No 788
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
Tel: 637 227 385
Serving the community, in print and online, for over 15 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
The Costa Blanca Remembers
lthough yesterday’s focus of Remembrance was once again at the Cenotaph on
Whitehall, London, where the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women
involved in the two World Wars and later conflicts was commemorated, there are also many acts and services being carried out across the length and breadth of the Costas. Both the Torrevieja and Hondón Valley Branches of The Royal British Legion hold their services on Armistice Day itself, 11 November, while the Orihuela Costa and District Branch traditionally holds its commemoration on the closest Sunday to 11th November, the same day as the National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph
in London. And so it was that, once again, almost 1,000 members of the public turned up yesterday, Sunday 10 November, at the small village church of Capilla de las Mil Palmeras, as they marked their respects for the military and civilian sacrifices made during all conflicts. The event was especially meaningful for Pastor Keith Brown who was delivering his last Remembrance Service prior to retiring from the post of Branch President. Continued on Page 04
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
637 227 385
Heigh Ho Heigh Ho it's off to panto we go! ADVERTISING SALES
637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
Here comes Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! It's the best panto on the Costa Blanca! The Networks Theatre pantomime is always a hot ticket with great scripts, brilliant actors, fabulous costumes and those guaranteed corny jokes! You'll have a great time…oh yes you will!
With a cast of twenty-five actors just bubbling with enthusiasm come along and join the team as they bring you their 18th Annual Pantomime as ever written and directed by artistic director Nick Moore!
Shows are: Thursday November 28th at 8.30pm, Friday November 29th at 9pm, Saturday November 30th at 5pm and 7.30pm, Ticket Price: Adults 10€ Students and Children 5€
With only four public performances early booking is essential
You can now reserve your tickets online in our website
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
MAJOR EXPANSION CONTINUES AT PINATAR PARK A s the urban area of San Pedro del Pinatar grows, to the southeast the Pinatar Park and Dos Mares shopping centres, on National Highway 332, have served as magnets for urban development and, if new fast food and supermarket businesses are added to the north perimeter, we will see the largest partial plan of recent years, most certainly in the post-crisis real estate era. The City Council has already given the green light to a project that will allow the construction of 540 new homes in an area of 221,636 square metres that extend between the neighbourhood of Los Sáez and the road del molino del Chirrete, covering a large area that reaches the north of Santiago de la Ribera, thereby providing a connection with the municipality of San Javier. It also includes a protected natural area, the Regional Park Arenales and the Salinas de San Pedro, with 8.56 square kilometres. The Los Sáez plan will include 16,901 square metres of green areas which will be covered in pines with the municipal objective of recovering the the green forest that gave rise to its name more than three centuries ago.
As in each new urban expansion, the new neighbourhood will also have areas reserved for social, sports or educational equipment, the final use of which is still to be decided. In line with the new urban developments, the Los Sáez partial plan will be "low density, with duplex houses and landscaped plots," says the mayor.
The project is highlighted by the wide avenue planned to link with la avenida de la Romería de la Virgen del Carmen that runs along the coast of Lo Pagán. The new neighbourhood will have a cycle lane network and shrubs and trees alongside the pavements, which will meet the conditions of accessibility and will be a minimum width of 1.80 meters. Works will begin at the beginning of next year. The Pinatar Park commercial area has 13,350 square meters of commercial area although Activ Group last year bought another 6,200 square meters of land to create new modular premises. Since the beginning of this second phase of expansion, a bowling alley has been built with 18 lanes and there have been several new businesses, in addition to the DIY hypermarket Leroy Merlin Compact, which opened its doors last Wednesday. With the new stores and facilities, this commercial centre, located right on the border between San Pedro del Pinatar and San Javier, is gradually acquiring muscle to compete with the leisure and shopping giant Zenia Boulevard, located on the AP-7 motorway about 16 kilometres to the north.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
Continued from Page One - Remembrance Pastor Keith also delivered the first Remembrance service at the small Catholic Church 11 years ago on a makeshift altar made out of cardboard boxes. In the intervening years he has seen the service grow into the largest and perhaps the most significant Remembrance event in the whole of Spain. Guests included the British Vice Consul Sara Munsterhjelm who read the first lesson. She was joined by the mayor of Pilar de la Horadada, José María Pérez Sánchez, María Belén Sánchez Tárraga, the Councillor for Overseas Residents, the opposition leader Pilar Samper, along with Orihuela councillor for Health, Jóse Galiano. Prior to the service, the RBL standards, as well as those of many service associations, including RAFA, RNA, the RMA and, for the first time, a contingent of veterans representing the Irish Army, were led to the church by the impressive Torrevieja Pipes and Drums.
Angelina and Leticia deliver the Peace Candle
Lessons and readings were delivered by Sara Munsterhjelm, José María, Jóse Galiano and Branch Members Graham Rhodes, Walter Shatford, Malcolm Rusbrook and Colin Holloway. There were also moving vocal performances from RBL supporter Stevie Spit who sang his own specially arranged medley of classic songs while American Opera singer Derek Hayes sang the beautiful ‘Lullaby for a Soldier’ (Arms of the Angels). The Last Post and Reveille were played by Alwyn Pollendine of the RBL Band while Piper Alan Shand played the lament, The Dark Island. The RBL Band in Spain also provided the musical accompaniment to the hymns, led by their Musical Director David Last. Ten year old Angelina and her eight year old sister Leticia, carried the peace candle to the altar, after which they recited the Children’s citation for peace in both English and Spanish. The service was concluded with the National Anthems of Spain and the United Kingdom after which the ceremony moved out to the International Garden of Remembrance, recently refurbished by the Ayuntamiento of Pilar de la Horadada, where dignitaries and guests laid their wreathes in remembrance after which branch and members of the public added their own poppy crosses in memory of family members and lost colleagues and friends.
Pilar Mayor Jose Maria
Flanked by a large number of the general public the Pipes and Drums then led over a hundred and fifty members of the congregation from the church to the Mil Palmeras Olympia Restaurant where members and guests enjoyed a welcome drink. Gran Alacant and La Marina Branch of the Royal British Legion, in association with the Ayuntamiento of San Fulgencio, also held it’s annual Service of Remembrance on Sunday. The National Service of Remembrance was originally conceived as a commemoration of the war dead of the First World War but after the Second World War the scope of the ceremony was extended to focus on the nation’s dead of both World Wars, and in 1980 it was widened once again to extend the remembrance to all who have suffered and died in conflict in the service of their country, and all those who mourn and those who are still fighting for peace and freedom even now. It is also about all of us learning from the past and resolving to make the world a better place in which to live, and with so many more children becoming involved in the event here on the Costa Blanca we are now rather more assured that the future of remembrance is in increasingly safe hands. Photos David Stokes and Mark Nolan. More at
Pastor Keith Brown
Stevie Spit
637 227 385
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
FLU VACCINE ROLLED OUT Deparment of Health introduces Vaccination Campaign In last year’s campaign more than 30,000 people were vaccinated against flu in Torrevieja The Torrevieja Department of Health started it’s flu vaccination campaign on Tuesday with the intention of increasing the vaccination coverage of more than 30,000 vaccines that it undertook last year in health centres from Pilar de la Horadada in the south to the municipality of Rojales in the north.
as follows: Elderly people, from 65 years of age. Special emphasis will be placed on those people who live in closed institutions. People under 65 who are at high risk of complications from flu. Minors, from 6 months, and adults with chronic cardiovascular, neurological or respiratory diseases.
Vicente García Román, head of Preventive Medicine at the Hospital de Torrevieja, said that "it is very important that the vaccination is carried out every year.
Adults with diabetes mellitus, morbid obesity, chronic kidney disease, nephrotic syndrome, Firstly because the protection decreases with the passage of time, chronic liver disease or severe and secondly, because the flu virus changes from year to year. For neuromuscular disease and this reason the composition of the vaccine is reviewed and updated immunosuppression. every year. " Children between 6 months and 18 years who receive prolonged He added that "flu vaccines are completely safe, and they are inactitreatment with acetylsalicylic vated vaccines that cannot cause the disease. It is important to acid, due to the possibility of developing a Reye emphasise this fact and put an end old wives tales syndrome after the flu, or pregnant women. and old beliefs. The campaign is now Protection after vaccination it is not immediate, underway and available at People who can transmit the flu to those who have the antibodies take about two weeks to develop, every health centre in the a high risk of complications: personnel of the centres, services and health facilities, both primary and for this reason the campaign begins at the end area until 31 January 2020. and specialised care and hospital, public or priof October, before the first cases of influenza appear." vate. People who work in geriatric institutions or The campaign is now underway and available at every health centre centres for chronic nurses, especially those who have continuous in the area until 31 January, 2020. contact with vulnerable people. Trainee students in health centres. The impact of influenza, in terms of infections and mortality, is very high; and therefore, annual vaccination is a measure especially recommended for high-risk personnel, including adults who are 65 years of age or older and younger people with chronic diseases. The risk groups to be vaccinated in the 2019-2020 flu campaign are
People who provide home care to high-risk or elderly patients, and people who live in the home, including children from six months of age, with others belonging to some of the high-risk groups. Other groups in which vaccination is recommended. People who work in essential public services (State security forces and bodies,
firefighters, civil protection services, staff of prisons and other centres) and people with direct occupational exposure to domestic birds or pigs on farms or poultry farms or pigs and also wild birds. The minor inconvenience of receiving the vaccine in order to avoid health complications that could aggravate the flu process at a later date is worth putting up with by all those people who are included in any of the risk groups.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
Ximo Puig, Carlos Mazón, Reyes Maroto and Torrevieja Cllr Rosario, at the fair.
