The Leader Newspaper in Spain 19 December 22, Edition 950

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That was the week that was at the Orihuela Costa and District Branch of the Royal British Legion, with, on Wednesday, Christmas lunch at YOLO’s Restaurant in Cabo Roig, and then, on the following evening, the December meeting included presentations to members.

There was also a carol service with Pilar Community Christian Church and ‘the Big Reveal’, the announcement of the total amount raised by the branch during the 2022 Poppy Appeal.

Starting with Wednesday’s lunch, attended by almost 50 members and guests, what a wonderful occasion it was. Held at YOLO’s Restaurant, the food was absolutely magnificent, thick slices of prime beef, or for the more traditional, a large portion of roast turkey, together of course with a wonderful selection of veg.

My only criticism……too much food, but some consolation in the number of pampered pets that benefitted from the many doggy bags that left the restaurant. I don’t think there was any waste at all.

With fifty members thoroughly enjoying the afternoon, the branch was quick to book up Easter Sunday when, as word spreads, there are likely to be many more.

A very well done to the kitchen and waiting staff at the restaurant who were responsible for the preparation and service. We had them all take a bow in traditional fashion as we showed our appreciation for their endeavours.

The following evening saw Certificates of Distinction presented to five branch members in appreciation for the service and dedication they have provided to the Orihuela Costa and District in the last year.

The awards were presented by Branch President, Dr Tony Fuller, to Graham Rhodes, Sandie Coates, Louise Innes, Diana Wiltshire and Nicola Louden.

No 950 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 637 227 385
On behalf of all the staff and advertisers at The Leader Newspaper we wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

The five join Malcolm Cavendish who received his citation last week prior to travelling back to UK for Christmas. Well done to all six individuals. They are all thoroughly deserved.

There then followed ‘the big reveal’, the announcement of the total raised by the branch during the 2022 Poppy Appeal, and once again it proved to be a tremendous amount, e34,707.46. which will be used here in Spain, to support those veterans and their families who are in need.

Thankyou so much to the very generous people who have donated, to the establishments who found room for our poppy boxes, to Overseas Supermarkets on whose real estate we camped for very nearly four weeks, and all those many people who helped out in any way whatsoever. Your efforts have been rewarded

Finally, Thursday evening was brought to a most fitting close as members joined with Phil Molloy and her choir, from the local Pilar Community Christian Church, with a thoroughly entertaining and meaningful performance of many popular Christmas carols. Of course it was compulsory that members

joined in, some rather more tunefully than others, but with the bulk of the singing sensibly done by the choir it was a very enjoyable evening that helped to launch the festive season for many of our members.

A fitting finale to a truly wonderful week for the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion.

If you would like to join the Royal British Legion please contact the branch secretary by email at: It is not necessary to have a services background. News of our events and activities can always

be found on our Facebook page:

And please remember over this festive period the many people who will be spending Christmas and New Year alone in your local neighbourhood. It takes nothing just to pop in and wish them well, maybe take them a small present. Just a small gesture, but it would mean so very much.

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It was Christmas Eve in the casa, On that blessed Spanish hill, High in the star-filled dome above, Was mirrored our earth so still.

It slept through the noise and tinsel, For it cared not when nor why, That man will fight among themselves, And never reason why.

The chapel bells were tolling, Bells rang from vale to vale, And high in my hillside casa, I felt that God prevailed.

A melody of eventide, Each tower sang its song, In Andalucía hillsides, I dreamed of where I belonged.

If you would like to see your poem published on this page send to:

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Let others do their worship, At altars of their choice, But let me be where I would be, Where God is given voice.
Mícheál Walsh Poetr Walsh Poetr yy
The week that was!
See more yuletide poetry contributions on page 18


Torrevieja has organised the biggest, and most expensive, Christmas celebration in the town’s history, to make the holiday in Torrevieja 2022 a magical experience for all.

At a cost of well over a million euro, there will be concerts in the Plaza de la Constitución, on a purpose-built stage, children's entertainment, dance and magic shows, and even horse riding, although it’s not entirely clear how this fits into the Christmas messaging.

The Department of Fiestas has organised activities including commercial promotions, as well as programming from the Municipal Institute of Culture "Joaquín Chapaprieta". Locally, it is the largest Christmas program in the history of Torrevieja. Local groups and singers launched the activities in the Plaza de la Constitución last week but in the run up to Christmas there will be plenty of entertainment for the whole family.

On Monday the 19th, at 6:45 p.m., there will be a Christmas concert by the Orchestra and Choir of the UNED of Elche.

On Wednesday, December 21, at 6:00 p.m. the concert "El Conservatorio en Navidad" will take place with the students of the "Francisco Casanovas" Professional Conservatory of Torrevieja and from 9:30 p.m., night of music and carnival by chirigota "Los Sangochaos" and the Comparsa "La Sal de Torrevieja".

Dance will also feature on Tuesday, December 20, with the "Payás" Dance School at 8:30 p.m. On the 23rd and 24th, at 12:30 p.m., the children's entertainment "La plaza de deseos" will take place

On December 27, the UMT chamber group "Percusax" will meet in the square, with the concert "D'amore", where prominent local voices will be featured.

The following day, the 28th, it will be the turn of the "Sette Voci" group to offer the "Nata Lux" concert. On Friday, December 30, after having celebrated the Children's Afternoon, the public will be able to enjoy the concert by the local singer-songwriter, Mariano Ferrández, starting at 8:30 p.m.

A "Tardevieja" party will be held for children on Friday, December 30, in the Plaza de la Constitución from 5:00 p.m. and, in the same place, on the 31st, a great New Year's Eve party that everyone is invited to in order to welcome the New Year 2023, with a performance by a DJ and cotillion cast from 11:30 p.m.


Various street locations and with the aim of boosting Christmas shopping in local establishments will host children's activities, starting on Monday, December 19, at the corner of calle Concepción and Fotógrafos Darblade with "Inflatable reindeer and cotton candy tasting" from 5:00 p.m.

On Tuesday, December 20, in the Plaza de Isabel II, next to the Central Market "La Plasa", from 10:00 am, inflatable Christmas tree. At the corner of calle Concepción and Canónigo Torres, there will be a workshop called "Make your Christmas ball" at 5:00 p.m. In the same place, on Friday 23, at 6:30 p.m., the activity "Take a picture with horses and a luminous sleigh" will be held. On December 24, Christmas Eve, the entire urban shopping area will have characters that will encourage shopping from 11:00 am. Also, on the same day, but in the Plaza de la Constitución, at 6:00 p.m., there will be a concentration of Santa Clauses distributing toys to children while supplies last.

On Tuesday, December 27, the workshop "Make your Christmas wreath" will be offered at the corner of calle Concepción and Canónigo Torres, starting at 10:30 a.m. In the same place, on Wednesday 28, from 6 p.m., "Tik Tok zone".

On December 30, on the Vista Alegre promenade, starting at 11:30 a.m., a large 4metre snow globe will be installed as a photocall.

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Carols in the Square with Shani Ormiston and The RBLConcert Band Photo courtesy Objectivo Torrevieja

10,000 Voting letters remain undelivered

PIOC have written to the British Deputy Vice Consul in Alicante claiming that 10,000 letters explaining their Voting Rights, addressed to Permanent British Residents living in Orihuela Costa, have not arrived.

Despite the letters being despatched by the Censo Electoral Oficina in Madrid on 28 November they say that the voting information is still to be received by many thousands of potential voters.

PIOC have demanded that the British Ambassador be informed of the contents of their letter and that the Embassy makes urgent contact with the Electoral Authorities requesting an extension to the 15 January deadline for registration.

They also claim that despite assurances by the Councillor for Statistics that three staff would be employed at the Orihuela Costa Town Hall to deal with voter registration, only one is currently being used, causing an even greater backlog.

PIOC also state in the letter that a similar

situation is being experience in Urb La Marina, another large settlement of British Residents.

Meanwhile, PIOC have said that they will be outside the Town Hall, Playa Flamenca, from 2nd January 2023, to provide assistance to anyone wishing to complete the voting registration process.

You can read the letter to the Deputy Vice Consul in full at


Thousands of people attended the Cuevas Del Rodeo De Rojales in December that featured an exhibition by Madrid artist Rafael Rodulfo. Speaking exclusively to The Leader, 'Trash Rider' Marlene Van Ende,said: "I go out mornings and collect trash and make things from the items.

