC were able to play some of their non champion of champion finals. In the 2 wood singles, Trevor Voisey beat Jason P, whilst the handicap pairs went the way of Joe Brinton & Terry Morgan, who beat Colin Highland & Sandra Heath. Both mens and ladies trips took place on Sunday afternoon, and were close run affairs. It was the trio of Mel Highland, Claire Dye & Lin Miller, who triumphed over Irene Everett, Violet Campbell & Sandra Heath, to take the ladies crown. All square going into the last end, the team of Graham Phillips, Chris Brazier & Jason P, just edged out Steve Hibberd, Dave Barnes & Trevor Voisey, to win it for the blokes.
A close result as I recall La Marina won the day, but Clacton had to play away.
was cancelled due to the weather, so no bowls this week. The Leader has published the final league tables for the Winter Bowling, and we had the relativity good news that none of our teams are in a de-motional position, in fact the Pathfinders came second and should see promotion actual positions are. South Alicante Southern League (Mondays) Discovery Division – Pathfinders came 2nd with 109 points and our Explorers 5th with 99 points. In the Southern League (Fridays) the Sharks came 6th from 10 teams (without needing to re-arrange their final game) with 80 points in Division A, and the Seagulls came 7th from 10 in Division B with 74 points. Well done all and thank you very much for some exciting results.
We wish them well with all our heart.
Lastly is also AGM time and we have selected a new committee of willing souls. Thank you all very much without you there is no club.
I have no doubt that friendly bowling is what's it is all about.”
Our new officers are: President Shirley Hadaway, Secretary, Trevor Hancock and Treasurer, Dave Joynes.
Time soon flies for Clacton to depart
Monday was the 2nd week of our Summer League, and thankfully we had a bye and the Wednesday game
The rest of the committee will be posted in the clubhouse for you all to read. By Dave Hadaway
By Steve Hibberd
A 3-rink team from Clacton, started their tour of Costa Blanca with a match at Quesada last Thursday, when an enjoyable match ensued. Although rain stopped play after 12 ends, following a short tea break, a further 2 ends were possible before the heavens opened up, forcing a premature close of play.
Now you know how Andy Reid keeps his hands warm
Post-match soup and a filled roll, were much welcomed, before the group boarded a coach, which took them to their La Mata hotel. This one is nice and shows a flooded QBC green. From left to right is Julie from Clacton, plus QBC members George, Cath & Stella This one Andy Reid of QBC is flanked by 2 QBC & 3 Clacton lady bowlers. Could make a comment re his hands in his pockets?
Julie from Clacton, with George, Cath & Stella
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Mike Probert talks Golf
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.
THE HISTORY OF GOLF The first game using a stick and a ball started in Russia and was called ‘paganica’ and it travelled across Europe via Germany and France to Holland, where the Dutch renamed the game as ’kolf’.
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
and there is a link there because it was probably Scottish wool merchants who first took the game from Holland to the British Isles. Just how did this happen?
fertilisers on golf course it is dangerous to lick your golf ball to clean after ‘holing out’ it but you can see that even in the early days this practise was best avoided!
It would appear that Scottish wool merchants took their ‘wares’ for sale across the North Sea to Holland but while waiting for favourable return winds they passed their time playing ‘kolf’
So there you have it, the history of the origins of golf………or is it?
They took the game to the east coast of Scotland where the natural terrain suited this new game and they played the game across country to a rabbit scrape, which they used as a hole, which was marked with a gull feather. Just think about it for a minute, if it weren’t for rabbits the game of ‘golf’ as we know it today would not have existed.
While historical records show no evidence of golf being played in Scotland before 1450 there is proof of the Dutch playing ‘kolf’ in 1300.
The natural habits of rabbits is to chew grass and live in hollows thereby preventing growth of vegetation and creating bare patches which were probably the first ‘greens’.
The game of ‘Kolf’ was played on ice in the winter and fields in the summer and historical records suggest that it died out in Holland in around 1700.
In the middle of the scrape, the buck rabbit would create a hole and urinate in it to mark his territory and the early golfers would play from one hollow to the next.
