The Leader Newspaper 3 April 22 - Edition 965

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After 15 years serving the local community, one of the largest British companies in Spain, Overseas Imports S.L., has made the decision to close their Torrevieja store.

Overseas Supermarket, commonly referred to as “Iceland”, will close for good on 15 April at 6:00 p.m. The company points out in response to a question on their Facebook page, they have “no plans to close any of our other stores”. The Leader contacted Overseas for an official statement, and to ask what is happening to the staff, but the company failed to respond, so the Leader spoke to staff at the store on Friday.

Although the mood was largely upbeat, the staff members we spoke to blame the management for their lack of foresight, as they are of the belief that the decline in trade in the Torrevieja store is down to the opening of other shops in the surrounding areas, and whereas the residents of other municipalities used to flock to Torrevieja in the past, once they had a closer store, the fall in footfall began, with the Torrevieja store left to serve a declining population. Generally speaking, the staff are being relocated to other stores, they explained, although some are embarking on new work projects, the staff are all aware of their immediate futures, and although not happy, are unable to change the decision which they have no choice but to accept.

Overseas Imports started trading in the late 90s in Tenerife, and in July 2008, they opened what was their largest shop to date, with nearly 100 freezers, in Torrevieja. In recent months, the company reduced the physical size of the store by removing a number of aisles.

For Torrevieja to lose such a landmark store is another blow for the town that has shown a considerable decline in it’s British population.


No 965 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023
637 227 385
in our 20th year of keeping people safe and informed - The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper


In 2008, when the store opened in Torrevieja, the official figure from the National Statistics Institute stated that there were 12,550 residents in Torrevieja originally from the UK. Today, there are around 4,500, and that figure can be considered inflated as it includes those who have left but not removed themselves from the padrón. Brexit, both directly and indirectly, may have had an effect on the population decline, but the drop in Torrevieja was significant even before the vote. Eduardo Dolón, in local politics since 1999 and Mayor since 2011, apart from a 4-year period from 2015 when the Partido Popular was ousted by the opposition, has seen this decline for his entire tenure.

For the past few years, we have seen an obsession in spending millions in pop concerts and parties in Torrevieja, but nothing in terms of long-term foreign investment, and certainly nothing to encour-

age or help the Brits.

In response to the situation, Gitte Lund Thomson, the Councillor for International Residents in Torrevieja, pointed out that, “In Torrevieja we have many businesses opening. In Cortes Valencianas they are opening yet another supermarket. And then a KFC and a Burger King”.

“I think that the British population in Torrevieja now tend to buy their groceries in general supermarkets”.

“I think that at one point they had good offers in Iceland. They had competitive prices, so you could do a main shop in there”.

“The area where we have the most Brits is in San Luis, La Siesta, El Chaparral. And for people to go shopping they might as well travel into Quesada as Torrevieja”.

“From the town hall we promote many types of events. And hopefully there will be something of interest for all nationalities. This summer we have


"Heart of Gold"

For all the pets in Heaven

God required Paul's helping hands

He needed someone special

One who cares and understands

Somebody with a heart of gold

Someone with love to give

A man who'd sell his very soul

For someone else to live

In Paul God found the perfect man

Though knew he'd cause such grief

As those who loved this man so much

Would weep in disbelief

He touched the hearts of everyone

Who met this shining star

His talent and his kindness

Were respected near and far

From Pantomime to West End stage

Miss Hannigan and Lily

At Battersea where dogs would be Affectionate and silly

To TV shows and touring shows

He really left his mark

So now that he has left us all

The spotlight's looking dark

But rest assured he'll carry on

On Heaven's massive stage

Surrounded by his faithful dogs

To start another page

Another life of giving love

Of caring and regard


Social media?

I don’t need ya On my mobile telephone. I go out with ‘friends’I meet –Not some disembodied ‘Tweet’. Facebook profile?

Something that I’ll Never ever contemplate.

Why would one use ‘Instagram’ When e-mail can avoid a scam? Then there’s ‘Linkedin’–I like inked-in Documents to read out loud. So, Tik-Tok and Whatsapp can all be discarded, Just talk with real people, you’ll be well rewarded.

Mike Shail - March 2023

To see your poem published on this page send to:

Reaggaeton Beach Festival and Brilla Torrevieja with Black Eyed Peas”.

Pablo Samper, mayoral candidate for Sueña Torrevieja, who hopes to oust Dolón in the May elections, puts the blame firmly at the door of the current government team, “I was born in Torrevieja in 1984, I have seen how my city has grown with the arrival of citizens from all over the world, especially from the United Kingdom”.

“Economic reasons, or Brexit, are no excuse for the Torrevieja government not having dedicated more efforts to integrate and ensure that the great British colony remains in our city, and does not abandon it, losing more than 6,000 inhabitants in recent years”.

“The closure of this supermarket is the culmination of a failure as a city, of a government that does not look to defend plurality, something that deeply saddens me and that I personally will try to change if I have the opportunity”.


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An Angel who has earned his wings By working very hard So Paul we won't forget you You're tucked safely in our heart And even if we never met you We will never be apart.

The former mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, came out on Friday, to call for an explanation into the fiasco surrounding the absence of mandatory vehicle insurance, which forced the Street Cleaning and MSW workers to leave their fleet of vehicles parked up in their depots, and the municipality with hundreds of bins full of uncollected rubbish.

All municipal vehicles belonging to the waste collection service were parked up on Tuesday evening when information came to light confirming that vehicle insurance policies had not been renewed following their expiry on 22 December last year, as a result of which the collection of waste was abandoned.

A spokesman said that the staff were completely unaware of the situation but when rumours began to circulate a simple check of vehicle license plates in council databases confirmed the situation to be true.

Bascuñana, said that the problem is not only with RSU vehicles but with the entire municipal vehicle fleet. "This is a very serious problem and we want to know how long the people of Orihuela are going to have to put up with this, and with a mayor, a government team, including Ciudadanos, who continually side-step their responsibilities and leave us stranded."

On Wednesday, the day following the

walk out by RSU workers, Mayoress Carolina Gracia appeared at a hastily arranged Press Conference to tell everybody that it was simply an ‘oversight’ and that the matter was now resolved. She said that that "an irregularity" had been found with the insurance of all municipal vehicles, which affected all council departments, but that it would be resolved during the day. As such the staff went back to work and The Wednesday overnight collections were carried out as normal.

However, on the following day, Thursday, just before midnight, shortly after the overnight shift got underway, all RSU trucks were once again returned to their depots following information passed to the unions, the UGT and CCOO union, from the Guardia Civil, Local Police and the insurer, that the vehicles still did not have the mandatory insurance.

One employee told the press, as he was preparing to fill out a report confirming that he had reported to work, but was unable to carry out his duties because of the lack of insurance, “we feel abandoned, they have lied to us."

Bascuñana went on to say that holding a press conference to flagrantly lie to the public is beyond belief, and now he is demanding that explana-

tions be given, that responsibilities are apportioned and that those responsible be held to account.

“People have the right to know what has and what does not have insurance and what would have happened if a public employee had an accident.”

He goes on to point out that this is not a one-off issue, but despite a PP demand for explanations the government has refused to answer.

“It is urgent that the Councillor for Heritage, José Aix, be dismissed, and that the mayoress resigns”. In addition, Bascuñana hopes that the General Directorate of Traffic will act after acknowledging that the vehicles had been driving around without insurance for three months.


It would also appear that the Labour Inspectorate has opened a file to find out what happened with the compulsory insurance of municipal employees. Uncertainty reigned all day Friday until minutes before the start of the night shift, when the workers were finally told that the policies had been issued. In a statement issue by the mayoress, also on Friday, she said that she had not lied in her previous announcement, as the insurance had been issued earlier in the week “but these things take time.” She also stated that the Council regretted the inconvenience caused!

Have you been affected by the lack of a waste collection service.?

How do you feel that the mayoress should now respond?

Email us your view at:

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Parking Warning for Guardamar

The Local Police in Guardamar del Segura are advising residents that controlled parking,the so-called Blue Zone,will once again be implemented in the town from 15 June.

The parking restrictions will be in place in the same zone as previous years,namely Calle Ingeniero Codorníu, la Libertad and Benamor urbanisation.

The reason the police are being prompt about the warning is that permit holders need to check the validity of their parking cards,and apply for a renewal,if appropriate,which will of course take time to process.

Bail refused for Brit accused of Orihuela Costa murder

400 students attend Pilar Careers Fair

Last Wednesday, Mayor José María Pérez Sánchez opened the latest biennial careers fail held in Pilar de la Horadada. This event provided an incredible opportunity for both job seekers and employers. The event had an impressive turnout attracting over 400 students and featuring a diverse range of companies, making it a resounding success

An Orihuela Court has refused bail to the 69-year-old alleged murderer of his wife in Orihuela Costa last Sunday morning.

Following his discharge from the Vinalopó hospital on Thursday, where he had been treated for a stab wound to his stomach, the man was transferred by the Security Forces to Orihuela where he was refused bail by the Superior Court of Justice (TSJCV).