London’s World Travel Market puts Brexit on ‘Backburner ’
Brexit seems to have been put on the ‘backburner’ in London this week, certainly at ExCeL London where, in the Royal Victoria Dock, the World Travel Market London is being held, the second in importance for the Costa Blanca after Fitur. Despite the recent bankruptcy of giant Thomas Cook the industry is still very buoyant and, for the moment, the negative effects of Brexit have yet not caught up with tourists from the United Kingdom. That of course is good news for Spain and in particular the Costa Blanca, the authentic fishing ground of foreign visitors for the province, with four million British visitors a year, 55% of the foreign total. According to representatives of the employers' association Hosbec who are present in London, "after ruling out a hard short-term exit by the United Kingdom, Brexit is not the main topic of the conversation and right now the British have their eyes on the elections December at which many people are expecting the emergence of an anti-Brexit front, ”said Nuria Montes, general secretary of Hosbec. “We are sure that Brexit will not mean any break with the Community.” XIMO PUIG, PRESIDENT OF THE GENERALITAT During the middle of this year there was speculation of a fall in the programming of tourist packages to Benidorm and the Costa Blanca for the first half of 2020. Well, on Monday, British tour operators announced quite the opposite with rises of around 6% of tourism from the UK during the first six months of the 2020. The sun and beach model seems to be working well and not even the change in the way in which holidays are being sold, the traditional tour operator only moves 30% of the market, influences the decision of British tourists when choosing their holiday location. Of course, caution still exists, because nobody knows how a market that is very price sensitive will react. However, the British need to get away from the UK at least once a year and destinations such as Benidorm are key. At the moment, the province is much better positioned than the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands in its relationship with Britain but, nevertheless,
hoteliers fear that their Mallorcan and Canarian colleagues may be about to launch a spiral of offers in the fight for the British tourist who is currently choosing the beaches of the Costa Blanca. So far the data for next Spring is optimistic and at the Alicante-Elche airport schedules from the United Kingdom show a growth of 4.4 % compared to the same period in 2018/2019. The president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig , who headed the Community’s tourist delegation to London, stressed that the AntiBrexit Plan in the Consell involves “an investment of 1.6 million euros and aims to consolidate the position of Community tourism in the United Kingdom”. Ximo Puig visited the World Travel Market together with the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto and the president of the Diputación, Carlos Mazón. He also held meetings with tour operators and media in the United Kingdom and with representatives of the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA). “We are committed to the fact that Brexit is not a rupture, that it is a transitory situation and that we will maintain the relationship that we have always had, both in the export market and in the tourism market," Puig said. He stressed that tourism "enjoys good health and is in a good time," and referred to the data made public by the National Statistics Institute on Monday, which shows that during the month of September, tourism spending by British visitors has grown by more than 6.5%. “We must work hard at our after-sales, so that the British residents also feel at home.” The president of the Diputación de Alicante , Carlos Mazón, said that “against the shadow of Brexit we continue to work together with the
Generalitat. The Valencian administration works hard to attract tourists and residents to the Community and, especially, to the province of Alicante and the Tourist Board, does so in the areas of after sales, reception and care when they arrive”. “One of our main ambassadors for the British market are our British Residents. We will partner with them to help sell the benefits of our land”. CARLOS MAZÓN, PRESIDENT OF THE DIPUTATION He said that Alicante is the province in Spain with most British residents, about 70,000, which is why “we will also work in kindness, hospitality and friendship with one of our main ambassadors for the British market, the British residents themselves who live and enjoy our province. We will partner with them to help sell the benefits of our land”.
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637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
Cuevas del Rodeo ramp works completed
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
637 227 385
The N332 at La Zenia
By Andrew Atkinson The Ayunmiento Rojales have completed works at the Cuevas del Rodeo de Rojales - Rojales caves - following financial funding from Valencian Community Tourism. "Works have been undertaken on two ramps that will make transit through the roads easier for visitors to the Caves," said a spokesperson from RojalesTown Hall.
The photo shows SAMM members and school staff with some of the children from Al Kazar school. Recycling initiative introduced in San Miguel
The 'hugger-muggers' then violently turned on the couple, grabbing the man's wrist, in an attempt to steal his watch, and attempted to prise his wife's rings off her fingers. The man reacted, by pushing one of the girls away, and shouted to his wife to push the other girl away - as they tried to mug them. Cuevas del Rodeo: Funding from the Valencian Community Tourism. "The works were done after receiving a grant from Valencian Community Tourism, with amendments made to make spaces accessible to citizens," added the spokesperson. Meanwhile, Rafal, Alicante, born author Blas Ruiz Grau, appeared at the RodearteDeLibras in November. Following his first novel, "The Truth Will Set You Free", a religious thriller, in 2012, he published his continuation, "The Prophecy of Sinners" in 2013. In 2015 his third work, "Kryptos", a fast-paced technological thriller, was placed second in the best seller category. In 2017, his work “Seven Days of March” was published, with Blas writing, "Let Nobody Touch Anything!", in 2018. In 2019 Blas's latest Novel "You Will Not Lie", was published. Hugger-Muggers strike in La Zenia THE Civil Guardia and Local Policia are searching for "huggermuggers" - following a violent attack on a couple in La Zenia. The unnamed couple were approached by two people at a car park, near to La Zenia beach last Monday. Two girls, described as teenagers, approached the married couple and asked for directions of a Restaurant in the area. It was then that the 'hugger muggers' attempted to shake hands - followed with a greetings kiss. The couple, both in their mid-50s, moved away as the girls continued to 'hug'.
Moments after the attack a silver car arrived at the scene - and the 'hugger muggers' jumped in, prior to the car speeding off. "Unforunately, I didn’t manage to get the car make, or number plate," said the male victim. "Thankfully they got away with nothing. But it has shook us up, thinking what could have happened," he said. Describing the attackers, he said: "One girl had long, dark hair, tied in a pony tail, and was wearing a red, black and white tracksuit. The other girl had medium brown, shoulder length hair, wearing jeans and a blue top." The incident has been reported to the Local Police authorities, with the victims making a formal report. Enquiries are ongoing.
Almost 50% of the rubbish we generate, the organic waste from food scraps, can become compost - fertilizer for farms, orchards and gardens, whilst the other half of the content, paper, cardboard, glass and plastics, can also be recycled once separated. As a result of a recent initiative by the Council Department of Environment and Waste, the Association of Residents, San Miguel Arcángel, the Ecologists in Action and the Regional Platform Zero Waste, families now have the opportunity to compost a part of a community initiative, the First Municipal Green Week. Families are now able to dispose of their organic waste in the composters that the Council has located outside the Youth Information Centre. It is a pioneer experience in the province. That anticipates the eventual disappearance of conventional landfills, which end up burying the waste in the subsoil. The composters are located on the grounds of the Youth Information Centre. These will be followed by the installation of additional composters in the coming weeks at the "Los Alcores" Secondary Institute, the "Gloria Fuertes" elementary school, the "Maestro Enrique" Infant School and in other parts of the town, wherever they are requested.
SAMM Members Help Schools The money raised by SAMM members through their line dance routine at the Caldero Day fiesta in Los Alcazares was always going to be used to help the children affected by the recent, terrible Gota Fria. To benefit as many children as possible it was decided to spread the spending between four schools. SAMM arranged for books to be sent to Instituto De Educacion Secundaria Antonio Menarguez Costa, painting and drawing materials to be sent to CIEP Bienvenido Conejero Requiel , an amplifier system was delivered to CIEP Petra Sanchez Rollan and sports equipment to CIEP Al Kazar. These donations cost 800 euros in total. The response from the schools was phenomenal, particularly, Al Kazar, as they had lost all of their sports equipment in the floods.
Additional composters will be installed in the coming weeks
CINEMA PILAR English Language Cinema in Pilar de la Horadada - Calle Canalejas 4 One showing only on Thursday 14th Nov at 7pm
THE KEEPER The Keeper tells the extraordinary love story of a young English woman and a German PoW, who overcome prejudice, public hostility, and personal tragedy
Starring: David Kross, Freya Mavor, John Henshaw, Harry Melling, Michael Socha. Dur: 2hr Genre: Romance. Drama. Biography.
637 227 385
Celebration of Trafalgar A tribute to Lord Horatio Nelson and commemoration of the 214th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar was held in the time-honoured tradition by the Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch at their annual Trafalgar Night celebration on the 21st October 2019 at the MASA Hotel in Torrevieja. The RNA Torrevieja branch members were honoured that WWII veteran Joe Billet joined them and privileged to have a significant contingent of guests, families and friends. Veterans and current serving personnel of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines with their partners, friends and guests dined and danced to live music by the Campoverde Reef Band, maintained Naval Traditions and socialised on a grand scale during the evening; where there was much merriment, ‘swinging of the lamp’ and ‘black cat stories’; otherwise known as ‘stories and adventures of the sea’ and ‘reminiscing and comparing of who had the most exciting experiences’. Trafalgar Night and Naval traditions were richly maintained by not only honouring Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson and ‘those that fell with him’ but also by reference and acknowledgement of the Naval Daily Toast’s, particular the Sunday toast of ‘To Absent Friends and Those at Sea!’ and the Wednesday toast of ‘To Ourselves’ (and for those ‘Andrews’ [Royal Naval Personnel] that know the rest) “As no one else is Likely to Concern Themselves with Our Welfare’; but the greatest approval was for the toast ‘Here’s to Tall Ships, Here’s to Small Ships, Here’s to all the Ships at Sea, But the best Ships are Friendships, Here’s to You and Me!’ This event is just one of the many social events that take place during the year through the Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch, who also meet on the first Wednesday of each month. With over 20,000 members across 385 branches in the UK and overseas, we are a family of current and former Naval Service personnel,
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019 relatives and supporters of our country's Royal Navy. Whether we are catching up with friends at our regular social events; fund-raising; advising on welfare and employment matters, or just providing an arm around the shoulder, our natural willingness to help others stems from the tradition and camaraderie that only Naval Service life can instil. Everything we do is inextricably linked to our core values More information about the RNA from the Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Membership Secretary, Danny Kay on Tel 966 71 6274, email or the Secretary Margaret Forshaw on Tel 966 92 1996.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
637 227 385
want our family shops back.
A little village with a big heart...
The feeling of belonging to a vibrant local community is worth fighting for. But you don’t have to fight, dear reader; all you have to do is to start shopping local. We need to keep the small shops profitable through giving them our support.
Sometimes we have to suffer a great loss in order to appreciate not only what we have lost, but to realise the blessings of what we have left.
Of course you can save pennies on everything you buy in the supermarket ten miles away. Have you factored in the cost of your car or the value of your time?
My wife and I recently lost a much loved and treasured family member. The darkened place we found ourselves in was however gloriously brightened by the incredible support on offer from our local community. Literally anything that could be done to lighten the load of the family was done. Never before have I been so proud to be part of our community. This is my place …
Christmas is coming and what a boost it would be to the villages of our country if we first checked out what can be purchased locally and kept our money at home.
We all need to ‘belong.’ It is a human emotional need. This is not about ‘knowing the people’ – it is to do with satisfying an inherent need to belong to something greater than ourselves. Communities of expats can form and bond in Spain, America, or the UK and this is good and necessary; however there is no belonging to compare to where one is born and reared and where the roots run deep.
There will be millions spent through online shopping over the next few weeks and an ever-increasing share of the market next year. This money is going into the coffers of a faceless multi-national in some far away country. Yes, we do understand that Santa needs to come and that families have to get the best value they can; just think about it and do the best you can.
Unfortunately small rural communities in Ireland are an endangered species. Small towns and villages are turning into commuter pads for city workers. Families who never get to mix with or know there neighbours are missing out. This is not the Irish way of living and it should not be like this. Rural Ireland, as we once knew it, is under threat – and not from foreigners this time, but from our own ‘townies.’ There is a solution, and we’ll come to that in a minute.