"I make mirror-effect aluminium plates,also tiles,and items using cans, car wheel discs,amongst others."

Author of the book 'Trash Rider Orihuela Costa',Marlene said: "The areas I cover are within Orihuela Costa,from San Miguel to La Zenia."

Marlene,who has exhibited her works including in Torrevieja and San Miguel,in her sixth year of the Trash Rider Orihuela Costa project,said: "During 2021 I undertook 265 clean up sessions,collecting many things from roadsides,including shoes!".

Families and young children flocked to the famous Rojales Cave houses to see the Caves of the artisans,with poetry, rock,and Indie and pop music in the Replaceta del Teatro.

People danced the afternoon away at the Artisans Meeting concert by Los Crudos at the monthly event,staged in conjunction with Rojales

Concejalía Cultura,Music, Art,Crafts,and Nature in the surroundings of Rojales de Arte.

Spain votes to approve law that grants paid menstrual leave

Spain's parliament on 15 Dec passed a sexual and reproductive health law that allows girls aged 16 and 17 to undergo abortions without parental consent and, in a first for a European country, offers state-funded paid leave for women who suffer from painful periods.

The new law removes a three-day "reflection" period for women who wish to terminate their pregnancy

Food Agency issues warning about certain bars of dark chocolate

The Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Agency has issued a warning about the inclusion of almonds in certain bars of dark chocolate without it being notified on the label.

This is applicable to different brands and batches of sugar-free plain chocolate.

The Ministry has warned anyone with an allergy to avoid eating these bars of chocolate.


Spain's Public Health Committee has announced that the fourth Covid-19 booster dose is now available for everyone, in all age groups.

The vaccination will now be rolled out to people under the age of 60 upon request.

Till 15 Dec, only people over 60 and those who are pregnant or considered at-risk were allowed to get a fourth shot.

Uber's food delivery platform to pay severance to 4,400 riders

Uber's delivery business in Spain has settled with local labour unions which were challenging its dismissal of more than 4,000 riders in August last year ahead of a labour law reform coming into force.

The company acknowledged a violation of local labour laws — agreeing to pay severance equivalent to 45 days' salary per year worked.

Fate of new Animal Welfare Law now undecided over hunting animals

The fate of the Animal Welfare Law in Spain is now undecided as the PSOE and Unidas Podemos political parties have been unable to resolve their differences about the inclusion of hunting animals.

The PSOE had agreed with Unidas Podemos to include

hunting dogs in the law as they are considered companions or pets but changed their minds later on.

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Despite assurances there is only one member of staff being used in the Town Hall to deal with voter registrations
Trash Rider at Cuevas Del Rodeo De Rojales Marlene
with examples of her art


Noguera, while stressing that "the objective is that residents and tourists can enjoy a more pedestrian-friendly environment and relieve congestion on the roads used by everyone and which therefore carry more traffic, especially

in the summer months".

During the last study, one option put forward was the creation of an underpass at the La Zenia roundabout, although there is no mention of such a plan on this occasion.


Similar studies have been carried out but never implemented

Orihuela has launched a study to analyse traffic and accessibility in the La Zenia area of the Orihuela Costa.

Although this is not the first time such a study has taken place, with previous attempts failing to implement recommendations, the council hopes that this latest attempt will allow them to ìsimplify the direction of traffic in the area to the north of Avenida de la Playaî, so that the pavements can be widened to improve accessibility for pedestrians, thus reducing the width of the road, improvement of signage and the provision of a bike lane.

The possibility of creating two park-and-ride parking lots on both sides of the N-332, a seven-minute walk from the coastline, will be


In addition, there is the possibility of launching a minibus shuttle service that links the shopping centre with the beach, passing through the different park-and-rides and the existing bus stops.

According to the councillor, £ngel Noguera, the study is aimed at "a reduction in traffic congestion at the N-332 roundabout, improving internal circulation and accessibility and pedestrian and bicycle traffic, while optimising the park and ride parks".

"This study will serve as the basis for the work to be carried out in the coming years which also has as its object the remodelling of streets and rearrangement of traffic in La Zenia", said

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Looking across La Zenia Roundabout to Avda de la Playa

In Search of New Clichés

There is a platitude or cliché to cover every aspect of life, from cradle to grave. 'One born every minute' to 'the final nail in the coffin.' Thought-terminating clichés, also known as 'mind-stoppers', are used to discourage meaningful debate about a given topic, such as, "Are you blind, ref?"

Oft-repeated phrases lose their original meaning or effect to the point of becoming ludicrous or irritating. "Take the bull by the horns." Don't try that at home, children, even if you live above a china shop. And if there's no time like the present, why bother to wear a watch?

Ignorance may be bliss, but when the physician operating on you has been struck off for incompetence, remind yourself that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Let's hope that applies to your brain surgeon. Ouch.

Some clichés are frankly bonkers, they don't have any rhyme or reason. Which is the wrong side of the bed to get up from? What is this box we are advised to think outside of? Can you name the specific actions that speak louder than words?

Also, let's face it, a wolf would look pretty silly dressed in sheep's clothing, unless he wanted to act the giddy goat, and even then he might simply be laughed out of the chicken coop.

Ask a meteorologist if he knows of any climatic conditions whereby the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, and a puzzled frown will cloud his expression. Not that some commonplaces don't try to appear helpful. "Play your cards right," they advise us, not bothering to describe methods by which that might be successful, especially in poker.

The poet Gerard de Nerval once said,

"The first man who compared a woman to a rose was a poet, the second was a plagiarist." Nerval had a pet lobster which he walked at the end of a blue silk ribbon, until his suicide after several painful breakdowns, so I'm not sure he can be trusted.

If you sleep on a bed of roses, make sure all the thorns have been removed.

A closed mouth gathers no feet, but I'm going to chance a prediction. I believe all the old chestnuts and bromides we use in everyday language will eventually atrophy -- further atrophy -- and disappear from use. What goes around will no longer

come around, is what I'm saying. All won't be well that ends well. A moveable feast will revert to being a takeaway. We'll be able to have our cake and eat it too.

It is not now true, after all, that there are plenty of fish in the sea, it's a different kettle of depleted fish these days. And reading between the lines, I believe we will all live happily ever after, once we invent some new platitudes.

You know it makes sense. It's not rocket science. And if I'm wrong, well, a miss is as good as a mile.

Promoting tap water in hospitality venues

The FACUA consumer group has launched a campaign to promote the consumption of tap water in catering establishments.

The association has published a brochure informing consumers about their right to consume tap water for free when they go to a restaurant or catering establishment, and how they should act in the event that they are refused.

Following the publication last April of Law 7/2022, hospitality establishments are obliged to serve water from the tap to customers who request it, for free.

56 kilos of cocaine found attached to the hull of a ship

The Guardia Civil has found 56 kilos of cocaine that were hidden in the submerged part of the hull of a Panamanian-flagged ship in the port of Algeciras.

Guardia Civil divers carried out an inspection of the vessel's hull, as a result of which they found 44 suspicious packages in the stern area, near the engine room.

Following a "narcotest", the substance was identified as cocaine, yielding a total weight of 56 kilos.

Dead dog protest presented at Congress

In amendents to the new Animal Protection Law which will be voted this week, dogs used for hunting are to be excluded, as a result of which several organisations have carried out a shocking protest with a dead greyhound, as a symbol of the thousands of injured, abandoned, lost or discarded dogs, which hunting in Spain generates each year.

The greyhound has been photographed outside Congress being carried in the arms of activists characterised as Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, Santos Cerdán, Secretary of the PSOE and Emiliano García-Page, president of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha.

Tokio is a beautiful 10 year old, who loves everyone except perhaps cats.

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Christmas is like a Christmas stocking....

Christmas is a bit like a Christmas stocking: Everybody doesn’t get the same out of it and there are a lot of different types of stockings.

I heard my good friend, Frank, recently complain that after looking at 200 Christmas cards on the Internet, he failed to find even one with the word ‘Christ’ or ‘Christmas.’

I would be with Frank on this one. It seems that those who feel they can influence the attitude of the rest of us, are ‘hell-bent’ (no pun intended) on removing Christmas from Christmas.

