The Leader Newspaper Edition 878 – 2 August 21

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No 878 Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August 2021

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Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper


orrevieja has paid tribute to the victims of Covid 19 with the unveiling of a memorial sculpture in the Paseo Marítimo de Juan Aparicio.


The monument, sculpted by the Crevillente artist, Pepe Miralles, carries the inscription 'Torrevieja to the victims

of Covid-19. You left in solitude, but you will remain forever in our memory'. The initiative, just one of a number that are currently being carried out by the charity Alarum under the title 'Hugs with Soul,' shows two people hugging on top of a stone base. Alarum representative Emi Alilaga said:

"The memorial unites us all in the special remembrance of those who lost their lives as a result of this horrible virus". "It depicts the embrace of compassion, a feeling that makes us more human and allows us to understand the pain of others", she explained.

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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


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The ceremony was also attended by the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, together with a number of councillors and the spokesperson for Ciudadanos. Dolon said that he very much welcomed the sculpture, adding that once "the pandemic situation allows", a "memorial service will be held to all the victims, and with the additional recognition of health workers, emergency services and others who have "helped to mitigate the effects of this tragedy".


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Pepe Miralles, meanwhile, said that he wanted to highlight that "the project has been a major responsibility.” He said that he wanted to symbolise all the hugs that we have not been able to share during these times". Prior to the end of the tribute, the Councillor for Education, Ricardo Recuero, announced that "an olive tree will be planted in each school in Torrevieja that will represent the memory of everything we are experiencing. Along with a number of other activities being planned for students they will act as a constant reminder to all the suffering that has been endured.”

Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

HMS TRENT PAYS COURTESY VISIT TO CARTAGENA On her first visit to Spain, the British Navy Offshore Patrol Vessel HMS TRENT will spend this week in the port of Cartagena, Murcia. HMS TRENT is building operational links with allies and partners in southern Europe. She is visiting Cartagena to listen to and learn from Spanish Navy counterparts at the Maritime Action Operations and Surveillance Center (COVAM), located at the General Headquarters of the Maritime Action Force in Cartagena, Murcia. HMS TRENT left the UK at the end of March for a mission to the Mediterranean, with a focus on the security of southern Europe and West Africa. She arrives in Spain after spending her first 4 months operating in North Africa, the eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea. HMS Trent’s Commanding Officer, Cdr Tom Knott MBE RN, said: “We’re delighted to be in Cartagena to build on the strong ties between the UK and Spain. Already in the four months we’ve been in the Mediterranean, we’ve had the opportunity to work with the Spanish Navy, most recently

with ESPS Rayo as part of Exercise Breeze.” “Our enduring presence in the region shows that the Royal Navy is committed to supporting our Allies and Partners here, tackling shared threats to our security and keeping the sea safe for mariners. With our upcoming visits to West Africa and the Gulf of Guinea later in the year, I’m looking forwards to learning as much as possible from our Spanish colleagues at COVAM and hearing their experiences of operating there,” Cdr Tom Knott added. British Ambassador to Spain Hugh Elliott welcomed the arrival of the ship: “I am delighted that HMS TRENT is in Cartagena this week. It is another great example, following the recent visit of HMS KENT frigate to Alicante, of the UK's continued commitment to European security and our shared priorities in the area. " “It is a great opportunity to learn and collaborate with Spain, in a visit that marks the beginning of an enduring relationship over the coming months and years. I hope this visit is the first of many more to come,” said the ambassador.

Later this year HMS TRENT will head to West Africa where she will work alongside partners from Spain, France, Italy and Portugal to improve security in the Gulf Guinea, including counter-piracy operations.


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021

SUNAK WANTS UK TO DUMP IT’S TRAVEL RULES TO SAVE THE SUMMER restrictions as the holiday hopes of millions could be ruined during the coming week.

Changes to the UK Traffic Light System could be made as early as next Thursday

The chancellor said that the UK is failing to take advantage of its vaccination programme and has saddled travellers with more "draconian" rules than Britain's EU rivals. In the letter, Sunak said that UK border policy was "out of step with our international competitors". As some political analysts suggested that the move could be seen as evidence that the ambitious Sunak is strengthening his position as key power broker, the Chancellor went on to warn about jobs, as well as irreparable damage to the travel and hospitality sectors.

Is there anybody who might be able to explain to me the UK Government’s policy with regard to foreign travel, particularly in respect of those individuals who are now double vaccinated. Perhaps I ought to apologise here to the devolved nations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, because I actually mean the policy that is being disseminated from number 10, that of ‘Jester in Chief’ Boris Johnson. In an announcement made last Wednesday afternoon by Grant Schapps, the Secretary of State for Transport, from 4am on Monday 2 August, anyone entering England from either the EU or the USA will no longer need to quarantine provided they can show proof of having been fully vaccinated against Covid 19. The announcement came as a major boost for the airlines and for the tourist sector as a whole, both of which have been severely hit by coronavirus legislation. It was particularly welcomed here in Spain.

On release of the news, share prices increased across the sector, by as much as 5% on the London exchange. However, since that announcement by the Minister the speculation has been rife about additional lists to be included in the UK Travel ‘Traffic Light System,’ an ‘Amber-Plus’ list which really has thrown a spanner in the works for double vaccinated people, many of who were hoping to go on holiday without having to quarantine when they returned. Currently, France is the only country on that list but there are fears that other countries, including Greece and Spain, could be added to the list due to the prevalence of the Beta variant, as a result of which the hopes of millions now hang in the balance Those additions could be made as early as next Thursday at crucial meeting of ministers which will determine the travel rules for August. But as Boris’s inner circle pontificate in their statistical squab-

Chancellor Rishi Sunak, has written to Boris Johnson

bles, the emotions of millions of people are being torn apart by arbitrary decisions that sometimes have no basis in reality, with the sense growing that ministers are making up travel policy as they go along, subsequently then fumbling around for evidence to justify their over-hasty actions. However, it now appears as though at least one of the government’s senior minister’s has finally broken ranks with an article in the Sunday Times Newspaper which states that Chancellor Rishi Sunak, has written to Boris Johnson calling for the urgent easing of travel

According to the Sunday Times, "Rishi has called time on travel restrictions." A source close to Sunak con-firmed he wants to see the rules relaxed and was also worried that the restrictions are hampering firms in the City as they compete against European cities to do business with America. If the speculation that Spain could move to Amber plus, when the next review of the traffic light lists for international travel takes place, as well as to British holidaymakers, the move would be a serious blow to the business community, particularly those in the hospitality and tourism sectors. It will be Thursday's cabinet meeting, rather than the Spanish sunshine, that will decide just how long summer will be allowed to continue here on the Costa Blanca.



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


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AVOCA spokesman, Tomás Moreno


pproximately two hundred and fifty representatives and members of twelve Residents Groups and Associations gathered at Flamenca Beach Promenade on Thursday morning to protest about the ‘serious deficiencies’ that are being endured by inhabitants of the Orihuela Costa. With their pots and pans, their symbols and their tin lids the group was determined to make as much noise and disruption as they possibly could although, because of a last minute change of location, forced on them by the Policia Local, it largely fell on deaf ears. For many weeks the demonstration had been scheduled to take place at the Playa Flamenca Town hall but just hours before protesters were due to arrive, organisers were informed that the venue had been moved. Many of them subsequently turned up at the town hall building only to be escorted by the police to the new location.

for the segregation of the coast from Orihuela because of the Ayuntamiento’s ‘neglect.’

Twelve associations and social groups were represented, each demanding that the local government resolve the "serious deficiencies" in services and deficiencies of the basic needs. Residents reproached the municipality as they contribute far more to the municipal budget than they receive in return. AVOCA spokesman, Tomás Moreno, told the gathering that people on the coast "have suffered the same problems for many years, but they have now, increasingly, become more serious." He said that in summer "the deficiencies are further magnified as our 30,000 permanent residents are quadrupled by the holidaymakers and, as well as the residents, the mounting problems also affect the many thousands of tourists that visit, thereby running the risk of losing them as a result of the conditions from which we suffer."

In the end there were almost 250 demonstrators assembled on the promenade, noisily beating their pots and pans.

It is not the first time that residents of Orihuela Costa have taken to the streets to object about what they consider to be abandonment by a government that is thirty kilometres away, nor will it be the last.

Called by AVOCA (the Asociación de vecinos Orihuela Costa en Acción), under the banner "Enough already," campaigners shouted out in both Spanish and English, “We want Services. We pay our taxes but we are abandoned by the council.”

The protest coincided with the ordinary plenary session that was being held in Orihuela to which they wanted to express their "exhaustion and indignation" at the situation and it’s long list of problems that have remained, unresolved for many years

Posters and banners delivered the same messages with many calling

The main criticisms were directed against the mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, who they say only visits the coast for occasional photo opportunities. It is to him that they also attribute the absence of a municipal library and a cultural centre that would be used as a meeting place, where associations, young people, pensioners, and other groups could meet, and in which cultural events could be held. They also reproach him for the controversial absence of the pedestrian bridge over the AP7, the lack of any resolution to a problem that, for a dozen or more years, continues the put the lives of the residents of Lomas de Cabo Roig at risk, as they are forced to cross the bridge on foot every day.

They say that despite receiving more than 20 million euros from the sale of land on the coast very little of it has been used by the council to improve or renew obsolete coastal infrastructure, while the June plenary session has just approved an investment of 10 million euros with EDUSI funds from the European Union, destined exclusively for projects in Orihuela City. There is a great deal more to be unhappy about, according to the residents, such as the construction of more than 2,000 homes in Cala Mosca, "which will be dependent on infrastructure that is already unable to cope. They criticise the broken refuse containers, dirty streets and a lack of parks, weeds and prunings that remain by the roadside for weeks on end, overgrown and diseased palm trees, the lack of an eco-park, potholes, inadequate and dangerous roads, broken and missing road signage, which poses a serious risk to road safety, broken and inadequate lighting, and a lack of security with far too few police officers. Moreno also spoke about "recurring floods as a result of the council failure to implement the Rainfall Plan with more urgency or the lack of repair, despite the time that has elapsed, of the coastal cliffs, which suffer regular subsidence in many areas, due to lack of maintenance, the most infamous being the La Caleta sinkhole, which is almost 2 years old and which seriously threatens part of the promenade with collapse.” It is clear that the Orihuela council has failed miserably in their governance responsibilities toward the Orihuela Costa by allowing the area to sink into this desperate, almost unmanageable, situation. The area is withering on the vine and without serious shifts of resources into the coastal area the problems will almost certainly deteriorate even further. But the truth of the matter is that the situation will not improve until such time as there are a serious number of votes to be won on the coast.

