8 minute read


The Gold Rush

Ihave frequently, through this column, referred to the horrors of a cashless society, having just got back from a visit to the UK I cannot help wondering if it is too late.


Although I had intended to draw British money on arrival it did not happen while everywhere, not only accepted a card but also expected to be paid that way.

That meant for every pound we spent approximately 5% went to the banks for supplying the service, when in reality that sum of money could have stayed in circulation if we had used cash and the plastic in our wallets did not exist.

Any form of travelling is not without mishap, alright it does not have to be, but frequently is. We were on one of EasyJet’s modern planes on the way back to Spain, I was sitting next to my wife enjoying the ride and we were nattering in general.

The space in an aircraft, as everyone knows is limited, when suddenly Jean asked if I had dropped anything as she thought she saw something fall and sure enough my gold signet ring was missing off my finger.

People were very kind as once it was known Individuals in three rows of seats were searching the cabin floor to see if they could find it.

To a man, well at least me, ladies’ handbags are a place not to venture into its secrets and bits and pieces that only a woman would know the use of, I say that with respect, but my darling searched through her bag several times while torches from the modern mobiles were being flashed under the seats. Then Jean found it somewhere in the inner confines of her bag which had been open on the floor in front of us, which the item sliding off my finger had dropped into. Our appreciation to all the fellow passengers who helped by studying the floor of the Airbus 320. The journey was surprising as we thought there was a recession, where in the past at such a time everywhere is quiet and yet this time public houses were full with diners spilling out into the gardens, a change from when we were there five years ago, also traffic levels seemed to be a lot higher, perhaps that was comparing it with where we live, where six cars in a line is a congestion.

You Are Nicked

Not many of us can remember a ‘Beat Policeman’ walking the streets especially at night, well many moons ago it used to be normal, although I understand some towns, struggling with misbehaviour and other hor- rors on the highways are considering bringing them back.

We had been touring around Scotland, just the two of us, finding hotels as we travelled about, which had not been difficult in what was the old world of Scotland before the digital age hit it with items like ‘TripAdvisor’ to show the way.

We were making our way southward and as usual with the holiday, no real plan where we were going next. Barrow in Furness seemed a good idea, so we poured over the maps and made our way there.

With the narrow twisty roads of that time, it was late and getting dark when we arrived in the vicinity of the town, we then discovered there was some convention on at that time and the agents had occupied the hotels which were fully booked with no room, not even for the two of us.

We were wandering along the waterfront and there strolling along a smartly dressed local Bobby. In desperation we explained our predicament, I think he was quite pleased to have someone to talk to.

He nodded his head as we explained to him the problem of somewhere to stay, to which he confirmed the town was full of delegates to some engineering conference.

He pointed to a side turning a little way ahead and said at the far end of it we would find a house with rooms to let. We thanked him and with some relief I turned into the turning only to discover it was one way – and not the way we are going. So, I backed out. In the mirror I could see our friendly policeman taking his notebook out and he booked me for going up a one-way street the wrong way.

I pointed out to him he had sent us up that road – he smiled, shaking his head and said, “No I told you there was a house up that road that let out rooms I did not tell you to drive up it.”

The house with the rooms, although it did not have a red light outside, was no more than scruffy accommodation they let out by the hour.

The Middle Age Runner

Not many people have heard of ‘Valintina Petrillo’, she, and I say it with trepidation as I do not believe a born man should be able to compete in women’s competition. In this case we are in Paris at the World para Athletics Championships where this trans person raced in the 400 metres, and despite approaching middle age and being in her late forties, and eighteen years older than the others in the event, this birth man managed to come in third, which to my mind proves the point that the trans female is stronger, and if for only ‘fairness in sport’ they should not be able to take part in female events.

I have always wanted to take up motor racing. Maybe it’s not too late to start. I could be a ‘trans Stirling Moss’, ah, but if I really want to win, I will need to be a Formula One car with four giant wheels on each of my corners.

However, that is all make believe as in the end we are either male or female. Take care. www.facebook.com Percychatteybooks

Air Europa Pilots Strike Deal To End Conflict

The Sindicato Español de Pilotos de Líneas Aéreas (Sepla) union representing pilots at Air Europa, and the management of the airline, have reached an agreement to end the ongoing labour dispute, although it must still be ratified by the collective of pilots through an assembly and subsequent vote.

