The Leader Newspaper in Spain Edition 923

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No 923 Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022

637 227 385

Keeping people safe and informed for over 18 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper


Social network pages are full of complaints, even from hospital doctors themselves, about the disastrous management at the Torrevieja Hospital, less than 9 months after Ana Barcelo, Minister of Health at the time, removed the old concessionaire, Ribera Salud, taking it into public control. But now, following months of criticism from both patients and healthcare professionals about the failings, the Health Department has launched what it is calling a “Shock Plan” to try and bring the levels of service back up to what they once were. The Management, the Medical Directorate and the new care managers of the emergency service met at the centre with Mónica Almiñana, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, and Enrique Soler, Deputy Director General of Integrated Care, with the aim of designing the structure of this Shock Plan that will enter into force immediately. The meeting defended how recently, the Emergency Department of the Hospital incorporated a new Head of Service and a Head of Section, in addition to reinforcing the service in all its

professional areas and increasing the hours and staffing of specialists in all the six Continuous Care Points (PACs), hosted at local medical centres, PAC La Loma, PAC Guardamar del Segura, PAC Pilar de la Horadada, PAC Orihuela Costa, PAC Rojales and PAC de San Miguel de Salinas Since bringing the health authority back into public management, they stated that the workforce has risen from 1,043 to 1,793 staff, which represents an increase of 58%, and which, they state, guarantees 100% care coverage for the population in key services such as emergencies, primary care, and hospitalisation. In addition, the second floor of the centre will now remain open at full capacity, something that has not been the case in previous years, and the presence of key non-care support services will be maintained. The number of medical staff has also increased in Primary Care Medical Centres. The care strategy for this summer is focused on promoting urgent care throughout the Health Authority with the 24-hour opening of the 6 Continuous Care Points (PAC).



Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022


637 227 385 PROPERTY

637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

The integration of Primary and Specialised Care allows the PACs to be connected with the hospital, so that users can solve their health problems closer to home, without waiting. The Emergency Service has incorporated additional staff in all categories: 38 more nurses, going from 21 to 58, 8 more Auxiliary Nursing Care Technicians, going from 15 to 23, and 4 additional guards, going from 17 to 21. The Emergency Service has also added 2 additional administrators, going from 6 to 8. Even though many of the points from the “Shock Plan” have already been introduced, there continues to be a barrage of complaints on social networks, driven largely by a previous campaign by the Plataforma Sanidad Excelente, which was born to defend the previous private company, Ribera Salud, and their management of the centre, which also gained the support of local representatives.


One Facebook post also stated that the hospital has hired a Russian doctor who cannot express herself in Spanish and cannot write up medical records. The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón also once again denounced the situation as "unsustainable" saying that he had warned about the lack of human resources, focussing on the lack of doctors, to cover the shifts and the delays of five, ten and fifteen hours in the Accident and Emergency area with only nursing assistance in triage, the most important area where patients are sorted according to their need for care. According to the Spanish press, Doctors who work in the Emergency Department say that the situation has never been as precarious as it is now, with less than half of the doctors needed per shift -three out of eight- and delays to treatment that exceed 12 hours, and all this even before the additional influx expected during the summer holiday period.

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This continue to generate numerous Facebook posts from users who are explaining their personal cases on the social network, providing medical reports, delays in the Emergency room of more than ten and fifteen hours. Torrevieja Mayor Eduardo Dolon said that he is disgusted with the situation calling the situation in the Hospital Emergency Department "unsustainable." He also added that he will even support street protests if the situation is not resolved very quickly. Last week, after the chief of staff of the new Health Minister, Miguel Mínguez, refused to put him in touch with the Minister, the mayor had to resort to a personal call to President Puig to ask him to convey to the new minister the lack of means and the all too regular delays of more than ten and fifteen hours in the A&E waiting area, for cases that are not minor.

On Friday Dolón told the press that hopes that during this coming weekend (11/12 June) the situation Yet despite all of the promises, only this week we of care for patients in the Hospital Emergency read of a disabled patient suffering severe abdomiDepartment will improve substantially. Otherwise, nal pain who waited 23 hours to be treated by he said " While I am not going to champion any A&E. The hospital say that it is a situation that they street demonstration, I will certainly be supporting Among the complaints, one was made public by an sincerely regret. it", adding, "we have all had a lot of emergency doctor who works at the hospipatience, we do not want to be fobbed off tal in which it was said that "patients die (Untold stories & bad experiences of Torrevieja hospital. anymore because it is unsustainable. I ask unhappily in the corridors" after more than people to wait but I can't stop it anymore". eight hours of waiting.

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17 ARRESTS AT SAN JAVIER ITV STATION The Civil Guard has arrested 17 employees of a San Javier Vehicle Technical Inspection station as the alleged perpetrators of more than 1,000 crimes of false documentation, 1,800 crimes of falsification of computer records and belonging to a criminal organization. On arriving at the ITV station, the Guardia Civil confiscated four computer storage devices, corresponding to the different inspection lines, and the station's own computer server, as well as all relevant documentation and a vehicle. This impounded car was used as a "stand in vehicle", replacing those vehicles that were below the test standards required to pass braking and gas tests. The Brake Meter operation began last year, when civil guards from the Traffic Analysis and Investigation Group (GIAT) of the Traffic Sector of the Civil Guard of Murcia became aware of possible fraudulent practices related to the tech-

nical inspection of vehicles. A few days before carrying out the police search in the ITV Station facilities, all of its computer files were deleted. However, practically all of the deleted files, a total of 60,588, and of the modified files, a total of 1,797, have been recovered using computer forensic techniques. To this expert report, the Civil Guard has added their own detailed study of more than 30,000 files and inspection reports. The documentation includes a high number of vehicles that undertook two technical inspections on the same day, the first with an unfavourable result and the second with a pass result, clearly an insufficient amount of time to correct the defects. The detainees, the effects seized, the vehicle seized, and all of the confiscated date have been made available to the Investigating Court number 3 of San Javier.


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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022

SCARE FOR EXPAT POLITICAL LEADERS Following contact by the Leader, just 2 of the many affected, San Fulgencio Councillors Darren Parmenter and Samantha Hull, sought clarification from the British Embassy

A potential shockwave ripped through the expat political community across Europe this week, when the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that British nationals living in EU countries are no longer allowed to vote or stand in municipal elections as an "automatic consequence" of Brexit. In a publication following the ruling, the ECJ said, “Following the UK withdrawal from the EU, British nationals who lost their European Citizenship no longer have the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in municipal elections in their Member State of residence”. Citizenship status is different to being a resident. According to the official statement, British people who have lived in EU countries even prior to Brexit "no longer enjoy the status of citizen of the Union, nor, more specifically, the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in municipal elections in their Member State of residence,'' as an "automatic consequence of the sole sovereign decision taken by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union." The case was brought to the ECJ by a British woman who has lived in France for over 30 years. Lawyers working on behalf of Alice Bouilliez, a retired British civil servant, had argued that EU citizenship should be seen as a standalone status that is not automatically lost due to Brexit, especially if it associated loss of rights caused disproportionate harm to people’s lives. Bouilliez had been unable to vote in the French elections and was also no longer permitted to cast her vote in the UK elections, as per a UK law that prohibits Brits from casting their votes if they had lived abroad for more than 15 years, meaning she, as a resident of France, had no rights in elections in either country. The solicitor, Mr Fouchet, of Corneille-Fouchet-Manetti avocats in Paris and Bordeaux, said the case would now go back to the Auch court, which is expected to follow the ECJ’s view, following which they will apply to France’s highest appeal court, the Cour de Cassation (which is also expected to maintain the ECJ’s view), and then finally the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg around the end of this year. “It’s a real blow,” Mr Fouchet said. “What shocks me is that many Britons were not even able to vote against Brexit due to having been out of the UK for more than 15 years and having lost their UK voting rights. However, in the midst of the potential panic, there was some good news for expats living in Spain, as they are not affected

by the ruling of the ECJ. The Leader spoke to the British Embassy for clarification, with a spokesperson confirming, “This judgement does not affect UK nationals’ right to vote and stand in local elections in Spain. These are provided by the bilateral agreement between the UK and Spain, which allows UK nationals who have lived in Spain for more than 3 years to vote and stand in local elections.” To clarify, the Embassy points out that UK nationals can vote and stand in local elections in Spain once they have been resident for 3 years. To do so, they must be registered on the municipal register where they live (padrón municipal) and confirm their registration on the electoral roll (censo electoral), within the dates set by the electoral authorities before each election. Moreover, the UK has also changed the rules so expats will be able to vote in upcoming UK elections. The Elections Bill (now Elections Act) received Royal Assent on 28 April. This means that UK Nationals living overseas and who have been previously registered or resident in the UK will now be able to vote in the UK Parliamentary Elections, thus doing away with the 15-year rule, which prevented those UK nationals who had lived overseas for more than 15 years from voting in UK Parliamentary Elections. The UK Government also plans to make it easier for overseas electors to remain on the register with an absent vote (postal or proxy) arrangement in place ahead of elections. These changes, it is hoped, will be delivered ahead of polls in spring 2024.



Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022


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EMPTY GESTURES - YET ANOTHER PHONEY PHOTOCALL It amazes me that with so much to do, politicians can always find the time for a photocall, particularly when it is in support of a positive news story.

It made me wonder who was looking after our security when it seemed that everybody in the force had turned out to be photographed with the mayor.

A few stilted attempts at conversation, a carefully worded statement to journalists in which they tell us how all our problems are being resolved, the all-important photograph, and then off they go, leaving the overall situation no better than in was before they arrived.

Nevertheless, in what has now become an annual event they were all there, politicians, local police, the police bicycle service, the maritime police with their jetski’s, civil protection, the Ambumar lifeguard and rescue service and even an SBV ambulance, all designed to ‘guarantee’ our security in Orihuela Costa so that both residents and tourists can feel completely safe on our beaches.

That was the case yet again in Play Flamenca last Thursday when the Mayor of Orihuela, Carolina Gracia, Antonio Sánchez, Councillor for Security, together with José Aix, Deputy Mayor and José María Pomares, Superintendent of the Orihuela Local Police, and over 50 security personnel were paraded in front of the Spanish press in an attempt to convince the general public that all is well In the Orihuela Costa.

IN BRIEF Alicante Airport Exceeds 1.27 Million Passengers in May

I would hate to put a price on what the photograph cost to put together, a couple of hours pay plus all the transport and associated costs to get the almost 70 people together. Close but perhaps not quite enough to provide another refuse truck to alleviate the problems in our parks and on our filthy streets.

mate of passenger traffic for this year, which will range between 75% and 85% of the figures registered in 2019 compared to the initial forecast that pointed to 68%.

Alicante-Elche airport closed the month of May having processed 1.27 million passengers through the terminal, which represents 89.7% of the pre-pandemic levels (2019).

Guardia Officers Save Choking Child

According to data from the airport operator AENA, the infrastructure operated 8,776 flights in that period, a decrease of 7.6% compared to three years ago.

Last Thursday, a Guardia Civil patrol, received information that a 3-year-old boy was choking in the town square. On arrival they were directed to a nearby pharmacy, where they found the pharmacist performing the Heimlich manoeuvre on the child. One of the officers then took over and continued until the medical services arrived.

AENA sources explained that its projections for the summer in Alicante are "good", and that it is expected to maintain the recovery of 90% of passengers for the remainder of the season. They said recalled that 2019 was "a record year", so the figures for that year (in which the infrastructure closed with more than 15 million passengers) were "exceptional". In general, AENA has revised upwards its esti-

Two officers from the Guardia Civil have been commended for saving the life of a 3-year-old boy inside a pharmacy in Almoradí.

The child was transferred to the Vega Baja Hospital in Orihuela from where the thanked the agent and the pharmacist for their action.

More Dead Fish washed up in Mar Menor The Prosecutor's Office has initiated an investi-

gation into the latest account of dead fish in the Mar Menor.

without killing them, so that scientists can collect data on their behaviour.

Chief prosecutor of the Superior Court of the Region of Murcia, José Luis Díaz Manzanera, said: "The department has opened an ex officio investigation, to clarify the recent episode of dead fish in the Mar Menor."

Each captured specimen will be measured and marked, as well as a biological sample taken.

The latest dead fish scandal occured in Santiago de la Ribera, amid the pollution of the Mar Menor: "The Prosecutor's Office is on top of the issue and, for now, it is waiting for the relevant reports from Seprona, the General Directorate of the Environment and environmental agents”.

Santa Pola and Preservation of Bluefin Tuna Recreational fishermen from around the province met at the Santa Pola Yacht Club last week, as part of their ongoing collaboration with the world of science. A group of fishermen put their boats at the service of science to be able to catch giant tuna

Spain bid to slash energy bills by up to 40% Quote: ‘Spain has negotiated with the European Commission that they will leave the European energy market mechanism for 12 months' By Andrew Atkinson Spain and Portugal have broken ranks with the EU in a bid to slash energy bills by up to 40 per cent. The move is being allowed, because both countries have a large amount of renewable energy - and aren't as reliant on fossil fuels as the rest of the Continent. Rana Adib, executive director of REN21, a global community of renewable energy stakeholders, highlighted ways in which European countries can end their reliance on fossil fuels - especially those imported from Russia. “What governments need to do is massively build up renewable power generation capacities, invest in energy saving and energy efficiency to bring down the cost of the energy bills as quickly as possible," she said. "When we're looking at the example of Portugal and Spain, it's very interesting. “They have negotiated with the European Commission that they will basically leave the European energy market mechanism for 12 months, because the interconnection does not allow them to receive a lot of renewable electricity from the north. "By building on this, and building on their own renewable electricity capacity, the Spanish government expects that they will be able to reduce the cost of such bills by 30-40 percent.

One of them will also be marked with a Pop-up electronic tag that will collect daily behavioural data transmitted by satellite, serving global scientific studies on Mediterranean bluefin tuna.

Tuesday and Wednesday HOT, HOT, HOT The State Meteorological Agency has issued a warning notice about the first heat wave of this summer season which began on Sunday, June 12, and will last until Wednesday, June 15, at least. According to Proyecto Mastral, the hottest days in the Vega Baja region will be Tuesday, June 14, and Wednesday, June 15. The warning also added that in addition to very high temperatures, there will be more sahara dust in the air


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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022



‘BARKING MAD’ as restaurants face 2k fine for refusing ‘Doggy Bags’ BY ANDREW ATKINSON Spain has announced that it's okay to ask for a 'doggy bag' takeaway - for customers who want to finish off their meal at home. It has been something of being 'ashamed' for stiff upperlipped Brits, when asking for a doggy bag in Spain, and in Blighty. Now, under new legislation aimed at cracking down on food waste, restaurant owners can be fined €2,000 if they do not offer their clients a doggy bag. "If you do not eat everything that is on your plate, you will have the option to take it home and eat it later," said a government spokesperson. The Spanish government is also looking at ways of combating the amount of food going straight into the bin in bars and restaurants. "All food items which are not needed by bars and restaurants should be offered to charities," said a spokesperson from the government. Many restaurants in the Costa Blanca and Costa Calida area offer a doggy bag takeaway service. "We always oblige to customers requesting a 'doggy bag' takeaway if they are full.after eating meals at our restaurant," said Bombay Algorfa III Restaurant manager Dev. Following the Spanish government announcement that restaurants who refuse to oblige with the doggy bag request takeaway can be fined up to €2,000, Mancunian, Brenda Stanhope, 81, who lives in Los Montesinos, said: "It's great that the government has brought in this legislation. "You have paid for your meal so it's only right that you should be allowed to ask for a doggy bag. The Bombay III in Algorfa always oblige in taking away a doggy bag." Brenda Stanhope

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022


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Extra Police for Alicante Airport 500 extra police officers for 12 largest Spanish airports The department of the interior has responded to Iberia concerns about airport delays stating that it has not received any complaints about queues in airport security or immigration channels. They say that there is no risk of a breakdown due to the arrival of British holidaymakers, despite Brexit However they have also said that they will reinforce Barajas controls with 200 extra police officers attributing the long queues to "specific issues" The Madrid employers warn of the "devastating effect" that the Barajas queues have for the Spain holiday Brand The Government rules out that there are problems with passport controls at airports. But at the same time, sources from the Ministry of the Interior have told the media that they will put 500 more police officers into the twelve largest Spanish airports to avoid problems. Reinforcements will be sent to Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga, Alicante, Tenerife Sur, Menora, Palma, Ibiza, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria.

