Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader Edition 856

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No 856 Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March 2021

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Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper



avan just anywhere.

wilderness of Europe it's not per-

Indeed, it is banned in many parts of the continent and only recently our neighbours to the west, in Portugal, subtly introduced new legislation that prohibits camping outside authorised campsites.

mitted to pitch a tent or park a car-

Here in Spain, wild camping is still

ild camping for many has


the scent of adventure. However, in the "civilised"

allowed under some conditions, and checks are not strict, depending on where you go, but in principle, you are only allowed to stay overnight at parking sites designed for motorhomes, or at campsites or at vineyards or farms, for example.

Continued on Page 2


Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


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637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

It is not permitted at any of the national parks, and neither, after 8 May, will it be allowed anywhere in the Valencian Community, as, under a new decree, wild camping is set to be banned by the Valencian Government. Campervans and Motorhomes have been under the spotlight for many years in Spain, with Regional and Municipal councils receiving a multitude of complaints against their illegal 'wild camping,' particularly within coastal zones. Every year, areas such as the Costa Blanca, receive hundreds of holidaymakers who prefer to exchange the comfort of a hotel for a caravan.



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Many of these campers admit that they don’t like to go to legal campsites quoting many contributory reasons, including a lack of facilities, the distances between sites, money and freedom. However, this freedom is now going to stop.

from the local councils?

No longer will they be able to park in Torre de Horadada by the beach, in La Zenia Boulevard, along the coast in Torrevieja or on the Avenue de Europeos in La Mata, no doubt a move that will be welcomed by many residents.

This new ruling has led to a considerable amount of criticism both from those who approve of stricter regulations and also by those who advocate the freedom to camp in the wild.

But we must also take remember that these travellers spend money on food, restaurants, fuel and other entertainment, which, during a normal year, keeps many places alive during the winter months. So with no coastal campsites between Guardamar and Torre de la Horadada, are we likely to see any initiatives

The ban comes into effect from May 8, after which it will be an offence to stay in a Motorhome, a caravan or a tent, overnight, apart from in designated areas/campsites/Aire.

Rubbish left on the ground, excess noise and general pollution are just some of the complaints about campers providing the reasons for this new ban. The new Decree 10/2021 identifies that, for the purposes of protecting and safeguarding existing natural and environmental resources, free camping may not take place under this rule.

Exhumations underway in Alicante for Franco victims

EXCAVATIONS got underway on Monday in grave X of the Nuestra Señora del Remedio Municipal Cemetery where it is believed that the remains of 11 people executed by the Franco regime between May and June 1940 are buried. All of those executed were imprisoned in the old Reformatorio de Adultos de Alicante, or Benalúa prison, where the poet Miguel Hernández was also confined. Carrying out the task is a team of forensic doctors, anthropologists, documentalists and art historians belonging to the scientific association ArqueoAntro. The expectation as the dig got underway was enormous as descendants of the reprisals attended, most from the Vega Baja. Many of them carried photographs, the last letters they were sent and even sentences of the summary trials of the military court that condemned them. Many of the family members were in tears in the hope that their 82-year

search may have come to an end, enabling a dignified burial for their relatives. The minister for Participation, Rosa Pérez Garijo, was at the excavation where she declared that, with this exhumation, “We make Alicante a more dignified city. A country that has people killed in mass graves has yet to regain its dignity and to move to a full democracy.” The minister aid that prior to this legislature the only exhumations carried out had been in Paterna (Valencia), but now the Alicante exhumation can be added to those carried out in Monóvar, Orihuela and Benissa in the province, as well as those in Segorbe and Castellón. She confirmed that a map of graves shows the existence of more than 400 throughout the Community. "There is still a lot of work to be done, but we continue to make progress to achieve the goal we set for ourselves at the beginning of the legislature: a territory free of graves," she said.

The Alicante exhumations are part of a group of four contracts awarded by Calidad Democrática, amounting to a cost of 74,653 euros, to scientifically exhume the bones of people killed during the Franco dictatorship, to be able to identify them and deliver the remains to their families. Miguel Mezquida, archaeologist director of the project said that the remains will be sent to the Autonomous University of Madrid, where a team of anthropologists will prepare a detailed report to certify that they belong to those executed by the dictatorship. They will then be compared with the DNA bank held by the Generalitat to identify the remains.

Preparing the exhumation plot But he also warned that the grave was used up to the 1980s as a common area to bury people without resources, new-borns and even amputated limbs from hospitals, so his team are expecting to find rather more than the remains of the 11 who were executed by Franco.


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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


The manager of Visit Benidorm, Leire Bilbao For the last 12 months, Benidorm, Britain’s mecca in the sunshine, Toni Mayor, president of the hotel management association of the has been totally devoid of travellers from the UK. Now, the British Region (Hosbec), said that he positively values having a date on government has announced that on 17 May, restrictions on nonwhich he can now base his plans, but, he emphasised the imporessential travel will finally be lifted in England, although the tance of infections being dramatically reduced in Spain, so that measure will be reviewed on 12 April, depending travellers can book their holidays in the country on how the vaccination process and the incidence Jet2 said that their bookings with confidence. of the virus both evolve. grew by 600% in less than He highlighted April as being the key month Wales, Scotland and Norther Ireland, though, are yet to follow suit. Of course, there are a lot of hurdles to overcome but, nevertheless, the announcement was met with absolute delight by the Alicante tourism sector, who say that they now have a roadmap for their campaigns and business planning. However, they also highlight the importance of the covid-19 situation in Spain at that time.

24 hours, following the announcement of the deescalation plan by the British Prime Minister.

when the de-escalation plan in the United Kingdom will be reviewed again and when the mass vaccination program will finally get underway in Spain.

Tui also saw its reservations from UK to Spain increase by 500%

He said that he hopes that by May or June the infections and the number of admissions and deaths from the virus will have been dramatically reduced.

It will not be possible to allow UK travellers into Spain if the pandemic is not under control here, and if quarantines are still being imposed on people returning to the UK from their holidays, as happened in July last year, causing thousands of cancellations across the Costa Blanca. But, whatever doubts there may currently be, companies such as Jet2 have said that their bookings grew by 600% in less than 24 hours, following the announcement of the de-escalation plan by the British Prime Minister. And they are not the only travel company who are seeing their advance bookings increase in record numbers. Tui saw its reservations from UK to Spain increase by 500% while Thomas Cook registered a 100% increase in its bookings. Ryanair and EasyJet also recorded a major surge in bookings. However, most travellers opted for caution, with August being the preferred month to travel, followed by July, September and October. The manager of Visit Benidorm, Leire Bilbao, says she is worried that Spain will not do its homework and that politicians still don’t realise just how much work is still to be done.

The director of the Costa Blanca Tourist Board, José F. Mancebo, said how important it is for Spain to take note of what other countries are doing as they begin to draw up a plan for the return of of tourists, demanding that appropriate measures be adopted, and the government assuming an active role in the return of tourism. Mayor also stressed that what must be done now is the development of a protocol, with the necessary measures, for when there are infections, with monitoring, tracking, and confinement of the individual ... “We need to ensure that the errors we made in the past, that led to new waves of infections, are not repeated.”



Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


FATE OF 900 YOUNG BULLS STRANDED IN CARTAGENA PORT STILL TO BE DECIDED A team of the Ministry of Agriculture are currently onboard the Lebanon flagged vessel ‘Karim Allah,’ testing almost 900 young bulls for the bovine disease ‘Bluetongue.’

mals, all bulls between seven and eight months of age, or to test for bluetongue.

At sea for almost 3 months the vessel has been refused entry in both Libya and Turkey

It is one of two animal cargo transporters that has been affected with the Elbeik, that departed Tarragona, also refused entry into Libya and now moored off the coast of Cyprus.

By Andrew Atkinson A cargo ship that left Cartagena Port in mid December has been at sea for almost three months with hundreds of cattle on board. It is now at anchor outside the city with the Spanish authorities refusing to answer calls for help and threatening to slaughter all of the livestock if the ship enters port. Cartagena Port has also temporarily suspended exports of livestock following the incident. but will only allow the ship to return to port if the cattle, all said to be healthy bulls, aged between seven and eight months, are slaughtered. The ship was refused entry in both Turkey and Libya owing to a suspected outbreak of the disease 'bluetongue,' but the Captain told the press that that it was a mistake on the Spanish Government's paperwork that led the two countries to suspect the outbreak of the bovine disease. He said that there has been no mention of any vets visiting the ship to inspect the ani-

The Karim Allah is the only animal transporter ship that has left Cartagena to have had any issues, with millions of cattle having departed to destinations over the years. "The animals were fit and healthy when they left the Port in December," said the President of the Cartagena Port Authority. The Animal Welfare Campaign has called for a ban following the incident. However the director of the shipping line, Majed Eid, said "We do not want to slaughter healthy animals. after 90 days at sea we have just 15 dead animals from a cargo of 895. All the rest are in good health which

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Market traders demand free pitches.

The councillor of Markets, Víctor Bernabéu

shows what good care we are taking. We thought that the Spanish Authorities would want to help us so that we can prove they are free of 'bluetonge,' but no-one wants to help us." Developments on Friday, however, saw the ship finally move to the western area of the dock and its boarding by eight Guardia Civil officers who were accompanied by employees from the Ministry of Agriculture. However, at the time of writing neither the Ministry nor the shipping company has confirmed the health of the animals.

Orihuela’s market traders say that they have been asking the Department of Markets, for months, to suspend the collection of the pitch fees for their stalls. Last Thursday the matter was discussed in the municipal plenary session, held by videoconference, where they put their demand to the councillor of markets, Víctor Bernabéu. They say that terrace taxes for bars, restaurants and cafes have been suspended for all of 2021, while their payments are still maintained, which they consider as "discriminatory treatment". The sector, like many others, has been suffering for almost a year following the introduction of the state of alarm, with their incomes much reduced. They describe their situation as "precarious," caused, by the drop in consumption derived from the reductions in market capacity, the absence of tourism and the closure of borders. "This situation makes it very difficult for us to continue paying the municipal pitch fees, since we are only generating a very small part of our usual income." It is understood that Orihuela council collects between 550,000 and 560,000 euros a year from market traders.


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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


NET CLOSES IN on non-resident Police inspections British Expats lost most of their privileges as EU citizens when the United Kingdom left the European Union on December 31. They are now being treated in the same way as any other foreigner, and although there are still plenty who will continue to ‘live the dream’ there are many thousands of others who could soon find themselves subjected to police visits, as the authorities ramp up their checks on documentation and illegal immigration.

idency application. This support is available now at: / E: / +34 932 209 741 There are also a number of local businesses that will attend to such matters on your behalf. All I will say is choose carefully, preferably following a recommendation from a colleague or friend. With current travel restrictions preventing many of those applying for Spanish residency to physically come to Spain at the moment, it is understood that appointments at extranjeria are actually plentiful, a strange situation given the lack of availability during the latter months of last year when it was very difficult to get an appointment.

