The Leader in Spain 19 Sept 22 - Edition 937

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we saw outpourings of support and gestures of goodwill to their British residents from many neighbouring municipalities, despite having the largest British population by far there was nothing but intransigence coming out of the doors of Orihuela.

Attended by the mayor, Carolina Gracia, the councillor for International Residents, María García, and a number of representatives of the Partido Popular, Ciudadanos, Claro and PIOC, the observance was directed by members of the Orihuela Costa and District Branch of the Royal British Legion.

No 937 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September 2022 637 227

it then took until mid afternoon on Thursday, less than 24 hours before the planned event, before the public relations department was able to distribute a press release, leaving precious little time for details of the memorial to be passed around. However, although the venue was then changed to Playa Flamenca Esplanade, the short ceremony was able to go ahead in front of a healthy crowd approaching 200 people, on Friday lunchtime.

CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO OOUURR FFIINNAALL FFAARREE W W EELLLL Queen Elizabeth II (1926 - 2022). Hers was a life of service that will echo through the ages. We will be forever grateful.

A letter to the mayor from the Chairman of the local branch of the Royal British Legion went unanswered, but as messages of discontent began to circulate both on social media pages and in the local press, by the middle of last week it seemed increasingly likely that the mayor and her team were having a ‘change of heart’.


Whilst there were no offers of a church service or a book of condolence, contact was eventually made with the RBL last Wednesday, with a proposal to hold a short ceremony outside the Orihuela Costa town hall, followed by a period of Unfortunatelysilence.

the initial reticence of the Orihuela Ayuntamiento to make anything beyond a simple Facebook gesture of regret at the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, as last week unfolded it soon became apparent that the PSOE government, led by Carolina Gracia, was completely out of touch with the wishes of a large segment of its popu-

The Chairman, Kevin Reardon, read a statement issued by King Felipe of Spain, in which he said that Queen Elizabeth "will be remembered as one of the greatest queens of all time for her dignity, sense of duty, courage and devotion to her people throughout her entire reign”.

The mayor, councillors and RBL at Playa Flamenca


Rest in green pastures with corgis and horses You ran not one but many, straight and true courses Rest now Your Majesty, in peace and in calm Let God´s grace wash your kind soul, with His own pure love´s balm.

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An innate kindness, a depth of emotion That traversed turmoil and love, in faith and forward motion


As Branch Vice Chairman Eddie Coleman paraded the standard, and following a short prayer ‘The Last Post’ was played by Mark Benton. There was an impeccably observed period of silence, during which both the Union and Spanish flags were lowered to half mast, where they will remain until the day of Her Majesty’s funeral. This was the second such service in as many days for the RBL with Branch Members observing their own period of silence in Mil Palmeras on the previous evening.

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inland, in the quiet hamlet of Hondón Valley, the Royal British Legion opened a Book of Condolence for those locals wishing to sign in memory of Her Majesty, in collaboration with the Ayuntamiento of Hondón de los Frailes who generously allowed an area in the village square for those of all nationalities wishing to leave flowers.

Her long race is over, her good work is done God will welcome her warmly, this dear and precious one She wore a gold crown and paid a great price Family, friends, nations grateful for love, support and advice

She was loved, trusted, respected; she kept her own counsel Was not one to gossip, not even a morsel She took the blame with calm dignity, for things not her fault There must have been times when she wanted to bolt

by Phil Molloy - 10 Sept 2022by Phil Molloy - 10 Sept 2022


Loyalty, devotion, compassion and truth These are the attributes that have at their root

A tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The ceremony followed along similar lines with a tribute to Queen Elizabeth from Branch President, Graham Rhodes followed by a poem, read by Sandie Coates (see right). The prayers were led by Stephen Treseder and once again Mark Benton played the Last Post and Reveille while the Branch Standard was paraded by Eddie

Chairman of the Branch, Joe Logan signs the Book of Condolence with others, including Victor Ramirez Segura, Councillor for European Residents, looking on.

PAGE 2 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Her Majesty was, in all truth, quite shy Kept her real feelings in check, no great laughs, no deep sighs A stalworth of virtue, no pride on her face She witnessed private and public events, with dignity and grace


They came to see her, turned up at her door Outside the palaces waiting hours, then more For a glimpse at the great lady we knew as our Queen Surrounded by her family, guarded by her team


And now with her Maker, she has a new home In a mansion in heaven more grand than her own She´ll wander the corridors with loved ones at her side In peace at last, with God she´ll abide

“Stay calm, don´t despair, keep going” was her motto With Prince Phillip by her side, he was her “go to” To God she went first, her Rock and her Shield And now everything to Him, she will willingly yield

Her great faith in God was deep and knew no bounds It kept her head and her feet always on the ground Level and balanced, with that so oft lovely smile Her gracious ways brought people from miles and miles

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If you would like to see your poem on this page send to:

Through video and photos we see her great joy Her patience, fun and laughter with her girl and her boys It must have been so hard to put duty always first To see her life as a blessing and not sometimes as a curse



"This new breeding season shows us that it is possible to combine the use of these places adjacent to populated areas, with the conservation of the species, as long as there is respect for the ecosystem by the people who live in the area", according to the Environmental councillor in a state-

Thement.project has brought together staff from the Torrevieja Council, the volunteer team of the Torrevieja Kentish Plover Project, as well as the beach-cleaning team, who have carefully carried out their work in the protected areas by hand, as well as the Environment Unit of the Torrevieja Local Police. It’s success is also largely due to the respect shown by users of La Mata beach and the Municipal Natural Park "Molino del Agua". All have contributed to this continued success of the Kentish Plovers in Torrevieja.

councillor, Antonio Vidal, said that “this is great news at the local, regional and national level as they have produced eight chicks”.


the third consecutive year, Kentish Plovers are successfully nesting on La Mata beach where, during the present breeding season, 3 pairs of Kentish Plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus) have settled on the dune front of the Municipal Natural Park "Molino del Agua", located on the beach of La Mata de EnvironmentalTorrevieja.

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The "Water Mill" formed by remains of dune cord, pine forest and a stretch of protected beach, was declared a Municipal Natural Park in 2006. Its 17 hectares contain the last protected dunes in Torrevieja.

The organisation of their public use and the measures and actions carried out this year in to assist with the conservation of the Kentish Plover, such as the installation of a second fence, along with information posters, have been key for the Kentish Plovers to have selected the area to breed again. The value of their arrival has several components.


The Plovers will only nest if they consider that a natural space has sufficient environmental quality where they can establish themselves and raise their chicks. The tranquility and the availability of food that they find, both in the dunes and on the shore of the beach, are essential for them.

The first is the conservation situation in which these birds are found, being one of the most endangered species in the Valencian Community. Since 2021 they have been listed as "Endangered" in the ‘Red Book of Birds of Spain’. Their population has been reduced by more than 70% in the last 30 years as a result of the loss of habitat, associated with the urbanization of the Levantine coast. On the other hand, the dunes in the Municipal Natural Park "Molino del Agua" are peri-urban dunes, surrounded by houses, and are visited by many people during the summer season, a period that coincides with the breeding season for the birds.

and an increase in lighting units of around 60%, which, according to Samper, "will cause an additional increase in energy expenditure over the previous year of 60%, a tripling the public lighting bill”.

A gentle ‘warm up’ with Nicola will brush the cobwebs away

Torrevieja council is increasingly being criticised for wasting public money, such as has been the case in the concerts held in the town over summer, at a huge cost to the public purse, but without seeing any return.

Despite the opposition Partido Popular (PP) calling for her resignation again this week, the PSOELocal Executive has unanimously ratified Carolina Gracia, the current Mayor of Orihuela, as their candidate for the municipal elections of next May 2023.

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The Veterans Breakfast Club is recommencing on Tuesday 27th September at The Captainís Table Restaurant, Punta Prima, just off the N332 at 11 am, the last Tuesday of the month.

As the numbers are limited to just 30 people those wishing to attend should contact Sandie at least 5 days prior to the meetings to reserve their place by either email or sandysandy1979@outlook.comtelephone: (645 29 00 78)

In neighbouring Torrevieja, things don’t seem to be going quite so well for the PSOE, as the decision to appoint their candidate has been postponed until November 21.

Suena says that any increase whatsoever is out of the question

According to Pablo Samper, spokesperson for Sueña Torrevieja, the tender “amounts to e360,969.20, which represents an increase of e158,737, almost 80% over the previous year.