With these 500 additional officers, which will come from the new intake of the police, 189 will be assigned to the Madrid-Barajas airport, one of the sites that is having the most problems with it's passport controls. Another 89 police officers will be assigned to El Prat. These numbers may be increased even further during the summer with a mobile unit that can be moved to the airports suffering the most congestion. Despite the additional officers, the ministry insists that the figures given by Iberia, which stated that between March and May 15,000 passengers lost their connecting flight due to the breakdown at police checkpoints, are false. They

say that the Iberia statement has caused "surprise" in the department. “At certain times queues can occur, but it happens in all countries. Interior also denies that Brexit is causing congestion at airports, despite the fact that this is the first year in which the British are deemed to be non-EU travelers and have to pass through more stringent controls. "The British do not pose a migratory problem," they emphasize from the Ministry. The Government already ensures that these travellers, who represent the largest market for the tourism sector, go through lighter checks than the rest of non-EU citizens.

HORADADA’S NEW SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM The new system of traffic control and surveillance cameras with coverage throughout the municipality of Pilar de la Horadada, is now operational.

Spain is aiming to crack down on food waste, with draft legislation setting out stiff fines for supermarkets that bin leftovers and requirements for bars and restaurants to offer doggy bags so that customers can take home leftovers.

The network, which saw an investment of 170,000 euro, includes a total of 31 cameras, some of which are specifically for reading vehicle number plates, the others with 360-

degree views, all of them digital and with able to differentiate between vehicles and people. The system provides the highest level of protection against cyber attacks. It complies with Spanish and European legislation on security, as well as with the new Data Protection Regulation, Arco and storage rights.

ENERGY BONUS FOR VALENCIAN COMMUNITY SELF EMPLOYED THE PRESIDENT of the Valencia region, XIMO PUIG, has confirmed his immediate approval of a Decree Law that contemplates allocating aid of 300 EURO to self-employed workers in order to alleviate the increase in energy costs. As he outlined during his speech at the Les Corts control session, the Decree will be approved before the end of June, as soon as the temporary aid framework is approved by the Government and the European Union. Once all the approvals have been received It is expected that this aid, which will total 45 million euro, will be paid in July. He also explained that the Consell also plans to allocate another 50 million euro through the Reactive Plan for the intensive gas industry, especially tile companies and auxiliary companies, which will receive up to 400,000 euro per company.


The goal of the draft bill, adopted by Spain’s Socialist-led government, is to reduce the figure of 1,300 tonnes of food wasted annually across the country, said Luis Planas, Spain’s agricultural, fisheries and food minister. That figure equates to 31kg a person.

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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022



Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022


637 227 385

Are You an Expat? A Rex-pat? Or A Flexipat? Sounds like you burned the candle at both ends the first time around, but then all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, even if his name is Jill.

night was tender in the South of France, Hemingway believed the sun also rose in Paris and Spain, and George Orwell was a policeman for many Burmese days.

People move to foreign parts for many different reasons, politics at home, sunshine abroad, low taxation (sometimes called 'cheap booze'), better work conditions (often called 'more money') or friends and family there already. Just when they thought they had escaped you. It is estimated that it costs three times more to hire an expatriate than a local employee, but in that case the expat has three times more to plough back into the local economy. Often called 'fun and games.'

Frequently mentioned is the problem of incomers adapting to their host country's 'alien' culture, but in these days of global fried chicken, ubiquitous burgers, and colas and pizzas to suit every taste -- except mine -- who could tell the difference? How well people fit in will depend on their wealth, motives for moving, and sometimes their nationality. Not speaking Pyongan might be a disadvantage if you relocate to North Korea, so don't go there. Really, I mean don't go there.

There are large uprooted communities of Australians and oligarchs in London, tax-exiles in Monte Carlo, and British retirees in the Iberian Peninsula, France and elsewhere. The market research company Finaccord reckons the number of global expatriates exceeds 65 million, not counting the Lost Generation, wherever they went.

Many of you reading this -- and thanks for doing so -- have probably been expatriates at some point in your lives, or still are. Skilled workers, educational professionals, retirees and others who have chosen to work or take up residence

in a country other than your own. Some of you may be flexipats, travelling internationally on business, or rex-pats, repeat expatriates, who have returned to live somewhere after working there for years.

Many expats are -- or were -- famous or talented, not always both at once. Charlie Chaplin's daughter Geraldine lived in Spain for 25 years, Orson Welles is buried there, and "Spain is my second home," says Gwyneth Paltrow. "The buildings are years and years and years old." Gwyneth is no spring chicken either. A whole bookshelf of writers were famously expatriate. Lawrence Durrell experienced bitter lemons in Cyprus, Scott Fitzgerald found the

C REVI LLE NTE C ELE B RATE S LG BTI PRI DE The Department of Equality in Crevillente, and the LGTB Crevillente association, has organised a program of activities for June, LGBTI pride month that culminates on June 28 with the International LGTBI Pride Day. Among the activities there are talks, information tables, film forums, and

an award ceremony for the Crevillente in Colours Contest. Councillor Ana Vanesa Mas, said that “Crevillente is a municipality that does not tolerate discrimination and that accepts all people, whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity. That is why it is important that LGTBI Pride month supports the group in its

demands. Crevillente loves you all”. Different events will be held at the Center Jove: on June 13, and on Saturday, June 18, when an “escape room” will take place throughout the day, in which adults and children over 10 years of age can participate with the authorisation of a parent or legal guardian.

I had to travel by rail to my first expatriate destination, in what was then West Germany, in what was then 1970. At least unlike many future flights, the trains ran on time. Watching people scurrying in airports nowadays, I want to tell them not to worry, their temporary destination will still be there waiting when their connecting flight arrives. Some expatriates are asylum seekers, and some may end up in asylums. It all depends on where you settle. Or become unsettled. It is a bittersweet experience, getting to know other cultures, because once you leave your birthplace nothing is ever the same. Often it's even better. If you are reading this, you probably know that already.


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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022


ORIHUELA HAMMER MURDERER DETAINED IN CUSTODY Close friends of the victim of the Orihuela hammer murder surrounded the accused, a 30-year-old Spanish citizen of Uruguayan origin, as he arrived in a police car on Thursday morning at the Orihuela courts. The Court of Instruction number 1 of Orihuela, ordered provisional prison and without bail for the detainee, who is being investigated in an open case for a crime of murder and another of attempted murder.

He was detained in custody at the Fontcalent prison. On Tuesday morning the National Police arrested the man for his alleged involvement in the violent death of a 50-year-old man at his home in Orihuela and the assault of his critically injured 80-year-old mother. Agents say that they have a hammer in their possession which they are treating as the possible murder weapon. They also added that a

The accused being led from the court following Thursday’s hearing debt of 50 euros owed to the murderer was thought to be the origin of the deadly attack, although friends of the victim say that 40 euros of the debt was paid back. The events occurred in the early hours of last Tuesday morning, at around 01:15 am, when the local police and ambulance services were called by neighbours to assist two people who were injured in a house on Calle San Antonio de Padua in the urban area of Orihuela.

On arriving at the scene they found the old woman badly injured inside the house, along with the man, her deceased son, who had also been beaten with a blunt object in an adjacent room. On arrival a SAMU unit and an SVB unit confirmed the man's death, while the woman was taken to the Vega Baja hospital in Orihuela. She was later moved to Elche where she currently remains in a critical condition, and in a coma.


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022

‘Too sweet to be wholesome …’

during the day if I feel a bit ‘peckish’ between meals and cannot decide what I want, the old toast and marmalade fits the bill along with my coffee.

am sitting at the kitchen table, sucking the knobbly end of a biro and glancing at the clock as the big hand moves inexorably towards the midnight hour.

Caffeine is my drug of choice for the past yonks years. Once upon a time I used take two spoons of sugar per cup of tea or coffee. This meant that I was consuming 30 – 40 spoons of sugar every day; as well as satisfying my ‘sweettooth’ in other ways as well. After reading how bad sugar is for us, I gave it up in my beverages.


The deadline is looming for delivering your weekly ration of wit, wisdom and wonderment. The mind remains blank and God alone knows what direction this week’s YCBS will take … but it had better head somewhere soon! I am having a cup of tea along with a slice of toast and marmalade – as I always do before bedtime. My beady eye comes to rest on the pot of marmalade in front of me on the table. I absentmindedly study the label. It says, ‘Reduced Sugar’ and another little stamp boasts ’30% less sugar.’ I turn the jar around to read the other label on the back and take in every word. Nowhere on the jar of marmalade does it tell me 30% less than what – or reduced sugar from what to what? We’ll come back to the sugar thing in a moment – if that’s OK with the rest of you … We go through a lot of marmalade in Casa Comaskey. It even has its own shelf in a press; displaying half a dozen jars at any time … just for fear of running out. The labels are all turned to the front – a habit formed I would say from stacking bottles on pub shelves. The first thing I do every morning is to take Mrs Youcantbeserious her tea, toast and marmalade to bed. (Ask her yourselves, Girls) As mentioned above, the last thing I do around midnight is to make myself a mug of tea accompanied by a slice of you-know-what. At any time *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.