Currently the Orihuela municipality has approximately 48,000 people who are eligible to vote, but unfortunately, despite the number of residents on the Orihuela Costa exceeding 30,000, in the 2019 Municipal Elections, a total of just 2527 votes were cast in the areas 6 polling stations. Elections aren’t just about who votes but who doesn’t vote, so as can be seen, it’s not demonstrations that will determine Orihuela Costa’s Services, it’s votes in ballot boxes


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


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Fatal blow to Cala Mosca unexpectedly avoided In a totally unexpected development, the proposal to approve the modified plan to build over 2,000 new houses and apartments on Cala Mosca was not included in the agenda of last week’s Plenary meeting. The fatal blow to this last kilometre of virgin coastland has been avoided - for the moment. In a preparatory committee meeting to agree the agenda of the Plenary, after the Ciudadanos Councillor in charge of Urbanismo presented the project as being in order and fully deserving of support, and after the objections of the opposition parties, completely unexpectedly the Popular Party and senior party in the governing coalition announced it would not vote in favour of the proposal. This meant that Ciudadanos with only 4 councillors could not obtain sufficient votes to put forward the proposal and in a humiliating climb down, the Councillor for Urbanismo, José Aix, said he would reverse his position and withdraw the proposal in the face of doubts. On such a major issue as the urbanisation of Cala Mosca the refusal of the Popular Party to support its coalition partner was a staggering blow. It is doubtful that the Popular Party has undergone a conversion and is now opposed to the destruction of this last iconic cement free area. It is more likely that this is a deliberate move to clip the wings of its junior partner, which has in the past two years disproportionately used its position in the coalition to get the most powerful positions in

Press Release the local government, and for two years to block the Mayor from securing approval for a key piece of legislation, the annual budget. Since the Popular Party recently approved, with the support of the Socialist Party, a €9.5m investment package (which did not include a single item for Orihuela Costa) it could even signal a determination by the two major Orihuela parties to destroy the local Ciudadanos Party before the next municipal elections in 2023. The failure to approve the construction project for Cala Mosca provides a breathing space for C.L.A.R.O. and its political ally Cambiemos, to continue to oppose this socially and environmentally destructive project. There are outstanding issues such as the consequences for the N332 of some 3,000 additional vehicles merging on to this already congested road plus other pending legal actions.

To successfully oppose this project will not be easy and the Developer, Gomendio, will be even more ruthlessly determined to get his multimillion project approved before time runs out. The story is not over.

Valencia supports return of 'Llibre de Repartiments' to Orihuela At last week’s plenary session the Consell Valencià de Cultura (CVC) unanimously agreed to demand the return of the Orihuela 'Llibre dels Repartiments' from the Library of Catalonia. The manuscript is a record book in which the King's scribes recorded promises of donations of properties at the conclusion of the Valencian conquest. It is the only testimony of the land distributions of Orihuela and the Alicante region of Vega Baja del Segura carried out after the Christian reconquest in the year 1243 .

POETRY Troubled Water

CORNER Desperate people, Desperate measures And the greedy have no qualms

by David Whitney c 2021

Of seeing children washed away From loving mothers arms

I can't erase the image Of the child upon the shore His lifeless body washed up After fleeing from a war

And still they come and still they risk Their lives to flee their land Where the guns fire, And the bombs destroy Does 'man' never understand

Packed tight inside a dinghy To seek out a better place On a sea of troubled water Hope depicted on each face

That image of the little lad Still lingers in my head He's a symbol of this world of ours Where greed survives the dead


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021

Praise for coastal water quality The Institute of Coastal Ecology has issued its 2021 Coastal Control Network report on the environmental quality of the waters surrounding the Orihuela marine coastline, in its annual cycle July 2020-June 2021, in which the results are of an excellent water quality, with no problems whatsoever being registered.

The results obtained offer a continuous knowledge of the environmental status of coastal marine waters, making it possible to detect anomalies or alterations that could occur so that, once identified, the authority can quickly correct.

This study provides the results of the annual cycle to assess environmental quality through a sampling program, regularly (monthly) and covering a long term series (interannual).

The Councillor for the Environment, Dámaso Aparicio, said that once again “the excellent quality of the water of the Oriolano coast is a suitable fit for a town that already holds the award for having the most blue flags in all of Spain ”.

The report contributes to the safeguarding of the coastal marine environment.


Photography contest ‘Objective Playas de Orihuela’

The stations analysed are sited at Punta Prima, La Zenia, Cabo Roig and Campoamor.

Orihuela’s Summer of Music

The councillor said that, "After the success it achieved last year and because there is no summer without music, the Department of Culture has organised this musical program that will take place both in Orihuela and in many of the districts during the month of August." She said that concerts will be held in the Plaza de Ramón Sijé, Orihuela, every Wednesday from 9:00 p.m. as well as in the districts of La Murada, San Bartolomé, La Matanza and Raiguero de Bonanza. "The object of the program is to offer a cultural leisure activity for warm summer nights and also to support the bands and musical associations from the municipality so that we can all enjoy them," said the Councilor for Culture.

Orihuela has announced details of it’s Second edition of the ‘Music in Summer’ program, a package of open air concerts featuring bands and musical associations during the month of August.

All performances are free and with a capacity in accordance with current legislation. Information on all the performances can be found at:

In conjunction with the Orihuela Department of the Environment and la Asociación Faunatura, and to make both adults and children more aware of the importance of taking care of beaches, the Zenia Boulevard Shopping Centre is organising a photography contest 'Objective Beaches of Orihuela.' The contest is aimed at the general public, children with their parent’s approval. In order to take part you must send one or two photographs to Zenia Boulevard. The closing date is 3 October. Prizes will be either a gift voucher for 100 euros, to spend in the boulevard, or an Instax mini 11 Camera. For adults, the three categories

are: on Marine Life, Clean Beaches and Life on the coast, while for children, from 7 to 12 years of age, the theme will be: Your beach, Your sea. Cristina Ros, communication manager of Zenia Boulevard, said, “since it opened in 2012, Zenia Boulevard has proven to be a shopping centre committed to the environment and, among our main objectives, is caring for our surroundings and promoting tourism in the region. With this type of initiative we achieve the perfect combination: to publicise the quality of our beaches while demonstrating the importance of keeping them in perfect condition, while being responsible for the environment”.



Unlawful properties to be legalised in Horadada It is necessary to guarantee Emergency Services, fire, health and police

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021

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Tenders sought for Hospital Security

The "old courts" back in Council hands The Councillor for Heritage, Rafael Almagro, has said that the Governing Board has approved the return of the "old courts" into council hands confirming that they will now be assigned to administrative tasks. Confirmation of the resolution from the Minister of Finance was received on July 7.

By Andrew Atkinson Pilar de la Horadada Council is leading one of the first projects to legalise illegal housing, part of the LOTUP (Law on Land Management, Urbanism and Landscape) reform, which allows the legalisation of houses on rustic land. “The owners need to act now because they are going to have an opportunity that they may not be able to take advantage of later. "I believe that once this is done, the Generalitat will draw a line after which they will not consent to even one more illegal home,” said a Council spokesperson. "You have to appreciate that residents pay IBI and urbanisation costs," they added. The Council will present a rural plan that ensures the LOTUP protects the 140 houses in Pinar de la Perdiz, that are without drinking water or roads. Pinar de la Perdiz residential area was constructed in the

1980s, under the guarantee of the owners being able to build on plots of 5,000 square metres. It has a non-potable (drinking) water supply from the Casablanca well, located in the Murcia Region but it does not have urbanised roads. The residential area, with 250 plots, has approximately 140 houses built, that are set in the heart of the Sierra Escalona on Protected Landscape soil to the northwest of Campoverde. Councillor Ángel Albaladejo (PP) said that all of the homes will have to prove that they were finished before August 20, 2014, with the potential outcome of becoming legalised. Municipal technicians say that it is necessary to guarantee Emergency Services, and that fire, health and police, must be able to access each of the houses. Something that is not possible at present. Illegal houses built in recent years have seen demolitions undertaken across the whole of the country.

Additional Summer ambulance confirmed in Torre de la Horadada The Pilar de la Horadada council has a new ambulance, that will operate throughout the summer months, from July 16 to August 30, in Torre de la Horadada, Mil Palmeras, El Mojón and Riomar, for 12 hours a day. The municipality of Pilar de la Horadada is already covered by a 24-hour ambulance which operates from the Integral Security Centre, as well as a 12-hour ambulance which works from Pinar de Campoverde. The additional 12-hour ambulance will circulate along the coast and will operate in addition to the ambulance that is already provided by the beach rescue and lifeguard service.

The Generalitat has just put out to tender the award of the private security, surveillance and alarm maintenance services for the Torrevieja University Hospital, and the health centres and clinics in the health authority, for 865,000 euros per year (IVA included) from October 15 of this year. The contracts will total 2.3 million euros if the two one-year extensions and the upward modifications of the initial budget are included. It is one of the main external contracts that the regional administration has to arrange if it is to assume direct management of the Torrevieja Health Authority from October 15. This is the clearest administrative sign that the Ministry of Health is pushing forward with the process of assuming the management of the public serv-

ice, regardless of the legal interpretations on the sentences that have been pronounced on the legality of the reversion. On a day-to-day basis, the health centre will need security, especially at the hospital’s A&E and

Psychiatry doors, where at least four guards are required, 3 of them operating for 24 hours a day. Additional services will consist, mainly in the protection of people, facilities, goods and equipment.

