The Queen passed away just a few months after celebrating, what would probably be the most important party of her life: her Platinum Jubilee, that is, her 70 years on the throne, a milestone, in which she ministered the longest reign in British history, making her a fundamental figure for all the countries that make up the Commonwealth.
After almost 71 years on the throne, the death of the Queen Elizabeth came as a surprise to most as, despite her advancing years, she generally enjoyed good health. Not even the Covid-19 pandemic could upset her nobleness. But the years do not forgive even those who seem immortal!
"I declare before you that my whole life, whether long or short, will be devoted to your service," she promised on her twenty-first birthday, in a speech broadcast over the radio from Cape Town, where she was visiting with her parents, still a child princess.
The death of Queen Elizabeth II has plunged the entire United Kingdom into a deep shock.


Elizabeth II died at Balmoral last Thursday, September 8, just eighteen months after her husband, Prince Philip, who passed away on April 9, 2021 at the age of 99.
Elizabeth II, the eternal queen, dies at the age of 96
In both appearances the sovereign appeared smiling, happy, and as elegant as ever.
And that sense of duty, and her devotion to a life of service, was carried throughout her long reign with a full schedule of engagements, from visits to charities and schools, to hosting visiting Heads of State.
It was only 2 days previous that she carried out her final official appointments, seeing the departure of former PM Boris Johnson, followed just a short time later by her invitation to the Leader of the Conservative Party, Liz Truss, to become the 15th Prime Minster of her reign.

The Duke was, in her own words, her "strength" and just a few months after her heartfelt loss, she too has now embarked on her journey to eternity.
No 936 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 637 227 ìRest in peace maíam and thankyou for your life of dedicated service. You will be missed and loved always.î

So many years of service With elegant regard
God Bless you Queen Elizabeth You've left shoes hard to fill But you've also left a son and heir To inherit your strong will.
Darias has told journalists that the medical experts from the Alerts Conference have not made any proposal for the removal of the
Let's hope he proves himself to all And makes a worthy King Adored just like his mother And in touch with everything
And now she joins her husband In God's palace in the skies Her royal duties now passed on With the closing of her eyes
by David Whitney -by David Whitney - c 2022
The minister already defended the government position with regard to maintaining masks in the areas where they are still mandatory: in public transport, health environments and for staff in nursing homes.
Dutiful in times of stress A countenance so calm An ethic to continue work With every ounce of charm
Palaces and riches Count for nothing in the end But true leadership and honesty Made our Queen a loyal friend. O E T R Y C O R N E R
Sunday 18th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

A Queen proud and divine
You've stood the test
Punta Prima based dance legend Vincent Simone is starring in 'Tango Passions' alongside Paula Duarte that is touring the UK. Speaking exclusively to The Leader, Italian born former Strictly Come Dancing star Vincent said: "It’s a beautiful show with a beautiful story. I am so so proud to have created something so special."
If you would like to see your poem on this page send to:

"We have to be cautious," said Darias following her appearance at the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System (C ISNS) in which she met with the regional ministers to address the situation of the pandemic.

No monarch has shown such reserve Or worked so very hard
Health Minister confirms mask rule to stay
Dealing with her grieving heart With a Pagliacci smile Not faltering to show her loss Or weeping a short while

Masks are still mandatory on public transport

You've earned your rest
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"Scientistsmasks. have already confirmed that the
Put down your crown and sceptre Your orb and mantle fine
PAGE 2 Monday 12th
The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE.
greatest threat from the virus will be in autumn and winter," she said, referring to one of the warnings recently issued by the World Health Organisation. Darias added that in Spain "we are practically living a normal life".
Following the news that Europe is once again likely to recommend the enforcement of masks as we prepare for winter, whilst still facing calls to ease the mandate in Spain, the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, has called for "caution" and has rejected the possibility that the Government will remove the mask requirement for public transport and in other spaces where it is still mandatory, such as health centres, an obligation that the Government confirmed just ten days ago.
will also impact the fishing resources around the area from which a total amount of 66.4 million cubic meters of sand will be extracted (the deposit has a surface area of 26 km?), clouding the water and causing schools of fish to leave that area.
Initiative to make Europe smoking free
Environmentalists consider this action an economic waste that will have severe and critical environmental impacts on the seagrass meadows of posidonia oceanica and the fishing resources off the Valencian coast.
The European Commission (EC) is considering banning the sale of tobacco to those born after the year 2010 even after reaching adulthood. The goal is to achieve a tobacco - free environment and establish the first European generation without tobacco by The2030.initiative also calls for measures to achieve other goals, such as ensuring that beaches and riverbanks are free of tobacco and cigarette butts. Also, the creation of a European network of national parks without tobacco or cigarette butts and prohibit their "advertising and presence" in audiovisual productions and on social networks.
The Commission considers the proposal legally admissible and opens the deadline for the organisers to start collecting one million signatures in at least seven member countries. The term to obtain them is six Ifmonths.signatures are obtained, the

Commission will have to decide whether to submit proposals and explain its decision.
They say that the species is key in the fight against climate change, due to its great ability to capture CO2 from the Theatmosphere.project
Moreyears.than 18% of 14-year-old adolescents admit that they smoke. In addition, at 18 years of age, this figure rises to almost 44%.

Ecologistas en Acción say that this project will have very important impacts on the posidonia meadows (protected species) that exist around the Puerto and Mojón beaches in Pilar de la Horadada, San Juan beach in Alicante, Marineta
One such mega-project, the extraction of sand in deep waters off the coast of Cullera, 30km south Valencia, is costing 1,147 million euros. It will enable the deposit of 12.4 million cubic meters of sand on 16 beaches in Valencia and Alicante, from Sagunto to Pilar de la Horadada, some of which are located 220 km from the extraction point.
Controversial project extracting sand to cost 1,147 million euros
Sand was transported to Los Locos beach in Torrevieja at the start of the summer.
Tobacco use among adolescents has increased after the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic. The average age of initiation of consumption is 13
climate change and a lack of urban control combine to undermine the beaches of Spain, millions of cubic meters of sand disappear every year, the replacement of which requires a great economic and technical effort, and also a major environmental impact.

“The extraction of sand could result in the destruction of the marine habitat and the disappearance of the entire benthic community of living beings (mainly polychaetes and molluscs) that are a source of food for fish. The project will impact seven natural protected marine areas of the Natura 2000 Network, including La Albufera, Cabo Roig, Montgó, Cap del Horta, L'Almadrava, Marina Alta and the submerged coastal strip of the Region of Murcia.
Spain is the ninth country in Europe with the most smokers with more than 8 million. And, although it is a citizen initiative, the people in the streets are not so clear about it as the debate between smokers and non-smokers continues to show.
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Casiana beach in Dénia and in the stretch of coast between the port of Dénia and the Girona River.
She was also the visible face of the United Kingdom, and without a doubt the most important, and such was her intention to help, that she served as Royal Patron or President of more than 600 charities, military associations, professional bodies and public service organizations, areas of action ranging from creating educational and employment opportunities for youth, to the preservation of wildlife and the
The mayor has shared his sympathy on behalf of the entire town of Torrevieja to the more than 5,000 British residents who have chosen they city as their home.

Liz Truss' biggest challenge after taking office is tackling the cost-of-living crisis. Inflation rose above 10% in July and energy and fuel prices have skyrocketed since the war in prices
New UKPMLiz Truss and the cost-of-living crisis

Theyears.death of her father saw her take up the reins of the monar-
HMQueen Elizabeth II
People will struggle to pay food and energy bills and businesses may have to close down if aid is not provided.
The govt also promised to decarbonise electricity generation by 2035. This will require a massive expansion in renewable energy.
Truss also faces major challenges within her own Conservative Party. She needs to garner enough support from her MPs but at the same time, handle infighting within the divided Thereparty. is also the issue of the privilege committee investigation into whether ex-PM Boris Johnson misled MPs over Downing Street parties.
Continued from Page One
the United Kingdom and for the rest of the world, having perfectly represented the British people for the last 70 years. The mayor said that the flag will remain on the flagpole in the Plaza de la ConstituciÛn for three days and that a funeral mass will be held in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in the coming days, with the presence of representatives of all the British associations of Torrevieja.
Minuteís silence as Union Flag lowered in Torrevieja
PM Liz Truss has promised to adhere to the UK's commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 but that might be difficult to achieve in view of the current energy crisis.