The alleged murder of his 63-year-old


The advanced warning is to avoid a last-minute rush and ensure that those allowed to park in the zones can continue to do so without facing a fine.

wife, Anne Marie, was the first death of he year attributed to sexist violence in the Valencian Community, and the eleventh in Spain.

It occurred last Sunday morning around 4 a.m. following which the Civil Guard arrived at the property in La Florida, where the aggressor and the victim lived. They found the woman dead from several stab wounds.

The man was arrested when he tried to flee the home after which he was taken

to the Torrevieja Hospital and later to the Vinalopó hospital, in Elche, where he underwent surgery for a stab wound to his stomach.

The couple had resided in Spain since 2017 and although the alleged murderer appeared in the database of the Comprehensive Monitoring System in cases of Gender Violence (VioGen System) for a case dating back to 2019, it became inactive the following year due to the lack of a complaint by the victim, the deceased woman.

Los Montesinos Councillor Ana Belén Juárez attended the 1st Conference 'Women and Sports' where Luisa Terres Guerero and Lola Sanchez Noales gave talks.

"The conference shared the knowl-

Another Torrevieja Failure Highlighted by the Opposition

In their latest report highlighting how the current government of Eduardo Dolón are failing in their promises to the people of Torrevieja, mayoral candidate for Sueña Torrevieja, Pablo Samper, explains that not a single euro has been spent on the construction of the new municipal swimming pool, despite it being promised in 2020.

According to Samper, 3 years ago, the Partido Popular (PP) government team approved a budget allocation for the draft-

edge of these two great ambassadors of women's sports from the Vega Baja, Luisa Terrés Guerrero and Lola Sanchez Noales..

"The conference gave visibility to the barriers they face, leadership, health and media of sportswomen," said Ana Belén Juárez.

ing of the project of the new sports pool, amounting to 193,600 euro. The mayor committed to allocate the amount of 1,800,000 euro in the 2022 budget for the construction of the new pool.

Samper concludes by stating that "the mayor of Torrevieja is totally discredited and nobody believes him anymore.

Less than two months before the

There were recruitment stands from the Armed Forces, official organizations such as LABORA, the Chamber of Commerce, Europa Direct, CDT Torrevieja, the Official School of Languages, Convega, employment companies, training centres and academies from across the region and from neighbouring provinces. There were also many foundations and organizations related to employment and training for the disabled including the Once Foundation, the Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities and the AIDEMAR Special Employment Centre.

Participants also had the opportunity to attend presentations and participate in different dynamics developed by Pepe Riquelme, a coach specialised in employment

municipal elections all the residents of Torrevieja can see are the unfulfilled promises of Eduardo Dolón during these 4 years, however, he continues to promise millionaire investments with great fanfare, with acts and projects paid for with the money of all of Torrevieja".

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The man appeared in court in Orihuela Mayoral candidate for Sueña Torrevieja, Pablo Samper
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 PAGE 5 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


The Ribera health group, who previously managed the Torrevieja public hospital before the regional Government reverted it back to being public run, has opened their new million-euro private medical centre not in Torrevieja, the former hub of their operation, but rather in Rojales.

The new health centre, located in Ciudad Quesada, offers a complete portfolio of services with medical and surgical specialties, it has high diagnostic technology and a team of professionals with experience in different Ribera hospitals.

The clinic is equipped to offer complete health care to people who reside or enjoy their holidays in the south of the province of Alicante. Its location is in a privileged natural environment. One of the motivating factors for the location is, according to the group, the fact that Rojales is also an area key for international residents, so the centre is prepared to care for patients in different languages, in addition to having agreements with many different insurance companies.

Ribera Ciudad Quesada has a clinical team with experience in different hospitals. Many of them are professionals with knowledge of the Vega Baja area, who worked with Ribera during the management period of the Torrevieja hospital and

its network of health centres.

According to the Project Director, Pepa Soriano, "Ribera returns to the Torrevieja and Vega Baja area with a care project designed to meet the needs of patients who require quality care, without waiting and with the confidence of the group's professionals.”

Torrevieja town hall were against the reversal of the hospital, a decision made at a regional level, and no comment has been made as to why Ribera have chosen Rojales over Torrevieja, as their new location.

The World Returns to Montesinos

On Saturday, April 15, one of the most popular international events returns to the main square, "El mundo en tu plaza". The Department of Social Services has been working for months to organise this great intercultural event that will bring together numerous nationalities in Plaza Sagrado Corazón and Avda de La Marquesa. Everyone is invited, of all nationalities, to come together to enjoy gastronomic tastings, dance performances, traditional music and a unique atmosphere at Los Montesinos throughout the day.


Torrevieja’s Los Verdes green party has released images that show the state of degradation of the eco-park on the outskirts of the town, and how it is now being used as an illegal dump.

The greens report how they have received numerous images that show the degree of deterioration and misuse at the eco-park, as a result, they say, of the new multi-million waste collection contract.

They say that the area is not being used as an eco-park to recycle, as established by the norm, and once again failing to comply with the specifications assigned for which the town receive a whopping 25 million euro.


Parent´s associations representing pupils at the IES Libertas, CEIP Nuestra Señora Del Rosario and CEIP Ciudad Del Mar in Torrevieja, AMPAS, held an extraordinary meeting to discuss problems which they feel are affecting the education of children in the municipality.

The meeting was to respond to images published in the media, showing the state of part of the building destined to become classrooms of the IES Libertas. The fundamental motivation of the meeting was to share the feelings of the parents who leave their children in the Institute every day knowing that there is a risk to their health.

Amongst the actions proposed is a protest at the school gates, as well as demanding a better flow of information to address the concerns or parents.

28th International Youth Habaneras Contest

Details of the 28th International Youth Habaneras Contest, the "small" contest, to be held on 22 April, were announced last week, where the "Coro Sinfonía" of the Escuela Coral Municipal, directed by Selena Cancino Escobar, will perform at the Torrevieja Municipal Theatre, alongside choirs from Asturias, Madrid, Andalusia and Macedonia.

The sale of tickets for the concerts are already available at the price of 5 euro. They can be purchased at the Municipal Theatre box office, located in Plaza Miguel Hernández, from

Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (preferably with a card), also "on line" on the website of the Board of Habaneras, ( ) and by email For reservations, phone: 673 931 618 at the box office.

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Alicante to USA by Air Black Eyed Peas in Torrevieja

The Black Eyed Peas, will be playing in Torrevieja this summer, headlining the third edition of the Brilla Torrevieja festival. The popular beat combo, with more than 40 million monthly listeners on Spotify and six Grammy Awards, will perform on August 11 at the Parque Antonio Soria, one of only four concerts the band will perform in Spain to promote their latest album, "Elevation", Brilla Torrevieja will undoubtedly annoy the neighbours who don’t want to listen to music

drowning out their peace and quiet from July 30 to August 20 with performances by Melendi, India Martínez and Loquillo. Tickets for the concert went on sale yesterday, Sunday, April 2.

The president of the Alicante employers' association UEPAL, César Quintanilla, has said that if the Generalitat promotes an airline between the United States and the Valencian Community, the hub must be at the Alicante-Elche Miguel Hernández airport. In a statement, Quintanilla spoke of the interest that the US market is arousing in the real estate, tourism and industrial sectors of the province, adding that Alicante has one of the most important airports in Spain in terms of passenger volume, currently the fifth in the country by the number of passengers, and with excellent connections with all European capitals.

UEPAL joins numerous organizations in the province that are calling for this initiative, including Provia.

"The connectivity of the Alicante-Elche air-

port is closely linked to residential and hotel tourism, which increasingly attracts US citizens," said Quintanilla, who said that they should "join forces and work on this development that would allow the Costa Blanca to open this market, given that there is a growing interest of US citizens in coming to our municipalities, enjoying our surroundings and the wealth of our province".

At the last meeting with the president of the Alicante Chamber of Commerce, Carlos Baño, UEPAL requested their assistance with the preparation of a report that endorses the Elche-Alicante airport since "without a doubt, for the province and the whole of the Valencian Community, facilitating our territory with direct connections with North America would be a major plus, as we are already a reference for all of Europe”.

Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 PAGE 7 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

How Many Hearts Do You Have?

Playing cards with my doctor can be confusing at times. When he suddenly says, "You've only got one heart," I'm not sure whether he is startled by my bid of 4 no trump or advising me to take it easy with the wine. Or perhaps both at the same time.

Hearts are tricky things, no bridge pun intended. Your heart is the part of you that doesn't stop working, even when the rest of you has retired. It may slow down during the night shift but it never nods off.

"I believe that the heart does go on," warbled Celine Dion, sounding like a 1st-year medical student, yet ironically singing about the Titanic. But in general terms she knew what she was talking about. It was the boat that didn't go on, after all.

How jealous must your heart feel sometimes, when it sees your feet going to sleep in the middle of the day? Or your brain taking a nap after a partly-liquid lunch? (Hope you weren't driving.) Any time your ticker berates you for nodding off and leaving it to cope alone before bedtime, do what I do -- attribute your drowsiness to some boring TV programme, there's enough of them around.