Hundreds of non-resident British ex-pats have already been targeted by the police in the Costa del Sol, following the UK leaving the EU, and although tourists to Spain are allowed to remain in the country for 90 days over a 180 day period, the clock began ticking on January 1, 2021. The deadline of March 31 is quickly approaching, by which time that period will be at an end. That is, of course, unless you are a resident or your residencia application is ‘in the system’, or you get it into the system without further delay. YOU STILL HAVE TIME. If you were legally resident in Spain before January 1, 2021, you will be able to stay, but you must ensure you are correctly registered as a resident. Children must also be registered with their own residency document. If you registered as a resident before July 6, 2020, you will have a green A4 certificate or credit card-sized piece of paper from Extranjeria or the police. This is still a valid document and proves your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.

By Andrew Atkinson If you are registering for the first time, you will be issued with a biometric residence card called a Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero (TIE). This card will prove your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement. Despite articles appearing in another English language newspaper recently, and even though the Spanish government advise you to do so when possible, it is NOT COMPULSORY to change your Green residency documents for the TIE card, and there is absolutely NO deadline to do so. If you choose not to exchange to the TIE you will NOT lose your access to the Spanish health system.

Police have already been advised of pending patrols and actions to take after March 31, the deadline date for anyone who was in the country at the beginning of the year.

As always, however, you should only take advice from an official government source. In the case of residencia there is none better than the Facebook community page run by the British Embassy in Madrid for British people living in, or visiting Spain:

However, Marbella Lawyer & Foreign Specialist, Ricardo Bocanegra, believes that it’s the people who will want to move to Spain in the future, not the people who are already here, that will face the real problems.

So, with the Police becoming increasingly active in checking documentation don’t take the chance. If you were legally resident in Spain before January 1, 2021, you will be able to stay, but you must ensure you are correctly registered as a resident to be able to do so.

But there is free help out there. One group in particular is ‘Age in Spain’ who provide a Residency Helpline, an online resource centre and a one-toone information service specifically for British Nationals that need to complete their Spanish res-

Legal residents wishing to drive in Spain also need a Spanish driving licence, with many expats still driving on their UK licence after years being here. A simple Spanish driving test costs €40.


Community President Ximo Puig


Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021

The massive inoculation plan would ensure that half of the population in the Community would be immunized by the beginning of summer. The president of the Generalitat meets with the mayors of the largest towns in the Community. The President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, and the Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, have announced that the Consell's mass vaccination plan will administer 400,000 weekly doses of the coronavirus vaccine, 80,000 a day from Monday to Friday, in the Valencian


At just 0.6 the Valencian Community now has the lowest reproductive rate (RT) across the whole of Spain while on Sunday the 14-day cumulative number of coronavirus cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Torrevieja, Guardamar de Segura, Orihuela, Los Montesinos, San Fulgencio and many other local municipalities, was down from a high in the third wave of 1,400 coronavirus cases per 100,000 inhabitants, to well below 100. So the news that cafes, bars and restaurants may once again open their terraces from Monday 1 March came as a welcome relief.

Also from Monday, up to four people from different households will be able to meet in public, an increase from two. Meetings in private homes are still not allowed. Stores may now open until 8pm rather than 6pm, with 50% capacity. Parks and public gardens will reopen while the capacity in religious buildings will be increased to 50%. The weekend perimeter lockdown of all municipalities with a population of more than 50,000 people is lifted, although the Community perimeter lockdown remains in place, as does the overnight curfew from 10pm to 6am. These measures will continue for a further 15 days, but during the course of this week an

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Community from the month April. This was announced on Saturday during a meeting held by videoconference with the 16 mayors governing municipalities of more than 50,000 residents. The doses will be supplied in three vaccination batches depending on the number of inhabitants of each municipality. If a similar rate were to be prolonged, more than half of the Community would be immunized in just three months, with over 3.5 million doses administered. Vaccinations will take place in areas adjacent to health centres and municipal buildings in towns with less than 10,000 residents. In munic-

ipalities with up to 50,000 inhabitants, the sites chosen will be municipal buildings. In Alicante and Elche, immunization will take place in the field hospitals and at the IFA and in the City of Light. There are currently three laboratories that are sending doses every week to Spain, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna. In the coming weeks, the European Medicines Agency is expected to approve three new vaccines, Janssen, Novavax and CureVac, so that more doses will arrive in April and thus the expected mass vaccination plan will be able to get underway.

DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN BY RE-OPENING COMMUNITY Health will confirm appointments for BORDERS TOO EARLY coronavirus vaccine

Disappointment as hospitality interiors remain closed

A maximum of four people per table is allowed, while masks will be obligatory when not eating or drinking. Interiors may not be used and terraces, which may only be used to a maximum of 75% capacity, must close by 6pm


interdepartmental commission will meet to evaluate the situation once again. The hospitality industry, meanwhile, have been quick to criticise saying that the easing of measures do not go far enough. Over 200 hoteliers demonstrated in Santa Pola on Thursday, displaying banners, "O income 0 taxes", "Support hospitality" or "You are killing us", as they demanded both aid and to be allowed to open their businesses so that they are viable. They consider that the opening of only terraces to 75% and with reduced hours "does not meet the expectations of the sector after 40 days of inactivity. They require that they be able to reopen at least to the same conditions as when they closed, with interiors also opening to a minimum of 30% capacity.

s Ministers in each of the autonomous communities continue to ease restrictions on both hospitality and mobility, all thoughts now turn to Easter, as the country tries to further relieve the lockdown, while ensuring that it avoids a fourth wave after religious holiday. What we do not want is for the authorities to make the same mistakes that we saw over Christmas and Three Kings, mistakes that sparked the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, resulting in a further 20,000 deaths in the first 2 months of the year. That mistake by the President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, and his entourage of so called ‘experts’, proved exceptionally damaging to residents of the Costa Blanca, where, during phases one and two of the pandemic, the cost in infections and deaths had been fairly light. We all appreciate how seriously the festival is considered to be in Spain and the importance paid to it by a large proportion of the population, but what we don’t want to see are the vast hoards of city dwellers arriving from all points west in less than 5 weeks time, and neither the processions that generate crowds of tens of thousands of people onto our local streets. Let us all hope that the politicians have all learned their lessons following their mishandling of the pandemic earlier in the year, and for the sake of just one more 4 day fiesta they do the sensible thing; cancel the Easter celebrations and keep our community border closed and our people safe. Murcia’s regional government is also opposed to permitting travel in and out of the Region. The Health Minister said that he is not keen to open regional boundaries. “Travel was permitted at Christmas which contributed to the severity of the third wave of infection,” he said,

The Ministry of Health has said that people cannot make an appointment to receive the coronavirus vaccine and that it’s staff will contact all individuals who are eligible, in due course. But they do ask that you update your contact information to guarantee your appointment for the vaccine, by following the simple instructions at the link: formulario-de-contacto The advice is not to call health centres because the switchboards are still overloaded. It is not necessary to make an appointment, much less go to outpatient clinics. Health will contact the patients by phone to advise of coronavirus vaccination appointments, in most cases by telephone.


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Sultan looking for new home Sulita was born at the kennels 01/01/21, she is a Mastin Cross and a very sweet girl. Contact 966 71 0047 (leave a message) or for more info..

Zooming into Torrevieja U3A Some good news for our members that will allow friends to 'meet' up for a while whilst still remaining safely at home! The committee has now purchased a Zoom licence that will enable groups within the U3A to have on-line meetings with their members. All that you, the member will need is access to the internet. Details on how you can join in and take part will be advised by our Media man over the next few weeks. Some details can be found in the February newsletter and on our Facebook Page. It is hoped that we will be able hold an online meeting in March, in a similar vein as the meetings we used to have at the CMO building. We will have a speaker and up to 100 members will be able to listen in from the comfort of their own easy chairs! A few of our groups, including Military History and CAD to name but two, have been using this method quite successfully for several months now but the sessions were restictive. However, with this new licence, the groups will be able to have a continuous meeting and can have up to 100 participants taking part. Barry Weston, Torrevieja U3A Press Officer

Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


Improvements at Playa Flamenca Sports Centre Following public demand, a multipurpose room is being added to the Main Sports Hall in the Municipal Sports Center, currently earmarked for spinning classes, at a cost of euro 41,763. Additional work, now completed, also included new surfaces for the 3 paddle courts costing euro 13,370. When visiting the centre last week, the mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, said that “the works represent a signifi-

cant improvement for residents of the coast. We have made a great effort to resume the activity of this center and we work to offer the best possible service". The Municipal Sports Center was closed for over 2 years, leaving 30,000 residents on the Orihuela Costa without any sports facility, only reopening its doors recently after the award of the centre’s management to Vectoris SL.

San Fulgencio extends suspension of terrace tax San Fulgencio council is the latest authority to extend the suspension of it’s ‘Terrace Tax’ for bars and restaurants during the current year,

following approval at a recent municipal plenary. In a statement the council wrote “The San Fulgencio Council extends the suspension of the municipal tax for the outdoor terraces of local hospitality establishments for the remainder of 2021. The measure has been approved in an Extraordinary Plenary, which aims to "give our support to all businesses in this sector, which are suffering the effects of Covid-19 so hard.” It was signed by the mayor of San Fulgencio, José Sampere.

WATCH OUT Thieves about, in Quesada! The Club Quesada has had their terrace furniture of eight tables and chairs stolen. "We have had our terrace furniture stolen and we appeal to those responsible to please return them times are difficult enough for everyone at the moment. "Eight black chairs and two red top tables were stolen, with the Estrella brand. If anyone saw anything please let us know," said a spokesperson from The Club Quesada.


Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021

Prolific pancakes and a plethora of penance …


am penning this on Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Night. I am full as a ‘pinkeen’ of heavily drizzled (I hope that ‘drizzled’ is a correct word – but I learned it from a man in an apron on TV) with butter, lemon and sugar. The drizzle ran freely from both corners of my mouth and it’s lucky the editor doesn’t inspect my notebook. Yes, I know there are more important pieces of information on the next page – but please bear with me, because there is a story here. I came perilously close to getting no pancakes tonight. Mrs Youcantbeserious is a great cook, and I am very well fed – but she stamped her size 5’s on the tiles this evening and insisted there would be no pancakes. “You got them last Tuesday.” “That doesn’t count – because today is Pancake Tuesday,” I wailed. I barely won by a short head in the finish. You see, there has been an issue in Casa Comaskey since mass time last Sunday morning. Father Monks concluded the livestreaming mass by stating he had a few announcements. One of these announcements caused Comaskey consternation. ‘And don’t forget that next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday’, the priest said. “He has lost it”, whispered my beloved; her concern for the over-worked clergyman affecting the tone of her voice. “He’s reading last week’s notes …. Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday.” In fairness to myself, I left it between the two of them, because I wouldn’t have a clue. I don’t need to know: I only need to know a woman or a priest who knows. Turns out it wasn’t Father Monks who had lost it … but my dear wife! We had entered Lent a week too soon. I had had my feast of pancakes a week to the day before Pancake Night. The question now was could I put two of them back to back? Sunday now became a ‘needly’ sort of day: What with us getting both Ash Wednesday and the rugby wrong. You might think this is where the sc?al lies for now: not so – in fact there were further complications. Mrs Youcantbeserious takes the season of Lent rather seriously. As for me … well, I have given up all that I am going to give up. We

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were now in the unusual predicament of my dear wife having given up alcohol, chocolate, crisps and cake, in order to atone for her sins and the sins of others. (Anonymity of other sinners is part of the deal) My restraining order is that I try not to eat the goodies in front of her during Lent. The dilemma facing herself now, is that she had hit the front too soon and already had four days of self-denial behind her. I did suggest that she would have her Lenten duty completed a week before everyone else. This did not wash, as it would have entailed partying on Good Friday. I volunteered that if it came to it, I wouldn’t complain about having a second Wednesday of eggs … or as I used say to my mother, ‘we often had a lot less.’ Best plan for me was just to say no more and wait and see what happens. Half time in the rugby match and things are not going well with the French. I make a mug of tea for my darling and I start ‘lorrying’ into my second gallon of coffee. In she comes and sits down beside me on the settee. It is then I notice the little green cardboard box which she places between us on the seat. It says ‘Lindt Lindor Mint’ on the front of the box. I need to tell you that on account of my sweet tooth, chocolates have to be hidden around here – and released as sparingly as a Covid vaccine. We dig into the box; ‘one for you – one for me’ … but I did manage to ‘turn over’ a couple during the match. Sunday night we are watching a movie on TV. “Would you like a drink?” I ask. “Ah, I don’t know.” (That’s a yes in woman talk). I open a bottle of wine and pour her a glass. “You’ll need to finish that bottle before Wednesday”, I advised. So, as I explained at the outset. Here we are on Pancake night, full

GARDEN FELIX ......... Elephant foot - the Ponytail Palm


water and it's lush long, curly hair-like leaves that grow from the top of the trunk like a ponytail, giving the plant its renowned name.

The common characteristics of the plant include a bulbous trunk, used to store

An ideal plant for any level of gardener, due to being easy to care for, with basic needs of some bright light, being tole-

he Elephant Palm Tree - called the Ponytail Palm Tree and Bottle Palm Tree - has become a popular visually stunning plant in gardens of Spain.


rant to half-sun-half- shade. A member of the Agave family, its neither a palm nor a tree, being a succulent and grows best in semi-dry conditions, thus let the soil dry out completely, in-between waterings.

to the gills. There is a glass of wine still left in the bottle, which I shall now offer to herself. There are no chocolates left … that I know of! But you’d never know what might happen after the glass of wine … Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday – and I don’t know what that will bring. But I do know that it isn’t every year that a man has two Pancake Tuesdays! (Drizzled!!!) DON’T FORGET God often tries us with a little, to see what we would do with a lot. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

Let them get root-bound, before repotting on. When you do re-pot them, use a pot which is only an inch or two (2.5 to 5 cm) wider, than the previous pot. If you re-pot them into a too large a pot, they can get too much water,

damaging growth and health. The Elephant foot plant only need to be fertilised two or three times annually. Sight of any brown tips on the leaves is a sign that they are being fertilised too much.


637 227 385

Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


PROVEN TRACK RECORD OF R&R CONSTRUCTION R & R Construction are proud that much of their business comes from repeat customers ith so much choice around, how can we possibly know who to turn to, when all we want is the knowledge that we will be getting quality workmanship.


way in Europe.

There is a simple answer to that question; we turn to a company who are specialists at what they do, who give their clients exactly what they want, a company that clearly focusses on quality.

R & R Construction are proud that much of their business continues to come from repeat customers and client referrals. Regardless of the size or nature of each construction project, the company is committed to generating personalised, innovative, and quality-driven solutions that reflect customer expectations and deliver superior outcome.

One such company is R&R Construction, who have been established and operating on the Costa Blanca since 2004. Where many have come and gone, they still have that proven track record that shows they can meet your every need. But what about the quality angle, well, again, they satisfy that criteria too. If we think of quality motor cars, tools, watches or cookware, we might well think of Germany as the epitome of that quality, we might also read in the news how German engineering and business are leading the

The tradesmen at R&R Construction are all German trained, taking that quality standard into your home with every task that they carry out.?

At R & R the approach is simple, they aim to build and develop more than just great construction projects. They want to create lasting relationships, with quality and pride in the work they do and those they work with. Specialising in property maintenance, general construction, air conditioning, plumb-

ing and electrics the company really does provide a ‘one stop construction service’. With reliable craftsmen who provide quality-assured work they are equally at home constructing and fitting indoor bathrooms and kitchens, as they are working outside, replacing that patio or erecting a new extension. Following the maxim ‘No job is too big or too small,’ R & R Construction Services pay the same attention and expertise to all projects, whatever their size. With a final word from owner, Richard Ward, “We are here to make sure that your project – whatever its size – is done the right way. We want YOU to be completely satisfied”.

$1 painting stored in Spain for two decades valued at £10,000 Quote: 'I moved from Ecuador to Spain and then to England, leaving belongings in storage in Spain' By Andrew Atkinson A painting by the world's only 'sleep artist' that cost $1 and was stored in Spain for two decades has been valued at up to £10,000. The painting was bought by Santiago Taute, 39, while visiting a market in Ecuador in 2001. Santiago put it into storage with his family in Spain when moving to the UK in 2013, before marrying British wife Delia Taute. It remained in its box for two decades before being shipped to the UK - showing it to Delia when they moved home in 2020. Art enthusiast Delia noticed it was by British 'sleep artist' Lee Hadwin, whom she met at an exhibition. Welshman Lee, 46, who lives in London, has a rare condition enabling him to paint artworks - while asleep - and has made millions from his artwork. Lee, who sold a painting to former USA President Donald Trump for £100,000 has confirmed the work is his, and valued it between £8,000 and £10,000. The painting 'Bolide' was done while in Australia in 2001. Santiago said: "I liked the look of the drawing because of all of the colours and ended up purchasing it for one dollar. "I moved from Ecuador to Spain and then to England, leaving a lot of my belongings in storage in Spain, as I was living in a small house and didn't have the space. "I finally got all my boxes from Spain last year when we moved into a new home. I was taking things out of the boxes and found the painting so went to show my wife.

“So, whatever you need, all us for a free quotation”.

For our One-Stop Service Call: 662 088 965

APPEAL FOR LOST WHITE GOLD NECKLACE Quesada resident Lynne Mcintrye is devastated after losing an expensive diamond white gold necklace she has worn for 16 years. "I am absolutely distraught that I've lost the necklace that I've worn every day since my husband bought it 16 years ago," Lynne told The Leader. "I went to Jo's Hairdressers in San Luis to make an appointment, I then went to Aldi, Tesco Food Co. I've been back retracing my tracks, asking if it has been found.” "The diamond, white gold necklace was very expensive and if anyone finds it can they please let me know." If you have found the necklace please contact The Leader at: or telephone 600 228 616

$1 painting stored in Spain for two decades, now valued at £10,000. "She recognised the signature, checked the website of the artist and he has now confirmed the drawing I bought for a dollar is one of his and worth thousands! "We are both very happy and shocked to find this out." The painting was for sale for $5, but Santiago haggled it down to $1. Delia said: "I thought it looked nice and colourful when Santiago first showed it to me, and then when I looked at it again, I realised it looked familiar. "I spotted the signature and thought I recognised it as that of an artist I'd actually met who sleep draws. I went on his website and the signature was exactly the same.

Australia and had no idea how it had ended up in Ecuador." Lee Hadwin is the only person that can only produce art whilst asleep and not whilst in a conscious state, drawing or scribbling on walls, tables, clothes and discarded newspapers, using pens, crayons, paints and coal to create his art. Lee said: "I received a call from Delia in regards to the painting in question and I can confirm that it is one of my pieces. "Upon close inspection it looks like an original and my old signature. "I am seriously shocked and stunned that the piece was purchased in Ecuador, when the piece was done in Australia. How it has made it over to Ecuador? I don't know.

"I'd met Lee so I contacted him and sent him a picture of the drawing, explaining we'd bought it in a market and asked him if it was his.

"Value wise, it is an older piece and a lot of my older pieces sell for more, especially with my old signature. Prices range in excess of £20,000 upwards, to six figures.

"Lee called me back and said that it was definitely his drawing. He was 100% certain.

"I would say this piece has the value of £810,000. I believe art is about evoking feelings. If you like a piece and it evokes a feeling, buy it."

"He said he did it in 2001 when he was in

Looking for employment 1930’s style "I know 3 trades, I speak 3 languages, I fought for 3 years, I have 3 children and I have not worked in 3 months, but I just want a job." Ninety years on and, by no means for the first time, history repeats itself once again.


Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021

Cllr Lawlor was first elected as mayor of Wexford in 2007


his week on Q&A I spoke to fellow Wexfordian, Cllr George Lawlor, former Mayor of Wexford who owns a property at the Villamartin Plaza.


Why did you choose the Costa Blanca as your second home?

In 2002 we wanted to invest in property and were thinking about purchasing an investment property in Ireland, but the cost at the time was off the scale.


In comparison, Spain had so much to offer and in particular the Costa Blanca. Value for money, quality and range of properties on offer and wonderful sunshine. These were in abundance on the Costa Blanca. Initially we bought with the intention of renting but that soon turned into our purchase becoming a home from home.

fair share back into areas where there’s no votes. If I was a councillor here, I would push for greater return on taxes generated on the Costas to be spent in the Costas. It’s imperative that Spain looks after the Ex Pats who reside here through proper investment in the communities where they live. The areas with foreign money can be huge economic drivers to the benefit of everyone.


What advice would you give to local businesses & residents feeling hugely affected by the current restrictions?

All of us have to adopt a philosophical attitude, control the controllables, ensuring we do our own bit in terms of controlling the spread of the virus. It’s vital that we don’t stress.



