The Leader Newspaper 11 April 22 – Edition 966

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637 227 385


If you follow Torrevieja town hall on social media, you will not have missed any of the pre-election activity about how the town is being improved.

“We are replacing road signs”, “we are painting the road markings”, “we are renewing pavements”, “we are tending to the gardens”, etc, but the stark reality is, once you cross the border of the N-332 and leave the town centre, entering into the surrounding urbanisations, a very different picture is painted, a picture that highlights decades of neglect.

The residents of the Torretas urbanisation, which borders on the natural park, plays host to the lagoons, was built in the 1980’s, and of course it houses the derelict health spa costing millions to build, have all been waiting decades for their infrastructure to be repaired.

Last week, they were given a dim light at the end of their very dark tunnel, as a “project” was announced by the town hall to look at the problems of the infrastructure.

It should be pointed out however that a project is nothing more than a costly exercise to look at ‘if or what improvements can be made’, and, although it is the first step, it is still a long way from actually providing results. The projects themselves cost thousands, usually, but the work identified can run into millions.

Another scheme announced by the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, is for the creation of a new green area in the Sector 25 urbanisation, although, as if to prove the point of that invisible border, only on the coastal side of the N-332.

Then, if we continue along the CV-905, we come to Jardin Del Mar, built in the late 1990’s. It is an area prone to flooding, where the residents live in fear of the next bout of heavy rain, and although there has been activity in recent years to divert the water when it falls, nothing has succeeded, which highlights the problems of building on unsuitable land.


No 966 Tuesday
11th - Sunday 16th
in our 20th year of keeping people safe and informed - The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper


La Hoya offers open fields beyond Jardin Del Mar, where plans have now been approved to build more properties. This will put an undoubtable strain on the infrastructure, and although it will be an improvement on the large amount of industrial waste that is currently found there, this too is an area prone to flooding, something which will no doubt be hidden from the innocent buyers who choose to purchase those new properties.

La Siesta, and El Chaparral, which date back to the mid 1970’s, are now also showing those signs of neglect, quite profoundly.

Much of the degradation in La Siesta has been blamed on the residents by the mayor, Eduardo Dolón. “The duty of conservation of the common private spaces of the urbanisations is the responsibility of the owners of the houses”, was the response when the Ombudsman got involved, and

whereas there is the defence that rubbish is placed by the people, and there are a network of private roads, there are many that are under town hall management, for which the mayor and his councillors have a duty to ensure compliance.

As the Councillor for International Residents pointed out recently, these areas are where most of the British residents live, a population which has declined the most in recent years; but who would buy a property in an area where you can’t walk on the pavements, where the roads are undrivable, where rubbish is piled in the streets, overgrown trees block paths and even road signs, where there are regular finds of abandoned vehicles.

A common complaint is that the urbanisation residents never see police patrols, so as the town hall heaps praise on itself for repairing the infrastructure there are no improvements whatsoever in those urbanisations that fall beyond that imaginary border.


In this day and age of gloom and doom we need something to cheer us up and forget about the trouble’s of the world, then look no further than Studio32’s forthcoming production of ‘Hello Dolly’ to make you smile.

It will be coming to the Cardenal Beluga Theatre, San Fulgencio from Wednesday 31st of May until Saturday 3rd of June, doors open at 7:00pm curtain up 7:30pm. This show is guaranteed to make you laugh and put a spring in your step with a very funny story line, great musical numbers and energetic dance routines.



When all that is left hangs on Memory’s threads, Threads far richer in number, Than are the fair hairs of your head. Which of those memories shall I dwell on?

Will it be the moment when the moonbeam, Paused upon your lovely face, When my tongue was stilled by your eyes, Or love words breathed as passions died?

To see your poem published on this page send to:

When each idle thought stills time Of moments passed, And such thoughts are wine thoughts, More than I could ever count.

Which thought will pierce my heart?

The joy and hope that greet the starting, Sad regrets of final parting?

Who knows where love lanes twist and lead?

Whose hearts will rise, whose hearts will bleed?

Of course, La Siesta will soon be home to the “largest Pump Track in the world”, which might be something to boast about in an ego-stroking way, but how about fixing the infrastructure first?

The matter of waste collection also needs a discussion of its own, as the new contract, which costs 2 million euro a month, was also celebrated by the town hall recently, but on these urbanisations the service has not been improved, indeed rather the opposite.

The town hall promised an awareness campaign, with leaflets being produced and distributed, but those leaflets seemingly didn’t reach beyond the town centre.

Now, the urbanisations have larger dustbins, but fewer of them, which means that the majority of residents, many of whom are elderly, now have to walk much further to reach their bins, which has already resulted in more rubbish in the streets along with the subsequent problems that can cause.

Everybody at Studio32 who are involved in this production are looking forward to making it a performance to remember.

To book tickets online for our show please visit our website , email or call Linda on 679 062 272 For those of you unsure of how to use our system you can call into The Post Box in Dona Pepa, or Quesada Tech where someone will be on hand to assist you with booking tickets.

You could also come along to one of our rehearsals at Casa Contenta, Rojales, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7:30pm and 9:30pm where someone will be available to assist you.


637 227 385


637 227 385



Journalists 600 228 616

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PAGE 2 Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

There are many of us who feel strongly about the situation in Cala Mosca, the last km of virgin coast in the municipality of Orihuela, which is in danger of being filled with concrete, in the name of progress, destroying the area, along with protected flora, fauna and other jewels of biodiversity.

But while most of us simply sit on our hands a small number of local activists have formed the Association ‘Salvemos Cala Mosca’ and have been fighting for some time to have the planning permission to construct over 2000 properties withdrawn, however time is running out.

Until now, the administrative and political channels, along with the public protests have been putting pressure on urban speculators, but legal advice and defence is increasingly necessary to move on.

According to a lawyer engaged by the Association, there are legal reasons to stop this barbarism, not only for the protection of Tudorella Mauretanica and the cat-headed jarilla, but also because of the lack of local services, the aggressive construction, deterioration in the quality of life, an increase in traffic and insufficient water resources across Orihuela Costa.

We learned last week that the builder, Gomiendio, is pressuring the mayoress, Carolina Gracia, to approve the project, with express warnings regarding criminal liability.

Recently the Salvemos Cala Mosca Association has launched a crowdfunding appeal to raise monies that will be used for the legal defence for the D-1 Alameda del Mar project. Their aim is to raise e3500 which will help to defray their increasing costs, and already the total achieved stands at e1668.

Whilst many readers won’t feel able to join in with the public demonstrations you can still help the cause by donating to their Crowdfunding Appeal, and helping raise the 3.5k that they need to move the appeal to the next level.

Any amount would be most welcome, no matter how large or small, but time is running out, so if you want to protect Cala Mosca and continue to enjoy the small amount of coastline that remains in Orihuela Costa please consider making a donation to the appeal now.

The link to the crowdfunding page is: or, go to and search for Cala Mosca.


Organised by the Social Neighbourhood Association, Salevemos Cala Mosca, a Demonstration will take place next Saturday 15 at 11:30am starting from outside the Dinastía Restaurant, Rocío del Mar, 500 metres north of Orihuela Costa Go Karts on the N332.

If we are to save the only remaining stretch of coastline on the Orihuela Costa, the very last kilometre of virgin land, and home to a variety of protected flora and fauna, time is quickly running out, so why not go along and show your support.

Help to stop the destruction of Orihuela Costa now.

Cala Mosca needs us all!

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Promise to Finally Widen the N-332 through Torrevieja

Pablo Samper, candidate for mayor of Sueña Torrevieja, has publicly shown their project for the widening of the N-332 road as it passes through Torrevieja, which in the words of Samper "has been carried out by independent technicians and architects who affirm that the splitting is viable and can be perfectly executed".

Samper says that "traffic jams, and accidents are becoming unsustainable after 12 years without solutions from any national or local government".

Samper is convinced that "the N-332 is the biggest problem in Torrevieja today, so I want

to show my total commitment, willingness and effort to make the demands of the people of Torrevieja come true".

Sueña Torrevieja began a social media campaign in August last year, encouraging residents of Torrevieja to send their photographs and videos that have been published on different social networks, a campaign that has been received with great interaction.

Samper concludes by stating that "as a candidate for mayor of a local and independent party I cannot forget the problems that affect us as residents of Torrevieja, so in addition to offering real projects, my obligation is to raise awareness and inform citizens that there is a solution and that with a lot of effort, perseverance and support we will get the national governments and the bureaucracy to listen to the people of Torrevieja in their historical demands".


The departments of Education and Parks and Gardens have designed an area aimed at the sensory stimulation of children with autism spectrum disorder, using integrating elements, favourable for inclusive play.

The Walk of the Senses is the result of a shared vision and the contributions of Aidemar, Ies Manuel T·rraga, CEIPLos Pinos San Pedro del Pinatar as well as the work of the staff from the Department of Education, San Pedro del Pinatar.

Samper is convinced that the N-332 is the biggest problem in Torrevieja today

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Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 PAGE 5 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

PACKED EASTER BEACHESPlaya de La Caleta (Cabo Roig, Orihuela


But it’s not the chemical toilets that we were promised on the Orihuela Costa beaches for Easter, because they were simply not installed, despite the promise of Ciudadanos Councillor, Antonio Sánchez Moya, back in the January Plenary.

So, while the Orihuela politicians, of all parties, suffer their passion as they strut through the streets of Orihuela City, no doubt cleansing their sins in what could be their final 6 weeks in office, the residents of Orihuela Costa suffer their own "Easter week of passion" serving a penitence they do not deserve. But despite the beaches being in poor condition because of a lack of maintenance, the absence of Chiringuitos and toilets, dozens of damaged refuse containers, dirty streets and pavements, abandoned and unkempt parks, overgrown weeds and palm trees that haven’t been pruned for a year, continuing deficiencies in waste collection and road cleaning, and a long list of many other problems that have been regularly communicated to the council with little or no response, the Orihuela Costa still received many thousands of visitors, who came into the area from the North of Spain and Overseas, to enjoy the good weather and what remains of our previously excellent beaches.


Fire fighters were called to attend a vehicle fire in Torrevieja on Tuesday morning, at the junction of calle Purcel and calle Granados in the El Chaparral area the town.

The vehicle was a waste collection truck and the rubbish onboard is what had caught fire.

To try to control the blaze, and prevent considerable damage to the vehicle, the quick-thinking truck operator dumped the load onto the street.