How many times can one unemployed family afford to

give their house a complete makeover?

You can always blame your age. I once saw a young Chinese colleague in Hong Kong pluck at the skin on the back of his hand and out of curiosity I did likewise to my hand.

Cliff Kwan's skin snapped back, whereas mine descended at the pace of a tortoise carrying a snail on its back. As you get older, even your skin slows down, which is how I explain my poor performance at snakes and ladders or any game played with dice.

The heart, of course, is popularly considered to be the repository of all emotion, particularly love, although no matter how often young hearts are broken, they always seem to mend relatively quickly -- it's the story of young skin's resilience all over again.

Scots aren't born romantics -you may have heard -- and when asked the easiest way to a Scotsman's heart, my doctor's straight-faced reply was, "Through his fourth and fifth ribs."

It is a daunting thought, during the wee small witching hours of the night, that starting with a slap from a midwife, our cardiac muscle has to keep pumping the red stuff ceaselessly throughout the rest of our body for the rest of our life.

Make sure you're sitting down now, before I remind you that one hundred thousand heartbeats send four thousand gallons through seventy-five thousand miles of blood vessels each day, even when we are lounging on a sunbed making our skin a little less elastic. It all seems like a terribly exhausting effort when I put it like that, and I'm not surprised

you've sat down. Completely understandable, if some days our heart just isn't in it. But take heart, nonetheless, all of us are still here, beating the odds.

The human heart is a lifelong optimist. I can almost hear the bookmakers laughing, but then I've never met a bookie with a heart.

The XXVedition of the Torrevieja Book Fair, held in Paseo Vista Alegre, is now open until Sunday 9 April 2023.

The opening hours are Monday to Wednesday 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and Thursday to Sunday 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Atotal of 8 bookstore booths (LibrerÌa BuendÌa, AsociaciÛn de Escritores Alas de Papel, Las mil y una libros, PapelerÌa Torrevieja, LibrerÌa Trini, LibrerÌa Santos Ochoa, LibrerÌa Baigorri y LibrerÌa Rivendel) will be installed on Paseo Vista Alegre, in addition to a tent next to the Coralista monument, where the activities programmed at this Book Fair will take place.

All those people who make purchases at the fair will enter competition to win more books.


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S a n F u l g e n c i o ’ s D r o n e s & D r u m s

San Fulgencio town hall is expanding training courses which are aimed at the younger members of the community, with two being highlighted of particular interest, on drones and drums (not at the same time).

The drone workshop, which is free to attend, is aimed at those aged 12 to 30, and will take place in the Social Centre on 29 April, starting at 10:00 in the morning.

On the other hand, and also for those from 12 to 30 years of age, if you fancy making a lot of noise them maybe ìbatucadaî will suit, because that course will start on 6 May at 5:00 p.m., in the Union

Musical de San Fulgencio. In case you donít know, and weíre pretty confident you do, but just in caseÖ Batucada is a substyle of samba and refers to a percussive style, usually performed by an ensemble, known as a bateria.

Batucada is characterised by its repetitive style and fast pace. As is Samba, the Batucada is a Brazilian musical expression with African roots.

If you have seen any of the carnival or celebratory parades in recent years, you are most likely to have seen a bateria performing in the procession.

Easter Fun Day in CC La Fuente

Since moving from Slough to Spain a few years ago with her husband and daughter, Hayley Davies has continuously felt the need to help others. In July 2020, she set up a Facebook group called ‘Ladies Who Lunch’ which enabled people to make new friends and have monthly meet ups. Also through her group, she has hel-

ped various charities throughout the Orihuela Costa by organizing fun days.

Some up and coming events include an 80’s disco, Music Bingo and Afternoon Tea.

Once again, she has put her thinking cap on and this time the charity to benefit from her ideas is The Orihuela Costa Food Bank, in association with Orihuela Costa Aid. Her Easter Charity Fayre takes place Wednesday 12th April at The Stray Sod, La

Lots of stalls both inside and out, food, great entertainment, tombola, chocolate treats and games for the kids, large raffle and much more. There is no need to book, just turn up on the day.

If you would like a stall at this amazing event, you can contact Hayley at

It’s guaranteed to be a fun day out for all of the family whilst helping people in need.

Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Fuente. Hayley Davies


Iwould not like to be the editor of this newspaper: I wouldn’t like to be the editor of any newspaper. Now, if you happen to be a card carrying member of any conspiracy theorist club, you will already have conjured the above sentence to mean, ‘yer man is after his boss’s job.’ That’s how these people think; they look for the opposite meaning in everything. Let me say it once again, the greatest casualty of the past decade is the truth.

It is becoming ever more difficult for a newspaper to have facts and truth accepted and to be objective when in competition with the dynamics of Twitter and Facebook. One ‘alternative fact’ is posted somewhere for every good news report in your mainstream paper. Journalists spend a lot of time factchecking before an important news story is published, but the opposite is the case on social media.

Readers also have to be able to differentiate between a columnist, who offers an opinion, and a journalist who hunts down a news story. This is why good newspaper reporters are known as ‘newshounds.’

‘There are two sides to the story’, said a woman who recently rebuked me. The fact that by any stretch of imagination I was 95 per cent in the right, didn’t prevent there being ‘another side to it.’ So today’s ceist is, does the proportion of what is right and who is wrong make any difference to the balance of the argument? Or are there just ‘two sides to it’ and each one with an equal right no matter how lopsided?

Maintaining objectivity and balance must


Rally’s held to condemn British woman’s murder.

Rally’s were held on Tuesday in Orihuela and Orihuela Costa, to condemn the murder of a 64-year-old British woman on Sunday.

In Orihuela it was attended by Carolina Gracia, mayoress of Orihuela, as well as Araceli Poblador, Subdelegate of the province of Alicante and Modesta Salazar, head of the Violence against Women Unit of the Sub-delegation of Alicante.

surely be an editor’s greatest headache; and this begs my question as to whether are not the nut-cases, conspiracy theorists, the far right, racists, and those who are against everything, are entitled to the same airtime as truthful facts? These misfits probably only make up the same 5 per cent as did the woman’s argument.

Newspaper editors and responsible journalists do take that said same responsibility very seriously. Serving the public interest is the key measure of good journalism and by and large, Irish newspaper, both national and provincial, have done the job well. But the big danger now is in deciding where to draw the line in how much coverage to give the way-out right wing propaganda … the 5 percent side.

Can you believe that anti-immigration protest groups are now starting to picket the offices of Irish media organisation over what they claim is bias and lack of balance in reporting the refugee situation? God Almighty … do they never look at TV images of what is happening to innocent human beings in Ukraine? But there again, you still have holocaust deniers claiming that the German extermination camps never happened. The point again is; should these bayers of bile get equal press? In America now, less and less of the population want to read or hear unbiased news. They confine their listening to where their opinions and prejudices are confirmed. Fox News carries the message of the Republican Party – and despite its proven false reporting, it isn’t far enough to the right for some Trump supporters. CNN, whilst unapologetically taking the Democrat line,

Multi-million e project for Vega Baja

President Ximo Puig visited Guardamar to announce new investments with phase II of the Vega Renhace Plan.

The plan includes the restoration of the riverbed and elimination of the reeds between Rojales and Guardamar with an additional 12 million for the repair of channels and ditches. Also included in the plan are the Flood protection project for the urban area of San Fulgencio; and the Vega Baja Hospital.

does manage to sail closer to truthful news. Meanwhile, back to our own little cabbage patch. It is absolutely vital that local newspapers thrive and prosper. American politician, Bernie Saunders, has written about the ‘news deserts’ in the US.

Mr Saunders goes to great lengths to show that where local newspapers disappear, the void is being filled with disinformation. Could it happen here? It will be a bad day if it does and so it is up to all of us to ensure it doesn’t. And while we are on the subject, the reporting of court proceedings is a key feature in democracy and this coverage should be included in your newspaper. There is a public-interest obligation involved. We stated at the outset that there is meant to be a big difference between an opinion column and good journalism; but many good


Los Montesinos town hall published details of their tapas route, which will see bars and restaurants offering a snack and a drink for a special low price of 3 euro in April.

The Route will be held on April 21-23, with a total of 19 bars and restaurants taking part.

To join you should pick up a little brochure, available from the town hall, and then make sure you get a stamp in the venues you visit.

Irish journalists do have that gift of being able to slot in their slant while also doing very professional reporting. This leads to a more engaging read.

Of course an awful lot depends on the individual take put on the story. Statistics is the father of many different stories – and I am reminded again of the man who said; ‘statistics are like a bikini … they reveal what is suggestive – and conceal what is vital!’ Giving out about your ‘local rag’ is allowed. ‘Nothing different this week only the date’, and so on. But as Bernie Saunders says, our community will be much the worse for losing our own newspapers with its dedicated and fair reporting.