He said that in anticipation of the return of the buildings, almost 3 million euros necessary to carry out its restoration has already been earmarked with the approval of the Department of Culture”. Amongst other uses it is understood that the parties comprising the government’s political opposition will be allocated office space in the building.

CARDENAL BELLUGA THEATRE GROUP We have a meeting on the Thursday 9th September at 2pm at the Sport Complex Urb La Marina Calle Berna 2a, 03177 San Fulgencio.

interested in joining our group and the original members of the group.

Put the date in your diary now.

Any people interested in coming alone are also welcome.

We would like to see all the new members who are

Telephone 966 790 547 for more information


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


30 million euro leisure project in Torrevieja seeking authorisation Public information announcement signed off by General Director of Ports ox born businessman Enrique Riquelme, based in Torrevieja, is leading a 30million euro project to build a leisure area in the port of Torrevieja.


"It has been designed to respect the essence of the space that the port dedicates to its fishing activity, which remains practically in the same location," said Riquelme. The Generalitat has reportedly processed Riquelme's proposals for the concession and construction of the 80,000 square metres urbanisation - that includes cinemas, bowling alley, hospitality establishments and an underground parking area, maintaining the Fair attractions. One major objection to the proposed plan is bound to be the demolition of the two buildings comprising the fish market, which, built in the 1950’s, are not preserved in the project. However, if this private initiative goes ahead, the regional administration must provide an alternative fish market in the area surrounding the ice factory and the dock where the floating museum is now located. The announcement has also been published at the DOGV. The General Director of Ports, Luisa Martínez Mora, has reportedly signed the public information announcement of the concession's request to occupy public space in the port of Torrevieja,

By Andrew Atkinson

in order to build and operate the leisure and commercial area. Of the 80,000 sqm, 9,000 sqm is on the ground floor and will accommodate a leisure complex, including cinemas, bowling and hospitality franchises, restaurants and cafeterias located in the area that currently occupies the surface car park. Plans also include and underground car park, where the fairground is presently located and redevelopment of the upper area to relocate the fairground. The project could include the demolition of two of the three buildings owned by the port, located in the main access from the Casino. Riquelme, who specialises in the management of underground car parks, has said that a project has been presented that aims to comply with the law. The Consell del Botànic assumed the management of the port of Torrevieja in 2015, ruling out any development of a large commercial area in the port area, and starting the procedure for the delimitation of port areas, that concluded in 2018. However Torrevieja City Council must still authorise the construction and opening licences of the proposed 30m euro project.

Flamingos re-breed in Natural Parks Flamingoes have re-bred in the Natural Parks of the lagoons at La Mata and Torrevieja. The La Mata-Torrevieja protected reserve and natural lagoon is a tranquil, stunning pink salt lakes setting, where flamingos visit annually and have bred in recent years. A colony of flamingoes unexpectedly left the area recently, despite having 200 young, after 500 adults arrived in May. In 2020 flamingos nested in the lagoons for the first time, with 600 chicks born. Flamingos bred in Santa Pola in 2002. The

Torrevieja breeding grounds are the largest ever in the Valencian wetlands.

Former ‘Woofers’ meet for first time in 44 years

Steve Burnett, wife Debbie, Josie and Bob Harrison on the Costa Del Sol. Former members of the 1WFR Bob Harrison and Steve Burnett met each other for the first time in over four decades, having previously been stationed together in Colchester. "It's 44 years since the last time we had a drink together on a A/PTI course whilst posted to Colchester where, in 1977, we were both members of 1 WFR (Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment).

"We travelled from Costa Blanca to Alhaurin, near Coin, Fuengirola on the Costa Del Sol, driving 500km to see Steve and his beautiful wife Debbie," said Bob. Bob and Josie, from Derbyshire, who spend time at their property in La Herrada, Los Montesinos, on holiday, added: "They both made us feel very welcome - it only seems like yesterday when we were last together."


Is life just a game of chance?


eads up everyone. This week we have a ‘ceist test’ for you, which you need to consider carefully before venturing an answer. We will start with an easy one that should be fresh in all your minds. How many of you have met your wife, husband, or life-partner purely by chance? A combination of circumstances combined so as that the two of you could lock eyes across a crowded room and turn the rest of the encounter into history? There you go … that’s most of you. When I went into Bartley’s Bar for a pint of Harp, there was a Harp sign hanging on the wall outside - but nowhere did that sign promise; ‘come in for a pint of Harp and be in with a chance of winning a wife’: But that is what happened to me, by chance.

chance happenings in the equation. Even with the same parents, you could have been born in any one of many different countries. You can be born into a poor family or start life with all the advantages that money and privilege ensues. The address on your birth-certificate can give you your first break, or the game of chance could just as easily land you in Meath!! For those of you who claim that life is ‘whatever is laid out for us’, you have the most difficult case to prove. If you are pre-programmed to die in your bed at ninety years of age, does this mean you can crash red lights between now and then? I don’t think so … I met the former ‘Meath Great’, Robbie O’Malley, after a funeral a couple of years back. (Yea …. I know Lads, I am a hoor at name-dropping).

Let us start at the beginning where there can be little argument but that life starts off by chance.

Robbie told me that he still regularly uses a line he heard from me several years previously: ‘When you come to a ‘Y’ in the road – take it.’ You see, you have to make a choice and take a chance. Standing stationery is not an option and whichever lane of the ‘Y’ you take will be the right one, because you will never know where the other one might have led. So in this one instance let us agree that the game of chance is mostly based on luck and vaguely based on skill.

The chance that we were born at all and whether we are born male or female. If we pause to think here – and I get paid to think, the above two scenarios are the only two absolute

Evidence and research shows that successful people play the game of chance better than those who are ‘unlucky’, but ‘chance’ is a major contributor to a successful life – especially in business.

So does this prove that life is just a game of chance? Or is it the case, as many will assert, that the pathway of life is preordained and that we are mere puppets being played along by Father Fate?

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


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Easily pronounced names are an advantage. I hope I don’t get into trouble over this one, but I did read it somewhere, a long time ago and before things changed! Females with masculine sounding names are more successful in legal careers. Moving quickly on … Fifty years ago, I started using ‘J’, the middle initial in my name, after reading that this increases positive evaluations of people’s capacities and achievements. (I know it didn’t work, Lads – but maybe it’ll work for you!) ‘Luck’ and ‘Chance’ are full firstcousins. The guy who never grabs his chance will tell you ‘it’s all luck’ when someone else sees the same opportunity and makes a go of it. Chance is about being in the right place at the right time – and knowing it. Sadly and tragically, we cannot ignore the fact that some unfortunates have also found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time – just by chance. In no other facet of life does chance play a bigger part than in sport. In 1982, Seamus Darby wasn’t long standing on the edge of the square when the ball fell out of the heavens and into his arms. Seamus still had to do his bit after getting his chance and he did.

embrace that chance. Chance may

Don’t Forget

open the door, but we have to walk

Choice, not chance, determines destiny.

through that doorway.

He raised the roof of the net, won an All-Ireland for Offaly, and his goal goes down as the most famous score in GAA history. Chance is what puts opportunities in front of us, but our destiny is ultimately determined by whether we ignore or

GARDEN FELIX ....... Pieris Japonica - ‘Lily of the Valley’ bush Pieris is an attractive and easy to grow full hardy evergreen Spring shrub with the most commonly grown variety Pieris Japonica. Pieris' Spring new growth is bright red in colour, which fades into a pink and finally into green, with varieties having long white flowers giving its common name of 'Lily of the Valley' bush. It will provide several months of interest to your garden with attractive flowers. In April-May colour fades, when the lovely flowers appear, usually, but not always, white in colour. Pieris only essential growing requirement is it needs to be planted in acid soil and if feeding, an ericaceous feed only. Pieris grow to various sizes and some varieties can be very large, being tolerant of semi-shade and of most garden conditions. The young red growth can be damaged by frost and are best planted out of chilling winds. Pieris don't require pruning, but can be pruned in late Spring after flowering, to tidy up branches or spent flowers. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.


637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021



637 227 385

What would be your most memorable performance to date?

I have performed several times at the world famous Benidorm Palace with various celebrities but my most memorable performance was Benidorm Pride where I sang in front of thousands of people.


Nikki G


What do you like to do on a day off?

I like to relax and spend time with my friends and family. Summer is a difficult time to do that though as everyone is always busy.



his week for my Q & A, I asked one of the hardest working girlies on the circuit to take a little time out so as we could find out a bit more about the person behind the powerful voice that is Nikki G. Nikki shows up for every charity gig going to show her full support and even during live online gigs, she has always donated the money made to the local food banks in the area. Her commitment and dedication to her profession shines from the very minute she steps on to the stage. There isn’t a song she doesn’t know as she performs music from every decade and genre. Her voice and presence are outstanding and she has a heart of pure gold.


Nikki, can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

I grew up in a village called Woodmancote, near Cheltenham, England and I was always active in school productions. As I grew up, I started going to Karaoke nights down at our local pub. I got to work in a recording studio and recorded an album with a team who worked with Jet from the TV show ‘Gladiators’.


I gained lots of experience, but the record label collapsed and that was the end of my album. I moved to Spain in 2004 when my family retired here and I have never looked back.

Raising awareness of recycling on Orihuela beaches “Orihuela chooses to recycle" is the name of the awareness campaign that was running on the Orihuela Costa beaches at the weekend. In the campaign, held on Saturday and Sunday, dozens of families were able to enjoy children's workshops in Barranco Rubio, Cala Capitán, Cala Bosque, Cala Estaca, Aguamarina, Cala Mosca, Punta Prima, La Glea, La Caleta and Cala Cerrada. In these activities, representatives of the company ‘Conecta Eventos y Animación’ showed children the many different uses that plastic can be given beyond its first useful life, with the


Apart from singing, what else do you work at?