It is suggested that Scotland is the home of golf
Today due to the extended use of chemicals and
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €150 2 Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €100 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1.04pm) Altorreal €120 2 Green Fees & Buggy Bonalba €136 2 Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €158 2 Green Fees & Buggy
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca
€110 €100 €44 €158 €57 €163 €64 €110 €44 €85 €109 €100
Professor Ling Hongling has stated that the game began in China in 945AD some 500 years the Scots first played the game. There are references in Chinese libraries to a pastime called ‘chulwan-chui’ which when translated means ‘to hit a ball’ Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes are believed to have taken golf to Europe centuries later. There is also reference in a 10th century book in which a magistrate ordered his daughter to dig ‘goals’ in the ground so he may drive a ball into them with a purposely crafted stick. In addition two Chinese paintings from the 13th century depict noblemen hitting balls into holes with sticks that look remarkably like today’s golf clubs.
Twenty players and three coaching staff were part of the unit involved in a mixture of batting, bowling and fielding drills, along with games against the RAF and GKT University.
€89 €60 €82 €124 €140 €57 €102 €71 €133 €164
Single Green Fee Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.36pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm)
For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
“We have been looking forward to bringing the squad back together, with some new fresh faces and energy.
La Manga Torrevieja CC trio Ravi Panchal, Charlie Rumisterwitz and Tom Vine were included in the National Squad of cricket Espana for a five day training camp at Desert Springs, Almeria.
Only time will tell whether golf history has actually been re-written but you should note that in the same article China claims to also have invented football, basketball and skiing.
Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villaitana Levante Villaitana Poniente Villamartin Vistabella
"It was an important preparation, prior to the International T20 series versus Norway and Guernsey, and also as helpful preparation before the ICC T20 qualifiers in Belgium later this summer," said National Coach Corey Rutgers.
The Cricket Espana National Squad attended a five day training camp at Desert Springs, Almeria. Photo: Diana Oros (ECN)
A Colf player with a leaden club on ice, circa 1700
According to an article in the Daily Mail golf is now claimed to have it’s origins in of all places China.
2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1.04pm) Single Green Fee (from 1pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.30pm) Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.38pm) Single Green Fee (from 1pm) Single Green Fee (from 3pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy
La Manga Torrevieja CC trio in National Cricket squad
"It’s a big 2022 for everyone involved in Espana cricket, and we are confident we are tracking in the right direction as a nation. "The squad has been working hard all winter on our fitness programme, and we couldn't wait to use the fantastic facilities at Desert Springs and get the season going," said Rutgers. National Squad of cricket Espana squad: Chris Muñoz-Mills (c) (Sporting Alfas), Awais Ahmad (Cataluyna CC), Daniel Doyle Calle (Nelson Mandella University), Joshua Trembearth Moro (Greenvale Kangaroos/Barnoldswick CC), Muhammad Yasin (Pak-I-Care). Yasir Ali (Cataluyna CC), Ravi Panchal (La Manga/Torrevieja), Hamza Dar (Pak Montcada CC), Prince Dhiman (Girona Warriors CC), Vinod Kumar (Gracia CC). Charlie Rumisterwitz (La Manga/Torrevieja), Lorne Burns (Costa Del Sol CC), Gaurang Mahyavanshi (Raval Sporting CC), Jack Perman (Sussex University), Tom Vine (La Manga/Torrevieja), Raja Adeel (Pak Montcada), Muhammed Ihsan (Pak-I-Care), Muhammad Kamran (Pak-I-Care), Roibul Khan (Madrid United) and Kuldeep Lal (Gracia CC). Coaching Staff: Corey Rutgers Head Coach, Sameer Nayak Assistant Coach and Alastair Priddle, Strength and Conditioning Coach.
Lo Marabu Golf Society At Vistabella on 24th March 2022. In assn with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs For this month’s meeting the Lo Marabu Golf Society and a group of 33 players visited the established course at Vistabella taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The weather forecast was for heavy rain but we avoided this but had very high winds which made scoring difficult. Gold Division: 1st - Denis Sodergren – 31 pts, 2nd – Darren Penny – 31 pts Silver Division: 1st – Colin MacDonald – 34 pts, 2nd – Jim Bryce - 28 pts Bronze Division: 1st – Paul Axtell – 26 pts, 2nd – Jim Kelly - 25 pts Nearest the Pins – Templeman, Probert (2) Best Guest – Jimmy Hughes – 25 points Football Card – Andy Howard The presentation was held at Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada and we thank for their support. Our next fixture is the Interim game at Vistabella on the 14th April 2022 followed by the society day at New Sierra Golf on the 28th April 2022. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
The Torrellano fighter was hampered by the blood that flowed from his wounds Image Barry Hearn Twitter
but he was unbalanced as he tried to respond to the continuous attacks of his opponent, who came into the ring like a whirlwind.