The real meaning of Christmas is being pushed further and further to the back of the bus year after year. At the risk of repeating myself here, just don’t let anybody wish me a ‘Happy Holiday’ ‘Yuletide’, ‘Festive Season’ –and above all, don’t write ‘Happy Xmas’ when you are sending YCBS my welldeserved Christmas present!

We don’t wish to come across as pompous or pious (no, I’m not Pontious Pilate, Gorls) but Christmas celebrations are surely meaningless if not incorporating at least some aspect of what the whole thing is meant to be about; the birth of Jesus Christ?

If we are to be honest though, we have to admit that feasting and ‘what’s in it for me’, was forever a big part of Christmas. Even as children, in poor times, when the churches were filled with pomp and ceremony, ‘writing

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

to Santy’ and ‘what Santy brought’ was top of the Christmas agenda. But the ‘bit of religion’ has to be a part of the proceedings in order to enjoy and appreciate its full significance.

This is why it is just so awful to see the symbols of Christianity, such as the crib and pageantry being removed from public places – just on somebody’s ‘say-so.’ It is just crazy to suggest that the crib (or the Angelus Bell … while we’re at it) is offensive to our minority of non-Christian brethren.

There are said to be over 4,000 religions in the world and many of them mark Christmas as a religious feast. It is celebrated all over the world and even atheists respect the fact that we are marking the birth of Jesus. Buddhists celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas day – even though they see Jesus as a teacher rather than a messiah.

Muslims are welcomed here – and rightly so. People go to great lengths to ensure that nonChristian religious freedom is guaranteed and protected. Again; rightly so; but does it not sound a bit strange to you that a group of worshippers can prostrate themselves on the ground, nose, hands and feet touching the ground in prayer and that is totally acceptable to all; but if a lad at a supermarket check-out hears the Angelus bell and blesses himself, he is ‘gone a bit religious mad?!’

Now, if the same guy is a professional soccer player coming on as a sub then the same sign of the cross has become the most natural thing in the world?

Coming back to my friend, Frank’s complaint; isn’t it only fair to acknowledge that Christianity took several pagan customs and incorporated those into what has become a

Bernie has published four books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí. Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info.

GARDEN FELIX - Pink powder puff tree, bushlike flowers

Contrary to its delicate name, the pink powder puff treeCalliandra surinamensis - is a tough, low maintenance tree, widely grown for its brushlike flowers, withstanding challenging conditions, including drought and heat.

Care is minimal for all Calliandra species and cultivars, if they are grown in a sunny location with fast draining soil.

However, this petite, fast growing tree will produce a better display of flowers and live a longer, healthier life, if watered and lightly fed, particularly if grown in a pot.

They need regular watering when young, but can withstand long periods of drought with no water, once mature.

Simply provide an inch of water each week for their first two summers.Stop watering in autumn and winter.

A 2-3 inch thick layer of lightweight organic mulch spread around it's base will help conserve soil moisture, just be sure the mulch doesn't rest against the tree trunk.

big part of Christmas celebrations? I don’t like writing about something I know so little about, (ah stop it Lads … tis the season of goodwill) but isn’t the date itself and several of the customs we have come to associate with Christmas, taken from pagan traditions and the celebration of the winter solace?

The tree, that is such an integral part of Christmas decoration, draws a straight line back to the ‘Pagan Tree’, which was a very elaborate part of the ritual in pagan times. Saturnalia was an ancient Roman pagan festival which took place in mid-December.

Wreaths, candles, feasting and gift-giving was all part of the celebrations. Sound familiar .?

Hindu families celebrate Diwali at this time of year as well. This is also known as the Festival of Lights. The celebrations take place at an altar which is adorned with oil-lamps, candles and fireworks.

Jewish people too, enjoy a wintertime ‘festival of lights’ which is called Hanukkah. Why

Potted trees need to be watered whenever the soil appears dry on the surface.Do not let them dry out completely, as they can suffer root rot.

Powder puff trees need no fertiliser when grown in the ground, but potted specimens will benefit from light feeding - particularly when warm and sunlight is strong - with a weak solution of general fertiliser.

Apply weekly during the active growing season and discontinue in winter, when the tree is resting. Pruning or pinching back the new growth in spring will help encourage dense branching and flower production, along with controling the size of the tree, which is important when grown in a pot.

Snip off the tips of the stems by half an inch or so above a branch, as well as any dead or damaged branches, spent flowers or seed pods.

Pink powder puff trees rarely suffer from infections or illness.

don’t we invite the whole shebang and have one big fire on Westmeath’s Hill of Uisneach next year?

So you see, dear readers, throughout the world, there is a global connection as so many of us pay homage to a higher power in different ways. Wouldn’t it be great if all could agree on one simple philosophy; ‘live and let live!’

And we need two volunteers to help make up the three wise men …


Wishing you, dear readers, a very happy and peaceful Christmas. Thank you to those of you who took the time to comment on these jottings during the past year. It means a lot –whether you are agreeing or disagreeing. Every year at this time, our final thought is for those of you who will read this away from home, separated from where the heart is. Beannachtaì na Nollaig daoibh go léir.

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Two local Torrevieja Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Lodges (Buffs) clubbed together to raise the sum of 1500 Euros to purchase 300 chickens for the ëAHelping Hand Food and Clothes Bankílocated in El Chapparal.

ëAHelping handíwas started during the pandemic to help local families in need, the charity currently supports over 600 struggling people of all nationalities.

Lodge Member Brother Dan Davis made the delivery on behalf of the Lodges and was so overwhelmed by the good work carried out by the volunteers that he stayed to help Nikki and her volunteer ladies.

The RAOB one of the largest fraternal movements in the UK has two Lodges in Spain.

The Grand Primo of Spain, Hamish McConnachie said ì the Buffs have been in existence since the early 1800s and have helped millions of



On Monday December 12, the gifts and selection boxes from the amazingly generous people of Pinar de Campoverde were picked up by the orphanage and taken on their way ready for the children on Christmas Day.

Each year, Overseas Stores (Iceland) places trolleys by the tills in the store for people to place donated selection boxes and other Christmas sweets. The Shoe Box gift appeal is organised by Beryl Aguado, assisted by the Portobello Walking Football Club and Campoverde Church.

This year there was a record 381 items of sweets (mainly selection boxes) and around 150 gift boxes. This is a tremendous amount and we can only imagine the delight of the children on Christmas morning.

Thank you to everyone involved: Andrea and the staff of Iceland for persuading so many people to put something in the trolley; to Beryl for organising the Gift Box Appeal; to Celcius Hair and Beauty for being a drop-off point for the Gift Boxes; and to everyone who donated.

CAMPOVERDE CHURCH in the Community is delighted to take part and support the community in helping those less fortunate than us.

people around the world, our two local Lodges, The Patience Lodge which meets on a Sunday Morning and the Washington Lodge which meets on a Wednesday, both at Dillyís bar have supported many local charities and groups in the local area over the years.

The Buffs are always looking for new members and anyone wishing to join should contact our Secretary Dave Tonge on

Salt Church

Christmas Carol Service

The Salt Church based in Los Montesinos welcomed hundreds of people for their 2022 Christmas Carol Service.

"Welcome to you all for attending the Salt Church Christmas Carol service this year,it's nice to see so many people here," said pastor Chris Knight.

The service included a plethora of carols,including Silent Knight,O Little Town of Bethlehem,Hark The Herald Angels Sing,Joy To The World,and 12 Days Of Christmas. It's apt that the word SALT appears in the Bible around 35 times.Jesus said to His Disciples: "You are the SALT of the earth".Matthew 5:13.

After the service at Calle Daya Nueva 12,Poligono Indus.Levante II,attendees enjoyed mince pies and hot drinks.Photo:Helen Atkinson

500 Toys Donated by the Rotary Club in Orihuela

Orihuelaís Department of Youth in Orihuela received a donation of more than 500 toys from the Rotary Club of Orihuela.

The presentation took place last week in the La Lonja auditorium with the Councillor for Youth, Mar Ezcurra, and the president of the Rotary Club Orihuela, Adolfo Valero.

"I want to thank the Rotary Club and its president for this generosity that will allow us to reach many more homes and spread much more hope this Christmas," the councillor said with Valero adding that "all this effort is compensated if a child or a family

is happy receiving these toys because we all know the importance of learning and growing while playingî.