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Sugar can be very damaging to our health – especially for the heart. It also overloads the liver and contributes to diseases like diabetes and strokes. Remember that sugar is not a required nutrient in our diet and it is one of the primary causes of weight gain. Six teaspoonful’s of sugar, or 24 grams, constitutes 100 calories. Because life isn’t fair and the sisters put on weight easier than the lads, The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than 6 spoonfuls per day. (Could the fact that they are made from ‘sugar and spice and all things nice’, have something to do with this?) The suggested maximum for men in 9 spoonfuls. Too many soft drinks are deadly as is of course the over-indulgence of dairy chocolate and sweets. I hear a lot of young parents going to great lengths to ensure that their children’s intake of sweets and soft drinks is curtailed. The dreaded word I hear kicked around is ‘sugar-rush.’ Apparently the kids of today lose the run of themselves if they O.D on sugary treats. It is said that sugar does give an instant surge of energy. I remember hearing this tip when I played squash and in tournament matches I often broadsided a mars bar into my mouth between the 4th and 5th set. It never worked for me, Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

GARDEN FELIX - Sprig of Rosemary in your hair will improve memory! ROSEMARY is a perennial evergreen shrub with blue flowers, that can become a bit of a burden, if not managed properly. It is an aromatic and distinctive herb with a sweet, resinous flavor that is often used for seasoning poultry, lamb, stews, and soups. It's strongly recommended to start new rosemary plants from cuttings, taken from established plants, as cuttings grow quickly in good conditions and should be ready for outdoor planting in about eight weeks. Plant in full sun, in well-draining soil, as rosemary will not tolerate being consistently wet. Be sure to give your plants enough room to grow,

Nowhere on the jar of marmalade does it tell me 30% less than what – or reduced sugar from what to what? but it did the trick for some … strangely only the good players! Some of you may remember that I once wrote a piece here on the dangers of salt. This was prompted by an article I came across in a magazine which stated that salt kills 90,000 Americans every year.

harm than salt. Reading food labels is obviously the best way to monitor your intake of sugar, but what if all the label tells you is ‘Reduced Sugar’? Anyway, dear readers; I have spent the last forty minutes studying a jam jar and chewing a pen. I still haven’t come up with anything interesting for this week’s piece but as the Lads were saying; ‘nobody will ever be able to tell the difference …’

At that time I was also a salt addict (I can do anything bar moderation!) but I have never added salt to my dinner or porridge since that day. The only food I apply salt to is an egg, tomato or mushrooms. Man is the only animal which doesn’t have an inbuilt salt barometer.


I have no idea how many people sugar kills every year, but I believe it does a lot more

Nothing lasts as long as a pot of jam you don’t like.

once established, rosemary can eventually grow to about four feet tall and also spread four feet. Prune regularly, to keep in shape, and so that plants don’t get lanky. To havest simply snip off the young stems, to use fresh, or hang them in the kitchen to dry out, then store in air tight jars. Only harvest up to a third of the rosemary at any one time, which will allow the plant to replace its growth. There are many other uses for rosemary, such as a tea drink, which is said to enhance your memory. Alternatively, you can wear a sprig of rosemary in your hair to improve your memory; a sprig of rosemary under your ironing board cover will release its fragrance, with the heat of the iron!

The Lads don’t sugar-coat the pill!


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Civil Guard investigate corruption at Spain’s Ministry of Economy Deputy Prime Minister, Nadia Maria Calviño, has served as the Minister of the Economy since 2018. In 2020 her portfolio was renamed as Minister for Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation

Orihuela steps up it’s fumigation campaign

Orihuela has announced that it is intensifying the fumigation campaign against the endemic and tiger mosquitoes that it is

The Anti- Corruption Prosecutor 's Office has asked the Civil Guard to go to the Ministry of the Economy, led by the 53-year old socialist Nadia Calviño, and gather together all documentation relating to a 963,000 euros payment that was made to the company Páginas Amarillas Soluciones Digitales SA, of which the Minister’s husband is a major director.

by order of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.

The transaction was carried out in the midst of the pandemic, at a time when the company was said to be experiencing financial difficulties, and without any public tender being carried out.

Making the award to the company was the Official Credit Institute (ICO), an organization that works for the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Agents arrived at the ministry headquarters on Thursday morning in their capacity as Judicial Police, where they entered the offices directed by Calviño,

The Public Ministry intends to investigate how this public aid was awarded, following a complaint filed by the Madrid regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso . In addition, the Civil Guard is also investigating similar transactions in the Ministry of Ecological Transition led by Teresa Ribera as well as at a number of other public institutions.

The leadership of the ICO is shared by José Carlos García de Quevedo and Jaime Iglesias Quintana, both of whom were appointed by the Minister Calviño.


being carried out mainly in Orihuela, districts, El Palmeral, Los Huertos and Orihuela Costa. The councillor said that “due to the high temperatures and the stagnant water, the number of mosquitoes has increased, so the company awarded the pest control has increased and intensified the treatment in stagnant water areas to avoid the causes, derived from the discomfort triggered by mosquito bites. The service is carried out throughout the year, and it is at this time that it intensifies, with spraying on a weekly basis instead of every fifteen days as is the usual case

EU APPROVES SINGLE CHARGER FOR ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES From 2024, you will be able to charge all your 'gadgets' with a USB-C type cable Starting in the Autumn of 2024, USB-C will become the common charging port for all mobile phones, tablets, laptops, cameras and a long list of electronic products on the European market, according to the EU Parliament. Under the new regulation, European consumers will no longer need a different charging device and cable each time they buy a new piece of equipment, but will be able to use a single charger for all their small and medium-

sized devices. The list includes fifty devices and includes mobile phones, tablets, e-readers, headphones, digital cameras, headphones and earphones, portable game consoles and more. However, Apple insist on maintaining their own connection standard, alleging that the decision constrains the development of new technologies. Meanwhile the UK Government says that it is not currently considering the plans although under current post-brxit arrangements the regulation will apply to Northern Ireland


1961 - Patsy Cline was seriously injured in a car accident. During her two month hospital stay, her song "I Fall to Pieces" gave the singer her first Country No.1. 1966 - The Beatles made a surprise live appearance on Top Of The Pops performing Paperback Writer' and ‘Rain’. It became The Beatles' last live musical television appearance, with the sole exception of the June 1967 worldwide transmission of ‘All You Need Is Love’. 1974 - Ray Stevens was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'The Streak' a song about the latest British craze of streaking, (running naked in a public place) and in the same year ABBA's second album 'Waterloo' entered the UK chart for the first time peaking at No.28. The album's title track won ABBA the Eurovision Song Contest that year. 1978 - 'You're The One That I Want' by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John started a nine week run at No.1 on the UK singles chart. The song was from the film Grease.

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1988 - The biggest charity Rock concert since Live Aid took place at London's Wembley Stadium, to denounce South African apartheid. Among the performers were Sting, Stevie Wonder, Bryan Adams, George Michael, Whitney Houston and Dire Straits. Half of the money raised went towards anti-apartheid activities in Britain, the rest was donated to children's charities in Southern Africa. 1989 - The first day of the UK three day Glastonbury Festival took place featuring Van Morrison, Elvis Costello, Throwing Muses, Pixies, All About Eve, Hot House Flowers, The Waterboys, Suzanne Vega and Fairground Attraction. Tickets cost £28. 1990 - Prince played the first of 12 soldout nights at Wembley Arena on his ‘Nude’ European tour. 2008 - Liverpool was voted England's most musical city in a national campaign set up by the Arts Council. The home of The Beatles, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, OMD and The Zutons took 49% of the vote in an online poll set up by the funding body. Sheffield - which brought the world the Arctic Monkeys and Pulp - came second, while Manchester with Oasis, Stone Roses and The Smiths came third.

1984 - A model of Boy George from Culture Club was unveiled at Madame Tussaud's Waxworks in London, England on his 23rd birthday.

2010 - John Lennon's handwritten lyrics to The Beatles song 'A Day In The Life' sold for $1.2m (£810,000) at an auction at Sotheby's in New York. The double-sided sheet of paper with notes written in felt marker and blue ink also contained some corrections and other notes penned in red ink.

1986 - Bob Geldof was named in HRH The Queen's Birthday Honours List, receiving an honorary Knighthood in recognition of his humanitarian activities.