637 227 385
Nations Week at Pinatar starts with Cape Verde Victory
The British boxer’s hurricane of blows continued round after round against a wearied Kiko, who, with a bloody face, could no longer find a way to deal with his rival, who continued to use his head whenever the pair came into close contact, a situation that cost Martinez two more cuts, on the left eyebrow and on the forehead . In the fifth round, Kiko looked to have recovered, as he tried to get back into the match , but everything had been conditioned from the first and although he caught his opponent on occasions, Warrington was always able to counter with ferocious shots which he landed from all angles In the seventh round, with Warrington well on top, the referee stopped the fight with 48 seconds to go with the Torrellano fighter blinded by the blood that flowed from his wounds and awarded victory to Warrington.
KIKO CONTROVERSIALLY ROBBED OF WORLD CROWN While Josh Warrington and his entourage are being lauded across Yorkshire, after the Briton sensationally knocked out Spain's Kiko Martinez in the seventh round, to become a two-time IBF featherweight champion, there are many in the Spaniard’s camp, including many heavyweight Spanish newspapers, that are claiming that the boxer from Torrellano was once again robbed of a deserved win by the actions, or lack of them by fight officials. This time it was not the arbitrary decisions of the judges, when controversially awarding the points to Warrington, as in 2017, but the referee, who allowed ‘The Leeds Warrior’ to resort to "dirty" boxing, in which he continually used his head to inflict deep cuts above both of “La Sensacion’s” eyes, leaving the champion
with limited vision, without movement and without the ability to react. The boxer from Elche was looking for a win by KO, to prevent the judges from helping Warrington, who was fighting in his home city Leeds, in front of a packed First Direct Arena. But what the good Kiko did not reckon on was that the judges were going to be tolerant of Warrington’s "dirty" boxing. At 36 years old, Kiko Martínez had thoroughly prepared for the fight as he dreamed of retaining the world title. However, he was under pressure from Warrington from shortly after the start, when he received a blow from the head of his opponent that opened up a cut in his nose. Kiko went to the canvas looking for respite,
It was a tough blow for Kiko Martínez, who went into the evening with a record of 43 wins (30 by KO), 10 losses and 2 draws. The boxer from Elche thus yields the world title, which he won in November 2021 when he defeated fellow Briton Kid Galahad by technical KO in the sixth round, less than an hour down the M1 in Sheffield. So, what now for Kiko Martinez. He has a difficult decision to make. The boxer from Torrellano has to decide if, at 36 years of age, he tries to regain the world featherweight throne or decides to hang up his gloves, after a long career that began over 20 years ago at the Club de boxeo in Daya Nueva. His initial intention before this fight was to retain the world championship belt, fight for the unified title, and then retire. Ironically it was Warrington who was taken to hospital after the fight. He broke his hand hitting Martinez so often but also suffered a suspected fractured jaw when the Spaniard landed one of his few big shots.
Cape Verde opened the Costa Cálida Nations Week with a convincing victory With a relatively successful African team like Cape Verde taking on one of the worst sides in the world it was no surprise that this opening fixture in Pinatar’s Nation Week would turn out to be a one-sided affair. And so it turned out to be with the Africans, led by Baby and Gilson Tavares, beating Liechtenstein by 6-0. The Blue Sharks clearly beat Liechtenstein in the first match of the Costa Cálida Nations Week that takes place between Pinatar Arena and the Enrique Roca stadium in Murcia. Led by Rayo Vallecano player, Bebé. and Gilson Tavares, who plays his football with Estoril in Portugal, the Cape Verdean team were far too strong for their opponents as they entered the break with a four-goal lead. There was a great performance from the Rayista player who finished the game with two goals while his partner up front, Gilson Tavares got a hat trick with Lisandro Semedo adding the sixth. The series of international matches saw Finland and Iceland meet at the Enrique Roca in Murcia on Saturday while next up for Cape Verde will be San Marino on Monday. Liechtenstein will next be in action against the Faroe Islands on Tuesday, March 29. Both games will be played at Pinatar Arena. The Costa Cálida Nations Week is organized by Pinatar Arena and the French agency McSport in collaboration with Real Murcia CF.