Toy collection containers will remain in the Teatro Circo Atanasio DÌe, the La Lonja auditorium, the MarÌa Moliner library, the Casa de la Juventud and in the Orihuela Costa Town Hall until 2 January.

The councillor asked associations that work with vulnerable families and that can distribute toys among to contact the Youth Department if they would like to help in distributing the toys

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Dan ‘The Man’ Davis The Salt Church Service

P r i s o n t h r e a t f o r e m p l o y e r s u s i n g f a l s e a u t ó n o m o s

The PSOE and Unidas Podemos have tabled an amendment to article 311 of the Penal Code relating to the use of false autónomos.

The practice has been widespread,although the government is trying to crack down on the practice of companies using self-employed workers rather than employing them with a contract.

If the amendment is approved,penalties of between six months and six years in prison,and fines of 6 to

12 months,will be imposed on guilty employers.

The amendment seeks to make the practices of businesses such as delivery company Glovo,which continue to use false self-employed workers,a criminal offence.Similar false practices are also used extensively by many local property agencies.

Glovo still finds it beneficial to use the false selfemployed,which forces the workers themselves to pay their own social security contributions.But if the measure goes ahead,Glovo will be committing not only an administrative crime,but also a criminal one which could lead to the imprisonment of their executives.

Of course it is not only delivery firms which operate under the illegal practice,as there and many other companies around the country who are also using self-employed workers when they should all be afforded a contract.


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The amendent

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower.
was tabled by Minister of Labour Yolanda Diaz





ACROSS: ACROSS: 7 Ocean; 8 Iterate; 9 Inertia; 10 Climb; 12 Profligate; 15 Unassuming; 18 Equal; 19 Shrivel; 21 Janitor; 22 Genus.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Solicitude; 2 Lever; 3 Unit; 4 Pilaff; 5 Reaction; 6 Habitat; 11 Breathless; 13 Resolute; 14 Calumny; 16 Misery; 17 Event; 20 Rage.


ACROSS: ACROSS: 7 Usury; 8 Landing; 9 Morsels; 10 Upset; 12 Trade route; 15 Nail polish; 18 Rites; 19 Garnets; 21 Contest; 22 Aisle.

DOWN: 1 Submariner; 2 Guard; 3 Byre; 4 Closed; 5 Inquires; 6 Dies out; 11 Trespasses; 13 Ripostes; 14 Listing; 16 Lights; 17 Gesso; 20 Rear.


1.Work preparing soup (4)

8.Why three make no company? (3,3,4) 9.Join together to get man and wife out of bed? (6,2) 10.Price increase is taken in again (4) 12.Violent tale about mutiny leader (6) 14.Pick the French in a religious group (6) 15.Wasn't on target when addressed as a spinster (6)

17.One is included in schemes for flat country (6)

18.Part-song engendering mirth (4)

19.Predict broken core will have firm outside (8) 21.Maybe pet fable is quite incredible (4,6)

22.Dandies find ordinary people smug initially (4)


2.Stood in the dock until op-art composition sorted out (3,2,5)

3.Cleanser that can change the face of opera? (4)

4.Simply the first person to trust (6)

5.Sue cop for smashing cars! (6)

6.It encourages a put-up job when it rains (8)

7.Sort of university, perhaps (4)

11.Mistake isn't the first the fielder makes (6,4)

13.Paying them involves a polite visit (8)

16.Disagree if Fred goes round in a turmoil (6)

17.Leaving nothing out, steal roof-beam (6)

18.Stare open-mouthed at green-headed primate (4)

20.Ablow on the wrist? (4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. According to legend which famous stories were told each night by a Queen to her King in order to avoid execution the next morning?

2. Who sang the theme song for each of the following films? a: SHAFT (1971), b: Tomorrow Never Dies. c: The Longest Day

3. World symbols: a: Which bird is the national symbol of France, b: Which Greek goddess had an owl as her emblem?

c: Which of the world's national airlines is known by three consecutive letters of the alphabet? d: What is the most common colour on the fields of American state flags? e: By what symbol was Sir Percy Blakeney known throughout revolutionary France?

4. Which planet did the Mariner spacecraft explore?

5. What is the terpsichorean art?

6. Thomas Edison suffered from scotophobia. What is scotophobia (and why is this ironic)?

7. Homosapiens. What does 'sapiens' mean?

8. "Bridegroom", "butterfly", "twins", "little ears" and "strangle the priest" are all translations for which types of food?

9. Which two politicians led the British coalition government during the First World War?

10. Which French painter, along with Monet, is said to have fathered impressionism?

11. What was the title of T.H. White's 1958 novel about Arthurian legend?

12. What is bottled in JEROBOAMS?

13. Complete the title of each of the following Paul McCartney albums with one word. a. Wild, b. Red Rose, c. Venus and, d. London, e. Flaming, f. Paul Is

14. What are the six ranges of the human voice, applicable especially to singers.

15. In modern physics Up, Down, Strange, Charmed, Bottom (or Beauty) and Top(or Truth) are collectively called what?

16. A popular currency and the east wind in ancient Greece. One word

17. In which 7 countries is Portuguese the official language? (not one of the official languages)

18. Which Agatha Christie thriller took its title from a line in a poem by Tennyson?

19. In which Strait did the pride of the Royal Navy HMS Hood sink?

20. Which old French word meaning 'Orient' once referred to the Mediterranean lands east of Italy which now include modern day Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Syria and parts of Saudi Arabia and Iraq? Six letters

21. Name the four British players to win the Wimbledon Gentlemen's Singles during the twentieth century

22. Which two native Americans led the Sioux and Cheyenne warriors at Little Bighorn and defeated American General Custer?

PAGE 14 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 949
1.Beside (4) 8.Insufficiency (10) 9.Oust (8) 10.Cloak (4) 12.Individual (6) 14.Rises (6) 15.Cosmetics (4-2) 17.Fold (6) 18.Fairy (4)
DOWN DOWN 2.Burn (10) 3.Incline (4)
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 23 CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE?


The threatened strike by members of the CCOO union that would have affected Spain's airports over Christmas has been called off.

Agreement was reached on December 14 with the national ministry of transport, the dispute having been about non-payment of productivity pay bonuses. This had been suspended during the pandemic and not restored; the bonuses will now be paid in January and March 2023.

The CCOO has the highest worker representation of all unions in the Aena airports authority network of 43 airports and two heliports with 10,000 workers.

Other unions had not backed the strike, the CCOO saying that its

planned action had been "appropriate as the majority union" and that it had "assumed a very significant risk alone" in recovering productivity pay.

In the union's view, "pressure" exerted in the media gave "maximum publicity" to the strike and proved to be "key" in reaching a settlement.

The strike was due to have started on December 22. Six days of strike action had been scheduled up to January 8, with the threat of further action during the first quarter of 2023 and up to Easter.

Fire Fright for Torrevieja Couple

An elderly couple had a scare on Wednesday when a fire broke out in their home located on calle Alborán in Torrevieja.

Fire fighters from the Provincial Consortium attended the scene at around 3:30 p.m., after they were called to a report of a fire in the room where the dryer/washing machine is stored in the home.

The crew quickly extinguished the flames and ventilated the home due to the amount of

smoke generated by the blaze. Luckily, nobody was injured in the incident and only material damage was reported.

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, English-speaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: www. Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@

The Meetings of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch are held at 7 for 7.30 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome incl non members. However, due to closure there will be no meeting in Jan. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99.

need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Mike Cockman 670 224 822

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.

The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We

The RAFACosta Blanca RMG replaces the RAFACosta Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFAwebsite

Over 50 - On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Reflections Bar/Restaurant, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at;

PAGE 16 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022

"Christmas Memories"

A true account of a childhood Christmas

I couldn't sleep that Christmas Eve

My excitement was too great I went to bed still fully dressed I think I was only eight

I knew there would be presents And I usually got a lot My siblings thought that I was spoiled Compared to what they'd got We all would gather in our parents bedroom Christmas Morn I'd be the first to open mine With Christmas paper torn

My sister *'Nig' would follow me Then *'Pip' my older brother My elder sister *'Flo' was next Then Dad and then my Mother

Mum always had a lot of things And opened them in bed There'd be a lot of scented gifts Once wrapping paper shred

The room would smell of bath salts And assorted perfumed things A smell that takes me back there To the joy it always brings

We weren't a wealthy family But our Christmas's were gold Such happy precious moments In my heart I'll always hold

Mum and Dad are gone now And my brother also died I'm the baby of the family But taking that aside

No one can steal those happy days The love, the times we shared Now Christmas's speak money And no way are they compared

To those family days we cherish To those memories gone by We can't replace those happy days So we're mad to even try!

