1 minute read
by David Whitney C2023
According to Booking data, Spaniards are travelling this summer 2023 to places like Retamar, Guardamar del Segura, Comarruga, Córdoba and A Coruña, which have increased their searches by 184.63%, 143.6%, 96.2%, 83.94% and 76.34%, respectively.
Regarding the international locations most sought after by the Spanish traveling community, the great European capitals such as Rome, London and Paris continue to lead the ranking, while Vienna, Marrakech and Prague are the cities that have improved their position the most, with a jump of 36, 33 and 30 positions, respectively.

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We don't need regulations
We don't abide by rules
We're the government of people
Who we take to be all fools
We partied in the lockdown
Well we needed to have fun
We got some booze, us lawless blues Our lock down had begun
We danced and drank, and drank some more
Whilst you lot stayed inside You couldn't meet with family
Too bad some of them died
We had a real ole knees up
We ripped the rules apart
Well rules are not our thing you see
But you must all take heart
Keep far away from others
Wear masks that is a must Get vaccinated right away
Our directions you must trust
But we'll be rather busy
The party's in full swing
The karaoke blasts out loud
And someone starts to sing
We cuddle and cavort around
We're drunk but that's Okay
We've loads of drink yet to consume
And tomorrow's on it's