Continue to drive past the local shop without ever stopping and chances are that some day when you need to stop, the shop won’t be there. The greatest price of all to be paid is that along with the corner shop, you could lose the privilege of belonging to a community like mine.
First, let me tell you about ‘my place.’ It is just a crossroads village with one pub. That pub is the heart of the community – and no, you don’t have to drink to be a part of us. It is our community centre, and thanks mostly to Denise, everything that is good in our place is channelled through our pub. The pub is all that remains of the village. I can remember when it boasted a post-office, two grocery shops, a forge, a church, petrol pumps, a dressmaker, a ball-alley and a machinery contractor. The pub is the only live building left from all of above. The rest have gone in the name of modernisation and progress. The facts are that we lose whatever we don’t use: And therein my
Definately not a sleepy little village! friends lies both the problem and the solution.
This is my place and I am so proud to come from here …
The decimation of rural towns and villages is not unique to Ireland. I have seen evidence of similar abandonment across America and the UK. We can change this trend if only we all do our little bit.
Don’t Forget
Right now, if a bank, police station, or post-office closes down there is local uproar. Petitions and protests is the order of the day until the protesters tire, adapt, and life moves on. But why is there no protest when the corner shop, or the family butcher pulls the shutters down? The answer is because these closures are our own fault. ‘If you don’t use it you lose it.’ Local shops – sometimes in the family for generations are closing down and being replaced by bookies, phone shops and charity shops in every town. It is time to say we have enough of these and we
Guardia Civil swoop on 'violent' criminals By Andrew Atkinson Following years of crime and burglaries in Orihuela and the surrounding Costa Blanca and Costa Calida areas the Guardia Civil have swooped once again in targeting criminals in Spain. The Guardia Civil have arrested and detained what is deemed as 'violent criminals' following robberies in Orihuela and Torrevieja in late October, and early November. Two males were arrested by the Guardia Civil and charged in Torrevieja on
November 1. The Guardia Civil have been alert to violent incidents in the South Alicante regions - in the wake of robberies reported at business and residential premises. The Guardia Civil have been carrying out surveillance, after people reported robberies - having left home - only to return to find a robbery had taken place. Robberies have occurred - both during daylight and in darkness - while occupants are sleeping.
The Guardia Civil have used CCTV evidence, in a bid to catch the criminals, known to use stolen credit cards and withdraw cash from ATMs, with thousands of euros taken in recent years. The Leader reported on a plethora of burglaries in Los Montesinos, Alicante, in the summer, with further robberies having taken place in the Vega Baja town. It is deemed that the criminals are targeting victims - having left home - via mobile phone, which has been the case with robberies in Los Montesinos. Victims in Los Montesinos had briefly left their homes, only to find personal documentation, bank cards, jewellery and cash stolen, upon returning.
Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service and character. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
637 227 385
Vulture lands at Alicante-Elche airport!
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
The vulture perched on an aircraft jet-bridge
By Andrew Atkinson A vulture - a protected species - has been returned to its natural environment, after landing at Alicante-Elche airport! The Wildlife Control Unit (WCU) were called after being notified about the vulture's presence that could pose a threat, to both outgoing and incoming aircraft. The vulture flew in and perched on an aircraft jetbridge, prior to flying on to the floor, and taking flight. After an alarming decrease in vultures in the country the Spanish Government stepped in, and in recent years, authorised the farming community not to remove animal carcasses on farmland - in a bid to extend their natural food chain. Vulture colony data revealed less than 200 birds of prey remained within the Alicante and Murcia provinces. Following the authorisation vulture figures have increased, with data records revealing 600 birds currently. The Duke of Westminster is a landowner in Spain, owner of the 32,000 acres Finca La Garganta estate, one of the largest hunting estates in Western Europe, located near the town of Conquista, on the border of Castilla La Mancha. La Garganta is located in the rugged Sierra Morenain, in rural Ciudad Real province, Castile-La Mancharegion, Spain, situated between the town of Conquista and the hamlet of Minas de Horcajo, in Almodรณvar del Campo. The Estate includes the black Stork
and Spanish Imperial Eagle, along with black, griffon and Egyptian Vultures and Golden Eagles. Falconry has been found to be the most effective way of preventing possible bird-related incidents, in and around airports, as birds do not gather in the presence of their natural predators. Alicante-Elche airport has employed Falconers since 2002, to patrol the runways with falcons, from sunrise to sunset, avoiding the presence of single birds - or flocks - which could put aircraft operations at risk.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 789 QUICK ACROSS: 1 Step down; 5 Team; 9 Wasp; 10 Giraffes; 11 Apple; 12 Enlarge; 13 Secret society; 18 Peerless; 19 Punt; 20 Artiste; 21 Rigid; 22 Oars; 23 Standing. DOWN: 2 Traipse; 3 Popular; 4 White as a sheet; 6 Enforce; 7 Mystery; 8 Gallic; 13 Soprano; 14 Creator; 15 Enlist; 16 Implied; 17 Tension. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Describe; 5 Chic; 9 Agra; 10 Stingray; 11 Alias; 12 Elitist; 13 Spring flowers; 18 Regiment; 19 Rife; 20 Extreme; 21 Slain; 22 Shaw; 23 Aspiring. DOWN: 2 Eggflip; 3 Chapati; 4 Butterfingers; 6 Heroine; 7 Coyotes; 8 Indigo; 13 Screens; 14 Regatta; 15 Number; 16 Warbler; 17 Ruffian.
The blessed hosiery items (6,5) Love to find a vehicle in a musical instrument (7) The morning before our love affair (5) Skill in finding some nicknacks (5) Having squares vetted (7) Jack and Les are aristocrats (6) Girl with a shirt that is a shade of red (6) Western source of wealth? (7) Avoid the girl of the French (5) The smallest amount could be stale (5) Aid must be redirected to the arena (7) Compromise with contented spiritualist (5,6)
Solution on Page 23 CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Big (5) Clump (7) Helpful (6) Claw (5) Counterpart (7) Celebration (11) Doubt (11) Prevaricate (7) Scurry (7) Against (6) Waive (5) Sluggish (5)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which very fair and bright boxer appears on the cover of the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band? 2. The name of which European capital city means wisdom? 3. What is unusual about the Red Cross flag in Russia? 4. Due to the ostentatious and lascivious lifestyle of its inhabitants, which European city was once refered to as 'the Babylonian exile'? 5. What is the missing instrument in each of the following song titles? a. Duelling.......... (Weissberg and Mandell). b. .......... Wind (Rod Stewart). c. While my ....... gently weeps (George Harrison). d. Love is like a ......... (Barclay James Harvest). e. .......... Song (Kate Bush). f. ......... Lament (Duke Ellington) 6. World famous since 1939, what is the first name of Margret Herrick's naked uncle? 7. Alphabetically, what is the name of the last element? 8. King Richard II of England is credited with inventing which portable item used for personal hygiene? 9. Each of the following excelled in which sport? a. Kirstin Otto. b. Alberto Tomba. c. Mario Lemieux. d. Scott Hamilton 10. Once upon a time, before King Edward I, what was measured by the amount a yoke of oxen could plough in one day? 11. The following figures from American folklore are better known under what other name? a. William H. Bonney. b. William Cody. c. Martha Jane Canary
12. Which man's murder was the first to be captured live on television? 13. Which flush word is even a 5 letter palindrome? 14. Which tiny conveyance does one associate with the British designer Alec Issigonis? 15. What was the name of the Russian space probe that was the first to land (or crash) on the moon Sept 13, 1959? 16. Name the German film that won the 1979 Oscar for best foreign film and was later banned in many western countries because it is considered to be P0R N0GRA PH1C. 17. Between the years 1820-1987, most of the immigrants to the USA came from which seven countries? 18. The name of which English musician, who has had number one hits on both sides of the Atlantic, can be cockney rhyming slang for an all day drinking session? 19. Which US state is named after an imaginary island paradise taken from a book written in 1510? 20. We give you one line from a famous song that was a hit in 1964. You tell us the name of the song and the artist who had a hit with that song in 1964: a: 'Til her daddy takes the T-Bird away. b: Why can't I stop and tell myself I'm wrong I'm wrong, so wrong. c: She’s the kind of girl who’s not too shy. d: You better not tell on me. e: If you see me walking down the street
11. a, Billy the Kid, b. Buffalo Bill, c. Calamity Jane. 12. Lee Harvey Oswald. 13. Level. 14. The Mini or Morris Minor. 15. Luna (Luna 2). 16. The Tin Drum. 17. Germany (7 mill), Italy (5.3 mill), GB (5 mill), Ireland (4.7 mill), Hungary (4.3 mill), Canada (4.2 mill) and Russia (3.4 mill) source 'The World Almanac And Book Of Facts
1989' 18. Leo Sayer (all dayer). 19. California (from the Spanish romance "Las Serges de Esplandian"). 20. a: Fun Fun Fun - The Beach Boys, b: Needles And Pins - The Searchers, c: I'm Into Something Good - Herman's Hermits, d: Little Children - Billy J Kramer & The Dakotas, e: Walk On By - Dionne Warwick
1. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. 18. 20. 22. 23. 24.
DOWN 2. A bad actor to ring over in Nebraska (5) 3. Do the French run slowly? (7) 4. Subtle difference in sister concealing article at church (6) 5. Are to possibly speak (5) 6. One criticising something on a door (7) 7. Type of story told by males (4-3-4) 8. Hire purchase, never-never, etc. (6,5) 14. Prohibit Irish singer getting a neckerchief (7) 16. Pull fish over towards the sheltered side (7) 17. Money demanded by the Romans perhaps? (6) 19. Like an unreturned tennis ball put on backwards (3,2) 21. Said when taking French leave? (5)
DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 14. 16. 17. 19. 21.
1. 'Sonny' Liston, 2. Sofia, 3. It has both the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. 4. Avignon (and the palace of the Popes). 5. a. Banjos, b. Mandolin, c. Guitar, d. Violin, e. Saxaphone, f. Clarinet. 6. Oscar. 7. Zirconium. 8. Handkerchief. 9. a. Swimming, b. alpine skiing, c. ice hockey, d. figure skating. 10. An acre.
ACROSS 1. Unevenness (11) 9. Rear (7) 10. Invigorate (5) 11. Futile (5) 12. Unsettle (7) 13. Guarantee (6) 15. Outlook (6) 18. Skirmish (7) 20. Elsewhere (5) 22. Allude (5) 23. Wise (7) 24. Reprove (11)
637 227 385
£1.5m Cruiseliner set for Alicante to be scrapped By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive A £1.5 million mini-Cruiseliner that was set to sail to Alicante prior to being torched - has been cut up for scrap.