Company fined over a million euro for using self-employed workers

Clintu, which offers home cleaning services, has been ordered to pay 1.29 million euro in arrears for Social Security contributions, as it is considered proven that there was an employment relationship between the company and its 505 workers, who were operating as self-employed, but carrying out the functions which should have required for them to be contracted by the firm.

The sentence highlights the precarious situation of many companies who falsely employ the services of self-employed workers who should be contracted.

German Doctors Recommending The Siesta

We are all experiencing the real-term effects of global warming, with temperatures already breaking records in many places, but for German workers, there may be a slight benefit, in that doctors are suggesting they take a siesta.

The recommendation comes in a hot period in Germany. The German meteorological service forecast maximum temperatures of 24 degrees in the north at the beginning of this week and levels dropping below 20 degrees along the North Sea. The maximum was forecast to be reached in the south, with between 28 and 27 degrees.

In this series of summer driving dos and don’ts, we have covered everything from positioning in the vehicle to keeping our picnic safe, but one thing we have not looked at yet is our furry friends, so what happens if we want to take our dog on a summer drive?

Firstly, just like everything else we have spoken about, whether humans or goods, animals must also be secured in the vehicle. However, there is an additional rule, in that they must not be able to interfere with the driver in any way.

A common appearance on the roads in summer is a beloved pet being carried sat on the lap of a front seated passenger, totally unrestrained, other than perhaps the hands of the human upon it. This is extremely dangerous, especially for the animal, and with that in mind, you will perhaps not be surprised to hear, illegal.

There is a specific offence of having insecure animals in the vehicle, which is punishable by an immediate fine of 80 euro.

Having an animal in the vehicle that could interfere with the driver is dangerous, so a dog sat loose on the front seat for example is not allowed. Carrying animals which are not properly restrained is dangerous to them too. Allowing your dog to hang out of the window, which might be a favourite past time for some, is not allowed, as it is dangerous to the animal, and can interfere with the overall visibility.

In terms of keeping an animal secure, then they can be placed inside a case, cage, or box, for example, but then that device must also be properly secured to the vehicle. You can but specific dog straps which attach to the seat belt fixtures in the vehicle. These are allowed, so long as the animal is secure and there is no way it can reach the driver, so again, the front seat id most likely not the best place.

Animals are unpredictable, especially in environments they are unsure of or not used to. If loose, they could interfere with the driver´s ability or visibility. In the event of a crash, the animal would suffer considerable injury and, most likely, death.

If you are on a longer drive and need to stop for a call of nature, then again, you must ensure that the animal is secure and not able to run into the road. In strange an alien environment, animals can behave unpredictably, and so you must ensure that you have control at all times, never allowing the animal to run freely.

Again, to be clear, the picture accompanying this article shows an action which is not allowed.

The largest shopping centre in the province of Alicante,has registered 18% more visitors than during the same period last year and now exceeds the preCovid figures

Managed by Nhood and owned by Ceetrus and CBRE Investment Management,located in Orihuela Costa (Alicante),during the first six months of 2023,Zenia Boulevard Shopping Centre,registered a total of 6,465,702 of visitors.

Cristina Ros,Director of the Zenia Boulevard Shopping Center,said,“these figures show the effort that the entire team is making so that our visitors enjoy a unique experience and want to come back.

Last year we celebrated our tenth anniversary,breaking many records.We can now see that 2023 will also be a very positive year and we will exceed the more than the 13.8 million reached in 2022.

July and August are the months in which the centre receives the most visitors in the whole year.We are very grateful to all the people who visit us and consider Zenia a unique meeting point.

During the second half of 2023,we will continue with the comprehensive remodeling of the shopping centre to continue as one of the main reference points for leisure,shopping and entertainment in the province,improving the visiting experience of our customers and attracting customers from other cities in the area of influence".

Zenia Boulevard,opened in 2012,is the largest shopping centre in the province of Alicante.

Located in Orihuela Costa,in a strategic position in the surroundings of Orihuela,it has more than 150 commercial premises.

During its ten years of life it has registered more than 120 million visitors.It organizes events and activities for clients practically every day of the year.

18 Million Euros For The Reform Of Zenia Boulevard

Zenia Boulevard is investing 18 million euros in its comprehensive refurbishment project,which will include improving the facades,pavement,rest areas,green areas and restaurant areas, as well as children's leisure areas.

The central motive behind the new image of the shopping centre is the idea of becoming a lived-in town with a story to tell,a tourist spot where a melting pot of cultures come together,a more sustainable,more comfortable place,with more services,more attractive with state of the art technology.

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