If overridden, it could cause a major trade war between the UK and EU.
Abook of condolence was also located at the entrance to the Town Hall where it can be signed by any member of the public who wishes to pay his or her respects.
Aenvironment.motherof four, this petite woman was born at 2:40 a.m. on 21 April 1926 at 17 Bruton Street in Mayfair, London, and baptised Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary in the private chapel at Buckingham Palace on May 29 of that year, she was not called to be queen. But fate is Thecapricious.abdication of her uncle, Edward VIII, in December 1936 saw her father, George VI succeed to the the throne which completely changed the course of her life, one in which she has had more than her own share of difficult times in recent years, the worst of which being the burial of her husband of 73
PM Liz Truss has pledged to pass legislation overriding the Northern Ireland (NI) protocol, a Brexit agreement that prevents a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Truss has the big task of handling a poor economy.
chy at the age of only 25, news that she learned while she was at ‘Tree Tops’ while travelling in Kenya. Elizabeth was the first daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York, who later became King George VI, and Queen Elizabeth, later known as the 'Queen Mother'.
The Ayuntamiento in San Fulgencio observed the two-minute silence at the Town Council building in the Urbanisation area on Friday Itmorningwasattended by the mayor and councillors as well as members of the public, most of British origin, who wanted to pay their respects and honour Queen Elizabeth II, following her passing on Thursday.

walks through the rolling Palace sources, a lesser-known interest of the sovereign was Scottish country dancing. Every year during her stay at Balmoral Castle, the Queen would host dances known as Gillies' Balls, for her Inneighbours,her96years of life, she lived through the outbreak of the Second World War, the dissolution of the British Empire and the consequent birth of the Commonwealth, the Falklands War, Brexit, the Covid-19 pandemic... experiences to which could be added those of her own private life, such as the death of her daughter-in-law, Princess Diana, the crisis caused by her grandson Harry and Meghan Markle with their abandonment of the Royal Family and the sexual abuse scandal involving her son, Prince FromAndrew.Churchill to Truss:
spell trouble for people as winter approaches soon.
In 1930, she became an older sister, with the birth of Princess Margaret Rose. In 1937, the two princesses, who were home schooled like many girls from wealthy families at the time, attended their parents' coronation at Westminster Abbey. On that day, Princess Elizabeth became first in line to the Itthrone.wasthen that she began to be instructed in history, French, a language she spoke fluently, art and music. She was also an experienced swimmer and she loved to ride horses, animals for which she had a special predilection and in all matters of which she was an expert.
Friday morning, September 9, a minute's silence was observed in the Plaza de la ConstituciÛn as the Union flag was lowered to half mast on the occasion of the death of Queen Elizabeth II Theyesterday.mayorof Torrevieja, Eduardo DolÛn, and members of the municipal government, as well as members of different associations of British residents, attended the minute of silence.
The Northern Ireland Protocol
The country's GDP also fell by 0.1% in the second quarter of 2022.
The pound has fallen to its lowest value against the US dollar in 37 Theyears.Bank of England has forecasted that the UK could go into recession by the end of the year.

UK will expect to see a reform in public services.The NHS's existing issues have been exacerbated by the pandemic,causing record numbers on hospital waiting lists.
Respect shown by San Fulgencio

Net zero emissions target by 2050

Staff shortages and insufficient wages have also caused problems in the health,education and care sectors,leading to several strikes throughout the year.
Crisis with public services
PAGE 4 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Talks to override the agreement has caused the EU to pursue legal action against Britain.

She became a thoroughbred owner and breeder, she was often seen at country events where she went to see her horses race, winning at Royal Ascot on many occasions. Her dogs of the 'Corgis' and 'Dorgis' breeds deserve a special mention, with whom she used to take long
In her seven decades on the throne, she saw 15 prime ministers pass through Downing HerStreet.state funeral will be held on 19 September in Westminster Abbey, while King Charles III may not be crowned until sometime next year.
DolÛn has praised Queen Elizabeth II, saying that she has been an example as queen and a reference for the citizens of
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 PAGE 5www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Tickets will be priced at E10 for adults and E5 for children,including a free programme,and points of sale will be advertised soon in the local press.Details from
There will be lots of rousing singing,dancing,slap stick comedy,pirating galore and,of course,the all important audience participation.
The aircraft landed normally, and passengers were transferred to a replacement aircraft which then departed to Liverpool," Ryanair explained in a statement.

A number of the Rojales Pantomime Group’s ‘motley crew’ enjoyed another superb social at Lo Crispin where a Murder Mystery,Dallas Style was performed.
Inoculation will be done with the vaccines which are adapted to the Omicron variant.
The province's school transport companies, which will provide free transport for 15,000 students to their respective schools and colleges, have told the Consell that the price of their respective contracts may have to increase because of the rising costs of diesel, as well as possible repairs and insurance, in order to continue providing the service throughout the school year.
YouCasey.will not be disappointed so book your tickets now using our online booking service outlined

The flight departed on 7 Sep evening but "encountered a minor bird strike."
The local coordinator of Vox in Torrevieja,José García Junca l, has complained to the Torrevieja City Council and to councillor Carmen Gómez Candel,who is responsible for the "Care and Promotion of the Urban Image,” about the use of drinking water, over 100,000 litres per day,for the washing of Torrevieja’s streets.

PAGE 6 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

32 will be bringing you a celebration of award winning musicals in their latest production, ‘A Night on Broadway’.
The authorities also announced that the flu vaccination campaign will start from 17 Oct.

It’s going to be all hands on deck,literally,when rehearsals recommence this week after the Summer break for the very funny Pantomime –TREASURE ISLAND – to be performed at The Carinal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio on December 1st,2nd and 3rd.
A Ryanair flight returned to Barcelona airport after takeoff because it hit one or several birds.
Pictured are members of the cast attending a vocal workshop ran by our Musical Director Nicole

The provincial federation of school transport has echoed the demand made by around fifty SMEs involved in the transport of schoolchildren, which puts approximately 400 buses into circulation on a daily basis.
All hands on deck for Rojales Panto Rehearsals
Pantomime is a very British form of theatre but the story of Treasure Island is well known by all nationalities and we hope that our funny take on this classic story will be enjoyed by all.
always looking for people to join our group (especially men) who can, or have aspirations to sing, dance and act, or who have experience working in

the theatre backstage, in lighting, sound etc and in particular who have experience working with Ifcostumes.youare that person and would like further information on our theatre company and rehearsal times, or you would like to book tickets for our show please 679tickets@studiothirtytwo.orgticketswww.studiothirtytwo.orgtovisitbookonline.Alternativelyemailorcall062272’
Over the past 13 years Studio 32 have produced many award winning musicals, including Chicago, Anything Goes, White Xmas, Guys and Dolls and many more. We have assembled a great cast to bring you an extravaganza of musical numbers and dance.

The Spanish Health Ministry will start administering the fourth dose of Covid-19 vaccine from 26 Sep. The vaccine will first be given to those in care homes and those above 80 years of age.
Vox published images of a cleansing truck being filled with water from drinking water supply points,despite the fact that the area’s reservoirs are currently below 40% of their capacity.
School bus companies sound alarm bells
Flight returns to Barcelona airport after hitting bird
Torrevieja using drinking water to wash streets
Will Long John Silver and his motley pirate crew find the treasure? Or will someone else get there first? You will have to come and join us to see what happens as there are lots of surprises in store for our audience and you won’t want to miss out on all the fun to come.

The Pilatus PC-21 is a turboprop-powered advanced trainer with a stepped tandem cockpit. It is manufactured by Pilatus Aircraft of Switzerland.
In May 2002 Pilatus announced that it aimed for the PC-21 to capture 50% of the global trainer aircraft market between 2005 and 2030.
The change in aircraft follows the retirement from training of the famous and popular C-101, a Spanish built jet, which was first delivered to the Air Academy on 17 January 1980. Since then, the aircraft have clocked up a staggering
A key aim for the PC-21 was
If you are local to the academy, you will no doubt be aware of the sight and sound of the C-101, but that image is now completely different, given that the PC-21 is powered by a propeller, rather than being a jet.
The Academy’s new intake will be the first to train in a brand-new aircraft, the Pilatus PC-21.
The biggest challenge facing this latest intake is that they will be the first to train in a brand-new aircraft, the Pilatus PC-21, a challenge which also extends to the maintenance and ground crews.
285,000 training flying hours.
If you´re interested in the technical characteristics, the PC-21 mas a maximum speed of 685 km/h, somewhat slower than the absolute maximum of 834 km/h that the C-101 could achieve, a range of 1,333 kilometres, service ceiling of 11,580 m (37,990 ft), and g limits of +8.0 –4.0 aerobatic / +5.0 to –2.5 utility.
Calle Isla Tabarca 12, Across the road from the Cabo Roig Strip
For its part, the C-101 will continue to fly, just not as a trainer, but the aerobatic stunt team, Patrulla Águila, will still use the jet, and in active service with the Air and Space Force.
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 PAGE 7www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The latest group of future pilots for the Spanish Air and Space Force have just begun taking to the skies over the General Air Academy in San Javier.
to allow jet aircraft pilots to perform the majority of their training before converting to jet-powered types, allowing operators to make substantial savings.