Photo: Rob Lawlor
The cruiser was built in Preston Dock and unveiled in 2007, as the first boat to be built in Preston in 50 years, built by a Consortium of owners for cruises in the Mediterranean. It was targeted by an arsonist, upon completion in 2008, while berthed in Preston Marina. Following the incident the cruiser was removed from the Marina, and placed in the Dock basin. The burnt out shell of The Ocean Quest, which took four-and-a-half years to complete, was sold on Ebay for £15,000. And, despite works being undertaken by the new owners, the Ocean Quest had remained in Preston Dock basin. "What was once a brand new cruiser was chomped up - I watched it being 'eaten' by a demolition beastie!," Pete Long from Preston, told The Leader.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
“Right to know” campaign launched by LGBT What does it mean to be 'trans'? Can I like girls and boys? Can two girls kiss? These are questions that many adolescents ask themselves, and have the "right, regardless of the opinion of their parents," to receive an answer that respects diversity and their dignity, avoids homophobia and guarantees "non-discrimination." This is the viewpoint of the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals (Felgtb) in a campaign that they label 'They have the right to know'. It is especially aimed at the governments in the Region of Murcia and Andalusia, two communities in which Vox intends to introduce the so-called 'parental pin' so that students can only participate in sexual affective education talks with the express consent of their parents. The Felgtb has warned the Departments of Education in Murcia and Andalusia that "they have an obligation to ensure that all students receive training in diversity", as well as "being protected from possible fami-
LGTB Pride Demonstration, last June, in Murcia ly violence or denial of access to information motivated by LGTBiFobia » In the Murcia Region, the Felgtb campaign is promoted by No Te Prives, which insists that the law, establishes “the obligation for public authorities to adopt educational measures to combat discrimination and violence suffered by children and adolescents, in addition to guaranteeing the full development of personality and training in values”. No Prives requires the Ministry "to withdraw, immediately, the order of instruction at the beginning of the course that establishes the obligation for families to give their consent for students to attend training in LGTBi diversity".
According to Jesús Costa, president of No Te Prives, “the intention of this action is to remind the public authorities of their obligation to comply with and defend the current legislation on education, and to dispel any doubts that may arise as a result of the sensational campaigns promoted by organizations and political parties that do not share constitutional values”. Costa defends that “education is a right of minors, not a privilege of families. Just as students have the right to be trained in mathematics, English or road safety, they have the right to be trained in affective-sexual, family and gender education”.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
'One Step Beyond' for Des! "It was a very, very special date to meet the guys. Since going to Finsbury I've been a big follower of Madness," said Des. EXCLUSIVE By Andrew Atkinson WHEN Des Stoneham was introduced to his music idol, Madness star Graham 'Suggs' McPherson, it was 'One Step Beyond' for the radio presenter! "To meet Madness, and especially Suggs was so special," said Des, owner of the PC Shop in La Herrada, Los Montesinos. Friend Russell Moore, from Los Montesinos,
former Commercial Manager at Lincoln City FC, arranged for him to meet the band at a concert at Sincil Bank. Madness, from Camden Town, north London, formed in 1976, were one of the biggest bands in the 70s and 80s. Suggs, born in Hastings, Sussex, singer-songwriter, musician and radio presenter is worth $20m. Madness had 15 singles in the Top 10 UK charts, including One Step Beyond, Baggy Trousers and It Must Be Love. House Of Fun was a UK chart No.1 hit. In the Ireland charts, Madness had two No.1s, House Of Fun, and Wings Of A Dove. Madness had their biggest USA hit
Car Sales
Social and Clubs
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.
Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District BRnch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99 Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura,
with Our House. "As a kid I watched Madness at Finsbury Park. So to go back stage and meet the band, years later, was out of this world," said Dartford born Des. Madness performed at ‘Madstock’ in Finsbury Park, London, in 1992. 33,000 fans created a tremor- registering 4.2 on the Richter scale! Suggs was Madness lead vocalist, from 1977, 78-86, 1992 to the present. Des has a Saturday morning show on BigFM, and Suggs recorded a jingle: 'Hi, this is Suggs from Madness, and I listen to Des on Big FM'. "It was a very, very special date to meet the guys. Since going to Finsbury I've been a big follower of Madness," said Des.
San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- RNA - The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanization, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1996.
Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 Torrevieja Retired Activities Club meet on the third Wednesday in the month from 11-1pm at Marina Club Cafeteria, International Marina, Torrevieja. The joining fee is 10euros but
637 227 385
It’s Almost Panto Time!
And Cinderella, the Wicked Stepmother and two of the Ugliest Sisters (Fartina and Listeria) you have ever seen, are coming to the Teatro Cardenal Belluga in San Fulgencio from 28th-30th November. Oh yes they are! The Stagestruck winter show will have additional treats in store, including a dazzling laser show, and some very exciting dance routines…so don’t miss this wonderful family show! Tickets are 10 euros and available from The Card Place, Benimar – The Post Box, Doña Pepa – Cards and More, La Marina. You can reserve on line by or call 625 883 387
you can attend one meeting or lunch before you join. For info phone Sandy Hollywood, President 698 266 696 or Jill Hayes, membership Secretary 672 983 019. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:
Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones,
on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 English blonde (in 30s). Attractive, sexy & fun. Available Wednesday 12th – Monday 17th June. 603 232 872. Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
Salt Church fundraiser for Red Cross
V Festival of Music
“ Salt Church are holding their first main event at our new location Calle Daya Nuevo 12, Poligono Indus. Levante 11,03187,Los Montesinos. A concert by The Crescendo International Choir in aid of the Spanish Red Cross to aid victims of the latest floods. This concert is on Sunday 24th of November at 18.00. Entry is 5 euro donation.”
By Andrew Atkinson The V Festival of Music involving the Bands of the Musical Union of San Miguel de Salinas and the musical group of Los Montesinos took place recently. The auditorium in Los Montesinos hosted the 2019 event, with local authorities and dignitaries in attendance, along with a packed crowd.
The V Festival of Music
"Congratulations to the Bands performances during the V Festival of Music," said Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Manuel Butron.
First established a little over two weeks ago the Cabo Roig Defibrillator Appeal got off to a wonderful start on Friday afternoon despite a bitterly cold wind blowing down the front of the strip. Smiling Jacks was the venue for an afternoon of pampering, both men and women with beauty treatment, hair, makeup and nails provided by Alex, Moya and Dan the Man absolutely free of charge. Business was surprisingly brisk for all three benefactors and together with a very successful raffle organised by Sharon, a Karaoke with Carl and a multitude of donations, organisers Breda Delaney and Ger, proprietor of Smiling Jacks, who also provided free food, raised a grand total of 1243 euro. Breda was completely overwhelmed by the help she was provided by the volunteers and the generosity of the 200 or so people that attended. “When I first set up at 2 o clock I had no idea that we would go on to raise such a massive amount. As I lay in bed on Thursday night I had everything crossed that we might make 4 or 500 euro but to almost reach the 1250 mark was a massive achievement. I am so pleased and I am so indebted to all my helpers and to everybody that came along and provided their support. It just goes to show what big, big hearts the people of Cabo Roig have”.
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
San Luis Bowls Club with Sheila Cammack Another busy week and most of the week has been pleasant & sunny but the wind grew stronger over the last few days making bowling on Friday quite challenging, to say the least. South Alicante League, Monday 4th November, SL Klingons a great result 12-2, 131 -100 home v Vistabella Albatrosses. Winners: Ray Clarke, Bill Webb, Peter McEneany 18-11, Margaret Morrison, Keith Phillips, Neil Morrison 21-17, Ann Holland, Sheila Cammack, Ray Pollock 29-14, Pam Lockett, June & Keith Jones 29-14, William Holtham, Sabrina & Russell Marks 19-14. SL Trekkers, away v Greenlands Maples, 0-14, 63 -139. SL Galaxies, home v EI Saturns, a good result: 104, 108 shots-76. Winners: Chris Phillips, Geoff Francis, Terry Baylis 17-16, Fran Cox, Roger Inwards, Tom Fromson 30-8, Stephen Harfield, Kevin Hull, Steve Rossiter 24-8. Gordon White, Pat Barnes, Neil Cox 10-0 unable to play as EI 1 team short. WINTER LEAGUE Wednesday 6th November, a great result home v Monte Mar: 12 points-0, 116 shots-63. Winners: Kevin McKenna, Keith Phillips, Sabrina & Russell Marks 20-13, Ros Holmes, Irene Mangan, Jo & Jules Pering 20-14, Kath Reid, Ray Pollock, Neil Morrison, Peter McEneany 16-10, Jan & Brian Pocock, June & Keith Jones 32-13, Ann Holland, Bill Webb, Pam
COUNTRY BOWLS with Dennis Wade John Mallet & Den Birkett The Flamingos were off to Greenland’s on Monday afternoon to play against the Chestnuts. An enjoyable time was had by all. The Flamingos finished with a great result. Won on 4 rinks and drew on 1. Results 11 – 3 with the shots being 101 – 93. The bond is good, keeping the Flamingos on top of the league. Fantastic result. Country Bowls Geckos welcomed San
Lockett, Scott Malden 28-13. Monte Mar has No Berleen team. Southern League Friday 8th November SL Lions, away v San Miguel Bulldogs, on a very windy morning, had a good result 10-4, 98 shots-86. Winners: Ann Holland, Sheila Cammack, Ray Pollock 25-14, Giuseppe Galelli, Jan Pocock, Brian Pocock 18-15, Bill Webb, Keith Phillips, Peter McEneany 14-13. Kath Reid, June & Keith Jones 19-15. SL Tigers, a tough match away v El Rancho Mustangs 4-10, 95 shots-112. Winners: Ros Holmes, Jo & Jules Pering 20-12, Joe Kocsis, Ralph Jones, Lyndon Johnson 21-12. SL Jaguars away v Quesada Swans, 2-12, 74 shots-116. Winners: Stephen Harfield, Mary Fromson, Roger Inwards 28-15. SLBC OPEN TRIPLES COMPETITION JANUARY 3rd-5th. To enter a team please contact Keith Jones a.s.a.p. : We are a competitive but friendly club; you're welcome to join in "Vic's hamper" 10:00/10:30 on Saturday mornings (check chalkboard outside the office & the calendar). For more information & calendar, see SLBC website at: We welcome new & experienced bowlers; come along & see us, or for more information contact June Jones, Club Captain: 691 903 773.
Miguel Boxers to their club this morning. The Boxers came for a fight and, being top of the league were probably expecting to win it but the Geckos were having none of it! Country Bowls were determined to fight to the death to get the result they needed to oust the league leaders off their perch. Every rink was bitterly fought in extremely difficult conditions, with a strong swirling wind playing havoc with everyone's bowls. Regardless of this, both sides slugged it out to the end but as usual, the Geckos sheer determination and consistency shone through to give them a well deserved win.
Monte Mar Bowls & Social Club Sponsored by The Pub, Bowling Abroad, Avalon, Lounge D, Rogers, La Piazza and The Belfry. MONTE MAR TOREADORS v La Siesta Blues
Toreadors v El Rancho Raiders.