Don’t Forget

Truth does not need a defender – only an

Brush Up on Ukrainian for Your Costa Blanca Holiday

Easter has brought concern to hoteliers across the Costa Blanca, because of a lack of catering staff, kitchen and waiting on staff. However the arrival of refugees from Ukraine has been a breath of fresh air. Alex Fratini spokesperson for the Association of Bars & Restaurants in Benidorm "We have hired Ukrainians who don’t know Spanish but who do speak English, which has worked very well"

PAGE 10 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Former Prime Minister Visits Orihuela Costa

Your Social Platform

Here are a few selected comments from our social media platforms. This week,your comments regarding the closure of the beach bars in Orihuela…

Ian John Booty

We had a similar occurrence in Lanzarote a few years ago and had to go to the supermarket to buy our own sun beds…..well chairs!

Caroline Francis

St Patrickís Day Parade

In response to a follower of the Leader Newspaper who had a letter published in last Monday’s edition, where he lambasted and ridiculed our St Patrick's day celebrations this year; what the same gentleman does not realise is that it has been four year's since we have had the celebrations here because of covid and inclement weather last year, and over those four years a lot of rules and regulations have changed, as happens in Spain on a weekly basis never mind a four year absence.

recycling bins in their place. Clearly, I was not the only person taken by surprise, judging by the number of rubbish bags dumped on the street where the bins once were.

After about a day, I discovered new bins, but they are now about 3 times as far away, at the end of the street, and given my advanced years, it is really difficult for me to walk that extra distance. When I do get there, I now have to try and press a metal bar with my foot to try and open the bin, which is almost impossible because I am not as fit as I once was.

The former Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg, visited the Orihuela Costa on Wednesday to attend an informal meeting with the Norwegian residents in the area.

The event was hugely popular with the local community, attracting attendees from the surrounding area, including Torrevieja, who were also represented by the Councillor for International Residents, Gitte Lund Thomsen (pictured above, with the former PM).

Erna Solberg is currently the leader of the opposition in Norway, having served as their 35th Prime Minister from 2013 to 2021.

Same every year.Time for independence for the Costa!

Derek Mc Mahon

Disgraceful the way the coast is treated.

The council in Orihuela seems to be surprised when Easter and summer arrive.

Alyson Davies

Deja vu.It was a shambles in 2018 to get the contract awarded and then open.

Craig Beazeley

I wonder if Spain are purposely trying to kill tourism.

To read more comments,and add your own,follow The Leader on Facebook,

These changes include regulations regarding floats, which have to be licenced and insured to take part in the parade for three hours, on the route that is privatised for the parade. Many people do not understand the work and effort that goes into organising St Patrick's day celebrations, not just in Cabo Roig but around the world

To those who felt disappointed with the parade, it was not the committee or organisers fault It was because of the protocol involved.

Hopefully next year we will have another fantastic St Patrick's day celebrations

Slan go fol mo chairde AParade Organiser (EDITOR:This response appeared on a public Facebook post and has been reproduced here in the interest of providing a balanced view.)

Brilliant Atmosphere

The Saint Patrick’s parade gives us all a great reason to come together in one place and to have fun. The celebration is always good humoured, the music and the craic are electric and the atmosphere is brilliant. Sometimes the content of the parade itself can be more varied, more entertaining, with a greater number of acts, some flow smoother than others but only those who have attended multiple parades can judge that.

I hope the prediction of the man who wrote the letter to the Leader last week is proved wrong next year and the Saint Patrick’s Day parade gets bigger and better run in future years than it was this year.

Disappearing Dustbins

I want to bring your attention to something in the hope you can get somebody to explain the farce I am living through in Torrevieja, and farce is being polite.

I have lived on an urbanisation for many years and our dustbins have always been in the same place, more or less, about 100 yards from my front door.

A few weeks ago, and without warning, the dustbins just disappeared, leaving just the two

How can the bins be moved without warning, and how can this be better when it is no so inconvenient for me and my neighbours to use, and rubbish is still being left on the road. This is going to be a nightmare in summer when the tourists come back and they don’t know where to put their rubbish!

In my opinion, Torrevieja is now rubbish compared to how it used to be a few years ago.

Chiringuito stalemate

I dont know the history of the Chiringuito contract on the Orihuela Costa over the last decade but I do know that in the years since I have moved close to the coast, whenever I have visited a beach bar operated by Chiringuitos del Sol the service and the facilities they provide have always been exemplary.

I, for one, cannot understand why the Orihuela Council chose to close the service down at the end of last year.

Surely it would have made far more sense to allow their continuation until such time as the new tender had been resolved and the contract put in place. I feel so sorry for the many employees of the company who are now out of work and no doubt, with their families, struggling to make ends meet.

But then, nothing that this inept council decides to do surprises me very much, anymore. I will certainly be voting in the upcoming elections and I can assure you it will not be for one of the established parties, none of which have exactly covered themselves in glory over recent years in their dealings with the coast.


Yes, the Council could have done better. But I think also that the clichéd comment about councillors "collecting their fat salaries and posing in front of the camera" is a tad juvenile.

Orihuela Costa Beach Bars

It is a disgrace, no toilets, nowhere to buy water. I see they are still flying blue flag, this should be removed. It is like living in a third world country. They must be breaking EU laws.

Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
letters letters Email:
Councillor Gitte Lund Thomsen with Ema Solberg

Arts & Culture &

Terracotta Warrior Exhibition opens in Alicante

With more than 120 pieces from 9 museums MARQ brings to Spain the famous Chinese terracotta figures in a "unique" exhibition.

Centuries before King Qin became the first emperor of China, in the year 221 BC, the belief in an afterlife was already widespread across the country. That meant, for the wealthiest, taking to the grave everything they needed to guarantee their survival. From food to cooking equipment while animals, slaves and concubines were sacrificed and buried next to their master.

When Qin came to power, the belief did not decline, but it did introduce a subtle change, which was to substitute ceramic images for elements of reality. So we can now understand what the Terracotta Warriors are and why they were created.

Professor Marcos Martinón-Torres, from Cambridge University, explained the history of the warriors to the president of the Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón, when he had a preview of the exhibition ‘The legacy of the Qin and Han dynasties. The warriors of Xian,’ which opened its doors on Tuesday at the MARQ, Alicante’s Archaeological Museum.

The exhibits are a "unique" sample, of more than 120 pieces from 9 Chinese museums, "which is presented for the first time in the world " and which "has never

been seen as it is in Alicante".

And not only because of the seven original warriors and one horse that are on display or because it is the first time in almost a decade that they have been seen in Spain, or because it is the first time that these soldiers have left Xian since 2018 . The famous warriors of Xian, of which 1,500 of the 8,000 estimated to exist, have been excavated, which involved removing earth equivalent to 5,000 truckloads, are nothing more than an "accessory" element found at the entrance of the Qin emperor's mausoleum, built on an area of 100 square kilometres.

“It is an authentic city that was built to live in the afterlife, with palaces, canals, a pyramid with the tomb of the emperor 60 metres high, which is still unexcavated, and at the entrance the terracotta army to defend him”.


Tickets for the exhibition - open until January 2024 - can be purchased on the web,, and are priced at 5 euros or 8 euros for a guided visit. Guided tours, for 25 people, are every half hour, between 10 am and 6 pm. The MARQ opens from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sundays and holidays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. From June 15, it will be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The Parade is coming to Cardenal Belluga Theatre

If you are looking for a great night of musical theatre, look no further than Studio32ís forthcoming production of ëHello Dollyí, coming to the Cardenal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio from Wednesday 31st of May until Saturday 3rd of June, doors open at 7:00pm curtain up 7:30pm.

This show is guaranteed to make you laugh and put a spring in your step with a very funny story line, great musical numbers and energetic dance routines. Pictured are members of Studio32ís Male Ensemble who are looking forward to making this a performance to remember. To book tickets online for our show

please visit: or email or call Linda on 679 062 272 For those of you unsure of how to use our system you can call into The Post Box in Dona Pepa, or Quesada Tech where someone will be on hand to assist you with booking tickets.

You could also come along to one of our rehearsals at Casa Contenta, Rojales, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7:30pm and 9:30pm where someone will be available to assist you.

A funny story, great music and energetic dance routines

PAGE 12 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Watching Your Driving!

As the roads are starting to get a little busier in the pre-Easter rush, it´s worth taking note that allowing extra time for your journey is the only solution to arriving at a destination on time, and not driving faster to get there.

The roads of Spain are protected by a network of cameras and electronic devices, some in fixed locations, others which are mobile and can be deployed in a matter of minutes, and so, for those who choose not to abide by the law, the chances of getting caught are increasing all the time.


Fixed speed cameras are the most numerous, with over 1,400 in operation according to the latest date from the DGT. They are normally installed on gantries (next to variable information signs) or on the side of the road.