We are grateful that The Club meetings get underway with Nicola leading us in a half hour of gentle exercise, which will be followed by a chat during a lovely Thebreakfast.September meeting will be a ìback

togetherî catch up, with no Speaker. Next month, on October 25th MABS, the well known Cancer charity, will be providing a visiting Speaker and then on 29th November the Veja Baja Association President will host an Awareness Opportunity where you can ask questions and find out more about the charitable is wide-ranging and not restricted to the Veja Baja area.

Earlier this month, we reported that the President of the Valencia Region, Ximo Puig, proposed a reduction in Christmas lights by 20 percent, both to reduce the costs to municipalities during a financial crisis, and importantly to reduce the amount of energy consumed amid the impact of the war in Ukraine.

Orihuela PSOE Mayor to Stand in Elections

Veterans Club afterSummerBreakback

This increase is out of the question, even more so with the reduction in the council income due to the reduction from the capital gains tax, of which only 1.66 mil-

This Club is open to Veterans and their families. Non Veterans are also welcome to attend but are asked to make a small donation in the Poppy Box provided.

However, neither of those messages appeared to have reached Torrevieja, where the government appears to be increasing Christmas lights this year, and subsequently adding to the amount of money spent on them.

This increase is divided into two sections: an increase in unit prices of around 13%,

Criticism over Torrevieja Christmas Lighting Budget

lion euro has been collected in the first six months of 2022, of the 22.24 million budgeted for the whole year.

There was some internal opposition to the decision, as Antonio Zapata, another prominent figure in socialist politics in the town, had put himself forward for the role, but he issued a statement on Thursday saying that he had withSecretarydrawn. of the Orihuela socialists, Antonio López, said that "the executive's unanimity confirmed it" after the members of the commission considered that "Carolina Gracia's candidacy for mayor is the most solid proposal we have".

López has added that "in the four months that she has been serving as the mayor of Orihuela, she has demonstrated her management capacity with the dynamism."

Carolina Gracia attending the memorial to Queen Elizabeth in Playa Flamenca on Friday

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When the butcher approached the bull, as it lay lifeless on the ground, the bull jumped up and attacked him, repeatedly charging at him.

Minimum wages in all EU countries must guarantee decent living and working conditions, and Member States must promote collective wage bargaining, a vote passed last week with 505 in favour, 92 against and 44 abstentions.

The Directive aims to improve working and living conditions for all EU workers, as well as promote economic and social

Former PM, Mariano Rajoy, currently working as a Property Registrar in Santa Pola, has made the leap from politics to cinema and will make his debut on the big screen with a cameo in Paco Arango's next film.

The health services transferred the butcher to the Reina Sofía hospital, where he died from cardiorespiratory arrest.

EUapproves new rules on Minimum Wage

The event has the objective of accelerating electric mobility in the Spanish car fleet and publicising the existing electric vehicle models on the market.


Madrid hosts most important electric vehicle event in Spain

The seventh edition of the Madrid Electric Vehicle Fair (VEM2022), took place last weekend, coinciding with the European Mobility Week. More than 60 exhibitors and 30 manufacturers attended.

Mariano Rajoy will play himself in a film that tells the story of Merche (Carmen Maura), an old woman with a terminal illness.

this, it establishes minimum requirements that guarantee adequate minimum wages either through national legislation or collective agreements.


The high temperatures of July, August and the first half of September, has led to "excessive evaporation" which has accelerated the crystallisation of the salt which is of higher quality".

The event will take place on Wednesday 21 September 2022,at the Church of the Immaculate Conception,Plaza de la Constitution,next to the Town Hall.The church doors will open at 10:30 a.m.and the service will begin at 11:00 a.m. A book of condolences will be at the entrance of the church so that attendees can pay tribute.


Whilst the agriculture sector is suffering the effects of high temperatures in Spain this summer, salt production has seen a boost and the consequent evaporation process has triggered the harvest of the main salt mine in Spain, the Salinas de Torrevieja (Alicante), which forecasts a harvest of around 550,000 tons.

The weather situation has allowed the thickness of the sheets of salt to be around 100 or 110 millimetres, a figure short of the optimum of 120, but significantly better than that achieved in recent years. between 50 and 80.


of more rain than usual in the area, which reduced production to between 300,000 and 350,000 tons, this year it is expected to return to the usual figure of the 550,000.

The incident occurred at the Feria de Murcia. The bull was jabbed with sedative from a distance with a pole, the common practice, and fell to the ground, motionless.

The service is open to all who wish to attend.

A butcher who worked at bullring in Murcia was killed last week, after he was gored by a bull he was about to sedate before it went to the slaughterhouse to be killed.

Bull turns the tables as it kills butcher in Murcia

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The Royal British Legion,with the collaboration of Torrevieja Council,will celebrate a funeral mass to commemorate the life of Queen Elizabeth II.


The head of production at Salinas de Torrevieja, Luis Díez, explained that after a few years

Peter & Steve - will be playing easy style music live in Los Montesinos main square on September 24, joined by fine harmonica player Mike "MikeGlassup.has worked with some

of the top musicians in the Graciasarea. to Alejandro and Mayor José Butron for giving us the booking. It means a lot having lived in the village for eight years," Peter told The will take place from 8-11pm.

The charity project, entitled Mi Otro Jon, will feature Carmen Maura, Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Fernando Albizu and Olivia Molina among the cast.

However, setting the minimum wage will remain a competence of the Member States.

"This thickness benefits us because it saves us harvesting times and helps increase production," said Díez.

Having been presented his Long Service and Good Conduct Medal by Major General Bowes Lyon, David retired on May 24, 1978, after 24 years service.

PRITTY: On parade with the Grenadiers

David travelled throughout Europe on active duty, with postings, including serving in Northern Ireland at the height of the IRA Troubles.


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Reflecting on the special occasion, David said: "It was a great honour to speak to her Majesty the Queen.

Calle Isla Tabarca 12, Across the road from the Cabo Roig Strip

Granted a Scholarship at Kings College in Cambridge, due to his singing talents in the School Choir, he joined the Grenadier Guards in 1955, aged 16: "The journey from Boy Soldier to Top Soldier was fantastic," said David.

David, who has a property with wife Doris in La Zenia, said: "It was always difficult to balance Active Service with Ceremonial Duties."

Upon becoming a Sgt Major, David was presented to HM The Queen at a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in 1968.

I recall she said the words - that I will never forget: 'It must be difficult to March on Grass' ".

"It was an Honour to serve her Majesty for 24 years, having guarded all her Royal Residences and six Trooping of The Colour," said David, 84, who resides in Lytham St Annes, Lancashire.


Pritty, whose career began as a Boy Soldier in 1955 and became a Sgt Major, talks to Andrew Atkinson in an Exclusive interview about HM The Queen following her passing on Sept 8, aged 96.

According to the medics, 3,934 people left the Emergency Room during the months of July and August. Of the 14,734 people requesting treatment at the facility, the figures reveal that more than 26% (one in four patients) left without being treated.

The Minister of Health, has said that the Valencian Community will begin administering the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to children as of October 1. Until now only 12-year-old girls were vac-

Valencian Community becomes one of the first autonomies to administer the vaccination to boys. It is a measure that seeks to extend protection against HPV infection in both boys and girls”, said Mínguez.

James Stewart was an architect. "It's a won-


Ozzy Osbourne, lead vocalist of Black Sabbath, whose nickname was 'The Prince of Darkness,' worked in a slaughterhouse, no surprise there.

Latifay is a fun-loving 5 month old and she just needs to find her forever home. For more info 966 71 0047 or email

The 4th Earl of Sandwich, besides being First Lord of the Admiralty, was supposedly the brains behind you-know-what. The Earl wanted something manageable to eat without having to leave the card table (a cad might sneak a peek at his cards) and I guess they didn't supply free crisps or peanuts as nibbles for nobles. Other gamblers began to order, "The same as Sandwich!" which soon became, "A Sandwich!"

Some celebrities had second jobs for a while that mirrored facets of their full-time careers.

Thousands left without treatment at Torrevieja A&E in Summer

The Instituto para la Calidad Turística Española (ICTE) has presented Zenia Boulevard with the S Mark for Tourism Sustainability, the first shopping centre in Spain to be awarded with this distinction, which guarantees implementation and compliance of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda in tourist establishments.


who might not seem to need them often have second jobs. A good example of this is the American actress Hedy Lamarr, who was also an inventor who developed a radio guidance system for torpedoes called "frequency hopping" as well as the technology that led to Wi-Fi and Ironically,Bluetooth.