Dear Jesus I'm writing this letter Last year I wrote Santa one too But he couldn't assist with my wish list That's why I am writing to you You see I'm a six year old orphan Who longs for what he's never had A home full of love and affection With a wonderful mummy and dad My parents were both taken from me I think I was only just three But I vaguely remember their cuddles And the kisses they showered over me I know it's a really big wish list But I know you do miracle things So if you find me a mummy and daddy I'd believe you're a true King of Kings I know there's no post code in Heaven Or street name or house name to write So I'm just putting 'Jesus in Heaven' And hoping it gets there alright

"Christmas Wish List"

My Christmas would be so exciting Like a Christmas that I've never known Please Jesus consider my wish list As each Christmas I feel so alone I pray every day like a good boy I cry in my bed every night Dear Jesus I hope that you hear me I believe you can put all things right So I posted my letter to Jesus In the post box for Santa and prayed I waited to get back a letter And I thought that it must be delayed But then come Christmas Eve in the Amorning couple arrived at the door They came and they cuddled me tightly I knew what their cuddles were for My miracle happened, they loved me At last all my wishes came true My letter to Jesus had helped me Maybe you'd like to write to him too.

BABOUSCKA - A Russian Christmas Story

It was the night the dear Christ Child came to Bethlehem. In a country far away from Him, an old, old woman named Babouscka sat in her snug little house by her warm fire. The wind was drifting the snow outside and howling down the chimney, but it only made Babouscka's fire burn more brightly.

"How glad I am that I may stay indoors!" said Babouscka, holding her hands out to the bright blaze. But suddenly she heard a loud rap at her door. She opened it and her candle shone on three old men standing outside in the snow. Their beards were as white as the snow, and so long that they reached the ground. Their eyes shone kindly in the light of Babouscka's candle, and their arms were full of precious things—boxes of jewels, and sweetsmelling oils, and ointments.

"We have travelled far, Babouscka," said they, "and we stop to tell you of the Baby Prince born this night in Bethlehem. He comes to rule the world and teach all men to be loving and true. We carry Him gifts. Come with us, Babouscka!"

But Babouscka looked at the driving snow, and then inside at her cosy room and the crackling fire. "It is too late for me to go with you, good sirs," she said, "the weather is too cold." She went inside again and shut the door, and the old men journeyed on to

Bethlehem without her. But as Babouscka sat by her fire, rocking, she began to think about the little Christ Child, for she loved all babies. "Tomorrow I will go to find Him," she said; "tomorrow, when it is light, and I will carry Him some toys."

So when it was morning Babouscka put on her long cloak, and took her staff, and filled a basket with the pretty things a baby would like—gold balls, and wooden toys, and strings of silver cobwebs—and she set out to find the Christ Child.

But, oh! Babouscka had forgotten to ask the three old men the road to Bethlehem, and they had travelled so far through the night that she could not overtake them. Up and down the roads she hurried, through woods and fields and towns, saying to whomsoever she met: "I go to find the Christ Child. Where does he lie? I bring some pretty toys for His sake."

But no one could tell her the way to go, and they all said: "Farther on, Babouscka, farther on." So she travelled on, and on, and on for years and years—but she never found the little Christ Child.

They say that old Babouscka is traveling still, looking for Him. When it comes Christmas eve, and the children are lying fast asleep, Babouscka comes softly through the snowy fields and towns, wrapped in her long cloak

and carrying her basket on her arm. With her staff she raps gently at the doors and goes inside and holds her candle close to the little children's faces.

"Is He here?" she asks. "Is the little Christ Child here?" And then she turns sorrowfully away again, crying: "Farther on, farther on."

But before she leaves she takes a toy from her basket and lays it beside the pillow for a Christmas gift. "For His sake," she says softly and then hurries on through the years and forever in search of the little Christ Child.

PAGE 18 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Mind The Gap9-3Tipsy Toad Toppers

Hub Hyenas6-6El Capitan

Fallen Angels5-7Domino´s Desp’dos

Ck1 Lads11-1Pint Depot Queens

CC’s Bees7-5CC’s Flyers

Milo´s4-8Leeson St. Trotters

Tipsy Toad Tiaras9-3Hub Hellraisers

Danny´s Bar10-2Angel’s Delights

Freakie Taverners10-2Ck1 Ladybirds

League Table P Pts Legs

Hub Hyenas1121107

Mind The Gap1020109

El Capitan1119101

CC´s Bees111883

Tipsy Toad Toppers111689

CC's Flyers101481

Ck1 Lads111480

Danny's Bar111266

Leeson Street Trotters111168

Freakie Taverners111059


Fallen Angels11959

Domino's Desperados11751

Ck1 Ladybirds11643

Tipsy Toad Tiaras11440

Angel Delights11327

Hub Hellraisers11325

Pint Depot Queens11024

180's: Paul Christopher, CC´s Bees; Matt Smith, CC´s Flyers. Highest Check-Out: Mark Ellis, Hub Hyenas, 19-T20-D10 (99)


Toppers put in a decent effort against current champions Gap and were in fact 1-2 up after the triples. Six tons or ton pluss's from Gap and 7 from Toppers in the opening 3 legs.

Gap moved up a gear in the pairs, Gordon Cowan 100,140, with Sam Salt 140,D2, Darren Sanderson D9 alongside Bliss Wright 100,97 and James Brown 137, Carlos Escansiano D18, claiming all the pairs.

Gap continued their form in the 2nd half, taking 5 of the 6 available, Wright 140 and a 63 out, and POTM Brown 125,140,100,D8, the best of the crop. Toppers best overall performances, Lance Hardy, 123,136, 4x80+, Paddy Winterbourne 2x100,121, and POTM Graham Solomans, 3X100,125, 4X80+.


Both sides showed too much respect for each other in this below par encounter. The outcome, shared spoils, which on reflection was a fair result. Caps

December 22nd, New Tavern, San Miguel.

Entries still accepted, also players requiring partners. Phone Simone, or turn up on the night at 7-30pm.

Bar raffle prize donations welcome

nicked the 1st in a high scoring triple Ben Kernahan adding D2 to his earlier 121. Mark Ellis D12 and a S19,T20,D10 (99 out) giving Hub a 2-1 advantage.

Ed Klimonis found D8 in the 4th, partner Vycka Bobinas doing the scoring 100,100,107. The remaining pairs going to Hub via, Jay Wilkinson D9 and Alan Havelock D5.

Caps won the 1st three singles, Ed K. 100, D9, Kernahan 100, D3 and skipper Arold K. D16 gaining their side a 4-5 lead.

Havelock gave a POTM performance 140,D5 against a lively Olly Walker 140, to set up a Pete Spence thriller 140, 60 out versus Bobinas 100, 120, for 6-5. Marcos Lopez finding the outer circle to complete the match and draw. Ed Klimonis - POTM.


Queens could only muster one leg in this visit to CK 1 through POTM Alison Wands who found plenty of trebles in her singles victory over Lads Steve Mallen, who earlier contributed 2 winning legs. Lads POTM Kevin Wood achieved the evenings highest finish on 86, and a useful score total of 4x80+, 135,140 plus 2 further outs. Steve M. Dalton back to his best with a hatfull of trebles and 3 outs. Top score for Queens Debbie Wright 120.


On this form Bees are heading for a 3rd place finish at the halfway stage. Toppers and Caps, their next opponents, will of course be standing in their way, but don't have a flutter on final positions. Some decent performances from both sides saw the match level at half time.

Maximums from B's Paul Christopher and Flyers Matt Smith set the match tone. Home side outs from Liam Lumb 52, Christopher D20, and Paul Tollafield 121, D10, were countered by Madrid's D10, Charles Pritchett's D8 and Smith's D4. Madrid's ton tally 100, 121,135,140. Liam Daly 100,D19 singles opener was cancelled out by Pritchett for 4-4, the hosts subsequently taking the next three and match via Tollafield D4, Dave Rowlinson 100,140, D12 and POTM Christopher 140,100,D16. Madrid overcome Liam Lumb in the remaining single. Bees an outside bet for the title.