The good news is that drivers are warned about the location of these cameras by any means possible. There will be signs on the approach, and a list is published on the DGT

website. Plus, mapping apps for your mobile phone are allowed to warn of the presence of this type of camera. The reason, quite simply, is because these cameras are installed in areas prone to incidents, and so are designed to act more as a deterrent than enforcement. To slow cars down in dangerous locations. The more modern cameras also monitor for other offences such as seat belt use, mobile phones, and can monitor traffic in both directions.


There are a number of different mobile devices available to those policing the roads, such as the Velolaser portable radar equipment which can be installed on a tripod of affixed to the guardrail, amongst other places, and other devices that operate from within the vehicles monitoring traffic, such as Guardia Civil cars, some of which are unmarked, and now includes, as has been the case for around a year now, camouflaged


There are also helicopters, many fitted with the Pegasus equipment, and drones now in use for monitoring and enforcing traffic law. No warning is given over the presence of these devices and the ownership of radar detectors is illegal in Spain.


Section cameras are similar to fixed cameras, but rather than recording speed at a single point, they record the vehicle entering a zone, the “section”, and again leaving the area, calculating the average speed of the vehicle between both points by comparing the timestamp issued on the entry and exit to the section, and if the vehicle didn´t take as long as expected, then it was clearly exceeding the speed limit at some point.


Speeding fines are generally considered administrative offences and will result in a fine of between 100 and 600 euro, with discounts for prompt payment. Drivers with a foreign licence do not qualify for discounts and will have to pay the fine on the spot to the traffic officer.

Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385



ANSWERS Week 964


ACROSS: 6 Control; 7 Angel; 9 Egg; 10 Faultless; 12 Extravagant; 15 Carnivorous; 17

Surrender; 19 Wit; 21 Unity; 22 Villain.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Bough; 2 Sty; 3 Sofa; 4 Analogous; 5 Peasant; 8 Sliver; 11 Exonerate; 13 Ravine; 14 Calumny; 16 Pixie; 18 Evil; 20 Sly.


ACROSS: ACROSS: 6 Notices; 7


1.Document (10)

7.Small weight (5)

8.Revel (7)

10.Make easy (8)

11.Fad (4)

13.Inflict (6)

15.Seek (6)

17.Standard (4)

18.Soporific (8)

21.Adjective (7)

22.Month (5)

23.Consistently (10)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23


1.Musical note (5)

2.Unnecessary (8)

3.Conflict (6)

4.Foray (4)

5.Ewer (7)

6.Moral sense (10)

9.Tumbledown (10)

12.Liking (8)

14.Porch (7)

16.Kine (6)

19.Late (5)

20.Footwear (4)

Major; 9 Sky; 10 Lacerated; 12 Run for cover; 15 Personality; 17 Slow-match; 19 Way; 21 Afire; 22 Attacks.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Soaks; 2 Tip; 3 Leda; 4 Layabouts; 5 However; 8 Petrol; 11 Guess-work; 13 Finial; 14 Well-off; 16 Tanks; 18 Cite; 20 Cat.


1.Criminal fellow with an agent (10)

7.Don't prevent Lola getting diverted to the west (5)

8.Keep out of sight at one time in a short visit (7)

10.How to offend against religious laws completely (8)

11.They cool down ardent followers (4)

13.Works as a budding producer (6)

15.The minister is Father S. Hill (6)

17.Conservative attempt to hold the ring (4)

18.Puppets used at the students' carnival? (3-5)

21.They provide sustenance for consumers about the end of the afternoon (7)

22.On no occasion producing a piece of Alexandrine verse (5)

23.These areas will produce the pansy (6-4)


1.Mail diverted to north Italian location (5)

2.Actions to fulfil the requirements in the regulations (8)

3.It's easy to keep the account in line (6)

4.See 20 Down.

5.Be too dramatic concerning a law (7)

6.Presumably not describing close observers (3-7)

9.What remains when all other holiday places are fully booked! (4,6)

12.Flowering plant requiring a change in the drainage (8)

14.Organise a place for shooting, we hear (7)

16.Goes beyond the mountain routes (6)

19.Early reception on the Embankment! (5)

20 and 4Dn. These could revolutionise the bar scene! (4-4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. Which Hollywood child star played the little girl in the 1947 Christmas film Miracle on 34th Street?

2. Mitchum and Pepper are both examples of what?

3. The fairy with turquoise hair appears in Carlo Collodi's book, The Adventures of Pinocchio. What is she called in the Disney film?

4. Which edible product was first created to celebrate a French victory over the English at Port Mahon?

5. Who said it? a: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Whose take on life? b: Who explained his theories thus: "When a man sits with a pretty girl for a minute it seems like an hour. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute - and it's longer than any hour." c: Of what was General Bousquet speaking when he observed, "C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre" (It is magnificent, but it isn't war)? d: Which king modestly asserted "L'etat, c'est moi"? e: Who supposed that "Golf is a good walk spoiled"?

6. In Brazil, what is Pelada?

7. What is Jabulani, first introduced on the 5th of December 2009?

8. What do the film characters Vince Vega (Pulp Fiction) and Donald Genero (Jurassic Park) have in common?

9. Which old fashioned weapon is found on the flag of the Barbados?

10. Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka, was at one time a colony of which three European countries?

11. With the aid of the following lyrics, name the girl in each song.

a. Who's trippin down the streets of the city smilin at everbody she sees. b. That gypsy with the gold capped tooth. c. She was a red hot hoochie coocher.

12. Who painted the actual work of art entitled 'The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in the Sun' found in the film Red Dragon?

13. The U2 song 'Angel of Harlem' is a tribute to which woman?

14. Queen Elizabeth II met eleven of the last twelve US Presidents during their term in office. Which of the last twelve did she not meet?

15. The following words are from which Christmas songs? a. Star with royal beauty bright. b. Follow me in merry measure.

c. I don't care about presents underneath the Christmas tree. d. Please have snow and mistletoe, and presents on the tree. e. The world in solemn stillness lay, to hear the angels sing.

16. Who has won a record nine Golden Raspberry awards for worst actress?

17. Former Communist Party member Traian Basescu (pronounced: Try-Yan Bar-Sess-Goo) was re-elected as president of which country on the 6th of December 2009?

18. The character Dr. Heywood Floyd appears in which two films?

19. For which film or films did each of the following people win Oscars: a: Hilary Swank, Best Actress (x2 films). b: Steven Spielberg, Best Director (x2 films). c: Robert Duvall, Best Actor. d: Louise Fletcher, Best Actress. e: Warren Beatty, Best Director 20. Which four Beatles songs have the word 'bird' in the title?

PAGE 14 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, English-speaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: www.

Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain


Los Montesinos - La Herrada

2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, Galleria.

Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport, Priced to sell at E79,995

Tel: +34 634 383 099.Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744.

Cello Lessons required for mature student. Call David Last on 638 108 078

people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


Experienced cook required for The Laughing Leprechaun, Cabo Roig. To apply call +34 651 135 687 or email CVto: laughingleprechaun23@gmail .com

Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and

Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website

Walker Rollator, perfect condition. 55 Euros. Mil Palmeras, Tel. 628 110 078

PAGE 16 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Sun King with a profusion of vivid yellow clusters!

Sophora microphylla - Sun King - is an extremely large hardy semi evergreen shrub, or small tree with a broad, bushy habit. It keeps some of its foliage all year, as well as dropping some leaves, which grow to 15cm, with up to 40 pairs of glossy dark green leaflets.

It has a profusion of vivid yellow clusters of claw-like flowers, 5cm long, with pretty protruding anthers, borne in short, drooping racemes, over a long period in late winter and spring.

The shrub grows to a height of 3m, with a similar spread of 3m, in any light well draining soil.

Ideal to grow against a south west wall, in full sun, protecting the plant from cold, dry winds.

They are easy to care for and are low maintenance. Water once weekly, ensuring soil is kept relatively moist, but not waterlogged.

As Sophora is slow growing, there should be no need for pruning, until it is necessary for

re-shaping purposes.

Easy to propagate from softwood cuttings, which are taken in spring and early summer, from the tender new growth of the season. If potted by mid-summer they will develop sufficient roots to survive the winter, otherwise pot-up the following spring.

Ref: 001562 e425,000


Totally refurbished 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, villa with large southfacing terrace.

Airconditioning and heating, all new windows, completely insulated. Underbuild with 2 additional rooms.

Garage and access to seperate garden area, part of which is used for bed and breakfast.

PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023


‘If’! The pandemic had not happened, for certain billions of pounds would not have been burnt in fighting it. Would Boris Johnson still be PM with his Brexit dream becoming a strong reality. As none of that happened, we watched as Boris was torn to pieces by enraged members of his own party. He was replaced by Liz Truss who had the idea of reducing taxes to ease the financial burden of the people and of making the country work again. One cannot help wondering ‘if’ that could have worked, but the savages were at it again and her term as Prime Minister in office became the shortest in nine hundred years of the British Parliament.

I wonder what the game plan was - ‘if’ there was one, when the current British Prime Minister whose income, we are told, in the past year was two million pounds – let me put that into perspective, it would pay my 850-euro Spanish Council Tax (Suma) for 2,353 years. We are also told he has paid less tax on earnings than a nurse does.