I work for an online travel agency based in the UK ‘Arrive Relax Travel’ but as you can imagine at this time, not many people are travelling.




What for you is the best thing about Spain?

I love the weather here and the people that I have met. Lasting friendships from people who have come and gone and the fact that we all still keep in touch.

“Benidorm Pride at the Benidorm Palace, where I sang in front of thousands of people.”



How has the pandemic changed your life?

It destroyed me and my family. I had a complete loss of work and earnings as both industries that I work for were affected, travel and hospitality.


emphasis of making different crafts with recycled plastic

It will take years for me to get back on my feet financially. I work closely with the Live Lounge Costa Blanca and I did online

You can find Nikki G performing every Wednesday at The Emerald Isle, La Florida with the ‘Fusion’ show, and to keep up to date with further weekly gigs, check out her Facebook page – Nikki G award winning vocalist and multi show act.

residents and tourists.

Right now, he said, we continue to spread the message of awareness about the recycling of plastics and we are already looking forward to October when another campaign, focused on children will be carried out in local schools. Dozens of families were able to enjoy children's workshops on the beaches

Councillor Dámaso Aparicio, who organised these activities, said he was extremely satisfied by the reception that the workshops had among

shows throughout the lockdown. I also work for the food banks here in Spain, trying to help feed families who are still struggling.

“The objective is to get a greater number of residents involved in this cause so that we can become a model city in recycling. We must end the uncivil attitude and the poor disposal of plastics that is doing so much damage to the degradation of our seas and oceans, ” said Councillor Aparicio.


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


637 227 385



ANSWERS Week 877


Odd (7)


Gem (5)


Rigid (5)


Compliment (7)


Rude (3-8)


Argument (11)


Endurance (7)


Saying (5)


Salute (5)


Smash (7)

CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 11. 13. 15. 16. 17. 20.

Condition (5) Legal (6) Era (3) Boil (6) Umpire (7) Mistake (7) Confiscate (7) Position (7) Mood (6) Sober (6) Concur (5) Reserved (3)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Unassuming; 7 Noted; 8 Foliage; 10 Enriched; 11 Beat; 13 Rotate; 15 Poster; 17 Burn; 18 Composer; 21 Elation; 22 Atlas; 23 Confidence. DOWN: 1 Utter; 2 Audacity; 3 Suffer; 4 Male; 5 Nearest; 6 Unbearable; 9 Enterprise; 12 Complain; 14 Tornado; 16 Loaned; 19 Salve; 20 Tiff. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Air display; 7 Again; 8 Spirits; 10 In the end; 11 Mien; 13 Draw up; 15 Bengal; 17 Alps; 18 Restless; 21 Airmail; 22 Skate; 23 Only chance. DOWN: 1 Apart; 2 Runner-up; 3 Insane; 4 Pair; 5 Arising; 6 Radio drama; 9 Sun-glasses; 12 Jettison; 14 Aspirin; 16 Wealth; 19 Erase; 20 Lady.


Vehicle is really a vehicle towed by another (7)


Room in prison to take nothing but a musical instrument (5)


Exclamation of contempt by stupid person (5)

10. Extend period of imprisonment (7) 12. Where the purchaser gets in a flutter? (7,4) 14. Difficult period when attempts are still made? (6,5) 18. Wild worker on slope (7) 19. Stop working at market stand? (5) 21. Be afraid like a gamebird (5) 22. Does it produce cartons for fruit? (3-4)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. If you were snacking on a 'little donkey', what would you be eating? 2. Christiane, Müller, Branco, Marta and Taffarel are all examples of what? 3. Which company used the slogan 'Because I'm worth it'? 4. In which popular film are the following some of the songs in the movie soundtrack? The Man In Me, Hotel California, Looking Out My Backdoor and Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In) 5. In which stadiums were the three highest attendance figures recorded for a final game at the Football World Cup? 6. The name of which novel set on the island of Pianosa is now a word for an absurd or senseless situation? 7. In which controversial film is Nadsat spoken? 8. Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhiu was better known as what? 9.With 40 years and 292 days, who was the oldest captain in a Football World Cup? 10.The following words are from songs with 'ball' somewhere in the song title. Can you name the song? a. It was like lightning, everybody was frightening. b. He always runs while others walk, he acts while other men just talk. c. You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain. d. Magic woman wreckin up my soul,

DOWN 1. Witty person travelling by cart (5) 2. Bet doctor goes in strong wind (6) 3. Why the joke was unspoken? (3) 4. Niche for an MP’s holiday (6) 5. Role, etc., for the voter (7) 8. Clients provide pattern for duplication (7) 11. Framework for putting on a play? (7) 13. Go to pieces when the short stoppage is over? (5,2) 15. Weaken when I am putting brace on (6) 16. Assets - broken tea-set! (6) 17. Depression of university players (5) 20. Heavy weight going north (3)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) things you tell me have never been told. e. He plays by intuition the digit counters fall 11. Which three words are found on the helmut in Stanley Kubrick's film 'Full Metal Jacket'? 12. What is the six letter word meaning "to snap ones fingers"? 13. Which sci-fi films were based on the following Philip K. Dick stories? a. Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep. b.We Can remember It For You Wholesale 14. Plus or minus 75 years, when was 'trial by battle' abolished by statute in the UK? 15. An 'isohyetal line' is used in which scientific study? 16. In Roman times, what was a 'Quadriga'? 17. Kentucky Fried Chicken. What was Col Sanders first name? 18. Who did Hitler designate as his successor in the last days of World War Two? 19. Which two male tennis players have won four consecutive French Open singles titles since the introduction of the open era in 1968? 20. Which tragic figure in a FIFA World Cup final was nicknamed 'the divine ponytail'?


637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021




Valencian President Ximo Puig has announce that the Generalitat is to allocate more than 30 million euros for improvements and widening of the CV-95, as it passes through the Vega Baja. The road, which carried over 20,000 vehicles a day, connects Torrevieja with Orihuela city although the widening is anticipated only on the stretch of highway between San Miguel de Salinas and Bigastro. According to the president the works will include the improvement of road safety with the addition of several new roundabouts, better access to urbanisations and villages, a reduction in travel times, the creation of a cycle lane as well as increasing the capacity of the road along the whole stretch.

Geronimo is a happy, healthy 4 month old Mastin cross. If you are looking for a big boy to cuddle up with, then Geronimo is the boy for you Contact 966710047 (leave a message) or email

The total budget allocation is 30 million euros, and although it wasn’t specifically mentioned it is understood that four million has already been invested in urgent works with the creation of roundabouts at San Miguel Salinas, Bigastro and Jacarilla and those that are currently under construction at the intersections with Los Montesinos and Vistabella. The announcement was made by Puig during a visit to Rojales on Tuesday where he also outlined a number of new projects within the Vega Renhace Plan. In order to ensure that the work is carried out quickly the Generalitat is seeking the cooperation of all local councils. Puig said that the regional government will initiate a series of meetings to finalise all the details."

Puig announced the 30 million euro grant on his visit to Rojales As a complement to the improvement of sustainable mobility in the region and the connection between its municipalities, the president also announced that Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana has been commissioned to carry out a feasibility study to analyse the options for the reestablishment of a railway between the interior and its coastline in the area. An attempt will be made to analyse the possibility

of connecting the region by rail through the interior to the coastal municipalities. The president also highlighted during his speech that the budgetary investments for the Vega Baja from September 2019 to the present day amount to 254 million euros, channelled through urgent aid for DANA damages, the Edificant Plan and investments in the road, sanitary and hydraulic infrastructures.

Inaugural Veterans Breakfast Club held in Playa Flamenca By Sandie Rhodes The inaugural event was held on Tuesday 27th July 2021 at The Hi Life Restaurant, La Zenia. The proceedings were opened by Graham Rhodes, President of the Royal British Legion, Orihuela Costa Branch, the host Club After giving an outline of the morning’s programme, Graham explained that The Royal British Legion in Spain, were funding these events in order to support

Veterans who live in Spain to access other people from the “Service” family. It is hoped that individuals can come along to enjoy making new friends, thus reducing isolation and loneliness.

Following the exercise we enjoyed a well deserved continental breakfast, provided by the hard working owner and staff of The Hi Life.

Thirty-two people, 27 Veterans/family & 5 non-Veterans, attended this new venture enjoying a varied programme.

After the breakfast interlude, Kevin Reardon, Chairman of the RBL Orihuela Costa Branch, introduced Mark Nolan of N322.

Getting underway at 11 am with half an hour of gentle ‘seated’ exercise, led by well known Royal Navy veteran, Nicola Louden (our own Madam Motivator), she really put the exercisers through their paces!

Mark gave an interesting presentation on the recent changes in traffic laws, answering many questions and providing clarification on many of the recently introduced legal amendments, together with information about the documents we

SUMMER WORKERS 141 new workers taken on in Pilar and Orihuela to maintain parks and gardens

are required to carry in our cars and person. The positive response and feedback received from those attending, will allow us to plan future events more effectively, so as to ensure this monthly Club fulfils expectations. Whilst this Club is free for Veterans & their families, non service personnel are more than welcome to attend but will be asked to make a small donation for the breakfast. The next meeting will take place at the same venue on Tuesday 31 August. It will include a short presentation on Care in Spain for the elderly. PLEASE BOOK IN WITH SANDIE AT or phone 645 290 078.

A deserved Breakfast n tle’ introductio Nicola’s ‘gen

Welcoming Pilar new employees Pilar de la Horadada has welcomed 42 new staff who will be temporarily employed in the municipality during the summer months. The new staff are employed thanks to a subsidy from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE), amounting to 180,793.00 euros. The new workforce will comprise of 38 agricultural laborers and 4 foremen, who will all carry out cleaning and maintenance of parks, gardens, rural roads and public green areas in the municipality of Pilar de la Horadada. The contracts are valid until October 16, with the staff welcomed the municipal team by the mayor, and a number of local councillors. In Orihuela the departments of Human Resources and Development and Agriculture have welcomed 99 new agricultural workers who will carry out similar work on the maintenance of parks, green spaces and peri-urban spaces in rural areas. The contracts are offered as a result of a grant of 432,330.88 euros. The new employees have been organised into eleven groups, each with a foreman and they will be assigned to the infrastructure and agriculture services.