The fire fighters tackled the burning rubbish once they arrived with the help of a shovel provided by the street cleaning company.


With dirt and insufficiencies everywhere, they were able to join local residents in the Easter penitence to which they are condemned by the Orihuela Town Hall.

With thanks to AVCRL

A 38-year-old man died and eight other people were injured in a traffic accident on the AP-7 in Pilar de la Horadada on Wednesday. A van left the road and flipped over, leaving the vehicle upside down with its occupants trapped inside, at the Dehesa de Campoamor exit at kilometre 769.

Health officials confirmed that six people were injured, including two seriously injured, aged 28 and 19, while the Civil Guard reports a total of eight people with minor injuries.

The firefighters from Torrevieja attended the scene which, according to a spokesman, involved a group of people who were travelling to work in the van when it overturned.

Xixona corpse thought to be from Torrevieja

A corpse was found in the Piedra Negra landfill site in Xixona. The body was among remains from the Dolores treatment plant through which waste from different parts of Vega Baja is processed, the most likely source, according a spokesperson at the plant, being Torrevieja, although this is still to be confirmed.

The same sources state that the body is that of a middle-aged man. Until now it has not been possible to

identify the body and the circumstances in which it arrived although it’s position in the vehicle suggested it had been loaded in Torrevieja.


San Fulgencio Town Council has approved its draft budget for the year 2023, totalling 9,479,640 euros. "It is a budget that exceeds that of previous years, from which we are going to allocate about 370,000 euros of investments for the town," said the mayor, JosÈ Sampere.

The council plans to spend 59,000 euros to reform the municipal Archaeological Museum. The mayor added that this "will allow us to develop the museum project that the rich heritage of our archaeological sites deserves and provide a new opportunity for visitors to get to know the municipality".

Another important investment is the renovation and installation of traffic cameras in the municipality, for which 55,000 euros has been ear-

marked. "They will serve to increase security in the municipality, by providing valuable information to local police officers," said Sampere. This section also includes the renovation of the

68,000 euros to renovating streets, asphalting and improving signposting in the municipal area, both in the town centre and in the urbanization.

There will also be new street furniture,with an investment of 13,000 euros, and a further 12,000 euros to erect a sign with the name of the municipality at the town entrance.

The rest of the budget allocates 3,847,572 euros to personnel expenses, and 3,818,118 euros to other expenses. Also of note is the 1,124,750 euros in the section on current transfers, from the different subsidies granted to the Town Hall. The mayor has said that "this is a very complete project that includes those items that are a priority to improve San Fulgencio and the daily lives of our residents".

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Costa) 26 surveillance cameras currently installed in public buildings in San Fulgencio. The government will also dedicate more than The San Fulgencio Plenary Session

Nineteen Torrevieja arrests in scam to evade Russian Military Service

document. The three detainees are accused of the crimes of document falsification, illegal immigration and belonging to a criminal group.

In the searches carried out, the agents seized documentation from the detainees, including printing stamps, headed paper, official documents of all kinds from countries such as Russia and Moldova, as well as other equipment including an electronic sealer, a dataphone, two laminators, photographic paper and software all of which was used in the

forgery of documents. They also seized 23,500 euros in cash.

The three detainees, the main perpetrators of the plot, were placed at the disposal of the Investigating Court number 3 of Torrevieja. The rest of the detainees were released after making a statement at Torrevieja police station.

The investigation is still open and further arrests are not ruled out as an analysis of the large amount of data, both physical and digital, continues.

The National Police has dismantled a document forgery gang in a Torrevieja agency which was being used by people, many originally from Russia, in order to obtain temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens displaced by the war.

According to police sources many of those people using this route were doing so in order that they would not to have to participate in the war being waged by Russia.

Three people have been arrested as responsible for the scheme as well as another 16 who used false documentation to obtain their status as Ukrainian refugees.

According to the Police, the investigation began after they discovered forged docu-

ments presented by two cpeople of Russian origin, who were posing as residents of Ukraine to benefit from the temporary protection offered for people displaced by the war in Ukraine.

Initially the agents were able to make 16 arrests for document falsification by citizens from Russia, Belarus, Georgia and Moldova, all of whom had acquired falsified documents for the same purpose including permanent residency cards and marriage certificates.

Later they arrested a woman and two men who ran the Torrevieja agency from which potential clients of this document forgery scheme were contacted, who were charged between 3,000 and 5,000 euros for each

Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 PAGE 7 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

When Pen Pals Used to Use Pens

Variety has hardly been the spice of life lately, has it? Courtesy of the pandemic,many of us have almost regressed to acting like teenagers.

Sleeping late,eating junk food,spending hours on our phones and tablets,clipping our hair into topiary shapes,abstaining from exercise but not from alcohol, and -- it goes without saying -- we neglect our homework.

We even play loud music that no one else in the house likes.("Dion? Eddie Cochran? Who are they,when they're at home,grandad?") Sadly,only Dion is still at home,83 now,a bit too old to pursue Runaround Sue any longer.

As our lives shrink,we may find our memories rushing in to fill up the void.Mine leads me unerringly towards a petrol station with a lion's cage on its forecourt in the back streets of Al Ain in the Arab Emirates.There was a lion pacing restlessly around in its worryingly ramshackle dwelling,with that "I wonder what's for dinner?" look that lions sometimes get,and I found myself feeling anxious and delicious.

Predictably,in retelling that experience over the years,I have tended to come across as a pith-helmeted big game hunter,rather than a man who would hide indoors from a vanishingly small virus.Funny how your mind plays tricks,isn't it?

In such straitened circumstances,I occasionally even regret having lost touch with old pen pals,some of them from the days when we actually used pens.Nowadays my postal friends are mostly credit card companies and utility providers,who don't even provide foreign stamps to soften the blow of their final demands.Strange to think that 14-year-old Aliette from Orléans (Dundee's sister city) will now be 75.Perhaps some memories are best left in the past,like youth and staring lions in the eye.

Certain things became unexpectedly realistic with the arrival of the pandemic age.We have probably all seen and derided posters for holiday destinations with only two people on the beach? I rest my case.(Such idealistic portrayals were careful never to show someone alone

on the sand,friendless and dejected.)

There are various places I used to know like the back of my hand -- Monte Carlo,Istanbul,Havana,weren't among them,unfortunately -- but enough to dream of during a lockdown.Nowadays my imagination is contained in a few rooms with barely enough space to swing any kind of domestic pet,it's just me and the goldfish.We try to out-stare each other,and I always blink first.It was only recently I remembered that fish don't have eyelids.How that goldfish must have been laughing up his sleeve at me.

These Torrevieja redevelopment proposals are coming thick and fast, for some reason (nothing to do with elections next month, honest!).

Now we have the ìvery special proposalî for Torrevieja, the rehabilitation of the old buildings of "La QuÌmica" of Las Salinas de Torrevieja. The main idea of the project is to develop the Torrevieja salt flats as a tourist and health resource, preserving, protecting, and caring for the set of old buildings that are currently in disuse.

After the project was presented, the Mayor, Eduardo DolÛn, thanked ìeveryone involved in this ambitious and beautiful project for our city, especially the former director of Las Salinas de Torrevieja, Pedro GÛmez Mateo, and David Ruiz Molina, architect who has carried out this proposed project commissioned by the Torrevieja Councilî.


Rocky is 5 years and needs a new home. He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered. Rocky weighs approx 6 kilos and has lived in a home with another dog and cats. Call: 645 469 253

Willow is a beautiful, gentle 10 year old, who just loves lounging around.

PAGE 8 Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 637 227 385 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE SA SA T ANIMAL RESCUE T ANIMAL RESCUE
Rehabilitation of the old La Química in Las Salinas de Torrevieja
more info 966 71 0047 / 688 792 515

Spain Air Traffic Control Strikes through April

The UniÛn Sindical de Controladores AÈreos (USCA), representing Air Traffic Controllers, announced that, "despite the boycott of the strike by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma)", it has called a new strike schedule for this month of April of air traffic controllers from the privatised control towers in 16 Spanish airports, increasing to two weekly, due to the employer's refusal to negotiate.

The new strikes have been called on Thursdays and Sundays throughout April, on the 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27 and 30. The plan is to strike for two hours in the morning and two

hours in the afternoon in the control towers of the airports of Alicante, Valencia, Ibiza, Murcia, Lleida, Sabadell, Vigo, La CoruÒa, MadridCuatro Vientos, Seville, Jerez, CastellÛn, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Palma and El Hierro.

USCAreiterates that they are undertaking new days with abusive minimum services imposed by the Mitma on workers of the privatised control towers who only seek a fair agreement and conditions commensurate with the responsibility of the profession, preventing them from effectively exercising their right to strike.


The works council at Torrevieja Hospital has called off the strike scheduled for today, April 11, after having reached an agreement with the Ministry of Health to equate the working conditions of permanent labour personnel and statutory personnel of the health department in a period of time of five years. This is the best agreement that could have been reached, according to what Fran García of the works

council has said when comparing the situation with that of the Alzira health department, also reverted from Ribera Salud to public management.

The committee indicates that the negotiation of the collective agreement continues and that this agreement has only been to get out of the strike.

Although some agreements are met, the negation continues, but with a more hopeful outlook that a complete agreement will be reached between both parties.

Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Today’s strike has been
Staff at Alicante tower will join the strikes


‘This getting old is no fun.’

How often do we hear this kind of keening from many of our aging contemporaries. Well, not unexpectedly, this column, gives you another take and a fuller picture of this growing old thingy. Anyone who tells you that growing old is no fun, is only half right.

Like every other generation of your life, growing old isn’t all fun – but to say it is no fun could not be further from the truth. It gets better … studies show that we seniors are among the happiest group of people and are significantly more happy than our middle-aged counterparts. There is loads of fun to be enjoyed in the state of ‘oldness.’

Let us get a few of the disadvantages out of the way first. Elderly people are naturally more likely to have health issues; but with modern medicine and great doctors, we are all living longer and healthier. However, if you don’t already have health insurance, nobody will take you now. The bank won’t give you a mortgage, the blood bank isn’t interested in your blood, and the RSA reckons that a 3 year driving licence should see you out. You look at your passport photo sometime and you wonder who is that old man that looks a lot like my father …

Yes, a lot of times you will be judged more on your outward appearance than how your brain functions. Only last month whilst waiting to board a plane at Alicante airport, a young guy (aren’t they all!) came scurrying along with a wheelchair –obviously seeking a body to fill the wheelchair. Maybe it was just where I was sitting; at least that is what I like to think; but in a good loud voice of broken English, he asked me, “Do you require assistance?” I’m sure this airport employee had never previously witnessed the ‘Seamus Darby shuffle’. So, by way of an answer, I jumped up and gave a demonstration of some fancy footwork!