Points Monte Mar 0 – 12 San Luis.
Monday saw the Toreadors travelling to El Rancho, who's rinks are very fast and expectations were low from previous encounters. This time the Toreadors came away with a very incredible draw, winning on three rinks and drawing on one.
For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at
Well done to the winning rinks Colin Bedford, Howie Williams skip Rod Chamberlain, Jean Chamberlain, Dave Thomas skip Neil Crawford, Jan Soars, John Hunt and first time skip Keith Young and the drawing rink Cindy Bedford, Diane Horsington skip Les Bounds. Shots 102 – 111. Points 7 – 7.
They won on 4 of the 6 rinks with a score of 10- 4 and strode out with a shot difference of 131 to the Geckos and 87 to the Boxers. Well done Country Bowls Geckos a fantastic result against a strong experienced team. Last, but not least, the Cubs travelled to Greenland’s to play against their team Ash. A good result away from home with the Cubs and Greenland’s both winning on 3 rinks and one rink being only one shot behind. Greenland’s winning 8 – 6 with shots 96 – 87. Please visit our website for any information
South Alicante Winter Triples - Enterprise division
San Miguel Dalmations were away to Emerald Isle Moonrakers winning 10 - 4 (119 shots to 81) best winning triple Jack Jacksons, Bill Reeves and Dave Young 30 - 13.
Pearls were away at San Miguel Alsations, and only managed to come away with 2 points. Early days, but the Pearls are at the wrong end of the table for now.
San Miguel Alsatians were home to Quesada Pearls winning 12 - 2 (117 shots to 85) best winning triple Ken Hope, Brian Allen and Lynn Greenland 23 - 11.
Discovery Division - Diamonds were at home to La Marina pathfinders. They managed to get 10 pts, which keeps them 3rd in the table.
On Wednesday San Miguel were home to Vistabella losing 4 - 8 (69 to 95) the two winning rinks had the same shot difference, Noel Davis, Mike Stacey, Don Whitney and Stuart Hemmings 20 - 15. Alan Patterson, Bob Graham,, Carol Broomfield and Lin Miller 18 - 13.
Quesada bowls club welcomes both new and experienced bowlers. We are a friendly club with a mixture of competition, league and casual bowlers. In addition to league matches and club competitions, we have our popular Saturday morning chicken drive, and Tuesday bubble drive which is open to visitors. So come along and see what we have to offer! Contact our membership secretary Angie Goddard at
Away to the Claymores on a hot November morning the Matadors started well but only managed to win on two rinks. Well done to Pauline Merry, Alan Ashbury skip Chris Merry, Gina Hindle, George Houghton skip Graham Smythe.
Shots Monte Mar 63 – 116 San Luis.
Sponsors: Spanish Life properties, Abbey Wealth management, Ibex insurance, Avalon funerals, Simply Doors, Mosquito screen company
We also played the first round of the Premier 20 knockout. We were drawn against Monte Mar and we successfully got through to the next round, where we have been drawn against La Siesta.
Matadors v Emerald Isle Claymores
Shots 96 – 115 Blues.Points 4 – 10 Blues.
On Monday San Miguel Beagles got off to a flying start against Emerald Isle Titans winning 14 - 0 (132 shots to 75) Best winning triple Linda Plaisted, Val Hignett and David Johnson 25 - 11.
Winter League - Good result this week. We were at home to El Cid and we managed a good 10 -2 victory, 103 shots to 59. This keeps us competing at the correct end of the table.
Shots 85 – 111. Points 4 – 10
San Miguel Bowls Club - Barry Jones
Southern League - Swans continue their good start to the season with 12 points to 2 victory over San Luis Jaguars. Depending on La Marina result, this should keep the Swans at the top of the table.
637 227 385
The Toreadors were at home to La Siesta Blues, we started well, but they came back strong in the second part of the game. Monte Mar only won on two rinks, well done to Cindy Bedford, Keith Young skip John Hunt, Colin Bedford, Dave Thomas skip Rod Chamberlain. Two of our other rinks where very close with only three shots in it.
Quesada Bowls Club by Jim Donnelly We are about 4 weeks into the season, and we are doing well in some teams but not so well in others. It is very early in the season and there is plenty time for changes.
On Friday San Miguel Bulldogs were home to San Luis Lions losing 4 - 10 (86 shots to 98) best winning triple Sandra Hannan, Paul Hayward and John Marshall 14 - 9. San Miguel Boxers were away to Country Bowls Geckos losing 4 10 (87 shots to 131) best winning triple Paul Cutting, Iris Cutting and Bob Donnelly 21 - 6. A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1:30 for 2:00 - €5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and woods available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1:45. For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club please contact the President Stuart Hemmings on 965 72 0461, or the Secretary Gail Willshire on 965 02 0492.
WINTER LEAGUE - Monte Mar v San Luis Away to San Luis as expected it was hard match. Monte Mar fought hard but lost on all rinks. After the match we all enjoyed a meal, a chat and drinks at the club.
We are also on facebook.
San Miguel Beagles 132 (14) Emerald Isle Titans 75 (0) San Miguel Alsations 117 (12) Quesada Pearls 85 (2) San Luis Klingons 131 (12) Vistabella Albatrosses 100 (2) Greenlands Maples 139 (14) San Luis Trekkers 63 (0) La Marina Explorers 82 (3) La Siesta Apollos 97 (11)
San Luis Klingons Greenlands Maples San Miguel Beagles La Siesta Apollos Emerald Isle Titans San Miguel Alsations Quesada Pearls La Marina Explorers Vistabella Albatrosses San Luis Trekkers
P 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
W 19 16 16 12 11 11 10 9 9 6
D 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
L Diff Diff 5 119 8 92 8 88 11 -5 13 -42 13 -13 14 -34 14 -31 15 -24 18 -150
Pts 46 38 37 29 26 25 24 21 20 14
DISCOVERY DIVISION Quesada Diamonds 107 (10) Vistabella Drivers 90 (4) Emerald Isle Neptunes 102 (8) Emerald Isle Moonrakers 81 (4) Monte Mar Matadors Bye
La Marina Pathfinders 73 (4) El Rancho Pintos 99 (10) Greenlands Sycamores 111 (6) San Miguel Dalmations 119 (10)
P W D L El Rancho Pintos 4 15 1 8 Greenlands Sycamores 4 12 2 10 Quesada Diamonds 4 12 0 12 Vistabella Drivers 4 11 2 11 Emerald Isle Neptunes 4 12 0 12 San Miguel Dalmations 3 10 0 8 La Marina Pathfinders * 3 8 1 9 Monte Mar Matadors 3 6 2 10 Emerald Isle Moonrakers # 3 6 0 12 * 2) deducted for failing to field a full side # 1 Point deducted for reporting infringement
Diff Diff 210 74 24 -20 -87 50 -23 -44 -184
Pts 39 34 28 27 26 24 17 15 11
VOYAGER DIVISION Greenlands Chestnuts 93 (3) La Siesta Pioneers 113 (9) El Rancho Raiders 111 (7) San Luis Galaxies 108 (10) Vistabella Eagles Bye
Country Bowls Flamingos 101 (11) Greenlands Beech 94 (5) Monte Mar Torreadors 102 (7) Emerald Isle Saturns 76 (4)
P W D L Country Bowls Flamingos * 4 18 1 5 Greenlands Beech 4 13 1 10 Monte Mar Torreadors 4 12 2 10 Greenlands Chestnuts 4 11 2 11 El Rancho Raiders 4 10 1 13 La Siesta Pioneers 3 9 2 7 Emerald Isle Saturns * 3 8 1 9 San Luis Galaxies 3 5 0 13 Vistabella Eagles 3 4 2 12 * 2) deducted for failing to field a full side
Diff Diff 192 20 -74 77 -60 6 12 -114 -59
Pts 43 31 30 28 25 22 19 12 10
637 227 385
Vistabella Bowls with Montestan A woeful Monday for the Albatrosses playing away to a strong San Luis Klingons side losing 2 – 12 with 100 shots for and 131 against. The Drivers also having a hard fought match at home against the El Rancho Pintos but losing 4 – 10 with 90 shots for and 99 against, the points not depicting some very close games. A great result for Vistabella in the Winter League winning 8-4 away to San Miguel 95 shots for and 69 against, this was a good win against a very strong side. Sponsored by the Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos. The Picadors only fielding five rinks managed a spectacular win against the Greenlands Cedars points 7 – 5 and 95 shots to 78 after giving away 2 points and 10 shots for the rink. Carrying on the good news the Lanzadores at home demolished the Mazarron Minors 14 – 0 with 146 shots for and 74 against. The Conquistadores did not do so
La Marina Bowls by Barry Latham Back again. Can I just say a big thank you to the Cardiologia Department at Torrevieja Hospital in saving my life again. They are brilliant. Better mention the Dialisis Nurses as well. What a job they do. And thank you for your good wishes. Can’t get all the old results in so …..Div C – Seagulls v Country Bowls, we won 14 – 0. So well done to Mo Taylor, Mike Lowe and John Morgan 25 – 17, Leslie Joynes, Dave Taylor and Dave O’Sullivan 17 – 10. Desna Lowe, David Jones andDave Hadaway 29 – 7. Reg Jackson, Dave McGaw and John Rae 20 – 16. Lorita Rae, Pauk Tregoing and Susan Daniels 16 – 15. Jean Tregoing, Garth Slater and John Withers 18 – 13. Seagulls v EI Outlaws won 12 – 2. Alan Wilcock, Mike Lowe and John Withers 19 – 18. Leslie Joynes, Davivd Joynes and Dave O’Sullivan 21 – 16. Jean Tregoing, Jean Perchard and Sue Daniels