Traffic guidan ce from N332

In addition, the Department of Employment has invested about 30,000 euros in the acquisition of personal protective equipment, vehicles and tools for the removal of debris and weeds.


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


637 227 385

Don't battle on with active bronchitis as you could end up with pneumonia (and spread your bugs around, too). Stay in bed and drink plenty of hot herbal teas, including peppermint and elderflower. One of the best drinks is home-made lemonade. Slice whole well-scrubbed lemons into a jug, pour boiling water over them, add a little brown sugar or honey and let the mixture stand for two to three hours or overnight. Lemons - especially their rinds - are packed with compounds to boost resistance and help you fight infection.

RASPING IN THE RIB CAGE Who needs bronchitis - the fever, the exhausting cold, the general lassitude? Nip it in the bud with antiseptic herbs and warming spices.

There are lots of herbs which have been prized down the centuries for their efficacy in problems for your poor susceptible lungs. Stop throwing lemon rinds away. Use them to make home-made lemonade to help fight infection

you're prone to bronchitis, zap any respiratory infection promptly with high-dose echinacea or propolis. Keep your neck and chest warm: wear a silk or woollen scarf outdoors. Rediscover vests and sleep with your bedroom window dosed on cold nights. Be lavish with warming spices - cinnamon, doves, cardamom, and especially cayenne, which thins mucus. Eat plenty of infection-fighting garlic, onions, turnips and watercress. Cut right back on mucus-producing dairy foods - milk, butter and cheese.


Eucalyptus oil not only helps see off bacterial and viral infections, but also soothes irritated mucous membranes and helps expel mucus. You can use dried eucalyptus leaves to make a tea effective for both acute and chronic bronchitis. Put 3-4 dried leaves in a pan, add a cupful of cold water, bring to the boil and simmer for a minute, then take off the heat, cover and let it steep for ten minutes. Strain, add a little honey and drink hot, two to three times a day.

Here s an idea for you .......... Garlic is the king of plant antibiotics. Here's a delicious way to take it, suggested by famous French aromatherapist Dr Jean Valnet; if you're inclined to be chesty, make this at the start of winter. Peel and bruise 4-5 fine fresh garlic cloves, put them in a jar with an airtight screw top and add 50ml of alcohol (vodka is fine).

Close the jar and leave it to Steaming helps loosen macerate for three weeks. mucus in the lungs; add Take 20-30 drops two to some antiseptic essential three times a day. If you want oils to the mix. Put 2 drops to avoid alcohol, add the of eucalyptus, 1 each of drops to a cup of boiling pine and thyme and 1 drop water; the alcohol will evapoof lavender, in a big bowl rate off. of boiling water. Let it cool just a little and then, using a towel round your head and the bowl, inhale for two to three minutes. Do this twice a day.

If your bronchitis regularly drags on through most of the winter, you've got the chronic kind - and if you are a smoker, this shouldn't surprise you. Constant irritation of the bronchii by tobacco smoke, fog or airborne pollutants, of one kind or another, will keep your lungs clogged with mucus. Lay in a stock of some of them from a herbal supplier and get brewing! Here are some ideas. If the coughing is hard and sore, use the grey woolly leaves of the tall golden-flowered mullein, a soothing and antiinflammatory expectorant and a prized traditional remedy. Infuse 1-2 teaspoons of the dried leaves in a mug filled with boiling water, and strain through coffee filter paper to get rid of all those tiny hairs. Drink it three times a day. To calm that irritating cough, here's a useful combination: dried horehound herb and marshmallow leaves. Mix and put a good teaspoonful in a mugful of boiling water in which you have already simmered a stick of liquorice, very soothing to the throat. Infuse for ten minutes, strain and drink. The leaves of the eucalyptus tree contain an essential oil which is strongly antiseptic.

NEXT WEEK: Throaty


637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021



What on earth am I blithering about? You are quite right to ask. Yesterday my young niece pointed at the sky and said "airplane in clouds," which surprised me by its rarity, the flying object I mean, not the clouds.

the future ever comes, some things will have to be redefined. Re-evaluated and re-assessed. We -- the world -- only you and I are discussing this now, but let's hope the other planet-denizens will follow us as closely as they can -- must refine our global parameters, whatever they are.

I've looked at clouds from both sides now, but how long will coming generations be able to say (or sing) that with any regularity? Maybe we need to redefine a plane as a freight carrier holding one or two passengers travelling to only one or two destinations with almost empty beaches and lots of quarantine-only hotels. My description of a 'colander' as someone who arrived on the same plane as me has, I fear, passed its sell-by date as a joke. It simply won't fly any more. From now on, "I'm feeling fine," might just mean "I haven't got coronavirus." And "I got a second jab last week," will be a more common boast than, "I got a second Jag last week." Unfortunately. Perhaps because I am an inveterate crossword puzzler -notice I don't say solver -- I like to think I am as finely attuned as most to ambiguity in the sound of words. When it comes to entendres, make mine a double. A 'seizure' to me

sounds like an alcoholic Roman emperor. Whose hangover is the wrath of grapes, etc. ('Etc.' is an abbreviation that makes people think you know much more than you do. I occasionally find it useful.) A mask has ceased to be primarily a dramatic entertainment, a conditioning treatment for hair, a piece of music, a protective covering worn in fencing, a Greek actor's hollow human head, a hunting trophy, part of a dragonfly, or a costume accessory for the Lone Ranger. (Am I the last remaining human to know that Tonto was played on TV by a Mohawk called Jay Silverheels?) No no; a mask is now what we all must don at times, from the lowliest sinner in a confessional box (largely pointless there) to the highest-flying airline pilot in the skies, when he wants to stretch his legs. It has always been a useful word for certain purposes, but now it has reached its apogee, and is probably with us for the foreseeable future. Etc.



he Rincón de Bonanza Recreation Area has been chosen for the presentation of the first Environmental Volunteering Program for Fire Prevention in Orihuela, a joint initiative organised by the Faunatura Association and the Orihuela Council. The announcement was made by Dámaso Aparicio and Víctor Valverde, councillors for the Environment and Emergencies, accompanied by the representative of Faunatura, Irene Amorós. The program offers the opportunity to actively collaborate in the surveillance and prevention of forest fires in the municipality, learn about techniques for studying and conserving biodiversity and participation in the restoration and improvement of the municipality's natural spaces. The program will run from Friday, August 13 to

Pedestrian access now available to la playa de Las Villas


ilar de la Horadada City Council has now confirmed that pedestrian access to Las Villas beach is now open, through calle Las Olas.

The ramp and staircase were damaged by the storm Gloria last year requiring the installation of a temporary wooden ladder for the whole of last summer. This year reinstatement works have now been carried out. To do this, the Coastal Authority had to accept the Council appropriation of part of the affected land, a procedure that led to a delay in the works. This summer, residents and visitors can now enjoy

the new accessible concrete ramp that has been built in the transit area to provide access the beach of Las Villas through calle Las Olas. Repair works to the access stairway to the Calas de Rocamar, that was damaged by DANA, are also being addressed by the Ministry for Ecological Transition. However, the initial half completed project, shows a lack of consistency in the materials that make up the slope, so a detailed study is currently being carried out.

Thursday, August 19, and candidates must register by email at: Anyone of legal age may participate. "We will carry out surveillance for the prevention of forest fires, removal of invasive exotic flora, collection of rubbish in the mountains and on the coast as well as scientific bird ringing", explained Amorós. Additional activities will include photo-trapping techniques, installation of camera traps; interpretation of tracks and footprints; detection and identification of bats and nocturnal birds of prey; interpretive hiking through natural spaces and cultural visits to learn about the Historical Heritage of Orihuela.


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2019 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 18,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN


CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja is a friendly, English-speaking church. We currently hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th Sunday when there is one). For more info about our church, please see our website at For info see Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We are a lively,


friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in

The next meeting of the Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 19 August at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone welcome, incl non members. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more info please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting

Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman

637 227 385

Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. We also provide a social hub for members by organising monthly events. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. New members are very welcome. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at For Welfare contact Bill or Pauline on 0034 634 38 99 83 or email For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or e:charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We will reopen as soon as we are able when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare

PERSONAL Spanish. Beautiful Shemale Michelle. Experience the best. Tel. 606 847 280 Calle Turquesa 15. La Zenia

Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834 Grace... Horny Latina. Busty. All the fantasies. Calle Turquesa. Tel. 656 314 941




Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum). German spoken.

Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum).

Tel. 665 736 488

Tel. 604 111 457


637 227 385

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


Four new officers for Pilar de la Horadada local police

The Monkey It is remarkable how a few words can have such a devastating effect on a business and is referred to as ´Doing a Ratner.’ This is a result of when, in nineteen ninety one, Gerald Ratner the CEO of the jewellery chain bearing his name, was making a speech to the Institute of Directors and thought he was making a joke when he said “We do a cut glass sherry decanter complete with six glasses on a silver plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for four pounds ninety five. People say, “how can you sell this for such a low price?” I say “because it is crap.”

Four new police officers have taken up their duties as agents of the Pilar de la Horadada Local Police. They will now become part of the body on a temporary basis until their permanent positions are confirmed through the appropriate employment processes.