So why did he want to be leader of the country? Is it a game to see ‘if’ he can do it, but is he dedicated to reducing the people’s daily financial burden. I can’t help feeling ‘if’ in his heart, it is to grow the country he is governing, then surely, he would set an example and pay British taxes, and thereby encourage others using offshore facilities to do the same. The games people play are a daily part of life, obvious really, and of course they are so varied. So much so that our son in law plays darts, and he is good at it. Me, I used to play chess, but it was difficult to find someone to play with, not because I was good, exactly the opposite as my strategy was not strong enough and I would not give them an exciting game, well that’s not quite true I used to win sometimes.

As a young businessman golf seemed to be the thing, never mind the cost, but when the heavens opened halfway round, with thunder and lightning, I decided it was not for me, back to chess.

Then there are games which are really events and played without rules; the world is awash with them. Rioting in the street is seen on news broadcasts frequently in a multitude of countries, where the game plan is to change a government, or its proposed legislation, as seen in France at the present time protesting against the need to work for another two years, until retirement at sixty-four. They should be so lucky, it’s far longer than that in the United Kingdom.

What game was the Russian Despot playing in Ukraine when he invaded it and ‘if’ the Western World had taken him seriously and met with a force equal to his at the border before the invasion, to create a stalemate. It is my belief that history would have different - instead the West thought sanctions would bring him to heel.

However, for any action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so the tyrant gets in bed with the Chinese and offers them all the companies that once belonged to businesses in the West. Xi Jimping, thought Christmas had come, or at least another Chinese New Year.


I would think most people are afraid of fire, myself probably more than most. My grandfather died when trapped in an attic and the house burned down. I have vivid memories as a child in my bedroom when the hallway caught fire and in our early married life, we lost eight friends when they were in an upstairs room and there was no escape.

Living in a detached property with fields either side, it is com-

Plastic Arts Exhibition at the Virgen del Carmen

As the current course comes to an end on Friday,March 31,the Exhibition of the students attached to the Department of Plastic Arts of the IES Mediterráneo, "Artistas en proceso",will be inaugurated at the Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre,at 7:00 p.m. Although most of the work presented corresponds to students of the Bachelor of Arts,works from other levels and subjects are also exhibited.

The main objective of the exhibition is to show the diversity of languages that Art and Design use to communicate,express and represent; but,in addition,it highlights not only the work and the critical look of the students but also,and very importantly, the effort of the teaching staff in ensuring that year after year this sample is exceeded in quality and variety,optimising time and resources.

The exhibition thus becomes a laboratory where students and teachers interact to experience theory in practice.

forting to see they are kept ploughed and clear of undergrowth.

It was a Wednesday and we had been pottering around all morning with a plan to do some shopping plus having lunch out somewhere. Unknown to us, our neighbour who lives to the front of us, saw the farmer at eight o’clock in the morning light a bonfire in the field next to our garden on the other side of the boundary to where the pool is.

Three and a half hours later we eventually got ready to go out and decided, first we would have another cup of coffee –‘if’ we had not had that drink then events would have been totally different.

Evidently the farmer had his bonfire and then, I am guessing, he thought the fire was out. But it was not totally. For four hours the fire had been smouldering in the undergrowth and slowly spread to the bushes surrounding our property. We were about to leave when flames started leaping out of the greenery. The smoke was billowing across the pool. Frightening to watch as it spread rapidly along the fence destroying part of it, the wind blowing it towards the house. The local police and then the fire people were expert in dealing with it.

The frightening thing, ‘if’ it had happened the following day we would have been out all day and there would have been nothing or nobody to stop it.


In a recent report one hundred and twenty barristers have formed an alliance of ‘declaration of conscience’ and are refusing to take to court, so called Eco Warriors. These top lawyers have also, according to the write up, are refusing to deal with anyone involved in oil or gas legislation. It appears they are not just happy arguing cases in Court; they wish to be the judge and jury as well.

When the people who are responsible for upholding justice in our Courts refuse the very function of operating it, then the country is slipping into anarchy, where the ‘woke’ attitude takes control - ‘do what you want when you want’. Take care. chattey

This year new subjects have been implemented for the Arts Baccalaureate.

As a consequence of this,new languages are incorporated into the exhibition that,taking advantage of the connections between the subjects related to the graphic,the plastic and the visual with subjects such as Performing Arts -and in relation to the Living Arts project that is being carried out carried out at the IES Mediterráneo- will value the relevance of HUMAN PRESENCE AND ACTION IN THE HERE AND NOW that compromises the language of performance.

The common thread of the "Artistas en proceso" this course is "the body".Materials,languages and agency (philosophy) are hybridised within the classrooms in a synergy capable of procuring the look towards that without which the human being will not be what he wants to be.

The exhibition will be open until 30 April in the Virgen del Carmen exhibition centre in Torrevieja.

PAGE 18 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


takes they never learned from, but only compounded. To get where we are today, not only did we have to fight the Spanish bureaucracy but also elements from Orihuela that were trying to obstruct the process, but after what seemed like a never-ending multitude of documents going back and forth, we were finally established as a legal political party for the Coast. It was only with resolve and determination that we overcame the many obstacles.

Now, the promise of a hopeful future is the motivation for P.I.O.C, with relationships based on 4 principles, RESPECT, UNDRESTANDING, ACCEPTANCE AND APPRECIATION, none of which has previously been shown to Orihuela Costa. The pursuit of dreams, knowing that what we do today will benefit Orihuela Costa for generations to

come. To do nothing is not in our souls; optimism is our faith and will lead to achievement, but nothing can be achieved without hope, confidence and your support.

There are many battles ahead of us as we edge closer to the elections, from parties who wish to derail us on our journey towards Independence, but the tougher the battle, the more resilient we will become, stronger together as one, we will not give up, we will not give in.

We have nothing to lose as we are currently shackled by Orihuela, but, by campaigning for Independence, we have everything to gain, for our future and the future of generations to come.


P.I.O.C was founded by like-minded people of many different nationalities one Saturday in November 2018. We had long considered setting up a political party with the purpose of improving the lives of those living in Orihuela Costa while nudging it along the road to Independence, knowing it was the only way to do so.

Several names were suggested, but in the end, we decided on “PARTIDO INDEPENDENCIA ORIHUELA COSTA”.


We are a very diverse party reflecting the

multicultural community that lives here on the coast, currently made up of 117 nationalities.

We believe that Orihuela Costa needs, and deserves, a political party fighting for the coast with the eventual aim of segregation from Orihuela, just like many other municipalities that border Orihuela Costa. These too were neglected, as they sought, and successfully gained their freedom, from Orihuela city.

P.I.O.C believe that the mistakes Orihuela made back then, in creating these splits, are still applicable today; mis-


Shoppers in Los Montesinos will be able to benefit from the latest bonus campaign, Bonoconsumo Los Montesinos 2023, that will begin on April 24 and end on June 30.

Vouchers can be purchased from April 24 to May 5, while stocks last, at the Los Montesinos Civic and Social

Centre from 9 am to 1:30 p.m.

Each person can obtain a maximum of 3, 1 for themselves, and 2 for others.

The vouchers can be spent until June 30 in commercial establishments, hotels and services attached to the campaign.

A meeting is being held inviting outlets to join the scheme, and

once this has been completed, a list of shops taking part will be published, along with more details of how the scheme will work, which normally requires the consumer to purchase a voucher for a set price, in this case 25 euro, which will then have a higher face value, 75 euro, to spend in the corresponding stores.

Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Torrevieja Natural History Museum reopens with free guided tours in English

The Department of Culture in Torrevieja town hall has announced that the Torrevieja Natural History Museum will reopen this weekend,remaining open for the next three months, offering free visits and guided tours with the collaboration of the University of Alicante Headquarters and the management of the scientist María Luisa Molina.

The museum,located on Avenida Estación s/n,will reopen from Saturday,April

1,from Friday to Sunday, from 10:00 1:00 p.m., and Friday afternoon from 5:00 7:00 p.m. Guided tours will be free and will take place on alternate weekends.

The last Saturday of each month the guided tours will be in English.

The Los Montesinos Musical Group achieved first prize with Honours in the Second Section of the 51st Provincial Music Band Contest of the Province of Alicante, held at the Auditorium of the Diputación de Alicante on March 26.

President of the Agrupación Musical Montesinos, Jose Francisco Paredes Pérez, exclusively told The Leader: "We are very happy for our Association, it is a job well done as its results today have demonstrated.

"First prize, and an Honourable Mention, with 377 points. We dedicate this award to all our members and to the town of Los Montesinos, this is our gift to you on our 40th anniversary.

"The Provincial Competition is a project to which we have dedicated many hours of effort and practice.

"It has been a great effort from our musicians, supporters and

Rojales Pantomime Group

Helping the town’s needy

The final donation of euro 1500, from the total of euro 5000 collected from last year’s pantomime at Cardinal Belluga Theatre, was presented to Rojales Cáritas to help the needy of the parish.