Not many merry men would want to follow him there. Maid Marion? She probably worked as a chambermaid in The Castle Inn in Nottingham, where else?

Human Papillomavirus vaccination from 1 October

derful life," he said. Charles Bronson held on to his job as a knife-sharpener for the longest time: "You were always assured of repeat customers unless they were in prison."


Once he had redistributed all the wealth in the Nottingham area, what would Robin Hood have done? Nowadays, he would likely have his own TV show called Make a New Life in the Town. ("Ex-Woodsman swaps the greensward for a city-centre high-rise.")


A second string to one's bow is always good for the purse strings, although I'm not sure how it might affect your archery. George Clooney is a tequila mogul and is rumoured to taste every batch before bottling. No wonder he drinks so much coffee. President of Cuba, Fidel Castro, was a pretty good base-

in the last decades of her life, a telephone landline became her only means of communication with the outside world, although in 2019 a minor planet of the inner Solar System was named after her, Asteroid 32730 Lamarr, if you are curious to know.

The Wall Street Journal described the sandwich ironically as 'Britain's biggest contribution to gastronomy,' and added snidely that 'seldom has an Earl accomplished so little.' Clearly, they knew nothing of Gene Chandler's song, 'Duke of Earl', which became a US No.1 in 1962: "Nothing can stop the Duke of Earl." So there. The actual Earl of Errol was murdered in the Happy Valley in Kenya, which couldn't have made him all that happy.


Johnny Depp sold videotapes over the phone, which suggests they may have been pirated.

According to staff working at the Torrevieja hospital, the summer has been a "genuine catastrophe" for the provision of healthcare, as they reveal that thousands of patients gave up waiting at the Accident and Emergency department and left without treatment.

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ball player, but by no means a revolutionary one, although he outlawed professional sports in Cuba in 1961. Whoopi Goldberg was formerly a morgue beautician. Don't ask.

Throughout the summer, keen photographers were capturing moments, memories and landscapes and submitting them to Specsavers Ópticas for their summer photography competition. Nearly 100 high quality entries were received, showing what a beautiful country Spain really is. The competition was judged by professional photographer Oliver Vegas, who found it hard to pick a winner from all the excellent entries. He said, "The level of the entries has been really high, there were a range of very different photographs, with surreal yet origi-

nal framing that I did not expect to find. Each of the participants has shown their originality in terms of what we understand by "summer", going from the best sunset to the countryside, the mountains, the city and an endless number of moments that for many will surely have been unforgettable".

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He explained, “My choice has been focused on what each one of them communicates to me, as well as the composition, colour and originality. As a great majority of countries have suffered high temperatures this year, this photo really stood out, showing the emerging heat of the day, counterbalanced with where the sun is hidden and gives us shade.”

Comprehensive eye tests are free and audiology is now available at their Benidorm store. There are Specsavers Ópticas stores on the Costa Blanca (Calpe, Jávea, Torrevieja, Benidorm, Guardamar del Segura and La Zenia), on the Costa del Sol (Fuengirola and Marbella) and in Mallorca (Santa Ponça). Visit to find your nearest store.

Photography competition winner Patricia Vine with Silvia Tormo Fernandez


much pleasure in enjoying this view, so I was delighted to be able to capture this moment and share it with you and I’m pleased that you liked the photo too.”

He shortlisted entries from Florence Marie Jose Cardona Ballester, Patricia Vine, Mundo Torrevieja, Angel and Melissa Royle. After much deliberation, he chose Patricia Vine’s image of the sunrise over the town of Polop as the overall winner.

Specsavers Ópticas are passionate about protecting their customers’ vision with comprehensive eye tests including the latest technology and ongoing care and monitoring of their clients’ eye health.

Patricia won a pair of designer sunglasses and a 100E Amazon voucher, which she collected from Specsavers Ópticas in Benidorm. She commented, “Wow, I can’t believe that you enjoyed my photo so much. Thank you! It was taken from our balcony in La Nucia looking across to the town of Polop. The scenery changes depending on the time of day and this was taken at sunrise. We have had so

Forpopulation.’StatusOrange, you are to ‘Be Prepared’. ‘The issue of an Orange level weather warning implies that all recipients in the affected areas should prepare themselves in an appropriate way for the anticipated conditions.

are shrubs grown for their small, pea-like flowers that bloom in late spring and early summer.

in the spring or autumn, when the soil is warm

Water newly planted plants in their first year, until established, after that it should get all the moisture it needs from any rainfall or dew. Wind tolerant, a good plant for exposed or coastal gardens.

Maintenance is easy as there's no need to feed a broom plant; to encourage a bushy shape pinch out the shoots of young plants.

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

Two species share this common name; Cytisus and Genista, broadly similar, although Genista does better on alkaline soils.

Position in any well drained soil, in a sunny spot. Broom does well on poor, stony or sandy soils and can also be planted on a slope.

When it was first launched the ‘colours’ galvanised ordinary folk into extraordinary action. Then we all woke up the next morning to find that the world as we knew it was still there – and still the ‘same old.’ Now, those same people, whilst not ignoring the weather advice, will just go on and assess the situation as man has done since the beginning of

Cytisus should be pruned after flowering to ensure a good display of flowers the following year. Cut off the parts of stems that have flowered, taking care not to cut into old wood. There is no need to prune Genista. It's thought that broom is so called, because its long stems were used to make brushes. flowers in multitude of colours


Those same people kept an eye on nature as well. The fisherman watched the sky and the farmer could tell by how avariciously his cattle grazed in the morning as to how the evening would turn out.

Most are compact and suitable for small gardens, although the Mount Etna broom can reach over 4m x



The Meteorological Service will contend that the new coloured weather warnings are there for all our good; to alert us to take safety precautions and to take care of ourselves. But has the system not lost credibility by teetering over the top?

Status Red means take action – as any of you might have guessed. You don’t go sightseeing from a cliff-edge, or shelter under a tree that is about to be blown down - and don’t spread yourself for a picnic in a snow drift.

I still think it would be better if everybody could listen to a simple weather forecast and just be told in everyday language what the weather is going to be like tomorrow …!


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But back to last Sunday, 11th September. We did get a wet day, for most of the day – but it was soft rain and without a trace of wind. Now I ask you, how in the name of all things holy or otherwise, does a wet day in Ireland become a case for a yellow alert warning?

Don’t get me wrong: Of course there is a need for flood and storm warnings in coastal areas and areas prone to flooding, but many believe that the ‘over-egging’ of weather presentation has devalued the service.

A Status Yellow weather alert

The weather forecast is a programme in which it takes ten minutes to say something that should be covered in forty words.

Broom flowers come in the most familiar shade of yellow but can also be white, pink, orange and red.

As I write this, last Saturday, 10th September was one heck of a beautiful day with temperatures reaching an unseasonal 22 degrees in a clear blue sky. At lunchtime, the weather forecaster I listened to, gave a yellow rain warning for the next day where I live. I’ll come back to the Sunday in a moment –if that’s OK with the rest of you.

Personally speaking, I feel that trooping the weather colours is all a load of bullocks … or something like that. When they first came out, the coloured warnings put the fear of God into God-fearing people, but over a short time that fear has turned into an ambiguous approach of indifference – like the little boy who cried wolf. Listen … the facts are that we don’t have hurricanes, tornedos or typhoons in Ireland!

Bernie has published four books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí. Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info.

and moist, planting at the same depth of the rootball.

This is Ireland – for God’s sake!!

Some cultivars of brooms are low growing, while others have a graceful arching shape.



… I know, ‘we have to move with the times.’ This dinosaur has moved with lots of times in my time, but some of this movement I just don’t see the sense of. What do you think of coloured weather warnings in this country? Was it not better to just give us the weather forecast as best you could and move on to Des Cahill or something like that?

Should coloured weather warnings be black carded?

is meant to notify those who are at risk because of their location or activity – but ‘does not pose a threat to the general

I guarantee you that information was no less accurate than your present day yellow, orange and red warnings. The people listened and understood the simple language of what they needed to know.

Let us first rewind a month or so to the middle of a drought. Then, lo and behold, we received yellow, amber and even red warnings of torrential rain that was coming. Dire warnings against driving into floods on roads – same as you would warn a child not to be ‘splashing around in that puddle.’ If the road was flooded, I – along with everybody I know, would have been able to figure out that one for ourselves.

‘squib’ in the middle of one of the three targeted nights.