Surgical teams have been busy at the Torrevieja University Hospital this summer, maintaining the scheduled surgical activity during the months of July and
school, is no longer the centre of the universe, although it is still the centre of mine, for the moment at least.
The National Police has arrested a 30-year-old Spaniard in a hotel in Elche who was subject to a European arrest warrant for extradition (OEDE) issued by the French authorities for drug trafficking.
The danger is that once people espouse a cause, they may become less likely to dislike its effect. And you don't have to be a genius (but congratulations, anyway) to see the previous sentence could be applied to anti-vaxxers who think they aren't imperilling others by their refusal to bend the arm and lose their Noprefix.wonder
What was the point in getting kitted out in a domino mask, a red and black striped jersey and a swag bag, and then trawling the streets in vain for an empty house to break into?
ly "don't know life at all." Join the club, Joni.
The horologist who built the most accurate clock in the world, a clock that wouldn't lose a second in 5 billion years, became quite depressed by his own achievement. "Who will notice if it does go wrong?" he asked. "Or even care?" A perfectionist whose boiled egg is too soft, perhaps.
some of the great thinkers of our time -- well, Joni Mitchell, anyway -- admits that she's looked at life from both sides now, and that it's life's illusions she recalls, she real-
The successful ticket, which is still to be claimed, was purchased at the lottery outlet in Avenida de la Constitución No 6.
Not everything is as black and white as chess players would have us believe.
It has been said the most fatal illusion is an inflexible point of view. With perhaps sawing a woman in half the second most fatal. Our understanding of most things is never absolutely fixed -- what is now right could be wrong a second later. (Or 5 billion years

I was disappointed to learn at

Observing things from more than one viewpoint isn't always a comfortable umpire's chair to sit in.
If you are an optimist (in which case, congratulations once more) who tries to walk on the sunny side of the street, you must still be saddened by how often other people's behaviour can disappoint. Age doesn't always improve the attraction of the road ahead, even Perspex windscreens don't necessarily provide better perspective. Not even Joni Mitchell would argue with that.

And if springtime takes your breath away, you may be suffering from an allergy. "Always look on the bright side of life," sings Eric Idle, reminding us there are two sides to every argument, every football and tennis match, and many marriages.
Just needs to find his forever home. For more

The man is wanted for five cases of importation of narcotic substances into France in 2017 and 2018, amounting to approximately 100 kilos of hashish.

Life is frequently a matter of perspective. When a man on the opposite riverbank shouts to you, "How do I get to the other side?" tell him he is already there.
A prize of 294,787 euros has been won in the Bonoloto draw held on Tuesday by a ticket holder in Catral.

The fugitive is accused of transporting drugs by car from Spain to France.
Thus,statement.during these last two months, the centre has performed a total of 1,401 surgeries, of which 356 were of an urgent nature.
Could it possibly be you?

Shady is a fun-loving 5 month old.
PAGE 8 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 637 227 385 SASAT ANIMAL RESCUET ANIMAL RESCUE BITES

You would feel such a fool, almost dressed for prison before you were arrested. Maybe leave the swag bag at home from now on?
Torrevieja Hospital performs 1,401 operations in July & August

I once asked somebody if his glass was half empty or half full. He was a scientist, and his reply was, "This glass contains twice the required space for the volume present within it." Everyone wants to be Einstein.
of the management and the management team is to continue providing the best care to patients awaiting surgery," the Generalitat said in a

law-abiding citizens remained at home during the various pandemic lockdowns that burglars must have found it difficult to make ends meet.
The company originally asked the administration for 2.2 million with the eventual value finally being set by the expropriation court. The payment amount was confirmed with a vote at last Tuesday’s Plenary Meeting with the votes in favour of all the political formations, except the abstentions of Vox and
It was originally built by the constructor in order to move building materials to the area to effect the construction of the urbanisation when work first began in 1972.
As a result of the growth of the area, the road has now become a busy thoroughfare and is used by thousands of motorists on a daily basis.
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 PAGE 9www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

almost 50 years the Ctra de Villamartin, the road connecting the N332 with Villamartin, has run across land that is owned by the original developer, Urbanizadora Villamartín SA, covering a total of 11,832 square meters of surface.
inhabitants being from western Europe and mostly English speaking.
Just two years ago the tarmac was re-laid and paid for by the Orihuela Council, although it is once again beginning to show signs of
after a judicial process that began in 2009, when the owner of the land claimed compensation from the City Council for the

The area has now evolved into a cosmopolitan urbanisation, comprising some 1,500 apartments, villas and town houses, the main
plot where the road sits, despite being constructed for its own commercial interests, the matter has been settled with a payment of 1.2 million euros.

Bernabé, of Cambiemos, stated that the land has been used for more than four decades as a public road. It has also been essential for the marketing of homes by the company so the payment is "a burden" and "mortgages the future". “In short”, he added, “it is a consequence of chaotic urban planning procedures and wild urban planning that has prevailed in the municipality for decades.”
The Judicial process, that began in 2009, has finally settled the price at 1.2 million euros
The pure species has bright purple flower spikes, but there are also pink and white cultivars available.
*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
‘Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face …’
Liatris takes very little care, but you may need to stake up the stems, if planted in overly-rich soil, which can cause the plant to grow tall and floppy.

Liatris is usually planted from corms in the Spring, spacing the corms 12-15in apart and 2-4in deep.
As a Liatris plant matures, it typically develops offset corms. Liatris is easy to propagate, by digging up the root corms and separating every few years helping rejuvenate the plants and extend the life of a clump.

pleting the purchase of the commercial unit in La Zenia, where we subsequently created the famous ‘Paddy’s Point’ Ipub.had as yet no legal adviser – or really any professional person to help me. I had to complete the deal, as I was flying home the next morning. I am good at mental arithmetic, and even though the seller tried to bamboozle me with ‘impuesto’, VAT and other costs, I realised he was doing me out of £1,000. I pointed this out, but ‘he who holds the gold’, insisted otherwise. (I was later proved to be correct with my figures, but I did nothing about it)
Kerryman is a minority of 1 percent and nobody else is suffering for his honestly held convictions only himself. Few know about it – and even fewer care. This is a prime example of ‘cutting off your nose to spite your face.’
I loved squash from the very first ball that Michael Fallon hit back to me on court. I won the first tournament I played in, the ‘D section.’ That I remember beating Justin Trapp in the first round and the late, Peter Tone, in the final, shows how much squash had come to mean to me.
Leaving aside the fact that the British Monarch laid a wreath and bowed her head on the spot where Michael Hogan died; and that overall her visit was beautiful, conciliatory, and brought people of all political persuasions (including Martin McGuinness) together, my ‘friend of a friend’ is standing by his principles: Not always the best place to stand, I would sugThegest.
They have very good tolerance to drought and dry soil conditions, just about any soil will successfully grow Liatris corms, although quick drainage is essential to prevent rot.
Liatris does not suffer from any serious insect problems; several fungal diseases can occur, including leaf spot, rust, stem rot, powdery mildew, & verticillium wilt.
The best approach is to prevent these diseases by giving the plants good sunlight and air circulation.
And so to my next big dividend for not allowing pride and principle to get in the way of knowing what was best for
In January 1999, I was com-
a difference. I have backed off my ‘matter of principle’ a few times … but not often enough - especially when my principled stand was no more than ‘thickness!’ But the following are two examples where I got it right.

PAGE 10 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
‘Standing on principle’ is fine, but is it always worth the price you pay? Of course it does depend on the issue, what is at stake, and more importantly, will your principled stand make

Choose a site with full sun to plant your corms, the more sun, the better they will perform.
Overwintering, simply cut off the flower stalks near ground level, or you can leave the flower heads in place for the benefit of winter feeding birds.
Don’t Forget
my fee back from Teresa behind the counter, and I told Michael what I thought of him and his club! Michael shrugged his shoulders indifferently, as I stormed out; vowing to ‘never again put my foot in this place!’
It takes a wise man to know when he is fighting for a principle, or merely defending a prejudice.

words, ‘not cutting off my nose to spite my face.’
Before I got home, luckily the realisation hit me that nobody cared whether I played or not, I’d soon be forgotten about, and I would be the big loser if I ‘stuck to my guns.’ I swallowed my pride and went back playing a couple of days later. Not only did I get so many years of incredible enjoyment for not standing on principle, but eight years later I bought the place! That’s how close it came to that wonderful chapter in my life never happening.
Liatris, also known as Blazing Star or Gayfeather, is a long blooming perennial providing a display from July into late autumn.
I had a snap decision to make. I didn’t know enough to call his bluff and I could see a golden opportunity possibly heading down the Swanee. The bottom line is that I believed the unit was worth that extra grand to me and so I let ‘the ride’ go. I did the deal and we went on to turn the commercial into Spain’s best known pub. Had I stood my ground and held onto my principle, none of this might ever have happened; and I would have ‘cut off my nose to spite my face!’ More often than not, I haven’t been as smart as the above examples would suggest … but I still have my nose!
GARDEN FELIX -Liatris - Blazing Star/Gayfeather a
Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face .... .’
It's a member of the aster family of plants, but instead of the familiar daisy like flowers in that family, Liatris has highly unusual flower heads.
week we are going to make a case for not buying a new car. Take me for example, (ah Lads … Lads, please, this has nothing to do with that …!)
A ‘friend of a friend’ down in Kerry, watched this year’s All Ireland Football Final on TV - as his beloved Kingdom chalked up yet another success. Nothing unusual about this, I hear you holler … either about Kerry winning or a man watching it on television. What is unusual here is that the loyal fan owns a ten-year premium seat since the mid-1990s and has renewed it Fortwice.twelve years now, this man gives away his seat for the matches. He is protesting against Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Croke Park in 2011, because British troops shot dead 14 innocent GAA followers in 1920.
The featured dense clusters tiny star like shaped flowers open in succession from the top of the spike.
The next club tournament was a team event and I was picked on Tom Hunt’s team, along with players Penny Downes and Paddy Caulfield. We were runners-up, but the friendships made, as with other teams I played on, endure to this day.
I paid my £2.50 fee early for the next tournament and drove to the club on the night the draw was made. Consternation … my name wasn’t on any of the sheets: I had been omitted by mistake and I was
Bernie has published four books; ëIf Ever a Man Sufferedí, ëThe Best of Bernieí, ëThe Teamí, and ëJust Between Ourselvesí. Bernieís books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ëThe Leader.íCall 637 227 385 for info.

Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 PAGE 11www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

There are so many examples where householders fail to keep their plants within the confines of their own garden causing injury to pedestrians. Spiky plants such as bougainvillea with uncontrolled shoots over pavements. These plants can blind the unsuspecting pedestrian or imbed their huge spikes into passers-by.
Our council needs to seriously invest time and money into the area if they wish to restore the imbalance of years of discrimination. We need councillors from the coast who will fight for the needs of the coast.
PAGE 12 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Parents who try to walk their child to school whilst manoeuvring a younger sibling in a pushchair are forced to take risks which are totally unacceptable. Most pavements are not wide enough for a parent to hold the hand of a young child, never mind hold their child’s hand whilst pushing
Johnny Cash, rose to fame in mid-1950’sthe
2000 –Elton Johnthrew a tantrum when he was set to appear at a sell-out show at the Estoril Casino near Lisbon.Elton was unhappy after the audience were slow in leaving a VIP dinner before the concert, he left the building and flew home on his pri
trying to get around Orihuela Costa on foot whilst pushing a young child in a buggy or while using a wheelchair is taking a major risk.
1978 - The video forQueen's single 'Bicycle Race' was filmed at Wimbledon Stadium.It featured 65 naked female professional models racing around the stadium's track on bicycles, which had been hired for the day.The rental company was reported to have requested payment for all the saddles when they found out how their bikes had been used.
Rememberquestions.youneed to be a resident for at least 3 years. In the meantime, you can help by checking that your details are correct on your padron, especially your address.

1968 - Roy Orbison's house in Nashville burnt down, his two eldest sons both died in the blaze.Roy was on tour in the UK at the time of the accident.

1963 – The Beatleswere at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'She Loves You', the group's second No.1.It became the biggest seller of the year and the biggest selling Beatle’s single in the UK.
Created by sculptor Scott Eaton, the statue features the Back to Black star with her hand on hip and her trademark beehive hairdo.
vate jet without playing a note.
1998 - At a Sotheby's auction, a notebook belonging to former Beatle’s roadie Mal Evans containing the lyrics to 'Hey Jude' sold for £111,500, a two-tone denim jacket belonging toJohn Lennonwent for £9,200 and the Union Jack dress worn bySpice GirlGinger Spice sold for £41,320.
In Orihuela far more attention is paid to pedestrian restrictions whilst the consideration to people with reduced mobility on the coast is far less.

2009 - Leonard Cohen collapsed on stage during a concert in Valencia and was taken to hospital.He was later discharged after doctors told him he had food poisoning.He was in the
2003 - American singer songwriter Johnny Cashdied of respiratory failure aged 71.One of the most influential musicians of the 20th century, he was known as "The Man in Black." He traditionally started his concerts by saying, "Hello, I'mJohnny Cash." He also had his own US TV show in the late 60’s early 70s.

1991 - Geffen Records threw a party to launchNirvana's single
a buggy containing a preschool child, and motorists getting frustrated at parents walking in the road, rarely give any thought to the reasons why they are forced to do so.
Removing obstructions so people can live their lives

2014 - A life-size bronze statue of singerAmy Winehousewas unveiled in Camden, North London.Her father, Mitch Winehouse, said she was "in love with Camden" and it was the place fans associated with her.
1997 - A 34 year old man was awarded more than £20,000 by a French court after he lost his hearing when he stood too close to loudspeakers at aU2concert in 1993.
If it is your intention to vote in the next Municipal Elections watch out for our special events around the coast explaining the registration process with a special guest to

1984 - Frankie Goes To Hollywood's 'Relax' became the longest running chart hit since Engelbert Humperdink's 'Release Me', after spending 43 weeks on the UK singles chart.
middle of singing his song “Bird On The Wire”when he fainted, prompting the band to stop playing and rush to help him.
1956 - Anne Shelton was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Lay Down Your Arms.' She was a British vocal star of the 40’s & 50’s and one time singer with the Glenn Miller Orchestra.
As well as un-navigable ramps along pavements, many pavements are littered with obstructions, including overgrowing shrubbery and bushes, that narrow the pavement and provide a real hazard for pushchairs, wheelchairs, but more crucially anyone who is blind or with restricted vision.
'Smells Like Teen Spirit'.The band ended up being thrown out of their own party after starting a food fight.
It is apparent that the needs of these two groups were never considered by planners and continue to be a low priority for our Perhapscouncil. our mayor or her deputy should spend a day in a wheelchair to fully understand and appreciate the consequences of their intransigence toward young mums and disabled residents living on the Coast.
Roy was known for his dark, emotional ballads
It began on September 1, 1939, ending on September 2, 1945. The Barrow Blitz is the name given to the Luftwaffe bombings of Barrow-in-Furness, during World War II. They took place primarily during April and May 1941, although the earliest Luftwaffe bombing occurred in September 1940.
"Myself and my brother used to have to get under the bedwhen the bombs hit. We had to be brave.
VSEL shipyard was the main target for bombing, alongside Barrow's steelworks which were formerly the largest in the Manyworld.Barrovians
"I also knitted jumpers at school - people don't knit anymore atJoan,school."based in Costa Calida, added: "I also looked forward to school meals. 80 years on, from being aged 11 at school, I have kept myself fit and enjoying life in Spain."
By Andrew Atkinson, EXCLUSIVE
Joan added: "I loved my childhood years, fond memories of yesteryear, even during the War years.

Joan with Dave Winder
Barrow's main war memorial is a cenotaph located in Barrow Park, bearing the names of hundreds of Barrovians who died in combat during various wars, including 616 in the First World War, 268 in the Second World War, and 6 in the Korean War. The Dock Museum in Hindpool contains an exhibit about the Barrow Blitz.
Joan, who emigrated to Spain two decades ago with her late husband, who is now courting Benijofar based David Winder, 85, said: "Times have changed - today we are living in the 'snow flake' generation. Some don't know how lucky they are."

"At school I was keen on sewing, and made dresses at the age of 11. I was pretty clever," quipped Joan.
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 PAGE 13www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

believe the first sign of German interest of the town was in May 1936, when the zeppelin LZ-129 Hindenburg flew very low and slowly over Barrow, which locals and government officials alike believed was spying on the Althoughshipyard.itclaimed
to be simply carrying passengers on a luxury trip. The town, with a population of around 75,000 in 1941, was targeted by the Luftwaffe, mainly for its shipbuilding industry, one of the most sophisticated in the world and built many submarines and ships for the RNavy.
Lancashire, said: "During my youth we had bombs dropping on us. To have had lockdowns during the coronovirus pandemic was crazy."
"We had to wear gas masks - whereas today it's a case of Covid Joan,masks."who hit the headlines, due to her youthful looks, set to film with Nivea, a cream she has used for over seven decades, reflected back on her school days.
great grandmother Joan RichmondWoodhouse, 91, looked back on her schooldays and reminisced about being a child during WW2. "I was in Barrow during the second World War - it got blitzed - and children were killed," said Joan.
Mother of six sons Joan, who was born in Oswaldtwistle,
4.Be there to see the last of an abstainer (6)
6.Support the bad seer (7) not a slimming drink (5) clear learner is in considerable discomfort (5) affection for everybody when there's no score (4-3) subordinate fraternities? (5,6) right - go, being extremely rich! (4,4,3) although he looked a lot older (7) for example, in a receptacle ... (5) yet it produces liquor (5) 22.The limitation of a possible substitute? (7)
ACROSS:CRCRYPTICYPTICACROSS: 1 Stern words; 7 Aloud; 8 Managed; 10 Balanced; 11 Very; 13 Rhodes; 15 Tissue; 17 Laps; 18 Cashiers; 21 Reserve; 22 Auger; 23 Press agent.