Grandchildren are life’s greatest source of fun. But even here, sometimes ‘out of the mouths of babes’, will cruelly remind you that this is your last big gig. One day I was walking hand


Half a Million for New San Pedro Fire Station

Murcia is set to invest 497,234.46 euro in the first phase of the new fire station in San Pedro del Pinatar. The project consists of the construction of a garage for the fire tenders, fencing and the urbanisation of the plot. The site is located on the outskirts of the town, at kilometre 31 of the N-332 highway, where communications will allow speedier deployments.

in hand, with my then 7 years old Spanish grandson, Ruari. After walking in silence for a few minutes he asked; ‘What are you thinking about, Grandad? I replied, ‘I’m thinking how lucky I am to have such a lovely grandson as you. ‘That’s right, Grandad’, said Ruari – and so I continued: ‘And at the rate you are growing, it won’t be long before you are a man, with your own house … and won’t that be another place for Grandad and Papam to come and stay?’ ‘It depends’, he answered without a pause. Slightly taken aback, I asked; ‘Depends on what?’ And would you believe what the ‘little cur’ said; ‘It depends if you are still alive, Grandad …!’ Grandparents love their grandchildren with a tenderness and understanding that they didn’t always manage to give their children. It is such an important relationship for both parties and a great source of fun.

The thing is that in retirement you have the time and the few bob to have fun. But remember that retirement in itself isn’t inherently joyful. It is how that time is used that brings satisfaction and fun into aging. We become more aware that time is a finite commodity and look on every new day as a blessing – a day to ‘do something with.’ Seniors have acquired wisdom and instead of running fast, we have learned how to pick our steps. Seniors have greater control over emotions and have learned to accept the crosses that are part of a full life.

In this fun-filled autumn of our lives, we are entitled to have a healthy sense of pride in what we have achieved. These accomplishments don’t have to have been headline feats. Raising a family and being able to say, ‘I made as difference’, is enough.

We oldies have nothing left to prove. We are what we are, can be ourselves, say what we think, do what we want – and have all the fun in the world. We have done it all and nothing to do now except to keep on doing the good bits over and over for as long as we can.

Best of all, we are being given free fun money to have fun with. I know we paid into our pensions … but it feels like free

The rain in Spain was 17% less than normal

The average accumulated rainfall from the beginning of the hydrological year, October 1, 2022 to March 28, 2023, is estimated at around 17% less than normal and with summer only a short time away, concerns are being raised as the Spanish water reserve is not yet increasing

The Spanish water reserve is currently at 51.5 percent of its total capacity.

money now! Free travel to follow the fun, free banking, free GP, free TV, senior’s discounts and more. Remember you can be younger at eighty than many who are old at forty. Growing old is brimming with fun: Enjoy this blessing because it is a privilege denied to many – as I am reminded every time I take a walk through Killulagh graveyard.


Years only wrinkle the skin, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

Thousands of summer jobs at Consum

Supermarket cooperative chain Consum has launched a recruitment campaign to fill the 3,100 jobs to reinforce its workforce during the summer campaign to cover both the additional summer workload, and staff holidays. The cooperative is offering full and part-time shifts, with a starting salary of 1,300 euro gross per month.


Although private vehicle drivers lost the 20 cent fuel discounted provided by the Government some months ago, those working in the transport sector still benefitted from the discount, a situation which has now changed. The 20 cent discount has now been halved to 10 cents per litre following a ruling late last year. It will continue until the end of June.

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Here are a few selected comments from our social media platforms.

This week,your comments regarding the closure of the “Iceland”Overseas supermarket in Torrevieja…

Linda Squires

Seems its a problem from comin out of EU and paperwork involved could be future no English products I dont no summizing but as one closes its doors like Gama same problem eventually it could follow suit.

Sally Smith

Brexit,covid,sky high prices.My local store in san javier is always fairly quiet. It is expensive in there,but occasionally they do have some good offers.

Hopefully this store won't close.Would be sad to see it go.

I noticed they don't sell fresh fruit and veg from UK since brexit.This is a good thing in my opinion.

Local produce should always be sold where available.

This applies to UK too.

Patricia Jinks

I loved shopping there.

Joan Vinejones Evans-barrow

Please leave Cabo roig open.

Dave Bell

Far too expensive to shop in regularly.

Michael Eliott

Maybe The Food Co (aka Tesco!) at Lo Maribu (Quesada) is tempting people away?

Lindsay Irving

Extortionate prices are to blame,sheer profiteering,an item states 1GBP on the packet but they charge euro3.50 and try to say its the exchange rate.

To read more comments,and add your own,follow The Leader on Facebook,

ATale of Two Cities

I read your article about Iceland in Torrevieja closing, and how so many Brits have left. Perhaps part of it is because of how badly Brits are looked on and treated now in Torrevieja.

We have been living here for years and had a letter telling us we had to renew our padron, and we needed to take our TIE to the town hall. We didn´t have TIE as we have been waiting months for an appointment with the police to get it.

Our translator went with us to explain and was told by the member of staff in the town hall that we are “illegal immigrants”, and “should not be in Spain”, this after years of living here legally for years.

Our translator suggested we got a digital signature so that he could apply to have us put back on the padron via the website, so we made an appointment at the Orihuela Costa town hall to get the signature. The attitude of the staff there was so different to Torrevieja. They were welcoming, helpful, and sorted us out very quickly.

It is becoming clear that Torrevieja no longer wants Brits and it´s no wonder so many have gone to Orihuela Costa.

Airport Parking

I want to warn the rest of your readers about parking at Alicante airport. I normally use the multistorey car park when I am dropping people off, but this week I was taking an elderly relative for a flight so decided to use the express drop-off parking at departures.

Firstly, it was absolute chaos. Cars stopping everywhere, blocking the road, some parked straddling multiple bays, it was a nightmare. Then, and I swear you used to get 15 minutes for free, after 12 minutes I returned to my car and tried to leave but the barrier would not let me out. A girl came and spoke to me and said I had been longer than 10 minutes so I have to pay.

The girl was really helpful and guided me to the only barrier where you can pay, and then I got fleeced for 2.55 euros, for 12 minutes! I normally only pay a fraction of that when I use the multistorey.

My advice to your readers is don´t ever use that express parking lane as it is such a nightmare and so expensive. It´s free at Corvera remember, so maybe even use a different airport.

Dog Mess

I have been following with great interest your reports on the animal law, but I am perplexed that with all of the discussions, nobody has

mentioned the biggest problem that animals (or more truthfully, their owners) are causing, dogs messing in the street.

All the talk about dangerous dogs, pet shops closing down, if you can or cannot own a rabbit, but nobody has mentioned excrement. In my 68 years on this planet, I have never encountered a dog that has tried to attack me, or even made me feel threatened, but every day I walk down the street and I see time and time again the same thing, dog mess.

Why can’t they do something about that instead of forcing people to have their dogs vaccinated regularly? Dog mess is the biggest problem, not if there’s an elephant being used in a circus.

AQuestion for CLARO

Could you update us, the residents of Orihuela Costa, about your intentions for the elections in May?

You announced that you would make a statement after your AGM at the end of March as to whether you was going to contest the elections, and now you are having meetings with other parties, even though there seems to be little information, is it your intention to tell residents of Orihuela Costa to vote for the party that adds Antonio Cerdan as a candidate. You could have a far right or a far-left party offering you a position; is that being loyal or honourable?

Just look at the comments on your own Facebook page from your own members, who are unhappy that they didn’t get the opportunity to vote for critical decisions, like joining PIOC for example.

We need councillors on the council who are from the coast, so put self-interests away and work with PIOC for the good of us all.

The main parties PP, PSOE or C’s have never done anything to improve the coast, even though they have had ample time and opportunity

Refugees Fleeing Russia

I read on the Leader website the story about the Torrevieja arrest of a number of, mainly, Russian citizens, who had paid up to 5000 euro to obtain false documentation in order to obtain the status of Ukrainian refugees.

Needless to say this is completely illegal and should not be condoned and I was delighted to see that the three people responsible for the act have been arrested, but surely this just highlights the need for the West to introduce a scheme for those Russians who disagree with the war in Ukraine and want to flee their country. They are no less refugees than those being displaced from Ukraine.

Just think of the political points that could be scored by the West with the publication of such figures.

Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
YOUR SOCIAL PLATFORM letters letters

Orihuela Costa ‘thrown to wolves’ by Royal British Legion

Despite being the most successful branch by far in terms of monies raised, a third of all poppy appeal donations generated amongst the District’s 15 branches, very nearly half a million euros in it’s ten years of existence, the Orihuela Costa Branch and it’s 140 members, has been ‘thrown to the wolves’ by the Spain District North Committee, it’s supporters abandoned, as the branch is put into ‘Administration’…….and it’s sin….allowing a branch standard bearer to attend an outdoor memorial event, held on a very hot summer’s day, in shirt sleeve order.

It seems as though the sentiment ‘DUTY OF CARE’ regularly quoted by the RBL, is only a ‘sound bite’ for the ears of the general public, as it is certainly not being applied to members and supporters in this part of Spain.

The branch has been unable to meet for over 4 months since the Chairman, followed by the remainder of the committee, was effectively ‘relieved of it’s duties’ by the District Committee, and despite many complaints and appeals submitted to the Heaquarters in London, as long ago as last October, the hierarchy would appear to be ‘sitting on their hands’ no doubt hoping that the matter will simply go away.

But unconcerned by events elsewhere, many former members still continue to get together regularly on a social basis, the latest gathering of which took place on Easter Sunday, where almost 60 of them spent the afternoon in Yolo’s Cabo Roig, enjoying a wonderful Sunday lunch.

There was little talk of the RBL at the tables but where there

was it about how let down they feel by an organisation which purports to support veterans, to which many in attendance have given years of loyal service.