To be fair to the metrological people, this is a hard country to predict the weather and some parts of the country did get deluged; but the result of my yellow warning was a bit of a

Office will tell us about significant new developments in weather forecasting. I don’t see it. I remember back when Radio Eireann broadcast a late night forecast ‘for farmers and fishermen’, that covered the following 24 hours with regional detail.

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People are now invited to have a plaque made and the Church will add it to the bench.

1991 - Status Quo put themselves in the Guinness Book Of Records by appearing at four venues in one day, Sheffield, Glasgow, Birmingham and London, per-

1975 - Rod Stewart was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Sailing'. The song became a hit after it was used in a TV documentary series.

1988 - The Hollies were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother' after the song was used on a UK TV beer commercial, the song was originally a hit in 1969 and featured a youngElton Johnon piano.

1977 - Meat Loaf released his second studio album‘Bat Out Of Hell’.

In total over 700 EURO was donated by Campoverde residents, friends and families. The benches arrived and were installed this week. Once they have had another coat of varnish applied all the old plaques will be added to the new benches.

forming all four in a 12-hour period.

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2000 - Ozzy Osbourneformally requested thatBlack Sabbathbe removed from the nomination list for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Calling the inclusion "meaningless", Ozzy went on to say "Let's face it. Black Sabbath have never been media darlings.We're a people's band and that suits us just fine."

2011 - Research conducted by car maker SEAT found thatQueen’s 'Bohemian Rhapsody' was the song most likely to be found on British iPods, with more than 40% of owners having the hit on their players. The Beatles had four songs in the list, a feat also matched by Coldplay.Other favourites includedU2, The Killers andRihanna.

A local resident, Kerry Byrne, noticed that two of them had become very tatty and needed Thereplacing.Church was, of course, delighted at Kerry’s initiative and she set about raising the funds.

1962 - Elvis Presleyreceived an invitation to appear at the Royal Variety Performance.His manager, Colonel Tom Parker graciously declined, citing motion picture commitments.The real reason was that Tom Parker was an illegal Dutch immigrant living in the United States who feared he might not be allowed to return if he left the country.

His first collaboration with composer Jim Steinman and producer Todd Rundgren, it is one of the best-selling albums of all time, having sold over 43 million copies worldwide (and still sells over 200,000 copies per year).The first single released from the album 'You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth' failed to chart when first released.


Church Garden has always been a delightful place for our community to sit and contemplate, to meet friends, for the kids to play in at the Church Summer Club and to just make the whole Church Campus that little bit more alive.

1957 - 16 year old UK singer Cliff Richard, still known by his real name, Harry Webb, joined the Dick Teague Skiffle Group.

Adam Ant

An essential part of the garden has been the memorial benches.

1965 - The Walker Brothers were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with the Burt Bacharach song, 'Make It Easy On Yourself', the trio's first of two UK No.1's.

“The kiss of the sun for pardon, The song of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God's Heart in a garden Than anywhere else on earth.”

1981 - Adam And The Ants were at No.1 on the UK singles chart with their second chart topper 'Prince Charming'.

1997 - Elton Johnstarted a six week run at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Something About The Way You Look Tonight', and 'Candle In The Wind 97.' A re-write of his 1974 hit about Marilyn Monroe.This version was raising funds for the Diana, Princess of Wales charity, following her death in Paris.

Church would like to thank Kerry for her magnificent achievement and to Gordon who fitted them. And we would just like to remind you of the words of Dorothy Frances Gurney,

Status Quo

Kerry’s initiative raised over 700 euro

1964 - Oxfam printed half a million Christmas cards in the UK of a drawing byJohn Lennoncalled the Fat Budgie, which was taken from his book ‘A Spaniard in the Works’.All profits from the cards went to help raise money for charity.Oxfam re-printed the cards in 2007 as a limited edition card which again sold thousands.



You or your loved one do not have to live in Campoverde but may have a connection with this delightful village. If you would like to do so, get your plaque made and then contact Maggie Dew on or 623016231 and she will arrange to have it fit-


The Fair is being held at the CMO building close to the Habaneras Centre.Dooors will be open to all from 11 a.m.

If you are looking for new ways to help pass the time and the opportunity to make new friends, then make a note in your diary to come along and join us on September 26th Barry Weston, Torrevieja U3APress Officer

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September 2022 PAGE 13www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Over the past 13 years Studio 32 have produced many award winning musicals,including Chicago, Anything Goes,White Xmas,Guys and Dolls and many more.We have assembled a great cast to bring you an extravaganza of musical numbers and dance. Pictured are Carol Spence and Julie Cartwright who will be performing the number ‘Sisters’from the musical White Xmas made famous by Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen .

More detailed information on the Torrevieja U3A can be found in their website

If you are that person and would like further information on our theatre company and rehearsal times, or you would like to book tickets for our show please visit our website www.studiothirtytwo.orgto book tickets online,email or call 679 062 272’

Carol Spence and Julie Cartwright

Upon entering everybody will be able to meet with the various Group Leaders to discuss just what the U3A offers to its members and to sign up as a member of the U3A and start participating in the many activities on offer.



Torrevieja U3A wishes to invite all and sundry to visit their Groups Fair on Monday 26th September.

You will not be disappointed so book your tickets now using our online booking service outlined below. The show will run at the Cardenal Beluga Theatre, San Fulgencio,between the 10th,11th and 12th of November.We are always looking for people to join our group (especially men) who can,or have aspirations to sing,dance and act,or who have experience working in the theatre backstage,in lighting,sound etc and in particular who have experience working with costumes.

32 will be bringing you a celebration of award winning musicals in their latest production,‘A Night on Broadway’.

15. The following words are from which timely song? "You go strolling through the crowd like Peter Lorre contemplating a crime"

8.Bad handling of disordered mental matter (12)

18.Subject of article written by myself (5)

1. Known locally as Parakupa-vena, which means "the fall from the highest point", how is this geographical feature better known in English?

6 Partial; 7 Vague; 9 Bluff; 10 Impulse; 12 Penultimate; 14 Prohibitive; 18 Current; 19 Score; 21 Quiet; 22 Uncover.

19.State of drought throughout a hot summer (4)

wearing yellow. Gordon Banks was one, who was the other?

3. Which British athlete was the first to be Commonwealth European, Olympic, World Champion and World Record Holder simultaneously?

ACROSS:CRCRYPTICYPTICACROSS: 6 Prophet; 7 Stout; 9 Plain; 10 Loveall; 12 Under orders; 14 Very well off; 18 Managed; 19 Begin; 21 Still; 22 Reserve.


1.Manoeuvre (4) 3.Debate 23.Accurate22.Record21.Filch20.Trophy17.Mechanisms15.Cavity13.Handsome11.Absurd10.Put9.Inclusive(8)(7)off(5)(12)(6)(6)(12)(5)(7)(8)(4)


7. The largest pre-atomic age explosion occured when the munitions ship Mont Blanc exploded in Halifax Nova Scotia harbour on the 6th of December 1917. Its main anchor was later found in a rooftop how many miles away? a. one half mile b. one mile c. three miles d. twelve miles

2. Who was the first singer to earn a million dollars through record sales?

6. What does the Australian slang "way out in whoop whoop" mean?

16. In the classic 1931 film 'M' from director Fritz Lang, what sound does Peter Lorre make before each crime?

20. On TV, in which small town did Mia Farrow live as Allison McKenzie?

5. What was it about the appearance of the members of the Order of Saint Lazarus that frightened both friend and foe alike during the crusades?


16.Not an in-group from the beginning (6)

8. Only two people held the football world cup trophy in their hands at the Wembley final in 1966

10. Which organization had a bad day on Friday, October 13, 1307?

1.Register on the bread-line (4) 3.Underground traveller? (8) 9.Pretend to be on stage (4-3) 10.Advance reasons for some near guesses (5) 11.Tightness somehow not on critics (12) 13.Affectionate offer (6) 15.The earliest weapon of the railways? (6) 17.Helpful in noted productions, perhaps (12) 20.Back in a cell, utterly reject fine material (5) 21.Might suit ref, to be a glutton! (7) 22.Pause as the tea is made (8) 23.Popular male gives girl ring (4)

18. The trophy for winning which American sporting event is made from eighty pounds of sterling silver?

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 22 CAN

DOWNDOWN 1.Outlook (8) 2.Fat (5) 4.Tell 5.Insurers(6) (12) 6.Confide 19.Goad18.Smell16.Specimen14.Berth12.Demeanour8.Scholar7.Beginner(7)(4)(3,2,7)(8)(7)(6)(5)(4)

1.Knock a big town for its greediness (8)


14.Baffle - it's not to be added, apparently (7)

14. Which infamous man was arrested aboard the SS Montrose 31 July, 1910?

12.Test toil needed to produce dagger (8)


LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 22)

17. In which month in 1914 did World War 1 officially begin?


12. Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and Mussolini all suffered from a condition known as Ailurophobia. Ailurophobia is the irrational fear of

19. Which popular US TV soap did the communist government in Romania air in the 1980s in order to reflect capitalistic decadence and corruption?