2016 - Meat Loaf was rushed to hospital after collapsing on stage during a concert in in Edmonton, Canada. The singer was performing his hit, 'I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)', when he

dropped his microphone and fell to the floor. 2020 - English singer, songwriter and entertainer Dame Vera Lynn died at her home in East Sussex aged 103. She was popular during the Second World War and was widely referred to as the "Forces' Sweetheart" giving outdoor concerts for the British troops overseas. Her songs included 'We'll Meet Again', and '(There'll Be Bluebirds Over) The White Cliffs of Dover'.

FREE CONCERTS BY CRESCENDO INTERNATIONAL CHOIR RAISE 450 EUROS Crescendo International Choir Gives Two Free Concerts, Raising over 450 Euros for Local Community

Crescendo International Choir performed a free concert Saturday night, June 4, at La Siesta Evangelical Church in Torrevieja that ended with the audience giving the choir a standing ovation. More than 290 euros was raised by concert attendees, with all donations given to La Siesta Church representatives to support church needs. Crescendo Choir also performed an evening concert Saturday, May 28 at Iglesia Parroquia Nuestra Senora del Pilar in Los Montesinos, raising about 160 euros to help people in that community. If your organization would like to raise money for a worthy cause, please see the contact page on the Crescendo choir website at to get in touch with Mary Mitchell, the President of Crescendo.

Along with the Royal British Legion, Crescendo Choir plans to participate in the Armed Forces Day Service Saturday, June 25 at 3 pm at the Catholic Church Parroquia Immaculada Concepcion, Torrevieja.

June 2022 in La Siesta Church

Some of the hymns to be sung that day include For Those in Peril on the Sea, Onward Christian Soldiers and God Is Our Strength and Refuge. The Choir will perform Mansions of the Lord. If interested in joining Crescendo, see the Crescendo website at The choir is especially seeking men to join. The choir includes sopranos, altos, tenors and basses. The group sings a wide variety of songs ranging from musicals to spirituals, from pop to classical, in English and Spanish. Choir rehearsals will start up again on September 5. Rehearsals will take place at Rincon de Miguel Restaurant in Los Montesinos Mondays between 17:45 to 20:00.

All singers are welcome! Crescendo lives up to its name of International because it include many nation-

alities among its expat members along with a Spanish Musical Director, Irene Oliva, and Spanish pianist Cristian Martinez.


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ANSWERS Week 922 QUICK ACROSS: 6 Journal; 7 Court; 9 Sea; 10 Attempted; 12 Competition; 15 Impertinent; 17 Staggered; 19 Let; 21 Steer; 22 Proceed. DOWN: 1 Cover; 2 Orb; 3 Pact; 4 Competent; 5 Freedom; 8 Beaten; 11 Foreigner; 13 Putter; 14 Imitate; 16 Rebel; 18 Earn; 20 Act. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 6 Arduous; 7 Amber; 9 Ass; 10 Intimates; 12 Make

ACROSS 1. Niche (6) 4. Division (6) 9. Football striker (6-7) 10. Weird (7) 11. Fruit (5) 12. Adhere (5) 14. English county (5) 18. Assign (5) 19. Lover (7) 21. Very unusual (13) 22. Boat’s steering device (6) 23. Debase (6) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 13. 15. 16. 17. 20.

believe; 15 Predominant; Bigot (6) Complimented (13) Warning device (5) Small bunch of flowers (7) Unsuitable (13) Small flying insects (6) Frequently (5) Small house (7) Profession (6) Ward off (5) Pastel (6) Indian corn (5)

17 Read in bed; 19 Era; 21 Heats; 22 Changes. DOWN: 1 Crush; 2 Gun; 3 Turn; 4 Impatient; 5 Reserve; 8 Pigeon; 11 Candidate; 13 Ermine; 14 Creeper; 16 Armed; 18 Echo; 20 And.

ACROSS 1. One who tries out a canopy (6) 4. Observer to give an opinion with some hesitation (6) 9. Accounts which are stretched because taxes are going haywire! (13) 10. Feels the effect of southern winters in France (7) 11. Hot drink for the eastern potentate (5) 12. A sententious saying for a spritely type (5) 14. Warms up for preliminary contests (5) 18. Nora’s wild horses (5) 19. It’s unfortunate if she gets involved with pals (7) 21. Presents a single team - reserves for use in the future! (4,2,3,4) 22. To meet death from a sniper is hideous (6) 23. Man on the board at the end of the day, one hears (6)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which word can mean any form of transport and the legal term for the transfer of property by way of deed? 2. What is the name of an auction, where the auctioneer starts at a high price, then comes down until he gets a bidder for the goods? 3. In which Australian state is Alice Springs? 4. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of what? 5. C17 H21 NO4 is the chemical formula for what? 6. LOT is the national airline of what country? 7. Bill Medly was part of what group? 8. Where was the first Miss World contest held in 1951? 9. Which unit of weight shares its name with the alternative name for a snow leopard? 10. Why was Clark Kent rejected military service during

DOWN 1. You’ll find me involved with this doctrine (6) 2. Steam trains to be re-routed - by him? (7-6) 3. Winger of uncertain age connected with the French (5) 5. Concentrated on how the use of a verb may vary (7) 6. Shearing absent-mindedly! (4-9) 7. Some of the pleasures I still refuse to give up (6) 8. Many hurry to get fruity drink (5) 13. Caledonian taken in by mother’s charms (7) 15. Be quiet and deal with the parcel (4,2) 16. Worth altering the cast (5) 17. A way up a track (6) 20. Each in the vessel producing a hymn of praise (5)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) World War II? 11. What is the worlds most widely eaten fish? 12. Leonato is the main character in what Shakespeare play? 13. What was the name of the shepherd that got Tremponina Pallidium? 14. What sport was called Harpastum by the ancient Greeks? 15. What is a dhoti? 16. Which drink was designed as a malaria cure? 17. In 1929 the first what happened on an aircraft? 18. Where was Freddie Mercury born? 19. What is the three dimensional image created by laser beams called? 20. Which film star did Madness sing about? 21. Which of the Beatles was the first to have a solo Number 1 hit?


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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022

Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.


CHURCHES AND SERVICES The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733 La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, Englishspeaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is

one). For more info see our website at: Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano

The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2020 Ford Focus ST3 petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 37,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

GENERAL Builder, remodelling,kitchens, extensions, we beat most quotes. Call Andy 697 834 934.

MUSICIANS WANTED Come Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert


Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email at: robinsongraham256@

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The JuneMeeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 16 June at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Guest speaker. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99. The RBL Torrevieja Branch Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info please contact:Torrevieja.secretary@rbl. community Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team. to

SHARE THE COST OF BUYING AN APARTMENT I am looking for someone to share the cost of buying a 2 bed apartment in Los Alcazares. Total cost is 100k so 50k each.

Please contact Fintan on +353 86 878 1317

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visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966.

Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca: The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG replaces the RAFA Costa Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website Tel:0044 800 018 2361. Over 50 - On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Reflections Bar/Restaurant, C/Aviles, San Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at;

PERSONAL Diana from Greece. 47 year old lady. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Beautiful, sweet, natural body. Private apartment. Calle Gil Vallejo 5, Torrevieja. Call 663 817 943 Rocio, 40, Argentinian, sweet, qualified massausse. Big, natural breasts. House 75. La Zenia. 672 872 050. Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete attention. Maximum privacy

in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539 332 TORREVIEJA MIRIAM Brazilian lady blond 59 year. Do massage erotic with happy end. Speak good english. Call 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834

NADIA... SO SWEET MONDALVIAN (31) Turquesa St. La Zenia.

Tel. 643 276 205

LUNA 30 EX MODEL. Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).

Tel. 604 111 457

ANA SEXY AND ELEGANT Spanish lady. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English.

HELEN... LATINA WITH SKIN OF CINNAMON. Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken.

Tel. 665 736 488


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Will they be forgiven for the delays, the long uncomfortable waiting, or will it be a shot in the arm for the struggling holiday destinations around the United Kingdom? Disappointments happen and, in a lifetime, I can remember there have been a few – but too few to mention - with apologies to the lyrics in ‘My Way’. However, I have not had the disillusionments people are suffering when trying to take their holiday break at this time. There cannot be a worse heartbreak in day to day living than to be woken up at two thirty in the morning with a text message, to be told your seven thirty flight to your holiday destination has been cancelled. This has just happened to a couple coming out to visit for a few days, they were due to arrive on the aircraft from Bristol on the Sunday morning. The insult and abuse of the cancellation did not stop there as they were told their replacement flight was Tuesday evening, two and half days later than when they were due to fly, arriving early Wednesday morning. Now, considering they were planning to return on the Thursday, the following day of the suggested replacement flight, the arrangement was not acceptable.