Orihuela Costa to host Spanish Beach Handball Championship
Torrevieja Winter Pool League Torrevieja Winter Pool League Division Two Champions Fire Station Green Watch defeated Murphs 7-2, with Brittania B returning a 7-2 win away against Racing Toast. The Courtyard B defeated Oasis 7-2 in Division Three, with Laguna returning a narrow 5-4 away win at Mickey's. Results, Week 18: Division 2 Office Bulls
5-4 Mi Sol
Fire Station GW
7-2 Murphs
Racing Toast
2-7 Britannia B
Marie's Rendezvous 5-4 Bar 6 The Courtyard A Division 3: Oasis
6-3 Santana B 2-7 The Courtyard B
Thirsty Boot
4-5 Micky's
5-4 Irish Abbey
6-3 The George
Reflections (bye). Catch-up game: Mickey's 4 Laguna 5. Fire Station Black Watch won the Torrevieja Pool League Division 1 Cup Final defeating Office Aces while Fire Station G/W won Division 2 league and league cup in their first season. We would like to thank league organisers and other team participants for an amazing season. Photos top Fire Station Black Watch, bottom FS Green Watch
THE SPANISH BEACH HANDBALL CHAMPIONSHIP will be played on Orihuela Costa between July 29 and 31. It will follow on from an Arena 1000 event the previous weekend, and as such will play host to the entire Spanish Championship. The Arena 1000 scheduled between July 22 and 24 will see the best clubs in the senior, youth, cadet and infantil categories will take place at Cala Bosque beach - La Zenia with the winners declared national champions. The province of Alicante will host one of the most outstanding and important events of the Arena Handball Tour , in which hundreds of participants will enjoy an unforgettable weekend. As such, Orihuela continues its commitment to promoting beach handball and active tourism, as it has been doing since 2018, becoming a regular venue for the Arena Handball Tour.
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Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
THADER STEP UP PROMOTION BID WITH EMPHATIC ASPE WIN CD Thader ............5 Aspe UD ...............0
Peter would have recognised that this was a massive game for both teams, as Thader were hoping to keep their impressive run going, in order to make that 3rd play off slot their own. Aspe meanwhile, were only one place outside the relegation places, having suffered a poor run of late. Back in early November, on a bitterly cold Saturday evening in mountainous Aspe, Thader captain Lloyd salvaged a last gasp point, when his bullet header
Real Madrid Sign Marcos Garcia from Elche Real Madrid have reportedly completed the signing of 15-year-old Spanish prodigy Marcos Garcia Montolio, who will arrive from Elche in the summer. According to reports in the Spanish press, Los Blancos have clinched the signing of the 15-year-old who is set to join their academy, La Fabrica, at the end of the season. The young defender joined the Franjiverdes from Celtic de Elche and has enjoyed steady progress through the youth ranks. Montolio has also represented the Spanish national team at the Under15 level, recently taking part in the friendly encounters against Russia. The young defender’s potential and promise have seen him attract suitors from across the country. However, he will now be moving to the Real Madrid academy, who continue to attract the best prospects from within the country and outside.
Ruben, Pedro and Rafa departing, in favour of Konate, Oscar and Calderon. Less than 60 seconds later, after Calderon had been upended in the box, Jony hit the back of the net from the penalty spot to wrap up the Thader scoring. Calderon and Dani Lopez had the ball in the back of the net during the remaining minutes of the game but both goals were ruled out by the ref.
here was a minutes silence inside Moi Gomez stadium on Sunday morning, as players and fans alike showed their respect to long serving Thader fan, Peter Allen who recently passed away. Wife Anne, a Thader Director, surrounded by family and friends, was emotional as the players emerged, dressed in shirts bearing Peter’s photo.
Nevertheless, a five goal win and a fitting tribute to a lifelong supporter who was no doubt cheering on from above.
found the back of the net to earn his side a draw. On Sunday morning the team was hoping to fare rather better.
Next weekend Thader travel to Alicante university hoping for more of the same.