DOWN:DOWN: 1 Plain; 2 Intruder; 3 Infest; 4 Elan; 5 Exclude; 6 Spellbound; 9 Definitely; 12 Conserve; 14 Release; 16 Doomed; 19 Abyss; 20 Area.
PAGE 14 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

1.Doctor unwell in regular practice? (5)
LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 21)
1 Privileged; 7 Plant; 8 Flaccid; 10 Languish; 11 Huff; 13 Barren; 15 Govern; 17 Ugly; 18 Constant; 21 Diagram; 22 Royal; 23 Regardless.
3.Colour twice returned in 12 (3)
2.Put little work into wrong choice (6)
8.Cool men adapted eyeglass (7)
15.Youth leader in good time for the annual get-together (6) 16.Antenna involving charge of a pound to the queen ... (6)
11.Greatly looked up to though always in debt apparently 13.It(7)has to be paid when ten play badly (7)
Down: 1 Spoil; 2 Endanger; 3 Number; 4 Owns; 5 Digress; 6 Cat burglar; 9 Dry measure; 12 With care; 14 Opposer; 16 Camera; 19 Eight; 20 Eros.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 21 CAN CHALLENGE?MASTERYOUTHESUDOKU 1. Sir Walter Raleigh found what odd lake in Trinidad? 2. The world's oldest existing treaty of 1373 was between England and which other nation? 3. Bargasse is what type of vegetable matter? 4. Who was Hiawatha's father? Mudjekeewis, 5. Kitty and draw are terms in what sport? 6. What was Thin Lizzie's first hit in 1973? 7. The sprat belongs to what fish family? 8. The Horned Planet is better known as what? 9. Who did the painting on the cover of The Bands first 10.album?Carrantual is the highest peak in which country? 11. Who wrote The Symphony of a Thousand? 12. What is Greece's second city after Athens? 13. When is Superman's birthday? 14. John Young, on board Gemini 3 in 1965, was the first to do what in space? 15. What is the Curia? 16. What common sign derived from the Medici family 17.crest?What is a sound below 20 cycles a second called? 18. Jim Bakus supplied the voice of which cartoon charac19.ter? Who speaks Quechua? 20. Starting highest write the Roman Numerals in descending order and what is the resultant number? 21. Yoi, Yame, Seremade and Hantai terms in what sport? 22. Africa's four great rivers Nile, Congo Zambezi and what? 23. Catriona was a sequel to which famous novel? 24. Who sang the original version of Blue Suede Shoes? 25. What kind of material is guipure? 26. In the Bible who climbed Mount Nebo? 27. Unusual role Bogart plays in The Return of Doctor X 28.1939?In Norway what is a brisling? 29. Who composed the Symphonies Fantastique? 30. Mediolanum was the Roman name for what Italian city?

5.Try clue for knives, forks, etc. (7)

20.... from the jumble to allow (3)

CROSSWORD ANSWERSWeek934 ACROSSACROSS 6.Biased 12.Last10.Impetus9.Hoax7.Obscure(7)(5)(5)(7)butone (11) 14.Forbidding (11) 18.Present (7) 19.Scratch (5) 21.Silent 22.Reveal(5)(7) DOWNDOWN 1.Crypt 2.Smother(5) (6) 3.Breach (3) 4.Void 20.Tavern17.Sorrow16.Winner15.Set13.Laborious11.Spouse8.Copy5.Throb(6)(7)(7)(7)(7)(6)(6)(5)(3)

17.... is up to the first woman to sift ... (5)

Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 PAGE 15www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Pensioners and those over 60 years old, registered Torrevieja,in will be able to participate, and you are able to submit a maximum of two photographs per contestant.

Beach Babes Charity donation for August
It is a multi-national organisation with kennels at Dolores which can home up to 70 Thedogs.presentation was made on Monday
In the last edition of 2021, 30 people submitted pictures to this contest, the winners were: 1º. ABUELOS EN EL MAR, by Maribel Juárez.
Immaculada Montesinos said that the award ceremony of this 4th Photography Contest will be held on Saturday 1 October, International Day of Older Persons, in a Gala at the Municipal Theatre of Torrevieja.
“A Feeling of the Elder.
David Johnston from Quesada recently did a skydive in aid of the AACC.He raised 752 euros for the cancer charity. As David lost both of his parents to cancer the charity is close to his Davidheart. is pictured with the local president,Maria Wilson in front of their offices in Orihuela costa. For the early detection of any cancer please phone the office,Monday to Friday,on 965 329841 between 10am and 1pm
SOLIDARIADE AFATORREVIEJA, raising more funds for the association. You can get more information, and register to take part, at the website,
The AFAAlzheimerís Association in Torrevieja is shown receiving a muchneeded donation from the British expat community this week.

Photos must be submitted to byterceraedad@torrevieja.euTuesday,September27.

The charity chosen by the ladies for the month of August was SAT Animal Rescue, a registered charity, formed in 1992, whose aim is to alleviate the local stray and abandoned dog problem.

outside the charity shop in Cabo Roig.
Each month Nicola Louden nominates one person from the group to pick a local charity that they would like to support. A great way to do a little bit for all those working on behalf of the local area

In recent months the chosen charities have included Finca Castellena, Help at Home, the Ukraine Appeal and AFA Cancer Torrevieja.

2º. MANOS AMIGAS, by Pedro Gallego.
Pat Goddard handed over a donation of 1,540 euro, which was raised by people who climbed the Spinnaker Tower last month. Among the sponsors were the clients of Benimar Bar, Howell's Removals in Formentera and the clients of The Tavern in OnQuesada.Sunday 2 October, there will be a race in Torrevieja, VII CARRERA/MARCHA
Dave dives in with 752 euro donation for AACC
PAGE 16 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

A look, a posture, a smile.”
‘FOCUSSING IN ON ’ Torrevieja Pensioners
More expat support for Torrevieja Alzheimer’s Centre
3º. PALMERAS, by Purificación Cabalar.
Torrevieja’s local councillor for the senior generation, Immaculada Montesinos, has announced that the fourth photography competition, specifically aimed at the older residents of the town, has been launched, with the theme of the contest in this edition,
All of the fitness instructors give their time for free but they do ask for a small donation towards charity.

Luis Lakeside. Call Lynette on 643 098 173 or see website at;
Fantasies. Private. La Zenia. Casa 77 (Close to Consum).
The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

Tel. 643 276 205
attention. Maximum privacy in Campoamor. Fantasies. Tel. 672 539
PAGE 17ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022


Join The Band' The Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain is looking for a second violin player of any nationality to join our growing group of musicians. Please contact Graham Robinson at email by phone on 658 663 846 or by email
- On your own in the Torrevieja area. Check out Phoenix Solos who meet every Monday morning from 11am to 1pm at Bar/Restaurant,ReflectionsC/Aviles, San

The RAFACosta Blanca RMG replaces the RAFACosta Blanca Branch 1359 which is now closed. The RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the 018
The RBLTorrevieja BranchMeets at the Oasis, formerly the Casa Ventura, San Luis on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6.30 pm for 7pm start. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For info pleaseís.Weneedvolun-teerDriversandpeopletojoinourHomeVisitingTeam.tovisitpeopleinaResidential
German spoken.

Tel. 665 736 488
of the
Do massage erotic with happy end. Speak good english. Call 604 382 799
extensions, we beat most quotes. Call Andy 697 834

Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch will be held at 7 for 7.30 pm on Thursday 15 September at the Olympia Pool Bar in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome incl non members. Call Jean on: 630 28 08 99.

Diana from Greece. 47 year old lady. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Beautiful, sweet, natural body. Private apartment. Calle Gil Vallejo 5, Torrevieja. Call 663 817 943 Rocio, 40, Argentinian, sweet, qualified massausse. Big, natural breasts. House 75. La Zenia. 672 872 050.
Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708

Spanish lady. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English.
Brasilian. Slim. Beautiful body. Elegant. Very private in La Zenia. Casa 77 (close to Consum). Tel. 604 111 457
Turquesa St. La Zenia.
Norma... Russian lady, mature, big breasts. Torrevieja. Tel. 665 056 834
Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting
La Siesta Evangelical Church, Torrevieja, a friendly, Englishspeaking church. We hold services at 11.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month (and the 5th when there is one). For more info see our website
Mery... 35 sweet Polish girl. Beautiful body. Complete
Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or,TorreviejaBranchnowmeetsonthefirstWednesdayofthemonthat1700(5pm)atCHELOCObar/restaurant,ElChaparralurbanisation,Torrevieja.Formoreinforma-tionpleasecontactChairmanTonyJenkinson693866709,ViceChairmanDannyKayon966716274orMargaretForshawon966921966.

.. .. ..