Within days the company which had one hundred and thirty branches nationwide lost eighty percent of its turnover. When at the top of the tree, be it in business or politics, your worst enemy can be your own mouth, especially when words by the media are taken out of context and are used to make a different point than the original statement. It was around this time I was due to go to Taiwan, and as it coincided with the Chinese New Year of ‘The Monkey’, exactly how I felt, when receiving a fax inviting me to attend a party to honour the event. ‘What did I know about celebrating a Chinese New Year?’ Over the years, when one gets invited to parties, a vision pops into the mind of standing around laughing and joking, with music playing in the background. In this instance I had other thoughts of it being held in a hotel lobby with loads of Taiwanese cackling away. At that time the only alcohol was a very weak beer. So, thanks for the invitation, but I was not getting too excited about it. The flight time in the ninety nineties was about twenty eight hours, with three stops on the way, including Bangkok and Hong Kong, before arriving at Taipei. The island of Taiwan is about two hundred and fifty miles long with the capital in the northern part. On the evening of the party a very comfortable car arrived and much to my surprise it took me to the airport. The car pulled up beside an old brown coloured twin engine Douglas Dakota plane – I am not certain if this was one left over from the Second World War, but as I could not see any bullet holes on it – I guess not. A small coach had arrived and about thirty people

Cox provides telecare service for its elderly and vulnerable The Cox Town Council, through the Department of Social Services, is introducing a telecare service in order to offer a more advanced service and continuous monitoring that will offer greater and better care for people in vulnerable situations or with difficulties. "The objective is to improve people's quality of life by providing a service that

got off it and made themselves comfortable on the aircraft – no seat belts, none of that nonsense, just seats. With a roar off we went trundling down the runway. It was almost an hour later, we had flown the length of the country, when we landed on a grass runway. It was a short trip to where the party was to be held and another surprise as the factory we arrived at was new, a beautiful shining building surrounded by open land. In the past I had seen other places of assembly which were little more than tin shacks. The party was being held in the vast car park which was now adorned in rows of coloured covered areas with seats below. The food was being cooked by women sitting crossed legged on the ground with prima stoves in front of them and as they eat anything that moves or crawls it did not look very appetising to my Western eyes. Thankfully Echo, the agent, found me a whole chicken which had been cooked and was totally black, peeling the skin off there was white breast and it was very nice The booze started to flow, a lot stronger than the beer. The hosts were wandering around with bottles and were topping up glassed with the liquid. The rule was if they said “cheers” then one took a sip but if he said “Bottoms up” it was a matter of swallowing the lot in one go. It was a good game for my pallet, but to the teetotal local people they were soon rolling around. As the evening events were in Chinese it was difficult to follow what was happening, except to

gives them better security, as well as personalised attention," said Salud Lozano, councillor for Social Services. This initiative improves the day-to-day life of the most vulnerable people, while preventing their dependence and enhancing their personal independence. Likewise, this service helps to detect and prevent, as well as to intervene in risky situations, improving the quality of life of users. The telecare service offers the elderly and people with specific needs a number of benefits, including the possibility

join in the cheering and dancing. It was dark and getting late with most party goers well sozzled. I asked Echo if we were flying back. She nodded her head and pointed to the pilot who had been busily knocking back glasses of wine all evening. With a worried thought about whether my Life Insurance was up to date we were back in our seats. With the pilot showing some expertise with the controls the old Dakota blew smoke from the two engines and we sailed across the grass and on to Taipei. I have made it known that I am not a follower of football, mainly the razzmatazz that goes with it, although I do like to watch the finals of competitions. What I do not understand is getting fired up hours before a tournament starts with plenty of frothing liquid. The end result, not a gentle and pleasant celebration of the game but aggression because of something questionable with the result or just plain nastiness to vent the excitement fuelled by the alcohol drink consumed before and during the match. That is a broad statement and aimed at the few normally young men who partake in the rampage following a contest. Dare I say the end of the English event at the Euro 2020 was as if something deliberate was taking place. Take care. chattey – All Percy’s novels and short stores are available on Amazon and Kindle – just type in percy chattey.

of continuing to reside at home, combatting loneliness and isolation, while strengthening social and family networks, promoting ageing healthy, while promoting independence and preventing dependency. The service is provided with a collaboration agreement with the Red Cross who will provide qualified and specialised personnel in the social field and with skills to care for people at risk of exclusion. The budgetary investment for this service amounts to 4,000 euro per year.

Currently, the force comprises of fifty agents who are responsible for public security throughout the municipality of Pilar de la Horadada. In summer, the number of inhabitants grows considerably due to tourists and holidaymakers and as such the force needs to be increased to take on the additional tasks. The Mayor, José María Pérez, the Councillor for Citizen Security Marina Sáez, and the Chief Officer of the Local Police, Jesús Navarrete, were all on hand to welcome the four new agents when they reported for their first day of duty.

Drone used by Local Police to identify illegal dumping Orihuela’s Local Police has intensified its campaign against the dumping of pruning and bulk items on public roads, in breach of the Municipal Regulatory Ordinance on urban cleaning, health and urban waste management. The campaign includes the dissemination of information, surveillance and, in the final case, a fine, for those who violate the rules and deposit pruning and other belongings on public roads without the correct authorisation. "A maximum of 1 cubic meter of pruning can be deposited on the public highway, but it must be bagged and always with prior notice to the cleaning service so that it can be collected," said the Councillor for Citizen Security, Antonio Sánchez, who has asked residents to "comply with the regulations so as to solve a historical problem that is suffered in the municipality."

CLLR SALUD LOZANO: “The objective is to improve people's quality of life by providing a service that gives them better security, as well as personalised attention"


Women offered professional places on World Snooker Tour WPBSA and WST have announced a historic agreement that will see leading World Women’s Snooker (WWS) stars Reanne Evans and Ng On Yee offered the chance to turn professional from the start of the 2021/22 season with 2-year cards. The announcement forms part of a wider commitment which reinforces the role of the WPBSA’s World Women’s Snooker Tour as a major development tour within the sport’s elite pathway. In addition to the two tour cards, it has also been confirmed that places at professional tournaments such as the Betfred World Championship and Champion of Champions will be offered. England’s Reanne Evans and Ng On Yee of Hong Kong have been the flagbearers for women’s snooker for over 15 years, having between them dominated the sport’s major competitions. Evans is the most successful women’s snooker

Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021

player ever, having won the World Championship on a record 12 occasions since 2005. In 2020 she was awarded an MBE for her services to the sport and previously spent one season on the professional tour in 2010/2011. For Ng, the Asian star is set to enjoy her first spell on the professional tour, having emerged as the greatest threat to Evans’ dominance. A 3-time winner of the World Championship since 2015 and a former world number one, Ng is also a 2-time winner of the prestigious ‘Best of the Best’ award at the Samsung Sports Awards in Hong Kong and is widely celebrated in her home country. Since becoming a development tour in 2015, the World Women’s Snooker Tour has seen significant growth, with player participation having more than doubled with over 150 ranked players from 29 countries currently represented.

viding opportunities for women to compete alongside the best professional players in the world, including at the World Championship, Champion of Champions and Shoot Out competitions.

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England’s Reanne Evans and Ng On Yee of Hong Kong have been the flagbearers for women’s snooker for over 15 years

Snooker is a rare example of a sport that can place men and women on the same field of play to compete equally and both the WPBSA and WWS are delighted that the announcement marks another significant milestone in helping elite female talent to compete at the very highest level of the sport. Mandy Fisher, WWS President, said: “I am thrilled that from next season two of our leading women’s snooker stars will be able to take their place on the professional circuit.

Historically based within the UK, WWS has staged prestigious ranking events in Thailand, Singapore, Australia, Malta, Germany and Belgium, having become a truly international sport .

“World Women’s Snooker celebrates its 40th anniversary later this year and I can honestly say that the announcement marks one of the most significant days in our history so far.

Alongside the World Women’s Snooker Tour itself, the WPBSA has also remained committed to pro-

Jason Ferguson, WPBSA Chairman, said: “For many years we have championed the role of

women in our sport, from offering opportunities for our women to compete at major professional events, to our development of the WPBSA’s World Women’s Snooker Tour. “We firmly believe that there is no reason why a woman cannot compete equally with a man and today’s announcement underlines our commitment to women’s snooker both now and in the future. “Through seeing our leading female players compete on television on a regular basis, we are confident that more women and girls from across the club will be inspired to pick up a cue and look to emulate their achievements in the future.”

LADIES EUROPEAN TOUR TO SET UP HOME AT LA MANGA demonstrating the fairness of the testing golf courses.

In addition, all competitors will be able to enjoy luxury on-site accommodation at the 5-star Hotel Principe Felipe which is perfectly located adjacent to both the North and South Courses, designed by Robert Putnam and also having previously held 5 Spanish Opens back in the 1970’s. For the 2021 edition, the North and South Courses will host both the fourround Pre-Qualifying Stage on December 9-12 and the five-round Final Stage on December 16-20. Running side by side and sharing a clubhouse, they promise to provide an electric atmosphere for those battling it out for a place on the 2022 Ladies Amy Boulden of Wales won Qualifying School when it was last held at La Manga Club in 2020 ©Getty Images La Manga Club is to become official host to the LET Qualifying School and the LET Winter Training home The Ladies European Tour has announced an exciting new partnership with La Manga Club in Spain, which will host Qualifying School for the next three years, as the next generation of champions begin their journey into professional golf. La Manga Club – an exclusive holiday, sports and leisure resort, which boasts a five-star hotel, three golf courses, 28 tennis courts, 8 FIFA-sized football pitches, a European Cricket Performance Centre with 29 grass

wickets and several restaurants and bars amongst its outstanding facilities – has played host to five previous editions of the LET’s Qualifying School. The most recent in January 2020 was won by Wales’ Amy Boulden, who followed up her Q School win by clinching her maiden LET victory at the VP Bank Swiss Ladies Open later that year. While Anna Nordqvist, Caroline Masson, Caroline Hedwall and Jodi Ewart Shadoff took the honours in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively, before going on to represent Europe multiple times in the Solheim Cup,

European Tour.

Commenting on the announcement Alexandra Armas, LET Chief Executive Officer, said: “We are delighted to be returning for another three years to La Manga Club, which is a wonderful venue and has hosted Ladies European Tour events and Qualifying Schools successfully in the past. We are so grateful that La Manga Club has provided the opportunity for the next generation of talented international players to compete to become part of the LET, with the platform to achieve their dreams in golf.” Carlos Erburu, Managing Director at La Manga Club, said: “It has been an

absolute pleasure to welcome back the Ladies European Tour’s Qualifying School and for their renewed confidence in holding such a key event in the golfing calendar for a further 3 years at La Manga Club on our renowned North and South golf courses.