11. Geophagy is the practice of doing what?

2.Discover how to get paid a pound? (5) 4.Suitable clothing for leaving hospital (6) 5.Following suit in intimacy? (5-2-5)

6.Registration document for a lumberjack (7) 7.Film that might stagger (4)

9. Who announced in 1947 that on his death his country would be returned to a Monarchy?

PAGE 14 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

DOWN:DOWN: 1 Vault; 2 Stifle; 3 Gap; 4 Vacuum; 5 Pulsate; 8 Imitate; 11 Husband; 13 Arduous; 15 Harden; 16 Victor; 17 Grief; 20 Inn.

DOWN:DOWN: 1 Drill; 2 Option; 3 Red; 4 Attend; 5 Cutlery; 8 Monocle; 11 Revered; 13 Penalty; 15 Yearly; 16 Feeler; 17 Sieve; 20 Let.


4. One liners from 1966. Name the artist and song (in the case of a cover version, we're looking for the artist that had a hit in 1966): a: I'm just mad about Saffron, b: I'm sitting in the railway station, c: As I walk this land of broken dreams, d: Went to a dance looking for romance, e: I am an island

13.what?Atthe bar: a: Which sherry is sweeter, fino or amoroso? b: What is bottled in Jeroboams? c: Which mixed drink is known as 'The Queen of Drinks'? d: Which east European country was the home of the sweet wine called 'Tokay'?

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September 2022 PAGE 15www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Orihuela Ciudad is 34 kilometres away and it is a distance that is all too evident,seen by the little significance afforded to the coast by the mayor and her Orihuela councillors.

Press releases are issued on a regular basis and many people who are resident in the Orihuela Costa are already aware of it’s polities and Nowambitions.theParty

However,the immediate objective of the PIOC, also complicated,is to obtain City Council representation for the Orihuela Costa in the municipal elections due to be held in May 2023.

If the PIOC does decide to run in the municipal elections,it could take votes from the Orihuela Coast Party (CLARO),the group formed in 2006 and which monopolises much of the support of the residents living on the coast and which demands the devolution of the Orihuela administration,although it rules out the process of segregation.

shopping centre in the province.

has been formally registered in the registry of political formations of the Ministry of the Interior.


Many residents of the Orihuela Costa,however,feel that endeavours to build a closer relationship and bond with the bordering town of Pilar de la Horadada would make much more sense,rather than attempts at complete independence, which could even have detrimental effects on any attempt at establishing a Coastal representation on the Municipal However,therecouncil.isbound to be much more discussion prior to the Municipal Elections next May so we will wait to see what developments there are.

CLARO,will further dilute the discontented Coastal vote making it difficult for either party to achieve the 1700 votes needed to register its first Negotiationscouncillor.

PAGE 16 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

for the two party’s to fight the municipal elections together broke down months ago,because CLARO considers the PIOC agenda "radical" and Currently,Orihuelaunrealistic.Costa has a registered census of almost 30,000 residents,which represents more than a third of the population of the municipality of Orihuela,which is now close to 80,000.

Of course everyone realises that this will be no short term endeavour,a difficult process with a very complex administrative procedure,which depends on a central government that has hardly authorised any new town councils in recent years,as well as the very significant support of the population,which at this time is not appar-

ent in Orihuela Costa,despite the growing discomfort,and even indignation,of many of its residents due to the lack of attention they receive from the Orihuela administration, despite being its main population centre.


It has,by far,the largest housing plant in Orihuela with its economy is centered on residential tourism.

The main ideology of the PIOC,chaired by Román Jiménez Gil,is clearly amplified in its name,the segregation of Orihuela Costa from the rest of the Orihuela Municipality.

From the construction of secondary housing and residential tourism along the coast,on the second and third line of the blue flag beaches, four golf courses; to a powerful second-hand real estate market,and with many hundreds of companies in the service sector in support of the resident population,with an important British community,and a very wide representation of hospitality businesses,and also with one of its greatest references,Zenia Boulevard, the largest and the most popular

Since 2007 CLARO has taken votes on the Orihuela Costa depriving them from the PP,PSOE and Csalthough not always obtaining a representative in the Council and agreeing a coalition with other parties on two recent However,anyoccasions.agreement with

Orihuela,the historic capital of Bajo Segura,took almost two decades to recover demographically and politically from the independence of Pilar de la Horadada in 1986.Now the pilareño is the third largest populated municipality in the region.

Orihuela Costa Independence Party (PIOC) is already being followed on social networks.

But the demand for independence is a subject that is absolutely unthinkable for Orihuela politics.

Pilar de la Horadada,at the southern end of its coast is also the closest to Orihuela Costa,achieving segregation after unprecedented efforts for years,which included pressure measures and mobilisations such as daily blockades of the main road at that time,the 332.

Pilar de la Horadada offers many of its own services to the Orihuela Costa,including the Civil Guard and summer firefighters.This proximity was also demonstrated in the launch of the Orihuela Costa covid mass vaccination point in the municipality.

Luke and Peter Houghton of PIOC,CalleUrbanoArregui,23,Torrevieja-Evangelicalnon-denomina-tionalchurch.Sundayservice11a.m.;Sundayschool;Prayermeetings;craftandcomputerclubs.LadiesBibleStudy:Thursday11a.m.ChurchBibleStudy:Thursday1.30p.m.HousegroupsinTorrevieja,LaSiestañ

the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 20 October at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome incl non members.


Joinwww.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.orgat:usattheSALTCHURCHSundaysat10.30am.Weare a

- On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every

The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please


friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting

La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, Englishspeaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website

Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708

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Ford Focus ST3 petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 37,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH

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The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733


Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Bar/Restaurant,ReflectionsC/Aviles, San

Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834

The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email

SEXY AND ELEGANT Spanish lady. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English.


parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFAwebsite Tel:0044 800 018ís.Weneedvolun-teerDriversandpeopletojoinourHomeVisitingTeam.tovisitpeopleinaResidentialHome,andtakethemoutforacoffee.IfyouthinkyoucanhelpcallintoourcentreatC/Paganinis/n,,TorreviejaBranchnowmeetsonthefirstWednesdayofthemonthat1700(5pm)atCHELOCObar/restaurant,ElChaparralurbanisation,Torrevieja.Formoreinforma-tionpleasecontactChairmanTonyJenkinson693866709,ViceChairmanDannyKayon966716274orMargaretForshawon966921966.RAFACostaBlancaRMGreplacestheRAFACostaBlancaBranch1359whichisnowclosed.TheRMGisasocialgroupofcaringpeopleandremainsaffiliatedtothe


Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at; Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken. Tel. 665 736 488 FANTASIES.LATIN.


Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99.

PAGE 17ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September 2022 EELLEENNAA QualifiedmasseusseBrasilien Tantra tÈcnicas. House 75, La Zenia 604 199 649 HHEELLEENN...... LATINA WITH SKIN OF CINNAMON.

House77 LaZenia. 642 400 582

Diana from Greece. 47 year old lady. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Beautiful, sweet, natural body. Private apartment. Calle Gil Vallejo 5, Torrevieja. Call 663 817 943 Rocio, 40, Argentinian, sweet, qualified massausse. Big, natural breasts. House 75. La Zenia. 672 872 050.

attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539




Even though the Spanish Civil War had finished twenty-one years previously, throughout the country no-one dared to cause any trouble: even three people meeting on a street corner could be considered an illegal meeting and sticky questions asked.

Alicante in 1966 to allow for international air travel and keep Spain in line with other desirable European holiday resorts in such countries as Italy, Greece and ToFrance.promote

the city Pedro Zaragoza also sent Queen Elizabeth II boxes of Turron, a local delicacy and cases of local wine ‘produced under the sun of Benidorm’ to enhance the Spanish message to the ManyUK.

The architect Pedro Torrijos has defined Zaragoza as the ‘inventor’ of mass tourism in Spain and in the world.‘He proposed a differentiating and groundbreaking urban plan with respect to what was in Spain’.Yes, the mighty Benidorm is all due to one brave man, proving the old adage ‘If you don’t ask, you don’t get’.