This match wasn't decided until the 12th leg, Paul Chick closing D2 for both Despo's points against the useful Tony Spiers.

Graham White put in his usual praiseworthy shift of 100,100,140 and 2 outs but it was Spurs Man Billy Dolling taking Angels POTM with an excellent singles victory over Despos skip Steve Harding. The visitors held their own to half time Christine Oates providing 2 doubles, Ray Hayes top scoring on 132. The game was won however in the 2nd half, Despos taking 4 of the available 6 courtesy of Angela Chick, Dave Oates, Paul C. and POTM Graham Eagles with a bundle of T20's and the point winning 6th leg.


Linda Davies who had two, consecutive 70+ scores, utilising the bull, and also a D3 out.

No 100 pluses for either side but Tiaras sparkled with a triple of 90+ from de Lacy and double checkouts from Lisa Ivill, Sharon Crane and Elizabeth Cowan, so all was merry and bright.


Plenty of scores from the travelling Delights but not enough doubles, their only 2 coming from Sharon Williams arrows, which found D20 in a triple and D5 in her singles for POTM.

Far more scores and doubles came from Bob Smith's amiable Dannys, the best of which a POTM display from Lesley Lumb, 2 outs from Jane Wills and a "this is how you do it" from skipper Smith.


Freakies move up two league places after this demolition of Ladybirds. Just 2 singles wins for Birds, one from Gina Woods D9, the other from POTM Sue Christie D2, sadly both after the game was over.

Bryan Livsey put in another Freakies POTM effort, gaining 2 legs, as did Ernie Willis, Mario Garcia, and Mitch Halliday. Top score came via Annette Dobson 133 and best finish was a one dart out on the Bull from Sharon Frain.


Four legs in each half gave the Trotters a comfortable away win and 2 points against the unpredictable Milos.

Mark Farmer was again in scintillating Trotters form, bagging 2 outs, 100,100,134,140, but team mate Steve Tilly received the POTM accolade with 3 outs, 99,100,100,121.

Best for Milos Cain Garcia and 7 80+'s, plus Sam Edwards finding 2 of his sides 4 doubles. Milos POTM - Garcia.

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
FALLEN ANGELS V DOMINOS DESPERADOS Santa brought a lovely Christmas present for the Tiaras, their first win of the season. Denise Green, in her Man United Christmas Jumper, had been a particularly good girl and got the Tiaras their (and her) first point and POTM accolade - ´Raisers´ Captain Cheryl McGlynn being a Reds fan. Sue Spiers earned yet another POTM (85, 95, 85, D1, D3) so closely taking it from teammate POTM - Alan and Ed POTM - Graham and Billy POTM - Sue and Denise Bull out for Shazza

Mike Probert talks Golf

Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.


On a rainy day in March 2004 the Probert family arrived from Staffordshire to start their new life in sunny Spain armed with a few Euro’s and no idea what the future would hold.

After a short period of rest it was necessary to plan a future and make an income rather than sit with friends in the sun or a bar all day.

The Leader were looking for articles of interest and as I had a commercial and golfing background the weekly golf column was started.

The golf columns were read by creators of web-sites and other glossy magazines published locally and so the golfing word was spread and having been followed by a book pub-

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you:


AlendaÄ134Two Green Fees & Buggy

AlicanteÄ84Two Green Fees & Buggy

Altaoana VillageÄ100Two Green Fees & Buggy

AltorrealÄ120Two Green Fees & Buggy

BonalbaÄ118Two Green Fees & Buggy

CampoamorÄ150Two Green Fees & Buggy

lisher I became the published author of a book called ‘Golfing Guide to Murcia’ which was distributed via Amazon and WH Smith which then saw me involved in a Golfing Documentary about golf in Spain shown across numerous countries within Europe.

The local golf courses then contacted me directly to act on their behalf as a golf booking agent and tour operator and in 2008 Costa Blanca Green Fee Services was launched offering a variety of golfing services to residents and golfing tourists alike.

Since the launch of the business we have booked more than 85,000 round of golf and written 1000’s of golf articles and the general feedback is that these have been positively received by the golfing public as informative and of interest. However all good things must come to an end and due to

Don Cayo (Altea)Ä100Two Green Fees & Buggy

El PlantioÄ84Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)

El ValleÄ60Single Green Fee

Font Del LlopÄ110Two Green Fees & Buggy

Hacienda D AlamoÄ47Single Green Fee

La FincaÄ124Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)

La MarquesaÄ52Single Green Fee

La SerenaÄ1102 Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.08pm)

La TorreÄ60Single Green Fee

Las ColinasÄ85Single Green Fee (from 3pm)

Las RamblasÄ972 Green Fees & Buggy (from 1.00pm)

LorcaÄ78Two Green Fees & Buggy

Lo RomeroÄ55Single Green Fee

Mar MenorÄ50Course Closed until further notice

family health related reasons it is necessary for the Probert family to return back to Staffordshire to live on the 14th January 2023.

The Costa Blanca Green Fee Services business has been sold to Jose and Fran Borja of GolfenAlicante Leisure SL as from the 1st January 2023 who will continue to run the business in the same professional manner but without the weekly golf articles in the Leader and they will be here to provide all your golfing needs and can be contracted on 680 414 851 or on the original e-mail address of or

The good news (for some people) is that I will remain within the business from the UK to respond to any e-mail or internet related golf enquiries, so you have not seen the last of me yet.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Leader, our readers and many people we like to call friends for 18 wonderful years in Spain and this has been one of the hardest decisions we have ever had to make and the last 6 months have been enormously stressful for our family.

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year and in the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger “Hasta La Vista Baby, I will be back”

#VisitMurcia#CostaCalida#RegiondeMurcia#CostaCalidaMak esYouHappy#ITREM#CostaCálida#RegióndeMurcia#TurismoRM

New Sierra GolfÄ82Two Green Fees & Buggy

Puig CampanaÄ98Two Green Fees & Buggy

RodaÄ1202 Green Fees & Buggy (after 1.06pm)

SaurinesÄ47Single Green Fee

Villaitana LevanteÄ80Single Green Fee

Villaitana PonienteÄ58Single Green Fee & Buggy

VillamartinÄ1152 Green Fees & Buggy (From 1pm)

VistabellaÄ1122 Green Fees & Buggy (after 2.00pm)

DEAL OF THE WEEK: Saurines de La Torre Ä120 for 2 players and buggy.

For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


The Gods were certainly looking down on us with 22 degrees of warm weather that had many playing in their shorts and tee-shirts.

With the course set from the yellow markers, one or two challenging pin positions and the greens in excellent condition, receptive, fast, and true.

At 08.45 the shotgun sounded, and we were off. Camillus and his team of Terry, Alan and Philip had the vent running to perfection. To Jose, Cristina and Jean many thanks for all your help in having everything prepared.

With the cards returned we then held our general meeting of members of our Club. Followed by our Christmas dinner in the magnificently prepared restaurant. With a special thank you to Kike the new restaurant manager and his team of Vanessa, Brian, Gloria and all the other waiting staff.

In the kitchen there were four chefs led by Marijose the head chef. We had a sumptuous meal and all members were delighted with the fayre. I feel sure that Bruno is a content manager to have such a united team at his disposal, well done one and all.

Music and entertainment was provided by the marvellous Jackie Whyte assisted by Tom. It was not long at all before Jackie had them dancing in the aisles. The day started early but definitely finished late with the last souls leaving after 02.00.

The results on the day were as follows. NTP’s, hole 5 Nick Brookes and Terry Lambert, hole 6 John Aitchison and Alan Ewing, hole 7 Denis McCormack and John O’ Brien, hole 13 Mike Sephton and Philip Mountford and holes 11 and 17 Mike Stott and Jim Imrie.

The prizes were then awarded to, in 6th position Mike Stott and Jim Imrie 67.8, 5th, Aideen and Frank Considine 67.4,

4th Gordon Montgomery and Clive Jenkins 67.4, 3rd Pauvla Serakova and Grant Meekins 66.6.

2nd went to Alan Ewing and John Aitchison with 66.4 and the winners on the day were Denis McCormack and John O’Brien on 65.8.

On behalf of The Celts I would like to wish all our members, friends and family, near and far a Happy Christmas.