John Fagg, President of Rojales Pantomime Group was delighted to present the donation to the Mayor, Antonio Pérez Garcia, together with Jose Rives Mirete, Presidente de Cáritas. The Group would like to thank all the people who attended their pantomime for helping them to donate such a great amount of monies to local charities including The Stroke Association, San Fulgencio Cáritas and Help Vega Baja.

Their next pantomime has been chosen, the very funny Snow White and The Seven Christmas Elves which will be performed December 14-16 at The Cardinal Belluga Theatre, San Fulgencio, making this a very special pre Christmas performance for all ages to enjoy. Auditions have been held and all the cast are very excited to learn which parts they will be playing, with rehearsals starting in May to take place at the Cultural Centre in Quesada.

The Group are always looking for new members, whether to be involved in the production or just to be a Social Member and enjoy the monthly socials that are enjoyed by the fun loving members.

A Backstage Manager is a necessity to ensure the smooth running of performances, as are the backstage crew. So, are you the Group’s next Backstage Manager? If you would like to be involved but don’t particularly want to perform on stage why not join us backstage, it’s just as much fun. If you are interested in any of these positions, or just want more details of our Theatre Group please get in touch with us by email at: and we will be happy to contact you. There’s nothing quite like a Pantomime and this is going to be a cracker…… Oh yes it is!!

above all from our director, José Vicente Pérez.

"Long live the music, long live our orchestras and above all long live our musicians!".

Following the result a large crowd of supporters from Montesinos chanted 'Championes, Championes, Olè! Olè! Olè!', as the band enjoyed a three minutes standing ovation in the Auditorium.

After the success the Montesinos Musical Group and people of the Vega Baja town celebrated with a paella meal and drinks.

*Next week Montesinos Musical Group Euphonium player, Juan Serano, talks exclusively to The Leader about taking his Masters Degree at The Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester.

Singer Holly Bannis talks exclusively to Andrew Atkinson a year on having hit the big time after appearing on TV show Starstruck, now touring as Tina Turner in the hit show “What's Love Got To Do With It” and Whitney Houston in "Whitney Queen of The Night".

Holly, daughter of former Hot Chocolate lead singer, Murcia based Greg Bannis, said: "Time flies, I'm loving being up on stage performing. It would be great to do another interview with The Leader." ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE COMING IN APRIL ONLY IN THE LEADER.

PAGE 20 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
M M o o n n tteessii n n o o ss M M u u ssiiccaall G G rr o o u u p p C C H H A A M M P P II O O N N E E SS!!


Tipsy Tigers14 - 9Dolly Mixtures

Gap Girlz18 - 1Friendly Chicas

Friendly Temps7 - 14Ladybirds

Wacky Allsorts9 - 14Primadonnas


Gap Girlz13196


Tipsy Tigers13156


Friendly Temps13135

Friendly Chicas13118

Wacky Allsorts13110

Dolly Mixtures13108

The Gap Girlz maintain their stellar perform-

ance, widening the gap between themselves and 2nd placed Ladybirds by an unassailable 28 legs this week.

Apart from a lone leg in the first pairs for the Friendly Chicas, the Girlz swiped the rest 2-0. No change in league table position or leg differences between 2nd, 3rd and 4th spot with all three teams gaining 14 legs apiece.

In El Galan, the Tipsy Tigers came back from a 1-4 start to eventually finish 5 legs clear of the Dolly Mixtures, in a close match which featured 11 scores of 100 or more.

The icing on the cake was a 112 check-out by Tiger Tracey Simpson (pictured) in the very last throw.

The Primadonnas and Wacky allsorts were

level pegging until the last three singles which Prima Big Guns Sharon Frain, Di Dane and Mitch Halliday took 2-0 each.

The Ladybirds made slightly less hard work for themselves, ahead from the start and only giving away 7 legs to the lovely, Friendly Temps .

HOTDARTS: Diane Dane (PD) 140, 100, Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 133, Simone de Lacy (TT) 130, Lesley Justice (DM) 125, 110, Diane Burns (DM) 125, Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 121, 100, Shirley Stephenson (WA) 117, 115, 114, Bliss Wright (GG) 117, 100 x3, Elaine Willis (GG) 117, 108, Sharon Crane (TT) 116, 100,

Lisa Ivill (TT) 115, 108, Lin Cousins (FC) 115, Angie Philpott (DM) 114, Chris Greenwood (WA) 113, 112, Tracey Simpson (TT) 112, Chelsea Campbell (GG) 109, Sue Snook (FC) 105, Donna Ralph (LB) 102, Pat Schofield (TT) 101, Jane Barns (WA) 100, Debbie de Grys (PD) 100, Nicola Moseley (FT) 100, Amanda Skinner (GG) 100, Sue Wade (FT) 100.

HIGH CHECKOUT: Tracey Simpson (TT) T20-D12-D14, 112, Chelsea Campbell (GG) 4-T14-D20, 86


DARTFINISH: Mitch Halliday (PD)

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023
Ann Wharton, Monique Edelenbos, Sue Wade, Nicola Moseley, Bev Howard, Julie Thompson and Captain Kim York Fickling Tipsy Tiger Tracey Simpson, 112 check-out



CC´s Bees3-9El Capitan

Hub Hyenas6-6Tipsy Toad Toppers

Mind The Gap9-3CC´s Flyers


Ck1 Lads12-0Freakie Taverners

Milo´s8-4Danny´s Bar

Leeson St Trotters8-4Fallen Angels


Domino´s Desp7-5Pint Depot Queens

Angel Delights7-5Hub Hellraisers

Tipsy Toad Tiaras5-7Ck1 Ladybirds



Mind The Gap4630

Hub Hyenas4628

Tipsy Toad Toppers4524

El Capitan4322

Cc's Flyers4321

Cc´S Bees4118


Ck1 Lads4733

Leeson Street Trotters4627


Danny's Bar4322

Freakie Taverners4318

Fallen Angels4120


Ck1 Ladybirds4833

Tipsy Toad Tiaras4628

Domino's Desperados4427

Angel Delights4422

Hub Hellraisers4217 Pint Depot Queens4017

MOST 180´S: Mark Ellis & Dave Rowlinson x 5.

THIS WEEK: James Brown - Mind The Gap, Peter Spence - Hub Hyenas, Steve Tilley - Leeson Street


HIGHEST FINISH TO DATE: 154 - Mario GarciaFreakies. THIS WEEK: Graham SolomonsTipsy Toad Toppers 100, T20-D20



Surprisingly it's taken 4 matches for Caps to gain their 1st victory, and this against tough opponents Bees, watch out Gap next week. Cracking Bees scores from Liam Lumb 2x140, Paul Christopher 3x100,121,123 x2,140 and Dave Rowlinson 2x100,121,123,126, question why the hosts found

themselves down 1-5 at the break. Blame Ben Kernahan, 3 excellent high finishes and consistent scoring from Arold K. and Vycka Bobinas the very slight difference between the 2 sides.

Kernahan increased Caps advantage in the 1st singles, Christopher halting the slide, overcoming a lively Chris Logan 2-1 with a 92 out. Marcos Lopez included a 69 out in his match winning victory. Bees Lumb turned in a POTM performance with 3x80+,100,123,140, Ed K. closed the match meriting a POTM with 120,123,140 and outs of 62 & 89.


Yet another outstanding exhibition from Gap. Tons from Flyers Suso Madrid and Matt Smith, were eclipsed by 3 figures from Gordan Cowan, Sam Salt and James Brown who also added a 180, in the 3 triples for 3-0. Salt and Paul Moody added a 4th, before Smith 2x140 and Charles Pritchett got Flyers on the scoresheet, opponents Cowan and Darren Sanderson recording 6x100+. Brown and Che Liam taking the 3rd pairs for 5-1.

Madrid overcame Carlos Escansiano 0-2, the latter hitting 4x100+ but no double. Sanderson got Gap to the draw impressively with125,2x140,2x100, leaving Brown to claim the 7th leg in a real tussle with Smith.

Bliss Wright and Cowan increased Gaps advantage to 9, Cowan banging in a 70 out. John McKay got Flyers 3rd leg and POTM with a 0-2 win over Liam, the Flyer hitting 5x85, 2x100,140.


With both teams a little shy of player ammo it didn't surprise the game ended in a draw, both teams possibly taking 1 point prior to the start. Triples went Hub's way via Paul Durrant D10 and Pete Spence D16, Toad's response, 2 tons from John Rodford another from Graham Solomans plus a 48 out.

Lee Maiden and Lance Hardy made it all square, Maiden finding both doubles. Rodford and Solomans made it 2-3, the former hitting both outs, one a fine 70, despite a Spence maxi. John Eyre and Jay Wilkinson levelled in the 3rd pair, Wilko finding D16 twice.

The singles were shared, the best of which an Ellis - Rodford encounter, with Ellis winning 2-1, Rodford scoring 4x100,135, 2x80+, Ellis 100,125, 3x140, 2x80+.At 6-4 to the hosts, Hugh Galloway and Hardy came to the rescue for 6-6. POTM - Ellis - Solomans.