Nevertheless, former Secretary Jean Heald said that she will continue to organise social events for this group of veterans for as long as they are required, the next of which will take place on Wednesday 24 May at the Captain’s Table in Punta

Prima where, after a short session of seated exercise there will be a presentation by Mark Nolan of N332 on the new Environmental Laws that are currently being introduced for motorists, followed by a ‘Fish n Chip’ lunch. Anyone wishing more information, or to book, should contact Jean by email at:


Classic Cars, motorbikes and trucks showcased at the XI edition of the Classic Cars Festival in Guardamar, to benefit the IES les Dunes book bank, under the umbrella of the Rotary Club organisation.

Costa Blanca Historica 30 Sept-3 Oct 2021; Mini Cooper 1000 (Reg. 71 62 GLY) Salvemos Los Classics. Stingray 454 Corvette (Reg. H8467 BBD).

Alicante based Jorge, who owns a VW Beetle 1200, told The Leader: "The 1971 original from Germany is being showcased in what is my first visit to the Guardamar Classic Cars show.

"It is a wonderful show, with a good variety of cars. Good examples."

Hundreds of people attended the show, featuring a plethora of Classics, including a 1972 Buick Riviera: "The car is an American import," owner Herman, from Germany, who lives in Alicante, told The Leader.

Miguel Angel Pérez who showcased his Cadillac Eldorado, told The Leader: "The 1962 Cadillac was brought to Spain from the USA to the Mundial fiesta - it was the only one in Spain at the time."

Amongst classic cars featured were Mercedes Benz; Seat 850 Special (Reg. MU - 116918); VW GTi; Porsche; Ford Thunderbird 1975 (Reg. M AW 9632) measuring 5m. Jaguar XJ 4.2 (Reg. B-5147-CB); Saab (Reg. 20677) that appeared in the XVIII Rally

Classic Cars enthusiast Paul Cartmill from Northern Ireland, who owns a property in Guardamar, with his wife Noeleen, told The Leader: "I am interested in Classic Cars and have a collection back home.

"I take cars to Bangers and Cash, the show featured on TV, that sells restored Classic Cars.

"I had a 1981 TI Sunbeam that sold for £20,000! A good price at Mathewsons Auctions, Pickering, North Yorkshire, which featured on Bangers and Cash."

PAGE 12 Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The first Charity Fashion Show held at the Marina Bar in Torrevija since pre-covid, was another great success raising 1062 euro for Help Vega Baja. The photo shows from left to right, Lorraine Whitney, organ- iser, Michelle Masson, Help Vega Baja President and models, left to right, Josie, Denise Wendy, Carol, Sonia and Sue. The one man is David Whitney who escorted the ladies in their evening wear. Paul Cartmill, wife Noeleen, Andrew Atkinson. Photos Helen Atkinson

What is the fine for not wearing a seat belt in Spain?

Seat belts save lives. The greatest risk of not wearing a seat belt in an increase in the risk of death, which is why, if you are caught not wearing a seat belt, you will be fined, and lose points from your licence. The sanction designed to educate you of the importance of wearing your seat belt. So, what is the fine for not wearing a seat belt in Spain?

Not wearing a seat belt is considered a serious offence. It is penalised with a 200 euro fine and the loss of 3 points on your license, if you are the driver. The driver is also responsible for minors in the car, who must also be secured in a seat suitable for their size and weight.

Remember, children under 135cm in height, must always sit in the rear seats. There are exceptions, such as if the vehicle does not have rear seats, and if the rear seats are already occupied by other children.

Adult passengers are responsible for their own actions and will face the fine.

Occupants in foreign registered vehicles will be required to pay the fine immediately, on the spot, and will not lose licence points.

The wearing of the seat belt is mandatory for all vehicle occupants, whether in the front or the back of the vehicle. In those vehicles

where only two seat belts are available in the back seats, then only two people can sit on that seat.

The use of seat belts in Spain has been mandatory since 1975 for the front seats and since 1992 for the rear seats.


The DGT shares some basic and important

recommendations for the use of seat belts: Putting on the seat belt in the rear seats is just as important as doing it in the front.

You must wear the seat belt tight to the body. You should not wear too bulky clothing. You must not put anything below the belt in order to be more comfortable.

The seat belt should never be worn under the arm, nor should it be pulled away from the body to make it feel more comfortable. Avoid putting any type of towel or cover on the seats, as it increases the probability of the “submarine” effect occurring.

Check, once fastened, that it is not caught or rolled anywhere.

Pass the top of the seat belt across the clavicle, between the neck and the shoulder; never by the neck, because it could cause serious injuries in the event of an incident. Place the seat almost at a right angle, never too inclined, since this position favours the “submarine” effect.

Have an approved workshop change the seat belt if it has been activated during an incident such as a collision, because its braiding will have lost its effectiveness and there may even be breaks in the anchoring systems.

Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Not wearing a seat belt is penalised with a 200 euro fine and the loss of 3 points on your license.



ANSWERS Week 965


ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Manuscript; 7 Ounce; 8 Roister; 10 Simplify; 11 Whim; 13 Impose; 15 Search; 17 Norm; 18 Narcotic; 21 Epithet; 22 April; 23 Coherently.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Minim; 2 Needless; 3 Strife; 4 Raid; 5 Pitcher; 6 Conscience; 9 Ramshackle; 12 Penchant; 14 Portico; 16 Cattle; 19 Tardy; 20 Shoe.



6.Alms (7)

7.Trite (5)

9.Meditate (5)

10.Confiscate (7)

12.Respectful (11)

14.Implication (11)

18.Twist (7)

19.Splendour (5)

21.Cram (5)

22.Acrid (7)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23


1.Evade (5)

2.Rut (6)

3.Pig-pen (3)

4.Frolic (6)

5.Deny (7)

8.Pardon (7)

11.Sermon (7)

13.Community (7)

15.Inform (6)

16.Force (6)

17.Incorrect (5)

20.Place (3)

ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Malefactor; 7 Allow; 8 Conceal; 10 Sinfully; 11 Fans; 13 Grafts; 15 Pastor; 17 Tory; 18 Rag-dolls; 21 Dinners; 22 Never; 23 Heart's-ease.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Milan; 2 Lawsuits; 3 Facile; 4 Cans; 5 Overact; 6 Farsighted; 9 Last resort; 12 Gardenia; 14 Arrange; 16 Passes; 19 Levee; 20 Beer.

6.Kind of bridge to knock down (7)

7.Most disturbed about the opening of educational books (5)

9.Material produced from underground on return (5)

10.Incompetent but famous (7)

12.Using a filter again for checking (11)

14.Fourth part of the ship? (7-4)

18.Indications of promotion for dissolute priests (7)

19.Gets through the tidal waves (5)

21.Showing lack of experience in one part of the course (5)

22.Authorise general circulation free! (7)


1.Uncontaminated eastern fruit concentrate (5)

2.Don't work to find oil (6)

3 and 20Dn. Poetry provides the lad with clear profit (6)

4.Portuguese in a different territory (6)

5.Refuse to become senile (7)

8.Not away from a sign directing hospital visitors (7)

11.More inclined to be one who soaks (7)

13.The leader of the mine-workers speaks - almost inaudibly (7)

15.Exerted control and ruled, we hear (6)

16.About the end of the game, the mob shouted triumphantly (6)

17.The French tree having a dog attached to it! (5)

20.See 3 Down.

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. What percentage of the population of Ireland have red hair? a. 4%, b. 10%, c. 28%

2. In song, who "lives in a very bad part of town"?

3. Cape Agulhas (Cape of Needles) is the southernmost point on which continent?

4. The 12th century Italian Flavio de Gioia is considered by many to be the father of which useful rose?

5. What are the only 3 films to win the Big 5 Oscars?

6. Which famous hill is named after Prince Carlo III?

7. Which impeccably dressed gentleman drove a 1926 4.5 litre Bentley in a popular TV series?

8. The following lyrics are from songs with 'S-T-A-R' somewhere in the title. Can you name the song? a. Ye cannae change the laws of physics, laws of physics, b. Jamming good with weird and gilly, c. Keeps a ten bob note up his nose, d. Gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy.

9. In most Arab countries Homer Simpon's first name is what?

10. The dockyards in which city were the largest industrial complex in the world for much of the 19th century?

11. Which little song ditty ends with the words "Cyril Connelly"?

12. Charlie Chaplin shared his cabin with Arthur Jefferson on his first Atlantic crossing in 1910. Who was Arthur Jefferson?

13. Thomas Tompion (1637-1713), John Arnold (17361799), Abraham-Louis Breguet (1747-1823) and Ferdinand-Adolf Lange (1815-1875) were all world famous makers of what?

14. Can you name the three original members of The Supremes?

15. Which controversial actor played all of the following historical figures in film? Fletcher Christian, George Armstrong Custer and Gentleman Jim Corbett

16. The largest wine cask in the world, found in Schloss Heidelberg, holds how many litres? a. 2,200 b. 22,000 or c. 222,000

17. xn + yn = zn is associated with which famous French mathematician?

18. Which expression is associated with the fate of the HMS Birkenhead?

19. The so called Ararat anomaly appears in certain photographs. What is it that can apparently be seen in these photos?

20. Cinematic History: a: What was the British studio that produced comedies such as The Lavender Hill Mob and Kind Hearts and Coronets?. b: Who succeeded Marlon Brando as the head of the Corleone family in the Godfather movies? c: Who directed Clint Eastwood in the so-called Spaghetti Westerns? d: Who won Britain's first Oscar when he was voted Best Actor for The Private Life of Henry VIII in 1934? e: If Burt Lancaster is to Kirk Douglas, Kurt Russell is to whom, and why?

PAGE 14 Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385



Love: love changes everything – who said that? Andrew Lloyd Webber, I think…

For when Harry met Meghan think Romeo and Juliet meet Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson (who?). The English king astoundingly abdicated in 1936 over his love for a twice-divorced American lady. Hmm…

One day in June 2016 our love-starved Spare instagrams an angelic vision, excitedly finding this fantasy is an American actress and luckily temporarily in London. Cue violins, fireworks, wham, bang, thank you Ma´am (in the spiritual sense). Smitten Cap´n Wales finds his thrust is reciprocated in the Suit of Spades by Meghan (that’s the new ´M´ word btw), an ambitious young lady from Los Angeles living in Canada. Mixed-race, her white father and Afro-American mother have divorced some years before (so broken parental homes in common with H). Meg is confident and determined, strong on womens´ rights, and although divorced herself after a short marriage is now happily single living in Toronto with her well-known TV series (surprise, Willy and Kate are well Suited!).