‘Today we would like to mention the city of Benidorm whose authorities have placed a mast with a British flag at half-staff in one of its more touristic areas in memory of Queen Elizabeth. They also have used the marquees of the bus stops to honour her.

Todaydecades.with over 300 skyscrapers only in London and Paris are there now more hotel beds than Benidorm, its nickname is ‘BeniYork’ or the ‘Manhattan of the FiveMeditteranean’.millionvisitors now come every year, and one in every ten Spanish holidaymakers come to Benidorm: a truly international holiday resort of the world. Many Brits live permanently in the city today enjoying all Spain has to offer, and a very successful TV series used the city’s name to entertain in the UK. As the years moved on whilst still being mayor Zaragoza studied law, and even in the last years of his life he studied tourism at the University of Alicante.

Even the Spanish police officers have paid tribute to her with a military salute. We consider this is the best action ever done for a Town Hall towards the international community’.

Zaragoza got up very early one morning, tucked yesterday’s newspapers down his jumper, fired up his trusty old Vespa and set off from his home on the sunny Costa Blanca of Spain. The year was 1960 – a lot of exciting new things were happening in most European countries post-war – but not in Spain. Where was the man heading? And what was he going for?

Pedro graduated at the age of 82 and eventually died in 2008 aged 85.

ABenidorm policeman pays his respects to Queen Elizabeth II

Alas, Spanish laws were old-fashioned and strict Catholic tastes in Spain did not welcome such bold displays - the local Guardia Civil became involved in trying to keep everyone happy – with some difficulty.

Photo courtesy N332 FB

– you guessed it was the original fishing village, didn’t youPedro Zaragoza now sprang into action, proving to any doubters that he was a man of true vision. Making full use of the region’s ideal all-year-round climate, over the next few years the infrastructure of his home town was changed drastically.

celebrities were also invited to this fast-growing holiday resort as it exploded in size over the following


Just over a week later Franco’s wife Dona even visited the fishing village with a minister and his wife and stayed there for ten days, returning in later years many times – what an endorsement. The Sixties sexual revolution even reached strict Catholic Spain at last, and attitudes began to change - despite some teething ex-communication problems threatened by the Archbishop of InAlicante.Benidorm

This week there is also much sorrow in the huge resort of Benidorm in mourning the death of our British Queen. Benidorm has taken the passing of our monarch very seriously and is awash with Union Jacks and pictures of the Queen to remind the world of the huge respect between our two countries. Here is a quote from the N332:

PAGE 18 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

was that he had started to have a number of Northern Europeans visiting his little pueblo on holiday, spending welcome money in his town and enjoying the lovely beaches and beautiful Meditteranean sea. But the age of the bikini was dawning and these new cool visitors liked to take their clothes off to feel the sun on their bodies.

By John McGregor

Pedro was the mayor of a fishing village of 1700 inhabitants - not because he wanted to be but somebody had to do it. This local businessman had an unusual problem on his hands, and there was really only one man who could solve it. That man lived in a palace in Madrid and in those days ruled Spain with an iron fist. His name was Francisco Franco and his paramilitary men, the feared Guardia Civil with their green three-pointed hats carried out his orders ruthlessly – and did his dirty work too.

By its two wide sweeping golden beaches adjacent to the Turquoise waters of the Med Zaragoza built big roads forty metres wide. Major routes like the Mediterraneo and Avenida Europa still exist in their original form, and cope today admirably with the amount of traffic which arrives on a daily basis: numbers of vehicles which Zaragoza had obviously never previously seen, but he knew would one day come to Benidorm – what a vision the man had. Tall hotels were constructed with swimming pools and tennis courts, and holiday accommodation built to suit various budgets.

After a few long hard hours on the road, Pedro finally reached Madrid and headed for El Pardo, Franco’s posh gaff. Surprisingly after several more patient hours our mayor was actually allowed to see the great man. To a lot of people’s amazement Franco listened with interest and told Pedro he would relax the laws – locally for now – to allow visitors to continue enjoying themselves unharassed on their holidays by the local law: and when the Generalisimo spoke everyone listened.

But if you did as you were told and obeyed the law you could leave your doors open at night, there was negligible crime in those days. Life was quiet and Zaragoza’sGod-fearing.problem

The mayor also arranged for a major airport to be constructed at nearby

Our new Pastor is Antonio Lopez from Alicante who visits regularly,but the weekly running of the church and services is under the guidance of Phil Molloy who is an AOG (Assemblies of God) MIT.

from it.


PHIL MOLLOY: “Our focus is on God´s Word and how we can live a right life as Jesus taught us”.

Peter and Averil Hall loved their role here at the church and are missed by many, both here and among our wider visitors who return again and again to their “church in Spain.”

Phil has been a teacher for many years, and most recently taught at a local International School.Phil has been a member of PCCC since 2010 and on the leadership team since 2013.

Having faithfully served the congregation in Pilar Christian Community Church (PCCC) since October 2013,the previous Pastor retired and,along with his wife, moved back to the UK in March to be with their family.

There was a lovely `send off` to give thanks and wish them well with their health and final retirement.

Sunday services,in English,are from 11am – 12:15 and we chat over tea/coffee afterwards.Feel free to pop in and join us - for a morning,for a while or for a lifetime!

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September 2022 PAGE 19www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

See our website at:

Since Covid many people have thought about God and life and how vulnerable we can all be; how precious life is,and how much we have all taken things for granted.Some have moved to prayer and fellowship with other like-minded Christians and some have moved away

Services are Pentecostal/Evangelical in style and content so yes,we can be a little bit `hands in the air` but our focus is on God´s Word and how we can live a right life as Jesus taught us.

Antonio has been the AOG coordinator of the Levante and Murcia region (FRALEMA) for 15 years serving other pastors and churches in the area.

In Colossians 3:16we are told “ Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom,singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” and likewise in Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,not neglecting to meet together,as is the habit of some,but encouraging one another,and all the more as you see the Day drawing

Nobody is ever made feel uncomfortable and there is no pressure whatsoever to be `happy clappy`- in fact,there´s not a lot of

the world is in crisis on so many levels,must surely make us all look to the future.Why not come and check us out?

Pilar Christian Community Church is in the 2nd doorway along,tucked just off the Calle Mayor along the side of Vinicore and the Perfumeria in Pilar de la Horadada.


Queries:Contact Phil on 660 140 419 or at

Many people expect and look for a “proper” church building but of course we all know that the church of God is made of people and is not the building itself.

See if perhaps God is calling you to fellowship with other Christians,to hear His Word and look to your future with Him.

clappy at all.

" Where every person matters but God matters most! "

Pilar Christian Community Church

As part of the 50th anniversary of the Club Náutico in Santa Pola, the harbour will welcome 2 historic ships for 5 days, from Wednesday, 28 September 2022 to Sunday, 2 October 2022.

Historic Ships visiting SANTA POLA

Unfortunately we then had covid so Sam’s plans to develop his community asset took a dive but now he is hoping that it is third time lucky as he has reopened the club once again.

Sam’s dedication paying off for new Underworld



The Opening Gala will be Thursday 22nd,featuring Francisco Vallejos Choir and Casanovas Maestro Choir. Further concerts will be held each day with ticket prices just 5 euro, which can be purchased through the website and

Tickets can be purchased in advance at, and to learn more about the Pascual Flores, there is a dedicated website,

show people how to develop a sense of intuition, quick thinking, a relaxed state and selfTheremotivation.”areof course many other youngsters who use the centre, and along with the half dozen or so adults who go along purely to use the equipment and keep themselves fit, Underworld also has a gradually increasing range of fitness equipment.

Although it is not until May 2023, you should register now as places are limited and are quick to go.


The club is open to all on Monday and Wednesday evening from 5-8pm, whether you just want to improve your fitness, keep yourself in shape or pick up the gloves under Sam’s guidance and supervision.

Sam is a fully qualified ABA coach with many years of experience both as a competitor and as a coach at all levels of the sport. He said "Amateur boxing is one of the most rewarding, challenging and safest sports available to young people today. It isn't about knocking people out, it's about using your brain and your skills to outscore them. We

The courses are expected to be heavily subscribed

The club provided essential sporting facilities to the youth of the Orihuela Costa amongst whom it was very well received. Unfortunately, the economic climate eventually forced its closure. But Sam, an auctioneer and secondhand furniture dealer, and legend of the local amateur boxing scene, wasn't daunted.