Whilst several big names from previous ladies Q schools at La Manga Club continue to compete and win on the circuit, we look forward to welcoming a new group of lucky qualifiers this coming December who will also look back one day at the Q School as a springboard to future success in the international golfing arena.” To find out more about La Manga Club, visit:

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When asked how it was possible he said, "It was only 12-foot high when I did it." WALES'S STEPHEN DODD certainly deserved a welcome in the hillsides after sinking a birdie putt to win the Senior Open at Sunningdale. He managed to look delighted, without capering round the 18th green or falling to his knees, while Miguel Angel Jimenez, waiting to see whether there would be a playoff, came out smiling to congratulate him. Ah, golf as it used to be. SHELL'S WONDERFUL WORLD OF GOLF was a televised series of golf matches which ran from the 1960s until 2003 with a 20-year break from 1971. It kept up the tradition of "challenge matches" which were the earliest form of professional golf competition, and the list of players in these 18-hole stroke play matches reads like a roll call of golf legends. The first was played between Billy Casper and Mario Gonzalez in Rio de Janeiro in 1961. The first two matches of the series’ 1994 revival were Greg Norman vs. Nick Faldo at Sunningdale, followed by Arnold Palmer vs. Jack Nicklaus at Pinehurst No. 2. Played on the world's finest courses, and sometimes in exotic locations, a fun aspect of these pre-recorded one hour television matches (the early ones narrated, when he wasn't playing, by Gene Sarazen) was that the golfers would interact with the on-course reporters, with off-the-cuff comments and jokes allowing viewers to feel they were walking with the competitors.

best, the ladies in dresses and the men in coats and ties. And definitely no shouts of “In the hole!” DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, five-star general, 34th president of the United States, was golf-mad. Ike's popularity was at an alltime high in post-war America, and the U.S. decided that “If Ike likes golf that's good enough for me.” More leisure time for the American family meant more time for sport, and golf in particular. The number of golfers approximately doubled during Eisenhower’s two terms as president (1953-1960). Eisenhower, who shot around the mid-80s, had a practice net erected in the White House basement, and used the South Lawn as a practice range. A personal putting green was built outside the Oval Office, and he would take practice swings with a club kept behind his desk while dictating letters to his secretary. He considered his first and only hole-in-one, at the age of 77, “the thrill of a lifetime.” Eisenhower's 1953 State of the Union Address was written at Augusta National, in a “cabin” constructed for his use. However, even Ike couldn't get the 65ft pine tree he often came in contact with removed from the course. Clifford Roberts flatly refused, saying his request was 'Out of Order.' In 1966 the President turned up on Arnold Palmer's front porch clutching an overnight bag. “Say, you wouldn’t have room to put up an old man for the night, would you?” Ike asked. Palmer's wife, Winnie, had sent their private plane to fly the President to Pennsylvania for a surprise 37th birthday present for Arnie. Needless to say, they played golf.

Three of the all-time greats, Player, Palmer and Nicklaus Filmed during the “Silly Season” of the winter when nothing much happened, and shown in America on Sunday afternoons, the matches reflected a bygone era, with the spectators in their Sunday

Mike Probert talks Golf H

ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers.

The Long and Short of It

Eisenhower saw the golf course as a place to build relationships and a way to foster goodwill and understanding among the international community. What a pity Xi Xinping and V. Putin don't play golf. Ike's tree, alongside the 17th hole was cut down in 2014 after it was damaged in an ice storm. Gary Player commented: “It was there when I played nearly 60 years ago, and Sam Snead said he used to just “cream it over that tree.” take a look at the courses that you play and you will see that the majority of the trouble (water, bunkers, etc) are short of the green. Why do high handicap golfers have this failing in their golf game? There are two reasons:

Price €98 €84 €120 €100 €125

Comments Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy

In association with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. For this month’s meeting the Lo Marabu Golf Society and a group of 32 players visited the established course at Font del Llop taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The weather was beautiful and the course in excellent condition. GOLD DIVISION 1st - Colin Toole – 40 pts, 2nd – Ian Johnston - 38 pts SILVER DIVISION 1st – Jim Bryce – 34 pts, 2nd – Colin MacDonald – 34 pts BRONZE DIVISION 1st - Martyn Walker – 33 pts, 2nd – Tony Wonfor - 30 pts Nearest the Pins – Johnston, Probert, Davis, Byrne and Bryce Football Card – Ron Nowland & Annie Pardoe Dog of a Day – Alan Grummit After the game we returned to Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada and we give our thanks for their support and that of our sponsor Sapphire Properties. Our next fixture is the Interim game at Lo Romero on 12th August 2021 followed by the society day at El Plantio on the 26th August 2021. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at From the mental perspective you will also feel more confident when playing the shot and also avoid one of the worst feelings in golf, that of hitting the ball ‘out of the screws’, direct at the flag, only to see it drop into water or a bunker ‘short’ of the green.

While it is good to have faith and confidence in your ability, do not expect to hit the ball ‘correctly’ all of the time.

The answer is almost certainly no and yet it is easy to remedy.

Repeat this exercise for different wind conditions (in the face, the back, side winds, etc) and for different lies (uphill, downhill, side-hill, etc).

Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor

Lo Marabu Golf Society at Font Del Llop on 28th July 2021.

Let us consider these factors. Firstly in terms of preparation, do you know how far you hit each club in your bag in all types of wind conditions and off different types of lie?

Week in and week out you will see the high handicap golfer misjudge the distance to the flag and 90% of the time the shot will finish short of the target.

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you:

Contact Mick for regripping and repairs. 638 859 475.

Allied with good preparation you should also be careful not to over estimate your golfing ability.

All that you have to do is to go to the practise range and hit a series of golf shots with each club and take note of the distance that the MAJORITY of the shots travelled, ignore the one’s that you ‘creamed’ or the one’s that you 'mishit', but concentrate on the average.

The next time you visit your local golf course or play in your society,

Until next time: Happy Golfing.

Lack of proper preparation and Over estimation of their ability.

Is their one single element of the golf game where professionals and low handicap amateurs differ from the high handicap or weekend golfer? The answer is yes.

Invariably, only if they hook the ball or hit the ball ‘thin’ will the high handicapper go past the pin.

DAVID HOWELL and Glen Hoddle's playing partner in the BMW PGA Pro Am at Wentworth next month will be Anton du Beke, so if they win we will expect to see a celebratory Viennese waltz.

Now when you go to the golf course you will be better prepared and by using the distance markers and charts available, you can eliminate many of the hazards presented to you by the course architect by hitting the ball far enough to avoid them. Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca

€90 €84 €140 €104 €100 €150 €114 €130 €96 €140 €171 €110 €78

Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy (11-2pm) Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy Two Green Fees & Buggy (11-2pm) Two Green Fees & Buggy

If you always judge distance based on your ‘best’ shots you will frequently be disappointed and frustrated. Allow for your slight ‘mishits’ by taking an extra club and swinging a little easier. If is often stated that in pressure situation you hit the ball further due to the adrenalin flow but remember that for the majority of people in these same situations, muscle tension prevents you using your automatic swing and you actually hit the ball ‘shorter’ than normal, allow for this! Follow these simple instructions and you will soon start to avoid unnecessary dropped shots due to distance misjudgement and start feeling more confident ‘before’ you hit the ball. Lo Romero €166 Two Green Fees & Buggy Mar Menor €120 Two Green Fees & Buggy New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & Buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & Buggy Roda €115 Two Green Fees & Buggy (1.06pm) Saurines €100 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villaitana Levante €90 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €70 Two Green Fees & Buggy Villamartin €130 Two Green Fees & Buggy (11-2pm) Vistabella €105 Two Green Fees & Buggy ( 1.00pm) For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


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AMBASSADOR ROLE FOR JUAN MATA AT MAN UTD By Andrew Atkinson Juan Mata is looking to go into coaching and has started taking Management and UEFA coaching badges ready for when he hangs up his boots at Manchester United after an illustrious career. "I'm starting to do some courses. I'm doing a management course and also coaching badges," said Mata, who played for Valencia during 2007-11. "It's nice to do things in your time off, when you become over 30 it's important for football players to start thinking about what to do next. "Of course, I want to play for as long as I can - there's nothing better than playing football - but you have to start to be ready and do something."

Burgos born Mata, raised in Oviedo, Austrias, has featured in United's pre-season friendlies this summer after signing a one year extension to his contract at The Reds, ahead of the 2021-22 season. United Gaffer Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said: “We are a young squad and that’s been part of the thinking. “We have the professionals that can be an example day in and day out. "Our young lads think they know it because we bring them up through the Academy and they do learn good habits. "But then they come into the first team and see World Cup winners like Juan and the way he conducts himself, even if he doesn’t play." Mata, 33, started only 10 of his 17 appearances last season, and Solskjaer said: "He

didn’t play as much as he would have liked to last year - but he’s never ever letting himself or his team down with his attitude." Mata joined Valencia in 2007 making 129 appearances, joining Chelsea in a £28m move in 2011, prior to arriving at United in a £37.1m transfer in 2011. Spain u16s, u17s, u19s, u20s, u21s, and u23s player Mata broke into the national senior team squad in 2009, winning 49 caps. 2010 FIFA World Cup winner Mata has been offered a Ambassadorial position at Old Trafford, upon retirement. Manchester United current ambassadors include Sir Alex Ferguson, Sir Bobby Charlton, Gary Neville, Andy Cole, Bryan Robson, Peter Schmeichel, Park Ji-Sung and Nemanja Vidic.