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
well losing to the Emerald Ilse Outlaws 6 -8 and 100 shots to 107 a very close hard fought game. It is with great regret to pass on the news that one of our bowlers Nigel Holland Williams passed away this Wednesday the club are devastated and our thoughts go out to his family and friends. Rest in Peace Nigel. How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends. Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. At the moment due to bowlers returning to the UK and other problems, we are desperate for new bowlers on joining you are guaranteed a game in the leagues. Please contact: Club Captain - David Jenkins or Charlie Watkins 28 – 8. Reg Jackson, Dave McGaw and Garth Slater 20 – 19. Desna Lowe, Paul Tregoing and John Morgan 19 – 13. Seagulls v Quesada Swans won 8 – 6. Reg Jackson, Dave McGaw and John Rae 19 – 10. Jen Tregoin, Jean Perchard and Sue Daniels 18 – 15. Leslie Joynes, David Joynes and Dave O’Sullivan 24 – 22. Mo Taylor, Paul Tregoing and Garth Slater 24 – 15. DIV A Sharks (H) v Greenlands Oaks won 12 – 2. Barbara Forshaw, Mike Surch and Mo Kidd 18 – 13. Kathy Manning, Wendy Latham and Tom Spencer 19 – 17. Roger Stacey, Phil Pape and Jim Manning 17 - 8. Anne Stone, Jim Reeves and Alan Castle 19 – 9. Steve Douglas, Margaret McLaughlin and Mike Stone 19 – 17. One late result Seagulls away playing Greenlands Elms won 8 – 6. Mo Taylor, Paul Tregoing and Garth Slater 29 – 9. Lorita Rae, Dave Taylor and John Morgan 20 – 9. Reg Jackson, Dave McGaw and John Rae 17 - 7
El Rancho Bowls Club Greenlands Bowls by Dave Webb Our league week started on Monday and what a glorious day it was, with the Pintos playing the Drivers at Vistabella. The company was as good as the weather and a thoroughly splendid morning was enhanced by a 4-2 win on rinks and the overall shots too. A very good away result. Also in the morning the Raiders played Montemar Toreadors at El Rancho, putting in a good performance in drawing the match 7 points all, taking 2 rinks and drawing another, whilst 2 of the losses were very close. On Friday the Broncos were at home to Emerald Isle Roundheads, the rather chilly wind making the bowls a little tricky. But the Broncos took advantage of the home mat, playing well to take 4 rinks including a concession against Roundheads 2. Gaynor John, David Baker and John Ziepe 26-17. Janet Wright, Debbie Ham and Adrian Ham 15-17. Bryan John, Gill Bartlett and Rob Clark 23-17. Brian Gilham, Paul Durham and David Haynes 19-18. Dolly Ford, Chris Ziepe and Marion Haynes 8-26. Ngaio Baldwin, David Wright and Ron Greenstreet 10-0 not contested. The Mustangs were at San Luis playing the Tigers in rather tricky conditions, causing a little consternation to some, but we did have fun and enjoyed the match. Mustangs came away with 4 rinks and the overall, which is a good result against talented opposition. Ann C Taylor, Denise Morgan and Bob Morgan 18-14. Barbara Jones, Malc Sykes and Bob Taylor 12-21. Geoff Jones, Sarah Taylor and Jim Taylor 12-20. Lesley Day, John Richards and Richard Lee 27-11. Judy Foley, Bob Day and Jim Gracie 19-14. Irene Thomson, Diane Yates and Eddie Thomson 24-15. For further membership information contact Sheila Cox at
In the Enterprise Division, The Maples were at home to San Luis Trekkers. Final score, Shots 139 to 63. Points - 14 - 0. Best winning rink - Chris Dewar, Margaret Dewar, skip Dave Thompson. 27 shots to 10. In the Voyager Division the Beech were away to La Siesta Pioneers. Final scores were, shots 94 to 113, Points - 5 - 9. Best winning Rink goes to, Brian White, John Featherstone, skip Mike Inns. 19 shots to 14. In the South Alicante League, the Chestnuts were up against Country Bowls Flamingos. Final score - shots for 93, against 101. Points for 3, against 11. Best winning rink were, Liz Richardson, Rudy Wattley, skip Mark Jukes. 24 shots to 10. In the Winter League, our Opponents were Emerald Isle. Final score, shots for 77 shots against 87, Points - 4 - 8. Best winning rink were Tony French, Graham Watt, Roy Cordell, skip Len Rudge. 24 shots to 9. In the Discovery Division the Sycamores were home to Emerald Isle Neptunes. Final scores were shots for 111 against 102, Points for 6, against 8. Best winning rink were Geraldine Fisher, Bert Ewart,skip Gordon Fisher. 27 shots to 15. In the Southern League the Oaks were at La Marina playing the Sharks. Final score was, shots for 91, against, 100. Points for 2 against 12. Winning rink were Geraldine Fisher, Tony French, skip Gordon Fisher. 27 shots to 8. In the Southern League the Cedars were away to Vistabella Picadors. final score, shots for 88, shots against, 95. Points for 7, against 7. Best winning rink, Barbara Farington, Roger Farington, skip Roy Cordell. 24 shots to 7. In the Southern league the Elms were at home to La Marina Seagulls. Final scoe - shots for, 83 - 101. Points for 6, against 8. Best winning rink, Doreen Watt, Debbie Perryman, skip Mark Jukes. 23 shots to 12. Also in the Southern League, the Ash were at home to Country Bowls, final score, shots for 96, against, 87. Points for 8 against 6. best winning rink. Bob Haynes, Vic Young, skip John Skipper. 23 shots to 8. For all inquiries please contact the Club Secretary on 698 418 987 or visit our website -
Emerald Isle Bowls Club by Elwyn Morris Titans got off to a bad start to week playing away at San Miguel Beagles and they lost 14-0, 75-132 Neptunes played at home against Greenlands Sycamores and slipped to a 6-8 aggregate of 102-111 defeat, winners were S ElvIn G Ponsford E Bennett 17-15, E Morris M Whitelock P Dix 18-17, L Freeman B Doran S Westall 17-16, C Parsons H Rhodes T Roche 16-14 Moonrakers were at home against San Miguel Dalmations and they lost out by 4-10, aggregate 81-119, winners were V Cameron T Culpin B Taaffe 16-13, ,K Sodenlund S Simpson J Simpson 14-13 Saturns played at San Luis Galaxies and they lost 4-10, aggregate 76108. N Prior T Yeo J Bright 26-16, N Inwood R Andrews G Inwood 18-11 Wed brought Greenlands to the Isle in the Winter league and the home team won 8-4, 87-77, winners were S Kavanagh M Veale M Odell C Lindgren 18-11, P Rhodes A Miles C Smyth J Smyth 2011, D Jones K Jolliffe G Ponsford B Kavanagh 21-11 The Berleen was 19-19, V Cameron L Freeman D Leeming M Breen Cavaliers played at home on Friday against Quesada Swallows and they got beaten 4-10 aggregate of 96-124, winners were P Heaney C Smyth J Smyth 24-18, A Miles M Veale B Kavanagh 16-15 Claymores travelled to La Siesta Blues and it finished up 8-6 to home team aggregate of 99-108. Winners were A Brown G Ponsford S Westall 24-19 - THIS INCLUDED A HOT SHOT well done, C Thomas T Dix M Thomas 19-16, L Freeman, B Eldred, E Bennett 14-13 Roundheads played away at El Rancho Broncos and they lost 4-10 aggregate of 95-101, winners were N Prior T Yeo J Bright 26-8, L Bath K John R Andrews 17-15 Outlaws were at home against Vistabella Conquistadors and the outcome was an 8-6 aggregate 107-100 win, winners were B Taylor T Harris S Wickens 27-7, S Bosworth T Culpin J Simpson 21-12, S Simpson R Fooks P Willicott 17-11. SAPS takes place on Saturdays at 13-30pm, 2 hours of bowling with coaching, shoes, bowls supplied if needed all for 5 Euros
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
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Debbie’s Russell Hobbs Deal of 3.5l Slow Cooker the Week 40 euro
must have felt a little claustrophobic in the cosy and hospitable surroundings of the Pint Depot.The Queens, notoriously slow starters, had opportunities in each of the three triples, but to no avail. Clin Standon D6, Sonya Cooper D20 and Charles Pritchett D4, doing the business for the visitors. Margaret McKenzie made it 0-4 on D6.
Division 1 Hub Hyenas Hi Life Legends El Capitan Tipsy Toad Toppers
11 - 1 5-7 11 - 1 4-8
Tipsy Toad Tiaras Las Rosas Bullies Chemies Loungers Trinity Pirates
Division 2 Trinity Panthers Milos Bar CC's Flyers Pint Depot Queens
9-3 6-6 11 - 1 1 - 11
Ale House Chicks Pint Depot Jesters Hub Hellraisers Hi Life Hi Ho
Despite tremendous efforts from both Turner and Sleath, Queens couldn't improve on their sole leg, all singles going the way of Hi Ho's. Cooper taking the seventh leg, both points and MOTM award. Pritchett, Lock and McKenzie all contributing two doubles each in the 1-11 scoreline. Vi Turner deservedly earned the Queens MOTM. The Hyenas had the pleasure of hosting the Tipsy Tiaras this week, minus their quirky Halloween outfits, but looking decidedly normal once again.
Queen Vi Turner seemed more surprised than anyone when her arrow found D2 (where did she think it was going?) for the Depots first (and only) leg. Some formidable scoring from the real life pairing of Cooper and Paul Lock was too much for Rachel Broadhead and Cheryl Sleath, Lock finishing the 601 on D3 for 1-5.