Lads continue their unbeaten run with this unexpected outcome over the very capable Freakies. Decent 1st half scores from Annette Dobson and Noel Kenny nowhere near enough to deflect a sound all round performance from Lads Les Adams, Darren Hurcombe and Steve M. Dalton. All 6 1st half legs from 6 different players. Adams claimed the 7th leg, applause and glory for 2 points, Kevin Wood followed with a sound 2-0 win inc. 100,2x140. M.Dalton merited his POTM with a 2-1 victory over Freakies POTM Bryan Livsey, Dalton recording, 4x80+,2x100,125. Terry David edged out Sharon Frain 2-1 in the 12th, Frain hitting 2x80+,115,121.

Congratulations to C.K.1 players, Kevin and Gena Woods on their 49th wedding anniversary.


Steve Tilley was the star of this show, a 13 dart singles 1st leg 180,125,120,44,D16 and a 2nd leg 81,125,100,D10 for a 2-0 demolition of Graham White, still in recovery, Tilley just about meriting POTM. White 85,100,D3, earlier pairing with James Mackay 134 to take the 4th leg. Billy Dolling 140,83,140, and Joe Cuyt somehow lost their pair to Yvonne Rouffignac D16 and Barry Shingler for 3 a piece midway score.

Rouffignac 3x100 and an 88 out got Trotters to 6, Amanda Skinner winning 2-0 for the 7th leg and 2 pts. Tony Spiers grabbing the final leg for POTM.

87 finish, Cain Garcia providing 1 outer wire and 2x100. Garcia claimed a 2-0 win over Lesley Lumb for Milos 6th leg, Sam Edwards nailing 116 and D12 for the match. Jane Wills, Smith and Steve Lumb grabbing 3 more Danny's legs. De Gea 135, 2x80+ earned his POTM accolade with yet another out in the 4th singles. Danny's POTM - Smith.


Sue Spiers put in another good shift for the Raisers POTM, the visitors still leaving pointless. Spiers 3 winning legs insufficient as Delights won the 1st 4 singles, both teams sharing the spoils midway. Chris Hutchinson D8 and Nikki Dean D5 got Delights to 5-3, Henni Oortwijn D2 making it 6-3 for POTM. Maria Ross got the better of Lesley Dolling for both points. Spiers and Cheryl McGlynn tidying up for Raisers.


The Ladybirds crawled ahead in the opening 4 legs, edging out the Tairas with multi-dart, quick finishes, (Sandra Crabbe 20-D2. Sue Cam 20-10-D5; POTM Dons Ralph 95, 4-D2 and Sharon O´Rourke 98, D14). Tiara Pat Schofield (108, 98, 2-D1) put one in, egged on by daughter and granddaughter. Tracey Simpson (80, D3) gave the Tiaras another before the bangers and chips. Sue (81, D5) and Dons (83 x2, D17) struck again on in the first two singles despite a valiant Simpson effort (85, 100). POTM Denise Green astounded us all with a classic (not) D12-D8 and Simone de Lacy (8-D4) to bring it to 4-6 but the quiet and diminutive Kirsty Green was spot on with 82, 85-D8, to the dismay of Sharon Crane (90, 110) for the assured win. LIsa Ivill (85, D4) made it a respectable 5 legs for the Tiaras. We meet again next week for the final game of the Tuesday Ladies League!


At 2-4 up at the break, it would have been "odds on" with William Hill that Queens would have gained their 1st points of the season. Not so and all credit to Doms for taking 5 of the 6 available singles for the match and points.


Another match really lost in the 1st half allowing Milos to leap frog Dannys in Division 2.

The visitors lone 1st half leg came via Bob Smith in the 2nd pair recording 100,100,121,D18.

Javi de Gea enjoyed 2 outs for Milos, one a superb

Cox, 2 outs, Debbie Wright and Marie Cummins were 1st half leg winners, Paul Chick and Ash Panchal replying for Doms. Ray Hayes and Panchal 140,97,D5, levelled for the hosts. Chick made it 54, skip Steve Harding 100,D2, ensured a point, leaving Damien Lambert 100,D4 to receive the plaudits POTM and points. Ali Wands gained a 12th leg victory for Raisers. Queens POTM - Wright.

PAGE 22 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Tony and Steve. POTM Kevin and Gena

Deaf Green Bowling Tour of Costa Blanca

On the morning of 21 March, I was at arrivals inside Alicante airport, waiting for the Bristol and Gatwick flights to arrive. Complete with my ¥BOWLING ABROAD¥ placard, I was there to greet 11 members of ¥Teds Army¥, a group of deaf green bowlers, all set to embark on a weeks tour of Costa Blanca¥s green bowling clubs.

Having made the short journey to Benidorm, the group met up with the remaining 5 members, who had made their own way from Manchester. We then proceeded to book in at Poseidon Resort hotel, which is ideally situated between the old and new town.

Having been associated with a green bowls company ¥Bowling Abroad¥ for some 10 years, this was my 3rd time of working with deaf bowlers in the Costa Blanca.

The first time was back in 2015, when they held their 8th home nations festival at Greenlands BC, whilst based in Poseidon hotel, Guardamar. In 2018, when the 11th festival was at Finca Guila BC, we were again based in the same

Benidorm hotel. The very first festival was held in Algarve, Portugal back in 2008, which will again be the venue later this year. Last year, for the first time, Oykun hotel in Fethiye, Turkey hosted the festival.

As Ted is retiring next year, he has arranged for a once in a lifetime trip to Durban, South Africa, for the 17th, and possibly last ever festival. I¥ve been given heads up that if all goes well, yours truly will the tour manager - fingers will be firmly crossed, I can tell you!!

But, in addition to England/Scotland/Northern Ireland/Wales festivals (held in one venue), there are also Teds Army tours, who use multiple venues. First off was a trip south to Bonalba BC, close to Alicante, then following a rest day, the nearby town of Calpe was the next venue.

Afurther rest day, spent either touring or soaking up wall-to-wall sunshine, was followed by a trip north to Benitachell, for the final match of the tour.

Although the group failed to register a single winning rink all week, a post-match excursion to the quaint mountainous village of Guadaleste, made up for their disappointment.

Carp R Us

As Ted is retiring next year, he has arranged for a once in a lifetime trip to Durban, South Africa

Due to the poor state of the Mercadona stretch, Carp-R-Us moved their Spring Cup to the Eden 3 stretch of the Segura, where they discovered conditions were not a lot better.

The river was lower than we¥d seen it in a long time so, with shallow swims and not much flow along much of the length,

it was expected that the pegs closest to the CV91 would be favourites.

And so it proved with Paul Burton running out clear winner from the end peg closest to where the reeds are. Paul weighed in 15 carp caught on method feeder and corn for 10.30kg.

Second, from the top end of the stretch opposite the inlet was Willy Moons who had 4.06kg, again on method feeder with

Colino Gymnasts qualify for National Championships

Last Sunday the Autonomous Base Individual Championship was held in Gandía, where it reaped magnificent results for the Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club of Torrevieja, with all five gymnasts qualifying for the National Championship to be held from the 18th to the 23rd of April in Pamplona. Lucía Quesada Guillen achieved the gold medal in free hands and was Autonomous Champion in the youngest category. Ainhoa Egea, achieved fourth position in the 2011 infantil category, while her teammates África Castillo and Valeria Vorontsova achieved 8th and 9th, respectively. In the ribbon exercise Elena Pankratova achieved a pass to the national youth category 2007-2006.


1.Natalie Wood, 2.Mint,



XIV, e:Mark Twain.6 Street


Adidas official 2010 World Cup Match Ball (meaning 'to celebrate' in Zulu).8.Both die while in the toilet.9.A Trident.10.Portugal, Holland and GB.11.a.Windy.(Windy, The Association).b.Madame Rouge. (Love Potion No 9, Various).c.Minnie. (Minnie the Moocher, Blues Brothers).

12.William Blake.13.Billie Holliday.

14.Lyndon B.Johnson.She would have met LBJ if she had attended JFK's funeral, but she was pregnant at

the time.15.a.We Three Kings of Orient are.b.Deck the halls.c.All I want for Christmas is you.d.I'll be home for Christmas.e.It came upon a midnight clear.16.Madonna has been nominated on 15 occasions, winning 9.

17.Romania.18.2001 A Space Odyssey and 2010.19.a:Boys Don't Cry & Million Dollar Baby.b: Schindler's List & Saving Private Ryan. c:Tender Mercies, d:One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.e:Reds.20.Black

Bird, AndYour Bird Can Sing, Free As A Bird and Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)

corn and pellets.

Third was Jeremy Fardoe who winkled out a couple of mullet for 1.30kg and fourth was Tony Flett with 0.98kg. Congratulation to Paul on winning his first trophy with the club.

Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.


Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
3.The Blue Fairy, 4.Mayonnaise, 5.a:Oscar Wilde, b:Albert c:The Charge of The Brigade, d:Louis or football.7.The
PAGE 24 Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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