Last Thursday Carp-r-Us fished their annual Fur and Feather match at the El Bosquet complex.This year members were also fishing for the Ann Fowles Memorial Cup for the first time

The previous night had seen heavy, cold rain in the area and the morning was much cooler than in recent days so a tough days fishing was expected.Thankfully everyone of the 15 anglers taking part caught fish even if weights were generally on the low side.

The winner from peg 39 was Steve Higgins who fished a superb match (his words) to finish with 19.62kg caught on pole with maggots.Second from peg 1b was Dave Hutchinson who had 11.86kg, again caught on pole and maggot.Third was Vinnie Smith on peg 6 who caught on pole and bread for 10.60kg and fourth on peg 31 was Terry Screen who 7.18kg also on pole and bread.

After the match a number of the members retired to Café Uno in Catral where they were served with an excellent steak and chips meal.

Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us

Fishing Costa Blanca.

We do not have a match next week so on behalf of the club can I take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Just over a week ago the club organised a mornings fishing for some of the children from Elche Childrens Care Home at the El Bosquet complex.

The club provided all the equipment and bait and gave the children a few hours of one-to one-tuition on various fishing methods.Pleasingly, all the children caught fish and they all said they had an excellent time.

The morning finished with a BBQ for the children and staff who attended, again provided by the club.

All who attended, children, care home staff and club members thought it was a great day and it is hoped to organise more in the future.

PAGE 20 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

IN THE ANNUAL snow golf tournament at California’s Alpine Meadows ski resort at Lake Tahoe, competitors tee off from perilous mountain-top tee boxes using high visibility green tennis balls, then ski nine downhill “fairways” finishing up in flagged circles spraypainted on the greens (well, whites) to putt the ball into a hole in the snow.

Each player completes a score card, and the winner is decided by having their card drawn out at the (very festive) post-round party.

Tiger Woods & Rory McIlroy present TGL, a

high-tech golf league featuring 6 teams made of the top PGA TOUR players. Jon Rahm and Justin Thomas are the first confirmed stars, apart from Woods and McIlroy themselves, to commit to TGL, which will launch in 2024 in partnership with the PGA Tour. The new recruits have a combined 22 PGA Tour victories, TGL was announced earlier this year ahead of the Tour Championship as part of sweeping changes to the PGA Tour in what was seen as a bid to combat the threat posed by


Once again the golfers from the Costa Blanca and surrounding areas came up trumps in support of the 2022 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal raising more than e8000.00

In total there were 24 society events and two

charity days during a frantically busy two months.

I would like to offer my personal thanks to everybody who contributed to this magnificent sum.

Mick The Grip.

LIV Golf. It represents a partnership between the tour and TMRW Sports, a company set up by Woods and McIlroy which has attracted investment from high-profile figures in the world of sport and entertainment.

The competition will consist of teams of three golfers going head-to-head in a league on Monday nights. It will be held in purposebuilt indoor venues, with shots hit into a cinema-sized screen in front of a live audience. More big names are expected to join in the New Year. Watch this space!

The PNC Championship, formerly the father/Son Challenge, is being held December 16--19th at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club in Orlando, and features PGA TOUR Champions and a son/daughter. John Daly teamed with his son John II to win in 2021, 2 strokes ahead of Tiger Woods and his son Charlie. The Woods' reeled off a tournament record 11 birdies in a row and shot 15-under 57 in the two-man scramble, but it wasn’t enough to catch the Dalys who shot 57 and a 36-hole total of 27-under 117. Tiger has been encouraging Woods Jnr. to “swing like Rory,” although as it's helped him on the way to 15 majors I wouldn't have thought there was much wrong with Dad's swing.

Pete Cowen: 'Tiger Wood's last year as an amateur in some ways was the best. He had height on his backswing. He had a drop on his downswing that was to die for, a moment

of deceleration with his upper body that allowed his arms to catch up. He then exploded into the ball in a way that was incredible. He will never have that again, if for nothing else than age. Age eventually makes everyone look ordinary.'

Cowen Tip: “When people stand too far away from the ball there is little control of the butt end of the club.

If it travels too far back or forward when chipping and pitching, it causes the bottom of the arc to change which causes inconsistencies. The more you minimise the movement, the better your consistency will be.”

In 50 years of playing I have never yet made an ace. Nobody could accuse me of being inconsistent.

Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy faced Justin Thomas and Jordan Spieth in 'The Match,' held at the Pelican Golf Club Belleair Florida, on 9th December in a best-ball format.

The 12-hole competition,which benefited Hurricane Ian relief efforts, took place live under floodlights on Primetime TV and was won by Spieth and Thomas 3 & 2. All four could have just given a million each to the effort and stayed in with a takeaway.

Just to say that the generous golfers of Orihuela Costa raised over e8.000 for the RBL poppy appeal this year. Many thanks to everyone for a great effort!

A very Merry Christmas to all, and great golfing in 2023.

Contact Mick For regripping and repairs. Tel: 638 859 475 or visit

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022
Hacienda del Alamo Live On Alfies GS Lo Marabu GS Wee Rock Cafe Ruby’s GS


(Members run Club) by Alan Carr


The Golds played there re-arranged game on Monday morning and hosted San Miguel Navajos, the game ended with the Golds picking up well deserved wins on three rinks, and also collecting 2 points for the overall (Shots 86-81) making the final result 8-4.

Rink winners were; Gordon Paton, Stan Dibble & Alan Mawer (22-10). Tracey Paffett, Judy Carroll & Ken Barber (22-16). Ann & Robert Heath with Brian Fraser (20-17).

The Club Internal Winter Club Championship games are on target to be completed on time for the winners to enter the

Champion of Champions games.

The internal hamper game came to a close after 9 weeks with the 40 entrants receiving a different size hamper depending on what position they finished in. Congratulations to the winning team; Maxine Wright, Irene Laverick, Wayne Howlett & Jean Cooper.

Interested in joining La Siesta members run bowls club there is always plenty of social activities, which include Tenpin bowling & Minigolf evenings followed by a meal.

George´s Chicken and Egg is every Wednesday 1.30 for 2pm, and Mike & Grahams roll up every Saturday 930 for 950 am.

Just pop in or call the President George 865772498 or the Captain Wendy 633 068 399 who will be pleased to give you any further information you may require.

Costa Blanca Independent Winter Pool League.

La Marina Bowls Club

It seems I was premature last week although the leagues had finished we still had a exciting week. It started on Saturday with the Club's Christmas Dinner organised by Chris Bould and very successful it was too, a 3 course dinner supplied by Paulo and Elena at the complex and some Dance Music supplied by our top DJ, Jim Manning.

Thanks to all those that made it happen and to all those that attended.

This was followed on Monday by the Premier20/20 Knockout.

We had been lucky or unlucky enough to be drawn in the preliminary round which we won for the right to meet Quesada in the first round and what a game that turned out to be – for those that need reminding a single, pair, triple and a four home and away simultaneously.

Away at Quesada we lost 3 games each by only 2 shots, and won 1 by 6 shots – meaning we came away with 2 points to their 6 but with shot difference of 69 each. At home we won 2 games, lost 1 and with the singles to decide which team goes through.

The singles were 20-20 with one end to play to reach that magic 21, after the last bowl players went up to inspect the head and cannot decide who is the winner. It must have been measured by 4 different players before it was called a draw (dead end), so a decider had to be played.

It is difficult to know if it is best to have the 1st or last bowl, as it turned out we had the last bowl that needed to win as we were 1 down. We were so close but alas not quite.

Quesada go through 7-5 but like England Football we were so close, so all I can say is don't waste us Quesada go on to win. Our shot difference at home was 76-65 in our favour.

Back to the Leagues and the Leader published both the Enterprise and Discovery Divisions, The Explorers are mid table with 45 points and the teams around them on 50-48-46-44 all so very tight.

Finally Norman (Pathfinders Captain) organised a Christmas Dinner for Tuesday evening for the Seagulls and Pathfinders where he announced that the Pathfinders are off the bottom by 3 places giving us a extra celebration.

Thank you all very much, lets keep it up for the New Year.


This weeks only game was the Premier 20 gainst Bonalba on Thursday 15th.December.Ater 2 tremendous matches home and away Greenlands pulled off a great win against our friends from the North.Teams and results as follows:


Singles.C.Broomfield 8-21 G.Dowson

Pairs.M.Dewar,J Johnson 25-8 B.Pilling M.Prosser

Trips.D.Donovan,T.Hodges,L.Rudge 22-10 S.Green,D.Sparrow,T.Green

Rinks.S.Bosworth,J.Taylor,D.Toozer,J. Hier 19-10 B.Archer,M.Tobin,J. Branson,G.Mill.