What do you enjoy most when you’re here?


The obvious thing is the weather. The ability to plan things and know that it won’t have an influence is a bonus.

There’s a very relaxed way of life and that’s most definitely a welcome relief from the stressed existence that Ireland has become particularly now in our 3rd wave of the Pandemic.


What’s a normal day for you when you’re here?

Chilling really. Head to the beach or a stroll along the super walkways that have been developed along the coast. Laze by the pool, visit La Zenia Boulevard which keeps my wife and 3 daughters very busy, or just sit on the balcony reading a book.


The odd day trip up or down the coast. Alicante to the North, Cartagena to the South always offer a decent day out and Torrevieja is just 20 minutes by car if you fancy a stroll along the seafront there.


If you were a Councillor here, what changes would you like to see made to the area?

It’s clear that vast sums of money are generated each year on the Costas. Income driven in many instances by foreign investment.


Unfortunately the powers that be know that whilst the visitors who generate the bulk of that income reside here for a lot of the time, they have no say in the democratic process. As a result there’s little or no political incentive to reinvest a

Our mental health is taking a real hammering with it. Trying to stay as positive as we can is imperative. Positivity is the key. That goes for business people too. I spent 25 years running and worrying about my own business. I know the stresses and I know how much it can drag you to the floor if you let it. This awful time will pass and we’ll come back stronger and more appreciative of what really matters.


What do you miss most about not being able to be here at this present time?


I really miss sitting out of an evening for a relaxing drink in the Plaza or on the balcony.

The live music nights organised by Plaza President Casey Shaddock and her able assistant Graham White are just super. Top class bands free of charge! Lockdown at home has been really really difficult, particularly when the weather has been bad during the dark winter days. I imagine it may have been a little more tolerable with the sun on your back!


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637 227 385

Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021





Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


637 227 385



ANSWERS Week 855

ACROSS 1. Risk (5) 4. Evolve (7) 8. Desolate (7) 9. Of the moon (5) 10. Require (4) 11. Define (8) 13. Den (4) 14. Deer (4) 16. Authorise (8) 17. Too (4) 20. Grieve (5) 21. Turkish title (7) 22. Theft (7) 23. Perch (5) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12. 13. 15. 18. 19.

Tiny (13) Oath (5) Source (4) Repudiated (6) Speed (8) Desire (7) Idealist (13) Miserly sum (8) Lassitude (7) Solitary (6) Language (5) Distant (4)

QUICK ACROSS: 3 Frustrate; 8 Noon; 9 Advantage; 10 Engage; 11 Spoon; 14 Lithe; 15 Nail; 16 Epoch; 18 Daub; 20 Owing; 21 Lapse; 24 Becalm; 25 Unnatural; 26 Gown; 27 Steadfast. DOWN: 1 Interlude; 2 Forgetful; 4 Rude; 5 Scamp; 6 Ration; 7 Toga; 9 Agree; 11 Shore; 12 Navigator; 13 Alignment; 17 Hovel; 19 Banana; 22 Scuff; 23 Unit; 24 Bass. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 3 Press home; 8 Tear; 9 All at once; 10 Incite; 11 Fleet; 14 Expel; 15 Rain; 16 Loose; 18 Test; 20 Abeam; 21 Tight; 24 Renown; 25 Sensation; 26 Left; 27 Appealing. DOWN: 1 At liberty; 2 March past; 4 Rule; 5 Small; 6 Hoover; 7 Mica; 9 Atoll; 11 Front; 12 Take cover; 13 In a minute; 17 Eaten; 19 Tissue; 22 Hotel; 23 Help; 24 Roan.

ACROSS 1. Don't drop this kind of phrase (5) 4. No philosophy for the single-minded? (7) 8. Seat ten of the most tidy (7) 9 and 22Ac. Resorts to protection when these talkers become diffuse (5,7) 10. Social status is offensive (4) 11. Lot One is a variety of sharpener (8) 13. Shape a wooden seat (4) 14. Hack greenstone (4) 16. Puts to pasture, as it happens (5,3) 17. Finished part of a love rhapsody (4) 20. What speakers do is nothing to grumble at (5) 21. Everybody is in favour of a gas-bag! (7) 22. See 9 Ac. 23. Some of the quickest aircraft for part of a flight (5)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Apollo 11 landed on Mare Tranquillitatis, better known as the Sea of Tranquillity. Translate the following Lunar Maria (Lunar plains). a. Mare Frigoris, b. Mare Nubium, c. Mare Australe 2. What is the most populated city in the USA named after a general? 3. The title of which 1960 war film starring Kenneth Moore is also the name of the world's strongest beer? 4. A group of islands, a syrup and a tie. Nine letters 5. Built in 1897 by multi-millionaire John Jacob Astor IV, which building was on the site where the Empire State building now stands? 6. In which film did John Wayne win his Academy Award for best actor? 7. Who won the title 'European Footballer of the Year' 3 times in a row? 8. Galicia (Eastern and Western Galicia) is a historical region of Eastern Europe. Galicia is currently divided between which two countries? 9. Name the female broadcaster of Japanese propaganda during WW II? 10. The following words are from songs with 'head' in the song. Name the song? a. You can take me to paradise and then again you can be cold as ice. b. I know a lot of fancy dancers. c. So I did me some talkin to the sun. d. And if they stare just let them burn their eyes on you moving 11. Name the President who died during the 1973 coup d'etat in Chile?

DOWN 1. They're largely made up of regulars in the services (13) 2. Give some instruction to the attendants (5) 3. What gardeners use for a sprinkler, we hear (4) 4. Hold back and tie in a knot (6) 5. Well, the area isn't ruined (8) 6. Annoying enough to make Kim sore (7) 7. Member of staff at the Naval College? (6-7) 12. Go in search of some chance of success (8) 13. Burner in which the front part holds the ash container (7) 15. Jack often comes after discarded bits and pieces (6) 18. Shakespearean character instrumental in making a bloomer (5) 19. Fifty in the main uprising - they are drunk (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 12. Benoit Mandelbrot is known as the father of what kind of geometry? 13. President George Bush caused a bit of a flap on March 18, 1990 when he banned what from Air Force One? 14. 'The Second World War' is a six volume history written by Winston Churchill. What was the first of the six volumes called? 15. Which legendary English rock band had a cameo appearance in the 1966 film and "mod masterpiece" Blowup? 16. The Inverted Jenny, Hawaiian Missionaries and The Three Skilling Yellow are all examples of what? 17. Who released each of the following Number One albums in the 1960s? a. Aftermath. b. Bookends. c. John Wesley Harding. d. Ogden's Nut Gone Flake 18. What was the name of the capsule used to rescue the 33 trapped Chilean Miners from their underground lair on 13th of October 2010? 19. European eels are born in or near which sea? 20. Once popular in Elizabethan gardens, the herb 'Tanacetum balsamita' has been known under many various names such as Mint geranium or Bible Leaf. Which two names for this plant contain the word 'cost'?


637 227 385

Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


REIKI . . The wonderful energy of our universe INTRODUCTION There are as many paths to enlightenment as there are people. Reiki is one of those paths and each person who practices it will walk the path in their own way. No one person owns it – it has been given to all of us as part of the essence of our human being. Reiki is primarily perceived as a practice for healing the body, but it is also a method for healing the mind and spirit. Ultimately, Reiki has the power to reunite the trinity of Mind-Body-Spirit in their optimal state of harmony. All of us need to start the process of returning to that state of harmony. Reiki, with its power and simplicity and its methods for healing both the self and others, offers the way to start taking what I call the “the journey home” THE MEANING OF REIKI Reiki is one of the most ancient healing methods known to mankind. It originated in Tibet and was rediscovered in the early 1900’s by a Japanese priest named Dr Mikao Usui. The tradition of Reiki is referred to 2500-year-old writings in Sanskrit, the ancient Indian language. The Usui system of Natural Healing, named after Dr Usui, has been passed down by Reiki Masters since that time and is today practiced worldwide. As humans we have Universal Life Energy all around us and within us. The Japanese word Reiki consists of two syllables: “Rei” which describes the cosmic, universal aspect of this energy and “ki”, which means the fundamental life force flowing and pulsating in all living things. This life force energy is given to us at birth. We bring with us a certain amount of “ki” to life, and we use it up in the business of ordinary daily life. We then have to create a daily supply of new energy. When we are unable to make up for the energy consumption for a prolonged period, we may become physically or emotionally ill. If our supply of life force energy is very low and depleted, we suffer from physical, emotional and mental exhaustion, and tend to be much more irritable, bad-tempered and depressed than usual. WHAT IS REIKI? Reiki is a natural and simple healing method which allows you to absorb more life force energy. The Reiki method vitalizes your life force and balances the energies in your body. This natural healing energy flows in a powerful and concentrated form through the hands of the Reiki healer. The laying on of the hands directs the healing energy into the body of the receiver. The Reiki healer is used as a channel to conduct the Universal Life Energy. As a result, no personal energy is drawn or drained from the healer, who is simultaneously charged and strengthened. (The Reiki healer does not remove energy to give them theirs. Reiki energy balances and harmonizes – when there is an imbalance, there is a potential for illness) WHAT DOES REIKI DO? Reiki usually helps healing of all kinds and relieves pains and acute symptoms very quickly. Reiki makes it way to areas of imbalance during a treatment. It also has a positive influence on spiritual growth as it works on many levels, Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being are all enhanced with Reiki energy. After a treatment, you may feel mentally much clearer about things and experience deep insights into particular questions or problems you are facing. Reiki then can help you to make the right changes and decisions in your life, if that is what you need or want to achieve. Reiki affects each person differently, but it always acts wherever the receiver needs it most. However, there are common effects that everyone experiences. Energy used up in everyday life is replaced, so that when you feel exhausted or drained, the imbalance, which may adversely affect you physically, emotionally and mentally, can be put right. If you suffer from stress, you may react with physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomach aches, frequent colds, kidney pains and general disorders. These symptoms are the expression of excessive negative stress, accompanied by an imbalance of the energy system. To relieve these symptoms your energy needs to restored. For example, a lowered immune system or a weak organ that is not functioning properly and needs recharging with extra energy. Reiki can balance the energies in the body, helping you to let go and relax, so reducing stress.