Inter-League Match Ale House Lads
12 - 0
Chemies Chicks
Division 1 El Capitan Hub Hyenas Las Rosas Bullies Trinity Pirates Chemies Loungers Hi Life Legends Tipsy Toad Toppers Ale House Lads Tipsy Toad Tiaras
P 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5
F 61 46 33 33 28 27 25 24 11
A 11 26 27 39 32 33 35 36 49
Pts 12 10 8 5 4 4 3 2 0
Division 2 CC's Flyers Milo's Bar Trinity Panthers Pint Depot Jesters Hi Life Hi Ho Hub Hellraisers Ale House Chicks Chemies Chicks Pint Depot Queens
5 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 5
43 47 46 37 44 18 15 18 15
17 25 26 23 28 42 40 37 45
10 9 8 8 7 2 2 1 1
John Walker - El Capitan 180 C.C.'s host Cameron Nesbitt welcomed the Hellraisers to his La Zenia darts venue for a convincing but nevertheless enjoyable division 2 encounter. Kevin Prockter set the standard in the opening triple with 140, 121, it was however Richard Pattison who completed the 701 on D8. Prockter figured again in the third, giving C.C.'s a 3-0 lead on D8. A bit of showboating from John Mackay requiring 30 made it 4-0, nailing D10, D5, for a pro type finish. The match was over by the seventh leg courtesy of Dougie Adkins onD20, which was unfortunate for "Bake Off " candidate Cheryl McGlynn as she hit D2 for her sides only leg of the evening. Lesley Dolling's 2x100 looked likely to improve the Hubs score in the tenth, her opponent Pattison spoiling the script on D1. However her efforts were rewarded as she received the MOTM award as did Prockter. After embracing the acres of space at their Hi Life venue the Hi Ho's
Some reasonable scoring from Pat Schofield, Wendy Hayward and Simone de Lacy in the first six legs didn't unfortunately count for much as the Hyenas claimed each one. Joe Miller 2x100, D20, Bob Taylor 121, Del McGauley D16,D2,D5 and Paul Durrant 135, 3x100 and 3x D16 doing the majority of the damage. A spirited performance from Schofield wasn't quite sufficient as the Tourettes affected Alex Nikolov 121,119 somehow scraped home 2-0 both on D1 for the match. Simon Williams enjoyed a close encounter with Liz Cowan 112, who levelled the tie on D20, Williams coming back strongly taking the third on D18 after 99, 125 and 100. Taylor made it nine to nothing, followed by a sound performance from Miller facing league secretary de Lacy in the tenth. Four 80+ scores from the latter culminated in a superb 103 out, T20,S19,D12 to wobble the chief Hyena man for a 0-1 lead. His response was emphatic 3x80+, 3x100 scores plus a D10 earning a 2-1 victory. Lesley Eagles figured in the penultimate match against new boy Gareth Bevan, who recently picked up his Tungstens for the first time in 20 years. Consistent high scoring from both, resulted in shared legs after two. Surprisingly Bevan admitted to suffering from match nerves and succumbed to a tie winning double from Eagles earning her MOTM. A second leg D20 and 2x140 from Durrant playing Lisa lvill wrapped up the match and an 11-1 scoreline to take another MOTM. Both the Tipsy Toad Toppers and Trinity Pirates started this match with players missing but the Toppers were particular hard hit by the absence of their top two darters. Traditionally this has been a close run affair with honours even over the years and but in tonight’s match the home side were always struggling to keep up. The Toppers got off to a good start in the first triple with a comfortable win but the Pirates stormed back taking the next two with Sid Cross and Jeff ward well to the fore. In fact special mention to these two who played consistently well all evening – there were hundreds aplenty and good, quick finishing. Man of the match could have gone to either but Sid just shaded it – anyway that’s what he told me. By half time the Pirates had taken a healthy 4 - 2 lead and the advantage was well and truly driven home when the aforementioned Sid and Jeff won their singles – game effectively over. The match
between Jeff and Lee Maiden was the highlight of the night with both players scoring heavily and finishing well. Landlord Andy Gildea brought some respectability back to the home side with a good win over Paul Cripwell in the ‘battle of the tattoos’. Rarely have I seen two more decorated men playing darts – still it all adds to the colour and drama. That just left two singles to be decided – one a-piece with Yvonne Roofrack finishing the last match in some style over Super Baz Schofield - thanks for popping in and goodnight. Hi Life Legends played host to Las Rosas Bullies. The Bullies swept to a quick 3-0 victory in the trebles with Antonio Garcia finishing two of the three games. The tables were then turned as the Legends took all the pairs with stand out high scores from Barry Shingler and Les Adams for the home team. So 3-3 at the break. Terry Brindley won the first singles for the Bullies with quick finishes on D16 and D1 only to be levelled again with Les Adams in the next singles for the home team. The Bullies then stepped up a gear by winning the next three singles and clinching the match with 7 wins. Hi Life captain Roger Phipps pulled the last game back to make the final score a respectable 7-5 to the visitors. Highest score of the night 140 went to Antonio Garcia, Jem Gledhill and John Crabbe. Most checkouts (4) came from Les and Antonio. MOTMs Sandra Crabbe and Jem Gledhill.
Obituary Margaret Ann Griffiths Bad news to pass on this week i'm afraid. Margaret Ann Griffiths or Queen Ann as she was affectionately known sadly passed recently. A very popular member of their team, the Pint Depot teams fondly remember their good natured friend. Typically, she is pictured on La Zenia beach, prior to taking a charity dip in the Med one cold wintry, New Years Day. Our condolences are extended to her family and many friends.
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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
Orihuela CF in crisis after departure of manager and Technical Director After a bad run of results the Orihuela CF manager, Miguel Ángel Villafaina, was dismissed on Sunday following the club’s 1-2 defeat at home to UE Cornellà. With just one victory and 7 points from 11 games his sacking was on the cards but the popular coach still leaves the club in a far better position than when he first took charge just over a hundred games ago. In a statement to supporters Villafaina said that despite his dismissal he is "proud of the work done at Orihuela and grateful for the opportunity he was given." On Monday the club was plunged even deeper in crisis with the departure of the Technical Director, Domingo Grau, who submitted his resignation for "shared responsibility at the club’s situation." However Club President Antonio Felices has said there has been no shortage of interest in the position of manager with both Vicente
Mir. Deseado Flores, who was recently in charge of Real Murcia, and Josico Moreno, former coach of Elche and Atlético Baleares throwing their hats into the ring. The duties of Technical Director will be provisionally assumed by Luis Terres, son of
the vice president while the former player and assistant coach Jorge Sanz “ Fleki ” is currently looking after the team. However the club says that it hopes that the new coach will be appointed in time for next Sunday's game against leaders Lleida in Catalonia. Orihuela CF currently sits one place off the bottom of Segunda Division B, Group 3, 4 points adrift of safety. Villafaina following the 2-1 defeat by UE Cornellà last weekend.
Goals from Pina and Carmona and give Spain victory at Pinatar Arena The Spanish U-20 women's team were at Pinatar Arena at the weekend where goals from Claudia Pina and Olga Carmona saw them beat a strong French Women’s side by 2-0. The hosts were well on top during the opening period taking the lead with a Pina volley in the 10th minute. Carmona added a 2nd with a penalty 6 minutes from time. France improved and were physically stronger during the 2nd period but the quality of Spain gave the hosts a deserved victory.
Las Ramblas Golf Society
Los Montesinos 1m euro Sports Pavilion Monday’s ‘counter game’ was the version where the number of scores to count was known before each hole was played. Making her debut appearance as a guest, Lauraine Walker found herself in the winning team alongside John Shervell, Paul Brown and the fictional Albert. Of their total 94 points Paul contributed 36 of them! Second spot went to Pat Cassidy, John Dobsson, Mike Chapman and Annemarie Weisheit with a total of 92 points. Thanks to ‘Mick the Grip’ who was on hand to say a few words on behalf of The Royal British Legion after Wednesday’s annual Poppy Day Stableford. All our top six winners generously donated their winnings back to the cause. In first place, with 37 points, it was that man again Mike Chapman. He was followed in by Trevor Pullyblank with 36 and four players, Han Van Loon, Terry Cullen and Nick Lee, all carded 34 points. Nearest the pins on the 6th, 10th and 14th went to Yvonne Phipps, Pat Cassidy and Mike Mahony. Having to play into a fairly strong wind not one man managed to get onto the long 12th from the tee! For the ladies it was Liz Robertson who was closest in two. Friday’s ‘Bowmaker’ (which is the best 3 scores out of 4 to count) was won by Paul Brown, Olga Douglas, Nigel Price and Graham Murray. With 111 points they beat Bryan Neal, Nora Betts, John Dobson and ‘Albert’ on countback! A certain Henry Beard is responsible for this week’s quote; ‘Play it as it lies’ is one of the fundamental dictates of golf. The other is ‘Wear it if it clashes’.
Carp-R-Us report The penultimate round of the Carp-R-Us Autumn series was fished at Embalse de Beniarres. On a very windy, cool day weights were lower than normal for this venue, with Alan Smith running out winner with 7.50kg with Tom Marshall with 7.05kg. Third
was Steve Collins with 5.22kg and fourth was Steve Fell with 2.76kg. All of the first four anglers used the same method, feeder with sweet corn. Further information about the club can be found on its website or on our Facebook page CarpR-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.
THE Diputación de Alicante has agreed to approve a 1 million euros-plus covered sports pavilion in Los Montesinos, Alicante. "The Project was requested in 2018 to the deputation of Alicante," Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Manuel Butron told me. The sports pavilion construction costs will total €1,049,999.99, of which €950,000 will be subsidised by the Provincial entity, and the remainder by Municipal contribution. "It is planned that the sports pavilion will be open in 2020," said a delighted Mayor Butron.
The sports pavilion will be built close to the town's municipal stadium, of which the council has invested a substantial amount of money in recent years, with a new stand and a newly laid playing surface being undertaken this year. "95 per cent of the budget will be borne by the Diputación de Alicante," added Mayor Butron.
The architects plan of the euro 1.049,999 sports pavilion............ Rt Mayor Butron
SMGS at La Serena. 6th Nov Bogey’s Shield Round 1 The first medal round of the SMGS 2019/20 season, played as part of the year’s Bogey’s Shield competition, saw an excellent turnout of 40 members and 8 guests. The last time we were here in September DANA was approaching, with the following 2 days having some terrible consequences for a number of members, especially those with their homes in the Vega Baja area. Nearly two months later some still have repairs to their housing ongoing. So a day of golf should have come as a nice form of relief for many. And it probably was. But for most the windy conditions, well set back tees and, unfortunately again, slow play, meant that it became something of a hardship. Of course sixteen holes with water doesn’t help, but the up to 30km/hr wind which switched directions during the round was the main cause of grief. Bronze category players in particular suffered. Only 13 players beat a nett 80, the star return of the day being posted by Theo Boelhouwer with a nett 69, the only person to beat their handicap, and a special mention for Kev Allbright. Having received the often much coveted runner/runner etc. up Abacus back in December Kev came 2 nd to Theo on the
day, recording a nett 73. A different form of being runner-up!! Winning results, by category and in reverse order, were the following: Bronze Category: 4 th Norman Padmore (81 on CB), 3 rd Sandra Dibble (81 on CB), 2 nd Carmel McCann (80), and 1 st Dave Bishop with a nett 78. Silver Category: 4 th Hugh Reilly (77), 3 rd Alan MacDonald (76 on CB), 2 nd Scotty Phillips (76 on CB), and first Kev Allbright with a nett 73. Gold Category: 4 th Norman Cahill (76 on CB), 3 rd Bjorn Pettersson (76 on CB), 2 nd Tony Smale (76 on CB) and 1 st , with the day’s best score, Theo Boelhouwer with an excellent nett 69. Nearest the pins (sponsored by Mick Roscoe’s Property Shop): Hole 3 Steve Chard, Hole 9 Chris Wren, Hole 15 Carmel
McCann, Hole 17 Robin Eastman. Abacus: Mick Roscoe Best Guest Winners: 1 st Grattan Forber (80), 2 nd Ian Wilson (85 on CB), 3 rd Ann Webster (85 on CB) Our thanks go to all La Serena staff for their contribution to an enjoyable day, and especially for honouring their commitment to offering members a free round following a previous golf day misunderstanding. Next week we will be at La Torre.