Montesinos summer Mini-Pool League underway By Andrew Atkinson The Los Montesinos summer Mini-Pool League has got underway with The Courtyard A team topping the table after three games. "All the teams participating in the league are delighted to be back playing after the six month break, due to coronavirus circumstances," James Green told The Leader. James from The Courtyard, Los Montesinos, established the Mini-league following the announcement that the summer Torrevieja Pool League wasn't taking place this year. The Montesinos Mini-League teams competing are: The Courtyard (2), Dilly’s San Luis, O’Brien’s El Raso, Mickey’s Bar,

Laguna Bar Entre Naranjos, George Bar San Luis and La Hacienda Lo Crispin.

LMTCC Development XI defeated Alfas 2nd XI by five wickets - with Alfas's late collapse for 126 in 31.4 overs and Alfie Court taking two wickets for 12 runs, from eight overs.

The summer league will run during July until October, with the Torrevieja Winter Pool League scheduled to resume, pending Covid-19 restrictions. Team










La Hacienda 3



















The George 2









Courtyard B 3




Victory for LMTCC Dev XI All of the six LMTCC bowlers got among the wickets, with Ken Herron and Mike Scarry both taking their first wicket for the club. Alfie Court was the pick of the bowlers, returning a miserly 2-12 from his 8 overs, well supported by his opening partner Kieran Wood who took 1-15 off 6. Elspeth Fowler and Paul Fletcher also chipped in with two wickets each. Tommy Knowles had a great day behind the stumps, taking two catches, a stumping and a run out. In reply, Richard Tedder (21) and Charlie Hunt (21) got LMTCC off to a flying start. In at number 3, Paul Harvey batted fluently and looked like he was going to finish the game off - until he was well caught after making a classy 31. Tommy Knowles (21) played some big shots but was also well caught and became the fifth LMTCC batsman to be dismissed. With 19 still needed and Alfas hoping for a collapse, Ken Herron (11*) and Kieran Wood (12*) steadied the ship, batted sensibly and saw the game home with the winning runs coming off the final ball of the 25th over.

Carp-R-Us Members fished the final match of the Club’s Summer Mini-Series at the El Bosquet complex on Thurs 29th July from 9am to 2 pm. With just 8 anglers available to fish, the first channel pegs of 1a to 7 were selected, leaving out peg 3. It proved another hot day although there was still some mud from the downpour earlier in the week.

LA MARINA GOLF SOCIETY SUMMER CUP It was round two of the La Marina Golf Society's Summer Cup, held at the Bonalba Golf Course. With its challenging greens the course was no match for today's members as most of them came into the clubhouse with good scores. The most enjoyable days golfing was had by all.

Winning the Gold Division with 31 points was Tim Ruse, and the Silver Division was won by John Lywood with 41 points. We had four players win nearest the pin, Hole 4 was Gerry McCabe, Hole 8 was Rod Loveday who also bagged the two's pot, Hole 11 was Alan Craig and Hole 14 John Lywood

A big thank you to La Marina Sports complex for laying on our after game refreshments. Our next game, which will be the 3rd round of the Summer Cup will be at Lo Romero, 12th August, tee time 10.51. New Members are always welcome, please contact our Secretary Jeff Wiszniewski at

Willy Moon on peg 3 maintained his good form and caught from the outset and throughout the match using pellet feeder towards the far bank. He managed 35 carp and mullet for 18-38 kgs. Second was Ken Wilcocks on peg 6 with 17 fish including a bass for 16-79 kgs using feeder alternating between bread and pellet. Third was Roy Dainty on peg 5 with 15 carp and barbel for 1664kgs using pole with maggot in the nearside deep water during the morning and the monkey with bread on the far bank during the afternoon. Tony Flett struggled on peg 1 but landed a carp of around 3kg as

the final whistle blew. The result of this Mini-Series, with the best 3 results from 5 counting, was 1st Willy Moons with 88 points, 2nd Roy Buttress with 85 points, 3rd Ken Wilcocks with 83 points and 4th Roy Dainty with 82 points. Congratulations, felicidades, en gefeliciteerd Willy. The complex is a haven for wildlife and during the match we were entertained by a low flying flamingo which flew parallel to the stretch and landed briefly towards the edge of the saline lake. The Club resumes its matches on Thursday 2nd September, coincidentally, at El Bosquet. This will be round 1 of the Autumn Series. The Club also has a booking for Argos on that day for any members who wish to fish there. With no matches during August, members will be pleasure fishing only. So, if anyone wants to learn a particular fishing technique or improve existing skills, please get in touch with us via FaceBook or our website and we will do our best to help.


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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


Promising signs in Thader’s opening friendly Photos: @miguelmenarguez_projects

CD Thader ................ 0 FC Jove Espanol ...... 0


lthough the match finished goal less, there were plenty of positives for Thader manager Raul Mora to take from it.

All 6 new signings were given a lengthy run out, along with more established Thader players. The first half hour was all about brushing away the cobwebs, as neither keeper had a shot to save. The hosts should have taken the lead on 32 mins, but ex Murada striker Jony's tame shot was easily saved. The only other noteworthy effort in the 1st half was a close-range effort by Calderon, which the Jove Espanol keeper did well to block. Jose Maria replaced Jesus between the posts for the 2nd half, and the new Thader keeper pulled off a vital save in 56 mins, when a fierce long-

range drive looked to end the stalemate.

celebrations were cut short by an assistant's flag.

On 75 mins, an accurately floated free kick to the far post was met by new signing Josan. His goal bound header was cleared off the line, as once again, Thader proved more than a match for their higher ranked opponents.

On Saturday 7 August, ko 8pm, Real Murcia Imperial arrive at Moi Gomez stadium, Rojales.

Jove did put the ball in the net late on, but any

Thader have arranged a number of pre-season

As with La Nucia, Real Murcia are a long-standing 3rd division outfit, and should provide another stern test for the boys in blue and white stripes.

Tributes for Pilar Football Squads Players from the Alevin de Futbol Pilar de la Horadada and the Cadet B team were all invited to the town hall after their successful 2020-21 season.

Looking back at CD Montesinos success

The Alevin section finished the season as Cup winner's while the Caded B team were League Champions of Category 2 of the Provincial Cadet Group 6 of Alicante.

Chief Sports Editor Andrew Atkinson looks back to CD Montesinos's 201617 season party following their promotion to the Valencia 1st Regional in what was an historical day following the retirement of youth coach Luis Vaya Tela after over 20 years service.

Team coach Jiménez Martinez, players, squad members and parents were all welcomed by Mayor José Maria, a for-

"He has been the driving force to train

QUESADA BOWLS CLUB ROUNDUP By Steve Hibberd Throughout the summer, Quesada bowls club have had a number of in-house competitions, 2 of which have recently reached a conclusion. The Monday morning come and go league was won by Ann Linley, with Terry Morgan grabbing the runners up spot. A close finish in the Friday night pairs league, resulted in eventual winners Dave and Shena Barnes (12 pts) finishing 2 pts ahead of Chris & Kim Bowles (2nd), and

Following on from these friendlies, the serious stuff starts! A home match against local rivals Benferri CF on Sun 5 Sep, kicks off a new Preferente division season.

mer President of UD Horadada, and his Councillors, who praised their achievements.

"These are the first promotions from the youth team squad but there are likely to be more.

Martínez and Rico ‘racing ahead

"Jorge Martínez plays centre-back, winger and wingback and is a player who stands out for his speed and perseverance.

Racing San Miguel have promoted youth prodigies Jorge Martínez and Antonio Rico (pictured) to the Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 first team squad for the 2021-22 season. "Jorge and Antonio completed their training with us as youth players last season," said first team coach Dani Perez Williscroft.

"He has had a great youth campaign, where he has been a fundamental part of the red-and-blue defence. "Antonio Rico is a centre forward and can also play as a midfielder. He was captain during the youth's great season, also being the team's top scorer with 12 goals in 17 games. "In addition, he has already made his debut in the first team, scoring a goal against Monnegre, following in the footsteps of his relative, the legendary Racing San Miguel striker, Pirri.

LUIS has retired after over two decades of coaching youth players in Los Montesinos. Ana Belén Juarez Pastor Sports Councillor said: "Luis has been dedicated to sport for more than 20 years, taking care of its facilities, with football being his passion.

friendlies over the next few weeks, details of which will be published when confirmed.

"We wish them both the best of luck in the season ahead. It is a source of pride to have San Miguel players who came up through our youth team system, and we will continue working to keep it that way," added Dani.

the junior categories of CD Los Montesinos. In retirement he will always remain as part of the team." Steve Hibberd & Sandra Heath (3rd). A drawn mixed pairs league is due to start on Wednesday 11 August, then a day later, the first of 4 friendly matches against near neighbours Greenlands commences. QBC have entered 3 sides in the forthcoming South Alicante and Southern leagues, and welcome any novice and experienced bowlers into the club. Membership fees are 200 euros, plus an admin fee of 25 euros for new members. In addition to members competitions, nonmembers are welcome to join in the weekly Tuesday (bubbly) and Saturday (chicken drive), which are both a 9.30 for 9.45 start.

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. A Burrito. (Burrito translated means 'little donkey'). 2. Brazilian football players (male and female). 3. L'Oreal. 4. The Big Lebowski. 5. Maracana Stadium (1950, 199,000205,000 although the official figure is 173,850) Estadio Azteca (1986, 114,600) Estadio Azteca (1970, 107,412). 6. Catch 22. 7. A Clockwork Orange. 8. Mother Theresa. 9. Peter Shilton. 10.

a. Ballroom Blitz (Sweet). b. Thunderball (Tom Jones). c. Great Balls Of Fire (Jerry Lee Lewis). d. Fireball (Deep Purple). e. Pinball Wizard (The Who). 11. Born To Kill. 12. Fillip. 13. a. Blade Runner. b. Total Recall. 14. 1819. 15. Meteorology. 16. A chariot drawn by four horses. 17. Harland. 18. Grossadmiral Karl Donitz. 19. Bjorn Borg (78, 79, 80, 81) and Rafael Nadal (2005, 06, 07, 08). 20. Roberto Baggio.


Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th August, 2021


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