He insisted I should have checked it all, it was my fault, not his. When I asked him if he spoke and read Spanish he said ‘No, not really.’ I pointed out that this could be a serious handicap when selling Spanish property - I told him that he was at best incompetent, and at worst a crook.
policeman was great - he handled the situation well, saying helpful things like ‘Senor, simpatico’, with his hand on his chest, as if it wasn’t his fault. But the message was loud and clear, albeit in Spanish via a form he filled out.
Back in the UK post-holiday however I soon had some ‘afters’ with that merchant banker of an agent, the tit-head who sold me the house - involving the ‘planning permission’ paperwork he had so generously supplied me with. We had a few blistering phone conversations during which I threatened to sue him - believe me I had every intention of doing so at the time.
Initially everyone got on famously neighbourly-wise it seemed as England met Spain. Godzilla and Manuel were very human apparently, the families even exchanging gifts. But the entente cordial didn’t last. Eventually the English construction of a new raised patio at the back, which butted onto the original Spanish front one, did not go down well next door.
I tried, with limited success to make friends with him, but Spanglishing about the weather was about as far as we ever got. I did get to spend a lot of time at the Town Hall, where I learnt a lot, and quietly finished the patio eventually when no-one was looking - where it remains to this day.
But Mrs Yorkshire, who had initially dearly loved her Spanish casa, was so upset by it all she went into a nursing home to convalesce with her nerves, resolving never again to set foot in Spain. She insisted her husband sell the house, in doing so picking the world’s worst estate agent to sell it for him – cue John... I think I was the first and only buyer to actually see it in over a year.

PS: I got divorced several years later and needed legal help to get my ex off the Spanish books for the house. So I contacted the English notary – named Mr Julian - who I had used to buy the casa several years Ipreviously.phonedhim up and asked if he recalled our meeting on Bedford Station and meeting my wife? ’Ah yes, how is the dear lady?’ he asked politely. When I told him I was seeking a divorce he replied ‘Ah, now - there’s a surprise...’ with wonderful understatement. You can’t buy class, can you?
I tidied up the partially-built patio Bill had started, and we soon returned to the UK after our eventful holiday. I never actually saw Godzilla again, although Manuel, her other half often came for long holidays from Madrid over the next few years.

This results in a high demand for security and public order services in the area, which are not adequately covered by the Guardia Civil from either of their posts in Torrevieja or Torre de la Horadada.Beforethe pandemic, there was a small Guardia Civil office in the Playa Flamenca town hall, where complaints could be lodged, avoiding trips to the Torre de la Horadada barracks.
Ciudadanos members of the Spanish Congress, Juan Ignacio López-Bas and Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez, have registered a question that the Government must answer in writing.

Due to the pandemic, this office was closed, since which time any complaint must be made in the neighbouring municipality of
Courtesy: AVCRL
Yorkshireman won his case. But later, on appeal, this was reversed in favour of Madrid, so all was lost and any original permission was revoked.
Mutual noise became an issue from both sides. Rowdy English grandchildren and loud Spanish TV and music did not mix well and tempers began to fray. Walls and gates were climbed over for aggressive arguing - apparently a no-no with people’s property in Spain. Matters then became so bad that shortly after the English family had gone home after their Spanish holiday, the Yorkshireman received a call from a neighbour in Spain, saying his new patio had been smashed down. He immediately came out to Spain but acrimony Ultimatelyrained.
Godzilla and Manuel were sued in court, someone testified they saw the ageing Spaniard in action with his sledgehammer - and our
Some months later I was working ‘oop in Yorkshire. I knew the previous owner’s name and his address was in a small village just outside Leeds. One morning I knocked at his door, and a short, older man came to the door in his vest (and trousers). I introduced myself and asked him his version of what had really happened in Spain. He told me he and his wife, via MASA, bought and loved the house seven years previously: they had improved it greatly and enjoyed several family holidays for the next few years. They had both retired, and had children and grandchildren who also enjoyed their new house in the Spanish sunshine.
housing investment of my life. I love it, and I can actually laugh now about the patio incident and the planning permission – or lack of it!
He gave it to me indicating I would have to take to the Town Hall. Godzilla went inside, still giving it up to anyone who would listen, but the grandstand melted away and I went back inside to further more serious Spanish Inquisitions inside, English-style.
The rest of the house was brilliant, and I got my little patio eventually. I have had many happy family memories persoally, and financially it has proved the best

The lawyer gently suggested that up to that point, it had not cost me a lot financially, although emotionally was a different story. It could then cost me a great deal more, including major stress and time as well as money. I took his advice, and put it down to experience - or lack of it...
They have asked if it is planned to move the Guardia Civil into the new La Zenia Emergency Centre, and, if so, they ask in what timeframe and what services will be Orihuelaprovided.Costais an urban centre of around 25,000 registered inhabitants, but with a large unregistered population which multiplies in the summer months.
He then threatened me with defamation of character, and as it began to get nasty. I phoned an English lawyer who specialised in such Spanish matters. He advised me that I would need to sue the useless idiot in a Spanish courtwhich could be costly – and very time-consuming and hard work. I might even win, he said, but would I get my costs back?
Pilar de la Horadada. At the moment, the new Emergency Centre in Orihuela Costa, opened in May, only has Local Police and Foreigners' offices for the issuing of the NIE (Número de Identidad de However,Extranjero).these facilities were intended to accommodate the Fire Brigade (which has now been discarded), Civil Protection and forestry brigades - which could even coordinate actions in the southern area of Alicante - and even a SAMU base in summer.
PAGE 18 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The municipalities must apply the reduction "under their best judgment and strategy,being able to choose at their own discretion to modifications to schedules,quantities,their efficiency, order to meet the objective."

"This supposes a massive waste of energy, especially in winter,when the interior temperature of the premises is heated,producing an increase in both the need for cold in the cabinet and in the heating of the premises," the Generalitat reasons.
Valencian proposals,two points stand out," that a goal of at least 20% savings be set in electricity consumption for Christmas lights compared to previous consumption in 2021".

The Government has therefore asked all the autonomous communities "to establish an education and social awareness program for energy saving through mass dissemination to the public” and come up with suggestions of how we can all save energy.
back on Christmas lights is one of the suggestions that the Valencian Government is proposing in order to reduce energy consumption this winter.
of fuel shortages and near-record electricity and natural gas prices.
The document also explains that "there are still many supermarkets and stores that have fresh products in open refrigerated cabinets and shelves,without doors."

As such,"in coherence with the obligation to close the doors of air-conditioned premises,a similar plan should be established so that this measure can be introduced as quickly as posTheysible".have suggested that grants should be available for this measure,and that rapid action by the beneficiary should be taken into account for their allocation".
Europe is facing its worst energy crisis in decades and is taking extraordinary steps to secure supplies for the winter amid fears
It is about "introducing good practices that will encourage members of the public to save energy in their day-to-day activities".To do this,"we propose television campaigns and advertisements with simple advice on saving energy at home,at the workplace or on the
The Generalitat Valenciana has sent its preliminary contributions to the Ministry of Ecological Transition,in which they propose 8 different measures that central Government should look at,along with suggestions from other autonomous communities,before coming up with an action plan for the coming winter.

Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 PAGE 19www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The recommendation is that lights be cut back by at least 20%

I used to play chess, not very good, although I did win sometimes and then thinking to myself, I’ll try that coordination of moves again, but of course the next time the opponent recognises it and blocks it, meaning another way of attack is necessary to try and win.
Most people have a ‘Jessabelle’ in the corner
A dreadful scenario where nothing is working. Power stations closing, cities grinding to a halt, all transport systems unable to operate and the television would be a blank screen in the corner. Sounds like science fiction? But if it happened, we would all be back to living simply.
Our grandchildren no doubt comprehend this new world they are being brought up in, so different in its way and understanding. Possible, although maybe not quite yet, the little ones our great grandchildren will be even better equipped to understand the virtual brain that surrounds us. It controls our
Just recently we have seen on the news because of the of the war in Ukraine there is a problem of moving grain from the fields of that country to Africa and the clapping of hands when some ships have been able to leave the ports in the Black Sea, loaded with what we are told is lifesaving food for the people in Africa. Why don’t the people in that vast Continent grow their own?
On this day, In the morning of Tuesday eleventh September twenty-one years ago, four airliners on internal fights in the United States were hijacked by nineteen Islamic Terrorist, taking control of the aircrafts, two of them were flown into the Twin Towers in New York, the buildings were totally destroyed killing 2977 people including the terrorist and those on board the aircraft, although the exact figure is not Anotherknown. of the aircraft crashed into the Pentagon whilst the fourth hurtled into a field after it is believed the passengers overtook the extremist preventing them from destroying another building. My thoughts are that the saboteurs continue their conflict against the West but differently.
During this very hot summer, by arson, causing what seems to me an unusual number of fires especially those close to towns and communities with the result a village in Essex is totally destroyed , also a similar scenario in many other countries, it is easy to blame global warming – but I don’t think so. Another interesting happening on this date in 1944 is when the German troops started to flee from the American forces during the Second World War. It was the first time Allied forces had entered Germany during the conflict; this had been achieved by the US First Army, commanded by General Omar Bradley, at the border town of Eupen.
An endless game of cat and mouse trying to beat the opponent. However, someone always wins in the end.
It seems to me the intelligence of man is being taken over by his own invention, (I use the word ‘man’ and ‘his’ in the universal language of meaning everyone). We appear to be living in a giant intelligence which understands your thoughts, but then again it can be manipulated by others to control or bend it to their way of thinking.
In a little white round box sitting in the living room or elsewhere, you only have to say ‘Alexa’ and ask it a question on any subject and almost immediately it will answer complex questions, it makes me wonder what is the point of learning the complication of percentages or other mathematics, or come to that, history, when with a few words the date of any event is ready available just by Itasking.hasnow got to a stage where we have come to rely on all this ingenuity of gadgets daily as it has entered our lives at all levels -
PAGE 20 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Finally, wishing the new British Prime Minister Liz Truss every success, Godspeed and a fair wind. Take care.
In addition, there will be the purchase of a "mid-range business" phone package for Congress workers of the cheaper Android mobile phone.
Project to combat BULLYING in Alicante Province schools
Bullying is a serious social problem for which there is currently no specific training or protocols in the province’s schools.