See full article at

At the same time, it promotes the development of positive reactions to stressful situations. In other words, not only the symptoms but also the causes can be healed. Reiki strengthens and harmonizes the immune system. We continually use up life force energy without replacing it. Reiki helps us to replenish and add to our energy and, in this way, helps to create a healthy body

Clears toxin Reiki is a simple technique anyone can learn. Most people experience a huge leap in personal growth after receiving the attunements. This feeling of such loving healing energy is a truly uplifting and empowering experience. I WAS TOLD THAT REIKI WOULD CHANGE MY LIFE. IT DID. IT WILL CERTAINLY CHANGE YOURS

IS REIKI ALWAYS SAFE? The purpose of Reiki is to supply the body with additional energy which it can use for healing itself. Reiki can be used safely regardless of whatever illness the receiver is suffering from. Reiki makes no diagnoses and is intended to be used as a complementary healing method. In the case of acute disorders such as imflammations, influenza, colds, digestive disorders, gall or kidney stones, backaches and headaches, Reiki often acts very quickly and directly by easing the pain and accelerating healing. Reiki can also be applied as first aid as it stops bleeding in open wounds and has a very calming influence on the nervous system, particularly when people are in shock after an accident. With Reiki, you can also provide relief from allergies, arthritis and other chronic disorders. As Reiki supports and complements other medical and natural healing techniques, you can combine it with other treatments, for example with allopathic or homeopathic treatments, body therapies, counselling and speech-therapy and other psychological treatments. A Reiki healer is charged with energy and becomes a channel for Universal Life Energy. Reiki is a gift of the universe, and is available to us all.

A REIKI BREATHING EXERCISE If you want to experience a “taster” of Reiki before committing yourself to Reiki attunement or just to allow yourself to get an idea of what Reiki may feel like, try this exercise. The exercise will have the same relaxing effects as Reiki but without the added power and impact provided by the Universal Life Energy through attunement. Make yourself comfortable, either sitting down or lying on your back and close your eyes. Pay attention to your breath and follow its rhythm. Notice how it flows in and out. Now take three deep breaths Now put your hands on your body wherever you feel drawn to or where you feel tension. Use your intuition to locate the spot in your body that needs relaxation the most. Now direct your breath consciously and repeatedly to this place. Imagine that your breath is the Universal Life Energy which flows through you. Let it collect and expand under your hands. Notice how a feeling of relaxation and peace gradually spreads from that place beneath your hands throughout your entire body After a short while (about five minutes) place your hands on another part of your body. Once again breathe into your hands during the whole exercise. You may find that your breath changes in some positions as the body stores memories and experiences which may now be awakened. It is not necessary to consciously probe feelings or initiate stronger breathing. Just allow yourself to let go and plunge into this feeling of flowing. Move on to two further places on your body and charge them with energy Slowly open your eyes, stretch yourself, and return to your normal daytime consciousness. You will feel more relaxed, calmer and more centred. If you would like to experience the wonderful energy of Reiki as a treatment, please contact CHRISTINE QUINLAN ON 966 795 103 or email me on

THE EFFECTS OF REIKI In summary, Reiki is all-embracing in its effect. It involves your mind, body and soul and then attempts to set all these aspects of your being into a harmonious balance. Your personal energy, as a giver, is not transmitted to the receiver during a treatment, you are merely a channel. If (without having attuned to Reiki) you try laying your hands on someone else, energy is still passed on, but at a much lower intensity than if you are attuned to Reiki. This is because Reiki is a highly powerful vibrating force, or light energy. While the Universe Life Energy flows through you, as the giver, during the treatment, it is also fortifying and harmonizing you at the same time. You may also experience Reiki as a force which brings you more closely into contact with yourself, opening you up and allowing you to be more loving with yourself and with others. It is a unifying force which brings you closer to a condition of oneness and connection with the “whole” So let me summarise the many benefits: Balances the organs and glands and their bodily functions Releases blocks and suppressed feelings Promotes natural self-healing Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver Balances the energies in the body Enhances personal awareness and helps meditative states Relaxes and reduces stress Promotes creativity Strengthens life force energy Treats symptoms and causes of illness Heals holistically Strengthens the immune system Relieves pain


Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.


CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see SALT CHURCH (formally

Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347

The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. There are no further meetings planned at this time. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members


are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed

637 227 385

and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to ongoing covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment. In normal times we provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony: For Welfare contact Andy on 0034 711 00 86 84. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In

Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We will reopen as soon as we are able when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare

PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708


637 227 385

Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


Most popular towns revealed in Spain


usement has conducted a study to reveal the most popular small towns in each province within Spain and produced a map with the results

As result of the Covid-19 pandemic, domestic tourism within Spain experienced a notable growth during 2020, predicted to continue in 2021. Whilst some chose to rediscover their cities of habitual residence, many others sought out small paradises, away from the hustle and bustle. To find out the most popular destinations, Musement, the digital discovery and booking platform for travel activities and experiences around the world, analysed Google search data for the term “que ver en (translation: what to see in) (municipality)” for all Spanish municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants. With the results, Musement has produced a map highlighting the most popular towns in each Spanish province*.

So, if you’re looking for inspiration for your next Spanish getaway, far from the big cities and popular beach areas, then this map is a great place to start:

Among the most popular towns, the beautiful coastal town of Peñíscola in the province of Castellón is the most googled, accumulating an average of 74,000 monthly searches, and 3,600 searches for the term “que ver en Peñíscola”. Not the only coastal town to conquer the nation’s hearts. Llanes, the beautiful fishing village in Asturias, or Hondarribia (Guipúzcoa), with its unique and colourful balconies, both receive a high number of search volumes from people looking to visit. For those who prefer to visit smaller towns with a lot to offer, Guadalest (Alicante), Pedraza (Segovia), Miravet (Tarragona) and Medinaceli (Soria), are ideal destinations, since they have populations under 1,000.

From pretty seaside villages with colourful balconies to historic mountain towns with medieval architecture, Spain is a country with so much to offer.

For mountain lovers, the towns of Jaca (Huesca), Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia), Albarracín (Teruel), Cazorla (Jaén) or Lerma (Burgos) are destinations that allow you to combine culture with activities in nature.

And whilst it may be too early to pack your bags, a holiday within Spain is a far more likely choice for locals and foreign residents alike this year (once regional border closures and Covid restrictions are lifted).

There are also towns on the list with plenty of history and mysticism. From Garachico in Tenerife, which was completely buried under lava after a volcanic eruption in 1706, to the town of Consuegra (Toledo) where Don Quijote rode

through in Cervantes’ classic novel, and the village Trujillo (Cáceres) where Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro was born.

(For more information, visit:

Eye strain on the rise in lockdown computer screen can cause glare and lead to eye strain.

EYE STRAIN and other sight-related issues have increased significantly since the start of the pandemic, a new survey by Specsavers Ópticas reveals.

New Political Party "Túpatria" launches in Torrevieja.


he promotion of tourism, the protection of Torrevieja’s individuality which has been established over many years by its customs and traditions, and the practice of sensible and honest policies, are just some of the main objectives proposed for the city by the new party Tupatria. The local branch of Tupatria (Your country) was launched in Torrevieja on Friday, in the presence of National President Carmen Gomis, members of the Provincial Executive and colleagues from nearby municipalities. Established nationally last July, the party has quickly developed a footing across the whole country where it now has executive representation in more than half of all Spanish Provinces and links in practically all of them. The Torrevieja Branch of the Party is led by Juan Carlos Ramos, while Laura Fernández will be the Local Secretary. Antonio Meroño will maintain links with the media and Social Networks and José Antonio Durán will deal with Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism. In a statement to coincide with the launch, the Local Coordinator said that: “this new party has the clear intention of bringing to Torrevieja direct and honest policies based on restoring pride in the city. Soon, I am very confident, that people will join us in large numbers, helping to deliver even more determination and enthusiasm, with the conviction that effective and honest politics can be restored to our local politics”. Juan Carlos Ramos added: “Torrevieja must be a priority. We will recover the pride of the city by elevating tourism to the importance it deserves, and by rescuing our origins and values that we have established with our traditions. Torrevieja will regain the strategic importance it deserves in the province. We will support the business fabric represented by large industries and, of course, by medium and small companies, who, for so long, have been overlooked”.

Try reducing this by attaching an antiglare screen to your monitor or windows to avoid external light shining onto the screen.

The survey shows that screen use is high, particularly at the weekend, with 56% of people reporting that they are spending five or more hours per day on screens.

Glasses wearers can also have lenses treated with an anti-glare coating, such as Specsavers UltraClear SuperClean, to help limit the impact of light reflections on your eyes to reduce eye strain.

This correlates with an increased experience of eye strain, with 20% of those surveyed saying that they have noticed one or more symptoms of eye strain for the first time, or they have experienced an increase in eye strain from before.

They are also smudge and scratch resistant, which help to give an overall clearer view of your screen too. Update your lenses to suit your lifestyle – Varifocal wearers could also consider special lenses such as Specsavers’ SuperDigital lenses.

Despite this, concern about screen time is minimal, which suggests that the trend could continue unless people take action to protect their sight. Commenting on the results, Jorge Martínez de Lizarduy Araico, from Specsavers Ópticas says: ‘Our eyes are not designed to be fixed on a single object for a long period of time. When we focus on our screens, especially smaller format laptops, tablets or smart devices, eyes become stressed and strained. They may feel uncomfortable, sore, tired and as if they are itching or burning. You may also be experiencing blurred vision and headaches too.’ Jorge advises to: Follow the 20:6:20 rule: look up from your screen every 20 minutes and look at something 6 meters away for at least 20 seconds.

Looking into the distance helps relax the focusing muscles of your eyes, which in turn reduces eye fatigue. Adjust your workstation – Adjusting your screen settings to ensure that the brightness and contrast are balanced correctly can help, as well as making fonts larger. Also be mindful of how your workstation is positioned. Adjust your screen so it is 15-20 degrees below eye level and around 50-70cm away from the eyes and make sure your room is properly lit to avoid squinting. Reduce glare – Reflections on your

Unlike traditional varifocals, the near vision zone in SuperDigital lenses is designed to cater for the way we hold our phones, making it easier to transition between viewing screens and looking further away. This is because phones are generally held at a closer, higher position that can be difficult to adjust to. If you are struggling with eye strain, or have noticed a change in your vision during the pandemic, make an appointment for a complete eye test at Specsavers Ópticas. As an essential service, opticians are not affected by travel restrictions and have implemented rigorous hygiene standards, wearing of PPE and capacity control to keep customers safe. Find your nearest store at


Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


BORN in the south of Holland Anita van de Berg 'Lady Jazz' started singing when she won the first prize at a singing contest. "My brother won the first prize for the men!," said Anita, whose singing debut in Spain was in Benijofar. Influenced by Billy Holliday and Amy Winehouse, Anita said: "My singing debut in Spain was in Benijofar, and soon after that I was the support act in Torrevieja for Earth, Wind and Fire." Seventies and eighties legends Earth, Wind and Fire hits include: Boogie Wonderland, Got to Get You Into My Life, September and Let's Groove. Having performed in Spain and Holland, Anita and her husband emigrated to Spain: "We chose to move to Spain - because of the lovely weather!," she smiled. Looking back on her early years, Anita reflected: "I wasn't singing at school. I got all my papers - but

The Minister of Tourism, Reyes Maroto, announced on Monday that the Government will be "in a position to reintroduce the Imserso program in September.

didn't like school." Anita, who hobbies include singing, gardening and her 'wardrobe', said: "When I finished school I started modelling, while working as a Blackjack dealer in Casinos.