Ruby's Golf Society @ La Serena La Serena was our destination for this month’s trophy game, with lots of water beckoning it would be tough to score high. The course was in excellent condition and the weather great for golf, all that mattered now was did we bring enough balls!! Scores on the day were as follows: Nearest the pin on the par threes were Keith Evans, Steve James, Dave Johnston and Nigel Wright. Best front nine Sue Foden best back Tim Goldsmith, the two's pot was won by Terry
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
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Brooker. Silver division winner was Steve James and the Gold division and overall winner was Dave Johnston. We had a different sweep stake this visit, instead of guessing the most balls lost in the water, the winner would be the person who lost the least balls, this was shared by Sue Foden and Theresa Wright who only lost one apiece, quite a feat around this course. Back at O' Briens where we had the presentation the two football cards were won by Kevin Hufton and Mary Craven. Our next game is at Vistabella and is fully booked. If you require any information regarding our society please email us at
El Plantio2 Golf Society
Mike Probert talks Golf (Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs). Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. How do I become a low handicap player? We all have our own levels of ability but if you are a low double digit handicap player just what do you need to do to become a single figure golfer? The best way is to ask players off a low single handicap or better. According to Rory McIlroy the best way to improve is to always play with and against players that are better than you because you can see the level to which you aspire and good habits do rub off. Other than this there are a few things that low handicap players have in common, namely: Practice short putts – try and hole 10 three footers in a row before you leave the practice putting green Practice more wedges and drivers than mid-irons – the highest % of shots played in a round are with putter, drivers and wedges. Have a ‘go to’ shot under pressure – this will give you confidence rather than make you a bag of nerves in pressure situations. Practice with a purpose – there is no point repeating bad habits and just hitting golf balls with a hope that things will change. Nothing happens overnight but if you persist with the above golfers of all abilities will see their golf improve. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing
to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you: Golf Course Price Comments Alenda €158 Two & Buggy Alicante €145 Two & Buggy Altorreal €120 Two & Buggy Bonalba €130 Two & Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €114 Two & Buggy El Plantio €112 Two &Buggy 12pm Font Del Llop €136 Single & Buggy GNK Golf Courses €146 Two & Buggy (El Valle,Riquelme & La Torre) La Finca €176 Two & Buggy La Manga West €75 Single Green Fee La Marquesa €49 Single Green Fee La Serena €52 Single Green Fee Las Colinas €99 Single Green Fee Las Ramblas €124 Two & Buggy Lo Romero €168 Two & Buggy New Sierra Golf €82 Two & and Buggy Roda €150 Two & Buggy UGolf Courses €146 Two & Buggy (Saurines & Hac. Del Alamo) Villamartin €142 Two & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €66 Single & Buggy Vistabella €122 Two & Buggy For Bookings and more information contact Mike at or direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 quoting reference LEADER. The following vouchers are still available for purchase with all the proceeds going to the British Legion Poppy Appeal: Alenda for 2 players for €70 valid from 02/12/19 Alicante for 2 players and buggy for €70 valid from 25/11/19
by David Swann
Attendances are at a low ebb at the moment with people either ill, or returned to spend Christmas in the U.K. Consequently, only 8 members contested El Plantio 2's Joker Competition. Winning by virtue of scoring a fantastic par and birdie on her two Joker choices, netting 14 points, was Helen Beddows, beating ex-club captain Mike Davies by one point. Nearest the pins – Hole 2, Paddy O'Brien, Hole 9, Mike Davies. Second place, Handicap 13, Mike Davies - 38 points. First place, Handicap 8, Helen Beddows – 39
points. If anyone would like to join our Society, we play at El Plantio Golf Club every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. We use both courses - the Par 3 9 hole course and the main 18 hole course, so we cater for all abilities. The membership rates are very competitive, so call for more details. Anyone who wishes to play in the Society as a guest or join as a new member, contact David Swann on 865 779 983 or 648 476 752.
Fire Station B/W top Torrevieja Winter Pool lg
Santana A are also amongst the leading pack in third spot, with three wins in four games. In the second division Terrazzo top the table, with three wins from four. Vista are second, having won three, with The Courtyard A in third place, racking up two wins in four. In the third division RT2 top the table, with three wins from four games. Marina Bar, JPs, and Porterhouse have also racked up three victories, in second, third and fourth spots league placings, respectively. Irish Abbey sit mid-table, with two wins in three. Santana B and The Oasis have chalked up a win apiece, with The Courtyard B and Mickey's Bar, joint bottom, without wins.
By Andrew Atkinson Fire Station Black Watch top the first division of the Torrevieja Winter Pool league - after racking up wins in their opening four games of the 201920 campaign. Brittania A are hot on the leader's heels, having chalked up three wins - with a game in hand - sitting second.
Picture from L to R: Mike Davies, Helen Beddows, Paddy O'Brien .
Torrevieja Winter Pool League
F Station Bw Britannia A Santana A Dubliners Iglesias A Casa Vent Sports Bar F Station Gw Murphs
P 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 4
W 4 3 3 2 14 1 1 1 0
Diff 8 13 8 3 -1 -4 -7 -14 -6
Pts 8 6 6 4 2 2 2 2 0
Torrevieja Darts Ladies Organisation Week / Semana 9 - Founders Shield Format Gap Ladies Black Dog Ladies Friendly Temps Macklin’s D Mixt
14 - 10 9 - 12 12 - 12 16 - 8
Gap Ladies Macklins Dolly Mixtures Primadonnas Racing Toast Friendly's Temps Black Dog Ladies Friendlys Chicas Wildcats at Macklins
Wildcats at Mack’s Friendly Chicas Racing Toast Primadonnas P 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Prs 44 36 40 32 34 21 29 29
Sgls Pts 85 129 73 109 67 107 72 104 70 104 62 83 49 78 46 75
Highest Checkouts: Pam Horton 98, Mitch Halliday 89, Annette Dobson 79, Least Darts: Bliss Wright 23 180’s Gail Murray, 171’s Eileen Rood x2 Hot Darts: Eileen Rood 171 Beaty Powell 140, Pat Schofield, Pat Woods, Caroline Shepherd 135, Christine Simmonds 126, Amanda Townsend, Sandra Crabbe 125, Elaine Allen 121. Ellie Attwood, Bliss Wright, Diane Burns 120, Angela Mullen, Pam Horton 114, Tracey Simpson, Selma Dyer 112, Sandra Crabbe 111, Mitch Halliday 109, Eileeon Rood 108, Sandra Crabbe 104, Sue Bradley 102, Kath Walker, Diane Burns 100 x 4, Groa Bryndis 100, Sharon Frain, Val Miller, Pat Schofield, Amanda Townsend, Pat Woods
637 227 385
Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019
Pedreno is weaving his magic at UD Horadada once again UD Horadada..............5 Thader CD................2
Week 11 of Preferente saw mid table UD Horadada entertain CD Thader who, after a promising start to the season, have dropped down the league table, currently sitting just one place above the drop zone. The hosts went into the game on the back of a loss at Benferri while, in a season where they continue to be one of the most inconsistent teams in the division, CD Thader have suffered back to back defeats to Almoradi and Petrolense. Looking at the pre-season activities of both these outfits one would have expected their league positions to be reversed. Just days before the opening fixture Horadada couldn’t event field a team while Thader looked to have a solid squad which had enjoyed an encouraging August. What a difference a couple of months can make. Despite the absence of Lloyd, Rafa Gomez and Jorge, Thader were quickest out of the blocks with Rafa squirming an early opportunity just over the
Horadada bar. Thader’s opener came from a fine individual run by Dani whose fierce shot hit the back wall and bounced quickly back into play. Fortunately the eagle eyed linesman made a good call signalling to referee Barceló that the ball had actually hit the back wall between the posts which the man in black seemed to have missed. But the home side were only behind for a matter of minutes as a melee in the Thader box saw Moha first to react as the ball bobbled around, poking out a toe to ease it past Sergio in the visitors goal. Unfortunately there was little football to be admired from either team as strong gusts of a bitterly cold wind saw both sides having difficulty in controlling the ball. The half hour mark saw the Thader manager Ortega in a heated conversation with the referee. There could only be one winner of course as the coach first received a yellow which was quickly followed by a red card as he was dismissed to the stand. Then Ventura doubled Horadada's lead on the half hour mark with a first-time shot, and ten minutes later the hosts were out of sight when the same player got his brace and the Reds third, as he sidefooted the ball into the net after the visitors had been unable to clear so, despite an enterprising start by the visitors, poor defending, coupled with Horadada’s front three shooting on sight, saw the home side firmly in control at the interval. After the break Thader sub Jose squeezed an effort under the body of keeper Ros to reduce the deficit only for the visitors to give the goal straight back
Thader CD languish just one place above the drop zone
moments later. In truth the goal was a somewhat bizarre affair as a speculative lob by Keru was caught up in the wind and carried over the head of keeper Sergio to restore the hosts two goal cushion. Controversy also surrounded Horadada’s fifth as, having been penalised for a pass back to their keeper, the visitors were caught completely unawares when Snr Barceló allowed the free kick to be taken without any apparent signal. Samu stroked the ball past Sergio as he attempted to
Leader exclusive with Monte skipper Fernando and stalwart Dmitry
Editor Andrew Atkinson about promotion hopes this season - currently topping the table - in the Valencia 2nd Regional G14.
"Our feet remain firmly on the ground" and Dmitry said: "The team are playing well - it's been a good start to the season."
CD Montesinos skipper Fernando and stalwart Dmitry Vasiliev speak exclusively to The Leader Chief Sports
In a message to Full Monte supporters, captain Fernando, 32, who has been at the club since the age of eight, said:
Another Leader sports exclusive. Photos courtesy: The Full Monte supporters club.
Orihuela CF Team of the Year - CD Murada honoured in Fortius Awards By Andrew Atkinson Chief Sports Editor ORIHUELA CF and CD Murada, who play in the Valencia Football leagues, have been honoured amongst the nominees of the 2019 Sports Fortius Awards. Orihuela CF are the Team of the Year, having gained promotion to the Valencia 2nd B, with CD Murada honoured following the team's promotion to the Valencia Preferente. "It is a special day for the team and the club to celebrate the Fortius Award," said a spokesperson from CD Murada. CD Murada, who gained promotion to the Preferente from the Valencia 1st Regional G8 last season, have also been recognised for their Social work within the Municipality and in the Oriolana District.
organise his wall after which play was held up as the referee was surrounded by a throng of blue shirts. Despite further opportunities to both sides there was no addition to the scoreline as Horadada ran out comfortable winners by 5-2. Next weekend Horadada travel to UD Rayo Ibense while Thader entertain Redovan on Sunday morning in an 11.30 ko. Note that the game will be played on the artificial pitch behind the Petanca club.
In the Valencia 1st Regional Santa Pola CF top the league table ahead of CD Cox, with UDF Sax in third spot. CD Altet, REFC Torrevieja, and Racing San Miguel are amongst the leading teams pushing for promotion. In the 2nd Regional Sporting CD Murada: Winners in the Fortius Guardamar jumped Awards 2019. to fourth place, following a 2-1 win games from the weekend (November 9-10) against CD Dolores. CD Benijofar defeated will be on online editions of the Leader. lowly Atletico Crevillente 3-1, with bottom *A Fortius Awards special Feature will be club Todo Deportivo losing 6-1 against CF on the Leader online next week, and pubAlgorfa. lished editions of November 18, ahead of *A round-up of Valencia football league
the prestigious event later this month.
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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th November, 2019