If it wasn’t so senseless in that someone can take offence at Len Goodwin by saying he is talking rubbish, it would be laughable. This is a man who talks inoffensively and was loved by millions when he was a judge on ‘Strictly Come Dancing’. Clare Balding, who was the anchor on the programme had to make an apology when he was referring to ‘curry’ on the Jubilee Show, saying ‘My Nan used to call it foreign muck. But I must say, it was delicious, so tasty.’ By declaring it as senseless demonstrates how small minded some people have become with their indignancy at such a simple statement, and as Len is seventy-eight years old, his grandmother’s account is the view of someone from many years ago, who no doubt is no longer with us – no it just has to be laughable. Seventy years is a long time, and don’t we all know it, and yet it goes by in a flash marked out by the outstanding events of Her Majesty the Queen’s various celebrations at ten-year periods as she led the nation, and the Commonwealth as Sovereign. This year’s four-day event has surpassed all others. I believe it was more than a celebration for the current holder of the title, it was also a festival observing the stability of the British way of life that the unbroken line of Royalty has created over hundreds of years, tracing its roots back

as far as 921 AD when ‘Alfred the Great’ issued laws as King of the Saxons, and is recognised when England was formed. The four-day event with its street parties, music and fun brings back many memories of similar occurrences over the years. Here in the Hondon Valley we partied like the rest of the U.K. enjoying the event with festivities in the sun. The reports of the events were good to see and yet we must be the only country in the world which can seriously mix fiction with reality when Prince Charles, along with his wife Camilla, visited the set of the BBC television soap ‘Eastenders’. It’s not a real community, it is a made-up story. But still, as a fiction writer and storyteller I should not complain.

Self-Inflicted We have seen in more recent times large organisations, such as banks, leaning over backwards – so to speak - to ensure their customers were happy with the service they provided. Now it is nigh on impossible to talk to a person and one needs to deal with the mechanical answering system. How things have changed in such a short period of time. However, the financial sector with all their rudeness and lack of commitment to their clientele cannot come near the disasters being inflicted on the touring public by the travel industry.

wanted an earlier flight time. The couple had already paid for the journey that was cancelled and were shocked to be told that if they wanted an earlier flight, other than that arranged, the extra fee would be one hundred and seventy pounds. They paid the exorbitant sum and arrived the following day, but even then the plane was late. In my mind that is extortion, and no doubt others will think the same – surely, they are entitled to compensation for the loss of a days holiday and also the cost of the original flight. Ah! I guess the dreaded small print, which we all willingly agree to when dealing with these conglomerates, will preclude them from taking any action for the recovery. I read that the British Government is looking at ways for companies to have humans to answer enquiries. Perhaps at the same time they could look at the small print which in most cases destroys any agreement one thought they had with a supplier.

Summer Derailed

This elderly couple had, for some time, had an agreement with the airline to be transported for a few days to the sun. Just hours before the arranged time, the carrier could not honour the arrangement and cancelled, as I already said, by text.

“There is never a good time for a railway dispute and I apologise for that”. That is a union boss making a statement about the upcoming proposed strikes by the railway personnel. Another blow to the country trying to get back on its feet after Covid. Why don’t they back off and get behind the administration in its attempts to balance the books? Take care

Obviously, they were not prepared to fly out one day and return on the following, so they chattey

The airline – which is supposed to be ‘Easy’ – had another ploy they could take a voucher for their future use.

The Jubilee

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Country Bowls Club by Peter Dix Dated 07th June 2022 Country Bowls Club celebrated the Queens Jubilee in style on Saturday with a fun competition which was well attended with 24 members taking part, dressed in patriotic colours for the event, see photo The Red Kites completed their fixtures in the Hurricane Division by entertaining Greenlands Gladiators, they were no match for the home team who dominated the mornings play. The Kites only losing on one rink dropping a 4 on the last end to lose by 2, overall shots 120-60. Winning rinks were Del Gunning, Trish Dix, Dennis Wade

27- 9, Clive Hoyal, Linda Ponsford, Peter Whitehall 28- 7, Allan Lever, Gary Ponsford, Barry Evans 28- 9, Brenda Jiggins, Derek Jiggins, Graham Richardson 21-17. The Bluebirds came down to earth travelling up to the ranch at El Rancho in the summer Harrier Division, finding the speed of the tricky surface hard to find. Only coming away with one winning rinks of Wendy Splevings, Daniel Verrells, George Burrage 19-11. Both teams held their own finishing mid table in their respective divisions and look forward to competing again after the summer break.

Greenlands Bowls Club

Celebrating the Jubilee in style at Country Bowls


by Alan Carr

Hurricane Division for the Wasps last game it was our neighbour’s San Luis Hercules, knowing the result of this and Quesada Lancaster’s game would determine the overall winners. Our game finished winning on two rinks with skip Dave Blackies team nearly getting a win but had to settle for a draw, together with the overall (Shots 86-83) we won 7-5.

by Chris Dewar Things settling down a bit this week but a fantastic series of wins for Greenlands teams in three of the open days played in the past week or so:

Rink winners were; Martin Harley, Brian Pocock & Karen Kirk (24.12). Brian Gardiner, Wendy & Alan Ralph (19-10). Well done to Quesada Lancaster’s who won their match 10-2 to win this division with the Wasps hitting the post and finishing 3 points behind in 2nd place.

La Siesta Triples - Winners Sue Bosworth, Andy Miles and Dave Morrison Bonalba Triples - Winners Peta Rhodes, Lisa Bonsor and Pete Bonsor. El Cid 2 Day Aussie Pairs - Winners Dave Morrison and Andy Miles.

Harrier Division La Siesta Hornets had a bye on their last game which placed them in 4th spot, congratulations go to Monte Mar Toro’s who finished top of the division.

Also with the VCL league complete The Jazmins were confirmed winners of the B Div. In The SABA after a great fight the Gadiators just missed out but I think they suffered a bit from losing key players due to returns to England, Nevertheless a great attempt to John and his team

For the Queens Platinum Jubilee La Siesta held a fun day of bowls which attracted approximately 40 people, whilst music was being played the games were in progress followed by food and drink which was our own street party within the club. Thanks to all who attended and those who worked so hard to make this historic event go so well.

We are looking forward to our Aussies Pairs this weekend some some great bowls to watch .

Interested in joining La Siesta members run Bowls Club, there is always something going on with social events being arranged by Graham to suit all members. At the club now that the league has finished, we will be continuing with internal games which include the summer knockout competitions.

We truly are, “The Club Moving Forward” on the Costas. 2022-2023 Will see Greenlands Bowling Club, carry on making BIG changes. With a New Carpet due before the Winter Season, New Coloured Uniforms and a whole new selection Policy designed specifically to promote "Competitive Teams" and provide "Social Bowling" equally to all our members. Membership is now more flexible and available for 3,6,7 or 12 Months. Non-residents can pay the 6-month price and split their membership into 2 periods of 90 Days. We offer regular "Professional Coaching" to our members from any one of our 3 Internationally approved coaches and conduct structured coaching clinics covering all aspects of the game throughout the Year, the next scheduled one being “Head Building & Reading”. "GO GREENMACHINE" ONWARDS AND UPWARDS. All welcome to Saturday Morning roll up and Bottle drive, pay your green fees plus 1 euro for competition and your in. New Bowlers wishing to try our sport contact John Rosati, Tel. 688709362 or Peter Bonsor 711 020 846, to ensure we have people there to look after you.

Emerald Isle Bowls Club The Vulcans started off the week at home against a strong San Miguel Christians and they won the the game 12-0 Aggregate of 86 -34. Due to an illness the game was reduced to 3 trips playing full game and Isle getting two trips wins with not enough ends played to be a game C Thomas M Veale J Smyth 26-6, G Odell S Marks R Marks 22-12, N Prior C Smyth C Lindgren 18-16 Victors played at Quesada Lancasters and were beaten 2-10 Aggregate of 80-121 - M Oakley J Ball P Willicott 24-22 SAPS is ongoing at 9-30am on Saturdays. Bowls Shoes Coaching all for 5 Euros for 2 hours and bar open ELWYN MORRIS

Chicken and Egg every Wednesday 1.30 for 2pm, and organised roll ups every Mondays, Fridays & Saturdays. Just pop in or call the President George 865 772 498 or the Captain Wendy 633 068 399 who will be pleased to give you any further information you may require.