She said that her department is currently part of a working group with the Ministry of Social Policies and the tourism sector, that is formulating the detail for the off season holiday packages for the elderly.

"I have been behind tables, dealing for many years in several countries, including Holland, Belgium, Germany and Austria." Anita, who has performed alongside many famous people, said: "I have been the support act for Ray Lewis a few times, the former lead singer of The Drifters."

Lady Jazz:

Anita van de On the person she would like to meet, Anita, who Berg. only started singing in recent years, said: "I would like to meet Tom Jones one day!." Earth, Wind and Fire in Torrevieja. *In Part 2 of our Exclusive interview 'Lady Jazz' speaks about her time in Holland in a Girls Group, and on the coronavirus situation, that has stopped her performances in Spain under lockdown.

Relieving that stress and boredom W

ell it seems that we still cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel concerning the Pandemic. It is still hard to do any travelling, and would we even want to at the minute anyway. Roll on the vaccines and then hopefully life will be safer. Still cannot socialise, bars and cafés still closed, but hopefully due to open soon albeit with restrictions. So how are we coping? How are we filling our time? It must be hardest for people living on their own and for those unable to work and not earning at the moment, which brings so many concerns and worries. Please remember there are help lines, if you are struggling, such as Samaritans in Spain, freephone 900 525 100 10am to 10pm. It really does help to talk no matter what the problem. After listening to you on an emotional level they also might be able, if needed, to put you in touch with people who can help in a more practical way. I think all of us are suffering with anxiety on some level and it is important that we find ways to deal with it. Also, a lot of boredom because we are not able to go out and do the things we would normally do. A good way for a lot of people to elevate stress and boredom is taking walks and exercise, yoga etc. Wherever I go now I always see people out there walking or biking.

Pensioners’ Holiday scheme ready for September

ALL THAT JAZZ Andrew Atkinson talks Exclusively to former model and Casino Blackjack dealer Anita van de Berg Lady Jazz - influenced by Billy Holliday and Amy Winehouse, who made her singing debut in Spain in Benijofar, and was the supporting act in Torrevieja for Earth, Wind and Fire.

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We have been so lucky this year as the weather has been exceptional with most days sunny and warm.

"If everything goes well, we will be ready in September, which will be good news for this popular initiative. She said that the marketing of these holiday packages for the elderly would coincide with "the reactivation of the sector”, which Maroto hopes will occur "in the second half of 2021". It is "during the summer" when the Government considers that "herd immunity" will be achieved with the vaccination of 70% of the Spanish population. This, together with the "control of the pandemic", offers a "great deal of hope" for a fundamental economic activity that is suffering like few others from the rigors of the pandemic,” she added.

B y Linda Bentley “Photos by Amelia Carey. See her Activity Vlogs on YouTube Milliemoments”

Our lovely beaches are also a great place to go with beach chairs in hand and a lovely picnic. Wile the day away reading and taking a stroll on the water’s edge, or actually in the sea swimming. Brrr too cold for lots I think but I have seen some brave enough. People on their own are allowed to meet up with another person from a different household So if you know of anyone maybe invite them round for a cuppa or meet up somewhere scenic with chairs, cake and drink to chat away if you prefer to be outside. Because we are in so much at the moment I feel its better to be outside and have a different view. There are so many places to go and be away from others. When we are in the house I don’t watch daytime TV but would rather do activities, yes clean the house and garden but you can only do so much of that before it gets monotonous, so what about hobbies as there are so many out there. Learn to speak Spanish, paint, draw, if you can’t maybe learn how to. Diamond art, very easy and therapeutic. Macrame, make little things for your home. Cook all those lush meals you have always wanted to. Decorate that room you have wanted to for so long but haven’t had the time. So many of us are doing jigsaws, never done one in your life before but now can’t do without having one on the go lol Plant a herb garden, the list is endless and help can be sourced from YouTube as it seems to have everything you could possibly need to know and any items you need can be delivered to the door by Amazon.

Getting into projects can be therapeutic and time consuming. I find the days are passing by far too quick, the less I do the quicker the days go, so by doing a few different activities in a day helps to slow the day down and fulfil it with things I have achieved. If boredom has really set in and you are young and adventurous or older but fit and adventurous why not try Alicante Adventura a day out climbing mountains, walking over suspended wooden bridges with fantastic, awe-inspiring views, not for the faint hearted but a once in a lifetime experience. As this activity is in the Valencian Communidad so we are able to go. They also do lots of other activities so maybe google them if its an activity you want to do. Life does not have to stop because of Covid, just some things we like to do, do. On another note there are many out there not earning what they were, or earning nothing at all so please when you see a donation trolly at the supermarket just drop an item in, it helps the many people in need due to this Pandemic. If you are missing travelling, like me and so many of my friends, maybe plan your travel trips where you would like to go, so when we are able to travel you will already know where you want to be heading. I know where my first place will be Thailand, can’t wait, but wait we must.


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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021



‘Free Thinking’


There was a lovely story recently on Facebook about a little she dog, dark coloured and the size of a Jack Russell, who had lost her puppies. She was unhappy, miserable, and constantly looking for them. The carer introduced a tiny baby kitten to her, at first, she was not certain and stood back looking at it before finally inspecting it closely, then starting to lick and clean it.

That close feeling of being hugged The warmth of someone near The knowing that somebody cares The love of someone dear

There were three baby kittens and one by one they were introduced to her and she accepted them all as her family, although she preferred the first one to the other two, and would pick it up and cuddle it.

How hard it is to stay apart

The wonders and the love of motherhood. Producing and the rearing of the child. Looking out for it, protecting it and then, throughout the off-spring’s life, loving, worrying and caring about it. There cannot be any disputing this as, since the nineteen fifties, the world population has doubled, giving proof to the existence of the female, and all the Mums on this planet. If it had been April the first when I read the report of a decision by a well-known hospital, I would have thought it was a joke. It is difficult to understand how this very prominent place of healing, in Brighton, decided recently that there was no such thing as a ‘missus’ or ‘mister’ they are all persons. This idea came from the ‘woke order’ which seems to be sweeping the nation. The decision by the executive body went further to instruct its staff, so the report goes, to call all people persons, never him or her, or man and woman. They went further to say there was no such thing as breast and certainly not breast milk, and instead, in the future, it must be called chest milk. I know not if they expected the world to follow suit in their thinking but if they did it is a tall order and would not get very far, and as one woman journalist put it, it was an insult to all females, that she was proud to be a mother together with the achievement this brings. I like the analogy ‘anything with wheels is a vehicle, but you still get into your ‘car’ to go to work.’ It is party night and the young persons who wear tights and skirts have put on little just enough clothing to cover their modesty, ignoring the cold of the weather, they are off to try and find their beau. Lounging in a bar is the person who wears trousers, looking into their beer dreaming of the ones who wear tights and skirts. This is another example of a small group, possibly a large group which if true is frightening, of trying to change the way we live to their way of thinking, to bring everything down to one level and to make all things and people the same. In lots of ways I feel sorry for them, as they are lost in the real world while following some ideology which wants to erase history, changing the way people think, and turning the world and its events into

No hand for you to hold How precious is that skin on skin Now distance is so cold their one way thinking.

The urge to run and hug a friend

From time to time there are reports in the media of someone being admonished for something they did, said, or some form of happening in the past.

The longing for their touch

The prosecution of soldiers for something that occurred forty or fifty years ago is an example, dragging elderly people through years of torment whilst the prosecutor tries to apply today's thinking to an event that happened all that time ago. Anne Robinson came under fire just recently for something she said on the Weakest Link, fifteen years ago. The complainant says she made a sexual remark about her. Another case of applying modern day thinking and attitude to a time when the words would have been a giggle and completely acceptable. So, back to the thinking of the hospital. If it has its way there would be no weddings or a best man, and a person who dresses in skirts and tights would not need a bra, only God would know how they support their chest. However, a doctor would be able to tell the difference when a person complains about their prostrate. Why is it the few people with some form anger or one way of thinking of a subject are able to shout the loudest to change the thinking of the majority, and to make free thinking into something which is not acceptable. The reason I guess is, generally, people just want to get on with their lives and are not bothered about events outside their own environment.

‘Percy’s Ramblings’ are available in book form from Amazon & Kindle -



he mayor of Pilar de la Horadada, José María Perez Sánchez, welcomed the new Commander of Torrevieja’s Civil Guard, Santos Buendía García, to his outpost in Torre de la Horadada, last week. The pair discussed problems regarding local crime, including concerns from residents, such as the robberies that take place in the ATMs in the Pinar de Campoverde area, the sur-

veillance of rural areas at harvest time, and the coastal areas during the winter season. They also spoke about the monitoring of crimes against public health in relation to retail and drug trafficking, of which the Civil Guard has ensured there will continue to be regular surveillance. The meeting also served to strengthen the excellent relations between the Local Police and the Civil Guard of Pilar de la Horadada, which "I know that work in a joint and coordinated way every day," said the Mayor.

The hurt you feel inside your heart When friendship means so much We hope and pray it soon will end That life can be worth living That all the love we have inside Can once again be giving Until that time all we can do Is hope this lockdown ends So we can hold and hug and kiss Our social distanced friends. By David Whitney - c2021

If you would like to see your poem featured in this column send to:

80 euro Fine for hanging mask on Rear view mirror. I do it myself, but not anymore, and that is hang my face mask on the rear-view mirror, because in a statement issued last week by the Guardia Civil it is noted that anything that affects the driver's vision, and they quoted this specific act, is an offense, which is punishable by a fine of 80 euros. Over the last year, the mask has become an essential accessory due to the coronavirus pandemic. After the supply problems that we saw last spring, the Government made its use mandatory in public spaces. It is also mandatory to use a mask in the car, when using the vehicle with a non-cohabitant, and the Police and Civil Guard agents issue regular fines of 100 euros to anyone who does not comply, The exception is children under six years of age or people who are medically exempt.


Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021

The end of historical floods in Orihuela Costa!