Ah but the vile Press and Paps are never far behind Harry, he´s box-office money, and when the tryst is discovered life will be as intolerable as ever. Hang on, the romantic Gods are with the young lovers for a short period of rejoicing as Churchill once put it. With his boys-own CV Harry knows just the place, and quickly whisks Meg to Botswana to play in tents (intensely?) amongst the lions and elephants. But soon it is time to face the music – and learn to curtsey to Granny. The romance continues as Meg moves over to the UK, seemingly unaware of the Royal Family, protocol and what awaits her. ´The Fab Four´ are temporarily created with William and Kate, and all seems well with triumphant tours of New Zealand, Oz, Tonga and Fiji. Meg and our Queen gel apparentlyand soon wedding plans are soon in place. So far so brilliant.

Problem: Meghan´s Dad is estranged and giving his daughter away is a problem. To prove how out of touch our Royal Family is today Queen Liz and son Charles advise Meg to

write Dad a letter – weird in these days of instant electronic communication. Surprise, this venture all blows up, a P/R disaster as the press get hold of the letter, turn it, twist it, turn it and Meg is enraged, sues the Mail On Sunday. Lesson one Meg – never take on the press. (tell Harry). You might win the battle but you´ll surely lose the ongoing war. Now, amid the wedding the initial happiness is compromised as trouble begins: tiara tantrums, ludicrous lip-gloss loaning, little tell-tales begin to emerge as the Family´s previously tight communication departments begin to differ. Rumours circulate that Meghan is not as sweetness and light as we had thought and words like ´difficult´ and ´abrasive´ - and a ´ bully¨ are used – by brother Willy, ooh er… A dog´s breakfast occurs, brotherly scuffle, Willy knocks Harold to the floor, gosh…

It could be noted at this point that Meghan´s occupation as an actress begins to make more sense. Stage-managed interviews to tell her side of stories are becoming more obvious and frequent. Harry now seems to be now totally overwhelmed as never before. But how did this change occur? There are clues…

One early telling paragraph reveals a great deal. It´s Dec 2016 at previously idyllic Frogmore cottage, the prezzy from Granny. Meg has bought a settee from IKEA on her credit card, nice homely touch. With a chicken dinner bubbling the domestic scene is tender, but from somewhere Harry gets annoyed, alluding towards his ´Jekyll and Hyde´ character and speaks sharply to his love. Meg disappears. Fifteen minutes later he finds her in the bedroom. Swift retribution follows: ´Where did you ever hear a man speak like that to a woman? Did you overhear adults speak that way when you were growing up? Meghan makes it perfectly clear SHE is not going to tolerate that kind of partner, and SHE is not going to bring up children in an atmosphere of anger and disrespect. So

Harry has his card marked –has Meg laid down a Markle? He weakly admits he has tried

Part 2

therapy but it hadn´t worked. ´Try again´, he is specifically told. So big lessons in life are quickly learnt at the hands of his powerful mistress: a mature, experienced woman used to having her own way.

In the public eye trouble quickly increases. There are nasty accusations of racism, labels of trailer-trash, even Boris Johnson´s sister saying Meg is from the wrong side of the tracks. The first baby soon arrives and oh dear, pictures of a chimpanzee appear in a certain Red Top newspaper. Hapless Harry is still openly cooling his moods with weed and marijuana, seemingly unaware that such accusations of misuse are not doing his image good, not only with a sector of previously-loyal British people, but also crossing American custom lines, perhaps unappreciative of his admitted use. As matters on the home front deteriorate there is talk of the now-larger family escaping but where to? Aha, Canada sounds good, Meg´s adopted home – very civilized, away from the P & P parasites: Megxit!

So far, so bad – our once-golden couple, now with baby are soon discovered and this time a wealthy American friend offers succour in his mansion in LA, Meg´s home town. Great idea, until – you know. So now with baby two coming it´s off to where the laid-back wealthy Yanks live, Santa Barbara - but this time buying a house, with a deposit and a mortgage too, - just like normal folk.

Talking of money, we find out that Pa (King Charles to you now) holds all the cards – and money. We learn of the serious ´Sandringham Agreement´ a tumultuous five-point document for the now fifth-in-line to effectively leave the country, the Royal Family, security, titles, their home, all in order to get away from the apparently beastly establishment and start a new life away from everything not liked. In a perfect example of British how-not-to-doit an Oprah Winfrey interview follows togeth-

er with a six-part Netflix documentary complemented with a number of interviews with Harry telling all the previously-taboo family secrets to any interviewers willing to pay. This American way of doing things causes immense trouble and resentment back home in the UK, with a stunned country and family amazed at Harry´s behaviour – Oh, and there´s a warts ´n all book coming out.

In truth, this a story which could apply to many families today. The in-word is ´dysfunctional´ where divorces and family disputes are common. Brothers and sisters grow up together, then each may marry or find partners who possibly will not get on with the original siblings, no surprise there. But in our Royal Family such aspects are magnified enormously, and the apparent break-up of the two Windsor brothers appears sad with the family future looking bleak.

The book finishes as it starts: the Duke of Edinburgh had just died, and there is a lastditch attempt for unity as Charles and his two sons meet al fresco for a walk to thrash matters out. It´s two onto one, Pa and Willy united in trying to make Harold see sense. He´s having none of it, now even more determined to expose everything for the hypocrisy of it all – as H sees it of course, according to the gospel of St Meg. Crossing a sacrosanct previously untrodden line the other ´M´ word is brandished by William, swearing on their Mummy´s life that he is committed to sorting it all out for his little brother. Without his Marker and despite Willy´s trump card Harold disputes and dismisses this desperate fraternal offer. Nearly everyone comes away with heavy hearts resigned to a stalemate and no progress or reconciliation. End of story…

PS If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny , Dads Army style: Charles as Cap´n Mainwaring, Harry as Pike: ´Stupid Boy!´

Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, English-speaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website at: www.

Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain


Los Montesinos - La Herrada

2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, Galleria. Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport, Priced to sell at E79,995 Tel: +34 634 383 099.Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744.

Cello Lessons required for mature student. Call David Last on 638 108 078

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:

Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website

PAGE 16 Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Night-scented stock and gorgeous garden fragrance

Night-scented stock - known as Grecian stock or evening stock - is a hardy annual plant that brings a pretty delicacy and gorgeous fragrance to a garden!

Its white, lilac, or pink simple four-petalled flowers give off a strong sweet perfume in late evening, which makes them extremely attractive to night flying moths. They can be cut for indoor flower displays and are edible, looking lovely added to salads.

It's best to grow night scented stock from seed in full sun, but will also flower in dappled shade, however, perhaps not as prolifically.

The soil should be moist and well drained. Choose a sheltered spot, protected from strong winds that might blow it over, near areas where you can appreciate the fragrance that wafts in the evening.

Night-scented stock do not react well to being moved, so it is best to sow directly into the border or pot where you want it to grow.

It’s easy to grow from seed, sowing at intervals from late winter to mid-summer will give


Ref: 001562 e425,000

you a succession of flowers throughout the season.

Night scented stock needs little care, apart from regular watering in dry conditions, especially when at seedling stage.

No pruning is required. In the autumn simply remove the remains of the plants and place in your compost heap.

Slugs and snails may damage young plants, otherwise they are problem free.


Totally refurbished 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, villa with large southfacing terrace.

Airconditioning and heating, all new windows, completely insulated. Underbuild with 2 additional rooms. Garage and access to seperate garden area, part of which is used for bed and breakfast.

PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023

The Man Who Would Be Mayor

This week, The Leader sat down for an informal chat with Pablo Samper, head of the electoral list for Sueña Torrevieja, a political party who are looking increasingly likely to challenge Eduardo Dolón for the role in the municipal elections next month.

Samper, who was born in Torrevieja and currently runs a business in the town offering help and advice to the residents, was accompanied by Alejandro Martín, who is also on the electoral list for the group, originally from Burgos, who has lived and worked in Torrevieja for many years.

Although they have been around as a political party since 2015, gaining two council seats in the elections when they first formed, reducing to one seat in the last election, this time the party is gaining momentum, partly due to their proposals for governing, and partly due to picking up members from other, less stable

Open Invitation for Comments and Questions

With the elections now a matter of weeks away, announcements, proposals and clean-ups are coming thick and fast from all political angles, but in Torrevieja, the Mayor, Eduardo DolÛn, would like to know your opinion before you get to mark your ballot box, and answer any questions or doubts you might have.

The Leader will be meeting with Eduardo DolÛn soon, and he has offered an open invitation for us to go to the interview armed with your questions, criticisms, or compliments, so if there is anything you would like us to raise, send us your comments.

Gitte Lund Thomsen, the Councillor for International Residents, will also be able to answer questions about Torrevieja, and as Eduardo DolÛn will be standing in the Valencia regional elections, the floor is also open to your questions even if you are not from Torrevieja. He currently serves in the Alicante provincial government.

So, if you do have questions, comments, criticism, or praise, either about the local situation in Torrevieja, or if you are from the surrounding area, matters that might be raised at either a provincial or regional level, indicating where you live, email them to and we will do our best to get as many answered as possible.


The fundamental difference with Sueña Torrevieja compared to the other parties, such as the ruling PP, the PSOE or Los Verdes, is that they are exclusively a local party, focussed entirely on the needs of the people of Torrevieja. Eduardo Dolón, the current mayor, already has two political jobs, as the representative of the PP in Torrevieja and

another in the Alicante provincial government, and is this time standing in the hope of being elected into the Valencian regional body, let alone his other business interests, and so, as Samper explains, his attention will always be divided.

Samper also believes that their proposed projects has already won them favour. The main project is the pedestrianisation of much of the

town centre. Whereas this development is not without controversy, a number of people raised their objections when the plan was launched, and yet those same people are now supporting the pedestrianisation plan subsequently announced by Dolón.

Sueña Torrevieja also published plans for the redevelopment of the park at the old railway station, and the much-needed widening of the N-332. They will shortly publish their proposals for the creation of a multi-purpose concert and conference centre, similar to those found in other cities, which could be used to host concerts which currently cause a lot of noise and inconvenience to the local residents.

When asked if Sueña Torrevieja would join a coalition, whilst first jokingly stating that there will be no need as they are confident they will get the most votes, Samper did confirm that, with the exception of the extremist parties, no option would be off the table, if it were to be best for the people of Torrevieja, and therefore every vote counts if you want to see a brighter future through a change in government.