Shots 73- 49, Points 6-2.


Singles.A.Miles 21-8 D.Lane.

Pairs.G.Shoots,D.Morrisson 30-11 E. Bell,R.Bell.

Trips.C.Stobbart,P.Rhodes,K.Stobbart 7-20 P.Mayne,C.Wright,D.Wright

Rinks.J.Jukes,M.Jukes,L.Bonsor,P. Bonsor 30-11 M.Isaac,T.Booking,R. Booking,G.Mill

Shots 93-53. Points 6-2.

A great result to finish the year on. We wish all the Bonalba players a merry christmas and a happy new year,See you in 2023.

To all Greenlands members you are wel-

come to the Christmas extravaganza Wednesday 21st at the club.Xmas fancy dress or RED/GREEN,Details on the website and on the Facebook page.


If you enjoy a mix of competitive and funbowling in a friendly environment at a wonderful venue.If you want to share in and contribute to our continued success and you are interested in joining our Club,why not give one of us a call? Also coaching available either groups or individual,by fully qualified coaches. Equipment available.

Pete Bonsor (Captain) 711 02 08 46Keith Stobbart (President) 693 06 53 55John Rosati (Secretary) 688 70 93 62

Also we have Joe’s roll up every Saturday morning 9.30 for 10.00,entry fee 1 euro FANTASTIC PRIZES ( honest).,non members are welcome and pay a green fee 0f 6 euros.This is a great social event each week,food and drink available after.Just turn up before 9.45.

There is also an adventure golf course available for the Husband or wife and children whilst the partner,s are playing bowls just book at the bar.

Come and enjoy our fantastic venue it’s a great day out.



Cab Buddies Christmas cheer came early with a 6-0 win against The Dream Team in division 2,week 7 of the 202223 Costa Blanca Independent Winter Pool League.

Richard Wood,Luke Preece, Martin Burke,Brian Pendlebury and Allan Boyden cued returning victories for CB to chalk up their first win of the campaign. Mixed Spice were too hot for visitors Full Monte Azul chalking up a 6-4 win,with Colin Lewis,Paul Hockey,Paul Howard,and Jan Williams returning MS wins.

Hals Heroes edged a 6-5 win against The Rancheros in division one.Paul Johnson,Tim Wright,John Clifford,and Eddie Marsh returning wins for HH.

Super Beer Monsters suffered a 6-4 home defeat against The Young Boys,with John Smyth, Tony Coyle,Pete Cleaver,and Jimmy Bryce wracking up wins for TYB.

The Almoradians magnificent 7-3 away win against The Pine Nuts saw Gary Reeves,Curtis Martiner,Neil Judd,and Joe O"Hallaran winning frames for TA.

The Shakers went 6-4 down at home against visitors The Excellence with Dave Baker, Darren Mountain,Martin Curran,and Pete Hamnett winning frames for league leaders TE.

PAGE 22 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
VISTABELLA BOWLS CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY at The Pines Restaurant, A brilliant evening, A big Thanks to Alice for arranging the evening. Vistabella Bowls Club would like to wish all Bowlers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy 2023.


As Santa Pola's Manolo Macia stadium pitch is currently undergoing re seeding, this Preferente league match was played at nearby Mpal field Xipretes.

Thader manager Raul Mora was keen to extend his sides' 3 match unbeaten run, against a team who shared a similar mid table position. Mora made a few surprise changes to the starting line-up, especially the inclusion of Jony alongside Quino in the strikers' role.

Inside the first 5 Mins, a Santa Pola corner resulted in Chema tipping a goal bound header over the bar.

Thader's reliable keeper was again in action within a few minutes, this time he pulled off an acrobatic save to prevent a certain goal. But on 10 mins, disaster struck. A cross from the right into the box seemed harmless enough, but in an off the ball incident, Pascual was adjudged to have pushed an opponent.

From the resultant penalty, although Chema guessed correctly, he was powerless to prevent the ball entering the net.

Pedro Juan was victim of a kick in his chest, which, although inside the penalty area, did

not result in a justified penalty. Instead, the match ref awarded an indirect free kick, the first of many baffling decisions to go against the men from Rojales.

On the half hour mark, Quino could only watch as his firm header from a corner, just missed the target. Although this was Thader's first attempt on goal, they made strong appeals for a penalty (hand ball) on 41 mins, but once again they fell on deaf ears.

Adrian became the first of 4 Thader men to see red, when the assistant manager was forced to watch the remainder of the match behind the dugout, for comments made to the ref.

A specialist long range free kick by Lloyd was spilled by home keeper Angel, but alas there was no one on hand to stab the ball into an empty net and then yet another valid Thader penalty appeal on 59 mins was rejected, before sub-Calderon saw his deflected shot edge the wrong side of the post.

When Javi was tripped inside the box on 75 mins, a penalty looked a formality, but quite bizarrely, the ref booked him (one of many) for simulation.

Juan had only been on as sub for 12 mins

before he received a 2nd yellow card for a foul on 84 mins. Shortly afterwards, fellow Thader defender Rosquin, was fouled, but before the free kick could be taken, he too was given a 2nd yellow, this time for dissent.

An incensed Raul Mora was then dismissed from the dugout, further adding to his side's woes.

To say that the general atmosphere around

the ground was hostile is an understatement, but the totally incompetent ref must shoulder a lot of the blame.

He booked no less than 14 players, 4 sending offs, and a partridge in a pear tree!! Feliz Navidad? Or maybe ‘Humbug’ might be more appropriate!!

Next up for Thader is a visit of Villena to Moi Gomez stadium, Rojales, on Sun 8 Jan, ko 1130.


SC Torrevieja hit seven in a landslide 7-2 away win at Elche Dream CF in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 to bag another three points to maintain top spot.

Torry's early Christmas cracker to supporters included a hat-trick for Hucha,Omar (2),with Enrique and Cristian amongst the goals.

CF Atletico Algorfa took a point in a 1-1 home draw against CF Sporting de San Fulgencio,which saw the visitors drop to third, leapfrogged by Pinoso CF A who bagged all three points in their 2-0 away win at Alguena CF to strengthen their own promotion bid.

Crevillente beat Racing San Miguel by 3-1 to jump above Aspe UD A who drop down to fifth position despite defeating lowly Sporting Dolores CF 2-0.

CD Montesinos beat UDF Sax 2-1 at the Municipal Stadium.

In the 2nd Regional Group 16 Callosa Deportivo CF A hit four to net all three points in a 4-1 win against Bigastro CF to boost their promotion ambitions while CF Sporting Albatera defeated CD Horadada 4-0.

Santa Pola B,meanwhile,suffered a surprise home defeat at the hands of near neighbours Altet.


1.1001 Nights, 2.a:Isaac Hayes, b:Sheryl Crow, c:Paul Anka.3. a:The cock, b:Athena, the goddess of wisdom, c:KLM - the Dutch national airline, d:Blue, e: The Scarlet Pimpernel.4.Venus. 5.Dance.6.Fear of the darkness (he invented the lightbulb later in life).7.Intelligent, wise or rational.8.Italian pasta.Zito means bridegroom, Farfalle is derived from butterfly, Gemelli means twins, Orecchiette means little ears and Strozzapreti means strangle the priest.9.Herbert Asquith and David Lloyd George. 10.Pierre-Auguste Renoir.11. The Once and Future King.12.

Champagne.13.a.Wild Life, b. Red Rose Speedway, c.Venus and Mars, d.London Town, e. Flaming Pie, f.Paul Is Live.14. Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto or alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass.15.Flavors / Varieties of Quarks.16.Euros.17.Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe.18.The Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side - from The Lady of Shalott.The novel is called The Mirror Crack'd.19.Denmark Strait.20. Levant.21.Reginald Doherty, Arthur Gore, Lawrence Doherty, Fred Perry.22.Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
SUDUK SUDUK O SOLUTION O SOLUTION No Christmas cheer for Thader
Santa Pola CF.......1 CD Thader ...........0
SC Torrevieja line-up in 7-2 win at Elche
PAGE 24 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th December 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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