The Orihuela Council announced that it is working with the water company Hidraqua, to finalize a project that will end the historical floods that occur repeatedly during the episodes of rain in the Orihuela Costa area. Councillor Noguera said that “the project will provide a solution to the problems of historical floods in Orihuela Costa that occur with every episode of heavy rain. It is a project that is divided into four phases. The first one, which will have a budget of € 1.5 million, is currently being finalised for tender so that we can start the work before the summer season”. Work will begin in the area between the Orihuela Costa resort and La Zenia Beach where the water will be captured prior to it being discharged into the sea. A tank will fill with water from


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the rains and when it reaches its maximum capacity, the water will overflow in a controlled way onto the beach until the rain ends. To reduce the deterioration of the beach, a stone breakwater will be built that will be covered with sand. Sand will also be deposited onto the breakwater and the beach will regain its usual appearance. Noguera explained that "this action will allow us to redevelop the affected areas, especially along the promenade, from Avenida de la Playa to Calle Colón." Once this first phase is completed, three more phases are planned in Calle San Antonio and Doctor Marañón, the area next to Calle del Rocío and another in the valley between Alhambra and C/Unamuno.

Solution sought to disputed Orihuela / Bigastro border The councillors of Urbanism in Orihuela and Bigastro, José Aix and Antonio Meseguer, have opened talks as they attempt to resolve the boundary dispute between the two municipalities, a problem that has affected companies and homes for more than 20 years. The two have agreed that “the exact definition of the municipalities of Orihuela and Bigastro is a necessity, especially in regard to a number of urbanizations where the current border actually runs directly through a number of buildings. Meseguer said, “the two administrations are working together, to reach an agreement regulating the Bigastro Industrial Park, which involves a number of industries, the Bigastro cemetery, La Pedrera campsite and an area next to the Colín village, a scattered area with some 30 homes that belongs to Orihuela but that is adjacent to the urban area of Bigastro.”

ORIHUELA FELLS MONUMENTAL PALM AFTER SPENDING 3,000 EURO ON ITS MOVE Despite spending 3000 euros on it’s relocation the Orihuela council has now cut down a monumental palm tree called, "La Esperanza." The 17-metre-high specimen was transplanted inside the Palmeral a little over a year ago, at the end of 2019.

due to the lack of correspondence between the different General Plans and of these with the cadastre, and even with cut lines drawn on existing buildings”.

It came from a location, on Avenida Doctor García Rogel, next to the San Antón roundabout where the September 2019 DANA it damaged its base after which it began to tilt dangerously.

Orihuela, the fourth largest town in the province has similar disputes with the municipalities of Rafal and San Miguel de Salinas which it hopes also to resolve this year in order to begin processing the modification of the General Urban Plan for 2021.

Despite the fact that last summer the Department of the Environment celebrated the success the move, just a few months later, at the end of last year, it was mourning “La Esperanza’s” death.

Essential sewer works for San Fulgencio


he Mayor of San Fulgencio, José Sampere, and the Councilor for Works and Services, Francisco Molero, visited Avenida de la Libertad, in the urban area of the municipality last week, where work is taking place to replace the sewer section between Jorge Juan and Vereda de San Isidro streets, works that the council has defined as "essential" due

to the poor condition of this part of the system, both due to its age and the materials that had been used for its construction. Hidraqua has been awarded the contract, with a total budget of 112,026 euros. The work will be completed before the summer during which time the councillor confirmed that "the supply of drinking water will not be interrupted."

Civil war bomb shelters found in Novelda Novelda council is seeking a grant to carry out excavation work on the 13 Civil War bomb shelters that have been found in the town. Last week the mayor, Fran Martínez, met by video conference with the Autonomous Secretary for Cooperation and Democratic Quality, Toñi Serna, and Iñaki Pérez Rico, General Director of Democratic Quality, where different topics were including grants from the Generalitat for work on the recovery of Historical

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he return of football could be set for March, under the optimal sanitary conditions set by the Ministry of Health, said the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Vicent Marzà, in a ceremony at the Jaume I University of Castelló. "From a sporting point of view, what we want is that the more physical activity returns, the better, but we adapt to what health says", said Vicent Marzà. Sport is one of the sectors that will begin to return to activity as of March 1, the date set to start the de-escalation, if the conditions and figures derived from the pandemic are favourable. At the turn of the year Preferente, Regional to grassroots football have been in a period of inactivity, with the postponement of fixtures and training, with some clubs training via video links. The Regional Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, and the Minister of Education, Vicent Marzà, held a meeting to set a series of gatherings with different representatives of the Valencian sports sector.

Masks no longer mandatory for sport You can now jog without a mask. The Ministry of Health withdrew the obligation to wear a mask when doing outdoor sport. This is included in the new legislation published on Friday in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana. Its use is still mandatory elsewhere for everyone over the age of six. It is also mandatory in public transport The mandatory use of a mask to exercise outdoors was one of the measures that was imposed at the end of January due to the skyrocketing increase in coronavirus cases.

Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021

The Sanitat scheduled meeting on February 17, with some affected parts of Valencian sport was cancelled. The College of Physical Education Federation, CONFEDECOM (Confederació de Federacions de la Comunitat Valenciana) and GEPACV (Associació de Gestors Esportius de la Comunitat Valenciana) asked the meeting not be delayed beyond February 22. The FFCV has called for the return of territorial soccer and futsal through various campaigns, with measures related to the return of competitions in the Valencian Community, by staging a two-week mini pre-season so that players can adapt to returning to action. Grassroots and amateur football in the Valencian Community, which has been without fixtures since January 4, has seen 1st Regional G10 clubs including Torrevieja, Racing San Miguel, CD Benijofar, CD Montesinos, Hondon Nieves, UD Horradada, CD Thader, CF Popular Orihuela and Santa Pola games postponed. During the lockdown one of the clubs training via video link was Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 Racing San Miguel. Goalkeeper Pablo Martinez Galvez was featured on Radio Orihuela Cadena SER about the virtual preparation. One of the clubs hit by the coronavirus lockdown is CD Murada who gained promotion in 2019 an were congratulated at an official

Sports - related measures come into effect this Monday

Vargas and Guillem debut in national women's futsal IRENE Vargas, a 21-year-old from Alicante, and Lydia Guillem, 25, from Valencia,

The practice of sports activities is once again allowed in the Valencian Community, in the open air and using outdoor facilities. It is allowed to be played in groups of up to 4 people but without any contact. However, gyms, closed courts and indoor facilities will remain closed for the moment. School sport is also allowed, up to a maximum of four children, in Infant and Primary, without contact and without members of the public. All sports competitions remain suspended, however, except for official regional federated competitions, and those essential to obtain qualification for other competitions.

have debuted this season in the First Division of national women's futsal. Both referee in fixtures of the Men's Second B and dream of reaching the highest category following the path of their mentors Pablo Delgado and Carlos Rabadán. Racing San Miguel keeper Pablo Martinez Galvez

reception of the staff and directive at the Orihuela City Council by the mayor Emilio Bascuñana Galiano, Mayor of Orihuela, and Councillors Sabina Goretti Galindo and Víctor Valverde Sáez, following promotion to the Preferential with the signing of the Orihuela Honours Book.

Racecourses and bookies in England to re-open 2 April By Andrew Atkinson Racecourses and bookmakers in England are scheduled to re-open on April 12 - if the coronavirus vaccination programme continues to be positive. "The turnstiles of our sports stadia will once again rotate, subject in all cases to capacity limits," said PM Boris Johnson. The return of spectators to sports grounds is possible from May 17, with up to 4,000 or 50% per cent of capacity attendances. The Epsom Derby meeting that gets underway on June 4; Goodwood's two-day May Festival and the Temple Stakes meeting at Haydock Park on May 22 could see a return of spectators. The final wave of measures is scheduled to be introduced on June 21, two days after the end of the Royal Ascot meeting. A BHA spokesperson said: "On behalf of British racing and all those who work in our industry, we very much welcome the government's announcement of a roadmap for the removal of the current Covid restrictions. Betting shops will remain closed during the 4 day Cheltenham Festival (16-19 Mar) and The Randox Grand National (10 Apr).



ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.

GOLF COURSES TO RE-OPEN All of our recent articles since the middle of January 2021 have concentrated on the closure of all golf courses in the Valencian Community as a result of measures to control the spread of the We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor

Price €98 €98 €120 €100 €158

Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy 1pm Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy

Covid-19 Corona Virus. This has been a difficult time for the local golf industry because golf courses are not like shops you don’t simply close the doors and turn off the lights because the golf course still require watering and maintaining. The golf industry here directly and indirectly employs some 7500 people and financially it contributes hundreds of millions of euro’s to the Spanish economy. Well it looks like all the hard work lobbying by the Costa Blanca Golf Association has paid off because it has been confirmed by the Valencian Government that all the golf courses in the Valencian Community can re-open to the public from the 1st March 2021. Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Manga La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas

€90 €98 €59 €123 €100 €180 €41 €120 €60 €48 €134 €59 €149

Two Green Fees & buggy 2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee 2 Green Fees & buggy


Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

This great news is just what local golfers have been waiting for but just be careful where you try to play because some courses are reopening on the 1st March and others on the 2nd of March 2021 and remember that the border between the Murcian and Valencian Communities remains closed. One of the things in favour of golf courses being allowed to re-open is that the industry already has a Covid-19 safety protocol so just remember this when you start to play again, because there are no hugs and kisses, no touching flags, no rakes in bunkers, etc, and the slow rate of vaccinations in Spain means that the Covid-19 virus will still be with us, to ensure our safety, for some time to come yet BUT for now just enjoy your golf. Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villamartin Vistabella

€140 €78 €59 €116 €82 €124 €125 €100 €156 €148

2 Green Fees & buggy 2 Green Fees, buggy, drink, tapa Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy (temp closed) 2 Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy (3.30pm)

For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


The Englishman liked the potential of weekly news reports and readily agreed to part with some of his well earned cash and the lmperial pools dart league was born. Three new teams were admitted at the A.G.M. Harmonies (La Fuente) Fox on the Fairway (V. Martin) and Bar Wicked (Los Dolses).



ack in the season 2008 / 2009 the league was run by two brothers and named the "Sport and Leisure" Dart league. They ran a sports shop at Los Dolses, but decided their future was back in the U.K. This was January mid season. Myself and Derek Kingsbury were approached to continue running the league, someone had to, so we agreed. The brothers gladly handed over all relevant matters and as a gesture of goodwill l arranged a farewell " bon voyage" at Madigans as a thank you for their efforts. ln between times, l ran over the finances, after been given around 250 Euro, and found the figures didn't add up. We were aprox. 1000 Euro short. No coherent answers were forthcoming, so l cancelled the farewell do and Derek, myself, plus a few guests ate the sandwiches ourselves and soldiered on with running the league, albeit a little light on the cash side. The league was renamed " The Luke Salt " dart league, in memory of Luke, who sadly lost his life in a motorcycle accident.