The Ministry of the Interior has launched the official logo of the local elections on May 28, as well as an info website,, which is now also available in English, and contains relevant information on how to exercise your right to vote, the election calendar, the different candidacies that are presented, and much more.

The website presents an attractive and modern design, which facilitates friendly navigation through the different contents that are integrated around four large sections: general information, political formations, people who make up the tables and accessibility. Voters will be able to solve any issues they have on voting in person or by mail on this portal; about the opening hours of schools; or on the personal identification documents that must be presented at the polling stations. An important section is the one dedicated to accessibility, which includes general information both for people who go to the polling station to vote and for those who are part of the polling stations. In the latter case, special emphasis is placed on deaf and blind or visually impaired people and on the tools made available to them to carry out their duties at a polling station.

The website is available in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque and

Valencian and, as a first, this year, also in English with the aim of providing information to those foreigners residing in the country who have their right to participate in local elections recognised.


In accordance with article 42.3 of Organic Law 5/1985, of June 19, on the General Electoral Regime, the royal decree published in the BOE calls for local elections to cover the positions of councillors of municipalities not subject to open council; the mayors of the municipalities that, by tradition or by virtue of regional regulations, have adopted the open council regime, as well as the councillors of the island councils of the Canary archipelago.

Likewise, and in accordance with the provisions of the autonomy statutes of Ceuta and Melilla, the royal decree calls for the election of members of the assemblies of these two autonomous cities, elections to be held on the same date.

The electoral campaign will last fifteen days and will begin at 00:00 on Friday, May 12 and end at 24:00 on Friday, May 26. This is the only period during which political parties and individuals can openly canvas for votes.

Torrevieja Los Verdes announce their electoral list


Salvador Ruso to lead Vox

The Greens have announced the first members of their electoral list at a press conference held on Monday, and attended by Vice President Aitana Más, together with in excess of a hundred local

As expected, Israel Muñoz fills the top position, followed by Estefanía Imbernon (volunteer and social activist), Cristina Morales (founder of ADENIS), Irene Villalobos (social graduate and content creator), Daniel Varela (activist for neighbourhood rights) and the inclusion of Fabiana Ibarra, former PSOE councillor in the progressive government of 2015.

The list will be completed by former mayor Jose Manuel Dolón, as a show of appreciation and respect, for his efforts to improve Torrevieja over many years.

"I am a manager, not a politician and I want a better Torrevieja"

A doctor by profession, Salvador Ruso has accepted the Vox candidacy in Torrevieja. However, in so doing he asked for two conditions, that he is not paid and that the party works toward returning Torrevieja hospital to a public/private healthmanagement model. He defines himself as a man-

ager rather than a politician due to his experience as director of public hospitals, with health and safety being the focus of his program. He has not yet revealed the names that will join him in his candidacy but confirmed that they will be known this week.

PAGE 18 Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Salvador Ruso Israel Muñoz & Estefanía Imbernon Pablo Samper, of Sueña Torrevieja, along with his number 2, Alejandro Martín

Use your voice and your vote on 28 May

Orihuela Costa maintains one of the largest British populations in Spain, where Britons account for one in eight of the registered population of the Orihuela municipality, with a total of 13,594 citizens on the municipal register (padrón), They are among 117 different nationalities which make up over 36% of the municipality’s 84,568 inhabitants, and although the number of Britons fell by 379 in 2020,it is now on the rise again.

So, what does that mean and how can it help Orihuela Costa. Well, there are an estimated 8,000 registered voters, that is equivalent to 8 councillors, however, when you add the other eligible voters resident on the coast that figure increases to the mid-teens which, if everybody voted, would equate to roughly 13-15 councillors, so we can clearly see that there is hope for Orihuela Costa, but that hope centres around the need for all Orihuela Costa voters to come together, to speak as one voice. It is this unity that will make the difference.

Orihuela Costa has so much potential, which is why it is still such a magnet, not only for the 900,000 tourists that visit us each year, accounting for 90% of all Orihuela’s tourism, but also for those people buying property.

Last year alone, nearly 900 properties were bought and sold on Orihuela Costa, with the number of registered residents increasing by roughly 2,200 people, and that figure is not only going to continue but also increase. In approximately 10 Years’ time Orihuela Costa will have a population equal to that of the rest of the Orihuela municipality combined.


But the work needs to begin now. Orihuela Costa needs to have representation on the council. This is the only way that we will have access to information, documents, files, contracts and municipal finances. The more councillors we can achieve, the more we can make ourselves heard…...but the key word is VOTE, without which Orihuela politicians will continue to ignore our legal, civil and socioeconomic rights. What we do on 28 May will affect the Orihuela Costa and it’s future generations for many years to come. So, make sure that you do the right thing by using your voice and your vote wisely.

The DANA, a maritime storm, the pandemic, the consequences in Spain of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, inflation... Pilar de la Horadada has had to face many problems during the current legislature, although the mayor of Pilar de la Horadada, JosÈ MarÌa PÈrez, said last week that now has much more knowledge that will better equip him "to continue working for the people."

He said that it is now that the fruits that have been sown during the four-year legislature are being seen, particularly with aid to small businesses and improvements made in areas such as Sports and Culture.

ìI want to continue working hard for the people of the town, for which I want to give 200% of myselfî, he said. The mayor added that there are still many projects currently underway, such as a Museum of Brotherhoods, an auditorium and a conservatory along with improvements throughout the municipality such as in Mil Palmeras. The mayor also highlighted the growth of the municipality that is increasing in population while the living conditions of its residents are also improving.

Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
sure that you do the right thing by using your voice and your vote wisely.
JosÈ MarÌa says that he now has much more knowledge

La Marina Bowls

Wednesday 5th April, and it's the start of the VCLLeague. That's the format of 2 singles, ladies and gents, 1 pair, 1 trip and 1 rink of 4.

On Wednesday we played the Emerald Isle at home and what a start to the season, I get to introduce the whole team as winners.

Ladies Singles ñ Janet Parsons 21- 5, Men's Singles ñ Garth Slater 21-5, Pairs ñ Margaret MacLaughlin & Peter Parsons 1813, triples Norman Ship, Tom Spencer & John Rae 37-11, and our rink of Trevor Stemp, Mike & Carol Smith with Margaret Finlayson 18-11 giving us the maximum of 12 points.

Friday saw the start of the Harrier trips league, and we were at home to Greenland Warriors and had another fine result, losing on only 1 rink by 3 shots. Our winning trips being Barbara Forshaw, Shirley Hadaway and John Rae 24-10, Janet Parsons, Norman Ship and Garth Slater 16-13, Trevor Stemp, Wendy Latham & Len Daniels 26-14, and finally Kath Manning, John Morgan & Peter Parsons 24-9 giving us a overall shot difference of 99-64 and 10 points to 2.

Just a reminder of Monkey Racing Night Wednesday 17th April in the pool bar, all are welcome.

Well done to all a splendid start to the summer season and good luck to all those competing in the Champion of Champions at Greenlands, where your support will be appreciated..

Monte Mar Toros v Greenlands Gladiators - 7 Apr

The first match of the Summer League we were away at Greenlands. There were some close games, two we lost on the last end. We only managed a draw on one rink. Well done to the drawing rink: Jean Chamberlain, Steve Leatherland skip Phil Goble. Shots Toros 79 - 106 Gladiators, Points Toros 1 - 11 Gladiators. By Sheila Roberts

Greenlands Bowls Club

VCL League - Greenlands Titans great result winning on all rinks and taking maximum points 12-0, 114-64 against El Rancho

Not such a good day for Greenlands Giants who succumbed to a 4-8 defeat to Vistabella.

Friday South Alicante Summer League. Harriet Division –Greenlands Warriors v La Marina, not a good day for them losing on all but 1 rink 2-10 shots were 64-99

Hurricane Div. Great result for Greenlands Gladiators v Monte Mar winning 11-1. Shots were 106 -79. (by Pearl Houghton)


It was all systems go last week,as QBC embarked on the start of 2 LLB summer leagues.On Wednesday,in the VCL,div 1 Lions travelled to San Miguel,where they drew 6-6 against the Sheriffs.

M Highland won the ladies singles 21-19,T Morgan came out on top in the mens singles 21-12,whilst C Highland & M Ward won their pairs match 19-8. At home to San Miguel Deputies,Tigers also drew 6-6. As with the lions,both singles events were successful.I Everett won the ladies 21-17 and A Reid won the mens 21-11.

The other winning discipline was the rinks (17-12), which consisted of T Brinton,V Slater,P Bradbury & R Lewin.

An all-Quesada battle kicked off a new South Alicante league season,in which Blenheims beat Lancasters 8-4. Blenheims won on 3 rinks,plus they secured overall shots,thanks to these sets of trips - C Lowry,B Elliott, K Lowry 22-15.G Phillips,M France,Jason P 31-7.B Trinder,A Linley,P Morgan 25-10.For the Lancasters, it was I Everitt,V Slater,P Bradbury 18-13 plus S Johnston,D Collings,T Voisey 22-21,who did the damage.

Finally, after a slight pause, the summer leagues have started and at least the weather has warmed up, so fingers crossed we can put away some of the winter layers and get out the sun cream.

Valencian Championship League Wednesday 5th

DIV A. Falcons, got off to a flying start; after an incredibly close fought match to the last shot, away v Emerald Isle Dukes, taking 9-3, shots 88-81. Well done to winners: Singles – Kath Reid 21-20, and Scott Malden 21-12. Triples – Trish Reilly, Sandra Burrows, John Smyth 14-14. Rinks – Chris Jackson, Bill Webb, Caroline

Dukes started the VCL league at home against San Luis Falcons and they slipped to a 3-9, aggregate 8188, defeat. S Marks R Marks 22-14, M Oakley M Ellis C Lindgren got a 1414 draw

Earls played away at La Marina and they got beaten 0-12 Aggregate of 45-115

The Annual Les McCracken Trophy game was played on Sunday April 2nd. A great days bowling, thanks all for taking part, and the winners of the TROPHY were the hosts this year, with Martin Oakley, Mick Ellis and Drew Gerrard taking it.

Best visitors trip taking the cup were

Smyth, Pat Reilly 18-13.

DIV B. Hawks, had some close battles but unfortunately they were brought down by Country Bowls Foxes, 2-10, shots 73-101, Winners: Rinks – Ray Watmough, Terry Baylis, Cas Blay, Stewart Hamill 23-17.