MONTE MAR BOWLS AND SOCIAL CLUB Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix,The Belfry and Sunrise Builders. Monday Monte Mar Torros v El Rancho Buckskins A very good result at home to the Buckskins winning on four rinks and the overall shots. Well done to the winning rinks of Sheila Roberts, Steve Hindle skip Neil Crawford, Jack Burrell, Lynda Saunders skip Ian Hamilton, Diane Horsington, John Hunt skip Keith Young, Colin Bedford, Tanya Oliver skip David Eades. Shots Monte Mar 90 – 64, Points Monte Mar 10 – 2 Monday - The last game of the season was away to La Marina. Not a very good result for the Torros, although we still won the league. We only won on one rink well done to Gina Hindle, Paul Dodd skip David Eades. Shots Monte Mar 76 – 105, Points Monte Mar 2 – 10 Well done to all who took part in the South Alicante League. FUN FRIDAY Friday 10th June was our last Friday fun day, eighteen players took part we played three rinks of trips. Once again Cindy had organised a “special format” which was enjoyed by everyone. After the competition Cindy presented the winning team of Ian Hamilton, Des Freeman skip Joan Harding with their prizes. After the presentation we all enjoyed lunch and drinks at the pool bar. Thank you Cindy for organising the Friday Fun Competitions.


Des, Joan and Ian.


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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022

SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB with Sheila Cammack LLB South Alicante Spitfire Div. A: Wellingtons played their final summer league match on Monday 6th away v Vistabella gaining 5points-7, 75 shots-91. Winners: Janet Webb, Mary Lockley, Vic Mahomet 15-12, June Jones, Bill Webb, Scott Malden 14-14, Kevin McKenna, Neil Burrows, Dave Webb 25-13. Hurricane Div B: Hercules played at home v La Siesta: the Wasps were looking to get a good result to help them in their battle for top spot against Quesada Lancasters. However, after a hard fought battle, the Hercules took 5points-7, 83 shots-86. Winners: Dee Hoey, Ralph Jones, Lyndon Johnson, 21-13, Pauline Johnson, Stuart Wilson, Steve Penfold 21-11, Dave Notely, Jane & Stewart Hamill 19-19. It looks as though the heat will be staying around, so with hats on & water bottles filled, we’re ready to face the challenge of the next 5 weeks. Our internal league matches started at 9:30a.m. on Tuesday 7th playing just 14 ends to avoid the worst of the heat with the

QUESADA BOWLS CLUB There were many happy smiley faces around the Quesada area last Monday, following both Blenheims and Lancasters table topping exploits. At start of play, both teams were leading their respective divisions, equal on points with their nearest rivals, but ahead on shots difference. A final day Spitfire division fixture, away at bottom of the table San Miguel Christians, saw 4 out of 5 rinks securing a 10-2 victory. When news filtered through that Vistabella had only earned 7 points, these 4 winning rinks knew that their efforts weren't in vain G Phillips, M France, Jason P 23-10. M Highland, V Campbell, F Roberts 18-15. B

Cocktail league; 2 wood triples with all shots within 2 feet/60 cms counting, or none, - as measured by the Cocktail ”Stick”!! Results after the first week: Screwdriver 19-13, 2pts. Zombie 27-24, 2pts. Kamikaze 28-26, 2pts, Rusty Nail 26-28, 0pts. Side Car 24-27, 0pts. Highball 13-19, 0pts. On Thursday 9th the Aussie Pairs League began: 2 pairs, with 8 bowls per team, playing 12 ends and normal rules so only the winners shots count. Results: Koala 16-5, 2pts. Platypus 10-0, 2 pts. Wombat 11-7, 2pts. Wallaby 7-11, 0pts. Kangaroo 0-10, 0pts. Possum 5-16, 0pts. So far, so good; the challenges of the different formats were not always easy but hopefully enjoyable. San Luis BC welcomes new members of ALL playing abilities, we hope they would be willing to sign up before the end of August, so we can plan how many teams to enter for 2022/23 season. Currently we have 2 teams (1 in A Div. & 1 in B Div.) in both Friday; Southern & Monday; South Alicante Leagues. More new members would allow us to add a third team; giving more opportunities for more players to play more frequently. For more information, come along to watch on club days, or contact Club Captain June Jones: / 691 903 773.


VISTABELLA BOWLS CLUB by Brian Zelin Hi all, Vistabella Bowls Club Report, for week ending 10th June, Only one match this week, and it enabled Vistabella Fairways to finish second in the South Alicante League. Monday 6th June Vistabella Fairways were at Home to San Luis Wellingtons, Winning on 2 rinks and Drawing on 1 Rink, Plus the Shots, Lynne Bishop, Mo Foulcer, Martin Foulcer 29-11, Kath Reid, John Goddard, Ian Kenyon 23-10, Keith Black, Eric Bishop, Maggie Furness 14-14, Shots 91-75. Points 7-5.

Race Winners


Trinder, A Linley, T Morgan 33-8. S Barnes, B Elliott, D Barnes 20-16. Lancasters meanwhile, had a home meeting with Emerald Isles Victors, knowing that they had to equal or better La Siesta's result at lowly San Luis. Results mirrored that of Blenheims, making their end of season Chinese meal later that day, all the more tastier!! So, well done to this little lot, for achieving the 10 points needed to lift the Hurricane division champions trophy - C Bowles, D Gould, K Bowles 28-6. C Lowry, S Jakeman, K Lowry 24-13. S Heath, J Brinton, S Hibberd 24-18. I Everett, K Gordon, A Reid 23-19.

SAMM OUT AGAIN FOR THIRD RACE OF THE SEASON The third SAMM Race Day dawned bright and fair but with light winds. For a change the Race Officer set a square course to give the main points of sailing a beat, a reach, a run and a reach back to the start line, sailed clockwise so starboard around the marks Race 1. Wind 2-3 knots NE. Slow start by some and as usual the faster dinghies got away and left the Balaton Sailfish behind, after a couple of laps the dinghies were lapping the Sailfish. There were some tussles with close racing and good battles especially between the Laser and Omega and, although most of the fleet were separating, there were similar boats also had a bit of a ding dong and plenty of overtaking. The wind gradually built to 4-5 knots and all had a good race with a very tight result of only 4 seconds between the first and second placed boats.

The meal was all the tastier for the Lancasters victory

Results were first Shoestring Uno (Mark Williams/Bob Lagden), second Shoestring Dos (Brian Murray/Diane Hardwick), third Shoestring Omega (Kerry Marlow/Tug Wilson).

Race 2. Wind 3.5 knots E. A fantastic start from the off with all boats clearing the line within 48seconds, the best we’ve seen for ages, they all looked very professional. Again there was some very close racing between similar boats. The two Sailfish were neck and neck while there was a very close battle between Shoestring Dos and Omega. Boats were continually changing tactics all trying to get up the inside of each other approaching the start/finishing line to get ahead and steal the wind on the downwind leg and improve their places on each lap. Good fair racing with very few seconds between boats, especially the first four, once the results were calculated. Results were first Shoestring Dos (Brian Murray/Diane Hardwick), second Shoestring Cuatro (Vernon O’Byrne/Steve Hall), third Shoestring Uno (Mark Williams/Bob Lagden). Interested in sailing, visit the SAMM web site at


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022

637 227 385





Our game this month was played at Alicante’s Seve designed course, which boasts six par threes, six par four’s and six par fives. We started on time but unfortunately, our round took over five hours, we had to wait for the society in front on every hole, I notified the course that Marshall’s were required in order to try to speed slow players up, so let's hope they take heed. Nevertheless as usual we enjoyed our game at Alicante, the greens were a little slow but this applied to all of our players, on to our results. We returned to our sponsor bar Little Leias in Quesada close to Consum, where we enjoyed sandwiches that were provided by the bar along with beers at the bar's sensible prices. Our NTP winners were, hole three John Rush, Allan Collis took hole six, the twelfth winner being Peter List with Bill Peters taking the fifteenth and Nikki Ead getting nearest the pin on hole seventeen, all received a bottle of wine that had been provided by Little Leias, we had three winners sharing our two’s pot, they were John Rush, Allan Collis, and Nikk Ead, in second place with thirty-four points was David Gray winning a bottle of Rioja he was narrowly beaten by Allan Collis who scored thirty-four points, taking home a bottle of brandy. Finally, last but not least was our soccer card winner, Captain Peter List selecting Wolves. Next month we are holding our Presidents day Barrie Hopkinson, at his home course La Marquesa Barry Grinsell secretary

After several months when the venue has been unfishable and thanks to the hard work of Jeremy Fardoe and Tony Flett clearing pegs, Carp-R -Us fished round three of their Summer/Autumn Series on the Eden 2 stretch of the Rio Segura near Guardamar. The day was probably the hottest the club has fished on so far this year and sadly the fish didn’t seem inclined to feed. Roy Dainty won the match with 4.60kg from peg 4 fishing the pole and using bread and corn on the hook. Tony Flett was second with 2.60kg and Jeremy Fardoe third. Sadly, these were the only three that caught fish.