Cyril Harrison posted an early 112 game shot to lead that category, Geoff Proudfoot hitting a maximum in the 3rd week. At the halfway stage, Rendezvous Bulls and Decades shared top spot. The final table showed Decades had dropped to third spot, and both the Bulls and Madigans finished level on points each losing four matches, the Bulls overcoming Madigans twice during the season. Top spot however went to leg countback, Bulls enjoying a superior leg difference, therefore taking the title. Finals and presentation were held at Fairways, V. Martin. K.O. Cup winners - Madigans Runners Up - Nickys Bar. Mens Singles Mark Farmer Runner Up Paul Durrant Ladies Singles Amanda Skinner Runner Up Lorraine Cox Mens Pairs Mark Farmer / Graham Edgar Runners Up Sam Salt / Luke Talbot 2009 - 2010 Highest finish 125 Paul Durrant. Pat Spratt presented the prizes and confirmed lmperial sponsorship for a further term.

The Salt family running "Allsalts" bar in Los Dolses. Brother Sam, as everyone knows, remained in Spain, the family later returning to the UK. The finals were held in June at the Rendezvous bar in their spacious function room. Following are some of that years winners. League winners K.O.Cup winners Pairs winners Runners Up Highest Finish Most 180's

Madigans Runners Up Breakaways A Madigans Runners Up Rendezvous Mark lloyd and Phil Waller James Brown and Steve Woods. 167 lan Cooper 2008 - 2009 John Eyre

The singles final was a walkover for Mark Farmer, opponent Lee Godfrey, unable to attend for personal reasons. To fill the slot we arranged for a best of 5 exhibition final between Farmer and Sam Salt.

SEASON 2009 10

The 2021 ProTour season kicked off at Whites Hotel, Bolton last week, four Players Championship events over consecutive days starting Thursday. A total of £300,000 in prize money, 75k per day, with 10k to the winner, 6k for the runner up. Thursdays winner was Joe Cullen, narrow victor over newly crowned Ladbrokes Masters Champion, Jonny Clayton 8-7. Cullens winning average a paltry 86.5, Clayton 92.8, they are long tiring days starting at 2-00pm. No excuse though, as Clayton recorded a semi average of 109.6 in his demolition of Jon Worsley 7-0. Michael Smith managed the 1st 9 darter, the 4th of the season (3 at Q School). His combination, 180,177,144, in the 9th leg of his opening match. Michael van Gerwen went out to new TourCard holder, Lewy Williams in the 3rd round 6-5, yet another brilliant Welshman. Three missed match darts from MvG allowed the youngster to check out on 111 in the eleventh leg. Raymond van Barneveld went out 1st round to Stephen Bunting 6-5 after being 5-1 down. Bunting won the decider, using just 12 on 125, Barny leaving a bogey 171 after miscounting. World no. 1 Gerwyn Price won his 1st round match 6-1, overcoming Lisa Ashton, losing next game to Gary Anderson, who eventually lost to Rob Cross 6-2. The ever colourful Peter Wright managed to win his opener, losing in the 2nd 6-1 to Michael Unterbuchner. There's some tidy players around. Anderson topped the averages on day 1 with a 110.5 v Ryan Serle, Jose de Sousa was 2nd on 110.12. Fridays tournament was won by rising star, 22 year old Callan Rydz, recently crowned P.D.C. Player of the Year, in only his 2nd year as a ProTour card holder. Surviving a match dart from opponent Jonny Clayton, the Geordie won the last leg shoot out, with an 87 finish. A second 9 dart leg in Super Series 1, this time from Adrian Lewis in his defeat to Jeff Smith 6-5 in the last 64. A 2nd round exit for World Champ Price (it's tough being no 1, everyone raises their game) 6-5 to Aaron Beeney. Price looked like retrieving a dire situation after being 5-1 down to level, one to play. Beeney kept his cool and finished the 501 on 86 in 15 darts.


Winners of the 09/10 KO Cup - Madigans, with sponsor Patrick Spratt

Both played very well hitting maximums to level at 2-2. Farmer won the bull for throw in the decider. using only 12 darts to leave a double, Salt close but a throw in arrears, could only watch as Farmer used 2 darts to win. After a successful conclusion to our 1st season, we approached Patrick Spratt a local businessman who owned Imperial Pools, a leading swimming pool supplier, to sponsor the league. Pat as he preferred to be known, had two other showrooms plus a warehouse in Calpe.

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Gerwyn Price won this years William Hill, professional World Darts Championship, in what other sport did he achieve pro status? Answer (by 5th March) to: Last weeks O.W.S. winner is Bob Smith, who correctly answered Phil Taylors " walk on music". The Power, from Snap.


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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


England and Bolton star Ray Westwood gifted Melody - uke by George Formby Quote: 'This is not just a ukulele signed by George Formby, it's a ukulele he actually played. This ukulele has a great story behind it'. By Andrew Atkinson Former England and Bolton Wanderers footballer Ray Westwood was gifted an autographed Melodyuke by George Formby in the 1930s after befriending the star. Westwood, renowned for his goalscoring, by netting 144 goals in 333 games for Wanderers, between 1930 and 1948, was uncle to Manchester United 'Busby Babes' player Duncan Edwards, killed in the aftermath of the Munich Air disaster in 1958, aged 21. Westwood was a member of the Wanderers teams that reached the 1935 and 1946 FA Cup semifinals. He also played in the 1946 Burnden disaster match. The Burnden Park disaster occurred on March 9, 1946, at Burnden Park stadium. A crush resulted in the deaths of 33 people and injuries to hundreds of Bolton fans. Capped six times for England, Westwood became good friends with Formby, who gave him one of his famous ukuleles in 1933, signed 'best wishes, George Formby'. The Melody-uke gifted to Westwood was brought to my attention by Simon Sutherland from Newton Heath, Manchester, which went to auction following Westwood's death in 1981. Film star, comedian and ukulele legend Formby OBE, who died on March 6, 1961, aged 56, is remembered for his songs, including My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock, When I’m Cleaning Windows and Leaning on a Lamp Post. Andy Eastwood, ubiquitous ukelalian, renowned George Formby Tribute artiste, unaware of the Melody-uke, told me: "I didn’t know about that! There are plenty of stories of George giving ukes out - but I wasn’t aware of that one!".

After going under auction Roy Stokes, from the Biddle and Webb Auction House, said: “This is not just a ukulele signed by George Formby, this is a ukulele that he actually played. “An instrument that has been played by the star is more valuable than one that hasn’t. This ukulele has a great story behind it.” During the second world war, Westwood served with the Royal Artillery Territorial Army in Dunkirk and in Egypt. He began his schoolboy career playing in Brierley Hill, and played at junior level with Stourbridge FC. Westwood was at Bolton for two seasons, before being signed by Birmingham League side, Brierley Hill Alliance FC in October 1929, during which time he had an unsuccessful trial with Aston Villa. Westwood then joined Bolton Wanderers in February 1930. In July 1934, Aston Villa were unsuccessful in making attempts to sign him. In November 1937, Chelsea offered £12,000 to take Westwood to Stamford Bridge, a bid rejected. In December 1939, Westwood assisted Kidderminster Harriers FC, and represented the Army on several occasions. After WW 2, he returned to Bolton Wanderers. In December 1947, Chester FC broke their transfer record fee to sign Westwood, scoring on his league debut against York City.

Simons replaces Draxler on his PSG debut. Photo: PSG/ CD Thader

He signed for Lancashire Combination side, Darwen FC in September 1949, making his final appearance in February 1951. Son of a Postmaster, after retiring from football, he became a newsagent. Westwood died on December 9, 1981, aged 69. *Formby's Lost Love by Andrew Atkinson. £10. email:

had reported on many clubs within

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14

Thader youngster Xavi Simons makes his debut for PSG

In August 1949, after 38 league appearances and 13 goals, he was placed on the 'open to transfer list', because of his ongoing business interests in Bolton.

Obituary: Teddy García Voice of CF Intercity Teddy García, the voice of CF Intercity and an exceptional communicator in the field of sport, has sadly passed away. Amongst his commentaries Teddy

Capped six times for England, Westwood became good friends with Formby, who gave him one of his famous ukuleles in 1933, signed 'best wishes, George Formby'.

the FFCV, including Valencia 1st Reg Group 10 Racing San Miguel. "Teddy was at the Montesico Blanco against Intercity. All our love and encouragement to his family and friends," said a spokesperson from RSM club.



regular visitor to Rojales, 17-year old Xavi Simons, made his debut for Paris San German recently, in the club’s 1-0 victory against Caen, in the second round of the French Cup, when he was introduced to the midfield as a 78th minute substitute for German International Julian Draxler.

Head (Fleetwood Mac), b. Hard Headed Woman (Cat Stevens), c. Raindrops Keep Fallin On My Head (B J Thomas), d. Hold Your Head Up (Argent). 11. Salvador

1. a. Sea of Cold, b. Sea of Cloudsm c. Sea

Allende. 12. Fractal geometry. 13. Broccoli.

of the South or Southern Sea. 2. Houston

14. The Gathering Storm. 15. The Yardbirds.

(General Sam Houston). 3. Sink the

16. Postage stamps (rare stamps or some of

Bismarck (Scottish brewery BrewDog, 41%).

the most expensive stamps in the world). 17.

4. Grenadine. 5. The Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

a. Rolling Stones, b. Simon & Garfunkel, c.

6. True Grit. 7. Michel Platini. 8. Poland and

Bob Dylan, d. Small Faces. 18. Fenix 3. 19.

the Ukraine. 9. Tokyo Rose. 10. a. Over My

Sargasso Sea. 20. Costmary and Alecost

Born in Amsterdam, Simons is the son of Dutch former footballer Regillio Simons, who has a home in Rojales. The youngster started his football at Thader but joined the youth setup of Barcelona in 2010, and quickly progressed to become one of the Spanish club's most highly rated youth players, with Chelsea, and Spanish giants Real Madrid, reportedly attempting to sign him at a young age. However, in 2019, Simons moved to French side Paris Saint-Germain, having failed to agree a new contract with Barcelona. His contract with the Parisian club was reportedly worth up to €1 million annually. As a regular visitor to Rojales, Simons is often seen in the terraces supporting his former club CD Thader. He can be seen here posing with a club shirt. In March last year, Simons was named on Goal's "NxGn 2020" list of 50 best wonderkids in world football. He was also included in The Guardian's "Next Generation 2020" in October.


Monday 1st - Sunday 7th March, 2021


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