LLB South Alicante league Friday 7th

SPITFIRE Div. The Wellingtons were away v San Miguel Moors and had a real nip and tuck morning with both teams having some excellent close heads, although they didn’t necessarily last! Finishing with points 6-6, and shots, also very close, 8386. Winning on 3 rinks: Chris Jackson, Vic Mahomet, Dave Webb 20-18, Bill

Webb, Caroline Smyth, Scott Malden 2510, Giuseppe Galelli, June& Keith Jones 18-14.

HARRIER Div. our Hercules team at home v Country Bowls Bluebirds worked hard against some strong players for 4-8, 71-89. Winners: Sue Kenyon, Jane Hamill, Ian Kenyon 26-13, Ray Watmough, Bob Bromley, John Dowell 15-12.

Next week our club Champions will be taking part in the Champion of Champions Tournament, we wish all our competitors the very best of luck in all their matches, and may the magic be with you.

Vulcans played at home against Vistabella Fairways and they had a good 8-4, Aggregate of 87-85, M Veale S Elvin N Davis 17-12 , P Willicott G Wallis R White 22-18, M Oakley N Prior B Kavanagh drew 1818, P Heaney K Jolliffe M Dyer 16-16 Victors travelled to Country Bowls Red Kites and they got beaten 2-10, Aggregate of 67-110, J Forrest J Ball G Odell 19-13.

Remember SAPS is on every SAT at 13-15 with 2 hours bowling.

Shoes and Bowls supplied and coaching if wanted, all for 5 EUROS, also bar open throughout.

Greenlands with Sue Bosworth, Andy Miles, Dave Morrison

El Rancho Bowls Club

This season we are just entering a team in the VCLand our first half of the season are all away matches, today’s being at Greenlands against their B team. Although we put in a good effort, particularly Diane Yates, who had a splendid match, we came away without a point.

Ladies singles: Diane Yates 19-21. Gents singles: Keith Longshaw 13-21. Pairs: Malc Sykes and Jim Eastwood: 1221. Triples: Peter Blackburn, Judy Foley and Ron Greenstreet 11-29. Rinks: Bill Johnston, Frances Johnston, Pam Harris and Brian Harris 7-22. Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at

Vistabella Bowls Club

With Richard Willey VCL summer league - Singles, pairs, triples and fours. Vistabella Saxons v Greenlands Giants

Good game played in competitive spirit as always. Good wins by Sue Wilson in ladies singles 21 - 14, also Martin Foulcer mens singles 21-10 plus our mixed fours of Keith Black, Paul Durham, Alan Bannister and Eric Bishop 23-15. This gave Saxons a 8-4pts win. Well done Vistabella.

Mixed triples, Spitfire Division, Emerald Isle Vulcans v Vistabella Fairways

A very close fought match between two strong teams. Good win by Lynne Bishop, Keith Black and Gary Thorpe 21-14, Derek Howe, Alan Bannister and Martin Foulcer drew 16-16 and Steve Baxter, Richard Willey and Carol Thorpe also drew 18-18 two very close games. Overall scores went to Emerald Isle Vulcans 8785. Vistabella eventually losing 4-8pts. Very close games with some extremely good bowling by both teams.

San Miguel Bowls by Mary Whitelock

The VCL and Spring/Summer Leagues started this week. On Wednesday in the VCL the Sheriffs took on Quesada Lions and ended with a draw 6 points each. HIghest winners were the triples of Ron Peters, Hank Van Essen and Lee Sinclair. The Deputies were away to Quesada Tigers and they also drew 6-6 and again the highest winners were the triples of Sharon Louise, Barbara Scotthern and Derek Farmer.

On Friday in the Spring/Summer League, the Moors took on San Luis Wellingtons at home and drew 6-6. Highest winning triple was Jan Farmer, Gail Willshire and Fred Willshire. The Christians were away to La Siesta Wasps and they also drew 6-6 with their highest triple being Bob Hanton, Linda Douglas and Mike Douglas.

SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB by Sheila Cammack


Ladybirds11 - 14Tipsy Tigers

Friendly Chicas11 - 8Primadonnas

Gap Girlz16 - 4Friendly Temps

Dolly Mixtures10 - 12Wacky Allsorts


Gap Girlz1421280


Tipsy Tigers14170144


Friendly Temps14139168

Friendly Chicas14131167

Wacky Allsorts14122177

Dolly Mixtures14118180


37 members played at Saurinas de la Torre. The course was in good condition and the greens were lightening quick, so a few 3 putts were recorded.

The captain welcomed the new members: David Carling, Caroline Aitken

Prizes were presented to the following: -

NTP Hole 5 Mark Atkinson, Hole 6 Denis McCormack, Hole 12 Chris Mills, Hole 13 Denis McCormack

The Best Net score on Hole 8 was Denis McCormack with a net 3

The Team Event was won by Denis McCormack, Paul Skillett, Per Lofgren, Mark Ridout

All the above won a e10 Voucher kindly donated by Galaxy Golf

Lo Crispin GS at Saurines De La Torre

On Wednesday 5th. April 30 members, played in an Individual Stableford competition at Saurines Golf. We would not have been playing there at all, as we were booked to play at Mar Menor, who transferred our booking to Saurines, following the closure of half the course at Mar Menor due to a water problem !

A Jack Nicklaus designed course, Saurines has many swales and hollows (including some of the greens, or so it seemed to many of the players), which made finding and staying on the greens or very close to them with 'approach' shots somewhat problematic.

So that concludes all the league matches for this season. Gap Girlz remain victorious, breaking through the 200 leg barrier, but Ladybirds were hot on their heels and the Tipsy Tigers closed the down the leg difference with the Ladybirds.

The Wacky Allsorts, often one or two players short played extremely well, all things considered. The Dolly Mixtures recruited new players but could make no difference on the final tally and will be taking home the wooden spoon. Next week we have the ladies singles competition which should produce some very good darts.


Well done also to Amrit Dawidow who won e20 on the charity football card.

The Silver Division runner up was Ian Harkness with 32 points. The Silver Division winner was Wayne Stevenson with 42 points.

The Gold Division runner up was with Alan McAuliffe 37 points. The Gold Division winner was Denis McCormack

Gold Division - 1st Place. - Richard Brady 32 pts off 17 (on CB), 2nd Place - Steve King 32 pts off 18 (on CB), 3rd PlaceHoward Soltau 32 pts 22

with 40 points.

Congratulations go to our overall winner Wayne Stevenson with 42 points

The captain’s chosen charity is Help at Home, and this year’s fund currently stands at e480.00. A well-deserved thankyou goes to Sam Udell our charity member for her continued hard work Thanks to Michael and Annouska of the Lucky Lion for their continued support, a delicious post-match meal. Our next match on Thursday, 28th April is at Saurinas de la Torre. We have 36 places available.

Please place your name on the list at the Lucky Lion bar for any further information, contact the Secretary at


Silver Division - 1st Place - Steve Harrington 34 pts off 33, 2nd Place - Alex McCartney 33 pts off 36, 3rd Place - Janet Candlin 32 pts off 40

Just one player, Steve King was rewarded with a sleeve of golf balls for achieving the nearest the Pin on the Par 3 sixth hole. Nobody was able to achieve a 2 on the day, which means that the 2s Pot will roll over to our next game, our Anniversary Trophy at Font Del Llop on 19th. April.

Finally, the Free Game Draw was won by John Dunnion, again ! Steve Harrington

SUNNYCORNER GS had 30 golfers playing at Roda last week, with Peter Harmam winning overall, blind pairs, Dessie Shirley & Peter Harman, par threes Tommy Reilly. The photo is Mick Cook presenting Dessie with his prize.

This weekís match was held at the Alicante Golf course where 28 members competed for the Committee Trophy. The golf course was in great condition which made for some good scoring. This weekís winner with an impressive 42 points was Sarah McCabe, in second place by countback was Gordon McLagan with 39 points and one of our newer members Sue Saunders also with 39 points.

Nearest the pin winners were Dave Slightam for hole 3&6, Gordon McLagan for hole 12 and Rod Allen for hole 17. The rollover 2ís pot was shared by Gerry McCabe and Gordon McLagan.

Todayís game also saw 6 members compete in their knock-out cup round, where Gerry McCabe, Tony Moore and Jeff Wiszniewski won their matches and went into the next round. Abig thank you to Paolo and Ben at the Sports Complex for providing us with our after-game refreshments, much appreciated. Our next game is at El Plantio, if any member wishes to play, please contact our secretary asap if you havenít already done so.

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023
Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 156, Sharon Crane (TT) 140, 107, Ann Wharton (FT) 134, Monique Edelenbos (FT) 133, Diane Burns (DM) 120, 101, 100, Kirsty Green (LB) 119, Simone de Lacy (TT) 117, Pat Schofield (TT) 114, 102, Jane Kelly (GG) 114, 101, Shirley Stephenson (WA) 114, Sue Casey (WA) 108, Sharon Tozer (FC) 100 x2, Amanda Skinner (GG) 100, Alison Webster (FC) 100 HIGH CHECKOUT: Chris Greenwood (WA) 75 Macklin´s Dolly Mixtures take home the wooden spoon Tipsy Tigers secure 3rd place. Overall winner Wayne Stevenson

Rodford to play Paul C. for the spoils.

A ton and a 104 out in the 1st, from the Topper set the tone, Paul C. replied with 125,85,125 D6, to level, Rodford a measly 140. The Topper however had throw in the decider recording 100,81,85, his opponent 95,140, the throw proved pivotal as Rodford planted his arrow in D16 for the match. Excellent overall scoring performance from Dave Rowlinson 6x100,132, 2x140. POTM - RodfordPaul Christopher.




Tipsy Toad Toppers7-5CC´s Bees

El Capitan2-10Mind the Gap

CC´s FlyersP-PHub Hyenas


Danny´s Bar6-6CK1 Lads

Fallen AngelsP-PMilo´s

Freakie Taverners6-6Leeson St Trotters


Ck1 Ladybirds10-2Domino´s Desp

Pint Depot Queens3-9Angel Delights

Hub Hellraisers5-7Tipsy Toad Tiaras



Mind The Gap5840

Tipsy Toad Toppers5731

Hub Hyenas4628

El Capitan5324

CC's Flyers4321

CC´s Bees5123


Ck1 Lads5839

Leeson St Trotters5733

Danny's Bar5428


Freakie Taverners5424

Fallen Angels4120


Ck1 Ladybirds51043

Tipsy Toad Tiaras5835

Angel Delights5631

Domino's Desperados5429

Hub Hellraisers5222

Pint Depot Queens5020

MOST 180´S: Mark Ellis & Dave Rowlinson x 5.