And so they did with a convincing 5-0 win that will surely have Aspe looking over their shoulders at the relegation dogfight going on just below.
Two goals for Pedro
Thader pay tribute to fan Peter Allen
Indeed the goal tally could have been rather more as he home side dominated throughout this one-sided game. They had their noses in front as early as the 7th minute when a Ruben assist found Ruben, who waltzed past Stivi in the Aspe goal, and then, just four minutes later, after Rafa had bundled the ball over the line to double the scoreline, it already seemed that the points were safe.
Stivi was busy all afternoon and made one of many fine saves from Dani, pushing the winger’s shot around the post for a Thader corner midway through the half. He was beaten by the same player moments later, however, when, from the resultant corner Dani hit a loose ball high into the roof of the net to make it 3-0.
Jony had the goal at his mercy two minutes later but failed to convert from close range following which we saw Aspe’s first attack of the game when Pepe hit an effort over the bar in one o their rare attacks. Thader’s dominance continued following the break and after Ruben got his second on the hour mark we saw wholesale Thader substitutions with
OBITUARY - PETER ALLEN IT WAS WITH GREAT SADNESS to learn of the sudden death of long-standing Thader Rojales football club super fan, Peter Allen. There were many friends and family members at Rojales crematorium, some dressed in blue shirts, to celebrate the life of this lovely man. Born on 3 October 1948 in Liverpool, Peter chose the 'blue' side of the city (Everton & Tranmere) to show his allegiance. Moving to Manchester, Peter was employed at the city air-
port for most of his working life. He had 3 children and gained 4 more when he married Thader director Anne in 1994. When they moved to Spain later that same year, he added Thader to his list of 'blue' teams. Thader became a big part of his life, and he loved taking any of his 14 grandchildren to games when they visited. Both Peter and Anne loved cycling, having many touring holidays. They even cycled
from Lands End to John O Groats, getting married at Gretna Green. Peter attended Spanish cookery classes, becoming a master at paella. He worked hard at integrating into his adopted town of Rojales, having many Spanish friends, who thought of him as a true Rojalero. CD Thader recent home match against Aspe was a homenaje to Peter. Redován CF B at home 2-1. In the Valencia 1st Regional Group 9, Orihuela CF B took a point in a 1-1 away draw at CD Benijofar. CF Atletico Algorfa and Alguena CF also shared the points in a 1-1 draw.
Atletico A in the Valencia 2nd Regional Group 16 on Saturday.
Guardamar Soccer CD kept their promotion hopes on track following a 2-0 home win against Monovar
CF Bigastro CF gained a 2-0 away win at UD la Coca Aspense B. Callosa Deportiva CF defeated FB
TRIVEA QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. Cushions, 2. Barbados, 3. Coronation Street, 4. Euphorbia, 5. Cornwall, 6. FIE, is the international governing body of Olympic fencing. 7. The Wonderful Parliament was an English Parliamentary session of November 1386 which pressed for reforms
Guardamar moved within eight points of leaders UE Crevilente FB A, who top the table on 56 points ahead of Sunday's fixtures.
of King Richard II's administration. The Merciless Parliament refers to the English parliamentary session of February to June 1388, at which many members of Richard II's Court were convicted of treason. 8. Niccolo Paganini, 9. Buddhism, 10. The Italian Saint Clare of Assisi who was one of
CD Montesinos's fixture against rivals SC Torrevieja will be featured online, along with Sunday's results round-up at Results: 1st Regional G9. CF Atletico Algorfa 1-1 Alguena CF. CD Benijofar 1-1 Orihuela CF B. 2nd Regional Group 16. Callosa Deportiva CF 2-1 FB Redován CF B. UD la Coca Aspense B 0-2 CF Bigastro CF. Guardamar Soccer CD 2-0 Monovar Atletico A.
the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. 11. Bette Midler. 12. Orange, 13. Iceland, 14. Compulsive talking or an uncontrollable desire for excessive talking or making speeches, 15. Z.E. 16. Preston North End, 17. The Life Guards which is the senior regiment in the British Army. 18. Ken
Norton who won the first of his 3 fights against Ali by split decision, and controversially lost the latter two fights by split and unanimous decisions, respectively. 19. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 20. Quadrophenia
Monday 28th March - Sunday 3rd April 2022
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