Mike Probert talks Golf


ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.

The pleasant golf course of Altorreal is located in the foothills close to the town of Molina de Segura and only 9km drive from the provincial Capital of Murcia and within one hours drive of Alicante airport.


First opened to the public in 1994 this 18 hole championship course was designed by Dave Thomas who was runner up to the great Jack Nicklaus in the British Open held at

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Price Comments Alenda €134 2 Green Fees & Buggy Alicante €82 2 Green Fees & Buggy Altorreal €80 2 Green Fees & Buggy (Holes 10-18 played twice) Bonalba €90 2 Green Fees & Buggy Campoamor €136 2 Green Fees & Buggy

Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor

€90 €82 €45 €112 €47 €45 €52 €110 €45 €60 €97 €78 €50 €50

LaManga Torrevieja CC first XI defeated San Javier CC by an impressive 190 runs to chalk up their second victory of the 2022 season. Adam Alger was outstanding for LaManga Torrevieja CC hitting 88 runs and taking 4-36, leading from the front as LMTCC top both the 20/20 and 40/40 tables. "It was a great first day of a double header weekend, defeating San Javier CC and also defeating

Levante by 110 runs. "Good performances with the bat came from Charlie Hunt,top scoring with 54* and skipper Adam Alger contributing with 46 runs. "However the Man of the Match award went to Connor Wood, putting on 90 runs with Charlie Hunt getting 39 runs, rattling the Levante batting line-up, taking 7/28 off of his eight overs," said a spokesperson from LMTCC.

Registration now open for the Pilar de la Horadada Half Marathon Both the half marathon and a 10km race will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2022 with over 1,000 participants expected for a flat route that will be run through the main streets of Pilar de la Horadada. The Councilor for Sport said that this year the event "will have prizes for all categories, from the junior to the senior category" and that they will also encourage the participation of local runners "with an exclusive prize for this category." Muirfield in 1966 and he also designed other local courses such as Roda and La Manga in addition to the Belfry which is the former Ryder Cup course near to Sutton Coldfield in the UK. The course offers challenges to golfers of all standards and has generally stood the test of time but the owners have decided upon a programme of change targeted at the greens and in 2021 they re-laid greens 9 to 18 with spectacular results and from the 1st of June to the 4th of September 2022 they will replace

2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee Sgl Green Fee post tining to 19 June Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & Buggy (3.30pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee (from 4.30pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy Single Green Fee (From 1pm) Single Green Fee

the greens on holes 1 to 8. During this period of time only holes 10 to 18 will be available for play and to reflect the disruption of playing these holes twice to complete an 18 hole round of golf we at The Leader in conjunction with Costa Blanca Green Fee Services can offer you a special price of only €80 for two players and buggy and enjoy the apres golf in the recently upgraded and improved club house providing superb views over the course.

New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villaitana Levante Villaitana Poniente Villamartin Vistabella

€82 €98 €115 €47 €80 €58 €115 €112

2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1.06pm) Single Green Fee Single Green Fee Single Green Fee & Buggy 2 Green Fees & Buggy (2pm) 2 Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)

Hollow Tine Watch: Alenda, Lo Romero. Villamartin, New Sierra Golf, Campoamor, Bonalba, Vistabella, El Valle, La Finca, Roda and Villaitana Poniente. For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


637 227 385

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022


REAL MADRID FACING IMPORTANT SUMMER OF TRANSFER DEALINGS While Rudiger arrived from Chelsea on a free transfer Tchouameni is reported to have cost 80 million euro Never write off Real Madrid: That’s the message to football fans around the world after the club gained yet another Champions League trophy at the end of May. Star names may come and go but Real will always attract the best current talent and that quality shone through in a tight encounter with Liverpool. It was a positive way to end the season, but the club faces some tough transfer choices as the summer window is set to open. COMINGS AND GOINGS Aurélien Tchouaméni is now a Real Madrid player. The 22-year-old midfielder, who checks in from Monaco, has been capped by the senior France team, with whom he lifted the 2021 Nations League crown after being part of the starting line-up in the final. This signing represents the capture of one of the most talented players in Europe, in both the present and the future. He was a regular fixture for Monaco and last term clocked up 50 appearances, which yielded five goals. Despite his youth, he has received several awards in his homeland. France’s Union of Professional Footballers (UNFP) included Tchouaméni the Team of the Season in each of the last two campaigns, whilst he was crowned as the Young Player of the Season in the 2020/21 campaign. One further signing of note is Antonio Rüdiger, one of the best defenders in world football who has joined the club from Chelsea. The German International was a pivotal member of the London side’s squad that lifted the Champions League, the Europa League, the Club World Cup, UEFA Super Cup and FA Cup. He has also featured in the Champions League Team of the Season in both of the last two seasons.

striker after the French international decided to stay with current employers Paris SaintGermain. It was something of a U-Turn on the player’s part after an initial approach seemed to be well-received. Real will be targeting alternatives through the summer while assessing the need for reinforcements in other areas of the pitch. At the same time, the club must consider the future of a number of current squad members. Ageing players and those on the fringes of the first team may be looking for new clubs in the coming weeks. Three players that have already left the club are Gareth Bale, Spain International, Isco and Brazilian, Marcelo. All are currently without clubs. Another fringe player, Eden Hazard, is also rumoured to be leaving although the Belgian international has publicly stated that he wants to stay and fight for his place. Whether he is in the manager’s plans is a different matter. THE GOALS FOR 2022/23 It doesn’t get any better than winning your own division and the biggest club competition in Europe. As La Liga and Champions

1. Conveyance, 2. Dutch Auction, 3. It is the third-largest town in the Northern Territory of Australia and is situated roughly in Australia's geographic centre, 4. The fear of long words, 5. Cocaine, 6. Poland, 7. Bill Medley is an American singer and songwriter, best known as one half of The

League winners, the target for Carlo Ancelotti and his men will be to successfully defend those trophies. The Champions League is the bigger prize but Real seem to be underrated once again. Early betting market odds from the UK betting sites show Real Madrid as mere fifth favourites for the Champions League trophy in 2023. Ahead of Carlo Ancelotti and his team are the favourites Manchester City, plus Liverpool, PSG and Bayern Munich. There is, of course, a long way to go and those odds will change on many occasions during the next eleven months.

Tchouameni arrived from Monaco at a cost 80 million euro. He will be unveiled on Tuesday

Having missed out on Kylian Mbappe, Real Madrid are in the market for a replacement


Ancelotti has now lifted the European Cup four times as a manager and twice as a player

TRANSFER TARGETS With plans for the signing of Kylian Mbappe shelved for the time being, Real Madrid are being linked with a number of striking alternatives. Ironically, a man who was on the losing side in that Champions League final is at the top of many lists. It’s been reported that Sadio Mane has told his teammates that he will be leaving

Righteous Brothers. 8. London, 9. Ounce, 10. Failed eye test. He was rejected when his x-ray vision mistakenly forced him to read an eye chart in another exam room. 11. Tuna, 12. Much ado about Nothing, 13. Syphilus, 14. Football, 15. A garment worn by male Hindus, consisting of a piece of material tied around the waist and extend-

ing to cover most of the legs. 16. Benedictine, 17. Birth, 18. He was born on 5 September 1946 in Stone Town, Zanzibar (now Tanzania), 19. A Hologram, 20. Released in 1984 "Michael Caine" spent 8 weeks in British charts, peaking at number eleven. 21. George Harrison with "My Sweet Lord", in January 1971.

Liverpool this summer. The Senegalese averages close to a goal every other game in six seasons with Anfield and that’s an exceptional return for a man who usually plays off Mohamed Salah. Elsewhere, Robert Lewandowski is another man who is widely linked with a switch to the Bernabeu. A veteran striker with a prolific record for Bayern Munich, it’s suggested that he’s looking for a new challenge. RB Leipzig’s Christopher Nkunku has also been linked with a move to Madrid. Real Madrid are always looking to improve their squad. 2021/22 was another productive season for the club but it’s clear that a busy summer transfer window is in prospect as Los Blancos look to successfully defend their major trophies.



Monday 13th - Sunday 19th June 2022


637 227 385

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