THIS WEEK: Ben Kernahan (3) El Capitan, Sam Salt (3) Mind The Gap, Lance Hardy Tipsy Toad Toppers

HIGHEST FINISH TO DATE: 154 - Mario Garcia -

Freakies. THIS WEEK: Ed Klimonis El Capitan 114

T16-16-Bull, Paul Moody Mind The Gap 110

20-T18-D18, John RodfordTipsy Toad Toppers 104






A magnificent Vycka Bobinas 174,100 didn't help the Caps, as the Gap opened a 0-3 lead with outs

from Darren Sanderson D2, Carlos Escansiano D20 and Sam Salt D10. Surprisingly it didn't improve as Gap repeated their earlier effort by taking all 3 pairs.

The 1st a real "ding dong", Olly Walker 100, Ben Kernahan 100,180, Gap's Escansiano 140,100, partner Paul Moody outing on S20,T18,D18 (110). Kernahan took the 2nd on D10, Gap managing 100,2x125.

Esco found D16 after a flurry of scores from both sides to claim the point. Gordon Cowan hit D20 and D6 in the 2nd pair, partner Sanderson providing the scores 100,140,125. Salt 180 and James Brown 3x100+ and D9, D20 got Gap to a 0-6 scoreline. Caps Arold Klimonis reversed the trend overcoming Esco 2-0, followed by a 6 ton barrage from POTMBobinas in defeating Sanderson, who took the 1st on a 70 out adding 4 more tons to a fine game. Moody got Gap over the line with a 0-2 over Kernahan for the points. Brown, Salt and Cowan completed an unexpected 2-10 score. Gap POTMSanderson.



All credit to Toppers, at 4-5 down and with Bees Bruce Admiral, Reg Christopher and Paul Christopher to play, i would have expected a draw. Not so, as Lance Hardy 2x100,180, then Lee Maiden 100,135 both won 2-0, leaving John





Great start from Trotters, 0-3 up after the triples via the Skinners, D20 from Ken, D18 and D1 from Amanda, 3 figure scores from Noel Kenny and Ernie Willis in response, wasted.

Freakies moved up a gear in the pairs, Willis 125,D8 and Kenny D8, getting the hosts to 2-4, Ken S. and Yvonne Rouffignac 121,D10 replying for Trotters.

Bryan Livsey got the better of Ken S. 2-1 as did Willis 100,140 over Barry Shingler for all square 44. Rouffignac edged the visitors closer to the finishing line with a 0-2 victory, Mario Garcia nudging out Amanda s. 2-1. All square again.

Mark Farmer put in a POTM performance with a 2 straight over Debs de Grys that included 3x100,140, 3x80+. ln the 12th Sharon Frain found D15, after 83, 121 for 6-6 and shared spoils. Garcia - POTM.


With both sides expecting a top 2 finish, it looked ominous for the Campoverde side as Lads raced to a 0-3 lead, Steve M.Dalton claiming 2 of the finishes, his 2nd after a Bob Smith battering of the T20, 100,95,125.

Smith repeated his efforts in the 1st pair 123,140,D16, John Giggs D4 nailing the 3rd. Darren Hurcombe D20 edging Lads to a 2-4 half time score.

Paul Robinson got Dannys to 3-4 with a narrow 2-1 tussle with Hurcombe, Lads Les Adams pinning a nice 97 out in his defeat of Giggs. The Lumbs, Lesley and Steve enjoyed victories over a lively Kevin Wood and Steve Mullen respectively for 5-5.

POTM - M.Dalton made it 5-6 only for Smith to save the day for Dannys. Lesley Lumb - POTM.



Birds consolidated their Division 3 top spot after this unexpected thumping of Despos. Dons Ralph finished all 3 matches she played in for a deserved POTM.

Gena Wood, Kirsty Green and Sue Christie, all with 2 game shots. Sandra Crabbe was the match winner with a fine 54 out.

Decent scores from Despos Paul Chick 2x100, Dennis Rhodes and Damien Lambert, but just 2 outer circles from POTM Cathy Wallbanks and Dave Oates.


Raisers got off to a great start winning all 3 triples, outs from Sue Spiers and a 123, Rachel Lee and Lesley Dolling, put the hosts in a great position but unable to capitalise on.

Tiaras came straight back to tie at the break, winning all 3 pairs, the best of which a Simone de Lacy 95,124 and Pat Schofield effort, the latter outing on 61. Lisa Ivill & Maralyn Hoare supplying the other 2. Hoare D10, de Lacy D4 and Sharon Crane D1 (with a miraculous 153 set up) got Tiaras to within a whisker of victory, Dolling taking out Tracey Simpson for 4-6. lvill with a D9, got Tiaras over the line for 2 points, Spiers 83,117, D1 winning the 12th for 5-7. POTM - Spiers - Ivill.


Lorraine Cox D7 was the lone Queen to find the outer circle, Marie Cummins similarly a T20, in a 1st half dominated by the Delights. Finishes from Henni Oortwijn, Sue Frew, both twice, and Sharon Williams gave Delights a 1-5 lead at the break. Williams 100, guaranteed a point, before Debbie Wright D8 and Cummins stalled the inevitable. Frew got Delights over the line on D5, Nikki Dean and Oortwijn wrapping up the remaining 2. POTMCummins - Frew

PAGE 22 Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Sharon Crane’s miraculous 153 CC’s Bees The Toppers John and Paul. POTM


Alate Sunday night

ko at high flying

La Nucia 'B', resulted in a fruitless long trip back to Rojales for the boys in blue and white. Second place La Nucia look set to bounce back to Tercera division at the first attempt.

CF La Nucia B .....2

CD Thader ...........1

Back in mid November at Formentera (Moi Gomez stadium was undergoing a pitch resurfacing at the time), the whiz kids from La Nucia snatched a late dramatic winner in a 2-1 victory. And guess what - they only went and did it again!!

During the week, Rojales town hall awarded CD Thader the medal of honour, to commemorate their centenary year. There were 3 changes from the previous match, a 2-2 home draw against CFI Alicante. In came Rosquin, Pascual & Juan, at the expense of Miguel, Rulo & Quino, who all dropped to the bench.

Inside 4 mins, Nando put the ball the wrong side of the post, as La Nucia looked dangerous from the outset. But, on 15 mins, Thader struck back, when Fran let fly with a 30-yard screamer that went fractionally over the bar. Nando thought he had put the hosts ahead

on 23 mins, but an eagleeyed linesman spotted an offside infringement.

Rosquin was the next player to try his luck, when his 25yard drive was well saved by La Nucia keeper Fer. Against the run of play, on 31 mins, a speculative longrange effort by Steven, struck the back of the net, with Thader keeper Chema rooted to the spot.

Then, with time ticking away towards the half time interval, Thader's own youthful super star Rosquin, received a crossfield pass, took the ball in his stride, before sliding it under a powerless keeper.

As in the first half, La Nucia started the new half strongly. Chema had to be at his best to deny the impressive Rodri a certain 2nd goal for La Nucia on 55 mins. Then from the resultant corner, only a header off the line kept the scores level.

On the hour mark, Monerris beat the offside trap, but when faced with a 1 against 1, he blasted over the bar, much to the relief of the few travelling Thader fans.

Ruben executed a superb volley from 25 yards on 71 mins, which was well saved by Fer. La Nucia took the lead on 73 mins. A

cross from the left by Augustin was inch perfect to the feet of Pablo, who made light work of slamming the ball into an unguarded net. Credit must go to the match ref who controlled the match sensibly, choosing not to caution a player until the 82nd min, which has to be some sort of record for Spanish

La Manga Torrevieja Cricket Club

La Manga Torrevieja CC coach Neil Brook put the club's junior section through their paces at La Manga Golf Resort.

The LMTCC juniors attended the La Manga T20 classic tournament, that featured six teams, with 122 guests from Germany, Northern Ireland, England and Wales.

La Manga Torrevieja CC star Elspeth Fowler captained the Spanish national side in the international T10 triangular tournament at the Cártama oval in Málaga.

Spain faced Austria and Malta in a league format over two days, that was streamed over the European cricket network on YouTube.

LMTCC hosted Oslo Aliens Cricket Club, with 2 x 40 over games against


1.b.Ireland has the highest number of red-haired people per capita in the world, with the percentage of those with red hair at around 10%.2.Sloopy.Hang on Sloopy (The McCoys).3.Africa.4.The windrose on a compass.5.Only three films have won all five of these major awards:It Happened One Night (1934), One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975), and The Silence of the Lambs (1991).6. Monte Carlo.7.John Steed in The Avengers.8.a.Star Trekkin (The Firm), b. Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie), c.Mean

the tourists side.

Preferente div football.

On Sun 16 Apr, ko 1130, Thader will be hosting Novelda UCF inside Moi Gomez Stadium, Rojales.

Thader currently lie 12th on 34 points, whilst Novelda sit in 14th place, so it should be an evenly matched encounter.

Cricket España celebrated their T20 historic victory against the Isle of Man during their tour of Spain with a 10 wickets win, with 118 balls remaining. Downpatrick Cricket Club got the 2023 season underway by playing in Spain against La Manga Torrevieja Cricket

Mr.MuSTARd (Beatles), d.Good Morning Starshine (Oliver).9.Omar (Omar Shamshoon).10.Portsmouth England.

11.Eric the half a bee.12.Stan Laurel.

13.Clocks and watches.14.Diana Ross, Mary Wilson and Florence Ballard.15. Errol Flynn.16.c.222,000 litres.17.

Pierre de Fermat.18.'Women and children first'.19.The remains of Noah's Ark.

20.a:Ealing, b:Al Pacino, c:Sergio Leone, d:Charles Laughton, e:Val Kilmer (both pairs played Wyatt Earp and Doc Halliday)


"La Manga Torrevieja CC have a thriving juniors section, with children of all ages welcome to come and try cricket, sessions start Sundays at 11am.

If you are interested in bringing your little ones along please get in touch," said an LMTCC spokesperson.


Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The Juniors train at La Manga every Sunday starting at 11am
PAGE 24 Tuesday 11th - Sunday 16th April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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