The gym is located just off the N332, by the side of Costa Cars, directly underneath the Mapfre offices.

Freya is just 7 years of age


The gym is aimed at boys, girls and adults, costing just 5 euro a session for adults and 3 euros for youths and children to use the equipment for a 90 minute session, which includes personal fitness coaching from Sam, who can be contacted on 627 177 511 or 966 844 453.

The 34th Choral Meeting,Ciudad de Torrevieja,will be held at the Municipal Theatre in Torrevieja on September 22,23 and 24 at 20:30.

was over eleven years ago when a VOLUNTEER-run boxing and fitness club was first established in La Zenia where it functioned at a great deal of personal expense by founder and local businessman Lloyd (Sam) Sambor.

The free 3-month mini-courses will be given at the Work Hub, located on the centre’s restaurant floor. The classes are weekly, with a duration of 01 h 30 min and will be taught by a professional.

Sam told the Leader: "I have always seen the boxing gym as a place to instil everythingrespect, love support, discipline - all those life lessons that are really important beyond the sport so it is important that, on this occasion we keep it going and even develop beyond where we currently are.

It gives a lot of its members some purpose in life, and one that we will work hard to keep going in the future. We don’t want to see it close Althoughagain.”club members pay a nominal fee to train Sam explained that sponsorship has been very hard to come by and a great majority of the funding has come from his own pocket. “Now, however, I am asking the people who use the facility to make a small contribution themselves.”

Sam is also available for ‘one to one’ boxing or personal training.

Following the success of previous courses, the Zenia Boulevard shopping centre are organising another Spanish course for those wishing to learn the language of Spain.

PAGE 20 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Lloyd Jaydonand

The town will host the Galleon Andalucía, a replica of the Spanish galleons in the 16th century and the “Paleibote”, Pascual Flores, normally situated in Torrevieja, a 3-masted sailboat that formerly transported salt between Torrevieja and Africa.

He found premises underneath MAPFRE Insurance in La Zenia, renamed the new venture Underworld Amateur Boxing Club, and reopened the club five years ago, since which time, he has been helped by a few dedicated volunteers who give their time freely to help the local community.

The Galleon will be open to all with ticket prices set at €7 for adults, €4 for children and €18 for families of up to 5 people.In the Paleibote you can enjoy a 3-hour day trip both in the morning and in the afternoon.Ticket prices are €45 for adults, €25 for children.

To reserve your place, visit the customer service point at Zenia Bouevard.

Sam is also available for ‘one to one’ Personal training.


mention to our owners, firstly for providing us with the First Class Facility we now have, secondly for excellent catering, Enrique and his staff coped brilliantly with the volume of 7 lunches on the day. Which were enjoyed by all.

ELWYNbar MORRIS (DOWNUNDER) Aweek or so ago we used the occasion of a club game to get in a bit of much needed practise as we got together to welcome the new season. We also used the occasion to take a group photograph and to make our donations to local charities. This year we presented 500 euros to both the local Cruz Roja (Red Cross) and the Asociacion de Ayuda de Necesitado de San Fulgencio (AAN),2 local voluntary charities that do an awful lot for our less fortunate neighbours on the Urbanisation and surrounds. If you are interested in Bowls and La Marina Bowls Club in particular please contact Shirley 865 756 144 where enquires and new members are always welcome. LAMARINABOWLS CLUB

6 Points +19 composite team of Maureen Hanratty, Graham Shoots & John

from San Luis, Greenlands and Indalo. Lucky out of the hat winners - Bonalba. Bradman prize for last place - Javea.

The “Powerplay” came into effect on several occasions and crucially on a couple of occasions made the difference between a win and a loss, none more so than game 3 between Ian Kenyon & John Pooley who were both unbeaten before the game, John and his team scoring a 5 Doubled to 10 to take out 2nd place. Thank you to all players who attended on the day especially from the ones travelling from outside of the Torrevieja area. El Cid in the North to Indalo in the South (316K Specialapart!)


Condolences from The Emerald Isle on the death of Queen Elizabeth II

Local charities in the Money

Other prizes went to the Highest Winning Margin from Each of the 3 Games, Teams

And now we can settle down to rather more serious bowling with the Valencians taking place and in which the Isle has had a decent start to comp with two trips making Semi Finals.

First Place 6 Points +29 “Greenmachine” Peta Rhodes, Lisa Bonsor & Pete Bonsor RunnersGreenlandsup

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September 2022 PAGE 21www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

3 Games of 8 end Triples with the added bonus of a “Powerplay” where all shots counted double for the team playing their Teams“Joker”were allowed to only win one prize which guaranteed Eight Teams a share of the prize pool, winners were as follows.


has taken place throughout the summer of course with lesser numbers due to weather but now the cooler weather approaches so come along on Sat at 9.15 until OCT when it changes to 1315.Still a great deal at 5 Euros for Coaching,bowls,shoes and a

6 Points +12 went to Steve Baxter, Carol Thorpe & Gary Thorpe from Vistabella (11th hour replacements)

By Pete Bonsor

Greenlands’ next Open will be 23rd April “St George’s Day” Triples, get your name in to Pete Bonsor ASAP as it is filling fast.

the 9th of September saw Greenlands hosting an Open “Powerplay Triples” The First chance to show off their brand new Playing Surface.

So after a pleasant few months of nice weather,during which time we ran some great Pairs comps which kept our bowlers ‘hands in’and which all went well with a good attendance at them all,I am pleased to say.

I am presently in Australia and have been watching some clubs days here and talking to the players I mentioned the fact that they are not dressed in club colours very often.Their answer seemed to be universal; “It is not what you wear that makes you a good bowler It is what you do on green that mat-

We have also had a couple of social events during the break with a good attendance again.

Rojales born Alejandro Rodriguez

Altaoana VillageÄ140Two Green Fees & Buggy

Twenty two players took part in the monthly chicken run. As it was another very hot day we only played sixteen ends. The chickens were won by Cindy Bedford and Phil Goble the eggs by Sheila Roberts and Chris Harding.

PAGE 22 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

presentation by Cindy and the raffle by Sue we all enjoyed a lovely lunch and drinks at the Belfry. Thank you Cindy for organising a most enjoyable competition and to the ladies of the social club for organising the raffle and the cake stall.

Mar MenorÄ50Course Closed unto 31/10/22

Mike Probert talks Golf

La SerenaÄ1102 Green Fees & Buggy (from 3.32pm)


BonalbaÄ118Two Green Fees & Buggy

Las RamblasÄ1092 Green Fees & Buggy (from 4.00pm)

CampoamorÄ152Two Green Fees & Buggy

Edward Grieg). 17. August. 18. Indianapolis 500. 19. Dallas. 20. Peyton Place SOLUTIONSOLUTIONSUDUKSUDUKOO

Villaitana PonienteÄ71Single Green Fee & Buggy


COMPETITION - 10/11th September

El ValleÄ54Single Green Fee

47 pitch and putt course and a superb golf academy and the resort has hosted numerous professional and celebrity golf tournament with the South course being the signature course.

Puig CampanaÄ124Two Green Fees & Buggy

The World Cup has been staged at a plethora of venues including Brazil, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Andorra, USAand Canada.

CHICKEN RUN - Sunday 28th August

3. Daley Thompson. 4. Answers. a: Mellow Yellow –Donovan, b: Homeward Bound - Simon & Garfunkel, c: What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted - Jimmy Ruffin, d: Barbara AnnThe Beach Boys, e: I Am A Rock - Simon & Garfunkel. 5. They were lepers. 6. In the middle of nowhere. 7. c: Three miles away. 8. Queen Elizabeth II. 9. General

DEAL OF THE WEEK: Altorreal ñ 2 players and buggy Ä112 For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


To see you through the high season period we can offer you a numbers of deals to visit theses excellent courses, including 2 ball deals,4 balls deals,1 free in 8 deals and some additional discounting and to take advantage of any of these deals call Mike Probert on 661345931.


WINNERS: Les, Rita and Ian

We held a two day club competition, the ladies of the social committee organised a cake stall and a raffle.

There are a whole host of off courses activities with a 5 start hotel and spa, tennis, football, squash, swimming, go-karting, gymnasium, cricket club, mountain biking, horse riding and water sports to name a few.

New Sierra GolfÄ82Two Green Fees & Buggy

VillamartinÄ1602 Green Fees & Buggy

For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website We are also on Facebook.

Thank you to Jack Burrell and Tanya Oliver who donated the chickens, Ian and Julia Hamilton who donated the eggs and of course the chickens.