However, the ColaCao Foundation has now committed to making the problem visible by launching Somos Únic@s, an educational project aimed at Primary School students that seeks to educate them about the prevention of bullying, empowering them to grow up without fear of rejection. chattey author and writer.
The Lower House has tendered for the 550 new high-end terminals, for an amount that exceeds 1.2 million euros.
How is it that drivers in Spain take what seems great delight in using traffic indicators when travelling on the motorway when it is obvious they are going to change lanes. Why, when it is very necessary, do they find it difficult to use them to show their intention when at a junction or roundabout?

More worrying is, if at any moment in time you could pick up your mobile to make a call and it is dead because the whole of the internet system has collapsed.

we should put the worry of climate change and its implications at the back of our minds and be concerned about what would happen if the bad boys win this game of intrusion into the complication of the cyber brain surrounding us, and the good boys have no answer for their invasion into robbing our banking systems.

The Official College of Physicians of Alicante has said that it has received 11 complaints from collegiate doctors who have been subjected to coercion, aggression,threats or humiliation, between January and August.
This is only 4 less complaints than the number received in the whole of 2021 when 15 complaints were made. However,they say that this situation represents only “the tip of the iceberg as not all the professionals who have been attacked report the incident”. They are now demanding the presence of private security in consultations to avoid such incidents and restraining measures for any aggressors.
The organisation seeks to work on self-esteem, empathy, tolerance and respect, fighting against bullying through various participatory dynamics. The program, whose registration is 100% free is already open, and will be launched during the new academic year 2022-2023.
Are we not seeing something similar with the cyber-attacks or the constant scams being operated daily, different ways of tackling to cheat people out of their hard earned money, or at a different level gathering corporate or government secrets. As soon as one method of deception is curtailed then another is put in place.

when sending a text through WhatsApp the device encourages you what to say next, I was only thinking of using the word dance in a sentence, when pictures of couples dancing came on the screen before I had started writing, that is beyond my logical thought.
Congress spends more than 1.2 million on 550 high-end iPhones CONGRESS
During the next 30 days the members of the Congress of Deputies will all be given a free next -generation iPhone mobile.
in fact I know, I am old fashioned coming from a period when life was so simple, and it was possible to understand everyday functions.
Take for instance the Montenegro Government which in a news report says it has closed down because of a cyber-attack the result of which was not mentioned. However, the FBI are concerned and have sent a team to try and sort it.
More than 250 schools throughout Spain have already signed up to fight against this scourge.

The 2022 Linea Directa Valencian Championships gets underway on Wednesday 14th September, with play taking place at Bonalba and Greenlands Bowls Clubs. Whilst Greenlands is a regular host of the compe tition this will be the first occasion that the tournament is being played at Bonalba. This will lso be the seventh year that Linea Directa have sponsored the showpiece event.
It's that time of year again the rains have not yet come, but summer seems to have broken, it's also time for subs to be paid at the bowls club and for all those that migrated in the summer to be flying Saturdayback.10th
Finally and better still if you are interested in Bowls and La Marina Bowls Club in particular please contact Shirley 865756144 where enquires and new members are always welcome.

September – we have a club game, it's not a official game but just a get together to welcome the new season.
The Mixed Rinks will be played at both venues on Friday, followed by the Mixed Pairs on Saturday and Sunday.
Week two of the competition will continue at both venues with the Men’s and Ladies Pairs followed by the two singles events through to Wednesday after which the semi finals and finals will all take place, from Thursday onwards, at Greenlands Bowls Club.
While the rinks was not contested in 2021 the competition in the pairs will be fierce with Pete and Lisa Bonsor hoping to be the first married couple to retain the trophy they won last year against Chris and Dennis Wright. They will face Quesada’s Vic Slater and Irene Everett in round one.
Shirley Hadaway with Maira Walker of Cruz Roja and Brenda Bentley representing AAN,flanked by Cllrs Darren Parmenter and Samantha Hull
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 PAGE 21www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Having received a preliminary round bye, the trio will face club team mates Alan Miller, Steve and Della Wailes in round one.
Lisa Bonsor will be hoping to retain her recent run of form
Our thanks go to them and if you need more information please check their web pages.

Matches will get underway at 10am on Wednesday at both venues with the first 3 days of competition dedicated to the Mixed Triples event, won last year by Sheena Mallet, Dennis Wade and John Mallett of Country Bowls.

The standard of bowls should be excellent with both venues having invested in new greens for the tournament, with the installation completed at Bonalba by Greengauge Bowling Surfaces of East Lothian while Dales Sports carried out the fitting at Greenlands, bringing staff over from their base in Boston.
There is plenty of seating available at both venues where spectators are welcome, absolutely free of charge, throughout the entire competition.
It's our first organised Saturday morning get together and perhaps our first game where we play through the full 18 ends since last season. It is also the time of year when we make our donation to Thischarities.year we are presenting to the local Cruz Roja (Red Cross) and Asociacion de Ayuda de Necesitado de San Fulgencio (AAN), 2 local voluntary charities that do a awful lot for our less fortunate neighbours on the Urb and our local area.

SaurinesÄ47Single Green Fee
times winner with an amazing score of 44 was Chris Ayers who also received a new smiling jack's handicap of 12, well done Also an outstanding scoring day made our blue Johnny winner with a great score of 26 Chris UnluckyboddingtonKevin Dodds on countback.

New Sierra GolfÄ82Two Green Fees & Buggy
AlicanteÄ100Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)
VistabellaÄ1302 Green Fees & Buggy (after 2.00pm)
Font Del LlopÄ158Two Green Fees & Buggy
BonalbaÄ118Two Green Fees & Buggy
Villaitana PonienteÄ71Single Green Fee & Buggy
Next month's golf is still to be arranged
This week saw the members of the La Marina Golf Society compete for the Masters' Trophy, unfortunately not at Augusta but at the equally splendid Alenda Golf course, where the greens are just as tricky and fairways nice and wide. We also welcomed a couple of new players, Paul and Gordon, and a great day was had by all.
La TorreÄ54Single Green Fee
Further information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.
few and far between.
La SerenaÄ1102 Green Fees & Buggy (from 3.32pm)
We had a fantastic and I must say a little warm day at the beautiful Vista Bella course.
The dayís nearest pin winners were as follows, for hole 3
Third was Jeremy Fardoe with 2.64kg (it would have been more if he had weighed all his fish and not left two in his net), again fishing pole and bread.
of the extremely high temperatures to be replaced with more manageable temperatures BUT this also comes with the threat of a ‘gota fria’ or monsoon type rain storms to you and me. Regular readers of this column will also know that the end of September also represents the end of the summer low season pricing period when prices are at their lowest to be replaced by the high season period until the end of November 2022 when prices are at their highest and the courses at their
The course was in great condition and the layout superb.
Carp R Us Angling
Fourth was Roy Dainty with 0.78Kg.
Villaitana LevanteÄ102Single Green Fee
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you:
For Bookings/info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or tel on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
To see you through to the end of September we can offer you a numbers of deals to visit the excellent courses in Murcia including 2 ball deals,4 balls deals,1 free in 8 deals and some additional discounting and to take advantage of any of these deals call Mike Probert on 661345931 but be quick because the 1st of October will be with us before you know
LorcaÄ95Two Green Fees & Buggy
On Thursday the 1st September Carp-R-Us restarted its Summer/Autumn Series with Round 8 at El ThisBosquet.was won by Ian Brown (36.04kg from peg 3), with Ken Wilcock second (23.68kg, peg B1), third Alan Smith (15.50kg) and fourth Nick Bastock (14.88kg)Thisweek, 8th September the club fished Round 9 at Nancys. This venue always causes headaches as it is very popular with local fisherman and it is impossible to reserve pegs, so the usual plan is to arrive at dawn for a walk off, hopefully before anyone else arrives. Unfortunately, by 0715, when it was just getting light, three of the pegs we would normally fish had already been Fortunately,taken. there were still enough pegs available for
If you are looking to join a friendly golf society, why not check out
PAGE 22 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. Lake of Tar or Asphalt, 2. Portugal, 3. Sugar Cane Pulp, 4. The West Wind who wooed Wenonah. 5. Green Bowls. Kitty is another name for the jack while a draw is a shot where the bowl is rolled to a specific location without causing too much disturbance of bowls already at the Head 6. Whiskey in the Jar, 7. Herring, 8. Venus, 9. Bob Dylan, 10. Ireland, 11. Mahler, his eighth, 12. Selonika, 13. 29th February, 14. Eat a hamburger, 15. Administration of the Catholic Church, 16. Pawnbrokers balls. The family emblem was five red balls (palle, in Italian) and one blue, on a gold shield. 17. A Woof, 18. Mr Magoo, 19. Peruvian Indians, 20. MDCLXVI, 1666, 21. Karate, 22. The Niger, the principal river of West Africa and the 3rd longest river in Africa. 23. Kidnapped, Robert Louis Stevenson, 24. Carl Perkins, 25. Lace, 26. Moses to see promised land, 27. A Vampire, 28. A Sprat, 29. Hector Berlioz, 30. The ancient name for Milan which was conquered by the Romans in 222 BC.

Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.
Altaoana VillageÄ140Two Green Fees & Buggy
La MarquesaÄ64Single Green Fee
And finally a big thank you from el presidente SOLUTION
Ladies and gentlemen I would like to thank you all for supporting smiling jack's golf society
Mike Probert talks Golf
AlendaÄ150Two Green Fees & Buggy
DEAL OF THE WEEK: Altorreal ñ 2 players and buggy Ä112
El ValleÄ54Single Green Fee

We were treated as usual with very professional people who couldn't do enough to help us.

Right now for the scores Nearest the pin on hole 2 was Brennan Nearest the pin on hole 11 was the dangerous, I'll hot anyone with my shots brown, well done sir, Nearest the pin in two on the 17 was again pat Brennan In second place with a score of 39 points was pat Brennan who wins a new smiling jack's handicap of 13, well
It was another hot day, and the venue had a good flow and plenty of fish were showing.
those fishing, but we were more spread out than we would have liked.
Las ColinasÄ60Single Green Fee (from 4.30pm)
Don Cayo (Altea)Ä110Two Green Fees & Buggy
However, although everyone caught, the fishing was not great. Winner on the day was Steve Fell who had 3.24kg caught on pole feeder with wafters or pole with bread. Second was club stalwart Terry Screen who had 24 small fish for 3.09kg caught on pole and bread.
Hacienda D AlamoÄ47Single Green Fee
RodaÄ1152 Green Fees & Buggy (after 3.30pm)
Las RamblasÄ972 Green Fees & Buggy (from 4.00pm)
Puig CampanaÄ124Two Green Fees & Buggy
Now I'd like to give a big thank you to Julie for taking her day off from cheffing to give us a great free spread, yet Alsoagain.a
VillamartinÄ1602 Green Fees & Buggy
Alan Craig, for hole 5 Tony Ollier, for hole 13 Dave Slightham, and for hole 16 Gerry McCabe. No winner of the twoís pot so another rollover. Our next game is at Font del Llop for the Mundibuilt Trophy.
is the time to take the last of the summer wine and enjoy the low prices before they increase significantly and while there will still be a few good deals available they will be
Smiling Jack's Golf Society
CampoamorÄ152Two Green Fees & Buggy
El PlantioÄ100Two Green Fees & Buggy (1pm)

AltorrealÄ120Two Green Fees & Buggy
La FincaÄ77Single Green Fee
bit shout out goes to the famous Ger from smiling jack's for working his butt off to making sure we are all lubricated sufficiently.
The winner with 41 points, therefore, receiving the Masters' trophy and a Green Cap was Tony Moore.
The winner of the raffle was Kevin Nicolson, well done keV
Lo RomeroÄ89Single Green Fee
Runners-up were Colin Taylor with 40pts and Roy Harris with 39points, Avery closerun game.
The month of September in Spain usually represents the end
Mar MenorÄ50Course Closed unto 31/10/22
"There are more Barca fans these days because the younger generation has seen the trophies they won under Guardiola. But before the 'Lionel Messi era,' most people supported Madrid in Spain? About "Personally,70%?.
of Pinatar Arena between Sept 21 and 27.
The under-16 and under-17 teams from Scotland and Denmark are currently training at the Pinatar Arena, where they will remain until September 11.
As a result of his move to LIV, Garcia was forbidden
The FFCVhas extended the term for the Football Referee Courses to September 9 in all areas, except Valencia, where enrolment had already closed.

Garcia has insisted that he still wants to play on the DPWorld Tour to attempt to force a way onto the next Ryder Cup team, which would place the DPWorld Tour in a tough bind, especially if American players are unable to compete for their involvement in the same competition.
refereed almost 300 games in La Liga, before retiring in 2012 told Cadena Ser that, "Around 90% go with Real and 10% with "WhetherBarcelona.îBarca (fans) like it or not, 70% of the Spanish population, excluding Catalonia, are Real Madrid supporters.
The under-20 teams from England, Australia, Chile and Morocco and the under-18 teams from the Netherlands, Belgium, the Faroe Islands and England will meet at the end of September at the Pinatar Arena to play the Costa Clida Supercup.
Garcia has been a standout for Europe at the Ryder Cup, and even when Europeans have not been on song as they were in 2021 in a record-breaking defeat, the Spaniard was still operating at a high standard.

Garcia is certainly a captain in waiting or at least was before the PGATour and DPWorld Tour adopted their stance on the LIVSeries.
The recuperations of the LIVGolf series will make The Masters an interesting competition indeed if the players from the breakaway league are allowed to compete.
Eight teams from 4 continents will meet in San Pedro del Pinatar from Sept 17 to 27
The under-20 team has four teams from four continents that will turn the Costa Clida
During the month of September, the facility
continues to consolidate itself as the epicenter of international football, since, in addition to the Costa C lida Supercup, the senior teams from Saudi Arabia, Ecuador and the United States will be training and playing at the Thevenue.latter will play two games at the Enrique Roca stadium in Murcia on Sept 23 and 27.
Alicante, Elche and Orihuela referee recruitment period extended
I don't care about one or the other, although I sipport Bilbao. We don't come from Mars. You become a referee, because you like football and there's no one that likes football that doesn't have a team.î

Supercup into a small youth World Cup. The sub-18 category brings back to San Pedro del Pinatar and the Region of Murcia four teams that have already used Pinatar Arena before in different categories.
He has constantly raised the level of his game in the pressurized atmosphere, defeating many illustrious opponents on the way.
Itís an issue thatís not going to away any time soon. The competition is unique compared to other events around the world and is based on team performances rather than indiIfviduals.theteam is happy for those players to be included it will make a very uncomfortable decision for the DPWorld Tour. For a player of Garciaís calibre and all that he has done for Europe in the competition, he deserves to out on his terms rather than be overlooked for his decision to seek new pasture in the LIVseries.
has epitomized the European spirit at the Ryder Cup and has won more matches in the tournament than any other player in histoARyderry.
Garcia became one of the highprofile names out of the European ranks to join the controversial LIV Golf Series in June 2022.
Jon Rahm can fly the flag for Spain in the Ryder Cup even if Garcia is not present in the ranks. Rahm has spoken of his desire to see Garcia and the rest of the LIV
"The Technical Committee was forced to close the course of the delegation in Valencia, due to the maximum number of applications having been "Atexceeded.themoment, the number of students for this year's training is on the way to a record, as more than 500 registrations have been exceeded," said an InFFCVstatement.2020formerreferee
By Andrew Atkinson
Football fans will be able to see live, and free of charge, some of the most promising youngsters in world football.

Golf Series players be made available for the Ryder Cup selection.
Pinatar Arena and the Costa Cálida Supercup
Eduardo Iturralde Gonzalez reportedly claimed 90% of match officials in Spain support Real Madrid - with just 10% following
All matches will be played on the main field
Given the line the DPWorld Tour has set with Stenson it makes sense that Garcia would not be allowed to compete even as one of the captainís picks from new skipper Luke CompatriotDonald.
It has already affected PGATour events and the Presidents Cup, where world number two Cameron Smith has been prohibited from Asparticipating.aresult,the International team are heavy outsiders to win the competition. It is a warning of what could happen to the Ryder Cup should the discourse between two factions continue into 2023 and beyond.
Cup without the Spaniard is unthinkable, but it is the risk he has taken by moving to the breakaway series.
All matches will be televised through the Pinatar Arena YouTube channel and the websites of the participating teams.
As a result of his move to LIV, Garcia was forbidden from competing on the PGATour and his future involvement in the Ryder Cup looks to be over after skipper Henrik Stenson was stripped of the captaincy for joining Garcia in the ranks of the newly formed Garciaseries.

During the month of September Pinatar Arena will host a total of 14 international teams in different categories that will fill more than 3,000 hotel rooms in the Region.
Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2022 PAGE 23www.theleader.infoADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

PAGE 24 Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385