Staying In The Shade

The world famous La Manga Golf Resort was originally created as a 9 hole complex by American Gregory Peters in 1971 but over the years has been considerably extended and now has three excellent courses (North, South and West) plus a par


It was well supported with thirty six members taking part, plus two reserves, Twelve teams of trips played four games of eight ends over the two days.

AltorrealÄ120Two Green Fees & Buggy

on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.

strategic shot placement off the tee.

Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club

Rebecca Mconnell; Marta Cano; Spanish Junior Champion and Francesc Barber and Jofre Cullel.

North and South Courses = EURO 89 West Course = EURO 75

(Amoroso is the Spanish word for a sweetened oloroso sherry). b: Champagne. c: The Bloody Mary. d: Hungary (produced in the TokajHegyalja region of Hungary). 14. Dr. Hawley Harvey Crippen. 15. Year of the Cat (Al Stewart). 16. He whistles (In the hall of the mountain king from

AlendaÄ150Two Green Fees & Buggy

The high season green fee prices valid until the 31st October 2022 are:

The football card was won by Les Bounds with Swansea. Thank you to all who attended and Joan Harding, Sue Bounds and Howie Williams for organising another successful club WEEKENDday.

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you:

Don Cayo (Altea)Ä110Two Green Fees & Buggy

La TorreÄ54Single Green Fee

El PlantioÄ100Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)

The runners up were Jim Searing, Sue Bounds and skip Steve Leatherland and the winning team Rita Towle, Les Bounds and skip Ian Hamilton, well done to you all. The football cards were won by Chris with Chelsea and Joan with AfterCoventry.the

The Par 73 South Course was designed by Dean Putnam in 1971 and is the most challenging courses having hosted the Spanish Open from 1973 to 1977 and is generally flat with wide fairways but has ten manmade lakes in play.

La MarquesaÄ64Single Green Fee

RodaÄ1152 Green Fees & Buggy (after 3.30pm)

Lo RomeroÄ89Single Green Fee

waterfall at

QUIZ PAGE world's highest 979m. Enrico Caruso. Franco of Spain. 10. Knights Templar. They were all arrested. 11. Eating soil / earth. 12. Cats, from the Greek 'ailouros', cat. 13. Answers: a: Amoroso

Rojales' Alejandro UCI mechanic in Mountain Bike World Cup

Villaitana LevanteÄ102Single Green Fee

Cartagena put the town on the world cycling map as an the official UCI mechanic, in the Mountain Bike World AlejandroCup.was part of the PrimaflorMondraker-Genuins team, who includes the World Cup runner-up

Font Del LlopÄ158Two Green Fees & Buggy

La FincaÄ95Single Green Fee

LorcaÄ95Two Green Fees & Buggy

SaurinesÄ47Single Green Fee

Las ColinasÄ60Single Green Fee (from 4.30pm)

VistabellaÄ1302 Green Fees & Buggy (after 2.00pm)

The Par 73 West course was extended in 1987 and was originally called La Princesa and is much more undulating than either the South or North courses and is heavily tree lined with numerous dog legs and while not overly long requires

Hacienda D AlamoÄ47Single Green Fee

The Par 71 North course was also designed by Dean Putnam in 1971 and is more undulating than the South course and sets a different test with narrow tight fairways, ravines and six manmade lakes.

AlicanteÄ100Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)

14: 1. Angel Falls, Venezuela, the

Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix, The Belfry, Sunrise Builders and The Chippy

ìSo everything has come so fast. For me itís unbelievable. Itís something I dream since I was a kid, since I start playing tennis," he said.

One of 5 second half substitutes, Dani Lucas joined the party on 71 mins, when his blockbuster from fully 25 yards almost broke the net to make it 5-1. Another sub made it 6-1 in stoppage time.

At 19 years and four months, the Spaniard is the first teenage No 1 the menís game has ever had and more than a year younger than the previous record holder, Lleyton Hewitt.

It took only 8 mins for Berni to latch on to Pedro's exquisite through ball, before slotting the ball under an onrushing keeper.

Alcaraz and 23 year-old Ruud, who reached the French Open final earlier this year, also contested the second-youngest grand slam final in the Open era in terms of player age, behind only the 1990 US Open between Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras.

Novelda arrived at Moi Gomez stadium having won and lost in their first


Murcia tennis star Carlos Alcaraz in only his second full year on the ATPtour, won a maiden grand slam title by defeating Norwegian Casper Ruud 6-4, 2-6, 7-6, 6-3 to land the US "ItísOpen.crazy for me. Iíve never thought that I was going to achieve something like that at 19 years old,î said Alcaraz.


Pinoso's league campaign got off to a flying start after defeating Alguena CF 2-1 in the La Nostra Cup this month.


ìItís crazy for meî

"In the finals of the grand slam or any tournament. You have to give everything on court, you have to give anything you have inside," said Alcaraz,Alcaraz.who collapsed to the ground, sobbing into his hands as he thought of his mother and

Pedro looked to have his legs taken from under him midway through the 1st half, but unfortunately, the ref wasn't impressed enough to award Thader a penalty.

2 games, being very much a team in transition, following numerous changes of personnel.

Berni found space on the left wing on 58 mins, then his inch perfect cross was powerfully headed home by Pedro to make it 3-1. Less than 3 mins later it was 4-1, this time a Pedro shot was parried into the path of Berni, who made no mistake from close range.

ìI always say that thereís no time to be tired,î said Alcaraz.

The previous weeks hugely disappointing draw with Benidorm, meant that home advantage had once again failed to be capitalised on.

grandfather back home in Murcia, following his ìIímvictory.hungry for more. I want to be in the top for many, many weeks. Hope many years,î said

CF new signing midfielder Joan Mañez made his debut in the 1-1 draw away at CF Algorfa in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 on Saturday.

Man of the match Pedro, once again turned provider, crossing the ball for Juanlu to score his 2nd goal of the new season.

In the 2nd Regional Group 16 Callosa Deportivo CF A defeated CD Horadada 3-0.

26 mins, but an eagle-eyed ref spotted that it was a Thader player who last played the ball, which set up Chukwuma for a cracking strike on goal, so, with parity restored, it was the visitors who noticeably upped the Chukwumaante. again put the ball in the net, except this time the offside flag was not overruled.

Quino got his first of the season just prior to the interval

ìIímAlcaraz.going to work hard again after this week, this amazing two weeks. Iím going to fight for have more of this," he said.

CFE Il-Licitana and CD Cox took a point apiece in a 3-3 six-goals

Back came Thader, as Berni, Rosquin, then Pedro, all had good efforts on goal thwarted. But, just before half time, another Pedro assist, this time for Quino, saw the human goal machine make light work of notching his first goal of the season on 44

A v CF Rafal, CD Montesinos v UD La Coca-Aspense A, UDF Sax A v Sporting de San Fulgencio and UE Crevillente FB A v SC Torrevieja played on Sunday (results online).

in the ref's book, before some sort of order was eventually restored.

Alguena CF new signing MañezJoan

sides started the new half ready for a scrap - literally!! A further 3 bookings were added to the 2 already

Alcaraz spent 20 hours and 20 minutes on court, and had contested three consecutive fivesetters leading upto the final.

A linesman's offside flag, appeared to cut short Novelda's celebrations on

Raul Mora elected to make sweeping changes for this 3rd home preferente league game on the trot.

'I never thought that I was going to achieve anything like that at 19 years of age.”

Victor Anton scored in Pinoso CF A's 3-1 win against Elche Dream CF, with Rubén Cutillas bagging a brace in the opening fixture of the 2022-23 season.

Rafa almost doubled Thader's lead, but his speculative long-range effort was fractionally too high.

Big names were on the bench, whilst newly signed keeper Mirete made a debut for his new club.

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September 2022 PAGE 23www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Not since the initial rise of Rafael Nadal, around the year of Alcarazís birth in 2003.

Racing San Miguel took three points following a 2-1 home win against Sporting Dolores.

Alcaraz phenomenal rise to world No 1 on September 12 makes him the youngest player to achieve the feat in ATPhistory.

CD Thader ...........6 Novelda CF ..........1

Six of the best for Thader Img CDThader

Murcia tennis ace Carlos Alcaraz after winning US Open

By Andrew Atkinson


The final on September 11 marked the first time in the Open era that two players had faced each other with a maiden grand slam title and the No 1 ranking on the line.


Next weekend, Thader make the short trip to Murada, who haven't started the season particularly well. Check CD Thader facebook page for further details.


PAGE 24 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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